#will I be forever alone or will i find someone by some miracle?
d1xonss · 8 months
Hi!! Could I request a one shot where reader and Daryl are like complete opposites?? But he realizes eventually he’s grown to love her or something like that?? Thank you!
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Reader
✧ Era : Season 5/6
✧ Pronouns : she/her
✧ Genre : Fluff
✧ Word Count : 3.6k
AN ~ Thank you so much for this request! I’ve been writing some pretty sad stuff lately so I’m glad to have something on the lighter side lol. I tried my best with this considering I haven't been writing much outside of the series I've been updating. But I'm always up for the practice. Hope you enjoy!
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He just couldn’t wrap his head around it. How someone so fragile, so delicate, so perfect, survived this long in a world as shitty as this. 
Alexandria as a whole felt like a dream within itself. Arriving with his family at the giant gates after living a life of hell on the road, it was something he would call a miracle. Though he hardly believed in such a thing, he thought this was as close as it was going to get. Houses lined up down the road, running water, electricity, it almost seemed too unreal to him to even want to stay in a place like this. 
It took him some time to get adjusted, some of his people having to drag him out of the house by his hair to actually give this place a chance. They wanted him to open up, socialize a bit more with some of the people in the community seeing as they were planning to stay in this dream-like place. 
Carol was the most persistent of them all. She poked and prodded at him for days to get out of the house and actually give this place a chance. He would argue and say that he had left the house since their arrival, but in her mind, going out for hours to hunt was hardly the socializing she had in mind. All she wanted was for Daryl to be able to thrive here as the rest of them were slowly doing, not wanting to see him completely shut himself out.
So, after a whole week of trying to coax him out of the secure home, he finally agreed to a party. 
Did he enjoy parties? No, absolutely not. He didn’t know what to do at those types of events, not knowing how to really talk with others freely as it wasn’t exactly his strong suit. He would most likely just awkwardly stand in the corner by himself until enough time passed for him to be able to leave. And at least then he could say he tried.
When the day finally came it was safe to say he was a little nervous. He hadn’t talked to really anyone outside of his close knit group in what felt like forever. He had no idea if he would even be good at the whole “small talk” thing as he never once was to begin with. But still, he promised he’d try.
So, after getting back from a hunt he went on earlier that day, he headed towards the lit up house as instructed. Though the closer he got, the more nervous he became. His palms began to sweat a little as he wiped them a few different times on his jeans, trying to swallow whatever anxiety was creeping back up to haunt him. It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal, but it was. To him, it was.
He eventually forced himself to open up the front door with almost instant regret, seeing a few turning heads to notice his presence in the room. Though he tried to ignore it for the most part, only nodding to the familiar faces he saw in different areas of the mostly filled house. He already grew uncomfortable at the watchful eyes that managed to follow him, purposefully looking away as he kept his head down while he moved.
Alright, time to find a corner, he thought to himself as he subtly scoped the place out, preparing to be alone for most of the night.
He reluctantly turned his head to see Carol approaching him rather quickly with a wide smile on her face as she quickly brought him into a hug, “Oh, I’m so happy you made it.” 
“Mhm,” he hummed with a nod as he patted her back awkwardly before she finally pulled away, “Said I’d try…so m’ tryin.”
“And I’m very proud of you.” she said sincerely as she placed a hand on his cheek for a moment, before pulling back with an even larger smile, “You want something to drink?” 
He dipped his head in a nod of appreciation as she tapped his shoulder, “I’ll be right back.” she promised, before turning around to maneuver through the sea of people.
Daryl patted the sides of his legs nervously as he waited for her return, scanning over different things in the house that caught his attention. One was the slightly flickering light above his head, another was the music playing somewhat softly in the background of people’s loud conversations. And the third was a laugh. A quite delightful laugh that had his attention from the second it hit his ears.
Daryl’s head whipped in the direction of the sudden delicate noise, his eyes catching sight of a woman he had never seen around the community before. Over the past week he had managed to see a few other residents of Alexandria when he traveled outside, sending them a polite nod when he passed through. But he had never seen you before.
He watched intently as you interacted with someone else from right next to you, whispering something close to your ear as you let out another light and enchanting laugh. His eyes moved over the features of your face, seeing your eyes crinkling at the corners and dimples forming on your cheeks from how wide you smiled. His lips parted a little at the sight, his head even tilting a bit to the side as he continued to study your movements.
You occasionally tucked a piece of hair behind your ear everytime it got in the way of your eyes, your hand effortlessly falling back down to grasp the cup of the drink you held in your hands. Your nose occasionally scrunched up a bit as you spoke, clearly about something that brought you joy and it intrigued Daryl more than he was willing to admit. A part of him wanted to get closer to hear the delightful story you were surely telling. He could in fact almost make out the sound of your voice from where he stood-
“Here’s your drink.” Carol’s voice quickly cut into his thoughts.
He practically jumped out of his skin at her arrival, glancing down to see the beer bottle in her hands before swiping it in his own grasp with a quiet thanks. Her brows furrowed in slight confusion as now all Daryl could seem to focus on was the ground, but curiosity got the better of her as to why he was so jumpy. Her eyes glanced behind her shoulder and did a scan of the surroundings…before a smirk was brought to her face.
“She’s pretty.” she commented casually.
Daryl’s eyes flew up to meet her smug expression with a scoff, “Dunno what yer talkin bout.” he brushed off as he raised the bottle to meet his lips.
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes, “I’m not dense, Daryl, and neither are you…” she trailed off before glancing back once more to catch you laughing yet again, “I think you should go talk to her.”
A scoff was the only response he could come up with, a reddened pigment covering his cheeks at the suggestion. You were already having a good time, why the hell would you want to talk to someone like him instead.
“I’m serious.” Carol pushed, “I think it’s the right kind of socializing you need.” she finished with a wink.
He gave her a pointed look as he took another swig of the liquid, his eyes panning back over towards you as the person whom you were once talking with, suddenly walked away. So now you stood alone, swaying back and forth a little to the music in content as you occasionally took a sip from your own drink as well.
“Well, would you look at that…a spot seemed to open up.” Carol teased as she nudged his side a little to which he just brushed her away with an annoyed grunt.
Though he couldn’t argue as he continued to casually glance at you still standing alone, though it looked like you didn’t mind too much. You looked almost too peaceful in a cramped party filled to the brim with people. Maybe he should take a chance. Just this once in his life maybe the leap of faith would do him some good, giving him an opportunity to talk to you.
After having an eternal inner debate with himself and a loud sigh left his lips, he finally pushed himself to move forward. He tried to ignore Carol’s wide smile in encouragement as he passed by her completely, but it truly was hard to ignore. He huffed as he moved further, awkwardly squeezing by a few people lingering in the way before he could reach you.
Although it happened all too fast, now standing in front of you with somewhat of a blank expression as you now looked him in the eye. Daryl swallowed thickly as he stood frozen upon seeing your gaze match his, your eyes were beautiful as they seemed to hold something much more than he was expecting. Everything about you seemed to make time stop for him.
“Hi.” you greeted politely after a few seconds of silence, sending a smile his way that almost caused him to melt.
He cleared his throat, “Hey.” he responded dryly, now almost panicking as he didn’t think this through as much as he should’ve. He was suddenly rendered speechless, not knowing what to say next as you looked at him almost expectantly.
Though your eyes narrowed the smallest bit, the smile still remaining on your face, “I recognize you, you’re new.” you stated with a raised finger, “Apart of Rick’s group, right? Daryl?”
“Uh huh.” he mumbled as he continued to stare, almost in disbelief that you had recalled seeing him before, enough to recognize him and even know his name. He’d almost wished you would repeat his name again so he could hear you say it just once more.
Your smile widened even more if that were possible as you suddenly held out your hand for him to take, “I’m (Y/N).”
And just like that, after hearing your name for the very first time, he could never seem to get it out of his head. He didn't necessarily know it then, but you would soon become a person that Daryl cared very much for. Someone he would give up his life for. Someone he would grow to love.
He was infatuated with you, slowly finding the time to leave the house more and more so he could have a chance at catching you outside as well. Normally he would never be so bold as to plan something like this just to get a chance to talk to you, but he couldn’t help it. There was just something so special about you that he couldn’t ignore.
Months in the community went by just like that, getting countless chances and opportunities to spend more time with you on multiple occasions. You were honestly flattered that the stoic man wanted to seek you out whenever he got the chance, offering to help fix something in your house or inviting you out on one of his hunts, you were always excited upon his arrival.
In exchange you would always have something to give him in return for his countless acts of kindness. Whether it was giving him something you had baked or his worn jeans you offered to patch up and sew, you wanted to give him something. He always seemed to deny your persistence, wanting nothing in return as he thought you were the best gift he could ever receive. But still you pushed, batting your eyelashes at him until he finally agreed to take whatever you presented, leaving you smiling at his bashful state.
You knew of his growing feelings towards you, of course you did. You picked up on it after he stopped by your house about three different times to make sure the bathroom sink he had fixed was still working properly. Daryl however was still painfully oblivious as he failed to realize that after all this time, you too found yourself growing feelings for him.
“I think you should just bite the bullet and ask her.” Carol advised as she mauvered around the kitchen, cooking dinner for the two of them.
Daryl’s constant resort was to just scoff at her words as he held his head in one of his hands at the kitchen island, “Alright.” he mumbled sarcastically.
She whipped around with slightly widened eyes, “I’m being serious!” she said as she stirred something heated on the stove, “And you better do it fast before she gets swept up by someone else.”
His eyes quickly snapped up towards her at the possibility, “Ya think that’ll happen?” he asked, not even trying to hide his worry.
He cared for you deeply, unlike anything he had ever felt before, the last thing he wanted to see was you with someone else. But at the same time he was scared. Scared to ask you out for some kind of date if you didn’t see him the same way he saw you. He didn’t want to ruin what he already had with you, he didn’t want to scare you away. But the suggestion of you being with someone besides him now made him worry further.
“I think that it could happen.” Carol corrected, “She’s very kind and pretty, it’s hard for me to believe she hasn’t found someone yet.”
“Maybe that’s a good thing…” Daryl said as he trailed off, “Better then endin up with some asshole like me.”
The woman sighed heavily as she dropped the wooden spoon in her hands and turned around fully to face him, “Daryl, that girl absolutely adores you. You might not be able to see it, but I do. I think you should just…take a chance. Like you did with that party.” she spoke knowingly.
He sent her a glare through his lids, earning a small laugh from her as she turned back around. His mind seemed to wander for a long moment as Carol’s back was facing him now, thinking if now was really the time to make some type of move. He wanted nothing more than to just confess what he’s been feeling for so long, wanting to sweep you off your feet and never let you go. But it wasn’t that easy.
He had thought about this situation before in the past, a lot more than he was willing to admit, but everytime he seemed to always talk himself out of it. He didn’t know how you would react, if you would be offended or flattered. If you would turn him down easy for leave him brokenhearted. There were too many possibilities for him to ignore, too many scenarios to think through.
But in the end you were the kindest person he had ever met and he felt safe with you, safer than he had ever felt before. Perhaps that was the only reason he needed to finally take a chance.
Before he could even process what he was doing, he suddenly stood up from his seat and headed straight towards the front door, trying not to talk himself out of the sudden decision he just made. He was fast and light on his feet as he walked down the porch steps, nearly falling on his ass as he missed the last one in a hurry. But he hardly let it bother him, looking like a man on a mission to others he was passing by on the sidewalk.
The walk to your house felt fast and slow all at once, his heartbeat rapidly pounding in his chest with each step closer he got. He felt his hands begin to sweat a bit as he trudged up the steps to your pretty yellow house, noticing the arrangements of flowers you had on either side of the porch that matched your personality perfectly. He was inches away from the front door now as he stood back and hesitated to knock on the wooden frame to your home. His eyes glanced down for a moment to your welcome mat below his feet, scraping off his dirty boots as he would never wish to track mud into your house.
With his boots clean(ish) and a huff passing from his lips, he finally raised his fist up towards the door to give it a firm and heavy knock, waiting for you to answer. The seconds seemed to go impossibly slow as he waited, wondering to himself if you were even home. You loved to head to the gardens this time of day, picking your share of the fruits and vegetables being grown. Perhaps he had missed you completely, contemplating if he should just turn around and head back seeing as the seconds turned into minutes.
But then he heard it. The faintness of your voice calling through the house that you were coming, followed by the pitter patter of your light and delicate footsteps. He swallowed thickly before the door was suddenly swung open, revealing your smiling face that seemed to light up even more at just the sight of him.
“Hey!” you greeted cheerfully as you bounded forward to close the distance between you two, bringing him in for a tight embrace.
He grunted at the sudden impact, but smiled a bit to himself as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around you softly. He feared that he would break you if he squeezed a little too tight.
You pulled back with a smile just as wide as your eyes lingered a bit over his face, “What’s up? You need something?” you asked politely.
He couldn’t help but think that he needed you and only you, but it felt a little wrong to be that blunt right away so he settled with a shake of his head, “Nah, just…just wanted ta see ya.” he spoke honestly.
Your eyes twinkled at the sweetness of him as you laughed lightly, “I’ve been wanting to see you too.” you admitted, “It feels like it’s been too long since we’ve hung out.”
“Yeah,” he grunted as he cleared his throat a little, “Shit’s gettin busier round here.”
You nodded in agreement, a little sympathy on your features as you knew how much he did around here for the community, “But- uh…” he quickly corrected, “I’ll always make time for ya…no matter how busy it gets.” he admitted nervously.
Your heart warmed as you smiled at him sweetly, “You sure?” you asked a bit playfully, “You sure you’re not too busy?” you poked as you ventured out to take his hand softly in yours.
He smiled down at you as you intertwined your fingers with his, as you normally would do, “Never.” he promised.
His eyes then took the time to take in your appearance as he normally would do. Your hair was pulled back a bit as it was tied up with a light pink ribbon, framing your face angelically as a few strands fell from the front and landed just above your cheekbones. He then noticed the sundress that fit your figure beautifully, finding himself loving the many skirts and flowy dresses you constantly wore. And then the jewelry that hung around your neck, a tiny pink diamond that was shaped into a heart as it sat in the middle of your chest.
It was actually a gift he had given you weeks ago, something he had found on a run that just reminded him of you. It was so soft and delicate, and the heart seemed fitting to your style. 
“Did you…want to come in for a bit?” you asked as you noticed him grow a little quieter than usual.
He snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of your sweet voice, “Oh- uh- nah…I just came over here ta…ask ya somethin.”
“So ask.” you prodded gently with a soft squeeze to his hand that made his knees feel like jelly.
You knew that Daryl often had a hard time with things like this, seeing it made him uncomfortable to say or ask something out of his comfort zone. But you were always so patient with him it blew his mind, always willing to wait for him to just come out and say it.
“Alright, so uh…” he cleared his throat before swallowing thickly, “I was just um…just wonderin…if ya wanted to maybe…go on a ride with me sometime…?”
Your eyes brightened a little as you went to open your mouth to answer, but he quickly cut you off, “Nah, I mean- n-not like just a ride, but like…out together sometime…just the two of us...kinda like-”
His rambling went on for a few more seconds before you decided to cut him off instead. He suddenly clamped his mouth shut in a split second when he felt the softness of your lips brushing across his cheek, leaving a light peck before you pulled away with a smile.
“I’d love to.” you said.
The man was stunned to silence, feeling his face get hot and the burning of his cheek becoming more intense as he tired to process your actions. You couldn’t help but laugh a little to yourself as you gave his hand another comforting squeeze while gazing up at him through your long lashes.
“I’m free tomorrow at noon…if that works for you?”
He stood there in bewilderment for a moment or two before frantically nodding his head, not counting on his words in this moment in time. You nodded back before venturing your hand out of his hold and up towards his face to move some of the hair that had fallen over his eyes. He almost quivered at the feeling of your fingers gently touching his hair, silently wanting more though he would never ask.
“I can’t wait.” you admitted gently and quietly, lulling him back into the same enchanting trance he was hit with the moment he caught sight of you for the first time all those months ago.
~ Thanks for reading!
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Sorry for making you explain all the yutus but can you do Jades? Bros gotta be so overprotective 😬
Jokes on you I am always down to talk about Jade Leech (my beloved)
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here. I think I typed up way more for this than anyone else up to this point, I'd apologize but it has been a second since I brain rotted about Jade, so excuse me for feeding myself (づ_ど)
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Put yourself in Jade's shoes for a second.  He is a merfolk from the coral sea, only able to appear human through the use of a potion but still retaining his inhuman features.  He tries hard to appear human, he goes to a boot camp where so many things have to be explained that he is able to mimic but doesn't fully understand.  There's no reason for you to like him, he knows that better than anyone; he doesn't fully understand why he's attracted to you himself but he is.  And he longed after you for so long, he was drowning in his desire that had such a little chance of being reciprocated but by some miracle it was.  You stay in Twisted Wonderland, you let him take you under the sea and agree to be kept there.  You're going to give him a family, he's beyond excited and filled with feelings of love he didn't think he'd ever get to have.
And then it's gone.  There's no evidence as to why, no one to tell him where you went.  Azul starts off confident, excited at the prospect of revenge and encouraging Jade.  They'll find them, between him, Jade, and Floyd they'll find Yuu and someone will have a very bad day.  But there's nothing, they're being lied to and stonewalled at every turn and when finally (it's been 10 months 3 weeks and two days, he could count down to the hours and seconds but who would listen?) Riddle of all people contacts them with a lead, he's dead almost immediately.  Turned into a phantom, all of those friends of yours he was so jealous of too… no one is telling him but he knows.  You're not coming back, he's never going to meet your child, he failed at a moray's one job of protecting his cleaner shrimp.  When he's alone he talks to you both sometimes, nights when you can see the stars are becoming increasingly rare as the sky flares up with ink but he likes to think you found your way up to the sky.  
When he loses Floyd and Azul he sort of loses his will to live.  The only thing that keeps him going is the promise of one day being able to lay them both to rest eventually, but until then he bar tends at NRC and listens to all the little things people talk about when the world is ending. If he was in a better place he'd probably find it funny how lose people's lips are getting, Azul’s business would be doing so well if he were here now…
That's what he's doing one day in September when one of the mage students runs up to him out of breath, Sehrish he thinks her name is?  
“The headmage needs you in the hospital wing!”  She sounds scared, out of breath like she's run the whole way and Jade is just curious enough to go.  Something spurs him on to run himself, through the mirror and into the wing and-  
He doesn't even hesitate, his body acts before his brain does launching him towards you and grasping desperately at your hands.  They're cold, you're going cold and he doesn't have the warmth in his body to give you.  Something has mercy on him and let's your eyes open just the bit as you reach just as desperate to be close to him as he is to you and he feels your strength pass into him.  
“Don't apologize.”  He manages to whisper.  
“But I'm sorry.”  You cry.  “I love you so much and I couldn't forget even though they wanted me to.”  
“Who did this.  Who took you just name them and I promise you my pearl-”  he gets to kiss you one more time before your gone.  Jade doesn't move, he thinks Crewel is yelling for his attention but he can't move, he wants to stay here forever he has to protect you, why wasn't he able to protect you?!
“Oh holy fuck that tastes bad.”  There's a dazed voice Jade has never heard before, heavy with sorrow, and though he doesn't quite have it yet, Jade feels purpose begin to return to his heart.
Jade! Yutu is a menace.  I like the idea of him being some form of punk or goth, with piercings and a few tattoos that Yuu doesn't know anything about.  He grew up with a small group of close knit alt friends who would come over to Yuu's house and shoot the shit.  Yuu was really popular with Yutu's friends actually, he had mixed feelings about that. (No, his parent isn't accepting step-father applications, Joshua, keep running your mouth and see what happens)
Has a mixed ranged of emotions about his parent's amnesia. When he was younger not knowing who his dad was made him really sad, he'd listen to other kids talk about doing things with their fathers and he'd dream about doing them with his dad, but the picture was always blurry and felt just... wrong somehow. As he gets older and starts forming his world view he starts to think his dad might have left Yuu for any number of reasons. Did it happen before or after their amnesia, that's what he wants to know.
He has a pretty big problem with authority, residual trauma from the trip across worlds he thinks now… but back in your world he just didn't see the point of respecting someone just because they have more money and power than him.  Almost everyone does, that doesn't make them special!  But he's so sneaky about it, if it weren't for his clothes or his friends Yuu would hardly know what he gets up to in his spare time. It put a bit of strain on their relationship, Yutu sees his lies as something he does to protect his parent, while Yuu sees themselves as well.  A parent.  Who is the one who should be protecting their child not the other way around.  
When he tries to pull similar stunts with Original Timeline! Jade he gets a rude awakening. He tries sneaking out to meet up with some friends only to find his dad sitting with them, polite smile on his face clearly reveling in how awkward he is making this.  Oya, did Yutu think he was being slick?  He's hurt, no really this is the first time Jade has had to fake cry in years, he'd almost forgot how.  Didn't Yutu ever wonder where he got this from?  Because he had to know it wasn't Yuu.
Jade! Yutu also played in a band in middle school and also played bass, it just wasn't a jazz trio or an upright bass.  He would have liked continued to play in bands, but he shares his dad's issues with stage fright which makes it sort of difficult. He has tried his hand at writing his own music from time to time, but he's waaaaay too shy to ever play it for anyone other than the woods.
He really likes horror stories and cryptids, so he wasn't super afraid of the monsters when he first arrived in Twisted Wonderland.  One round with Phantom Riddle changed that nonchalant attitude quick, and while he still is very attached to the stuff he read about back in your world he hates blot monsters and Twisted Wonderland fiends in general.
Speaking of those monsters, Jade hates Yutu fighting them.  Father and son are an absolute nightmare for Crewel to deal with, one is threatening to drown him if Yutu is allowed to fight, the other is screaming curse words and saying it doesn't matter what Crewel does, he's going anyway.  He needs a drink (but not from Jade's bar he's going to get poisoned) 
I don't think Yutu actually told Jade he was planning on going back in time because he was angry and just assumed that he would try and stop him.  He's really proud of himself for the first few weeks he spends in the past thinking he got one over on his old man finally (he didn't, but he did hurt him quite a bit), but the more he interacts with the younger version of his parents the more he starts to regret that decision.
Past Jade is so… fun.  He thinks his dad is fun?!  His weird obsession with mushrooms was never something they talked about beyond a few compliments his dad gave to a mushroom patch he had on his jacket; watching his old man prattle on now he never would have guessed any of this.  Yutu never doubted that Jade loved you, but he didn't really think about what that looked like, or what you might have meant to Jade.  They just didn't talk about it, now that he's forced to think about it Jade was probably trying to focus on having him back and how lucky he was to even have that.  And instead of being honest about how angry he was to have lost you he lied and said he was fine.  With how good his dad was at knowing when he was lying Jade had to know that's how he felt, but respected his boundaries and didn't push. All those comments about being there when he's ready to talk, all the times Jade said he loved him, and those long nights he watched from afar as Jade sat with tea next to your grave, just talking to you as if you were still there are put into context. Yutu isn't able to sleep for a few nights after that.
