#why bookmark it if you’re not gonna reread it??
bakudekublogblog · 5 months
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hahaha ok next time don’t bookmark it then
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ijustreallylikepirates · 10 months
So for all the people who love disventure camp and think it’s criminally underrated, here is a fanfic of Alenick (Alec x Nick) in Alec’s pov. If you don’t know who the hell these two are or what disventure camp is and you just like enemies to lovers tropes, this is great for you.
A little note before we get started: I wouldn’t say this fanfic is very inappropriate, (SPOILERS) they do make out once and they swear a bit but otherwise there’s nothing too bad. Now I won’t keep you any longer so please enjoy my fanfic and I would really appreciate it if you left a nice comment and liked. Thank you, ily :) <333
I sighed as I pulled into the parking lot of the public library, stopping my car’s engine and staring out the driver’s seat window at the library.
“Just another excruciatingly long day of work.” I yawned and took my glasses off to rub my eyes, then wiped the lenses off and shoved them back on my nose.
I turned my head back to my steering wheel and blinked sleepiness out of my eyes. But that didn’t work. Before I knew it, my eyelids drooped and my forehead dropped down hard onto the wheel. Right onto the horn. The horn let out a painfully loud beep.
I jumped back quickly, my hand over my chest. Now that definitely woke me up. I straightened my glasses and unbuckled my seatbelt. I grabbed my tote bag off the passenger seat, slipped it over my shoulder, and shoved open the car door. I slowly stepped out and took a breath of fresh air. Then I sighed again and pushed the door closed.
But as I tried to walk, something was keeping me back. I looked behind me and saw my bag was stuck inside the car door.
“Aw, great! Just another thing to add to my list of reasons why today is gonna be a bad day.” I pulled on my bag a little, then after it didn’t come out of the car door, I slipped it off my shoulder, grabbed the straps, and pulled with all my might.
The bag immediately flew out of the door, causing me to flop onto the asphalt like I’d been shot. I quickly stood up, grabbed my bag off the ground, and slipped it back over my shoulder. I brushed dirt off my blue vest, then headed towards the library.
As I walked across the parking lot, a blue car came driving right towards me. I quickly turned my head to the car, stopping right in front of it like a deer in headlights.
The driver beeped at me so I stared directly into the windshield. I couldn’t see who the driver was but I stuck up my middle finger at them and shouted, “Fucking moron! Watch where you’re driving!” I walked up the front steps to the library and pushed open the door.
I walked behind the front desk and set my tote bag under the desk, then flopped down in my chair and sighed. I picked my phone out of my pocket and opened up my camera. I flipped it to face me and looked at my exhausted face on the screen. I had large bags under my eyes.
I shoved my phone back in my pocket and leaned down to shuffle around in my bag, then pulled out my current reread, The House In the Cerulean Sea, and flipped it open until I found my bookmark. I set the bookmark on the table, crossed my legs, and started to read.
I was deep into my book when I heard the door open. I paid no attention to it until the door slammed shut and scared me half to death, causing me to drop my book on the floor. As the book toppled, my page was lost. And I don’t even remember what page I was even on!
“Shit,” I mumbled under my breath. “Nothing’s gonna go my way today, huh?” I got out of my chair and onto the floor. I picked up my book and went to stand back up but I banged my head on the table.
I stood back up, rubbing my head. “Fu-” I stopped myself as I saw a woman and a little girl standing at the desk. “-dgesicles. Fudgesicles.” I calmly placed my book on the desk next to the computer and asked the woman, “What can I do for you ladies today?”
“I just wanted to check these books out,” the woman said, placing a copy of The House In the Cerulean Sea on the desk, along with a pile of every Magic Treehouse book.
I took The House In the Cerulean Sea off the desk and scanned it. I smiled at the woman and said, “This is such a good read. I’m currently rereading it for, what, the five-hundredth time?”
The woman laughed and said, “I heard it was really good. Glad to know you liked it.”
My smile grew wider and I started scanning the Magic Treehouse books. “These for you?” I asked the little girl.
She smiled wide and said, “Yeah! I’m really excited to read them!”
The woman giggled and said, “She’s such an avid reader.”
“Just like me when I was a kid. I read the whole Harry Potter series in 1 month when I was 12.”
The woman raised her eyebrows in surprise. “That’s shocking. Not even I could do that.”
“I just can’t go a day without a good book to dive into. I’m so glad that the youth still likes reading. I looked at the little girl with a warm smile on my face. “I’m sure you’ll be a great reader as you get older.”
The little girl just smiled wide and clapped her hands together. I looked back at the woman and asked, “Can I have your card?”
The woman dug around in her coat pocket, then pulled out a red library card and handed it to me. I took it diligently and scanned it for her. I typed something down on my computer, then handed her a date due slip. “Make sure to bring the books back by this date.” I stacked The House In the Cerulean Sea on top of the Magic Treehouse books and pushed the pile to the woman. “Have a nice day.”
The woman took the stack of books off the desk and said, “Thank you. Have a nice day.” The little girl stayed close to her mom’s side as they walked out the door.
I sighed, picked up my book, and tried to find my page. “My day’s already going terrible so that’s off the market.” As I flipped through the pages I couldn’t help but think… that little girl kind of reminded me of…
No. I can’t bring her back to my mind. I just can’t think of Fiore on my already terrible day. We’d had a father-daughter relationship, yet she’d still betrayed me.
I found my page and started reading where I left off. I barely got through a sentence when I heard my boss’s voice behind me, “Alec, take your nose out of that book for a second. I just hired a new guy to help you behind the front desk.”
I put my bookmark in between the pages and said, “I don’t need any help. I can do my job perfectly.” I crossed my legs and turned my chair around. I gasped as I saw the guy standing next to my boss.
He was a face I knew all too well, a face I couldn’t stand to look at. Blonde hair, goatee, cyan eyes, wearing a business casual suit and fedora.
I rolled my eyes. “Ugh. Nick. You’re my new…” I looked Nick up and down. “…partner?”
Nick smirked and crossed his arms. “Alec. Great to finally see you again.”
“Stop with the sarcasm. What are you doing in a library? I didn’t know you could read.”
“Oh, haha. Didn’t know you worked here, otherwise I would’ve picked any other library in the city. Oh, and what was it you called me? A… fucking moron?” Nick laughed seductively. “Right back at you old friend.”
“That was you in that car?” I scowled. “Thanks for trying to run me over. I really appreciate that.” I stared at him and held back a gag. “And don’t call me ‘friend.’”
“What? You don’t like that? Would you rather me call you sexyback?”
I flung out of my chair and stood face to face with Nick. “Don’t call me that either.”
Nick smirked and said, “Okay, sexyback.”
I grumbled and balled up my fists. My boss took Nick by the shoulders and pulled him away from me. “Okay, that’s enough. Nick, why don’t you go look around the library, get to know the place? It’s obvious you two already know each other and don’t get along well.” He slapped Nick on the back and said, “Go on then.”
Nick slowly walked out from behind the front desk and disappeared into the bookshelves, his hands in his pockets. I glared at him at he walked away, then groaned and sat back down in my chair. My boss stood in his place for a while in complete silence.
“So how do you guys know each other?” my boss asked, breaking the silence.
“We met on this show, Disventure Camp. Ever heard of it?”
“Well, it was this show with two teams where both teams would have to compete in various challenges and whichever team lost would vote out someone on their team. Of course there were days where there was no elimination or when a voted out camper would come back but those weren’t frequent. Nick placed 12th, I placed 4th.”
“Wow. 4th was very close. How did you get to 4th?”
“I was kind of evil. I was teamed up with this little girl, Fiore, and we were like an inseparable evil duo. Even without her I would’ve been able to place 1st, since I’m so smart I could’ve been able to strategize my way through. If only Fiore hadn’t made an agreement with Miriam and Ellie to vote me out so she could get farther in the game.” I balled my fist at the thought of Fiore, how close we were, how she betrayed me and how angry that made me feel.
“Ok… and what about Nick placing 12th? Why didn’t he do as well as you?”
“Well, nobody really liked him. Safe to say I agree with everybody. He was so stuck up and snarky, always boasting about how much money he had. ‘I’ll pay you if you take my suitcase,’ like shut up already!”
My boss stared at me with concern. “Okay. Alec, why don’t you just take a couple deep breaths and focus on your work? Once you finish your shift, you won’t have to deal with Nick anymore until tomorrow. I’ll just try to keep him away from you, okay?”
I took a deep breath, then nodded and turned my chair back around to face my computer.
Eventually, Nick had to come back behind the front desk to actually do some work. I avoided speaking to him as much as I could.
When I would walk by Nick, he could turn his chair around and shout at me, “Hey, sexyback!”
I just rolled my eyes and didn’t say anything. I knew that whatever I tried wasn’t going to make him stop calling me that. So I just ignored it.
Today was just a boring day at work, but at least Nick didn’t bother me so much. My boss probably talked to him about that.
A little before my shift ended, I decided I wanted to tease Nick a little. I took a sticky note off my desk picked a pen out of a cup on my desk, and wrote this down:
‘Dear Nick,
I hate you so much. Please fire yourself from this library and never come back.
With hate,
I looked at the note with a smirk on my face, then got up from my chair and stuck the sticky note next to Nick’s keyboard while he was in the bathroom, then headed to the bathroom myself.
As I was walking there, Nick was walking back. We stared at each other blankly for a second, then continued on.
