#will be doing a sequel poll after about the time of year to do it to help me choose the theme
bestjeanistmonster · 7 months
(Pls reblog to spread it around so it can get more reach)
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mekatrio · 4 months
cuz at first ajaa wasnt even meant to exist it was just meant to be the trilogy and thats it, then while theyre porting it over to the nintendo ds capcom gives them the green light to go nuts with a bonus pseudo-dlc case and By God Do They, making the longest case yet of RFTA with fully animated 3d cutscenes + an incredibly convoluted plot that makes the most out of aa1's 3 day trial system + fully modelled 3d rotational evidence, hitting heavy themes of police corruption and evidence forgery and whatnot like they went INSANE, cuz this was supposed to be IT. this was supposed to be ace attorneys big finale and farewell but SIKE oh my god the actual Ministry Of Justice has knocked on capcoms door and told them hey can you make some propaganda for us. so now the aa team has to make propaganda for them. right after burning themselves the fuck out from creating rfta. all that time spent on rfta which couldve been development time for ajaa.... too late. cant be taken back. apollo justice is designed in less than a week and theyre marketing this game while the team is still making it, takumi crazed madman that he is decides to not rely on old characters which while that is an artistic slay, sets up the stage for a marketing failure, and a new artistic team of infinite ambition goes nuts with creating derangedly detailed animations
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⬆️ like oh my god are you insane. thank you so much BUT ARE YOU INSANE? all while still making 3d renders of evidence and random 3d animations and it looks so awesome BUT THERES NOT ENOUGH TIME, 3 wonderful cases are made but 4-4 falls on its face. 6 hours long instead of the usual 10 and only one cross-examination in the final trial and 2 whole main characters with no backstory like its bad. its going to be bad. but its too late. the most incomplete ace attorney game has to be rushed out of the gates and the sales are made But The Reception Is Bad. Real Bad. 2000s hater gamer crowds were the first of its kind, being massively fuelled by the internet, haters back then could sink their teeth deep into a company, which is what got nintendo scrambling away from their wind waker art direction to appease the gamers w twilight princess. so similarly when the hate for ajaa came on, cuz whattt phoenix disbarred and no 😤 old characters 😤😤, capcom scrambled to appease the masses. but oh oh whats this? takumi says 'yeahhhh Nah' and says he wants to make a game about his dog. OK. cant persuade him away from that. might as well let some new blood handle the franchise in takumi's place then, but for The Love Of God do not make an ajaa followup. the gamers will kill us. and so the aai duology was born....... cool........ first one's reception was so bad that localization plans were dropped entirely for the sequel. wow. takumi is fresh off from ghost trick but fucking what, 5 years has passed now, and the new hot console is the nintendo THREE ds. 3ds. wowwww. fucking... PROFESSOR LAYTON kidnaps takumi to make plvpwaa and ajaa continues to be left in the dust. fucking nobody wants him. poor orphaned kitten left in the street. all while the trilogy gets 9584948 million adaptations. and yamazaki twiddles his thumbs thinking abt making aai3 but after thinking it over hes like yeah ill try making aa5. capcom lets him and.......... its over........ they tell him sure go for it But Do Not Follow Up On Apollo Everyone Hates Him please make phoenix the protag. a recipe for disaster. and a disaster aa5 is. juggling THREE protags a complete mess and they do a popularity poll and wow would u look at who came first, fucking APOLLO. JUSTICEEEEEEE. its almost like.... gamers opinions..... are not valuable in the long run.. and popular opinion has never signified artistic understanding.... aa6 comes chugging along and yamazaki addicted to racism cranks out something even worse. both aa56 makes the sales it needs but mindless fanservice can only get u so far... its been nearly 10 years since the ajaa 'trilogy' titles released and the general consensus is that Aaja Was Good and aa56 Not So Much but what can you do now? heres the apollo justice trilogy please buy it and deeply lower ur expectations for coherent and cohesive narratives which have basis in reality thank u. bc u will not be finding that here. ajaa never stood a chance.. they werent doomed by the narrative. its worse. they were doomed by STUPID FUCKING GAMERS AND STUPID EXECUTIVE DECISIONS 😭😭😭
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3k - A celebration!
Hey there, guys and gals!
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TLDR: There's a poll at the bottom asking which story deserves a sequel!
Today is a very special day, at least to me. After a little more of one year posting stories to Tumblr, I have reached the absolutely staggering number of 3000 followers. During this time, I have posted about 100 stories with a unbelievable (and I kid you not) 33,333 likes and reblogs. Yes, this is the exact number at the time of writing this post. Yes, I wrote a program to look that up and the number is accurate.
Let me just say: Wow. And thank you. 3000 of you found my writing enjoyable enough to want me in their feed. And there were exactly 33,333 times in the past year-and-a-bit that someone actually *liked* what they saw/read/skimmed over. I couldn't feel more honored, really.
As a celebration, I am going to do something I usually don't (even though I have been asked a couple of times): I will write a sequel or prequel or related story to one of those stories YOU liked most. Remember the program I wrote to find out my total number of notes? Yeah, the original function was to find out the stories with the most notes. Out of the top six of those, I will let you chose the one story you want to see more of. Additionally (although it is only at rank 10), as a seventh option I'll add "Your wish is my command", since that is the story I have received the most sequel requests. So, without further lamenting, here are the stories!
#1: 11:48
#2: Boyfriend Material
#3: ATArena
#4: Spice Up
#5: Beating Recession
#6: Calling the Plumber
#7: Your Wish is my Command
So! Which one is it going to be? Choose wisely!
That's it from my side for today. Stay awesome!
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Vampire Things
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master list
dark master list
MCU AU (Vampire Reader X Wanda Maximoff)
Sudo-sequel to Feeling Used
Summary: You feel at peace with the Avengers thanks to Wanda Maximoff. But what happens when your feelings run deep for her?
Word Count: 3.1K
Content Warnings: Blood, Mentions of Hydra if you squint
Special thanks to everyone who voted on the poll ❤️
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It's been about eight months since Wanda Maximoff, and you became best friends.
What started out as her saving you from a nightmare to watch TV and play twenty questions about your abilities has blossomed into so much more. She's been there for everything. Your training, bad days, and acclimating you to living in the U.S. with help from the others as well.
Natasha rolls her eyes as you and Wanda come running into the kitchen, smiling from ear to ear. "Jesus, you'd think we have children around here." She mumbles to Peter, who looks up from his textbook, a little afraid. "But I- I am a child..." The Seventeen-year-old states, making Natasha lift her head from her phone and look over Peter.
"Hmm, oh yeah."
Without saying another word, The Black Widow gets up and puts her dishes in the sink, walking past the two of you while leaving Peter confused.