Jade finds Yutu interesting.  He's a potential source of information about Yuu, a lot of his quirks remind him of himself and he finds the new kids blatant disrespect for authority to be hilarious! And hilariously good blackmail material, now now don't be afraid he really is just here to help...
"Nice try old man you won't pull shit out of me." Yutu sounds smug, but Jade knows when his spell has worked and when it hasn't; how delightful he doesn't seem to remember someone ever being so cocky about it before.
"That's a shame." He makes sure to make his face fall to keep the new kid off his guard as he continues his questioning. "It's just I am curious where did you come from? I thought Yuu's world doesn't have magic."
"I mean it doesn't, probably never would have been able to come back in time if I was still stuck there." Yutu blinks, clarity starting to come into view as Jade pushes through the surprise to ask a final question.
"Oya? And just why did you come back in time, were you worried about Yuu?"
"Of course I'm worried about my parent what sort of stupid question is-" Yutu returns to himself and treats Jade to a look of shock so rare and downright delightful he can't help but smile himself. "Hey just what did you do?"
Old man? What a disrespectful thing to call his father, no wonder his future self never told his son about his unique magic. Jade doesn't have time to doubt his affections for Yuu, once Yutu realizes he's fucked and can't get out of admitting that was the truth he tells Jade who he is and a bit about what the future is like. Jade can tell he's keeping a few details back, but he knows himself well enough to know that everything Yutu is describing would have changed him to a degree that he might not have been in the best mental space to help his son through the loss of Yuu.
Speaking of Yuu, Jade asks Yutu to keep his existence to himself for a bit. He wants to win over your affections without the help of the future looming in your thoughts, he only gets to have this part of his life with you once and he intends to savor it. But the confidence boost he gets from knowing you do end up as his mate does have him acting a bit goofy for a bit. Floyd and Azul are legitimately scared.
They are brought up to speed as Jade insists on introducing Yutu to them "properly" and he is every inch the proud father showing off their new baby to the relatives even though Yutu is practically his height and has a bunch of piercings. Floyd takes a liking to him immediately while Azul is a bit more awkward, not that he doesn't like Yutu he's just a lot different from anyone Azul has ever met before so he's unsure how to sell himself. Luckily he doesn't have to because Yutu appreciates his genuine self just like Floyd, Jade, and Yuu do.
Jade gladly invites Yutu to join the Mountain Lover's Club and is very excited when he says yes. Yutu finds a lot of enjoyment in helping his dad work mushrooms into Azul and Floyd's food by pretending to agree with their complaints. Floyd is so mad he calls Yuu and tells them to come get their kid.
The over protectiveness doesn't end exactly, but Yutu is more willing to understand and Jade is more able to explain himself. They're both extremely protective of Yuu and in sound agreement that nothing like Yutu's future can ever be allowed to come to pass. Jade wanted a family, so to learn that he got that and someone took it away from him? Future him was overwhelmed with grief but current him is overwhelmed with rage. Remember book four? He described what he would do to someone who betrayed him, and it wasn't pretty. His plans for whoever did this to his precious mate and child is going to get so much worse.
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chiffaust · 5 months
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𝗜 𝗪𝗔𝗡𝗡𝗔 𝗕𝗘 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗗 ! — Tsukinaga Leo x reader
xxx. PLAYLIST . I wanna be your boyfriend by Hot Freaks.
— he loves you, yet he is never able to voice out what he felt towards you... But all he needs is a little push from a friend whether it was intentional or not.
xx. c : use of gender neutral terms, gender is not mentioned/specified for reader. insane levels of yearning from leo tsukinaga and some level of doubts and insecurity with him. wrote at like 10 pm on a weekday so this might be shitty, not proofread — might be ooc !
note . this is completely different from the beta... but i think i like this version better. i wrote leo as 'cool' instead of his usual 'cuteness' in mind. he's still just as pathetic though :3 maybe pathetically cool
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It's a mystery how his mind works, and much less was it a miracle for him to realize everything. From the start, his feelings weren't always as platonic as he'd thought towards you. The realization alone sends him into a frenzy of denial and childishly denying his ever-growing crush on you yet always throwing a childish tantrum and sulking around his friends whenever he sees someone getting a bit too cozy with you to his liking.
Nonetheless, Leo realizes — he can't just sulk behind a corner without doing anything while hoping you'll look at him the same way as he does if he doesn't do something about it. Oh, but was it hard to even look at you in the eyes; the thought alone sends his heart into frantically thumping against his chest; his face become hotter and redder while stutter he did pathetically over his words and waste his chances... It's really no good! He wants to seem cool in front of you, but he just can never muster up the courage at all, it's annoying!
His friends were to help and give him advices when it comes to love, but none of it were exactly trying to help him. “ Be cool ” — Leo simply could not. “ Try to strike up a conversation about something you two have a common interest with! ” — if that happens, he's afraid he'll go on rambling until he talks your ears off and you'll find him annoying because of it! “ Buy them whatever they want as a gift ” — now, he isn't exactly sure if he has the type of money to do that... “ Trick them into signing a marriage contract and cling onto them forever ” — that'll just drive you away!! Leo's even more concern now, and his friends' advice weren't making him any less confident in talking to you!
To you, Leo was just a friend you occasionally see and to him, you were his whole world — one he would be more than willing to serve his heart on a silver platter to as he yearns from the side. Truly were you his love — his muse; his everything and unbeknownst to you, he had written a song or two unpublished to the public with the thought of you in mind. He grows frustrated amidst his embarrassment much to his dislike of acknowledging it.
... The sweet melody and cheesy lyrics of “ love ” — he feels like a fool! Occasionally he would lose his cool and throw the stacks of paper everywhere across and in deafening silence, he dealt with his own thoughts; how embarrassing. He's seriously doing everything but telling you how he feels.
Even as the corner of his phone lights up the dimly lit room, on the screen shows across the room with your contact number messaging him. He suppose even if he could never confess his love for you romantically, you like him just the same “ platonically? ”
He would be fine (in his words, but he is ABSOLUTELY NOT) with only liking you from afar... That is if you aren't also dating anyone else — he would go insane if you're suddenly dating someone else, and that's the conclusion his mind thought of when suddenly you had gotten so close to that Izumi Sena.
Never once had Izumi ever showed romantic interest towards you; in five people (Knights)— he obviously loves and yearned for you the most and the longest. It wasn't like they weren't aware of it. They knew you were completely off limits ever since the first time he confessed to wanting to do the cheesiest things with you to them they got sick and tired of it.
And yet, his mind he thought you like him romantically — and so did Izumi. You two were laughing at each other's joke and you were beautiful like that; bright eyes and smiling... A sudden feeling of dreadful doubt dropped down his stomach and just as suddenly he felt so sick even if it was just his insecurities.
He thought so too; maybe he's overreacting. Maybe there's nothing going on in between you two, he's sure of it! That's what he tells himself, but slowly this banter went on for days and slowly turned into weeks of utter torture for him. He saw you exchanging contacts, plan on hanging out together — and he felt jealous.
He never liked this feeling of jealousy — especially towards a dear friend like him, but with confusing emotions mixed together came unassumed anger of jealousy. His patience doesn't last long until he gets sick and tired of it and came in between you two with a glare that might've sent chills down Sena's back a bit.
Leo took your hand and ran away with you from him; dragging you far away to somewhere outside the building until his leg gives out — alas, there was only you two all alone on the park as the sun slowly sets into dusk. There was nothing going in the way between you two now.
"I'm sorry for dragging you away like that all of the sudden." He muttered, unable to look at you not for the reason may he make a fool of himself if he stares too long; but instead out of guilt overwhelming his heart.
"... But, I really can't stand it anymore, you know? I see you laughing and being happy with Sena... I want to do that with you. I want to laugh along with you and be happy just as you were with him, so I got jealous...
... This might be selfish, but I really really liked you from the start! I know compared to Sena, I'm childish and all I'm good at is writing music — he's better fit as a "boyfriend" compared to I do, but I really... Like you, [Name]! And I really wanna be your boyfriend!" All these times, the words, the doubts — he was suddenly spilling them out loud to you and he was just as surprised as you. For the first time in a while, his heart feels light from burden despite the nervousness he felt, thus he continued to spoke;
"I might not be as good as Sena — or a pretty model, but I could treat you as half as decently — if not better than he ever could! I'll even compliment you frequently if that's what you want — no, I'll compliment you a lot! " Leo's eyes lit up with sincerity and for the first time, there was confidence and a look of seriousness in his eyes as he looked into yours while gently clasping your hands in his, but he feared he was being a bit overbearing and pushy and his confidence slowly fizzled away.
"Please... Think about it, alright? Because I really like you; I truly do." His tone were calmer, but there's also a melancholic hymn to his voice despite how he tries to force out a smile to you.
He's always the happy go-lucky guy — eccentric in ways, but he always had the purest intentions in his heart. It would be kind of embarrassing if he breaks down in front of you all of the sudden.
He can't stay any longer; if he stays, he's afraid he wouldn't be able to control his emotions any longer. Slowly, he lets go of your hand and exchanged one final glance before trying to walk away — but just as that, you held onto his wrist and pulled him back which surprised him.
"Leo, don't be like that... You didn't even give me the chance to reply." You muttered, your gaze softens looking at him and he simply couldn't look away... You're just so beautiful to him.
"I like you just the same. I'm sorry for making you feel bad all these times — I... Didn't realize."
Your look of sadness sends him into frenzy, he stutters from nervousness because of you.
"H-huh...? Why're you apologizing? It should be me who's apologizing — plus, it's my fault for keeping my emotions hidden all these time from you! You didn't knew at all!"
"... You know, Leo; I had a hunch you liked me... And it wasn't like you were being discrete about it anyway."
"Ah..." Leo stays still, completely surprised. Well, it is true he couldn't keep his emotions from spilling out sometimes, but he was so sure he was being discrete about his feelings for you. He wasn't sure how to react; was he supposed to be embarrassed? Sad? Angry? Even amidst his confusion, he finds amusement in his own embarrassment. He laughs aloud, and it was like he didn't had the saddest look of melancholy in his eyes just a moment ago.
With a big grin on his face, he soon falls onto you with all of his weight and hugged you tightly. The mature and cool Tsukinaga Leo is in touch with his emotions was no longer there; he was now the childish and impatient Leo you knew from the start — and yet, that never changed a thing of how you felt towards him.
"Leo...!" You groan out, stumbling back slightly at the sudden force of his weight against you. He was using his every weight on his body towards you.
"Aha, I just can't help it — I'm so happy, [Name]! I'm really so happy!" He giggles, but his fit of energy quickly dissipates as he gently leans in closer to you, wrapping an arm securely around your waist so you wouldn't escape his hug while his other hand gently intertwine with yours.
"... Let's be together forever, [Name]."
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quotergirl19 · 7 months
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Colin: You seem troubled Pen, the way you left the ballroom was unlike you. I wanted to make sure you are alright.
Penelope: It is Lord Debling… I just needed some air.
Colin: Has he done something? You must tell me if he has behaved inappropriately.
Pendelope: Quite the contrary actually. He has been kind, attentive, and everything someone like me could ask for really.
Colin: So what is the problem?
Penelope: Lord Debling has admitted to me that he has always wanted a love match and believes himself to be falling in love with me… he was so sincere, it was lovely. I have never felt so wonderful and so awful at the same time.
Colin: I do not understand.
Penelope: For so long I thought I might never find someone who could love me but now I appear to be getting everything I have prayed for yet all I can think is how I can not say it back.
Colin stills, unsure why he suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe.
Colin: Why do you think that is? Is it too soon perhaps? You have not known him very long, maybe you will grow to love him.
Penelope: I realized that I will never love him. He deserves a wife who will love him with all her heart. How could I marry a good man and deprive him of that? I would be a good wife to him, I could keep his home and bear his children but I know I will never love him the way he deserves… I fear my heart will not let me?
Colin: Why do you doubt… does your heart belong to someone else?
Penelope just looks at him.
Colin: Penelope?
Penelope: I’m being foolish. My heart does not matter. He is a good man and I should be grateful for his love… I should go before someone catches us alone together.
Colin: Answer me, why do you think you could never love him?
The look in Penelope’s eyes is unlike anything Colin has ever seen before. She seemed sad and tired and he’d never felt more eager to understand her, to help her, to make everything right in the world for her. He would give anything just see her smile the way she used to. He loved her smile. Somewhere along the way Penelope’s happiness became vital for his and seeing her this way tormented him and Colin realized her pain was his as well. And then she said the last thing he ever expected and changed his world forever.
Penelope: Because I was a foolish girl who lived in dreams and gave my whole heart to someone who will never want my heart or choose me or love me… not even in another man’s wildest fantasy.
Stunned to realize what Penelope just confessed. That it was he who she loved. That all those years when she’d been kind and loyal, encouraging and true, he’d had her heart and he’d taken her for granted. He’d flirted with dozens of other women and courted her cousin, he’d told her she wasn’t a woman and made her feel small and worthless and it was unintentional but by some miracle she still loved him. Penelope loved him the way he had always wanted to be loved and she could never imagine forsaking that love she had for him and it humbled Colin. The revelation broke his heart and healed it all at once and Colin was utterly speechless. But when Penelope turns to leave him, he did not speak or think, he instinctively reached for her and right there in the garden under the glowing moonlight, Colin Bridgerton kissed Penelope Featherington and it was perfect.
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
Our yawne
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Life can be hard for ones self when they are deemed an outcast by their own clan, only loved by a few in the clan they had been left an orphan. The dreams of having a wonderful life once they had gotten, older seems like a dream. As the ones who love them will not be here forever and they will left alone once again, soon a miracle had happened one day that changed everything forever.
y/n " ......" you had dismount off your banshee after arriving at this beautiful meeting spot, with your clan tshaik she had asked you to come with her and you agreed.
Sawa " thank you for coming with me again y/n"
y/n " it a honor tshaik sawa"
sawa " well you are one of my best student and I have taken care of you since, you were young and I thought this will be a perfect opportunity for you" you had smiled and nodded your head as you look around, at all the beauty around you.
????? " sawa old friend welcome"
sawa " mo'at hello"
mo'at " it good to see you again after all this time apart, and who is this young lady with you"
sawa " this is y/n she is one my student"
mo'at " y/n wait this the girl your have been telling me about"
sawa " yes" the two tshaik had exchange glances that you didn't notice right away.
y/n " hello tshaik mo'at it a honor to meet you"
mo'at " well spoken young lady as well you have done well in raising her"
sawa " it was not all my work it was others as well and it her personality as well, I had brought her with me knowing it will be good for her"
mo'at " great my daughter and ronal are waiting and there was some other, young adults around here they can keep y/n company for a bit as we talk util they are invited"
sawa " yes y/n do you like that'
y/n " yes I do" the two elder tshaik had nodded their heads and smiled, you had followed them and soon came across neytiri and ronal.
mo'at " daughter and ronal sawa has come along with one of her students y/n"
y/n " hello it great to meet you neytiri and tshaik ronal"
neytiri " hello young lady"
ronal " hello young lady sawa you have made a great choice on bring her"
sawa " yes I have"
mo'at " the oloe'ythan will join us later on for now lets talk'
sawa " dear will you be good on your own"
????? " mother" the group had soon been interrupted when two young males had came towards them.
neytiri " son you are here"
neteyam " yes I and aonung had been sent ahead the others will be by shorty maybe"
aonung " we came to do our best to be helpful or expanded the alliance"
ronal " that wonderful boys we will love you all to meet, sawa and her student y/n"
neteyam " hello tshaik sawa I see you"
aonung " hello tshaik sawa I see you"
sawa " hello young man I have heard great things about you both" the two males soon looked at you and when they meet eyes with, you and you meet their eyes everything felt like it stopped.
y/n " hello I see you neteyam and aonung"
neteyam " hello I see you y/n"
aonung " hello y/n I see you"
sawa " you three can stay here and talk maybe you three can learn about each other"
mo'at " yes I think it will be good for you three"
y/n " sure if neteyam and aonung are fine with that"
aonung " I will love that neteyam what do you think"
neteyam " I will enjoy that" the four women had soon left the trio together as they kept each other company at the moment.
y/n " thank you for staying here with me even due you two, might have other responsibilities to attend to"
aonung " oh no it worth it to spend time with someone new, and we had been told to stay here we hadn't been told how" you giggle at aonung words making him smile and laugh.
neteyam " nice move bro we will love to spend time with someone new. and like my grandmother said it can be good for us all"
y/n " then lets find something to talk about and see where it leads us" the duo had nodded their heads at your words maybe this will be something good in the ended.
aonung " your grandmother seems like a nice women and good, for taking you on as healer after hearing that you know so much" '
y/n " thank you but sawa had become a grandmother to me, as I don't have any family in the clan she raised me along with the help of others"
neteyam " oh we are sorry we didn't know ..."
y/n " it okay but she is my grandmother no matter what anyone say, she has said I'm family to her"
aonung " then you are family to her even by blood or anything else"
y/n " thank you so how does it feel to become the future leaders of your clan"
aonung " overwhelming"
neteyam " never whacking"
y/n " oh"
neteyam " there is so much weight on our shoulders to be like our fathers"
y/n " well then don't not ever olo'eythan or olo'eytke will be like the ones that came before them and that what makes it greats so you both can become the leaders you wish"
neteyam " thank you those sound like the wise words of tshaik, will you become tshaik"
y/n " I don't think so sawa son Engo who are olo'eythan right now, will have his mate Maar will become tsahik if sawa steps down"
aonung " oh yes her mate Wayken was olo'eythan last year before she stepped down"
y/n " yes he was not feeling well and let his son take over, but they are good family and have ruled the clan well"
neteyam " well I think you will make a good tshaik y/n" you had smiled towards the pair as they had returned smiles back to you.
???? " hey bros" the tiro had soon looked up to see five more young adults and teen coming towards them.
neteyam " hey you all finally got here"
spider " yes and all our dads are here as well ... hey who is your friend"
aonung " everyone this is y/n she came here with sawa she one of her best students, and she been keeping us company"
tsireya " hello it so nice to meet you"
y/n " thank you will you all like to join us"
tuk " sure" the group soon joined with you and the their brothers, and right away they had become attached to you right away. They had even noticed how close you and their brothers are right now, everyone seem to be enjoying it.
Jake " you kids seem to be having a good time over here"
neteyam " father"
Jake " my son your mother and grandmother had told me, that you were spending time here with aonung and sawa student y/n"
y/n " hello toruk makto"
tonowari " yes I came as well to see how you all were doing"
y/n " hello olo'eythan tonowari"
aonung " y/n here has been keeping us company while we were out here, it has been very good"
y/n " yes it has your sons are very nice and honorable"
Jake " yes they are young lady"
neteyam " it has been wonderful to spend some time off and talking with y/n but if we are needed at the meeting ..."
Jake " no you all enjoy this time off we will be fine"
tonowari " yes I agree with Jake enjoy this time off if needed we will call for you all" the two older man had soon left but had looked at their sons, seeing how they were treating you and seem to be very interesting in you as well.
sawa " this meeting has been very interesting"
mo'at " yes it has and I hope you will think more about what we had discussed"
sawa " yes I will but we have to wait and see as well my old friend"
neteyam " I hope we can see you again"
y/n " yes I hope to see you all again as well"
aonung " maybe you can come see us or we will come see you"
y/n " I love that offer and we might see each other soon, as it seems like sawa might bring we around for more meetings" you smiled at two young man as they smiled back, there is a strong connection between the trio. Soon you and sawa had left the inland and heading home.
sawa “ today was a special day wasn’t it”
y/n “ yes it it was good to meet the two other clans, I hope the olo’eythan will agree to this alliance”
sawa “ I was talking about something else I witness today, the interaction between you and those two young man”
y/n “ I don’t know what you mean”
sawa “ I may be old but I know love when I see it, and you should take it there is something special between you and them my child take it”
y/n “ yes tshaik but what if it not right”
sawa “ it right my dear snd it seems like the great mother has to agree as well”
???? “ mother” the duo soon looked to see sawa mate and son standing there, along with her son mate as well.
sawa “ hello everyone we have returned and the day has been good”
Wayken “ I see you had taken y/n with you ma sawa”
Sawa “ yes I did is there a issues with it”
Wayken “ no but thought you will take Maar with you or someone else”
sawa “ I chose her and she did well”
engo “ no problems came up young lady”
y/n “ no oloeythan everything was well”
Maar “ good we are happy to see you and sawa have returned home well”
engo “ mother please tell us more about this meeting, as we have dinner as I and clan will needs to know”
sawa “ yes come along y/n you can speak as well”
wayken “ no she can’t sawa we all know that the clan will not be happy with it”
Sawa “ wayken you will started treating this young lady with ….”
y/n “ it okay tshaik I will be taking my leave now good evening everyone”you had bowed your head and soon walked away, looking back at the family. As they walked away together to go join the other members of their families, there were times you wish to have a family of your own here not being alone all the time. That night you did take sawa words to heart and soon explored more, about your relationship with neteyam and aonung.
months later
y/n “ ……..” you had been spending many months with friends with meet that day, and everything has been going wonderful for you. Soon started many relationships as well one with, neteyam and aonung that become special.
neteyam “ yawntu”
y/n “ huh”
Ao’nung “ he called you yawntu as you are our yawntu if you don’t mind”
y/n “ well this was not the type of love confusion I thought I will get”
Ao’nung “ well we have bene talking and we noticed we both love you, and we asked moat she told us it could happen … if you wish to have us”
y/n “ well I love you both as well as my yanwe if you will have me as well”
neteyam “ we will give you ma y/n”you had laughed as neteyeam and aonung, brought you into a warm embrace. It will take some time until you all share the news of the relationship, with the ones who were closer to you all. Everyone will be happy for the new couple, since day one knowing there has always something special.
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lovelyhan · 2 years
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— favorite poison (a teaser) ⟢
pairing: wonwoo x reader
summary: no strings attached sex is easy. catching feelings for a person you supposedly hate is hard. it's in times like this when wonwoo wishes he can set the dial on his life on easy mode forever, but everyone knows he's nothing if not stubbornly competitive.
word count 1.8k words
tags: fuck buddies, not quite enemies to lovers, streamer!wonwoo, streamer!reader, attempt at humor, in denial!wonwoo, fluff, smut (in later scenes, although this teaser is a bit suggestive)
warnings: mentions of twitter porn, daddy kink, suggestive situations (minors dni!!), reader becomes visibly uncomfortable around one of the characters
notes: this is the sequel to underlying pretense! as with all my teasers so far, it's always the first scene that comes up in these posts HEH the title is based off fuller's song, favorite poison bc it just screams in denial wonwoo :')
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“So when are you introducing me?” 
The buzz of visitors inside the convention hall is already grating enough as it is, but when Mingyu walks over to Wonwoo’s designated booth, all it does is irritate him further.
He doesn’t exactly have to do anything aside from receive gifts from the viewers coming to pay him a visit, and take a few photos with them, but Wonwoo is yet to accustom himself to being the center of attraction in front of so many people. So having to listen to his roommate-slash-best friend asking him stupid questions isn’t exactly helping his case.
“To who? My family?” Wonwoo scoffs. 
Mingyu rolls his eyes. “No. Your girlfriend, genius.”
“What the hell are you even talking about?”
