#will probably tag spoilers still for at least another week??
seventh-district · 2 months
so uh. that 2.2 Special Program, huh
#hsr#honkai star rail#hsr 2.2#hsr spoilers#hsr leaks#the body of this post reads as far less enthusiastic than i really am#i just don’t know how to casually return from my latest 2 week hiatus only to gush abt a game i’ve hardly blogged abt before#but i’m not making a whole ass sideblog for it like i did for Genshin. nah y’all r gonna bear witness to my fixation with this one#so anyways don’t mind me. vibrating into another dimension with anticipation for the next 11 days#it’s insane man. a year ago i Never ever woulda thought i’d be so invested in this game. and it took Months for the game to really grab me#but i’m v glad i kept coming back even when i was struggling to really get into it. like i just had this feeling that if i stuck around and#gave the game a chance to really like. come into its stride. i just always felt like there was Something there and i just hadn’t found it#and holy shit i finally found it in Penacony. the devs really truly outdid themselves with this region and these characters and this story#not to discount everything that’s happened prior. like i was genuinely Liking it all before now but i wasn’t Loving it y’know#but that may be more a ‘me having to fight tooth n’ nail to force myself to consume new media’ thing than it is a matter of the actual game#anyways i came here to talk abt the program! bc since i’m not filming my HSR stuff i’m gonna be insufferable abt it on Tumblr instead ! :)#and i’m probably not filming any more Genshin stuff. or anything else at all for that matter but let’s not talk abt that dead dream#pun not intended lmao. Anyways let’s return to the subject at hand while there’s still room left in these tags shall we#i’m so fucking glad they had Aventurine on this program man. especially since he’s leaked to only have 18 lines in 2.2… it was nice to see-#-him here at least 🥹 i’ll take what i can get. his unenthusiastic little bird noises at the beginning.. him being reluctant to come out..#the way one of the first things to come out of his mouth was ‘y’know DR RATIO once told me…’ like boy we get it ur in love with him 🙄 (/J!)#i love how they can’t go on these programs w/o talking abt each other it’s adorable. AND THE WAY HE WAS THE ONE TO EXPLAIN BOOTHILL’S KIT!?#they can’t just fuel my crackship like this… god and his whole ‘muddle-fudger.. son-of-a-nice-lady?’ thing had me wheezing#Aven mocking Boothill’s inability to curse was not on my special program bingo card but fuck i’m here for it#and Robin being all curious abt him was so cute.. ‘who /is/ he? … does he order milk at the bar?’ i’m crying she’s so sweet#also the trailer was fucking insane. which feels redundant as hell bc all of HoYo’s version trailers go hard but like. still. wow.#that millisecond long shot of Boothill surveying the skyline is so fucking good. also what the fuck is Jing Yuan doing here!!#not complaining at all tho. we’ve got JY & DH(IL?). Argenti(?). Boothill. Sunday. Aven. all my men r here and i am eating so fucking good#Seven.txt#viddy game stuff
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jayteacups · 1 year
Ignorance Is Bliss
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Out of the entire cast of Attack on Titan, the member that spends the least time online is probably Levi. And after seeing the responses to the latest collaboration promotional photoshoot, he wants to keep it that way.
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x GN!Reader
Tags and warnings: Actor AU, established relationship, fluff, (my sorry attempt at) humour, some other characters are mentioned, a few suggestive things are briefly brought up in the form of internet slang, mild spoiler about Levi's state in S4
Word count: 1.1k
A/N: First piece of writing in almost three months 😭 my writing is rough I apologise in advance. Anyway this is very much inspired by the AOT x Gutedama collab illustrations. Might the use of internet slang become very dated in a few years? Probably. Did that stop me from writing this? No. Enjoy this incredibly dumb piece of writing XD
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“Why the fuck are they calling me ‘breedable’?” Levi grumbles under his breath, causing you to choke back a laugh. 
Setting your book aside, you shuffle closer to your boyfriend on the sofa. “What did you just say?” You ask, incredulous. You’re not entirely sure you heard him correctly—it isn’t a sentence you imagined leaving his mouth, ever. 
“I said,” Levi repeats, waving his phone in his hand, “these random perverts on the internet are calling me ‘submissive and breedable’.” With his other hand, he creates air quotation marks. A deep blush washes across his cheeks and ears. “They’re all saying I did a slutty pose, too. How is that slutty? How?” 
They’re not wrong, is the sentence that lingers on the tip of your tongue. Instead, you reach out, your lips twitching. “Let me see.” 
He sighs and relents, pressing his phone into your hand. He’s been browsing Twitter. Or, more specifically, scrolling through the replies underneath a promotional photoshoot he and his cast members had a few weeks ago: some kind of collaboration with Gutedama, the Sanrio character. You’ve seen the photo before—the actors involved were able to get a sneak peek of the photos a week before they were to be posted, and Levi had shown you his. You’d thought it was hilarious, the way Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Hange all had ordinary, somewhat conservative poses, as opposed to Levi. 
“I’m not surprised they’re reacting this way,” you muse, zooming in on Levi’s photo. “You do happen to be the only one on your back, with your legs spread and knees up, giving the camera a very clear view of your crotch. You also happen to be the only one with the ODM straps on, so that does draw attention to your thighs—which look great, by the way…” 
Levi crosses his arms. “Don’t tell me you agree with those degenerates.” 
Saying nothing, you pointedly continue to scroll through the replies and quotes. ‘He’s so babygirl,’ reads one. ‘I am going to breed this man,’ reads another. Both of those are very tame in comparison to what you have seen before, but as you dive in further, the comments become more and more debauched, most obviously being exaggerated jokes. It’s become the norm. You’re not threatened in the slightest, not at all—in fact, you’re amused. You simply tilt your head and say, “hm.” 
Levi throws his hands in the air in exasperation. “Not you too.”
You look up at him through your lashes. “Listen,” you begin, “I’ve been thinking this since day one, but for your sake I didn’t say anything—”
“I am never doing these photoshoots ever again,” he grouses, rubbing his temples. “It’s not… it wasn't even my idea, the photographer asked me to pose like that.” 
“Oh, trust me, they got you to pose like that for a reason.” You pass Levi’s phone back to him, patting his shoulder gently. 
He scoffs. 
“Maybe you should avoid Twitter for a bit, sweetheart, because this isn’t going to end any time soon.” 
Sighing, Levi sets his phone down firmly. He resettles on the sofa next to you, his shoulder touching yours, warm body pressing up against your side.  “I still don’t get it,” he grumbles. A small wrinkle appears between his brows. 
“Get what?” Carefully, you lower your head and press a gentle kiss on the space between his eyebrows, right on the little furrow. He shuffles closer, now leaning his weight against you. 
“I get that they’re joking, but… some of the perversions they’re speaking of don’t even make any sense. For a moment, I thought about asking Connie, because the kid basically lives on Twitter—seriously, his screentime is concerning—but knowing him, he’s not going to tell me anything helpful. He laughed in my face last time.” 
“Wait, you asked him about this stuff before?” 
Levi’s gone redder than a tomato. “I asked him what a ‘little meow meow’ was when the promo photos of me in the bandages got posted.” 
You know perfectly well what a ‘little meow meow’ is, but elect not to say anything. 
He continues on with his rant, nose wrinkling in both disgust and confusion. “That was a clear lapse of judgement, I know. I’m not asking him or the other kids a thing about this shit ever again. Anyway. What’s with these Twitter users wanting to ‘breed’ me? That’s not even possible. And what does ‘babygirl’ even mean? Isn’t that—” His face sours even further, a realisation dawning upon him. “Fuck, no.” 
“Isn’t that what the creepy guy from 365 Days says to the main character? That’s… no. I hate it. I hate everything. Fuck this.” 
You tilt your head back and laugh. One of your hands comes up to cup the back of Levi’s head, pressing his face to your chest. “No, no, it’s not like that. It’s… it’s an internet saying. Don’t think too much about it, yeah?” 
“You know what? I take all my questions back. I really don’t want to know.” His words are muffled. The two of you are sinking further and further into the sofa, lying almost horizontally, with him on top of you. 
Giggling, you slip your fingers through his silky hair. “You know what they say. Ignorance is bliss.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
“So why were you looking through Twitter, then, hm? You usually stay off social media for weeks on end.” 
“Why’d you think? The rest of the cast wouldn’t shut up about it in the group chat, saying I had to see what the responses to the photoshoot were…”
“By the rest of the cast,” your lips twitch with barely restrained laughter, “you mean Hange and Zeke, don’t you?” Those two always love to tease Levi about his rabid fanbase. “I honestly would not be surprised if one of those replies was Zeke on his burner account, having a laugh. You know how much he enjoys winding you up.” 
“Fucking hell. I would not put it past him, now that you mention it. Thanks for putting that weird picture into my head.” He rolls his eyes, as you laugh. 
After enjoying his morning off, Levi gets a private text from Erwin whilst he’s on his way to set: What was all the ruckus about on the cast group chat? I don’t quite understand what was so funny.  
He sighs, tapping an answer back on his phone. 
Ignorance is bliss, Erwin. 
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Please do not repost, modify or claim as your own work.
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magicalrocketships · 11 months
Hello!! I'm really excited about reading more Max/Daniel dick chicken fic (how did the last ask put it?? escalating horny/feral gay chicken sexting maxiel fic? 🤲) Do you have a snippet you could share?? Thank you!!
I DO have another snippet I can share!!
This is from a fic known subtly as Daniel and Max play Dick Chicken. The snippet I've posted already is here, and there are another couple of bits and pieces in my dick chicken tag, but I swear I can never actually make those tag links work any more, so sorry if that comes up with literally nothing. Yay, Tumblr! I promise they do exist even Tumblr insists that's a broken link.
Anyway, have some Max/Daniel rimming. (E, 1700 words. Ever so slightly edited to remove a couple of bits of context-required spoilers but it should still make sense). The entire fic should be subtitled the one where they're feral for each other. This bit is the first time they've actually got naked together and not through a phone screen.
"You are late."
"I had to shower." Daniel feels like he should protest because they never specified a time, and anyway, only one of them has travelled half the fucking globe today, and he's done most of his sleeping recently in very uncomfortable airplane seats and it is not his fault that he's completely fucking insane over Max fucking Verstappen, who— who is just pushing down his shorts. He is just getting naked in his entrance hall and looking at Daniel like Daniel is the one making strange choices. Which he is, but at least he's still fucking clothed like a fucking normal person.
"You did not need to shower to come here, Daniel," Max says. "Take your clothes off."
