#witchcraft starter pack
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dateamonster · 1 year
so far i feel like bunny is a good book for if you watched a lot of movies like the craft or practical magic as a kid you know the token white witchcraft enthusiast starter pack stuff but deep down in your heart you always knew you wanted them to be like. a thousand times more fucked up.
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wicca-foxes · 2 years
Witchcraft and recycling
Wicca, and by extension witchcraft, value nature as both a host and a guest in our lifes. Making the most of our resourses is both financially wise and respectful of our believes and values. It is very easy to emast a wide catalogue of stuff in our every day lifes, harvesting what we can to reuse can be a fun way to recycle.
A few examples of using "scraps" for witchcraft:
recycling paper at home, using opened envelopes to write your spells/notes on;
collecting rainwater to use in spells and for watering plants;
using kitchen scraps (like lemon peels, orange peels, used cinnamon sticks) as offerings;
using the coffee zest for fertiliser (do not worry it is around pH7 and it's perfectly safe for plants and/or composting - I have tested it) or lose tea;
using old/damaged chopsticks as a "beginner wand";
the bottles from cooking extracts (vanilla extract, orange extract) or essential oils bottles are PERFECT for storing seeds and for being spell jars (bonus points because they're so small and cute!);
re-melting remaining wax from candles to form new ones;
using old paintbrushes as a "beginner broom" (especially good for a hidden/small-pocket sized altar);
using an old pot as a cauldron, or thrifting one as needed;
using pressed/dried flowers as offerings;
considering a digital book of shadows (Word is excelent for this, combining it with Excel, can be used in browser for free);
using digital libraries for books of study (@coreycore420 mentioned https://z-lib.org and it's a godly recommandation and tool!);
avoiding essential oils;
using dried pine needles as incense sticks (for outdoor use only);
growing a few herbs used in both spells and cooking in tin cans (starters) then thrifted pots is amazing!;
going around your neighborhood, take a look around the dumpsters or glass collectors, people can throw away usable pots, plastic storage boxes, baskets or jars and glass bottles (make sure to properly clean and clense the item);
if avalable - trade and swap local groups on Facebook can help you thrift with ease, especially if you don't have thrift stores where you live;
using old papers/magazines as packaging/wrapping paper (hello holidays).
With all these corner-cutters, you need to be careful to not hoard items. I have made the mistake of holding to items thinking I can find them an use, my rule of thumb is that 1 month is enough to plan a craft/purpose, and 2 months to execute it, ajust the time to your liking, but don't keep it longer than 6 months overall. Also be prudent with what you plan to reuse, as certain ideas can be dangerous (not me looking at my idea to reuse burned out lightbulbs and cutting myself by mistake), so don't force anything.
I want to highlight an important aspect: you doing all these things, bending your way back to have a lesser impact on the environment, is not going to make the big impat you dream of. Take it as "I'm doing my part to respect my host and my believes", or as a challange. Do not sadden youself for your waste, as most of the time it is forced upon you.
Nowadays you can opt out of certain waste (opting for no cutlery if buying takeaway, bringing your own coffee cup/thermos to a coffee shop to avoid the paper cups, bringing your own reusable straws, using trays or silicone ice cubes instead of using the plastic ice-maker packs, etc.). There are little changes you can make, or ask for, in your life in order to minimise your waste, or just to save some money.
Please take care of yourself out there!
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w0efulboopsoul · 8 months
If your muses were regular human beings, how would their lives be different?
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If Eric had let his real reasons for changing Rebecca go, she probably would have returned to college after her uncle's passing. She would have continued her degree course in Zoology working part-time jobs and scraping by until she graduated. Once graduated, she would have sought her chance to fulfill her dreams of going to Africa and working with the Continent's inhabitants human and animal alike. Once home, she would have returned to the very ranch she grew up on and started to prepare for taking it over, along with the "family business". She would be fated to the Supernatural, werewolf or not it is in her DNA.
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I imagine Stratus's life would be extremely different if she and her brother had been human and not Lycanborn. For starters, her childhood would be extremely different, perhaps kinder to her. Her brother wouldn't have been so hard, though would have remained protective, and wouldn't have raised her in such a light. She would've grown up in a far more gentle manner, and probably would have attended school, made friends, and may have even gained a boy or girlfriend. Once an adult, Stratus would have gone into dress design earning herself quite a business and a great deal of wealth. Perhaps she'd have even made a dress for one of the girls if they had been born in the same time period.
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Mayleen would have probably led much of the same life, however, witchcraft along with her curse would not be included. She would spend her college years with Becca, studying to become a botanist and to become a floral designer. She then would have found her little flower shop in Cold Spring, where she'd set up base in and start working on bringing joy through flowers to anyone who walked into her store. (Only this time, the store wouldn't be her disguise.)
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Cara's life would have been dramatically different. She would have continued living at the ranch until Rebecca's return, then would proceed to live with the brunette and would prepare to take it over with her younger cousin. She would have joined Rebecca in the "family business" and possibly would never have met Mandy. Cara would have stayed in the "family business" until symptoms of the very same illness that took her mom and older sister from her would start to surface and ultimately to her death. See, Cara is the only one in this pack whose Lycanthropy inadvertently saved her life, and not even she knows it.
