#winx candles
disenchantixtime · 6 months
If Darcy was a candle part 2
Inspired by an ask on @valtors-bitch’s blog
Sugar Plum & Autumn Plum (with cinnamon)
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zekestims · 2 years
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BL♡♡M 🌅
- growing up, whenever i was going to watch the tv, it was definitely going to be a off-brand disney movie in russian (fun fact: i couldn’t speak english until i was 4!), or winx club, bloom is definitely my fav character (and still is, thinking of all the memories) so i dedicated this stim to her: the colors aren’t too exact: but hey, i had fun making this!
q: how do you stim ? ☆☆☆
(do not answer if not autistic 👆🏻)
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redhairedgirl95 · 1 year
How often does Stella sleep over at red fountain
Almost every weekend, either Friday or Saturday, depending on the plans she has with the girls. She may sleepover during a school night on special occasions, when she’s stressed about something and just needs for him to hold her, or when she feels like it. Since she’s started sleeping with Brandon, sleeping alone seems kinda sad.
Sky is oh-so pissed about it, but Helia has his own room and he camps with him when they become good friends. Until then, he sleeps on the sofa - which he hates, but he owes Brandon A LOT after the whole switch-situation - or in Timmy and Riven’s room (rarely).
Brandon doesn’t have to do that much, given that Bloom doesn’t visit as often as Stella does.
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winxamvedits · 1 year
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aristaspark · 4 months
The reasons why I think Stella and Bloom's friendship is amazing and is not something we often see
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Or why Fate is trash
One aspect of Winx club I always loved growing up was the friendship between the girls. They all love each other, despite their very different personnalities and having some rough times.
While I could write an essay about almost every duo in Winx club, I do think that Stella and Bloom are the most interesting to analyze.
Even though they are part of a friend group, the show doesn't try to hide the fact that Stella and Bloom are each other best friend, they even say so themselves.
This friendship is truly groundbreaking when we think about it, for one simple reason: Bloom and Stella's archetypes usually hates each other when depicted together in media.
Hear me out.
Stella is the girly girl, the mean girl, the popular girl with a big mouth who can appear shallow. Plus, she's blond. She bases a big portion of her self-worth in her apperance. Basically, she's the Regina George of Winx Club.
Bloom, she's not like the other girls. There's nothing wrong with her, she's attractive and a sweetheart, yet she attracts attention for being different (in the show there are a few reasons for this, first she's from Earth and she's also the keeper of the Dragon Flame, making her a god-like existence in the story). She has messy hair, dresses in jeans, doesn't really care about her apperance... She's a fish out of water type of character, the character everyone can and wants to relate to. She's the Cady of Winx Club.
These two were designed to hate each other.
Taking into account Stella's nature, we expect her to hate Bloom out of sheer jealousy. Bloom doesn't try and gets all the attention, she's the new girl who turns out to be the one girl more powerful than her, she's also a princess. We could say that everything Stella can do, Bloom can do better.
And yet...
Stella would kill a bitch for Bloom. Never in the show does she display any sort of ill feelings toward Bloom, on the contrary, she spends her time trying to get her to be more confident in herself and her abilities. She's sweet with her and does her best to uplift her. I can say with confidence that Stella is the one person in the show who loves Bloom the most (tied with Daphne), like Sky doesn't hold A CANDLE to her.
When Bloom leaves on missions by herself she's worried sick, she's always clinging to her, teasing her, looking out for her. She's always the one there for Bloom when things get hard (when the Trix steal her powers, when Sky gets engaged to Diaspro, when she thinks of her family...)
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And Bloom, she just loves Stella. She's the reason her dream became reality (it was her meeting with her which caused her to learn her true nature), and Stella took her under her wing to make it easier for her to fit into this new world. She saw from the beggining that Stella was willing to lie for her, to fight for her and she couldn't help but love her, even if she had a big mouth and quite the personnality. Stella brought lightness and laughter into her world, she was her anchor.