As I walked back to my desk from the bathroom, Nick surprisingly didn’t turn his chair around to call me ‘sexyback’ with that stupid smirk on his face. I knew why as soon as I got back to my desk.
There was a sticky note stuck to my monitor. I groaned and sat down in my chair, then took the sticky note off my computer.
I read it to myself, then rolled my eyes. It read:
‘Dear Alec,
I hate you even more. I hope you decide you hate reading one day and quit your job.
With love,
I crumpled it up into a ball and threw it into my trash can. Then I finished up my work on my computer, packed up my stuff, and left the library.
When I got home and looked into my work bag, I saw the note from Nick crumpled up in my bag. I guess I had missed the trash can when I threw it.
I groaned and said, “I don’t need a reminder of Nick.” I took the note out of my bag and threw it into my bedside trash.
It had officially been 4 days I had been working with Nick. God, he bothers me so bad.
As I was readying myself for bed, I picked up my journal off my nightstand and turned to a free page. My therapist told me to write down what happened every day and to let off my negative emotions into it every night before bed. He said it would help with letting go of my ‘emotional baggage,’ whatever that meant.
But as I picked up a pencil to start writing, I turned back to reread what Nick had done to me in the past days.
Day 2
I was looking for a book in one of the shelves when I took my glasses off to clean them and accidentally dropped them on the floor. But when I went to pick them up, Nick came up behind me and asked me ‘who I was bending over for.’ So immature.
Day 3
I was rearranging the books in the shelves, and Nick was following me around, unorganizing the shelves as I organized them to mess with me. I didn’t even notice he was doing this until the end of his shift when the boss came to find him. Then I had to rearrange them before my shift ended. Every. Single. Shelf.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I just can’t stand him. I turned back to my new page and started to write down what had happened today.
Day 4
Nick followed me around all day, talking to me about things I really don’t care about like Star Wars and just calling me sexyback in between every sentence. Eventually I gave out and yelled at him to knock it off. He looked guilty and just walked away. I don’t know why he would look like he was sorry or why he always made an attempt to talk to me every day, or even why he calls me sexyback all the time but it’s a little-
I stopped writing abruptly, then dropped my pencil. I picked up my journal, reread today’s entry, then slammed it shut and got up off my bed. I stormed off to the bathroom and got my toothbrush out of the cabinet.
“No, he can’t like me. That’s weird. We hate each other!” I grabbed my tube of toothpaste and lobbed some on my toothbrush.
“Why would he like me? There’s no way! I don’t even like him! Why should he like me?” I shoved the toothbrush in my mouth, then stared at myself in the mirror blankly.
I let my mind work for a second, then asked myself, “Do I like him?”
I shook my head. “No, I can’t like him! It’s not possible! How would I like him? I mean like, maybe the way he smirks when he calls me sexyback, or like when he follows me around just to talk to me and-”
I looked at myself in the mirror. “God, I do like him!” I finished brushing my teeth and stormed back into my bedroom. I grabbed my book out of my work bag, got in my bed, and pulled the covers over my legs.
But as I opened my book, I couldn’t help but look into the trashcan where Nick’s note was still sitting on the top, completely untouched. I reached down and grabbed it out of the trash.
I uncrumpled it and read it over to myself. To confirm my suspicions of Nick liking me, he did put ‘with love’ on his note while I put ‘with hate.’ Surprisingly I smiled and blushed, then put the note on my bedside table and continued reading.
But as I finished reading, I took that note off the table and traded it out for my bookmark, then shut the book and went to sleep.
The next day as soon as I got into work, I rushed behind my desk and pulled a sticky note off the pad, then wrote a quick note to my boss:
I think I like Nick. Please help.
I stuck the note on the bulletin board next to his offices and went back to my desk.
Nothing really major happened for the remainder of the morning. It was surprisingly peaceful. The only disturbance was when Nick walked into work and called me sexyback on the way by.
He didn’t bother me for the rest of the morning. Well, until right now.
“Alec.” I jumped as he came up behind me.
I turned my chair around and exclaimed, “You scared me! What do you want now?”
Nick held something up in his hand. Panic rushed through my body. He was holding the sticky note. The one that stated I liked him.
Oh. Shit.
“Did you write this, Alec?”
“Of course not. Someone must’ve staged it.”
“Who would? Nobody else works here besides our boss and he wouldn’t do that. He’s a big sweetheart. So obviously it was you.” Nick paused for a second to walk a little closer to me. “It is true?”
He leaned closer to me.
“Of course it isn’t,” I said, trying not to show the panic on my face.
“Are you sure about that?” Nick asked me, leaning closer to me so that we were face to face.
I stared into his eyes blankly, fear rushing through my body. My face felt so hot, it felt like I was blushing. I could’ve been but there was no way to check right now. There’s no way I was getting out of this, so I gave in. “I really need to work on my poker face, don’t I?” I smirked.
He laughed and said, “A little improvement could work. Otherwise it was pretty solid.”
Before I could say anything, he pressed his lips onto mine. “I knew you’d give into me eventually, sexyback,” Nick said, giving me that stupid smirk of his.
“Oh, shut up, you Brit,” I said, shaking my head.
Nick backed up a little and grabbed my hand. He pulled on my arm and said, “Come on.”
As he pulled me out of my chair I asked him, “Where are you taking me?”
He laughed and said, “Can we make out? Like just for a little bit?”
I raised my eyebrow at him.
“Please, Alec? Just for like 5 minutes?”
I thought about it for a second. “Fine, let’s go.”
Nick laughed and tugged on my arm again. I laughed along with him as he dragged me off to the bathroom.
When we got in the bathroom, he led me into the second stall and locked the door.
I laughed and said, “Why are you acting like someone’s gonna walk in on us?”
“Just in case.”
Before I could say anything, he pushed me against the stall, threw his arms around my neck, and shoved his lips on mine. Honestly, I don’t think I liked kissing anyone more than him.
He pulled away from the kiss and asked, “Do you know why I really came to work here, Alec?”
I shook my head.
“I came to work here because of you.” He poked my chest. “I’ve had feelings for you for a long time and I wanted to see if I could make you feel the same way.”
I chuckled and said, “Well, I guess it worked.”
He laughed, a low attractive laugh.
I blushed, put my hands on his cheeks, and pulled him in for another kiss. He brought one of his hands up my neck and ran his fingers through my hair.
His hands were warm, and his face was utterly cold. He pressed his body up against mine and gripped my neck tighter.
Kissing him was like having an out of body experience. It was so unreal, so astonishing. I just couldn’t believe that it was really Nick I was kissing right now.
I pulled away from Nick. “But Nick, don’t you have a girlfriend?”
He looked off to the side and said, “Yeah, but… I don’t really love her anymore. I love…” He looked up at me.
I blushed and smiled. “You love me?”
Nick nodded slowly, blushing and smirking.
I slowly pulled him in for another kiss and said, “I love you too.”
We continued making out but this little romantic moment would soon end.
Our boss came through the bathroom door shouting, “Alec? Nick? Are you guys in here?”
Nick quickly shoved himself off me, slamming against the other wall of the stall.
The bathroom went silent, then the boss called out, “Hello? Was that you?”
Nick shoved his hands over his mouth to muffle his breathing. I raised an eyebrow at him.
I could see the boss’s feet underneath the stall. I wasn’t panicking at all until the boss stopped dead in his tracks right in front of our stall.
“I can see you two in there! Get out of there!”
Me and Nick stayed as silent as mice. The boss tried to push open the door.
“Alec, open the door please.”
I didn’t say a word. I stared at Nick. He shook his head.
The boss scoffed and said, “Nick?”
I silently pleaded Nick to unlock the door. Nick took his hands off his mouth and mouthed to me ‘Fine.’
He reached out a shaky hand and unlocked the door. The boss gently opened up the door.
He raised an eyebrow and asked, “What were you two doing in here?”
I looked nervously at my feet, blushed, and quickly said, “Nothing.”
At my side, Nick just as quickly said, “Making out.”
I looked up at Nick, blushing even more. “Nick!”
He shrugged and said, “What? I panicked!”
The boss shook his head and said, “And I thought you boys hated each other?”
“It’s a long story,” I said, rubbing my arm.
The boss just shook his head again and said, “Nick, come on. I have something I need you to do for me. Alec, you have work to do.”
The boss started walking away, leaving me and Nick in the stall alone.
Before following the boss, Nick leaned in for one more juicy kiss. “See you later.” He ran off after the boss.
I stood there against the stall, dazed for a second. Then I wiped my mouth and lumbered out of the stall.
As I made my way back to the front desk, the boss was standing there talking to Nick.
As I walked by them, Nick pulled my arm and put a slip of paper in my hand. “Me, you, dinner tonight?”
I unfolded the slip of paper, which had a phone number on it. Nick’s phone number.
I smirked and said, “I’ll call you.”
I walked back to my desk and sat in my chair. I watched as Nick walked off to the other side of the library, his hands in his pockets.
The boss came up behind me and said, “So, Nick, huh?”
“Oh, shut your mouth,” I said, adding Nick’s number onto my phone.
The boss laughed and walked away. And honestly, thinking about all this time I’ve spent with Nick, I really meant it. I did love him.
The End!!!
