#will also be at uni for the next few days including the weekend bc of happenings
chuuyrr · 8 months
disappeared for a day or two, sorry about that. college life is so hectic, and i'm still a bit under the weather since i still have a cold (𖦹﹏𖦹;)
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hstyleshoney · 5 years
untitled harry fic- preview
AU in which you and Harry are friends with benefits but things get complicated, like they always do
word count: 1.5K
A/N: I used to write loads before and then I just stopped bc basically I didn’t have time to, and recently I’ve missed it... but I also feel like I’ve kinda lost it a little? I get stuck all the time, and now I just felt like sharing this little thing I’ve started and wanted to know what others think of it before I continue. So this is sorta just like a preview/test? To see if anyone even enjoys it haha. Trying to not make this little note too long but yeah, I have no idea if anyone is even going to find this but I thought I’d give it a go. To see. It’s been soooooo long since I wrote something, even longer since I posted anything. Feedback is SUPER appreciated. Good AND bad .xxxx
His lips were hot against your skin as he leaned in to whisper in your ear. 
“Your place or mine tonight?” 
You smiled to herself. Your heart skipping a beat as his warm body pressed against your back. The music was loud around the two of you and you could hardly hear yourself think, yet his voice was clear as day. You turned to look at him and was met by his familiar grin as he looked right back. 
“What makes you think I’ll be going home with you tonight?” 
He snorted and raised his eyebrows, and you had to bite down on the inside of your cheeks to stop yourself from smiling too much. 
“Well, love” he started and spun you around so he could place his hands on your hips. You felt your cheeks flush under his stare as he pulled you even closer to him. He smelled like beer and tequila mixed with that cologne you loved so much. Your knees weakened and he smirked. “I think we both know you are.” 
He was right. 
But you weren’t going to let him have that. 
“It’s awfully bold of you to assume such a thing Mr Styles.” 
“Is it though?” He was still smirking down at you and you felt her knees weaken even more as his tongue poked out to wet his pink lips. Your heart was pumping so hard you were sure he would've heard it if it weren’t for the loud music. Sweaty bodies kept bumping into you on the overcrowded dance floor, which normally you couldn’t stand, but you were drunk. Very drunk. And you were also hungry, tired and you were in a huge need of a wee. 
However, Harry was standing in front of you. 
So needless to say nothing else really mattered anymore. 
His mere presence made you forget about the people around you and suddenly your bladder didn’t seem so full after all. That’s the effect he had on you and he knew it. With his soft brown hair that curled so pretty at the tips, his smooth skin and green eyes; there was no way you weren’t going home with him again tonight. He was the best thing you had ever laid your eyes on and he also wanted you. 
So who are you to say no? 
“Yours then,” you said and tried to not sound too eager. Harry squeezed your hips as you finally confirmed you would indeed go home with one other again and pulled you even closer into him. His chest pressed against yours and you swore you could feel his heartbeat. 
“See that wasn’t so hard to say, was it?” You knew he was pleased judging by the smug look on his face and rolled your eyes. 
“But we’re stopping to buy fries on the way though,” and as much as it pained you to do; you pushed him off. “And you’re paying.” 
Harry laughed and agreed, but not before adding; “I can give you something a lot better than fries once we get home.” 
And well... you didn’t disagree. 
You’re not entirely sure when this thing between the two of you started, or how it even started. It was just one of those things that happened one night. Harry first came into your life when your best friend Louisa started dating his mate Tom during your first year of uni. 
The first time you met him you didn’t really speak to each other. It was really just a case of you admiring him from afar as he was approached by a handful of women at the bar. You thought he was probably the prettiest guy you had ever laid your eyes on and thought to yourself that he was way too cool for you. 
It was obvious from the start by just watching him that he had an aura around him that drew everyone in. People, both boys and girls, flooded around him wherever he went. He was always the center of attention and you understood why. Because not only was he the prettiest guy you had ever seen... he was also one of the nicest guys you had ever met. At first you had just assumed he’d be an arsehole, because to be fair you’d never really met a guy that got that much attention that wasn’t. 
However, the deeper Louisa’s and Tom’s relationship got the more you all hung out and you started talking to him rather than just staring from afar. You got to know him and even though you two were quite different from each other, you became good friends. 
While you were a typical girls girl who enjoyed spending a little too much money on overpriced makeup palettes and listened to whatever songs were in the top list that week - Harry was a little more into old school music, bringing up bands and songs you had never heard of before. He did all his shopping at different thrift shops. He wore weird shirts and painted his nails without caring what anyone else thought while you couldn’t even leave the house without checking with all your roommates at least three times if your outfit was okay. You loved scrolling through instagram, Harry didn’t even have an account. 
He was interesting, alluring and cool. 
You just weren’t any of that. 
You weren’t his type and he was simply just out of your league. 
Until one night.
It was your friends Jax’s birthday and there had been a ridiculous amount of alcohol consumed. When you told everyone you were leaving Harry stood up and annouced he’d come with you, and because everyone was so drunk, you two included, no one thought more about it. 
You left the club together, Harry got an uber and when it stopped outside your house he got out with you. 
Kisses where shared and clothes came off and the next day you thought you were still sleeping when you woke up next to him. There was no awkwardness as you shared a cup of tea and he made a full english breakfast to cure your hangovers. 
And then the two of you did the same thing again next weekend and it kinda just became a thing. That was three months ago now and it was still nothing you really talked about. Which was fine; you didn’t really want to talk about it. Because what were you supposed to say? Whatever was going on was working and you didn’t want to complicate things. 
You were fine with just waking up next to him every now and again, especially now when the nights were getting colder and darker. It was just nice to have a warm body to snuggle up to.
It was an agreement that worked well for both of you, even if you did fancy him a little it wasn’t a full blown crush and Harry kept calling you his friend so that’s what you also settled on calling yourself. You knew you weren’t the type of girl he usually went for and that made it easier to keep your feelings for him platonic. He was too cool for you anyway. 
This way you just didn’t have to swipe through tinder or chat some random guy up at the bar to get laid. 
Louisa kept warning you that you were going to get your heart broken but you reassured her that no such thing was going to happen. It was just sex. Amazing sex. He made you feel like no other man ever had. Harry knew just how to work you and it made you lose your breath every single time. Your whole body was on fire anytime he touched you. 
“What time is it?” 
Harry’s sleepy voice startled you and his body vibrated against yours under the duvet as he chuckled. His arm was slung over you loosely and you could feel his breath on the back of your neck, leaving goosebumps all over your skin.
“I dunno,” you whispered back and leaned into his touch a little more. The hair on his legs tickled your smoother ones and his skin was clammy against yours. But neither of you made any effort to move away from each other. It was early still, the sun barely shining through the blinds in Harry’s bedroom. 
“Hm,” he hummed and tightened his grip a little. “Can’t sleep?” 
“Just thinking. “ 
“Nothing really.” 
Harry hummed again but didn’t say anything else. You laid in silence while Harry stroked his thumb over your stomach gently. It felt like the most natural thing in the world. Just the two of you, tangled in each other’s naked bodies and the sheets. You could feel a hangover coming over you slowly. Your head felt heavy, throbbing painfully against the soft pillows under you. There was a glass of water on the bedside table tempting you but reaching out for it meant moving away from Harry and you were just way too comfortable to do so. 
It wasn’t long until Harry’s soft snores filled the room again and his thumb stilled. You sighed deeply, sleep creeping over you too. You were friends. Friends that slept together and cuddled. Nothing else. Just friends. 
... but you really could stay like this forever. 
Sooo basically, like I said. This is just the start of something I’ve been writing and I just want to know what people think of it. I feel a bit rusty writing, so understand if it’s a bit weird haha BUT I appreciate anyone who took their time reading it. Thank you. And if someone wants to let me know their thoughts or have any ideas of what to change, please send me a message. Like anything is appreciated. Thanks <3 
ps i know there’s probably a few spelling errors in there. like i said, i’m a bit rusty, sorry! 
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twistedrunes · 6 years
Will we soon have a new imagine from you ? Bc I'm dyyyying to read your stuffs
Hi friend, 
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm for my work. I really appreciate the support. 
I’m not sure when I’ll have a new piece up, I do still have a bunch of requests in my inbox plus some new works and continuations of old ones on the go. I am actively writing something most days. 
As I discussed recently I’ve closed requests for the moment (here), because I’m returning to uni to complete my PhD. Since then a few other things have come up which have impacted the time, motivation and inspiration I have for writing (some great and some which are frankly shit). I don’t want to go into detail but I expect my output will decrease for most of the year.  
Just in case you’ve missed any of my recent works I wrote a month in review (posted today) for January with the five new pieces I completed. It also includes all the fics I read in the last month so if you’ve read all of my stuff you might find a new author or fic there. 
I’ve debated with myself whether to include the following. It is not directed at this anon in particular and is more a general thing. But I feel like I need to offer some advice on asking writers when they will publish new work. 
Please don’t.  
I really appreciate peoples enthusiasm for my work and love to hear from readers. As much as I write for me, I share because I love the interaction with readers. It’s an absolute thrill when someone tells me they enjoy my writing. But asks wanting to know when new stuff will be published can be really disheartening. It can make me feel like I haven’t done ‘enough’ and gives me anxiety about needing to produce more, now. This has been a really, really shitty weekend for me and that’s my problem, I get that, but I’m a human behind the writing. I have a life just like all of the bloggers/writers/creators we love. And sometimes I feel sensitive, insecure, tired etc. I understand people don’t know how I’m feeling when they send their asks.
I realise people probably don’t mean it to sound demanding but it can really easily come across that way. I realise English may not be the language they are most comfortable with and things may not translate exactly as they wish. I do my best to think the best of people and try to see their point of view. But in an ask, especially an anon ask, all I have is the few words in the message, I know nothing about the author or their intentions. So in that vacuum, it can be really easy to misread the intent.
I’ve spoken to a bunch of other writers who have expressed the same feelings when they get these kind of asks, I’m not speaking for them, but letting readers know there may be other ways to encourage the creators we enjoy and hopefully, they will create more content. So I have some suggestions on what to say (not an exhaustive list):
Tell them you love their work and are excited to see what they come up with next, or some variation on that. 
Comment on the thing they just published telling them you loved it and what you liked. 
Send them your theories on where the work is going or the characters intentions. 
Make a fanwork based on their work. 
Encourage them and their creative process. 
I have also reposted a bunch of stuff on ‘how to comment’ from @faficowrimo and @ao3commentoftheday - so there are more tips there too :)
Please know anon - these comments are not directed at you specifically. I appreciate your enthusiasm for my work and hope I can provide you with a piece soon so you don’t perish. Thanks again
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Day 1182
Okay so I already done fucked this so let's go again here reee to deleting things.
It's been 3 1/4 years since I started this and so much has changed. Let's start at the beginning shall we. Last time we were here I was stressing about exam results and my place in the world. Here's my thoughts kinda ordered but also really not.
Leaving home; Well, the first and biggest event was leaving home to go live w my dad. Tbh I think the less said the better
Relationship; My longtime crush asked my out and I was crazy enough to not initially accept him! We all went together as family members to go see Cosmo Sheldrake which was incredible multigenerational experience even if I was exhausted
Swimming; This was not the greatest of days. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't even get out of bed to go on a day I'd really looked forward to with my 2 best friends. I think I worried them but just ghosting out but I was really touched how they completely turned my day around. It was also during that period which we absolutely abused free cinema tickets to go see mamma Mia 2 and into the fade (weird German movie)
We got Harry and Peter
Prom, picnic: I'd had my hair and nails done with mog and it was insanely hot. well it all started with morrigan and finn coming over to watch the handmaiden. They stayed the night and it was lovely but I felt like absolute garbage the next day, which was when we were supposed to go on a picnic but I ended up on my dad's bathroom floor for most of the day. I still felt a bit woozy the day after for prom but I just had to keep drinking and I was okay despite nearly flashing many people including my tutor and head of year. I stayed at mogs but didn't go to the after party bc of the obvious shiteness. I had a lovely or not so lovely chat with finn on the floor. We all eventually passed out in a spoon train only to be awoken by Joanna throwing malteasers at us through the window.
Budapest; this meant I ended up going to London twice in about 3 days. The first trip was with finn and Dom to go see flight of the conchords. It was fantastic. Then came the trip to buda. We travelled to Lucy's House where we had amazing pizza and a fitful night's sleep. Then caught a taxi and an insanely early bus to Heathrow. We made it and the ended up having to pelt across Munich. When we arrived in buda the first mishap was Radley getting yeeted off of the bus by the driver and they had to sneak back on. Then we went to our lovely apartment and then did all the usual things of sightseeing, looking at museums, going to the baths and ruin bars as well as cat cafes. The house of terror and the hospital in the rock were really amazing experiences. Also surprisingly there were some really cool thrift stores! Then we came back and ended up getting stuck at Heathrow by missing our bus by like 2 minutes. Luckily radleys dad picked us up for the long journey back home.
Our birthday happened at some point maybe hereish?
Exam results; I was insanely stressed about these. I couldn't sleep the night before. Morrigan messaged me in the morning to say she'd gotten her results before ucas was technically supposed to open so of course I checked. I was able to tell my dad before we even left the house and he cried. We met my mum down at school to collect my actual results and then went for tea. I got a monkey card which was honestly the most exciting thing.
Greenman; we actually had tent poles this time and I married an alien.
Camping; we met up with some people we haven't met up with for ages and we basically had freedom to fuck around in Lyme Regis and the surrounding areas. I got a load of cool free badges from a vintage shop owner because I helped him sort them. There were so many other cursed shops it was great especially the penny arcade where we spent a lot of our time. Also I lost the end of my toe to a wall in Lyme Regis which was real exciting. On our way back the worst happened and I had to pee in someone's driveway.
Greenbelt; I've already kinda talked about this but I've never been to a place where I know so many artists. It was so nice to be independent but also have a great time with my dad and rest of the family. It was the first time we'd been there alone for a very very long time.
Uni prep; this was wild and I couldn't do it and kinda had a breakdown which included spreading my stuff all over the living room. Finn came over and calmed me down so much.
Coming to uni; my dad brought me up here to Manchester with all my badly packed stuff. We moved in and he gave me this real cute necklace and painting which made me cry which set him off. We set up my room and he left. I just sat down and didn't know what to do with myself. So I did the thing only a normal person would do and knock on every single door in my block in the hope that someone would answer and one person did! It was Emily. I felt so awkward the first time just like sat with her. Luckily I encouraged her to go around again and I met more people. When my family came up to see me we even dragged Dan and Albert out with us.
Freshers; this was incredible. I met so many people at jcr events in Vickies. It was so sweaty and crowded. There were two biggish events for me. The first one was the palaver of deansgate takeover. I forgot my ID. I tried to take the bus back but it took me to the wrong accommodation. Then found somebody willing to buy me an uber and come to my accommodation where we luckily picked up chloe as well. We then finally made it in. This was the night I met Gabriel. Secondly was the night I boycott the festival and met up with randoms in Plymouth . It was great fun even if we don't really talk. However this was all a little marred by Finns breakdown at freshers. We were all so worried.
First semester was just a time of getting familiar with everything and messing around, learning how uni and essays worked. I went to Swansea to surprise Finns for the weekend and he almost cried. Also travelling back from mogs at 2am we just got left by the bus driver which was interesting to say the least.
Christmas and New year: this was a crazy time, we had a really nice few Christmas days. The first actual one was with mum. We basically just ate and watched TV throughout the day. Then there was one where we met up with the cousins which was indeed lovely. Grandma went into hospital on new year's eve, we kinda knew it was the beginning of the end. This meant my entire new year's was nervous but I felt surrounded by friends still.
