#willow is my favorite character to draw LMAO
shr000min · 2 years
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willow, the firestarter. she will literally start a fire anywhere she goes.
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ping-ski · 1 month
Hewwo, hope you are having a lovely day! :3 For the Artist Ask meme questions, what is your favourite music to draw to, your go-to things to draw for comfort and do you little warmup sketches before drawing? Thank you and have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!
hi ama!! :3 thank you and i hope your day + weekend is lovely too!! <3 (now to the questions, sorry for the yappage lol)
🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now? ooo how fun!! i got 2 other anons asking this too haha! i love music and i'm also a (hobbyist) musician myself so... usually the music while i draw is dependent on the mood/intention/character i have with the piece! (silly art = silly music etc.) often times i'll loop a song for DAYS just to keep up the "vibe" cause i don't have a go-to favorite when i draw! otherwise i just listen to whatever comes to mind in the moment! but yeah right now (while i draw DCA au stuff), i'm listening to Willow Smith's "empathogen" album & yaelokre's "Hayfields" because i adore that project and it's fun to sing along with!
🐻 Your go-to things to draw when you need comfort? hmm... my go-to comfort to draw is almost always whatever my current hyperfixation is! which is primarily DCA right now! outside of that (tho i'd probably have art block tbh), it's usually drawing myself in varying styles or (if i pull them out of the basement) my OCs. i'm a fanartist at heart, so drawing original stuff sometimes feels alien to me haha! i need a fictional muse to fuel the art lmao
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?) actually- no i don't! i don't really "warmup" at all because it ALWAYS ends up being a sketch i post or end up as a finished piece! (i feel like this would make more sense if you watch me draw live ig/posted a speedpaint? maybe for art requests and commissions, but i can't recall tbh.) before digital art, i always drew with a PEN or CRAYON cause that's the most sensory friendly option for me. (it doesn't make a lot of scratchy noises like markers and pencils) so i unintentionally trained my muscle memory and myself to draw whatever comes to mind because every stroke was (literally) permanent + i tried to draw fast and loose cause i hate the feeling of paper. it gives me the strongest, most volatile, and intense visceral ICK. when i draw, i always draw with intention otherwise i'm probably not drawing at all! (this is also why i'll go on streaks of posting often then disappearing) idk my vision is usually clear, even for sketches and the muscle memory does its job! im too lazy to do actual "warmups" tbh. anyways, it's not a warmup sketch per say but i here's a random wips i have !! :3 (it's all LDR, but the last two images are from a separate wip!)
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pulim-v · 4 months
I liked reading your prelude! I’m kinda running out of questions so this might be the last ask for now 😅 but it’s been fun to hear about your story. 
Have you ever taken art classes?
Do you plan out where exactly your story goes or do you more make it up as you go along?
Do your friends irl help you come up with ideas?
Not a story question, but what’s your favorite toh character?
How long have you been drawing?
Do you have any idea who I am :D
Thanks a lot, I'm glad you liked it! And don't worry about not sending asks for a while these were already really great <3
1. Kinda? I had art as a subject both on middle and high school but the former was before I got into art properly and the latter was more focused on the history of art so I didn't get formal drawing lessons or anything lol
2. Again, kinda haha, I have a few plans (I'm already set on the ending and pretty much all major character arcs) but there's stuff I still have to plan out and there have been changes to a lot of aspects, for example a few character arcs have changed, some characters gained love interests, and two characters so far have changed sexualities (I won't tell which yet though I want to make an entire post for it lol)
3. Yup! I got the idea to expand on school faculty from an irl friend, and the characters' species were decided by them as well lol
4. Of the main characters, I'd have to say either Willow or Gus (I love Labyrinth Runners lol) but tbh I weirdly like bg characters like Alador and Skara a lot too???
5. That's a weird question to answer because there's a lot of different answers LMAO like I started drawing for a small project on Reddit back on July 2020 where I made a lot of pixel art, but I started drawing digitally on IbisPaint on September 2020, though I already drew a bit for school and stuff before then :P
6. EDIT: I was wrong agdjhsjdjfjd I have no idea
Either way, thanks a lot for asking, I'm really really glad you like my characters!!!!
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sanssouci-sims · 1 year
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Those of you who have been to my main blog in the past year or so might recognize these familiar faces. The little girl is Karin Fjellvik, a character from the game “My Child Lebensborn” (I call it “MCL” for short), and the woman is Karita Omdahl, my MCL fan character/self-insert and Karin’s adoptive mother. I’ve made a few posts about them both on my main blog as well as my sideblog which specifically focuses on my OC x canon relationships, so take a gander if you’d like to read more about them! 
