#wishbone vibes
And below we have the guys (w/ previous LB member, Rob Waters) and their nicknames, circa 1995, pre-Wes (aka "Lucy"/"Lucifer") and pre-DJ Lethal.
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(Please don't re-post/share this video edit **with the text I added** anywhere else. Please just only reblog this video edit on Tumblr. Thank you!)
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wishbonemotel · 1 year
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I will be rocks, I will be water
Finally got around to drawing Magdeline
redraw of this [source]
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darkerrpmemes · 1 year
"You want me to say Lie down on the bed, you’re all I ever wanted and worth dying for too
But I think I’d rather keep the bullet this time.
It’s mine, you can’t have it, see, I’m not giving it up.
This way you still owe me, and that’s as good as anything."
- Richard Siken, Wishbone
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  you...  must  be  a  friend  of  aisling’s,  right?  sorry,  i  don’t  mean  to  be  rude,  i’m  just  kinda  new  here.  i’m  gabriela.  “          her  hand  extends  hesitantly,  a  practiced  motion  that  doesn’t  quite  have  the  opportunity  to  feel  natural  just  yet.  it’s  been  a  week  since  she  came  to  live  here.  eight  days,  technically,  but  who’s  counting?  and  considering  the  first  five  days  were  spent  in  a  blur  of  endless  meetings,  appointments,  exams  and  skype  calls,  she  thinks  she  ought  to  be  given  a  little  leeway  in  terms  of  familiarity  just  yet.  but  aisling  did  mention  that  some  friends  of  the  family  would  be  joining  them  tonight...  and  she  trusts  these  people  more  than  she  expected  herself  to  be  capable  of.  so  surely  that  must  mean  that  any  friend  of  the  family  can  be  considered  a  friend  of  hers.  right?  it  isn’t  until  a  snowflake  drifts  in  towards  the  doorway,  landing  in  the  stranger’s  black  hair,  that  she  realizes  just  how  rude  she’s  being  to  her  new  potential  pal.           “  oh!  god,  i’m  sorry,  come  on  in!  the  heating  is  on,  and  richard  is  setting  up  a  fire  in  the  living  room,  if  you  wanna  go  in  there?  aisling’s  on  the  balcony,  it’s  just  down  the  hallway  and  through  the  last  room  on  the  left.  or,  if  you  prefer,  i  can  go  let  her  know  you’re  here?  “
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@namcre​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter! ( and if u want namor to go mingling, i’ll put the locations of the other muses in the tags! )
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iamcri · 2 years
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The Wishbone In S3
Syd's Wishbone Tattoo
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Screenshot from @sydcarmyfan
Opening Scene of 3x10 Forever
Chef Keller: And you know as a child, right?
Carmy: Right. Make a wish.
Chef Keller: Roasted chicken. Yeah. We'd take the wishbone out and hang it up and dry it overnight, and then we'd sit with our brothers or our mother or whoever and, uh try to break who was gonna be the lucky person. But now I'm just scraping with the tip of my knife, you see? This knife, you can hear it. You can feel it, right? The vibration on the knife kind of sounds like my dental hygienist cleaning my teeth. You got that?
Carmy: Yes, chef.
Chef Keller: I can start to pull it out. You can see it now, right? Exposed.
Carmy: Yeah. Boom.
Chef Keller: There you go. Your wishbone.
Carmy: Perfect.
Chef Keller: You can save that for tomorrow.
Wishbones And Vibrant Collaboration
Chef Keller: But now I'm just scraping with the tip of my knife, you see? This knife, you can hear it. You can feel it, right? The vibration on the knife kind of sounds like my dental hygienist cleaning my teeth. You got that?
Carmy: Yes, chef.
Chef Keller: I can start to pull it out. You can see it now, right? Exposed.
Carmy: Yeah. Boom.
Chef Keller: There you go. Your wishbone.
Carmy: Perfect.
The wishbone scene is the beginning of 3x10 and the beginning of Carmy's career, literal day 1 at the French Laundry and the tone Chef Keller sets is important. Tone wise, Carmy's first professional moment is one of PEACEFUL vibrant collaboration - he doesn't start in an environment of shutout (Mikey), abuse (Chef David), competition (Carmy to Luca in 3x1 Go faster, chef! Chef, let's fucking go! and Carmy to everyone in 1x8 And when somebody new came into the restaurant to stage, I’d look at them like they were competition, like I’m gonna smoke this motherfucker.), or chaos (Donna in 2x6). In conclusion, pulling out wishbones are peaceful meaning Syd's not Claire is Carmy's peace (2x9).