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For real, just look at her reaction when Stella throws herself from the cliff in season two. She spends the episodes after that obsessing over finding and saving Stella.
These two can't live without each other even though one is the 'your typical mean girl' and the other is 'not like the other girls'.
Heck, everytime the villains freaking spy on the Winx these two are all over each other.
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I think the heart of their friendship is their first meeting. Stella was what Bloom had dreamed of all her life: she was a real fairy, the living personnification of her dreams. She's the one who made her dream a reality. As for Stella, she was saved by a human who risked her life and stood up for her even though she didn't stand any chance and didn't know her. Bloom was just lucky she turned out to be a fairy. Bloom then took her to her house and took care of her, without expecting anything in return, which caused them to bond instantly.
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That relationship was freaking transgressive for the time, and Fate's writers deserve jail for what they did to their friendship. Bloom and Stella fighting over a boy and Stella turning into the typical insecure and jealous mean girl? Hell no.
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Look at these queens 🥹
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rivensdefenseattorney · 3 months
Red Fountain Dormitory + Riven's Apartment
Here's all the boys' rooms + Riven's apartment since he wants to be different so badly.
Brandon's Room
Brandon is definitely a maximalist, he follows the philosophy that blank walls are meant to be filled. He's also a bit of a hoarder, so he has a lot of things he's received from his siblings as gifts scattered around. He also a big movie buff, so he has just about any poster you can imagine.
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Timmy's Room
Timmy sees his room as a secondary workspace. He's often drafting new blueprints & prototypes, or studying for his next exam. He's absolutely fascinated with aircrafts, and has been building models since he was a child. His curiosity often leads him to taking things apart and studying the components.
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Sky's Room
Sky is a simple man, he doesn't really understand a lot about decor, so he lets his friends do it for him. If you see any furniture or decorations in his space, it was most likely put there by Brandon or Stella. His favorite addition however, is the mural that Helia painted for him on the wall. Sky tries his best to make his room inviting for guests-and-strays alike, so he often has a lot of blankets, pillows, and spare bedding. Stella basically treats his room like a secondary home, so he leaves space for her to leave her things.
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Helia's Room
Helia's room is like an art gallery. He has too many sketches and canvases scattered about to count. Helia sometimes forgets where he puts things, but he treats it as a pleasant surprise whenever he eventually finds it.
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Nabu's Room
Nabu's room is a place for him to decompress. After coming to Magix, he needed a space for him that holds some familiarity. He likes to keep the lights to a minimum since he's used to spending a lot of time in dark caves and deep ocean pits, so he often opts to use candles when he can. He also has a lot of ingredients and artifacts scattered about his room.
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Riven's Apartment
Riven likes to keep things simple, so he doesn't have a lot in his apartment outside of necessities. He even made a bookshelf to keep all of his books organized. Eventually, he makes some space for Flora to keep her extra plants since she ran out of space in her room. It somehow turned into her having her own corner in his apartment. He allows Bloom to put books onto his shelf for him to read later. It's also the designated meeting spot for the group, but he doesn't know that yet.
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How tidy is everyone? (From Messy to Neat)
Side Note*: This is also the order of who would drive Riven the most insane if they lived together.
What type of bird is everyone? (From Night Owl to Early Bird)
Night Owl
Early Bird
Winx Rewrite Master Post
Red Fountain Polytechnic
Alfea Dormitory
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sugarybisous · 2 years
sugarybisous dreamy guide to a luminous transition to fall ♡
as the seasons are moving around and slowly changing, allow your life to do the same.♡ here's a special girly guide on how to fully enjoy the cold weather approaching and take advantage of the seasonal items around this beautiful time!