I’ll probably mention a bit of the game as I talk about them in this post, so minor spoilers ahead!! Also, fair warning if you do decide to check out the actual game for yourself: it’s based on real historical events (specifically having to do with the end of World War 2) and involves prejudice/racism and violence towards a child (among other things). Needless to say, it’s quite emotional, and let’s just say that by the end of my play-through, I wanted to punt quite a few people into the shadow realm because of what they did to my poor daughter. 😭
While MCL was originally set during the aftermath of World War 2, I imagine my sims counterparts live in the modern day. Funnily enough, the developers of MCL are currently working on a sequel which will take place in a more modern setting! I would think the sims versions of Karin and Karita moved to this new place in Willow Creek after they’d gone through similar events that happened in the original game. All they wanted to do was to just... get away from their old town, from Karin’s old school, from everything their cruel neighbors had done to them.
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Karin and Karita would start their new lives in this modest but pretty one-story home with a small outdoor area for the two to sit and for Karin to play. In the game, you happen to make contact with Karin (or her male counterpart Klaus)’s biological father, who wires you money to help you move out of town. I imagine Karita used much of that money to pay off this new house. They started with only $200 in simoleons, which was a nod to how you would start off with 200 coins (? - dollars? Or whatever they used in Norway during that time? I don’t think the game actually specified what that actual currency was lmao) in the original game.
As money is tight in their household, Karita knows they’ll need it only for the most important items, and she’s made sure Karin knows that. There are times where Karin wishes she had the newest toys or clothes like the other kids have, and she’ll get upset when she can’t have them. Karita promises she’ll buy them one day for her, just not today. After all, it’s better to be selfless than selfish. Karin recently received a whole mini art studio set for her birthday, and she LOVES it! She plans to create lots of artwork to display in her room, and she even uses it occasionally in the middle of the night when she can’t sleep. She even says she hopes to help her mother earn money by selling her best artwork. 🥰
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On certain days of the week, Karita works as a manual laborer as a way to bring in some stable income (I thought this was the closest to some kind of factory work, which is your/the parent’s job in MCL). The catch to this, though, is that she currently works during the weekend, which means Karin is left at home alone in the morning. :( Karita knows how much her daughter hates being by herself, so once she returns home from work, she makes sure they spend plenty of quality of time together. Their favorite activities include fishing (they can catch something to eat or Karin asks to keep one as a little pet), reading books, drawing pictures, cooking, and watching television.
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See the little fish next to the television? Karin caught it and wanted to save it from being eaten!
Other than Karin’s idea to sell some of her artwork in the future, the two also already have creative ways to earn extra money on the side (or when they really need money fast). For one, Karita happens to enjoy gardening and has made a habit of exploring her neighborhood and harvesting wild plants to grow around their home. She may keep some to use as fresh ingredients/food, but most of the time, she’ll sell them when they’re fully grown.
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Being experienced in manual labor, Karita isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty by digging for things as well. She’ll sell the majority of her finds along with things she catches through fishing.
Karin is also a keen explorer and likes to look for frogs. She’ll keep them as pets, too, but once she catches a new one, she knows she’ll have to sell the old one since multiple frogs is... kind of a lot to deal with in such a small home, lol.
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This is her latest find, a spotted leaf frog!
So that’s basically how a typical day would go for Karin and Karita! Karin goes to school during the week, of course, and since Karita doesn’t work on weekdays, she’ll usually spend those days building her skills and doing the many things she’s already come up with to earn extra money.
Currently, Karita is hoping to save up for some renovations, including expanding the interior of their home so she will able to build a little writing studio! She wishes to write about her and Karin’s experiences and to send a message to the world to be kind to each other - something among those lines.
I like playing wholesome families like this, and I think the added challenge of reduced funds not only ties into the original game where the characters came from, but it also makes playing this household a lot more fun and interesting.
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Oh, I forgot to mention, guess who came by their household while I was taking screenshots of them for this post?
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a wild rose appears lmao
also i just realized you can spy one of dina caliente’s sons in the background
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candy-bun-bun · 1 year
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Haaaiii ^^
What I been up to lately since it's been around 6 days since I actually posted my art or anything lmao
Lil white flamin' guy is part of a species someone in a discord server made up I'm assuming: Cellophane is the species name but me and the server members just call this guy in particular Cello
I came up with it because I'm not original lol
Also Willow Hester is someone else's oc but they asked me to draw her for them so :3
Cello is my favorite lil guy along with Eliott (it's kinda biased tho since Eliott is my character and I mostly made Cello lol)
Eliott, Willow and Cello are all connected to a horror series those same server members are making so,, :]
(yes it's called 'The Cello Incident')
Sorry mini rant there -v-
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I do think it's interesting that Hunter and Amity aren't shown to be particularly close in Thanks to Them.