I hope you enjoyed my fanfic! I enjoyed writing it and I think it turned out really nice. What do you guys think? Drop your thoughts in the comments and if you want, like the fanfic. Thank you pookies!!! <3333
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samglyph · 13 days
Okay not to be too insane but I feel like you get it. Please share any good fics you know of for the Witcher, I’d check those out. It definitely feels like they aren’t relevant anymore but I’m still invested
Also I don’t know if you’re aware but Jaskier has some good gay moments in season 3. If you’re interested
So while I like to think I have good taste I hate to inform you but my taste in witcher fics is 99% geraskier hurt comfort. Very very wish fulfilling, “oh no I’ve been kidnapped/assaulted/tortured/disrespected but luckily this guy with a sword is gonna come in, kill everyone who was ever mean to me, and then apologize for ever hurting my feelings.” Which is actually a very common genre though I do think there’s a lot of ooc stuff filling the jaskier tag. Classic case of being the fandom assigned bottom and having it affect your actual personality. Anyway regardless it’s hard for me to have actual recs because in times like these I just kinda gorge myself and forget to actually save the ones I like (hence why things vanish). This is the only fic I have bookmarked which is shocking to me. Oh and I reread this series a lot. Love a nonhuman jaskier au. Feel free to send me recs though. I’ll read them and if I’ve already read them I might add them to a list somewhere so I’m more prepared for this question in the future.
Also yes I know he makes out with some guy but unless the hemsworth knocks it out of the park next season I’m probably not gonna catch up, season 2 just kind of annoyed me even if I thought every moment that yennefer and jaskier were on screen together was gold. Canon queer people sadly cannot save the show from being vaguely disappointing. And I still haven’t forgiven them for what they did to Eskel.
I did enjoy blood origin though.
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inabottlelikelightning · 10 months
you are probably so tired of getting asks about yofoe after literal YEARS LOL so i’m so sorry in advance and feel free to ignore if you don’t feel like answering!! I remember you posting a couple snippets of the next chapter about a year ago and was just wondering if you’d be willing to share anything more you have? or if you plan to share it on your own terms? totally fine if not! (also if you’re wondering yes I am the same person who asked back in 2021 and yes I still have yofoe at the top of my bookmarks and reread from time to time just to see how she’s doing because she was a true moment in time for me)
U ARE SO SWEET please do not apologize i am sure it’s every writers dream to be getting lovely asks like this after years ❤️ thank you so much! u know what, i was saving this for a special occasion (the year 2030 when i finally finish this story oopsies) but just for you, because this warmed my heart so much, here u go (mwah):
"Good God," Argent mutters. And then, to the hunter fighting him: "If you shoot me in the head right now, you may be entitled to financial compensation."
He seems genuinely disappointed when the man is taken down by one of Kira's electricity strikes.
And then, out of the corner of Liam's eye, a stray bullet. Liam maps out the trajectory, is moving before he even registers it, springing off his back legs, hands going straight for Theo's shoulders, bowling them both over, the only sound exiting his mouth a horrible, strangled yell.
They hit the concrete floor with a thud, and Liam feels the bullet whiz past his head, barely missing them.
"The fuck?" Theo asks, and Liam focuses on him for the first time, all of him, and--
"You're shirtless," Liam blurts. He huffs. "Why are you always shirtless?"
Theo narrows his eyes. "That's why you jumped me?"
Liam realizes, way too late, that he has one hand resting comfortably on each pec. He snatches his hands back, hands burning almost hotter than his face.
"What!?" he splutters. "No! No! No. There was-- you were gonna be-- a bullet!"
"A bullet," Theo repeats, unimpressed.
The fighting spills further into the corridor, Malia having taken possession of Kira's sword while Kira siphons electricity from the building and channels it into blasts. Liam and Theo very nearly avoid being singed, when they catch sight of them.
"Uh," Malia says. "Hey guys."
"'Sup," Theo replies.
Kira clears her throat. "Um," she tries, hands crackling with sparks, "Whatcha doin' there?"
Liam looks down, at Theo's stupidly relaxed shirtless body. He's still straddling him, he realizes.
"This," Liam says, "isn't what it looks like."
Malia's eye twitches. "No one said it looked like anything."
Liam groans. "Okay, but your tone--"
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wander-wren · 2 years
there’s always comment tips floating around tumblr but today it’s MY TURN BABEY i’m not covering Every Possible Comment, just my personal tips and tricks
pick a few default phrases. write them down even if you want!! my go-tos are “i love this so much” and “thank you for writing/sharing!!” and “omg this is perfect.” sometimes all of them together! i’m an overachiever so i usually go more in-depth, but just these sorts of things is great too
straight up just describe what you’re doing. “it’s 2am and im going to be so tired tomorrow but it was worth it i love this so much” (look theres a default phrase!!) “i’m sitting here crying into my chicken nuggets oh my god” “i laughed so hard reading this i woke up my dog”
if its a multi-chapter, try to predict whats coming! in a nice way, not demanding or “if xyz does/n’t happen i’ll riot” (unless its something guaranteed to happen, like “if [tagged pairing] dont get over themselves and kiss soon i’ll scream.”). esp if the fic is ongoing!! i’ve changed directions of longfics slightly bc of what readers predicted!! fanfic is a communal activity!!
speaking of ongoing fics: feel free to express excitement for future chapters but dont demand them, and DEFINITELY don’t let that be the only thing you say. “update soon!” is different from “oh wow i loved this bc xyz, cant wait to see what happens next!” the former makes it feel like a thankless chore, they latter feels like encouragement.
if a fic is not usually up your alley but you liked it, say so! just be polite. “i dont usually read [ship] but i was curious and i liked this bc xyz” is cool!! “i usually hate [ship] bc its gross/weird/toxic/etc and Other People always write [insert common trope] but this one was good” is less cool. you dont need to trash on the thing the author clearly likes, but it IS nice to know i could open you up to a new idea or something!
pick a line, any line, that made you laugh or “aww” or cry or get angry or ANYTHING. paste it in the comment box. write “this made me [insert emotion/reaction]” or “YESS/NOOO [character name]” or “oh my god i love this” or whatever floats your boat
if you want to go above and beyond, if i’m reading a longer work that i can already tell is gonna be a favorite, i just open the notes on my phone and copy paste all my favorite lines with my reactions as i go, then bam, ready-made comment
can guarantee (source: me) it will make a writer’s WEEK bc its like, barely any extra effort but it shows what made the most impact, and sometimes it makes someone see their stuff in a new light bc maybe they didn’t expect the line to hit that way! but woah! its so cool how different people experience art!!
also, comment when you reread. comment on older fics. if authors ask for suggestions or take requests, ASK. you get a thing you want, authors get interaction and cool fun ideas, it’s a win-win! everyone else is just as awkward and anxious and starved for human communication as you i SWEAR
also leave nice things in bookmarks bc that EXTRA makes my day when i remember to check once every six months. plus it helps future me remember why i bookmarked it
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gendervapor14 · 1 year
For the fanfic writer ask game: 6, 10, 11, 17, 29, 48, 63, 94
oh wow!! so many!!! thank you so much! ♥️ i will answer these lovely questions below the cut 👍
6 ~ do you have any kind of consistent writing schedule or just hoping for the best?
tbh it’s mostly hoping for the best. in general, i can usually squeeze some time out from like 8pm-11:30pm. sometimes if life is forgiving, i can get a generous 4pm-midnight window, but usually i’m so exhausted from all my morning shenanigans, i don’t do a whole lot of writing in these free-time chunks. i’m hoping by august i’ll have some free mornings and i can get back into my full groove again!
10 ~ at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
there are two options. either i come up with the title immediately as i’m writing it, (01746, a gift and a curse, happy belated, king of karaoke, negotiations). the other option is staring at the empty title box in the ao3 posting form for an hour trying to magically come up with a title. (broken fingers hold tightest, broken hearts bleed brightest, donut miss your chance!, rise & shine, temptation, torment and tangerines). seems like i have more trouble naming newer stories for some reason. 🤷
11 ~ what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
research is pretty important to me, because i like to blend the mystical magical world of one piece with some realism. (like what if drinking milk didn’t solve all our health problems) recently i learned cocoyashi was inspired by a part of indonesia, and the coldest that area gets is around sixty degrees fahrenheit, or about 15.5 degrees celsius! law and rosi are gonna roast their north blue asses off 🔥
17 ~ what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
what a cruel question 😝 i’m giving you a few answers! in terms of dialogue, in my original series, i had someone proclaim, “Why do we have to die to be loved?” and i quite like that line. for exposition, i think it might be, “It wasn’t so gummy, it wasn’t so strained, the muscles in his neck were relaxed and the apples of his cheeks weren’t threatening to split through the skin.” from the donquixote bros event. OR. i also like, “His brother lurked in the bloody pulp along the gumline of those smiles.” i’m gonna cut myself off now, i could keep going for a while 🤪
29 ~ give us a spoiler of one of your stories.
hmmm trying to think of something shiny and new that you might not have seen me mention in the villain server… i’ll spoil a wip too, since you’ve read a lot of my posted stories! in sublime > perish, gladius is going to lose one parent at a time. so he can wallow in the misery of missing one before i kill the other. and then i’ll take his memories. 🥰
48 ~ do you reread your own stories?
y-yes. i write fanfic very self-indulgently. whatever ships/stories i can’t find, i write. so i do end up rereading them when i’m craving that trope. and that’s when i find all my typos.
63 ~ what’s the best insult you’ve read in a fic?
oh dear. this is a hard one. uhhh. lemme go through the ol bookmarks.
i really love this exchange between doflamingo and croc in crowbar’s “Product Demonstration”:
“Let’s take war, for example. Who won the last war in your neck of the woods?”
“Wars aren’t something that can be won.”
“That’s a bleeding-heart answer if I ever heard one.” She drew up, affronted. “No, no, don’t worry, you’re still an asshole.”