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Emma would have gotten to live her dream life, finish college, and would have become a paleontologist. (That's right, Emma digs prehistoric creatures!) She would have traveled around digging up secret hints and glimpses of the ancient past. She would eventually return home to Denver however, upon hearing the engagement of her sister. Emma would have even planned the wedding herself, and have been there for the births and raising of her niece and nephew. She then would have probably met her own partner, gotten married, and continued to live a life of digging up Earth's most hidden creatures.
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catsafarithewriter · 11 months
Day 5: Free Day
A/N: For today, I’ve dusted for an AU I had knocking around for some time, a Bedknobs and Broomsticks AU (one of my favourite childhood movies of all time) which I never got much further than this, writing-wise, but I still felt would be fun to share. Enjoy!
Despite what was said about Muta, he was not actually a scam artist.
For starters, his drawing skills started and ended with stick-figures, and for the scamming part... well. as far as he was concerned, anyone who bought something from a shady street trader who advertised himself as The Amazing Renaldo Moon either knew they were buying tat, or thoroughly deserved to get scammed. As a lesson.  
No, Muta was an entrepreneur. He would revive interest in the old and the tatty, the cheap and the trashy, with a bit of showmanship and flair. And if the two-penny whistle seemed to work for no one but him, or the trick match-box broke on the way home, well... that was hardly his fault, was it?
He was regarded by the locals, not with any malice, but in the same manner as the clock spire that was struck regularly by lightening, or as the stray tom cat that menaced the north-east alley. He was a part of the city’s ambiance, considered only a threat to tourists too easily parted with their coin.
Tourists, like the Asian woman lingering at the end of his act.
She approached and, taking note of her dress sense, Muta amended that to probably Japanese. She had a ginger cat at her heel. He tucked a brooch into his sleeve, if only for the dramatic flair of seemingly summoning it out of nowhere a second later. “A pretty brooch for a pretty lady?” he tempted. “Real mother-of-pearl there, gifted to me from the Jade Empress after aiding her an oni attack,” he continued, recalling what little he could from the cheap adventure novels he occasionally encountered.
The woman somehow managed to give the appearance of looking down at him, despite being - like most people - a good foot shorter. “You’re Renaldo Moon?” she asked incredulously.
“The Great Renaldo Moon to my fans, and Muta to my friends.” This would have been the opportune moment to sweep a hat dramatically from his head, but - alas - he had sold his previous one only the day before. He began to pack away his stand.  
The woman didn’t crack a smile. “Mr Moon, I am here about your  correspondence college for witchcraft.”
“Very good, we take cash or cheque–”
“I am one of your pupils.”
Muta attempted the smile that usually mollified these sorts - the morons who actually bought into the witchcraft nonsense and expected a correspondence course of all things to bestow sorcery upon them. He supposed that explained the cat. “My dear lady, if this is about the postage and packaging expense, the contract clearly states that any additional cost is the responsibility of the pupil to pay–”
“I am here about the last lesson,” the woman said.
“Your course clearly advertised it as How to Become a Witch in Ten Easy Lessons, and yet you closed the college after the ninth one.”
Muta started packing faster. “No refunds.”
“But I must have the spell that comes with the last lesson,” the woman announced.
“Sorry, Chicky, but I’ve really gotta be somewhere else.” He folded his stand up and hefted it under his arm. “Wish you luck with your witching, but I really – hello.”
The woman had rounded on him and was now standing before him as if she was in any position to stop him. “Mr Moon, I’m warning you that I really must insist on the last lesson.”
He grinned. “You and whose army? The cat?” He elbowed past her. “Now, if yer don’t mind, I’ve got places to be...”
He heard the rustle of paper, as if the woman were hurriedly flicking through a small notebook, and then the muttering of words that sounded suspiciously familiar. The laugh that started out in his belly came out as a squeak, and suddenly he was looking up at the world from a grand height of two inches.
The ginger cat loomed over him.
A hand swept him up before the cat could get any funny ideas, and the woman grimaced down at him. “Now, Mr Moon,” she said, “are you listening?”
The mouse spell didn’t last too long.
Just long enough for him to be sure that, yes, the spell he’d passed off as hocus pocus did actually work, and yes, he wasn’t hallucinating, and yes, he was still craving cheese ten minutes later.
He occupied a bench and tried to resist the urge to twitch non-existent whiskers.
“My spell?” he said, for the second time in as many minutes. “You’re sure that’s one of my spells? From my school?”
“Not one of your best spells, I have to say,” the woman said. “It has a tendency to wear off the moment a clock chimes, but yes.”
“My spell?”
“Yes. Now, are you going to go round in circles all day, or can we start talking about that final lesson?”
“But you don’t understand,” Muta said. “They were just nonsense words I got out of an old book! They weren’t meant to be real.” He faltered. “My god, think of what I could have charged for actual magic.”
“Mr Moon–”
“Muta,” she amended curtly, “please stick to the point. You said you found the spells in a book?”
He nodded.
