#with a Bad knee and a Stupid fucking Carry bag
beegswaz · 1 year
im Going to Start fucking Maiming no nvm. Anger has become sadness. Again. good Night i cant do this Shit rn
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bountydroid · 5 months
Darlin' pt 2
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pt 1 / pt3
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader (right now there is nothing romantic, maybe in the future I am undecided.)
Description: Where the reader arguably makes the stupidest decision of her life, following a ghoul who obviously doesn't want her there.
TW: Talk of physical abuse and bad parenting
I stayed there on my knees in the mud for some time. Stunned at the events that just transpired. I had nowhere to go, my wrists were still bound, and I had no weapon. I was truly fucked. I slowly rose to my feet as I looked around. The ghoul took one of the men's guns and Slim's was far too heavy for me to carry. I stumbled my way to the grave to look down inside. Honcho wasn't moving, and if I crawled down in there to get his gun there was no way I was getting out again. I sighed. I thought back to the ghoul. He was my only chance, but he didn't want my help.
I sighed again as I looked down at the chicken before untying her and setting her free. "At least one of us can be free," I said smiling to her before she ran off. 
I stood there in the dark weighing my options when my eyes fell to the tracks in the mud. Maybe if I stick close to him, I'll be okay? At least until we reach a town. I would stay out of his way. Ideally, he wouldn't even know I was there. 
"You are insane," I said to myself before I started following the tracks in front of me, grabbing Slim's bag on my way past him.
After about a day I was exhausted. I had no idea if I was going in the right direction anymore, I was no tracker and I lost his prints a long time ago. I stopped and bent over, pressing my palms to my knees while trying to catch my breath when I heard a gun cock behind me.
"Now why would you be following me?" The ghoul said behind me. "You must be a special kind of stupid."
I couldn't help the exhausted laugh that bubbled in my throat as I slowly stood up. "I must be. If you killed me right now, it wouldn't make a difference. I'll die on my own anyway." I said still facing away from him, feeling defeated.
There was a long moment of silence before I finally looked behind me. There was no hint of emotion on the ghoul's face.
"Let me follow you until we reach a settlement. I'll stay out of your way. I won't ask you for anything. Please." I begged.
At this, he looked down at my still bound wrists and then back up at my sad face. He sighed as he holstered his gun. "Come here then girl," he said, waving me over. 
I tripped over my feet hurrying over to the man, raising my wrists as he took out his knife and cut me free. "Thank you, sir."
At this, it was his turn to laugh. "Sir? Well I'll be damned you are probably the only person left on this godforsaken planet with some manners."
I smiled up at him, I thought maybe he wasn't so scary after all.
"You will be completely silent. No complaining. If you annoy me, I will turn that pretty ass into jerky. Got it?" He said with a serious look on his face.
"Right. I can do that." I whispered looking down at my feet, feeling stupid. 
We walked until it was far too dark to continue. I silently collected firewood as he put his bag down on the ground. As I made my way to our makeshift camp I stood in front of him with my arms full of sticks.
"What?" He barked out, obviously annoyed. 
"Nothin'" I responded quickly before shuffling away from him embarrassed. 
I tried my best to arrange the wood before pulling the flint out of the bag I took off of Slim. A small fire started and I smiled. I was cold from all the mud plastered to the front of me and was relieved to feel the warmth of the fire. I looked over at the ghoul to see him leaning up against a tree with his hat covering his face. I hummed happily as I thought about the arrangement we came up with, although I couldn't help but want to talk to him, the walk has been incredibly boring. 
After a while of warming up by the fire, I got comfortable and drifted off to sleep.
I woke with a start. I looked around confused before I realized there was a boot in my side. I looked up at the ghoul hovering above me. "Get up darlin'." He said before walking away. "Time to move."
I quickly jumped up and grabbed my bag before running after him. This was the routine for days. I had honestly lost track of how long I had been following the ghoul. The silent marches from sun up to sun down were starting to get to me. I felt like I was going crazy.
"If my memory serves me well. I can be rid of you by tomorrow morning." He said with a sour tone.
"Okay," I responded quickly. I wanted to say as little as possible so he doesn't make true to his threat.
He looked back at me for a second as he continued to walk. "How did you get yourself into this mess anyway?"
I hesitated to answer, remembering he told me to stay silent. I looked up at him to see him scoff and turn away again. 
"I ran away from home. Was on my own for a while before I ran into those idiots. They found me while I was sleeping, I had no chance to escape until you killed them."
"Ran away from home?" He repeated back at me. "That was stupid."
"Well, I'd rather be eaten by a ghoul than continue to be beaten by my father," I responded curtly.
He laughed at this. "Getting feisty aren't we darlin'?"
"Sorry," I responded. "I shouldn't have said that."
"No, you shouldn't have." He said with a tone that I couldn't quite figure out. 
We walked in silence for what felt like forever, I tried to keep track of time by looking up at the sun but it was a cloudy, cold day. I couldn't help but start to shiver. My feet started to ache terribly, I wanted to ask for a break but I bit my tongue. No complaining had been one of his rules. I didn't want to push my luck with him. 
"Stop." He said abruptly, pulling me from my thoughts. 
"Wha-" I asked confused.
"Quiet." He interrupted as his hand slowly wrapped around his gun and turned towards me. 
Before I had a chance to react the barrel of his gun was next to my face and he shot a round off. 
I cried out as my ears rang painfully and I fell to the ground in shock. He said something to me, but I couldn't hear a thing. I held my head as I watched him walk behind me towards a man, dead on the ground. He rummaged through the dead man's pockets, pulling out a couple of caps before walking back towards me. 
"A fiend." I thought to myself.
Instead of saying anything he offered me his gloved hand. I hesitantly took it and let him pull me back to my feet. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear it. Not long after this, we made camp again.
The next day, I slowed down a lot, but we were very close to town. I was beyond exhausted and barely had any will to keep going. The distance was growing between us before he finally stopped and whipped around, visibly annoyed. 
"Walk faster. Remember what I said about annoying me darlin'." He barked at me. 
I stared at him quietly before saying. "Why not just leave me behind, then?"
"Don't tempt me." He grumbled as he roughly grabbed my arm and started dragging me along. 
