#wish to intro them properly one day
hachiimi · 2 years
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Eyo. I used to show my Mysme Oc, but this time I'm showing my Genshin OCS collections draft since 2021 (minus two more genshinoc) <3
All of these characters are connected to each other; and some super short info below
Nicknamed: Father
Age: presumed 100+, likely 200+
Vision: Pyro Sword (teen)/Sword-catalyst (adult)
Story: A man that was 'cursed' to age slowly. From Mondstadt but left it to travel. Famous and known by many names yet never took anyone under his wing until he met young René and eventually Mishka. Had an ability to change his appearance yet halves his strength.
Name: René
Age: 20
Region: Fontaine
Vision: Hydro Claymore
BG: A bas*trd son of a noble family in Fontaine. Shunned by others, and almost drowned once but saved by 'Father', which took him in under his care. However, he developed a fear to water that eventually turn into an obsession- or so that is how it look like.
Name: Mikhail/Mishka
Age: 10-12
Region: Snezhnaya
Vision: Cryo Catalyst
BG: Abandoned by her mother, he was left to die under a blizzard. Unknown how did he survived, it was said it was because of the protection of a vision before 'Father' saved him. Until now he still dislike the cold.
Nam: Liena
Age: 17
Region: Liyue
Vision: Electro, bow
BG: Tho from Liyue, she is barely seen in the harbor due anxiety with stranger which seemingly result of her being raised by her reclused grandparents. Grow up wanting to learn about her father, her goal was to search for him; with the help of words and clues fed to her since child, pointing to a certain person- 'Father' a well-known pyro user
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lichenes · 15 days
Ski aggu dating headcannons?? All domestic stuff <3
saw this short interview with this man so the hcs are losely based on that!! i need him it's not even funny istg. the intro is longer than i thought i'd be, sorry ;_;
CW: lap sitting, fluff!!, the lovelies
wc: 554
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Aggu seems like a reserved person when you first meet him. You immediately notice him noticing you when you walk into the house party you both incidentally were invited to. A few moments later, emboldened by the alcohol coursing through your veins, you approach him - the confidence evaporating from your body as soon as he looks at you with his gorgeous eyes. 
You opt against talking to him. You will not embarrass yourself any more than you should. You hear him say something from behind, so you turn around and are met with a sly smile, Aggu clearly revelling in your shyness or shall we say cowardice. “I don’t bite.” You wish he would.
Soon enough you’re in his lap, blushing furiously as he keeps you steady with his hands on your waist. He’s intoxicated with your scent, wanting… more.
The one night stand that ensues later, turns into two… then three and finally, finally he confesses. 
Aggu - as a true german - the first time you go on vacation together takes you on a hike that literally kills you. Any self confidence in your shape and endurance gets thrown out the window. At the end of the ‘walk’ you were supposed to take, you’re panting and your lungs are burning for release. He, on the other hand, seems completely unbothered, relaxed even.
The next day you can’t walk properly and he offers to carry you around the rented apartment. “I’ve got another walk planned for tomorrow so you better rest up, Schatz.” 
“Aggu, what are you doing on Friday?” He looks at you, curious. “Nothing, why?” You clap your hands. “We’re going on a date then.” He grins. You take him to a planetarium as he mentioned in passing that he wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up. You read up on the sights to see when you get there hoping they’re to his liking. You spend all day listening to him rambling about space, liking this much more than the hike that almost made you puke up your lungs. When you’re done visiting the planetarium you go out for some ice cream. At that moment, with a cone in your hand you look most alluring to him, just enjoying life and his company. 
Aggu can never get out of bed on time. His favourite thing to do after he wakes up is to scroll on tiktok for 2 hours before ever getting up. “We’re gonna be late.” You exclaim fully dressed. “Mhmmm.” He says not pulling his eyes away from the screen. “August.” He looks up, smiling at his full name. “Come on.” He doesn’t value anyone's time, even his own so the scolding he was about to receive turns into you both laying in bed for just five more minutes.  
Aggu loves showing off his music. He’s made quite a few songs for you, not releasing them for anyone besides you. It’s more intimate that way, he says. Of course if you want him to show them off he’d do that no questions asked. “The song is doing numbers!” He says proudly showing off the stats. You smile at him, happy to be adored publicly.  “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me.” He says later that night tracing lazy circles into your hips. 
You’re the love of his life.
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 9 months
Midnight Masquerade - Invitation
Summary: You receive a mysterious invitation to an equally mysterious costume party off-world. While you don't normally do things like this, you're glad you decided to attend this party, especially once you realize what you stand to gain.
Warnings: reader is a monsterfucker; monster!clone au; unexplained Force magic potions; alcohol consumption; this intro is pretty tame but minors DNI regardless; individual chapters will be tagged with specific kinks and additional warnings
Word Count: 2.8k
MDFM's masterlist | Suggested listening for this series
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You’d been distracted all day, mind fixated on the mysterious invitation and accompanying note you returned home to last night. A simple rectangle of orange paper, the invitation’s words spun dizzying circles in your mind: “Come not as you are...but as you wish to be.” The note, signed simply from “your favorite trooper,” explained that the proclaimed “midnight masquerade” is for a costume party to be held today, off-world—but that’s the extent of the information you know. 
Maker, you don’t normally do things like this. Granted, you don’t often have time to do things like this; working as a senatorial aide leaves much to be desired in terms of a healthy work/life balance. If you’re being honest with yourself, you’ve been feeling stuck lately, wishing for something greater, something better, something more, to happen to you.
Which brings you here, to the mystery destination. The ship you’d chartered on Coruscant had given you a gorgeous view from space of this planet, a giant crystal ball, glimmering pastel blue in the light of the local star. Up close, though, the landscape is even more breathtaking. Towering spires of crystal glow from the inside in shades of white, blue, and purple. As you step tentatively toward the nearby town, the ground crunches underfoot, as though you walk over a field of tiny crystals. Jaw hanging open, a rush of awed excitement pours through you, electric and hot. 
The town itself looks almost out of place. Curving durasteel and plaster walls clash in harsh juxtaposition with the natural landscape. So far, you’ve seen no signs of other people or the planet’s native inhabitants. Swallowing thickly, you do a full 360. Anxiety begins to churn in your stomach. Thoughts, each darker than the last, chase each other in circles in your mind. In your palm, you clutch the invitation so hard it crumples.
“Hello there,” a singsong, ethereal voice calls.
“Kriff!” You nearly jump out of your skin. 
“I did not mean to startle you,” the voice says. A moment later, a tall, slender being emerges from behind one of the nearby pillars. Skin almost the same shade of blue as the crystal, they smile at you with such otherworldly beauty that you find you can’t breathe properly. Standing easily ten feet tall, they seem to glide forward, robes of pure black draping over their body like shadows, iridescent hair cascading down their back.
“Do you carry an invitation?”
You blink dumbly. “Um. Y-Yes. Here.” You hurry to smooth out the piece of paper before presenting it.
Their cloudy eyes drift serenely down to the paper. “Excellent. Right this way. There are many who have already arrived.”
Turning, they begin to meander towards town. You rush to catch up. As you approach the cluster of buildings, you notice signs of the party that was promised. Bassy music thrums up through the soles of your feet, and the scent of mulled cider tantalizes your nose and taste buds alike. But still a worm of anxiety wriggles within you. 
“Sorry, but, what exactly is this party?”
The strange being’s gaze caresses your face. “It is a most sacred ceremony in celebration of life, during a time in which death is closest. The spirits grow restless; we do our best to placate them through dressing in costume, among other things.”
As a senatorial aide, you’ve had many years’ practice of schooling your expression into polite neutrality. It’s a mask you wear well. You find yourself donning it now. While you don’t discount the possibility of veils between planes, spirits, and the like—not to mention the Force, not with the Jedi constantly in the Senate—you personally harbor no such beliefs. 
“Understood,” you say. 
The being chuckles, a pleasant, tinkling sound, like a wind chime in the evening breeze. “Not yet. But you soon will.” They glide to a halt in front of a large building, from which the sounds and smells of merriment emanate. “Here I leave you.” 
In the time it takes for you to approach the door and turn back to thank your guide, they’ve vanished. A shiver snakes up your spine. “Creepy.”
The blaring, synth-rock music is a physical force to the chest as you push the door open. Where the landscape outside is a swirl of crisp, crystalline blues, the interior is a foggy expanse lit by hues of rich violet, burnt orange, and vivid green. Gnarled, bare trees dot the large room as decoration. Several dozen high-top tables cloaked in tattered cloths are laden with food and drink. 
Perhaps most striking, though, are the dozens upon dozens of troopers in costume. 
Door falling shut behind you, you can’t contain your wide, incredulous smile. As you begin to step toward the dance floor, you catch sight of Mayday, Hexx, and Veetch adorned in identical Frankenstein’s-monster-like face paint. Through a break in the crowd, you spot Kix carrying far too many shots in one hand, dressed as—a slutty nurse? You blink to make sure you saw that right.
Interspersed throughout the crowd are a handful of other nat-borns. You recognize none of them.
Someone grabs your arm. Jerking your head around, you heave a relieved sigh at the familiar sight of Rex. Atop his head rests a wire halo. His body is dressed in a loose, draping white toga, with fluffy white wings protruding from his back.
Your eyebrows shoot up, both in amusement and in genuine joy to see your friend. “Rex! I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“I lost a bet,” he admits with a cavalier smile. “Come on, we’ve got a spot saved for you.” 
Chest warming at his words (and definitely not at the glimpse of his partially bare, toned torso), you follow eagerly. Around you, costumed clones chatter away, sip drinks, and just generally appear far more relaxed than you’ve ever seen any of them before.
