#why do i even keep track of these things
but-im-unbreakable · 1 year
i mean never say never but with the 4th uk tour queens leaving and likely becoming the six team's first contacts in case of an emergency (assuming they contact recent former queens when castle hopping isn't possible and they need an emergency cover), it does look like west end 4.0 is on track be the first uk cast to not have an emergency cover queen from the previous cast!
og uk tour: renee lamb (arts theatre aragon)
west end 1.0: genesis lynea (arts theatre cleves, this one technically isnt the previous cast but the arts theatre cast was the only other previous cast so im counting it)
west end 2.0 + uk tour 2.0: maiya quansah-breed (og uk tour + og west end parr)
west end 3.0: courtney bowman (west end 2.0 boleyn), collette guitart (west end 2.0 swing, if you want to count her as an e/c but i'm not)
uk tour 3.0: athena collins (uk tour 2.0 parr)
uk tour 4.0: harriet watson (uk tour 3.0 alt), elena gyasi (uk tour 3.0 parr)
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arataka reigen/reader angst and fluff
× × ×
You're leaving again.
'It's just a short trip,' you'd assured him. 'I'll be back in a week.' 'I'll be back before you know it.' 'I'll be safe.' 'I won't die.'
He knows you'll be alright. He knows you'll be safe. He knows you'll be back in a week. He knows you won't die, but he can't— he can't get those horrible, horrible thoughts of you dying in unimaginably terrible ways out of his head. He knows you'll be okay, but he can't stop thinking about why, how, you might not be.
The two of you sit on those cold airport chairs, the metal chilling his skin. He holds your hand in a bruising grip, his knuckles white. He breathes hard, struggling to keep himself from crying. He shouldn't cry. He shouldn't cry.
Your suitcase sits in front of you as you scroll mindlessly on your phone, not paying attention to him. It's so cold. The steel of the chair is so cold. The air-conditioning is so cold. Why are you so cold to him right now?
Your hand is warm. Your thumb caressing the back of his hand is nice. You're nice. You're warm. You shouldn't leave. Why do you need to leave? Don't go.
He hears the words of the airport attendant over the speaker, announcing that the last flight of the day was prepared to be boarded. He panics, a tremor coming to his hands, his eyes growing wet and glassy with tears. He blinks them away before you can see.
You switch off your phone. You get up and off the chair, taking your luggage in a hand and beginning to walk off. His hand slips from yours, and he scrambles to follow.
He's too slow. He's too slow to follow you.
He stares at you as you walk. He stares as that god forsaken bag rolls across the smooth marble floors, making a sound so grating and horrid it makes him want to rip his ears from his head.
He shouldn't cry. He wants to stop you. He wants you to stay. He wants to say those words, he really, really wants to say those words.
'Don't go.'
As the doors slide shut, hiding you from view, he can't hold it in anymore.
He falls to his knees, burying his head in his hands. He cries, he sobs, he begs you to stay, knowing that you aren't here anymore, knowing you can't hear him.
He knows you'll be back. He knows you'll be fine. He knows you won't die. He knows you'll be safe. He knows you'll be fine when you come back. He knows when you'll come back.
Do you not like him? Do you hate him? Why do you have to leave?
He knows why. He can't come along. He wishes, he begs to whatever god is merciful, but none of them listen.
You're leaving again.
He knows he shouldn't cry. He really, really shouldn't cry, but he still, so selfishly, wants to say those words to you.
'Don't go.'
It's so cold. Why is it so cold? Why is the airport so empty? Why is it so dark?
Why can't you stay?
He dries his eyes, leaving the airport. The night is cold, silent, as if judging him. He's being so childish, crying and worrying over a week-long separation. He shouldn't cry.
The floor seems to swim and shift underneath his feet, as if trying to knock him to the ground. The night is falling apart. His vision is blurry. His head hurts. His hands shake. His knees tremble.
He boards the bus, sitting down on the cold plastic seats. He shouldn't cry. He shouldn't cry.
He checks his messages excessively, looking at your empty chat for hours, staring at the illuminated words on the bright screen.
'I'll be back soon!'