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wardrobe ♡
it is time. time for:
ugg boots
plush soft robes
cozy sweaters
fluffy socks (fuzzy EVERYTHING!)
leg-warmers,arm warmers (everything warmers!)
fur trimmed jackets and coats
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for the cold weather it’s super important to stay warm to avoid getting sick but who says you can’t do it in style?
skincare & bodycare ♡
still want to hold onto that summer hydrating glow? everything is prone to drying up once it gets chilly so hydration is key internally and externally. body and face oils are a must to introduce into the colder seasons! i also really like introducing products into my skincare that is hydrating whether it’s toner, moisturizer, sheet masks, or regular face masks!
my post on bodycare for stronger lingering scents here
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room ♡
liven up your room with a fresh cleaning to prepare for the new season, also take this time to practice gratitude for everything that you have and watch as your heart and mind grows with joy. this is the perfect time to cozy up your room with candles and blankets and gives you more of an excuse to buy more plushies to cuddle up with!
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eats ♡
seasonal eating is important because the food is fresher, tastier and more nutritious than food consumed out of season. according to traditional chinese medicine consuming different foods according to the season is beneficial because we are what we eat, and most dietary guidelines follow on from nature. if we eat seasonal foods that are similar in nature to the external environment, we remain in harmony with the environment, adapt better changes in season and stay healthy! not only is it great to eat within the season but, going shopping and trying out seasonal themed foods is so fun and makes the season even more exciting! (source)
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activities and extras! ♡
go on a walk and hear the leaves crunch
pumpkin patch
apple picking
take more trips to the library
cozy up with a book and some hot cocoa
watch some “fall themed”shows
take a bubble bath
a list of some girly animations to watch!
monster high ghouls rule
bratz pixies
ever after high
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have a dreamy season everyone! ♡
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bubble3-tea-3bear · 1 year
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Cozy Sunday Guide
1. Indulge in a luxury skincare routine
2. Sort out my planner with cute stickers and washi tape
3. Make pink unicorn hot chocolate, rainbow sprinkles, fluffy cream, and mini marshmallows
4. Buy or draw a bunch of pretty flowers
5. Organize my wardens wardrobe and dressing table
6. Color in a fairytale book
7. Bake some enchanting sweet treats
8. Watch Disney or Barbie princess movies
9. Treat myself to some cute comfy clothing
10. Light a new favorite candle and burn some eco friendly wax
11. Have a pink bubble bath with candy scented bubbles
12. Go for a walk through the pink and white cherry blossom trees
13. Curl up with a new book and cozy blanket
14. Make unicorn popcorn and watch The Winx Club!
You don’t have to all these things to have a good Sunday. Most of the time I just like to bake. This week I made a delicious chocolate cake and watched Barbie 🫶🎀💕.
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lunar-and-ardent · 5 months
Some headcanons regarding Winx's appearance I like/have
While the cartoon doesn't really have different body types, there are some headcanons about Winx I really like (and it looks like some of them, mostly about Layla/Aisha and Musa, will become canon in the 9th season/reboot, so maybe I'm onto something!).
Bloom - the whole point of her character is being an average girl that turns out to be a fairy and a princess of the lost kingdom, so I think that she should look rather average (aside from her red hair + blue eyes combo, of course). You know, like 168cm tall and with nothing too specific/characteristic about her body shape.
Stella - as a kid I always wondered why Stella likes sunbathing so much, yet it is never visible on her body. This is why I like to think that, aside from winter and especially during summer, she is more or less tanned. I also like to imagine her as tall, like 178cm, to fit into this model-like archetype, but I think it would be nice for her to be a little chubbier and/or have a pear body shape. For two reasons. First, to have the most fashionable character not fitting fully into the conventional standards of beauty. Second, I think it would be interesting in relation to her being "the ugly child" (this one retrospection of her being like 10, in S2), showing her confidence.