A few minutes later we reached a small settlement. We got a couple of strange looks as he continued to drag me by my arm before finally letting go as soon as he set eyes on a "doctors" office. I just stood there. Unsure what to do now. I was in town, albeit a small one. There were only three buildings and a couple of food stalls. I could do whatever I wanted. I couldn't follow him anymore, that was for certain. I heard a commotion from inside the office, but it wasn't my problem anymore. I slowly wandered away eyeing up the food stands. Dog meat wasn't appetizing, but I hadn't had real food in days. I rummaged around Slim's pack before I found enough caps to buy myself a meal. 
I hummed happily as I finished my food, I hadn't realized how hungry I was.
"Well, aren't you a pretty thing?" A man slurred behind me. "How much for your time?"
"I am not a prostitute." I scoffed as I turned around to face him.
"Free then?" He smiled menacingly as he grabbed ahold of me. His grip was so tight that I could feel my arm bruising.
Without thinking I drove the empty skewer in my hand into the man's eye and ran. I heard yelling behind me, but I kept running mindlessly. Before I realized what I was doing, I ran right into the arms of the ghoul as he was exiting the doctor's office. 
"What in the hell?" He exclaimed, shocked by my actions before he looked up to see the man following me with blood running down his face. 
"That bitch belongs to you? She must be some kind of freak to be with a ghoul." He growled angrily.
I buried my face into the ghoul's chest, afraid to look at his face. I desperately hoped he would take mercy on me once again.
"Well, darlin' you do have some bite to ya." The ghoul laughed while eyeing up the man standing in front of him. 
"Give me the girl and get gone." The man spit out.
"Well, that just won't do." The ghoul responded while smirking, obviously amused. "Get behind me darlin'," he whispered quietly as he stared down the thug.
I quickly did as I was told before I heard some more shots ring off, before I knew it, the whole town turned into a shoot-off. I dropped to the ground and crawled into the doctor's office hiding behind the counter next to a very dead doctor.
"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself looking over at him, wondering what had transpired between him and the ghoul.
I stayed there until I heard a familiar voice yell out. "Anyone else wanna try me? That was fun, but I am itching for a REAL challenge." Only to get silence in return.
I peeked my head around the counter before finally getting up to my feet and shuffling to the doorway. Before I could stick my head out, the ghoul appeared in front of me. 
"Thank you," I said smiling shyly up at him.
He stared down at me for a moment before saying, "Come on then. I need to get going if I am going to catch that bounty and Filly ain't far."
"I am coming with you?" I questioned, trying to hide the relief on my face. 
"Well, you obviously can't be trusted on your own. Can ya darlin'?" He responded slyly.
"Oh thank you so much. You won't regret this!" I said to him as I grabbed ahold of his sleeve. 
He stared down at my fist before looking back up into my eyes. I could see the hesitation on his face. Little did I know, this was the most human contact he had had in a long time, and it stirred something deep within him. 
An odd friendship had formed between us, and neither of us knew how to feel about it.
tag list: @msrawog
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miniwheat77 · 6 months
Cold Hearted. (Graves x Reader.)
!nsfw, smut, unprotected sex, pregnancy, sex pollen, talk of abortion, no minors!
This is a different AU where none of the stuff happened with Shepherd or Graves.
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Your head pounded. The feeling of someone pulling a bag off of your head is what startles you awake. “Shit- sergeant you okay?”
It’s your commander, Graves. “Yeah- yeah. What happened?”
“Mission gone bad. They ambushed us but I’ve got you now. We have to go.” He breathes. He’s clearly panicking. He’s untying your hands from the chair you’re in. “I feel weird, Commander.” You breathe. “Shit… shit shit.” He grits his teeth. He told the others to get out of there as fast as possible but he had to come back for you.
He grasps a hold of your hand, shoving your sleeve up your arm. He looks across your left hand and arm first. Looking for a track mark. Anywhere. When he sees nothing, he moves to the next. Looking over your hand and up your arm, turning it over. That’s when he spots the tiny little puncture in the bend of your arm. “Fuck. You’re infected too.” He sighs. “What? What do you mean?”
“They have.. they’re weaponizing a sex drug.” He breathes. “We have to go now, ask questions later.” He grasps your hand, pulling you along. Your legs feel like jello as you walk. Need starts at your feet and moves up. The sensation of want bleeds from each vein, infected blood pumping through you. Spreading the chemical through each vein, through each artery. When it reaches your heart, sparks shoot through you. Your knees buckling underneath you as you cry out. “Fuck- you okay?” He rushes back to you. “Yeah- yeah. Just… god.” You want to sob. The thought of pleasure- white hot and flooding your nerve endings. It’s almost too much to bear.
“My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest.” You breathe.
Graves can feel it too.
He’d been infected first, but he was better at hiding it. Somehow.
He felt pathetic. He could fight anything off. He’s fought off army’s. But he can’t find off a stupid sex drug, and he can’t get you out of here. He grasps your hand, moving around you. He lifts you up, carrying you bridal style. He’s trying to get you out until he hears footsteps coming his way.
He rushes into a closet. He barricades the door. Making up a makeshift lock so that nobody would be able to get inside. It’s small, the two of you pressed front to front.
“You trust me?” He breathes. You nod your head. Sweat and blood pour down your face. “We have to do this. It’s fuck or die now.” He looks you in the eyes. You can barely see it in the dark closet. Your eyes widen. What is he saying? “I found paperwork. If we don’t do this.. we die.” He pants.
“You have to stay quiet for me, we’re going to get out of this.” He sighs. He leans into you, pressing his lips right to yours. Feeling you tense up from his touch. He reaches for his pants. By far this was going to be the craziest thing he’s ever done as a commander. He’s going to kill Laswell and General Shepherd when he gets back. He’s pissed that they didn’t warn him about the drug sooner.
You whine out as he exposes himself. “Quiet sweetheart.” He sighs. He hooks his thumbs over the waistband of your pants, tugging them down your legs. He grasps hold of your thighs, lifting you up onto him. “Forgive me okay? This isn’t how I would have wanted to do this.”
“It’s okay- just- please.” You mewl.
He lines the head of his cock up with your entrance and in one thrust, buries himself up to the hilt inside of you. You let out a gasp and he cuts it off, clamping his hand down around your throat. “S’okay. I got you.” He breathes. He pins you to the wall. He thrusts up into you. Muffling your moans with his hand. “You’re doing good. But I need you to cover your mouth.” You nod your head. He pauses for just a second. Pulling his own hand back. You cover your own mouth. He wraps his arms around you, underneath the bend of your knees and once he starts fucking into you again, you’re holding sobs back.
