deancasbigbang · 2 years
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"well, my past, your future. begs the question, am I haunting you or are you haunting me?"
Author: Mattzerella-sticks
Artist: sidewinder
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Castiel/Dean WinchesterDean Winchester & John WinchesterJohn Winchester/Mary Winchester/Hank MurphyEileen Leahy/Sam Winchester (mentioned)
Length: 27574
Warnings: N/A
Tags: Post-Canon, Alive & Retired, Time Travel, Non-Binary Dean Winchester, Young John Winchester, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Gardener Castiel (Supernatural), Artist Dean Winchester, Healing Dean Winchester, Recreational Drug Use
Summary: Dean nearly runs over a lost hiker on their way back to the forest cabin they shared with Cas. They offer to let the young man wait for his friends at theirs and Cas's cabin they share since retiring, unaware that this is a time-displaced John Winchester until after an awkward introduction between John and a very naked Cas. Throughout the day, they learn many things about their father when he was this age like: being a hunter, knowing Mary Campbell, and that he liked boys, too. At the end of the day, a conversation with John over some weed helped soothe a jagged piece of their soul that, despite how good their life has been recently, hadn't healed. John disappears as mysteriously as he arrived, Dean the better for it. At the end, they commit to learning about their parents' true past, with Cas promising to always be a home they can return to.
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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wolfiepyxie · 1 year
So I’ve never done this before but, I have a Destiel fic. Two actually, but I’m just gonna promote this one first cause it’s the one with the most chapters out of the two🙂
𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: Explicit
There were necessities for survival; Castiel Krushnic understood this all too well. Perhaps that understanding was what influenced the choice he had made that day...
Whilst the Angel of Death, the enforcer to the Krushnic bratva, was on a safe house raid, he encountered an omega. Hidden away in the depths of the safe house, the omega was injured, malnourished, and most likely hadn't seen the light of day in a very long time. Castiel usually had impeccable control over his instincts; however, that day, his inner alpha won out over him. Resulting in Castiel bringing the omega back to the bratva stronghold otherwise known as the Den.
Why had the omega been hidden away in the safe house? Who would dare treat such a precious gift from God in such a manner? Sadly the alpha had nothing but questions and no answers in sight.
Graphic Depictions Of Violence Rape/Non-ConCastiel/Dean WinchesterDean Winchester Castiel (Supernatural) Michael (Supernatural) Lucifer (Supernatural) Gabriel (Supernatural)Omega Verse Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Discrimination Alpha Castiel/Omega Dean Winchester Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con The Author Regrets Nothing Russian Castiel (Supernatural) Forehead Kisses Slow Burn Slow Build Slow Everything! Background Relationships Angst and Hurt/Comfort Dean Winchester Has Panic Attacks Dean Winchester Has Nightmares Protective Castiel (Supernatural)
Anywho, theres everything you need to know before you decide to read it. And if you do read it, I hope you enjoy it.
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People in 2020 tumblr have such pleasant usernames
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Chapter 1: Tattered Hearts and Tattoos
Summary: Tattoos hold so many meanings, but they also hold memories, stories and emotions; pain, wonder, awe
Dean Winchester x OFC (Marina)
Trigger Warning!
Child abuse, abuse, cheating, language, angst, sad, tearjerking backstory, child favouritism, just overall sad
Previous: Intro - Innocence
Chapter 1: Walls
Word Count: 1,166
In her unconscious state, Marina didn’t hear her brother apologise to her. Nor did she hear her parents stop fighting after her mother had ran off again.
She didn’t hear anything.
And as the years flew by and she grew up, grew taller and stronger against the beatings, she watched as her mother snuck around, drawn to her phone as she left for work three hours earlier, coming home late after work. When her mother had hopped into the shower, phone on the charger, the hunter in-training had leapt at the chance to find out why she was acting so weird. What she saw and read on that phone was the beginning of her heart breaking, the day she began to construct an iron wall around her heart.