Also the act of pulling a wishbone requires two people, it's a literal collaboration.
Wishbones and Childhood
Chef Keller: And you know as a child, right?
Carmy: Right. Make a wish.
Chef Keller: Roasted chicken. Yeah. We'd take the wishbone out and hang it up and dry it overnight, and then we'd sit with our brothers or our mother or whoever and, uh try to break who was gonna be the lucky person.
Carmy and Mikey's bond over cooking in childhood: My brother and I, we would cook a lot together, especially when we were kids. You know, that’s when we were closest. Food was always our common ground. We wanted to open a restaurant together. Um, we had a name, we had a vibe, all of it. (1x8)
All of the tattoos we know Syd has so far are on her back which contrasts Carmy's visible ones (literally wearing them on his sleeves). This ofc mirrors their personalities and willingness to open up - Carmy's done this more so far in the series than Syd (but I explain in the last section why I feel like we'll finally get more about her in S4). I feel all Syd's tattoos revolve around her mom in some way and I think it's reinforced by the fact they're on her back - like her inner life in general, she keeps the memories of her mom to herself (no random person could see her tattoos unless she wanted them to - so far her dad, Marcus, and Carmy) but the placement of the tats also show her mom's death is a weight on her back - a burden/trauma from childhood. For the wishbone specifically, it seems like the most straightforward and heartbreaking interpretation is that Syd wishes her mom was alive or that she at least got more time with her because since she died when Syd was only 4 (2x9), she mainly has to rely on her dad's memories of her rather than her own (Marcus: You rely on your dad? He loves it. in 3x5 and Carmy: At least you can rely on him in 2x2).
Wishbones and The Long Lasting Effect of Grief
Chef Keller: We'd take the wishbone out and hang it up and dry it overnight, and then we'd sit with our brothers or our mother or whoever and, uh try to break who was gonna be the lucky person. There you go. Your wishbone.
Carmy: Perfect.
Chef Keller: You can save that for tomorrow.
The fact that "brothers" (Mikey's dead), "mothers" (Syd's mom's dead), or "whoever" (the idea anyone can become found family, Carmy: friends and family's not an exact Science, Sug in 2x9) are highlighted here.
It takes time and distress (aka trauma) before you can pull a wishbone:
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Wishbones and The Invisible String of Fate
We start the season where we end the season - Syd and Carmy's invisible string of fate. In 3x1, we see Carmy make Syd's favorite dish (which we knew from 1x8) and we get the extra significance that it was born from what we can assume is Carmy's only act of rebellion at EMP where Carmy makes the dish his way rather than how Chef David's subtracted from Carmy's original idea.
In 3x10, we open on Chef Keller teaching Carmy to remove the wishbone on his first day as a professional chef. We see Carmy's documentation of this formative memory in his notebook in 3x7 when Marcus is flipping through it:
Carmy's drawn step by step illustrations on how to remove the wishbone next to a page that has a magazine cut out of a roast chicken under which Carmy writes "remove wishbone".
On a previous page of the notebook, we see a recipe for some dish, but next to the handwritten ingredients Carmy's placed a piece of green tape that says "bones".
The last page we see in this scene is a picture of several chefs, including Chef Keller.
In 3x1, we see Carmy tying up the chicken after removing the wishbone and placing it very carefully (he uses his hand to gently pat the last chicken after placing it on the rack) next to the other chickens he's prepared. Sidenote for the timing of this flashback - it could have gone anywhere in this episode, but it comes right after Syd hands him the coffee cup in the present thus putting the wishbone memory in the past right next to Syd in the present (however, we don't get the apology until later in the episode).
Later in 3x1 we see another flashback of Carmy tying up the chicken, pulling out the wishbone, and serving the roasted chickens at family including him making a plate of chicken for himself. We see him eat/fix plates for himself several times in the 3x1 flashbacks, but as has been said we rarely see Carmy eat in the present. First notables: Carmy DOESN'T eat Syd's first family meal in 1x1 even after she's offered (and she makes a fennel salad which was the "allergy" Carmy subbed the blood orange for in Syd's hamachi dish at EMP in 3x1). Second notable, he doesn't eat any of the food at Ever's funeral in 3x10 (even though his argument to get Syd to come is it's the last/first time she'll be able to eat Ever's food) because he's so preoccupied with Chef David and he hasn't repurposed his trauma in a dish yet like Luca has with the sweet pea panna cotta in 3x10.