His best friend pouts and Wonwoo is having a really tough time taking him seriously because Mingyu is wearing one of those hats with bunny ears that flop around if you press the buttons dangling from the front. “You’re always scampering off with some girl from time to time. The others haven’t noticed, but I’m your roommate, hyung.”
“What gave you the impression that I’m ‘scampering off’ with just one girl, though?” Wonwoo smirks, shaking his head. 
Roughly three months have passed since Wonwoo bit the bullet and agreed to be your…fuck buddy? Not-so-friend with benefits? Whatever this arrangement is called, he’s satisfied with getting to let off steam every once in a while, and you don’t seem to have any complaints as long as he fucked you stupid and helped you make filthy content for all the world to see. 
Honest to god, it’s a miracle how shit hasn’t hit the fan yet. But then again, you and Wonwoo were both careful and extremely selective about what gets posted on your secret Twitter porn account, and what stays tucked away in the hidden galleries in your phones. That sort of cautiousness is rewarded with having to get away with everything you’re both daring enough to pull off behind the scenes.
Still, it doesn’t change the fact that, outside his sexual relations with you, Twitch streamers everyone_woo and Koyahngi pretty much hate each other’s guts. Even if yours is the best fucking pussy he’s ever had (something you’ll never catch him dead admitting aloud), he’s not about to do a complete one-eighty degrees and treat you any differently in front of his friends and followers. You don’t seem to have any plans on doing that either.
Wonwoo hasn’t once brought you to their shared apartment, so he’s certain that Mingyu is basing all his hunches off pure intuition alone. And just because that intuition turns out to be somewhat right (PSA: you’re not his girlfriend), doesn’t mean Wonwoo has to come clean about his goings-on.
Besides, they’re at a fucking convention. Why is Mingyu trying to hotseat him now? 
“Whatever you say, elusive gamer who hasn’t felt the touch of a woman that isn’t his mom.”
“Fuck you, you know that’s not true.”
“Well, obviously, you’re smitten with someone, and once I find out who it is, I’m throwing the biggest party in Seoul,” Mingyu says with a huff of indignance coloring his words. He says it like it’s a threat, and Wonwoo makes a face at him. 
“Why?” he asks with a scowl.
“Because I love you, that’s why.” Mingyu then takes off the stupid hat and places it on top of Wonwoo’s head—even putting the work into making sure it fits and everything. “Anyway, I’m heading off to Koyahngi’s booth to say hi. You wanna come with or do you still have a stick up your ass when it comes to hanging out with her?”
Wonwoo has to keep himself from blurting out how he’s not the one with anything up his ass when it comes to you, but realizes that if he wants to get Mingyu off his back, he probably shouldn’t make traumatizing allusions to his sex life. 
“I can’t exactly leave my spot until the main program starts. The same goes for you, idiot,” Wonwoo points out. “Who knows how many of your subscribers are looking for you at your booth? Go away and tend to them first.”
Mingyu pouts again, but since his best friend is a guy that’s literally a six-foot wall of muscle, Wonwoo doesn’t feel even an ounce of sympathy for him. “I haven’t even been gone for ten minutes! I just wanted to see how my friends are doing.”
“Then you shouldn’t have set up a booth at all, Gyu.” 
“Hmph. You’re always so stingy, hyung.” Mingyu crosses his arms before turning on his heel. “Anyway, I’m heading over to Koyahngi’s. I heard she’s cosplaying Sage today. Not that you care though.”
He sounds so genuinely sulky that Wonwoo would’ve laughed a little as Mingyu stomps away to head to your booth. But the mention of you dressing up as a Valorant agent that Wonwoo has started to despise since meeting you makes a couple of memories from earlier this week resurface in his mind. 
Aside from the catgirl gimmick, your cosplays are but another selling point for your streams. You dubbed it the catgirlification of every playable character I like right after Wonwoo railed you two days ago in that same Sage cosplay that Mingyu just mentioned. 
What a fucking weirdo, Wonwoo mused for a second before blowing your back out again not five minutes later.
About an hour later, the program on the main stage was in full swing, and Wonwoo just finished doing a little segment with Soonyoung that one of the fans who won a raffle requested for them to do. It was a Pocky Game that got a little too intense because Soonyoung wouldn’t stop fucking squirming, and they nearly kissed in front of the entire audience. Wonwoo doesn’t entirely mind because PR is PR, after all.
The thing he does end up minding, though, comes a little later—after the convention hall settles into a more relaxed atmosphere and everyone is back to booth-hopping. 
Despite what he told Mingyu earlier, Wonwoo took it upon himself to do some wandering around. It’s kind of nice to see other streamers and content creators he’s only ever got to interact with on Discord or their respective streams.
But while he’s munching on a cherry-shaped cookie that Seungcheol is handing out to his visitors, the bane of his existence swoops down on him just when he thought he could finish this entire event in peace.
“Hey, daddy,” you giggle into his ear before swiping the cookie out of his hands, tossing it into your mouth without a second thought. “Didn’t think I’d get to see you today.”
Wonwoo clicks his tongue before shrugging off the arm you draped around his shoulder. “What do you want?”
“Nothing in particular,” you hum before swallowing the food you just stole from him. “But now that I got a taste of Cheol’s cherry cookies, I kinda want some more. Do you know where he is?” 
“I think I saw him flirting with a bunch of cosplayers near the stage.”
Wonwoo startles at the sound of a third party’s voice intruding in your conversation, and from the looks of it, you’re just as startled as he is. Turning around, though, his apprehension ebbs away when he recognizes who it is.
“Johnny,” he says with a small surprised smile before offering his hand for a casual shake. “It’s been a while.”
The famous streamer returns Wonwoo’s gesture gingerly, but he realizes that Johnny’s gaze isn’t trained on him at all. 
“It has been,” he chuckles before turning to you. “I didn’t know you were friends with Wonwoo, doll. How you got someone as cold as he is to warm up to you is beyond me, but at least you’re expanding your network.”
Wonwoo would’ve rolled his eyes. Johnny is just as frank as he remembers. But before Wonwoo can point out that: 1.) you and him are not friends; and 2.) he is not a cold person, and therefore has absolutely no need to warm up to anyone, he quickly picks up on the sudden shift in the air. And it’s not his or Johnny’s discomfort he’s sensing right now. 
“Nah, you’ve got the wrong idea,” you respond to Johnny casually, but Wonwoo doesn’t miss how your fists are clenched at your sides. “Wonwoo would rather get banned from Twitch than call me his friend. I just like pissing him off every now and again is all~ That, and his friends are pretty cool, so I need to tolerate him.”
Johnny laughs before reaching down to ruffle your carefully styled wig. To others, it would’ve looked like a display of casual affection between friends, but Wonwoo is keen enough to notice how you momentarily flinched from the older streamer’s touch. His brows knit together as he attempts to figure out what was going on.
Actually, how do you even know Johnny in the first place?
“Anyway, I’ll be going now,” he laughs before letting one eye drop into a wink. “It’s good to see both of you. Enjoy the rest of the convention, yeah?”
As Johnny makes his exit, you’re a little too quick to fill in the silence that he left.
“You’ve gotta take me to Cheol before he runs out of cookies,” you whine, tugging on his arm with a persistent look on his face—not even breathing a word about Johnny, as if it hasn’t been two minutes since he left. “I’m pretty sure I saw him wearing a Pikachu onesie, so he should be easy to—”
Wonwoo immediately cuts you off with a quick yank of your wrist. As he leads you to one of the unoccupied restrooms near the convention hall, your voice drones in annoyingly repetitive succession in his ears while you struggle to free yourself from his grip, but Wonwoo just won’t budge.
Not when he can’t get the sight of you with genuine fear in your gaze when you first laid your eyes on Johnny out of his head.
“Shit,” you whisper hoarsely the moment Wonwoo slams you against the door—a shit-eating grin resting haughtily on your lips as he nudges your thighs apart. “I knew you were possessive, but not this much. Johnny just gave me a few headpats, daddy. It doesn’t mean a thing.”
Yeah. Wonwoo is totally doing this out of some pathetic, alpha male need to stake his claim after another man got his grubby hands on you. Not because he was bothered by that look on your face, and can’t think of any other way to help get your mind off it aside from fucking you senseless in a public bathroom.
“Shut up,” he murmurs before forcing your cheek against the cold door. “Now take off your leggings before I tear a hole in it myself. Can’t mess up your perfect fucking Sage cosplay now, can we?”
You let out a noise caught between a sigh and a whimper as you do as you're told. From three months ago to now, your general opinion on Jeon Wonwoo as a dom has yet to change. Even if he was about to rail you with a fluffy bunny beanie still resting on top of his head.
He’s fucking perfect.
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the full fic can now be found here!
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
"what the fuck is the mech doing here"
"Uh, congrats on the kid, I guess?"
"Monkey King, I'm too young to be a father."
Or, in which Monkey Mech is sentient.
Word Count: 15k
Read on Ao3
Three days.
That's how long it had been since Monkey Mech had woken up.
It had been a rather boring three days, if he had been honest.
(He?? They?? She?? No, 'he' sounded right).
Nothing had truly happened, outside of that one event at the very beginning, when his creator had controlled him to destroy the Demon Bull King (he's fairly sure that that's what that guy had been called, but he could be wrong for all he knew). Or, well, not destroying him, he supposed, more so defeating him. He didn't think the Demon Bull King had actually died. No, he was pretty sure the Demon Bull Family had all escaped without any deaths.
The lack of any deaths, civilian or otherwise, was an honest miracle, Monkey Mech was pretty sure. After all, he'd had a while to think about it, having remained standing in front of the large, smoking, empty crater that he and his creator's final attack had left on the ground. He hadn't had much else to look at.
A few people had stopped by, a couple of times. Some had been observing the crater- Monkey Mech figured they were some kind of official people, from the way they were dressed. He wasn't... entirely sure how he knew that their outfits made them official people. He didn’t know where that information was coming from, but he was fairly sure that it was right. Probably.
...He should ask someone about that sooner or later. Of course, that’d only be once he got the chance, to talk to someone.
There'd been some other people who had shown up. Most had been seemingly curious civilians who had taken the opportunity to try and get a selfie with him. Not that it was really hard, as he was standing perfectly still, but he had still had to witness some people take hours trying to find the perfect shot to get as much of him in the frame as possible. Monkey Mech didn't really think that was necessary.
After all, why take a picture with him, when they should really be taking a picture of his creator?
Speaking of his creator, he had not actually seen him since the day of his creation. Him, Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and Mei, (how did he know those names? He'd never truly met them. Was this leftover information from his creator?), had all left the scene shortly after the Demon Bull King's defeat, leaving Monkey Mech by himself.
All alone.
Standing still.
Which he had remained doing for the past three days.
...Okay, so maybe he was just the tiniest bit spiteful about that. Like, come on. He was starting to get restless!! He couldn't just stay like this forever! He wasn't some sort of inanimate statue, he needed to move!!
Of course, he supposed that he could just move at any time. Whenever he wanted to. But there was a reason why he hadn't.
Just one reason. (Definitely only the one. There wasn’t… anything else. Definitely). 
And it was really quite simple.
The humans around him, including his own creator, did not believe him to be sentient.
He was quite certain about this. Considering the way people had been treating him when they walked up for selfies, and the way he had caught some of those official people muttering something along the lines of “what should we do with the tin can?” it was fairly obvious that the people thought he could not think for himself.
And it seemed like his creator likely subscribed to that theory as well, considering he hadn't shown up to check on him yet.
...Not that he could truly blame him for it. Monkey Mech supposed he hadn't given his creator any proof as to otherwise during their brief amount of time together. So it made sense that he simply would not know.
And, well. Monkey Mech... didn't want to frighten anyone. Or, at the very least, didn't want to go against their expectations. He didn't really know how the humans would react if they discovered the giant robot was, y'know, capable of thought and had free-will. It was probably better for everyone's sakes to pretend that that wasn't the case.
...And also he didn't want to have to explain the standing around for three days thing. In truth, complete and honest truth, initially he had frozen up because he didn't know what to do, how to interact with his creator and his friends, and then they had left before he could figure it out, and then other people came around, and, well.
Monkey Mech had an inkling that, for some reason, he'd probably get teased if it was revealed that he had stood around completely still for three days because he was shy.
(Despite not even knowing her, something about Mei gave off that kind of vibe to him).
(Once again, possibly leftover remnants from his creator? Monkey Mech wasn't sure).
Still though, it had taken everything in him not to turn around when he heard his creator's voice again.
“Okay team!” MK yelled, arriving at the edge of the crater, dropping a table he had been carrying onto the ground in front of him and spreading out a blue sheet of paper on top of it. “It's go time!”
The others congregated around him, and Monkey Mech felt curiosity overtake him. Exactly what was his creator doing back here, now?
Patiently, he waited until the whole group was seemingly occupied looking over MK's shoulder, at what he was drawing on the paper, and then, making sure there were no civilians or anyone else around that could possibly see, Monkey Mech slowly and carefully bent over to try and get a better look.
(...He supposed it didn't really matter if a civilian happened to see. After all, since his creator was here, they'd likely assume that MK was the one moving him around. There wasn't much danger in that.
No, it was MK and his friends that he had to be careful of).
He was glad they had chosen to stand in a place that was already covered by his shadow, as it meant none of them noticed his shadow shifting to cover them more.
It... seemed like MK was designing some kind of blueprint?
Pigsy mumbled something, to which MK laughed- but what they were saying was so quiet that, at his height, Monkey Mech couldn't hear them.
He leaned down a little closer.
Mei seemed to bristle, and Monkey Mech took the warning for what it was and quickly returned to his prior position before she could turn around.
Her piercing stare settled upon him, almost kind of frightening, and it was only through three days worth of practice that Monkey Mech didn't instinctively fidget.
After a few seconds of analysis, she slowly turned back around, looping an arm over MK's shoulder as she pointed at something on the blueprint.
If it was possible for Monkey Mech to breathe a sigh of relief, he would have.
After a few minutes, just for safety, he started to lean down again- moving a lot slower this time than before. He wasn't entirely sure as to what had notified Mei that he had moved, so he wanted to be extra careful.
Thankfully, it seemed that he went unnoticed this time, as he was able to lean much further down than before- able to get a better look at what his creator was designing.
It looked like... buildings?
Monkey Mech glanced up at the crater in front of him, and then back down at the blueprints.
By his calculations, the buildings in the blueprints would fit inside of the crater perfectly.
...Why was his creator designing the official replacement buildings for this area? Shouldn't that be the job of some government designer, or something?
...Now that he thought about it, were government designers even a thing? He was sure that there were some people who had designing as a job, but he couldn't recall if there was a government position for it or not.
Well, there probably was. Maybe. There were government positions for restaurants after all! Why else would Pigsy have so much authority?
...Something about that didn't feel quite right, but as it was, Monkey Mech didn't have enough facts to be able to dispute it, so, he supposed he should just be better safe than sorry and consider it true.
That still didn't answer why MK was designing these buildings though.
Oh, Monkey Mech really wished he could just ask him. But they all looked so focused on what they were doing, he didn't want to disturb them, and he especially didn't want to make them angry.
(He didn't truly want to admit it, but Mei's stare had been outright terrifying. Despite being a giant robot, he had actually felt threatened. He was certain that he absolutely did not want to get on her bad side).
So, he really had no choice other than to sit there quietly observing.
He was just starting to become entranced in the way MK drew the swooping lines for his designs when Mei abruptly turned around again.
This time, Monkey Mech was not as fast as he should've been.
He returned to his prior position standing up, yes, but it was obvious that Mei had caught the movement this time around, if the way her jaw dropped was any indication.
The both of them stood perfectly still for a moment, Mei's jaw slowly closing as she seemingly processed what she had seen. Monkey Mech stared back down at her.
And then she was opening her mouth again, in the process of turning around to, most likely, inform the others, and Monkey Mech panicked.
Bending down slightly again, he waved his hands silently, pausing for a moment before making a shushing motion. Mei froze again, but-
Tang had seemed to notice Mei's actions, and turned around to see what she was looking at.
The next few minutes, despite Monkey Mech's panicked shushing movements, were a clean and simple chain reaction.
Tang, in his shock, took a step back, bumping into Sandy, who automatically turned to stabilize him, thus seeing Monkey Mech in motion. While the river demon did not react with shock, per say, he did seem surprised, and immediately nudged Pigsy, lightly, on the shoulder, prompting the pig demon to turn around as well.
Monkey Mech found himself being stared at by all four members of his creator's friends and family.
He could feel his joints start to lock up- causing his motions to slow down. If he was human, he was certain that he'd likely be sweating from anxiety right now.
None of them had said a single word.
MK still hadn't noticed. He was completely in his own little world, happily drawing on the blueprints, seemingly having no clue what was going on.   
That, unfortunately for Monkey Mech, didn't last long.
Mei put a hand on MK's shoulder.
“Hm? What's up-” MK cut himself off with a strangled noise as Mei abruptly spun him around, outright picking him up off the ground in order to do so. He didn't let go of his pencil, still holding it in one hand like he was about to continue drawing. “What was that fo-”
Monkey Mech froze completely as his creator's eyes locked onto him, but it was far too late.
“Oh.” MK said, completely deadpan.
And then he opened his mouth and screamed.
Within instants, everyone was screaming. Monkey Mech, surprised by the sudden action, screamed too, and that just seemed to make the other's scream louder-
On a logical level, Monkey Mech knew exactly why they were screaming.
But, for a brief second, pure instinct took over, the want to protect that was literally written into his very being activating.
Not even thinking about it, he scooped the group up into his hands and ran.
It wasn't until he was sitting behind an abandoned building, glancing over the top of it (rather easily, as he was much taller than said building) for any sign of danger, that he realized what he had just done.
He turned his head back to look down at the group in his hands just in time for MK to summon the staff, seemingly moving to attack him-
Only to very clearly overbalance, as the staff grew larger and connected with Monkey Mech's head with even less force than if he had been lightly flicked on the forehead.
The staff automatically shrank back to more comfortably sit within MK's hands as everyone went completely still.
Monkey Mech blinked.
“...Was that really necessary?” He asked, and everyone quite promptly started freaking out once more.
“Holy shit, you can talk?!” The staff vanished into golden light as MK's hands moved to grasp at his hair in clear distress. “The mech can talk?!”
“Yes, I can talk.” Monkey Mech had to admit, he sounded a lot calmer than he actually was. Well, he supposed that would probably work in his favour.
“Why didn't you say anything before?” Mei asked- seemingly taking over the questioning as MK suddenly looked like he was having a crisis of world-ending proportions.
“You didn't ask me anything?” In truth, it was, well, as previously stated, because Monkey Mech hadn't known what to say, and was quite frankly too nervous to attempt it.
But he wasn't just going to tell them that.
“Why.” MK whispered, and it was only because he was holding them all so close to his face that Monkey Mech was able to hear him.
“Why what?”
“Why did you just stand there???” MK clarified, and Monkey Mech was so glad that he had not actually been built with the ability to form facial expressions, cause he was certain that if he had, the one he would be making now would've been very revealing.
“...The view was nice?” Oh, he should not have said anything. His voice had been steady beforehand, but now there was a certain tone to it that made even him able to tell that it sounded nervous.
There was a collective deadpan look, all of them clearly knowing that what he just said was very much not the truth, but there seemed to be a collective decision to not mention it yet (hopefully it would never be mentioned again, ever-), as MK suddenly removed his hands from his hair, a look of determination in his face.
“I need to go get Monkey King.” There was a bright golden flash, and then suddenly he was gone. Monkey Mech could just barely make out the visual of him struggling to pole vault with the staff in the distance, occasionally being thrown way up into the air.
...His creator should really have someone help him learn how to control that better before he goes off trying to vault across the ocean on his own, he was probably likely to fall in the water with the way he was doing it.
But, Monkey Mech realized, that was not the priority right now.
He glanced back down at his hands, where the remaining four stood staring up at him.
“Uhhh.” He didn't like how quiet they were being. What did people do when they were in this kind of situation? “...Hi? I'm... Monkey Mech?”
MK arrived at Flower Fruit Mountain with a bang- as he crashed into the beach.
Groaning, he pulled himself up out of the small impact crater he had left behind, shaking sand out of his hair and wringing ocean water out of his jacket.
(He hadn't exactly... perfected the art of vaulting across the ocean, yet. He had, unfortunately, lost his grip, and ended up taking a little dip on the way there).
Straightening himself out, he rushed up the stairs to the waterfall cave as quickly as he could.
“Monkey King!!” He yelled, as soon as he was past the waterfall entrance, “Are you in here?”
There was a loud crash, like something falling over, and MK winced.
“Just a second, kid!” There was a bright flash, and, as soon as MK had blinked, there Wukong was, standing in front of him. “What's up? Surely there can't be another world ending crisis already- besides, you could definitely handle it on your own!”
“That's not the issue.” MK sighed, opening his mouth-
“Oh, is this about me training you then? I thought I left a letter in your apartment telling you when we could start that-”
“Yes, yes! I read that- starting this weekend. Yes. I'm very excited for it actually! But this isn't about that.” MK said. Wukong opened his mouth as though he was about to speak again, and MK quickly reached out, slamming a hand over top of Wukong's mouth, preventing him from saying a word. “Could you just let me finish what I have to say?”
Wukong gave a nod, and MK slowly pulled his hand back.
“...What was I gonna-” With all of Wukong's distractions, MK had almost forgotten- “Oh, right- Monkey Mech is sentient!!!”
“Yeah, he is.” Wukong summoned his cloud, back flipping into it, laying down casually, like this fact wasn't a surprise to him. He even went as far as to pull out a bag of peach chips and start eating them before he noticed the incredulous look that MK was giving him. “...Did. Did you not know?”
“You knew?!?!” If anything, MK seemed more distressed than he had been before at this discovery.
“Uh, yeah? I could sense the life energy in him from the beginning, when you made him.” Wukong's tail swung back and forth with a nervousness that MK did not pick up on. “I thought you knew.”
“Well I didn't!! I only found out today!”
“...Uh, congrats on the kid, I guess?” The joke did not land, if the way MK collapsed down onto his knees was any indication. “Woah, hey-”
“Monkey King, I'm too young to be a father.” MK muttered, seemingly in despair. Wukong reluctantly got off of his cloud to hesitantly pat him on the shoulder.
“...You can be his brother, then?” Wukong tried, and, shockingly enough, this attempt seemed to almost kind of work.
“I've always kind of wanted a younger sibling…” MK trailed off, looking back up at Wukong. “But, Monkey King, this is a giant robot we're talking about. Like, giant!”
“He can't even fit in the Noodle Shop!!”
“That's your biggest concern?!?!”
Monkey Mech being alive, surprisingly, was a concept that took very little adjustment to. People seemed to accept things as the new normal far too quickly in this city, in Monkey Mech's opinion. He thought there'd be more of an uproar than this.
Of course, that didn't mean that there hadn't been challenges. In just the one week since his sentience had been discovered, there had already been a group that had tried to run him out of the city.
'No Giant Robots Allowed!' Had seemed to be their catchphrase.
After one meeting with them, however, their leader had mumbled; “Well, I guess he seems rather polite”, and the issue had been dropped.
