#will graham is bisexual ofc
jodians · 4 months
thomas harris really wrote a book series about a dude who is a cannibal and expects the reader to believe that all of the characters are straight as if cannibalism isn’t the gayest crime
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yonderghostshistories · 4 months
happy pride month to the one and only connoisseur of bad taste DR GRAHAM ARTHUR CHAPMAN
we still have a lot to fight for but i wish he was here to see how far we've come
AGREED 100000000%!!!!
Fr though, I think if Graham was still alive today, he would've been over the moon with absolute joy in that same-sex marriage was finally made legal, and I agree that Gray also would've been proud of how far we've come in terms of LGBTQ+ rights, even despite our current struggles!
Also, it would've been absolutely cute and lovely to see Graham and his partner David Sherlock finally get married, with ofc the other Pythons being the guests of honour at Gray & David's wedding 😊💍💑😊!!
Also, not to mention the fact that Gray was an ABSOLUTELY BONKERS AND EPIC GAY-LEANING BISEXUAL ICON 🏳️‍🌈💗💜💙!!!!
Here's to Dr Graham Arthur Chapman indeed :)7 !!!
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fixinglitg · 11 months
So you've read the title and probably just wanna get straight to this, so I will. If you cba to read my explanation as to why I dislike some of the women LI characters, scroll down and find some red text, that's when I get on with things.
DISCLAIMER: After a recent ask at the time of editing this, I just wanna add the fact that this is a friend's to lovers route, and just my opinion. There will be multiple of these, so keep that in mind when you read through.
Fusebox SUCK at writing Bisexual women, and couldn't do a proper wlw to save their life, in my own personal opinion of course. So far, we've had Talia, Marisol, Elisa, AJ, Yasmin, Lily, Najuma, Cora, Angie, Dana, Gabi, Lulu, Bella, Chloe, Flo and Bonnie.In MY opinion, only Talia, Najuma in a way and Angie are the only ones written well.
Talia still has a good relationship with Jake if you don't pursue her, Najuma has no issues with going after Youcef (though she is a little on me sometimes) and Angie has an absolutely amazing friends to lovers and is the only reason why I play S4 despite actually enjoying that season very much weirdly.
So now we'll move onto the bad, because that's what this post is for.
Marisol is such a pain in the ass to get, and I just think she comes across as a bit manipulative and shitty. I've NEVER done a route for her because firstly I don't find her attractive at all, but mostly I think it's just too much of a hassle to get her. And the fact that she continues to use Graham in an attempt to make us jealous is so goddamn stupid like babe, just say it flat out and take my answer.
Elisa is the better of the two, yet ofc I haven't done her route as you HAVE to be on a Marisol route for her. I think she's gorgeous, and I find her kinda amusing (I know, odd me) but I think she just needed to come earlier, or have her be an open route already. I can't comment much more on her as I barely see her much afterwards, but I think she was a waste of potential.
Then we have Aj. And I love my girl, I really do, but S3 is so forgettable to the point where I can't actually remember how pushy she could be? Same with Lily to be honest. BUT one thing I do remember about Lily is the fact that she can steal you at the end, and then Aj leaves which SUCKED because that's how mine ended up the first time round, so she's never been in my good book for that. And then there was also Yasmin, but I haven't done her route so I can't give an opinion unfortunately.
Next we have S4 with Cora as I've already touched upon Najuma and Angie. See, I don't think Cora's BAD but I kinda hate the fact that she's like a false LI. The fact that you can't stay coupled up with her is a little annoying since I would've enjoyed a route with her, but it is a nice change of pace having someone basically reject your MC after coupling up with them. So, not terrible, but not amazing.
Then S5. Oh dear. Lulu is honestly the only one really worth it in the end. She's sweet, and she isn't clingy. Neither is Gabi to be fair, so for wlw I would definitely go for them. I think Gabi is a better character than people allow. She has depth to her, and people always talk about "oh but her little tantrum with the ring" I'm sorry but if a guy was sleeping round my house and I find a ring, I'm gonna think it's for me and not the "other women" you've just found. So I understand why she did it. Besides, she also got a confession out of Suresh, so is it really that bad?
Dana on the other hand, oh dear. Not only can she not take no for an answer, she also cheats on you, and then acts really shitty all throughout casa amor. Honestly, it's really satisfying going after Gabi after being with her, because she brings my mental health further down than it already is. And not only that, she's ugly asf??? She looks ill, I'm more concerned than attracted. And- yeah, the shading is all off, and the hair colour isn't it.
Before I continue my rant about that, let's move onto S6. I think Bella, Chloe, and Flo are all really attractive. The only thing that frustrates me is A. The fact that you can only couple up with them at the final recoupling, and B. The fact that you basically have to pick and choose who stays and who goes. And I think that they're all kinda pushed onto you. Of course, that's a writing error, but it makes me like the characters a little less when they seem really clingy and on you like no-one else exists.