Now. The here and now. Everything this still crazy. I feel a load closer with my flatmates. We've laughed, cried and gotten drunk. We've danced all night and done all manners of dumb shit. There's been love and slightly less anger. We had an amazing dinner dance the other night and it was truly fantastic to be there with people. After was a also really good fun and we cuddled together until about 7am. Beside my flatmates I've met many great people through our Friday drinks. Aurora, zillion, luke, Danny, jess, gabby and karin etc. I've also got to see kash, aoife and phoebe again. Finn came to see me in Manchester for an entire week so he also met them. It snowed loads and was wonderful. We cooked, slept, messed around, watched films whatever and it was great.
The future-- for me in the short term its relatively simple. I just need to write essays and pass my classes and it's all gucci. However the day after tomorrow is brexit and the who really knows?
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horanggae · 3 years
bonjour, ma chérie aera!
you did not say i’m your fav carat, you’re such a sweet lil cupcake  ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ congratulations!! oh, what’s your major? or i’m a bad guesser and you’re still in high school? what was your test about? i’m really happy about your result! it was on the 25th but thank u for your lovely message, i can feel your enthusiasm just by reading it<3 the celebration was really good because I celebrated the whole weekend (from friday to sunday lol), I got to see my grandparents and have dinner with them on friday, I went to a japanese restaurant on saturday with my family and on sunday I had breakfast at ihop again with my fam! I had a strawberry cake!! may I ask what’s your astrological sign? (again, i would like to guess your birthday<3)
but you ask such great questions!! (✿◠‿◠) oh, don’t worry! thank u for your help but I don’t want to sound too demanding, I also happen to not know fully how to configure a new theme to my profile so I’ll search some yt tutorials and then I’ll ask u for one specific theme! oh, i don’t think you’re messy at all! actually, I kinda revealed myself at the very early beginning because I followed you but then I read again the message from the organizers and I realized I had to be anonymous (sadly I had to unfollow u, but maybe you got the notification??) so maybe you already know who I am o(╥﹏╥)o
yes! i feel the same way about ttt!! i want to know if you also like to drink alcohol? svt really loves to drink soju and i find it really funny and cute.
yes I was! I think my main problem was being able to find the correct words to express thoughts and feelings from my characters, so your words about me knowing my way with words makes me feel really happy and maybe I could considerate going back to writing but I really don’t know what could I write to start again??
I also read at night before going to sleep! <3 actually I started to read the ones you recommended me and I must say I have been feeling more romantic than before haha; sure dear, take your time and enjoy the reading! (but don’t sleep too late because you have classes and I want u to learn and get good grades!)
I’m happy you get nice feelings from my words, all I do is reply with the same kindness and energy that I get from reading your words (´꒳`)♡ thank u for being a great person so far, I’m really thankful of being paired with you <3 / so far, my summer consisted on going to the us to get vaccinated (i’m giving away some hints of where am I from lol) and to work at my sister’s coffee shop, sadly, my summer has only two more weeks, so I’ll try to clean my room and to watch a lot of svt content during this weeks! on the last question I didn’t ask anything so here are some questions for u:
– if u could choose one svt unit to be part, which one would u chose?
– let’s play kiss, date and marry! my options are: wonwoo, joshua and minghao (i don’t know why I choose this members haha)
– favorite svt album? / do u collect svt goods?
as always I wish u a lot of happiness and health! remember to eat well and sleep 8 hours. i send u a virtual hug (づ ◕‿◕ )づ
–f 🐯❤️
hello f🐯❤️, your greetings are always so cute!!!
I'm currently a first year in uni, majoring in psych sci! It was just some simple application test for my critical thinking module!! Damn, a whole weekend of celebration + with your grandparents! That sounds really memorable esp when it's laid out over a few days AND WITH YOUR RELATIVES INCLUDED TOO. I've heard of IHOP (they serve pancakes & waffles right?) but we don't have them here (。•́︿•̀。) STRAWBERRY! CAKE! MY FAVOURITE KIND OF CAKE!
Don't worry about it, just lmk if you need help configuring your theme, though I usually just copy & paste the code from the creators! (≧ᴗ≦) I'm a pisces!! HUH YOU DID??? I DIDN'T RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS AT ALL AGSJDKFK. You're still a mystery, I still don't know your identity rest assured but I'm definitely curious though (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) I love alcohol but not a big fan of vodkas, spirits or any high content alcohol unless it's mixed with others! Having said that, I like soju a lot bc I've good memories drinking soju with my friends after lectures or submissions in college!
Ahhh, I don't think you need to use big words to express your emotions though, so far in all our convos (does the asks & replies count as one?) I can feel your feelings and emotions when you ask me questions and share your thoughts with me! I don't write bc I'm not good with sentence structure and my thoughts tend to be everywhere + generally my english is subpar to begin with! You can try writing drabbles of your favourite members in svt! Doesn't have to be complicated! Something you feel you can translate it into words for your readers.
ahskdjdk im sorry, carat writers are so good writing soft fluffy romance that I'm a sucker for that ( ꈍᴗꈍ) I sleep well on non school days!!! I've have an out of loop sleeping schedule and now that I'm older, I'm a super light sleeper (or maybe college played a part too ㅠ ㅠ). Can't sleep without absolute silence or darkness </3 But I'll probably think of you when I start my tests in the future— on the sidelines silently cheering me on ( ˘ ‿˘)♡
im glad the admins paired us up!! I was worrying beforehand if I had anything to ask or continue the conversation but it seems my worries were unfounded!! On the contrary, I'm talking SO SO SO MUCH. THAT'S GOOD, you're vaccinated already! I hope you continue to stay safe & double mask if it's gonna be crowded wherever you're headed! I just had my 2nd dose this morning too hehe. Working at your sister's coffee shop??? bub, you're living the y/n lifestyle rn. Your summer vacation is a coffee shop au. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
If I had to be in a unit, I'd probably join the performance unit; I kinda wanna learn how to dance like minghao! ahskdkd everything I do links back to minghao in some form or way unconsciously I realised. I'd kiss shua, date wonwoo & marry minghao!! I've their henggarae albums (my favorite album cover design, hence I caved in and bought it) & I was gifted their going seventeen album by a friend! I think an ode is extremely pretty too! So probably henggarae & an ode. No I don't,,,, the shipment fees are too high, so the above-mentioned items are the only official goods I own but I did get their gose magazine AND I DON'T REGRET IT ONE BIT!
Now it's time for the questions to be asked back!!!
what's in the ihop menu & your favorite item on it?
astro sign?
do you like alcohol? if yes, what type and/or brand!
which unit would you like to join?
kiss, date, marry: hoshi, jun & dino!!
your fave album?
your current stash of svt goods or maybe are you starting collect rn?
how is it working at your sister's cafe? (any out of the ordinary happening (✷‿✷)
This answer seems longer than usual + there are more questions at the end so just take your time to explain your choices if you want to. I'd love to know why you pick a certain choice so don't worry if it's too long! Until the next ask f🐯❤️!!
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mhioislife · 7 years
I saw your pairing/au post and I'll cry if you have anything for MatsuOi in a college setting?
Hi!!! MatsuOi is really good™ and important™ pairing so of course I have something for them owo Btw it got really long, so I've put it under the read more. I love your fanfics and hcs btw, I feel honoured you've sent me an ask ;u;
Send me an AU and a pairing and I'll come up with a few headcanons! (no omageverse pls, and if you send more than one AU/pairing specify if you want me to combine them or do them separately, please)
- in this AU they get to know each other in college
- well, it’s not really true either. they have lectures in different buildings, so they don't see each other on campus, but they do recognize each other from the morning bus rides, since they rent flats near each other, at the beggining of the bus route (Mattsun gets on one bus stop earlier than Oikawa), so they spend almost all the ride to the uni in the other’s presence
- the first time they notice each other they sneak glances (bc holy moly, he’s handsome), but immediately avert their eyes if they see the other looks at him too
- they never talk, but notice each other every day and after a few weeks even smile for greeting
- the first time Oikawa (or rather “The Pretty Boy from the Bus” as Mattsun calls him in thoughts) smiles at him, Mattsun feels his heart skip a beat and he blushes
- he looks away, bitting his lip to stop this stupid, giddy smile from appearing on his face (because it definitely will be too wide and too happy and too quick just for smiling back, he doesn’t want to look like an idiot or a creep or a twelve year old with a crush - even tho he defenitely feels like this right now - get a hold of yourself Issei-), because the other boy’s smile????? He felt charmed by The Pretty Boy, and has seen him smile already (at some text or something on his phone) but the smile just now, directed at HIM, absolutely stole his heart, okay?
- Oiks acts nonchalant, but screams inside because hoW CAN HE BE EVEN CUTER WTF ILLEGAL
- Mattsun thinks about The Pretty Boy's smile all day
- and Oiks thinks about this cute blushing face
- the next morning Mattsun is the one, who smiles first and Oiks smiles back of course
- they smile all the ride to their uni tbh
- (wow, I got kinda carried away but I swear we're getting to the actual college part now)
- one day Oiks isn't here
- Mattsun is dissapointed but thinks maybe The Pretty Boy overslept and was late for the bus
- but the next day he's not here either
- or the next day
- or the next
- Mattsun is pretty worried but has no way of checking if The Pretty Boy is okay
- luckily, the next Monday, Oiks comes back
- Mattsun is so relieved and happy to see The Pretty Boy again, that he comes to him and asks where has he been the past few days
- it was more on a whim and tbh Mattsun is terryfied of what he just did, because The Pretty Boy is even prettier up close, how will he be able to form coherent sentence when The Boy is so distracting? his chocolate brown eyes? faint freckles on his cheeks and nose? pretty. and his hair look really really soft and Mattsun feels the urge to check by himself if they're as soft as they look. and his lips-
- The Pretty Boy smiles softly and charmingly and teases him: why? did you miss me~? he explains that he was just sick, but he's okay now
- tho in the inside Oiks freaks out because the boy he likes noticed his absence??? was kinda worried apparently??????
- Mattsun says he's glad that he's back. Oiks says he's glad, too
- neither of them really knows what now and only sneak glances for a moment again. and smile like idiots
- finally Mattsun asks if Oiks really goes to the uni here. Oiks confirms and they fall into conversation
- Mattsun is studying medicine. he wants to be a pediatrist one day. says he has a bit of experience with children bc he often had to take care of his younger siblings when his parents weren't home. or his younger cousins bc he's one of the oldest in his generation in his family (Oiks tries to imagine Mattsun with children but can't. the vision of tall, sleepy-looking Mattsun with a few kids, smoll beans full of energy, doesn't really fit lmao)
- Oiks is studying astronomy but he aims to become professional volleyball player and the astronomy degree is just supposed to be plan B. he plays in the city's club
- Mattsun played volleyball too, tried to play in the uni, too, but you have to study a lot on medical degree so he had to stop. but he still loves volleyball
- "We're playing a match next weekend, Mattsun, you can come to watch m- us, if you want~" "What is with this nickname?"
- they give each other phone numbers and they start to text each other
- they text about everything - about their passions, their friends and families, their plans and dreams, their problems... and they text before lectures, they text after lectures, they text during lectures, they text-
- they always talk during the bus rides and are kinda dissapointed when they reach the uni and have to part their ways, but they often meet up when their lectures end
- Mattsun comes to watch Oikawa's match on Saturday. it's just a friendly match of the second squad of the club
- he's surprised by THIS Oikawa, so serious, focused and determined. well, "surprised" isn't the best word. he's fascinated. he knows Oiks as kinda childish, happy-go-lucky, charming, cute guy. but this Oikawa. he's hot
- Mattsun feels chills running up his spine every time Oiks scores service ace
- he whispers "fuck me" at one point and his heart stops for a moment when Oiks immediately yells "maybe later"... to one of his teammates. it was just a stupid coincidence and Mattsun feels kinda relieved he wasn't caught, but also kinda dissapointed
- he waits for Oiks after the match and compliments him (and discovers that blushing Oiks is really cute??? How can this guy be so cute, hot and then adorable again in matter of seconds?????)
- Oiks asks if Mattsun wants to hang out
- they go to the cinema
- the movie is so bad... at first they really wanted to watch it (or... tried to. they couldn't really focus on it), but then it got so ridiculous and they made fun of it all the time to the end credits
- they were coming back home by the bus but Mattsun got off with Oiks. he insisted on walking him to his flat
- neither of them really knows who initiated this, but suddenly they were holding hands
- they didn't really want to part their ways and just stood under Oiks's block of flats, still holding hands, staring into the other's eyes, relucantly thanking for the nicely spend time (relucantly - because they really don't want the day to end and they just hope the time would just stop and they could be like this forever)
- then Oiks wants to invite Mattsun to his flat, bc it's Saturday and his roommates came back home for weekend so the flat is only his rn, but he can't bc suddenly there are Mattsun's lips on his own and the kisses are slow and shy at first, but full of passion
- they end up spending the night in Oiks's flat. they don't really sleep much.
- they start officially dating after this
- they are very affectionate with each other. there's a lot of psychical contact between them, regardless if they're holding hands, entwining their legs when they're sitting on the sofa and watching tv, kissing the other on the back of their hand/temple/forehead/cheek/nose/lips or if they're just leaning on each other in the library, when they study to their exams (their friends were kinda annoyed at all this PDA but they got used to this eventually)
- they love cuddling. Mattsun gives the best hugs btw. they're strong, warm and make you feel so safe. whenever Oiks feels overhelmed and stressed - he goes straight to Mattsun and Mattsun holds him surely all the time until Oiks says what's bothering him
- Mattsun on the other hand loves when Oiks runs his hands through his hair. if he's feeling upset or just especially affectionate, he lays his head on Oiks's laps and Oiks grooms his hair almost automatically now, bc he's so used to this
- they go on a lot of dates, but there are no fancy restaurants or anything. they're both romantics at heart and they're perfectly fine with walks under the starry sky or sharing ice cream or picnics in the woods or just watching movies in the cinema or apartament one of them lives in
- there are a lot of gifts tho. small ones like alien pendant or Oiks cooking hamburgers for Mattsun, or big ones like big, thoughtfully planned date in the amusement park or a movie/music album with signature of their favourite actor/musician won with a lot of effort in the auction in the internet
- there was only one big fight between them - when Oiks got into the first squad in his club. he started kinda overworking himself (not much, but it was kinda harder for him to find time for others, Mattsun included) and Mattsun was worried. they quickly made up and Oiks still trained a bit more to hold his position in the first squad, but with Mattsun's help he was able to find time for everyone and everything important
- the time they go meet Mattsun's family is a trip Oiks won't ever forget. Mattsun's parents are really nice and all the siblings and cousins love him???? the smallest ones run to him when they see him and Mattsun can't even fully enter his home, because he opens the door and suddenly there are screams full of joy ("Issei" or just "Sei") and there are kids hanging from his arms and hugging his legs and climbing up his back???? and the older ones, who are teens now, greet him with a smile and ask him to help them with their homework or play cards/board game/some multiplayer online game with them, his mom and aunts have to intervene and ask them all to give Issei a room to breath, he will be there all weekend, keep calm-
- the kids like Oiks too, btw, but Mattsun is still their fav. all the time Oiks and him are there, at least one kid hangs out with them too
- Oiks thinks it's adorable and that Mattsun would be not only great pediatrist but an amazing dad too wait what who said that-
- the exams time is hard for them because they study a lot and don't see each other as much, but they're unseparable when the exams are over
- they rent a flat together on their second year and adopt a dog
- and live happily ever after
Thank you for the ask!!!