Of course, there still was the general concern about the overall destruction he might cause, even if it was accidental, which, Monkey Mech found that concern entirely fair. So, he did his utmost best to stay in one section of the city, mainly around the parts that had already been destroyed by the battle against the Demon Bull King, and, when venturing out, made sure to stick to the same paths- usually stepping into the footprints he had previously left behind, so as to not create more damage.
Really, the only reason he had for venturing out anyways was to go and visit his crea- (“MK, call me MK. Hearing myself be called your 'creator' just feels... wrong, for some reason.”)- no, MK, at the Noodle Shop. And, even then, most of the time the others just came around to visit him, instead, so he didn't really need to go anywhere.
(There had been, some kind of... vibe when he had first shown up outside the Noodle Shop. Pigsy had offered him some noodles, and Monkey Mech had allowed the tiny bowl to balance on his pinky finger for a good five minutes before something seemed to click in the other's mind.
”Can you even eat?“ Pigsy had asked.
”No, but I like to feel included!“ Monkey Mech had been genuinely happy at the time, but the energy coming from the others…
It had felt a little sad.
Monkey Mech didn't like it.
So he much preferred it when the others would come and visit him, instead).
He had never gone further than the Noodle Shop.
Which was why he hesitated when a commotion started up over at what he was pretty sure was the Weather Station.
He stood, in the middle of a street, ignoring the sound of traffic carefully moving around his feet as he stared down the road. He'd never gone down this way.
But... something was definitely happening down there. He couldn't just ignore it. What if MK was in trouble? They might need his help.
(Or, well, maybe not. He was pretty sure that they could handle themselves, most likely. But that didn't stop him from being worried).
A louder bang came from the Weather Station, and Monkey Mech made his choice.
Carefully, he started walking down the street to the Weather Station.
He kept his eyes on the road below him, paying close attention to make sure that he didn't accidentally step on top of a person- or their car.
(Someone who's car he'd stepped on had been a very vocal part of the 'No Giant Robots Allowed!' group. Monkey Mech would rather avoid going through that whole experience again if he could, thank you very much).
It wasn't until he was directly in front of the Weather Station that he realized that this building was actually slightly taller than him. Carefully, not wanting to knock himself off balance (falling down when he was surrounded by so many buildings was most definitely a worst case scenario), Monkey Mech stood up on his tippy toes in order to look inside.
MK wasn't there, but Mei, Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy were. They were all tied up, and seemed to be varying levels of mad about it. The Demon Bull King's son, Red Son, happened to also be there, sitting in the chair at the Weather Station's computer. All of them had their backs turned to him.
Well. This was a less than ideal situation.
Monkey Mech reached out, to attempt to gently tap on the glass to get the attention of one of his friends- and quietly ask them how he could help out.
Unfortunately, things did not turn out that way, as his 'gentle tap' completely shattered the window, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
“...Oops.” He quickly withdrew his hand. “I... didn't mean to do that.”
“What…” Red Son muttered, and then continued, much louder than before; “What the fuck is the mech doing here?”
“Hey!!” Mei yelled, looking outright feral, “Watch your fucking language around the mech!”
“...You guys say the f-word all the time though?” Monkey Mech's head tilted to the side in confusion. Red Son looked absolutely flabbergasted at the situation, and Tang turned to the side, seemingly to hide laughter.
“Holy shit, he censored it.” Mei said.
“Say 'fuck' Monkey Mech.” MK chimed in.
“Do it Monkey Mech, say fu-” Mei started to continue, but was interrupted.
“I don't have the time for this nonsense-” Red Son said, his head in his hands, before he paused, and slowly raised his head, blinking, as his eyes locked onto MK. “What the fuck- when did you get back here?!?”
“Oh, around the same time Monkey Mech absolutely destroyed the window.”
“I said I didn't mean to!!”
It had been a few days since what Mei had promptly dubbed the “MK Clone Revolution” incident- which was a rather uncreative name, but Tang's idea of “Duplicatnation” had been outvoted. In all honesty, MK had felt a little bad to have to get rid of all the clones, especially the more sentient ones, like Painter, Delivery, and Porty... they had almost given off a vibe rather similar to Monkey Mech, if he was being honest.
Even so, that hadn't stopped him from making a clone or two to help him out with a few things. 
He just made sure that he didn't leave them around for too long! He even had Mei develop a little check in system to make sure that he hadn't left any clones unaccounted for.
“Clone Check!” Mei yelled, appearing out of nowhere behind him, and it was only due to the fact that MK had grown used to this behavior over the years that he didn't startle. “How many clones did you make today?”
“Mmm, three?” MK was fairly sure that sounded about right. It had been a pretty busy day- between his third training session with the Monkey King that morning and the intense rush hour that afternoon, he'd needed a bit of an extra hand (or, well, hands) with things.
“Okay, and, did you dismiss all of them?” Mei asked.
And MK... paused.
He... couldn't remember.
Had he dismissed the clones he made today?
Apparently his silence was answer enough, as Mei narrowed her eyes dangerously.
“I don't remember.” MK admitted, “But, y'know, I probably did, right?”
He winced as Mei gave him a Look.
“Alright, alright.” He said, before letting out a sigh. “I... probably didn't dismiss them.”
Mei sighed too.
“Guess we're going on a clone hunt.”
It was quickly discovered that there were far too many places within the city for a hair clone to hide. Over two hours had passed, and between him and Mei, neither of them had found a single clone. It was getting rather frustrating honestly- this was eating into MK's free time. Well, he supposed that was a valuable lesson to himself; don't leave a hair-clone active unless you want to waste hours in the city searching for it.
Eventually, their search led them to the outskirts of the construction area- where people were working to repair the damage MK, Monkey Mech, and Demon Bull King had inadvertently caused. (MK was just glad that his only punishment was to design the new buildings, not pay for them. The Demon Bull Family was the one charged with the financial aspect of it, thankfully). Monkey Mech usually hung around in this area- he said it was to stay away from buildings he could actually damage, and to help with the construction efforts, but MK was pretty sure it was actually because there were less people over here. He had a niggling suspicion that the giant robot was, for some reason, shy.
(This suspicion was only strengthened by how Monkey Mech still continued to avoid answering the question of why he had chosen to stand around perfectly still for three days. The longer they went without a proper answer, the more MK was certain that the mech was almost embarrassed about it, which, on some level, was kind of hilarious if you thought about it).
Sure enough, in their search, they eventually stumbled across Monkey Mech, who was sitting on the ground, seemingly doing nothing.
(...Weird. For some reason, MK could swear that the background soundtrack was oddly louder in this area...)
“Hey! Mecha-dude!” Mei called, catching the robot's attention. “Have you seen any rogue MK-clones running around?”
“First of all, it's Monkey Mech. Secondly... no. I haven't seen any MK other than the one beside you.” Monkey Mech said.
“Huh. Guess... they're not in this area.” Mei let out a groan, leaning on MK's shoulder to take weight off of her own feet. MK allowed her to do so without protest. “Ughhh, where could they be? We've been searching all over for them…”
“I don't know, Mei.” Was it MK's imagination, or was the soundtrack getting louder? “Maybe they... happened to 'poof' on their own? Hair-clones can't actually stand up to much stress, physically.”
No, yeah, the soundtrack was definitely getting louder.What was up with that?
“I think the hair-clones would know fully well what they can and cannot do without 'poofing', MK.”
“Ehh, I'm not so sure-”
Man, that was really loud. What was up with the-
That wasn't the soundtrack.
MK turned on his heel to face Monkey Mech, not missing how the giant robot seemed to nervously startle at his action.
“And what is in your cockpit young man?!?!” MK shouted to be heard over the music, pointing at Monkey Mech in accusation. The music stuttered for a moment and then died out, Monkey Mech slouching slightly as the entrance to his chest opened-
Revealing Delivery, Painter, and Porty to be standing inside- slightly tangled with one another, as though they had been arguing.
They quickly straightened up when they saw that MK and Mei were staring at them though.
“Oh, uh. Hi, OG.” Porty avoided eye-contact, the other two clones following his lead and mimicking his actions. “How's it goin'?”
“Where have you three been?” MK asked, a note of exasperation leaking into his voice. “We've been searching for you three for hours.”
“Well, we've just... been here. Chillin' with big bro mech.” Porty said, lightly knocking his knuckles against the side of Monkey Mech. MK looked up at Monkey Mech expectantly.
Monkey Mech sighed.
“They're kinda like... well, they feel a bit like younger siblings to me.” He said, reaching a hand up for the three clones to jump onto, carefully and gently moving them back down to the ground. “They ended up wandering over here and wanted to hang out before you 'poofed' them away.”
“Well, you could've told us about it.” Mei huffed, “We went on a three hour long goose chase looking for them.”
Monkey Mech and the clones all hung their heads as though they'd been admonished, and MK let out a world weary sigh.
“Just... tell us about it next time, okay?” He said, pretending not to notice how both the clones and Monkey Mech brightened at the mention of a 'next time'. “I don't want to have to go searching all across the city again.”
The three clones saluted him, and Monkey Mech quickly copied their action.
...MK hoped he wouldn't regret this.
Monkey Mech didn't need to sleep. This, however, did not stop him from daydreaming.
Which, of course, is why he startled when his inner comms device suddenly rang.
“Hello, hello?” Mei's voice came through, “Testing, testing… Monkey Mech?”
“...Hi?” Monkey Mech said, slowly. He... didn't know his comms could do that, actually. Considering Mei had contacted him with them, he probably shouldn't tell her that, though.
“Oh good, it worked!” Mei said, “Anyways though, we've got a tiny bit of a situation.”
Well. That was never good.
“What's up?”
“Y'see, Tang and Pigsy have been kinda kidnapped.”
“...Kinda kidnapped?”
“Yeah, by some kind of spider-demon, apparently.”
A full body shiver suddenly made it's way through Monkey Mech's non-existent spine. He wasn't even sure he knew what a spider was, but just hearing the word was enough to convince him that he did not like it in the slightest.
Mei seemed to be completely unaware of this, thankfully, as she continued.
“She's down in the sewers, so we're starting a little rescue mission, but, well, MK is kinda scared of spiders, so we were wondering if you could lend an extra hand, somehow.” She said, and Monkey Mech could just barely make out the sound of MK saying something about spiders in the background- something about being tiny with lots of legs?
Monkey Mech did not like the sound of that. He wanted to help, that was what he was for, but…
...Mei had said that the spider-demon was 'down in the sewers'. Well, in that case…
“There isn't an entrance to the sewers that I can fit through.” Monkey Mech said, “And I don't exactly wanna destroy a city street just to get down there...you should probably save me as an absolute last resort.”
“Oh. Yeah, you're right. Y'know, sometimes, I forget just how big you are.” Mei said, and Monkey Mech did his best not to wince. “Sorry for bothering you! We'll contact you again if we need you to do some... demolition.”
Monkey Mech did not like the way she said that, but didn't get the chance to respond, as she hung up almost immediately afterwards. After a few seconds, he let out a sigh (he couldn't actually exhale air as a sigh, but something about making the sound of one did help to release some tension, somehow, so he kept doing it), feeling like he had just dodged a bullet-
“What are you up to, buddy?”  
Monkey Mech jumped, cringing as the buildings around him briefly shook from the motion. Paying attention to his surroundings, out of the corner of his eye, he could just make out the Monkey King standing on his shoulder.
“N-not much.” Monkey Mech hadn't actually interacted with Wukong, outside of that one time the monkey had stood on top of him before turning into a bird and flying off. He had sensed the Monkey King's magic then, but other than that, he'd never had any contact with him, so... “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I'm just checking a few things out.” Wukong said, sitting down, swinging his legs back and forth. “Where's the kid and his friends?”
“...Tang and Pigsy got kidnapped by some kind of... spider-demon. In the sewers. So MK, Mei, and Sandy are gonna go save 'em.” Monkey Mech explained, Wukong nodding along with every word.
“Ahh, Spider Queen, huh? So she's hiding out in the sewers? Good to know.” Wukong said, “Well, since everyone else is gone…”
Before Monkey Mech could properly react, one of Wukong's feet swung back with much more force than before, whacking him, and causing the door on his chest to swing open on instinct. Within seconds, Wukong had swung down and flipped his way into the cockpit, the door automatically closing behind him.
“Wha- hold on! What are you doing?!” It took all of Monkey Mech's strength not to move as Wukong started pressing buttons and moving the controls. “Hey!”
“I've always wanted to try driving a mech.” Wukong said, pulling one control stick back. Monkey Mech couldn't stop himself from lifting one arm in response. “Ooh so that's how that one works-”
“Okay, just, wait a second!” Monkey Mech forcibly brought his arms down, shaking with the effort not to move as Wukong kept messing around. “Just- can we at least move somewhere where there aren't so many buildings first?”
“Huh, why?” Wukong asked, sounding genuinely confused, before realization seemed to finally hit him. “Ohhh, property damage. And mortals. Right. Okay, yeah sure. I know someplace where we can go.”
And that, was how Monkey Mech ended up following Sun Wukong's instructions to a nice, large, abandoned clearing a good 20 minutes outside the outskirts of town.
“Right, we shouldn't bother anybody out here.” Wukong said, “Now come on, I wanna test this whole thing out!”
Monkey Mech glanced around for a second, double checking to make sure that no-one else was around, before he let out another audible sigh, just to let the Monkey King know exactly what he thought about all this, and then let Sun Wukong take control.
(Later, after calculating the exact number of trees they had accidentally uprooted, as well as the damage done to the ground, both Wukong and Monkey Mech agreed that Wukong should not be allowed to take the controls unless it was in the case of an absolute emergency).
Monkey Mech didn't normally get summoned for any kind of problem. He was rather big, after all, and his fighting style caused a lot of destruction. It was, usually, a better option for him not to get involved.
He knew this. He knew MK and the others knew this.
Which was why he rushed to MK's location at top speed the instant he felt the calling magic from the staff activate.
He had sensed that something was wrong all day. Or, for the past week, really. There'd been something off with MK, definitely, for sure. Some kind of magic that hadn't been there before. MK had vaguely mentioned having a bonus teacher “giving him a few extra pointers” when he had asked, so Monkey Mech had mostly shrugged it off.
However, he had also noticed... something strange about the overall magic in the city.
Over the past two days, the magic levels in the city had spiked. By, a lot. And the temperature levels seemed to be dropping too, for some reason.
Monkey Mech could only assume that the Demon Bull Family were up to something again. Something of this scale seemed like their forte. However, with his size, he couldn't exactly pull off any kind of investigation, so he had to leave it be.
As he jumped down into a giant hole in the ground and caught MK and Mei within his cockpit, though, he kinda wished he hadn't.
He didn't pay much attention to what MK and Mei were saying, instead observing his surroundings, as well as making sure that they didn't fall any further down the hole. Man, there sure were a lot of Demon Bull...Clones? Bots? Now that he thought about it, Monkey Mech wasn't sure what they were called.
Next thing he knew though, MK was falling back down the hole again, and Mei was maneuvering him back up to the top.
“Woah, hey, wait-” Monkey Mech said, even as he let Mei move his arm to deflect an attack away from himself. “What's going on?”
“Don't worry big guy, just let me handle this.” Was the only response he got, as Mei promptly threw herself entirely into fighting the enemy. Very quickly deciding there was no point in trying to get any kind of answer from her- she did have a tendency to be rather impulsive, sometimes even more so than MK and Wukong after all, Monkey Mech allowed her to do as she wished. The only time she paused, was when she happened to mess up a step, causing Monkey Mech to fall over backwards.
“Agh- sorry!” She said, even as she quickly readjusted while Monkey Mech stood back up.
“It's fine- you're doing better than Monkey King did, anyways.” Monkey Mech lifted a leg, lightly shaking off the Bull Clones(??) that had gathered there, sending them sprawling across the ground.
“Monkey King? When did he- ah, you know what, you'll have to tell me about that later, okay?!” Mei's tone left no room for argument, and Monkey Mech knew he would be forced to tell the whole story to her one way or another- despite the fact that he had told Sun Wukong that he “would keep the whole thing a secret”.
Well... it is in the nature of secrets to not stay secret forever, he supposed.
There was a large crash that was, most definitely, not fireworks.
Monkey Mech stood up almost immediately. From the outskirts of the city, he couldn't exactly see what was going on in the city center, and that... well, that worried him. He had picked this spot because it was far enough out that he wouldn't be in the way of any of the celebrations, but would still be able to hear everything, as well as see the fireworks, but now he worried that maybe this was to his disadvantage.
For a few moments, he wondered if maybe he had just heard wrong, if perhaps a stall had gotten knocked over or something, and the sound had just echoed louder than it should have. Maybe someone's generator blew a fuse?
The screaming proved that theory wrong.
He quickly started towards the center of the city- not daring to run, not quite yet (besides, he could cross the general area much faster than most cars could just by walking), when he caught a glimpse of Wukong and MK out of the corner of his eye.
He turned a bit, to put them in his sights better, just in time to watch MK completely freak out.
MK looked terrified.
Confusion ran through him. What could possibly freak MK out so much that he would-
Monkey Mech glanced back in front of him, and immediately came to a direct halt, a kind of fear he didn't even know he was capable of sweeping through him.
The shape of this-this mech. The way it was moving- the- it's legs-
Based on the way MK had reacted, there was no doubt in Monkey Mech's mind that this- this was a spider.
He felt almost sick at the sight of it, terror almost locking him in place. The spider-mech moved forwards, knocking into a building, sending debris falling to the ground.
He could've sworn one of it's various 'eyes' swirled around to look at him.
For once, Monkey Mech was glad for the general confusion and chaos of the panicking citizens.
Cause it meant that nobody noticed when he turned around and ran away.
“Hey, uh, has anyone seen Monkey Mech?” MK asked. The colours in the sky from the explosion were steadily beginning to fade, and MK had realized- “I don't think I've seen him in a while... He would've definitely heard the commotion, right? He usually always comes when there's some kind of trouble.”
“...Now that you mention it, no, I don't think I did see him.” Pigsy said. “You'd think a giant robot would be, y'know, easier to spot.”
“I can see where he normally hangs around from up here.” Mei curved her hands in front of her eyes like binoculars as she focused in on the direction of the construction-zone as well as the outskirts. “I don't see him at all…”
“...Strange.” MK muttered, standing up from the ledge of the building. “Maybe we should go look for him. It'd be bad if he'd gotten hit by some weird kinda robotic spider-virus or something.”
“I... don't think that's possible-” Tang started, but MK ignored him, instead heading for the stairwell. He was far too tired from the day's events to try pole vaulting around the city. 
Soon enough, everyone had piled into Pigsy's van, and were driving to the outskirts of the city.
About halfway there, Mei pointed something out.
“Are those... Monkey Mech's footprints?” She asked, and Pigsy brought the van to a stop as they all turned to look. Sure enough, there were giant footprints in the ground- ones that abruptly turned around and went back in the direction that they had come from. Mei tilted her head to the side. “I don't... think this is one roads he normally goes down... Plus, he usually makes sure to step in the prints he already left, so as to not leave much damage behind…”
The sense that something must be wrong settled over them like a suffocating blanket.
Pigsy turned the van around and took off, following the footprints.
It turned out, Monkey Mech could cross quite a distance when he wanted to. It was a full hour and half before they found him- they'd even needed to go off road, following the trail of crushed trees and flattened bushes until they reached a fairly large, fairly destroyed, clearing.
(MK had worried, for a brief moment, before he realized that none of the damage seemed truly recent. Good. At least 'giant robot gone rogue' wasn't on the menu for today. With everything that had happened already, MK wasn't sure he would've been able to handle that).
Monkey Mech was sitting in the center, his legs pulled up to his chest, his tail held within his hands.
Overall, he looked a bit like an upset child.
MK was out of the van before it had even come to a complete halt.
“Monkey Mech!!” He yelled, wincing as Monkey Mech seemed to actually startle- the resulting small jump the giant robot did enough for the ground to shake, sending MK temporarily off balance. Seems like Monkey Mech hadn't heard the van.
...That was weird. Normally he was more aware of his surroundings.  
“...Monkey Mech?” MK said again, gentler this time. “Is... everything okay?”
“Uh-” Monkey Mech's voice crackled a little bit, slightly staticky as he let go of his tail- but it only swished once before he seemed to think better of it and grabbed hold of it again. “I- yeah. Everything's fine. How'd uh- how'd the fight against Spider Queen go?”
“It's over now, but-” MK started, but was cut off by Pigsy.
“If you knew the city was being attacked by Spider Queen, then why didn't you come to help?” He asked, and Monkey Mech visibly shrunk back, seemingly trying to make himself smaller- a completely impossible task. Pigsy let out a sigh. “We're not mad at ya. We just want to know.”
Monkey Mech let out an electronic noise that, if MK didn't know better, would've almost sounded like a whine.
...The giant robot's next sentence was so filled with static that it was impossible to tell what he had just said.  
“...You wanna try running that by us again, big guy?” Mei joked, and MK harshly nudged her in the side.
Monkey Mech made another static-filled noise.
And then, after a minute of heavy silence, there was a staticky sounding sigh.
“I'm…” Monkey Mech's voice was still filled with static, but at the very least was now understandable. He sounded...almost nervous. “I'm... afraid of spiders.”
“Oh.” MK said, ignoring the various looks and noises of disbelief from the others as he stepped forwards, using the staff to help himself up to stand on top of one of Monkey Mech's hands to be closer to eye-level with him. “Uh. You uh, probably got that from me. Sorry. But, hey!! Spider Queen and the others are gone now, so there's nothing to worry about!!”
That statement, for some reason, seemed to do very little to assure Monkey Mech, as he let out another static filled noise. MK sat down and tried to give off the best comforting vibes he could, watching out of the corner of his eye as the others started pulling out blankets and some snacks. Seemed like they were all aware that they were probably going to be here for a long while.    
It was an hour before Monkey Mech spoke again.
“...I'm sorry.” He mumbled. MK, who had been leaning to the side, starting to fall asleep, jumped, before straightening up. Once Monkey Mech knew MK was paying attention to him, he repeated himself; “I'm sorry for running away.”
“Oh, hey- it's okay buddy.” MK said, gently patting Monkey Mech's hand. “Like Pigsy said, none of us are upset with you. Heck, if I was you, I probably would've done the same thing if that was my first encounter with a spider. Nobody blames you.”
“But what if you had needed me?” Monkey Mech asked- “What if you had called for me, and I didn't come?”
“I'm sure I'd find another way out.” MK swung his legs back and forth, creating a steady rhythm. “I have my friends with me after all. And, even if that had happened, I still wouldn't have been upset with you. Concerned, maybe, but not upset.”
This didn't seem to reassure Monkey Mech as much as MK had hoped- but the distressed energy he had been picking up from the robot started to slowly recede, so at the very least it was somewhat working.
Monkey Mech didn't speak again- MK wasn't entirely sure if he even believed what MK was telling him, but he wasn't outright arguing with it, so MK figured that there wasn't much else that he could do except wait.
...In the end, he must have ended up falling asleep, because when he next opened his eyes, he was laying on the ground, on the blanket with the others. Sitting up, he could see that Monkey Mech had moved slightly- unfurling from his previous curled up position into one that looked much more relaxed than before.
The sun was rising.