And finally, so far, S7 with Bonnie. To keep things nice and simple, Bonnie should've been an OG girl instead. Whether she stayed as Bonnie or her whole reasoning was pushed onto an OG girl instead doesn't matter. She just never should've been an LI. Having Joyo/Bryson (I think) take her back to the villa when they feel nothing is so stupid. And I know it was only because they wanted to keep her since she's an LI. Which is why she should've been at the villa in the first place, so that it didn't put them in an awkward spot. On top of that, her character doesn't serve much purpose if you're either not into her, or not into women.
SO NOW THAT WE'VE GOTTEN THAT OUT OF THE WAY, you can read on from here if you didn't care about that shit and just wanted to see how I'd do this.
So the female LI of the season (if they only added in one) should be an OG from the start. I think that you have to do specific things to unlock that route. For example, say you're into women, and have a high heart score with said character (that's based on the original app, idk how it'd work for the new one now that the emojis are mostly nonexistent). You should only be able to pursue said woman if it makes sense.It should start off with Woman LI saying how she's into both men and women, and can't wait to start her journey. None of this "oH iM eXciTEd To GeT tO kNoW yOU"
NO. The female LI shouldn't have the sole purpose of being an LI for the MC.Then we'd see her recouple with a guy at least once or twice. During that time, she can talk about how things aren't exactly feeling right for her, but she thinks it might just be the fact that they're in the villa. I don't want to be automatically pushed onto this character. I want her to either randomly come out and say it, or hint at it.
And then after a challenge or some really hefty drama that splits the villa in two (because we love some drama) I'd want this sort of scene to happen:
Note: All FEMALE LI'S dialogue is in YELLOW.
"Hey. MC? Can I talk to you quickly?"
MC would follow potential F!LI to the firepit because it's weirdly symbolic. Then it would either be one of two options depending on if the route has been unlocked.
LOCKED ROUTE: "I'm worried about my time here. I'm just not clicking with anyone right now. (Her partner's name) isn't quite who I thought he'd be. And after today, I'm not really sure if I can trust him or not. Or anyone but you really. I don't know what to do. Since I think of you as the closest girl I know in this villa, a best friend even, I was wondering if I could get your advice?"
This would be securing the fact that she is now locked, and won't be able to be an option later on. I think it's a good idea to lock her to keep things simple. And then you could even add in another woman later to be her partner. Whether the new woman is also an LI too is in the air.
BUT what if she was unlocked? How would that dialogue go? Well...
UNLOCKED ROUTE: "I'm sorry if this is a bad time. Is this a bad time? It feels like a bit of a bad time."
Option A: "No, of course not, what's wrong?"
Option B: "As long as it isn't another secret we don't know of."
Option C: "Yeah, it kinda is with all the drama going on right now."
I imagine this would be after a challenge that reveals things like movie night etc, so just go with me for this one. Of course, her answer and your answer would be different depending on the choice, but it would all lead to this set of dialogue no matter what:
"Listen, I just have something I need to get off my chest. It's been here for a while, and I guess I just didn't want to acknowledge it. At least, not until today. I like you, MC. As in I wanna couple up with you if we get the chance to."
"Are you serious? Why now? What's changed?"
"That challenge revealed a lot. At least, for me it did. You've always been there for me since day one. I've always found you attractive. I just didn't wanna seem pushy. I've tried hinting at my interest in you without seeming weird, but you never reacted. I couldn't tell if you'd even be interested in... Well, me? I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I..."
"Please, tell me, (F!LI name)."
"You just looked so infatuated. With him. The way you looked. How you smiled. It felt different to how you looked at everyone else. How you looked at me. Even when you two were bickering a little, I couldn't do that to you. I didn't want to look like I was taking advantage of the situation. I didn't want to get in your way. But, after today, after seeing how he treated you during casa amor? After his slimy hands touched those girls in there only to say how much he likes you, and only thought about you in those moments... It made me feel something else. The thought of you being dumped killed me. And I knew it was because I like you. But I didn't want to admit it until today. And if you need space, I fully understand. And if you don't feel the same, I get it. And I hope we can still be friends. But I need you to know before it's too late."
At this point, I feel like you'd have the option to accept, reject, or say you need some time. Accepting will fully unlock the route, rejecting will of course close it, but saying you need time will keep the option open until you only have the choice of saying yes or no during a later scene a few days later (about 9/12 episodes in the old format).