You'd think they'd be pretty close given their similar upbringings, but they don't interact much. We don't get a photo in the photobook or a drawing during the credits of them hanging out. They sit together at the movie theaters [which i think is funny because movie theater dates are a popular trope in romance stories but they don't let Hunter sit next to Willow] and they stand next to each other when they're offering Luz the... "food" they made her... but that's really it.
The only interaction we see between them is Amity being weirdly dismissive of his outfit choice, which is so strange to be honest. Cuz like... it doesn't matter if Hunter wants to go dressed as his favorite character... it's not like they're going to a place with a dress code - they're just going around town asking about the rebus. So it's not a big deal if he's dressed like his favorite fictional character.
I guess... Amity doesn't like Hunter all that much. She might still be hung up over his manipulative bullshit in Eclipse Lake and how he tried to fight her after she offered him sanctuary at TOH. Their dynamic comes off to me as Amity only tolerating him because Luz and the rest of her friends like him while Hunter stays out of her way.
Yeah they don't have alot of time to spare so they're not going to give Hunter and Amity having one on one time. But... they didn't include a photo in the photobook or a drawing in the credits of them spending time together. Amity is shown to spend most of her time with Luz while Hunter is shown to spend most of his time with Gus and Willow. We even get a hint with Luz's flash-stepping spell in Thanks to Them that Hunter also spends time with Luz.
I am going to assume Amity and Hunter being more like acquaintances than friends is intentional. And I do think Amity might be a bit pissed at Hunter for taking the rebus from her in the next episode. Because he knew what it lead to and he knew that she wanted to surprise her girlfriend with it. But he takes it from her and runs off with Luz... how is that not suspicious as fuck.
Like if I was Amity, I'd be thinking Hunter was trying to steal my girlfriend LMAO. And then she's going to find out that Hunter knew Luz's secret before she did... the drama of it all... I can't believe I have to wait until March to see it all go downhill for Luz >:T
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what are some oc projects you've been working on, if any? do you have a favorite oc or one that you've had since you were little?
I do actually have a Big Project that I want to get a bit more done on before I start actively posting about it, but I will say that the plan is for it to be a candygore webcomic. It's gonna be based on some OC designs I originally made to be cute charms/shirt prints but then I named them and next thing I knew I had a story that'll take a few years to tell. I'm very excited for it though, as I really wanna bring something new to the table for candygore, even if it is a very niche aesthetic!! I wouldn't say I've had OCs since I was "little" as as a kid I had my dolls and figurines so they weren't fully original, yknow? Plus I liked drawing little characters a lot and always gave em names and themes, I've always liked character design, but they rarely got development. However at around 14-15 I started making OCs which were. Varying Degrees Of Original (a fair few were Creepypastas lmao plus a ROTG OC. Willow I miss u bbygirl <3) But my TRUE favourites started to get created when I was around 18 and they've been able to be developed since then since I got access to digital art programs and therefore could make silly little doodles.
My NEWEST favourite is my self-indulgent Yakuza OC but I mostly ramble about him in Discord, but we got some older favourites:
The Three Amigos, aka Hettie Fontaine (a magic user who somehow ended up getting mixed up with demons), Demonette (her self-assigned best friend and demon who loves girls as much as she loves fire) and Mono Monreau (Demonette's goth half brother who has suddenly been dragged into the demonic half of his heritage). I love these three, they're so silly
Agatha Alletage, the Time Demon. She's mental and fucked up and beautiful and I love her so much. She fully owns the fact that she belongs in Hell and yet she's very polite and courteous and surprisingly kind, but unfortunately she also highly enjoys her work, which involves studying and experimenting with time....but her methods are involve more bloodshed than you'd like.
Florence Farina, the Cupcake Demon. A newer one who's almost a foil to Agatha, in that she's also a serial killer but doesn't even seem to ACKNOWLEDGE she's in Hell. She's a sopping wet cat of a woman who always looks like she's on the verge of snapping or bursting into tears, who knows. There's Many Things Wrong With Her and I love her. Would love to work on her more
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Hope you enjoyed the long-as-hell response that I am known and presumably loved for here at Tumblr dot com <3 Genuinely thank you for asking about my blorbos, I need to chat about them more and actual develop these ^u^ This don't even cover my fandom OCs lmao
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swizzee · 2 years
Ok ok, I don’t have any art to share cause I’m in the heat of the moment but I need to rave about the new ToH episode for a second
I was bummed about the leaks and made it my mission to go spoiler free until the premiere so I could enjoy it the way Diana intended
I love all the new lore we’ve just got from the new episode cause it really ties everything from season two in. The ancient rival races of collectors and titans killing each other off so one race could prevail but then their endlings become…. Friends? Also the supreme being of the universe is literally a toddler? So silly, so perfect. One thing I’m dying to learn more about is the collector code cause it’s hinted about a tiny bit and also how the Collector just changed it cause he wanted to play hide and seek?? SO SILLY. King literally reads it and doesn’t question anything, he walks down the halls of the palace and ignores the depictions of his ANCESTORS LITERALLY GETTING MURDERED!!? Hello sir your fat head is hiding the lore! I am excited to see King learn the full extent of his powers cause if they’re equally as powerful as the Collector’s, the final show down is gonna kick ass!