MK stared at him for a few moments more before laying back down, rolling over to curl in closer to Pigsy and Mei, and fell back asleep.
Everyone in town was asleep. All because of some stupid app.
Obviously, MK had to go to the Cloud to fix this.
...But before that…
Well, he wanted to check in on Monkey Mech first. Everyone had simply fallen asleep after all, there wouldn't have been any screaming, Monkey Mech probably wouldn't even know that there was a crisis at hand. So, deciding to put his plans to, y'know, save everyone, on hold for a brief second, MK vaulted to the outskirts of the city.
It was rather easy to find Monkey Mech this time around- he was standing beside a nearly finished building, his tail slowly swinging from side to side a little bit- MK wondered if Monkey Mech had to physically hold back from letting his tail swish more.
Well, at least he didn't seem to be asleep. (Could Monkey Mech even sleep? Now that MK thought about it, he didn't think he had ever seen, or heard of, Monkey Mech sleeping. Huh. Maybe he should ask him about that. If he was capable of sleep, the fact that he hadn't was... kinda concerning).
Anyways, right now, Monkey Mech not being asleep was a good thing.
MK landed on the rooftop of the building beside him, waving to get his attention.
“Yo!! Monkey Mech!!” MK called, and Monkey Mech, thankfully, didn't startle, instead just turning to face him. “You doing okay?”
Monkey Mech gave him a thumbs up.
“...Alright, good.” Something about this seemed...a bit off, but MK wasn't entirely sure what specifically was wrong, yet. “Um. Are you aware of what's going on in the city?”
Another thumbs up.
“Oh, so you know that everyone's fallen asleep because of that video game?”
Yet again, a thumbs up.
...Oh. That's what was wrong.
“...Why aren't you talking?” MK asked, and the slight swaying of Monkey Mech's tail immediately froze. “Is something wrong-”
“I'm fi--ine.” Monkey Mech's voice seemed to almost glitch mid-way through the word, going staticky and skipping a little- like a broken CD player. “Nothin--ng's wro--ong.”
“Uh-huh. Yeah. Suuuure.” MK said, leaning against his staff with the most deadpan pose he could muster. “Really believable, Monkey Mech. Now, tell me. What's up with your voice?”
“My voi--ice? Nothing's u--up with my vo--oice.”
MK didn't bother responding to that, instead fixing Monkey Mech with the best 'Disappointed Pigsy' look he could muster. (He'd never quite been able to nail the expression, but there had been people who had told him it was rather effective anyways, so...).
Sure enough, it only took a minute or so before Monkey Mech caved.
“...I'm no--ot as unaff--fected by the vi--rus as I see-em.” He finally said, sounding slightly defeated. “Bu--ut I can't sle-eep, so...”
“So it's just... making you glitch out?” MK asked, and got a thumbs up in return. “Hm. Well. That's. Less than ideal.”
“You're tel--lling me...” Monkey Mech mumbled, crossing his arms. MK let out a sigh.
“Okay. Okay.” He said. “Alright. I gotta get to the Cloud. The only real issue seems to be your voice so... keep an eye out to make sure nothing else happens?”
Monkey Mech saluted him, and MK saluted back, and then spun his staff and slammed it into the ground.
“You named me after what.” Monkey Mech deadpanned, looking down at where MK and Mei were standing in front of an arcade game with a very familiar name. MK laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yeah, well... it's what you're designed after, after all.” He said, “I didn't know you were going to be, like, sentient. Alive. I would've picked a more serious name for you then instead of just. Y'know, what you are. You're... fine with this name though, right? We can always change it if you want to.”
This...gave Monkey Mech pause.
Did he want a different name?
...Maybe if MK had asked him that at the start, he would have, but, now, quite frankly…
“Nah, I think I'm too used to this one.” He said, “I'm fine with it. I just, can't believe I never noticed that I shared a name with the video game you're always playing before, though.”
“I mean, you are rather big.” Mei said, “It makes sense you wouldn't be able to see the letters on the screen down here.”
That... was true. While he could read, oftentimes, Monkey Mech wasn't sure what most signs or written letters said- simply because they were too small for him to actually see.
“Can I watch you two play?” He asked, carefully kneeling down. “This arcade screen...seems big enough. I'll probably be able to see it.”
“Oh, sure!” MK said, before muttering to himself, “I wonder if we could somehow make a controller and screen large enough so that you could play it too...”
...Yeah. Monkey Mech wondered that too.
Honestly, there were a lot of things that he frequently missed out on, just due to being too big. Going to movies, hanging out in the Noodle Shop, playing video games... yeah. There wasn't exactly much that he could do.
Sometimes he wished he was smaller.
As it was, he would have to settle for this, doing his best to focus in on the tiny screen in order to take in every single detail of the video game his creation had apparently been inspired by.
Mei woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a large boom, immediately followed by shaking.
She got out of bed as fast as possible, grabbing her jacket but not bothering to change out of her pajamas as she raced to the door- a large crash and shaking in the middle of the night could only mean one thing.
There was some serious mystic monkey business going on.
Swinging a leg over her motorbike, she turned on the engine, switching her phone on and checking the most recent social media to find out where the attack was taking place.
Only to find… nothing?
Sure, there were some posts, mainly from her general area, about a large crash and shaking, some even asking if there had been an earthquake, but nobody was mentioning an actual incident.
...Huh. Maybe it really had just been a normal explosion, or earthquake-
That idea was promptly dismissed as there was another large boom, and the ground shook again. This time, Mei was awake enough to be able to somewhat pinpoint what direction the sound had originated from.
Pocketing her phone and revving her bike, Mei pulled out of the driveway and drove out of the city.
Over the next hour and a half, she thought she'd picked the wrong direction a few times- or that maybe whatever was going on was now over and dealt with. That thought was always overruled, as another large boom would ring out, followed by more shaking- sometimes closer together, and sometimes further apart.
It was when the booms started to get loud enough to the point she had to put headphones on that she noticed the giant footprints on the ground.
Hm. Well, that certainly painted a scenario, but she wasn't going to make any assumptions just yet.
But, as it turned out, her assumptions would've been right anyways, as she pulled into a very familiar clearing, turning off her bike and hopping off of it, staring up at Monkey Mech.
He hadn't seemed to have noticed her yet, too preoccupied with-
He moved suddenly, with enough force to make the ground shake- as well as knock Mei completely off balance, tumbling to the ground, her headphones slipping off her head. She remained on her back for a moment, briefly dazed, her ears ringing, only just managing to catch a glimpse of Monkey Mech starting up another movement out of the corner of her eye.
“Ah- wait!” She yelled out just in time, Monkey Mech freezing before his foot could make contact with the ground. “Monkey Mech!”
Slowly, Monkey Mech turned around, with a lot more carefulness and precision than he’d had in his previous motions. He carefully knelt down once he caught sight of her, the ground still shaking with his actions, but not nearly as bad.
“...Mei?” He asked, and she could just pick up the slightest bit of hesitance and nervousness in his voice. “What are you doing out here?”
“That's what I should be asking you!” Mei pushed herself off the ground, wiping dirt and grass stains off of her pajamas. “You woke me up, I'll have you know.”
“Woke you up- ah. The, uh, the noise?”
“And the shaking, yes. Nearly knocked my shelves off of the walls, the entire west side of the city thought there was an earthquake!” Mei said, stretching her arms above her head for a second, before letting them drop back down to her sides. “What are you doing all the way out here anyways?”
“Oh, uh, nothing much”” Monkey Mech said, and Mei raised an eyebrow. Monkey Mech looked away from her. “...I'm sorry. I thought I was far enough away that nobody in the city would be affected.”
“Maybe the other parts wouldn't, but the entire west side certainly was.”
Monkey Mech still wouldn't look at her. Mei slowly crossed her arms, analyzing him. Something was niggling on the back of her brain, but what-
The expression she made must have somehow given away the fact that she had figured it out, as Monkey Mech let out a groan, dropping his head into his hands, as Mei pointed a finger at him accusingly.
“You were copying the moves from the Monkey Mech video game, weren't you!!!” With the way she said it, it wasn't really a question, more so a triumphant realization. Monkey Mech made a noise filled with static, but didn't attempt to deny the accusation. Mei cackled, pulling her phone out of her pocket. “Oh, MK's going to love this!”
“...Must he know about it?” Monkey Mech asked, his head still covered by his hands. Mei's loud laughter was the only response he got, indicating that, no matter what, MK was definitely going to find out about this- and there was no point in trying to delay the inevitable.
Monkey Mech found MK sitting on top of an abandoned building, cross-legged, his staff sitting on his lap. He didn't seem to be doing anything, simply staring off into the distance, in the direction of the ocean.
He only tilted his head to the side slightly in acknowledgement when Monkey Mech came to a stop beside the building. There was silence for a few moments- Monkey Mech couldn't help but think something about MK just felt off today, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what.
But, after a bit of pondering it, he decided to brush that issue to the side.
He had a more important question after all.
“Soooo.” He started, drawing MK's full attention to him. “I heard you managed to shrink your staff?”
“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah- I can make myself go all tiny too, if I want.” For some reason, MK didn't sound as excited by that fact as he should have been, but Monkey Mech didn't think too much about it.
“Well, in that case…” Monkey Mech looked side to side, confirming that no-one else was around, before leaning closer towards MK. “Could you... make me smaller?”
“Y'know, smaller! Like, person-size, preferably?” Monkey Mech couldn't keep the hope out of his voice. MK gave a sigh.
“I... I don't know.” He said, “Maybe I could, but... I don't want to try it. Risk it.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I made you, right?” The staff vanished into golden light as MK slowly stood up, turning to be able to face Monkey Mech fully. “You're created from like, my energy, or whatever. I just, I don't know if trying to make you smaller would like... mess with that. I don't want to risk losing you.”
Oh. That... was reasonable, Monkey Mech supposed.
He didn't exactly want to be 'lost' either.
“Besides…” MK muttered, under his breath, too low for Monkey Mech to hear. “We're going to need as many heavy-hitters as we can get.”
Something was wrong.
MK and the others had headed out to the desert to train today. Monkey Mech had considered following them, but had been explicitly told by MK to stay in the city, and keep an eye out for trouble. He was under no circumstances allowed to slack off today, apparently.
Monkey Mech had picked up on the fact that it seemed like MK had been more anxious lately. And it was starting to look like he'd had good reason to be.
The magic levels in the city spiked again- to numbers that went even higher than the last battle against the Demon Bull Family. Monkey Mech's sensors pinged as the temperature steadily started to drop.
But, weirdly enough, it didn't seem like the source of the magic spike was in the city.
Monkey Mech was in the middle of trying to place where exactly the magic source was coming from, when a bright flash of blue light shone from the corner of his eye.
The desert.
Monkey Mech didn't even think twice before abandoning his post, turning and starting to run in the direction he now knew the hauntingly cold magic spike to be coming from.
A pang rang through his chest, causing him to almost stumble. It felt like something had grabbed hold of the energy contained within him and squeezed it.
Something was happening to MK.   
Monkey Mech started to move faster.
Even so, with the pangs in his chest resonating throughout him, he knew he wasn't going to make it to the desert in time.
Which was why he gladly accepted the staff's call, allowing it's magic to encircle him, teleporting him directly to MK's location.
He had only just registered MK's presence in his chest, safe but drained, as well as the small figure in front of him-
There was a brighter, bluer flash.
Something grabbed hold of him, and cold ripped through Monkey Mech's sensors faster than he could process.
Alarm notifications flared in his vision as connection to his left arm was severed.
He could hear MK's voice, faintly, but he couldn't make out what he was saying over the ringing- and the whispers.
“M....K....” His voice was staticky, barely understandable, as he struggled to move, to get up, to protect.
Something cracked.
MK slipped out of Wukong's grip and slammed onto the deck of Sandy's air-ship, skidding slightly before coming to a complete stop. He groaned- it felt like every muscle, every bone in his body was aching.  
Slowly, he started pushing himself up, glancing over at where his mentor was starting to do the same.
His breath caught.
“The- she-” He choked, coughing, Monkey King turning and looking at him with obvious concern. “Monkey Mech- we have to, we have to help-”
He pulled himself to his feet, only to freeze at the sight of Wukong's expression.
That... that was not the expression of someone who believed there was still someone to help. 
That there was still someone to save.
MK stumbled backwards, collapsing into Pigsy's arms.
Monkey Mech was gone.
It was almost like... dreaming.
Except Monkey Mech was not supposed to be able to dream, and, instead of a dream, if he had to compare it to anything, he'd say it was more like a nightmare.
He hadn't been expecting to come to awareness again at all, really.
And especially not like this.
It was a bit of an overly polite way of describing it, honestly. He wasn't entirely sure if he could call what this was 'awareness'.
It was still dark. He could sense things moving around him, sure, and he thought that maybe he was moving too, but he wasn't in control of it.
It was cold.
He felt like he was rotting from the inside out.
MK stared up, gaping, at the armored monster Macaque had created.
Those... those were Monkey Mech's parts.
A ringing flooded MK's ears as a bone-chilling anger crashed over him.
The Lady Bone Demon was gone.
MK guided the mech over to a nearby cliff, moving the hand up in front of the entrance to the cockpit, letting the door open, the other's silently stepping out onto the hand, which MK lowered to the ground, allowing the others to hop off before he jumped out of the pilot seat himself. Landing on the ground, in a crouched position, kicking up a fair amount of dust, MK slowly stood up and turned around, facing the mech behind him.
Since summoning him onto the field, Monkey Mech hadn't said a single word.
Not a single thing.
With MK no longer in the pilot seat, the mech simply stood there. Still.
Not a single sign of movement.
“Is... is he…” Mei trailed off, not wanting to voice what they were all thinking.
Monkey Mech was back, in body yes, but in spirit?
MK wasn't sure.
There was a flash of golden light out of the corner of his eye, and MK turned his head just in time to see Wukong change out of his bird form to land on the ground, Macaque stepping out of the shadows behind him. Wukong wasted no time in tearing off the armor he'd been wearing, tossing it off to the side as though it had personally offended him.
He was in the middle of making quick work of tearing off his outer shirt when he noticed the looks on all the others' faces.
“...Why do you all look so sad?” He asked, before seemingly finally noticing how still Monkey Mech was being. “...Oh. Hm. Weird.”
“Monkey King... is Monkey Mech-”
“He's... there, yes. Just not... awake, I guess? His energy is definitely there, but it's not at the forefront.” Wukong said, tilting his head to the side, golden eyes flashing. “Maybe if you give him a lil smack on the side?”
“Monkey King.”
“What, it works for laundry machines!” Wukong tried to defend himself from Mei's glare, raising his hands innocently. Her glare only hardened to pure steel.
“Monkey Mech is not a laundry machine, Mr.King. We are not going to sma-”
She was cut off as a loud clang resonated through the air. As one, the group turned to see Nezha, who was slowly pulling the flat end of his spear away from Monkey Mech, analyzing him.
There was a brief pause-
And then suddenly Monkey Mech was reeling back, stumbling, almost like a delayed reaction. One hand went up to the spot where he'd been hit, protecting it from a second attack.
“Ow.” Monkey Mech's voice hissed, filled with static, “What was that for- Oh. Hi guys. ...Did we win?”
“Holy shit.” Wukong muttered, the only words spoken as the others simply stared up at Monkey Mech in frozen shock. “I did not think that would work.”
It was a few hours after Nezha and Macaque had both left, Macaque saying he was going off to do some scheming, and Nezha simply saying that he need to return to the Celestial Realm, when Wukong brought it up.
“Y'know,” Wukong started, pausing mid-way through his fourth bowl of noodles that night, “I've been wondering this for a bit but. Why doesn't Monkey Mech just join us down here?”
“...What do you mean?” MK asked, from his position of sitting on Monkey Mech's shoulder. “He's right here.”
“Well, yeah, but like, he could be down here, is what I mean.”
“...I'm afraid I don't follow.” Tang said, “Once again, what do you mean by 'down here'?”
“Ugh, y'know!! Down here!! With us!! Eating!!”
“...I don't know if anyone told you, Monkey King, but I'm a robot.” Monkey Mech gently lifted a hand so that MK could jump onto it, carefully bringing him down so that he could be closer to the conversation taking place around the campfire. “I can't eat.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know you're a robot.” Wukong waved a hand dismissively. “My point is, you don't have to be a robot right now.”
“...Monkey King.” MK said, slowly, and Wukong finally seemed to realize that maybe, just maybe, he was privy to some information that the others weren't, if the way he suddenly started to shrink under their collective stares was any indication. “Are you telling me. That there's been a way to make Monkey Mech human this whole time?”
“Uh…” Wukong shrunk down more, looking nervous as the others didn't take their eyes off of him for even one second. “...Kinda.”
“What do you mean, kinda?” Pigsy asked, “Either there is, or there isn't. Hurry it up and spit it out.”
“Okay, okay, fine so like, he would not necessarily be human, I guess?” Wukong scratched at the side of his face, seemingly thinking about it more intently. “It'd be more like... a hologram? Except he'd be able to interact with solid matter. He could form a new body outside of the mech, and just, transfer his energy into it. Of course- me or MK would have to help him make it the first time, and it doesn't really need to be a human form... but it's possible.”
A much longer silence. Wukong's tail started to swing back and forth nervously. 
“Did, did you guys not kn-” He started, but was interrupted by Monkey Mech's voice.
“I could've been going inside the Noodle Shop this whole time?!?!”
“That's what you're the most concerned about?!”
The rest of the night ended up being entirely and completely dedicated to designing Monkey Mech's mortal form. Wukong had said something about how Monkey Mech “needed to feel like himself in it” in order for it to work- so MK had rushed inside of the van to grab his sketchbook and pencils, and had quickly gotten to work, creating multiple designs with Monkey Mech's input.
Realistically, it should've been a relatively short process.
That is, if Monkey Mech would just pick one design.
“...No, it's not right.” Monkey Mech said, for what had to be the 23rd time that night, and MK let out a groan. The others had all mostly accidentally dozed off, leaving only MK and Monkey Mech awake. (Or, at least, MK assumed so. Wukong was curled up on top of his cloud, but for all MK knew, the Monkey King could very well just be pretending to sleep. MK kind of wanted to pull a little test, just to check, but considering Wukong had probably had little sleep these past few days in general, he didn't want to risk accidentally waking him up if he was, in fact, asleep). MK shoved the paper he'd been working on to the side, grabbing another one, and waiting for Monkey Mech's next drawing instruction.
“Um... I, uh…” Monkey Mech trailed off into silence. MK turned to look at him, but his face was just as blank and unreadable as always. His body language, however, read as… nervous. Unconfident. MK stared at him for a minute, then back down at the papers covered in various designs all around him, and then back up at Monkey Mech.
“...You do know that it doesn't need to be perfect, right?” He asked, receiving no response. “Nobody's perfect, after all. It just needs to be you.”
Monkey Mech slowly gave a nod. After a longer moment of silence, he quietly gave a new request, and MK turned back around to focus on drawing.
By the time morning came, the sun rising over the horizon, Monkey Mech had made his choice.
“Alright.” MK said, clapping his hands together as the others sat on the nearby logs they had set up for the campfire the night before. “Let's get this show on the road!”
“Uh, kid, did you even sleep at all?” Pigsy asked. MK ignored him.
“Monkey King!” He said instead, “You uh, got any advice on how to do this?”
“Eh, just concentrate your magic in one spot while focusing on the visual in your mind.” Wukong shrugged. He raised an eyebrow upon noticing the deadpan stares he got in response for his simple answer. “...What? The kid's pretty instinctive, it'll work out. Besides, if it's not working, I'll step in, don't worry.”
He then proceeded to yawn and roll over, seemingly going back to sleep, which was, y'know not reassuring in the slightest.
MK turned to look up at Monkey Mech, trying not to let his anxiousness show.
“You ready for this big guy?”
Monkey Mech gave a simple thumbs up. MK suspected that he wasn't speaking so that the nervousness in his own voice wouldn't show.
“Right. Okay.” MK took a deep breath, muttering to himself. “You got this. You can do this. Simple. Easy. Just picture it in your head…”
MK closed his eyes, holding his hands out in front of him, doing his best to hold the mental image of the design he and Monkey Mech had chosen within his mind.
Red fur... golden eyes... hair pulled back, with just a tiny bit of it remaining loose to frame his face... that stupid jacket that Monkey Mech seemed to enjoy for some reason that MK didn't have the heart to refuse adding to the design…
A few minutes passed with seemingly nothing, and Monkey Mech was about to speak up to tell MK to maybe take a break from this whole thing, that he could wait until later, when-
A spark.  
A flash.
A bright ball of light appeared in between MK's outstretched hands, flickering, before slowly growing and morphing. The others watched in raptured silence- even Wukong sitting up (proving that he had not, in fact, gone back to sleep), as they watched the light slowly morph into a more humanoid form.
Another bright flash, one that had everyone covering their eyes-
And then there was a body, standing on the ground, frozen still, eyes closed, almost as though they were asleep.
“Yes!! I did it!!” MK cheered, before pausing. After a moment, he turned his head to the side to look at Wukong. “Uh... Monkey King, what do we do next?”
“What do you mean?” Wukong asked.
“He means, uh.” Monkey Mech said, leaning down to get a closer look at the body meant for him. “How do we get me into the body?”
“Oh. That…” Wukong said, trailing off. Mei, sensing mischief, pinched his arm. “Ow, hey!”
“You better not have been about to say something along the lines of 'smacking him like a laundry machine' again.” She hissed, and Wukong leaned away from her.
“Please, of course I wasn't!” From the expressions of everyone around him, nobody actually believed that statement. Wukong coughed awkwardly. “Ahem. Uh, anyways it... should come naturally, really. Just, you can feel the energy inside you, right?”
“Yes…” Monkey Mech said, slowly.
“Right. So, just, mentally imagine that, condense it into one spot, and then... just imagine it leaving you and going into the body I guess?”
“You guess?” Pigsy crossed his arms, “What do you mean you guess?”
“Well I've never done this before!”
“What do you mean you've never- how do you know this will even wor-”
“Oh. Hey. It worked.”
Everyone turned to see that the light in the giant robot's eyes had faded, and-
The smaller, monkey demon form on the ground was now moving.
Monkey Mech had barely taken a step before he was stumbling, not used to his new size. MK quickly moved forwards to catch him. Monkey Mech's hands clung onto MK's jacket, shaking for a moment, his tail swinging as he looked up to meet MK's eyes.
“...Hi, MK.” He smiled at him. MK smiled back.
“Hi, Monkey Mech.”
That seemed to be all the permission the other's needed to tackle the two of them, sending them both tumbling to the ground, trapped under the rest of the group.
“Agh- hey!” MK struggled, trying to squirm his way out. “Not fair!! I wasn't ready for this one!! Let me go!”
“No can do, kid.” Pigsy said, “Y'see, Tang's done the numbers, and we're pretty sure you have not slept in the past three days, at least.”
“And, well, Mr. Monkey Mech has never slept at all…” Sandy said, “So…”
“Yeah. We're not letting either of you up until you both fall asleep.” Mei finished.
MK huffed, pouting, but not directly protesting the treatment. Monkey Mech, for his part, looked shocked-
And then he burst out into loud laughter, some tears running down his face, startling everyone.