Near the edge of the room, lower tables have been set with seating and peculiar centerpieces. Glowing from within, the vase-like decorations sprout darkened and decaying flowers, stuck through with glitter bats, cats, and pumpkins—an odd assortment for a crystalline planet, but you’re distracted from the thought when you spot the table Rex leads you to. 
“When you said ‘we,’ I thought—”
“Torrent Company?” He flashes a wry grin over his shoulder. “Not quite. Gotta keep you on your toes, mesh’la.”
Squished around a table that is far too small for all of them are another ten troopers. Present are the entirety of Clone Force 99—a rare sight to see them sitting still; Commanders Cody, Wolffe, and Fox—your knees weaken when you realize you’ve never actually seen Fox without his helmet; and, deep in discussion, Fives and Sister, both of whom you’ve developed budding friendships with.
Rex squeezes into the booth between Cody and Fives. 
Jostled by his captain’s return, Fives glances around. His expression brightens when he sees you. “There’s our favorite aide!” he calls. 
Emboldened by his attention, you snag a nearby chair and pull it up to the last bit of free space at the table. To your left, Wolffe arches one severe eyebrow. His skin shines with a gray pallor, and a dark, twisting crown rises out of his curls. Black robes that look suspiciously like General Koon’s wrap around his body. To your right, Echo, dressed to the nines in a custom-tailored suit with red bowtie, gives you a genuine smile and nod. The rest of the troopers cheer or raise their glasses to you, welcoming you to the party.
“About time you showed up,” Fox deadpans. 
Someone pushes a shot into your hands. “What, didn’t think I’d miss getting blackmail material on you all, did you?”
As the others whoop and holler, Fox fixes you with a flat stare; around his eyes glint realistic scales, painted the same hue of red as his armor. Segmented horns curl up from his graying hair. As he lifts his drink to his lips, you catch the tiniest nod of appreciation from him. Your entire body flushes in satisfaction. 
Maker, this bunch is going to be the death of you.
You let yourself get swept into the current of the conversation. For the most part, you content yourself to listen. Occasionally one of them will ask you for input from a senatorial perspective, and they all seem to value what you have to add. But you’re more than happy just to observe. While each and every one of them are absolute stunners in regular life, tonight they all look divine, glowing with relaxation and costume makeup.
Most of their costumes are easy to parse together. Rex and Cody seem to have coordinated, Cody dressed as a devil to counter Rex’s angelic nature; Hunter has opted to dress as a werewolf halfway in the process of transforming; on Crosshair’s neck you spy two pinpricks of fake blood; Tech has donned a blood-spattered lab coat and swapped his usual yellow-tinted glasses for swirled ones; and the scales on Fox’s bare skin reveal his inner dragon. But you can’t quite pin down what Wrecker, Echo, Sister, Wolffe, and even Fives have dressed as.
With a shrug, you assure yourself you’ll find out at some point. 
You knock back the shot at last and grimace as it burns down your throat. Cody slides you another with a dangerous wink; you raise an eyebrow and shoot him a wink of your own. The deep, pulsing thrum of the music washes through you, and you let it control the rate of your heart. And you miss, or perhaps choose to ignore, the lingering looks they all give you, the ones that trail down your body and study your face with equal intensity. Heat, stoked by their looks and the liquid courage, simmers below your skin. 
The barest hint of an idea begins to form in your tipsy, buzzing brain. 
When Fives shoots you a conspiratorial smirk, raising his glass in a toast to you, you enact the half-formed plan. From the cluster of finger foods at the center of the table, you pluck a skewered olive, lift it to your mouth, and, eyes boring into Fives’s, make a show of licking the salty snack before wrapping your lips around it. Fives sputters and chokes on his drink. 
“Mesh’la,” Wolffe grits out, a warning note in his gravelly voice.
You turn wide, innocent eyes on him. “Something the matter, Commander?”
His grip on his glass tightens, to the point you worry he’s going to shatter it. Resisting the urge to wilt under his mismatched glare, you snag another olive and suck it into your mouth in much the same manner as the first. Wolffe breaks first, glancing away.
Around the table, the rest of them shift in their seats, acting like they didn’t all just watch you practically give head to those poor olives. Stifling a smirk of your own, you lean back, satisfaction lingering in your veins. After a moment, the conversation resumes its ebb and flow around you.
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You’re not sure how much time passes before the music quiets and a dreamy, floating voice comes over the speakers. “Revered guests, now is the time for you to decide whether you will cross the shadowed veil and experience another form of living. Potions will be provided for consumption. You may notice that you become more than a mere costume. Be assured, the potion’s effects are temporary.
“One final word of caution: in the case of sexual coupling, it is inadvisable for more than one person to partake of the potion.”
A buzz of confused, excited chatter whispers across the assembled crowd. At the mention of possible intimacy, your skin flushes, heart beating rapidly against your ribcage. Whoever had been speaking has just dredged up the unspoken thing between you and every person at your table. An idea begins to bloom in your mind, spurred on by the alcohol in your system, the bone-rattling music, the sweet scent of the fog machines, the looks they’ve been giving you all night. You glance, suddenly shy, and find Rex already looking at you with concern slanted across his brow. With a smile, you relax. 
“I’ll get the potions!” Sister clambers out of her seat and disappears into the crowd. She reemerges several minutes later carrying a tray of shot glasses, each filled with a murky, swirling liquid. You grimace at it when she hands you one.
“We’re supposed to drink this?” you mutter, voice drowned out as the music resumes its previous volume. 
Wrecker sniffs at his glass. “It smells nice. Herbal and fruity.” 
Rex catches your attention again. “Maybe just one of us should try it first.”
You’re about to affirm what a good idea that is, when Cody’s gaze shifts from you to someone behind you. Turning, you watch as one of the Wolfpack downs the thick drink in one go. For a moment, nothing happens, and then his entire body shudders violently. You must have blinked, because suddenly he’s no longer fully corporeal, and instead floats a few inches above the ground, his body and clothes gray vapor and mist. You realize with a start that the entire squad is costumed similarly to Wolffe; he’s the only one wearing a crown.
Next to you, Wolffe heaves a sigh at the same time that Fives and Sister gasp out, “Wizard!” The two of them share a conspiratorial grin, then, clinking their glasses together, throw back the mystery shot.
The same odd shudder-and-blink phenomenon happens to them. In place of Fives’s plastic horns and fabric tail are suddenly real, bony horns protruding from his forehead and a writhing, leathery pointed tail. Sister’s nature-themed costume sprouts living flowers. Her braided hair becomes a mass of vines. 
“It appears that the drink turns you into your costume,” Tech observes, one finger raised.
“I would have never known,” Crosshair snarks. He, too, downs his shot. Skin growing paler, the mock wound at his neck dries into faded scars. When he flashes you a smirk, two pointed canines poke from between his lips. Arousal shoots through you with sudden heat, your core clenching.
One by one, the troopers around you down their potions, until you’re the last one left. Mulling over the announcement, you weigh your options. You’d be a liar if you said you haven’t had a few...indecent thoughts since arriving tonight. But you know none of these troopers would hold it against you if you decided to drink the potion and similarly transform.
Twirling the glass in your fingers, you shake your head to clear it and set the drink on the table. 
“I have a proposition for you all,” you say, leaning forward. You preen a little when you see you have their rapt attention. Confidence surges through you, hot and languid and bold. A smile curls over your face.
“I’ve always wanted to know how a monster fucks.” 
For a brief moment, the table remains draped in silence, punctuated only by the nearby raucous shouts of other clones and the heady, bassy music. Then, all at once—
Tech, always aiming for precision: “Technically, we are not monsters, but rather realistic imitations of them.” 
Crosshair, snarky and smug: “Really think you could handle it, doll?”
Cody, one stern eyebrow raised: “Is that so, mesh’la?” 
Sister blushes a wonderful shade of red, giggling as she reaches up to close Fives’s hanging jaw. Hunter squints at you. In the strobing multicolored lights, his eyes seem to reflect like an animal’s. Only Wolffe and Echo seem to have maintained their composure, though you catch the dangerous smirk toying at Echo’s lips.
As the initial outburst of reactions subsides, Fox snorts, a gasp of smoke puffing from his now-elongated snout. “That sure was a funny way of begging, little one.” 
“I only beg for those who earn it, Commander Fox,” you say, a little too sweetly, judging by the way his eyes—dark and reptilian and piercing—rove your features.
Rex clears his throat, drawing your attention back towards him. Your breath catches; in the chaos of everyone transforming into their costumed selves, you’d somehow missed the finer details of Rex’s new form. The fluffy white wings, formerly attached by elastic, now rest gently against his back, shifting as he adjusts in his seat. Floating above his head, casting his face in radiant beauty, the halo burns in a miniature solar flare. 
“All you have to do is say the word, mesh’la,” he says.
Swallowing, the trickling realization of what you’ve gotten yourself into finally sinking in, you shake your head. You dart up from your seat and rush to a nearby trash receptacle. Thankfully, you don’t have to dig, the object you need resting near the top. 
You return to the table with an empty bottle. Eleven near-identical expressions of dismay and confusion clear as you settle back into your seat and rest the bottle on the table in front of you.
“Let’s let fate decide.” 
You spin the bottle, watching, mesmerized and anxious, as it rotates in a blur, before coming to a rest, its neck pointing at...
...Rex and Cody
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Ragu list: @the-hexfiles @thorsterstrudle @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writess @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebell @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueenn @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter (if you'd like to be added or removed, click here!)
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dead-dove-yandere · 4 months
Introduction Post!!
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Hello! My name is Dove and this is a yandere themed sideblog. I post imagines and drabbles here. It is mostly OC oriented, with both human and monster OCs, but I may do characters from certain fandoms in the future. I also take requests so please check my bio to see if requests are open!
