#witch talks
potionwitchmaya-15 · 4 months
Hey if Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is public domain and now Steamboat Willie/Mickey Mouse is public domain then like what's stopping anyone from like making a game derivative of Epic Mickey. What's stopping anyone from making a fangame of what Epic Mickey 3 could've been, even. Listen to me
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freemindedspirit · 9 months
Hey! Just wanted to ask, what would you do spiritually to protect your peace? I’m dealing with some… hexes/evil eyes/attacks from a shit ton of family members, like my mom, as well as people close to my family and it’s gotten to the point in which I’m barely getting through the day (not trying to trauma dump, and I’m very much aware that you are not a therapist lol).
So buckle up bc this is going to be long lol
I reblogged a post recently about the four different types of protection, you can look it up for further info.
I mentioned them previously to another anon, but i recommend doing some small rituals daily. This helps for 1. stopping the negative energy from building up and 2. Builds your magical stamina for bigger spells.
What you can do :
-visualizing : visualize yourself surrounding by a white or pink light, and visualize it removing all of the negative energy from you, and protecting you from outside negative energy. You can do it once or multiple times a day, when you are in public, before going to sleep, when you wake up etc.
-daily hygiene: while you are taking a bath or a shower, visualize the water cleansing you and watch as the negative energy goes down the drain. This works especially well if you are washing your hair.
Food and drinks: throw salt over your left shoulder while you cook, stir your tea/ coffee clockwise to add protection into the drink, or anticlockwise to remove negative energy. Drink water with the intention of it cleansing the negative energy.
Clothes : the color black, as well as iron, are both associated with protection. You can wear one or both with intention as an extra layer of protection.
You can add affirmations to any of these in order to strengthen them.
We are now going into more long term rituals and spells.
In order to do these, you will need to learn two skills first: how to direct your focus and energy and how to ground.
Direct your focus and energy: The previous exercises can serve as a training. You can also try to do yoga and focus on your body sensations, do meditation, sit under the sun,watch a candle flame, feel water on your hands etc. The goal is to try to avoid your mind from wandering in the middle of your spell, rendering them less effective.
How to ground: the goal is to get you to be connected to your body and to earth. The exercises from the “direct your focus and energy” category can work as well. You can also sit and visualize your core energy center (it can feel different for everyone) being connected to the Earth. A good thing about grounding is that it allows you to borrow from Earth infinite energy, so you don’t have to use your own for your spells.
In order to know what works best for you, you have to tap into your sensitivity. If you are very affected by the moon, then do a ritual linked to the moon. If you are more seasonal like me, do something yearly or linked to the seasons.If you have deities, do something linked to them or ask them to help you protect you.
I personally have a very layered protection, with a mix of deity help, runes, sigils ( i love sigils), enchanted objects and a few spell bottles or jars.
Let’s go with the different types of protection:
Defensive : These act as a shield or a fence. When you build one, make sure you do it in a way that it keeps you away from energies you don’t want, but let in other things. For example, if you use a good luck spell later, it would be sad if it was stopped by your own defensive spell. You can use affirmations such as “I am protected from energies which are not in my highest good”.
Illusory: you can lead the negative energy towards something that is not actually you. For example, you can make a spell jar containing a hair, and fill it with vinegar and nails, with the intention that negative energy that seeks you ends up stuck in the jar. You can then hide this jar in your bathroom, or in a plant etc.You can also learn to shield your energy in a way that you become invisible to people who seek you (I am such champion at that that i once wasted a paid reading bc the reader did not have the best intentions apparently and could not find me lol).The same way as before, add an an affirmation which make sure it wouldnt block you from receiving good things.
Aggressive: I put it last because usually people don't recommend beginners to start off with these. Basically, aggressive spells can require more energy, and it is with experience that you learn when they are necessary, or when they are going bad and you need to do something. The usual protective aggressive spells are “return to sender” types. But you can also find spells that are meant to scare the attacker into retreating.
Salt is commonly used as protection and purification, so is rosemary.
You can mix salt with ashes and it becomes black salt, which will absorb and transform negative energy.
Black crystals, such as black quartz, obsidian, tourmaline, have protection properties.
The color black and the element of iron have protective properties.
The rune Algiz is considered a defensive rune.
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Sigils : sigils are symbols that belong in chaos magic. They take effect when they become invisible or are destroyed. I personally prefer to create my own and i'm not willing to share them, but many people created some and shared some around witchblr. You can put a sigil on a paper and burn it, write it on toilet paper then put the paper down the toilet, write it with holy water around your windows and doors, hide it in or under your shoes etc
Ward :a ward is a visible symbol of protection. It can for example be a witch ladder, a dream catcher, a horseshoe, or any symbol you put over your door or around your entrance. My mom has a protective psalm in malagasy above a door which all guests face when they enter, for example.
Spells jars, bottles, powders, candles etc : I can't remember which ones I did off the top of my head, but many. A lot exists online as well. As I said previously, do what draws you in the most.
Electronic spells: Tech witches are a thing. The tech witch tag will probably be more helpful than my small category here, but there are many spells you can do without actually having to gather ingredients, especially if any form of witchcraft will be frowned upon in your household. You can do your spell on Minecraft, use a candle app, use a website etc. This is a great way to stay discrete as well.