Like Carmy made Syd's favorite meal before knowing her, it's like he also drew her tattoo before knowing her (and something about him not knowing his dish was her favorite/that she ever ate at EMP while he was there and also doesn't know about her wishbone tattoo/any of her tats). This means that in Carmy's career starting, first professional culinary notebook the first thing he draws ties impossibly back to Syd. And shoutout to @sydcarmyfan for pointing out Carmy's touched all of her tats without knowing it in S2.
Wishbones and S4
Even though we end the episode and season on two low notes with Syd's panic attack and what seems to be the negative Tribune review, I think it's interesting that we (almost) end an overall bleak season with a scene of joy for the Bear crew partying at Syd's apartment (minus shell-shucking robot Carm) and even Carm seems lighter after confronting Chef David and seeking advice in Chef Terry. But even if the review is terrible, I have hope for S4 because we end the opening 3x10 scene with a shot of two wishbones - one Chef Keller took out in his demonstration for Carm and the second Carm took out himself.
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Ideally, the wishbone splits evenly between Syd and Carmy next season - they both get their wish which is The Bear stays open, is successful, and vibrant collaborations are firing on all fronts between Carmy and Syd, Richie (FOH) and Carmy (BOH), Carmy and Tina, Tina and Marcus, etc. The second wishbone could represent the second chance (rather "second, third and hundredth chances balancing on breaking branches") Syd might give to Carmy by staying at The Bear. Or, it could represent that even if Syd chooses to leave The Bear, there will still be a second chance for reconciliation/friendship/collaboration/marriage in the future between Syd and Carmy.
Syd's outfit in 3x10 is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous (Syd in 2x2)" AND symbolic that we're going to finally learn more about Syd in S4. Again Carmy's tattoos are visible whereas Syd's are covered, but this outfit is sleeveless so it's the closest we've come to being able to see her wishbone tattoo (and the previously revealed Three of Swords from 2x8). Maybe another indication the review is positive (or at least not all terrible) because they realize they've already been reviewed right after Carmy explains how to take out the wishbone and the pope's nose to Tina in 3x4 which is a positively formative start of his career.
Lastly, you PULL wishbones apart. Speaking of migration/immigration, pull factors are positive things that might attract/draw/pull someone into a new place like better education opportunities or jobs or religious freedom.
Whereas push factors are negative circumstances that might force someone out/to move/leave their home when otherwise they would choose to stay - war, famine, lack of freedom, etc. Carmy's PUSHED (Syd: Why are you doing this? Carmy: So you can push me and I can push you, 3x1) Syd to the brink of leaving him - the question for S4 is if he's pushed her over that ledge or not. I think not if it all comes back to wishbones and invisible strings, pulling vs. pushing, and wishes granted like magic (3x9 opening sequence) and miracles (Carmy: it's a miracle these places [aka people aka Syd] even exist, 3x10).
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outmakingmoonshine · 7 months
I wrote this in the tags on this post by @sydcarmyfan pointing out that Carmy has touched all of Syd’s tattoos and they asked me to make a post about it, it's kinda long so I've put it under a cut.
Like the above post mentions the placement of Carmy's hands on Syd's back in 2x03 puts them directly over the broken wishbone, the three of swords tattoos and the anchovies
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If the hand placement is deliberate then it specifically places his hands directly over the tattoos that relate to him/their love story the most. The broken wishbone, he’s fulfilling her wish/dream by making her his partner in The Bear and kinda breaking it by being “shitty”, there's something in there about "wishing on a star" too... and the three of swords which the SydCarmy meta writers have written about much better than I can. (And also the anchovies tattoo but I have no idea what that's related to yet, although Carmy does have a fish tattoo so that's how it relates until I know more lol.) This touch on these two specific tattoos happens in a scene which is arguably the start of him breaking her heart and her wish…it's the first time she sees him after he ditched her at Kasama and after he tried to avoid Claire but caved to her hounding him on the phone so whether Syd's aware of Claire yet or not, the wall has already been torn down and the ball's already in motion. It’s also when he starts to ditch working with her on their joint wish/dream, kinda breaking her "wish" of working on it with him.
