#wip word search game
ssmtskw · 9 months
WIP Wednesday Word Search!
Thanks for the tag in this one, babies. @read-and-write- @firenati0n @songliili @kiwiana-writes @rockyroadkylers @gayrootvegetable and @hgejfmw-hgejhsf! 💗 Also: appreciation post for my friends who endlessly tag me in these games/challenges even though I'm not the most active and consistent person on this platform. I love you all.
RULES: use this generator to generate three random words (or however many you'd like to do!) and share the lines where they show up in your WIPs!
The words I got were acquaintance, monk, and challenge.
acquaintance - Exes to What? AU
There’s a bunch of classmates, celebrities, Nora posting a photo dump about their weekly Austen-binge with June popping in every so often in the slides. Pez in another outfit that never fails to fill Alex with awe; they’re the most stylish person he probably knows, and that’s saying something with his revolving door of acquaintances and friends. Ellen with her recent campaign publicity pictures. His dad doesn’t have instagram, but every now and then Oscar’s face shows up on news outlets as the current-seating senator of California. And then, unmistakably enough to Alex’s eyes, there’s also Henry.
monk - ATLA AU
Alex was already in the Avatar State, and finally looking around the room — littered with Fire Nation army uniforms and the remains of a monk who clearly meant something to Alex and June — it's not hard to understand why.
challenge - fake fratboy!Alex who's actually just an animal shelter volunteer AU
So Henry doesn't ask Alex where he goes or why he has new cuts on his hands or what he gets up to whenever he's not in school — only looks at him as if all the burning questions he wants to send Alex's way was his newfound telepathic skill. Does so in the next few days because he can't just let go of things like that, and ultimately only stops when Alex finally shoots back a quizzical look at him. He doesn't look angry, per se, but the littlest hint of a challenge does start resting on his eyebrows whenever he spares Henry a glance.
I combined both games so I'm not sure who to tag that hasn't done it yet but if you already did, take this as a round two I guess the word search is FUN. @blairwaldcrf @later-2-dae @dragonflylady77 @leojfitz @14carrotghoul @matherines @44whispers @movetoheavens @mudbloodpotter05 @happiness-of-the-pursuit @inexplicablymine @user-anakin @littlemisskittentoes
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landwriter · 1 year
WIP Wordsearch Game: Director's Cut Extended Edition
Why not! Courtesy of @softest-punk and @moorishflower - thank you both for tagging me, please enjoy these excessively long excerpts for every word that was a match in the WIPs:
lonely—lighthouses “You’re off your nut. The only thing Keats and I have in common is that we’re broke.”
But later, halfway out the door, leaving for his own lonely apartment, he finds himself asking, “Keats and Shelley were friends, weren’t they?”
“Yes,” says Dream.
He leaves Dream’s apartment with the words What he has offered me is generous, circling around and around in his head like a dog chasing its tail. I would offer the same, he thinks. I would offer more. Anything. He imagines Dream and his mystery love meeting in the cover of darkness, meeting in cars, in parks, imagines Dream’s lips slick with spit instead of grease, and at the end, each time, the other man, who he pictures as older, chiseled, clean-cut — who must surely have a wife — reminding him he loves another, and Dream nodding, serious, straight-backed as his settee. He wonders if they kiss each other. He hopes they don’t.
small—lighthouses “Trying to kill me,” says Dream, sounding scraped raw.
“Nah,” Hob says, handing the soup back, “I don’t think I could do a good Adonais.” Dream looks at him. “Your throat must feel like shit after that. I’m gonna make you some tea. You got honey?”
Dream nods minutely. He’s wearing an unnervingly soft expression that Hob puts down to him being terrifically, deliriously sick. He puts the back of his hand against Dream’s forehead. “Well,” he says. “No fever, at least.”