The pleasure is so intense, you can barely handle it. Graves can feel your arousal dripping down between the both of you, down his front. You were soaking him. “Just… just stay quiet. Fuck.” He hisses, burying his head into the crook of your neck. He can hear footsteps coming your way. But he can’t stop. Not now. He keeps his steady thrusts. They’re deep and hard. The way you’re clamping down around him, it’s clear what your body wants. Your thighs shake from the intensity. “You’re doing so good. So good for me.” He breathes. “You’re a good girl- just keep quiet.” He pants. Goosebumps rise on your skin at your oncoming orgasm. An intensity you’ve never quite felt before. It’s dull at first, but the build is more than you’ve ever felt. The knot forms quickly and keeps building. With each of his thrusts, your walls gripping around him. He’s pushing you closer and closer to that brink.
You’re silent, focused on what’s coming. It’s like a tidal wave, coming in fast. You start to breath heavier, body working with his. “I- I’m-“ you hesitate. “It’s okay. I’ve got you. Give yourself to me.”
Your body shakes and convulses as you cum around him, you wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face into your arm and his neck. Sobbing when you cum. Your pussy clenches around him, throbbing around him with each of your heartbeats. His eyes widen as he feels it, you’re milking his cock and he’s going to give it to you. You’re warm and tight around him and he buries himself to the hilt when he finally reaches his high, cumming right up against your walls. Your eyes widen as you feel his warmth filling you, and as the clarity hits you, you realize the gravity of the situation you’re in. Your heart surprisingly settles in your chest and so does his. You give yourselves a minute, making sure the drug has worn completely off before you decide to make your way back out to finish this mission that you had started.
How were you going to be able to forget this?
You tried to be strong.
You stood in the lineup. Gun pressed to your front. It was an AR and you were taking orders from Graves. The rest of the shadows were also in the lineup. It’s been about a month since that mission happened. You and Graves hadn’t spoken outside of giving orders. You’d gotten a pill from Laswell to prevent you from getting pregnant. Outside of that, you hadn’t interacted with him.
He didn’t know. Not everything.
The conversation that you’d had with your General and Laswell had destroyed you, but you didn’t want him to know.
You didn’t know what to do.
You wanted to cry, and that’s saying something. Since being in the military you hadn’t cried at all. Because it showed weakness and in the military you couldn’t do that. Once orders had been given, you went immediately to let them know you weren’t feeling good. Knowing what they knew, they kept you at base. From there, you changed into pajamas and finally had a minute alone to let the tears fall.
Graves was worried about you but he wasn’t good at showing it. His eyes kept glancing to you in the lineup and you looked distraught.
Then he was told you wouldn’t be going on the mission. He finally gives in, asking someone to fill in for him and made his way around to find you. Coming across Laswell. “Hey. Have you seen Y/N?” He asks. Laswell sighs. “She’s.. probably in her room Phillip. After she spoke with General Shepherd she’s probably not doing too well.”
“What? What happened?”
Laswell can see all over his face that you hadn’t told him anything. “She didn’t tell you did she?”
“What? Didn’t tell me what?” He asks. He’s confused. What hadn’t you told him?
“She’s pregnant Phillip.”
His entire face drops. His heart too.
“W-what? She didn’t tell me that.”
“I see that.”
“What.. what the hell did they talk about than?”
“Shepherd.. he.. he wasn’t too kind with her. He just- he told her that she couldn’t ruin your career, that he didn’t want to lose you as a soldier. So.. she needed to think about her options.” She swallows hard. “He.. told her to get an abortion.”
Hearing this lights a fire inside of Graves that he’s never felt. Not once.
He turns away from Laswell and she tries to stop him but knows it’s no use. You happen to be outside in the hallway. Trying to get a drink of water. You tried to be sneaky. Your face was still red and puffy and your eyes were bloodshot. You thought he was gone on a mission. But he happens to pass you. “Cmon sweetheart.” He startles you a little bit, tucking his hand behind your back and forcing you along with him. “Woah- what the hell.” You mumble. Forcibly walking along with him. He barges right into Shepherds office. He’s furious.
“Graves. What’s this about?” Shepherd asks. He’s sitting at his desk. “This is about you telling her to get an abortion.” He breathes. Your eyes widen, how did he find out? “You went and told him I see.” Shepherd sneers at you. This only pisses Graves off further. “I think if you don’t want me to come over that desk and cut your throat you’ll shut your mouth.” Graves growls, pointing at him. He’s got his all black outfit on. The one he always wore when going on missions like this one. “Laswell told me. I didn’t even know she was pregnant.” He seethes.
You can feel all of the hair on your body raising. You had never seen him so angry.
“Y/N is none of your concern. She works for me. Not for you. As far as I’m concerned, you shouldn’t have been speaking to her without me around. Period.” His teeth are gritted. “And you sure as shit have no right to tell her what to do with that baby. If she wants to keep it, that’s her decision. You had no right.”
“You’re right. You’re right Graves. I just didn’t want to lose you as a soldier over something that was purely by accident.”
“No. That’s done. You should’ve kept your mouth shut. Me and Y/N are off of this base first thing, because I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from putting my hands on you. So we’re leaving. Not because of Y/N, but for your sake.”
He turns to you. “Let’s go.” He mumbles. He’s so angry that you decide not to fight him. Standing up and following after him. Once you’re out into the hallway, he’s cupping your face to look at you. “Please tell me you didn’t get upset over that asshole.” He breathes. You look up at him. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey. Look at me. You don’t have to apologize for anything okay? I’m going to get you out of here. First thing. I swear. Whatever he said… it was all bullshit.”
“I don’t have to keep it, Commander.” He can see tears gathering at your waterline again. “Y/N. Listen to me.” He presses his forehead to yours. The first time he’s touched you since everything happened. “This isn’t your fault. And I’m not going to be angry with you if you keep it. To be honest with you, I’d rather if you did.”
You look him in the eyes. “Are you just saying that?”
“Of course I’m not just saying that.” He breathes. He pulls you into a hug and even though his vest is hard, you hug him back. “You listen to me alright?” He sighs. “Whatever you decide to do, I will be right with you. I got you, okay? I’m behind whatever you choose to do. And if you decide to keep it, I swear I’ll step back into an office job and I’ll take care of you.” He draws back, his hands on both of your shoulders.
“I don’t want that.” You breathe. “Phillip? What’s going on?” You hear Laswell. He turns to her. The same cold look on his face as he looks at her. “You sat there and listened to him tell her to get an abortion. I’m leaving this base. We are.” He breathes.