“Well then, I think I need to see this book, firsthand. Mr Moon - Muta - are you listening?”
“I... yes.” He’d had a book of actual spells, and he’d thought he’d been overcharging all this time! If he could convince people they were real, just think of the demand! “At my home.”
“Well then, I think that will be our next stop. Where is it?”
Muta rattled off an address without thinking. If he could get this woman to help advertise the spells - why, he’d be rich! And it wouldn’t even be a scam! Of course, he’d have to copyright them or something, to make sure they weren’t passed around without money going through his hands first, and...
“Oi, where do you think you’re going?” he called. “It’s that way!”
The woman looked up from the brick wall she was standing before. “Oh, I know. But I have a much quicker way.” Out of a pocket, she brought a doorknob and - somehow - slotted it into the wall. “Now, no dilly-dallying. I have no idea how long the doorway stays open, and I don’t want to lose anyone.”
“What doorway–” he began, but the woman was already repeating his address to the doorknob and tapping it. On the third tap, she turned it a quarter to the left and – as promised – a doorway appeared in the stonework. She pulled the handle, and it opened with the greatest of ease.
“Is that...”
“Your transportation spell?” she finished. “Yes. Now, let’s go. We have a book to find.”
It only occurred after Muta had already taken the fateful step through the veiled doorway, that he had only the   word of a mildly pissed customer and complete stranger that the shadowed portal  was entirely safe - and then he was standing on the overgrown lawn of  where he was currently calling home.
The house before him was mostly boarded up, with only the occasionally window left unadorned by barriers or unbroken, and what could be seen of the interior seemed to be composed mostly of cobwebs and dust sheets. A lone crow was perched on the garden gate behind them, and watched the proceedings with a curious air.    
The woman stepped out after him, with that ginger cat still at her heels, and – if possible – looked even less impressed than before. “This is where you live?” she asked.
“You got a problem with that, Chicky?”
“No more than the original occupants will.”
“Ah, relax.” He shoved open the large bay window leading into the lounge, and clambered through. “They ain’t coming back any time soon. They thought they’d pissed off some ghosts and skedaddled out of here.”
“And had they?” asked an unfamiliar voice.
Muta looked at the woman, just to confirm that the smooth baritone hadn’t somehow come from her, and then glanced down.
“I asked, had they?” said the cat. “Pissed off a ghost?”    
“Hey, Chicky–” Muta began slowly.
“Haru,” the woman amended. “It’s Haru Yoshioka.”
“Sure. Remind me, did I give a lesson on talking cats or...?”
“This isn’t your doing,” the cat deadpanned. “And I notice you still haven’t answered my previous question regarding the ghost situation. Is there indeed a haunting here, or was that merely another trick you had up your sleeve to secure this residence?”
“They were going to turn this place into a hotel,” said a new voice.
In the open window perched the same crow from before.
Haru looked to Muta. “Why did a talking cat shock you when a talking crow is apparently your housemate?”
“He ain’t a crow,” Muta said. “He’s a ghost.”
“A ghost crow.”
“A ghost who’s got a crow form,” Muta corrected.
The crow flapped his wings. “Always liked the idea of flying, and now I can. Anyway, the previous folk were going to tear this place down and build a modern hotel and I had other ideas. The name’s Toto, by the way.”
“Haru,” said Haru. She gestured to the cat. “And this is Baron.”
The cat - Baron - nodded in the approximation of a bow.
Toto passed a scrutinising look over the cat. “That’s one nasty curse you’ve got there, my friend.”
“That’s why we need the last lesson,” Haru said, and she turned to Muta. “The last lesson in the correspondence course was meant to be on breaking curses.”
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tarot-tea-cafe · 2 years
Recommended Herbs
A part two to this post, focusing on the herbs in Wild's book. There are 25 entries for herbs alone so i'll be making several posts going over 5 at a time. The entries arent exactly short but theyre not too long either.
While these herbs mentioned in this book are Recommended, they arent required or mandatory to have. most are fairly easy to get at stores and its perfectly fine to have preferences you'd rather have instead.
the pages in this post these entries are from are pages 18-24, every word under the cut is taken directly from the chapter (though there may be slight editings from me if i notice something like a typo).
Herbs And Spices
Here is your starter guide to the common herbs and spices that all witches should have in their cabinet, or should at least be aware of. This is not a definitive list but more of an introduction to help you begin learning about and using your herbs and spices to the best of your abilities. Remember, these are you tools; take good care of them.
Blackberry Leaf
Blackberries, the fruit, have a long history in witchcraft, mostly associated with European pagans. According to Celtic lore, blackberries were the fruit of the fae (fairies) and was unlucky to eat. However, many used blackberries to cure illnesses and in rituals. Just as blackberries were magical, their leaves also contain their own magical and healing properties as well.
What It Looks Like: Found on top of a blackberry, these leaves are typically light green in colour, with each leaf consisting of three or five oval leaflets.
Flavour Profile: Fruity.
Magical Properties: Healing, Money, Protection.
Health Properties: Eases sore throats, heals mouth sores and ulcers, rich in antioxidants.