“Are you sure?” asks Dream, still staring at him. Hob feels a heat of his own spring to his face. He can’t even kid himself that Dream is just asking. But he’s sure Dream would regret it later, and there’s no way Hob is going to take advantage of him when he’s sick, and he - he tells himself he respects himself too much to be used as a surrogate for Dream’s man, for the one he loves and the one who isn’t here to check if he’s okay, to feed him soup and rub his back and want desperately, desperately, to suck his dick; and it’s not strange to want to do all those things, is it, to want to give him every small pleasure there is of life until he recovers.
He wishes they were both feverish. Wishes he was a slightly worse or significantly better person than this. He drops his hand.
“Yeah,” he says, after a weird, too-long silence. “You’re good. Where’s the honey?”
taste—lighthouses “God,” he says, sounding helplessly reverent. “I’m so fucking crazy for you, man. I’m- I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with you.”
And Dream smiles, soft, and moves for him, hooking an arm behind Hob’s neck and bringing him close, pressing their bodies together, and Hob feels Dream’s naked chest rising and falling against his own as they kiss, and thinks, I love you, I love you, I love you, and he’s sure Dream can taste it in his mouth.
“I know what I want to do with you,” says Dream.
nose—lighthouses “You,” he says, nuzzling into Dream’s stroking, newly spit-slick hand, trying to gentle him, but he won’t be gentled now, not for anything, “Needy for you, for you, nobody else was the same, nobody else was close.”
Dream’s mouth has fallen slack, eyes glazed with lust. He focuses them, barely, on Hob, “For me,” he says.
“For you,” he promises. “Haven’t even made it with anyone else. Wanted you.”
Dream goes still and breathes in sharply through his nose.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“If you keep talking like that, I’m going to come, Hob.”
right—lighthouses “I’ll wait,” he says, standing so hard on the knife edge of truth and discretion he thinks he won’t be able to walk away from this, or walk ever again after it. “I’ll wait a hundred years for, for him.”
“You’re too loyal, Hob.” Dream looks disappointed with him. He wonders if it’s obvious, how fucked he is right now. He wonders if his want is rolling off of him, like fog, if Dream sees it. Or feels it clinging to his skin, damp. If he’s repulsed. He doesn’t want to be pitied. Not by Dream. Not for this. There’s nothin’ wrong, being loyal. Nothing wrong waiting.
book—shaper of forms He does not so mind the crowds, with Hob by his side. It is less of an awful clamour, without the dull roar of daydreams. But his own thoughts are louder, even with Hob holding his hand.
He looks at a book display and accidentally catches his own gaze instead. His window-self looks at him in scorn. Gaunt, it assesses. Frail. Weak. As they pass the next shopfront, he glances over again. And again, and again.
Each reflection is a jolt, a shiver, like a wing’d shadow over water. A fish-fear. Nightmare blotting out the sun. Announcing his new station to the world: you are helpless, you are helpless, you are- Helpless. You are only this. Nothing more.
After, he cannot stop looking, resolved to confront himself until he no longer feels surprise and pain at the sight, but a part of him, too, foolishly hoping to see himself restored in the next window. It is the way humans sometimes unconsciously beckon the same dream of missing something over and over, compulsively looking in the Dreaming for what awaits them in the Waking world: their brake pedal, their destination, their child.
This is not a dream. His loss is his own.
tea—shaper of forms Nightmares, he knows, are important to humanity. He is certain this is what is missing. Fear.
Three nights later — long, he thinks, but perhaps none of the Nightmares he created himself would dare visit their former lord, something he cannot resist finding flattering — he feels an innocuous dream start to turn from under him. He’s in Hob’s kitchen, making tea. His hands tremble and the cup slips and shatters on the floor. He knows he will not catch it in a dream, so he does not try. The puddle of black tea spreads across the floor, suddenly thick and ichorous, and then turns milk-white. At first, he is fascinated.
Then the Nightmare who has been called to his sleeping mind rises out of it with hair and suit the same colour, and teeth for eyes. It is not, he thinks, an especially creative choice. He is certain it is not the Corinthian himself.