He imagines watching you lying down in a hospital bed. He imagines watching you pass on. He imagines your funeral. He imagines your gravestone. He imagines feeling the rough stone underneath his fingertips as he caresses it. He imagines bringing flowers to your grave. He imagines bringing your favourite food to your grave. He imagines crying at your grave. He imagines his tears wetting the soil. He imagines how lonely he'll be without you.
That night, he cries himself to sleep.
× × ×
You look so happy in those pictures you send him.
You're smiling. You're laughing. You're grinning.
You're so much more attractive than usual. You're so much more pretty than usual. Your eyes sparkle so much more than usual. Your hair is so much more shiny than usual. Your smile is so much more radiant than usual.
He stares at the pictures for hours.
He dreads the cold nights. He dreads the lonely mornings. He misses you.
He doesn't go to work all week. He stays at home, sitting in his cold, cold room, the blankets and coats and sweaters and scarves doing nothing. He's so cold without you. Why did you have to leave? You're so warm, and he's so cold. Why did you have to leave?
He doesn't eat, he barely sleeps, just staring at those pictures you sent him. Staring at your happy face, staring at your beaming smile. Staring at you.
Why are you so happy without him? Why don't you seem to miss him? What did he do wrong? Do you not love him? Why do you hate him?
He misses you. He loves you so, so much. He wants you to come back.
He counts the minutes. He counts the hours. He counts every minute you don't message him, and he counts every minute that you do. He counts every minute you call him, and he counts every minute you don't.
Seven more days. Six more days.
He misses you.
Five more days. Four more days.
He misses you.
Three more days. Two more days.
He misses you.
One more day.
He misses you.
× × ×
It's the last day. He's ecstatic, a wide, dopey grin plastered on his face as he quickly showers the first time that week and changes into something presentable. It's all for you.
He runs to the bus when you message that you're reaching soon. He sprints, almost falling over, scrambling up the bus's stairs and settling, shaking, into a cold plastic seat. He's still so, so cold without you. You're so warm, and he's going to be able to feel your heat again.
He stumbles out of the bus, almost falling over as he runs as fast as he can into the cold airport, almost slipping on the cold, smooth marble floors. He sits in the cold metal chair, waiting impatiently. He checks his messages obsessively, watching that live location thing you'd sent him. He watches as your little icon glides slowly across the path. It feels like it goes on forever.
You finally arrive.
He scrambles out of his seat, sprinting towards the doors as they slide open and you slip through. He runs into you, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing, squeezing so hard it pushes the air out of your lungs and leaves purple bruises on your skin.
He holds the back of your head in a tight, crushing hand, running his fingers through your hair. He buries his face in your hair, breathing in your shampoo. He's breathing heavily, and his breathing quickens further when you give a tight hug in return, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
He's shaking, you notice. His grip is tight, crushing, bruising, and he doesn't let go for a long, long time.
When he finally does, though, he lets out a long, slow sigh, his grip loosening a little as he puts some distance in between the two of you, just enough for him to look at your face. He cradles your cheek, his expression calm, calmer than you've ever seen it before.
"I missed you," he says simply, brushing his thumb over your cheekbone. You wrap your fingers around his wrist, pressing his palm to your face as you smile at him. "I missed you too."
Those words make him feel good, make him feel better than he's ever felt. You missed him. You missed him even though you were having so much fun. You still love him.
Your eyes light up.
"I got you a gift," you say excitedly, rummaging through your bag. You pull out a small box, about the size of your palm. He takes it from you almost immediately, ripping the cover off.
It's a bracelet. A small, silver one, elegant chain wrapping around winding branches. Gemstones line the sparkling metal. He struggles to get it on, his fingers shaky and his movements fast, almost frantic.
You laugh in amusement. "You like it?"
He envelops you in a crushing hug again, muttering and mumbling as his grip tightens around you. "I love it," you hear, barely intelligible. "I love you. Oh, I love you..."
He releases you from the suffocating hug, his hands on the small of your back.
"Can we go for ramen now?" He asks, almost begs. He's starving, not having eaten a proper meal for a week. "Please? Anata?"
Your heart flutters at the sound of him using that pet name for you. It's so, so rare to hear him calling you anything other than your name. You don't mind it, of course, but this is a... Pleasant surprise.