Daniel toes off his flip-flops and leaves his phone and keys on the hall table. "I was gross, I needed to shower."
"No," Max says, holding his hands palm up and doing a little lifting motion with them, a take your t-shirt off, please request that Daniel obeys because it's either that or… not taking his t-shirt off. "It was fine. But now you are here, and you are not naked."
This is the most they've talked since Daniel left Red Bull. This is fine. There is probably nothing to say, anyway. They both know why they're here. He tugs his koala t-shirt over his head and lets it pool on the floor, tangling with Max's discarded clothes as Daniel shoves down his shorts. He's half-hard in Max's apartment, shorts hanging off one foot, and Max has his hand cupped around his dick like he could be posing for any one of those expressionless selfies he's sent Daniel over the past few weeks.
Daniel is playing the same little song on a loop in his head and it goes what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck—
Max tilts his chin up. "I am going to lick you out and make you come, Daniel."
Cool, Daniel thinks nonsensically, as any remaining brain power he still has takes a nosedive off the nearest balcony. His dick gives up too, and just gets as hard as it's ever got before. It even gives Max a jaunty little wave. Cool. Not embarrassing.
"If you still want it, of course."
"I want it," Daniel says, and something in his brain must still be processing information because he doesn't remember deciding to say yes. It just happened while he was still trying to take in the fact that Max Verstappen is naked in front of him, with his dick out, and the world still appears to be turning on its axis like everything is fine.
Fuck, Daniel remembers when he used to be straight.
"Good," Max says, and sets off for the bedroom like Daniel is just going to follow.
Daniel follows. Max doesn't take him to the bed, though, but to the dressing table over the other side of the bedroom. There's Max's stuff on it, discarded boarding passes and stuff from his pockets and detritus from travelling. Knocked over deodorant bottles, sponsor shit he's never even bothered opening. A watch getting dusty somewhere in among the still packaged Red Bull t-shirts. There's a mirror.
Max nods towards it. "You can watch yourself," he says, like that's a normal thing to say, and he drops to his fucking knees.
Daniel looks at him for the longest moment, at Max Verstappen hard and naked and on his knees for him, weirdly expressionless but clearly waiting for Daniel to get on with it.
So: Daniel leans over the dressing table, palms flat against the surface. He spreads his legs and looks back over his shoulder at Max kneeling behind him.
Max looks up at him then. His eyes are bright. "I am going to make you come, Daniel."
"Yeah," Daniel says. His voice is hoarse. "Please."
Max adjusts his position. On his knees, directly behind him, his dick just there. Hard. Glistening wet at the tip. Daniel's mouth is dry. He licks his lips. Then Max cups Daniel's ass in his hands. Palms to his skin. "I have thought about this a lot, Daniel," he says, spreading Daniel's ass cheeks like this is a normal way to touch someone intimately for pretty much the first time. Daniel's skin already feels like touch paper. One spark and he'll be decimated. "I have come already thinking about this."
Daniel stares at himself in the mirror. He is pink. Unshaven. Eyes wide. His throat works. "Yeah?"
"Yes, very much," Max says, and then he strokes over Daniel's hole with the pad of his thumb. Daniel's hips skitter forwards, thighs hitting the dressing table. His dick bumps up against the torn plastic packaging of a new Red Bull shirt. Daniel shoves the plastic away until it's just the t-shirt. He drags his tip across the shirt. It leaves a little snail trail already. Max's thumb strokes his hole. It is disconcerting, because Max has never demonstrated a second of warming up in any of his pictures or videos. His is a hot lap approach to orgasms, fast and furious, and right now it is just his thumb. Daniel is watching himself in the mirror and it is already too much and literally nothing has happened yet. He is watching his own destruction and it is too late to stop it. He is already destroyed.
But then— Max spits on him. He spits and it runs down Daniel's ass crack and over his hole and Max gathers it up and strokes him wet. He spits again.
Daniel blurts pre come onto Max's shirt. He swallows down a groan. He is watching Rome burn but he is Rome and he's the one who lit the fucking match.
"You can make noises, Daniel," Max says. He has switched to the pads of his fingers, more than one. Daniel can feel his hole fucking flutter and it is humiliating, but it is more humiliating when he presses back against Max's fingers. But then Max leans in and Daniel feels the warmth of Max's breath on his skin and then Max presses his tongue to Daniel's hole and Daniel fucking expires.
Max is all business. He is data driven, at speed, the track a learning experience beneath his tongue. He drags his tongue up Daniel's crack, sweeps of attention that have Daniel whimpering. He laps at Daniel's hole, kitten licks, only moving away to spit on him, dirty and so, so fucking hot. He cups Daniel's balls through his legs, not gentle, never gentle, like touch is function and the only outcome is Daniel's eventual orgasm.
Daniel drowns. He drowns in the mirror, helpless to stay quiet, skin flushing pink. He presses his ass back into Max's face, and Max digs his fingers into Daniel's thigh and licks at him like it's a fucking race. Daniel melts like ice cream. When Max's thumb presses inside of him, his tongue lapping around it, Daniel cries out. He holds himself up on the flats of his palms, leaning forward until his forehead is pressed against the mirror. His breath clouds, wet and warm, steaming up the mirror.
Max's thumb is replaced by his tongue. He is inside of him. He eats Daniel out like he's starving. It is filthy hot. Spit drips down his crack. His dick leaks pre come across Max's shirt, and for a moment, Daniel longs for him to wear it afterwards. Daniel marking him up like he's his. He gasps it out into the mirror.
Max sits back, his breathing ragged. His tongue is replaced by a finger, two fingers, then he's back and there is spit and his tongue and he covers Daniel's hole with his mouth and alternately sucks and blows like it's a fucking practice session and he's trying to find the best fucking line to take a corner.
Daniel shudders through it. He shivers. He is disintegrating, Max re-arranging his molecules with his tongue, but the mirror shows him whole. A fucking mess, but whole. He reaches down to grab his dick, but he's barely got his fist wrapped around it when Max is nudging his hand away.
"I am going to make you come, Daniel," Max tells him, circling Daniel's wrist with his free hand. "Not you."
Daniel drops his chin to his chest. "You're going to," he manages. "God, Max, you're going to."
"Good," Max says, sounding satisfied, sounding breathless, and then he's spitting on Daniel's hole again and it's so fucking gross and so fucking perfect that Daniel just forgets everything but the points of connection; fingertips circling his wrist, a thumb to his pulse point, Max's nose and his lips and his fucking tongue. His other hand splayed across the top of his thigh, his thumb to Daniel's ass. The dressing table is leaving lines across the tops of his thighs. Daniel hopes they bruise, hopes he can go back home and press his hands to the marks and know that they are there because he went looking for knives and he found Max.
He found Max. God, he's going to come. He's going to fucking come, and it's going to be with his dick untouched because Max is still holding his wrist. Max's mouth circles his hole again, lips pressed to his skin. Max blows. Max's tongue tickles him, laps at his rim, slips inside again.
Daniel shudders, shivers, trembles. He tips over into orgasm almost without permission, pulsing come over Max's new Red Bull shirt, his dusty watch, a discarded bottle of Right Guard. A single condom, still in its wrapper. He presses his forehead to the mirror and watches come seep into Max's shirt.
Max licks him through it, until Daniel's pretty much pushing him away, over-sensitive and out of it. He drops to his elbows on the dressing table, hands to his face. He breathes. Behind him, Max gets to his feet. His hand goes to Daniel's hip. To the small of his back. Down over his ass, spreading his cheeks again. He's jerking off. Daniel knows without looking, he knows those sounds.
He shifts so he can watch in the mirror. He meets Max's gaze. He's flushed, his face a mess, his hair everywhere. Pre come drips onto Daniel's ass. His hand blurs.
"Come on me," Daniel tells him. "Please, Max. Please."
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epickiya722 · 3 months
I do not know if it was you, or another blogger that made a character analysis of Gojo that made me like the character and discover more about him through the manga.
While I never read the manga before or watched the anime, I had been exposed to it by my friends and some BNHA bloggers. Back then, I found Gojo to be overhyped (discount Kakashi) while liking the animation(?) style, bit still no interest.
BNHA and its Endeavour Redemption arc in the doing was tiring me to the point that I stopped reading it and manga altogether. For mayne six months or so, until now, at least. I randomly found your blog last week , and it got me a new hyper fixation 😃. You got me to start reading JJK (Megan cos playing also helps).
I bought Number 0 and Number 1 of the mangas. Only to remember midway in Number 0 that Walmart Kakashi will be snapped in two like a Kit Kat🥲. I saw that leak in one of the BNHA blogs, and I didn't mind it back then since I wasn't in the fandom, but Lord, now it sucks.
Anyways, all this long rant to say that I like reading your posts.
Gojo, rest in pain, I guess?
Probably was someone else, I don't write much analysis posts about Gojo. I think once or twice I did, I can't recall. Probably reblogged one though you saw!
I don't know, they're really just two different characters to me. Also... I was never really an active reader or watcher of Naruto like that (just very familiar) so when I first saw Gojo, Kakashi didn't register to me at all.
Like, I did not get similar vibes at all. And it actually annoys me that people will be like "He copied Kakashi's flow"! Kakashi ain't the only white haired, face covering character out there with magical eyes, y'all stop. 😆
Even funnier when, by this point, Gojo has probably been unmasked more than he has been wearing something on his face and switches up what he puts on his face. Kakashi been wearing the same mask for...? Also, didn't it take years for Kakashi's whole face to be shown or something? Took like seven episodes for Gojo to show that face.
I always been a fan of Megan's music and then when I found out she was into anime I was like "YYYYYEEEEEAAAAH". She cosplayed as Miruko one Halloween and it made my year. I am a former believer that Miruko would vibe to her music.
Just seeing other Black women being unapologetic fans of anime (or anything) does wonders for me and I hate it when people act as if it's such a foreign idea to understand. Honey, we can have interests, too, like everyone else. It's normal.
I always try to be careful about spoilers for anything I'm into. Like, I can talk about a chapter that happened two years ago, but I'll still mark as a spoiler because I know some people don't read Mangas or even if they do haven't caught up to that specific part.
That actually what set me off when Usher cosplayed as Gojo because he literally put "rest in peace, Gojo" or something along those lines and the amount of people who weren't even aware of 236... like bro, come on.