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It's worth noting that the point of a wishbone is to break it so this might not have a negative connotation and could just relate to him being so focused on getting that wish for her while...on the other hand..literally..he’s breaking her heart while trying.
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@sydcarmyfan pointed out when Carmy placed his hand on Syd's back in 2x02 he also touched her other two tattoos, which was during a scene/montage when they were both more comfortable and relaxed around each other, being more open about their personal lives, history, family etc, and those other two tattoos seem more related to Syd’s family life/history. The car with mom on the license plate and the c’est pas grave tattoos. So the themes of the tattoos he touched in each scene also relate to the themes of their dynamic within that scene.
The car is obviously about her mum and maybe something to do with driving to Sheridan Road? Idk yet but my theory on the c’est pas grave tattoo (which translates to “it’s not serious/it doesn’t matter/nevermind”) is it relates to whatever reason Syd feels like she needs to hide or ignore her feelings like they “don’t matter” or they’re “not serious” to anyone else but her…or maybe she doesn’t even allow herself to take them seriously and that’s why she just swallows her disappointment and internalizes and suppresses her feelings all the time.
I don’t think Syd’s ever really been emotionally nurtured because the version we see now of Emmanuel as the devoted father telling stories of her mother lovingly doesn’t really add up. If he was that loving devoted father making her smile and laugh so animatedly while she was growing up why is she so emotionally avoidant now? There’s a weird distance in their relationship like she has a huge wall up when she's around him, even more than around when she's around Carmy or Marcus tbh. He obviously knows her better, he raised her so he can see through her and confront her about more things but she still never really lets him in and he never seems willing to push enough. I get the feeling he wasn’t really there for her as a kid and he learnt to be a decent father too late. I also get a vibe from him like he feels kinda guilty about something / has regrets / kinda feels like he failed her. Idk he seems to walk on eggshells around her imo like he's very careful what he says to her and how he words things with her. He definitely feels the distance between them and it bothers him more than it bothers her. You can tell he tries to connect with her, but she’s always the one who’s resistant.
My theory is the distance is because he became an alcoholic after her mom died because he couldn't cope with losing her. Maybe Syd spent most of her childhood feeling neglected and alone, like no one cared about her and what she wanted or needed so she learnt to suppress her emotions and now she just keeps following that pattern because she doesn’t know any different. By the time Emmanuel got sober it was too late, she'd already learned this toxic way to cope with all the feelings of loneliness and rejection. And she's still so wounded by his neglect that she only gives him a surface level relationship now.
She’s also lowkey disrespectful to him in some ways or she just lacks the respect you would expect her character to have for a father who is clearly trying and we know Syd isn’t a disrespectful person. Definitely not to be disrespecting her only living parent and kinda dismissing him the way she does for no reason. So I think there’s something important we don’t know about their dynamic.
I also think this could be why she cut Carmy off from asking about her dad in 2x02 because he already said something like “at least he was there for you” and I don't think she wanted to explain that maybe he actually wasn’t.
There’s a reason that the main point of Emmanuel's only scene and dialogue inside the restaurant in 2x10 was to reveal that he doesn't drink and I don't think it was just to highlight the contrast between him and Donna because it would've made more sense to have donna show up as a drunken mess outside The Bear if they wanted that contrast so badly but she seemed sober when talking to Pete.
(Here's where I insert my headcanon that Emmanuel & Donna have already met at al-anon meetings and he’s been integral in her recovery so far, probably not even realizing they are future in-laws.)
I think Carmy's gonna find out Syd had a very similar childhood to him but she was actually going through it all alone. While he FELT alone she really WAS alone dealing with an alcoholic parent with no siblings to understand or to just share the emotional and psychological burden with and all he's been doing is dumping pressure on her that she didn’t really ask for...but she wont tell him directly that she crumbles under pressure, she tried to tell him a story to let him know she crumbles under pressure with the Sheridan story in 1x05 and again with the pasta/Ragù story in 2x02 but he consistently keeps leaving her alone to fend for herself with a major workload when the whole reason she came to The Beef was to work WITH him and spend time WITH him. That’s what Syd values, that’s what makes her happy. Quality time and food are her love languages, these things are the way to her heart and this anxious white man is bending over backwards trying to make her happy BY AVOIDING HER TO WORK ON HIMSELF SO HE CAN BE ENOUGH TO MAKE HER HAPPY😭😭 He's trying but he's so clueless and Syd won't give him a clue!