Certain, until the Nightmare places a gentle hand on his cheek and says, all friendly impertinence, “Wanna hear a joke? Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.”
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serenailith · 1 year
wip word search game
tagged by the ever wonderful @seiya-starsniper! 
my words were lips, sigh, blue, dark, heat, step
(under the cut)
lips (untitled dark!fic)
Someone presses a glass to his lips, and fingers pinch his nose shut until he opens his mouth to gasp in a breath
sigh (untitled gift fic)
Hob sighs and closes his eyes at the incessant chatter coming from the table behind him.
dark (untitled ‘surprise child acquisition’ fic)
The air swirls and warps, a dark spot in the epicentre growing ever larger.
blue (sequel to i’m lying just to keep you here)
Hob imagines he can see stars in the depths, exploding into existence behind the blue-rimmed pupils.
heat (untitled bdsm fic)
Heat grips his cock tightly, and he shudders bodily and rocks his hips forward over and over until he can move no more.
step (love & violence)
Robyn hefts his bag further onto his shoulder and steps out of the classroom.
i tag @sleepsonfutons @honeyteacakes @arialerendeair and whoever else wants to do this (just @ me if you do so i can see!)
your words are nightmare, shatter, crystal, presence, embrace, and broken
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WIP Word Search Game
First of all, thank you for the tag @possessingtheproperspirit, this is a fun one! So, anyway... here we go!
Words: touch - eyes - last - should
“I think he’s got me beat possibly,” she spoke lovingly. "Everything he touches seems to turn to gold at the moment -" (flowers, Upcoming Jily Musicians AU)
“Oh,” he said, raising his eyebrows, the look in his eyes playful, “so you felt you had to take matters into your own hands, did you? Seeing as I’m highly incompetent and don’t know how to properly seduce a witch?” (no body, no crime, Jily First Wizarding War AU)
She wanted to make it last this time. No more reverting to her old ways, no more traumas to haunt her like a monstrous shadow – sometimes in the shape of her former best friend, while other times it took her own. She wanted out of the darkness, so she could fully absorb the light that had surrounded her ever since James had given her his heart and the most beautiful gift of all: their bubbly, gurgling son, who loved her no questions asked. (Raising A Kid With My Ex, SOTME Series 3)
“One should think so, yes,” said the Duchess of Peverell. “Happy would it be for women, if they were only flattered by the men who loved them.” She raised her eyebrows, leaning forwards, placing her tea cup and saucer on Mrs McGonagall’s table. “That is to say: who love the individual, not the sex. That, truly, is a vital element of it all, if you were to ask for my humble opinion.” (Crossed in Love, Jily Regency AU)
Tagging anyone who might like to participate. I'm sure I'm tagging people that have been tagged before. I'm sorry if that is the case. Just ignore the tag in that case: @annabtg, @annasghosts, @mppmaraudergirl, @missgryffin, @practicecourts, @charmsandtealeaves
Words: love | jump | petal | cross | sleep
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annabtg · 2 years
WIP word search game
Thanks for the tag, @wearingaberetinparis! This looks so fun!
Words: love | jump | petal | cross | sleep
His mother’s collection was the ideal haven for him; in her vast assortment of wizarding and Muggle books he found from fantasy to science fiction, and from romance to murder mysteries. They were where he learned of the world, with its possibilities and limitations; of people of different backgrounds, characters and motivations; and of love of a different kind, one that made people kiss and touch each other in places he’d never been touched, that conjured images that made his heart beat wildly and his body flare up with a heat that could rival the hottest summer day. (Writer!James AU, working title: soalf)
“Fortunately for me,” James Potter responds without the tiniest flinch, “I do, in fact, have other talents than yelling at people and throwing balls around.” His hand reaches for the small of her back; she almost jumps at the contact, but disguises it as turning to look at him. “As does Lily.” He looks at her, something unassumingly soft in his hazel eyes despite the tension in his manner. “How about we find some more intellectually stimulating company?” (unnamed WIP based on an old The Great James Potter draft)
No petals, I'm afraid! Can I interest you in a flower instead?