I knew it just had to be a marketing tactic because I know damn well Usher ain't seen JJK a day in his life and how convenient it is he comes out with that cosplay around the time when "Daddy's Home" becomes a fairly popular song used in Gojo's edits. I can't go watching one video on YouTube without hearing that song play when Gojo pops up. And even if he has... WHY WOULD YOU TAG IT LIKE THAT?!
Oh, but Megan definitely doesn't know any of the characters she be cosplaying, alright... okay... 🙄
I'm just going off on a whole tangent here, I apologize for that. I've been sick for like three days and just woke up from a nap. 😅
Also, thank you! Glad you enjoy my posts!! Anytime anyone says they like reading my posts, I still get shocked. They're really are just random thoughts I been having and really I'm still learning grasping the characters and story myself. And this is just for any. I don't even for them to get read, let alone for anyone to actually agree with me. I guess because, at the end of the day, I really just needed to throw a thought out there before I lose it or keep rethinking about it over and over.
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“Answer the damn question Miguel,” | Miguel O'hara
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Miguel O'hara x F!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for ATSV, mentions of alcohol consumption, arguing, angst, strong language, not beta-read or proof-read, implied mother of Gabriella
Word Count: 700
A/N: This is kinda a test to see if my tags are working. But also a midnight burst of creativity that kinda went off the rails. Anyways hope you like it!
Likes, re-blogs and comments are appreciated!
“You look so much like him you know,” You said as he walked into your home. 
A bottle of red on the table with a half empty glass. He had come to learn you didn’t like wine as much in this universe. Half an empty glass translated to about an hour of waiting at the table. Waiting for him to come home. 
“What are you talking about?” He said in the doorway, not having even put down his keys yet. He knew something was up. That little arch in your brow gave it away. 
“It’s silly really,” You breathed out, swirling your glass, “I never thought you would be Spider-man in another universe,” 
“Babe, are you okay?” He asked, walking over to you.
You immediately stood up from where you were, backing yourself up away from him. 
“Babe, what’s going on?” He asked, slowing his pace, reaching his hand out for you, “Just talk to me here,”
“Our first apartment, why did we want to move out of it?” You quizzed him, grabbing a steak knife for protection. 
“What is this all about?”
“Answer the damn question Miguel,” You threatened. Your breath was getting heavier as you started to pant.
“Woah- cálmate, Gabriella is going to hear you,” He tried calming you.
“Gabriella is at a friend’s house,” You replied, “Now answer the fucking question,” 
Miguel gawked at your sudden change. You had been perfectly fine since he left for work, making him a piece of toast with peanut butter on it right as he went out the door. A year into living in this universe and it was a dream he never wanted to wake up from. At least until now. 
“Why is this so important to you babe?” He asked, still trying to reach out to you, “Did something happen at the lab? I know you’ve been stressed about the collider not-”
“Answer the question!” You warned him, “I won’t ask again Miguel,”
“Mold infestation,” He simply replied.
You stared at him for a second before he decided to continue, “They found mold in one of the neighboring units, and made everyone clear out. We stayed the night with your friends for a week and then found a new place right before Gabriella was born,”
You took a deep breath and glanced away from him, the kitchen knife now at your hip.
“I said why did we want to move out Miguel, not why did we have to move out,” You replied in a low voice. 
“What’s the difference? We still ended up moving, the boxes weren’t any lighter that weekend,” He chuckled, but you remained stoic.
“You don’t remember Miguel?” You shook your head clearing becoming more frustrated, you sat down in a seat again, only this time at the seat furthest away from him. You were looking around the room, everywhere but him, “We had been looking for a new apartment for months, does that not ring a bell? We were looking because of you! Because of those god-damn peanut trees!”
Miguel remembered looking up your old apartment building when he first came. The building was gross and dingy, and probably had a million code violations. Mold just happened to be the only one the inspector caught that day.  Your apartment was not really any better than your neighbor’s. There was never any hot water for the first year and you were sandwiched between that family that liked to watch MTV on full blast and an aspiring DJ. 
“Babe, they were just peanut trees,” He said taking a seat on the other side of the table, “Hardly as bad as mold,”
“Miguel, anyone in the last ten years could have looked the building report in a public health database to see that there was mold,” You said as your fingers furiously tapping on the surface of the table and your lips pursed for a moment, “But only my husband would’ve known that we were looking to move because he was mildly allergic to the peanut that grew nearby,” 
And then it clicked for Miguel. You had given him a piece of peanut butter toast this morning. And nothing had happened. He took a bite, kissed you on the lips and walked out the door. He was completely unaware that you were testing him. And he had failed. 
“Who are you Miguel?” You asked, eyes glaring at him, “Because you’re not my damn husband,”
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ritz-writes · 7 months
@celestialcrowley said shed want to see some of my wing fic, and that was all the prompting i needed lmao. so heres the first 1800 words of
who needs wings when you have a boyfriend
Fandom: Good Omens (no season 2 spoilers) Relationships: Crowley/Aziraphale (pre-relationship) Tags/Warnings: injury, wing fic, angst, hurt/comfort, torture (implied/referenced), dismemberment (wings), whump, fainting, hurt aziraphale, worried crowley
Word Count: 1,876
THIS IS A WIP. It is open ended because it's not finished, and probably wont be for a long time. It is also not beta-read, so there will be errors. Do not repost anywhere else.
Aziraphale loved having Crowley over. It was his favorite activity, just talking to the demon. Just being in Crowley’s presence made him feel better, made him feel complete.
He couldn’t tell if he was distraught or relieved that Crowley wasn’t in the bookshop now.
Aziraphale had been standing in the middle of the shop for about an hour now, too scared to move. He had been called up to Heaven earlier. Gabriel was there, of course, as he always was. He always had something to nag Aziraphale about. Rightfully so, Aziraphale knew of course, though he honestly couldn’t remember what it was about this time around. But Gabriel started going on a rant about multiple chances and learning lessons.
For a moment, Aziraphale thought he was about to Fall like Crowley had. A part of him wished that was what happened. Perhaps it would have been less painful.
But instead, Gabriel took his wings.
“A necessary punishment,” he had said. “Temporary, of course.”
Angel wings couldn’t be stripped away so simply, at least not permanently. Unless God Herself took them, or someone acting on Her behalf, they would eventually grow back within a month. But an angel’s wings were more than just an extra limb. It was a part of them, a part of Aziraphale. Having them ripped away left him empty.
Not only that, but it hurt. His throat was still raw from screaming. Gabriel had been none too gentle about it, telling him it was his own fault. A part of Aziraphale believed him—why else would Gabriel being doing it, after all. Another part didn’t, the voice in his head sounding an awful lot like Crowley.
He almost felt content with just standing in the middle of his shop for the next month. The store was closed and the windows were covered. If he was lucky—or maybe it was unlucky—Crowley would be away on a mission for the next few weeks, and Aziraphale could act like nothing had happened when he returned.
Aziraphale knew it was just shock and depression. Having your wings ripped off felt like having a piece of your soul stolen. It wasn’t pleasant physically, and emotionally and mentally was a whole other thing.
He knew he should call Crowley, tell him what happened, but he couldn’t get his body to respond. And even if he could move, he wasn’t sure he wanted to. He knew as soon as he did just how badly his back would burn and ache. His legs felt numb, but he was far too scared to sit down on the couch behind him. Even the smallest brush against the fabric would be too much for him to bear.
Aziraphale held back a flinch. He blinked, not having noticed Crowley entering the shop.
Crowley took off his glasses, blow furrowed as he took in the angels appearance. “You alright?”
Aziraphale opened his mouth, but no words came out. He could feel his emotions starting to come back slowly, his eyes burning.
Crowley moved closer. “Aziraphale? What’s wrong?”
“Crowley.” He meant to say more, but that was all he could manage, which seemed to make the demon more concerned.
Crowley scanned the bookshop before his gaze landed back on him. “Aziraphale, what happened? Are you hurt?”
“I got… called up to Heaven.”
Crowley’s face spasmed between anger and worry. “When?”
Aziraphale glanced to the windows, suddenly noticing the sun was no longer out. Maybe it had been a bit longer than he originally thought. “I… I’m not entirely sure, really.”
“Well, what did they want?”
Aziraphale swallowed, grimacing as the action aggravated his throat. “Gabriel. He was angry. I-I made a mistake, I think. He...” His emotions were beginning to overwhelm him, his vision starting to blur with tears. “H-He said it was a necessary punishment. Temporary.”
“Punishment? Angel, what happened?”
Aziraphale’s mouth quivered, a tear slipping down his face.
“Aziraphale.” Crowley cupped his face, gently but firmly, wiping the tear away. “What. Did he do to you?”
“He took my wings.”
He said it with such a quiet, steady tone, one that didn’t match his feelings at all. His heart was racing, mind spiraling out of control. His breathing began to slowly speed up, finally coming to terms with what happened and what he lost.
Crowley looked mortified. He said something, but Aziraphale couldn’t hear him over the sudden ringing in his ears. His wings were gone. His wings were gone. He would get them back eventually, but they were gone.They were ripped from him, and he could still feel the burn of the pain, the agony etched into his brain and back. He felt like he was going to throw up or pass out.
He didn’t realize his body had picked the latter until his legs buckled and his vision went dark.
Distantly, he could hear Crowley yell his name.
Aziraphale floated along the edge of awareness. All his senses were watered down, though he didn’t really mind it. Having them muddled meant he couldn’t feel his back.
When he finally started to float back up to consciousness, he tried to fight it. He didn’t want to be awake or aware. He just wanted to stay in his little void until his wounds healed, or maybe until his punishment was over.
But there was an oh so familiar voice calling his name softly, a voice he never could figure out how to ignore.
Aziraphale groaned, nearly a whine, into the pillow against his cheek, squeezing his eyes shut as his nerves came back online.
“Angel? You with me?”
Aziraphale made a noise of disagreement.
Crowley hummed in understanding. “Yeah, I’m sure. How’re you feeling?”
Aziraphale took a breath and cracked open his eyes. He was on his stomach, arms at his sides, laying on something soft that certainly wasn’t his sofa. His eyes blurred then focused, Crowley’s face coming into view. His hair was rustled and his glasses were off.
“Awful,” he answered, throat raw. He closed his eyes again, trying very hard to ignore the burn on his back. “What am I laying on?”
“Miracled a bed after you took a swan dive,” Crowley explained. “Since you still haven’t gotten one.” He blew out a large breath. “Right. I need to take off your shirt now.”
Aziraphale’s eyes flew open. “I beg your pardon?”
“I need to see the…” He gestured over Aziraphale’s back.