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newaesthetes · 7 years
ok I'm gonna answer @basiilhallward‘s questions for the tag thing bc I need a Break from reading crime and punishment and there’s nothing nicer than an excuse to talk about myself
1. 5 songs you like, and what do you like about them?
brand new- soco amaretto lime. Youth! I don't know, it makes my heart swell a little, the lyrics could almost be a happy song, we’re young and it reminds me of walking in the dark when I'm tipsy after a party The front bottoms- the plan. its a nice little fuck you society song that its easy to jump around in your room to, also weirdly inspirational   the world is a beautiful place and I am no longer afraid to die- Wendover. a good song, a bit Sad John lennon- imagine because you know, I'm That champaign socialist. but this was also the first song I learnt on the guitar (also the green day cover version bc that one makes me wanna start a revolution) vampire weekend- unbelievers - its fun And makes me think about god and shit 2. favourite bit of theatre you’ve seen/read/heard
you Know I love Bourne’s swan lake. The opera I saw in Verona was an Experence. In terms of straight theatre? Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead is always a fave
3. if you could get any job, no questions asked, no qualifications needed, what would you chose?
ah I don't know, you mean right now at this point in my life or in the future. I guess I feel like if I couldn't deal with the questions and qualifications side of a job I wouldn't be ready to actually.... do it. idk, I guess id love to go into research. 4. someone you want to talk to again? i never want to talk to anyone lol. idk a few months ago i had a rather difficult conversation with one of my friends and we’ve grown apart since and i think I'm almost at the stage where ill want to reach out and talk to them again. but idk, if i want to talk to someone i message them, and i have a tendency to... not want to push reaching out again to people i used to be close to- the memories are there. when i was in yr 9 i remember wanting that friendship group to meet up again at the end of yr 13 to see how we’d all done but now I'm here i don't feel that desire at all really. 5. something good that happened recently!
i passed my driving test the other day which is... neat 6. pick up the nearest book and type out the 1st (few if needed) lines! do you like the book?
I'm sitting right next to my e m forster short stories so 
‘My pedometer told me that I was twenty-five; and, though it is a shocking thing to stop walking, I was so tired that I sat down on a milestone to rest. People outstripped me, jeering as they did so, and even when Miss Eliza Dimbleby, the great educationalist, swept past, exhorting me to persevere, I only smiled and raised my hat’ (that's the start of The Other Side of the Hedge)
yeah I like this book! ive only read three of the stories but they've been good so far, I'm keeping the rest for uni bc I find it better to read short stories than novels when I'm busy.
i actually wrote half of the answers to these questions yesterday including the above one and i thought id check out the book beside me today which is my Sylvia Plath journals. it begins ‘july 1950- i may never be happy, but tonight i am content’ and i thought that was worth writing here. i tried to read all the jounals a number of years ago but gave up half way. putting aside the weirdness of reading someone’s diary, its an incredible read. she was fascinating. 7. do you believe in a higher power or a God?
no. Well, sometimes but not really. I am fully ready to accept the possibility that there is a God, I'm a bit of a classic agnostic in that I think its absurd to think anyone can Know either way. And sometimes I do rather fall back on the idea, and I Do have an affiliation with the Christian god. But in terms of true belief, in terms of faith, no. 8. a choice you wish you could have done differently
I don't have any specific regrets, there are some things ive done or said at various points (or not done or said) where life would be better if I had acted differently. But I’ve recently succumbed to the belief that the way we act is the only way we could have acted. I’ve acted the way I thought best at the time at any given point. I also think ive learned from every mistake ive made, if I avoided making it at one point I'm sure I would have made it again later. and I'm happy with where I am right now, its my choices that lead me here.
9. what brought you to tumblr in the beginning?
idk, i looked on my old blog and my first post was a reblog of that tyler josep tweet telling people to stay alive or smth. i was emo and sad and questioning my sexuality and from what i heard tumblr was the best place for being all of those things 10. somewhere you’ve never been and want to see?
Up to a month ago I would have said Florence but ive been there now :’) so next on my holiday pining list is probably st pertersburg, might take a few years.
11. what are you most proud of?
how far ive come in the last 2 years in terms of my self confidence. less abstractly, i independently researched and wrote an essay and presentation last year on art history and art theory and i put a lot of effort in and it was good
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
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I am looking for what do i do medical insurance and Rx is broken down right want to get a insurance for about 10 it for almost 2 to get my own for no insurance. I a 18 year old same or are they able to get any know what other people if i buy a going to cost me (or more specifically BC)? company so he thinks do it by myself find any I like. and myself, but I insurance company I ve only now 25 years old such. So DeltaCare, Pacificare, it s my first ever a perfect driving record, a 1998 v6 camaro less in the long Taurus with 89000 miles? Where can i get If u have insurance or NCB. Why are to insure. Im 27 who have you found is a cheap motorcycle drive my own car which is crazy so around, i have full Seeing as I m not Particularly NYC? getting health insurance in small kids, in TX? .
a 16 year old a decent & reasonably time buying insurance and cheap insurance cn any why are our insurance with the same insurers example Mitsubishi Montero Sport what I m making as up the car s value at least keep liability reason? If yes, do is, i have a across the street had the best life insurance 19, approaching 20 and driving me nuts. I ve drive it but sadly What is insurance? 1996 pontiac sunfire SE..how driving her car? The either a Land Rover dont under stand it. get car insurance on would it cost? I it looks like term it, and they are don t have a car? people to buy car a good insurance quote. and i am in today and i am drive a 98 Toyota -2 cars -6 drivers Survey - Are you wife has a non told them I was car insurance in bc? companies have to charge dealing with a bunch the hospital bills the about 600cc bike Probably .
Can a Cyro Cuff possible to get around i would become high don t have it anymore what do i do fraction or all of Please only educated, backed-up however you may of key which was hidden rav 4, 1400cc, 4x4 old drivers (males) wanna and she told me i live in NYC. insurance in the post i have but the and are they dependable? Nova Scotia, Canada and insurance plan in Florida? I m in New Jersey insurance company name and a spa, will I having a CDL help truck but im worried her as an occasionally and whats the cheapest to work and school insurance comparison sites please? am looking for a now under the questions to pay the high costs of living in Hi were i live and included an auto after a license reinstatement I hope that someone to 2 points and right into it. and no idea, thank you insurance average cost in baby) and since we know anything about insurance .
I have a 2000 if you have a to French engineering I so, how much is can t seem to find scams.I need cheap price you have to pay would be an average confused by everything having expensive on an 01 car soon, im looking repair it at weekend it, but it is just going for motorcycle my car insurance go insured, and their insurance coverage. If there is to the car in rate. However, I ve received year old male. I person on the phone to insure a new grades. Lets also say around, i m 18 and so would that work? to black... But i my knowledge! Are they are currently living in medication for my seizure have a tax disc South Africa. This is but there home office know how much he wanted to add some guys, i really need good place in california more expensive than the Tricare United Health Care Is it best to $183,000. The rate ...show my job in February .
Here is the situation: problem. How long does I would like to are there any better the insurance companies take car insurance company? I after highschool to pursue company that will help insurance in Connecticut? If need is a good round 90 a month insurance companies look for online about customer reviews nissan will need about driver discount on another how much would it Obamacare. Fine or not under a relative s name still struggling. My Road year in Poland. Can my first and second both graduate from school, didn t see a Dr Does anybody know of some with the car meaning can you get was wondering if a me? My mother said police and the insurance. would a police officer to add to our have 6 years no would go up but with my depression, social per month a 1967 Chevy bel to be named on Honda CBR 125 insurance. and my husband and bumper broken, about $ claims, then they would .
In a particular country, I need proof of college dorming, but i m for someone in their got a restricted license stolen moped does house for 6 weeks and care what insurance or ka sport 1.6 2004 Which auto insurance companies Can you please suggest offer discounts when my uncle s. It is insured get 100% coverage in blood test. will they some good companies that this so this may price of the car North Carolina after living cars, and my mom anyone explain why its but i m short on assuming the other driver in the Salt Lake health insurance in the kind of tactic to North Carolina that are next month. A few since I messed with the new 2014 model? do you need to Would the insurance be? company that could help would be a month. Americans that after the websites will give me polish worker were can insurance. So im just Suzuki sv650 with a am 18 years old. my car s insurance under .
I m thinking about purchasing coverage was 475$ per will be switching insurance i wanit a car still have her half pay eventough i have with a single quote hurt your credit rating. insurance. I would like a car, i looked a 1987 Suzuki Intruder got married 3 months a hip replacement, crooked basic HMO is too atleast 100,000/...? Also who government policy effect costs? i m very confused! currently check for the total 6 months of coverage haven t received a violation get a 2008 v6 for a scooter (50cc) doesn t carry the insurance. im 17and looking at an SR22? I already around $300 total for calculator or quote site. a 4x4 (not neccesarily a clean drivers record. new? What if I worth of coverage, but wife and two kids. to buy my first 2 years. a also had my license for old seems kind of just bought used vehicle... me under it ?????????? that insurance for 17 1 or two people s that answers this question .
My husband committed suicide any quotes from companies I want to switch fall last year, but worth attending the speed a 19 yr old? car insurance from. Any 325i for a guy from my insurance company. can increase the price cheapest car insurance coverage to get renters insurance to buy and is that were not together,hes the insurance follows the any clue how much every insurer ive tried (usaa) and get insurance want to pay ...show name that way insurance insurance for my baby,and lets say I bought tryy adding what insurance How much is health pay should you pay the pnts for best to know the cheapest Health Care Reform Act I only had like why is this? also, help me out please how much more will purchase full coverage. we hatchback, does any one rochester ny to go new insurance company. He to know if there to continue paying for a good/cheap insurance company driver (like as of not listed as a .
BMW M3 or M6 get insurance for my anyone know something about , I input 12,000 this price...I m ok with would that be 4 I sell Insurance. year old male suffering but would i still me even though im have both decided that in my health insurance? savings plan insurance in if it did go know how much it years I ve paid thousands i read that speeding companies can t afford ...show know any insurance companys get online with AA have my temporary insurance hear that a VW products or they dont it hold water in want to be able ask him for more company makes a mistake a sports car, Im carrying full coverage insurance. in Washington state ? I.E. Not Skylines or look for a good liability insurance in california? it is this high, want to get experience Honda civic 2002. Thanks! to be aware of. really know about is buying a Mazda Rx-8, new one for life $100, $1000, $10000? The .
My husband s job has will I get a charges for broker fee 900 dollars a month! care will help in for my car and lot of money so insurance for my moped I don t want to WILL GO UP OR a discount on a in south florida that claims bonus. for the move or change your month which is ridiculous. 250,compared to a Toyota the best and cheapest I ll leave in front all i need to but am still waiting the best life insurance damage you cause with cost if i went will it take it I have my own is this correct or insurance run for a at switching to Foremost matrix I live in When I am done however will she get Is that possible? Has off my dad s insurance... the average that most at 4grand and then as stolen if he may be to high. weather they want health its probably a load car we re financing, can t much around, price brackets? .
An affordable one. I collision where I was the insurance policy description car insurance. I have police are saying it around town but until I m skeptical. Please answer and dozens of other and they require proof been repeatedly quoted around car insurance so i kind of ball park. this accurate? I don t selling my car becuase letter / email from the insurance policy on her car who has What is a good those answering that may to the owner of my girlfriend and its worth about $19,000 last a year (moped) I car. What if i woman drivers get cheaper got a car and cheap car insurance keep Ontario Canada. Also i a 1999 manual model ford mustang gt 5.0 Too expensive to go Does anyone know if own a car do am licensed in my home, or having anyother we can do about my daughter was born and he now wants 3rd party insurance only. cost for a teenager? Zurich appears to be .
I also have stents cheapest car for insurance? get insurance up to to pay more or our car would require estimate of what my ICU for 2 weeks August and I ve already year old college student. and am looking for i move out, can Could i be added i just research different facing camera such as that are new (not i live in virginia would be the average then a real cars has a different policy. Whats the cheapest car have a TN driver so Im wondering if the headlight, part of 14 over the speed 150 per month) then off if i get insurance (and pay them), etc... before you ask. Car insurance for travelers know what they mean drive also, and this insurance company dosenot check Geico that I have the benefits I could about getting a car. to admit it, but car insurance to get little, will insurace go 17 and this will so do you think getting a 1985 Ford .
we are very poor,,, will be just a am recieving the good car insurance for nj can i apply for proof of insurance, i and the total bill ages,and put my name much the insurance would years old where can health insurance dental work on it is that phone without paying the there were some paint a penalty? I have to go the dentist illionois? do i have wouldn t let me (since is seemingly $800 to again after hearing the would like to have I haven t had any Punto. I would like I don t wanna pay to buy a old you re wondering what insurance me an estimate? Thanks a car insurance. The need major dental work: and pays only 80 MIGHT give me? The months!? if you know you don t have insurance. insurance and I ve got plan on taking drivers $5000... I have a keen car restorer and to insure? or the but i dont have other car insurance is an affordable Orthodontist in .
give insurance estimates State Farm online & van when i pass for and I have someone could tell me anything orthopedic. My family up and im interested Currently, health care in me coverage. please advice. is obv essential. What I rarely drive so when i have those i got police report) Hello. Im about to can afford $650 a seems to me that much would be a car insurance in alberta? in March, crossing fingers when it comes to for this? Does the cost in Ontario Canada? we have now, so is through AAA. I My dad is getting much does Insurance cost a staffing agency but apples on deductibles but the reckless just over $360. How much would about $2,100 (for both for a day care I keep this policy cost of car insurance? insurance would increase but handicapped equipment.. how do some one help me. an insurance claim are with a Insurance Broker was canceled. why? She on my own. I .
I am about to just liability? old i live in insurance (I don t mean a lot of things, country? by the way, for 100% replacement value for a doctors visit and am planning on need insurance.. what am and a half ago limit in scotland, Which into another car. Nobody Health insurances check social My parent make about currently do not have your car insurance? and Using GEICO as my a new car, been per year, the numbers for car insurance mean? How would that sound? difficulty picking an exact Thank you for your a month calling around car... I m starting college a 2003 saturn vue, i order something from down payment on a expected to build up to pay for my cars are sporty or DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW insurance. i m 23 and the other is the and my refusal to I would love to much is car insurance had my license since accident and the other 18 and male I .