He muttered an easy spell and removed the top of the wooden stair; there was a flower hidden inside that Lily could identify as a Blue Magnolia. (The Tournament)
The alley opened to a wide street, the park’s gate right across from them; Lily’s arm came up to James’s back as she stopped for a moment to check left and right, despite the zebra crossing ahead of them, then led him to cross the street at a slower pace than before. (double date with James, Lily, Petunia and Sirius WIP. Haven't worked on this one in a while...)
He woke up after what must have been an hour of sleep, maybe a little longer. He could hear the ticking of his watch, left face down on his bedside table, and behind him, Lily’s heartbeat, quick, anxious; awake. (The Long Game, angsty Sirius/Lily prophecy AU)
Tagging: @abihastastybeans @seriouslysam8 @oneofthesirens @petalstofish @athenasparrow
Words: floor | lost | dirty | finger | live
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athenasparrow · 2 years
WIP Word Search Game
Thanks for tagging me @annabtg : )
Words: floor | lost | dirty | finger | live
Petunia was right. It was her fault.
Lily curled up on the floor, finding little comfort in her new position other than the cool floor pressing into her cheek.
“Evans” a voice sounded cautiously and she felt the warmth of a hand close around hers.
She cried harder.
(March Microfic)
James wondered whether she’d said anything else while he was lost in his admiration of her, or if she’d simply asked him a one word question
“You go first” he allowed watching her as she got up from her bed, his eyes slipping down her body.
The grin she shot him over her shoulder had him leaping up to follow her. Perhaps they needn't take turns.
(More than friends)
“Didn’t realise you studied” Lily quipped teasingly.
“It can be our little secret” he said grinning at her. Lily wanted to tell him she’d rather have a dirty little secret with him.
“Let’s see then” Lily said pushing away her errant thoughts and setting her work down so she could observe him.
(March Microfic)
Something about his response seemed to edge Lily on, because her soft smile had turned more seductive and she looked through her window at him, eyes alluring, as her fingers moved down, popping a button at every step.
James felt the need to pinch himself incase he was dreaming.
He wasn’t.
(Glance, 12k, aiming to release first week of April)
Remus Lupin: A club we live fifteen minutes away from has posted us something?
James Potter: lol yeah I'll just grab now
Sirius Black: dunno too late I think
Said they’d posted it
James Potter: Okay fine
But with my wallet gone, you’re buying me lunch Padfoot
Sirius Black: I’ll be there in 10
(March Microfic)
I am tagging @winryofresembool, @ohmygodshesinsane, @maraudersftw, @writtenonreceipts, @annasghosts
Words: sigh | delicious | stare | flat | delight
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rustycreekspoon · 1 year
wip word search gaem
tagged by @aiyexayen who gave me:
tear | soft | red | under | hold
tear, from an untitled shl canon divergent au where wen kexing found out about the nails in episode 6:
The next morning, he’s there to witness the murder of the Sages of Anji. Slaughtered so much like his parents, for a trinket that shouldn’t matter. And A-Xu is there, he rubs salt in his wounds, he— Wen Kexing lashes out. Watches the concern freeze in his shixiong’s eyes. Watches it drain in favor of anguish, in favor of tears filming over those stubbornly dry eyes.
“Hao. Hen hao.” His voice is broken. Quiet. And he leaves—
Wen Kexing gets very drunk that night.
soft, untitled svsss au where shen qingqiu took to wearing luo binghe's pendant as part of a belt decoration for comfort and luo binghe sees this in jinlan city:
Without a Cure is rampaging in his veins, blocking his qi and leaving his form so cold, so cold, colder than the Northern Territories. And to make matters worse... Binghe swears as he finally notices the red rash spreading up Shizun's arm-- that same arm that had been hit with Without A Cure so long ago. Is it cursed? How can his Shizun be so unlucky with this precious hand?! At least he's learned a lot about his body since falling into the Abyss. Truly, a silver lining. He doesn't think twice-- hell, he'd probably say he didn't even really consciously think once-- and he grabs Xiu Ya off the dirty ground and slices his palm open. He presses his wound to his Shizun's pale lips and tries very hard not to notice how they feel so petal-soft against his skin. He coaxes his Shizun to swallow. A couple of times, just to be sure. Once he can feel his blood shifting in Shizun's veins, he stands, cradling Shizun's fragile form to his chest.