She nods her head. “I didn’t agree with anything he said. But I can’t control him.” She sighs. “I wish you two the best. I hope you find everything you’re looking for.”
Graves nods. Tugging you alongside him once more. He was going to get you away from him. Away from everything. He’d keep you and his baby safe, no matter what.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
aali help i wanna piss off kiri so bad :( be just arch nemesis :( his fated enemy :( the villain in his story :( i wanna constantly be at his throat to the point where he can’t stand me n has no choice but to try n put me in my place or die trying every time he sees me. send help this is an illness atp
eijirou kirishima gets a long with everyone— absolutely everyone.
kids love him, he ruffles their hair and only gives them candy if they’re good to their mum’s who oogle his arms when they think he’s not looking. the old ladies adore him whenever he passes them by in the cafe he gets his smoothie at every morning ( the baristas have a thing for him too ), the old sweethearts will give him a hard candy and a pinch to the cheek just for saying hello.
he’s kind, and warm, always serves with a smile and stops by to help.
everybody loves eijirou kirishima.
everybody except for you.
for some reason, you insist on hating him. refusing his help when he holds the door open tor you or offers to carry your bags, you look at eijirou like he’s stupid in patrol meetings and reject his rides home from work. you’re mean— and it annoys him. there’s only so much a man can take before he snaps and has to do something about the problem.
“not so tough, are ya now?” eijirou can be mean too, he can grip you by the cheeks and force your body into the wall, keeping you up against it by the brute strength of his his hips as they canter into yours— heavy, girthy cock carving its shape into your slippery malleable insides. all you can do is hiccup, keening into the red head’s every move even if you attempt to move your head away from his grip. “d’aw, don’t be like that sweetheart…you don’t like it when i’m mean? when i fuck you up like this; treat this nasty cunt like she deserves?”
please, you can’t tell if the way kirishima folds you up, knees into your shoulders as a bulky arm wraps around your soft middle makes you love him or hate him more— either way you’re cock drunky, hungry for the way his veiny shaft bullies it’s way into you accompanied by the wet slap, slap, slap that trickles into your symphony of hiccups and gasps and high pitched whines. “y-you’re such an…awful person,” you stutter out as kirishima licks the salt sweat from his Cupid’s bow— pulling all the way out of your creamy cunt, white with your own juices, fluttering at the suction sound when there’s not an inch of kiri left inside you.
eijirou smirks, resting his glistening cock on your pelvis, tip leaking a ways way above your belly button, entire shaft throbbing against your soft tummy. “takes one to know one, eh?” he grins sweet at you; ruby eyes though coloured with hatred shining with lust. “you’re just the awful person who likes gettin’ fucked like a filthy bitch.” then he’s grinding that seedy, achingly red tip of his into your swollen clit; hissing through his sharp teeth as he pushes back into your blistering heat with ease, chuckling at how you welcome him home, pussy pulsing with desire. “such a nasty, fuckin’ girl, huh sweetheart?” he adds, punctuating each of his words with a hard thrust into your guts.
“w-watch it, red.” you’re in no place to warn kirishima, feeling like his cock is in your throat, back arching up to meet his pace.
eijirou thumbs at your clit, sending your eyes back into your skull, his mouth hanging open to mock your moans. “w-w-watch it red!” he teases, stimulating you so fast; so fucking hard you don’t know what’s up or what’s down. “do me a favour, sweetheart, and come up for air. let me help you out just this once, and make this pathetic pussy cum. okay?”
his words make you drip, coating his thighs in a sticky sheen of your arousal and all you can do is look up at the sinisterly sexy eijirou kirishima and speak with just the tears of pleasure in your eyes.
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catiuskaa · 11 months
The rain falls [the sky doesn’t]
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rain sucks. for you, to the very least, it’s a major problem. but your boyfriend knows something is wrong, and is determined to help you, because even if rain falls, the sky doesn’t.
because it rains a lot where I live and the prompt ‘i am afraid of something + taking care of s/o’ has me weak on my fluffy lil heart. and because i’m nervous of my exams. teehee.
word count: 1.3k
「♪♪ ♡ 🌃 ♡ ♪♪」
It wasn’t the same.
He knew he could be overthinking it, but something had to be wrong. He knew it the moment he heard the door close and there was no sort of welcoming— no “honey, I’m home!” said with a giggle, no hugs or kisses. You hadn’t even moved to your shared room—, where he had been resting, waiting for your arrival.
You two had moved together not too long ago, so, whatever was going on, he hoped that it wasn’t a problem related to how busy his schedule had been or something that he couldn’t fix.
Even if most of the people he knew would say “Hyunjin? Clueless, the man can’t get a thing,” this was right in front of him, like a missing center piece of a puzzle that is almost done. And it was you the one on the core of the issue, so of course, this was maximum priority.
Silently confused, he tilted his head on the doorframe, in a kind of cartoonish way. His eyebrows shot up when he noticed your figure on the sofa, coat and bag still on, feet hanging off the couch so you wouldn’t get it dirty.
Oh, it was that bad? He winced silently. It tugged at his chest, tightening feeling growing slowly.
“Hey there, lovely.” He greeted in a murmur, bending down on his knees, stroking your hair softly. He noticed how wet and damp it felt under his touch, as if you hadn’t bothered to use the umbrella that you carried around and that rested right in front of the door, left to dry.
You let out a strange sort of whine, and that gave out your unsteady breathing, his face quickly displaying innocent worry.
“F-fuck,” you cursed, sniffing, quickly brushing away your tears, yet more came to replace those.
“Oh, baby,” he cupped his face with your hands, wiping your cheeks with his thumbs, stroking in a soothing motion. “Lovely, why are you crying?”
You sobbed, pouting, stopping your failed attempts on hiding your face as he sweetly caged your face in his big hands, almost directly in front of his.
“I-it’s stupid.”
He frowned, a gesture almost unnoticeable.
“Yeah. And Seungmin says I’m intelligent.”
You snorted softly, and that made some of his worry go away, smiling at you softly. He pressed a small kiss on your forehead, so warm, so home, so Hyunjin, that your smile stayed in place, even if tears were still coming out.
“S-so… I uh…” He nodded, encouraging you to keep speeking and you sniffed, trying to look for the correct words.
A lightning illuminated the room, but it was the sound of thunder that rumbled under its walls, and for you, it seemed that the place had shattered into pieces. You squirmed in your place, hiding in the arms of Hyunjin, who hugged you, passing his hands, warm to the touch, under your cold and wet coat, quickly taking it off and covering you both with the blanket you kept to watch movies on the couch.