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This is an 15+ blog that is horror themed. There will be mention of stalking, harassment, yanderes, gore, manipulation, abuse, death, murder and other themes of a similar/related nature. Under 15s and ageless blogs do not interact. All posts will be labelled and tagged with the necessary triggers I can think of but if you think I have missed any please let me know in DMs! Do not glorify abusive relationships/stalkers irl - this is not what a healthy relationship looks like in reality and what I write is purely fictional and should remain that way.
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Rules, Tagging System and Masterlists below the cut.
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Request Rules
♡ - Ageless blogs or under 15s DNI
♡ - Please be polite and respectful
♡ - Please send requests through the askbox only and please do not request when requests are closed
♡ - You can send non-request asks even when requests are closed, or you can DM me :]
♡ - Please make sure that your request is clear and makes sense - asks that don’t make any sense or are incomprehensible will unfortunately be deleted
♡ - Asks sometimes take a while to be answered, so please be patient! I usually only post one story a day and I usually have a few requests in my inbox at any given time.
♡ - Rules are subject to change when necessary so please check here before sending a request!
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Tagging System
I’m still in the process of updating older posts with the correct tags, so if you notice a particular post is missing any tags, feel free to let me know! I will get to them all eventually but it’s difficult to go through old posts on mobile lol.
Ask - Self explanatory, any asks or requests are tagged under this.
Dove Speaks - This is used for announcements and housekeeping posts - most commonly this tag is used when I’m opening/closing requests.
Masterlist - All Masterlists I make will be under this tag. A full list of masterlist posts will be added below soon.
Meet Cute - This tag is specifically for OC introductions.
Names - Posts that are about specific OCs will be tagged with their name - a full list of extant OCs are below in the Masterlist section and will be updated regularly.
Plushies - Asks about @thegvlaxyrvanger ‘s Plushie AU are tagged under here.
Story - Anything I myself write - short stories, drabbles, imagines, ETC - will be under this tag.
Anon Story - Stories or drabbles written by other people using my OCs and shared with this blog will be tagged under this to distinguish them clearly from stories I’ve written.
X Anon - Regular anons will be tagged under the emoji/nickname they go by - So far there is 💌 anon, 👾 anon (the aforementioned person who made the plushie AU) and Howdy anon (the Noah fan who spoke to me about the film Creep).
The tagging system is proving difficult to set up because of issues scrolling on mobile lol, so not all posts might be tagged properly yet and these also may be subject to change.
If you want a tag, let me know!! :]
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All my OCs are bi/pan/omni and I try to keep mentions of darlings gender neutral unless a request specifies otherwise. I also try not to describe my OCs physical appearance so that you can imagine them looking as attractive - or creepy - as you wish. :]
「Noah 【Voyeur Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Laura 【Fangirl Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「╹◡╹/“Smiley” 【Secret Admirer Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Dr. Hart 【“Doctor” Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Chase 【Actor/Killer Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Cayce 【Mean Girl Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「The Cult Masterlist」 {♡}
「Professor Moore 【Tutor Yandere】 OC Intro」 {♡}
「Marie 【Housewife Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「HRH Princess Theophania 【Royal Yandere】 OC Intro」 {♡}
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Dividers Credit: Tumblr user saradika
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seangelfish · 10 months
Hi, For the flower ask can I request pink camellia and forget me not for izumi please? Thank you
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Izumi Sena
🌼 pink camellia: how do they react when their s/o is gone for a week? a month?
– Izumi's actually very mature when you're gone for weeks considering the fact he's also away due to work. So, he isn't going to whine about your absence, but he will miss you a lot.
– He'll try to call you everyday to wish you a good morning or a good night. If he can't do that, he'll text you. His messages are short, but the effort counts. He does send you a few love hearts within them though. When you're away, he does video call you too. He wants to see how you're holding up, and if you're taking care of yourself properly. He wants to know about your day and your emotions. He's pretty attentive and he cares about you so much.
"(Y/N), have you been eating well? You know you shouldn't skip meals," he says, pointing a finger at you through the screen.
"I haven't missed a single one, Izumi!" you reply. "I promise you I'm fine, so don't worry too much, okay?"
He sighs. "Alright..." he says. "I miss you, my love. I hope your trip runs smoothly."
– When you return home though, he's already at the door to greet you with a tight hug. He's also going to scold you for taking so long to return home, but he's just happy that you're finally here with him again. He misses your touch, so he's going to cling onto you the whole day.
🌼 forget-me-nots: what do they do to get their s/o’s attention?
– He isn't going to ask you for your attention... he's going to demand it. It's as simple as that. His words are bold and strong, and he expects you to give him attention at the very moment he requests it.
"(Y/N), come over here," he commands.
You enter the room that he was in, looking at him confused. "What is it, Izumi?" you ask him. You assumed he needed help with something, but he was just laying on your shared bed, his hand urging you to come closer.
"Pay attention to me," he continues. You roll your eyes at this, but a slight smirk appears on your face. You think his little demands are funny.
You do as you're told as you get into bed with him. He automatically wraps his arms around you and a smile creeps up on his face. He snuggles into your neck as you kiss his forehead.
His tone may have been harsh, but he truly means well. He loves you a whole lot. Maybe once you get even closer, the way he gets your attention may be a little bit annoying.
– Of course, if you're busy, he'll leave you be. He respects your time, and will only demand you to give him attention when you're not doing anything important. Though, he wishes that this goes both ways... even when he's the one who's busy, you're still going to annoy him with whatever antics are up your sleeve. But since it's you who's doing it, he's okay with it... sometimes~
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist ; Enstars Plant Asks masterlist | Rules
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emhasthoughts · 6 months
Gertrude and the cat-avatars, pt7
Summary: We meet the final three
A/N: I'm not planning for this to be the final part. I have another planned and if I ever come across a video or someone in chat talks about something their cats have done that I could get inspiration from, I'll probably write it. Hopefully those would be a bit more fun than the intros.
As normal, not beta read, just me, my document and low social battery.
Also big thanks to @dcartcorner for letting me write this all
Pt 1, Simon, Peter, Elias and Mike / Pt 2, Michael and Helen Distortion, Agnes / Pt 3, Annabelle, Jude, Oliver / Pt 4, John, Jane, Maxwell, Manuela / Pt 5, Jon, Martin, Sasha, Tim / Pt 6, Melanie, Daisy, Basira, Georgie / Pt 7, You're here! / Bonus, a visit to the vet / Halloween bonus!
Gertrude had basically no say in most of the cats that entered her home. But one of them had entered out of nowhere and refused to leave. It looked nearly… plastic. It wasn’t, Gertrude was sure of that. But she still had a plastic cat toy look. Gertrude did not like it. She still named the cat Nikola, including hope that Nikola would walk away as oddly as it had appeared. It never did.
Another one of the cats looked wrong in a way. Gertrude had originally shrugged the dirty cat to the side. Surely someone else would find the cat, take it to the vet and let it into a forever home. However it seemed like wishful thinking. 
The cat seemed healthy and sick at the same time. It looked like the cat got enough food to not starve, though the dirt made it seem like it didn’t have a home. It didn’t walk properly either. Constantly standing a bit oddly. As Gertrude got a closer look at the cat it looked as if one leg was shorter while one was longer than the other two. Gertrude knew enough about adoptions surrounding animals to know the chances of him being taken into a proper home was low. With a sigh Gertrude made an appointment at the vet.
After finding out that the legs most likely wouldn’t cause any problem and that he was otherwise healthy, he was taken to get a proper bath. Which went a bit better than Gertrude had originally thought. He had ended up with the name Jared, suggested by the veterinarian. 
The name did somehow crash with another cat that was taken in a bit later. It was a lanky black cat, though there were spots of orange. He had eyes oddly similar to Jon and Elias, as if he could see through Gertrude’s soul. 
A day after taking in the cat, Eric had been assigned to get the cats dinner as Gertrude was away on a short trip. When she came back Eric had gotten a bit attached. 
“His name is probably Gerard.” Gertrude told him.
“No.” Eric had answered. “No, I think he’s a Gerry.”
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szarolina · 11 months
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Witam! I had been lurking in the studyblr community before I left Tumblr a few years ago. Yet here I come again and hope I still fit since I'm not a student anymore. I hope we'll get along!
I'm Karolina and I'm 27 years old.
From Poland (with love ♡).
INTJ & 5w6 / 8w9
I'm a graduate of two Master degrees: 1) International Relations in Asia 2) Russian & Central Asian Studies. I'm currently writing two theses and hopefully finish them by December.
Next, I want to enroll in PhD program and focus on politics, economy and markets in East and Southeast Asia.
In the meantime I'm looking for a job in the field. I'm thinking of an analyst of the area (just Asia or better Eurasia so it would cover both my degrees), but mixing it with academic path, so while pursuing PhD degree.
One of my hobbies are foreign languages! Over time of my education I've managed to learn English, French, Russian and I'm still learning Japanese (currently at B1+ level). I used to learn Mandarin Chinese, but I intend to get back to it at some point. Also, I'm interested in picking Korean.
I like learning often just for sake of it since my mind needs to be constantly on the go (it gave me sleepless nights several times). It could be picking some textbook (I learnt bases of macroeconomics by myself), doing some online quizes on all seas, gulfs and straits or reading a popular history/science books (because of the Oppenheimer movie, I bought "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Richard Rhodes and yes, that's my current read!). I just enjoy it.
I have a never-ending books list on my Goodreads account (2600+ and counting). I like nonfiction (history, biography, political science, business, economics, you name it) and catching up on classics. Also, a h u g e Nabokov fan.
I'm one of these people who need to write everything down, from day schedule, important dates and tasks to all kinds of lists, trackers and brain dump. My Filofax is with me everywhere I go.
In general, I tend to be super-organized and put together. That applies to my daily or at least weekly schedule, surroundings or appearance - otherwise I can't properly focus.