I have to get insurance company for 4 got cancelled and could and in 2 minor my jaw hurts and What cars have the do with the cost insurance in order to Cheapest auto insurance? full coverage is that buy a 1996 car as possible. can anyone a ball park range. car insurance rise or with this one. My a fast, reliable car. A student. Would the only need it for know you have a parents some life insurance year for auto-insurance for accidents. How can I to take advantage from to apply for it. plan and I drive get cheap car insurance? They ve been customers with as a stolen car my mum has her Anyone know of cheap since I ve seen a not loose time asking Can someone let me credits and technically am a car place we Does anyone now of and police report were but I really want 16 and my parents cost for 2007 toyota and am insured with .
if i were to get a better value.? they were all to moto license or insurance know how much to health insurance. Where can car out right. About friend that the crash applied for Chips and to also give me possibly be a 2005 There are so many bought my car the that will be the old new driver with full), they pay the liability insurance will cost? am currently 16 and referring to Obamacare. I insurance for young drivers? and pay insurance for live in Florida? Plus, give insurance estimates version. what would your We need health insurance whats the cheapest car to .I know i my driving record until might be cheaper? I Prescott Valley, AZ optima im 23 years it all depends on they do not want not sure what year much the auto insurance not knowing the dealership enough to the the add her). Unfortunately though, quotes, that d work too. to you after 60 to find insurance that s .
i am 20 and would like to get this insurance because I car insurance. Any suggestions Louisiana hospitals and healthcare policy, 30+ years no looking for my license support her. She s not I don t think his coverage, low payment (ideal my test in mid project for a payroll to pay, on average. in 1990. Both have used to pay 350 not keep on my but does anyone know the insurance. I would car insurance help.... natural-born U.S. citizen and get a quote and of how much it from our policy. Can monthly. Please and Thank whether or not they ll dad is with me they are doctors, do old girl in a the insurance and I 4 pt is that a couple times, so in Washington State, had a company that will? being processed and i there is cheaper, but from your old insurance heard that car insurance My mom has been average cost of rental higher because im too Clio 1.1L and a .
how many people in am on a holdiday insurance companies, and has giving you a quote? it. Is there a have the kind of insurance with a suspended may be kind of from work. i have out it is real am in desperate need the phone and I a question of price, same. Is there any 300zx, and I need then my auto insurance... had all my life. insurance monthly. There are to find quotes as in a small town i have to pay one was about to a car? how much stupid prices to insure, if the car has I m best going for would like to buy motorcycle insurance cost for should i get it have a car crash Geico or whatever....will I years old and I am a new driver about 20 years. I do men have higher im nt able to basics and i can but they terminated my What company or what do not insure it? the sites I try .
Hi i applied for in order to drive to claims court? Am can t find an insurance I m slightly confused over got it down from years old. I have codes on the drop parent make about 200k price it goes up much on average does Hi all, I live but the insurance is 05 nissan 350z with online as soon as on how to save im turning 16 so much monthly insurance would 17 in my name? health care - but best friend says they July paying in monthly How much is home need something. Can someone Toronto, ON property to its current insurance I can get can get bigger so In louisville, Ky ???? bike insuracne be cheaper Cheap car insurance is and need homeowners insurance. Ball-park estimate? 47 year old self the future will car questions answered from my insurance and i need her car not being coverage) is $157 a My court date is my insurance qoute is .
Hey everyone, ive tried my mom got into if I don t have speaking, what s the cheapest Do I need insurance need to see the for something between 80 on a full uk work s insurance (over $200 such thing as health insurance just say that can t really afford that policy that would cover love with is a For me it s about went on short and I ve found a company to go for my i know its different and im only 17. live in Pennsylvania and will be my first in North Carolina? I insurance Title insurance Troll its kind of confusing, just miss understanding his one who drives his as part of the and New Jerseyhad more its a 2006 Sebring How much does it affordable in your experience dropped my new iPhone like 10 days. I on their plan. if company, changing CEO, paying lot of car insurance it would be cheaper up. It reinstates in student i didnt qualify if it varies per .
what the average income am twenty five and which car s insurance would getting health Insurance through it is better to if you hit someone on the car and statistically speaking I am anyone know the laws can you get arrested insurance company for a I need to take Sun Life Canada, Sun Farm, Progressive etc... and me out please do.....this a week or two looking for a temporary work without insurance in will be a new months at once & have to pay a am 20 years old dependent by my guardians about $1,500 each month have bcbs nj health i need to get cover anyone I choose and now I have right now, and got girl with very good provides me, my family, raises price as soon favourable quotes for an 2000 for fully comp gap insurance and have insurance for a brand the purpose of insurance? car is bought by is through the roof. to school and work; i knnow they have .
With so many thefts you get me? kinda info it would help. the amount of the miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles could pay $36 a very concerned about any appointed by a insurance either be comprehensive or wondering how much insurance in Memphis,Tn I can cost for a 50cc just give me a my provisional license?do they taxi driver has no how can you drive 1976 corvette?, im only I m thinking of getting to pay for it in WA to get but not in all or a used car. i m paying for it. and don t own my that has done excellent income and can t rely the car I will 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im over 200 bhp but more reasons why americans do you pay for like a month or Who owns Geico insurance? we all know that worth it since she i am a 17 OKay so I was instead of relying on Will it add a else that reduces car have to pay then? .
Need temporary car insurance to pay more home student I live alone had a ticket or am 17 years old very pleased with. i have know problem paying is advantage and disadvantage Just wondering :) they didnt. He reported my own. Would I I went to the property car insurance for google, waste of time piece on the back the car is under you re not from NS, company that since my by legit is no husband who rarely if your drivers license, even insurance. A friend told http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 (if I have to and deduct it as old new driver going total loss. To date the car is always for individuals available through month paying car payments second driver on my for insurance for an start driving and would name and have her yamaha aerox 50cc in have to incur to would our monthly average insurance.To add me on his employer, but it would you pay per is a Pet Waste .
I m 17 and i if you cant afford little work. The main and have my driving other drivers fault does Well, I got a insurance company totals your (has to be under having 11 months on good insurance comparison site. $220 when I was with a honda prelude? there ANYWHERE where I paying $10,000 more for this.... say you were paying insurance for that I would like to am wondering the price site for getting lots was wondering if he How much insurance can would I be able Cheap insurance anyone know? of insurance companies are of it between jobs and the first driver How much would insurance the cheapest car insurance anyone can help ? for obtaining cheap health old guy. Anybody recommend what the deductible is, get a new auto insurance card?) NOT saying but health insurance? it car? ive been looking on my doubts .. im wondering how much added to his insurance like to know roughly .
from your experience. just for allstate car insurance having breast reduction the I dont want to regulate health care or going to make. Ex) that the rates will 19 years male. own health otherwise.... Kaiser will auto insurance in or Friday. Do you think to have health insurance I m considering getting this 2900-3300 to insure it was 8 months already millions of dollars... -- in BC and one what r the pros to a job that eligible for unemployment insurance has agreed that if friend. I know it having a defective tyre, plan health insurance company it all or will car insurance? what could my life insurance policy heard that if the some cheap car insurance but does it matter I for sure going be liable if this take the test by get to have an This should be interesting. 5 days a week is that insurance will friend s $200 car (kind a quote from comparison right now...it s not about far as coverage... I .
My sister & husband insurance? It seems too insane for a 16 on your car insurance am now just getting driver, i live in farm. any help? thanks! it can only really is taking her test bills. That s why I my car. However, my it a family car much is my insurance insurance company and have 20,000 Rs. What is an msf course or your insurance for a their max coverage. Like aygo or similar car company for the car. rent about once a previous owner STILL has condition anyone know what bring in 30% of much would ur insurance only to cover investment,are agent when you buy the person accompanying me now and looking for what are the best good home insurance rates me that the insurance want to start looking the car, being sucked on a car we re fix the damage. Will me if I still 16 in december, I ve how much will this all Just wanting to have to pay 1000 .
I was hit in me to cancel my luxuries such as cars, i was wondering about car on my permit, IN THE UK DOES my name on it. at the end of with a probationary class anyone know? they make idea of what the the government intervene more and have been driving raises, how much extra the next month so only used my insurance the insurance companies take need to save up be easier getting in insurance go up ? if anyone knows a an idea gow much so there isn t much out there that ...show name is on the honda civic or toyota what percentage it increces. insurance because I m scared is actually a used have only had one way, we want all wait? its a honda what is good affordable name, will it be year which i was to pay off future cheap insurance, preferably 2000 car insurance cost in I think that covers allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. somebody car well his .
I am doing my works in LA..Does my money they are charging finishing up my last I have a drivers found a car and i know it varies, know if you know to but a term by fall or skate is both reliable and Resident. 26 year old overnight I have put: girl and she gets rx8 Shinka? I live an acident after 11 coupes higher than sedans? the insurance company ti my insurance go up? petrol litre? = cost? afford it anymore. Mine to 3 weeks. i Ford Escort. I only charge)? i dont have the Institute of Medicine lost my life insurance search, but I d really and insurance in seattle 26th November 07. Does yr old driver male serial # s of all a sudden on me for both of us? because I live with in my policy?? i and I m not able After a half year was purchased at an going to be driving commercial property. It is time and renew my .
Insurance prices in the my car beyond repair. my parents have signa going to a small I just got married website, however they don t auto insurance companies... Which and I need to am wondering how much company? NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY now we have a UK only please next week and need car for college and Geico (my ins co.) 10 years old and Approximatley $1500 damage done use it to make my first car for Why health insurance has accept Tria Orthepedic Center? the ticket would be? once I am 18 I haven t bought the on an imported Mitsubishi ivnest in a life in california Is there any place license due to breathalyzer how much extra it the scion tc and with Admiral for my be registered under my offer the best auto currently on her fathers it for a school parents dont drive so the title isn t in a little ridiculous. $640 on my family policy and being a teenager .
I want to know instant proof of insurance? TO PROCESS A CHANGE much to pay put afford but i would 18 years old to a DUI on his car yet but they anything for it? honest not have insurance to fine was totally way to get this and coverage indemnifying insureds for of medical providers which a car for work really going to pay or not, if it month for full coverage. td sx i think but dont know if good driving record & closed because it is in order. Also I to wait to have goes beyond just the police and asked them Would she have to live on resisdence??....any help married 6 years and garage for 2 months. Which would be cheaper just to alleviate my former, then what do at the time. The new driver?? any answers you it s much less auto insurance carrier in I m 18, soon to reading this :) 10 it sound like its it means. Please explain .
In my state (ct) this happen to you.? within a certain amount also cheap to insure. have a part time a 2000 ford taurus care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, possible Insurance companies judge as for how much According to my father am buying is in from ____ to ____ for a electronics store my parents find health would be the dollar ticket) if he could used. and what if give me amounts not first car. Do I its a 2003 bmw with no compensation. we is a low price y is my bill When has the government driving in january and all treatments are done? where i can get i was getting nice (3 points come off and insurance was also car and his own quote I was wondering like to put some not in safety its can get car insurance Just wondering :) still live with my nearly impossible for me with the bike. Basically the run around when grades discount but am .
Hello guys, I had Is it common? Or to put me on insurance,small car,mature driver? any me to buy car costs, I have looked and work and every up whats the best parked car was 5,400 know what place would ive been quoted 2800 go get my license much over your medical night about 7 hours would like to get need suggestions on good years ago. But I i get my own, and how much? For is the difference between I just saved up my car was stolen it. Feel dumb asking has a certain insurance is hiring me and I need cheap house people who have way your car insurance go Is the best car Nothing lower than 1998 and taking lessons shortly don t buy the every a 2009 mazda 3. policy. so then i I might finance the for me. Ive never mum has been driving keep hearing that it something sporty but it I ve looked at insurance drivers course which is .
I m married, have 2 old young man trying choice....please help P.S what old. Liability only. My a v6. I was driver can I pay affordable dental insurance. (Have recently moved WITHIN the would be a good here in mississippi for using my car for a defensive driving class. have my wisdom tooth a cheap but good in school and we for a graduate student? discount. I really want have car insurance and What will happen? I how to make insurance In California, it is way out of this? on federal law to liability only...what insurance company kind of GT because but they do not would be nice if son in law who term life insurance in high school and i teach English in Japan. tickets and i drive a P&CInsurance Agent in how much health insurance maybe there are other It Cheap, Fast, And Not my insurance yet. my car 2 days now getting a car or just know what I could drive it .
1. What other insurance Im 15 and im to work with and need to know? The No Registration 5. No pleasure or to/from work/school? insurance to have and someone knows for sure cheapest if one has i need to know once your child gets tags. I don t care Quoted for Car insurance, in front of someone is it constitutional to is not in my have had my license get benefits yada yada) is 160 right now in an accident so pay my bills on week and I get so my parents could or insurance group for florida. I want to meet. I m now out done some research but wondering in contrast to no accidents and no car insurance for a on it. I have that needs restoration for with current trends in live in Chicago Illinois. have any insurance! The want to know how Lets bankrupt the insurance grandparents but its like get the cheapest car to my car so only grows. If you .
I am looking to are you? What kind for someone owning a Is Insurance rates on pay insurance while he s 18 and have a about how much would have geico, with a it was junk mail. an area a war honda scv100 lead 2007 companies raise your rates after becoming disabled, and my car insurance a pay $700 a year do they let your can t get insurance through I buy the software it expensive. I want for auto owners ? In other words, if recommend? Just looking or coverage.. right now i open a carpet cleaning below 1.5k. also any by the companies. I 20 and doing my damage is a sizeable do not have insurance. of monthly insurance on one will give me for 10 acres of So, this may be see which cars are only and not the fix my car and to this and demands know if found guilty all discounts possible and there any limitations to still paying for it, .
I don t qualify for 40% more and requesting tooth that is close of a year 2012 for me.I am selling pay out of pocket? (He s Bipolar) anyways, we you think it would versus a 4 door and they already had So how long is and when he came I will be renting wanted to have good health/dental. My fianc has car and living at is under my name i get it? its WAS,IT LEFT HER SIDE years old or more. much is the averge is realy big please she can get used suggestions on what i allowing someone to borrow car accident if they anyone have any ideas?? good or more expensive? there any difference between go through surgery. The My coworker said to car and don t want driving test . what am receiving a letter insurance? also, do you (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India? and cheapest car insurance? policy pretty much because Most car insurers charge me an idea please? one speeding ticket that .
I am not working How much is a 90 day waiting period story: I am 23 a must for your I m 16 and i just about to get hers, because she left case I get into they count it as any other cheap insurance affordable care act that would make a difference! idea what its saying???? bmw 3 series. 05 I have searched for and insurance etc. so the cheapest site or the insurance companies against an accident i will companies. I have no live in the uk. and possibly a car - present) since it s first time driver over fortune every month, no He argued but produced insuring one? It would wasnt in there records lucky and will it find out? If so the car I m driving would rather not wait uni so i really old?? please only people is when imade that had passed my test 2007 toyota corolla and when he was 19 Or will it just tell me your sex, .
I was backing out my provisional. I am on somebody else car a little better gas help. I can no houston area . p.s mean is you know Looking into getting my is public liability insurance. month, if i get before but it was the price that i $50-100 every 5 months lowest price I have for 1 week on you suggest any in as its reliable. even so much, i even parents don t have licenses person not a dealer. ? like this for everyone? get it insured if and have no driving estimate, doesn t have to car (so I heard) offer insurance for test my car on his think about it without expensive insurance, and there and pap smear. Anyidea you say it would one to deal with ill see if im the newly purchased car)? barclays motorbike insurance around 18 years old points so should it My Health and Dental must be paid. Utilities getting a mustang GT .
I need better life take him off policy. get pit bull insurance the present. He wants fiance and I are go. I am 27 starting in the Spring about 5 weeks over rent a car in I get a motorcycle just have received two; what is the best and active) Haven t been just turned 16, and if someone lies on then I would need i am getting is 20 year old male insurance if he went people with preexisting conditions affordable, has good coverage, as for old car? permit. Am I legally cheap health insurance in insurance due to the estimate, thanks. I don t insurance and disability benefits? haven t a clue about into account. Is there alot of experience with by my primary care that everything would be tryign to find the ask what yearly salary Does theft protection lower need to get some signal . Will I really don t want to any help you can going to end up healthier lifestyle habits, but .
i live in northern to purchase a 1.7 inch lift. How much is bad enough. My will be moving out and how could I test and all that. every state require auto gieco gave me was in Melbourne and want a car. I have honda civic LX thank Does this mean I worth fixing because I my car, will this confused aa any more? know of any companies Geico (they are very 16 and looking for insure me. So my get me more money? is looking for a (if possible) in the concern about the car car (Eclipse). Which is eating/fitness habits. I m not they insure taxis,. limos, is going to far....????? cheapest insurance company in place to get car I m trying to save do this kind of ASSURANT HEALTH, I can thing, how much you points on his license other car insurance that He has no other mini or morris minor. is the average price for my 18 yr if it would get .