Medical Warnings: Do not consume if you have any type of liver disease.
Calendula, also known as pot marigold, is a bright, cheerful little flower with a mild taste, but it packs a magical punch. Known as the sun herb, calendula is one of the oldest known herbs in herbalism. It was used throughout ancient Greece, Egypt, India, and Arabia for various purposes, from making the skin look renewed to serving as an antidote to poisoning. During the American Civil War, doctors carried dried calendula petals in their pockets to stop the bleeding of war wounds. On the magical side of things, calendula was used in love potions, its petals were scattered under beds for protection, and upset lovers would wear a garland of the plant to show their jealousy.
What It looks Like: Pot marigolds are tall plants with bright orange petals that are straight and long, similar to the daisies. The flower is used in teas, often dried first.
Flavour Profile: Slightly bitter but earthy and floral.
Magical Properties: Protection (especially in iligal matters), spiritual powers, wealth, healing, stability, dreamwork, love, marriage.
Health Properties: Nourishes skin, hair and nails; rich in antioxidants, relieves sore throats; regulates the menstrual cycle, relieves sore muscles; anti-inflammatory.
Medical Warnings: Do not use if you have an allergy to other plants in the Asteraceae family (such as chamomile), are pregnant, or are on blood-pressure medication.
One of the most popular ingredients to add to tea, chamomile has been used in nighttime teas for ages as it's the perfect relaxer. Chamomile tea is made from the flowers of dried chamomile and has been used as medicine for centuries.
What It Looks Like: With its white petals and cone-shaped yellow center, chamomile looks similar to a daisy but is much smaller.
Flavour Profile: Sweet, floral.
Magical Properties: Love, banishment, purification, calming, prosperity, healing, peace.
Health Properties: Reduces anxiety, reduces menstrual pain, lowers blood sugar, reduces inflammation, prevents osteoporosis, treats cold symptoms.
Medical Warnings: Avoid using chamomile if you have severe ragweed allergies or are allergic to chamomile or chamomile products. Keep away from young children.
The patron herb of herbalists, cornflower is a beautiful flower to add to any tea for both its potent magical abilities and aesthetic appeal of it vibrant blue petals, worthy of any instagram picture. Another name for cornflower is bachelor's button because young men used to wear the flower on their lapel to let people know they were single and ready to go courting.
What It Looks Like: You can easily identify cornflower by the bright blue colour of its papery petals. The flower heads are surrounded by bracts, giving them their full shape. They also attract butterflies.
Flavour Profile: Slightly spicy with a touch of sweetness.
Magical Properties: Protection, love, fertility, sex, psychic abilities, abundance, self-knowledge, spirituality, growth, creativity.
Health Properties: Lowers fevers, decreases bloating, relieves chest congestion, helps with weak eyes.
Medical Warnings: Avoid if you are pregnant, are breastfeeding or have Allergies to ragweed or daisies.
Long the villain to many lawn care fanatics, dandelions have gotten a bad rep by being labeled a "weed". However, every part of this lovely yellow flower has been used in herbalism for centuries, with the root being especially prized for its healing and magical properties. So put away your weed killer and start saving your dandelions.
What It Looks Like: While the dandelion has a bright yellow head, its root it found deep in the earth and is shaped like a long, white carrot. The root can be cut up, dried, or ground into a powder. The leaves can also be dried and used in teas.
Flavour Profile: Toasty and nutty
Magical Properties: Divination, wish-granting good luck, psychic powers, dream magic, spirit work, cleansing, air magic.
Health Properties: Can be used as a diuretic, reduces inflammation, reduces cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, reduces constipation, boosts the immune system.
Medical Warnings: Do not take if you have a weed allergy, are pregnant or nursing, or are taking antidepressants, diuretics, estrogen-based contraceptives or antibiotics.
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thank you for reading! i hope you have fun with your herbs <3
if you'd like to know more and stay tuned for when i post again please feel free to follow!
please consider supporting me on my kofi! i do art commissions, tarot readings and sell bracelets! anything helps <3
have a good day/night and remember to drink water!
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leam1983 · 2 years
Watched "The Halloween Tree" Again.
While it's a great tone-setter, I've always been a bit peeved that Bradbury's chosen format limits how much information he can actually convey. I see it as a starter, but there's something a little misleading to the idea of saying witches were called as such because their name is derived from "wits".
A more critical eye on Medieval witchcraft accounts drums all the usual suspects for all other targeted attacks, with one notable unique participant. Yes, the witches' tribunals typically focused on the poor, the marginalized, neurodivergent or even simply ugly or old - but also on people who had the misfortune of holding onto proven knowledge passed down the generations - typically in opposition to the ruling body's enforced ignorance. Knowledge of medicinal plants, advanced foraging techniques or even period-appropriate survivalism were all things that ran against the developing currents across Medieval Europe, which more than effectively depended on the presence of an ignorant and functionally weakened peasant class.