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One of my biggest regrets was embracing literally every Thanks to Them spoiler I could get my fingers on so the whole story was kinda meh when I actually watched it. One thing that no one even bothered mentioning was all the Star Trek references! The whole season we learn about how Luz’s parents got together over a shared love of Star Trek. Gus and Hunter dress up the whole episode, I mean twist my arm and kiss my soul Diana!! I love Star Trek so much, almost as much as I love crossovers. So Star Trek x any of my other interests? Just steal my heart already!
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BEAM ME UP??? Hunter dressed as Data, Gus as maybe Riker or Forge??? I am in love
Willow coping with her emotions and her friends helping her realize she’s more than just the rock of the group was so wonderful and really embraced so much of the Willow character development we never got to see. Her and hunter holding hands at the end was adorable too. Fingers crossed for a tiny cheek kiss by the end of the next special 🤞
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Luz and her mom finally being able to understand each other was so adorable and done with so much passion, the whole scene left me in tears. Her mom relating back to Luz of how she was a weird, nerdy kid in high school and just wanted to protect her daughter from relentless bullying honestly hit way to close to home. I’ve always been a weird kid (ie. Sci Fi enthusiast, artsy fartsy, lover of cartoons, hater of sports) and have had the same conversations Luz had with her mom in season one. “You need to calm down, try to relate to other kids more. There’s nothing wrong with you, you might just be a bit… much for some people”. It broke my heart seeing their strained relationship but that just made me even more in awe of them bonding over their weird passion.
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“All I ever wanted was to be understood”. She’s just like me fr ☹️💔
Luz’s palesman reveal was so long awaited by everyone and Diana definitely did not disappoint. I saw so many videos on theories about her palesman but I never considered every single theory would be right lmao. Anyway, string bean is so perfect and a great reflection of how Luz is so much more than a silly otter or a sulking sparrow, she embodies everything. I love String Bean, especially all the different forms they offer for her, can’t wait to draw all of them!!!
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More girlfriend content! I love them sm, mmmm young love, so yummy, GET IN MY MOUTH EGGEGEGDHJDJKE 🤬💖
I understand that the third season was meant to be more than three specials but tbh, I can’t imagine seeing such a beautiful piece of artistry separated into episodes. The colors, character designs, plot, everything. It was all leaps and bounds ahead of Thanks to Them so my hopes are even higher for Watching and Searching
This is one of my favorite screen caps, enjoy!
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The glittery eyes, the flowing tears, the way the light reflects off her face in a way the separates her from the scenery??? PLEASE OH MY GOD IT WILL KILL ME VGFTVGTDVGYDGVHDHUCUDHCUDJ
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willowthefoxxo · 8 months
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Requests: Closed
Art trades: Open
I like being called: pretty, handsome, sigma (you can thank @yunfox00 for that one), any similar compliments that aren't sexual. If you are a friend, feel free to call me a stupid dumbass piece of shit furry idiot as much as you like, i find it funny. Also creative insults are more than welcome (like @greythewulf 's "piss-watered greenbean" insult).
I go by multiple names- You can call me Willow, Will, Jolly, Sayuka, Kylie, Star, the names of any of my characters, or whatever my blog's display name is. Anybody I consider a friend can also call me Sayu, Yuyu, or any other nicknames they can come up with.
I currently feel like I lay somewhere between masc and bigender, so I'd say masc pronouns are my favorite rn, but I still go by ALL THE PRONOUNS!! And that does not mean choose one set of pronouns to use for me, that means use any and all pronouns randomly, chaotically, and sporadically with no discernable rhyme or reason. Use me to practice with neo pronouns, to help yourself get used to changing pronouns, whatever.
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My character blogs are @jay-and-kandi @rekord-bun @starlights-midnight-retreat @jollyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @scenestar-bunny @fidjit-the-dwagon @stoopid-rat-lmao and @zoooooooooooooooooooooooooooob
GO CHECK OUT @waywardatalasdm AND @zooble-cult
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No sending me sexual stuff, I'm a minor. Heavy gore and violence stuff is fine tho, I love that. No sending me chainmail or spamming my inbox. You're allowed to draw any of my OCs whenever you want, just no drawing NSFW of them and remember to tag me if/when you post the drawing!
Ok so my status on shipping: I love Ruikasa and love seeing other people's selfships, other than that I don't give a shit just leave me out of it. I will reblog any ships that aren't incest or pedo or violating a character's orientation, i just want to enjoy art please don't murder me over shipping.