You look over to Peter as Wanda focuses on gathering snacks for your movie marathon of Lord of the Rings. Wanda, having never finished them and you having never seen them only made sense. Plus, whatever to get Bucky to shut the hell up about the books. "Don't mind Natasha Peter. She just misses Maria."
Peter looks to you.
"How do you know?" You smile and walk towards the boy. You point to your ears. "Hearing her heartbeat gives it away. She was texting Maria." Peter makes an oh face. "That's kinda cool." Peter decides and gives you a smile.
You smile back and almost laugh when you remember that there was a point when Peter was afraid of you. Being a Vampire isn't exactly the easiest thing to be.
"Be careful, Peter, don't keep filling her ego!"
You playfully roll your eyes when Wanda decides to speak up. "Don't pressure the kid Maximoff!" You yell back to Peter's amusement. The youngling loves being around you and Wanda. He often times feels like a younger brother to the two of you, especially when Pietro gets involved.
You turn around and head back to Wanda, who eyes you and then looks to Peter. "So whatcha doing, Peter?"
"Wanda." You interject, knowing what she's doing. But she ignores you as you round the kitchen island to stand next to her. Peter looks from you to Wanda and swallows his nerves. "Just some homework. Ya- know it's important and all!" The kid begins moving his leg a thousand miles an hour, much to Wanda's delight.
"Oh my god! Quit torturing him."
You send your thoughts to Wanda, who turns to you with an arms full of junk food and candy. Most of which you had never had until Wanda introduced you to them. You decided sour candy was your favorite. Chocolate was Wandas.
"It's just a little funny."
You shake your head at Wanda's actions.
You see, since you and the witch have gotten closer and closer, it's been noticed amongst the other crime fighters you live with. However, no one stupidly had the nerve to say anything except for a teenager dressed in red and blue.
It was innocent, honestly. Peter was joining the Avengers for a Friday night dinner—Gilmore Girls style. When you and Wanda showed up late with messy hair and comfy clothes, no one batted an eye, mainly because they knew you and Wanda had a knack for taking afternoon naps after a mission.
But Peter didn't know that.
So when you and Wanda sat down and apologized for being late, he made a comment along the lines of "at least you two make a cute couple."
Everyone froze, not knowing how to approach the situation until Wanda broke the tension with a giggle—making everyone laugh. Like I said. Everyone laughed except you.
What Peter said only made the feelings you had as of late grow and shrink in a matter of seconds. Your constant battle for whether it was right or wrong to fall for your best friend was now seemingly squashed when Wanda laughed at the idea.
She liked the joke so much she had now used it as a means of playful torture towards the boy.
But your feelings remained.
Since being saved, one person has been by your side.
Most days, you wake up by their side and smile at the thought of them being around forever with you. You look at her as if she was a goddess. You get lost in her eyes and smile when you see her smile. Everything she does, you watch her do with a soft heart-shaped gaze.
You were in love with Wanda Maximoff.
You hummed and looked over to your best friend. "Yeah?" Wanda looked you over and tilted her head a little worried. "You okay? I called your name multiple times." Wanda's face was filled with worry. "Sorry. Got lost in my head." You made a believable smile and laughed. "Vampire things." You joked at the excuse Pitero uses all the time when he doesn't understand why you do or do not do something a certain way.
Wanda nodded along and smiled as if she believed you. "Alright. Here." She handed you a bag of chips. "Help me." You picked up a few more things and started following Wanda out. The two of you saying bye to a very thankful Peter Parker.
When you got to the elevator, you laughed at the sound of Peters's heartbeat finally slowing down.
Once in Wanda's room, the Sokovian didn't have to pry into your mind to know that something was bothering you.
Maybe bothering wasn't the right word.
But whatever it was, Wanda could tell it was loud in your head.
That's the way things have been for a couple of months now. Wanda would notice how you often you'd fall in and out of your own head. Getting trapped by the loud thoughts, Wanda wouldn't dare to invade. She only went into your head to help you with your nightmares. She even did it more times than you knew of.
So Wanda would wait for you to come to her. But you didn't. And things would go back to normal between the two of you.
But as the two of you sat on the bed, ready to watch Lord of the Rings, Wanda decided to say something.
You looked over to your right as Wanda anxiously bit her lip. "What's up?" You cautiously held her left hand. "Is something wrong?" You asked, running your tongue over your pointed fangs. A nervous habit you had yet to break.
When your eyes locked onto hers, not only could you feel your heartbeat rapidly increase. But you could feel the beats of Wanda's as she nervously decided to ask: "Is everything okay?"
Wanda tightly wrapped her fingers around your own. "Yeah... I believe so." You answered without much conviction.
Wanda frowned. "I can tell somethings bothering you." You sighed. "It's fine." You smiled and squeezed Wanda's hand before moving your attention to the black screen of the paused movie.
Wanda knew you were lying.
"Y/N. You can tell me. I promise to listen. You can trust me." She says with a hint of sadness. Almost like she's afraid that you couldn't trust her. "Wanda..." You swallow and look to your left, away from her.
Do you tell her the truth?
You bit your bottom lip, allowing your fangs to stick out and glide along your skin.
If you weren't so in your head, you would've noticed the increase in Wanda's heartbeat and how her skin seemed to heat up under your touch.
"I- I know I can trust you, Wands..." You look back to your best friend with the green eyes of the girl you've fallen for. "It's just... complicated."
"Okay.." Wanda nods. "It's okay. You can tell me."
Wanda doesn't want to give up. Neither of you do when you need each other.
"I know I can tell you. I trust you more than anyone, but-"
"But what?" Wanda interrupts, gripping her hand around yours harder, moving so she's more in front of you. Blocking the movie that will never be played. Her eyes searching yours.
You look back at her and worry if it'll be for the last time.
Wanda's head fills with thoughts of you, and she worries if she's done something wrong.
"Tell me..." Wanda pleads with a whisper.
"Tell me!"
"I'm in love with you!"
The second those words fall from your lips, the AI system alerts Wanda's room in the compound that a sudden mission is about to take place—wheels up in 10 minutes.
You stare at the Sokovain's eyes, and they don't give you any indication of what Wanda is feeling. All you know is that it hurts when you feel Wanda loosen her grip on your hand. You swallow and slowly pull away.
You decide not to listen to Wanda's heartbeat and instead distract yourself by preparing for the mission.
You delicately get up from Wanda's bed and make your way to the door, feeling unsure of where the two of you stand. You don't want to look back, but you must when a red mist stops you from leaving.
"Wanda..." Her name comes out in a calm, defeated tone.
Her body sits still, but her face contorts into one of confusion. Her eyes pool with tears above the red glow of her iris. And then... they fade, and the mist dissipates as she looks up at you. "Y/N..."