If you lock her route here, you'd notice a little change in dialogue until the end. How each word seems a little strained as if you can tell she's really holding back how she feels without it being pushy or obnoxious.And finally, I just wanted to add a little scene where she'd couple up with you. Before this, she'd ask if you'd wanna couple up. If you say yes, then she'll be the one who gets to couple up. If you say you're unsure, you'd get the choice. But if you don't, her route is locked again. And if you say no then ofc her route is locked and she'll be a little disappointed that you said you were interested, but she'll be a bit more understanding if your answer was "I need some time" during her confession scene. Because then it doesn't seem like you've led her on. ANYWAYS, coupling up scene.
COUPLING UP WITH HER: "I don't know how much of a surprise this will be. But I've been thinking about this a lot. And now that I know I can, there's no way I'm letting this opportunity go. I wanna couple up with this person because they make me feel as if I can be myself. All my insecurities and flaws feel like perfection with them. And I can't thank them enough for making me feel so... Happy. If I had known them longer, I'd even consider the word "loved." They've been with me from the start, and not only are they my best friend, but my ride or die. They've been there for me through thick and thin, and I wanna be there for them. So, that's why the person I wanna couple up with is MC."
And there we have it. Of course, I'd go more into detail but this post is SOOOOO long already. I hope you enjoyed and my fingers are really fucking stiff now, I've been typing for about 30 minutes, I'm freezing, and I'm tired. But overall, this was so worth it. Let me know your opinions too!
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Five comfort characters
Thanks for the tag, @yoellglia ! Here’s a list of characters that I’m way too attached to (probably bc I can relate to them in one way or another) and love very, very much. In no particular order we have:
Neal Caffrey (White Collar): He’s an artist! Okay, a con artist, but that only makes him more fun! I love when he drags everyone (this inculdes his bff, the whole FBI team and his boss’ wife and dog) into being a part of his shenanigans. He’s also one of the reasons I got into art (my love for Monet started with this show). And he always did a cute little trick with his fedora, which had me obsessed to the point I took a hat and practiced until I could do it. Though I don’t think that skill has stuck with me lol.
Will Graham (NBC Hannibal): He is heavily traumatized and spends a good part of the show haunted by nightmares, drenched in sweat and in need of a hug (and proper medical treatment). He loves fishing with a passion and has a tendency to collect stray dogs (and actually cares so much for them, which is sweet if you ask me). Also, his style goes from scruffy and adorable to neat and sexy and it shouldn’t be possible but he looks great in both.
Nick Nelson (Heartstopper): This boy is indeed a golden retriever. He’s probably the fluffiest character on this list and I basically would’ve loved to be him in my teens (this sounds like it was too long ago, but I’m just about to turn 23 lol). He loves sports, sucks at Mario Kart, has a dog called Nellie and the best part: I’m positive he gives some of the best hugs in the whole world. He’s also the best bisexual rep I’ve seen so far and I’m glad he exists.
Crowley (Good Omens): David Tennant is him, I can’t imagine anyone else playing this demon who’s been in love with an angel for over 6k years (they’ve seriously taken slow burn to a whole other level, but that’s another topic). I absolutely love how much the character plays with style. His snake tattoo is my favorite and his glasses are iconic (tho I must say I very much like his snake eyes). If I was to cosplay a character it would be him. There’s also something about the way he moves that’s so compelling to me. I love his mannerisms. He’s also a plant dad!!! And by now I’ve associated half of Queen’s discography with him and well, Queen is one of my favorite bands ever so yeah.
Sherlock Holmes (ACD Canon): I’m specifically talking about Sherlock from the original works/novels. He isn’t an egotistic, arrogant asshole that seemingly has no emotions or compassion for others. No, no, he’s actually just a nerdy, kind weirdo with too many feelings. Seriously, just read one of the many stories there are and you’ll see the difference. And before someone comes at me, I’m not hating on any adaptations here, I’m just stating my point of view and personal preference. Anyway, one of my favorite Sherlock moments is from The Musgrave Ritual. Sherlock was supposed to be tidying the apartment bc it was littered with his stuff, then Watson asked him about the contents of a wooden box and ofc it ended in story time. And well, I don’t know about you, but I find his getting distracted with old stuff while cleaning very relatable.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 8 months
Hello I’m here to demand you tell me everything about Scarlet SanDiego pretty pretty pls with a Cherry on top
EEEEEK *takes in deep breath* ok this is a long one
-> Scarlett Vera Sandiego
Sister: Xiomara Isabel Calloway
Animated FC: Princess Elena Castillo Flores from EOA (different eye color and auburn hair)
Fandom: Carmen Sandiego 2019/Laws of Attraction
Designated Tag: #scarlett sandiego oc
LI: Soren Reinhart (OC; International Spy)