You smile. "Of course."
His dopey grin widens as he takes your hand in a bruising grip, leading you out of the airport and to his favourite ramen shop.
He's warm.
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puppyeared · 1 year
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ive made myself more wet and pathetic
#new icon because im SUFFERING. im in HELL#its so bad. i had to sign out of discord so now im both lonely and stressed#because i KNOW im still gonna get dstracted. i just did making this URGH#how good are brains at working around things. i once set a 7AM alarm on my phone with snooze cause i was so sure my brain would#be too lazy and keep snoozing instead of actually turning it off. but nay it either kept sleeping through the alarms and snoozing#or actually managed to turn off the alarm half awake that i barely remembered it and then waking up late#i actually have a track record of climbing out of bed and turning my alarm off without remembering. which is impressive bc i have a loftbed#the other thing is setting fake deadlines so make myself panic into doing things ahead of time. but unfortunately that doesnt work either#because if theres one thing my brain will put all its energy into remembering its self assurance. meaning i WILL be able to remember#the real deadline even if i try to trick myself. cant ask someone to give me a fake deadline either#the only things keeping me going rn is that i have deadlines due at least 1 day between each other and excitement being able to talk with#crow after break. but you can see how well thats going <- ignores long term rewards in favor of short term pleasure#BTW CROW IF YOURE READING THIS IM SO SORRY TURNING OFF MY DISCORD WITH BARELY ANY EXPLANATION#im a huge fucking dumbass and i had barely enough impulse control not to block everyone in my dms because i realized that would send a real#really bad msg. youre not distracting me im distracting myself and i promise youre not annoying me i just really like talking to you and#thats why im just barely stopping myself from signing in. I WANT TO TALK TO U LOTS BUT AT THE SAME TIME IM KICKING MYSELF FOR DOING IT#you can be a little mad at me btw cause i definitely could have done that better but i was all over the place abt how to do it without#making u think im ignoring you. IF THAT MAKES SENSE. SORRY#yapping#doodles#puppysona#edit but last week i tried to schedule and give myself work periods and break periods using my class schedule#and reminders on my phone to tell me when to start and stop. can you guess what happened
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alluralater · 7 months
just finished moving around/reorganizing my entire bedroom. i have cried three times today but now i’m laying in bed, my room smells of roses, and i’m eating french bread. this was not the bipolar hot girl mania i was promised but damn if i don’t do it well
#i haven’t been sleeping well at all whatsoever for the past two weeks and it’s gotten to the point where my dreams are so vivid but not just#like ugh i can’t explain it on here because im not about to open a whole can of worms like that in my tags and be like revealing#family secrets.#essentially i am having normal dreams but they are horrendously vivid and of no real purpose.#i woke up fucking like completely upset this morning and then started crying#my roommate thinks it’s because i haven’t been sleeping + everything else going on#and like ya know what she’s PROBABLY right#but even still i just need my body to LISTEN TO ME and stop being all sensitive!!!#i legitimately almost texted the loml this long text today and thank fuck i didn’t because who knows where that would lead#but i’ve been having dreams about them too and it’s frustrating me. like the universe is trying beyond all measure to push us back together#and i just have to keep saying no. it’s like this test of morality except it never fucking ENDS and the consequence is actually pleasure and#relief beyond measure. like— to even just kiss them again? to hear them say my name again.#whenever we’re out at the same time i can feel them staring at me and i can see them in my peripherals watching me#just fucking forcing this love into me. the feeling of their hands on my body and all of their questions about how i’m doing#god i can feel all of it.#i nearly fucking threw up last time a few weeks ago when they kept watching me and i got so overloaded with emotions and my fucking stomach#wouldn’t stop turning. but anyways right like— i cannot be with them and i don’t want to be. like yes im still attracted to them and yes i#feel all of these feelings but it stops me dead in my tracks when i remember what they said and the things they did.#i am not the woman who bends my convictions because i love someone. i can’t be that person. i won’t be that person. not for anyone and#not for them. but i see them in my dreams anyways and it is all too real and too present. it’s hardly ever the present so why. why why why?#it makes me terrified thinking that i will one of these nights just say yes and they’ll kiss me and everything that means anything in myself#will virtually mean nothing. like i won’t be a good person because i’ve knowingly allowed them to have me.#so anyways yeah and the fact that my snapchat memories and everything else are just FILLED with pictures and videos of us is killing me.#i really am scared that i’ll just give in. and what worse is that i would just double down and not tell anyone. i wouldn’t fucking#tell a soul if we did anything because i just know it isn’t right. and the fact that i know i wouldn’t be honest means i KNOW it’s bad.#so what the fuck. the fuck am i supposed to do when i have all these dreams and even just the ones about my mom and my brother#my family- i want to talk to them about it. i want to fucking cry to them and tell them how much it hurts that they hurt people and i’m just#some occasional exception to that because they love me. and i want to fucking scream. i want to know why. i want to fuck them until they#can barely breathe and then do it all over again. i want to feel their perfect fingers inside me and i want their mouth on mine. i fucking#HATE that they couldn’t be a good person. ugh okay anyways why did you read this??