He cooed softly, your head hidden on the crook of his neck as he pecked you so tenderly, so sweetly, that you couldn’t help but let out a sigh full of anxiety, now curling up on Hyunjin’s lap, the sounds of the storm feeling further away as his slow-paced breathing calmed you down.
“My little taco.” He hummed with a cheeky smile as he had wrapped you in the blanket, only your face free from the soft fabric. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You thought about it, then shook your head sideways. Somehow, saying you were afraid of storms made them more unbearable. As if you couldn’t hide or escape from them anymore.
He moved both of you, now laying down on the sofa as he took your shoes off and then rested his head on your lap.
But, umpromptedly, his eyes shined as he looked at you.
“Lovely, I’ve been wanting to do something with you for a while,” he started. “If you feel too afraid, we don’t need to do it, we can always come back inside.”
He hesitated. Should he say it out loud? He had felt how putting your fear to words made you even more anxious. So, instead, he didn’t.
Standing up, he went to get his raincoat and his boots, taking another for you, the one you were wearing at the moment being far too drenched to wear again. He hung it close to the radiator and then helped you in your boots. And also threw one of his sweaters over your head, and you gripped the sleeves, feeling as long as always.
Hyunjin took your hands in his, walking backwards to the door, but not taking any umbrella. He stared at you lovingly as he waited for you to ask or refrain from leaving, but you nodded, still quite unsure.
He giggled, hands cradling your face and planting a big smooch on your lips, his fruit flavoured chapstick lingering on you.
Without letting go of your hand, like a kid on Christmas day, he excitedly went to the entrance of the building, now both of you standingin front of the main door, rain pouring down on the other side of the glass.
He took his phone and pressed play, happily handing you a pair of headphones, connecting both his and yours with the adaptor that you had teased him for buying a while ago.
The known melody tingled in your ears, Frank Sinatra’s voice filling your ears and your chest because Hyunjin looked so cute as he stared at you, unsure of opening the door until you gave him a sign, looking so squishable and —god, you could bite him he looked so cute—.
You let out a sigh, but with the music, hearing the rain was almost imposible, and that helped with your nerves, the instrumental on the track setting a beat for your nervous heart to follow.
“I chose this because you played it yesterday, and uh, I, well…” Hyunjin said, failing to hide a quiver in his voice.
“It’s a good song. It’s ok.” You smiled, and squeezed his hand. “It’s cheesy. Like you.”
He laughed, more relaxed. “You were the one who was screaming the chorus the other day, shouting ‘fly me to the moon’ so loud the neighbours though you were an astronaut.”
You both chuckled out of nervousness, out of a weird excitement that he glued to you.
You nodded, and both of you got out to the rain.
You flinched at the wet and cold feeling, your skin shivering at the sharp feeling of it, but you were too bothered, looking at Hyunjin, smiling, laughing, having fun, that you smiled too.
Hyunjin smiled back at you cheekily.
“Now we dance, because I’m so cheesy and you love it.”
He held you closer by your waist, lulling your body softly to the music in your headphones.
Hyunjin rested his forehead against yours as he started singing, and you lowered the volume of the headphones to listen to him better.
The rain had never looked so beautiful until he appeared on the frame.
soft hours.
「♪♪ ♡ 🌃 ♡ ♪♪」
~Kats, who lives in a place that could rain all month and because it has been raining so much got inspired (and also because procrastination is the king of good ideas to write)
ps. I seriously wrote this in 30 minutes without making any sound. I hadn’t written anything in months. I’m so fucking proud of myself.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
also 🤗🤗 for the sfw/nsfw headcanons… how about nobubaga?
Nobunaga SFW/NSFW HCs
warning: period sex, oral(f+m receiving), creampie, daddy kink, cockwarming, pegging, slightest mention of Nobunaga thinking you self harm(you don’t he’s just stupid)
A/N: anything for my moots!! 🫡 I’ll try to make a few positive HCs for him but it won’t be easy…
(If you’d like to see SFW/NSFW HCs for your fav HXH character, send me an ask!!)
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-this man does not know what personal space is. You’ll sit on the couch, then he’ll sit next to you super close. You move? He moves with you. Doesn’t get that you want some space
-if you want someone that is completely and utterly devoted to you, he’s your guy
-if you’re alright with him being kinda pathetic
-he definitely has low self esteem. he’s quick to put himself down, and even ends up neglecting himself. he’ll need to be reminded that he is loved and handsome to you. show him what self care days are!
-okay I joke about his greasy hair a lot but to have such long, pretty hair he does actually have to take care of it. can it get greasy because he’s having a bad time or is too lazy to take care of it? yeah, but he usually does keep up with it
-he’s really good with hair, when he was a kid he was the one that cut everyone’s hair and styled it.
-he both likes his hair being played with and playing with your hair! also he will 100% learn how to style your hair, he’s pretty good with his hands
-pretty affectionate, he ain’t hiding his love for you. he may be a little shy kissing and hugging you in front of his friends in fear of teasing, but otherwise he’s a big PDA guy
-bad texter, but will call you anytime! he just doesn’t understand tone through text and almost always tends to seem angry or upset through text(this is the same for Phinks)
-he doesn’t understand memes. he’s not even really that old but god does he act like it. he’ll squint at your screen then be like “I don’t get it.” then will huff and say “it ain’t even funny. this is why I don’t have social media.”
-if you get a scratch and he notices, he gets angry and is like “who did this to you?” And then you have to explain to him you scratched your arm on the stove because last week he accidentally broke the handle
-also might say something like “baby… don’t hurt yourself… stop, for me.” and hold you as if you didn’t scrape your knee after eating shit in the driveway 30 minutes ago
-his attempts at romance are mediocre at best. he’s the type of guy that will buy you a head of lettuce thinking it’s a flower
-scattered flower petals around the bedroom he picked outside but it’s during allergy season so now you have to vacuum pollen off your carpet while the two of you are sneezy and choking on your fluids
-DO NOT LET THIS MOTHERFUCKER IN YOUR KITCHEN!! ANYTHING HE MAKES IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH AT BEST!! You’re 90% sure one of the things he made came to life just to beg for death
-also he’ll find some way to break at least SOMETHING. Scrubbed your nonstick pans with a fucking metal sponge thing.