Also I'm not religious, and I don't talk about religion unless it's fictional religion for world building and stuff. If you try to talk about religion with me, you will be ignored.
POSSIBLE PROFILE TW/CWS: Bright colors, eyestrain, gore, self-harm, death (all art stuff just beware of art)
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SOME OF MY ART UNDER CUT (warning for bright colors, eyestrain, heavy glitch effects, and gore)
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captainmera · 2 years
If you're still taking TOH requests, would you draw Darius, maybe bonding with either Hunter or Eber? He's one of my absolute favorite characters too!
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*cries on the floor and never recovers*
I NEED MORE DARIUS!!!! I get the feeling we might've gotten more of his backstory had we not been robbed of season 3.... Like, why he and Amity's dad fell out of friendship, his relationship with the old golden guard. There's so much mystery left to explore!!!!! TAT!!
And with those kind of themes being played out on the kid main characters too, I could totally see an episode meant to happen where the show deals with an adult having to come to terms with old burned bridges.
Like how Willow and Amity became friends again. But imagine it between adults, y'know? That has held these feelings for so much longer. The drama. It is so... juicy!!!!
Adult characters that is like "lmao I hate everyone and these children annoy me" and then wind up being their designated best parent is... ... one of my fave tropes...
I am.. weak... for this character type.
I love him. TTATT!!! Dariiuusss!!!!
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roodles03 · 2 years
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Some more studies of Hunter. Been really practicing him. I clearly have a comfort character lmfao.
My favorite out of the four is the one where Hunter has a stomachache. I used to have horrible stomachaches as a kid and before I got birth control every month I'd be bedwritten with cramps so I know exactly how he feels lmao. Eating nothing but scraps from the trash for a whole week definitively must've upset his stomach.
I also like the one where I drew Hunter sticking his tongue through his tooth gap. I headcannon that he probably does this. That would be so cute wtf.
I don't like how the other two came out as much, but it's not like I hate them either. They're pretty good too. The blushy Hunter with the wiggly ears is cute, he's definitely feeling nervous around Willow, and the one with the neutral expression is pretty show accurate. There just not as interesting as the toothgap and stomachache drawings I made to me. Not sure why.
Also here's some close ups. Feel free to color any of these if you'd like!
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francy-sketches · 2 years
if it was possible to organize an asoiaf map and actually have enough animators to make one, what song or other audio would you want used? i’ve always thought an agot map to house of the rising sun would be very slayful
ooo good question! I've actually been thinking about this kind of a lot so *rubs my little hands together*
ok so first of all we gotta be a bit realistic about the fandom's capabilites lol (yes this is all hypothetical but I like to delude myself imagine something actuall doable) so right away full animation is off the table bc ideally I'd want it to be accessible to as many people as possible and there's so many great artists in this fandom who aren't animators.
I think my ideal is pmv style since then it's just a matter knowing how to separate layers to tween them and that's a lot easier to do than frame by frame animation (also some minor tweening goes a long way to not make the thing look like a wmm slideshow lmao)
Also it should probably be something...all encompassing? like not focusing on a specific character is what I mean. Maybe focusing on just one book at most damn i gotta give up my 7 minute preston greenfield map 😔
SO with all that, gotta pick something that fits both :]
Willow tree march gives me agot-asos vibes, I actually had a pretty solid animatic idea for this one but. I have too many projects already there's no way I could do it on my own rip
Dust bowl dance is another one I think could fit acok-asos, I dont have as much of a clear vision for this one but it's definitely got the vibe imo
You doesn't really have much of an asoiaf vibe but I think it could work in a "pick a bit to draw your favorite angsty moment with" lol. also it's very slow paced so perfect for subtle tweening haha
King and lionheart also has those asoiaf vibes but idk how well it could work as a map, especially with limited animation bc it gets pretty intense. a lot of of monsters and men's songs in general have asoiaf vibes i thing so idk maybe one of those
uhhh kind of drawing a blank rn these are the only ones I can think of if anyone has any suggestions i'd love to hear them 👀 if nothing else just to find new music lol
anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk stream 2009 warrior cat amvs for clear skin 💅
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novampirebrainrot · 3 years
Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer!! And this is how I imagine your darker self trying to convince you to keep drawing, even if your arm literally hurts because of it:
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Don’t- 😡💕
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See, I believe there's only one side. And it's the evil one 😔
Jk, this doodle is heavy on trashiness but just so you won't be so upset about it 😇 no, today I took a while to reply because I wanted to know how Willow was like (sorry I don’t even know when the series used to air on my country T.T so the first time I heard of it was probably when you guys were talking about it ?? Maybe it was at someone's blog I guess maybe it was at your blog JDJAAHDIWN), I'm a big fan of these old series with lame special effects so it's definitely what I will look for when I need just a general and great classic shot of vampire brainrot (if anyone thinks I've overly saturated the word 'brainrot' sorry this is my blog this is what I'm all about)
I watched the first episode. Yeah I relate with Willow lmao she's so cute, I mean temperament wise we would be friends, personality wise I relate a bit more with dark Willow ig (lame djaianid tbh I like how some stereotypical personalities play out in media but anyways I have only watched one episode chill Deia)
She really kinda looks (as in physical appearence) like me o.O guess I'm building up my own Deiaverse (I would doodle that the way I smile is kinda similar to some pics I found of the actress smiling...maybe some other day)
At last, I gotta mention that the "suddenly the nice and sweet character has an evil "twin" plot has got to be one of my favorites so yeah. Perfect, thank you, 10/10.