The days that followed were filled with tense looks and sleepless nights. Her mother was cheating on her father. When she brought up the fact to her father, he simply looked at her and shook his head. Almost as if he just didn’t want to know anymore, a look of pure defeat and heartbreak causing her own heart to slowly crack. Another wall went up, made from the gut-wrenching look of complete defeat, the glass slid into place.
“Are you cheating on dad?”
That one question, as straightforward as it was, had caused the house to go quiet. Sitting at the dinner table, with no dad, Marina looked her mother in the eye, gaze not wavering as she stared, the brown of her eyes completely consumed by black rage.
The fight that followed was loud, bloody and gruesome.
The defensive tone of her mother confirmed everything as she began to stutter, face flushed in guilt as she looked towards her son, who was looking at her with disgust evident on his face. As Marina repeated the question, all hell broke loose as plates were thrown, cutlery clattering to the floor as the yells began.
But instead of hiding with her brother, Marina stood fast, knocking the chair back, voice raised and face turning red.
“How could you break this family apart? How could you do this to us, to your kids? Sleeping with some, some fucking piece of shit just so you could feel better!”
As the curses left her mouth, there was no going back. All the anger and hatred from years of being abused came rushing to the surface, slithering out of the dark corners of her mind. She was on a warpath and she wasn’t going to stop until her mother was in shreds at her feet. Another wall wrapped around her heart, this one was made from earth and stone; stronger and unmoving like a mountain.
“You have no right to speak to me that way young lady!”
“I have every fucking right! He is out there saving people and you’re here acting like a brat! People are dying because of those monsters mom! Children are dying, and dad saves them...but you get huffy because he doesn’t come home. Well what about us?
We’re kids! Of course we want him home. But we know that he’s out there for the greater good. How could you cheat on him? We’ve known since the beginning, we just want to know why? Why even bother pretending like everything’s alright when it’s not.
Why not just fucking end it and save us all the pain...all of this betrayal.”
As the words left her mouth, she watched as her mother trembled in shame before she picked up her phone, dialing and unknown number. The room was silent for all of 10 minutes before the front door opened with a bang.
That’s all that Marina can remember from that night. She woke up in a hospital with her brother, asleep at her side, his head next to her hand. It took her a month to recover, with multiple visits back for rehab. Her leg had been broken in three different places, ribs broken, bruises scattered her body and the various cuts to her face would suggest that she’d been in a cage fight. Though the sulfur that was left behind left little to the imagination.
But, as she later found out, that wasn’t true.
Tyler had told her that a group of men had stormed the house, attacking her as he was grabbed by their mother, safe from the dispute. And despite the obvious pain she was in, Marina smiled at her big brother, a small one, but a smile nonetheless.
“At least you weren’t hurt.”
Once she was cleared and completely healed, she returned home with her brother. It was squeaky clean, the bleach smell burning her nostrils as she padded to her room. Once the door was shut, Marina took out the brand new leather journal her father had gifted her for Christmas. And she wrote down everything that had happened. Wrote down the location of the emergency bag of cash she’d stashed incase something happened. Wrote down everything her father had taught her about drifting from place to place, about how to protect herself.
When she turned 13, she added another wall around her crumbling heart, the structure only growing as more metal was added, sealed tight with a lock, the key having been tossed somewhere dark. On a particularly hard hunt, both Marina and Tyler were witness to the death of their father. Having knocked both siblings out, the ghoul had free reign for at least 10 minutes, and by the time Marina had come to, her father’s blood had run cold. After organising the remains of his body onto a pyre, the brother and sister set their father alight, giving him a hunter’s funeral.
The drive home was silent, filled with nothing, not even the comforting lull of music from the radio. With dull eyes, both brother and sister kept their gaze focused on the road, not even acknowledging the dark cloud that began to gather around the tops of their heads. They knew of the coming storms, and tried as best they could to prepare for the forthcoming danger.