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psychics4unet · 19 hours
Want Instant Good Luck?🌟 Reblog This Lucky Wishbone for Positive Vibes!🦴
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Feeling like you could use a sprinkle of good fortune in your life? Say hello to the magical Wishbone! Traditionally, this charming little bone symbolizes luck and positive energy, making it the perfect charm to attract good vibes your way! ✨
Why is the Wishbone associated with luck? It’s simple! After a delightful feast, two people pull the Wishbone apart, and the one who ends up with the larger piece is said to have their wish granted. It's a fun way to connect with loved ones and manifest positivity together! 💖
So, are you ready to bring some magic into your life? Follow me, like this post, and reblog it to share the good vibes with the wishbone! 🌟✨ Let’s spread some luck and positivity together! 🌈💖
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
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timeofjuly · 12 days
This has been done for several hours technically
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I didn't draw a scene but this popped up in my head and I couldn't stop thinking of it.
Them watching a movie and MC falling asleep on pap! Or their first touch since they met.
OMFG THIS IS AMAZING!!! I can't believe I've only posted 3 chapters of Wishbone and yet you've managed to captured their relationship dynamic and overall Vibes so perfectly. Love love love how you've drawn the MC (I picture them with very similar hair and colouring and resting expression, funnily enough!) and Papyrus!!!! Beloved!!!!! His panic is just perfect. I love how happy he looks in the first panel too, he's just so pleased to be there with the MC!!! The blush is so cute, I wanna gnaw on him.
I was super super super inspired by this and cranked out a little oneshot based on it that I've popped below the cut! Thank you so much!
Movie Night
"I don't get it," you say, eyes fixed to the TV, a furrow between your brows. "So, he plays all of the characters? Even the villains?"
"even the baddies," Papyrus confirms. Unlike you, he is not focussed on the screen; instead, he's doing his best to sneak furtive, sidelong glances at you and how little space there is between the two of you on the couch. Not even a full cushion's worth. It's scandalous. He can barely breathe, much less adequately explain the ins and outs of Napstaton's impressive discography to you. "he does all the camera work, too, and directing, and editing. 's real impressive, you'll see."
"And you like this movie in particular," you say dubiously, gesturing towards the screen, which is paused on the opening sequence of Napstaton: Rise of the Napocolypse. The freeze frame features the robot in question atop a (very cool!) motorcycle, riding through a halo of flame, fleeing from an identical, yet somehow perceptively darker, moodier version of himself who is also astride a (slightly less cool) motorcycle.
"uh-huh," he confirms. "there's great characterisation in this one, the arcs are great. and the pyrotechnics are very realistic."
"Right," you say. For some reason, he gets the sense that you don't believe him, but the fact that you've even agreed to give the movie a shot is progress. You're willingly engaging in monster culture and you're spending time with him; he's not gonna look a gyftrot in the mouth.
You settle further into the couch, digging into the bowl of chisps he'd placed on the coffee table before you arrived. When you shift forward to put the bowl back, your knee brushes his femur, and he breaks into a cold sweat.
"i'll! i'll start the movie, then? if you're ready? unless you want more snacks? a drink? a meal? i can't really cook, but i can use the microwave? if you want? you can eat sans' leftovers? i'm sure he won't mind!" 
Sans would very much mind if you, of all people, ate his food. Papyrus half expects you to eat it based on that alone.
"I'm okay, thank you," you say, a small, amused smile tugging at your lips. Wordlessly, you pluck the TV remote from where it'd been sitting in the not cushion-width chasm and press play.
The speakers rattle with the boom of explosives as Napstaton unleashes a hailstorm of firepower against his identical enemy. You blink, but make no comment, giving your full attention to the TV.
He forces himself to do the same, even though your leg is still so close to his, and he can smell your shampoo. What he actually wants to do is focus on you and your reactions; are you enjoying movie? Are you following the plotline? Do you also appreciate the delicate balance between the Napstaton's as they vye for power? The struggle between duty and the heart? The laser cannons? He really hopes you like those; he'd helped 'Dyne make them Underground, and he plans on secretly fishing for compliments on them after the movie's over.
Around halfway through the movie, as Napstaton casually dodges bullets in slow motion while checking his reflection in a shattered mirror, Papyrus feels pressure on his shoulder.