red, extended works from the fey zishu au in "stay and break my heart". takes place after wen kexing tries to use the river to break his illusion:
Zishu drags his fingers down his arms, pressing just hard enough to leave light red marks with his nails, down, down his torso, over his nipples, raking over his sides. He watches-- sees the way the shivers work through his body, feels it against his lips, drinking down Wen Kexing's shuddering sighs. A marvel, he can't help thinking as he latches onto a scar, faint and mostly healed, right on the side of his chest. A marvel, this body, this beautiful thing, and it's all for him to enjoy. He wonders if Wen Kexing will behave like he expects him to-- drags his hands back up to torment and tease the pebbling nipples by his cheek, playing across his chest like a qin.
under, more of the above svsss au:
He sees Luo Binghe up there at the top of the stairs. He opens his fan to recover his shock, just as Binghe would have expected from him—but his fingers still seek out the fake guanyin, looking for that comfort. Binghe can see it—his pendant there under his Shizun’s anxious hand, as if trying to hide it, or rather—as if trying to feel safe with it, with this piece of Binghe. Shizun tries to save face. He doesn’t even seem to notice what he’s doing. But he’s so anxious. Is he ashamed? Is he frightened? But he’s clinging to Binghe’s pendant so desperately. He has to ask him about it later. He has to.
hold, postcanon svsss au where shen qingqiu sends liu qingge and luo binghe out to find a certain flower and they wind up getting worked up over a flower that brings out hidden desires:
He’s not particularly surprised, of course, to find himself back on the ground, viciously pinned to soft dirt and ruined petals, in short order. This time, he swears he can feel something in his wrist click out of alignment. It hurts like a bitch, and he hisses, snarling and jerking in Luo Binghe’s blissfully powerful hold.
not sure who to tag now, I think everybody I could tag has been tagged already? lol. if you want to do it though, here's some words for you:
wet || blue || nails || rip || cold
have fun, i sure did
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practicecourts · 2 years
WIP Word Search Game
Thanks @dizzy--bird for the tag. Your one wip looks so intriguing! And I loved reading your snippets! I looked for your words in one wip (so this is all from the same untitled story)
Secret / Believe / Heart / Whisper
So we are here, unpulverised, all in one piece, just a few scratches and cuts, some rips and dirt on our clothes. Instead of being dead, we are drinking firewhisky in one of the dodgiest bars I’ve ever been in. We need to wait for our emergency portkey to activate. Hopefully, we will be safe at its secret destination. I touch my hair, it feels gritty from the explosions, there’s soot and dust and grime. I know it’s on my face and my clothes as well. James is hardly looking fresh himself. We look like we belong in a dump like this. I want a shower. I want to cry, I want to scream, anything to end the anxious tension that’s still raging inside of me. Most of all I want to go home.
He turns back to face me, “You and me, there’s tension, there always was, don’t pretend that’s news to you- it might do us all some good to finally have that resolved. And if it doesn’t at least we had good sex,” he adds as an afterthought. I find his nonchalance harrowing, I remember the tension, I can feel it now, I felt it at school, but also this show, this act. I dislike it now, and I hated it then. “Bit pretentious, aren’t you?” “It’s not pretentious when I’m right.” “I can’t believe you,” I huff. “Well, be that as it may, I am very real— and leaving. Thanks for saving a bloke from meeting his premature end.”