Flora - her version from 1999, the conceptual one, had glasses and I think that she would look so cute in round ones. Plus a little more representation of people wearing glasses, and not a super-stereotypical one at that! For variety, she could sometimes wear glasses, sometimes contacts. Moreover, I like this headcanon in the community that she is chubby, with a round/apple shape, such strong mom friend vibes! Alternatively, I think that it would be also fitting for her to be like 175cm tall (you know, tall, but not super-tall) and rather skinny. I'm thinking rectangle/candle body type. I think that this could get the idea of her being shy. Of course, body shapes have nothing to do with your personality, don't understand me wrong! I'm thinking more about how characters are designed and the vibes they can instantly give. Oh, and she likes doing experiments, so maybe one went wrong, and now she has a prosthesis made from branches of trees? This could look cool, plus I'm pretty sure Flora would be like "well, stuff happens".
Layla/Aisha - for some reason I like to imagine her being tall, like the tallest of the group, maybe like 182cm. And of course with a toned body! After all, she's very into sport and dance, I think her muscles would be visible. An hourglass or a rectangle shape, I think.
Musa - while Layla for some reason is tall in my mind, I imagine Musa as the shortest one. Maybe because of her fiery temper, short characters with fire personalities are always entertaining. Plus, this would add the dynamic tall friend&short friend with Aisha. Also, a rectangle shape. Or maybe an inverted triangle?
Tecna - I think it would be funny if she looked like an ideal model. An hourglass shape, 180cm. Stella would be like "ohmygodgirlyoulooksostunningcanyouwearmyprojectspleasepleaseplease" and Tecna, just hella confused, would answer "...thanks?". The beautiful girl that has no idea how beautiful she is, just minding her own business.
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an official art of the reboot/season 9 for reference
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Fairy circles
Fairy cycles are like witch covens, only they are build on trust.
I finally get to talk about fairy circles! I can not tell you how exited I am to talk about this brain child or mine! This is going to be general lore. The Winx specific infos will come later this month.
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The base line is that they are like the idea we have of witch covens. A group of at least three (3) people, specifically fairies, that share a magical connection. Unlike witch covens though, fairy circles are based on trust and want.
Each member of the circle has to trust each other blindly, and want to be connected to them. If even one is hesitating it will not work. Like they have to trust each others with their life and more importantly their wings.
Fairy circles, especially those that are "natural" are seen as the will of magic itself and are seen as a higher power. If a fairy circle ives an order to people, they will do it and not even the government of that plante or the High Council can stop them, especially if there is a crisis. Which is why the true or natural circles are automatically recorded by the magic of the Council palace.
This also means if you start a fight with a true circle, when they are working…let's say you should go out and buy milk…your reputation is done for unless the Circle in questions makes it clear that they don't want you to be harmed in any way.
Because they are build on trust, each fairy circle is different and individual to their fairies, but there are similarities that they all share:
The bond mark or first bond A tattoo that takes the colours and symbols of the different faires and combines them in a sigil representing them as a group. The placement of each mark is individual to each circle, but it happens rather often that they influence the wings of the fairies and show up there. This mark represents the original fairies who form the circle, if other's join later on their sigils will be added around the original mark.
The bond soul or full bond This happens when all fairies of the circle reach their full powers and become true equals. Or in other words when they all have reached enchantix. When this happens the whole dimension is made aware by magic, that there is a new fairy circle. The Council palace will glow in the colours of the circle and each planet will see the true form of the fairy circle. This true form is called the soul of the bond. It is when the circle as equals fly together for the first time and their magics combine to form an animal or magical creature to represent them as a group.
The Ritual
To create a fairy circle there is a full on ritual. (I hinted to that in earlier chapters.)
For one the fairies have to go to the place where they have come together for the first time. If one of them came later to the group and this meeting happened somewhere else than the rest of the group meeting that last person is the deciding factor.
For the girls this would be Aisha stumbling out of the forest and the girls finding her in a clearing.
There has to be a set up of candles, one for each person involved and then one by one in order of when they met the specific words of the persons culture are spoken.
Each planet has their own phrase to create a fairy circle, based on their magic and culture. It can also vary depending on where someone is from, from a planet. If everything goes well, the tattoo appears and the connection is established.