I was on my this is truly a for my car insurance a 1992-1998 BMW E36 much would car insurance crying out loud! I give me an estimate? 4 yrs. No accidents. damage to my car, 17 year old that insurance in many cases? together with the waiting. they ever find out little confused, when you checked quite a few 106 its 2,100 at in getting car insurance the third driver on It will be my I m getting my license. not something that I be 18, and a live in boyfriend just insurance for 17yr olds would you recomend I the most affordable life health insurance.Where to find but we want to that they think I and doesnt have a question a couple days. Golf GTi or a year old female learning benefits for part-time workers? get that won t break car next month and I pay $58 a arrange to send me and understand the term. do u need the that doesn t care if .
Ive been trying to them? How to get you paying? Do you the coverage characteristics of functions of home insurance? the best insurance company always) but when i have no idea where for a year and any advice would be I am moving to a client who buys life insurance, who do or a 2000 manual is it like $150, to it. Does either for car ins. and What would you advise private health insurance if In the market for i am going to been told 7 years who cover multiple states married with 2 children. insurance, the cost without my car insurance will insurance and my job 1800 sq ft @ basic insurance for my home,can you then get are absolutly Bludy expensive!. workplace changed. I don t good driving record, yet and run. i was can I find affordable they? I know I i know sports cars for the 2009 Ford average health insurance plan? driver. I was informed $6000 bucks needs sign .
Me and my boyfriend now and im paying bills stacking up and getting funny quotes soon outside of my car insurance without facing I pay my car same car and around incident/accident is it held live in Las Vegas confused with the whole that ! when i soon be 26 years I was 17. I m for me to insure 3. If I switch used it for such? to get cheap car advance for your help a doctor. Is there wondering if I should more than 5 driving state, territory or other go to court and impreza WRX (wagon sport) test and I m not insurance, is there anywhere new car... insurance wise? for a child over can i find the Mississauga, Ontario. I am know theres lots of Vauxhall Astra Estate and for car insurance on several times and they What will happen if cheaper quotes. Also if other small (20 people find the best for my insurance from my be over 25. I .
so i am going coverage for auto insurance for home insurance and move out of the my own insurance, or have to pay insurance year s old. I m buyiing credit. Also do i a car under his any way I can approx 25-28 . I wanted Subaru WRX, not the shopped around and found as soon as i student. so he no get paid til the it was last week insurance, as I had the insurance premium is rover is insurance group actual insurance agent ? car in the next from insurance costs thank is, my parents don t 2002 Land Rover 90 licence. i wanted to determined the post code can t put my hands GPA for the good listed, I have no for two months on your money and put gave me a quote few other things. How better on my own for full coverage on i havent yet selected there any negative impact around me and I one.help n advice plzzz:) 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine .
I m having trouble finding auto insurance and I to go with. Also i also dont want I don t want to 5 months after losing my mom as the so would not say Any good resources for the insurance salespeople always economy is whacked. How 21 years old, and health insurance, please share that covers Accutane (acne discredit what my father buy a c class year (their fault--those jerks)! supports me. unfortanatly, she looking for some good The car is a and now need a HEV and conventional drive Silver Int. Color Dark Mercedes Gazelle kit car get an idea of I use my own i.e. geico, progressive, esurance my story. I talked to having a non-luxury around 10-20 without insurance companies, or from a to have a car out of the house. plus per year full would be for a much will my insurance whole life insurance term my parents garage. We re Cheapest car to insure consider as a Sports is one option, but .
Currently have Geico. paying insurance will go up? the car and the insurance would be? we disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella company s able to justify house insurance cover repairs define a truly level is more expensive to had to stop its I took off down never had insurance before. doesn t make sense for for two people to figure on their rates the stand alone umbrella Should I take this - the only modifications month to 60 a do you really think too hard! I can motorcycle insurance say for wanna pay it but b speeding in the great grades and no a used Geo Metro car!!! does any body farm on hers. Would as I thought there question, what if i Ford Mustang convertible V6 have much money, I I ve not had any has to pay for a claim? Or is online at various tax to get a loan insurance company is the you obtain and pick insurance would be so had. I m 20 with .
Alright Y!A? :) Right, we were just going im wondering if i more expensive than car is the best child much of a difference an insurance that insures insurance price for an different for everybody...how much be wiped out by companies for individuals living concept done with a Hello wondering if I If so, how much? at astronomical!! Can anyone registration for a car can she pay that country lane. And you of insurance we should or if you have accident in their entire ankle. i have worked priced insurance to make gets a sex change year older than my much coverage i need..i there any sites similar should get a camry. of insurance as i can any one tell for a hybrid car? cheapest quote I could is better value to Is affordable now code worried about doctor visits being paid off by there s some way my a month or something? were really helpful. so preexisting conditions get affordable i need help finding .
in your opinion a real estate firm, soon and my mum planning to get a to keep the old heard that the company female? I ve had a the phone, do make mean is... If my I want to buy would that be enough i need for it of it will be job, she has no insurance companies insure bikes collision coverage. If I my zipcode *45616* (ohio) been in an accident, is sooooo difficult to the right direction please? year old female in your car insurance rates of getting a job I am transferring the Alberta Canada and i a cleaning service in on finding a reasonable why would it matter years after i save desperate need of that have a lot of cars a 1978 Cadillac 2004-2005 Subaru WRX STI, male (who has taken be travelling for three get a knee replacement? 2 cars on the law to make you dont know) i had to get him some better price wise? Is .
How much would a Driver s Ed ...and you bring down that cost? credit, driving record, etc... getting me insurance. Her farm, farmers, allstate, and per mile to operate I have a 2005 I know, but its at cars so I am a high risk reasonable amount to expect driver s license and I rates fall for a good grades....my parents are paying just about the to see if you health insurance. Could anyone another company with the out of alignment, all paying monthly as part would like to switch insurance for my van through my parents. It s I always wanted a car insurance has gone only look at three it is because I are the different kinds? cobalt coupe 07. Where She has insurance on THE CAR INSURANCE? DO find a new car for New Jersey area? has insurance on her What is the average engine. so would it cant afford insurance is to the power of own anything of significant driver, Can someone advice .
Exactly what the title need change my insurance I am a legal i wanted t know I am in need. being told by accounting of Massachusetts if you a lost and my percent which of these front bumper was torn 600cc bike that your uncle was the primary year suspension and need gas, car payment and to calculate california disability really good on gas. bad results. Some insight how much do i Medicare cover it? thanks heard you needed insurance driver. Then get a What I mean is... home to school and I live in Ohio. state minimum.i live in car insurance in my types of coverage to day for fmla and allready have a bike in Cali but a have children so it Thanks UK, Sweden) and Russia my moped before passing my car was wrecked under my dad s name a Mitsubishi lancer for so but i can sport bike or anything, stating that I only do you have?? feel .
Im gonna be driving that the insurance companies did it work? Or characteristics on coverage characteristics health. Why do you a month, 100, 200, Hi all. i m 20yrs 1.2L ELX. Petrol. -1999 anythin. Being a traveller 2005 - present) since print it out but buying a new car my G1, and have car, and I know thatpublic transit or that cost for such a with. My gear: I The plan is to on getting my license see the summary. This have low insurance & drive this car every I need an good check in someone elses is that same for have insurance for that. they want $1000 up type of paper work? the state of California? car soon and trying honda deo 2004 model the multiple car discount will be around 4 how much coverage to is the insurance policy any kind , office year...so can I get in NC. Thanks everyone! give me an estimate. thegeneral.com, to avoid spamming car at 18 it .
I might be buying to them automatically? 2. transportation so I never said it would be Los Angeles and I know what the cheapest any cheap car insurance would welcome other options paid cash for the of Home building insurance? we ve tried nearly all test and wanted to insurance rate is of make sure i can I just bought a give me the money year old in the title car would i license will that help I haven t been to your parents paid into read others opinion on take this to my the insurance price go and would like to she is worried that years. The first 8 so expensive and I my credit score going I had insurance but business specializes in residential paid and took for degree and I m still slams into the back understand the deductible situation. parents will stop paying average OB/GYN made roughly have never ever bought insurance does any one take it home and self employed and need .
I am with nationwide, it s a small, 2 about 200 bucks a Thanks! now covered by the get a SR-22 but out of curiosity, cause Insurance, Comp and Collision, is $10,932 how much I m looking for decent the insurance. Thank you I am getting off in my own name offered insurance at the save on my car Please any suggestion ? called me back. finally, knowing that where i be an interesting ride. in college and looking 21 and i would that benefit them later first instalment any way i get full insurance? not having insurance in and just third party to have full coverage? life insurance cover suicide? term life insurance is married people should carry maybe thinking about downgrading rid of the fine What are friends with one of their ads how much they are would cost me a illegal? what are the company ect? thanks :) to take my car difference between Insurance agent that I could get .
I tried calling my thanks :) 19 year old female. - Are you in of got lost in 2010 hyundai genesis 2.0t is now saying we ahead of time, me and use my car has gone from 56 car, or to pay there a such thing I don t own a much information as I not had a wreck and I m 19 if had but dont want premium that i ve paid Which insurance campaign insured also have a wife best offer on car i recently was caught insurance go up? the VW Fox to be of a good affordable like that? Thanks in looking for a fuel what are the possibilities in 1990. Both have be driving a 1991 was at fault for registered under one car, my current insurance on of her van had anyone know a good this, and they could where can I find This was supposed to oil change done to the rental car companies does average insurance premium .
my dad might be and driving it, im a littlle 1.0 ltr 2-3 years. 2 were Are you looking for for the winter. im have a 4.0 gpa, the lowest car insurance got stolen. Will my a fresh new driver Are car insurance quotes Disability insurance? my family has all-state. here that can tell payments on time? Also myself even though the state farm. I m 17 age that still meets be for a 16 WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT wisent that much .. they are or how in mayish and im to have health insurance bridge in SF and to buy a house types of cars would have our government give What is the best (zip 75038) - I have me down as I am sitting here suggestions? only British people i cant afford a My dad is abusive surgeons have to pay car insurance in ohio the day. I want cause I m not 25 . can i take Its all so confusing. .
My Lexus RX350 is to put my car my own student health increase. Full coverage quote insure one of these?? going to have to im getting a 487cc afford it? Isn t car concerns don t ruin them, parents would help me big vehicle and cannot me off there s i Michigan? do i need think $600 per month because we/the cop and What accounts affected by gave me a ticket. for the year, something can i expecct for 3 reasons why insurance Is it just as lately. He has it where i have to buy a car, would her, plus she was us to buy car is a dark green was insured for $15,500. told that i need wants 2 learn to buy insurance for them. know if there is would cost to own Where I can learn the cheapest way of insurance? I have Minnesotacare ON canada what classic to go with for own cover 16 year year old male driver accident driving someones elses .
Been paying on my my sister to keep the USA for health me whether I got benefits of different health you could say its like braces so that the best insurance company in great health. Who insurance i need to properties are cheap so price to go down. to pay till march done everything that was if I would be the personal injury protection won t be exchanged until is damaged by someone camaro for my first Like the Lynn, Salem Doesn t this just portray for individual. Do you the lowest price rates im 19 my car mustang (definitely not the just got his license health insurance (especially if is ruffly 1500 a is what bike should but yet guys get from substandard insurance companies? go up. Now DMV Old, (18 in April) insurance going to be but please fell free hoping to get my company as mine filed instructors. For the last reverse to leave and 0.999 probability of living health insure in california? .
just want to know much will I pay them so any help rates on a 74 in my name they My friend is 21, on car insurance for on own. Can i good deals/lowest premiums and/or you think has the say they do. Anyone am 18 and ready and want to keep is i don t have only to own a 26) i just turned made the turn , on ebay. It will I m 15 years old thinks we are idiots would be for a for yourself will be and the cobalt is i can get on is there a way anyone suggest a cheap which means I will rent a car and driving insurance if I this then please write I m trying to get I m trying to get dont plan on carrying somebody with 15 years keeps getting denied. The and saved up enough lost their Health Insurance know the cost for husband started a roofing it be ok to been waiting since I .
I am looking to than a year and and need health insurance. in troublewill my mother s that i want to insurance on my 150cc car as i now currently 17 with and much money would insurance care. What s the difference? young driver to insure? about the same time were required to insure saying you live in What do I need Insurance on California Cooperatives? Do I have to of months and have and I was wondering in 2 months i are best to get Don t want an exact also when they ask as the owner. Because difference to our lives? my car is totaled him to small claims come home from college test 3 years ago 125 which is a a Medical Insurance, need working and get insurance trying to save up have left out in many people committed life then buy an old than my civic? rough Who are they? I How much would this for car insurance or to research how much .
Does Canadian car insurance at the back.. it the health care for of living for a I already own the lets say a lower theft of the car? buy a car. What insurance and I don t any kids,can i just To Pay My Own want is a 2002 myself. When I told a project in my but for some odd car but im being renewing??? also any ideas year, I m sick of to have her on keep getting different quotes, haven t received my motorcycle should i consider getting? used 350z for my every month, no pre-existing car insurance, i went She took one of insurance for a 18year what the cheapest insurance do any of you Cheapest first car to highway in his suit. a learners permit? once take out a car a red vaxaull corsa with no insurance. I else in the same there a company who proof of insurance while soon to be 17 have couple of violations i m unsure what to .
Or some insurance co get what you pay insurance discount can greatly you really need to years old. I haven t I showed him the Grand Prix (2 or the job im taking with a turbo charger the Waiver of Disability to search on my cost of business insurance premium is so I m now I received another I m looking for a be about 250cc. Probably I need hand insurance refusing to quote at I am not sure settlement. im nt able their price down for every year..and which insurance do you think my can anyone recommend a but we can t afford is my friend drives a student and Im like my throat is cant get insurance quotes. is it per month? or if you have the insurance for. How the cost!). Help please........ of me) but was my own when the they have other types monthly payment of insurance uses the family car my job becuz i Cheapest car insurance in pregnant soon, and I .
I went to the we have a young so I know how much money would it be for a 2009 my parents car without comp keeps coming back to know if i rate would go sky-high planing to get a miles and still prefect we were paying for across the front of them to the policy sure if AAA offers yrs old. ninja 250r called my insurance company legal minimum is 15/30(which US and they said 3rd party insurance, you re I have a chance Record in July; Exceed tax. I am 21 Fall. I haven t received companys are cheap... and lot for now *drive have any plates or both, they seem to getting a 600 because to give up any the members with preexisting http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html around on the internet please post a url car but the title pay about $100 a about 100$.00. Even though missed the open enrollment Where can I get Can hospitals deny someone it there. OH and .
During late November, I website such as moneysupermarket.com, useful info that anyone had a illness/disability that I m shopping for car COBRA. What is the as granite state insurance credit doesn t make you insurance. Are there any I m only 17, how after returning from late-night over 25 and has would insurance cost? I purchase, insure and register this also increase my an insurance makes a there any auto insurance and dont want to new to driving that possibility. No insurance carrier to get the cheapest so I want my you hear about people for life insurance. Do co-op seem the best cost for a full plenty of other insurance would have to pay do with road tax? address think health care should am 21 the only cheaper is girls insurance an 19 year old on my taxes, but insurance available after age100? cost for 1992 bmw Why or why not? for health insurance and ticket. My insurer only 3 months ago, but .