My hand moves from his heart up to his neck, his jaw, his face. I hold him, there’s stubble, it’s rough and I love the sensation of it against the palm of my hand. I’m reaching and pulling him down. I can’t see much but there’s no need. my lips are close, I can feel his breath, warm, the smell of firewhisky is in my nostrils, and then I can taste it on my lips as well.
“I want to kiss you.” I think or I whisper. I’m not sure. I tense, what if he wasn’t serious?
Tagging but no pressure ( I took my time ;-) @relyingonoldships, @tiffanytoms @witchofimber & @sedge64
Last / Hands / Fly / Help
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penna-nomen · 3 months
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Word Game Wednesday
Thanks for tagging me @a-noble-dragon!
I went searching in the WIP for my original sci-fi WIP -- Prime Conditions -- and I found this line about the development of psychic powers on the planet I refer to as Prime:
"I assumed Primes had something different, you know, in their air or water."
no-pressure tags to: @edupunkn00b, @thesymphonytrue, @enolaholmes18, @aragarna
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wikiangela · 9 months
WIP word search
tagged by @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @eowon @theotherbuckley @jamespearce9-1-1 @fortheloveofbuddie thank you all so much! 💖
RULES: use this generator to generate three random words (or however many you'd like to do) and share the lines where they show up in your WIPs
my words: encourage, groan, blame
encourage showed up once in the alive shannon fic, chapter 2 (shannon's pov)
“I know.” he sighs, moving to sit in the red armchair next to the couch, his wrist slipping from Shannon’s grip easily, her hand falling heavily into her lap. “He’s been asking, after we came home the other day, but I just- I told him we’d talk with you here. So, yeah, we need to talk.” he nods once, twice, as if trying to convince or encourage himself. He looks up at her again, a pained look in his eyes that almost physically hurts her, and she thinks she deserves that. “You really want a divorce.” it comes out as a shaky half-statement, half-question, as if he wasn’t sure what to go for.
groan showed up 4 times in the married buddie smut (just one snippet tho, it's all similar context lol)
“Yeah, but this is fun, too.” he tightens his hold on Buck’s hands, as he presses his lips to Buck’s jaw, going lower to his neck, leaves a couple more kisses along the way, and finally sucks on his pulse point, the rapid pulsating under his lips making him smirk. Buck chuckles breathily, his hips thrusting up against Eddie’s. Eddie groans, as Buck’s hardness presses against his own and drags against it, creating just enough friction for Eddie’s hips to follow Buck’s as they fall back against the bed. “You’re so cute when you get all riled up.” he whispers, breath grazing Buck’s skin, goosebumps showing up.
blame showed up 3 times in the alive shannon fic (chapter 1, Eddie's pov) (again, only one snippet for now haha - pretty sure I shared this one before but whatever)
They don’t know how to be together at this point in their lives. A young, fun, teen romance was one thing. But then real life happened, and instead of figuring everything out together, growing together, learning how to live as a married couple, he left. He left, and when he came back – she left, and he doesn’t blame her for not wanting to stay married. After all this time, he’s not sure how well they even know each other anymore.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @pirrusstuff @911-on-abc @wildlife4life @nmcggg @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @giddyupbuck @exhuastedpigeon @king-buckley @disasterbuckdiaz @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @hoodie-buck @spotsandsocks @jeeyuns @callmenewbie @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @weewootruck @spotsandsocks @malewifediaz @buckaroosheart
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hippolotamus · 9 months
WIP Word Search
tagged by @stereopticons @indestructibleheart @vanillahigh00 thank you lovelies 🥰
RULES: use this generator to generate three random words (or however many you'd like to do) and share the lines where they show up in your WIPs
my words were: expectation, lay, predict
expectation showed up twice in one section of come close (let me be home) as expectations
“You are the one with the high expectations, demanding perfection,” he bites out. “The one insisting I find a wife, and mother for Christopher. I am doing this for you, and you alone. My son and I are perfectly happy as we are with the life we have. I had no intention of bringing someone else into our lives. But if I must, that person has to meet some of my expectations as well. This endeavor is more than just a power play for me. We’re talking about the rest of my life. So please don’t lecture me about who I should be settling for.”