First, he thinks you're tapping him to get his attention, which would be crazy because you never touch him, not since that first time, but when he looks down, it's not your hand on his shoulder. It's your whole ass head.
There's a beat of silence. On the TV, Napstaton stands atop a pile of rubble, arms akimbo, gazing heroically into the distance as a nearby TV anchor (also played by him, though wearing a mussed synthetic wig) reports: 'Will our flamboyant, fearless, and, let’s be honest, incredibly well-oiled hero arrive in time to save us all?'
"um," says Papyrus.
You do not respond. Napstaton backflips off the rubble. Papyrus begins to sweat.
"um?!" he tries again, a little louder.
Nada from you. Have you just keeled over randomly? Humans do that, right? He's read about spontaneous human combustion, is this something similar?
He looks down at you, twisting his neck to get a better look. Your face is still, eyes closed, but then he hears the slow, measured beat of your soft exhales.
Oh. You're asleep! That… that tracks. You're bone-tired literally all of the time, and this is probably the longest you've spent not having to work in ages. It certainly makes more sense than you just up and dying like a startled hamster over some laser cannons.
… oh, fuck, you're asleep, on him, like he's your own personal bony body pillow, and though he's definitely not opposed to that, he's sure you would be. As far as you've come, you'd never touch him, not on purpose.
You look honest like this, your face relaxed and open. Similar to the faux transparency you're so good at faking, but there's subtle differences, little minutiae of the human expression that are impossible to replicate. There's a softness to the set of your closed eyes he's never seen before, like the tension you carry behind them has disappeared, all those tiny muscles forced to relax. Your cheek is squished up against his shoulder, making it appear comically fuller towards the top, and from his vantage point - craning his neck down at you like a creep and almost popping a disc in the process - he can see that your lips are just slightly agape. The gentle puff of your breath continues, perfectly rhythmic.
As he watches, you let out a tiny sigh, and rub your face against his jacket. His soul goes warm in his chest. You're so fucking cute. You're cute all the time, of course, but there's something about you when you're so off-guard (like you trust him, almost) that makes his soul feel like it's on fire. His skull, too; unlike Napstaton, he doesn't have a mirror at the ready, but he knows he's blushing all the same.
What does he do now? Does he wake you up? No, no way; you need your rest. But what if you want him to wake you? You would, surely. You're not a napper; or, rather, your lifestyle doesn't allow you time to take a deep breath, much less get proper sleep. He has no doubt that, if you were to wake up, you'd get embarrassed and angry and rush off to subject yourself to more work, and probably not talk to him for a whole month.
On the TV, Napstaton forces the neck of his enemy between his robotic biceps and then flexes, popping the other robot’s head clean off. It's a pity you've fallen asleep so quickly; the movie's barely gotten to the good bit. He doesn't blame you, though. He knows you're exhausted.
Okay, so he's definitely not disturbing you. But what if you wake up, and get upset at him for letting you sleep? He doesn't want that either. He needs plausible deniability, or whatever it’s called, for why he didn’t wake you up.
…well, there's only one option, and luckily for Papyrus, it's one of the few things he's good at. Sans has always said he could fall asleep anywhere.
Doing his best not to jostle you, Papyrus tips his head to the back of the couch and closes his sockets. You are warm and solid against his shoulder and the weight of you, the physical reminder that you are here with him, that you trust him enough for this, guides him to a peaceful, dreamless sleep. 
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hawkmothdiemotte · 1 year
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Chp. 16 of never grow a wishbone by @shanastoryteller on ao3
Idek why I’m so bloody atm sorry about that
Yes this is a fic rec even if there is basically no Percy, it’s a drarry Professor fic + heist vibes in the end
Also Percy is so left handed coded
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K, as of right now, I’m calling Koda’s dog Blue. I’m picturing her as a German Shepard-sized, wolf looking dog with blue-black fur, and yellow eyes. You may change her name, gender, breed, whatever. HOWEVER, I am going to post the list I ended up with, cause I hyper focused. It is now 1:30am. I need to SLEEP.