When they returned home with the news, silence was all that was met. And then anger. Directed at both children, Lauren Roseanne Cooper became a living, raging storm; frustrated and angry tears streamed down her face as the world was drenched in red. As usual, the whimpering mess that was Marina huddled against the wall, her hand clenched tight around her big brothers, hoping to outlast the pain. But like always, through the blood, sweat and tears...the darkness became a welcoming friend, arms open and willing to take away the pain, if not for a little while.
When she regained consciousness, she clutched desperately at the sheets of the hospital bed, searching for the comforting weight of her brother’s hand.
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Looking around the light blue room, Marina’s eyes searched for a figure that wasn’t there; but was at home, safe and sound with a loving, doting mother to wait on hand and foot.
Just like that, all the walls that had been built over time…
And became as permanent as the scars on her body; tattoos that told the story of her young life.
A/N: And that is it for chapter 1!!!! I was at work all day today trying to get over the massive writer’s block I’ve had since last week >.< But hopefully this will suffice...this was written on 4 hours of sleep after an 11 hour work day...so hehe enjoy!!!!
Please again, don’t be afraid to tell me what you think, send me a PM or just leave a reply cuz it’s almost like drinking 10 cups of coffee for me hehe.
As always thank you for taking the time to read this, I really do appreciate it. I can’t wait to see how this turns out!! We’re slowly building to seeing the boys again, almost!!
 Until next time lovelies!!
- Ninz
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finaledenialist · 4 years
Is four letter word w*ncest ? Or just deancas bcos it’s pairing in ao3 is a bit ... vague
Dean Winchester & Sam WinchesterBobby Singer & Dean Winchester & Sam WinchesterBobby Singer & Dean Winchester
Castiel/Dean WinchesterDean Winchester/Other(s)
do you see the difference between ‘&’ and ‘/’ ? ;)
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negans-lucille-tblr · 5 years
Supernatural Masterlist
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Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Dean x Reader x Sam
Wincest & Sister/Daughter!Reader
Misc Characters
SPN Multi Character
SPN Real People Fiction
Non-Reader/Rare Pairings
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idratherwrite1 · 7 years
Dirty Dancing Supernatural AU.  Chapter Two
I did all of this with the help of @manawhaat
This story follows along the plot of the movie so yeah.
If you want to be tagged just send me a message thank you.
“One, two, three, four! Stomp those grapes and stomp some more!” The instructor shouted for the class. “One, two, three, four,” she clapped. “Listen to the music!” She yelled cheerfully at us.
“Sorry,” I apologized to the man whose foot I accidentally stepped on while trying to keep up with the rest of the dance class. “Move your caboose and shake it loose!” She laughed while moving a man’s hips. “One, two, three, four,” she started clapping again. “Start the train!” she instructed, moving everyone into a line before herding us into a circle  “Come on, men! Follow me into a round robin! Ladies, the inner circle!” Us women moved into the circle, dancing in the opposite direction of the men. “Come on, ladies! God wouldn’t have given you maracas if he didn’t want you to shake them!” She practically cheered,  shimming her chest. “Okay, now, ladies, when I say ‘stop’ you’re gonna find the man of your dreams.”
“Stop!” We all stopped and I was lined up with my father. That was, until the red-headed instructor cut in and took his hand, dancing away with him and leaving me to dance with little old woman. “Remember, he’s the boss on the dance floor, if nowhere else.” Everyone but me laughed.
“Ma, dad, I’m going to explore the main house. Be back later,” I called on my out of our cabin.
As I strolled toward the building, I had to admit, the place was nice; peaceful, and had the potential for giving us a nice summer.
When I made it to the restaurant’s front door and looked, Mr. Kellerman was addressing a group of men. “There are two kinds of help here. You waiters are all college guys, and I went to Harvard and Yale to hire you. Now, why did I do that? Why? I shouldn’t have to remind you. This is a family place. That means you keep your fingers out of the water, hair out of the soup, and show the goddamn daughters a good time,” he stopped for a beat. “Even the dogs.” The men all laughed at this. “Show them the stars, romance them anyway that you want.”