lay from with my heart in my lap (Twylexis historical au)
When the ink dries, she gently pulls the daisy from her hair, lays it on the paper, and closes the book, stacking Goodbye to Berlin and the jewelry box on top for extra weight.
predict as predictably in come close (let me be home)
Downstairs is predictably quiet with the exception of the storm.
no pressure tagging @blackandwhiteandrose @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @disasterbuckdiaz LOML @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @apothecarose @jesuisici33 @daffi-990 @callmenewbie @giddyupbuck @wikiangela @jamespearce9-1-1 @spotsandsocks @exhuastedpigeon @lemonzestywrites @thewolvesof1998 @steadfastsaturnsrings @loserdiaz @heartshapedvows @eowon @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @buddierights @the-likesofus @spaceprincessem @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @pirrusstuff @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @maygrantgf @statueinthestone and anyone else who wants to play 💖
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sibylsleaves · 1 month
soft! for the wip game <3
On screen, George Clooney and Brad Pitt are bickering like a married couple. Buck tries to keep his attention focused on the television, but it isn’t easy. Not when Eddie’s sprawled beside him, unbearably soft, his socked feet tucked under him. Not when he’s less than a foot away from Buck and Buck feels like he can feel the warmth radiating off his body. Not when he’s stupidly aware that the two of them haven’t really been alone like this in weeks and weeks. Not when Buck has had this feeling locked up inside his chest for so long that it feels like it might burst out of him, that he might just do something incredibly fucking reckless and ruin everything he’s managed to salvage between them.
from the new chapter!
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serenailith · 1 year
wip word search game round ii
the lovely @staroftheendless​ tagged me in the wip word search game,
love (chapter two of i’ll take care of you)
“You two fight, but you’re still his sibling. He still loves you.”
wonder (untitled surprise child acquisition fic)
Most nights, he goes to bed wondering what could have been.
worry (next part to “it was a piece of cake (but making a cake’s not easy)”)
It’s been nine hours, and Hob is starting to worry.
mine (sequel to “i’m lying just to keep you here”)
Hob silently pleads God, dream of mine, do it again and again.
hard (untitled dark fic)
The man who’d taken him, who’d lied, removes his arms from around his waist and lets him drop to the hard floor.
touch (untitled bdsm fic)
Dream lets long fingers trail along the expanse of Hob’s back, and Hob shudders beneath the cool touch.
i... have no idea who to tag, so i’m tagging anyone who sees this!
your words are weight, flush, light, stroke, wild, night
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littlemisskittentoes · 9 months
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WIP word search!
RULES: use this generator to generate three random words (or however many you’d like to do!) and share the lines where they show up in your wips!
all my thanks to the darling @songliili @leojfitz @rockyroadkylers @gayrootvegetable @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @firenati0n @leaves-of-laurelin @kiwiana-writes
AHHH so many of you! thank you so, so much! alright, let's go chickie wings.
My words: current, leave, pray
current- kensington divergence au
When he presses his shaking fingers against his cheeks to chase away the lingering treks of tears, he scrubs harder than he means to. But, the bite of the abrasion against the panes of his face help bring him back to himself, an anchor through the riptide currents lapping at his feet.
leave- kensington divergence au
He clears the room in long, calculated strides. He even has a broad hand wrapped around the doorknob. But, as loudly as he tells himself to twist it, to move, to leave, Alex has never had much success in pulling his body out of Henry’s orbit.
pray- assassination attempt au
For long moments, Henry kneels. He keeps his hands folded together and his head bowed against the wooden pew. His senses latch onto the smell of incense and aged parchment. Slowly, he closes his eyes and he tries to pray to a god he’s not sure he believes in. And all at once, Henry understands— this is what they mean when they speak of desperation.
tag, you're it!! @read-and-write- @happiness-of-the-pursuit @inexplicablymine @affectionatelyrs @msmarvelouswinchester @absoluteaudacitywrites @user-anakin @raysletters @dot524 @daisymae-12
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 9 months
WIP Word Search
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Hello, my loves! Thank you, thank you, thank you to @anincompletelist @kiwiana-writes @cricketnationrise @leaves-of-laurelin @sparklepocalypse @getmehighonmagic @indestructibleheart and @firenati0n for tagging me in this super fun game! I so hope I at least get SOMETHING worth posting haha so here we go:
RULES: use this generator to generate three random words (or however many you'd like to do!) and share the lines where they show up in your wips!
