#witches 🧙‍♀️ brew
magickkate · 9 months
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Good Evening! 🌙✨ Are you ready to infuse a dash of magic into your daily culinary adventures? Welcome to the whimsical world of Kitchen Witchery—a delightful blend of spell work, herbalism, and culinary enchantment! 🌿🧙‍♀️✨
🍲 Basic Ingredients for Your Magical Pantry:
Herbs: Rosemary for protection, basil for love, and mint for healing. Experiment with your favorites!
Spices: Cinnamon for prosperity, ginger for energy, and nutmeg for luck. Let your taste buds guide your magical choices!
Crystals: Place a few on your kitchen windowsill for added energy. Clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz are popular choices.
🌈 Setting Up Your Kitchen Altar:
Choose a Sacred Space: Designate a corner of your kitchen for magical workings. A windowsill, shelf, or small table works wonders!
Magical Tools: Incorporate a cauldron, candles, and small bowls for herbs and crystals. Personalize it with items close to your heart.
🕯️ Candle Magic in the Kitchen:
Color Magic: Choose candle colors aligning with your intentions. Green for abundance, white for purification, and red for passion.
Enchant While Cooking: Stir your intentions into soups, sauces, and stews. Feel the magic in every motion!
🍵 Brewing Magical Teas:
Create Tea Blends: Mix herbs like chamomile, lavender, and mint for relaxation or energy. Sip with intention and let the magic steep into your soul.
🌕 Harvesting Moon Energies:
Full Moon Feasts: Plan magical meals during the full moon for amplifying energy. Charge crystals and herbs under the moonlight for added potency.
📚 Witchy Wisdom:
Start a Grimoire: Record your magical experiences, recipes, and discoveries. It’s your personal book of kitchen enchantments!
Experiment & Trust Intuition: There are no strict rules in kitchen witchery. Trust your instincts, and let your intuition guide your magical creations.
🌻 Infusing Love into Every Bite:
Cook Mindfully: Turn cooking into a meditation. Infuse your dishes with gratitude, love, and positive energy.
Share the Magic: Share your enchanted meals with loved ones. The joy of kitchen witchery multiplies when shared!
🌿 Nature’s Bounty:
Grow Your Own: Cultivate a small herb garden or keep potted plants in your kitchen. Nothing beats the magic of using homegrown herbs!
Remember, dear beginner kitchen witch, your journey is as unique as the flavors you create. Embrace the magic in simplicity, trust your instincts, and let the cauldron of your heart stir up spells of nourishment and enchantment! 🌈🌟💖 ✨🌿🔮
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bleu-pale · 1 year
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Witch's brew 🧙‍♀️! Made with the palette "Grafs-160" by wolf 2012 that I found on Rejected Palettes!
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enchantedbeverages · 11 months
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"Discover a wider selection of enchanting brews in our shop right here and explore a realm of coffee that transcends the ordinary."
Coffee in Witchcraft ☕✨
Ah, brewing coffee, the modern witch's cauldron. It's not just a caffeine jolt, it's a potion to awaken your inner sorceress. Stirring it counterclockwise might not summon demons, but it'll sure help you banish morning drowsiness.🧙‍♀️
And those coffee grounds? Perfect for scrying or maybe just composting. Mother Earth deserves her props too, right?🦇
So sip your brew my magical compatriots, and let the spells of productivity and caffeinated enchantment course through your veins! 🌙 ☕✨
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maryhale1 · 7 months
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Be your own kind of witch ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Ladies and gentle witches, today I implore you to embrace the power within, to break free from the chains of conformity and forge your own path in the mystical realms. Let us no longer be confined by the spells written by others, but instead, let us inscribe our destinies with the ink of our own magic.
In the cauldron of individuality, let each of you stir the brew of your unique talents. Do not be swayed by the whispers of tradition; let your incantations echo the symphony of your own intuition. For in the moonlit dance of spells, it is your authentic magic that shall illuminate the darkest corners of the enchanted forest.