-he likes to carry your things around, will follow you like a lovesick puppy while you shop, holding your shopping bags
-he knits! it’s not something he tells many people, but he picked it up from Machi when they were on a mission together and he was bored out if his mind. if you beg ask nicely he’ll make you a hat or mittens. wearing anything he makes you will make him swoon
-he’s a decent cuddle buddy, if you don’t mind being groped and grabbed the whole time
-he doesn’t smell bad most of the time, but goes days without showering at times. you’ll have to promise him sexual favors or allow him to shower with you if you want him to shower everyday
-cries when he cums sometimes…
-switch. he’ll say it’s a dom lean but… you can decide that for yourself
-y’all… this man and period sex. once he learns that’s a thing he’s asking to “help with your cramps” every time you’re on your period. yeah he’ll go down on you, yeah he’s a messy eater.
-speaking of pussy eating he’s decent! he tries to make you cum at least once on his tongue because he’s really bad at about cumming almost instantly once he’s inside you. he can go multiple rounds don’t worry, but he feels kind of pathetic after. “Just feel too good, baby, can’t help myself…”
-he’s around 7 inches me thinks. I don’t usually include dick size in these but 7 inches just seems perfect for him?
-I feel like he’d have a daddy kink. do I like that? no not really. but I can picture it
-he fucking LOVES hearing you moan and make noise. he can be a little insecure with his lovemaking skills, so hearing you enjoy yourself gets him going
-give him a blowjob and swallow his cum. he fucking loves to watch you stick out your tongue and show him it’s covered in his cum
-he likes cockwarming but he’s also super impatient and will just end up bouncing you before bending you over onto whatever surface is closest to you
-again with him being impatient, he’s not the biggest fan of lingerie. he’s going to rip it off you anyways, and he’d rather not deal with the headache of you complaining that he tore your expensive set
-he prefers cumming inside your pussy! he doesn’t want to get you pregnant, it’s more of a possessive thing. he wants to claim you!
-he’s got pretty good stamina. the first few rounds he’ll cum pretty quick, but once he gets into his rhythm, he can last a while!
-tug on his hair… he will moan and just stare at you for a second. he won’t ASK you to do it again, but he’ll wear his hair down around you more often
-he wouldn’t let you peg him 😔 would he like it? probably, but he doesn’t want to “feel emasculated”. this is code for “I don’t want you to see me moan and whimper like a bitch while you pound me”
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sooniessoulmate · 3 months
𝙻𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚘𝚗 - 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟷 - 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝟶𝚝𝟾
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♥️𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟶♠️ 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♦️𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟸♣️
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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟷 - 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕
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The sun slowly set as Wooyoung, San, and Mingi quietly rode in the back of a limousine to the hotel Malaga where Seven’s exchange was supposed to be going down.
Mingi looked at both Wooyoung then San and asked, “you both have your ear pieces in, right?”
“Of course, asshole,” San snapped. “This isn’t our first mission, ya know.”
“Devil isn’t connected,” Yeosang announced into their earpieces. 
San smacked Wooyoung’s arm, “put it in now,” he growled. 
“I hate wearing these,” Wooyoung whined. 
“Too bad,” Mingi huffed. “We need to be in complete communication.”
“Fine,” Wooyoung sighed, shoving his ear piece into his ear. “Is that better?”
“Alright you’re all connected,” Yeosang announced. 
“Do you all remember the plan?” Seonghwa asked into their ear pieces. 
“Yea,” the boys said in unison. 
“I’m posing as Jackson Wang and making the exchange in his place,” Mingi said. 
“I’m going to be positioned on the rooftop,” San said. 
“And I’m chillin by the bar,” Wooyoung said. 
“How will we know if Wang…” Mingi started. 
But before he could finish the question, all three of the boys’ phones dinged. They looked at the text they received and saw a picture of a handsome man. 
“This is Jackson Wang,” Seonghwa informed. “San and Wooyoung you both need to keep an eye out for him.”
“What should we do if we spot him?” San wondered.
“I don’t know, get creative,” Seonghwa hissed. “But he cannot go into the basement until Mingi is out, safely.”
“Understood,” Wooyoung nodded.
“I don't look anything like him,” Mingi announced, with a touch of panic in his voice.
“That doesn’t matter,” Seonghwa stated, coldly.  “Do you have the envelope that I gave you?”
“Yea,” Mingi nodded.
“There is an id in there with your picture, matched to his name,” Seonghwa continued. “With that and the cash, they won’t question it. Besides, who would be stupid enough to go into their domain and try to rob them?”
“Us,” Mingi laughed, “We’re dumb enough.”
San smacked Mingi on the back of his head, “that was a fucking rhetorical question you dumbass.”
“What the fuck is a ‘retard-icicle’ question” Mingi growled, rubbing the back of his head with this hand.
“That doesn’t even sound like ‘rhetorical’, what the fuck is wrong with you,” San snapped.
“It sounds the same to me,” Mingi argued. “I’m sorry I’m not as ‘fancy’ as you are and I don't know all these ‘big words’,” Mingi mocked.
“You are such a fucking idiot,” San grunted, “I can’t believe you’re trusting him with all of this, the fucking moron can barely get dressed on his own.” 
“Knock it off,” Seonghwa growled. “Thats enough fucking around. San, you need to have more faith in Mingi, you know he is damn good at what he does.” 
“You hear that?” Mingi smirked, “I’m damn good at what I do. I didn’t hear the boss say that about you.”
“I don’t need constant reassurance to know how fucking great I am,” San boasted. “I’m not a little bitch like that.”
“Wooyoung,” Seonghwa interrupted, “If there is one more word out of either one of them, unless I tell them to speak, I want you to shoot BOTH of them in their knee caps.”
“Bet,” Wooyoung smiled, sitting up happily.
“This mission needs to go off without a hitch, understood?” Seonghwa stated with no response.
He took a deep breath and snarled, “Yeosang and I will be watching. Now get the damn job done right.”
The limousine came to a stop. San looked out of the window and said, “It’s showtime, boys.” 
They exited the limo and entered the club together, splitting up as soon as they were inside. San made his way to the roof top where he set up his assault rifle and started scanning the perimeter, Wooyoung sat at the bar and proceeded to scan the nightclub, and Mingi carried the duffle bag full of money through the club. He weaved in and out of people until he reached a hallway leading to the bathrooms and a staircase. Mingi followed the stairs and walked down the long eerie hallway until he reached a metal door. 
“Alright, guys I’m at the door,” Mingi quietly said. 
“You’re all clear up here,” San responded into the earpiece 
“All clear in here,” Wooyoung announced.