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megumi-fm · 4 months
#okay random story time i don't know why im narrating this or how i even stumbled upon this memory rn#but i generally do sad vents in the tags and for a change this is a funny one#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot#i was an sg kid back then and the thing about parks there is that they're kinda beach-parks and they have the best cycling/running tracks#they're also really massive parks so i used to go often. sometimes bicycling. other times walking. yeah. the park was like my sanctuary#anyway. there are quite a few bike rental areas in the park and there was a cute lil shop next to this one particular rental place#and they sold like biscuits and water and icecreams and stuff and i went there a lot#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop#now again this might be culture specific bc i dont see it in india but part timing in uni/pre-uni is pretty common is sg#a lot of shops and restaurants employ teenagers to twenty something ppl for part time jobs... anyway im just adding context#point is that i had walked to the park with my mum that day and she told me to go buy a couple icecreams so i went to the shop#and i saw this guy around my age and like. not to be a simp but this dude was so pretty?#like he saw someone had come to the counter so he looked up and shot a smile and i thought i got slapped by sunlight#i could spend the next several lines going on about his pretty tan skin and his glowing raven eyes but this is pathetic enough so ill stop#anyway he saw me and smiled really wide (customer service smile- i thought to myself) and i smiled back and asked for icecreams or whatever#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'#see now. the problem with me is that i always think im bothering people. this poor dude was attempting to make conversation#and i was replying with one word answers#and i wasn't even realizing that he didnt want that. bc he kept asking more questions and i. kept. shutting them down.#then when he gave me the icecream he was all 'are you here alone? icecream alone is no fun... i could keep you company if you want..?'#which. he was being really cute about right. but because im so fucking dense i was all 'oh no i came with my mom actually'#and he went 'aw man' in this really cute but faux sad way which i didnt understand at the time and i left and then#after three full fucking days. i realized this man was tryna hit on me?#and then i went to the park like a week later and he was gone. poof. i even thought of asking the uncle in charge of that place#then i got too embarrassed and chickened out#yeah so turns out my neurodivergence neutralizes any sort of rizz that comes my way#i could've been chilling with a cute boyf rn but no😩 this is my destiny#megumi in the tags
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i don't even like video games so why have i been playing Red Dead 2 for the past eight hours gay
#i think me brain likes the Reward of successfully one hit killing things with a bow and arrow#i was born in the wrong generation (should've been a hunter gatherer)#i dont even care about the story!!! the tutorial / first chapter was tedious as fuck!#im only completing missions to unlock things so that i can Keep Fucking Around!!!#also my horse's name is wizard and if anything happens to her im killing everyone in this game#thankfully when the fuckin. asshole odriscolls Ambushed me i was riding a backup horse i'd just tamed#so THAT one died instead of my darling wizard. but still. cmon#she was a gorgeous buckskin... her name was gonna be Egg... i was on my way to the stable to name her...#BUT YEAH I DONT EVEN LIKE THIS GAME ALL THAT MUCH WHY CANT I STOP PLAYING#maybe my brain is like 'oh my god finally something New. something other than the same shit we've been doing'#killin turkeys and deer#i tracked an elk into a train tunnel AND HIT IT!!#but it didnt die!!! and ran out!!! and then i couldnt find it!!! cmon!!#this game is so infuriating Why Cant I Stop#absolutely unprompted#though i have been thoroughly entertaining myself with my own antics#'i want to be nice to people 🥺'#ten seconds later im killing a man i couldve easily saved purely bc there were no witnesses around <3#well! he would'a talked! i got a camp to protect and provide for!#oh ok yeah i also think my brain likes being able to be a rugged western man w a beard#riding horses and Providing in a slutty little outfit i picked out#most of the game is Such A Drag (as my darling shikamaru would say)#but there are some good bits. addicting bits. sigh#like the allure of open world. optional story. yeah <3#no rules <3