As for Egypt, I never ran across archeological accounts that suggest the citizenry or the pharaohs' ministers would expose their dead in the open on a given night of the year. For most Egyptians who didn't have royal blood, you were lucky if your ba and ka managed to ever reunite, seeing as the entire process behind becoming an Osiris called upon resources very few could hope to reach. The streets of Thebes were probably packed with spirits year-round, and you only occasionally find stories related to higher-tier civil servants earning their own tomb, like the now well-known couple of Kha and Merit, Kha being the overseer of works in Deir-al-Medina, somewhere in the mid-years of the 18th Dynasty. Both he and his wife were far from the norm, their promised access to immortality likely being more of a paid favor from Pharaoh, possibly Amenhotep II.
Then, there's Paris. Notre-Dame's gargoyles aren't just monsters for the sake of our recalling our old fears of rapacious bugbears, but also out of the old pagan custom of warding off evil. The idea of dressing up as something scarier than what's scaring you is nothing new, and the cathedral's stone devils were effectively erected to push back against influences deemed noxious by the Church. If you've read Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, then you know that Paris housed several public squares, not the least of which being La Cour des Miracles. There, virtually a stone's throw from Notre-Dame, you'd find the exact same types witches came from - marginals, outcasts, the elderly, dispossessed and the infirm - along with several variably-legal immigrants, with a notable Romani contingent that's almost always been present in Paris. There's plenty of sources for old folk religion to thrive in there, for pagan roots to show - and France's religious authorities weren't going to sit by while supposedly godless people lived right next to one of the country's greatest spiritual and archeological undertakings. If you want to get cynical about it, you could also assume that massings of people of this particular volume were detrimental to local land values.
Step one, apply societal and cultural pressure against an out-group. Step two, reaffirm the out-group's supposed supernatural leanings and provide the superstitious locals with wards to use to safeguard their souls...
Someone's gargoyle is someone else's salt circle, effectively - and is a third person's exclusionary tactic. You'd think racism is the one bug that wouldn't dare to show up on a night where several amongst us choose to wear a mask, but it truly is everywhere.
Remains the unanswered question: who and what is Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud, exactly? He describes himself as a businessman, one who clearly deals in time both gained and lost, and effectively serves as the tale's deuteragonist - and his reaction to Notre-Dame's shadow muddies the waters, somewhat. I doubt the Grim Reaper or Father Time would take umbrage to a place of worship - time waits for no-one and people croaking in churches isn't unheard of; but the fact is he does. He recoils and claims that he isn't welcome in certain places...
This is where my heart sinks a little. If Moundshroud is something as one-note as the Devil, it suggests that Bradbury doesn't really care to internalize his own suggested lessons. Halloween isn't born out of a place of darkness or evil, it's born out of a desire to reckon with Death and pay homage to the passage of time. Can I reconcile this with Moundshroud as a character? Maybe churches ward him off because they represent some form of timelessness and show death as a form of liberation as opposed to Moundshroud's own physicality suggesting that Death has a corruptive influence on Life. If he's Father Time made old and creaky and cantankerous, then he'd obviously be opposed to several religions' ideas concerning death; where it stands as effectively eternal life.
And yet, he takes one year of each kid's life as payment for Joe Pipkin's return from the brink - and the kids met together at a crossroads, early on in the tale...
The core of the tale is solid, but as far as his role as a plot vector is concerned, Mr. Moundshroud is a bag of non-gelled ideas sloshing around. Ambiguity can work well in many cases, but I only need to think back on my own folklore to have plenty of mythical stories involving a more congenial Prince of Darkness who figures he'll take a break from damning souls and instead slips into some remote logging town to do-si-do with the local ladies while challenging the occasional heroic bachelor, all while never endangering anyone.
In any case, The Halloween Tree remains one of my seasonal seminals, typically followed by a few visits paid to undying serial killers, homicidal clowns and interdimensional sadomasochists.
I think I'll give Stuart Gordon and Brian Yzna's Necronomicon another shot, somewhere before Halloween. Leeman Kessler might be YouTube's reigning H.P. Lovecraft lookalike, Jeffrey Combs always comes in close second to me.
Hark, I hear something squamous and multifidous squelch its way to my doorstep...
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sunwitchbitch · 4 years
Sea Witchcraft
🧜 God's/Deities
Poseidon - Greek God of the sea
Amphitrite - Greek Goddess of the sea (Poseidon's wife)
Aphrodite - Goddess of love, beauty (often associated with the sea)
Neptune - Roman God of the sea
Manann - Celtic God of the sea
Lapis Lazuli (DISSOLVES IN WATER) - Healing, honesty, clarity
Aquamarine - Courage, beauty, calming
Sapphire - Balance, calming, intelligence
Turquoise - Creativity, romance, friendship
Blue tigers eye - Calming, intuition, psychic ability
Opal - Originality, creativity, psychic ability
Pearl - Hope, sincerity, innocence
Blue lace agate - Calming, healing, communication
Sea glass - Wisdom, experience, intuition
Ocean Jasper - Positivity, protection, happiness
Blue - Balance, calm, depth
Green - Growth, balance, new beginnings
White - Peace, innocence, purity
Black - Power, mystery, strength
Rose - Love, beauty, passion
Jasmine - Love, beauty, luck
Lily - Love, purity, rebirth
Orchid - Love, luxury, beauty
Gardenia - Love, luxury, grace
Hibiscus - Perfection, beauty, fame
Salt - Protection, cleansing, strength
Rosemary - Love, cleansing, happiness
Strawberries - Love, perfection, happiness
(credit to This Post)
Flow - New beginnings, luck, growth
High Tide - Strength, power, end of a cycle
Ebb - Curses, letting go, cleansing
Low Tide - New Thoughts/ideas, meditation, psychic ability
(I can't name all marine animals so here are the basics)
Sea gulls
Sea snakes
Manta Ray/ Sting Ray
Sea birds
Sandy toes
Sand everywhere
Pretty sea shell collection
Living in bathers or sun dresses
Pet fish or crabs
Really tan skin
Finding lost things on the beach
Seashell crown
Ocean scented candles
Fake scales
Cool art
Very emotional
Loves storms
Loves fishing and boating
@alturistic I finally made it! Sorry it took so long
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f0r3stgr33n · 4 years
19 January 2020
I’m hoping to start my physical grimoire today, so I figured I’d make myself a list of information I can put in it so far.