I also remembered my OG LOA MC literally after you made the ask 😭 (Kavya "Kavi" Asvaldr Nikatas I think, also she/her who is besties with my CoP MC) and I actually was gonna end up pairing her with Thomas in an alt MOTY Universe! Though I haven't finished the series yet so Thomas was gonna be my backup LI unless I decide who she wants to be with/stay single. The idea of her 7th wheeling is hilarious to me. So if she sounds more interesting for the Windverse™️ feel free to tell me. It might even be easier since she's a blank slate that I can add to after replaying
I don't really know where to begin so this post is kind of gonna be a mess/super vague uhhhh
Nickname(s): Scar
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality/Preference: Bisexual
Religious Identity: Agnostic
Birthday/Zodiac: December 15 (Sagittarius) 
Major: Lawyer
Born/Raised: Buenos Aires, Argentina -> Sydney, Australia
Parents: Carmen Sandiego (Superthief -> Philanthropist) and Graham "Crackle" Calloway (Ex-Electrician; Deceased in "Accidental" Fire)
Ethnicity(?): Argentinian and Indigenous Australian
Trivia: Central Heterochromia (Hazel-Gray Eyes)
Life Motto: "Find your inner flame"
Connection w/ Other MCs: Friends with OPH MC and I believe she's distantly related to my ACOR MC? I have to check lol
I'm literally blanking rn but basically, her parents used to be thieves and part of a secret evil organization (her mom was raised there from birth and met her dad at the same school), and after they defeated said organization, they settled down (even started the Scarlet Sheep Orphanage) but ofc the leaders of [organization] weren't gonna let them live happily ever after. So they staged a fire that killed Gray. Scar ran back inside after she saw her father die. She lived with a lot of resentment towards the organization and specifically the people who killed her father, but eventually, she was able to take that grief and do everything she could in her power to ensure justice is always served (literally, she's a fashion icon in my head). She didn't have a conventional family growing up but there was a lot of love (ninja grandfather, mechanic aunt and racecar driver uncle, secret agent godparents, famous singer aunt, and-)
How They Look Like:
From left to right: Scarlett Sandiego (art by @procrastinateland) and Kavya Nikatas
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undeadvinyls · 1 year
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i love them all muah <3
they r a buncha 16 year old teens who get in trouble A BIT too much and r known in zomburbia as "the juveniles/idiotic kids". fav thing to do is defo get in trouble and do weird things
anyways!! a tad on em!!
betty, or beatrice is a total 90s grunge kid and an amateur radio host and drummer. plays in a band with her besties & girlfriend. also shes boogaloo's daughter, biracial (black/white) and bisexual
jules or julianne is ur local skateboarding kid with a love for distorted music (shoegaze/ambient/dream pop) and a huge lesbian. also a filipino and in secret a big nerd/geek when it comes to sci fi and fantasy. also shes dating betty
cass or cassandra, bit of a jock here, loves sports, but loves films even more!! pop punk who often likes to record whatever she wants and do experimental films with no meaning. also pansexual, has 2 moms and has a cool scooter. shes latina (chilean-venezuelan)
harper, the emo. who loves drawing ofc and spams XD everywhere. a young magic adept too and is pretty good at it!! also a vampire and BITES. aroace and has a pet snake who's her witch familiar :]
and now for the boys !!
graham, hardcore punk, hates any type of authority and in secret writes fanfics abt history. his most famous one is his 10,000 word fanfic abt the trojan war he did for school. is happily dating cass, ace, has a ton of daddy and mommy issues. also an aussie
paul, betty's twin brother, preppy prep. fav thing is defo chemistry and biology and wants to become a scientist in future. is bad at naming things. also loves fashion and is a total polar opposite of his sister
zach, or zacharias, quick-draw con man who got his 4 arms as his mama got cursed. by some thing. either way he enjoys being a cryptid a lot. he also rlly loves chemistry but more for the fact he will know what goes boom boom. also he has a weird love for board games and WILL use logic skills to win in any game. gay and norwegian and has 5 siblings : ]
thats all!!! I LOVE talking and drawing them i just didnt have the motivation to do so lately, burnout sucks ass :sob:
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tallkfandomtome · 2 years
i have one flaw and one flaw only and that is that whenever i latch myself onto any character ever, i need them to be the most desired babygirl in the universe they belong.
everyone has to be low or high key in love w them because if I love them its bc they are absolutely charming and gorgeous.
and they can be the least charming person, the most antisocial bitch anybody met ever but idc, people have to meet them and be charmed by the mystery and good looks.
dont mind the murder or problematic, that just make them more charming and more gorgeous.
I usually dont care for villains tho, only Lestat has me on a chokehold and tho he's one of my favorite bitches, Louis is king of being desired by all vampires and I'm okay with that.
A few examples:
Sam Winchester? he's gogeous and smart as hell, ofc everybody has a crush on him.
Takashi Shirogane? Do I even have to spell it?
Will Graham? That bitch is so weird coded and so pretty and loves his dirtcore but that's part of the charm.