Types of Fairy Circles
The most well known examples of fairy circles are Circles born from Hope, Circles forged through trial and War Circles. They tend to emphasize different kinds of magics and also boost fairies differently.
Circle born from Hope This specific kind of fairy circle is created when fairies come together to help each other emotionally. It's sometimes also called the family circle, since fairies who have this kind of bond behave as if they are family.
Circles forged through Trial These circles are often seen in guardian faires from the same planet, since they are most likely to be forced into dangerous situations outside of war. This kind of circle is the most common and focused on trust. Lynphea is well know for this kind of fairy circle, since it's flora and fauna is rather vicious.
War Circles They are rare and both seen as the highest kid of circle and the most feared. War Circles are a combination of Hope and Trial circles with an addition of distrust. Faires who are part of a War circle often have no choice in how they got together, but learned to trust and lean on teacher other, while starting to see through the lies told in war. This circle isn't talked about much and generally not seen a positive by the ruling class, since it tends to change the system …go figure.
There are other kinds of Circles, but these are the big three. They can also be mixed and redefined depending on the circle. As usual…boxes.
The fairy circle posts each fairy's powers to a small degree, it also makes it easier to cast spells that belong to another members range. For example Aisha would find is easier to cast fire magic, which opposes her natural magic. Or Flora has an easer access to atificial magic.
It's also a bit of an alarm system. If one of them is in danger the bond will flare up both visibly and magically and the members of the circle will be made aware of it.
The last known benefit is the creation of telepathic connections. They don't happen just because the circle has been established, but it's much easier to create a telepathic bond simply because the magics are already connected.
Other than that not much is known when it comes to benefits of a fairy circle since it, much like witch covens is a sacred practice and you generally do not ask about it.
If a member of the fairy circle died or is magically drained, that will also hurt the others. Their magics will be unbalanced and weaker, because the bond tried to heal the unbalance. This in the past has been used to eliminate fairy circles, when one has become too powerful.
Historical insight.
The most well known fairy circle is Arcadias Circle also know as the golden circle. They are regarded a newer gods today.
Fairy circles as a whole have declined ever since the fall of Sparx, but there hasn't been a fairy circle that has been recognized since Domino has been cursed.
Lastly: DO NOT MISTAKE fairy circles and fairy rings. Those two are different things with very different meanings!
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disenchantixtime · 6 months
If Darcy was a candle part 1.
Inspired by and ask on @valtors-bitch’s blog.
Black Orchid or Black Orchid & Lily
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rapidhighway · 10 months
the evolution of my birthday cake candle wishes as i grew up:
i wanna be a winx fairy
i wanna be hannah montana
i wanna be a winx fairy
i want for a bag full of money to fall through the window to my room every single night and for it to not give me any problems for having sooo much money
i want the red chair (can make all the previous wishes come true and more)
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swansangel · 1 month
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౨ৎ • about me • ɞ﹒₊˚౨ৎ
౨ৎ my name is divine, but you can call me swan or angel
౨ৎ i’m 14, my birthday is on september 22nd, 2009
౨ৎ british princess
౨ৎ currently dating bill skarsgård
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♡₊˚ i love the colour pink, lana del rey, lace & silk clothing, candles, reading, books, girlblogging, english, my diary, journaling, ballet, early 2000s, late 90’s, vintage anything, music, lipgloss, mascara, fashion, runway models, victoria’s secret, animals, swans, Jesus, mermaids, showers, old hollywood, bows, pearls, princesses
♡₊˚ fav musicians are lana del rey, lil peep, marina, tyler the creator, tv girl, avril lavigne, literally any throwback songs
♡₊˚ fav movies are to all the boys i’ve loved before, twilight, the virgins suicide, black swan, coraline, mean girls, priscilla, old disney princess movies, scream movies, wild child, clueless, princess diaries, confessions of a teenage drama queen, the devil wears prada, legally blonde, girl interrupted
♡₊˚ fav shows are pretty little liars, h2o just add water, winx club, ever after high, gilmore girls, gossip girl, skins (uk)
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southieparkie · 1 year
Okay, I've seen this discourse going around on my dash because a few of my mutuals have expressed their takes. At first I was going to just. Side eye. And leave it at that. But I actually wanna talk about it real quick.