"Wanda, we don't have to-"
"You love me?" Those three words come out of her cracking throat. You watch a tear fall down her cheek before reacting and moving to sit in front of her.
Wanda watches you approach and take her hands in yours.
"I do. I do love you, Wanda." You want to say more. But you don't know what. Would you say you're sorry for falling for your best friend? Would you tell her that she's the reason you're even still an Avenger?
You don't know. So you leave it at that as Wanda looks at you.
This time, Wanda removes her hand from your hold before slightly raising it. "Ma- May I?" Wanda asks permission to enter your mind. Wanda wants to the extent of your love. She wants to know why or how you fell for her. Because truth be told, Wanda can't believe it. She's never had someone confess to her before.
You trust Wanda with all your heart. So you take her hand and place it above your head. "Go ahead."
Wanda thanks you and closes her eyes as thin red lines of Wanda's magic extend themselves from her as they enter your mind. You're always too sleepy or focused on your panic attack from a nightmare that you've never really felt what it's like for Wanda to enter your mind, but it makes the ends of your lips curl up. It's ticklish.
You watch Wanda smile and laugh at what you assume to be memories between the two of you. You wish you could see exactly what she's looking at in this moment, but you're just happy to be sharing how you see the witch with Wanda herself.
You feel the magic begin to decrease in your mind, and you watch as Wanda's smile grows before she opens her green eyes back to you. Her hand returning to her lap. Wanda opens her mouth but closes it immediately.
"Is... is that really how you see me, detka?" Wanda asks shyly with a tilt of her head. "Every day." You answer. Wanda smiles and gives you her hand to hold. Her thumb rubbing over yours.
"I remember... I remember the first night you came into my room." Wanda smiles, and you look at her confused before thinking she probably saw that memory. "You were nervous and shy." She states the obvious before pausing. "...I love you too, Y/N. I didn't need to look into your mind to know how I feel about you. I just wanted to see how you feel that way about me.."
The last sentence catches you off guard.
"Wanda..." You see another tear fall, and within a second, you are holding Wanda in your arms. Her head is in the crook of your neck. You let her silently cry for a few moments.
When Wanda finally sniffles and pulls away, you move your hands up to her face and hold her. You wipe away the tear tracks and find yourself nervous to be this close to Wanda. You hear a spike in Wanda's heartbeat as your soft hands brush her skin, making you look up from her lips to her eyes.
"Can I?"
"Please," Wanda telepathically replies. You brush over her cheeks one more time before you move into her. Gently and carefully, your lips touch. Wanda feels and tastes better than you ever imagined. Her soft lips push against yours until you both separate.
No additional words are said or unsaid when you and Wanda collide with each other again. This time, the kiss is rougher and more urgent. Wanda loves how you feel and marvels at the way your breath feels on her mouth. She wants more of you, and you want more of her so much so that- "Ow!"
In the blink of an eye, you backed away from Wanda and felt your beating heart break at the sight of Wanda's bleeding lip.
Her hand flew up to her mouth before she looked at you. You who was wearing a horrified look. "Oh my God, Wanda! I'm so sorry!!" Wanda, with wide eyes, looked at the blood on her finger. "Is this from-" Wanda looked up, and you knew what had caused this. You lifted your lip for her to get a look at your right fang.
No longer red.
"I didn't mean to Wands!" You had a sad look as you begged for Wanda to listen to you. But she knew. "It's okay." She licked her lip and felt okay when she didn't wince. "Y/N, I'm fine." You didn't want to hear it, though. "No, Wanda, I hurt you.." Your voice cracked.
This one was one of the many reasons why telling Wanda the truth about your feelings wouldn't be good. You could always hurt her.
Wanda saw you spiraling and getting trapped in your head again. She went to reach out to you but stopped. A light bulb went off above her head. Regardless of what territory you and Wanda were in right now, she could now do what she had wanted to do before.
Wanda leaned over and removed your hands from your face before she pushed you down onto the bed as her lips smashed into yours once again. You tried to stop Wanda, but she knew you would. So, as she laid kiss after kiss on your lips, you found your hands were stopped by a red mist of magic before they could even touch Wanda.
Suddenly you felt very hot.
"Wanda..." You bit back a moan as Wanda lifted herself off of you. "Y/N." She replied with a smile. "You don't hurt me." She said when you didn't answer. You sighed as you looked over Wanda's lip. "But-"
"Y/N, stop," Wanda warned. "Look at me. I'm fine. If we're going to start dating, then this is going to happen."
Wanda was right. Accidents with your pointed teeth were going to happen. Mostly because you were never close enough to anyone like Wanda before. You never had to be friendly or gentle to people if your fangs were going to be involved.
You were made to be a monster, but Wanda never saw you as that.
"And... I kinda liked it." Wanda blushed when you looked into her eyes. "It felt good being... feeling your teeth. Being marked by you."
Your brain crashed.
"Did you like it... the taste of me?" Wanda asked that, on the surface, would appear as an innocent question. But it was burning her on the inside. Wanda needed to know if you felt what she did.
You nodded. "You tasted better than I ever could have imagined.." Your hands found Wanda's face again. Wanda started to lean in. "I only need and want you." Your mouth opened as Wanda closed her eyes, her lips finding your neck-
"Hey guys- Oh my God!"
You pulled back while Wanda pushed the top half of her body off of you as you both turned to see Peter in his Spider-Man suit staring at the two of you. Jaw dropped. "I- I'm sorr- Wait, how long- No! I- Cap said to get you."
Peter continued to stumble and flail over his words until he managed to say: "Quinjet. Downstairs. Now!"
You and Wanda watched Peter leave red in the face. "Well, cats outta the bag," Wanda said, making you laugh. "I never understood that phrase. What cat? Why was it in the bag? It doesn't make sense." Wanda tilted her head before smiling. "The Vampire just said that." Wanda giggled as you rolled your eyes, and even though you were needed for a mission, you and the witch didn't move.
"Wanda, what happens between us now." You rubbed your hands up and down her arms. "Now..." She leaned down to be on top of you again. "Detka, I'd like to be your girlfriend."
"Really?" Wanda laughed at your surprised look. "If you saw how I see you, Y/N, you wouldn't be surprised."
"Maybe later." Wanda nodded and added. "After the mission. But for now." Wanda leaned into you and put her lips next to your ear. "I want you to kiss me." You turned your head to her and placed your lips on Wanda's and her small cut. The pain that came with it morphed into pleasure.
"I want to feel you," Wanda spoke in a whisper when your lips separated. "But-"
"You could never hurt me. I trust you and all your Vampire Things." Wanda's lips curled upward as yours did the same. "Let's save it till after the mission. I can hear Cap making his way here." Wanda groaned, having to get up.
"Fine. But after I have a talk with Spider-Boy, I want to sit down and kiss my girlfriend and watch Lord of the Rings."