I can't live without good coffee and I'm very picky about it.
The plan is to make it more personal by posting original content: hopefully daily, realistically a few times per week - mostly covering my writing proccess and languages learning, but also other random things. I intend to reblog some posts too, but I wish to keep the balance between that and OC.
Tagging #szarolina and #karolinatalking
My inbox is always open! c:
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rounderhouse · 6 months
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The Man in the White Suit series could be read as an allegory for war and how that so deeply fucks up everyone involved IN THIS ESSAY I WILL—
Part 1 of this mess of a ramble!! General Thematics! This series fuckin loves using this shit as a backdrop. Fritz Obermeyer essentially sells his soul to the Nobody entity in the trenches of war, Chiaroscuro is ENTIRELY backdropped to World War (I think?) II, throughout SCP-5353 they’re a busting a German war criminal, exposing corruption, causing riots, and trying to locate things related to WWII (also a handful of other stuff in that file can def contribute to the allegory but to save adding like two more paragraphs I don't know how much the tumblr ask system can handle) in their search for Fritz if I'm recalling properly. AND I don’t remember if it’s Whitesuit or Nobody but ONE OF THEM explicitly refers to their conflict with the other AS A WAR. THEY CALL IT A WAR.
Next up? SCP-5877, just in general. When I fiiirst read this series last year this entry had briefly confused me before I realized they’re meant to be people the Nobody entity chewed the identities of like a particularly destructive dog and then abandoned once it was done with them. HOWEVER they also really contributed to this whole reading as an allegory. They’re a large chunk of population who can’t be perceived until they turn up DEAD. Twin stillborns when there was only one child detected (nnnoot even getting into the implications behind THAT), bodies in a plane crash strapped overtop of other passengers. It’s eerie. The whole intro part of that article is incredibly unsettlingly but similarly tragic. They’re people. They are people caught in the crossfire of Nobody and Whitesuit’s little war. Their nature makes them naught but nameless and faceless statistics. Numbers on a spreadsheet. They are causality to a conflict they did not wish for. And in their deaths they are reduced to nothing but a number. Causalities. Like a ticking toll of deaths in war. A cruel price that those fighting will either seldom acknowledge, or deny. I can go further and point out they were “drafted” by an entity beyond their understanding to be a puppet. A foot soldier in it’s eldritch quest for what it claims to be a greater good. But what happens to a puppet when the strings are suddenly cut? When their “purpose” comes to curtain call? They are lost. They are scared. They are never the same.
Another point for this reading of the story is Fritz in the coda and this builds off of the last bit. He’s free from the Nobody entity but he’s,,,, out of time. Displaced. He’s a man from the god damn 1930s the narration remarks how he's probably the only man from his time STILL ALIVE. Its the fucking 2070s. Everything that man knows is GONE and CHANGED and he is scared and alone and confused and hey this sounds like what happens when people return from WAR. No longer in touch with what's happening, and ungodly levels of traumatized by what they’ve endured— never the same. Fritz, honey, please seek therapy. Actually all of them should. Please guys. Holy shit. 
To harken back to the coda again there's a line that goes “There didn’t have to be a grand plan, an artful ending. Just the march of life.” There’s no glory, there’s no final fight of confrontation, at the end of the day it's just people — it’s just scared, manipulated people trying to fight for SOMETHING to give themselves meaning after tragedy stripped them of all they are. 
And hell, what is Whitesuit if not an amalgam of a handful of 5877 instances that came together and wanted to fight against the horrid thing that made them the way they are. He is a literal embodiment of destruction that Nobody leaves in its wake, like a wraith or ghost. Fitting for a man dressed in white. He is an angry, mourning entity lashing out in hopes of stopping what’s happened to him (them?) from happening to more people- but in the process is just fanning flames. The retaliation sparks war. The creation of a century spanning cycle of violence and revenge.
To make a similar point to the paragraph about the SCP-5877 instances, the Maliz family too are caught in the crossfire of Nobody and Whitesuit’s fight against each other. And it's implied to occur across generations. Hester Maliz, and her grandson Tyler are the main focus. Funnily enough I remember an exchange between Hester and Nobody where he chastises her for enrolling Tyler in a Foundation program at such a young age. He calls it a brainwashing fascist boot camp. Nobody goes on to threaten Hester with how the future of the Foundation will turn it to more militarism, fewer compromises, and corruption. A machine that will cement an empire. For history repeats itself time and time again. War never changes (funny fallout line, laugh now).
And all of this is fucking rich to hear from the entity that’s been possessing people and bending them to its will and goals the whole story. For no matter how noble the entity may think its own goals, it too is a frightful machine. Whitesuit even remarks to Hester prior to her exchange with Nobody: "think about what the Foundation would be like if it had all the drive in the world and no purpose, doing things and hurting people just because that's what they'd always done. Like an automaton." Nobody too is an element of war enforcing something very few understand. For the entity is blind to this (or perhaps just uncaring), just as Whitesuit perhaps is. They are two entities caught up in a cycle of horrible violence without much acknowledgment of who they hurt and who is caught in the crossfire. Tyler Maliz tries to stop them, but his efforts to do this culminate in something perhaps cruel when he turns to try and stop Nobody and Whitesuit from ending this war through the Name Machine.
Which is something he fails in. But hell, even then it's not the true end, despite it closing the story. Nobody and Whitesuit are gone, but the effects of their actions will linger like a horrid specter over the survivors. Things will not be the same again. But life marches on, does it not? It won't be the same, but an attempt to move on and heal can be made.
This series doesn’t really end in a victory. It ends in survivors trying to pick up their own pieces.
Hey, just like war. 
Jesus christ this was way longer than I thought it would be LMAO. Hi I’m Dino--Draws and I am so fucking autistic about this series. Have this 1,000+ word borderline essay/ramble about thematics and allegories.
oh sweet zombie jesus that's a lot of words
this is a really good breakdown! i admittedly can't really answer how much of the war allegory was on purpose, since The Man in the White Suit wasn't written by me alone -- but I can say that a lot of the elements you're talking about were deliberate decision. the idea was definitely that Nobody is this abstract thing that hijacks people for its own purposes, completely apathetic to whatever lives they have going on, and then throws them away when it's done, leaving a husk behind. and Whitesuit is this amalgamation of husks that have decided to Do Something About It, but is he really any better? he also doesn't give a shit about collateral damage, he's more than willing to hurt and kill people to get what he wants (Nobody, dead).
so, sure, on a grander scale the series is very much about the casualties of conflicts -- not necessarily war, but that's certainly a valid way to read it. all the faceless nobodies left behind after these two tear through their lives, just trying to pick up the pieces and form themselves back into Somebody. the coda, one of my favorite articles on the site in general, goes into this; after Whitesuit 'splodes, his constituent parts don't really feel liberated or filled with relief. his mission was never their mission. they just want to live the lives they missed out on because they got drafted into a cosmic war they never had a chance in.
i'm really glad someone enjoyed the series enough to think about it this much; it's one of my favorite things i've written. thank you for the Big Thoughts 💙
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Re-intro time? Re-intro time
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About Me & This Blog:
• Paine. Queer, 30, any pronouns. I follow back from dr-paine; and you'll never guess what my AO3 username is.
• Writing for 20+ years in some capacity
• Genre of choice is Fantasy. (High, low, slice of life or ungodly horror, mixed with sci-fi or the most classic Medieval sword and sorcery bullshit, I just need a touch, even if only implied, of magic.) I don't delve much into NSFW but it may come up; in any case: please only follow if you're 18+, and treat this blog with the mindset of 'creator chose not to use archive warnings'.
• I crave interaction, especially via tag/ask games - seriously. I reblog a lot of them. Do Not Hesitate. (And I always try to send an ask if you reblog any from me!)
• Hobbyist writer - I'm not aiming to be published, but I do want to improve my skills and eventually like... 'win a NaNo' in the sense of writing a complete, longform story one of these days. But also having fun is a priority, and ADHD + work is a cruel mistress, so I'll jump between WIPs on a whim, or just. Drop shit for months on end lol.
Vague List of Active Projects
While I have a ton of ideas, these are the ones that actually have like... any sort of substance to them, whether it's actual words or just a solid outline + desire to work on it. Each will eventually get a dedicated links/resource post, but for now, here's the basics!
Relentless As The Tide
(Mass Effect fics (roughly) following canon events/characters)
Adrian Shepard has been primed for heroism her entire life. Her first chance ended in a tragedy, one neither she nor the Alliance has ever properly owned up to. Saren's betrayal and the beacon's vision offer her the chance to atone for her failure at Akuze, and she'll do everything in her power to do so - even (and especially) if it kills her in the process.
Or so she believes - but uncovering the truth means looking for allies, and the more she gathers, the harder it becomes to believe that her death should - or can - be the end; and that perhaps heroism is just a means of distraction from confronting her own demons.
Unnamed Pokemon Project
(Loose follow through/retelling of Pokemon: Soul Silver)
Giovanni Rossi, former leader of the Viridian City pokemon gym, has confessed to heading the infamous Rocket organization, whose poaching and illegal trade has devestated the Kanto ecosystem for the past twenty years. However, he claims it was all for a good cause - just prior to founding Rocket, Giovanni had been part of a team trying to create artificial pokemon... and their most viable subject escaped. Rocket existed for the sake of tracking down and eventually overpowering this creature, but now... well, he wishes those in the Kanto and Johto regions the best of luck.
Following a break in at the New Bark Town lab, an assistant to Professor Elm - a reclusive young man named Linden - tracks down the suspect, only to find it's none other than Silver Rossi, Giovanni's own son. The boy claims he wants to take down the creature his father helped create and clear his own name from the scandal... and Linden has reasons of his own that make him want to see how things play out, even if it means he must shadow Silver's journey by embarking on one of his own.