Ps: the story about my arm is very long :,) I guarantee you though that if I'm still able to do it I'm ok, I'm not overworking myself. It's all in a day's work. B)
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toxic-lavender · 3 years
willow (GATOR) and florist!
- Favorite Thing About Her: the way that she’s more complex than she looks. On the surface, she’s pretty deadbrained and seems dull. But it’s n the inside, the inner mechanizations of her mind are an enigma (*cue milk spilling gif*)
- Least Favorite Thing About Her: honestly? The fact that it’s hard to draw her in a girlboss outfit with her massive tail
- Favorite line: ok this isn’t actually in a fic but bany if you see this you have my absolute permission to post context. “You look just like my husband!”
- brOTP: being real, Swampy Sam ( @kaileedraws ). Swamp pals :) zoomer humor
OTP: come on. I think we all know :)
nOTp: honestly?? Anyone who’s not Prince/Snatcher. Again it’s. Probably very obvious lmao
Random Headcanon: she can turn into any crocodile or alligator. And I mean any. Yeah, gharrials and caiman are cool. But I’m talking about the prehistoric mfers that could GALLOP
Unpopular opinion: do I have one???? She’s my oc. My opinion is canon.
- Associated Song: Jokingly? Me Want Bite. Seriously? Burn Out, by Imagine Dragons
Favorite picture of Her:
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Favorite Thing About Her: you can fit her into any plot??? Granted she has 2 Seconds of Screen Time in game but really. Play doh character
Least Favorite Thing About Her: it takes me about thirty minutes just to draw her braid alone
Favorite line: (from an upcoming wip of mine, also Beingverse Florist (Camellia)) “That’s just the hot air in your head.”
brOTP: less of “bro” and more “familial” but. Conductor. I like to think of him as a very unhinged granpapa, fits very well with Prim’s character
OTP: Flowercrown. It’s all about the foil babeyyyy
nOTP: anything to do with Vanessa, but that goes for all characters so uh.
Random Headcanon: I like to think Primrose would love the concept of a Chia Pot
Unpopular Opinion: Big spoon. (Not “unpopular” but I hardly ever see it.)
Associated Song: Flowercrown related, Heart Beat Here by Dashboard Confessional. Non Flowercrown, Easy Come Easy Go by Imagine Dragons
Favorite Picture:
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Yes, Song of the Sea AU is still a thing, it’s just backed up behind some other Wips rn :)
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luzswonderland · 4 years
Thoughts on “Young Blood, Old Souls”
So, we’re finally here, the season finale. This season went by so fast and yet so much has happened to these characters. I won’t be making one of these for a while, so I’ll just get into it.
I like the little recap we get in the beginning of the episode about Emperor Belos and the Boiling Isles. It really sets the tone for the episode.
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Luz has really improved her upper body strength since the beginning of the series. From lifting Amity during Grom and at end of the Grudgby match to now holding giant axes.
“My weak nerd arms!”-Psshh. Yeah right 😄
“Me and Eda don’t always see eye to eye, but I do consider her family.”-Aww King 😢
I really want a backstory on how these two met so much
I thought about it, but I didn’t expect Emperor Belos to have an interest for the human world. I wonder what his endgame is?
“But you... promised me.”- I knew it. I knew she was going to get owned. The dumbass deserved it. It’s just sad that Eda has to pay the price because of her decisions.
Lilith is not my favorite person right now 😐
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The fact that Eda is being petrified for not joining a coven and doing “wild magic” is pretty wild. Jail time I get but turning someone to stone is too harsh. Guess that’s how Belos has stayed in power for so long.
“Lilith. She cursed Eda. She captured her own sister. She is the worst.”-That’s right Luz, get mad, get angry!😠
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Love how Luz and King get sent to the Conformatorium. Reminds of a running gag that appeared in some cartoons I used to watch back in the day. 😂
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“You let the human escape, and you drew her a map?”-These are some of the worst guards ever 🤣 LMAO
Wow! Luz is a monster. She’s grown so much. We love to see it. 👏
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Eda and Luz’s conversation was great. You can tell this is a bond that will be hard to break despite the two only knowing each other for a short period of time.