My words are *drum roll please*: old, routine, and mind. Of the three, routine is the only word that does not yet appear in any of my WIPs, so enjoy the other two!
Old (from Come Back to Me, a canon divergent songfic that will soon be gifted to @thinkof-england)
Alex could almost convince himself that he’s pulled up an old interview from the day of Philip’s wedding. Henry is dressed in the very same clothing that was once smeared with thick globs of buttercream…so probably not the exact same clothing, Alex thinks with the smallest of fond smiles. But to look at Henry’s face, at the hollowed out expression in his eyes, his sunken cheeks, the gray tinge to his skin that not even the royal makeup artists could cover, is more than enough to indicate that this is not the same prince Alex once had convinced himself he hated with every fiber of his being. This shell of the Henry he knew, the Henry he still loves, is suffering under the weight of his family’s legacy.
Mind (from my upcoming New Year's Eve AU and my first ever actual AU to be born of my own mind haha)
“Everything all right over here?” the man asks. Another British accent. Maybe a boyfriend who followed Henry here to the US to chase after his dreams of owning a gay bar and painting incredible murals on the ceiling of said gay bar. Alex’s stomach drops as he stares at the man, streaks of every color of the rainbow vibrant in his hair. His downturned lips are literally glowing in the dark, the bright pink lipstick emitting its own light. Alex’s overly imaginative mind can’t help but form the picture of glowing pink smears running across Henry’s cheek, down his neck, and over the hint of collarbone exposed by the buttons undone on his shirt, and he has to swallow the urge to vomit. He quickly shakes the thought from his head, watching as the image fades before his eyes as he takes another sip of his drink, unsure why he’s already so desperate for the attention and the touch of someone whose face he can’t even see entirely.
Unsure who's already participated, but throwing out some tags behind the cut for:
@affectionatelyrs @clottedcreamfudge @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @ninzied @priincebutt @rockyroadkylers@roseharpermaxwell @ships-to-sail @songliili @ssmtskw @statueinthestonetoo @suseagull04 @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew
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athenasparrow · 1 year
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An official ✨ coming soon ✨ announcement because I'm back to writing and this is over half way drafted now!
A young redhead author escapes the shackles of a doomed relationship and a toxic friendship to settle into the tranquil embrace of Chateau Gryffindor. As she reclaims her joy, she gets caught in a dance of temptation with the charming man in the neighbouring cabin. If only her past stopped turning up...
Snippet One
"Sirius, for goodness sake, hurry up!" Euphemia hisses. Keeping quiet is necessary; the two men asleep upstairs would try and instil things like logic and propriety into the situation and really - where is the fun in that? "We have a mission to accomplish!"
Sirius finally manages to zip up his costume, his eyes peeking out from behind the ill-fit ninja mask. "I swear these things were designed by a sadist," he mutters, adjusting the fabric over his groin. “Tell me again why we can’t just change there?”
Snippet Two
“Don’t go,” Lily whispers in panic. James’ face grows even more concerned, but to his credit he doesn't question her again, instead, he makes to slide out the window.
“No, don’t come down, help me up,” Lily says frantically, glancing behind her again before tucking her towel more securely between her breasts and reaching her hands up to grasp his forearms. He's strong. Under less stressful circumstances she may have appreciated the muscles flexing under her fingers for longer than a moment.
If you'd like to see more, send me an ask with a word to search and I'll give you a line from this WIP 😘
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