Whisper (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Moro (Princess Mononoke)
Hayate (Black Hayate, FullMetal Alchemist)
Jump (Page: Lady Knight Series, Tamora Pierce)
Ammy (Okami, video game)
Chibi (Okamiden, sequel to above)
Grimm (myth reference)
Lockjaw (Fantastic Four)
Lucky (generic; also from Hawkeye/MARVEL)
Rex (the Wonder Dog)
Snowy (the Adventures of Tintin)
Streak, the Wonder Dog (Green Lantern)
Titus (Batman)
Ace (Batman)
Antoinette (Ouran High School Host Club)
Astro (the Jetsons)
Balto (movie, Balto)
Blue (Blue’s Clues; also Wolf’s Rain)
Bolt (Bolt, movie)
Buttons (Animaniacs)
Clifford (Clifford the Big Red Dog)
Dante (Coco)
Goddard (Jimmy Neutron)
Lady (Lady and the Tramp)
Magenta (Blue’s Clues)
Perdita (101 Dalmatians)
Pongo (101 Dalmatians)
Pluto (Mickey Mouse)
Rowlf (the Muppets)
Scooby-Doo (Scooby-Doo)
Winona (MLP:FiM)
Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Diogee (Milo Murphy’s Law)
Duke (Captain N: the Game Master)
Ein (Cowboy Bebop)
Genevieve (Madeline)
Bronx (Gargoyles)
Naga (Legend of Korra)
Pupcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
Sherlock Hound (Sherlock Hound; anime)
Sprocket (Fraggle Rock)
Gromit (Wallace and Gromit)
Olive (Olive, the Other Reindeer)
Scraps (Corpse Bride)
Zero (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Trusty (Lady and the Tramp)
Blacktoe (Star Trek: the Next Generation)
Wishbone (Wishbone)
Bruiser (Legally Blonde)
Buddy (Air Bud)
Chance (Homeward Bound)
Copper (the Fox and the Hound)
Dewey (Firehouse Dog)
Domino (102 Dalmatians)
Friday (Hotel for Dogs)
Gladstone (Sherlock Holmes)
Hubble (Good Boy!)
Junkyard (Race to Witch Mountain)
Luath (the Incredible Journey)
Shadow (Homeward Bound: the Incredible Journey)
in the end, it has to be a random reference to something Koda actually watched and liked, because he is blurting out a name at random so he Can claim her as his dog, so these random people won’t take her away. So, if you think of a better name, by all means, use that.
GOD there are so many good doggos to name her after. I think I might need to just kinda roll with writing the dog more before I pick a name? Sometimes animal names just happen as you vibe their personality.
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vykodlak · 7 months
do you have more music like star rider? you posted that one a couple weeks ago or so and i really ended up liking excerpts from a future past in its entirety. thank you for having great taste & introducing me to something cool & new
I'm glad you liked it!! Love Hallas but this is another tough one because they're just a bit too unique in the current landscape of retro rock. To me. Star Rider especially is such a mellow and kinda dreamy song, it's epic but also foreboding and I haven't found anything that sounds quite like it.
They pull influence from all over the place, mainly 70s prog and hard rock/early so-called proto metal.. lots of hammond and twin lead guitar harmonies. For bands in the past you can look to (for at least certain elements of their sound, if not the complete package), most common comparison would be Wishbone Ash. There's also Uriah Heep, definitely some Eloy (x), Nektar, Camel, and I feel like they've got a lot of italian prog influence, like Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso. Think I hear some Jethro Tull-isms in there as well. Pretty sure at least some of the band members are big fans of Rush and Genesis. There's something like deep purple and maiden in their sound as well, though mostly you'll pick up certain riffs and such.
Other bands that just kinda fit that heavy prog or throwback rock.metal, synthy, retro kitsch vibe that Hallas goes for imo:
Night - Hight Tides - Distant Skies
Flight - A Leap Through Matter & Echoes of Journey's Past
Astra - The Black Chord
Ashbury - Endless Skies (this band is what I think of first when I think of that sort of epic fantasy sound in retro rock)
I did not like the vocals on this much but you might have better luck with it, Phantom Spell - Immortal's Requiem.
Hopefully some of these recs hit as well, or at least point you in the right direction :-)
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wishbonemotel · 1 year
for the character aesthetic thing uhmm whoever your tallest oc is since i'm not too familiar with all your characters :)
Evander is 6’6 so he easily wins lmao
[character aesthetics meme]
A short playlist:
Your Father’s Son, Shayfer James
Whatever Doesn’t Kill Me (Better Run), Benj Heard
One of Them Tonight, Raygun Cowboys
Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Cyndi Lauper
A picture aesthetic moodboard:
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A ‘steal their look’ outfit:
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A small collection of quotes:
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A list of things that are their aesthetic:
Muddy (and bloody) boots
A hand desperately clinging on
Marble statues of lovers
The smeared remains of yesterday’s lipstick
Midnight rendezvous
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darkerrpmemes · 1 year
"Will you let me kiss your neck, baby?