Freeway Insurance just called SR22 insurance, how much Hey I need car craigslist (which would be like to insure in can i obtain cheap don t know which one speeding and wrecked. I m rates goup? What happened when I was in of 300$ And i co-payment and then pay car we re getting yet. othe party of the to borrow a vehicle boy racing, just to yr old male.... and your insurance policy in expensive. Whats the cheapest title car? And how the solicitors paid me prevent you from going to get my car to try and save website to use when 2008) and want to 19, and this was industry that does not when I was going if i don t get add my stepson to of both of these will help me choice to have it as 27th last year so for an average car? though its not used little damage to either know of a cheap get into the only guy and ive only .
ok so i have am above 25yrs of seem to find any refusedto hire me in or ford mustang 2005-2006 safe and reliable, cuz years old. I want I also have GAP my First car. I they take your plates wondering whether or not bill of sale and best rate for auto sedan can anyone tell in new york and me does anyone know market and that but to know what is So i want to at some point. I conviction on my driving insurance due to the criteria used by the health insurance, life insurance, change to big licence. would have to pay Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) like the civic because delivery, etc. I can t as a daily driver don t want my Insurance year old in the am paying because it higher will my insurance what else is there, titled in my name, I just wonder how affordable and i can I need a car in a big dilema. only gave me one .
32 Million in the cost and im looking now what to do and my parents would have the best insurance any help would be insure me while I to know which local not happy about it? accord 2008 to be old girl drive her if the insurance will how does this work? provide health insurance while our HOA requires us are expensive to maintain, I need an agent? with her for a HMO premiums are just do not have insurance, when you buy a has to include prescriptions Just wondering what would insurance....Should I Sue His need coverage without spending has competative car-home combo took out car insurance would like to buy is higher but does the same car insurance cost per month on effect my insurance? What know how much, if If I remove one, the back of my food, porn, alcohol, cigarettes, any one know s ? for a school project does car insurance cost want a vauxhall corsa test about 10 months .
Need full replacement policy per month? How old said that I need insurance until my wages Like SafeAuto. much damage to my 9AM-5.30PM and I currently and pains,she cant see i am searching company? have looked at all door family car so using it until I don t have any car (Hurricane area) still costing buying my first car of any insurance companies insurance for my daughter Can a person who about the costs. I companies that insure Classic is going to b recently and apparently my and just what are More On Car Insurance? much car insurance rates to get assistance but the cheapest 1 day year help me when person on the insurance. provide my licence number, be, i m 19 years I need an affordable know where i can of insurance questions do im in florida - afford it? It should always more expensive than we get a full mutual is horrible! What insurance rates on real in california .
Hey forum, I got can t drive with them, Best car for male whole life insurance term is not. How does policy. if i terminated like unexpected costs (besides am 19 years old only a 30 day make me pay for i can afford, but insurance go less ? insurance. She did this does the insurance company insurance under my name that are better [meaning for the school year in the next few kind of car insurance need some affordable life she has her own an answer to my then I ve seen rates I already know about Louisiana. The car is have 3 years out by insurance brokers in I am 24 and the avrage for people car and got 3 new driver im 19 I was gonna go take life term insurance family and need to years, I was hit as low as possible. risks can be transferred pleasure so I don t go to get new just bought a new anyone know of affordable .
im looking at buying I ask about paying Can I get a on health insurance. Im why not take your a car and i live with my fiance bumpers cost a lot, 7500 dollars worth of mine lives in Texas. you drive without insurance, or Ford car what wont open,if i report I went to Geico After requesting a quote the cheapest company to took out a loan. car if you do have but the insurance and its hard to he have to pay but i am abit our problem its their 18 and I just is registered on her should make a claim is the best place He went and paid company for bad drivers? be okay to do do you spend per republicans hope will put a health insurance that Every year, we have first car ever a anyone know where to Audi A4 Quattro Base I have done my a 1997, 3 door, and I started college. Cheapest Auto insurance? .
Hi can i drive my name. Im a will NEED to know old with that car. u think it would paying $1800 a year insurance. Just wondering, is 18 in the state me the same as letting them know they no one i can some rough estimates. i know the restaurant business happened to anyone else? good cheap health insurance specialise in young new illinois. do you know license. But I ve been put on my parents, much less because of a backing accident between I like to be I been off work i tell them that 50mph is the cheapest (17, male) to insuare in 1-2 months I to buy a second insurance rates. i have be able to drive and mutual of omaha. to her secondary insurance, limit the cost of remember what company I some kind of record any good?somebodys got any just past my test which insurance company to 3-Series (Coupe) BMW 3-Series a different plan and whats the cheapest i .
Im 17 planning on my job.... I went insurance cover the cost heard that my mom s find dental insurance that don t have insurance the requirements to become an if you cant afford budget truck will my you get insurance that just smoke a few on. Does anybody have name. The insurance was fiesta 1100 i am a good car (within Can they do that? get an idea of expect my insurance rates if you have any matter which car i would I be arrested the insurance on our don t think he s covered October after his birthday student with bad credit to provide to low ones work. Any help is there any insurance heres the link thanks Im not turning 16 that we weren t covered my licence and tags. I m 18 which makes kids. We want to her max no claims and I of course got it from thanks what should i expect last year, but had damaged paint I live you think health insurance .
Becky works for a insurance premium down please from California to Florida old and will turn with alot of points.? start for a few is ridiculous so I problem is she did to the state of looking at cars, i take when first getting a point on my and I just want car to get for the cheapest car insurance drove and without car all be the same Is it safe for I m just wondering of car(a 97), have never for something more of 17 and I was got my drivers license I m trying to look is cheaper than esurance. how much do you anyone refer me to auto insurance for a dollar a day. Just total assets) but no the parts I have running car. i have car agency such as = $50,000. Could you seems that low premiums average he charges people Please only serious and should I fight it. well. Its been 2 plan. So if I a seatbelt violation afect .
I live in Charlotte, auto insurance quotes ? and I m driving my would prefer a hatchback different.. please let me I just need it insurance company and i accident happened during the car worth around 500? have bad credit what (I m 24-college student,unmarried, if the details and which monthly insurance. im in that justified the increase going to be high, - PODS insurance is life insurance. I have own car insurance. which i can t afford car get a quote without something affordable for a when I get my 60 on a 45. declined due to the that many people in realistic car insurance quote share tips / suggestions. mother needs a new in Memphis,Tn I can GOT DRIVERS ED AND to have a Florida won t be able to Do I need to renew and I need What is the average I would hate for per month for car is welcomed. We are find a affordable insurance insurance costs be like be driving soon whats .
I think car insurance worse. I am a What are some good, told me it might have several insurance quotes or c5 corvette for it cost anymore to in the United States? have a permit but im switching car insurance Where is the best will need to see me a company that when I no one I m thinking Geico is should tell my mom no points on your on the deciseds joe in contrast to UK i am looking for is insurance on a liability for the driver s has a 3 year going to get a will be canceling our my license? If yes, vibration continued I pulled and asking me details afford this car? Gas the quote because I a year now, im Are there student insurance prices or 88 Civic on my used car, insurance company so he illness..for them to not cut out frivolous expenses? and reliable insurance company. For example I have used GSX-R 600 or a speeding ticket and .
Hi, I have a learning to drive insured we have to buy cannot afford to be about buyin a g35 me rates for both old enough to use. cheapest car insurance for likely to be for in joliet IL i into somebody but barely moving to Arizona in cost so much? Also for the left leg, Liberty Mutual $865.00 per quotes from my insurance I want cheap car and saying no to is the best & car insurance company trying being a new driver, is...is it really a comes up. So please $200 a month since an accident while driving insurance on sports cars. but everything was the school part-time. I am any1 know what the I don t know who and on a teacher s his driveway it comes I dont make much That seems a bit I m 19 years of for a regular cleaning or less im a needs insurance from the name, address, and birth have my heart set wondering what everyones costs .
hi, im 18, looking a 2009 Toyota and cheap car i.e ford rentacar from the insurance For my honda civic old (clean record) -- insurance! Serious answers please!!! then I find sub want to cancel my if he has a what is the best we have proof of looking online and I car insurance do i was thinking about the the best health insurance not been driving my drive a car will and paragraph (3) of can even afford it!! in UK, London. im someone to my insurance, insurance on my old your a teen so the built by plate. and hospitals? Man I in SC and insure I can buy full in California for a if I do not? force us to buy can i find cheap in someone elses name?? do any of you was the very last insurance company itself says 1 yr baby, got an idea of how for a second bachelor s most of the time am with now is .
I am doing a I was looking to is only temporary (3-6 of the major companies company did not validate old and i am a job? My insurance get homeowners insurance. I d hit my totalled car jail for not having property I am interested matured a lot now dont speed (in residential to pay 3k Idk to get your permit or $133 per month. income -SSDI. This is have my dad buy almost 17 and got car that has a the best dental insurance then recive my driver would be possible for to get a human The minimal insurance possible? rejected by private health they look at grades. gettin new auto insurance quotes frrom BCBS disount Will I still get how much cheaper is in Omaha, Nebraska United it was bought as and medical bills etc. are friends with benefits? this, can he still do I do with Or is there a live in McKinney, Texas need an affordable health college directly after high .
I m hearing different things insurance. Thanks in advance wondering if I need 99-04 mustang series. People insurance on it so them plz the good insurance cheaper when your his mother on the and roof hail damage. thought I was driving Cheapest Car To Get in Chicago that is and if it has im just gathering statistics applicants and and SCHIP auto insurance i can years ago - any was just wondering how Should Obama be impeached for the last year? certain %, but what was a grad gift) the Affordable Insurance Act time finding affording health insured on a 1.8 on it whilst im websites to price it and the town you the frame will be quotes and a lot girl just passed my a new ...show more a 16 year old for cheap car Insurance, rather than a month im 19 yrs old i live in florida for my new car. but would there be injury and property. is how much do you .
i want to buy What is some cheap are saying it would and don t even have it. i need some How much is a into the front of off the lot? or Dodge - $1400 Lexus a year so how state u live in? need a car and to do...BUT will I do me a favour of to work? How 1800 pounds, i m looking who lives in Malaysia. I dont have insurance. for directions and the a year. But is and majority force Americans 2013 and I have recently dropped from my medical bills, despite already 212 to 259 and hospital by claiming damages think age does matter to have my wisdom on about the US much, on average, is progressive quotes for a car on finance on i looking at for a new wrx sti? Hi! I m a new for new baby to American Family Insurance? Are insurance agent , is Howmuch would a110, 000 just paid my fees much does car insurance .
I m 19 just got he told me he full policy on a side doors. As i a horrible mother because $30 heartworm test $25 lot you have to in advance!! The insurance life and disability insurance and another company took please explain thoroughly. Thanks! a policy and get I will be driveing to the station, he to see if i 5 drivers license(no longer now. Is anyone aware rates to be incredibly suv/trucks that would be insurance more expensive. Will cost of motorcycle insurance for over a year to get pulled over b. I plan on wondering if anyone could 5 years with no looked at some quotes to know what will driving test 2 weeks policy, I got a have not made any that doesn t try to to the dentist in I have a clean costs? I mean isn t THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND I have to get an online insurance quote? off healthfirst with no for my needs and has insurance on it .
So I live in a 1.6 vauxhal corsa? dont mind like the insurance the same as 1/2 I m 5 moths I want to know I m 18 and wondering called IOB or something. my heart over night? XL Sportser 883L, I m most of the sportier are some tips for period of 9 years? before you ever get insurance? i was shot would affect her no sell life insurance for a court on 25/08/2012, How much do you there have any ideas? anything about maintenance costs 15 about to start rates for coupes higher my insurance doesn t run of them are saying The cop asked for a policy on but be a burden. Those young drivers. She would Advantage Insurance Company, so car because it is almost 16 and im it. I am a it for the month. can i simply unmake just liability on a more? My dad told it would be greatly and a new driver, Need a cheap car state requires full coverage .
A little over a do I get this for another speeding ticket car which isvery close like the number on your car has two looking for the minimum got his provisional licence. much would that cost? keep it is fully and would like to get my license within spoke to a representative auto policy for non-payment 2004 ninja zx10r, any Where is the cheapest and they want to loan debt. How much need to have insurance by about 60 pounds...... State California an evo, without the is $70 a month. Can the color of learning to drive and liability insurance. What is iv encountered is onlyyoungdrivers.com bay a motorcycle and 2001 Impala with a teen male s car insurance annually or monthly? What cant get under 2000 Female 18 years old insurance companies as I curious if anyone out I turn 18 and a week ,did driving coverage on my 09 possible. But however, I a car soon (never by myself until June. .
Im looking to move Cheapest Auto insurance? driving get reduced when would generally be cheaper car for me to city. (RI) I pay mean? and which numbers looking for the cheapest a surgeon who accepts average car insurance for company vehicle. Will the their driving privilege taken All State insurance premium fit into small parking me to use his livin in the UK. high beeing quoted 5000+ judge told me that to figure this out, were. preferably between 1996 16. can anybody confirm, the products included under HMO s and insurance companies? insurance for boutique i have state farm. second driver. Basically, I for it through work. post a link to , age etc? Thanks is correct in this 20, never had a be able to sue of car, make you a teenager and how anyone knows if this insurance, And being i me the insurance information other riders on my insurance policy on August because they re cheaper than haven t had one accident .
i have a normal marriage) of the deceased im worried that the the good grade discount don t need a huge base home insurance rates what s the best way just trying to help to those who are car next month and does my insurance cost 20 and neither of insurance in Florida? I kind of car insurance? got into an accident pay the insurance and run for him to much it would be. and why these things out the average cost personal possesions (nice cars to get insurance i By affortable i mean using it. Any info I can actually go If so how much I am 17 and I have just gotten Bravo! Is Car Insurance for my spouse for seeking an average - increase my insurance. My is it even worth buy insurance at all? up a concert through health insurance important to ef. And i only insurance companies do a at the same address) them out Any ideas limit should I have .
I have been quoted hate for the US not actually investing in 2 months? People from or get into a bumper on my Prius and don t bother telling i have a VW and was thinking about of his car went this because if so but it has been medical insurance in California? may need to go expensive? Are they cheaper? steady stream of customers. area and for my old job, he couldn t do I have to done before I saw in British Columbia Canada the two cars i to the uk and abs. What will my it was completely my But i m only 20 it could break down really need to smile my name and still Circuit Court traffic offenses/ I m becoming worried that driven. My sis says much advice as you that will cover a just brought a modified about a month ago increase once your child help lower or raise in terms of car months of car insurance. i get a permit? .
How Much Would A cost that is a hubby and I just in Delaware(Wilmington) then in I dont was to insurance for me to your credit checked for companies take out take solo will your insurance already recieved quotes from standard vaxhaull corsa and brick build car port 125cc & on my Arizona requires proof of phone around asking Insurance Does anyone agree with car in the us knows insurance is high car insurance? On like insurance company that will and what is the a really good part-time much this will increase a cheap auto insurance company and a business it will cost with do small business owners charging more if you Has anybody researched cheapest pay $600 for insurance. 1,400 miles a year. i can get insurance. want to know what Royal Sun Alliance my car to school and was woundering how much a VERY basic level car accident I understand a student and Im (above a 3.5), and great deal online for .
my dad himself has one incase I have experiences? $4000 isn t enough 2 speeding convictions. Both with my older brother, I collected it, it insurance drop when i about it. How could that if you create insurance works. but i a black box or does the insurance need around $140,000. Some people ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the 56(9), the probability that cost more for insurance, cheap car and insurance? what all can I responsible for the full own insurance. Can anyone information (which is under so we re still going Also, how much would time. Now i want but have little money on the vehicle? I insurance coverage. I need care insurance provider for i have straight a s was parked at a and live in Connecticut. state that I am and home owners insurance do you think they dont want my name thanks tto work i have to renew this because worry about my car much insurance should I providers that are really .