Gansey the third, James Potter and Vi from Arcane are three others that I include here because they are obviously magnetic, therefore, everyone has crushes on them. I'm right dont @ me.
I think this is the reason I love me Captive Prince so much. Prince Damianos is a messy bi bitch who's too good for his own well being, ofc everybody is in love with him and he fucks like no other. What do you mean he can't destroy thousands and also be a simp? What do you mean that doesnt make him incredibly charming and attractive? These books give me this hc in canon and I eat it up ever. single. time.
Oh yeah, part of this flaw is also making them bisexual and low key sluts. Because I can
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jaynovz · 3 years
john silver for niche asks, or (if already asked) will graham <3
a song that reminds me of them:
So sooooo many, check out the main Silverflint playlist if you haven’t yet. But right now I’m thinking I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young. The lad is trying his best okay, but he is FUCKED UP. 
what they smell like:
Hmmmm, sea salt, coconut hair oil, and grime I bet. Maybe soap or creek water after Madi makes his ass go bathe :P Oh, camphor for his leg.
an OTP:
SilverMadi, SilverFlint, Silverham (honestly I can basically ship him with anyone but those are the top three. and ofc the OT3 of MadiSilverFlint or OT4 of MadiSilverFlintHam)
Silver/Rogers I suppose b/c I hate Rogers :P
Favorite platonic/familial relationships:
Silver and the Walrus crew that he is Ship Dad of 🥺 (can see him fucking several of them also tho LOL. -shrug-)
The position they sleep in:
Side-sleeper, curled in a ball with his back to a wall, eyes facing the door. He’s a very light sleeper unless squished between his spouses.
A crossover AU I’d love to see them in:
Literally ANYTHING. Lad time Lad time all day everyday. But I’m really hung up on the Medusa Silver and Perseus Flint AU and would love that to exist someday.
My favorite outfit they’ve ever worn:
Such a hard choice, truly. But let’s go with the Bisexual Blue Half Jacket
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Thank you for asking :)
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Guys tumblr user @/tothestarsandback is really problematic. Please reblog this so everyone can know about this and block them. Ofc dont send any hate🥰🥰🥰
Things this person has done:
Watches hannibal and refuses to acknowledge its problematic aspects....does not think about things critically at all and instead writes very insane things about the show😱 and kins will graham🤢
Does not have his pronouns in his bio!!🤬
Also doesn't have a carrd listing his age, address and every trauma he has ever experienced as well as triggers😟😟😟
Says that only bisexuals should speak on bisexual issues😤😤😤😤😤the audacity
Flirts with another problematic tumblr user @/more-like-reyna (who you should also block!! She is a dream stan😰😰😰)
Is also known to call his anons alex like a weirdo 😒😒😒😒😒😒
Yeah that's pretty much all I can think of rn
im problematic for all of these except for point 5 you all have to follow @more-like-reyna if you follow me it's required. i love her and u have to see how wonderful she is. the rest u can block me for im cool w it
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emmaswcns · 3 years
hey renee! 💖 how about emma, regina and neal for the character headcanon asks? :)
libby !!! i miss you & thank you !!! <33333
going under a read more so i don't jam up everyone's dash boards lmao
( also tagging @swiftbarnes bc my angel sent in emma and regina too 🤍 )
emma swan:
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Sexuality Headcanon: i rly don't like answering these questions bc they end up getting hate in my inbox lmao but imo emma is NOT straight (see examples: lily, regina, ruby and aurora) but she also has great sexual chemistry with men (examples: neal, hook, jefferson, august, graham). so i wanna say bisexual?
A ship I have with said character: should this be a random one? bc obviously everyone knows i love me some swanqueen and captain swan lmao but i guess i'll go w the one most prominent to me rn: emma and will scarlett. i know they had brief interactions, but omg, idk why but i loved their banter back and forth and how emma was so casual w him even though she didn't know him? she doesn't tend to act that way w strangers, especially someone who was breaking into libraries and ruining her date lmao, but i just thought they were cute. obviously knew it would never happen, but i dig it
A BROTP I have with said character: emma and elsa forever. elsa was the perfect friend for emma and i'm so happy that they met and had an entire arc together. my heart broke when elsa left emma though. i wish elsa and anna stayed in storybrooke so emma could have a best friend :(
A NOTP I have with said character: emma & rumple! ofc, no judgment/shame on anyone who does ship it, just not for me.
A random headcanon: emma has a praise kink lmao and that's that on that lmao
General Opinion over said character: emma is the light of my life and i love her so fucking much. i am so sad about how her character from (i wanna say) season 6 on got destroyed and diminished to whatever/whoever she was by the end, but the good thing about the tv show/fic is you can always go back and re-watch emma's good times on the show or read fic with better alternative endings for her character!
regina mills:
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Sexuality Headcanon: also same as emma but i get the sense that she prefers women more than men.