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okay but it’s like. if Lae’zel was in the modern day she’d be the top of all her classes (beating Gale who would be so fucking mad about it), on every sports team, head of the prom committee, just constant after-school activities, total overachiever, and she will not accept being second place to anybody. meanwhile Karlach is on every sports team but she doesn’t really want to be, she just wants to do sport for fun and hang out with her friends, but the head of P.E. made her join because she’s good at it. unfortunately getting mad about it makes her compete better. Shadowheart grew up in a weird church and was definitely homeschooled for most of her life and is only in a mainstream school for sixth form because her weird church want her to recruit new members (she sucks at convincing people the church is good). sometimes she says fucking insane things totally seriously and everyone in the class goes what the fuck. Wyll is a very nice empathetic boy who tries to get along with everyone including Shadowheart even though she roleplays warrior cats at lunchtime and Lae’zel even though she threatens to murder him if he gets a higher grade in the debate than her, and it blindsides everyone when they find out his dad is the Head Teacher. Gale would be taking five A-Levels instead of three or four solely for the academic clout it brings him. Astarion should have graduated ten years ago and nobody knows why he’s still here. Withers is the school nurse.
#idk why I wrote this or even why I thought of it but here you go#bg3 secondary school au apparently#also there wasn’t enough room to add:#Shads walks the mile in P.E. and got put in lunchtime remedial swimming lessons she doesn’t go to#Wyll gets asked to be on school council every year because he’s popular and well-liked and his dad is the Head but he keeps turning it down#he’s also nice to the dinner ladies and they give him extra helpings because they love him#Viconia phones the school almost daily to keep track of Shadowheart’s progress and everyone is fucking sick of her#Jaheira is the teacher all the gays flock to#Minsc is the school groundskeeper and there’s a running bet on whether Boo is real or not because nobody has ever seen him#(except Shads because she likes to sit under the tree at the end of the field and sometimes Boo sits with her but nobody asked her)#is Lae’zel Paris from gilmore girls? no comment.#Karlach really just wants to be on the football team and nothing else. she’s goalie.#Wyll is on a couple of sports teams because he wants to hang out with Karlach and she’s always busy with sport but it’s not really his thin#*thing#however he is in every school musical and he fucking loves that shit#Gale was definitely the smartest in his old school and then when he moved for sixth form he isn’t top of the class any more#and it’s causing him some Mental Distress#Arabella is one of those kids in primary school who are super smart in a certain subject and put in the gifted class and they do monthly#field trips to the secondary school and Gale volunteers to help teach year 7-8 level topics to them#Minthara runs the maths department like it’s the fucking navy
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goldensunset · 8 months
amazes me that people can remember information about routes in pokémon games. like ‘i loooove route 217 ❤️’ ‘route 209 has such a banger theme!!!’ ‘have you made it to route 225?’ ‘you can find this rare pokémon on route 210!’ bestie those are numbers. those are just numbers to me how do you remember which area is which. i think i have a general idea of most of them but i still have to look them up every time i need to refer to them in conversation
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buffysummers · 1 month
the thing is, blake was fine talking about her pregnancy. she was talking about it all press tour, in plenty of other interviews. ones even from that same day. she was open about it, that's the weird thing, why was she suddenly rude for no reason when she was fine with talking about it with other people.