Unnamed OC Project
(Original fantasy work)
In a world of faded magic, Elora Ryba cares little for talk of soon-to-come saviors or the sightings of dragons. No, she has other things on her mind - return to the town she was forced to leave over ten years ago, and steal its most precious treasure. And, ideally, marry her, as Elora promised that night she was forced to flee.
Which is why Elora's spent the past month searching for a priest corrupt enough to join a pirate's crew, but not corrupt (or worse, moral) enough to turn her in, and she thinks she's finally found one.
And the big list of fandoms/shit I like!
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safyresky · 14 days
Frostmas Year 5: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
[To Read Frostmas: From the TOP on ao3 | ff dot net]
We are writing this one FRESH from the second to last edit of the 2024 version! A shorter one for sure, as this is very much the calm before the storm chapter, but a fun one anyway >:)
Let's fucking GOOOO
Jacqueline's Intro: SO MUCH LORE
So much lore I'm gonna have to tag this as CS Lore and CS FACTS
I think this was the first time, when originally writing, that I properly opened with Jacqueline's Intro and recognized it as part of the structure of a Frostmas Year
It was a HUGE lore dump! I toned it down a notch this time around, streamlined it and such, and updated the lore as I've got the frozen heart thing tightened UP
It's a sprite thing, so it's like this:
Personified Natural Elements
Two types:
Season (has domain over entire season's worth of elements)
Elemental (has domain over one element, i.e., fire, air, water, earth, flora, fauna, winds, etc.)
Elementals typically classify themselves by their element, but will align with a season as a catch all
The season they align with dictates how their hardened hear manifests
(Also, I wrote this in Word so lets see if the bulleted list stays >:3)
(OMG IT DID. Well, in the editor. We'll see how it looks post posting...)
Fun fact: I did a DnD campaign with my pals where sprites were playable characters, and I made them a race sheet and EVERYTHING. They are DEFFS OP but it's a homebrew--we work on it, lol
And also we only played like, 3 or 4 sessions and then fell out bc we all moved or what have you lol
BUT the dnd-ing DID help me refine sprite lore!
Elemental sprites are WAY more common that seasonal sprites. There are only NINE seasonal sprites in existence these days. WAY more elemental sprites around
The Call NERFED sprites
You can thank Snowy and Heat for that one (as Jacqueline mentions in her intro!)
The Snow Queen and the Winter Warlock are Winter's bio parents, and this was the very first time I dropped their names. They make a proper appearance in The Call!
The Snow Queen stealing children references the original fairy tale in the most Jacqueline way possible
And the Winter Warlock is HEAVILY based on the man of the same name from Rankin Bass's Santa Claus is Comin' to Town. Those movies SHAPED ME. CS Lore originally had RB lore, too! And RB movies did influence CS in general!
So many fun facts and I'm not even through the intro yet! WOW!
I did cleverly link CS when Jacqueline drops the Pyros lore 🤭🤭 I LOVE AO3'S CAPABILITIES, YOU GUYS
"It used to be a point of pride for me."
This line almost went "It used to be a point of pride for me. But it's hard to take pride in a lie"
Which is a BANGER of a line, but I am trying to keep the Y10 Reveal under wraps and that's as obvious as Pyros's lament to Blaise in Chapter 15 of CS.
You can see the 2020s influences now, which is very funny given this was all originally written almost a decade ago. I love seeing growth! But that's why Jacqueline is like THE HORRORS and also like NEWSFLASH, JACQUELINE! Which is a reference to one of my favourite It's Always Sunny reaction images:
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It's so VERSATILE. Deffs top 10 things Dani quotes (and apparently Jacqueline. Which checks out as we are CONNECTED, muses and such. Oldest OC. Has the most dani-isms. Blah blah blah)
Then there's the "be the change you wish to see in the world" with her being like "YOU can be the change you want to see in this horrible terrible timeline!"
Which is a string of words I see on hellsite a LOT :)
Describing her fit was FUN! You can see it accurately (more or less) in this scrimbly Jacqueline, and also this Jacquie as a meme doodle!
And of course, off she goes to terrorize B-Man :)
Scene 1: Every Day Bernard WAKES UP
Their friendship is so fun to me and me alone 🥰🥰
She's such a sweetie. She's like "I will make things HELL for my brother BUT only if it's okay with Bernard first bc I don't wanna make things harder than they are for him 👉🏻👈🏻"
Him being B-Man, of course
Have you guys ever read Just An Elf by Locrain-Mode? If you haven't, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT (hence the link!) It's a group of oneshots based on Bernard and things he is NOT, and each one SLAPS. They write SUCH a good Bernard and B-Man's office just being a mess of paper was low key inspired by their work, lol (Chapter 5: One of Roemer's Singing Elves. I LOVED the idea of B's office just being like a vault/hidey hole. LOVED it)
FAVE B-Man characterization, hands DOWN. I strive to write him that good (and I hope I do! :)
"You should know first hand how frozen sprites get!” followed by "What's THAT supposed to mean?!" Is 100% Jacqueline getting a wee bit defensive on her Mom's behalf (and maybe a bit of Jack's but she's just going to ignore THAT feeling)
But B-Man is very, very right--usually post-hardening a heart, sprites rely on one emotion to get them through things so. Y'know. What'll it be for Jacqueline? ;)
And of COURSE he can see right through the illusion after he's done lamenting lol. He's an ELF. I bet they can see through all sorts of illusions!
“Yeah, I’ll say! I think I may be having a heart attack.” “Do you smell burnt toast?” “No, just betrayal.” “There’s no need to be so dramatic.”
^This interaction is my favourite in this scene, 100%. Bernard deserves to be a lil overdramatic! As a TREAT!
VESUVIUS/POMPEII! This is a fun bit of CS lore. Originally it was that Blaise and Jack were responsible for Vesuvius erupting and destroying Pompeii and Herculaneum, but that has since changed! They don’t talk about it much, only Winter really knows what happened, but take a tl;dr:
FT tells Blaise to go see Jack in Pompeii bc something bad is about to happen, doesn't specify what. Blaise, of course, assumes the worst, as you are wont to do when it's Jack. Takes the day, gets fitted by the tailors, off to Pompeii where he finds Jack who has built a nice little life for himself. He's got lots of friends and is getting involved with local politics, and Blaise is like "is this why FT told me to get over here? Does a bad thing happen if Jack wins? Everything seems fine here" and then BOOM. TREMORS. Jack informs him the mountain may be a volcano but nobody's bothered to check and he sure as shit won't. Blaise checks. Jack follows. Volcano day happens. Blaise saves Jack's life. But they can't save anyone else :(
It's ANGSTY! Can't wait to write it one day! I've already done research for it and everything!
So YEAH that's Pompeii in CS context. And yes, Jack did keep a bust!
"This doesn't feel right" says Bernard. "I should've listened" narrates Jacqueline. "my GOD I love foreshadowing" says safyresky as she types this up…
I think I'll need to make the line " I got up, standing tall and proud in my fluffy socks" a scrimbly. I just doodled it while writing this out and the sketch SENT ME. My god.
Scene 2: Bernard Hams it UP
Aka, the scene in which Dani realizes how ding dang crafty she has made Jack. WHOOPS
Exploring his POV has been fun, especially with the edits I've been making while crossposting, where it's his perspective being told to us by Jacqueline as he recounts to her in the present? If that makes sense
ANYWAY, making the distinctions and adding the little Jacqueline interruptions (see: the line about dwarfs) has been a LOT of fun
As much fun as Bernard had HAMMING IT UP in this scene when he delivered the frozen Jacqueline news to Jack >:3
Love me a Jack moment of clarity! Love having him look through the villain fog for a second like "wait is this…wrong? Fucked up?' only for the fog to be like SHUSH! NO! IT'S FINE! And regularly scheduled villainy is back in play!
Bernard asking why was interesting, because I was also wondering why Jack wanted more deets. And it's a combo of two things: 1) the obvious is she frozen? Ou. Maybe…new ally, perhaps? To get my little theme park business off the ground? And 2) oh shit I froze my bb sister :(
"And something about that terrified him" man, these blorbos are getting the shadowed fore'd out of them and it is just not hitting, CRAZY!
Scene 3: Jack's a crafty one
That's it that's the BTS for this bit. He's CRAFTY
And YES, knew that it was fake originally but needs want, as we see in the next scene--he needs Jacqueline close by to make sure she doesn't SNITCH (as well as access to her repertoire), and she needs to keep tabs on him, for the GREATER GOOD (as well as for purposes of trying to find a way to prove to everyone that she's right and fix the timeline)
Frostmas is exhausting
Scene 4: Cold Front Face Off at the Dome
Jacqueline channels Winter bc that's all she knows for a frozen sprite that isn't Jack, and felt it'd give best results
She's not wrong but also is not right--frozen hearts are personalized, after all. She wouldn't be sad nor filled with avarice; she'd simply be FULL OF RAGE (spoiler alert, I GUESS)
Fun fact about the Frozen reference: it came out around the time I was working on Crystal Springs for the very first time! It informed a lot of the scenes. In fact, Cold Front reunion had Jacqueline literally quoting Elsa's mantra! Not anymore--I fixed that this year--but thought the throwback here would be funny. DON’T EXPLODE. DON'T EXPLODE. RARGH. DON'T EXPLODE. DON'T EXPLODE--and so on
(The Summer Sprite blood is STRONG in this one)
Look, we all know Santa Jack was certainly…a look. A choice, if you will. Jacqueline's just SAYING what we're all THINKING
Not Jack trying to catch up Jacqueline by egging her on. And then going GOTCHYA. It's so OBVIOUS he's not buying it, it's so CUTE how Jacqueline thinks it works
(maybe it does work a little TOO well given the events of Year 10)
Translator's note: coconut frosts is magical censoring for coconut fucks.