A ship I have with said character: i honestly don't ship regina w anyone other than emma? like wow i hate myself for that lmao but i just don't see it w anyone? i didn't like her and robin, we barely knew daniel... i guess i understand the allure of regina & mal? but idk. wow. i suck lmao. rumple maybe? like evil queen regina and rumple i can totally see lol
A BROTP I have with said character: i love regina's relationship with the charmings' and how they all evolve into one big found family. i love how regina still calls them names and acts like she hates them, but really, she knows david, snow and emma are her best friends lmfao
A NOTP I have with said character: ummmm... i can literally imagine regina w anyone? lmao probably my notp would be zelena? but idk everyone in this show is somehow related in some way so lmao
A random headcanon: i s2g it’s not just bc i love swanqueen lmao but i always got the vibe that regina was in love w emma and emma is totally oblivious. like regina’s “happy ending” was supposedly robin but he didn’t even last through the show so lol no & she never got with anyone else (i never watched the last season so i may be ignorant to her finding her true love but i’ve seen a lot of posts and it doesn��t seem that way but pls correct me if i’m wrong!) she never got over emma and hook being together (i.e., all her rude comments about them, never warming to hook), her facial expression when she learns emma’s engaged, that look at emma’s wedding.... just she’s in love w emma and she knows it’s unrequited love bc emma is dumb (i made myself sad okay wow bye)
General Opinion over said character: i can’t believe that i used to hate her. the first time i watched the show, i despised regina and idk why! i think deep down she’s my favorite character (emma i’m sorry). her redemption arc and everything, just so good. i love her so much. she deserves the world.
neal cassidy:
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Sexuality Headcanon: pretty straight. this show had a way of making everyone feel kinda gay in some sort of way but neal was always pretty straight to me 
A ship I have with said character: SWANFIRE. there’s nothing else. just emma and neal forever.
A BROTP I have with said character: i wish that neal and killian were able to make amends had neal survived bc they would’ve been a great duo. also love neal and belle’s relationship as well.
A NOTP I have with said character: neal x hook. again, no shame in anyone’s shipping game, just not for meeeee. 
A random headcanon: well in my head neal never fucking died and he and emma raised henry together along w regina and they all went to parent-teacher conferences and dealt with bad grades together. emma and neal would obviously be the less strict parents where regina is, well, regina. neal, if not romantically with emma, would’ve found someone (*cough* tallahaasee *cough*) and they would’ve been one big happy family together ugh
General Opinion over said character: i truly believe that the writers killed him off to pave the way for emma and hook. i think as long as neal was around, emma’s character wouldn’t of fully given herself to hook and the writers knew that so they took him out of the equation entirely. i think it would’ve been so cute for neal to be there w emma and support her for moving on and all that. i truly believe neal was emma’s true love (swanqueen feels aside lmao) but they didn’t need to kill him off to prove that he wasn’t. i could be totally wrong and the actor had other engagements but it’s just my opinion hahaha
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cdfreak · 4 years
Character asks, will graham and / or Jadzia Dax ! ♥️♥️
Will Graham
Sexuality Headcanon: oh baby this bitch is bisexual
Gender Headcanon: nb transmasc!! does not understand gender I think. he is just doing his thing I feel like he doesn't care what other people read him as as long as they don't think he's a girl. YES I'm projecting. its the autism
A ship I have with said character: i think him n alana were kinda nice! also hannigram ofc
A BROTP I have with said character: his friendship with bev was so good :-]
A NOTP I have with said character: his thing with margot . i didn't like that . maybe because i was projecting so incredibly hard on her and read her as a lesbian
A random headcanon: he likes scrambled eggs a lot<3
General Opinion over said character: LOVE him 10/10
Jadzia Dax
Sexuality Headcanon: jadzia pan i feel this deep in my bones
Gender Headcanon: this worm lady is transgener
A ship I have with said character: uhh jadzoda<3 no that was a joke. i don't know i don't really ship her with anyone ! i have heard good things about that worf dude but i have yet to meet him so i will not be giving a hard opinion on them yet
A BROTP I have with said character: i like her friendship with sisko a lot !! also her friendship with kira!!!! couple of girlbosses girling and bossing
A NOTP I have with said character: i didn't have any that jumped to mind so i was kind of mentally rifling through the ds9 characters and i thought of fucking quark. revolting. no. help girl
A random headcanon: uhhh i think she likes dancing:-]
General Opinion over said character: marry me please girlboss
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yonderghostshistories · 3 months
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I recently watched the film "A Liar's Autobiography" (2012) recently, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT AND IT'S THE GREATEST ANIMATED TRIBUTE TO GRAHAM CHAPMAN IMHO AHHHHH!!!
Here's my thoughts on this film and why I absolutely love it!
(Spoilers btw, you should definitely watch ALA it's great!!)