“Uh, guys?” Tang said, “I think we broke the mech.”
Monkey Mech swung his legs back and forth. Getting used to being able to transfer himself into such a small form was... definitely a weird adjustment. He was grateful for it, most definitely he was, he finally got the chance to play arcade games with MK, Mei, and Red Son, as well as go in a car, and into the mall, and the movie theatre, as well as the Noodle Shop-
(Monkey Mech looked at the area around him with wide eyes, half supported by MK and Mei as they led him in. He still wasn't quite used to walking around in such a small body yet.
“Y'know…” Monkey Mech said, “...The inside of the Noodle Shop is much smaller than I thought it'd be.”
“I don't know if I should be taking that as an insult or a compliment.” Pigsy sighed, walking past them. “It better have been a compliment.”
“Oh- uh, trust me, it was!”
“You don't sound very confident in that statement.”
“C'mon- it was definitely a compliment- MK back me up here!”
“Sorry dude, you're on your own.”).
 So yeah, overall, it'd been great.
Didn't mean that sitting on his own shoulder didn't feel really weird though.
Monkey Mech swung his legs back and forth again as he thought, staring out at the half-constructed buildings around him. He'd been leaving his real robot body here for now, but he'd probably have to move it soon. Construction was shockingly fast within this city, sooner or later people would start to move back into this area... he'd probably have to move himself to the outskirts then.
Now that he thought about it, that clearing that Wukong had shown him would probably work just fine…
Lost in his own thoughts, he almost missed the shadow portal forming directly beside him.
The keyword being almost.
Monkey Mech did a double take, whipping his head around just as Macaque stepped out to stand beside him, giving him a little wave.
“Yo, Monkey Mech!” He said, “Uh, congrats on the new form. Heh. Um, I just came around cause uh. I wanted to... say sorry for, uh, stealing and using your corpse. From one resurrected guy to another, that was, uncool of me.”
...Was that meant to be a pun? Monkey Mech had some vague memories involving Macaque and feeling like pure ice was tearing through his non-existent skin.
Hm. Now that Monkey Mech thought about it, pretty much all of his memories associated with the time Macaque had been using his parts had felt... wrong.  
Macaque seemed to be growing nervous at Monkey Mech's lack of a response, the anxiety in his expression slowly growing more obvious as Monkey Mech slowly stood up.
“...So, yeah, that was all I wanted to say, so, I'll just be going now-” Macaque went still as Monkey Mech vanished in a flash of golden light, returning himself to his robotic body. Before Macaque could recover from the shock, Monkey Mech raised one hand, carefully grabbing Macaque by his scarf. Macaque immediately struggled, trying to kick and scratch at Monkey Mech's fingers to no avail. “Woah- hey-”
Macaque let out a strangled noise as Monkey Mech unceremoniously tossed him into his cockpit, shutting the door behind him.
“Hey!” Macaque shouted, and, having landed in the pilot seat upside down, quickly readjusted himself to be sitting up. “What are you-”
“During your time using me, you felt a little... off.” Monkey Mech crossed his arms over his chest, preventing Macaque from being able to kick the door open. “So, I'm running a diagnostic on you.”
“What? You can't just- you know what, I don't have the time for this.” Macaque huffed, a shadow portal forming under his feet, the monkey demon dropping down into it-
Only to be spat out back into the cockpit.
“...Huh?” Macaque didn't even waste a single second before trying again. “I- what? What is this, how are you doing this?”
“A robot never reveals his secrets!” Nevermind that Monkey Mech was horrible at keeping secrets, or that-
“You have no idea how you did it either, do you.”
“Not a clue!”
A small pop-up appeared in Monkey Mech's vision.
Macaque was suddenly and abruptly tossed out of the cockpit.
Macaque swore, loudly, and Monkey Mech saved rolling his eyes until after he'd reformed his monkey body, and leapt forwards to snag Macaque out of the air, landing on the rooftop on a nearby almost-finished building. He set Macaque down on the solid ground, dusting off the shadow monkey's shoulders, ignoring the angry and indignant muttering that seemed to be comparing him to a dangerously faulty Easy Bake Oven.
...Not that Monkey Mech even knew what that was.
“Diagnostic's done!” He said instead, clapping his hands while smiling innocently. “And- hm.”
“Well, you're functioning.”
“Yeah, obviously, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.” Macaque rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and turning away from him.
“I do think you should probably go to a doctor, though.” Monkey Mech added, watching with thinly veiled concern as Macaque let out an irritated sigh.
“Oh yeah?” He asked, “And why's that?”
“...Well, it's not exactly normal for people to not have heartbeats, is it?”
Macaque made a sound that was almost akin to a kicked puppy, and suddenly Monkey Mech almost wished he hadn't said anything, as the other vanished into a shadow portal within the blink of an eye. Monkey Mech stood there, for a while, waiting to see if the other would come back, to learn what else the diagnostic had picked up.
...He didn't come back.
Monkey Mech sighed, and shelved the concern over the shadow monkey's only slightly healed broken ribs and damaged six ears for a later date.
“Monkey Mech!” MK's voice called, and Monkey Mech risked glancing up from his precariously stacked stack of delivery boxes in his arms to see MK standing on the top of a nearby building. “Is it cool if I use some of your parts for a bit?”
Monkey Mech shifted slightly to account for the stack changing weight.
“Uh, who is it today?” He asked.
“Jin and Yin!”
“Oh, sure! It's fine!”
MK gave him a thumbs up, and then summoned the staff, leaping to another building. They had discovered, a while ago, that while Monkey Mech was in his monkey demon form, any damage taken to his robot self would not hurt him in any way- so long as it was put back together properly before he returned to it.
That knowledge would have certainly been helpful in escaping a few situations if they had known it much earlier.
Monkey Mech returned to his goal of delivering the take-out boxes in his arms, and sure enough, a few minutes later, he could faintly feel the tug of magic suggesting that some of his robotic parts were being pulled to MK. Another couple of minutes later, there was a large crash in the distance, and Monkey Mech struggled not to fumble the last delivery box in his arms- only barely managing to keep it from slipping out of his grasp and tumbling to the pavement as the ground shook.
Geez. He couldn't believe anyone had been able to handle living with him around for a year if this is what it had been like whenever he had taken a step slightly too hard.
Final box delivered- Monkey Mech turned around to walk back to the Noodle Shop.
Upon return, it seemed like he had just missed MK, the faint hint of his energy vanishing around a corner, leaving Mei and Pigsy behind.
“Hey guys!” Monkey Mech gave them both a wave, catching their attention. “I'm done with deliveries, Pigsy.”
Pigsy let out a worn sigh.
“Thanks, Monkey Mech.” He said, “At least one kid is actually doing their job around here…”
Monkey Mech sat cross-legged on the stone floor, Delivery, Painter, and Porty beside him. 
All four of them were focused solely on the Azure Lion sitting across from them.
MK had summoned them to Flower Fruit Mountain- or, well, he'd summoned Monkey Mech, literally teleporting him there (he'd been in the middle of cat-napping on a roof, now that he could, in fact, nap). The other three had simply been poofed into existence already at the scene.
They'd been instructed to “keep an eye” on Azure Lion. He was, essentially, a complete stranger that they were choosing to tentatively trust, after all.
Besides, it wasn't like Monkey Mech could go into the scroll in giant robot form, not to mention that going in while in his monkey demon form, which he was only just getting used to, would be a bad idea, and MK obviously knew that he would worry if he didn't have some kind of task.
...The clones were probably just there so that he had some familiar people with him.
That being said, none of them had said a single word for the past four hours, which was rather impressive restraint on the part of the hair-clones.
A restlessness started to form in Monkey Mech's chest, but he ignored it, figuring it was just coming from being stuck sitting around doing nothing but stare at a complete stranger for so long.
Seriously, couldn't the guy come up with some kind of polite conversation to talk about? Heck, Monkey Mech would even take talking about the weather at this point! The weather!!
The restlessness kicked up a notch.
And then suddenly it was a pang, an all too familiar one.
Monkey Mech gasped, doubling over, clutching at his chest. The hair-clones had a similar reaction-
They poofed out of existence at the next pang.
“Something- something's happening to MK.” Monkey Mech struggled to get out, unable to get rid of the sensation of pain and panic. “I- you gotta let me in there, I have to help him-”
“Sorry, but.” Azure slowly stood up, a new, menacing aura surrounding him. “I'm afraid I can't allow that.”
And then he snapped, and Monkey Mech could feel the magic encircling him- the parts of his body fading away-
He jolted back into awareness in his robot form, exactly where he had left it, sitting on the outskirts of town. He remained completely frozen for a second, processing, before;
“Oh, I knew we couldn't trust that motherf-”
Monkey Mech watched silently as Wukong began the slow process of collecting all his robotic parts from the places Azure had carelessly thrown them to. Now more than ever, he was glad that he could transfer himself into another form so easily.
It still didn't make seeing his real form torn up into multiple pieces any less... disturbing.
He tried his best to ignore it, instead looking over to where MK was trying to lift some knocked over trees back into place. Wukong had said that Flower Fruit Mountain was fairly sturdy, and had a habit to bounce back from, well, a lot. (He hadn't elaborated upon what that meant, but Monkey Mech had the feeling that Flower Fruit Mountain had seen catastrophe before). So, MK had taken it upon himself to make as much of the process easier for the mountain's magic as he could.
...The both of them had also been quite promptly kicked out of the efforts to rebuild Wukong's house after Wukong had accidentally broken a board in half, and MK had started to get a little too into painting the walls.
Monkey Mech, really, had been sent out to keep an eye on the both of them, to make sure that they didn't end up getting into some kind of mystic-monkey trouble.
(Technically, didn't he also count as a mystic monkey now? Did that mean he could also get into mystic monkey trouble? ...Monkey Mech wasn't quite sure about the logistics of it, or how one defined 'mystic monkey trouble' in the first place. It was probably better to not think about it).
As it was, everything seemed fine…
Monkey Mech let out a sigh, slouching a little as he watched Wukong move to grab the next piece, and MK reach for the next tree.
He wished he could be on the beach right now…
Monkey Mech stared at the water far below him in trepidation.
“C'mon Monkey Mech!” MK called out, waving his arm from said water. “Join us!!”
Monkey Mech continued to stare down at the water.
He was standing on his own shoulder again. MK had practically tackled him full force earlier that morning, telling him about a much needed beach day, to take a break from the efforts to repair Flower Fruit Mountain, to just enjoy some sun, and had practically outright demanded that Monkey Mech bring his robot form with him, not just his monkey-self.
Monkey Mech had been, understandably, confused at the time.
He hadn't expected that MK would have used his robot body as a makeshift giant diving board plus water slide.
(Or, well, more so just slide, with the water only being at the end. They didn't have a hose long enough to be able to reach Monkey Mech's shoulder- so they couldn't run water down the arm that was currently extended slightly at an angle).
There was a green flash, and suddenly Mei was standing beside him, her head tilted to the side.
“What's wrong?” She asked, and Monkey Mech tried his best for an easy-going smile.
Considering how he had quickly discovered that faking expressions was a lot harder than he thought it would be, he was pretty sure he did not succeed.
“It's nothing!” He said, “I'm fine.”
“...Uh-huh, sure.” Mei was clearly unimpressed. “You've been standing up here for the past 15 minutes. Are you going to jump in or not?”
 “Well, uh-” Monkey Mech stuttered for a second, before shrinking down into himself, avoiding eye contact as he said, quietly. “I don't know how to swim.”
“What do you mean you don't-”
“I was a giant robot, remember!! Of course I don't know how to swim.” Monkey Mech's tail swished back and forth with anxiety. “What if I just sink?”
“Hm... I guess that's a valid point.” Mei mumbled, before reaching out and grabbing hold of Monkey Mech's arm. “Let's get you down from here, then.”
Before Monkey Mech even had the chance to blink, Mei had scooped him up on one shoulder, and rushed him back down to the beach, her dragon speed ensuring that they barely even touched the water.
Monkey Mech stumbled slightly when she put him down on the sand, but very quickly regained his balance.
“Mei? Monkey Mech?” MK asked, walking out of the water to join them. “What's up?”
“Mecha-dude over here doesn't know how to swim.” Mei said, pointing her thumb at Monkey Mech as she did so. Monkey Mech let out an irritated huff, mumbling “it's Monkey Mech, you've known this for a while now-” under his breath, and being rather obviously ignored.
“Oh! Well, not to worry!!” MK wrapped his arm around Monkey Mech's shoulders. “I can teach you!”
“...Uh-huh.” Monkey Mech said, slowly. “I have so much confidence in being taught how to swim by the person wearing floaties.”
“We should've never let Red Son teach you what sarcasm was.” MK deadpanned, before swapping back to his easy-going smile effortlessly. “And I can swim!! I just sink easily, is all.”
That statement was not as reassuring as MK clearly thought it was, but Monkey Mech didn't even have the chance to voice that thought, as he was grabbed by both arms and dragged into the ocean.
“Hey, Monkey Mech?”
...Monkey Mech did not like the look on MK's face.
“...What is it?” He asked, hoping his nervousness didn't show- but it must've, as the teasing smirk on MK's face grew slightly wider.
“So... I realized I never actually got the chance to ask you this before, in between getting you adjusted to your new body and, like, everything that happened afterwards…”
Oh, Monkey Mech did not like where this was going, slowly starting to stand up, but was prevented from doing so as MK put his hands on his shoulders and shoved him back down into his seat.
“And, well, you can actually show expressions now, so y'know, I was wondering…” MK continued, “...Why?”
Well... Monkey Mech could pretend to play dumb for a few moments longer, couldn't he?
“Why what?” He asked, already knowing there was an absurdly flustered expression on his face, one that drew the attention of the others, as well as made the teasing smirk on MK's face somehow more menacing.
“Why did you stand around for three days?” MK asked, and Monkey Mech opened his mouth- “No lying this time, young man.”
Monkey Mech let his mouth close.
Slowly, he looked away, avoiding eye contact.
“C'monnnnn.” MK poked him in the arm repeatedly, “I'm not gonna leave you alone until you give me an answer.”
Yeah. Monkey Mech had picked up on it.
He let out a defeated sigh.
“Okay, fine, you got me.” He said, “It was because of p.”
“Peace out.” Monkey Mech quickly made a peace sign, and then let himself dissolve in a flash of light, returning to his robot body.
Even though he was now on the other side of town, he could still hear MK's scream of frustration.
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sourw0lfs · 8 months
dance with the devil - part nine
Words: 571 | Rating: E (mostly parts 1 & 2, but also future parts) | CW: no warnings this time! except Steve's continued bad time
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || part nine || part ten || part eleven || part twelve
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Turning twenty-one is supposed to be big and fun and momentous. Or at least that’s what everyone’s always told Steve, but he thinks it’s off to a rather crummy start actually. Surely that means it can only go up from here, right?
Except that part where it absolutely doesn’t do that. If anything, Steve finds his luck getting worse and worse. From missing his bus to losing his wallet to dropping his phone, it feels like one little thing after another little thing, and quite frankly he’s sick of it. If he didn’t know better, he’d blame Eddie.
But the thing is, Steve’s always kind of had awful luck, so if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s his own. It doesn’t make him feel better about Eddie just always being there, though.
“Are you absolutely sure you can’t just fuck off for like an hour?” Steve asks exasperatedly and for what feels like the hundredth time.
“Trust me,” Eddie deadpans in return, looking just as annoyed as Steve feels which only serves to make him bristle more, “if I could leave for any length of time, I would. But I get dragged back here any time I try.”
If Steve were less annoyed, he might feel sorry for Eddie. Something about a lack of freewill makes him sad, angry, upset? He’s not sure. But Eddie’s annoying, so Steve can’t bring himself to feel bad for anyone but himself. He’s never done well with being annoyed.
“What if you talk to whoever the hell is in charge of you or whatever?” Steve suggests, not for the first time in the week they’ve known each other. “Surely they can give you some kind of away time.”
Sighing like the weight of the world is bearing down on his shoulders, Eddie shakes his head. “I can’t get to her if I can’t leave. And I can’t take you with me, so we’re just gonna have to figure out how to get along.”
It’s the same response Steve always gets, but that doesn’t make it any less grating. Steve wants to be alone. Preferably for a long time while he processes the disaster that was the morning after his birthday. Shoving it down, pretending nothing happened because he doesn’t want Eddie (or anyone else) to see how much it’s upset him, can’t work forever.
This time, though, a thought strikes Steve and he frowns in thought. “What if you tried your weird magic shit?” he asks. “You cleaned up a murder scene with it. Surely you can use it to allow me to be alone for a while?”
Mentioning the murder scene to someone other than himself leaves Steve grimacing, but it’s the reality of things. It also brings him that much closer to a breakdown, but he keeps it held back. He always does when the memory tickles at the edges of his brain, which is alarmingly often the longer he dwells on it.
Eddie frowns in thought, expression matching Steve’s as he considers the suggestion. “I don’t think it would hurt to try,” he allows after a few moments. “Not optimistic, but we don’t seem to need many angelic miracles right now so…”
Which Steve disagrees with, but he doesn’t say anything in response. Instead he just watches Eddie, watches as the blinding light fills the room just like it had all the times before, and when it clears Eddie is gone.
Steve is alone.
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As always, tags below the cut. Let me know if you want added!
@chaosgremlinmunson @soaringornithopter @hbyrde36 @shares-a-vest @dreamwatch @quevadilla @tboyeddiee @penny00dreadfull @momotonescreamingg @stevesbipanicic @dawners @steddiejudas @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @estrellami-1 @vthx @lolawonsstuff @gleek4twd @littlebluejane @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lawrencebshaggoth @sadisticaltarts @queenie-ofthe-void @r0binscript @anaibis @hairdressersdoitwithstyle @goodolefashionedloverboi @spookednsaucy @anne-bennett-cosplayer @flustratedcas
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fuwaprince · 1 year
To the welcoming, the caring, the accepting,
To familiar friends,
To anybody willing to listen,
It's 12 in the afternoon and I'm writing to you from a new low in life. I'm sorry for being absent. Please listen.
I've been homeless and hurting for a while again- still trying to do things on my own. Hopping from place to place all over the state while carrying a heavy shield. My belongings are only getting more scattered/lost over the weeks. It's hot in the back of this car (not mine) that I've been sleeping in. I'm sad and sincerely sorry if this sounds like a lot of complaining... Solutions keep falling through. I'm strong but admit that I'm gross because finding a reliable place to shower is practically impossible... I lost weight from not being able to feed myself properly... A LOT went wrong and I'm having a very difficult time regaining any sort of footing. I keep falling flat on my face, keep landing in risky situations around people who abuse me then crying alone. Things are all wrong.
The mental battle is another difficult one but most days I come up on top. Being grateful for what's left and looking forward to any good that may come are the only things I'm holding onto. I don't want to survive off of the kindness and generosity of strangers or even friends forever. This isn't anybody else's burden to shoulder but mine... But I figured there's no harm in asking for a bit of help to survive momentarily? Please don't abandon me. I want to call my desperate yearning for support a need, but won't dare because my self worth is so low. There were times I would beg saying I needed SOMEBODY'S support and good people misperceived that I didn't. Once because I was smiling in spite of it all. In the middle of crying hysterically while explaining the horrific details of my life on the streets to someone who didn't care much... They said it was justification for why I'm actually fine and not in need- that I could still manage to smile. I've been coldly told to run to Jesus and told ONLY I can be the one to get myself out of this. Compassionate company is hard to come by. It's easy enough to shrug someone else's pain off..
I've dealt with so much assault these past two weeks that I have yet to even address. Sexual abuse. False imprisonment. Verbal attacks on my character. Exploitations. Manipulation. Guilt trips and weaponized shame. I'm exhausted. Reaching out to resources and working with a recruiter is hopefully going to help/pay off soon. I'm hoping it'll repair my self worth.
This post had lots of feelings and hardly any explanation, so I'm sorry context is limited. I'm struggling. I could really use some support from anyone willing to call themselves a friend, or any kind strangers who may or may not happen to read this. I've been battling demons and dragons the size of mountains on my own. This can't be my final destination so I have no choice but to carry on. I'm traveling this path to independence no matter what. I hope someone out there is nice... I hope miracles happen. I'm crying and feeling so lost. I have no place to be!
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orikiys · 1 year
✿ ✿ 〞 voicemails and nine minutes of us
✰ pairings: jeongin x fem!reader
✰ genre: angst, fluff and romance
✰ warnings: angst, mentions of comparing to someone else, hopeless unrequited love, enemies to unrequited love. jeongin is actually a simp
✰ word count: 1.2k + words
JEONGIN | chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin
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one 𖨂
i’ve always watched you sitting across from me in the library. i’ve always watched you talk and i could watch you for hours. but i cannot watch you fall in love with someone else and pretend i’m not screaming for you to choose me. and during those long nights, i dreamt of things i could say to you, things that would make you notice me in a rather different perspective. but that didn’t happen. and now we’re like strangers, one with the pretending-to-forget phase… but one thing i’ll always know is that; i have always belonged to you. and for that i suffer.
two 𖨂
loving you wasn’t easy. it was like blankly staring at a forever closed and broken door, hoping someday it will by some miracle open and you’d care to look back and see how long i’ve been waiting for you. it was a feeling that made my heart burn. it made my insides tingle every single time you talked to me. though the talks were just meaningless insults or silly little fights. you are the person i long to hold in my arms even if it is just for mere seconds. and you are the person i wish to run for love and warmth when it isn’t. it’s strange isn’t it? how love changes you bit by bit. but i wanted love. i wished for love. for you to try and love me back. not a lesson. i didn’t want love to become a lesson that i’ll regret. a lesson which will make me reluctant to experience love again.
three 𖨂
and i know that the number of hours we have together are not much. so please, linger near the door uncomfortably instead of leaving me all alone. please find ten stupid excuses to run back the time so i get to see you once again and for longer this time. why couldn’t you see that i loved you? why couldn’t you see the person behind those stupid fights? but i guess it was my fault as well, for making up my image as your enemy. and making you hate me. and before i knew it– i was stuck. in an endless loop of us. time and again, i replayed our scenes all night long. i recollected the times you looked at me and hoped your eyes were filled with love. but instead they were filled either with annoyance or hatred, that i pretended to oversee it. you’re my favourite person but i’m sorry for wanting you like a lover and making you hate me. that’s why i hoped. i fell in love with hope. i fell in love with dreams that couldn’t be real. i fell in love with every moment wishing that you did too. but i was a maybe, a perhaps, a second chance but never the one conquering your thoughts. i’m also sorry to myself for holding on to you invisibly, knowing it’s better to let go. so i’ll just say two things for now. i’m sorry, i love you.
four 𖨂
i know what you’re thinking, my love. you’re most likely scoffing in disbelief, frail fingers holding up your phone against your ear and those large, round eyes are wide in confusion. you’re wondering why i haven’t said any of these to you before. and to be honest, i’m not quite sure myself. one moment i wanted to run away and the next i found a photo of you, from the yearbook, neatly placed in my wallet and it made me realise just how different i thought you were. i had this version of you in my head where you would cook me your cinnamon rolls and i would give you back hugs. where i would wake up beside you with your arms wrapped around my torso. or simply where i could just talk to you, no pretending any feelings, just a normal conversation on how our days went. but then i realised, that version… it was far too out of reach. i have no clue what you think of me after this. no clue if you would ever even want to be my friend, but please don’t ignore me, sunshine. it truly breaks my heart. it makes me feel like i did something wrong and even if i probably have, let’s go back to being rivals. let’s go back at hating each other. at least i’ll find a reason to be close to you when i can.
five 𖨂
i want to be done with love, but my heart swells with all the love i have. but i want to give it away now, to someone who would take care of my heart just like i did with yours. to someone who would think of me and look at me as if the world was ending. and i know these thoughts of mine seem surreal, but this is how i viewed you. from the last desk, just silently observing you. and i never knew love could make you feel things that you’ve never felt before. like cottages near seashores, with little puppies running all around. i’ve always been afraid of moving– experiencing changes… but with you, there’s something different. you make everything feel easy and carefree. like that one time you went paragliding all alone, even though you had a fear of heights. you’re brave. very brave sweetheart. i don’t even know if you’ll even allow me to call you that again, but it felt good. and even though i might be acting pretty weird, just know it’s all real.
six 𖨂
i’ve noticed this quite a few times, but whenever you’re not around i feel lost. i feel empty. and then out of a sudden you came and hugged me, then cried in my shoulder. i didn’t know why. and yet it made me sad. but it made me question whether you were so comfortable with me that you didn’t hesitate, because maybe you thought i could give you comfort? maybe? it was the most slow 9 minutes of my life, where you just stood next to me without uttering a word and then you said sorry before walking away. it made every inch of me to not hold your wrist and stop you from walking away. but i didn’t. because i know that no matter how hard i try, your heart… it will always belong to him.
seven 𖨂
i often compare myself with him to figure out what it is that he has but i don’t. what is it that you love him a bit too deeply? maybe it’s the way he laughs. maybe it’s his talks. or maybe it’s him. just him that you want. i wish i could be him. or at least be him for one day, to know how it feels to be loved by someone you so deeply care about. tell me please, so i’ll back off. so i’ll know that you and i, we were just enemies with misunderstandings. just say it, ane i’ll walk away without ever looking back. i’ll never again talk to you if you want. but i need words darling. i’ll give my word that i do love you, but i will not hesitate to give up this love for your sake, your happiness. if not this time, maybe we weren’t destined. so i’ll pray to the gods that in every singe one of my lives, i am with you. always.