Just then, a tall, gorgeous man in a white shirt, black pants, combat boots, came up with a group of guys tailing him. “Got that, guys?” He asked, tossing the leather jacket in his hand over his broad shoulders as he started walking away.
“Wait, Dean, wait!” Dean and his group stopped and turned to face Zach. “Well, if it isn’t the entertainment staff. Listen, wise ass, you’ve got your own rules. Dance with the daughters, teach ‘em the mambo. the cha-cha, anything they pay for. That’s it. No funny business No conversations. And hands to yourselves!”
Someone from Deans group spoke up, “It’s the same thing, anyways; some ass in the woods, no conversations.” His friends laughed, but not Dean.
Mr. kellerman glared at him. “Watch it, Rodriguez.” Rodriguez nodded.
“Can you keep that straight, Dean? What you can and can’t put your hands on,” a cocky waiter smirked, watching Dean’s eyes narrow as he walked toward him.
“Just put your pickle on everyone’s plate, and leave the hard stuff to me.” He almost growled, pushing a china set off the table and knocking over a few chairs on his way out.
I giggled quietly and backed away. I didn’t know who this Dean was, but I had an odd feeling I’d like him.
Tagging a couple people that I think will like this @winchesters-favorite-girl and @teamfreewill-imagine
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winchdeann · 3 years
Why your nicname's wincest? Are you the incest shipper? 😝
it's not wincest. I do NOT ship that
it's winchestdean. my gamer tag and a lot of social media are either winchdean or winchesterdean but they weren't available on tumblr so I went with this.
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borahebangtan · 5 years
💜 fic recs 💜
AN:- These are just some really awesome fics you should go read. P.S. 99% of these are reader inserts.
Kim Seokjin (Jin)
Min Yoongi (Suga)
Jung Hoseok (J-Hope)
Kim Namjoon (RM)
Park Jimin (Jimin)
Kim Taehyung (V)
Jeon Jeongguk (Jungkook)
Poly!OT7 x Reader
Shawn Mendes
Connor Brashier
Harry Styles
Tom Holland
Niall Horan
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Doctor Who
Ninth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Eleventh Doctor
Twelfth Doctor
BBC’s Merlin
Arthur Pendragon
AN:- Like, but also- REBLOG THE FICS YOU LIKE AND FOLLOW THE WRITERS! It takes zero effort, but makes someone’s day.
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tamtamlov · 6 years
Guys! Supernatural AND Doctor Who are both up for SiFi/Fantasy show 2018!! My top two shows!!! I don't care which you vote for, just VOTE!!!!!!!
@littlegreenplasticsoldier @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @luciisthebest @isometimeswritesomethings @jotink78 @giftofdreams @docharleythegeekqueen @sunlightdances @ilostmyshoe-79 @deanssweetheart23 @illshakeyouallnightlong-dean @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @mrs-squirrel-chester @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @sp-oops @impalapossible @effie-w @kittenofdoomage @mrsjohnsmith @waytooinlovewithdeanwinchester @whispersandwhiskerburn @deanwritings @super-unnatural-writing @supernatural-jackles @iwantthedean @nichelle-my-belle @impala-dreamer @frenchybell @d-s-winchester @imagining-supernatural @spnsimpleman @sis-tafics @hasta-impalasta @just-another-busy-fangirl @acreativelydifferentlove @curliesallovertheplace @winchesterdean @waywardmoeyy @hannahindie @lipstickandwhiskey @just-another-winchester @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @sugarlips-jensen @ariannnawinchester @not-moose-one-shots @a-winchester-fairytale @ignitesparksforever @winchestersgirl92 @awinchester-fairytale @archiveofourown73
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csengettyusposts · 3 years
Follow me : @super_naturalfp #dean #deanwinchesteredit #deanwinchesterfanart #deanwinchester #deangirl #deanwinchesteredits #dean_winchester #deandemon #deanfuckingwinchester #winchesterbrother #winchesterdean #winchesterboy #winchester #followmeformore #followme #followers #supranatural #supernatural #supernaturalcw #angels #angel #demons #deanwinchesteredit #demondean #demon https://www.instagram.com/p/CSnDd12jK2e/?utm_medium=tumblr
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crowsbabies · 7 years
tagged by  @helianthus21 thank you for tagging me!! 