Aziraphale paled, unable to look Crowley in the eyes. “Ah.” He shifted, then winced, barely holding back a yell from the pain. “Why didn’t you just do it when I was asleep?”
“Unconscious,” Crowley corrected tightly. “And I’m a demon, not an animal. Wasn’t gonna without your permission. Besides, I can’t actually take your wings out myself. You have to do it.”
Aziraphale frowned and pressed his face farther into the pillow. He made his decision. He much rather Crowley had been on a mission right now. Anything to keep from having to release whatever was left of his wings. “I’d much rather just ignore them, if I’m being honest.”
Crowley sighed. “I’m going to actually burn Gabriel alive for making me have to ask this, but…” He leaned forward, an expression anger and regret evident on his face. “Did he… were they cut or pulled?”
Aziraphale shut his eyes tight as the memory passed over him. The blood, the fear, the pain. “...Pulled. One was—” he held back a gag, “One was snapped, I believe.”
Crowley breathed in. “I’m going to murder him,” he growled quietly, before saying gently, “Angel, I have to look. Without your wings, you could get an infection or something. You know that.”
He did know that. Having your wings torn from you left you at the mercy of illnesses and diseases while outside of Heaven. And if they were ripped out it was more than likely going to end up infected in some way.
So, despite not wanting to, Aziraphale nodded in permission.
His waistcoat, shirt, and tie were miracled away and he had to physically stop himself from shivering, knowing it would upset his back. He slowly moved his arms up to hold onto the pillow, grunting and tearing up as he did so. After giving himself a moment, he took a few shaky breaths before commanding his wings to emerge.
He immediately had to muffled his wails with the pillow.
The pain was indescribable. There was an awful ache where his wings met his back, while the wings themselves were burning. It felt like they were on fire, even though they weren’t even there, at least not in full. By the time he fully materialized them he was panting, nearly sobbing into the pillow.
“Fuck,” Crowley breathed. “What did they do to you?”
Aziraphale knew it was a rhetorical question, but turned his face to answer anyway, if only to make the demon feel better. “It’s… it’s only t-temporary.”
“Temporary or not, this is insane!” Crowley covered his mouth with a shaky hand. “Shit.”
Aziraphale flinched, biting his tongue to hold back another cry, as Crowley laid a hand on his shoulder.
“I can’t heal it, but… I might be able to take the pain away. Not fully, but I can take the edge off at least.”
Aziraphale almost sobbed again. The pain was already unbearable, but it suddenly felt worse when presented with the option to ease it. “Yes, please, please.”
Crowley’s hand tightened on his shoulder. “It won’t be pleasant. No, scratch that. It’s gonna hurt like Hell. Literally. Only for a few seconds, but—”
“I can handle it. Just do it, Crowley, please!”
There was a beat of silence as Crowley pressed his free hand against his spine, just underneath the damage.
Then agony.
Aziraphale screamed as the burning suddenly got worse, writhing under Crowley’s hold. “I know, Angel, I know—I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Just hold still. It’s almost over.”
Aziraphale clenched his teeth, almost afraid he was going to break them. It hurt, it hurt, God it hurt so much. It felt like his wings were being stolen again, only this time they were being thrown into Hellfire while still attached to him. It danced along his feathers, his back, his bones. It tore him apart from the inside, turning him to ash. It was excruciating.
Then, just as quickly as the pain had started, it stopped.
Aziraphale’s body went limp in the bed, his body trembling in short bursts and his breaths coming in ragged and heavy. His back was blessedly numb. Well, not fully. He could still feel the pain, but it might as well have been numb when compared to how it felt before.
He turned his face away from the pillow, opening his eyes. He tried to thank Crowley, or maybe apologize for screaming, but he couldn’t get his mouth to work, only managed to let out a few garbled sounds. Everything felt hazy. His vision was hazy too, everything darkening at the edges.
Crowley leaned into view. Just like when he first showed up, Aziraphale could see his mouth moving, but couldn’t make out the words, the sound warbled and far away.
His eyes slipped closed to the feeling of a hand in his hair.
maybe if enough ppl like where this is going ill get more ideas for how to continue it. i have another 2700 words written, i just dont know how to continue it
hope yall liked this lil bit tho
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hils79 · 9 months
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 1
It's time for another k-drama and this is another one that got recommended to me a few years back when I first started watching Asian dramas. Apparently 2023 is the year I finally watch the stuff that was recommended to me in 2020 😅
I don't think this will follow my usual 2 episodes per evening usual schedule. These episodes are LONG. The first one is an hour and a half. That's the length of a movie.
So, probably one episode per day for now but I'm off work all of next week so I'll have time for more then.
This one, at least, I'm sort of vaguely aware of the plot but like everything else I don't know any spoilers or anything.
And I'll need to figure out how to tag this because this drama has about 10 different titles.
But for now, let's go!
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Hmm...this does not sound like it's going to have a happy ending
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Okay, that is clearly a young woman wearing quite bad old person makeup and prosthetics
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Oh, I know him! From Train to Busan apparently
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I love that we've switched to widescreen for the dramatic flashback
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After joking that this episode is as long as a movie it kind of feels like it too. Everything is Very Dramatic
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I don't know what it says about me that this dude has just asked his second in command to kill him and I instantly started to ship them
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Ahhhh I forgot Lee Dong Wook was in this. Look at his little face.
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Oh no I love them
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I really hope he is dramatic like this through the whole drama.
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Look, I know this is a supernatural drama, but good lord how is she still alive after losing that much blood
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Oh I forgot this was a flashback to the 90s. So the unborn baby of the woman he saved on a whim is going to grow up to save him. Aww, that's nice.
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Ooh she can see things that other people can't
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Oh shit! Did not see that coming
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His hat is so stupid and I love him
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Aww I know him from Mystic Pop Up Bar
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Yep see that's who was under the old woman makeup
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Slow motion walking in the rain. An important part of any kdrama
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Look at all those candles. I see he's decided to embrace the full brooding gothic stereotype by living in a candlelit mansion even though it clearly has electricity
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Wow I hope she gets rescued from her terrible abusive family soon
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Okay, this is cute
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Yeah...these two need to bang
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Oh my god do they live together now?
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Well, this just got awkward
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Just what every girl wants to hear from their guardian god
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Well, that was way more fun than I was expecting. I just wish the episodes weren't so damn long. I'll watch another one tomorrow
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dabislilbaby · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Two ppl actually tagged me in this so thank you @malewifetouya and @happyely 🖤🖤🖤
Sadly some of my most favorite projects are ones that are still sitting in my drafts unfinished 😭 but out of all the ones I've posted these are the ones I'm most proud of <3
"Come Home" — Deku:
I don't even know if this would be considered a fic?? Cuz honestly this was such a short little thing that I wrote in under like 15 minutes 😭 probably the shortest amount of time it's taken me to ever write literally anything. But it was after I watched S6 E136 and literally that night I had a dream where this whole scene was played out in my head. And it just felt so dramatic in the right ways and just raw emotion that I had to write it down. And it's STILL my most liked post on this entire blog😭 but honestly understandable bc sometimes I go back and read it and I'm just like "damn wait I wrote that????" lmfaoo
"Only for you, Toshi" — Shinsou:
Completely opposite from the last one, this is actually the longest thing I've ever written. (that's posted anyway, there's a few longer still in my drafts) I just feel like Shinsou doesn't get enough love but he definitely deserves it😭❤️ all my friends that read it said they really enjoyed it and I'm just really happy with how it came out after working on it for a couple weeks, and that not touching it for a few months and then coming back to it only to finish it in like 2 days lmao
"Attention" — Dabi:
Now this wouldn't be a post about my fics if I didn't include something for my absolute favorite character in the entire show🖤 this fic was very self indulgent bc I'm such a brat🤭 and I'm convinced that Dabi is the king of brat taming. Fun fact, the outfit I described is something I literally own in my closet 😂
"Secrets" — BakuDeku x reader [UNFINISHED]:
This is a multi-part series I'm co-writing with my bsf @haru-x-ren on a joint account we made. (@bunny-x-haru if you'd like to follow) it's currently still a work in progress with only a few parts released, but it is a continuation of a 2 part fic I wrote when I first started called "You're the Only Thing That Makes Sense" — Bakugo So I do recommend reading this one first before Secrets for context and background info. I feel like you can really see my growth in writing from then to now, cuz that was like literally the second thing I ever posted lol. And Haru was literally my biggest fan bc he's the one that got me into writing fanfic<3 so after he read it, he had this absolutely BRILLIANT idea (spoiler) to take the scene I wrote where bakugo and deku were caught fighting after school hours (similar to that scene from season....2? When Bakugo learned about OFA) and turn it into a BakuDeku love triangle and I was honestly obsessed with the idea
And lastly
"For Your Eyes Only" — Dabi:
Another one for my fav<3 this one was for his birthday and is very nasty🤭 also with a little bit of fluff at the end bc I am indeed a hopeless romantic with no romance🥲 also, the cover photo is most definitely the reaction I was imagining when he walks into the room lmao
Side Note:
I know it's been a while since I've posted any writing and I am so sorry 😭 I guess I've just been in a little bit of a funk when it comes to my creativity lately. I mean I've got plenty, and I do mean PLENTY of ideas written down, but Im having a hard time executing them and turning them into something I can post. But I promise I'll get back to posting as soon as I can and I'm really sorry to everyone who has been waiting for stuff😭 I appreciate your patience❤️
Here's 5 other writers I recommend<3
@cathwritestragediesnotsins @aquadenks @kemakoshume @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic + any other writers who'd like to make ur own posts<3
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midnightrings · 6 months
Okay, I decided to write down my predictions for the last episode. They might change throughout the week – especially as I’m planning to rewatch all the other episodes before the finale. But this is what I feel might happen as of now.
(under the cut due to spoilers, obviously – also: TW for mention of suicide)
First things first, the synopsis states that Tim will make a wrenching decision and combined with the title of the episode, I immediately got the feeling that the decision might be (assisted) suicide. From what I’ve seen in the tags, I’m definitely not the only one thinking that. Of course, this could also be a red herring – a synopsis is not supposed to spoil anything but meant to make you want to watch that episode. So this decision could be anything. However, Tim had 2 seizures by now, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he decides to end his suffering by himself.
Another possibility is that Tim will decide to refuse medical help of some sort. My guess is that he might decide to leave the hospital against the doctors’ recommendations, which might lead to his death. We’ve seen how passionate he was within his work and activism, so maybe he’ll decide to fight instead of resting, knowing that it’ll barely make a difference either way.