also blake is getting called out for a lot more things than just that, so to say 'oh the world is just hating on a woman again!' is kinda ignorant. people are also talking about how she got married on a plantation, how she ran a blog about how amazing the aesthetic of the 'Antebellum South era' and romanticized is when slavery was very much around at that time, she openly said trans slurs, and now more recently romanticizing a movie about dv and marketing it as a 'fun sexy rom com', never speaking about the dv aspects, and using it to promote her hair line + alcohol brand. her husband also crossed the picket line and was a scab bc they let it slip he wrote on the film during the writer's strike. Justin is the only member of the entire movie who has spoken seriously and empathetically about the dv in the movie and how important it is to talk about, he also has a long history of being a feminist and speaking loudly about those issues as well as racism, homophobia, etc with his podcast.
again I just dont think writing this off with that 'everyones gonna hate on the women for no reason' mindset is correct. and frankly bordering into white feminism territory. she's done ignorant and harmful things and has the right to be called out for them.
Okay, thanks for the essay. The issue is that these people are pulling up shit from a long time ago. And she apologized for the plantation issue. The point is, women are not allowed to make mistakes. It doesn’t matter how many years pass, whether they apologized, how nice and kind they are 98% of the time. She was rude once? Okay? She’s not allowed to be in a mood? Like… what? Also do you expect a normal person to have a laundry list of every bad thing a woman has done? Like why do you have that so readily available?
All of this is happening because of Justin’s PR guy. It is a smear campaign. Like, to say that this kind of vitriol is warranted is also a bit ignorant. If you can’t see that this is happening because she’s a woman, well then that’s a bit ignorant too :(
Also… I have to laugh. Working on this movie and trying to have a productive conversation about DV is ignorant. Going into this movie expecting some kind of profound exploration of DV is laughable. Like… the source material is trash. Taking this movie seriously is hilarious. No one involved takes this seriously except for Justin. Makes you wonder what he’s hiding behind. Blake making it into a silly little movie is actually less harmful than whatever Justin is attempting to do.
If you are interested in watching something that is actually meaningful and explores the dangers of DV in a raw and profound way, check out “Big Little Lies.”
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medicinemane · 2 months
I don't know... horrible things happen all around the world and it's not a competition
Atrocities are committed against multiple groups in multiple parts of the world at the exact same moment, and none of them erase each other. They all matter, all the people in this world who are being brutalized matter. There shouldn't be any line you draw where one group doesn't actually matter as much as another
You're welcome to prioritize your energy towards helping one group or another, but what's not ok is invalidating or dismissing people who are actively being harmed
Same goes for trying to figure out which social group has things worst (and lets be honest, always using a US lens)
Like... maybe the important thing is to prop each other up and help everyone get on their own feet rather than trying to... pick fights about if physical disabilities or mental illness are less respected (I'm trying to pick a more absurd example but sadly I've seen exactly that argument happen before). Maybe it doesn't really matter and what matters is helping who we can when we can
I'm tired of it, I'm just fucking tired of it. Support people, champion them when the world is just brutalizing them, but you don't need to throw a single other person under the bus to do that
Which seems to be an absolutely impossible lesson for people to learn
#I won't say anything else on this; but I will say that to me one of the groups that it feels like is most forgotten is Syrians#including by me if I'm honest#I don't know what's currently happening in Syria... but... my understanding is it still hasn't really gotten better#assad is still brutalizing people last I had heard#so rather than saying anything else I'd prefer to simply focus on some people it feels like were forgotten back during Obama#and... and have remained forgotten#and I'm sorry I can't do more to help with the suffering in the world#but... you notice what I'm not having to do here?#I'm not having to throw a single other person under the bus#I'm able to just focus on how much I wish for Syrians to be ok (which is a hollow gesture on my part in many ways I think)#and I can keep all the focus on Syrians rather than throwing anyone else under the bus or doing any whataboutism#and that's literally all I'm asking of you fucking people#don't downplay human misery to try and make your thing seem more important#they're both fucking important... they're all important#there's so much suffering I can't even keep up with it#there's so much of it that I can only name without knowing the details; Congo; I believe Sudan is still suffering; Haiti#I don't know how things are in Ethiopia right now... I can't keep track#and none of these situations and the horrible things they're dealing with; things I haven't even been able to follow#none of it detracts from and of the issues I am following more closely#I don't need to compare them and say 'well it's not as bad'; because... bad is bad and any is too much#and nothing I say here will do a damn thing; no one'll hear and even if they did they'd ignore it or get pissed#that's what my evidence shows me about how people behave#but suffering isn't a competition; the correct amount is zero#and... perhaps I'd have more tolerance if I hadn't watched how you behave with stuff#...the worst part is the person I adore who... man... I wish I could just get them to really think through their words#they mean well; they're coming from a place of love; but I just haven't been able to paint the picture for them of the harm#and I'm flawed; I don't have all the answers; I could be wrong here#but... can you at least see why I feel that maybe we shouldn't pit misery against each other#that the people suffering have more in common with each other than opposed and... maybe westerners aren't fucking helping#eh... too fucking drained thinking about this; end of tags
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
hisoka from hxh🤝 adam from sk8
anime antagonist with cool theme music + fun character design + interesting character stuff going on in general but also. but also the. hmm. hmmmm. what the fuck.