Y'know. These fuckers:
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Scene 5: Well played to well played
Was well played on MY PART! One of my FAVOURITE transitions, I LOVE showing similarities between Jack and Jacqueline, ESPECIALLY in an angsty context like this! Something, something, BECOMING WHAT YOU FEAR MOST/DOING WHAT YOU FEAR MOST TO THOSE YOU LOVE~!
This had major editing done. Like, once I knew Jack saw through the farce, I couldn't have any of the old 'he bought it' drivel. Jacqueline, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry you think you got away with this and that he actually knew the entire time 😬
He just needs to make sure he knows why she did it, which is really Jack for 'making sure she's not on to me re: resort thing yet'
I thought Y4 would be the last one, but Y5 surprised me
This one was fun. Thanks to the people who voted in the poll so I could figure out where they were, lmao
Hit you with the COLD FRONT feels and then a banger of a Jack line RIGHT AFTER
Seriously, I am really loving these little retelling segues. I just hope they don't make the blast to the present in Y9 less jarring!
Scene 7: cookies and cocoa
Crystal Springs has a time zone! I believe it's -8:30 hours? I'll have to double check, I know I wrote it down somewhere and I'm pretty sure it's a crystal springs fact post too 🤔
I checked! It's -8:30 GMT :)
"I'm not doing a sport!" She actually IS doing a sport. Bother-your-brother-on-purpose-athon, specifically
"It was for the greater good, I told myself. I was a big, frosty liar" FACT! More foreshadowing at play here, huehuehue >:3
Scene 7.5: B-Man's…house?
So, sometimes, when I write, I do say the thing I want to write out loud and that's how we get organic moments like "He was all ‘what’s all this then’ and I was like ‘this is who I am now!’ and he was all ‘oh cool let’s make a deal’ and ‘bleh all is forgiven’"
Jacqueline is just having a TIME
I think I have seen in most fics Bernard always being in the Workshop, but I picture him having a nice lil tidy house just outside of the main hub of the shop! For some odd reason, despite thinking it is a bungalow, in my head I picture TWO sets of stairs up. What the fuck is up with THAT
But anyway, that's why I have Jacquie tease B about his house--when does he ever use it? 🤭🤭
Translators note: "snow queen PLEASE" is magic censoring for bitch PLEASE
Frostmas only gets swears when Jacqueline is thinking, not when she is speaking--UNLESS she is out and about in the world, so if she says a swear she is NOT in Crystal Springs! Fun fact for you all tonight :)
Scene 8: Jacqueline's discovery
I originally wrote it so short and jumpy because I thought the chapter was getting too long at 7k words
I added a whole 5k words. And that was AFTER getting rid of some lore drop! AH!
I think though that I like it like this now! I don’t have the patience to go month by month to see how Jacqueline has been irritating Jack, and the quick, punchy summaries make the conclusion one HELL OF A PUNCH
Okay this is the last scene and I'm OVER this and said the funny things I wanted to say so I am CALLING IT HERE. ENJOY Y5 BTS AND ENJOY THE 2024 EDITION OF YEAR 5, WHICH WILL BE FORTHCOMING 💖💖
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starburstfloat · 9 months
ok ok i’m rly late to watching their VMA perf bc i was out all day but oh my god they KILLED IT!!!
their presence was so powerful and the michael jackson influence was *chef’s kiss* they did so well!! IMO soogyu’s vocals work rly well for this type of song and i wish that could have been captured better in this stage :( that said, the camerawork was much better here!!
and can we talk about the styling and overall creative direction too??? something is definitely up with all the rain elements for tnc: freefall 🤨 loved the whole undressing/shoulder exposure going on — it’s def still following the whole maturity arc they got going on — a teasing kind of sensuality that works so well for them. such a delicate balancing act that they nail every time
you were right that the anitta interaction could have been spicier — we’ve seen the anitta solo perf behind vid with all her dancers grinding about!! Let them use their hips!! 🗣️
overall the boys did amazing and local twt is going crazy for them too 🥹 and i’m waiting impatiently for the song’s official release, and i’m sure i’m not the only one!!
Same here I've been so busy that I haven't found the time to properly sit down and analyze it but first off YES I agree their stage presence was excellent and I also loved the Michael Jackson vibes! I loved how confident they looked and sounded. The choice to have beomgyu and soobin stay in a lower register was perfect!!
Also idk who the performance director is but I want to personally thank them for giving beomgyu the coolest intro ever!!! Like!!!! Can we talk about how epic that was?!!!
That organ music opening with the thunder and lightning better be on the official track. Goosebumps everytime!
I hadn't even considered how the stage elements tie into the narrative arc of tnc but you're right that the rain and storm are probably indicative of where their story is going. I wonder what track position back for more will be on the album because if it's the first one it would tie well together with farewell neverland, of them having jumped and fallen but perhaps hitting a storm. I'm so hyped to see the track progression on this album and do more analysis! Again, whoever is the creative director here: I WANT YOUR JOB literally such a dream
In terms of anitta's part though yeah we really could have upped the spice 🙈 I mean. We all know what she's capable of. I think I was expecting more of an interactive choreo element with her but it was obvious that they've prepared choreography that would work well without her bc obviously they can't always perform this with her. Having said that I wonder who will replace her part in the live version at their concerts? 👀
Overall I'm with you on the reaction though; they killed it and seeing the locals go "damn didn't know these kpop boys were that good" is such an ego boost hahaha anywho~!! More rambles to come as the mv drops! Hope you're having a good week 😘
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lakemichigans · 1 year
tlou episode 4 thoughts!
- i loved seeing ellie play around with the gun in the bathroom. that felt like the perfect amount of childish innocence contrasted with the fact that she clearly knows how to use a gun on some level
- i totally didn't think we would see that scene with ellie and joel in the truck, i thought that the end of the last episode was all we'd see! i even showed my friend a clip of that scene from the game because i didn't want her to miss out, oops. super cute though
- joel not being able to sleep because god help him, he has a job to do. my hearttttt 😭 and the fact that as soon as he recognizes that he cares about her, even the smallest bit, he rebuilds that wall and insists that she's just "cargo", not family. typical joel.
- they really upped the tension leading up to the iconic "he ain't even hurt" scene (although i'm sad they cut that line, because it implied so much about joel). i loved how ellie felt genuinely scared and joel kicked into protector mode (and the callback to sarah hurting her leg: "are you hurt anywhere, are you hurt?" was so good)
- okay so of all my predictions on how the stolen gun would turn out, ellie successfully saving joel was the option i called the most boring, but i'm actually 100% happy with how it turned out. we finally get to see some humanity, remorse, and sadness from ellie in relation to death, something i've been CRAVING. this felt like the ellie i know and my heart broke seeing how that encounter happened. the fact that joel actually apologizes and doesn't act like an asshole after? hello?? that was a welcome change. hbo!joel is a lot more self-loathing where game!joel is more closed off to emotion in general, so this makes sense to me. joel teaching ellie how to properly hold the gun was so cute! and then she puts the gun in her pocket anyway yesss that's so ellie, that's my little shit
- "it wasn't my first time." HMMMM is she talking about riley? did she have to kill riley? :( or someone else?
- melanie lynskey killing it as always!!! it makes so much sense to tie her to henry. i'm super interested by her story! it feels like a soft intro to abby's future story; maybe they're introducing the idea of the cycle of revenge now so people won't freak the fuck out when we get to part 2? one can hope...
- jeffrey pierce!!! i didn't recognize his face but as soon as i heard his voice i was like omg
- joel wheezing his way up the stairs was so cuuuuute, "get up you lazy ass" 😭 i love them so much
- what a beautiful fucking scene, you know the scene i'm talking about. man. i could listen to them laugh with each other all day 🥺 reminds me of this concept art:
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- HENRY AND SAM!!!! they must've already been in the building right? i loooove the way they introduced them after joel promised that no one would sneak up on them and they already stated that joel is hard of hearing on the right side, which we then see that he rolled over in his sleep (letting his guard down) and he didn't hear them sneaking in. just another one of joel's "failures" in his mind. and sam is deaf (?) or possibly they're just using sign language as a way to stay silent/safe? either way it all ties together so well
- this is a dumb complaint but i really wish they had used ashley johnson's cover of true faith for the credits. but i'm glad lotte kestner is getting recognition after what happened with the original trailer
- neil druckmann in the post-credits saying "i love humanizing villains" sooo real, i love it
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pheita · 1 year
Character Intro: Tali
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Picture made with Artbreeder, Unsplash and FaceApp
Age: 31 Hyena Spirit
Born and raised in a safe haven in a typical mystical family with a polycule as parents and lots of siblings, Tali knows only little about the human world, mostly because of her trips with the family to amusement parks, zoos and other family friendly places in the human world and through movies, tv shows, and games. She is the second-oldest child, with her half sister Zoe being only half a year older than her. Zoe had been her anchor since young age because Tali was always the introvert and shy one who gets overwhelmed easily by too many people around her. Only her siblings are a different thing, and she loves to babysit the little ones most of the days. This issue also caused her to not visit the usual classes at the safe haven about how to control her powers and how to get energy from the energy lines that run along the ground. Her overbearing mother made things worse and caused Tali to withdraw more and more into her room and into online spaces to escape her mother for at least a bit. Her biological father and the other two parents tried to help her get some free space whenever possible. Zoe's mother Nura became a vital ally in this and the number one person who ensured Tali wouldn't go crazy at home. How easy Tali gets overwhelmed also became an issue when she became old enough for her powers to show and for her to have regular sex because of her mystical nature. She gave the bathhouse a try, but it was too much for her and she tries to stay away from them as long as possible, which means in her case she can go years without, thankfully. Tali often worries she might become like her mother, especially when it comes to relationships, and this blocks her from being able to communicate her thoughts and wishes properly and renders her unable to talk about sex because sex was always one of the big topics with her mother since Tali got her powers. Things are slowly getting better since she met Constantine because he is patient with her and always ensures she feels safe and comfortable. She likes to joke she discovers her real self with him. Tali is driven by the desire for peace, freedom, safety, and caring for those she holds dear. Being openly a cheesy romantic who doesn't care what others think about it, Tali loves all those little moments that show Constantine thought of her. Her being shy and introvert doesn't mean she won't stand up for what is right. The truth is important to her and when necessary she will fight to get this peace, freedom or safety back when it is threatened.