A/N: Enjoy this instead of getting your hearts broken
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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starsfic · 2 months
Rewrite an old fic, another poll made.
Just a dark au idea I had randomly- Fresh from the battle of Mt. Othys, Octavian receives a warning of a camp of long thought extinct Greeks that will destroy their camp. So, the Romans do a slaughter of most of the campers...including the son of Poseidon.
A sequel to Terms of Agreement: Annabeth is finally going on her quest and not even the blood on her hands will bring her down. The father of the demigod she and Clarisse unknowingly worked together to kill might though.
A/B/O AU: Qi Xiaotian introduces himself to his new hot next door neighbor by going into heat and triggering his neighbor's rut. Yes, he probably shouldn't have been working on moving into his new apartment when he felt himself start to slick, but he figured that he had time. Except he didn't. At least the neighbor he banged was nice and asked consent and even finished moving his boxes in, but hopefully Xiaotian will never talk to him again to bury this awkward memory... Except Red keeps popping up. (Smut.)
Face to face with the fact that her perfect sacrifice decided to rewrite the universe rather than do his duty, Nuwa decides to learn more...and hopefully remind herself that the world matters beyond the cycles.
The aftermath of @shitty-fanfic-prompts: Kung Fu Panda but the prophecy about a warrior made of white and black defeating Lord Shen was about a snow leopard and not a panda. More precisely, it was about Tai Lung.
AU where LBD wins... except the universe decides to give the heroes another chance by sending Wukong back before the pilgrims sealed away LBD. In Tripitaka's mind, his eldest disciple suddenly turned around and slapped him.
AU where Sun Wukong is a beautiful human king serving under the Jade-Faced Princess. Peng gets jealous of this new mortal, but a plot by DBK’s brother Ruyi accidentally mixes things up. Sun Wukong suddenly finds himself a monkey, and Jade drops dead.
The Traffic Light Trio, Sun Wukong, and Macaque are caught by an artifact that forces them to reveal truths about themselves. Harsh stuff comes up.
Red Son is a prince. Which means that he can break curses that can only be undone by kisses from royalty. But it's weird that the Dragon Girl and Noodle Boy keep getting cursed like that...
After learning about his parentage, Mikey sneaks inside an art auction of Hamato Yoshi’s art, learning both about his father and Draxum.
A unsolved mystery show wishes to interview April on the anniversary of her mother's death. When Leo's invited along, he suspects that these detectives are more than what they seem.
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booksandchainmail · 3 months
Will someone please tell me if any of these series have lesbians
(in regards to this post)
Of the two web serials featured in that meme:
Pale Lights, by erraticerrata one of its 2-4 protagonists is a lesbian. There hasn't been much in the way of romance for her yet, but the series is pretty early on, and also romance-light. One of the other female protagonists is possibly bisexual, and the male protagonist is ace. Pale Lights is about new recruits to an elite god-hunting organization in a gunpowder-and-sail era world that is also entirely within a massive cavern full of strangeness. Ongoing
Twig, by wildbow umm. ok. so how do I put this. It has ambiguously bisexual girls in an situationship? It got a lot of submissions to a yuribait poll tournament. Also in the main cast is a trans girl. I cannot in good consciousness recommend this on the basis of lesbianism, but I do like it. Twig is about a group of child lab experiments/field agents of a biopunk empire. Complete
Other web serials that may be of interest to you!
A Practical Guide to Evil, by erraticerrata Protagonist is a bisexual woman, and almost all of her romantic interests are other women. PGTE has my favorite slowburn romance of all time. Also in the main cast are (at least) two more bi women, and an aroace man (there are more queer characters depending on how you define main cast). In a medieval fantasy world where narrative tropes have metaphysical weight, a new group of villains begin fighting smarter to overcome their narrative disadvantage. Forty years later, a teenage girl from a conquered country, seeing how heroes have failed, chooses to become the Squire of the empire's Black Knight. Tagline: Do Wrong Right Complete
Katalepsis, by HY Lesbian protagonist, largely lesbian supporting cast, including a couple trans women. Lots of romance, including an expanding polycule. A young woman tries to rescue her twin sister, who was erased from reality as a child by an eldritch entity. Tagline: A web serial of cosmic horror, urban fantasy, and making friends with strange people Ongoing, almost finished (with the first "book"/major overarching plotline)
Necroepilogos, by HY I think literally the entire cast of this one is queer women (including at least one trans woman) having homoerotic moments with each other all the time. A bioengineered supersoldier wakes millennia after her death to find the world a wasteland, populated by women resurrected from across history who must now kill each other to live. Tagline: Lost girls in the ashen afterword Ongoing
PGTE/Pale Lights and Katalepsis/Necroepilogos would be my primary recommendations. Some other webserials:
Some of wildbow's other serials have more lesbians than Twig, but it comes with caveats: Worm (and its sequel Ward) are, uh, controversial for how they handle lesbians. Pale is much better, but I'm also only 1/3 of the way through so I can't vouch for it entirely. Pact has a single important lesbian character.
I lost interest and didn't finish Heretical Edge, but it does have a poly lesbian protagonist.
Time to Orbit: Unknown is not particularly lesbian in specific, but it is largely queer and genderqueer.
Another option of thing I read is quests and original/fan fiction on the forum site Sufficient Velocity. The downside here is that they mostly have really irregular update schedules (unlike the above serials, which update 1-2 times a week on a fixed day) and are prone to being abandoned. I'd recommend looking at how often/recently thy update before starting. With that caveat, some titles with lesbian (or bisexual) females leads and queer romance: Petals of Titanium, The Last Daughter, Lieutenant Fusilier in the Farthest Reaches, Castles of Steel, On the Road to Elspar, Mercy (and Other Costly Mistakes), Pound the Table, and A Little Vice
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tamelee · 4 months
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Yes, I read it. It’s not for me personally either, but I respect the craft though. It’s admirable for sure. 
I get what you mean. It's why I don't usually read canon-compliant stories that are within the brt-timeline. I do think that it’s nearly impossible to write something that is truly believable because Naruto and Sasuke wouldn’t be in this position had the sequel actually been canon (story-wise). It's already not canon. And that’s not just about romance, in fact had they’ve just scraped the surface of ‘Naruto’, they could’ve focussed entirely on fixing a system… as they were going to. But you know, they needed babies so they all… collectively decided to make those right after the war because… well just because. And now we have some form of Naruto and Sasuke where you as a writer have to sorta justify how they got there in the first place or how they are going to remember their goals/feelings they’ve so conveniently seemed to “forget” which were (in Sasuke’s words) about something so much bigger than just them. 
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To write it canon compliant… isn’t easy at all. 