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
i feel so bad for cover singers who like to do a lot of anime music because rn one of the biggest anime openings to cover is Idol by Yoasobi which is hard enough to keep up with, like even if you can hit all the notes correctly you still have to figure out how to sell the speak-singing bits and thats a whole nother ballpark like dear god have you HEARD the sheer personality thats oozing from every note like the enunciations and the lilts and the subtle vocal fry like right before the ruby aqua bit in the “aida” like LISTEN
okay that was really tricky to cover but we made it. and now what if you really wanna get that SEO? what if you wanna do another cover, usually doing the ending song for a popular anime is fun too right? lets hope its not as difficult to sing at the opening- AND then you get hit with Mephisto by Queen Bee and you explode on impact
#they really killed all the cover singers with this combo#with idol at least if you have a distinct enough voice and enough character you can have that carry you through parts of it#but covering like any queen bee song is like. are you ready. are you ready. are you prepared#a lot of people skip trying to sing mephisto. i understand. hard enough to keep up with the lead singer of yaosobi#another thing entirely to keep up with avu chan doing avu chan things all over the track <3#by the way listen to everything queen bee has every produced right NOW#like not just all the high bits jumping into the lower bits and then jumping into even higher bits but avu chans vocalizations#those vocallzations mans. the vibratos the vocal fries the parts where they go a little nasal the parts where they go really open#god. i cant imagine how hard itd be to try to sing a song like this#some brave cover singers have tried though! ive found quite a few good covers actually!#but i definitely understand why its not as popular of a cover song choice as idol fhdjfskdjhkfd#did i ever make a tag for my musicposting#musicposting#hopefully thats my tag. i should musicpost more i always find it fun HJKFDJFD#anyway. listen to mephisto by queen bee right now. also listen to half and king bitch and of course fire and every song theyve made#PRIDE......LISTEN TO PRIDE......hey boys.... hey girls.... hey baBIES......listen to pride by queen bee right this instant#its still pride month for the next 30 seconds where i live listen to pride by queen bee right now
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tearlessrain · 1 year
I've had anxiety pretty much all my life and having my fears/concerns brushed off is not a new thing for me and sometimes it's justified, but it is uniquely annoying in this case because I keep being right, repeatedly, throughout the pandemic, and people are still acting like I'm just being my panicky self and it's not as big a deal as I'm making it.
