#why bother then lmao??
haropla · 6 months
huh. now that I know my sis just doesn’t give a shit about my feelings or what I think, it’s oddly liberating.
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lazylittledragon · 20 days
ok someone please correct me if i'm wrong but am i weird for thinking those 'audiobooks don't count as reading' posts are ableist as fuck????
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australet789 · 7 months
"Alastor is a villain because he chained poor Husk 🥺"
I think you all forget THIS is the Husk that made the deal with Alastor:
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The Husk that was so careless and selfish that was gambling SOULS, to the point he gambled his own soul away to save his powers.
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a2zillustration · 11 months
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Would anyone ELSE like to admit they've been personally victimized by the god or goddess they follow?
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astrolavas · 1 year
my art style is too simple for this but just know that when i draw post-ttt hunter, in my mind he has central pink-brown heterochromia. like this, kinda:
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brawlite · 6 months
i posted about this on twitter with the comment of "lol, lmao, even," but i got this silly comment on ao3 yesterday:
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and i'm sure there's something to be said about hate comments and bait like this, but all i can think of is: the peerless cucumber energy of it all,
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demeterdefence · 7 months
even ignoring everything else wrong with lore olympus (which in itself feels impossible) there is just something really egregious and insulting at the way a "modern retelling" over an ancient greek myth just full-heartedly whitewashes the entire culture and mythos.
and it's not like rachel is the first to do it - greek myths and legends have been whitewashed for centuries, depictions of the gods have been categorically stripped of their ethnicity and origins long before rachel got a hold of them. it's the fact that rachel goes out of her way to insult the original myths whenever she can, that she emphasizes and pushes a western-centric mindset and viewpoint over and over and over and not only reinforces the whitewashing, but continues it down the line.
like, this is the first episode.
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rachel goes out of her way to mock the original styles and wardrobes of the ancient greek world, and i get her attempt was to make persephone feel "out of place" with the more "modern" clothing that the other gods wear, but it really just does more to a) demonize demeter, who is almost always in traditional clothing, b) sexualize persephone.
go even broader with it, move away from the clothing itself, and rachel doesn't even bother to use any of the ancient traditions that are core to the myths. like for the love of god, she uses a christian wedding for persephone and hades!
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greece is the birthplace of modern democracy and had a powerful judicial system, and rachel instead uses the modern / western iteration of court because ... why not
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(completely unrelated but the inserts of everyone except eros and aphrodite come from the stupid zoom session zeus had back when he first charged persephone with treason, meaning we have proof yet again that rachel isn't drawing the characters into the scene, she's making pngs and sticking them into pre-arranged backgrounds downloaded from stock images)
and there are ten thousand more examples i could pull, because this is just the whole entire comic. you can look at a lot of modern adaptions and see where things have been modernized respectfully, and where they are done with disdain for the source material - no one is claiming percy jackson, for example, is perfect, but the author took a great deal of care in his research, and the love for the original myths and culture shine through. lore olympus has zero respect for the original stories, exemplified in how rachel demonizes demeter - the actual crux of the myth. it's bad writing and bad research and further attempts to whitewash a rich and storied culture that had people from so many walks of life, who existed in full spectrum of lgbt identity, who did not conform or even know of the world that exists today. you can modernize without erasing it, and rachel's refusal to do so is one of the many issues tacked to lore olympus.
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endlesspaint · 2 months
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My version of a Semi-Human!Bill :3
He's just a silly (evil) guy hellbent in throwing the biggest party in the whole universe. Had fun designing him!
Just Bill 👇
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melodyatlas · 1 month
actually yknow what's underrated??? jayroytim
gimme post outlaws jason and roy besties with Extreme sexual tension that roy just fucks around with others to (unsuccessfully) get it out of his system and tim who is showing up around them both more and more bc he and jason actually understand each other in ways the rest of the bats don't and even tho they argue it's a good kind of arguing and they need the companionship and with all of this going on roy ends up falling into bed with tim and then when jason finds out he ends up going 'yknow what? fuck this. bedroom. both of you. now." and that's that
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my OTHER toxic knitting trait is ignoring gauge entirely for plushies and being pleasantly surprised by the creacher's final size when it's done
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trainerblack · 3 months
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My finest selection of dragon bingqius i drew in ms paint with the trackpad. :3c
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orpheuslament · 1 day
made the mistake of googling something to know if other ppl w bpd could relate & instead found a bunch of websites talking about how we are the worst most abusive people on earth :) thanks
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 months
I'm invested now, why don't you like fluttercord?
Okay, here we go then, why don't I like one of the most famous and prolific ships on the fandom?
First of all, there's a major power imbalance at play, you know, chaos god that can reshape mind and reality with a snap of his fingers matched with a regular pegasus girl, and an drastic age difference (which could be discarded cause Fluttershy's an adult, just worth a mention.)
But the primary issue comes from the canon itself, especially with how they came together. Fluttershy was just shafted for her full responsibility to be to make sure Discord gets better; Something that already was a strange choice of Celestia (like girl why are you throwing a random mortal you dont know that well onto a godlike chaos being even you struggled with? It reeks of writers already having come up a solution and not wanting to build a foundation to lead there.) and canon proves again and again that if discord doesnt have fluttershy around, he will make bad choices and hurt people, something that gets proven again and again all the way to gen fucking five. That's textbook codependency and it makes it even more weird by the incredible, terrifying power imbalance. Discord isnt just an alicorn, hes the only one of his kind because of how powerful he is, and his powers are insanely dangerous to have on a relationship with a mortal. Like, you saw how he was when he was jealous of Fluttershy for having a diffrent friend. Can you imagine what he'd do if somebody flirted with her? (even if they weren't dating, if Fluttershy said she got a girlfriend or whatever, Discord would straight up throw rainbow dash on a labyrinth of infinite agony)
I think my primary issues come from the canon because he is always abusing his powers, never using them wisely, and always causing trouble (WHICH WAS THE ORIGINAL POINT OF EVEN BRINGING HIM BACK TOO)-- And the ratio of slaps on the wrist lower dramatically by the end (the final conflict is entirely his fault purely because he thought having a conflict would be cool)-- All of which just makes him untrustworthy to be on a relationship with a mortal hes obssesed with. He'd be like a yandere boyfriend exept a chaos god, which, yikes!