This is also where Hawk’s storyline comes in. I think that Hawk will decide to stand by Tim’s side for once, possibly even come out – to some extent, at least – in the process. Lucy will probably set him another ultimatum, but he might refuse to choose this time. He won’t abandon his family, because he does love them, but neither do I see him abandoning Tim either. So he might try and find a way for himself to combine his two lives.
Speaking of Lucy’s possible ultimatum, I can definitely see her try and convince Tim to send Hawk away. However, she’s been shown to be quite compassionate, so I’m not sure whether she’ll be able to confront Tim face-to-face while he is dying. Perhaps, her words will still convince him in one way or another to tell Hawk to let him go, but I can’t imagine it to be malicious in any way. And I believe that her ultimatum will probably be that she decides to leave Hawk. She, too, deserves to be free from him. I can see their marriage coming to an end here – be it through divorce or just deciding to live separate lives.
What I’m most curious about is what will happen in ’57. I feel like the final episode will mostly focus on the 80s – there’s still a lot left to unpack here. And with each episode, I’m less convinced that they kept Hawk’s betrayal from the book. Maybe I’m wrong, but at this point, Hawk has done more than enough to explain their relationship in the 80s. If I didn’t know that their 50s storyline isn’t finished yet, I wouldn’t expect anything more to happen. Maybe the ’57 scenes are only there because this is when their relationship ended in the book, and instead of focusing solely on the 80s and Tim’s inevitable death, they decided to add some happy moments too. Of course, it didn’t work out between them back then, so something must have happened, but it might not be that dramatic. Or maybe I’m just trying to convince myself that the final episode won’t wreck me completely and that there’s something to look forward to lmao
Overall, I have the feeling that maybe Hawk and Tim will make the mutual decision to say goodbye before Tim dies. So instead of Hawk running away or Tim pushing him away, they will part ways on their own terms this time. What I hope most for is that Hawk will tell Tim that he loves him. I’m prepared for everything else but I need Hawk to finally be open and honest with Tim before the whole thing is over.
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kaiannae · 1 year
Starling Bath Scene part 7
(Formerly random starlingverse snippet #9)
Since the chaces of a chapter this week are slim to none, I thought I'd share another excerpt instead. In continuum with the last one. I opt to tag this mature for the sensuality of it, though its not explicit and the sensuality is not intentional. But just in casies. Warning! This may contain spoilers for Starling. May, as in, I am not sure if it will be canon. as of now, it is a oneshot divergent future XD
"I- I’m sorry, I shouldn't have-" he tried to offer some kind of apology, some form of lament, to salvage some tiny bit of his value in Caleb's eyes, but the human's arms tightened around him, making his words stall on his lips as his mind went weak at the metaphorical knees with the closeness of the contact.
"It's alright, Sternchen. Don't fret. I don't mind. You’ve kept me together through much worse, remember?" he pointed out gently, fingers rubbing circles onto Essek's shoulder blades. He settled into the touch, like a nervous steed settling at a master's stroke, and the comparison struck him as woefully appropriate. Wasn’t it what he was, to crave that simple gentling reserved for a pet? Wasn't he so simple minded to crave that which had him subjugated for so long? But if he was brutally honest with himself, that's exactly what he craved. The ethereal, invisible hole in his chest where the Bond used to be hooked ached hollowly, pulsing with the phantom sensation of thoughts brushing against his own, of a presence, a guide, a tether mooring him to reality. It was gone, all gone, and he felt adrift, as if any part of him could float away at any point.
He said nothing, hiding his face in Caleb's shirt so that the human couldn't see the damning evidence on his face, the weakness therein, the way his lip trembled at every little touch of those familiar, calloused hands against his skin. He hid his gasp as Caleb's fingers brushed against his ear before taking hold of the cartilage, quickly and deftly removing the jewelry he had foolishly left there. The touch was maddening, and much to his horror he found himself mouthing the coarse fabric of the human’s shirt to muffle the small, brittle sounds of delight his treacherous body was trying to emit as fingers smoothed along his ear ridges. He couldn't quite quell the shivers going down his spine, though, and he prayed Caleb would take those as symptoms of his panic.
Mercifully, woefully, his body was confused as to which of the two, the fingers left a moment later. He felt Caleb stretch and reach out of the tub, and heard a little 'mrrp' as what was probably one of the tower's cats handed Caleb what he was seeking. A moment later, a warm, damp cloth touched between his shoulder blades and he plastered himself tighter against Caleb's torso as the cloth started rubbing across his skin, guided by Caleb's hand.
"Let me, Starling. You don’t have to do anything. You just need to let yourself feel good, and allow me to take care of you," Caleb's voice rumbled against his ear, a balm on his troubled mind.
"You shouldn't have to-" he started to object. Surely, he could manage washing himself. Surely he could be trusted with that mundane, menial task, right? He stomped violently on the part of his mind that helpfully tried to remind him of all the times since Caleb had left that he stood before the bath and couldn't bring himself to get in; of all the times he sat in an inch of water and devolved into a full panic attack. Of all the times he opted to prestidigitate himself rather than brave the touch of water on his skin, or the press of a damp cloth against his face. Surely, with Caleb right there, he could muster up the courage to wash on his own?
The press of Caleb's lips against the crown of his head stilled his spiraling thoughts as effectively as a frost spell on a vat of water.
"I want to, Essek. Let me. It is the very least I can do," Caleb murmured against his hair. Oh it was so unfair, so very skewed, the fact Caleb still thought he owed Essek anything, anything at all. The debt leaned the other way around, and it was a heavy one, as heavy as the gravity of a life. Essek wanted to growl at him, to rekindle the old argument about worth and favors owed, but he couldn't bring himself to aggravate the human, not with the water all around him. If Caleb left him here in his ire, Essek would crumble into pieces. So he simply nodded, and allowed for the care of this human he adored too much to tether him to Essek's unworthy self.
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oracleflown · 10 months
stephcass week, day 2: first kiss
short fic i banged out in an hour because Feelings. happy stephcass to all who celebrate
cross-posted to ao3 !!
synopsis: Steph is back in Gotham. It's no secret. Cass wants to leave Gotham. Now they'll share a secret.
It’s… Well, it’s not really a secret anymore. Stephanie is back in Gotham, going to school, living it up every night as Spoiler. Once again. One more chance. She studies, goes to parties, and takes every opportunity to punch criminals as hard as she can. 
So, it’s not a secret. She’s not dead. Never really was. She’s not trying to hide it.
Steph has always been the type to look opposition in the face and not back down. It doesn’t matter who’s pissed at her, it doesn’t matter what she did, this, Spoiler, is who she is and she can’t run from it anymore. Why would she try to hide it?
Confronting the past is easier on paper. 
Cassandra watches her silently from behind her dark mask. When she is Batgirl, she is impossible to read. Nearly imperceptible at all. Steph thinks that’s probably the point. She can’t even bring herself to look at her friend, but she feels her eyes trained on her back.
They’re standing on a fire escape, silent. Classic, Steph thinks. The apartment window beside them is dark, building abandoned. Steph watches the street, the only movement from the shadows of cars and people passing by in under yellow street lamps. How Gothic.
Stephanie pulls back her hood.
It’s been no secret, but that doesn’t make Stephanie feel any less guilty. Not just guilty for what she did, her own lack of thought, her own recklessness, but also for running away. She never told her friends, the very people she did what she did for, that she was okay. Alive, at least.
There was a reason she ran, and she would never regret accepting Leslie’s help (there’s not a lot of options left for you after you’ve so royally screwed up). Still, there had been a part of her, all this time, that ached specifically for Cass, for the connection they shared. 
“Spoiler,” is all that Cass says. 
When Steph turns around, she’s surprised to see that her friend has also pulled back her hood. She is biting her lip, and her eyes are filled with a kind of sadness that Steph wouldn’t need to be a master of body language to see. 
It’s been no secret, but maybe Cass was still surprised when she found out. Maybe Cass had wanted the rumors so badly to be true that believing in them felt like all the confirmation she needed to know they weren’t. Maybe Cass had dreamed of this. Of reunion. Guilt washes over Steph’s whole body.
“I missed you.” Cass says. “So much.”
Steph pulls her into a hug. At first, she feels Cass stiffen. Then she relaxes. Then she hugs back.
“I missed you too,” Steph whispers into her friend’s neck. 
It’s only a couple months later, but it feels like little eternities every time they are apart. Yes, it hurts to miss something, someone, you don’t think you can have anymore, but it hurts even more to know that they’re out there, waiting for you. 
Still, there are cases to work, paths to cross, games of tag to play across rooftops. Steph and Cass can still work well together. They spend time together at night when Cass isn’t busy working for Barbara and Steph isn’t busy with school. To put it another way, they don’t get to see each other very often. 
Steph has been avoiding Barbara, too afraid to face her wrath. Really, she’s been avoiding most of the Bats, except for Tim. And Cass, of course. They were both so ready to forgive her, in a way that she imagines would be hard for the others. 
Cass, who has always been slightly distant, becomes even more so. Bruce is dead, Steph has picked up that much. It’s not like it’s a secret.
It’s raining that night, but Steph won’t even remember that. All she remembers in the lead-up is a cryptic text from Cass, an address and a time. Steph arrives five minutes early.
When Cass arrives, she seems closed off, like she’s shutting down. Her movements seem stiff where they would usually be smooth, relaxed, around Steph. And, as a master of body language, she’s gotten pretty good at masking her own. Steph instantly knows something is deeply wrong. 
The conversation isn’t long, and there isn’t a lot Steph can even say. Cass has made up her mind. 
After she’s shoved the Batgirl costume into Steph’s hands, she turns around to, presumably, disappear. The rain is tapering off, and Steph wipes it from her face onto her sleeve.
Steph drops the costume to the rooftop and steps close behind Cass. She freezes and Steph comes around to face her, gripping her shoulders. 
“Listen to me,” Steph says. “You don’t have to do this. You could stay.” Stay with me, are the words between the lines.
“I don’t want to.” Cass avoids Steph’s eyes, staring at her shoes.
“I didn’t want to either, but… This life, this craziness, it isn’t so easy to shake off. It will follow you.” Steph makes promises easily, she speaks so easily. But this has weight.
Cass’ head dips at the mention of Steph’s death. Her brow wrinkles.
“Let go of me,” she says without malice. Steph doesn’t. Cass, trained assassin, trained fighter, doesn’t make any move.
“I can’t let you leave,” Steph admits. “Not after I came back with no one to go to. Not after you were there for me, accepted me.”