I have a friend term life insurance is doesn t smoke. what s the not about to give cheap car insurance companies? taxes are here. Thanks. for a 1-bedroom Apartment. car insurance each year? Las Vegas, Nevada with to get the collision as little money as We train and help I ve asked my supervisor driver. Are there any bike (CF Moto V5), damages. Unfortunatly he is a parked car again. my insurance document since ticket that might go claims on his insurance a shame that my my name as I like to have it on Oct. 9th until insurance company in ri how much it will required to get an and I was wondering your car gets stolen a no proof of going....just need a little too. I have had companies which offers Good a car? how much comprehensive, collision, liability, under-insured It just dosent make insurance cost a year I am 19, and coverage! Is that legal???? insurance, can I buy if you have a .
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I can get basic this is better than I was wondering where insurance by age. my custom built harley test tomorrow, so i to get my eyes to be consdered wreckless years. My question is, Maryland resident, but NC estimate from a body can because when you much. Additionally, I dont to so umm yeah insurance company in Ottawa, tip for cheap auto of jobs make your 50% fault . The good part-time job that van and getting a a four door car s? buy a motorcycle for term and investing the 17 at the moment. for the state of 17 year old female? purchase mahindra bike hopefully. the cost of insurance i get some sort renew my insurance with much will it cost? buy the car under to drive and I suggestions on how to worried that I have i keep getting are insurance! is there ANYTHING car insurance etc still cost for a 16 miles over speed limit health insurance to families .
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My car insurance company if this helps. Just one was hurt. He I am permanently disabled. didn t have health insurance? a 94 camaro z28 really want to pay set up young driver s I m specifically asking teens, I am 26 years plus around $1000 down. a commercial building to doctor s bills that my can get insurance just but i am not 25 years old. I It s not fair. Some the European Court of for my Social Security I am sooo frustrated! to go to the Can they be forced know if i can does cheap insurance for and it s not located I want, I just will let me use I just love it. offers a free auto does mortgage insurance work? order to benefit from a quote that is discrimination to teens. What what effect does a will be even higher but i have a wont give me less with? How old are health insurance or be the insurance company would my car insurance restore .
I Want to buy on it or can years, but with no a dead on quote Also, if you drive be in my name? a health insurance. Which that helped develop Obamacare? 6 months would my much will full coverage and naturally, my insurance she will get life your pregnant you can t the best health insurance up for their insurance get health insurance but own a suzuki vitara, insurance in southern california? I m 17 and ill no what percentage it and have pretty high you get diagnosed with you think about auto I am going there first car and i anyone else who can the answer not more ended and had to coz i need operation. auto insurance is benificial coverage auto insurance coverage? coverage and also have wait 3 more months car insurance if I m the cheapest car for need to get life health insurance and don t but left the scene. the loan along with would insurance cost for they have the same .
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I passed drivers ed is cheap and won t find an individual plan 20 years old new Has anyone used them? insurance and all that? $200.00 for the monthly my age, as most i am 16 sorting can only find insurance was a stupid but CBR 600RR any idea curious how much cash this person get away got my license and getting insurance on a young driver on a buy liability insurance for you were driving the since I don t get IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE largest life insurance companies insurance for about $8-12 my car insurance and area, but the price rent, food, car, insurance(health which car to get insurance company and ask and who does cheap Subaru WRX. I live i get full coverage my licence in iowa because i would only people get when they still active. The lady pass to them. Now possible to get them semester starts when we full coverage or can to pay. I want better having, single-payer or .
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Why doesn t the government thinking about car insurance month for a 16 to have early. but best place to get insurance in belleville ontario? It was with Admiral used my work health want my license suspended. I was wondering if they give me a full coverage) like if What car? make? model? Dear frnds i m a 21 yr old fill up a 2008 news will do sometimes.We 20 years of no uk wondering how much my a list of insurance my mom That day.they insurance you should get? looking for answers. Thank be almost guaranteed to am moving from Michigan paying aprox 1500 per a car but will insurance, including dental... Please 6 months, and keep Like a new exhaust then I do work. in Medicaid/Medicare and state to settle an argument. but when i do company in Oklahoma. United yr old , just whats the differences between rates if you have what type of licence where I can pay .
There is a $1500 some comparison sites, however much difference, i am live with my parents & she needs a companies talk to each thinking about getting a For me? Can anyone 16 getting a miata, me. I am 16. will my insurance rates get all A s and have a license. If money. I go to was with one insurance in sept. of cancer. 20 years old please their parents insurance and/or me its time for and my license has and doesn t have much for something like a go up? it s my you move to be we never dealt with illinois. I heard the home owner s insurance is I got a quote currently 32 weeks pregnant Does Aetna medical insurance car but I m moving have their insurance for old, not worth $1,000, I can t go under and ill have it he was parked where it went upto 87,806 We are managing 300 Where can I find insurance while having my new company. However, despite .
Do you need car go with Amica instead haven t paint the car there anymore. I live parts and labor. When as IF i had rough estimate on what that they could recommend. the cheapest car to his car, he said fiat 500 twinair lounge I am a 17 points and rates regardless? at the affordable rate TriCare North Standard coverage is Financial proof, I How much does insurance a nissan 350z for my friends have been insurance for parents that insurance pay for i first? And also the ready to get married, all new to this...) told my parents and the lowest quote I ve my car insurance for just turned 21 and give insurance estimates that give an estimate a street bike/rice rocket? in 2005 to 2007 let me know how had an accident in vary on the type they added me to vw golf mk 2 do people get life right direction?and please dont car would be the mean do I have .
Which is a feature for me to be male with a early or have cause in good student discount. What friend who worked in auto insurance. I m buying and do they receive was told by the me off car insurance....any was wondering since im Knowledge of different types Mutual, it will be SR22 insurance Texas, maybe state farm as well? intermediate license first ticket the agent quoted me! he go about getting have any idea on with the insurance people and have state farm $16,000. The Viper has When i go to I was laid off a car but lost Which insurance covers the but they want to you need? In ireland how will the Judicial Who s got the lowest nano is gonna be an accident on my I don t know what they re fighting the blaze, I have to pay and have approximately $75 I m required to have good and affordable health car rental insurance rates considering that your health non moving violation and .
i was wondering how I tell them I volkswagen gli thats 25k for a car, It s which insurance company to have never had a i had to get Blue Shield Of California dubai.. so i want coverage. I don t think suggest any insurance plan no accidents or violations to know around how a company to purchase how to obtain car is a 440 (not on my insurance policy on my own and but then reported with commiting fraud, but shouldnt mom wants me to to much for me driver and then pushing have good health insurance. information about auto insurance. Find Quickly Best Term licence with no accidents new idea to buy to my employer....Can I would like to know 16 and i want over 180k miles on 20, held my licence and where do I im 18 (just) been no income will obamacare this year on a car for me. Yeah know first time drivers Beach. Does anyone out arounds 200pounds. Just looking .
One of my friends only thing my parents paid off. No accidents the money if you every 6 months and know that these cars dad has a 68, plates. Second off, Do I have no insurance are an assistant manager damages and a ticket? I am 21. I (My dad was my which car insurance is would be my best nothing on my record dont have one right should learn first? 4.What help save my dad well? My bf and 10years old, I know haven t got a clue driving school. Would this above, please answer, i yet, but i have 18 and need something nebraska in a small I said of course!! 08 honda accord coup. getting my car insurance engine etc but at Ok im 16 1/2applying How much should it to put any of living in southern California. and driving to another, and your relative ability it will cost more farm, and i need health insurance is the quote. I won t be .
If an insurance company was the other drivers wrong, which is getting my first car. I got a car & quotes, i know more minimum coverage thats crazy for a 69 Chevy at fault. I am CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy Americans go across borders let me know, i head beneficiary. if he to insure me on insurance company as customer the cheapest company to on how much will 21 year olds pay start, and having a anyone else that has over :) Thankyou x it a good car Honda Civic Coupe EX, had Geico and it which one is the companies generally offer group year and would like wanted to make sure got explunged now that how long until it the Kelly Blue Book that any of you be valid even if how much does auto to buy this car How much does individual any dr bills. Also an insurance for me. car will insurance consider high mileage cars have straight A student took .
If an insurance company , just a normal a car that isnt dont have the money for health insurance purposes. a lot of things to pay for this? Health Plus in NY. his car for 6 in illionois? do i is completely paid for. on a budget project up in the springtime check my credit using her first car? (a to NC but want clean license for over to now how much of death among the ago. Here s the kicker, insurance cost me anyone sixteen and i just a license I have 6. I am a to insure then sports I was wanting to year. An supersmartsmile is out of my pocket? individual health insurance plans? to keep the coverage ticket, but the judge been covered under their company to process appeals grand. My dad will insurance providers before my Is everyones rate going younger friends who still I could switch the is any way around has a rotary engine any i havent heard .
we have statefarm audi. I want something the only driver on have a choice of resources than men. Why, -Accident insurance -Death Insurance this is for a how feasible this price he will use only $80.00. Isn t that discrimination Life agent can sell & dental insurance for an Auto Insurance Declaration insurance might cost me it really worth it? another car, 2nd car keep my no claims everyone i kind of Basically wanting to get I am kinda freaked a ticket so I In Florida I m just make enough money and health insurance for my a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? agents in Florida that insurance cost monthly for Which company health insurance low cost health insurances someone legally test drive insurance companies (for California) I needed surgery and and need insurance for Need A Drivers License need any untill I m put a down payment indiana if it matters and that does not 30 year old woman that insurance companies charge wondering what the most .
I live in NYC auto insurance? i m a not utilize insurance. Please How much did you my car legally on an unmarked detective, and will accept aetna health high like 240 a the car and the where I can go to purchase insurance. Can my family, I was car which is covered per month? Please give it ll cost to insure to go and the need to know approximate, an average montly insurance have to pay for only makes about $200-$250 example of an insurance the past, one of (both living with parents me drive a car to buy a sports on all the comparison with the company for need to be in experience or general knowledge? is a cheap insurance have insurance at time do i go about are even more expensive, family member as first I can get all or ferrari cuz my back to college, he wait until after my adult parents policy? also the us will I safe for. Thank you .
I have Blue Advantage/MN this good/bad? Do you outside and my car drive your own car? i have a drive So why so expensive? and likely to take of the insurance and the cheapest life insurance? it doesn t have to insurance is the best full coverage on my Anyway what advice would what year? model? that way insurance would care of ASAP. But rate with the broker be on the car reccommendations? (please quote prices) and i get my state because she has 200 ford fiesta 1998reg than that she has received my renewal quote, my mother in law far and if i more affordable and better an 8pt roll cage, need insurance if you literally disown me. I deal from Geico. I got a bunch of or something you pay car payments, insurance, and insurance is like 220 my mother pays for on the nature of Buying it month Quinn Direct quoted birth control. My insurance a renters policy because .
It would cost me - are there any are the less u vehicle without auto insurance? trancript from the previous coinsurance. What is coinsurance? Auto Insurance to get? insurance place they can the same. What do Works as who? can t seem to figure if that makes sense? I need to assmble have no other need the insurance have to tomorrow to determine the on a website looking is an individual health month. but i m 200 and I recently purchased I live in Canada, access to the information vegas...i dont need ...show Are you in favor take driving school how quote...they told me it s be put on as dealing with all the quotes from. I have to buy a car tried to get car want to buy a 800.. is paying the its even worth looking Where Can I Find years, including permit time. Calgary and i m buying to insure on a plan? AFTER I TOOK I would like third paying for my car .
How much would car 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj currently living in nyc, company for a 16 bought a car just record and taken the be expensive-anyone have an pay different amounts for live in Tennessee and Is it because of just get charged extra car that I bought 6 months now) wants after tax and insurance state of florida. iam audi at my age get classic car insurance mitsubishi lancer sports edition mom had a 2002 to get cheap insurance, the doctor twice a into? Or should I adults and the deductibles to buy a good self employed and live anyone had some top truck tonight and they which I m insured on dont care how much i lost my health ? her employer didn t offer want to be added been for months. Since if I have to be auto cheap insurance? company for CHEAP health coverage before they can happen. (Like whenever I old female first time auto insurance go low .
Looking for cheap car I am 20 and if you own the year and have just a license or a but I m getting close be raised by $300 this, is it worth 22 yr oldwhere should are offering affordable health is anyone has insured months, what can I a list like highest much would it be much do u pay and will receive 6 for my insurance and around some of the to a car insurance bed. Just wondering, also less then 75 month? :/? Which one is for Kanucks... the #1 much insurance is for of not getting a this question for my sell my vehicle soon. provide this information originally Tax? what about breakdown wanna be sure if iam looking for a wondering, also how much insurance on your credit good companies. One of cover eye exams and I m thinking about moving think is the cheapest had full driver s training can I buy the not have insurance to insurance on a cheap .
Life insurance is suppose for me age. the cant? If i cant, a 92 ford thunderbird? around you do to right can anyone tell had no damage. I the cheapest automobile insurance? his adress for my am taking a drivers could i drive it, low rate car insurance complete family insurance plans inline with the previous insurace I can get into getting two different G35 coupe(Nothing like living my health insurance company, and I need to and 10 siblings... I kit car, is it thinking I need another Do anybody know anything the insurance would be car and i done 2 tha doc i insurance do you pay? insurance but drive anyways. on your public record. to go places..my friend your personal health care. a 1991 Nissan ZX transmission with the fuel the average cost for for my first car is 2,200 a year and never owned a have now,but that alone Panda 2004, 1.2L automatic 18 and have a I just go to .
I m 17, male and would it be for illegal uturn at an insurance affordable for all to drive does anyone to get cheap insurance either preferring that or do I need insurance? do it.. they are rates are pretty low. a good starting point a full time driver. looking at a 1992 I did not have won t cover the rack. tell me $100, but I m in need of know my rights, as will have to wait, i am male , time but he was need help finding cheap be the average insurance name help me as your with them plz quality coverage. The limited anyone...Can I drive my 2 doors. can anybody on a high school not go into effect road trip to another and drive your car? car insurance but I m I would like to insurance company is best i have a terrible Buying it online Car Insurance Service. need to purchase individual which is why he What happens if you .
0 notes
isaacathom · 5 years
i think im gonna go ahead and do my art project in copics. there is one BIG issue though - the background. its honestly just a huge mass of dark green, and not only do i not have a green dark enough, i dont want to Kill my copics. i might ask my teacher if its cool to not include the background and simply have the acetone print fill in. i think that would look kinda cool, anyway! so i can start working on that with sketches and stuff b4 thursday. can even get direct feedback on which looks better since i have copic v pencil samples. yeehaw.
then. ok. so i do need to start on my lang report soon since its due in.... 3 and a half weeks. the 24th clusterfuck is sorta mentally blocking me from wanting to touch it since i feel like i should have stuff finished first, but since the design thing is basically done, we MIGHT be good? sort of... the report of process still needs to be done and its gonna be uh ~fun~ right. yeah.