rule: list the top ten songs you are listening to nowadays and tag (ten) mutuals
i’m the type of person who listens to the same song for ten hours straight until i’m sick of it. then i find a new song to obsess over. so here’s the list of the songs i will listen to during the next ten hours lmao 
i. always where i need to be, the kooks ii. running up that hill, track and field iii. raise hell, dorothy iv. 1965, zella day v. believer, imagine dragons vi. pressure, until the ribbon breaks vii. sorry, halsey viii. ghost in town, foxos ix. simple man, jason manns&jensen ackles x. ghost by your side, naya. 
tagging @frxmtheasheswewillrise, @angelwingsandwhiskey, @liarliaryourmomisonfire, @lannisrte, @marksofcain, @mishasboyfriend, @ashthimble, @bidoctor, @gaysupercorp, @winchesterdean. if you want to do it! 
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peterstarkss · 7 years
O & U for the letters ask meme!
O -
Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
One More Night- Maroon 5This song is basically all Lee/Kara. I mean
You and I go hard at each other like we’re going to war.You and I go rough, we keep throwing things and slamming the door.You and I get so damn dysfunctional, we stopped keeping score.You and I get sick, yeah, I know that we can’t do this no more.
That’s basically Unfinished Business the best worst episode of tv ever. My pilots deserved better and I’ll never get over it.
U -
Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Ok here we go…
1. Bellamy BlakeI’ve loved this character from Day 1 even in his asshole days. Thanks to Bob you knew there was more to this character than just being a dick. Then “His Sister’s Keeper” happened and we finally got his tragic backstory and learned how he puts everything on his shoulders and thinks everything is his fault and I just fell more in love with him.
2. Cassian AndorThis is a recent one but god did it hit me hard. Going into Rogue One I really knew nothing about the movie except what it was about. Then all of these characters totally blew me away. I love how when we first meet Cassian we think he’s some ruthless Alliance spy who wastes people who are expendable but again Diego lets us know there’s more to this guy. I love how he keeps coming back for Jyn even after she is of no use to him or the mission. He’s been fighting for the Alliance so long he doesn’t even know what he’s fighting for anymore until he sees Jyn with her father and they both find peace within themselves on that beach.
3. Dean WinchesterDean, Dean, Dean. Jensen has done so much with this character it’s insane and it was really heard choosing between him and Sam. From the beginning of the series the show has been about brothers and Dean’s motivation has never changed ‘Protect Sammy. Save Sammy.’ I love that Sam was the one always preaching about a normal life but it was also what Dean really wanted all along as well but not with out Sam (as we found out with Lisa and Ben). I love that he wanted his last words to Sam toe be that he was proud of him, something John didn’t say that often. When Sam was basically losing his mind it was Dean who brought him back and Sam did the same for him and he was strong enough to overcome the Mark and kill Death. This is basically a love of Sam and Dean post but yeah, I can’t talk about one without the other.
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Theory on Castiel looking up Jimmy
Isn’t Jimmy dead? The second time that Castiel took over his body he had been stabbed and Cas had said, through Claire, that he would live between life and death but never get either. Even if Cas goes back, Jimmy is dead. What exactly are they going to do?
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csengettyusposts · 3 years
Yeah 🥵 Follow me : @super_naturalfp #jensenackless #jensenfans #jensenacklesedits #jensenacklessexy #jensenacklesvideo #jensen_ross_ackles #jensenackles #acklessexy #ackles #acklesholic #dean #deanwinchesteredit #deanwinchestersupernatural #deangirl #dean_winchester #deandemon #demons #winchesterboy #winchester #winchesterdean https://www.instagram.com/p/CSKdnA1j9qL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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