Steph feels her breath become shaky. Her body feels cold, distant, her entire attention focused on the moment, on Cass’ pained expression. “You’re my best friend,” she says. 
“You’re mine, too.”
Rarely the initiator, Cass pulls Steph into a tight hug. “I think I need you.”
“I think I need you, too.”
Cass sighs, heavy. Her posture slumps. Water tracks down her face. “I have to leave, Stephanie. Nothing makes sense anymore. I have to figure out why.”
“Please don’t leave,” Steph all but begs. “You can stay here. Figure things out here.”
“I can’t.”
“Then…” Steph struggles to find the right words. There’s too much severity in Cass’ voice. Too much finality. It can’t just end like this. A crazy thought occurs to her. “You’ve still never been kissed, right?”
“Whatever,” Steph cuts her off. “Just kiss me. Now. And remember that I’m here, waiting for you. Please.”
Cass doesn’t say anything, face screwed up in sadness. Finally, she meets Steph’s eyes. There’s a plea there, one that Steph will think about for the rest of her life. Cass wants Steph to understand, but Steph doesn’t know if she can. Not after she’s gone and come back and nothing has really changed.
Cass wants it all to change. Maybe things have changed. Steph can’t accept it.
She also wants understanding. She wants Cass to understand why she came back, why she was always coming back, why she couldn’t stay away.
Steph forced things to change. They didn’t. Cass doesn’t want to accept it.
Still, Cass leans gently forward, and kisses Steph. It’s soft at first, just a brush of lips. Steph pushes into it and then it’s full and everything and the best kiss she’s ever had. Warmth spreads across her face, her chest, and soon it’s all she can feel. Cass’s hand slides up the back of Steph’s head, pushing through her hair, pushing them closer together. 
Finally, they come up for air. Steph wants to stay in this moment forever.
“I love you,” Steph blurts. 
“I love you too.” Cass smiles, bittersweet. “Thank you. For waiting for me. I’ll be back soon.”
Steph reaches up to feel her face, confirming the blush that’s there. 
She’s the one who turns away first, walking past Cass to where she’s abandoned the costume. Even though it’s ripped, fabric worn, Steph can imagine herself in it. She can picture herself honoring the legacy Cass has left her. When she turns around, after a while, Cass is gone.
She’ll be back, Steph thinks. I just have to hold down the fort until then. 
The memory of the kiss stays on her skin. 
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hopewritcs · 2 years
hold me close, hold me forever.
pairing: eddie munson x reader
word count: 2.9k
request from anonymous: could you please do wait & inhale with eddie?? thank you sm!!
notes: ( [ WAIT ]:  realizing the receiver is about to leave the room, the sender hastily reaches out and catches their wrist, preventing them from continuing their departure. /  [ INHALE ]:  while standing in very close quarters to the receiver, the sender shakily inhales with desire/anticipation as they realize how intimately close they are to one another. ) set outside of current canon timeline, ie no major s4 spoilers other than eddie being a character. 
stranger things tag list: tba ! ( i’ve refreshed my tag lists. if you want to be added, please send me a message ! )
He was never supposed to be yours. 
Eddie Munson was not supposed to be the guy standing in the room with you, so said everyone you were friends with, so said your parents and their friends. Even the teachers would make comments around school. 
Munson? They said. He wasn’t worth your time. He was a high school has been, never was, repeater who would probably still not graduate this year even though they over heard him say “this year was my year” at least a dozen times. 
You, however, felt the total opposite way. While Eddie Munson wasn’t supposed to be yours -- you were in two totally different crowds in school -- he was the person who you wanted to be with. 
Somehow the summer between your junior year and senior year ( and Eddie’s senior years repeating ) the two of you had found your way to each other. Between Hawkins being a small town, and bumping into Eddie at local hangouts and the record shop the two of you had wound up on the quick slide from friends to more than. 
You had been at the record shop when you first bumped into him that summer, seeing him in the Hellfire Club shirt and rolling your eyes with a small chuckle while you browsed through the new vinyl selections. 
Eddie turned his attention to you, as you and he ( and the person behind the desk working ) were the only people in the shop, and spoke, “Something on your mind?” It was the first thing he’d ever said directly to you.
“Yeah, just wondering if you wear anything other than that shirt.” you hadn’t looked up again from the vinyls you were flipping through. 
“I am currently wearing pants.” He deadpanned, glancing down at himself dramatically as if he were double checking. 
Turning your attention up to look at him you shook your head, but smiled, “Funny.” 
“But if you’re asking to see me out of this shirt, I think the whole no shirt no shoes no service thing would go into effect and they’d kick us out.” Eddie gestured to the small sign by the door and you turned your head to look at the door.
When you turned back to look at Eddie, you’d glanced at the one worker in the shop and realized the person was paying no attention to the two of you and shrugged, “I don’t think they’re paying attention.”
“You just want to see me out of the shirt, I knew it.” 
You tried to hold back a laugh at his comment, especially as you watched the grin form on his face, but couldn’t help the bubbling laughter as you shook your head at him. 
And you didn’t just walk out of there with two records that day ( Prince & Whitney Houston ), you walked out with a tentative friendship with Eddie Munson. 
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The following weeks you spent time with him, Eddie became more than just a friend. Before you knew it, you were together. It was the 4th of July and you’d convinced Eddie to go with you to the fair, where you spent the whole night wandering the carnival games and just having fun. 
You kissed him on the spinning tilt a whirl, like you couldn’t think of anything else. Your hands grasping onto his as the ride spun around, and somehow you just found your way to him, kissing him and forgetting the whole world around you. 
Eddie and you didn’t win any of the carnival games, but he had snuck behind one of the games while the worker was distracted and grabbed one of the small stuffed toys for you-- it was a lion with a top hat, and from that moment on you kept it on top of the dresser in your room in a safe place. 
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The last night before school was back in session you said I love you for the first time. 
You were walking down by the trailer he shared with his uncle, in the woodsy area holding hands and you looked at him. Part of you worried that school would be different. This whole summer felt like something totally surreal, something you didn’t think could be happening. 
On top of everything happening in your personal life, the news of Hawkins being somewhat of a hell pit had come as a surprise and you still didn’t know how to wrap your head around that--or what it even meant, honestly. That was a thought for when you returned to school.
For when you left the bubble that was Eddie Munson and Y/N Y/L/N. 
Hands held tightly as you walked, you turned to look at him and smiled softly, finding him already looking at you. 
“I love you.”
Both of you said it at the same time, for the first time. 
You stopped walking then, but Eddie continued and he almost tugged your arm until he realized you stopped walking, so he turned back around and looked at you. 
“You love me?” you asked.
Eyebrows creased as he looked at you, he spoke, “Of course I do. Now can we keep moving, I’ve got this picnic set up for you and you’ve got curfew.” 
Before he could tug your arm and pull you in the direction he’d set everything up, you leaned up and kissed him softly. 
If you thought the summer of 1985 was going to change your life, you wouldn’t have predicted that it would have been in this way. 
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Going back to school was different. You ran in different social circles than Eddie did, and the only time you really got to spend time together would have been lunch, but he spent that with Hellfire Club and you refused to be the kind of person who would get in the way of that.
You had a couple of classes together with Eddie, and he sat next to you in them, reading the notes you took over your shoulder and distracting you as you tried to focus in the classroom. 
When you were with your friends, they looked at you like you had two heads. Immediately asking what you had gotten into this summer. 
“Eddie Munson?” they asked.
“Eddie The Freak Munson?” they repeated, as if they couldn’t realize. As if they couldn’t separate him from the words they heard about him in town. The thoughts they had about him.
“He’s more than just some stupid shit people say.” You defended, anger coursing through you. It was true, you couldn’t believe it. But somehow your friends wanted to argue with you about it. They were worried about you, they wanted to talk you out of it all. 
When you would sit with them at lunch, they would point to the Hellfire Club table and laugh.
“That’s my boyfriend.” you said when you’d had enough of it one day. “If you can’t handle that, and don’t want to deal with it. Then that’s fine, I’ll find some other friends. But maybe since we’re seniors you should all grow the hell up.”
And you got up from the table and left the cafeteria in general, walking away from it all. You tossed your garbage away, and left it all. 
Later that day, you were at home, thinking about everything. Eddie was at his Hellfire Club night and you were home, working on homework with some of your vinyl record music playing in the background. It was all getting to your head, every single thing that your friends had been saying for the past few weeks. 
Maybe they were right, maybe Eddie Munson was totally different than you were. Even if you did love him and he loved you back. 
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It was a month later, you were planning your anniversary. It was going to be a cute weekend thing, because your parents were going away. You had everything planned--promising that since Eddie had planned everything for the last day before school came back, now it was your turn. 
You had every detail planned.
Your friends may not be supportive, but you had new friends now. Robin Buckley for one, was someone who had always seen around but now you’d become friends with as you began spending a few nights at the Family Video to try and find some good videos for options. 
Except, Eddie never came over.  
You sat around waiting and waiting and it wasn’t like him to just not show up.  
But the next day, you were outside getting the mail when Eddie walked up your driveway and you looked up, seeing him. 
“Hey, Y/N.” Eddie said, hands grasping the balled up denim jacket in his hands as he looked at you. 
You looked him up and down, “You okay? I didn’t hear from you last night.” 
“I’m sorry. I was about to head out and then those new kids from Hellfire showed up at my door asking a couple of questions and before I knew it it was too late.” You could see how sad he looked, how he knew that he hurt you and he still didn’t know the right words to use to apologize. As he walked toward you while he spoke you took a half step backward, like you wanted to leave but didn’t really want to either. “I was going to call but thought it was too stupid to do that, and if I showed up that late I was worried you’d be scared or it would wake you up.” 
“It was our anniversary, Eddie, I was up waiting long enough.” you explained, crossing your arms. You understood that the Hellfire Club meant a lot to him, and that with most of the club graduating this year--himself included, because he was going to make sure of it and so would you--it would be left in the hands of the freshman kids. You knew how worried he was about that, how much he cared about the club and how he wanted to make sure it was in the right hands when he ( finally ) graduated.
But, damn it if it didn’t sting. 
“You should have called.” you said. 
“I’m here now.” he said, looking up at you. 
And you wanted it to be enough.
You shook your head and stepped away, “I have videos to get back to the store soon, anyway. Let’s just...do something a different weekend, or try again next month.” You tried to keep a light smile on your face, but you knew that it didn’t make it to your eyes with the way Eddie looked at you. With one last half step forward, you kissed the corner of his mouth, and then pulled back quickly, looking at him and then turning back to go inside. 