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“Talk to the glyph, witch.”-I really like that line.
Ok, I’m glad we got confirmation that Luz’s magic does not work in the human world.
Young Eda and Lilith are so cute 😚
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So basically, Lilith cursed Eda for nothing. I don’t know how I feel about that. Yeah, I know Lilith probably didn’t know that Eda was going to forfeit the duel, but to go as far as to curse your own sister, with a curse you knew little about, because you felt threatened, is too far. Lilith could have spoken to Eda about her feelings and get an idea about how Eda felt about being in the Emperor’s Coven before the match. I initially thought Lilith cursed Eda because she was forced to do so and not by choice. It’s going to be very hard for me to warm up to Lilith after finding out about this.
Yay! We get a confirmation on Gus’ dad. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think we first saw him during “The First Day.”
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Willow took the words right out of my mouth. The petrification of Eda is too cruel.
Also, did Willow lowkey plant seeds for a revolution? It looks like a lot of people agreed with what she said.
The confrontation between Luz and Emperor Belos was amazing. It sets up a lot. Also, Luz stood her ground against one of the biggest foes on the Boiling Isles and sacrificed her way back home. I’m worried but I’m proud at the same time. 
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“The Titan has told me to spare the Owl Lady’s life”-Okay, so the Emperor’s just using his ability to speak to the Titan as a way to manipulate the public. Gotcha🙃
Lilith redeemed herself a little bit by taking some of the curse’s effects away from Eda. And oooh, different eye colors.
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So Eda is drained of her magic. 😥 But I’m glad Luz is agreeing to return the favor and teach her about drawing glyphs and producing magic.
What is this “Day of Unity”???
And hello what’s this???? A portal to the human? A doomsday device? Both??? This is Gravity Falls all over again and I love it.😲
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Also, I saw they changed Eda’s eye color for the outro. Nice!
And there we have it, this season is over. This was a strong way to end the season and foreshadow a lot of plot points that will come in the next season.
This episode gave us more backstory on the Clawthorne sisters, lore on the Boiling Isles and what Emperor Belos’ main plan is. 
It also gave us a lot more of Luz’s confidence. Luz was never really a girl who didn’t speak her mind or do what she thinks is right, but she really popped off this episode. Everything from her magic, to the dialogue with Lilith and her confrontation with Emperor Belos was really good. She has really grown from that girl we saw in “A Lying Witch and a Warden.”
Also Luz is stuck on the Boiling Isles until further notice. So now her and Anne from Amphibia have a lot more in common than we think.
I’m not sure if this is my favorite episode of the season or not, but it’s definitely up there. I might make a post ranking all the episodes of the season, now that we are in HIATUS 😫
I hope this hiatus is not too long, but this whole season aired in the span of seven months, which is faster than I expected, so you never know. 
But I really had fun with this show and am curious to see where it goes next. This fandom has grown so much and the people that I have interacted with are so creative. I can’t wait to share this show’s first major hiatus with you guys. So until next time....✌
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I ask you a question. You answer a question. Repeat.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Although lemons are sour and I'm sweet
What are three shows in your watchlist that you’ve been meaning to get to?
Surprisingly none! I stick with my favorites, well, I am catching up on The Good Doctor right now.
Describe your favorite pair of socks
Thick fuzzy ones, they're gray knit with soft fluffy insides and have polar bear faces sewed onto the front.
Do you like smoothies?
Mhm! I make a banana/strawberry/blueberry/spinach one everyday.
What do you wear when you have to dress nicely?
I have some nice pants + shirt/vest duo as well as a nice navy lace dress, just depends on what I want to wear.
How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled, fried, and hard boiled in that order.
What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book?
I fold the corner. Blasphemy I know.
What color dominates your closet?
Black or blue.
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Hmm I used to collect funko pop's but I only collected the ones I liked and now I have them. I guess I don't collect much, sometimes shells from beaches and stuff.
What sounds or scents calm you down?
There's a specific frog audio that my mom played for me when I was very young that helped me sleep, it's turned into a comfort sound for me now. Lavender or the perfume my mom uses is also comforting.
What’s your favorite kind of uquiz question? (Lyric, color, aesthetic, etc)
I like aesthetic with pictures. I can't read to save my life.
Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Nope, although I have a feeling I might need some.
What’s something about your best friend that you love?
Even if we're hours apart I still get to spend more time with them than anyone else. They take the time to talk to me and I'm always eager to relax and hang out with them. They're so smart and even helped me with a subject I struggle in.
Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
Pen, if I'm writing in pencil I have to be using a mechanical one.
What are some places where you feel most at home?
My bed and room, anywhere soft and cozy. The beach too.