PERM TAGLIST: @taeriffic 🧣 @hello-2-u-from-me 🧣 @ilychee08 🧣 @sleepyleeji 🧣 @spacegirlstuff
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screamingcrows · 2 months
Like a self indulgent fool, I made a complete set of Genshin style voicelines for Celeste who features in this. (Written as if speaking to the Traveler, I like to think she meets them when they're in Snezhnaya)
I'm Celeste, assistant to The Doctor. I've heard a great deal about you and it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. There's no need to be nervous, I'm neither interested in nor skilled enough in combat to harm you. It's a little soon to go into the details of my work, but if you need anything related to medicine or the like, you're welcome to ask and maybe I can be of assistance.
Chat: Cooperation
Clear communication is important for cooperation. Just make sure to distinguish between being clear and being rude.
Chat: Tail
Yes, it's soft. Touch it, and I'll make you regret it.
Chat: Samples
Did I properly seal those flasks before leaving? Ugh, would I even have enough subjects to start over?
When It Rains
I wonder if Snezhnaya has legends about what controls the weather. You wouldn't think the Tsa- wait, maybe I shouldn't say that.
When Thunder Strikes
It's a bit loud for me, but watching lightning strike the sea is mesmerizing in it's own right. If you count the seconds from lighting flashes you can- whimpers make it go away…
When it Snows
Really? ...Doesn't this just make you want to curl up inside?
When the sun is out
We should get a move on, this won't last forever.
In the desert
If you see me start digging, look away… No? Well I thought it was funny.
I'll find another way, I don't like to get my fur wet.
Good morning
Starting your day with a glass of water is beneficial to your health and helps wake you up. We lose a surprising amount of moisture over the night.
Good afternoon
I'm going for a nap.
Good evening
It's time for dinner already? Time truly waits for no one.
Good night
You can go ahead and lay down, I have some things to get done. Hm? It's fine, I work best at night anyway.
About Celeste: Expressions
I've been told that I don't have the most expressive face, my ex would constantly pinch my cheeks and tickle me to get me to smile. As far as I'm concerned, it's preferable to wearing your heart on your sleeve. It's unfortunate that my body will still betray me, if I'm not vigilant my ears tend to move around a lot.
About Celeste: Pieces
We leave little bits of ourself in everything we do and everyone we meet, it's inevitable. Just make sure not to break yourself beyond repair.
About us: Friends
It's admirable how you always go out of your way to help your friends no matter what it takes, especially with how many people you seem to know and how they swarm you, it's a miracle you have time for yourself. It must be nice to be so adored. Make sure never to leave with things unsaid, but you probably don't need to be told that, do you? Anyway, I'd like to observe you a little more, maybe some of your 'friendliness' will rub off.
About us: Loyalty
As a way of thanks, if you'd like of course, I can set up a meeting between you and The Doctor? Just remember, you'll be on your own from there, certain circumstances keep me from being able to take your side should a confrontation ensue.
About the delusion
My delusion? Mm, you've got a sharp eye. It's more akin to those carried by Harbingers than regular soldiers, that's as much as I'll say. A certain someone was adamant about ensuring there would be minimal risk of backlash from using it.
Something to share
There are things in this world that should be left alone. Figuring out who spread this idea and why should be at the tip of our ambitions.
Interesting things
It is easy to think that the eyes of the gods are a blessing, while this might seem immediately true, power is never given away that freely without any strings. When it all turns to ash, they will be the hardest to save.
About Dottore: Segments
It's important to get familiar with all The Doctor's segments, not only does it make working with them a lot easier as I can defuse any situation before it gets really ugly between them… I'm kidding, don't look so concerned. It also lets me pick the ideal one to approach if I need his signature on something, did you know, his handwriting hasn't changed one bit since his youth!
About Dottore: Relationship
I was quite surprised to find that The Doctor is quite the lenient boss. As long as I get done what he requests, preferably without damage, he's satisfied. He'd rather I speak my mind and correct him than simply go along with whatever he says out of fear.
About Pierro
How do I put it, The Director is, well he has an aura that commands respect wherever he goes. I rarely see him, but whenever I have, he's always looked a little weary up close. His patience must be tested daily having to manage the rest of the harbingers, either his tolerance is boundless for arguments or he just tunes them out.
About Arlecchino
The Knave is, rightfully so I suppose, a little wary about anyone who associates with Dottore. However, she's invited me to accompany her to Fontaine on multiple occasions, with the hopes that I could help one of her children. I'd go so far as to say we're on amicable terms now, last she returned, I found a box of madeleines outside the laboratory along an invitation for tea.
About Childe
I think you've spent more time with him than I have, and I'd prefer to keep it that way. It's a pity he's so obnoxious, I'd like to run some tests on him but there are limits to what I'll tolerate. Maybe you could get some biopsies for me? I can provide detailed instructions, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
About Sandrone
You want to know something about The Marionette? I'm afraid there's not a lot to tell, she keeps to her own wing most of the time and we rarely interact save for a few times where I've had to borrow some spare parts from her. She pretty much just shoved it into my hands and spun me around…
About Columbina
Every time I've spoken to The Damselette, there's a strong desire to rip out my brain and scrub it. Something about her presence clings to you like a mist and makes your blood run cold. She always speaks in riddles, popping out of nowhere, and clearly knows much more than she lets on. I'm just happy I'm not the one who has to keep her on a leash.
About Pantalone
The Regrator is such a stuck up bastard, avoid him at all cost. You couldn't pay me enough to willingly listen to his incessant monologues, always bragging about his newest acquisition. I always make sure to drag my tail along his furniture whenever I visit his office, white fur on black furniture is such a good look. If you do end up meeting him, sounding convincing enough when arguing can make him lose his cool, oh and wipe that dumb smirk off his face for me will you?
About Capitano
If you're waiting for me to gush about his bravery, strength, or dreamy voice, you're going to be sorely disappointed. While The Captain is certainly and honorable man, I just don't see him enough to have an opinion. I've heard about his exploits, it's impossible not to, and think his actions should speak for themselves.
About Signora
I never really had time to get to know The Fair Lady, as I was otherwise occupied before she left for her last mission. I do feel an odd sort of kinship hearing about her past, maybe if fate had been kinder…
About Wriothesley:
Oh you've met The Duke as well? Did you get in trouble or something? I had to sit through a meeting with him once, something about borrowing resources from the institute. I've never seen anyone look so displeased by the coffee I made.
About Furina:
So she wasn't really an Archon? It's not too surprising if I'm being honest, she's always seemed more like a spoiled child, a cake topper if you will. Oh, so that's what happened to her… Makes me feel pretty bad for almost assaulting her once. Maybe I'll speak with Arlecchino about delivering an anonymous gift…
More about Celeste: I
You want to know more? Ah- I think you already know what you should.
More about Celeste: II
From what you've seen on your travels so far, would you say the Fatui are inherently bad people? I used to be of that belief, now I believe that what binds us together is desperation more than anything.
More about Celeste: III
Every once in a while, I find myself regretting not moving to Sumeru. I even passed the entrance exam to the Akademiya and all. Maybe it's for the better, having heard about all the wondrous sights and places to explore, I'm not sure I'd have finished a single assignment.
More about Celeste: IV
There was a time where I could be easily goaded into just about anything to prove myself. I wish diving headfirst into a rock had made me sit down and think.
More about Celeste: V
There's nothing worse, in my opinion, than disappointing those who have hopes for you or are counting on you. That might be partially why your altruistic nature is so confounding, aren't you afraid that something will slip through the cracks? It's so easy to blame fate for our misfortunes which can be both a blessing and a curse. It might sound rough, but in a sense, I'm grateful to my misfortune in Fontaine, it woke me up to the bitter truth that I'd grown complacent.
Celeste's hobbies
There's just something about laying in the grass and watching insects pass by, living their life undisturbed by all our tribulations. Not that I can do it anymore, not living in Snezhnaya, so I've settled for taking care of my little terrarium instead.
Celeste's troubles
I hate when there's dissonance between what people say and what they do, even worse if they themselves are completely aware of it. Is this about someone in particular? No, why do you ask?
Favorite food
If you're thinking about making it for me as bribery, don't even bother, I can't even replicate the taste myself. You still want to try your hand? It's relatively simple in theory, just regular crêpes.
Least favorite food
Seafood. I've had enough of that for several lifetimes. The smell alone should be categorized as a hazard.
Receiving a gift: I
You made this for me? It's good, even if it was poisoned, it'd still be worth it.
Receiving a gift: II
I'll admit, the presentation had me a bit skeptical, but I enjoyed it. Would you show me how it's made?
Receiving a gift: III
This is… Unexpected. Were you really going for this?
Birthday? But I'd heard that you-.. Nevermind, if you say so. Happy birthday then, would you like a little celebration? Or perhaps you have a request for something you need? In any case, I hope you can enjoy yourself a little extra.
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lbulldesigns · 4 months
How do I convince my 20-year-old son that I'm serious about kicking him out if he doesn't agree to therapy?
25th of May, 2021
I know that the title sounds bad but please bear with me, this is my first time using Reddit.
I (43 M) am the proud, single father to four children. V (23 F), P (18 F), and twins M and C (20 M). V, C, and M are my bio children (from different mothers) and P is my adoptive daughter and V's bio sister (same mother).
The girl's mother and I had an ugly break-up because I was dumb and panicked when I found out I was going to be a father for the first time with V, at the time I refused to take responsibility and ended up breaking my then girlfriend's heart. Because I never took responsibility, I never accepted my parental rights when my eldest V was born. I paid Child support but that was about it, and then a year and a half into my idiocy I got into a pretty bad accident and was declared dead for two minutes. Doctors at the time were able to resuscitate me and using a series of experimental drugs was able to save my life, however, I now need to live the rest of my life as a shifter (wolf).
This was something I struggled to accept for some time but eventually, I came to accept my new way of life and condition. I spent a year going through intense therapy and seminars, and through this time I had two major revelations. 1) I had failed spectacularly as a man and father, and 2) I didn't want to ever die with regret again.
The first thing I did when getting through my therapy was reach out to my ex and establish contact with my daughter, I was FINALLY ready to take responsibility but was too late. My ex had found someone new, someone who wasn't afraid to step up and do what I wasn't willing to do. He took responsibility for my daughter, and she was calling him Daddy instead of me. I won't lie this hurt but I swallowed my pride and accepted that it was no one's fault but my own.
My ex wasn't willing to disrupt V's worldview just to cater to my change of mind, which I accepted, but she was willing to slowly integrate me into her life on the condition that we didn't reveal anything until our daughter was old enough to understand. Which I agreed to.
Her husband was a good man and wanted to make this situation work for everyone, there was a bit of awkwardness when V would run up to him for hugs and look at me as a stranger (which I was) but he never rubbed it in my face or ever got antagonistic with me. I had, and still have, a great deal of respect for the man and I will forever be grateful to him for doing what I was too bullheaded to do.
Half a year after I became a father to my twin boys, a one-night stand who never informed me of the pregnancy and just left the two on my business's doorstep. Two years after that, my ex gave birth to P and I was named her and V's Godfather after my ex witnessed how quick I was to take responsibility for the boys after getting a paternity test done and it coming back positive.
And then five years after, my ex and her husband were shot dead by two trigger-happy Enforcers and they, in an attempt to cover their tracks, buried the girls in the foster system it took a year to find them both. They had been separated at some point and it was a miracle that I found either let alone both of them. After I found them, I made quick work to adopt both of them and go from a single father of two to a single father of four.
It was rough, I'm not gonna lie, V was angry at the world, P was scared of the world, and my boys were confused but C managed to adjust quickly and whilst M took to V he had an instant dislike for P.
I had explained to the boys that V was their bio sister, this secret came out to V when she was found by a friend of mine and as a result, was angry and confused about everything. M accepted this but kept asking why we were taking P if she wasn't family, which I quickly corrected that she was family.
My condition seemed to be a huge concern for P's therapist, who tried to convince P that I was untrustworthy and abusive. P told me what her therapist said and the woman was investigated and proven to be biased towards anyone who wasn't 100% human.
I tried to get P back into therapy but nothing ever worked out, she had a strong distrust for them and was also influenced by V who was adamant about not going to therapy. I know I should have continued their therapy but they seemed okay on their own after a while, both girls would open up to me about their problems and V was able to find an outlet for her anger through boxing, which I taught until she was old enough to join a team around her age group.
P in turn took up learning gymnastics and even won a few competitions, she also took up art and was a natural science whizz.
I apologize for the long story but wanted to give some insight into my family. Whilst we were able to find some stable ground, there have been some issues outside of the initial teething stage. The first obstacle was the girl's maternal uncle (42 M), he had been an old friend of mine since childhood. His sister was my ex and after I abandoned my responsibilities to his sister and niece, we lost touch. He and his sister had a falling out, I don't know the specifics, and he was never contacted when his sister died. When he found out I had both girls he wanted custody of them, but because my name was on V's birth certificate and P was attached to V, the court saw fit to grant custody to me with visitation rights granted to Sil (maternal uncle).
The second obstacle we had was my son M. As I mentioned he took an instant dislike to P, and despite my hopes that deep down he cared for her, never warmed up to her presence in our lives.
He would constantly make her cry with his insults, and he for a time would hide her school projects from her (which stopped after the fifth time when I confiscated his game console and laptop).
I tried for a long time to get him to bond with P and explain to him that his behavior was harmful, I spoke with his school counselor to get him some unbiased opinions on his behavior, and when I would bring up therapy he would retort that if I wasn't making the girls go to therapy then I shouldn't be making him go. None of my tactics seemed to work and the more I admonished him the meaner he would be towards my youngest. After some time I decided to reward him if he didn't bully his sister, which seemed to work for a while, but now I am wondering if I didn't just make him more subtle about his bullying.
About a week ago I was in my kitchen preparing dinner when I heard a loud banshee-like scream and a loud thump. I went running into my entryway where I found P on top of M hitting him again and again shouting that she hated him. I was taken by surprise by this and pulled P off of M, it was surprisingly difficult to do so because she was determined to pummel him. I'm not proud of this but I ended up taking her by the shoulders and growling at her to calm down, which she did but she looked scared and I saw that she was ready to either fight or run, I started to tell her to get out of the house for a bit and go stay at her friends to cool off but all I got out was "Get out" before she bolted from the house. I shouted after her to go to her friend's house but she was already gone.
After checking up on M and taking him to the hospital (he was fine, just some bruising and blood) I interrogated him about what happened after he blew up at me for always "going easy" on P, and he said that P was crying so he called her a crybaby. This felt extreme on her part but I knew that there was something else at play and decided to ask her the next day when I saw her. I said that P shouldn't have attacked him but asked M why he insulted her rather than ask if she was okay, and he just said "She's always crying. I can't walk past her room without hearing her cry. She is a crybaby" I felt disturbed and still feel disturbed and disappointed by his lack of empathy.
At this point, I felt something had to give and I gave him an ultimatum. Therapy or leave the house.
I know I shouldn't have given an ultimatum but P is 18 and struggling with a few personal things (I won't elaborate) and her unemployed 20-year-old brother constantly being on her back wasn't helping.
I'll try to dot point everything that happened afterwards because this is getting really long:
I went to see P the next day and found out she never went to her friend's (ex-friends?) house. I should have called and made sure she was there but she always goes to his house when upset so I just assumed she was there. No words can describe how shameful I feel for not checking.
We went to the Enforcers but they "couldn't help".
We discovered that P had at some point snuck back into the house grabbed some of her belongings and left a note saying she was leaving, and her being 18 means that we can't make a missing persons report because she's left voluntarily.
M refuses to speak to me because he feels betrayed by my ultimatium, which I'm still holding up.
I've felt like absolute dirt for the past week, and am absolutely wrecked with guilt over P.
A few hours ago my son C showed me a post from r/offmychest where M was talking about how he hopes P never comes back home, and is talking about going NC with me.
I know that he isn't taking me seriously with the ultimatium. I know I probably shouldn't still be holding true to said ultimatium but something needs to give.
He is 20, he can't keep going through life with this lack of empathy.
I plan on talking to him soon.
What can I say or do to make him see that I am serious?
And how can I do it in a way that won't tear my family apart even more than it already is?
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lucifersresources · 5 months
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taylor swift // the tortured poets department : the anthology rp meme. part one. part two here.
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!
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i was a functioning alcoholic.
i hope you're okay.
no one here's to blame.
but what about your quiet treason?
for a fortnight there, we were forever.
i wanna kill her.
all my mornings are mondays stuck in an endless february.
i took the miracle move-on drug.
the effects were temporary.
i love you, it's ruining my life.
my husband is cheating.
i wanna kill him.
the tortured poets department.
i think some things i never say.
you're in self sabotage mode.
i've seen this episode and still loved the show.
who else decodes you?
who's gonna hold you like me?
who's gonna know you, if not me?
this ain't the chelsea hotel.
we're modern idiots.
you awaken with dread.
i chose this cyclone with you.
i wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me.
everyone we know understands why it's meant to be.
who else is gonna know me?
that's the closest i've come to my heart exploding.
my boy only breaks his favorite toys.
here we go again.
my boy only breaks his favorite toys.
i'm queen of sand castles he destroys.
i should've known.
we could've played for keeps this time.
i know i'm just repeating myself.
he runs because he loves me.
i knew too much.
there was danger in the heat of my touch.
he saw forever, so he smashed it up.
once i fix me, he's gonna miss me.
i felt more when we played pretend.
he stole my tortured heart.
told me i'm better off, but i'm not.
down bad.
did you really beam me up in a cloud of sparkling dust, just to do experiments on?
i was the chosen one.
this world is bigger than us.
i knew cosmic love.
for a moment, i knew cosmic love.
now i'm down bad.
everything comes out teenage petulance.
fuck it if i can't have him.
fuck it if i can't have us.
they'll say i'm nuts if i talk about the existence of you.
for a moment, i was heavenstruck.
i was heavenstruck.
i loved your hostile takeovers.
how dare you think it's romantic.
fuck it, i was in love.
fuck you if i can't have us.
so long, london.
i kept calm and carried the weight of the rift.
i pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away.
my spine split from carrying us.
i stopped tryna make him laugh.
how much sad did you think i had in me?
you'll find someone.
so long.
i didn't opt in to be your odd man out.
i founded the club she's heard great things about.
i left all i knew.
you left me.
i stopped cpr, after all, it's no use.
the spirit was gone.
i'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free.
two graves, one gun.
i'll find someone.
you say i abandoned the ship, but i was going down with it.
my friends said it isn't right to be scared every day of a love affair.
every breath feels like rarest air when you're not sure if he wants to be there.
how much tragedy did you think i had in me?
just how low did you think i'd go 'fore i'd self implode?
you swore that you loved me.
you swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?
i died on the altar waiting for the proof.
you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days.
i'm just getting colour back into my face.
i'm just mad as hell coz i loved this place for so long.
but daddy i love him.
i forget if this was ever fun.
these people only raise you to cage you.
these people try and save you coz they hate you.
they slammed the door on my whole world.
but daddy, i love him.
you should see your faces.
floor it through the fences.
no, i'm not coming to my senses.
i know he's crazy, but he's the one i want.
growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all.
he was chaos, he was revelry.
stay away from her.
the saboteurs protested too much.
i'd rather burn my whole life down.
i'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'.
i'll tell you something about my good name, it's mine alone to disgrace.
i don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing.
god save the most judgmental creeps who say they want what's best for me.
they think it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me.
you ain't gotta pray for me.
it's just my choice.
scandal does funny things to pride, but brings lovers closer.
we came back when the heat died down.
fuck em, it's over.
time, doesn't it give perspective?
no, you can't come to the wedding.
he's the one i want.
fresh out of the slammer.
i'm running back home to you.
he doesn't understand me.
handcuffed to the spell i was under.
it's gonna be alright, i did my time.
now that i know better i will never lose my baby again.
my friends tried, but i wouldn't hear it.
he kept me going.
i swirled you into all my poems.
ain't no way i'm gonna screw up.
ain't no way i'm gonna screw up now that i know what's at stake here.
they said i was a cheat.
this city reeks of driving myself crazy.
your home's really only a town you're just a guest in.
can i use you up?
me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time.
i'm haunted but i'm feeling just fine.
i did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body.
i need to forget.
tell me i'm despicable, say it's unforgivable.
love left me like this and i don't want to exist.
guilty as sin?
this cage was once just fine.
am i allowed to cry?
what if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh only in my mind?
i keep recalling things we never did.
without ever touching his skin how can i be guilty as sin?
there's no such thing as bad thoughts, only your actions talk.
we've already done it in my head.
i've screamed his name.
they're gonna crucify me anyway.
what if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?
they don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly.
i choose you and me religiously.
who's afraid of little old me?
you don't get to tell me about 'sad'.
if you wanted me dead, you should've just said.
nothing makes me feel more alive.
who's afraid of little old me?
who's afraid of little old me? you should be.
the scandal was contained.
at all costs, keep your good name.
you don't get to tell me you feel bad.
is it a wonder i broke?
i was tame, i was gentle, till the circus life made me mean.
don't you worry folks, we took out all her teeth.
they didn't do it to hurt you.
i wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me.