WARNING: Every spell has a cost. I don't say this to scare you, but every spell you do has consequences. The first and most common one being energy. You can feel tired, drained, sleepy, have a headache, or have sore muscles after a spell. You should not do a spell if you are not in the right space to do so. It is normal if it is tiring. In order to help, you can borrow energy from other places. For example, ground and borrow energy from the Earth. Ask to borrow energy from the elements or your deities. Borrow it from running water or from sunlight or a candle or your phone (charge your phone if you are doing a spell using your phone). Especially dont forget to “close” the spell after you are done building it. Don't let it run on its own forever, you will be drained. I say this with experience lol, i am the type to forget i got a spell started and let my phone candle run and wonder why i got a headache. After you have done a spell, focus on self care. Hydrate, have a snack, go to sleep, rest. Enjoy feeling safe and protected lol.
Some people are massive energy powerhouses and can handle doing spells from their own energy. I am very not like this, i have little stamina so i instead guide existing energies towards where i want them to go.
I hope it was helpful !
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witchtrix · 21 days
sorry for the drop guys, i have a lot of Changes going on so i need to take care of those first. i'll be back to posting again soon if anyone is interested
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reaper-witch · 8 months
Old Art
I've been thinking of uploading more old art here, both as an archive and for more people outside of Twitter to see! I'll tag it as "#old art" to make it more recognizable.
And yes, I'm not going to stop making more art now that I'm more productive than I used to be~ so look forward to it!
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mathmagical · 1 year
i love baby yoshis so much. They give off such lazy asshole energy compared to how happy grown yoshis are
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its like if an ancient asshole cat who eats all your food digivolved into a 2 month old golden retriever
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fisheem4mmal · 4 months
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Today is not only Malleus's Birthday, but also Lilia's 'rebirth!'
Happy Birthday Malleus!
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pencilscratchins · 3 months
to everyone asking when i’m gonna post art again… hey guys i recently acquired six incredibly large clown paintings so i’m sort of booked at the moment
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saccharinescorpion · 2 years
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it's a small thing but something i've noticed about Witch From Mercury is that this is probably the highest amount of plus-sized women i've seen in a single anime
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rose-colored-tarot · 1 month
Personally I've never been a fan of the "magic is a beast that needs to be tamed" metaphor. Magic is more like the ocean: powerful, terrifying, capable of unbridled force. But at the same time, it is gentle, warm, the lifeblood of millions of people. The folk who know the ocean know you cannot harness it's force, you must work within or around it, lest it destroy you. Similarly, magic is great and terrible and gentle and kind, all at once. And those who work with it need to work WITH it, not reign over it. Because the primordial forces have no rules about biting the hand that feeds you.
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Happy (unofficial) Birthday to our girlboss girlfailure ultimate wifeguy passenger princess CEO short queen Miorine Rembran🍅
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hellishfig · 2 months
for the amount of time i spend thinking about erika ishii, i do not post about them NEARLY enough
everything i've ever seen them in, they have been fully dialed in. they understand the genre, they understand the character they're playing, and they NEVER. FUCKING. MISS
my current dnd character is actually based on multiple characters of erika's that i enjoy. my character is a witch (like ame of worlds beyond number fame [thank you to the witch class playtest]) but she is also a brewer who grows weed and shrooms, and deals them, and does them (and her personality is very much modeled off of danielle barkstock in dimension 20's the seven)
i feel that many of my favorite moments from erika are often focused on other characters. but many of those character moments would not have been possible without erika's incredible roleplay and sense for storytelling
and when the moment IS focused on erika's character? spellbinding. groundbreaking. from ame talking to orima in the overgrown shrine to danielle getting a nat 20 at the masquerade ball, i always fall into the scene and feel it so deeply due to erika's skill and poise and commitment to the story being told
tldr i think erika ishii is incredibly talented and wonderful
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potionwitchmaya-15 · 5 hours
What about Dead GIRL Detectives? Ever think of that
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freemindedspirit · 9 months
Hi Miaro!! I want to ask you how to differentiate between intuition and wishful thinking? Good day or night to you 😊
I was certain i already answered this ask but i guess i didnt lol
So basically, what you are asking is how to use discernment. Which is probably the most useful skill you could develop around magic, divination and witchcraft.
Honestly, i don't have a straight answer for you. I have always been on the critical-minded side, so when my intuition grew I already had a basis on how to differentiate it from wishful thinking. I also grew it with experience afterwards.
Usually, when you are learning to use your intuition, people with more experience recommend to start with subjects you are not emotionally involved with, and i agree it is a good start to understand what intuition feels like.
Personally, my intuition is quite body-based, whereas wishful thinking is mind and heart based. For example, when my intuition warns me of danger it comes from deep inside my gut, but when my intuition guided me to choose a school it came clear as water from above. Like my mind was clear, my heart was clear, my gut was comfy, that this is where it is best for me to be.
Honestly, all i know if from experience in both. You end up noticing it with time if you start by training your intuition on things you are not involved with.
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chrollohearttags · 4 months
meg baby, I promise we’ll all look the other way if you decide to strangle that chimera ant built bitch. I promise we won’t say nothing.
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reaper-witch · 7 months
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You know where to find me now~
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mathmagical · 11 months
*buys a domain name I know ill never use* yes... this will fix me
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