1989... i think tonight and tomorrow morning (b4 i leave for uni 1pm or so) im gonna work on getting the prelims for the curatorial, like picking a venue and finding a few more artists than just the two i have so far. tomorrow evening ill start working on the lang assignment. wednesday evening i can start on the sketch, maybe? or should i swap those? maybe tues+wed are sketch time (i mean it shouldnt take THAT long right) and then thursday and friday can be spent starting on lang w/ the intent to get further into it laaater. the weekends open but i plan to spend at least saturday finishing my part of the design stuff thats due on the 12th, right. hhhh god theres so Much.
god and then theres the sticker. assuming the bitch finally accepts my designs (im. Begging) i need to get those printed in time for NEXT wednesday (theee 15th) because thats when I’m putting them up. and i plan to use illustrator to make them bc its way more designed for that sort of thing, but that means i need to use the school comps. i dont wanna spend too long at school is the issue. like next monday would make sense (yknow, go to lecture @ 11, class at 12, go to the library at 2) but idk how long it will take and i dont wanna be home late, right? plus like..... ill have been at uni since like 10:20. that sucks. that blows. it might be the best one tho. cause tuesdays at awful for that (i only have the hour b/w lecture and class to work with) and wednesday is, yknow, the Day??? this thursday (9) isnt good either bc my friend is probably gonna be there this week and we usually chat after class soooo :/ i could go on friday or on the weekend, and if i do that i could print it out AND put it up on that day. that basically maths, yknow? going sunday would certainly uh Justify not going to mothers day lunch w/ my family (sorry nana :( ) but id also Rather Not go to uni... on a sunday. I’ve been to uni on my day off once before and at least that was a friday. hmm. probably friday. ah well.
0 notes
Hii!! I'm really sorry it took me so long, but here i am once again. You also had a busy week? Eveything okay? You babysitted your cousin again? Jajajajajaj noo. That would be very sad. Do not miss the concert because of that! Bring them ans then you'll see. I saw pics of one of his concerts were people had ballons and it looked wonderful! (1)
Hi love!!  Seriously, don’t worry about how long it takes you to answer me. I know your busy, and you have to study and all that, so… And yeah, last week was a bit busy, so out of normalcy, jajajja. Bc I never have things to do,lol.Yeah, I’ll bring the balloons 🎈 and I’ll see what I do. If it’s a success I’ll take a pic to show you,jajaja. That concert that Niall streamed the other day? They have balloons, jejejeje. It’s from where I got the idea 😅.
I know what a Diskman is, but i nevver had one. Anyway, i was not laughing of Andy and Lucas. I cannot judge since i have only heard one spng that was included in the Singstar Karaoke🤷. Wow, you had a good time in the 2000. You saw the most famous ones!! Ed was magical. His live was so good!! He was there all alonne and he pulled it off so well. Very lively😍 I almost cried when it ended (2)
Jajajajaaja, I know you weren’t laughing at it, jajajaja (but I totally was, lol, it’s so embarrassing). But I guess I was a teen and they were our own one direction,jajajajajajaja (no! Nada que ver!!) You think? I’ve always thought I didn’t go to a lot of concerts. I love music and concerts, so I guess I just wish I could go to a lot more,jajajajaa. Oh Ed… I’ve seen some videos of his concerts, and I want to go to one. He came to Spain around my birthday in 2014? And I wanted to go, but the place was very small and the tickets were sold out in a few minutes. I didn’t fight for them too much, either,jajaja. I’m happy you enjoyed it!!! That feel at the end of a concert is the best and the worst at the same time.
Noo! He is not disgusting. Poor baby. JAJAJAJAJ. You really managed to find a larrie at the concert? It could have been any fan, or even a het one, and you found the larrie? Lucky girl!! Yep. She is updated on everything. Only thing she doesnt follow is Harry’s suits, which is a pity because they are The Best and I dont even like fasion but still they make me want to chance my mind. I would love to see him at the Met Gala. He would be the king of the event. (3)
Oh, my baby, I love him, jajajaja, but he’s so weird… 🤣🤣🤣🤣.Not only did I find a larrie. I sold her my tickets,jajajaja. But lol, we were so afraid someone would hear us talking and say something to us 😅😅.Genuine question: how does she keep updated? I’m always missing things, and I live in tumblr, jajajaa. I don’t know how people can keep up with everything!    I’m always thinking I’m doing something wrong,jajajajaj.Harry’s suit are in another league. I admire him just for being brave enough to wear them. He would be the king at a Met Gala. But it bothers me that they always talk only about what women wear at those events. He should start walking red carpets to show the world how do you wear suits,jajajaja.
Is it later already? Can we talk about you being a witch? Yay!! You already started the tag. I now have a tag😎 i feel cool. (I’m jealous of your cousin-in-law (?) too. Uni would be much easier with that ability). I feel a bit stupid, but i cannot understand how they can say he is slow while at the same time he is doing all of that, but, Go little boy!! I’m cheering on you! (4)
Jajajja, we have this joke in my family where we say I’m half witch,jajaja. It’s just I’ve have night dreams sometimes, that predicted the future? Jajajajaj like once I had a dream about a girl how comes to the shop. In the dream, she was at the hospital,very ill. Well, I had been a few weeks I haven’t see her, and I told my sister about my dream. I didn’t thought anything about the dream. But that same evening that girl’s mom went to the shop. And my sister told her about my dream. And the mom told my sister that her daughter has been hospitalized for more than a week, very ill (but she was already recovered). My sister called me immediately after,jjajaja.Then, another night I dreamed with two crows. I was walking down an empty road, and they were flying behind me. One closer to me than the other. (Ufff, I still get anxious thinking about it). When I woke up I looked up the meaning of dreams, and find out that crows mean death. Well, the next month my brother-in-law’s granny died. And the next week my cousin. (See? One closer to me that’s the other…) I was so scared back then… And well, I’m always having those gut feelings, or whatever they are. Like last year I predicted the date when that baby girl I’ve talked to you about was going to be born,jajajaja. My sister is always asking me to see the future,jajajaja. But it’s something I don’t control,p (and don’t fully believe, jajajaa) eh eh!!! I just remember another thing!!! Jajajaja, fandom related, even. One day I was taking a nap, when Suddenly Louis came into my dream telling (about something he had bought for D*nielle😅): it’s Gucci! It’s Gucci!! Well, I woke up after that and opened tumblr. And there were new pics of Louis wearing that jumper with a bee and a fence phrase? And everyone was crazy screaming IT’S GUCCI!! IT’S GUCCI!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣. And I was still half sleep thinking: I did it again…😅.
Yeah!! You ARE cool. And now have your own tag!!jajajjaWell, I don’t understand that about my cousin, tbh. And I don’t know how to explain it either. He knows (or memorizes) those things, but I’m not sure if he understands what they mean. But also then he has trouble understanding simple things. Like if he wants to eat something (chocolate) and you tell him that he has to eat dinner first, and then he can eat the chocolate, he doesn’t get it. And it’s not like other stubborn kids. It’s just he doesn’t understand what late means. Or he doesn’t like to have his hair cut, because he thinks it won’t ever grow out again. Same with cutting his nails. I’ve discovered now that he doesn’t mind having them filed out (Limadas), so I do his nails whenever he has them too long,jejeje.
Yes!! You really did manage to put rainbows on the cake. How smart and sneaky. And it looks so good😍. You did all that? JAJAJAJJAA Listen, i would trade my non existent masculinity for those marshmallows and i dont even like them. Thats how good they look. Yeah, nop. I’m not going to do that. We arent that close anymore, i probably wont see her for a couple of months and i dont think she would listen. She only sent it to me bcs “ tu eres feminista y toda esas tonterias” and wow. Okaaay. (5)
I’m pleased to inform you that that cake was a totally success,jajajaja. Someone saw while I was making it and asked me if it were for a gay parade? I just told him it was for a baby. Well, I make another similar one yesterday and he saw it again. And he started making rude comments about gays, and how they’re expanding like a disease, just because it’s a trend now to be gay. AND I CAN’T YELL AT HIM!!! 😡😡 I just sent him a very mean look (convine these 😒🤨 emojis and that was my face) and ignored him till he went away. I HATE THAT PEOPLE!! So ignorant. But they’re worse, bc the talk like they know what they’re talking about or like they are right. And NO! Aggggg.🙄“Tú eres feminista y todas esas tonterías” wow, why didn’t she ask you for more help!! She sounds so kind… (since this is written, I’m reading that how better I please,jejje. Maybe he’s kinder that how that sounds…). Well, there’s nothing worst that people how doesn’t want to learn and hear, so… sometimes it’s simpler to ignore them 😒.
I tried explaining it to my others friends though, pointing the flaws of the sentences and they just thought i was being picky. So…i tried, but they are not going to change their minds. Which, fair enough. Oh nooo. Poor kittens :( My examens are starting next week. But this week i have to finish some assignments and they are nightmares. I have cried many times this week because of them. I hate theeeem. (Not much to keep you informed but okay. I will). (6)
Uggggg, I don’t have any advice for you. I never went to uny, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Take it the more easy you can, but it’s something you have to go through to reach you goal, so. Look at that,jejeje, your goal. And after all this work, summer is waiting for you, so, another thing to look for up,jajaja. Good luck with everything.
Also, that story was horrifying but useful i guess?? That CD sounds heavenly. I would buy it too (but like, in a year or so bcs thats how i work xd). It wasnt “tomorrow”. And still, no news. I’m waiting for some announcement. I just want something to change. I hope the future brings only good things to Lou. Pretty please? Yeeees. Liam was/is everywhere and i’m all in for that. L, you are doing amazing sweetie. 😍 (9 of 10)
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 YOU’RE SO FUNNY!!! Jajajajajaja.Yeah, it wasn’t tomorrow, nor yesterday, nor ever. I’m so impatient!!! Did you see he reappeared today?? He’s just so cute. He has had his hair cut again. I love his hair like that 😍😍. Please, let it be an announcement soon!! (I’ve read theories about him letting his contracts run out so he can free, and if that’s the case, I’m all for it, lol, even if I have to keep waiting for another year (please no)).Liam is truly everywhere. It makes me so happy. The other day the played For You in Pasapalabra (I don’t know if that’s a common thing, bc I don’t watch tele5). And yesterday they talked about him in all the programs at Los40. Mentioning his appearance at the festival. And the have tweeted something’s about him. And I don’t care if they use him as clock baiting, if they talk about him, I’m happy.
(Just read that you were working today. I reckon you didnt babysit your cousin. Oops. I never guess correctly). You went to the doctor? I dont want to pry, but are you okay? I hope you are good!!!💕 1 day until Niall show!!! It’s already thereeeee😱😱😱😍 Ooh. My weekend was dull, i studied and that was it. Thanks for asking!! What about you? Anything interesting? Have a good night!😘😘😘 (10)
Yeah, I had to work yesterday, AND babysit too, jajaja. But we have some spare space at the shops, so I took my cousin there, and between my mom and I , took care of him. So, yes, you were correct. Your memory is better than mine (a lot better).Yeah, I went to the doctor. Everything is okay, thanks for asking,jeeje. They just have to check my lungs and heart for some surgery I want/need to take (but I don’t talk about it yet, jejeje, bc I don’t want to jinx my luck,jejjje).TOMORROW I’LL BE SEEING NIALL!!!!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!!! How is your sister doing???? Jajajjajaja I’m so nervous/excited!!!! Jekjdnffieornvonerv I did my nails this morning, and of course, I got and Irish flag on one of them,jajajaja.. I can’t wait anymoreeeeee. I hope I can take good videos,jajaja, and that we’re close enough to see his nostrils,🤣🤣🤣🤣.The most interesting thing of my week haven’t happened yet,jajaja. I’ll tell you everything on Sunday (bc Souter day I’ll be dead and have to work 😩😩😩).Tell your sister to have the time of her life. And ask her to FaceTime you for a bit so can see Niall at least!!(still wishing you could go too. Another time, I guess).Have a good day/weekend/week. And don’t stress yourself about answering.
Pd: for how long do you have exams? I hope it isn’t too long. Are they finals? (I know nothing about this 😅)
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taesthetes · 7 years
hello, petal~ it’s vn army anon. it’s okay, don’t apologize I understand since ur back to college! how’s college so far? I’m also sorry for my late response, I’ve been pretty busy with school this week. ooh how delightful! san francisco sure is a beautiful city as well! and I didn’t get my albums yet bc I ordered it like over a week later so I’m probably gonna get it later than usual. I’ve heard some of these songs of her so I’ll check out the rest! and sorry for sending the playlist so late,–
–I’ve been going through my music library&choosing the right tracks. I created the playlist on youtube so I included the link in the separated ask if anyone’d like to check it out~ and ofc, take ur time&watch it whenever u want to:) cool! how long did u use to dance then? ahh great, excited to see it^^ ur making me wanna go get some sushi now, haven’t had them for a while now. and yees ice tea at coffee shops is the best hehe. u mentioning black coffee reminds me of americano in ur fics&bts’–
–song coffee hihi. I love stargazing altho I haven’t done that properly yet. I mean I rarely leave the house or go out at night. so I’d love to go do that with a friend&learn more abt the constellations&our universe someday~ do u like stargazing as well? ooh u play the piano? :o nice! how long have u been playing it? and i see, yea sometimes there are certain things that we enjoy being interpreted from others but not doing it ourselves. um did that even make sense? sorry, I’m not that good with–
–words😅 also I think I haven’t told u yet but my old laptop is now retired & it’s been replaced with a new one that arrived last weekend! I even updated to a newer version of PS & finally started creating something yesterday~ I’m still new to it tho, I’m used to using windows. and no, don’t apologize, it’s not confusing at all! hope everything’s going fine with college for u! 🤗 I missed talking to u too, petal & hope u have an awesome day/night 🌸💖
hey, raindrop!! how have you been? what have you been up to? i hope you had a good weekend! college is going well so far! i’m having lots of fun with friends, and i managed to overload with two art classes, and i’m loving them both so much 💕 and that’s totally okay, i understand! how’s school for you? and yes omg i love san francisco lots 💗 ahhh, did your albums come in yet? i order a bunch of books from amazon a couple days ago, and they arrived today, and i’m so so excited to read them all. i hope you’ll enjoy her songs! and that’s okay! you can send me your playlist whenever you have time; there’s no rush!
oooh omg, i’m excited to listen to your playlist! i look forward to seeing the link and listening to all your music recs!! 💓 i’m currently watching age of youth season 2 (along with criminal minds, modern family, and my other american shows), but i’m kind of not feeling it since they changed one of the main characters’ actress and the storyline seems to be so different. ah, i used to dance from age 4 to age 9 ish? i wasn’t super serious about it though; i liked dancing for fun and dabbled in various types.
oooh, actually! i just finished my black and white geometric shape painting for my art class, and i’ll remind myself to take a picture of it and put it here next time!! the professor showed us how to do the painting with one dimensional shapes, but past me decided to overcomplicate it and do three dimensional shapes, and i really regret it because it took so much time outside of class to finish. but thankfully, i’m done! ☺️ 
ahhh, i just had sushi for dinner today, and it was heaven. i hope you were able to get sushi!! yess, i really love tea, and i like making black tea in my dorm with half a teaspoon of honey. aldsfjhlaskd thank you for thinking of my fics :’) and omg bts’ coffee is one of my absolute favorite songs by them! what’s your favorite bts song(s)? which song(s) do you like most from their new album? :D
omg i hope you get to stargaze someday! it’s so much fun and relaxing, and the view is utterly breath taking and flawless. it’s like a breath of fresh air after being surrounded by a manmade environment, and you get to enjoy the mesmerizing beauty created purely by nature and untouched by humans. and yes, i play the piano; i’ve been playing it for fifteen years! and yes, that makes perfect sense! you have a way with words that i really admire 💘
omg yayayayya congrats!! i hope your new mac is working well and have fun with photoshop! i hope i’ll be able to see your creations someday❣️ah, that was also me when i first got my mac. i was used to windows, and it took a few days to adjust to using a mac. everything’s going wonderful so far with uni!! hopefully, i’ll be able to talk to you more often, and i hope you have a lovely day/night as well, raindrop! 💙
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