1. table of contents
2. polytheistic pantheons w/ god descriptions
3. how to build an altar
4. how to perform a ritual (casting a circle, grounding, etc.)
5. herb meanings
6. color meanings
7. types of divination (palmistry, tarot, pendulums, tasseomancy, etc.)
8. astrology (signs, planets, houses)
9. moon phases, days of the week
10. wheel of the year
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tricksterglitch · 4 years
Moon Witchcraft
Selene - Greek Goddess of the moon
Luna - Roman Goddess of the moon
Hecate - Greek Goddess of the night, witchcraft, necromancy
Phoebe - Titan Goddess of the moon and night sky
Artemis - Greek Goddess of the moon, forest and animals
Diana - Roman Goddess of the night sky (Phoebe but Roman)
Cerridwen - Celtic Goddess of the moon/night
Selenite - Peace, spirituality, calm
Moonstone - Intuition, inspiration, calm
Labradorite - Balance, protection, intuition
Opal - Originality, creativity, psychic ability
Obsidian - Protection, intuition, psychic ability
Mugwort - Divination, dreaming, feminine energies
Mint - Psychic ability, protection, wealth
Selentrope - Protection, feminine energies, healing
Lavender - Divination, dreaming, helps anxiety
Thyme - Dreaming, divination, luck
Jasmine - Dreaming, intuition, love
Black - Protection, power, mystery
Blue - Peace, calm, depth
White - Peace, innocence, purity
Silver - Mystery, elegant, sophisticated
Purple - Royalty, luxury, power
🎼Moon Witch Playlist (opinion based again)
Black Sea - Natasha Blume
Cinder Skies - Moss
Demons - Jacob Lee
Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
My Jolly Sailor Bold - Pirates of the Caribbean
Oh Raven Sing Me a Happy song - Unlike Pluto
Over The Mountains - Daughter of The Woods
The Politics and The Life - Daniel Pembertom
The Record Player Song - Daisy The Great
Stay In Your Bed - Astre
Tale of The Fae - Fionnulas
Trøllabundin - Eivør
Turn Loose The Mermaids - Nightwish
Serendipity - BTS (kpop)
🌕Moon Witch Things🌕
Eyeliner/makeup in general
Star gazing
Having a weird sleep schedule
Witchy baths
Rain noise
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redlemons-jpeg · 5 years
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I sure am lucky I’m a gryffindor, my favorite colors are red and yellow!!
My friends inspired/encouraged me to participate in the hogwarts starter pack challenge and,, well I did!! And on top of that I think it came out pretty nice :)
Gkfkkdkf feel like I’m not allowed to participate because I haven’t even read Harry Potter 😳😳
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cupidity-attachment · 6 years
Oh goodness I feel like I have the best mom in the world!!! Not only is she emotionally supportive and grounding, but she is very conscious about accepting and respecting my wishes at all times ❤️ like I'm still deep in the broom closet and experimenting with things, so to be subtle she got me a spice rack, essential oils with a room diffuser, and a gift card so I can pick out tarrot cards myself!!!! Like what the heck that's so sweet and it's everything I could ever ask for
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champagnecreamjello · 2 years
p.s. all these links will lead to the blog that i originally liked the post from, not the original poster (unless i liked it from the original poster) so yeah
beginner witchcraft resources masterpost by @witchtips
five beginner witchcraft essentials by @violetwitchcraft
jinx/hex/curse by @the-serpent-witch
authors/ icons in pagan community to avoid by @breelandwalker
tips for beginner witches by @magic-for-the-masses
finding your witch niche by @polar-solstice
4 mindsets to keep during the craft by @myonlysecretly
four things to do before a spell (with examples) by @witchy-tips
questions for new witches to ask themselves by @witchtips
how to start becoming a witch, answered by @breelandwalker
do ___ when ___ by @dog-rose
low budget witch supplies by @witchtips
where do i start? by @tiny–witch
advice from @broomcorner
where to find cheap supplies by @rainy-day-witchcraft
@violetwitchcraft‘s witch tips- ALL OF THEM.