Srsly the fact that cozy glow the toddler gets sent to hell and turned to stone instead of the chaos god that sponsored her is just plain WEIRD. It's a writers problem.
There's a reasons why Alicorns have to ascend, earn their power-- And why they tend to abuse it less. Being born with power just begets a diffrent attitude towards it; Which is smth that the writers do interpret quite well, with how Discord acts. he has no empathy, he doesnt need to care, because reality is his to shape, and then boom, teaching someone to be better just became a lot harder. Good character! Very funny, very well designed and voiced-- But goddamn he's weirdly written as a ""Good"" guy.
Now lets finally turn to the woman in the relationship. because Fluttershy is a normal mortal gal with a normal mortal life with her own needs, which generally shouldn't have to involve her entire life or routine on making sure a godlike manbaby does the right thing with his powers. it doesn't feel like the kind of thing that has any consent to it, after all, discord doesnt need to ask for anything, he can just do. (THANKS FOR THE IDEA CELESTIA) It just reeks of a kind of misoginy-ass writing where the woman has to bend over backwards for the man.
Its like the shy pegasus was just. Set up for LIFE on this strange relationship. Its kind of creepy.
And Fluttershy just deserves better than him in my opinion; And she can do better, too. Also it doesnt help that you know-- 99% other ship with fluttershy dont have any of these issues lmao. Even canon Rainbow Dash would treat her better, so i dont bother with Fluttercord ever!
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paimonpudding · 2 months
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This is genuinely the stupidest thing I’ve ever made and I had a BLAST with it
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How about some rlly fluffy & also smutty headcanons for being reunited with Sirius after he escapes Azkaban🫣🤭
♡ Sirius almost can’t believe it. How do you look even better in your thirties than you did during young adulthood???
♡ But seriously. You look absolutely beautiful; Sirius is stunned at how you’ve only gotten better with age
♡ Sirius has never been one for insecurity, but he definitely feels a little self conscious around you after you’ve reunited
♡ Obviously Sirius isn’t at his physical peak after Azkaban. He’s dirty, greasy, smelly, and extremely malnourished, but those things aren’t necessarily what he’s insecure about
♡ It’s also clear to him how much you’ve grown and matured over the last decade. No longer are you a young twenty year old, a rebel without a cause, nor your actions determined simply by your emotions.
♡ You’re a grown woman now. Rational, intelligent, capable, and emotionally stable. Sirius is self-aware enough to realize he’s missed out on a lot of learning and growing, but he tries to be a good man and partner for you.
♡ If you were married before he was sent to Azkaban, you’ll find that Sirius never lost his wedding band. Even after the ring no longer fit any of his fingers because he’d grown too thin, Sirius held onto it.
♡ He can’t get enough of your scent. He’d become so accustomed to the horrible stench of Azkaban and its inhabitants that he’d almost forgotten how good a person can smell.
♡ If you’re hugging, cuddling, etc, your best bet is that Sirius’s nose is going to be buried in your hair or neck. He claims he’ll never take clean scents for granted ever again
♡ It’s no secret Sirius takes loyalty very seriously; it’s one of his core values and something he takes a lot of pride in. So once he learns you never remarried or officially moved on from him? Oh, baby, he’s enchanted enamored by you.
♡ If you tell him to jump he’ll ask how high. He’ll feel he could never return the favor of your loyalty all those years while he was away, so he’ll be doing everything in his power to make up for it for the rest of his life.
♡ “Love” is not a deep enough word to describe his feelings for you
♡ Slow, sensual, lots of praise, and a small side of a breeding kink
♡ A decade in Azkaban has made Sirius a fan of the smaller things in life. Why rush to get to the act of penetration when he could take his sweet time instead? What’s the hurry?
♡ Foreplay is easily his favorite part of sex.
♡ “Focus on the journey, not the destination” ass
♡ He loves to make out. Whether it’s laying together in bed, dry humping, or you sat on the kitchen counter in front of him, legs wrapped around his hips
♡ Sirius just loves kissing
♡ I’ve said this before, but he has a newfound love and appreciation for oral sex. There’s nothing sweeter than his face between your legs, sloppily making out with your cunt. There’s nowhere his tongue hasn’t tasted
♡ The sheets below your ass are soaking after he’s finished. It’s hard to say if it’s majority his spit or your pussy juice
♡ Sirius loves wet head. Giving and receiving. Do not hold back on the saliva while sucking his cock. The wetter the better. Relishes in the sight and feeling of dribble spilling out of your mouth and making a mess of the bedding and his crotch
♡ Despite rebeling against the anti muggleborn rhetoric his parent’s tried to force on him, Sirius is pretty traditional otherwise. I think he wants a kid, so you’ll be hard pressed to find Sirius cumming anywhere except your cunt. On occasion he’ll even put a stop to a blow job to blow a load in your pussy rather than your mouth
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survivalove · 10 months
blah blah something something about how fandom gravitate towards more individualistic characters because they’re easier to understand compared to community-oriented characters whose character development is very much tied to their culture/nation because understanding a single character is easier to understand than a character AND an entire culture, especially when said culture is based off a marginalized community that exists in real life 🫠 and said fandom is majority WHITE.
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