The entire relationships are based on the one-sided feelings of Sakura and Hinata (and internet-polls/audience-research), so even if you completely wanted to ignore them, they’re going to play some sort of role. There’s no way either of them in-character would support SNS and now there are children involved as well. It's going to be really difficult to make a divorce believable and keep all your readers happy. No matter what you do or how you show it… Naruto and Sasuke in canon are going to be seen as “the assholes” for abandoning them and breaking their hearts despite them never giving actual romantic love in return. And how are you going to explore that balance so Sakura and Hinata don’t come out of it as the undeserved heroes? Most of these stories make it so they become “the bigger person” and very “bravely” accept their husbands leaving them. They become the victims of the love Naruto and Sasuke hold for each other even if they already acted like it during 'Naruto' and most of the time the narrative in these stories agree. Naruto and Sasuke become overly apologetic about it and feel guilty for not loving them? Did they seem guilty towards their wives at all in 'Gaiden'? For abandoning your supposed family for 10+ years, not thinking about your family when it's about the most important people in your life and completely ignoring them otherwise. Lol, no. Besides... responsibility for the role they're playing in society as shown in brt, also plays a huge part and is probably the main reason for these 'marriages' in the first place. Now how are you possibly going to get Naruto and Sasuke out of that? Well, that could be one hell of a story though.
Btw, It’s all fine for fan-stories, don't take me too seriously, it’s just not canon compliant is all. And I've thought a lot about this before because I wanted to write such a story... and then changed it to a blank-period one.
The only thing brt does that’s believable is Naruto and Sasuke being utterly miserable. 
Because that at least makes sense. 
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femmescripter · 10 days
Poll Results & Future Maxley Story Summaries
You, the masses, have spoken! And by a landslide vote...
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Option five won! So, you all want to see what my take on a Maxley-centered Extremely Goofy Movie sequel would be? You want to see one of my AU ideas? Well then; here you are! The summaries of the future Maxley stories I'll write - based on winning result.
Original Movie Maxley Sequel ___
Title: Backstage Romance
Summary: The Welig University theater club is doing a production of The Scarlet Pimpernel for a charity show. Bradley, who's been trying to find a new niche after being snubbed by every sports team since the X-Games incident, decides to audition. While he does have some competition with an enigmatic, buffy bearded vulture named Emmerich Hertz the Saluki manages to land the role of Sir Percy Blakeney aka the Scarlet Pimpernel. Unfortunately, the leading lady meant to play Marguerite St. Just/Lady Blakeney has fallen sick. The director is in a panic until they're informed that the runner-up is available to take on the role. To Bradley's surprise that runner-up turns out to be none other than Max Goof, who auditioned for the female lead. Bradley of course teases him and asks why Max would do such a thing. And the Labradoodle just grins and tells him that he'll reveal the reason why on the week of their last rehearsal. Curiosity piqued Bradley decides to actually get serious about the play in order to figure out why Max would take on such a role. As they rehearse more and more Bradley starts to think that his initial animosity towards Max may have a more amorous motivation to it but is too prideful to admit it. This may be to his detriment, though, as Emmerich expresses interest in Max and seems keen on sweeping him off his feet. On top of that strange accidents begin to plague the production. But the more dangerous happenings seem to be targeting Max. Will the stars figure out what goes on behind the curtain in time before the big show? And will Bradley have a happily ever after with Max, or will the real world make it too little too late?
And this...oh this is a very special story that I think a lot of you will like! AU Maxley Story ___
Title: A Tail of Team Spirit
Summary: One month before Max and his friends go to college to sign up for the X-Games he gets an unexpected but very welcomed call from Roxanne. She's moved to the town where Welig University, the same college that the Goof Troop are going to enroll in, is. And she's going to start her freshman year at the same time they'll arrive. Max is happy for his old junior high sweetheart and looks forward to seeing her again. But there's another reason besides this good news and a chance to reconnect that Roxanne is calling Max. Her cheerleading squad wants to enter the College Cheer Competition, or the Triple C's, and represent the Welig Caribous. But they're down their one male member who acted as the pillar of their towering positions. And Roxanne is in desperate need of a replacement. It's incredibly short notice…but Max is the only guy she knows and trusts to take the spot. Max is shocked and slightly embarrassed as he's only danced a little before, and he wasn't even that good. Roxanne assures him that he has the flexibility to make it work and that he can practice with the team. They're also in need of a new mascot as the previous one quit, and Stacey would love for Bobby to take the role. They'd also like P. J. on board to utilize his creative talents with music and pyrotechnics. What is a Goof to do in this situation? Well Max says yes, of course, and promptly volunteers his friends to help out. So, upon arriving at Welig University, Max sets his skateboard and baggy jeans aside for some form fitting shorts and pompoms as he joins Roxanne's cheerleading squad. Luckily all of the girls welcome him and his friends with open arms. However, the Labradoodle quickly finds out that not everything with cheerleading is hair scrunchies and friendship bracelets. A lot of the women in the Triple C's are a fourth C. Cutthroat, that is. More so when a special prize is on the line. The winning cheerleading squad gets to perform at next year's halftime show of the Super Bowl. And one wicked senior team from a rival college are ready to squash anyone who stands in their way. But Max isn't going to let anyone ruin Roxanne's dreams and puts his all into every cheer. He even uses his skating prowess to his advantage. Speaking of skating, X-Games champion Bradley Uppercrust the 3rd has started hanging around the Welig Caribou cheer squad. Max is immediately protective of Roxanne, thinking Bradley is eyeing her as a potential conquest. In reality it's Max himself who Bradley is captivated by. And he's looking to make the freshman his "personal cheerleader".
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And there you have it! Based on the choice you all picked, these are the Maxley stories I'll start working on! I got quite a lot in store with these two. I hope you'll enjoy what I have planned.
Thank you all for your time and attention. I hope you had fun voting. And don't worry! I do plan to write and eventually post the other stories that didn't win. So you'll still see the Omegaverse stories and other AUs! These two are just the tip of the iceberg. If you have any questions about either story, feel free to ask and I'll answer as much as I can without spoilers.
I'm going to work on the first two chapters of each story at a time. But before then - I'm going to work on and complete my current Maxley miniseries. That, by the way, is totally unrelated to both of these stories. So just keep that in mind.
Until next time, take care of yourselves.
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forabeatofadrum · 6 days
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It's Wednesday My Dudes! Thank you @that-disabled-princess, @nausikaaa and @cutestkilla tagging me. Time is an illusion.
I was out and about, not doing much, since it was my birthday. I watched the digital ticket of Starkid's new musical Cinderella's Castle, and I enjoyed it, and I played some viddy games, namely Cult of the Lamb and Splatoon 3. Splatoon 3's come to an end with the great Grand Festival. I hope Kurt and Blaine are bopping to ANOTHER version of Ebb & Flow. Off the Hook keeps releasing new versions of that song and it still slaps.