tips by @blotchwitch
windvexer’s basics by @windvexer
lavender is god by @winter-elf-witch
online witchcraft resources by @witchtips
the “blessed be” controversy by @phoenyxwitch
masterpost of masterposts
types of witches by @rainy-day-witchcraft
getting started by @thepunkgreenwitch
youtube divination masterpost by @witchella
rune casting 101 by @kitchenwitchk8
palmistry 101 by @occultgoddess
all cards and meanings
different types of charts by @pegasus-astrology
astrology basics by @dxncinginblxck
the only important astro masterpost including basics by @witchbxbe
NASA, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? by @astrology-addict
useful advice from witchblr
to be the wicked witch by @evilsupplyco
dry herbs in your oven!
spell record sheet by @krem-dorian
crystal correspondenses w/ the body by @the-day-of-the-witch
a bunch of pagan symbols
astral travel starter pack @winkingwyvern
crystals for the signs by chakra
find time for witchcraft by @recreationalwitchcraft
circle casting 101 by @crunchypagan
charging and cleansing crystals by @spellsofcraft
ENERGY WORK MASTERPOST!!! GOOD POST by @magic-for-the-masses
moon garden by @bluechicory
candle-making by @natural-magics
Updated Feb 2022; Omitted unavailable links-champagnecreamjello
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sacerdotessa · 3 years
This is based on my 6+ years experience into witchcraft 💘
Sorry if my English is not perfect.
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🔮 ORACLE CARDS: If you want to learn how to read tarots I suggest you to start reading oracle cards before, they're way easier to read and their meanings are always positive. Try them for a few months and then buy your tarot deck if the experience with oracles was positive! If you're a beginners I also suggest you to read tarots and oracles together, especially if your tarots reading is not positive, oracles are able to suggest you the deep and spiritually meaning behind a negative results or what you're supposed to learn by a failure.
🃏 TAROT DECK: I suggest you to buy the original Rider Waite deck, PLEASE don't buy an artistic/not original deck as your first deck, memorizing cards meaning is WAY EASIER with the original Rider Waite deck, it's also cheaper than artistic or personalized deck.
💜 CRYSTALS: in my opinion, the best crystal for a beginner is rose quartz. It works with a gentle energy and it's connected with the heart chakra (I'll explain later why it's the most important one). I suggest you to buy a rose quartz necklace/bracelet (they're usually cheap) and wear it everyday. You must recharge your crystal once a week, I always suggest to recharge your crystals with the Sun light instead of the Moon light (Sun energy is warm, dynamic, bold, positive and it radiates confidence, I noticed that it adds a strong boost to crystals). I suggest to put The Lovers or The Empress (I prefer The Empress one but you can choose) card under your rose quartz while recharging it. Rose quartz is connected with universal love, kindness, safety, inner child healing, intuition and balance.
If you want to create your crystals collection I suggest you to buy these crystals:
clear quartz: it will boost all of your crystals energy
a crystal connected with your Sun sign: it will help you to embrace the positive traits of your sign
don't buy an amethyst or a purple/black crystal if you're a beginner: I know that this could sound controversial, but this is based on my experience. These crystals are extremely strong and they're able to open your third eye pretty fast (it could be scary if you've never approached to spirituality before, so BE CAREFUL), I suggest you to buy a light blue crystal instead (like Angelite or Kyanite), they're more gentle.
🔮 MEDITATION: search on youtube “heart chakra meditation” and focus on your breath while listening to the audio, imagine a white light around you, let go of your thoughts and relax. Heart chakra is extremely important: it's like a bridge between lower chakras and higher chakras, expanding its energy you'll be able to connect with your higher chakras in a easier way; it's connected with pure love, kindness and positive emotions; connecting with your heart you'll be more in touch with a deep part of you, don't forget that emotions are extremely important if you want to manifest using the law of attraction.
🃏 WORK ON YOUR CONFIDENCE: trusting your intuition is THE KEY to be a powerful witch!
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jasper-pagan-witch · 3 years
Developing Your Magical Code of Ethics
Dedication: to you, the reader
When you start studying magic, you’ll find a lot of people who put their code of ethics out as universal rules that everyone should follow. If you’re familiar with people, you’ll understand that this is just a thing that people do when they write. Instead of just adopting theirs without rhyme or reason, consider creating your own.
Consider your non-magical ethics and morals and how those transfer over. Also consider your religious rules, if your religion plays into your craft at all (or if you even have a religion).
Also think about your personal feelings on hot-button consent-based magic like curses and love spells. Will you do magic on others or on behalf of others? Will you do it with or without permission? Nuance is allowed and encouraged in this.
Your magical ethics can change over time, and that’s okay; that shows growth and shows that you don’t remain stagnant. Your magical ethics may not change, and that’s okay too; that shows a solid foundation upon which you’re building everything else.