94 ~ do you prefer dialogue or description?
dialogue! i am sucker for dialogue. i’ve got full fictional conversations going on in my head. i used to have a notebook when i was in middle school that i filled with these random edgy conversations between ocs. that’s how i got into writing! and now i’m writing obscure fanfic with plenty of dialogue! XD
thank you so so much for all the asks!! i feel like this was some sort of celebrity interview, hehe 😎
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calumsash · 2 years
2022 Writing Evaluation
thank you for my amazing friend taylor @jbhmalumm for tagging me in this!!! i totally forgot i wrote (even if it's been like half a year yikes) and can actually be tagged in those things so im excited <333
1. number of stories posted on ao3: a whole 3 fics!
2. word count posted for this year: 17,741 words!!
3. fandoms i wrote for: 5sos
4. pairings: romantic: cashton (2) & mashlum (1) / platonic: malum (1) & cake (1)
5. story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: all three of these categories go to three that's the magic number <3
6. work i’m most proud of (and why): im proud of all of them! just the fact that i actually sat down this year and wrote something AND posted it?!!?!!!! i think that's something to be proud of!
7. work i’m least proud of (and why): i love all my kids!
8. share or describe a favorite review you received: ok so there's this comment @ghost-of-you left on my mashlum fic that just said "I don't think I've ever laughed this much at a fic before. This awesome." and i remember smiling and thinking about that comment all day so thank you anna <3
9. a time when writing was really, really hard: idk a lot of times i found myself really frustrated that i couldn't just sit down and write 5k in a sitting, or i was feeling i wasn't getting the tone right and then tried to compare myself to others? but once i let that go, stopped looking at other fics and just setting myself smaller goals i think made the difference!!
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: the ending scene of malum in the daylight fic!!!! when i started to write that scene i totally planned for it to go in a different direction, a much more funny way (michael finding out calum is a vampire because he found him drinking blood smoothies lol), but as i was writing it the words just flew into a more angsty approach and i liked it so!!! it stayed <3
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing: i still think the delivery of “I need to know, who came first? The chicken or the egg?" and the response after it was incredible on my part <3
12. how did you grow as a writer this year? actually finishing a fic and posting it!
13. how do you hope to grow next year? honestly just hoping to set little goals and maybe write some more, maybe try other fandoms and see how i do!
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? just gonna go ahead and tag my wonderful friends @myfalsedevotion @jbhmalumm @lukemichaelcalumashton @daydadahlias @merry-the-cookie @calumthoodshands because you guys hyped me up when i started writing and when i sent you screenshots as i progressed and gave me encouraging words!!!! i probably wouldn't have had the guts to post without you <3
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? oh yeah i totally thought capybaras were called chupacabras SORRY AJSHDHSJ (from the halloween fic)
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers? literally just write for yourself! i can't even count the amount of times i reread my own fics because it's exactly to my taste!!
17. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? there's a song fic i wrote for cashton that is mostly done that i do wish to finish at some point!!!! also coach calum fic would be amazing if i ever finish it so hopefully that!!!! plus not 5sos but i have this idea for a buddie (911) fic that haven't left my mind since i thought of it and im hoping maybe start and finish before they come back from the hiatus!!!
18. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: probably everyone have been tagged already so if you haven't already and wanna do it, count this as your sign <3
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aetheternity · 3 years
i got a request! which i do hope you like since it took a while for me to think of ejdj:
so hc’s for Levi and/or Mikasa ahsjd
they wasn’t there to protect you. They felt so stupid and useless. They couldn’t hold in their tears. you were gone. They couldn’t hold you in their arms. He couldn’t laugh at your stupid jokes. you were the heart of the survey corps. Now that you’re gone, the survey corps went all dull and colorless. They would curl up into a ball in their bed (which Levi has for some reason idk why, and if you’re wondering, no mikasa and levi don’t share a bed wtaf👩🏼‍⚖️👩🏼‍⚖️👩🏼‍⚖️) and think about their favorite moments with you. He would remember you fall down into a hay stack and that you would immediately laugh after. They would remember you falling asleep while reading a book with them. they would remember all that. weeks go by and you were still gone. The survey corps was still colorless and dull. There were many still crying after you ‘death’. But on the 18th week you were gone. it turns out. you weren’t dead. The survey corps were on an expedition, they had no expression on their face after your ‘death’ .. they still couldn’t get over the fact that you were dead. Oh they missed you so much .. but their sadness faded when they saw you, alive, hiding in a bush. now that the survey corps has found you. There was color and happiness once again.... // i hate this plot but it was all i got
(My last two requests have been angst so I would genuinely like to ask from the bottom of my heart. Are y'all ok????)
Word of warning: Angst, Missing reader (found)
•She had always assumed the most painful thing in the world would be losing either Eren or Armin. (Or both!) She'd already lost her mother and father but losing you was like a whole other level of painful.
•She'd always seen life as both beautiful and cruel but right now it just felt cruel. Like someone had stripped the world of its color.
•Keeps every single thing that you've ever given her or held in her bed under her blanket so she can hold it at night in a little pile.
•Cries while rereading the last chapter you bookmarked in your favorite book that was always on her nightstand. (Definitely reads it every night before going to sleep)
•Armin and Eren's moods are also drastically effected. People you probably didn't even know were coming up to Mikasa with condolences.
•If you had a living family all of your belongings that Mikasa didn't possess would go to them. But if you didn't Mikasa would add it to the growing "shrine" for you.
•They hadn't found your body and a part of Mikasa had held on so strongly for the first couple weeks that you could be alive but the surrounding area had been titan city and they found your horse without you.
•Mikasa would retell every memory she has of you to Eren and Armin (sometimes to anyone who will listen).
•She doesn't want to look like she's dying inside but she is and literally everyone can tell. (The entire Survey Corps seems to be mourning for weeks with her.)
•When she thinks no one's paying attention or when she's alone is when she'll really give in. Hugging her knees, pretending it's you and just rocks back and forth with deep heavy sobs.
•Around week 18 when the search had been completely given up on and everyone had begun to live normally again (aside from Mikasa.) There you were, in a bush.
•Jean had been the one that found you. Breathing, slumped back against a tree and behind a bush.
•Somehow you'd survived and here you were like a mirage. Except-
•Alive.. real. So so very here.
•Mikasa was already tearing up as she pressed a finger over your pulse. Then pulled you forward into her lap. Your body a little pale, but warm.. so so warm like it'd been every night she'd ever held you.
•Remember in S1 when Mikasa was holding Eren after he emerged from the titan and she put her head up to his chest then cried as she held him? That's you and her rn.
•Girl's sobbing so loud she's attracting the other Survey Corp members that had come out beyond the walls.
•Everyone else starts to tear up too as she just rocks you and cries into your dirty shirt.
•You can bet she's not letting you go either. "We need to put them in the wagon Mikasa. They need treatment as soon as we get back." Cool. She's got you in her lap, arms around your waist.
•Over her dead body will you separate her from you especially in this state. She's combing your hair back with her fingers, placing a hand over your heartbeat and sighing sweetly as she listens to your pulse.
•Please don't take them away that's my emotional support human. 🥺
•You can bet she's gonna follow you around like she's surgically attached until she feels like you're genuinely ok and that you're not gonna leave her again.
•Know that she does it because she loves you.
•Everyone else is balling their eyes out over your death. You've even got some of the toughest looking men in the Survey Corps balling like little kids.
•He's not though.
•At least not during regular business hours.
•Alone at night in his room he's got your favorite book in his arms. Tears spilling over his cheeks with little sniffles as he holds the pillow you love alongside your book.
•He makes your favorite tea every morning and places it on your side of the table before remembering but he can never bring himself to drink it or throw it out so it just sits there till someone else gets rid of it.
•Your laugh never leaves his mind. In fact it practically haunts him. He's all alone but there's that sound. It's always you.
•He's lost so many people but the first week you were missing he refused to believe it. He's a little harsher in his words as he speaks to people for that whole week.
•You can't possibly be gone..
•He finally stops making an extra cup of tea for you and when he does the normal chores he stops saying he's doing your chores.
•To everyone else it just seemed like Captain Levi was being Captain Levi. But to Hange and Erwin they could see the slight difference. (I'm betting Erwin is the one who throws out the extra cup of tea Levi made every morning.)
•On the 18th week of you being gone a cadet comes yelling boisterously. Panting as they try to speak. "Captain! We found something!"
•When Levi sees you something swells in him. His heart is beating a mile a minute. Erwin is holding you and for a split second Levi's resolve slips and he's down on his knees next to Erwin.
•"Are-Are they?.." Erwin nods. "They're alive, Levi."
•He doesn't let you out of his sight for even a split second. He's riding a horse next to the cart you're kept in all the way back home. He's in your hospital room every free minute he has. He's fluffing your pillows every night and placing your favorite book in your arms.
•He made you tea even though you're not awake to drink it 🥺
•Holds your hand and stares at your still face for hours.
•Probably cries late at night when everyone is definitely asleep. Whispering soft, You're ok.. you're ok's Next to your ear.
•Listens to your heart beat because he'll never get tired of it.
•He's so mean once you're awake. He's probably forcing you to take on more work but know it comes from a good place.
•Don't ever do that shit again. But with his frowny pout that's too cute to look at.
•Please don't leave him again. You're one of the few things he has left.
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sineala · 4 years
hii i love your fics and your blog. what are some writers, fanfic or otherwise, who inspire you? have you read anything good, fanfic or otherwise, recently? thank you i hope you have a nice day
I hope you have a nice day, too, anon!