Mingi raised his hand up and pushed the button, sending a signal inside the room.
The door opened, just enough for Mingi to enter. Once he was completely inside the door slammed shut and he had four men surrounding him with guns aimed at his head. One of the men grabbed Mingi’s duffle bag and handed it to another man who was standing behind the armed men. 
“Woaw, is this really necessary?” Mingi laughed. “You knew I was coming.”
“Shut the fuck up,” A man said grabbing Mingi from the back and shoving him face first onto a table. He then proceeded to pat Mingi down for any weapons or wires. He grabbed the wallet that was in Mingi’s pocket, opened it and started rifling through the contents. 
“Jackson Wang?” the man asked.
“The one, the only,” Mingi responded with a smirk on his face. “Now come on I have shit to do, can we get this going?”
The man holding the duffle bag handed it to another man who took it to a table in the corner of the room, looking through the contents.
“One can never be too safe,” a man said, appearing out from the shadows. 
“All the money is there,” Mingi announced. “Now where's my shit?”
“Calm your ass down,” the man growled. “You are not in control. In here we play by my rules.”
“This is bullshit,” Mingi snapped. “Don’t tell me, you’re gonna rob me.”
“I mean who could stop me?” the man smirked. “I could keep my drugs and your money…sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.”
“But if you do that, you’ll start a war,” Mingi said. “And Medusa will bring all of her wrath down onto you. Is that the price you are willing to pay?”
“Life has been quite boring around these parts lately,” the man smiled. 
“It’s all here,” the man who was counting the money said.
“I just spotted the target,” San stated into their earpieces. “Hurry up, Maverick. Move this shit along.”
A man walked over to a cabinet against the wall and pulled out a duffle bag, handing it to Mingi.
“It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Wang,” the man smirked. “Now get out of here before I change my mind.”
Mingi smiled, heading towards the door. “Have a wonderful night, fellas.”
“He’s inside, heading towards the back hallway,” Wooyoung said through the earpiece.
“It’s alright boys, I'm heading up the stairs now,” Mingi announced. “We’re in the clear.”
“Not yet,” San argued, packing his assault rifle up to go meet the other two boys down in front of the club.
Mingi walked past Jackson on the steps, smiling at him, arrogantly. “Ghost, can you lock that room once they let Wang in?” Mingi asked.
“I think I can manage that,” Yeosang said, busily typing away.
Jackson walked down the eerie hallway until he reached the metal door. It flew open before he had the chance to ring the buzzer.  
Jackson was surprised to see a gun aimed at his face. “What’s going on?” He wondered. 
“Get in here,” a man ordered. Jackson didn’t hesitate, he slowly walked into the room. “Is this some kind of joke?” He asked 
“Who the fuck are you?” The man demanded. 
“I’m Jackson Wang, asshole.”
“The fuck you are,” the man snarled, shoving the barrel of a gun into the back of Jackson’s head. “Mr Wang already left so who the fuck are you?”
“Check my id, it’s in my back pocket,” Jackson said. 
The man pulled Jackson’s wallet out and scanned the contents. Not only did he have his id he had multiple items with his name on it. 
“Fuck,” the man yelled. 
“You gave my drugs to someone else?” Jackson snapped. He grabbed his wallet back and headed for the door, which wouldn’t open. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Somehow the thieves must be fucking with our security,” the man announced. “They’re gonna have to do better than this.”
Another man came out from another room and placed explosives on the door, he pressed a button on his hand held device and the door blew open. 
Jackson ran out of the room with two of the armed men. 
Mingi and Wooyoung ran out the front door of the club, heading towards an alley where Sam was patiently waiting. 
“Yeosang has a helicopter meeting us three blocks that way,” San announced. 
Mingi nodded following San in the direction he was pointing. Wooyoung walked over to the dumpster and started to assemble his assault weapon. 
“You want to kill them, don’t you?” San asked, looking at Wooyoung. 
“Mhm,” Wooyoung nodded, not taking his eyes off of his weapon. 
“Fuck it, I’m down,” San said. “But we gotta be smart about this.”
“Let’s just get out of here,” Mingi said. 
“No, they'll be able to identify you,” Wooyoung informed. 
“I didn’t even think of that,” Mingi said. 
“Guys, they blew the door open and they’re headed out of the club,” Yeosang said into their earpieces. 
“Come on, Mingi, let’s go to that house,” San said. “Woo, you stay here.”
Wooyoung nodded, placing the duffle bag containing the drugs in the middle of the alley and then hiding behind a dumpster. 
While San and Mingi ran inside an abandoned house that was next to the club, leaving the front open to lure their enemies inside. 
Jackson and the two armed men exited the club. Jackson saw the duffle bag and headed down the alleyway to retrieve the bag. The two men ran into the abandoned house. They crept inside, looking around for any signs of movement. Mingi threw a rock to distract the men and San lunged at them, slitting the man’s throat from ear to ear from behind, spraying blood all over the floor. Mingi took his switchblade and shoved it into the temple of the other man’s head before he had time to react. His body fell to the floor, flopping around. 
“I thought I taught you better than this,” San laughed, bending over and proceeding to slit his throat as well. “We want quick deaths, that flopping shit is just annoying.”
“Sorry I don’t thrive on killing people,” Mingi sighed. 
Jackson crept down the dark alley, hyper aware of his surroundings. When he reached the bag of drugs, Wooyoung whistled to get his attention. 
“Hey there, buddy,” Wooyoung smiled evilly. 
“These are mine,” Jackson declared. 
“No I don’t think so,” Wooyoung smiled, coming out from behind the dumpster with a 9mm in his hand. 
“You’re the mother fuckers that have Y/N,” Jackson gasped. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Wooyoung denied. 
“She’s a damn good lay, I wouldn’t want anyone to take her back either,” Jackson laughed. 
“Shut your dirty fucking mouth,” Wooyoung growled. 
“Ooooh is somebody sweet on my girl?” Jackson continued tormenting trying to distract Wooyoung so he could retrieve his knife that was strapped to his ankle. 
“She’s not your fucking girl” Wooyoung yelled. 
“When I get her back I’m gonna have to kill her now since she’s been tainted,” Jackson smirked, standing up and throwing a knife towards Wooyoung. 
The knife went into Wooyoung’s chest, blood gushed out from the wound causing him to fall to the ground. 
Jackson laughed, “sorry…not sorry,” he said picking the bag of drugs up and headed out of the alleyway. 