Further Reading
"Magical Code of Ethics – What It Is and Why You Should Really Have One" by animalumen: https://animalumen.com/magical-code-of-ethics/
"Ethics in Witchcraft: How to determine your Ethical Practice" by Green Witch Farm (super Wiccan): https://greenwitchfarm.com/ethics-in-witchcraft-how-to-determine-your-ethics/
"The Book of Candle Magic" by Madame Pamita (second printing, 2020) chapter 1 (Your Candle Magic Starter Pack) section 4 (Your Magical Code of Ethics): pages 11-12
"How to Develop a Code of Ethics" by wikiHow Staff Editor: https://www.wikihow.com/Develop-a-Code-of-Ethics
"Code of Ethics Examples: From Personal to Professional" by Jennifer Gunner: https://examples.yourdictionary.com/code-of-ethics-examples.html
"Questions to ask yourself when finding your faith" by spellbookbitch: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/663671600749707264
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glitterinmotion · 4 years
Fire spellcraft
Recently i tried to work more with the fire element, so this post answers some basics questions for beginners or curious practicers like myself about how to deal with the element of fire.
Before to go:
beginner @rosemarymilkwitch​
fire witch starter pack @auricwitch
fire stuff @kendallscraft
fire in magick @la-petitefille
fire witchcraft : tools and associations  @themanicnami
Fire festivals: 
According to Druidry, Celtic magic and Gardnerian wicca there are 4 fire festivals: Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas/Lughnasadh. Here some links to find more informations about each one and more specifics spells or activities to practice.
Samhain @trippingpixies
Imbolc @witchtips
Beltane @recreationalwitchcraft
Lammas @herecomesthewitch 
january fire ritual @witchoncampus
bonefire magick ritual for samhain @thepaintedwitch
tips @witchoncampus
About candles:
sabbat candle colors @wiccanbeings 
simple candle spell @grimoire101
candle reading @beginnerwitchybitch
color magick @yourlocal-faewitch / another candle color for spells and rituals @strangeoccult666 @theplantwitch
reading candles for yes or no questions @raindrops-and-magick
Connecting to the element:
fire grounding @orriculum
calling the elements @naturestrexsures
beginner fire connection @sons-of-the-craft
elemental correspondence @stormwaterwitch
fire elements correspondences @thewitchesvoice
Connecting to...Dragons:
This is not a masterpost about draconic magick (hum...maybe later). Want to know more ? Take a little time to read this post about draconic magick by @magickalwitchling.
“i’m open to dragonic magick” @sugarandspells
an introducing to dragon’s blood @blindwyrm​
dragon’s banishing breath @chaoticirce
fire dragon associations @nightkunoichi a very interesting blog about draconic witchcraft
dragon’s hoard @nightkunoichi
dragon’s heart glamour @theearthygrimoire
dragon tarot spread @otherworldly-witch
dragons and their gems @lavenderwateressence
Sun workship:
solar connection @healing-sun-witch
solar candles @arcandemy
sun positivity @chaosandstars at the end of winter to welcome the new season
sun spell to light your way @theladymorganlefay
sun salts @healing-sun-witch this blog is just amazing, with a ton of spells related to the sun, i just renoted some of them here but there are more to discover !
fire & sun witch bottle @healing-sun-witch
sun positivity, happiness and protection spell jar @healing-sun-witch
sun candle spell @la-petitefille
“cloak of the sun” @sunshinewix  
sun kissed jar spell @sea-sor-ceress
Fire inside: 
invoque fire within you  @olliethepants​
the best defense is a godd offence @olliethepants​
“i’m damn hot” fire charm @themanicnami
phoenix rebirth spell @phoenix-brevitas-yt
energize yourself @lightofmars
fire spell for strength @theladymorganlefay
breath fire @themagpiesmusings
endure spell @themanicnami
‘fire rose” healing and protection spell @lightofmars
fire protection spell inspired by anime @orriculum
“fire dust” healing and easing emotional pain @lightofmars
fire oil @lepuslunamgrimoire
fire-spirit spell for creativity @faeryqueenwitch 
banishing negativity @themetastation
spark spell potion @aphroditiful​ focus and motivation
first steps to pyrokinesis @theglamourwitch
fire witch self care tips @la-petitefille
“feel the burn” curse jar @lotuseatingwitch
fire salt skyrim inspired @lunaesteria
With crystals and stones:
essential crystals post @my-witchinghour
sun crystals and how to use them @healing-sun-witch
divination spell @themanicnami
bloodstone @occulteaism
carnelian sachet @healing-sun-witch 
amber @occulteaism
morning ray of sunshine crystal grid @prana-mudra
citrine @witchtinguette
tarot tips: the 4 elements @backtoethereality
spread for beltane @tarot-dreams
fuel your fire tarot spread @chimeracraftstudios
my life is a hot garbage fire @ravenmagill 
“what’s up Apollo ?” @sunwtch
With sigils:
Brighid @dreamy-kat 
sun and moon sigils @borboranoir 
phoenix sigil @borboranoir
fire sigil @borboranoir
fire sigil @onesigiladay
i’m connected to the element of fire @onesigiladay
elemental servitor @sigilseer
sigil of the firebird @sigilseer
white fire @whitesnakeprophecies
magical properties of incense @phynxrizng
Thanks to contributors! And if you don’t agree to this use, tell me and i will removed you of the post.
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