Together, we shall not fear the unknown, but rather, we shall weave spells of courage to navigate the uncharted territories of our potential. Let your broom soar through the night, not burdened by the weight of expectations, but liberated by the winds of self-discovery.
Witches of the world, let us unite under the banner of individuality, casting aside the dusty grimoires of conformity. Embrace your quirks, celebrate your idiosyncrasies, and let your cauldron bubble with the essence of your true selves. In this covenant of uniqueness, we shall redefine the very essence of witchcraft, transcending the limitations of spells past.
So, my fellow enchantresses, let your magic be an ode to the extraordinary within each of you. May your potions be a reflection of your inner essence, and may your broom carry you to heights unimagined. For in the realm of witches, true power lies in the authenticity of the self.
It’s good to get tips and follow some old traits, but I want to encourage you all to sometimes go your own way and be your own witch 🧙‍♀️
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spiderciderko · 2 years
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the potion brewing witch🧙‍♀️
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🧙‍♀️ Witches Brew 🫖
Cross stitch designed and Stitched by me 😘
Squooshy's Stitch Bits
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crumpets24 · 1 year
Harry Potter's Magical Role: Why He's the Ultimate Bottom in Any Relationship"
Understanding the Charms of Harry's Submissive Side
Hey wizards and witches! 🧙‍♀️✨ Are you ready to dive into the enchanting world of romance in the wizarding realm? 🌟🔮 Today, we're spilling all the tea on why our beloved Harry Potter should totally be the bottom in any relationship! 💖✨ So grab your wands and get ready for some magical insights into this adorable dynamic. 🪄📚 Let's get started with this beginner's guide to the cutest wizarding relationships! 💞
The Power of Vulnerability 📜 First things first, let's talk about how Harry's role as a bottom adds a delightful layer of vulnerability to his character. 💔😢 In a world where he's often seen as the chosen one, the weight of responsibility can be overwhelming. 🌍⚡️ Being the bottom allows Harry to let go of his guard, offering a glimpse of his tender heart beneath that brave exterior. It's like a Lumos spell on his emotions! 💡🌈 Relationships are all about opening up, and Harry's willingness to be vulnerable only strengthens the bond with his partner. 🤝💕
Nurturing Bonds Through Trust 💑 Trust is the golden key that unlocks the door to any successful relationship, and Harry being the bottom reinforces this dynamic beautifully. 🗝️🏰 The trust he places in his partner to take the lead showcases the depth of their connection. By relying on his partner's decisions, he creates an unbreakable bond built on mutual understanding and faith. 🤗🔒 Just like a Fidelius Charm, Harry's submission hides his most precious emotions, visible only to those who truly hold his heart. 💞❤️
Embracing Equal Partnerships 👬 A healthy relationship is all about balance and equality, and that's exactly what Harry brings to the table as a bottom. ⚖️✨ He understands that power isn't just about who's on top – it's about working together to make magic happen! 🌟🪄 In his submissive role, Harry shows us that love is about collaboration, compromise, and celebrating each other's strengths. 🎉🤝 Whether it's brewing Amortentia or tackling a boggart, Harry's ready to be the Ron to his partner's Hermione! 📚🧙‍♂️
Elevating Communication 🗨️💬 Communication is like the Alohomora spell that opens doors to understanding, and Harry's bottom role is a masterclass in effective communication. 🚪🔑 By expressing his desires, needs, and boundaries, he creates a safe space for open dialogue. 🌈🤗 Harry's active participation in discussing preferences and consent ensures that the relationship's magical journey is full of happiness and harmony. 🥰✨ So, let's raise our butterbeers to Harry for teaching us that communication is a spell we all need in our love lives! 🍻💌 Celebrating Self-Discovery 🌌🔍 Becoming comfortable in your own magical skin is a journey, and Harry's role as a bottom embraces this process with open arms. 🧘‍♂️✨ Through self-discovery, he learns not only about his own desires but also how to cherish his partner's wants and needs. 🌟💖 Just like brewing a potion, self-discovery takes time, patience, and a sprinkle of Floo Powder for self-love. 💕🪄 Harry's journey reminds us that love is about growth and embracing the adventure of understanding ourselves and each other.