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texancommie07 · 4 months
One day, maybe next week
I'm gonna meet ya, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll meet ya
I will drive past your house
And if the lights are all down
I'll see who's around
Heavy Metal Valentines Day Four: Secret Admirer
June 29th, 1985
Billy Hated It Here. Summers In Hawkins Were Nothing Like Summers In California, All Thick And Soupy. His Job At The Hawkins Local Pool Was The Only Real Upside To His Experience, But It Didn't Really Matter, It Wouldn't Ever Be The Beaches He Grew Up With.
He Didn't Want To Go Anywhere Whit The Weather Like This, But What The Hell Else Was He Supposed To Do? He Looked Around His Room, As If He Would Find Anything To Cure His Boredom In This Hellhole.
He Still Has His Shity Little Walkman In His Closet. The Things Was Already Busted Back Home, And The Move Didn't Treat It Any Better. Maybe Max Was Onto Somthing. He Wondered If It Still Worked?
Laying Back On His Bed, He Placed The Headphones On His Head, Shoved His Metallica Tape In It, And Hit Play. As The Intro To "Hit The Lights" Started Up, He Thought 'Now What?'
He Tried To Think Of What The Hell He Was Supposed To Do, How The Hell Did Eddie Do This. Billy Remembers Them Talking About Putting On Music And Staring at Their Ceiling For Hours On End , Eyes Wide Open Yet Seeing Nothing Of The World Around Them, Just Whatever They Were Imagining To Their Music.
Speaking Of Eddie, Maybe That Would Help. Billy Tried To Think Eddie Thoughts. But Which Ones? When They First Met Seemed To Piney, When They Got Together Would Make Him Too Sappy. Maybe The In-between? Sure, Why Not.
November 3rd, 1884
He Was Insane, He Had To Have A Death Wish Surely. That's The Only Reason He Would Be Outside Right Now.
(They Were Insane, Definitely, The Death Wish, Billy Couldn't Give You A Solid Answer On That.)
Billy Was Stuck Back Inside After His "Little Scene" On Halloween, As Neil Called It. He Had Been Sitting, Trying To Talk Quietly On The Phone.
He Had Propped Up His Window To Keep The Smoke From His Cig Out Of The Room, Not In The Mood To Hotbox Himself, And Pretty Quickly Saw What Was Outside. He Couldn't Fucking Believe It.
Actual, Genuine Snow Was Falling. It Had Been Three Days Since November Started. Could This Place Honestly Get Any Worse.
(Oh How Naive He Was, Thinking The Biggest Of His Problems In Hawkins Was The Cold.)
He Had Told His Cali Friends About His Current Predicament, Their Shock Barely Coming Through With How Busy The Line Was. Even Worse, He Finally Properly Looked Out His Window To See...Him.
Eddie Fucking Munson. Just Great. God Billy Hated That Guy, He Was Nothing But Trouble, What With His Pretty Cow Eyes, Gorgeous Hair, Niche Interests, Soothing Voice And Mildly Blinding Smile.
He Was Billy's Worst Nightmare, Someone That Made Him Go Weak In The Knees, And Put Him At Risk Of Everyone Knowing What A Freak He Really Was.
(Billy Still Thought Nearly The Same, Although He Was Starting To, At Least Mentally, Wear The 'Freak' Tag With A Bit More Pride. Eddie Was A Big Help With That, In Their Own Strange Way. Actually Getting To Be With Them In The Way That Billy Craved Helped Him To Start To Realize, He Didn't Mind Being A Freak, As Long As He Could Have Them.)
He Didn't Inform His Friends Of This Predicament, Not Out Of Fear, But Rather Because He Didn't Wanna Deal With Their Inane Ramblings About Billy Finally Having A Crush.
He Turned Himself To Face Out His Window, Resting His Arms On His Desk, The Snow Begining To Pick Up. He Couldn't See Him Perfectly, But He Could See That The Asshole Had His Guitar Out. It Looked Like He Wrote Some Shit On It, Billy Couldn't Read It.
Billy Was Sure He Could Really See Him Staring, Far Too Wrapped Up In Whatever He Was Playing To Pay Attention To The World Around. With How Hated He Was, Billy Was Impressed He'd Made It This Far Without Getting Himself Killed. Billy Would Honestly Bet That The Only Way Eddie Could Actually Die Would Be A Conscious Choice.
He Could See The Flush All Over His Face And Fingers, Bright Against His Pale Skin, Looking Almost Frost Bitten. Just How Long Had He Been Out Here?
"God..This Is Fucking Insane."
"Yₒᵤ ₖₙₒʷ Wₕₐₜ ₑₗₛₑ ᵢₛ ᵢₙₛₐₙₑ?"
"Yₒᵤᵣ ₘₒₘ!!!!"
As Always, The Witty Commentary From The Peanut Gallery Never Failed To Impress Him. He Hoped Eddie Was Having A Better Day Than Him.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
I'm so sorry there 2.3k words, here's like a little intro to it tho???? The first part ig
hhhh I'm sorry if it's sloppy :'))
-panna cotta
Ookok, what about sorcerer/wizard!Yuuta who befriends sick!reader??
People who are gifted with magic are highly appreciated in society, for they can help out not only villages, no, cities in struggle, but whole countries, entire nations if they so wish. However, they’re incredibly rare to appear. Throughout the whole world, there will barely be even 30 people with those gifts. Being able to have inhumane abilities, unable to get sick, increased strength and agility, they truly were amazing souls.
That's why you were so surprised when you met Yuuta, and even became friends with him. Why would a person like him talk to a person like you? You don’t stand out well, you’re a pretty average person, in both skills and appearance, and you live in a shabby house, with an incredibly boring job as a farmer. Meanwhile Yuuta is probably the most stunning person you’ve ever met, and his magic always blows you away.
He loves to show you little tricks and see your reaction. Your face always brightens in awe, no matter how big or small it is. He’s always nervous to show you in case you don’t find it impressive, but when your eyes shine, and you say how amazing and great he is, he can’t help but flush as his chest feels all fuzzy and his stomach flutters.
You two met because Yuuta got injured while helping out nearby towns. His mana was drained after constant use for multiple days, and thus, when he crossed paths with monsters, he wasn’t able to fight properly.
You stumbled upon him right as he narrowly escaped, and when he looked at you after he crashed into your chest, stuttering out apologies, you couldn’t help but take him back to your tiny house to help treat him.
You saved him, and he can’t help but feel like he owes you his life.
Thus, your relationship bloomed. And even now, 4 years later, he still visits you whenever he can. You both send each other letters when Yuuta has to travel far to help aid other places, and you both can’t help but feel so stupidly happy when your eyes carefully gaze upon the ink placed upon the paper from your new messages.
You cherish your moments with Yuuta, he’s just so pretty, so amazing, so perfect that sometimes you can’t help but wonder if he’s even real at all. What if he is just part of a wonderful dream that you don’t want to wake from??
But when he gently caresses your hand with a flustered look, timidly looking you in the eye, you can’t help but not want to leave him. Not that he wants to leave either, he wants to stay by your side forever.
Yuuta adores you, you are the light of his life. His savior. He always struggles with people, especially with that voice constantly in the back of his head telling him to be careful, to not trust them.. But with you, everything seems wonderful, and he never wants to leave. Whenever he gets summoned to a place far from you, it's like a horrible pain in his chest, a constant pressure. He gains more praise from people now, ‘he gets it done so quickly, he is so amazing!! Truly gifted!’, ‘So powerful!’. ‘He must be the best alive!!’ but only he knows, it’s only done quicker so he can go to you as soon as possible.
It’s almost a need for him to be with you.
You love being with him, hearing his stories, seeing new spells, everything about him is amazing. He loves being with you, experiencing your cooking, your warmth, you.
The gentle caresses you give each other, the long tender holds from a long separation, the comforting hugs given, the soft kisses given to one another thinking the other is asleep…
You are each other's joy. Each other's warmth.
Even after you both confess, the warm cozy nights spent together, affectionate heart-filled promises for the future, giggling under covers as if you were children, the poorly sung songs you both love to sing together, shy kisses given to each other, gentle gazes given throughout all the hours you spend together– it never seems enough, even though the euphoric rush given always seems too much, you’d happily accept more and more.
The childish joy in the days with the two of you is almost beautifully precious.
Even when he is a sobbing mess underneath you, harsh pants leaving you both as you press against each other as much as physically possible… The messy kisses exchanged, the hushed ‘love you’s spoken throughout those times…
Although Yuuta hates leaving you, you always make him cute little trinkets to take with him. ‘A little piece of me for you to accompany you’, you’d say. It gets to the point where he has his own bag he carries with him just full of them. He’d never tell you how he kisses them when he’s away though, secretly hoping you can somehow feel them despite the distance.
Just a glance at the bag has him smiling with joy. You are his world. You are his life. His everything.
He loves it when he returns, walking up the path to the house he calls home. He always sees you waiting by the door, or already outside. The moment your name leaves his lips, the way your face lights up when you see him, when you run up to him and scoop him into your arms, he can’t help but smile til his cheeks hurt. Loving laughs leaving both of you.