And after last week's poll, I started The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. So far, it's not going well for me, up to the point I'm looking into cheats. I can't believe I am unbelievably stuck on the first dungeon.
But because of Wind Waker, I have returneth to writing with the thing no one asked for, me included, namely a Zelda fic!
A little background, but back in 2021, I wrote Any way the wind blows, a fic that's set in Breath of the Wild and it's about Link reuniting with his sister after a hundred years. Then, fast forward to 2023: Tears of the Kingdom came out and the character of Purah has been doing scientific fuckery with her age. Maybe some of you remember this, but after that game came out I spent some of these SSS/WW posts talking about a possible sequel for Any way the wind blows. Welp, seeing the Link and Aryll of Wind Waker interact brought all of those thoughts back and last night, underneath my blanky, my mind started writing it. So under the cut there's some words of Easy come, easy go, will you let me go, because yes, I even came up with a title.
Kiana knows Aryll is old. Everyone in Lurelin knows Aryll is old. She's called the village elder for a reason. She'll be turning a hundred and twelve. If she manages to make it. Everyone's noticed that Aryll's grown even more tired than before. She spents most of her days inside, even though the villagers have made the outside more accessible. A few weeks ago, she only went outside when her brother came to visit. The two of them would sit by the ocean. But now, that's also stopped. To be fair, now that the Calamity is over, Link spends more time at Lurelin. Before, he would only visit once a week. After, he practically moved here. But Link and Aryll spend most of their time inside Aryll's hut and Link's also started roaming around Lurelin without her, because she's often asleep when he's around. Kiana knows Aryll's lived a good life without regrets. If it hadn't been for Link returning, she'd be at peace with Aryll slowly fading away, but Aryll's had to miss her brother for almost a hundred years and it feels cruel to have it end. Sebasto argues that maybe this is the way it is. The Goddesses have kept Aryll alive so that she could be reunited, but now that's happened, and it's time to move on, but Kiana cannot accept that. Kiana knows she can't stop death. No one can, not even the most advanced scientists in Hyrule, but when she overhears Zelda and Link discuss the aging experiments of one of their friends, Kiana starts to think.
I'd like to write this fic in the same style as the first one, which alternated between the present and Aryll's stories about the past, but I have no clue how to do that. Ah. We'll see. I gotta finish it first.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @caramelcoffeeaddict @raenestee @tectonicduck 
@nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer
@special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral
@artsyunderstudy​ @facewithoutheart​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites 
@whatevertheweather @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @esilher @kurtsascot @blackberrysummerblog 
@nightimedreamersghost @ivelovedhimthroughworse @thnxforknowingme @martsonmars
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evenfallwriter · 3 months
all of these are pretty much andreil, only the last two are kevandreil.
feel free to ask me about any of them! I will most likely do one more of the exact same poll after this one ends.
(links/au explanation underneath)
little oasis sequel [mom bee & abby - andreil different first meeting au]
andrew and neil meet much earlier than canon, in the spear household. (abby and bee end up taking both boys under their roofs)
misfortune of the fortunate [fortune/chaos au]
in a world where humans are separated according to their core energy's- neil happens to belong to the rarest group out of all five of them, a child of fortune. joining the foxes, a group that consists mostly of children of chaos and darkness is pretty much suicide- but knowing that he will die sooner rather than later, it's easy to decide that he want's to try living till his time finally runs out. it isn't his fault that exy is the only thing that makes him feel alive- neither is it his fault that the foxes are his best bet at that point.
bared teeth stained with blood [spy au]
neil is a hacker known as black rabbit and ends up working with the foxes a spy agency who are searching for the nephew of the stuart hatford heir.
promises better not kept [esper & guide au]
neil is an esper that has only ever known the lab in which he lives in, andrew is a guide that has stopped living the day that he entered the lab. the two young boys, who are so very different and yet alike at once, come to care for each other the longer they know one another.
teach me how to be a fox [memory loss au]
nathaniel wesninski, former raven, was killed by the butcher at the age of 14 before his father died right after him. after an accident, neil josten wakes up in the hospital without any of his memories, a man named erik being the only contact on his phone. erik klose, who soon enough becomes takes him in and gives him a place to stay. (neil is adopted by the klose family)
more than just a pipedream [soulmates au]
everyone had different marks left on their soul by their other half, something that bound the two souls to one another. and nathaniel, he had his dreams.
[transmigrator au - kevandreil]
transmigration fic
[normal au & trans neil josten au]
an au in which neil is simply a boy from millport arizona, who has a shitty father and whose mother ran away when he was young. he still ends up with the foxes.
[coach neil josten au & single foster parent andrew au - kevandreil]
kevin an ex-exy player that is rising once again after a tragic 'accident' that took place during his high-school years. andrew is a cat-cafe owner (a cafe that was left to him by his foster parents that adopted him after a while) and a criminology graduate who has recently decided to foster a kid. neil is a coach that teaches kids how to play exy, who started off as an assistant coach at charlie hernandez' side and took over after the man retired.
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You know what would be really big for Nov 5th and a pogger move by you?? If you want to lay down the law and truly make this unforgettable, simply disqualify the poll itself. Neither character wins, neither character loses. They get to sit in the time out corner. The Fields of Asphodel. Blorbo purgatory. (Or you pair them together as one team bracket, which is ALSO hilarious and equivalent to forcing one huge "this is our get along shirt" on both fandoms.) You hold so much power right now as referee. Your next move will be joked about and referenced for years to come. We still talk about 2020. About Todoroki VS Miette after the fanart of Todoroki making multiple accounts to vote for Miette and the BNHA fandom was like "yeah you know what. so true." and there was peace in the lands. For such a historic poll, a simple win and lose and moving on is a little too plain, don't you think? it's forgettable, and plants a seed of bitterness as that one anon said. I'M definitely going to be telling my English teachers about this poll if I ever have to read Antigone. Especially with Nov 5th of the Destiel Putin Touya Reveal Election Dance Night of Supernatural S4 coming up. It can be a nice little prequel to it. In the way Ash Ketchum Becoming World Champion is a little sequel to it. Internet sandwich. I'm not the only one thinking about the Even More Hilarious Options here right?? Counting on you, OP to truly make this THE single most unexpected poll to date. Nobody would have done a dual disqualification OR the get-long-shirt option in response to this much feuding. You'd be one of a kind, truly, and preserving So Much Peace in fandom and irl. (Lowkey hoping for the 2nd option bc I think its even funnier, and that we everyone gets to see this through to the end.)
Okokokok so this got sent hours before I decided what to do and it got lost in the draft-sauce. Posting for anon to get it back!!! and also it’s just funny
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alwayschasingrainbows · 9 months
I am a bit shy to post this poll, but also, very curious about your opinion, so here we go.