Do you have any houseplants? Do any of them have names?
I only have one and it's an aloe plant I keep in my room. It doesn't have a name.
Describe your favorite hoodie. How long have you had it? What makes it unique?
AH okay my favorite one currently! It's a light blue hoodie from Tilly's that says "Stay away please and thank you" and I absolutely live in it. Had it for a few months now.
What’s the last thing you ordered online?
Skyward Sword HD!
What’s one historical event that you would have liked to have witnessed?
Bit morbid but either the Salem Witch Trials, Black Plague, or the disappearing of one of the British Colonies.
What’s your favorite Halloween costume from when you were a kid?
I dressed as Ariel a lot, I want to say I dressed as Merida in elementary as well.
What kind of math are you best at?
Angles and Shapes.
What’s your favorite period in art history, your favorite famous work and/or your favorite style of art? If you don’t know any that’s ok!
Well, I don't know the period of art but anything that has to do with water color I adore.
Iced or hot drinks?
Hmm Iced.
Which songs do you like to sing in the shower?
Um not many sadly. Was teased for doing that so I quit years ago.
Are you a good driver?
LMAO NO, I'm learning soon but I have run over a tree on a golf cart among many other things.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Are there any that you want?
Only one lobe pierced, my right one. There's a handful of tattoo's I want if I wasn't a pussy, as well as piercings. Lip and tongue definitely, nipples, more on my ears, I don't like anything too drastic I'd probably just keep studs or small hoops.
Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties?
Mhm! I bake super good brownies and my favorite thing to cook is either meat rice balls or omelets.
Do you have any keychains on your home or car keys? Describe them!
Oh I have MANY. I keep a green rupee chain on my key, I have a Legend snack keychain, a Four Sword, Minish Cap Link, and Vaati on my backpack. Purse has Midna and Wild as well as Toon Zelda.
Can you swim very well? Do you like swimming?
I can swim, not gracefully, but I certainly won't drown. I do like to swim!
Did you play with Legos as a kid? What was your favorite set?
HELL YEAH I DID! Ninjago my beloved! My favorite set I owned is probably, well it ties between, The Monastery and the Destiny's Bounty, and my original first season sets are Cole's Earth Drill from Season 2 and my Ratla Bike from Season 1!
Is your closet organized? If so, how?
At one house absolutely not. At the other I have my dresser in one half, shirts hung on other, folded sheets on the closet floor + a bin for old stuffed animals.
What’s the last music video you watched?
Umm I think Bottom of the Deep Blue by MISSIO? I'm not one for music videos but it was in a playlist.
If you could dye your hair any color, regardless of how you think it would look, what color would you choose?
Oh man I've done this so many times. I'd go for a purple again or a deep ocean blue.
Headphones or earbuds?
HEADPHONES, hands down, 100%
Can you read analog clocks?
Yup! Surprisingly I was one of two people who could read one in a class so I was dubbed the time keeper.
Describe your favorite stuffed animal, either now or from when you were a kid.
I have two. One is a sesame street character I've had for years. His fur is matted down and he has been patched up so many times. I also have a newer Toothless plush I love.
What’s an arcade or table game (air hockey, ping pong, etc) that you’re really good at?
Air Hockey, I kick ASS at that!
Do you mind if others are in the kitchen when you’re cooking or baking?
Not at all! So long as I don't accidentally bump them all will go smooth.
What’s one show you watch or musician you listen to that your friends know nothing about?
Hmm probably music by John Powell or Rozen.
What was the best part of your day today?
Getting to hang out with my favorite Toad, hands down. They bring so much joy!
What’s your favorite kind of tree?
Birch or Weeping Willow. Basic bitch I know.
What scent is your deodorant?
Fucking uhh pomegranate or something?
Do you have any games on your phone? If so, which one(s) is/are your favorite?
I do yup! I like Axalochi and Bubble Pop
Do you shower with the lights on or off?
ON?? PEOPLE SHOWER WITH LIGHTS OFF?? It could be broad daylight and I still turn the light on.
What do you do with spare change?
Save it in jars. I kid you not.
Do you have good handwriting?
Ehhh it's not the best but it's not the worst.
What’s the last thing a friend recommended to you that you looked into and actually liked?
Heheh, Zelda/Zelda ships. So fucking good.
Do you like to go on walks?
Yes! Depending on who I'm with I love to.
Do you have a favorite plate or bowl?
Hmm no I don't think so. I do have favorite silverware though.
What’s your favorite thing to do when it’s raining?
Stay inside, open a window to listen, and chat with my friends or draw.
Describe your perfect sleeping conditions
Cold, bundled in blankets, hood pulled up and sock on, cuddled up to a pillow or someone I love. Cat resting on my chest or curled up against my tummy if I'm laying on my side.
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