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brown-little-robin · 9 months
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fruitsyrups · 24 days
blank eyed girl and ghost fly and the first investigation and stakes miniseries (but specifically the parts that involve finn and jake) and also sometimes kind of objects or scenes (like the sword finn gets from hunson and the scene in the same episode where they're all eating pizza after marcy's concert ... all has a certain kind of atmosphere to me... a vibe.. if you will. i dont know what it is though. but im a little bit crazy about it to be honest
#something something night time something something investigation something something pizza. for some reason ? because they're also getting#pizza at the start of blank eyed girl. and that is undeniably part of the vibe.#something something paranormal/supernatural (are those synonyms or no) elements ... smth smth Hanging out while that stuff is going on...#the episodes where marcy and pb and finn and jake and pepbut are hunting the vampires in the woods ... condense that and inject in directly#into my veins. thx#i dont think i ever talked about these much because theyre conceptually very out there and kind of embarrassing but#ive got these aus... heehee... one of them is a modern/teacher au(bonnie/marcy are teachers . finn is a student . jake is finn's caretaker)#and also a vampire au. and you might be thinking Thats not au marcy is already a vampire... but THE THING IS! not in this one. actually.#because the whole thinngggg is that PB is a vampire and its a SECRET and marcy comes from a family of vamp hunters#so she obviously suspects PB of being a vampire but they both talk around it and flirt obviously and its all sooo silly. and i love it.#AND THEN THERES ANOTHER ONE. and it's another modern/everyone-is-human au (sorry i'm boring) EXCEPT finn is a werewolf. so like... finn is#dog (in a way) and jake is a human. you get it.#and pb is studying to become a scientist . and jake is still finn's caretaker because even in modern aus finn is a double orphan to me. soz#btw when i say jake is his caretaker i mean that joshua and margaret were the ones who adopted him but then they died and jake got#custody. finn and jake still have a brotherly dynamic even in this scenario. jake is responsible for him but they still see eachother as#brothers. just to be clear. like it's not a father figure kind of situation. i love their unconventional family dynamic 😽 i love them so#much. ermmm hang on i got off track...#so finn is a werewolf and jake is aware of it and they drag PB into it because she knows Science .#pb is like ... well i can't just NOT cure lycanthropy.#so thats that whole thing...#love it. great idea . whoever came up with all that must be sooo cool. and cute too. probably really smart and funny too. 😇#and aaalssooooo. i was tossing around the idea of another modern/human world au (i knooow im sorry i dont know why i keep doing this) and#it's a chatfic. and i know how that all sounds. BUT!!!! yeah this one has a twist too. because how could it not ! i am Me after all.#actually recently all of my ideas have been grounded af. borderline slice of life even. so boring i know.#but these AUs are all stuff i came up with a little while ago so they all had to be silly in order to even keep my attention for 5minutes.#so the twist in this one is that BMO is an AI (but like actually sentient not just a boring chatbot bc what wld even be the point of that)#and then robots try to take over the word or smth. and then bmo saves the word and stuff#no real plots for any of these AUs but the ideas are there. and i do want to try to do something with them somedayyyyy. eventually.#i hardly ever move on from anything actually. thats my truth.
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intcrastra · 4 months
Both Robin and Sunday would be the type to gift their significant other smth they could keep on their person at all times. For possessive reasons, but also bc they totally put a tracker in it-
#✮┆ ( .ooc. );#//I love Rob sharing certain tendencies with Sun to an extent#//Like this#//Both do it mostly bc they wanna make sure they can always keep track of their treasured one#//So if they need help; they know where to go at moment’s notice and save them#//They will NOT lose anybody else. not EVER again#//Tho Rob would actively go out of her way to tell them that it’s ok to have a tracker on HER#//Bc she thinks it’s cute; always being in the know of each other’s locations#//Like sharing yer location with yer s/o nowadays#//Sun might not be so eager for that to be reciprocated tho#//Bc he has his secrets and things to do he wants them to be unawares of#//Both feel much reassured as long as they can keep track of their s/o’s location#//The moment they can’t they will PANIC#//Rob might play it cool and shoot off a few subtle texts to see what’s up; try and gleam the answer of them without saying it#//Sun would just#//SPAM TEXT IF THEY ARE OKAY ANS WHAT THEY ARE DOINGf then play it cool and say he got a sudden bad feeling#//Both would have Very distinct reactions to being found out#//Rob would actually be apologetic and explain herself calmly; that she constantly worrieS#//That its Exactly why she welcomes them having her location too; bc it’s Reassuring#//She doesn’t even really make an effort to HIDE it hide; more just never SAYS it—if they asked; she’d spill the beans p quick#//Sun might actually dig himself a deeper hole & give a fucken sermon on his life than say how anxious & worried being apart makes him#//But can be encouraged to speak his mind if his partner keeps a cool head; otherwise it could go Bad for them both real fast#//Both are willing to negotiate alternatives; tho Sun might have to agree kicking and screaming#//But they are willing nonetheless
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