Embracing Authenticity and Playfulness 🎈🤹‍♀️ Last but not least, Harry's role as a bottom encourages authenticity and playfulness in a relationship. 🎭🎉 By letting loose and allowing his partner to take charge, he creates an atmosphere of fun and exploration. 🪄🏞️ Harry's willingness to surrender control opens the door to creative experiences, magical surprises, and laughter that echoes through the Hogwarts corridors. 🤣✨ So, let's give a round of applause to Harry for reminding us that being genuine and playful is the ultimate love potion! 🎊💕
In Conclusion: Unveiling the Magic of Harry's Bottom Role 🌟✨ There you have it, magical beings – our beginner's guide to understanding why Harry Potter should totally be the bottom in any relationship! 🧙‍♂️🥰 From vulnerability and trust to equality and communication, his role brings an extra dose of enchantment to the wizarding world of love. Remember, relationships are like a Marauder's Map – each twist and turn reveals new adventures and cherished moments. 🗺️💞 So, whether you're a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, embrace the magic of Harry's bottom role and let your love story unfold like the pages of a spellbinding book! 📖✨
@zombu7 Trying to actually start being serious with my blog posts. Think I should make any changes since you're the CEO of Bottom Harry Potter🤣
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dinogaby · 2 years
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Koko the witch is brewing something spooky! ✨🧙‍♀️🎃🍵
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asillylittleduck · 8 months
Can’t tell if I need to be topped rn or if I’ve gotta top someone. Or maybe I just wanna go into my little hut and brew some potions.
It’s a hard life being a bratty power bottom witch 🧙‍♀️
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pick-best-book · 1 year
Fantasy Novels
🔮 Ever wondered where the magic lies? ✨ Fantasy fiction - a realm where dragons soar, unicorns frolic, and witches brew potent potions. 🐲🦄🧙‍♀️
💫 Dive into fantastical worlds, lose yourself in epic battles, and discover characters that become lifelong friends! It's not just about escapism; it's a voyage of the imagination that can teach us about our own world in the most unexpected ways. 🌍🚀
💡 Why read fantasy? It sparks creativity, builds empathy, and, oh yeah, it's a whole lot of fun! 🎢🎠
📚 So, are you ready to turn the page into another universe? 😉🌌
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punsify1 · 25 days
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Curse Puns And Jokes: 200+ Witty Wordplay That Will Have You Laughing Like A Mischievous Wizard
Looking for laughs that are as wickedly fun as a sailor’s night on shore leave? Dive into “200+ Curse Puns and Jokes That Will Have You Laughing Like a Madcap Sailor on Shore Leave.”
Packed with devilishly clever wordplay and cheeky humor, these puns are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone. From pirate curses to everyday jinxes, this collection is brimming with wit that’s sure to charm and disarm.
Whether you’re a fan of mischief or just love a good pun, this is the place for some swashbuckling humor. For more hilarious puns that will have you cackling like a madcap, check out our other collections!
10 Curse Puns That Are Wickedly Funny
Why did the pirate break up with his compass? It kept giving him bad “direc-curses.” 🧭
I tried to hex my computer, but it just kept “spelling” errors! 💻
The cursed sailor couldn’t stop swearing — it was his “profanity”! 🏴‍☠️
Why did the wizard’s spell fail? It had “no charm.” 🪄
My luck is so bad, even my horoscope starts with, “Oh, no…” 📉
When witches get angry, they really “boil” over! 🧙‍♀️
I cursed at my socks — guess they’re my “arch nemesis”! 🧦
The spell book kept yelling — it was “binding”! 📚
I put a hex on my coffee — it’s now a “brew-doo.” ☕
Why did the cursed spoon hate soup? It felt “stirred up”! 🍲
Read: 200+ Curse Puns and Jokes That Will Have You Laughing Like a Madcap Sailor on Shore Leave.