The past year’s been kind of hard on me mentally -- and I am pretty sure I am not alone in this -- and until very recently I really haven’t been motivated to read much of anything, or write much of anything. I am slowly working on being able to do both of these things, but I am definitely not at 100% yet.
So I haven’t read all that much lately. In terms of actual books, I really liked Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth and am looking forward to the last book in the trilogy; last year I finally decided to get a supporting membership to Worldcon so I could vote for the Hugos, and while I didn’t manage to read anything other than the Novel and Novella categories, I enjoyed getting a giant virtual packet of books and getting to read some of the nominees, and I am looking forward to doing that again this year with the current Worldcon. (For approximately $50 you too can vote in the Hugos and receive a large number of current SF books and stories!)
If you’re looking for a rec for a SF/fantasy novel you probably haven’t read, one of my favorite authors, the late John M. Ford, is finally having most of his books come back into print. So far the only book that’s been reissued is The Dragon Waiting, which is an alt-history fantasy novel about the Wars of the Roses in a world where Byzantium has conquered much of Europe. It is very, very good. I reread it last year when it was rereleased. He does some really amazing things with POV (actually, so does Harrow the Ninth) and it has possibly my very favorite portrayal of vampires, in that vampirism in it is an unfortunate non-sexy medical condition that also happens to make you something fairly close to immortal, so people often seek to become vampires for strategic political reasons because they would really like to rule forever.
I really haven’t been reading a lot of fanfiction lately -- I have about twenty pages of stories Marked For Later on AO3 -- but let me see what I can come up with, looking at things I’ve bookmarked. Honestly I think one of the best parts about not lurking in fandom anymore is getting to befriend authors whose work I really admire; it’s a great experience. Kiyaar’s work always destroys me emotionally, and at some point I am gonna get to write a story with her, and I don’t know what it will be yet but it’s gonna be so much fun. (Insert “someone will die! of fun!” meme here.) Isozyme is currently playing in Untamed fandom and I really wish she would come back and write more Steve/Tony; I keep rereading her Ults fic and having Feelings. Mizzy consistently hits basically every narrative trope that I have ever liked, and I know this fic predates the pandemic, but I feel like always winter, never spring has been a Big Mood this past year. Sadisticsparkle does really consistently lovely work that I feel deserves to be recced more. I feel I have been pretty open about the fact that BlossomsintheMist’s Relativistic Heat Conduction is still my absolute favorite comics Steve/Tony story ever. Ever. (I would also like to try to cowrite with her someday but I have So Many Things to write first.) And also Crait’s Stark Disassembled series is perfect, perfect Civil War Tony Stark and I wish I could write half as well as this. I wish I could write half as well as any of these people.
And so you’re not like, “Hey, Sine, why are you just reccing your friends?” let me rec work by a couple of people whom I am pretty sure I have never interacted with beyond leaving embarrassingly-gushing comments on AO3. JenTheSweetie only writes MCU but every time I get a story notification email from AO3 I am super-happy, and I have read And Time Can Do So Much more times than I can count. It is an Endgame fixit. And I also want to rec -- oh my God, I just realized this is the exact same premise but it’s 616 and not MCU and also the other way around, oh my God, am I really this predictable, I guess so -- haemodye’s when you are fallen, which is a story in which Steve is presumed dead but is not really dead, just invisible, and Tony completely falls apart. And Steve gets to watch. So angsty. So good. Also it’s relatively recent, so probably not everyone has read it!
(I guess I really like stories that are basically AUs of the movie Ghost. I’m very predictable. In that vein, there’s also Mizzy’s ooh you and me would be a big conversation. Presumed-dead is the best trope because you get all the angst of deathfic but then you get a happy ending! Where Our Restless Monsters Sleep is also presumed-dead, I guess, in that it’s an Endgame fixit, but I figure every MCU fan has read it already. You know what, just go read all of Mizzy’s fic. I’ll wait here.)
There! I hope you find something good to read!
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tetsuskitten · 4 years
Todobaku fic recs (buckle up folks, this a long one)
Runnin’ With the Devil by Essele (Rated E)
This one comes first and is always the one that always comes to mind when I think of my favorite todobaku stories. Maybe because the vivid descriptions won’t get out of my head, or because it’s about music and Baku has a bike and there’s this one line ("It's because I'm gonna figure out a way past all this fuckin' ice," Bakugou says, jabbing Shouto straight in the chest with one finger. "But I ain't about that sappy shit, so I'm not looking to melt it or anything. I'm gonna crack straight through."), long story short it’s my favorite and I’ve reread it a couple times
Here are some of Essele’s other todobaku fics that I adore: 
Bittersweet and Strange by Esselle (Rated E)
True Temptation by Esselle (Rated E)
Vacation with a Vampire by Esselle (Rated E)
Bloom by Esselle (this one is open ending but it will break your heart anyway so...) (Rated T)
My Hero Love Story by Esselle (Rated E)
Betrayed by the Weather by XenophonSpeaks (Rated T)
This one is my second favorite, I love how it reminds me of fall and being warm when it’s so cold and falling in love for the first time... and just how beautiful it can be to catch someone being unabashedly themselves. 
More by XenophonSpeaks:
Starting Over From Ground Zero by SpiceHya, XenophonSpeaks (Rated E)
This fic is... impressive and it squeezes my heart when I think about it... it’s about second chances and I love it to death
How To Lose A Costume Contest But Still Win At Life by XenophonSpeaks (Rated E)
Sorry (Not Sorry) For The Distraction by XenophonSpeaks (Rated M)
But I love the way you hurt me by XenophonSpeaks (Rated E)
Whatever It Takes by XenophonSpeaks (Rated E)
Protective Katsuki and falling in love shenanigans, this one is also very very lovely!
allow me the pleasure of loving you by pyrrhicwildfire (Rated T and later E)
This is a very sweet series of the boys falling in love and Katsu doing what he always does: trying to be the best (at being a boyfriend)
stardust in monsoon (we were freefalling) by TastefullyIlliterate (Rated T)
The absolute sense of calm I get from this is... insane. I love it so much, it makes me feel giddy.
better late than never by bonnia (Rated T)
rule 02: stay by bonnia (Rated M)
heartburn by bonnia (Rated T)
All of bonnia’s works are quite descriptive and lovely, I also find they can be quite funny (they also have a todobaku fic inspired by “your lie in april” which i haven’t read because im a coward and i don’t wanna be sad but i’ve heard it’s very very good)
threadache by dinosuns (Rated T)
There was so much work put into this fic and it’s honestly So Good! It’s about fashion and misunderstandings, and funny because everything dinosuns’ writes is funny af - and so descriptive and NICE (here have more~~)
mind your mind by dinosuns (Rated T)
all it takes is a spark by dinosuns (Rated T)
timezoned by dinosuns (Rated T)
work of heart by dinosuns (Rated T)
a good egg by dinosuns (Rated T)
And here you have, straight from my personal bookmarks, the random sweet fics I find and love, from coffee shop aus to boxing matches, we have it all:
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice by Lillabelle (Rated M)
Closer by Lillabelle (Rated T)
The indelicacies of nitroglycerin by yeetin (Rated T)
me and you and café au lait by kagehinataboke (Rated T)
why are you so pretty by waywardfacegarden (Rated T)
hard body by velificatio (Rated E)
(they say you and me are) tautology by cenli (Rated T)
Fine Dining by castiiron (Rated E)
how to register for a library card (and get a boyfriend in the process) by Kaleid369 (Rated T)
Something of Silence by Viidoll (Rated T)
Where White Lilies Lay by sodapopcurtis (Rated T)
i hope you know (you don't go alone) by badmatch (Rated T)
The walls I build aren't meant for you by auriadne (Rated T)
Somebody to Have, Somebody to Hold by ryanhasao3 (Rated E)
Midnight Coffee Grind by quirklesswonder (TheSadisticMunchkin) (Rated T)
i like you so much (what do i do?) by underfallingflowerpetals (Rated T)
Bonus round (OT3/OT4):
Fire in the Mountains by EllaBesmirched (El_Bell) (Rated E)
A polyamory fantasy au which is the best thing I’ve read in a while (I skipped meals this was SO FU**** GOOD I COULDN’T PUT IT DOWN). The main ship is TodoBaku and then TodoBakuDeku but Katsuki is also married to Kirishima, Ashido and Kaminari so there’s some shenanigans in there
I Want it All by surveycorpsjean (Rated E)
Now listen, this is a TodoDekuBakuKiri fic and it accompanies the development of their fourway relationship with TodoDeku and BakuKiri already being established relationships. And I adore, adore, adore the way this showcases Shouto falling in love and opening up, especially to Katsuki... like I just- and surveycorpsjean is an AMAZING writer, they have so many fics (albeit not todobaku) but they are so so so so worth the read if you’re into the pairings! 
Powder Keg by Ajaxthegreat (Rated E)
TodoDeku + Baku - It’s.... really quite funny
Summer (c)Rush by warschach (Rated E)
TodoBaku + Deku summer vibes, very chill, Izu is a total babe but what’s new
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teamsarawatshusband · 4 years
Word Of Honor - 1st watch insta thoughts - Episode 2
Here’s Episode 1
Okay, before I get started with the episode, thank you so much for your likes and kind words and explanations. Thanks @averageace​ for letting me know that ghosts aren't necessarily dead. And thanks @ pretty-much-obsessed for letting me know it's not xianxia but wuxia. K, no cultivators. Got it!