After reading the Finnish sequel to Emily of New Moon series, and comparing it to the later Anne books, another question came to my mind:
(the "Emilia Kent - Runotytön tarina jatkuu" by Satu Koskimies and Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen spoilers under the cut - as well as the origins of this question and my own opinion):
Thank you all for voting!!! I really appreciate each one of your answers ❤.
The origins of the question (and spoilers of a Finnish sequel!) under the cut:
SPOILERS for Emily's sequel (my opinion is beneath the summary):
It was a quite important issue in the Finnish sequel. Emily was very apprehensive when it came to an eventual motherhood. It was stated multiple times that she had no maternal instinct whatsover (very Rilla-like). She didn't want to sacrifice her writing - and she felt that she would have to, if she had children. One of the things she was dealing with in this sequel was writer's block - she found it very difficult to write. Thankfully, she overcame the issue and wrote another novel, at the end of the story. Emily was not exactly against having children (more like, resigned "If they come, there is nothing to be done"), but she certainly was not excited about the idea, unlike Anne.
Emily went as far as telling an annoying reporter that she and her husband were NOT going to have any children. Teddy, on the other hand, was described as wanting a family (which, for a short time, was a bit of a sore issue between them).
Emilia Kent - Runotytön tarina jatkuu takes place during the first two (?) years of Emily and Teddy's marriage. They don't have any children during this time - yet the narrative suggests that Emily is pregnant during the last two chapters (nothing is said straight-forwardly, though).
END OF THE SPOILERS for Emily's sequel.
My opinion:
I personaly have trouble picturing these two as parents. They seem far too invested into their work to find time for their eventual children.
On the other hand, LMM herself wanted children - and it was quite difficult to prevent pregnancy at these times (not impossible, of course, but difficult). Usually, marriage meant having children.
Also... Rilla, who did not like babies, couldn't help loving little Jims. We learn from "The Blythes Are Quoted" that she and Ken had, indeed, become parents to young Gilbert Ford.
Rilla's maturation is partly described via taking care of her war baby - as if to say that even people who seemingly had no parental instinct, could grow to love a child (it is not exactly true in a real world, but LMM seems to use this trope rather often; Aunt Elizabeth with Juliet and Emily, Marilla with Anne and the twins, Andrew Stuart with Jane, etc).
Also, this paragraph from Emily's Quest suggests that Emily might have wanted children at the end of the story:
"Daff," she said, "there is an old fireplace in that house—with the ashes of a dead fire in it—a fireplace where pussies should bask and children dream. And that will never happen now, Daff, for Mabel Geordie doesn't like open fireplaces—dirty, dusty things—a Quebec heater is so much warmer and more economical."
Emily's dreams are connected to the Disappointed House - I always felt that she talked about her feelings there - but that is very far-stretched and the only thing that might suggest something.
So, if I were to answer my own question: I would probably say: either none, either 1 or 2. I definitely don't see her as having a big family.
I am very curious about your thoughts!!!! Sorry for the long post.
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101flavoursofweird · 8 days
Jean-François vs Graf
I made a RT poll for the ‘most sensible RT parent’… and one reblogger made a very good point about Jean-François: There’s no indication that he was ever cruel to Marie before the mask slipped. And, as another reblogger said, Marie grew up in a loving environment at the convent and out of the three kids— arguably, of all the main human characters— Marie is the most well-adjusted. (It’s not much of a contest compared to the young phantom thief looking for his father and the self-proclaimed private eye who constantly argues with their father..)
I don’t think it would be unreasonable to say that some of Marie’s qualities of character were instilled in her as a direct result of Jean-François. They are related, with J.F. being Eliabeth’s cousin… not that you need to be related to someone to be inspired by them. But isn’t it interesting how Marie, arguably, was more shaped by J.F. than her own mother? How bitterly ironic!
I can’t remember if it’s stated how much J.F. had a hand in raising Marie… but when Raphael first meets J.F, Marie says J.F. always donates his money and time to the convent. Whether J.F. actively helped raise Marie or not, he contributed to that loving environment that raised her, and thanks to him, Marie was able to take violin lessons. Even if this was to further J.F.’s plan, playing the violin is something Marie loves doing. Her goal and passion is to become a famous violinist. She keeps playing despite the whole ordeal with the chevaliers— Marie even goes on to join the Conservatoire.
Additionally, Marie is polite and kind to nearly everyone she meets. She’s particularly good with children— as seen when she comforts the child who lost their balloon and when she tries to comfort a crying baby. She’s passionate and hardworking when it comes to performing with her violin. At the Palace of Versailles, Raphael considers stealing someone’s invitation to get in and Marie straight up tells him “no”. While not the strongest fighter, Marie has strength of heart, courage and true determination. She is also very forgiving; even after Eliabeth shunned her, Marie plays the song to save Elizabeth’s life when the Chevaliers threaten her. (“I don’t care whose mother you are! I don’t want you to die!”)
Jean-François had a big enough impact in Marie’s life that she was ‘heartbroken’ by his betrayal. (“You broke Marie’s heart!” Raphael shouted at J.F. during their battle.) Even if Jean-François was putting on an act for years— even if it was all just to win Marie’s trust— she still felt that care from him, and it still hurt when he stopped caring for her. You could even argue that J.F’s worry for Marie is genuine when she runs off after the failed reunion with Elisabeth. He needs Marie for his plan! And wouldn’t it be easier to manipulate Marie if she was blissfully happy and unaware? Despite Jean-François‘s betrayal, I think Marie would even forgive him… eventually.
Although, J.F.’s discovery of Marie’s heritage was what drove Elisabeth to give Marie away… an argument could be made that Elisabeth would have feared for Marie’s life regardless. With or without J.F.’s intervention, Marie is still the last blood descendant of the Babylonian royal house. With or without J.F., Marie was still the key to unlocking the Hanging Gardens. With or without J.F., the fate of Marie and the world still could have been at stake, had anyone else (fake-Napoleon, the Chevaliers, Isaac etc.) decided to target Marie.
And ultimately, Jean-François was the one to reunite Marie and Elisabeth. He is both the cause of their separation and the catalyst for mending their relationship. I find Jean-François so fascinating and if there ever is a sequel, I honestly hope he returns.
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grassbreads · 4 months
I just finished SPL volume 3 and need to decide what to read next, and I kinda get a kick out of these polls, so:
I'll throw some quick thoughts/context for each novel under the cut:
I've read the first 15ish chapters of JWQS and I do want to continue it. It's good! The plot is interesting, I like the main character, and I desperately need more good wlw content in my life in general. I'm definitely getting back to this one of these days. It's just a question of when.