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
i'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?
i'm fearsome and i'm wretched and i'm wrong.
you caged me and then you called me crazy.
i am what i am coz you trained me.
i can fix him (no really i can)
the jokes that he told across the bar were revolting and far too loud.
i can fix him.
i can fix him, no, really, i can. and only i can.
he had a halo of the highest grade.
good boy, that's right.
i'll show you heaven if you'll be an angel.
trust me, i can handle a dangerous man.
who's gonna stop us waltzing back into rekindled flames?
we were just kids.
i thought i was better safe than starry-eyed.
i felt aglow like this never before and never since.
you and i go from one kiss to getting married.
we're never quite buried.
you told me i'm the love of your life.
you blew in with the winds of fate.
you took me to hell too.
you shit-talked me under the table.
i wish i could un-recall how we almost had it all.
should've let it stay buried.
our field of dreams engulfed in fire.
you're the loss of my life.
i can do it with a broken heart.
she's having the time of her life.
i can show you lies.
i'm a real tough kid.
i can handle my shit.
you gotta fake it till you make it.
lights, camera, bitch, smile, even when you wanna die.
he said he'd love me all his life.
he said he'd love me all his life, but that life was too short.
all the pieces of me shattered.
the crowd was chanting 'more'.
i was grinnin' like i'm winnin'
i was hittin' my marks.
i can do it with a broken heart.
i'm so depressed i act like it's my birthday every day.
i'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague.
i cry a lot, but i am so productive.
you know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart.
i keep finding his things in drawers, crucial evidence i didn't imagine the whole thing.
try and come for my job.
the smallest man who ever lived.
was any of it true?
now you know what it feels like.
i don't even want you back.
i just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal.
i don't miss what we had.
could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived?
you hung me on your wall, stabbed me with your push pins.
you didn't measure up in any measure of a man.
were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?
did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?
were you a sleeper cell spy?
in fifty years, will all this be declassified?
confess why you did it.
good riddance.
it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden.
i would've died for your sins.
i would've died for your sins, instead i just died inside.
you deserve prison, but you won't get time.
you said normal girls were boring.
you were gone by the morning.
in plain sight you hid.
you are what you did.
i'll forget you, but i'll never forgive.
the alchemy.
this happens once every few lifetimes.
what if i told you i'm back?
i'm coming back so strong.
i'm the one to beat.
the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me.
who are we to fight the alchemy?
clara bow.
did you know you'd be picked like a rose?
i might die if it happened to me.
this town is fake, but you're the real thing.
the crown is stained, but you're the real queen.
you're the new god we're worshipping.
beauty is a beast that roars.
it's hell on earth to be heavenly.
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stevetonyweekly · 7 months
SteveTony Weekly - February 11th - Week
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I’m traveling this weekend for my niece’s quinceanera so I’m sharing a list of my favorite fics that I posted on twitter last year. It’s still some of my favorite fics of all time, so this week go show them some love or send me some of YOUR favs, and I’ll be back next Sunday with our regularly scheduled weekly reading. 
Open Field in Front of Him by orphan_account
Steve Rogers's football season is functionally over after a loss to Rutgers, but he finds a distraction in Tony Stark (yes, THAT Tony Stark). A college AU Stony fic.
In Trouble Deep by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
"Whoever did this has a reason, and Stark needs to be with someone who can protect him. He won’t exactly be able to protect himself like this.” Fury looked at the baby consideringly. “No, it’s you, Steve. Besides, he likes you. Suck it up, soldier, you’re stuck with him.”
The Twice-Told Tale by arysteia
For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking at Tony as though he reminds him of someone else, and even if he never says anything, Tony's pretty sure it's his father. A lifetime of not measuring up to Howard's expectations is more than enough, thank you very much, and he's certainly not going to make an effort to live up to any of Steve's. Steve's pretty clearly failed to live up to his expectations, in any case, and that's not hypocritical at all.
Bulletproof by foxxcub
At age fifteen, Steve Rogers had been in love with Tony Stark.
By age twenty, he’d (mostly) gotten over it. And then he promptly became Tony Stark's fuck buddy.
dick drunk by mistymountainking
“I’m going to fuck you stupid,” Steve says, pulling away only a fraction of an inch to say it, a promise as deep and certain as the look in his eyes, “and you’re going to take it. Aren’t you, Tony.”
Tony wants a drink. Steve gives him something else.
Sixpence In His Shoe by scifigrl47
Steve and Tony should really read the fine print on what they're signing. Then again, some mistakes are not really mistakes.
Straight on till Morning by Sineala
Tony Stark resigned his commission in Starfleet five years ago, after a disastrous away mission, and he swore he'd never go back. He just wants to be left alone to build warp engines in peace. But the universe has more in store for him than that, as he discovers when Admiral Fury comes to him with an offer he could never have expected and cannot possibly refuse: first officer and chief engineer aboard the all-new USS Avenger, a starship of Tony's own design. What's more, the Avenger's captain is Steve Rogers, hero of the Earth-Romulan War. Believed dead for over a century, Steve is miraculously alive... and very, very attractive.
But nothing is ever easy for Tony. As he wrestles with his secret desire for his new captain and his not-so-dormant fears, another mission starts to go wrong, and Tony becomes aware that Steve has secrets of his own -- and the truth could change everything.
For the Love of a Dragon by Captain_Panda
If it was between you and your dragon, who would you save?
Deep in the Heart of Me by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Veteran single dad Steve runs a tattoo shop. Pepper arranges for Tony to get that tattoo he always wanted, and he winds up with the mother of all crushes instead. Jumping out of airplanes is one thing, but love requires real courage. Steve struggles with letting someone into his life. Tony tries to keep his heart intact while Steve works on his issues.
Craving a realistic depiction of a romantic relationship featuring PTSD, mental health issues, and characters who discuss their problems? This might be for you. No magic fixes here but a happy ending is guaranteed!
Never Too Late for Love by Sineala
Steve has always believed that a soulbond is a blessing -- a rare and beautiful miracle, joining the thoughts and feelings of two people forever, from the first time they touch. Steve knows he's not going to be one of the lucky ones. He knows Gail isn't his soulmate. But he loves her, even if they're not soulmates, and he's going to do right by her. After the war's over, he's going to marry her, and they're going to settle down. They'll buy a house. They'll have children. He'll see his family again. Maybe Bucky will live next door. It's going to be a good life. He doesn't need a soulbond. He'll be fine without one.
Then Steve wakes up sixty years in the future to find that his wonderful life has moved on without him. His family is long dead. His fiancée married his best friend. And the only purpose he has left is leading the Ultimates, a misbegotten team of superheroes with flaws too numerous to count. Steve hates everything about the future -- but most of all he detests Tony, flashy and flirtatious, who embodies everything Steve hates about a world he never wanted to live in.
And, oh, yeah, Steve has a soulmate after all: Tony fucking Stark.
Toy Soldiers by copperbadge
When Steve Rogers, five foot four and a hundred and ten pounds, met Tony Stark in a bar, he didn't expect it to lead to a relationship. Or that Tony would find out he's not an art student during a SHIELD rescue mission in Afghanistan.
there are still beautiful things by meidui
The day Tony takes Steve home from the New York Army National Guard is the best day of his life.
I've got you under my skin by sirona
Five times Beijing 2008 Olympics Gold Medalist Tony Stark thinks it's going to be no more difficult a job to get ready for London 2012, than what he has just achieved. That is, of course, before Coach Fury comes to visit, and offers him a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a part of something much bigger than himself. Swimming AU.
The Foodieverse by copperbadge, scifigrl47
It's an AU where everyone works in the food industry. That makes total sense and is definitely not wildly irrational on any axis.
do you fondue? by calciseptine
Tony has done crazy things in the name of food, but falling in love with Steve Rogers really takes the cake.
Homefront by copperbadge
Steve Rogers is a capable leader, a kind and cheerful man, a good friend, a strong role model, and a loyal soldier. He's also teetering on the edge of suicide.
stress relief by romanoff
They don't love each other. They barely even like each other.
The Jar by Sineala
The Avengers are ridiculously competitive people, and what starts out as a silly late-night team discussion quickly becomes a contest: their names. Not the code names -- the nicknames. Who can go the longest without using them? They pledge to spend a week not nicknaming each other, and they'll pay up every time they mess up. This hits Tony the hardest, and not just financially. Tony's got a lot of nicknames for everyone, but most of all for Steve -- and when Tony can't use the names he's already got, the names he uses reveal feelings he had no idea he had.
Celestial Navigation by sabrecmc 
Celestial Navigation: 18 year old Omega!Tony finds himself Bonded to Captain Steve Rogers. He isn't happy about it until he is.
By request, here is CN in one place without other stories and artwork.
ad astra by Areiton 
The first time he kissed Tony Stark, the stars danced overhead.
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rpmemestorehouse · 6 months
Dark Souls II (2014) Starters
Change wording as needed
“They all end up here, all the ones like you.”
“ Tisn't easy being old…”
“Fair traveller, I know that you must have a story. Why else would you visit such a place?”
“I will remain by your side. Till this frail hope shatters…”
“If you proceed regardless, your fate will be more terrible than mere life or death.”
“One day, you will walk those grounds…without really knowing why.”
“Long have I awaited one such as you, one who might shatter the shackles of fate.”
“I am [Name]. And like you…I lost everything, and now I'm here.”
“To be alive…to walk this earth…That's the real curse right there.”
“I'd forgotten how much comfort a little companionship can bring.”
“Still flirting with madness?”
“Who are you? Oh, it doesn't matter, just help me open this door.”
“You, stand back. This is dangerous work.”
“Now, there's a time for travels, but you can't wander the world forever. Even you must have someone waiting back home...”
“Hmph, I'd given you up for dead. Almost had me worried, really...”
“Oh, sorry, I...Please, do have a look at my wares. I could really use the business...If you'd be so kind...”
“Oh, I was hoping that you would come. I've stocked some new things, and I thought you might be interested.”
“Oh, by the gods...Why the hell am I here?”
“Oh, no, I'm afraid...sorry, I'm afraid this is a fake. It's not worth much at all.”
“Oh...Undead, are we? And one without much time remaining.”
“Oh, yes, you may call me [Name]. Enchanté.”
“Oh, don't feel bad. I'm sure your mother's still proud...Hee hee!”
“You give something, to gain something. That's the way humans like it, right?”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I was just…daydreaming, I think.”
“When I first came to this forsaken land...It was...um...hmm...? Err...A curse...? Err...Something about a curse...”
“What a joy to meet a kindred spirit out here...”
“It wasn't there when I came here before. I don't know what explains it...”
“I have come to spread the art of miracles, a practice of which I am a disciple.”
“Sometimes I fight the urge to pack up and go back home. It is, well...I must do this.”
“Miracles began as tales told by gods. We preserve their will with lore, pray to their greatness, and are blessed in return.”
“Curses…Puzzled me out, have you?”
“Seemed like the battles would never end. Poor folk like myself had nary a place to sleep.”
“You may travel light, but methinks you bear a burden of your own.”
“Oh, you again. Go on…It's on the cheap for you.”
“Cruel, cruel world, this is...Keh heh heh...”
“Travelling all alone in these treacherous times? Well, I hope you have a very good reason.”
“There's treasure this way...But I've a bad feeling about it. I don't quite have the guts myself! Hah hah...”
“You be careful, too, my friend. For trust can be a dangerous thing.”
“Ooh, that'll leave a nice scar!”
“Transient being. This is no place for one such as you.”
“Do my ears deceive me? Who would refuse such magnificence?”
“You've achieved much, and approached a higher plane. But our path is long and arduous. We must always seek further challenges.”
“You are my greatest challenge.”
“Heh heh. You are an odd one. Normally, people keep a safe distance when they see this mask. But you...”
“Don't hesitate to call upon me. Whatever happens, I won't be missed...”
“I was raised to wield a sword from birth. Life was hard, but I never gave it a second thought.”
“I'm sorry…to burden you with talk of my fate. I suppose I've grown weary these days.”
“I am frightened...Terribly so...”
“I don't want to die, I want to exist.”
“My name is [Name]. I beg of you, remember my name. For I may not myself...”
“Your visit is welcome. I trust you've kept up your studies.”
“It is a fitting place to hone my sorceries. I suspect that I may even conjure up new spells here.”
“Never forget, young pupil… There are no shortcuts to mastery.”
“I wish to find out more about it, but as we see, this place is in ruins. Just what happened here?”
“Stay back, or you're pieces! Tiniest pieces! Hah hah hah hah!“
“Slice 'em to shreds, whoever they are! Wherever, whoever, be they near, be they far!”
“The power of flame, power of the gods… In the end, it is all beyond our reach.”
“If you walk with flame, then I salute you.”
“Still a bit stiff, I'm afraid. Heh heh heh...”
“I've been a guest for a very long time. But I don't think that anybody will miss me!“
“Do you really think you can manage the glories that are my spells?”
“Anything that has a beginning also has an end. No flame, however brilliant, does not one day splutter and fade.”
“I don't know who you are…But leave me be.”
“The Dark...Is always within you...”
“This land...lies closest to the Dark...Th-that is...that is why I came here.”
“One day…I will share your fate.”
“You've set me free. Now I can find him. The cheeky prick. He won't know what hit him.”
“I travel from land to land to hone my blade. I've heard this land was full of danger. I thought it would suit me perfectly.”
“For the good of the world, and for my own honour. I won't let that bastard live another day. Heh heh...”
“Damn! You're tougher than you look!”
“Oh, you trot along home. This place won't be any fun, not for you.”
“You want more than just a little blood. You want to be drenched in blood, mired in its foul stench. Am I right? Am I?”
“Ah, who cares? It's just another chance to spill more blood. Doesn't that excite you, hm? Heh heh...”
“Oh, it's even on my shoes!”
“I never planned to visit this gods-forsaken place. But I don't know… I just sort of ended up here.”
“I've searched every nook and cranny here. I suppose it's time to move on.”
“Oh, fancy meeting you here.“
“Oi! Mind your manners!”
“I'm on the run, don't give me away!...You're a fugitive too, eh?”
“Psst, have you heard?...Well, apparently there's this monster lady, right...”
“Gods almighty...I'm not going to die in this dump...”
“Ah come on, don't look so glum! I'm trying to be nice here! You're hopeless, I tell you...”
“I roam about, looking for a find, following my instincts. I don't care what a thing is worth. What matters is whether it grabs me.”
“Let me just say, there are lots of "legendary swords" out there.”
“This thing is amazing...Could it be a dragon egg? I feel invigorated...Just by holding it.”
“Oh no, no, no, no, no, don't say that. Give a bloke a chance. I'm begging you. I really should have that!”
“And now I watch the days go by, and gaze at the night sky, thinking of the finer things, far removed from war. I'd grown weary of battle, but did not realise it until now.”
“I am grateful for these peaceful days. But such contentment lies only in the here and now. Why must life be so confounding...”
“If you wish for help, summon me. I am rusty in battle, but will fight by your side.“
“Back again? Well, this is a pleasant surprise.”
“I owe you some form of thanks, but have nothing for you at the moment. If it would not trouble you, could you visit my abode just down the way?”
“Oh, we meet again, kind traveller. This is my workshop.“
“I require no payment this time. It is my way of saying thanks.”
“Do you find me strange? Skee hee. You humans are always this way. The way you glare at any unfamiliar creature.”
“We once had a master. He created us long, long ago. But he was born with a fatal flaw.”
“Our master was a tragically lonely soul. Eventually, his solitude eroded his very reason. In the end, he never understood...what it was that he truly lacked.”
“We seem to be at a standstill. The wounds we exchange are never lethal.”
“I have no gods to pray to. But still I pray that your journey will be safe.”
“And like every Undead, you have no future.”
“If you seek true Dark, I will grant it to you. As much as you desire.”
“The embrace of the Dark is gentle. Let it absorb your sorrows, forever.”
“Dark is the mother of all. All things were born from it.”
“Thy welcome wearest thin. Leave this place.”
“Swearest thou by the sweet-tempered sludge that laps at our bosoms?”
“I am aware of thine accomplishments, and they are not few.”
“'Twould seem some sunlight-poisoned creatures are worthy of great honour.”
“Something seems to be bothering you. Yes, yes, I can tell. It is written upon your face. You have doubts, about something you did.”
“But now, you are lost, bewildered by your own actions. You poor little thing.”
“But if your heart is yet sincere, your sins will be forgiven. Now is the chance. Demonstrate your sincerity to me.”
“Then, you wish to stand and face your own sins? Such virtuous fortitude is rare, and I sincerely commend it.”
“I am in yer debt. It's a true man who honours his debts. And I'll see mine paid.”
“Ho! Well met, friend. Good to see you well. Yes, hehh hehh, very good indeed.“
“If you still insist on having it...Then you will have to pry it from my cold hands! Gah hah hah hah hah hah!”
“Very well. I, [Name], will be honoured to chop you to pieces.”
“Who are you...And by whose permission do you stand before me?”
“Do you seek an audience with my Lord, King [Name]? Unfortunately, His Highness is absent.”
“Where am I? What has happened to our castle...”
“Welcome, visitor...Our guests are treated with honour. This is the way of our castle. Tell me if you should require anything.”
“We know nothing of the world outside. And why should we? For we will never leave.”
“Do you seek comfort, too? You poor thing...”
“Light, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place.”
“I am [Name]. Guardian of the crypt. Countless dead rest here in peace. Cradled by the comfort of dark.”
“This place is welcome to all, provided due reverence is shown.”
“Tell me what you desire. Show me reverence, and I will lend you my hand.”
“Now, where shall we bury this one?”
“P-please, just stay away. No, please, don't come near me. Nothing good will come of it.“
“Do not attempt to help me. Just let me sit here, and wither quietly away...”
“By the very gods...What have you done...You've really done it...You'll never escape him...”
“Are you tormented by memories? Burdened by guilt? Now the question. Are you ready for more? If you are, then we ought to talk...”
“You could kill a dozen like that, and it wouldn't matter. I want you to kill someone of import.”
“These are for you. Don't mind the specks of blood...Heh heh heh...”
“I'll spend some time travelling the lands...Slowly tracking my new mark...”
The murk shifts and stirs. Yet another stands before us...“
“And so, you peer...Into the fog, in hope of answers.”
“Huh! You were not deserving of the mire...”
“What brazen insolence! You…forever you shall rot…”
“Turn away. And never look back. No one must ever find that which is sheltered in [this location].”
“I haven't the strength to help him myself, but perhaps one such as you...”
“You've granted my one wish...Now, I have no regrets.”
“Go on, kind visitor. May you reach your journey's end, one day.”
“Brave Undead, seek the throne. Follow the symbol of the monarch, and do what must be done.”
“That thing is a prop, a false deity. Don't be fooled, my Undead.”
“Seek the forest, you, where those wretched Giants slumber.”
“Brave Undead, you have proven yourself to me. Now, be one, with the Dark...”
“No one has come this far, not for a very long while.”
“Young Hollow, there are but two paths. Inherit the order of this world, or destroy it. But only a true monarch can make such a choice.”
“Very few, indeed, have come even this far. And yet, your journey is far from over.”
“Heheh, I believe we've been acquainted.”
“Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite...A lie will remain a lie.“
“You, neither born with greatness, nor granted it by the fates. What is it that you seek?
“How you grapple, without falter, with this dreadfully twisted world.”
“All men trust fully the illusion of life. But is this so wrong? A construction, a facade, and yet...A world full of warmth and resplendence..”
“I am [Name]. I sought to shed the yoke of fate, but failed.“
“Not one of them stood here, as you do now. You, conqueror of adversities. Give us your answer.”
“But the question remains...What do you want, truly?”
“There is no path. Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark...what could possibly await us?“
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vixensheart · 20 days
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Angel holds his phone away from his ear, rolling his eyes so hard they damn near fall out of his head, and rubs at his tumbles. The loud, shrill voice of the pissed off Goetia on the line screeches out of his phone’s speakers, despite the fact he very much doesn’t have it on speaker phone. He gives it about another thirty seconds before sucking in a breath and diving right back in. 
“—absolutely outrageous —” 
“Ma’am, I gotta stop ya’ right there. We’re more than happy to accommodate ya’, we just can’t do that date as, like I said, Lord Asmodeus is already booked. And unless you wanna explain to him yourself just how much more important your son’s bachelor party is, I think we should go over the calendar again and find a date that actually works for ya’.” 
His office door creaks open. Angel’s gaze flickers to the doorway—Husk is there, brows raised and smile playing at his lips as he leans on the doorframe. Angel’s own lips quirk up into a smile, even as the damn harpy screeches some more in his ear about his damn manners or whatever. She does acquiesce, though, so he counts it as a win. 
A few minutes of clicking through a calendar and typing later, and Angel can finally hang up the goddamn phone. He lets it thunk down onto his desk and huffs a groan, slumping back into his chair. “What a damn cunt,” he grumbles. “I swear she screeched into my ear about this stupid party for, like, two hours.” 
Husk chuckles, pushing off the doorframe and striding fully into the room. “Can’t say I’m surprised. That particular family’s a pain in the ass.” 
No shit. She’s from one of the lower classes of Goetia, but sure seems to enjoy acting like she’s one of Paimon’s direct spawn with the way she needles for shit. Dumb bitch. Too bad they like to book the casino as much as they do, otherwise he’d ban her ass forever for her behavior alone. Whatever. Money’s money, as they say. Angel props his elbows on his desk and rests a cheek on his palm, grinning. “So, what brings ya’ into my little ‘ole office, kitty?” 
He’s gifted with a lopsided grin, that golden gaze of Husk’s warm and gentle. 
“I’ve got a meeting in an hour, but figured I’d stop and see if you wanted to grab some lunch.” 
Angel blinks and glances at the time. Sure enough, it’s well past noon. “Shit, yeah. I almost forgot about lunch.” He’s been so wrapped up in wrestling this goddamn schedule, time’s slipped right through his fingers. Literally. 
Husk rounds the desk, reaching a hand to cup Angel’s cheek. “Yeah, I kinda figured. You’ve been workin’ yourself hard, sweetheart.” 
The pet name gets a flurry of butterflies bursting through his insides. Angel leans into the touch and snorts. “Yeah, well, someone’s gotta actually get this shit organized. It’s a damn miracle you didn’t overbook The Red Room before you promoted me.” 
Angel’s only exaggerating a little bit. Husk had this cracked and faded leather bound notebook he used to scribble down reservations in prior to Angel taking up the mantle, and boy, was it a goddamn mess. Smudged ink, cramped and messy handwriting, wild shorthand…it was like decoding hieroglyphics or something. But, Angel’s got a system going, now, and he thinks it’s working. So. Small victories. 
“Yeah, yeah. C’mon, let’s get somethin’ to eat.” 
It's the final chapter! Catch it on Ao3 <3
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