Oh, just for future reference: I love when you guys help me out in the comments with understanding stuff like this! As long as you don’t spoil the story, I'm super grateful for all the genre info and cultural insights <3
Anyway, here we go!
Episode 2:
Oooooh, it was smirky guy who stopped the whip. And everybody is watching. How embarrassing.
I kinda like purple girl. She's so feisty and sassy.
Ok, the kid wants to make friends with alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy. He's in town to buy pastries for his mom, that's so cute. I need a shorter name for alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy. Anyway, the kid gives him a bookmark like a key to where he lives. Alright.
So smirky guy really did recognize the fighting. Oh, Four Seasons Manor is a sect! Ok, ok. And that's their fighting style. Was smirky guy once a part of them? Still so mysterious.
The kids are singing about the 5 lakes. That seems to be important somehow.
K, alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy wants to hitch a boat ride. And the old man looks like the old guy who got the 7 nails last time, but he's probably not, i'm just bad with faces again.
Yooo, does alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy have so much silver? Yeah, I wouldn't trust him either, old man. Oh, smirky guy intervenes. And now the old boatman wants to do the ride.
Whoaaa, nice scenery with the water and the blossoms and the music. I wanna go there.
So, now he's at mirror lake manor. Was that the kid's place? I forgot.
Wow, that boatman is really something, shouting out his insults as alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy is simply standing on the dock. Can't he be a bit nicer? LOOOOOL, yeah, so now he really dashed without paying, that's what you get for being rude.
But shame on tragic hero lord guy.You should always pay your debts. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Whoaaaaa, the blossom trees. I'm in love. Tragic hero lord guy flies over them in slo-mo.
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And when it's not snowing, it's raining petals. Why is there a boat on dry land? Is that gonna be important?
Ooooh, fan fight! Must be smirky guy. Yusss! And now they're dancing.
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Oh, and now smirky guy is being poetic. Dude, you sound like you’re crushing on him hard, man. Alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy isn't having any of it, lol.
There's two guys talking about war in the next scene. One of them is the dad and the other a son. Is that our kid from before? He seems older. I hate being bad with faces. Oh, he's not the kid. He's his older brother. And apparently there's one more brother even. I'm gonna get them all confused so much. Ugh
Tragic hero lord guy gets to stay in a woodshed. And likes it. I mean... whatever makes him happy, I guess.
Ooooh, back at the palace, I remember the helmets of the soldiers. And there's the guy who took tragic hero lord guy's job and... the other, like... boss guy. Maybe a king or an emperor. New at the job guy talks about... stuff. He's killed people. And seems proud of it. And now he's talking about a children's song. Oh wait, is that the song that alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy noticed earlier on? Oh, the song is connected to the glazed armor. Got it.
Ooooh, they sent a spy after tragic hero lord guy. So that's why he went into hiding.
Back in the woodshed, either the alcohol was bad, or tragic hero lord guy is having issues with the nails thing. His veins are moving and it looks disgusting tbh. And he's kinda... fuming. Literally. Looks like he's got a bad smell. And now he's... trying to meditate the smell away?
Oh, there's a fire outside.
Oh no, it's the red guys with the masks again. They're killing people.
Ooooh, tragic hero lord guy jumps into the fight, alright. OMG, I LOVE THAT TREE IN THE BACKGROUND!!! It's so pretty.
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I want it.
Somebody is trying to sneak a kid out. Possibly our kid. Not sure. And the red guys are following them. Hmm.
Oh, a bird. Tragic hero lord guy calls it a sparrow and a spy from the window of heaven, which... okay, but it's definitely NOT a sparrow. Maybe it's just a not so good translation.
Aww man, and now my tree's on fire! :(((( Why can I never have nice things? :(
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Now it's raining yellow paper thingies. They kinda look like those smiley potato chips thingies that you can get in the freezer section at the supermarket.
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Oh, they're weapons from the red guys. And the guy who's trying to sneak the kid out... is that the boatman?
Oooh, tragic hero lord guy jumps in. If that WAS the boatman, then he's getting paid alright. Heh.
Ok, wth? Swords are not supposed to be that bendy. That does not look like a good sword. How are you gonna stab anybody with a wobbly, shaky weapon like that?
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And smirky guy is sitting on the window sill watching the situation unfold like a supermodel waiting to be called onto the runway. Instead of... like... HELPING?! Wth?
And he's an alcoholic too? Hmm
K, that was a short stay, they're back on the boat
Eww, the red guys cut of somebody's arm. Wait, is that the dad from before? And the others are... the kid's brothers? Maybe? Oh, whoever they are, they're supposed to have the glazed armor, and the red masked guys want it. And they're gonna kill them all? That's brutal, man.
But if they ARE the kid’s brothers and they’re about to die, then at least I won’t get them confused, so there’s a plus side.
Anway, alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy, the boatman and the kid are in some dusty place. And the boatman is savage as fuck. He wants his money, lol. I like him.
Oh no, so much information. I'm so bad at this. So the kid is supposed to hide at 5 lakes, but doesn't want to. And somebody saved somebody, I have no idea. I wanna know if alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy is gonna go meditate again, because it looks like he wants to.
And now the potato smileys are flying in again. Great. I'm never gonna unsee the potato thing now.
Anyway, alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy who seriously NEEDS A NAME(!!!) is getting smelly again. And the kid wants to defend them all and instantly drops the sword. That does not look good.
So many red masked guys.
LOL, alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy needs 15 minutes. To smell better, maybe.
Wow, the old boatman is a good fighter, but he stands no chance. Are he and the kid really the ones supposed to fight, while tragic hero guy is being smelly and smirky guy is still chilling who knows where?
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See the stinky fumes?
Whoa the kid is willing to sacrifice himself for alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy. Who is just as surprised as me. And if it weren't for somebody intervening, they'd both be dead. Who is it?
Yooooooooo, purple girl coming in to the rescue. Of course. Need a job well done, leave it to the woman.
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Wow, she's so badass. And the kid and the boatman are helping too. Alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy went back to meditating.
:O There were two nuts!!! I saw them!!! Is nuts guy one of the red masked guys?
Oh, NOW alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy is starting to fight. Probably smelled the nuts and got into it.
LOL, wth? Now that he's done fighting, he faints? And THAT's when smirky guy shows up? To catch him? And alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy wakes up again instantly to fight.
Lololol, wth? Smirky guy is like "Heh, you cute, let me wrap your sword around us." ;)
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Maybe the wobbly bendy sword is a flirting technique and actually does serve a purpose.
He has really long fingers too.
Just saying.
Aww, would have been a cute moment if the boatman weren't deadly hit. And now he's smelly too. Wait, do smelly fumes mean doomed to die?
Ohh, he's gonna make him adopt the kid, isn't he?
Alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy drops a name, and says he's Zhou Xu. Is that his real name? Feels like smirky guy would probably recognize him if he gave his real name. But also maybe not. I know nothing. And smirky guy is mysterious as fuck. But I’ll take the name,because it’s shorter than the one I gave him.
Boatman is still a bit rude, threatening to curse Zhou Xu’s ancestors if he doesn't take care of the kid. Aren't they cursed already? Anyway, boatman can't know that.
Ok, old boatman has died and the kid is adopted. Cool, cool.
Oh, some fighter guys in nicely pleated skirts... who are they? Are they the guards of the manor? Are they there to help the kid? Whoever they are, they came too late and they set off fireworks.
Ok, smirky guy introduces himself. Wen Ke Xing. Oh boy, I hope I can remember that name.
Why is the kid dizzy? Did he get hurt?
Now they're discussing about the bread and nobody's willing to eat first while the kid is empty handed and very clearly hungry as hell. I feel so bad for him.
Why does smirky guy come across so snobby? I wanna like him.
Wow, they finally give the kid some food and now HE's refusing to eat it as well.
Purple girl is the only person actually getting fed tonight.
I mean, she deserves it. She fought the hardest.
Oooooh, smirky Wen Ke Xing guy is onto Zhou Xu lord guy. First stares him up and down while he's resting (lusting much?) and then flat out asks if he's in disguise.
Oh and the kid IS hurt. And smirky Ke Xing is the only one to realize too. He's redeeming himself. A little.
Zhou Xu lord guy doesn't want him to touch the kid though. Why?
Oooh, they're dancing again.
LOL, purple girl gets it. I saw that smile. I bet she's a shipper. What is the ship name? KeXu? ZhouXing? I literally had to scroll up and reread the names. We should just call them smirklord.
Okay, end of episode.
What did I learn? Names were dropped.  Zhou Xu lord guy has adopted the kid. Smirky guy is called Wen Ke Xing. He comes across a bit shady and pretentious and also flirty. Very flirty. But Purple girl is cool, and she trusts him so he must be kinda cool too. Still don't know who they really are and what they want. Like any of them. So far, I like the kid and purple girl best. I hope they all travel together to bring the kid to... wherever he's supposed to go.
Goals for future episodes: Find out who nut guy is. Learn the freaking names reliably. Find out people's connections to each other.
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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freebooter4ever · 4 years
Hello I just finished the Pacific and I'm dying. So it's time for me to delve into the fandom and try and fulfil my poor sledgefu heart. Have any recommendations on who's blog to look at or tags? Other than yourself because I most certainly will spend a solid 5 hours going through your tags. I've already seen a lot of your art and I think it's beautiful, just an FYI.