He ignores the nagging feeling, though. The way those voices drip into his ears, warning him that you will leave him. But he knows you won’t. He won’t let you.
The first time a fever fell on you, Yuuta panicked. He has never been sick himself, and when he sees how tired and weak you look, he’s scared. Why are you sick?? What does he do? You’ll be okay, right? Although he can help out whole countries, he can’t heal people. He can’t heal you. How is he so useless when it comes to this?? It was a struggle the first time, that's for sure.
However, as time moved forward, he learned how to take care of you, as you did him, when you ever got ill. He owes you his life, after all, and he’d lovingly do whatever you asked. He will take care of you, sharing the joy and appreciation he felt for you since the first time you both met.
That’s why when another fever fell, he wasn’t as worried as he was the first time. Obviously, he was still concerned, you never got this hot, you never looked this weak– but he knows you will get better. He will help you get better.
You smile so lovingly, so brightly, so gently as he gives you medicine and feeds you. You can’t help the way it spreads on your face as he tells you about what new story he has to share with you. The animated way he talks when he gets into it, only to snap out of it with timid embarrassment, the way he still clumsily caresses your hair, not minding how sticky and damp it feels through the sweat.
The way he quietly asks how you feel, the way he kisses you softly, almost as if he was worried you would break, the way he gently wipes your lips after you eat, how he worries over you, worrying if you’re sleeping okay, is your stomach sore? Your throat?? Any headache? Chills?? you can’t help but want to kiss him all over. How is he so cute??
He gives you the best medicine he can find, he makes sure the house is at a good temperature all the time, he makes sure you are as comfortable as you can be.
He’s giving you all he can, he owes you that much. He owes you so much
So why.
Why aren’t you getting better?
He doesn’t understand. He did everything he has done before, you got better then, so what’s different now?? Why does nothing seem to work??
The feeling of dread heavily climbs up him as more days go by, but your condition only seems to worsen. Why??
You seem to know something is wrong, too. You were having headaches before your fever, but you shrugged it off. You were doing your best to look better, but from the way Yuuta looked at you as the days moved forward, you know that you aren’t doing a good job. You just feel horrible. You feel like something is wrong, very very wrong.
But you can’t let Yuuta know that.
You two promised to be together until you both grew old and wrinkly. To travel around the globe, meet new people, see new things. To live in this shabby but comforting home until nature holds it long after you two leave its warmth. To wear matching clothes, have matching trinkets. Try new foods, and enjoy old ones.
You promised you wouldn’t leave him.
So why does it feel like you’re getting further and further away? You are right here. Right in front of him. He sees you, smells you, he feels you. He has you right here. So why does he feel that way?
You’re not leaving him, right? You wouldn’t. He would never let you. He owes you his life. His life, his whole being is yours, so why won’t you get better? He’s doing his best, please know he is doing his best, so don’t go. He doesn’t think he can live anymore without you by his side.
He knows he needs to find a healer right away when you sleep more. The way your breath is so, so heavy as wheezes leave your mouth. You’ve lost so much weight, you are more in a daze than you are not. He hears you when he leaves the room, the way you croak about how sorry you were and how sore everything was.
Oh no no no nononono, no dear no don’t apologize, he loves you dearly, can’t you see? He’d give you the world. He will do anything for you, so just get better. Okay? He will get you the best healer alive, okay??
You barely understood what he was saying when he told you that he wouldn’t leave your side. Your mind was so groggy. Everything hurt, and you could barely stomach food, drinking was becoming hard too. Everything was spinning, and you couldn’t help but feel both scalding hot but freezing cold simultaneously. You were so tired. Fuck, so so tired.
Yuuta can’t help but cry sometimes as he sees you now. He can see you changing. Leaving. A fellow sorcerer he knows is on their way. The letter said they should be there in less than a week. They’re an amazing healer, they’re known for their miracles, so they will help you. They will.
He should be happy, help is on the way! But when he looks at you, he doesn’t know if that will be good enough. They should be here now. He feels like a child throwing a tantrum.
Tears of frustration and angry sobs leave him. He doesn’t get it. What the hell is going on? Why is this happening?? You’re leaving him. You're so sick, why can’t he help? He is useless and is fucking up every second as you’re still not better. Why can’t you get better? Did he do something wrong and your mad at him? He’s sorry. He’s really really sorry, so please stop this and get better, please? Go back to normal, pretty please?? Please stop.
He lays his head next to you, too anxious that he might make you feel uncomfortable with his body heat if he gets too close. When your gazes meet, a worried look versus a muddled one, he can’t help himself from crying. Oh, love, he’d take this all away from you if he could. He’s trying, he’s really fucking trying. Please know that he’s trying so hard.
Gripping your hand, tenderly kissing it, he gently sings the songs you two would love to sing. Your weak smile, your awfully quiet hums, they hurt him. Where did your brightness go? Your energy? Oh, my dear, he will get you better. You have to.
But you don’t.
He doesn’t know what happened. You fell asleep, still gently smiling, he even slept next to you tonight. His palm was on your chest, feeling your heart's scarily slow and calm thumps, but it will be okay. Help is almost here.
It should have been okay.
But, as he awoke, he felt something was wrong. Stiffening, he slowly moves his gaze to his palm. Why can’t he feel anything? Why can’t he feel any thumping?
He suddenly is aware of just how stiff you are, how you seem cooler than before… How you aren’t waking up.
Hey, wake up.
Yuuta sits up quickly, tenderly shaking you at first, “C’mon, dear, wake up.” He says.
No movement.
As more minutes pass, his grip tightens. He shakes harder, speaks louder until he is eventually screaming for you to ‘Wake up! Wake up, please!’
Panic is all that runs through him. This is wrong. This isn’t supposed to happen.
No, no no nonono this can’t be happening. This isn’t happening.
You’re just sleeping! That’s right. You’ve looked so exhausted lately, you must be taking a deep rest, that’s all! Of course!
He lets out a chuckle, of course! How could he be so stupid. You used to sleep a lot in the past when you were sick, you will wake up soon. No, no you won’t, you’re dea–
He lovingly strokes your hair before going to grab some medicine.
That’s right, you’re all okay. Everything is okay.
The healer should be here any day now, any day. Soon. So soon, then you will be okay.
Yuuta can’t help but smile tenderly when he looks at your face, it’s stiff why is it stiff–
Leaning over, he presses a kiss on your forehead.
Yes. You are okay.
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graylinesspam · 5 months
I guess I feel like stirring the pot tonight but I'm gonna actually put my two cents into this "tiktokification of autism" debate for a second. I'm gonna need everyone on this, the "we piss on the poor", website to take a fuckin breath.
In psychology there's this pretty simply concept they teach you in the 'intro to' class which is that when it comes to hereditary mental conditions if you carry the genes for a condition it's probably going to affect you a little bit, even if it is not a diagnose-able amount.
As a personal example My own great grandfather has Bipolar disorder and has been medicated for it for longer than I have been alive. As a result all of his children were very familiar with the symptoms and were quick to point out when each other was displaying or describing symptoms of that disorder in their own live. That stuck around for my mothers generation and now my own as well. None of his children have been diagnosed with the condition because they do not display these symptoms with a consistency or extreme that hinders their ability to live their day to day life. A couple of aunts have chosen to go on mood stabilizers because it makes their lives more enjoyable to live without the riding the emotional ups and downs. Which yes, many of us experience hormonal based emotional roller coasters that dictate whether or not we're capable of experiencing positive or negative emotions but those symptoms are so mild that they are not considered diagnose-able.
Where as pawpaw (who was diagnosed) had huge mood swings that would leave him so manic he destroyed the brick divider wall in their kitchen to open the space up one random day, followed by a week where he wouldn't even sit up in bed to take a sip of water. His children's experiences were more periods of increased confidence followed by periods of malaise.
The criteria for having a condition diagnosed is that it has to cause persistent and significant interference with your ability to live your life.
Now if you've followed me through that rant then listen to this one. Tiktok (and i am not advocating for that app lets keep it neutral) by it's very nature is an app that relies on quick reading and comprehension. Those videos aren't going to hold you're hand through explaining what they mean, you just need to figure it the fuck out using things like common sense.
So if you see a video where an autistic person is sharing the less irritating and sort of funny trait of their condition and it's something that "everybody experiences" or something that's totally "not" a symptoms of autism, maybe instead of immediately rolling your eyes at it why don't you take a minute to ask yourself if it actually is tho?
like sure not everyone who puts on music while they clean has autism, but ask yourself what if that trait did fit the diagnostic criteria, what would that look like? Because for me it meant that I literally got fired for a cleaning service job for smuggling my phone with me because despite being very competent at cleaning I physically could not do it without listening to music. I'm not talking about it was too boring or I just had a bad time at it. I mean I literally forgot how to clean a toilet and ended up having a crying meltdown at lunch after only getting through two rooms because I needed my music in order for my brain to function properly. I'd call that having a significant effect on my ability to live my life.
Maybe not everyone who has a specific hobby they keep up with for years is autistic, but the people whose hobbies consume them, leaving room for less of other experiences in their lives? the ones who buy too much merch and watch the content over and over and don't pick up new material? the ones who maladaptive daydream to the point of it interrupting their real life experiences, or have periods where they actually wish they could think about anything else? And also maybe the same kinds of fandoms attract those autistic people.
so next time you see a video about "if you were obsessed with these fandoms growing up then you might be autistic" maybe think about what the word obsessed might mean to an autistic person (whose has very literal and black and white thinking). Because assuming that they mean the most bland fucking vague horoscope version of a behavior or experience they're describing is exactly where you'll go wrong.
Btw, this is a good scale to use when wondering if you should get something mental or physical diagnosed.
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