You didn’t dare turn back around once the front door was closed to see if Eddie had walked away yet. 
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It was another week before you really talked to Eddie again. You claimed you were busy, which you were but you certainly could have made time for him if you wanted to. 
You were just upset with all the plans you’d made gone to waste. 
So when one of those Hellfire freshman ( the kid with the ball cap on his head, you couldn’t remember his name but Robin seemed to recognize him when he’d come into the music classroom that afternoon ) grabbed you after class and said it was important you only went because, well, you still loved Eddie. 
What you didn’t expect was the door to the Hellfire Club’s meeting room shutting behind once you stepped in, and a chorus of laughter and clapping happening behind the door. 
“Oh, real mature.” you mumbled toward the door before taking a small step into the room and looking around. It was always dark in here--which is why you didn’t love going to Hellfire nights ( not that you totally understood all of the campaign talks to begin with, but you liked how happy it made Eddie ). “Eddie? Are you in here?” 
Lights turned on, flashing the whole room into light and you could see everything in the theater storage room that was used for Hellfire Club’s game room. Including the throne that Eddie sat in every night. 
“I swear if this is some weird joke from Hellfire, I’m leaving right now and burning all those shirts sitting in my drawers.” you commented, half turning toward the door you’d been ushered in through. 
Only to be stopped by a hand on your wrist pulling you back, “Sorry, turning the lights on took a bit more than I expected.” Eddie’s voice was soothing to you in the echoing storage room, but despite taking the step backward you still didn’t turn around to look at him. 
“I’m still mad at you.” you said softly. 
Eddie’s hand slid down from your wrist to hold your hand, giving it a light squeeze as he tried to pull you to him still. “I know. I’m an idiot, I’m sorry.”
Slowly, you turned around to look at him, glancing up at him as you waited for him to keep talking. 
“I’ll make it up to you...I, uh, don’t know how, but...we can do something?” Eddie seemed nervous as he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand, looking down at you. 
A small smile pulled at the corners of your lips as you looked at him, “Y’know, I kinda love you Eddie Munson. Even when you get all nervous like this. Even when I’m mad. But, please do not mess this up again.” 
“I don’t want to mess anything up, Y/N. I promise.” Eddie said, his free hand moving from his neck to rest on your waist as he looked at you. “I’m not good with this stuff. But I’m sorry.”
“I know you are.” you replied, looking up at him with a slight nod of your head. It was hard to stay mad at Eddie. This was the longest relationship you’d been in, and the longest relationship he’d been in either--he’d told you as much that the only longer relationship was with D&D. “So, why are we in the Hellfire Club room to talk about this?” 
Eddie’s face brightened at the question and before he moved away he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and then led you toward his throne. “So, I know you don’t come all the time and you’re not technically in Hellfire, but I figured since you have an open invite,”
You cut Eddie off with a small laugh, “Yeah, the guys just love that.” 
“They’ll get over it.” he shrugged his shoulders as he dropped your hand to move things around in the room, pulling out a chair and looking at you. “I got this for you! It’s your own chair.” he said, setting the chair beside his own and leaning against it while he looked at you. “For when you come to Hellfire Club.”
You looked at the chair and at your boyfriend and grinned, taking a step forward and looking back at the chair. “You got this for me?”
“Yeah. Of course. Why? Do you not like it? I thought it was a good idea. I want you to feel like you can come here whenever you want.” Eddie said with a soft worried look as he looked between you and the chair, wondering if he had done something wrong somehow. 
You cut him off and hugged him, grinning. 
“I take it you like it, then.”
“Don’t expect me to come all the time, but I love this.” you said. It was one of the sweetest things, and definitely made you feel welcomed in the group he had made. Even if you worried that you didn’t really fit into the group. 
Maybe you weren’t that different. 
The door handle jiggled and Eddie pulled you behind some of the boxes, with a grin on his face as the two of you hid. 
“Are you done using our club space for your girlfriend, Munson?” someone called out into the room. 
“Dude, chill out, he’s trying to woo her or some shit.” one of the others said.
“Yeah, and he used those freshman to help but kept us out of the loop.” 
“Hey, uh, guys.” the familiar voice of the freshman who had brought you in earlier clearing his throat appeared in the doorway. “They haven’t come out of there yet.”
Shuffling footsteps at the doorway and the door closed. Then it opened again before one of Eddie’s friends shouted back in, “We’re giving you five more fucking minutes, Munson.” Then the door closed again.
Eddie and you turned to look at each other, and you couldn’t hold back in laughter from everything that had just happened. Eddie’s arms held you close to him while the two of you laughed, still hidden behind boxes in the storage room as the world faded out. 
Slowly, it became just the two of you again. 
When you looked back at him, you realized how close you two were, hidden and cramped behind the boxes. A small breath hitched in your throat as you met Eddie’s gaze. 
“Well, they did say we had five minutes.” Eddie shrugged his shoulders as he leaned forward and kissed you. 
He was never supposed to be yours. 
And yet, you wouldn’t let want him to leave your side ever again. 
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chriscdcase95 · 2 years
“Still Here Breathing”: Preview and Hypothetical Soundtrack.
So I said in previous posts that I am planning a crossover fic between Jennifer’s Body, Ginger Snaps and The Craft.
It’s working title is Still Here Breathing.
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The story is going to be set in the same world as one of my crossover WIP’s Love’s Sacrifices (Carmilla: The Series/Pitch Perfect) and Mission to Silas (Ginger Snaps/The Craft/Carmilla: The Series/D.E.B.S); the latter is going to be a direct prequel to this fic.
While I’m far from actually writing down Still Here Breathing, I decided to write a hypothetical soundtrack for the story. Just something I tried experimenting with. I’d also give some tidbits for the story, and while this risks spoiling Mission to Silas, these spoilers are a Foregone Conclusion anyways (it is a prequel after all)
1. The only thing I can guarantee from Mission to Silas is the survival of Brigitte, Sarah, Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle. While I can’t spoil what happens to either the D.E.B.S or Lucy Diamond, I wouldn’t expect any of them to show up and lend a hand in the sequel.
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Though I can see it being helluva story Brigitte and the Coven girls tell their friends.
2. Still Here Breathing is set to start weeks, if not months following the end of Jennifer’s Body (probably early 2010). As such, Needy will start off as a Hero With Bad Publicity with a Fugitive Arc.
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To add insult to injury, Low Shoulder (or at the very least, Nikolai Wolf) is gonna be resurrected as incubi due to Needy bungling their murder. Not only are he/they antagonists, he/they remain Villains With Good Publicity for much of the story. 
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The commentary of Nikolai Wolf/Low Shoulder being predatory celebrities preying on their fans is also taken up to eleven.
3. Both Jennifer and Ginger are gonna alive in this story; how I am currently keeping under wraps. 
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I’m also planning on making Jennifer x Ginger a thing. One of the reasons I’m writing this story is to hook them up. Thinking of giving them an Enemies/Rivals to Lovers angle; think the lovechild of Jori (with Ginger as Jade) and Lumity (with Jennifer as Amity) and that should paint enough of a picture.
4. Megan Fox claimed she played Jennifer as a deeply closeted lesbian, so that's how I'd write her, with her dates/flings with boy being performative comphet. Expect much of Jennifer being a Gay Disaster, not being as confident with her sexuality as she’s letting on. 
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If you are remotely familiar with season one era Amity Blight, you will have a good idea of what Jennifer brings to the table. 
5. All the expectant angst.
Especially with both Jennifer and Needy (while Jennifer x Ginger is a thing, Needifer is also one of the primary pairings of the story).
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There’s also the expectant angst with the Fitzgerald sisters, but in a strictly sisterly subtext. There are some Ginger Snaps fans who try to put a incestous WLW spin on Ginger and Brigitte...I’m not one of those fans.
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All these years being into Ginger Snaps (over a decade now) the only character is seriously shipped Brigitte with was Sam; as of Mission to Silas, I have also crossover paired her with Sarah and Nancy; along with AgentDiamond they’re the OT3 of the prequel
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6. Speaking of Sarah and Nancy, this is another forgone conclusion “spoiler” from Mission to Silas - it’s in the stories fucking tags - those two are gonna be raising a kid. Along with Aunts Bonnie and Rochelle.
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The kid in question is an alt version of Lily Schechner from The Craft: Legacy, with several alternations to her character; mainly that rather than be conceived by Nancy being r*ped, as per Zoe Lister Jones’ statement, she would be the magically conceived biological daughter to Sarah and Nancy. 
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Seeing as she’s six at the time of the fic, other changes are to be expected, this being a different stage of Lily’s life. One thing I see her being so far, is a younger fan of Low Shoulder (to the absolute chagrin of her mothers and aunts).
Also, while Brigitte does hook up with Sarah and Nancy in Mission to Silas, I’m not sure they’d still be a thing at the time of Still Here Breathing. That said, I do see them still being close enough that Lily greets Brigitte as “Aunty B”, and Brigitte greets her as “Little Bean”.
Now for the Soundtrack
1. “Last Resort” by Papa Roach 2. “Everywhere”, “All You Wanted”, and “You Set Me Free” by Michelle Branch: All pertaining to Jennifer and Needy.
3. “Say My Name” by Destiny's Child. 4. “Frozen”, “Justify My Love”, “Like a Prayer” by Madonna.
5. “Angels” by Within Temptation.
6. “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias.
7. “Run”, “Hell”, and “Deify” by Disturbed - Pertaining to Needy’s perspective, and directed at Low Shoulder.
8. “Bitch” by Meredith Brooks.
9. “Fighter” by Christina Aguilera.
10. “Hands” by Chantal Kreviazuk.