Oh boy do I ever have recs! It was only about a year ago that I was new to the fandom myself and slowly going through @aboutthatmelancholystorm and @persipneiwrites tumblr sledgefu tags every night, reading all of it, and being totally sucked in! ^_^ (I especially suggest Persipnei’s 3:16 AU where Sledge and Snafu are rock stars!) As for art, I think the biggest collection I know of is the blog @marines-r-gay. Some of my favorite sledgefu artist blogs include @skelesocks (Ace Eugene will hold a special place in my heart forever!) @badgerms and my old favorite the-heebiejeebies who sadly disappeared and deleted their blog :( but you can still find their old art in my ‘sledgefu’ tag on my blog like here. There’s no really ‘exculsively’ sledgefu artists out there right now, but there is a LOT of amazing older stuff to be found mixed into people’s blogs! My own art/writing sledgefu masterlist can be found here.
More specific fanfic recs under the cut! I’m focusing on oldies, because I think it’s fairly easy to find the newer ones on AO3 that are still being updated ^_^
Not Quite Home by Seabright - A fix it fic that really fixes things. Post war set in New Orleans with Eugene showing up on Snafu’s doorstep. Snafu is cantankerous and very in character and he /claims/ he can’t ‘fix’ Sledge, but let’s face it that’s why they need to fix each other. Snafu has a lot of walls up and Eugene breaks all of them down in his steadfast way. This fic captures Snafu perfectly - even in little things like in the way he fidgets and moves. Also the last kiss is just...SO good.
Canon Compliant
Roadverse by Seabright - There are a few authors exclusively on AO3 that like...if you haven’t read their entire sledgefu collection yet, you gotta! Seabright is one of them. Roadverse is set after the war and Snafu takes Eugene on a roadtrip to Florida, there’s a lot of introspection, they fall in love, definitely a happy ending! The writing here is what really shines.
After The Happy Ending by Handdaddyhoosier - Another author it’s worth reading their entire sledgefu collection. This one is also set after the war and is more domestic. A lot of fluff, a lot of slice of life, a lot of Sledge and Snafu dealing with homophobia and overcoming it (!!). Through it all Snafu and Eugene remain sooooo much in love that they’re stronger together and...yeah...it’s good. 
Christmas Even Will Find Me by SOMETHINREAL - My favorite canon compliant Sledgefu Christmas fic! It’s just perfect! Everybody is all together again after the war for Christmas and Eugene and Snafu are playing their own little dance between each other in the corner...they’re adorable. Plus there’s a happy ending!
Maybe You’ll Think Of Me When You’re All Alone by SOMETHINREAL - A very very good fix it fic for after the war. They’re both broken but they’re together and falling in love all over again, yay! I live for first pining and emotional kiss scenes and this is one of the best!
These Foolish Things Remind Me of You by Spoondragon - Merriell is quirky and weird and collects things and his last line in the fic is gOLD. Basically them being cute, with a first kiss. I highly rec ALL of spoondragon’s sledgefu fics!
To Make Much of Time by Hueligan - FIX THE TRAIN SCENE. I will read almost any variation of that train scene where Snafu makes it right, and this one does! AND THEN RUINS IT. So fair warning, you will fall in love with this fic but then it will break your heart. Kinda like Snafu. But it’s ok cause then you can go read one of the OTHER many fix it fics and mend it again.
Tilled Earth by Killerqueenie - Okay, this is one of my absolute FAVORITES. Snafu finds Eugene playing farmer boy in a small town outside of Mobile ten years after the war and Snafu signs himself on as a ranch hand. This one ACTUALLY fixes the train scene. Eugene is prickly and untrusting and Snafu has to earn his right to waltz back into his life. And oh gosh the love each other so so much!
The Magic Helmet by jspringsteen - Cute adorable and totally in character, canon compliant and not actually sledgefu except for some delightful hints that they are into each other more than they let on. It’s just such a great moment for Snafu’s character that I’ve reread this on multiple occasions.
All You Got by ssstrychnine - Another fix it fic (I know, I love these). This follows canon so well it’s seamless and only adds subtle touches of love between Gene and Snafu - so very believable as a part of the actual show. This author has four fics on AO3 for sledgefu and I suggest reading them all!
The Jazz Lights of New Orleans by Gracefully - Yet ANOTHER fix it fic! Give me them all!!! 
Like It’s Only You And Me by SJTrinity - Snafu is an artist in this so of course I’m going to biased, but this is one of my absolute favorite college AU’s. All our favorite characters are there, including Bill, Burgie, Andy, and Eddie (and even Pops! as a fatherly figure to Snafu though he’s only referenced). Snafu is as chaotic as ever. The romance is hot! There are parts where I almost bust a gut laughing. Also anytime Eugene gets all haughty and bossy with his little furrowed brow over Snafu that’s like A+ for me.
Learning Curve by Seabright - ok THIS fic defines ultimate pining over Gene for me. I have never related to Snafu more. There’s a description of Eugene swimming in a pool that just..yeah...I have feelings. Anyway, it’s a college AU that is tragically UNFINISHED and will rip your heart out, BUT the same author also has a whole bunch of more canon related fic where the two of them do get together, so that eases the sting a little. 
F.M.L by @badgerms - I maybe have a thing for swimmers, but I love this swimming college AU especially because it’s in Gene’s POV but done so well that it feels real. This fic also delves into mental illness and mental self flagellation (there are some moments that hit REAL hard if you’ve ever had eating disorders). But on top of all that, I feel like lollki really captured what is so magnetic about Snafu, and by having Gene put him on this impossible pedestal it kinda reflects what a lot of us in the fandom do with his character. Snafu makes his existence look effortless and thoughtless, Gene is incredibly jealous of how Snafu just lives, their competition is ENTHRALLING.
The Kind Of Stuff That Only Prince Would Sing About  by @stolperzunge A coffee shop AU that has Sledge and Snafu just slowly and sweetly falling in love. This one is from Snaf’s pov and since I identify with him more you know I’m gonna love it lol! There are some GREAT funny lines, Snafu has personality in spades. Eugene is a grandad hipster type who also writes erotica....I dunno it’s all amazing go read it.
There Will Be Better Days by SydneyCarton - High school AU. As someone who had a fairly shitty high school experience and many bad holidays, this is...cathartic. Gene is definitely more the caretaker here, he saves Snafu in a way that’s just as strong as when he picked him up on the battlefield. But it’s all emotional, and Snafu is this scared prickly kid. And Gene is the honor roll kid who has to play the role of best friend secretly in love with the one person who matters most to them. This author never wrote anything else for Sledgefu and I wish they had!
Okay, that’s a whole bunch! There’s even more in my aO3 bookmarks! This list is just me going through my bookmarks and selecting the ones that I especially remembered and is by no means exhaustive of all my favorites in this fandom. Joining the Pacific train late means there’s a whole lot to choose from and explore...but it also means the list of active blogs is short and not a lot of new content gets posted every day :( I think the Sledgefu community is still going pretty strong, though! Welcome!
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vivalamusaine · 3 years
LSNSJSNSJDNJDD IDK WHY IT TOOK ME SO LONG BUT I DIDNT REALIZE YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WROTE PRESQUE VU!!!! It is literally my favorite fic ever in the entire world!! I’m so excited to read the next chapter which just means I’m gonna reread the entire fic!!! A million kudos because the story is so well written and has such a special place in my heart!!!!!! I’ve had it bookmarked on AO3 forever!!!
HOLY SHIT!!! I’m so happy right now anon.
I’m smiling ear to ear this is such a nice message to get after uploading the latest chapter. 
I hope you enjoy the re-read!!! It’s going to be a long one haha. I am joining you in a revisit before I write the last chapter. 
You’re so kind!! Please let me know what you think once the fic is finished! This message means the world to me
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mego42 · 4 years
author meme
Tagged by - @sothischickshe
Tagging - @foxmagpie @pynkhues @missmaxime @hereliesbethboland @septiembur
ao3 name: ms_scarlet
fandoms: on ao3, the 100 and good girls
number of fics: 16
fic I spent the most time on: hahahahahaha oh my god song is going on 6 months what the fUC K
fic I spent the least amount of time on: probs a tie between as the world turns, the blunt burns and any of the prompt chapters. with the prompts i specifically challenge myself to do them in under 2 hours (i’d say this is why i’ve only filled 3 but really i’m just mercurial which, in this instance at least, is a fancy way of saying flaky).
most hits: an old alternative s4 the 100 fic but a song inside the halls of the dark is gaining on it
most kudos: there’s blood in my body (another t100 fic, my one and only AU), for gg, also song
most comments: song, which makes sense as it has, you know, chapters
most bookmarks: there’s blood in my body again, song for gg
highest total word count: ahahahahaha song by a mile
favourite fic I wrote: i don’t know how to answer this tbh, shamelessly stealing @sothischickshe’s answer of i’m partial to all of them for different reasons! i guess i’m currently particularly proud of the don’t close your eyes ‘verse (currently consisting of both hands and listening, i’m not saying there’s going to be a third part but i’m not not saying that). writing in so many (hopefully) distinct voices with unique and (again, hopefully) fully fleshed out feeling points of view has been a neat challenge and i’m p proud of how it’s come out. i am also absurdly into the way the timelines of both (and eventually maybe all three) pieces weave together even though i have to use a cheat sheet to keep it straight
fic I want to rewrite/expand on: i don’t hate myself enough to open the door to rewriting anything because if i started realistically i would never stop. i went back and started rereading the beginning of song to make sure i was looping everything into the ending right and had a solid three days of oh fuck i would redo, like, all of this. not necessarily because i think it’s bad or anything (though i am on a constant and never satisfied quest for perfection but that’s a personal problem we don’t need to get into) but because the way i thought about the fic evolved significantly over the course of me writing it and there’s def some thematic stuff i’d go back and build up more.