-all the animations were peak, I especially love the animations about Graham's childhood, the Monkey Pythons and the animation where it dealt with Gray's alcoholism and him going cold turkey was very brilliantly done fr!!
-Graham's narration and voice is REALLY immersive and cool and lovely, it's like he's genuinely talking to you in a way!
-i love the scenes with him and David, such wholesome portrayal of their love and relationship with each other like it so 🥰🥰 <3333 (honestly, shout-out to the actor Philip Bulcock, he did wonderfully as David Sherlock!!)
-i like the songs, especially the "Sit On My Face" song rendition!!
-i like the animation where Graham was Colin "Bomber" Harris is which he metaphorically beat himself up to defeat the alcoholism!!
-i like the payoff of the "Oscar Wilde" thing at the end from the beginning, it rounded out things nicely and it was really wholesome seeing John cheering up and patted Gray on the back as buddies, it was a nice moment <333. Also, apparently Stephen Fry voiced the God-esque version of Oscar Wilde, which imo IS REALLY COOL FR!!
-i cried internally (my body couldn't produce the tears physically fsr, but on the inside it was sobbing like HELL) when they showed the Graham Chapman funeral/memorial service video of John's speech at the end and like GAHHH IT WAS SAD AND HEARTBREAKING 😭💔
-i LOVED the "Medical Love Song" scene at the end, it was ABSOLUTELY GREAT!! Plus the second rendition of the "Sit on My Face" scene, pretty awesome!!
-Cameron Diaz as Sigmund Freud was really hilarious 🤣
-i like how the film portrayed Gray's struggle with alcoholism (especially the absolutely beautiful oil painting-esque animation which is from Gray's POV), and like my fellow moot @michael-palin-is-the-loml said, it was done very tastefully in a way that Graham would've appreciated himself!
-i like the scenes with Gray and his parents, they were quite nice!
-i love the simple line of "fuck off Ginger!", like I do relate to that moment very much fr 🤣😭
-Everyone voice acted SUPERBLY in this film, hat's off to them!!
-i loved the "Sex Test" scene in the film, like as a bisexual myself, it's probably (imo at least!) a VERY accurate and superbly funny representation of the "sexuality is a spectrum" thing 👏👏
-Oh yeah I also love the scene in ALA where Graham saw the love of his life David appearing out from the sea in the pose of "The Birth of Venus" painting, which makes sense imo since Gray would think of David as his (gay) God(dess) <333
Here's my final verdict/thoughts on the film:
This film deserves ALLL THE LOVE, and I don't think it's as bad as some people said it was! This was truly made with a labour of love 🫶💞 from both the team AND the Pythons! (Apart from Eric ofc lol) and it really shows that this is NOT only a love letter to Python, BUT TO GRAHAM "GRAY BAE" CHAPMAN HIMSELF!!
This movie is a glorious 10/10 from me, and it's my favourite film in the world! (Tied with HFC ofc!)
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I was tagged by @swampsong13 Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Lindsey
Nickname: don't have one 
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 5'5"
Orientation: bisexual, friendos 
Favourite fruit: Strawberries I guess
Favourite season: Autumn or winter 
Favourite book series: ummm.....Harry Potter was the last book series I read so I guess that one.
Favourite flower: i really like hydrangea and roses
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite animals: Cats ofc
Coffee/tea/cocoa: All three
Average sleep hours: On a good day, 7-8. Usually, 5-6.
Cat or dog person: As previously mentioned, cats. But I love dogs too.
Favorite fictional characters: Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Kino, Will Graham, Wonder Woman (yeah I know it's p random but there ya have it)
Blog created: At least 5 years ago because I've had this blog since I started college.
Number of followers: I can't check because I'm on mobile and I dont want to type this up again heh
What I define as amazing followers: P much anyone who's nice and respectful and not an asshole. I tag: @blueblurjeans, @nathefanwiththeaf, @glowinginahuddle, @aspiring-magical-girl Don't have to do it, anyone I didn't tag who wants to can
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roomeight · 7 years
Up to this day I still ask myself what Damon really meant to say in that 90s interview claiming to be "an intelectual bisexual" like does that he likes the idea of men liking men? I know he's pretty much liberal and open minded so that could mean he supported bisexuality? Or maybe he was flexible in his sexual interests back then ? Even tho he only dated women, he and Graham always seem to have similar behaviours but ofc its not like we know them personally, also the 90s were fucking wild so 😬
Haha, that really is the million dollar question. SORRY, long answer. Umm let’s just say that I have the answer I give to strangers, and then I have the answer that I would give between just mutuals. For strangers, I would guess that Damon was open to the idea of being bisexual. I know for a fact he kissed some dudes when he was drunk. Maybe once or twice he got an accidental handjob too—who knows. Now that we know sexual attraction is on a spectrum, I would guess Damon’s probably 90/10. 90% straight, 10% okay with kissing dudes and going as far as heavy petting on particularly crazy nights.