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lostinfantasyworlds · 2 years
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Thank you so much for asking @heynikkiyousofine​​!!! ❤️ ❤️ I wrote about The First and Last in a separate post, but here’s some more info about the other two:
If It Kills Me
Back in April, I had a particularly rough depression week, and this story ended up being born out of the dark place I was in mentally. I wanted to write something extremely angsty and depressing, with my main thought being to explore the grief Kagome or Inuyasha would go through if one genuinely believed the other to be dead (while still eventually having a happy ending). I formed a loose plot around that idea that includes the childhood-best-friends-to-lovers trope because I can never get enough (and to add another layer of angst where Kagome had finally confessed her love for Inuyasha and he told her that he doesn’t feel the same...I SWEAR THERE IS A HAPPY ENDING, don’t take anything at face value 😅)
I'm really reallyyyy excited about this story, because it will be my first time writing something in the mystery genre with action/suspense/plot twists! Most of the work I’ve done on this has been plotting/outlining as opposed to actual writing, so I don’t really have a snippet (at least nothing without major spoilers), but here’s what I can share so far:
The title comes from the song If It Kills Me by Jason Mraz that has been a favorite of mine since high school. I had actually been wanting write a story based on this song for a while, and once I got this idea fleshed out, I excitedly realized that it would be a perfect title for this story! Some of the lyrics are:
Well all I really wanna do is love you A kind much closer than friends use But I still can't say it after all we've been through And all I really want from you is to feel me As the feeling inside keeps building And I will find a way to you if it kills me If it kills me It might kill me
Rating: M
Summary: A devastated Kagome returns to her home town to attend the funeral of her best friend (and unrequited love) Inuyasha, but soon discovers that nothing is as it seems. What has Inuyasha been hiding from her, and how will the past come back to haunt them?
Tags: Major character death (but not really), unrequited love (but not really), mystery, friends to lovers, childhood best friends, heavy angst, grief, angst with a happy ending, mutual pining, demon FBI, crime, yakuza-like organization
Baby Talk
(Total 180 here lmao 😂) 
This is a fluffy-as-hell, post-canon InuKagMor oneshot that’s set a few weeks after Moroha’s birth. Kagome is completely worn out from being a new mom, and one night after an exhausting day just breaks down into tears because she’s just so tired. Finally, Moroha actually falls asleep, allowing Kagome to get a bit of rest as well. But she wakes up again shortly after and starts fussing, so in a desperate attempt to let his wife get just a little more sleep, Inuyasha takes Moroha into his arms and starts quietly pleading with her to let her mom sleep for a little while longer. 
He quickly realizes that she is soothed by the sound of his voice, so he keeps talking for as long as he can. He ends up monologuing  about how he hopes he’ll be a good father since he never had a good example of one growing up, how he’ll always protect her, how he’s excited to see how strong she’ll be and what kinds of powers she’ll have, etc...literally just pure sap 🥰. But eventually, Moroha needs to be fed again, so Kagome is woken up and the three have a sweet moment as a family.
This is the one I had wanted to finish for InuKag Week this year, when one of the themes was Parenting. Sadly, work and lack of ability to form coherent sentences got in the way, so this is still unfinished. It’s currently a little over 1k words, and will probably end up being somewhere in the 2k - 5k range. It should be easy enough to write/finish, but my brain has been extremely uncooperative lately when it comes to writing 🙃.
Here’s a (rough) sampling of this total sapfest (of course I can never resist adding in a little splash of fluffy InuKag at the end of family fics):
“I bet…that when she gets a little older…you’re going to be her hero.” Kagome tilted her head further back on his shoulder, meeting his gaze with a warm smile that crinkled the corners of her bleary eyes. “She’s probably going to follow you around everywhere wanting to play, and begging you to teach her how to do all of the cool stuff you can do.” Her eyes shut as she turned away to yawn, but the corners of her mouth lifted again a moment later, this time as if she were trying to stifle a laugh. “That’s when I’ll catch up on sleep.”
“Feh. Yeah right.” 
Inuyasha’s dismissal was so quiet and halfhearted that he wasn’t sure if his wife even heard it at all. Truth be told, he couldn’t imagine anything else in the entire world that would make him feel more accomplished than if Moroha really did grow up to regard him as her hero. It was a beautiful dream, one he didn’t dare hope for too much just yet, but it stunned him to realize that it was an actual possibility.
Full list of WIPs here
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
dev diaries #1 - april 12, 2023
A couple weeks ago, I ran a poll to see what story-related topic(s) people would like to hear my thoughts about. The winner was 'how I plot my story,' and I started working on a write-up, but I kept running into road blocks because it was really hard to explain myself without an example, and I didn't want to provide an example from my story because it'd give away too much about upcoming plots.
After turning it over in my head, I decided that I was going to try something different: in the vein of the Dev Diaries published by Paradox Interactive, which are periodic blog-style updates about ongoing projects.
I'd still like to write a coherent guide at some point, but in the meantime, I'm going to use this tag #dev diaries, to talk about my process as I work on some new plots tied to a new character.
I'm going to avoid spoilers for the larger plot, but this series will have spoilers for the new character I'm introducing, as well as her plot.
With that said, let's get on with the show!
I needed to make a couple sims for a minor role in an upcoming scene, and I came up with this Sim:
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She's super cute, and I really like that she's a bit distinctive when compared to my usual Sims. For those reasons, I want to keep her around and incorporate her into the story, but I don't want to introduce a new character for the hell of it, so I need to come up with stuff for her to do within the story that's interesting and ties into my ongoing plot.
I created this sim (Jo Bakker, although her name will be changing) to be a coworker for Emily, and I think I'll keep her in that role. Emily is going to begin to play a larger role in the story, so she needs some supporting characters. She's got her family, but no close friends--giving her a bestie her own age would give her a way to talk about her thoughts and motivations and help me develop her character.
That said, I don't want Josie (I like that better than Jo) to be just a Black Best Friend, so I gotta make sure that she's interesting and well-rounded in her own right. That's kind of a tricky balance to maintain--purely logistically, you can't give every character a super fleshed-out backstory and rich inner life. There's just not room in the story for it. So she needs to feel like a complete person, but at least right now, I don't think she'll become a main character.
She's Emily's friend and coworker. Emily works for the royal family (she's Freddy's assistant) so that's where Josie works, too. Knowing that she works for the royal family introduces a few constraints--she has to be the kind of person who would work for the royals. To me, this probably means she's going to come from a wealthy background and have family ties to The Establishment.
I considered having Josie be one of Theo's posh cousins, but I decided against it. Emily's family are part of Armorica's aristocratic class, so having another character be part of that might feel a bit redundant. I don't have any specific ideas for her family, so I'll leave this as a blank to be filled in later.
Right now, Emily is working to present herself to Freddy as the ideal candidate for the role of royal wife. Everyone she's spoken to about it has told her it's a terrible idea, so Josie should probably think it's a good idea. This ties into what I said earlier about wanting to give Emily a friend to talk about her motivations with--Josie being supportive would probably make Emily more likely to confide in her.
So, far, I've decided that Josie is a friend of Emily's, she works for the royal family, she is outspoken, and she supports Emily's marriage scheme. That feels like a pretty good starting point for her character, so I'll wrap my first Dev Diary up and put Josie on the back burner for now.
My next step is going to be fleshing out more details about Emily and Josie's friendship, so that'll be the topic of my next dev diary.
If you have suggestions, please share them below!
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subdee · 2 years
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I posted 617 times in 2022
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#hxhbb - 26 posts
#hxh manga spoilers - 24 posts
#art - 24 posts
#hxhladieszine - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and if you had a more free society you might choose to organize it around gathering hazelnuts instead of farming to have a less stratified..
My Top Posts in 2022:
Last Time on Hunter x Hunter
New HxH chapter is out but it’s been quiet at least among the fans I know... it seems because no one remembers what happened last time.  :P
Probably this would be a good time to go back to the HxH subreddit because I bet the redditors are loving this chapter dedicated to mafia flunkies fighting each other using absurd powers and are digging up their old reference charts and theories and putting them up on the wall like Pepe Silvia as we speak. 
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(It’s Zhang Lei, BTW.  Zhang Lei will win the succession war.  And Sakata is the Silent Majority nen user, working directly for Zhang Lei or possibly for Onior on his behalf.  Although if 8th prince Lazurus won the succession war with the help of the Spiders that would be a pretty good plot twist.  You heard it here first!  )
Ahem.  Anyway here’s your recap of what’s going on in the manga currently... spoilers ahead!!!!
(All images from this reference chart, thank you nerds of reddit!) 
There are three mafia groups based on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th tier of the boat:
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77 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
I’m trying to stay focused on the local battlefield as a way to stay semi-calm. Kansas voters are in a unique position in red states in that they get a direct say on whether or not to protect abortion. August 2nd will have a vote on an anti-abortion amendment to the KS constitution. If the amendment fails, abortion will remain legal here. The Kansas Supreme Court ruled abortion is protected under the KS Constitution. So it’s either the amendment or nothing for the forced birth assholes. They can’t simply pass a law like other states have. This vote isn’t just important for Kansas. It’ll have major ramifications for the region. Missouri will ban all abortions. But if choice stays legal in Kansas, then the Kansas City metro will still have clinics available. Plus, it’s not a bad drive from Oklahoma City to Wichita, or from Omaha to KC. Polls show a majority of Kansans want abortion to remain legal. There’s a good chance we’ll win this one. Enough of a chance that I’m allowing myself to hope. Kansans for Constitutional Freedom is the main group organizing the “Vote NO” fight in Kansas. They’re a coalition of Democrats and Republicans, Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and other groups. If you have a few bucks to spare, please consider them.
Via metafilter
90 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Phantom Troupe thoughts
...Ahem.  I haven’t checked the main tag or been on tumblr much in the last few weeks so forgive me if this is old news but... catching up on Hunter x Hunter and can’t believe that in the year of our lord 2022, we finally have canon confirmation that the Sheila conspiracy theorists were right all along!!! 
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Sheila confirmed member of the OG phantom troupe!!  Also the book she gave little Kurapika and Pairo in the “Kurapika’s Memories” chapter, that inspired them to want to leave the tribe and attempt the Hunter exam, was probably “Dino Hunter” because it looks the same and Sheila only reads one book apparently.  
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129 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
For US people: government is giving out another round of free COVID tests... This time we all get eight.
277 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The 80,000 warnings about the ao3 spambots on here are making me realize... do people on tumblr not know what an SEO scam is??????
Everyone warning each other to not click on the links... I mean yes this is just good internet advice, don’t click random spammy links, but if the point was trick you into clicking they would be doing a better job of pretending not to be bots, don’t you think?
The purpose of these comments is SEO optimization... just trying to increase their pagerank in search results on Google or Bing by making a lot of different pages link to them.  
These aren’t a big deal if they hit the accounts of active writers, who have plenty of tools to get rid of them.  The game is to hit the accounts of writers who aren’t  checking their emails, and won’t bother to log in / mark as spam.  Then the comments stay up and help with getting their links on early pages of search results or making them look more legitimate. 
Anyway here’s something for the AO3 engineering team to do - figure out where these bots are coming from and block the domain.  Since ao3 is mostly volunteer labor we just wait until someone’s free to work on it or the board votes to pay for it, though. 
912 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
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