Do I have to tie your arms down?
Do I have to stick my tongue in your mouth like the hand of a thief, like a burglary, like it’s just another petty theft?"
- Richard Siken, Wishbone
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lemon-natalia · 2 months
Reading Richard Siken's Crush, and both Wishbone and Litany in Which Certain Things are Crossed Out give me The Locked Tomb vibes, especially the lines 'I will turn myself into a gun, because I'm hungry and hollow and just want something to call my own. I'll be your slaughterhouse, your morgue and final resting', and 'Love, for you, is larger than the usual romantic love. It's like a religion. It's terrifying. No one will ever want to sleep with you'. Not only that but just the style and direct address reminds me so much of the style of John's chapters in NtN.
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ask-imaginary-dreamers · 10 months
Do you have voice claims for any of your characters?
APOLOGIES THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER!!! I didn’t have voice claims set for most of my characters yet, and wanted to get most of the main ones picked before answering.
Flicker: Pomni (Lizzie Freeman)
- I’ve been at a loss for Flicker voice wise for a while, but after TADC came out and I heard Pomni I decided that was the perfect voice. Just the right amount of anxiety and anguish.
- Aster has the same voice btw, it doesn’t change upon death.
Casey: Masumi Sera (Ghia Burns)
- This is a bit of an off the wall choice! But, I like how relatively androgynous Sera’s voice is and I think a voice like this would be interesting for Casey, even if it’s not very close to the voice I have for him in my head. Also unfortunately I can’t find any clips for her dub voice to share and I don’t think her sub voice is fitting so… rip.
- alternatively I think apollo justice could work, quite a different direction from sera voice wise tho lol
Fade: N/A
- Fade is mute. When Fade talks via telepathy, you just kinda know the words in your head. There’s no voice or sound associated with it.
Daisy: Fluttershy (Andrea Libman)
- I just imagine her voice as very soft and quiet!
Begonia: Sunset Shimmer (Rebecca Shoicet)
- from one pony to another… not much more to note about this one tbh.
Zeus: this (Aleks Le)
- I have no further explanation
- I guess an alternative is a high-pitched monokuma-esque voice cause that’d be funny as hell
More under cut. Only Ask-Glorious-Guild and Digital-Sylveon cause I didn’t really want to figure any others out! Maybe eventually though.
Gloria: Sasha Waybright/Gloria Sato (Anna Akana)
- I initially did consider giving her someone with a Scottish accent, but I realized I don’t really write her with one. I do really see her with this voice though!
- As a note, Gloria is 1/2 Galarian, 1/4 Kantonian, and 1/4 Unovan. So I did want to use a voice actor whose part Japanese.
Lint: Sprig Plantar (Justin Felbinger)
- honestly just kinda going for a young kid voice for lint - choosing sprig cause it’s the first that came to mind and I’ve dressed Lint up as him for Halloween before, so I kinda associate the two of them together
- Huey Ducktales also works for them imo!
Ruins: Maki Himekawa (Yuko Kaida)
- basically just need an emotionally constipated mature woman voice and maki’s voice fits that bill. Her dub voice also works but it is so hard to find clips of the dub so uh. No link for that.
Wishbone: Miles Edgeworth (Kyle Hebert)
- Wanted a voice that sounded nice and fits with Wishbone’s more formal speech. So decided why not Edgeworth! Seon King and Christopher Wehkamp’s Edgeworth voices also work, just said Kyle Hebert’s cause that was the one easiest to find a good clip of. Honestly even most fan voices for Edgeworth could also work, like Jelloapocalypse’ or Mornal’s.
- That said, imagine this voice with the same kind of filters people use when doing a Spamton voice for the most accurate portrayal. Even though that is a bit cursed.
Jazz: Axel/Lea (Quinton Flynn)
- not much to say here this is just a fitting voice for them
APP: Hatsune Miku OR Meicoomon (Kate Higgins)
- there are two options here so pick your preference
- hatsune miku cause. digital. makes sense to have a vocaloid as a voice. i think rin or len could also work.
- meicoomon cause I love meicoomon. also the dub voice definitely has the childish androgynous vibe I think of for APP’s voice.
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