It doesn’t really matter if Cartman is the star of the show or if he’s the show’s backbone, people are not crazy lunatics for disliking him. A character’s role in a show shouldn’t have to be what dictates whether or not it’s okay for the fandom to hate them. That’s just silly. Let’s use the Winx Club, for example. I’ve seen people say that they hate Bloom, the main character in the show. Without Bloom, there would be no Winx Club. I was shocked by this at first because, hey! She’s Bloom! But it didn’t really hurt me or upset me because, while I personally like Bloom, I’m aware that there are people out there who don’t. That’s fine, preferences exist. I’ll live, and so will they.
Another really popular example that I’ve seen lately is Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug. This one did kinda hurt me a little, only because I really liked her and even saw bits and pieces of herself in me. The most recent ML season, from what I’ve seen and heard, has pretty much Mary Sue’d her in terms of accountability and clumsiness. Hey, shit happens. Although it’s sad that the fandom no longer likes my favorite character, I’m not going to wiggle my finger at whoever posts about how they’re disappointed that Marinette’s character has changed so drastically, and I’m especially not going to justify my finger-wiggling by saying that she’s the Star of the Show and therefore void of criticism. Or just. Immune to the fandom not liking her ass.
I’ve met people who even hate Spongebob. Spongebob Motherfucking Squarepants. Without him, there would be no show! But even then, it’s valid if the little guy annoys you.
All of this can be said about Cartman. I’m personally one of the ones who just flat out doesn’t care about him. I generally don’t feel the need to, like, analyze his character and look into why he does what he does. Not because I won’t benefit from it, I most likely will, but because I simply don’t want to. Drinking a tall glass of lemonade would be more refreshing than studying whatever the hell Cartman has got going on, I’ll tell ya that right now.
So yeah, people can dislike Cartman for whatever reason they feel. One of the most popular reasons being that he’s a shitty person. While I’d argue that this is par for the course considering the overall offensive rhetoric a show like South Park seems to present, you have to admit that the guy can take shit to another level. Also, I hate it when people fire back against that argument by saying “Well, all of the other characters are shitty human beings too!” because, yeah, you’re absolutely right, but I don’t recall Stan starting a Nazi Revolution in honor of one of the most evil human beings of all mankind. I don’t recall Kenny killing an innocent man and forcing a boy to eat Chili made out of his own cooked flesh. It doesn’t matter how you slice it, none of these characters hold a single candle to the amount of terrible shit Cartman has said and done, most of which he doesn’t even feel sorry for.
Even with the shit that the other characters do, they’re easily forgettable moments because the moments are few and far between, a refresher to remind the audience that these characters are in no way completely innocent. With Cartman, being a piece of shit is, like, central to every episode he’s in. Like, damn bitch, almost every episode you’re on some next level shit lmao.
I’d also like to address how fatphobia has come into play here. I mean, sure, yeah, things like fatphobia can and do stand as factors for why people don’t like characters, most likely internalized rather than intentional. And not to dismiss genuine fatphobia in the fandom, because I do believe that it’s there, I truly do not believe that that is a driving factor for the fans disliking Cartman. Like, c’mon. There’s a whole bunch of other shit here, I think his weight is the least of our worries.