Between friends—based on the published knowledge and official accounts from the band, I know that Damon and Alex made out and wrestled on the floor. I know Damon and Graham gave each other love bites in public, big enough that Damon was concerned about Justine seeing it. I know Damon wrote the lyrics to Girls & Boys which may as well be the anthem for bisexuality lbh., and (controversially) I will just say that I feel like Justine is very androgynous and in my personal opinion looked more masculinely attractive (
Oh yeah, and there’s also a fan account of Graham saying that Damon once snuck into his bedroom and had a “mental block”, so that’s cool.
Personally, I have seen how my model-attractive male friends are treated, and I will say that both genders hit on them *constantly* regardless of my friends’ sexual orientation. Hell, even drunk straight dudes kind of hit on them tbh. And I think it’s safe to say that Damon in the 90’s was that level of attractive—like David Bowie cheekbones beautiful boy catnip attractive—so I can’t help but think that Damon probably got solicited all the time by men, regardless of how comfortable or uncomfortable he felt about it.
Between friends—do I think he and Graham did stuff? Based on what I’ve factually read, yeah. Definitely. Actual sex? Probably not. Or, if they ever did get close to that it probably only happened once when they were really drunk and they may have forgot half of it and they didn’t really ever talk about it again. I mean, just based on their body language with each other, there is clearly a connection with them that runs deeper than just being childhood friends, probably from seeing one another “in very embarrassing situations” as Graham said in NWT. But again, I don’t know them personally at all, that’s just my intuitive take on it.
That said, as you mentioned I do think that because Damon grew up in the family he did, he is probably used to showing his affection for people he loves very publicly because he is, at the end of the day, a total softie (hello Mum tattoo) despite the wall he puts up most of the time. I remember him saying in a recent interview that Graham was just as important to his life as Justine was and I totally think that’s true.
TL;DR: I think Damon is 90% straight, 10% gay for Graham (but not the buttstuff) and only when they were younger and experimenting. But obviously I don’t know them at all and that’s just my personal opinion/conjecture that I may or may not happily go to hell for.
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hannibal-abo · 4 years
The Birdhouse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C2x7Qn
by WendyNerd
Nearly two years after The Red Dragon is taken down, Dr. Hannibal Lecter is back at Baltimore State, pining for Will Graham and being annoyed by Dr. Chilton and his new orderly. At the end of his rope with the Buffalo Bill case, Jack Crawford enlists the help of the recently-returned Will Graham and the up-and-comer Clarice Starling. Season 4 retelling of Silence of the Lambs
Words: 2776, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hannibal (TV), Hannibal Lecter Series - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Clarice Starling, OFC, Jack Crawford, Dr. Frederick Chilton, Ardelia Mapp, Alana Bloom, Brian Zeller, Jimmy Price, Margot Verger, Will Graham's Dogs, Miriam Lass
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham/Clarice Starling, Hannibal Lecter/Original Female Character(s), Alana Bloom/Margot Verger
Additional Tags: content warnings for, violence cw, mutilation cw, cannibalism cw, transphobia cw, racism cw, sexism cw, MENTIONS OF TRUMP CW, MENTIONS OF SELF HARM CW, suicidal thoughts cw, FATPHOBIA CW, BUFFALO BILL RETELLING SO YEAH THERE'S FATPHOBIC AND TERF BULLSHIT IN THERE, Season 4 version of Silence of the Lambs, Latinx!Clarice, Trans!Ardelia, Bisexuality, Angst, Romantic Angst, Divorce, jobs are hard, doggos are sweet, snark exchanges, Hannibal is a bottom, Pining, mental illness cw, Intentionally obnoxious OC, Stuck in a house together cliche, Sexual Tension
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C2x7Qn
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ao3feed-btvs · 7 years
Magic and Slayers and Unconventional relationships in Lima oh my!
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2H5SoGW
by cuddleswithdoodles
Rachel, glee club diva by day slayer by night is not as friendless as one might think. She had some friends in odd places, a mystical key, a witch from a dying blood line and a whole heap of fellow slayers. She had found a family in the council that will turn Lima uside down. The bonds of fate will change the glee club forever. Will contain bisexual and poly relationships. xposted to ff.net
Words: 6787, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Glee
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, OFC, Santana Lopez, britney pierce, Finn Hudson, Puck, Jesse St. James, Xander, Spike, Faith, apperances from other scoobies, New Directions, schuester, coach sue
Relationships: Rachel/Dawn/OFC/Quinn/Santana/Britt/Finn/Puck/Jesse, Cordelia/Xander/Spike/Faith/Graham
Additional Tags: Polyamory
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2H5SoGW
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