Can Ci Pin is on the list because, for better or worse, I really want to read more priest. I've developed somewhat of a love/hate relationship with her work. I'm fascinated by both its good and bad aspects and I want to read more. CCP interests me at the moment because I haven't read any of her sci-fi works before, and I'm curious to see her operate in this genre. Plus, it's the most recent of her works with a full translation available that I haven't already read, and so far the newer one of her novels is, the better I like it.
Qi Ye interests me for all the same priest-fixation reasons as the above, but with twist of it being old. I said I've tended toward recency bias, but the oldest priest novel I've actually read is spl from 2015. This is from five years and over a dozen publications before that. I'm curious to see what early priest is like. Plus, this novel is relatively popular, and I'm pretty sure its sequel is priest's most popular work (on tumblr), so after all my time in the Tai Sui/NPNPH fandom obscurity corner, I'm curious to see what about these brings in so much hype.
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"I've been lucky enough to win an Oscar, write a best-seller... my other dream would be to have a painting in the Louvre. The only way that's going to happen is if I paint a dirty one on the wall of the gentlemen's lavatory."WW
After Great Britain declared war in 1939, David Niven was one of the first actors to go back and join the army as part of the Rifle Brigade. Although Niven had a reputation for telling good old stories over and over again, he was totally silent about his war experience. He said once: "I will, however, tell you just one thing about the war, my first story and my last. I was asked by some American friends to search out the grave of their son near Bastogne. I found it where they told me I would, but it was among 27,000 others, and I told myself that here, Niven, were 27,000 reasons why you should keep your mouth shut after the war." Niven did consent to play in two films during the war, both of strong propaganda value--"Spitfire" (1942) and "The Way Ahead" (1944). In spite of six years' virtual absence from the screen, he came in second in the 1945 Popularity Poll of British film stars.
"The hardest thing in the world to do, for a director, is a comedy. If you do a drama that doesn't quite come off, you may still have a fairly good drama, but if a comedy does not come off, you've got a disaster. Blake [Blake Edwards] takes a big chance every time he does a comedy. There's no covering up with a comedy. They're frightfully hard to write, very difficult to direct, and they're not at all easy to act, as a matter of fact."
Niven recalled in one of his funniest anecdotes that his private parts got frostbitten during the skiing scene of "The Pink Panther" (1963), which was shot on an extremely cold day in the Italian Alps. He said that, reasoning that alcohol made you feel warm, he dipped the "parts" in a glass of whiskey. He said that it worked but the pain was excruciating.
Niven was hoping that "The Pink Panther" would help launch a series of films for him akin to the "Thin Man" series. However, Peter Sellers' portrayal of Inspector Clouseau was so loved by the crew (and later by the audience) it became his character that this film and the sequels focused on. Niven would go on to play a parody of Thin Man Nick Charles, named Dick Charleston, in Neil Simon's "Murder by Death" (1976), a film which ironically also starred Sellers. (IMDb)
Happy Birthday, David Niven!
(Cinema Shorthand Society)
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the-au-collector · 6 months
I'm the AU Collector! Call me Collector. My pronouns are she/her and I'm in my twenties. On this blog you can find a lot of Linked Universe, Kingdom Hearts, Tales of the Abyss, and an assortment of other fandoms I might step into for a quick second. As my name suggests, I love AUs! I love making them, talking about them, reading them! I also love OCs!
My ask box is open! I just ask that you don’t send me political asks, please. Other than that, ask away!
Also a little bit of navigation for all of you:
I use your typical fandom tags for fandom things but anything that isn't fandom but also isn't politics will be under #reblogs. Anything that has a poll will be tagged #poll. Anything that is political will always be tagged all 3 of these: #us politics #tw politics #not fandom.
My thoughts/rambles tags are: #collectors thoughts and #collectors madness and #collectors rambles. i also have #collector plays [insert game title here] for thoughts I have when playing video games as well as #collector watches disney movies for any thoughts I have while watching disney movies.
My masterposts are all tagged #collectors aus and are linked below. I also have a tag called #collectors worldbuilding rambles for any rambles about fictional worldbuilding.
As for my AUs and fics you can find links to their masterposts and their tags under the cut (will update as I post more AUs):
Linked Universe:
Relinked AU (#relinked AU) : 23 years after Linked Universe, the Links' kids are forced on a journey of their own. The Links are quick to try to find them though. Hopefully this will be a comic, but don't be surprised if it ends up as a fic.
Reconnect the Chain AU (#reconnect the chain AU) : AU of Relinked. 10 years after LU, the Chain reconnects themselves. Good vibes and slice-of-life. Most pre-reunion things will be tagged as both this AU and Relinked depending on everyone's ages in the artwork/writing.
LU College Radio AU (#college radio AU): A mostly slice-of-life AU where the Links are all somehow involved with the radio station at Kakariko University.
Cupcakes for Harmony (#cupcakes for harmony): Legend and Marin had a daughter on Koholint. Currently has 2 parts posted on AO3, aiming for 3 - 4 parts total.
Cost of Courage AU (#cost of courage au #epic AU): A crossover between Epic the Musical and Linked Universe that is yet another LU Links Reunite AU. Each song from the musical inspires a scenario in my head. I won't be doing much with it, though, until the entire musical is released so I can see what I'm working with.
Ultimate Chain AU (#ultimate chain AU): I feel like my AO3 description describes it best: I add way too many Links into Linked Universe because these characters are my dolls and this is my dollhouse. AKA, I decide to add more Links into LU because I can and because I want to see how the Links would interact with heroes like the Hero of the Kingdom, the Ancient Hero, the Hero of Spirits, and Shadow.
Lockwood and Co Fusion: (#lockwood and co fusion): I put the characters of LU into the world of the books and netflix show by Jonathan Stroud, Lockwood and Co. Sketches and fics. As of right now, I'm mostly going to be rewriting scenes from the books but with the LU Links
Time is Batman AU (#time is batman AU): Time is not batman, but he is a vigilante like Batman called The Mask. He protects Termina City and fights crime. Oh, and he somehow ends up the father of 7 boys who all share the same name as him.
Other assorted AUs that are not serious (#collectors miscellaneous LU aus) or which have not been posted yet
Kingdom Hearts
I have 2 main fic series for Kingdom Hearts that I hope to share... eventually. Nothing is posted right now though.
Other assorted AUs that are not serious (#collectors miscellaneous KH aus) or which have not been posted yet
Tales of the Abyss
I have 1 main work that I'm brainstorming through at the moment. It's a sequel to Tales of the Abyss. Nothing is posted right now though.
I don't do AUs for Tales of the Abyss.
Original World
OG-verse: I also have an original world I worldbuild for in my spare time. I'll post stuff about it here occasionally. You can find anything about it under #og-verse
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