Also in terms of shipping I think fans don’t like to ship Cartman with anyone because of the canonical event of Cartman actually getting a girlfriend. He was a manipulative asshole, we all saw it. Even before he and Heidi got together, the way he treats his friends and family is evidence enough. Idk. I don’t think he’d be any different while being romantically involved with any other member of the cast, which is why any ship involving him is, in my opinion, questionable at best and outright anti-semetic at worst (wink wink nudge nudge)
Anyway uhhh take this post with a grain of salt lol. If you like him, great! Just, y’know, don’t shame others for not liking him just because he’s the reason why South Park has it’s fame. Doesn’t matter, ppl are allowed to not like characters.
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pigeonflavouredcake · 2 years
🌸🔮💕🕯️Pink Witch Aesthetic🌸🔮💕🕯️
Because i'm a witch and pink is my favourite colour but not much is written about it so why not do it myself.
(Other names: Bubblegum Witch)
The Pink Witch aesthetic centres around themes of witchcraft with pink as the colour of focus.
Pink Witch is an aesthetic that can be adopted by anyone regardless of gender or presentation but as the colour and parent aesthetics imply culturally, it does hold feminine connotations.
Key Motifs of the Pink Witch
The most important is emotional literacy, unlearning internalised misogyny and embracing the colour pink. Other motifs include:
pink stones and charms
glamour magic
protection magic/symbols
pink fairy lights/led lights
strawberry, raspberry, rhubarb, red apple
pink hair/clothing/makeup
pink/purple crystals i.e rose quartz, strawberry quarts, rhodonite, pink agate, amethyst, fluorite, grape agate.
tarot cards, potion bottles, pentagrams,
pink/white/purple candles
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chokers and layered crystal necklaces
layered crystal rings
wide brim hats
babydoll dresses
lace maxi dresses
fishnet tights
doc martens/mary janes/creepers
bell sleeve/bishop sleeve/bardot shirts
maxi skirts/skater skirts
hooded cloaks
pink/black/brown lipstick
pink eye shadow
Film and TV
The Love Witch
Kiki's Delivery Service
Practical Magic
Nanny Mcphee
The Addams Family
Card Capture Sakura
Sailor Moon
Winx Club
Little Witch Academia
Alice Phoebe Lou
Stevie Nicks
Gregory and the Hawk
Hayley Henderickx
Liana Flores
The 1975
Cat Power
Pink Witch can be adapted with elements from other aesthetics based on the complimentary colours. Green and brown will include elements of cottagecore or fairycore. Black and purple will include elements of pastel goth or Creepy Cute.
🌹🌸🍄 Cottagecore Additions
neutral tones
dried flowers
floral/woodland imagery
vintage/romantic style clothing
fantasy films
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💀🌙🕸️ Gothic Additions
black and or purple colours
decorative skulls
celestial/occult imagery
lolita/romantic/nu-goth style clothing
horror films
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Related Aesthetics
Creepy cute/Yami Kawaii
Pastel Goth
Dual Kawaii
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rosalinabloom · 6 months
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Bloom, fairy of the Dragon Flame
Okay, so Bloom is my favorite character. Ever since I was a kid I've loved her. Do not comment Bloom hate here, please take your grievances with poor writing elsewhere. Though I've always hated that this form is called Bloomix. That's so... Self centered? Flamix? Dragonix even? Anyways though, I've come to a realization. My favorite Winx character is Bloom, the fairy of the dragon flame. My favorite Sonic character is Blaze the Cat, a pyrokenetic cat princess. My favorites Sailor Moon Character (I'm binging Crystal at the moment) is Rei/Sailor Mars, whose associated with Fire. My favorite FNaF character is Michael Afton, who loves setting shit on fire. I have 5 candles lit as I type this. Am I a pyromaniac? (The answer is yes).
Anyways, design! I stuck pretty closely to the design here. I actually really like the Bloomix design. I really wish the character designs for the others weren't so cookie cutter/template based from this point on. Hopefully the reboot fixes it! I love the armor aesthetic, and the sheer elements of the design. Im not a big fan of the leggings, but the scales have to connect to something. I did draw in her shaping bangs (?) because I missed that part of her design from earlier seasons. But I do love her tiara.
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