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captionsinsta · 28 days
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200+ Instagram captions to make your Halloween photos spook-tacularly unforgettable
Halloween is the one night of the year when everyone gets to unleash their spooky side, and what better way to capture that frightful fun than with a clever Instagram caption?
Whether you’re dressing up as something terrifying or adorable, carving pumpkins, or just enjoying some eerie festivities, the right caption can make your Halloween post truly stand out.
Get ready to scare up some likes and laughs with a spooktacular caption that perfectly captures the Halloween spirit.
From haunted houses to ghostly gatherings, Halloween offers endless opportunities for Instagram-worthy moments.
Whether you’re snapping pics of your killer costume, creepy decor, or ghoulish goodies, a spooktacular caption can add that extra touch of fun and mischief to your posts.
Let’s dive into the best Halloween captions that are sure to keep the likes coming all night long. 
20 Spooktacular Halloween Captions For Instagram Fun
Witch better have my candy! 🎃
Ghouls just wanna have fun. 👻
Creep it real, y’all. 🧙‍♀️
If you’ve got it, haunt it. 🕸️
This is where the magic happens. ✨
Feeling fang-tastic tonight! 🧛‍♂️
Fangs for the memories. 🧛‍♀️
Just here for the boos. 🍷
Witching you a spooktacular night! 🧙‍♂️
Eat, drink, and be scary. 🍬
Too cute to spook! 😈
Having a boo-tiful night. 👻
Here for the candy, staying for the spooks. 🍭
I’m under your spell. 🧙‍♀️
No tricks, just treats. 🍫
This witch likes her brew strong. ☕
Don’t make me get my broom. 🧹
Ghostest with the mostest. 👻
Bat-ter up! 🦇
A spooktacular time was had by all. 🎃
Read: 200+ Spooktacular Halloween Captions For Instagram Fun
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annasdarktreasures · 3 months
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🔮🖤 Embrace your mystical side with our Witches Brew Pastel Goth Earrings!
🌙✨ These occult earrings are perfect for women who walk the path of Paganism and Wicca, featuring acrylic pink beads for a touch of whimsical charm.
🧙‍♀️💖 Add a sprinkle of kawaii gothic vibes to your look with these enchanting pieces of jewelry.
Ready to adorn yourself with a touch of magic? 🌟 Click the link in our bio to shop now! 🛍️🔮
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larasarty · 8 months
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"Friendship with witches is like a bubbling potion - quirky, enchanting, and always brewing up something magical." 🧙‍♀️🌟
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visionproductions2008 · 10 months
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Exploring the Enchanted Everyday: Join our whimsical witch as she turns mundane moments into magical ones! From brewing morning coffee with a spell to reading ancient spellbooks at the park, witness how magic weaves into the simplest activities. 🧙‍♀️✨
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miamibeachbroker · 11 months
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🎃🏠 Discover Your Dream Haunt This Halloween Season! 🌟 At eXp Realty, we're not just real estate experts; we're creators of enchanting experiences. With Halloween around the corner, we're on a mission to match you with the perfect "spooktacular" home that promises all the thrills and chills you crave. 🦇 A Home Suited for a Witch: Whether you fancy bewitching old-world charm or modern enchantment, we've got the ideal cauldron to brew your magic. 👻 Eerie Neighborhoods: Explore areas with an otherworldly ambiance, perfect for trick-or-treaters and fellow Halloween enthusiasts who share your love for the season. 🎃 Bewitching Deals: With our real estate expertise, secure a deal so spellbinding you won't need a magic wand to make it happen. We don't just find houses; we uncover homes that match your unique lifestyle, turning every day into a Halloween adventure. Get ready for the best treat this season – your new home! 🍬🏡 Don't let this opportunity vanish into thin air. Connect with us today, and together, we'll make this Halloween the most unforgettable one yet. 🧙‍♀️🔮 #HalloweenHomes #SpooktacularLiving #RealEstateMagic #FYP #RealEstate 🎃🕷️
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