share a bit of a wip or story idea you’re working on: mmm well lets see, i’m most of the way through the draft of the last chapter of listening, so that’s neat. have had to spend an obnoxious amount of time in dean’s head which makes me feel dirty but whatever. i’ve also v v v loosely outlined a third part to round the ‘verse out into a trilogy. it’d be a beth POV 5+1 that would start around the beginning of listening (which is pre-both hands), fill in some missing scenes from both and probably end either concurrently with listening or not long after.
other than that, obvs working on the last two chapters of song which are p thoroughly outlined, just waiting to be drafted. i’ve also outlined and started drafting what was supposed to be a fairly contained sex pollen PWP but is already upwards of a ridiculous number of words and has mostly been plot so far so that, you know, went off the rails.
i’ve also been thinking a lot about the pacific rim au again. it stalled out because i could not for the life of me figure out how to address everyone’s canon kid situations in satisfactory ways and couldn’t bring myself to leave the concept of kids out entirely (i know plenty of people have written wonderful and in character examples of the characters without kids but my brain is stuck in a box and i can’t get there for myself, it’s extremely annoying tbh), but i thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink i maybe cracked it so we’ll see if that actually ends up happening 
at my current rate of production this should take me all the way through to the show coming back, maybe beyond so i think that’s probably enough. *kicks snippets, prompts and ideas folder under the bed* one day i’m gonna write a buffyverse au, though, it’s only a matter of time.
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ancano · 4 years
YoI Fanfic Recs
Okay so I just wanna share some love and show y’all some amazing fanfics that I have personally read and absolutely adored!! You’ll likely see repeated authors, either cuz I follow them on tumblr or cuz I’ll raid their uploads once I find one I really like. Also apparently I read a lot of A/B/O so if that isn’t your thing sorry hhhhhh
No particular order for these, just going down my bookmarks and history lists on ao3
Glitter & Gold by plisetskytrash and victurius (I just caught up with this one and oh my god I love it.) Summary - In a world where drugs, sex, and violence rule, Viktor Nikiforov is the king. As the Pakhan of the Russian Mafia (the Bratva) he is responsible for murder and mayhem across multiple continents and that’s just the way he likes it. The only problem is that a new leader has risen to power in America – known only as ‘JJ’ – and he starts to intrude on Viktor’s territory.Not only is that rude, it’s damn right unacceptable.So, Viktor sets out to find out as much about JJ as he can, including infiltrating the businesses he owns, such as The Kiss and Cry, a sleazy club that works as a front for an exclusive exotic omega strip club that only the richest and most powerful men can access. Naturally, Viktor has no trouble getting inside. Once he’s there, however, his plans are thrown out of the window when he spots a beautiful, young Japanese omega with chocolate-brown eyes and an ass to die for. There’s only one problem: Viktor swore he’d never mate an omega.Will Viktor manage to stay focused on his mission? Or will this omega break Viktor’s most important rule?
Eros and Agape by ImaTastyPorkCutletBowl and Spunky0ne (you’ll see a couple works from these guys in this list because they are *chef’s kiss* amazing) Summary - For as long as Victor can remember, Yakov and Lilia have protected him from being discovered to be an Omega by helping him to project as an Alpha. But at the Grand Prix Final banquet, he comes face to face with the man destined to be his husband.
NEXT LEVEL: Nights After Dreams by RipVanGabriel (this is a LONG one, I haven’t even gotten very far in it, but trust me it’s worth it) Summary -  The silver medal was hard fought and won, but now the stakes are higher than ever. Five gold medals loom on the horizon, but more importantly, the "life and love" within the gold rings. Yuri and Viktor's relationship grows as they get back on the competition road, and new complications rise with them. (Proper follow-up to the TV series; not AU, no crack ships, no weird shit.)
Wait! But, I’m not Yakuza! by ImaTastyPorkCutletBowl, SesshomaruFreak, and Spunky0ne (like I said, these guys, *chef’s kiss* I refuse to admit how many times I’ve reread the 2 chapters that are currently posted. I’m also the only person commenting on it last i checked which is a fucking shame, so y’all go comment on this amazing fic pls) Summary - The Katsuki family, except for the Hasetsu Katsukis, are the largest and most powerful Yakuza family in Japan, so it’s not surprising that poor Yuuri keeps getting mistaken for one of his distant relatives. On a trip to Russia with his father, Yuuri stumbles into a bar to avoid a group of rough looking punks, and he comes face to face with a beautiful, silver-haired exotic dancer. Things get crazy when Yuuri sees the lovely dancer being abused and steps in, only to get himself beaten into unconsciousness. He wakes in his hotel room and finds a note next to his bed…”Thank you for your kindness. I’m sorry those ruffians hurt you. It’s better you stay away. I don’t want anything else bad to happen to you. Vitya” He should go home. He should just forget the man, but Yuuri can’t help himself…Victuuri, intersex Victor, intersex pregnancy, lots of flustered Yuuri!
Love’s Requiem by Kashoku (gonna be honest, I don’t even ship Yuuri/Yuri, but I enjoy this fic) Summary -  If you had asked Yuuri in Barcelona if there was anything that could ever bring him down from the high of being with Viktor Nikiforov, he would have laughed. But when the living legend suffers a career ending injury, it brings new struggles to their relationship. Viktor begins to drown his sorrows, and Yuuri finds himself being pulled beneath the surface in a way he’s not sure he can survive.
you’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be by roserelease (this shit right here is my fucking bread and butter y’all. I can’t even express how much happiness and love this fic gives me) Summary - More than anything, Yuuri wants to impress his cosplay role model Viktor Nikiforov. But after a horrible start to a convention weekend, he panics and backs out at the last second to meet his idol. Normally this would be fine, except Yuuri discovers too late that there's a little Viktor related secret inside the con vlog his best friend filmed over the course of the weekend for him...It's fine, he thinks. Embarrassing, but not the end of the world. And it's not like Viktor himself will ever see the con vlog, so why worry?(Except then Viktor does.)
Paying For Poison by SaerenDPity (another one of my absolute faves that sadly only updates once every other blue moon but when it does update I feel overwhelmingly Blessed) Summary - "Skater Katsuki?" Yuuri's eyes widened as he nodded, and suddenly Viktor Nikiforov was clutching at his coat. He barely registered that his childhood hero knew his name, he couldn't think on that when Viktor's voice was on the edge of breaking. Desperation lined his every movement."Yes th-that's me. Um… Mr. Nikiforov… Do… do you need help?"Viktor shook his head violently and shoved his hand into Yuuri's pocket. Yuuri only had time to squeak before Viktor was backing away, breathing heavily. "Please… please buy me."…Years after Viktor Nikiforov suddenly disappeared from the public eye, he resurfaces at the Rostelecom Cup, desperate for help. And Yuuri simply cannot abandon the man who inspired almost every aspect of his life, and so, he makes the decision to do just as Viktor asks - buy his services as an omega for one night.
Drowning In Your Love by MysticLipstick (another rarely updated fic that I’m head over heels for. please feed me, I need MORE) Summary -  Victor Nikiforov has always gotten away with being a whore in college. Being the top athlete swimmer has gained him tons of attention, championships and girls. However, a cosmic encounter with Yuuri Katsuki has him questioning everything—including his sexuality. Yuuri’s shy nature and blatant disregard for Victor’s fame has Victor chasing him—something he’s never done, but Yuuri shuts him down. Completely.
November’s Secret by LanaBerry (I’ve reread this one about 5 times already tbh) Summary - Overwhelmed with anxiety and his fear of failing, Yuuri faces the issue of if he should continue skating. His best friend, Yuko, proposes a solution - if no one knows it's you, then it's less embarrassing, right? Yuuri begins to create a completely new disguise and persona.But it works a little too well.Before he knows it, Yuuri has become the biggest mystery of the skating world and everyone wants to know who he is. Especially Viktor Nikiforov, the idol he's been loosely basing his new persona on for years.
The ‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’ series by Reiya (recently finished rereading this one, always so fucking good) Summary - ‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’ A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
With What We Once Had by MagicalMirai (this one is just too cute tbh) Summary -  They called it quits, over a year and a half ago. But even though he should have been expecting it, Yuuri can’t help but feel suffocated when he bumps into Victor at the Grand Prix final, whilst holding his son. The son... he never told Victor about.
Nerve Endings by Phyona (this one is next on the “to reread” list) Summary -  When Yuuri moves in with Victor in St. Petersburg, they have to work through Yuuri's anxiety and Victor's secrets to find their balance.
Puppy Love by Phyona (another phyona fic and it’s just way too fucking cute tbh) Summary - When Yuuri gets turned into a dog, the last place he expects to end up is Victor Nikiforov's apartment. He learns quickly that the only thing worse than being his idol's pet, is watching him pine for someone else.Warning: Makkachin has recently passed away at the start of this story.
The Stars on his Cheeks by QueenWinterofLuna (this one was actually written for a prompt I personally requested and I absolutely adore it, even still) Summary -  A short drabble based on this Tumblr request from @napsushi: Can you write a fic where Yuuri discovers Victor has freckles and is just over the moon about it? This fandom needs more freckled Vitya.
This is all I can find and think of for now but if I remember more I’ll be sure to update it!!
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