When Jackson was a few feet away from the entrance he felt something hit his leg. He looked down and saw blood soaking his jeans. He turned around when Wooyoung stabbed him multiple times in the abdomen. 
“You should learn where the heart is,” Wooyoung snapped as he continued stabbing. “You missed mine by at least five inches fucker.”  
Jackson slumped down onto the ground, his breathing became labored. Wooyoung grabbed the duffle bag of drugs and the bag Jackson had with the money for the exchange. 
Wooyoung ran out of the alleyway and met up with Mingi and San as they exited the abandoned house. 
Mingi looked at Wooyoung’s blood soaked shirt and gasped, “oh my god are you ok?”
“Now’s not the time,” Wooyoung said. “We gotta get out of here.”
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♥️♠️Back at the mansion♦️♣️
Y/N ran out of the den, frantically searching for Seonghwa. She ran up the stairs in the direction of his bedroom when he walked out of yeosang’s bedroom. 
“What the fuck,” Y/N snapped. 
“I’m not in the mood for this,” Seonghwa snarled. 
“I don’t care,” she said. “You owe me an explanation. Why did you have this tatted on me?” She asked pulling up her shirt to expose his name beautifully written on her skin. 
“It looks good on you,” Seonghwa said, attempting to walk away. 
“That’s not an explanation,” Y/N yelled. 
“I put it on you because now you are strictly MY worthless whore,” Seonghwa snarled. “Now leave me be.”
Y/N’s breath got stuck in her throat, preventing any words from coming out as tears welled up in her eyes. He ignored her reaction and walked directly to his room leaving her alone in the hall. 
“Oh god, what’s wrong with you now?” Yeosang asked, opening his bedroom door. “You know what, I don’t care, don’t tell me.”
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♥️𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟 ♠️𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♦️𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝♣️
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♥️♠️𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 - 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽♦️♣️
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alessabriel · 1 year
Can I get an one shot where reader is Kisaki's daughter and she is in love with Hanma and she always admire him from afar and always eavesdrop Kisaki's and Hanma's when they're discussing they're gang plans and she tries to seduce by wearing mini skirts and bending down in front of him to pick some papers she dropped on the floor and flirt with Hanma whenever he came for dinner at their house or when they're in a gang reunion and there's always sexual tension between them and Hanma always tease her then at one night where Hanma came for dinner and Kisaki had to go and leave them alone to go to the hospital to see reader's mother; reader decides to takes thing to the next level and let Hanma fuck her senseless on the dinner table till she squirts and gave reader an amazing oral, so when Kisaki comes back with readers mother; reader and Hanma act like nothing happened.
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Little Death —Hanma Shuji x reader fem!
Summary: what wandering death, desirous and in love could give his heart with bare hands in her hands, could give her everything she whispered in his ears until a small death.
Cw. smut, nicknames such as doll, angel or girl, female proombre, etc.
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Life was certainly complex in its simple existence, there was a wide range of factors in which it could be considered as good or bad. But a life full of luxury from blood, death and decay was a common life for [Name] Kisaki who did not flinch at the bloody corpses he occasionally saw, the blood he could sniff in the air when his father came home leaving a trail of rust and cologne that he knew his mother had given him some time ago,  As his mother always without fail carried a dagger tied to the thigh slightly adjusted but not impossible to take out or an automatic weapon in his bag when they went out together anywhere without his father or some guard, or as all his 'uncles' were criminals who could not prove anything before the law. It was curiously funny how the authorities had their hands tied behind their backs since I could not prove anything, although it was known there was much to risk if some agents, police or government people gave away.
Traitors would wake up with an intangible business card, without tongue, eyes or hands. It all depended.
[Name] was not stupid, she could sin of appearing disinterested or astonished when situations warranted it but she knew what her family was dedicated to, why her standard of living was one extremely comfortable to the extent that if she liked to work she could never afford (your father would really be able to support you all your life,  you were the apple of her eye and your mother absolutely adored you) and she could not find anything in herself that made her feel guilty when she received the extravagant gifts of her parents or uncles in the form of expensive perfumes or beautifully crafted daggers, being located in a high-level private school in which not even some children of political officials could access or when she could let her imagination run wild for punishments to The traitors themselves that she could not yet carry out entirely alone, one of the few tasks that her father allowed her to carry out with proper supervision, and sincerely gave her grace how she should be watched and monitored when handling torture and allowed to get a little more into the business, but in other activities she did not need it. And sometimes her father or uncles managed to exasperate her by leaving her in the care of Hanma Shuji, she simply clouded her head in a thousand ways.
Just having Hanma's golden eyes on his body had his heart racing, runaway in his chest, and feeling the beating in his ears of intensity. Feeling helpless with weak knees and weapons like lead in her hands, as if a single movement made her make a mistake or as her face was impossibly heated before her proximity, before her damn jokes without grace or her mere presence that threatened to melt her.
It was ridiculous how he had fallen in love.
It had all started with an admiration that to date I did not understand quite well, moving on to the attraction of a high school girl to a friend of her father whom she began to try to attract, without any result. And their attempts increased as they intensified.
Short skirts when Hanma was assigned as her bodyguard at certain events, which really were more of a chore than a pleasure and she looked dreamy when Hanma always stayed by her side, at the distance of just a small step with a hand on her body feeling any concerns she could not verbalize. To date he did not know how he had knowledge of his exact body language but he appreciated it, he knew when both should move away and where he was nothing to leave the site and resorted to certainly stupid jokes that without fail got an involuntary giggle, or failing that entertaining her by making fun of others in the room.
Tight blouses or tops that fully highlighted her breasts when Hanma was at home chatting with her father, she passed it off as 'pajama sets' when they weren't and went out from time to time to wander the halls of the house casually, even bringing drinks to her father and his friend. He always received a loving look from his father when without fail he brought him a glass of whiskey on the rocks of the bottle of Hibiki Suntory Japanese Harmony since sabias was one of his favorites when he had to deal with the 'vermin of Hanma' and with a glass also for vermin, but direct, since you remembered that he preferred them that way. In those interactions she couldn't help but brush her fingers against hers, almost like an innocent but intentional occurrence dedicating fleeting glances that she hoped she would catch to be sweetly guided out by her father who promised to spend time together afterwards, and that warmed your heart. Your parents might be the worst criminals in Japanese society, but they both loved you. In those moments you forgot about Hanma and your crush.
Tight clothes when it was necessary to go to the headquarters with her father, and [Name] would not be so shameless as to walk in front of Hanma's golden eyes with such an attitude because she first and foremost respected her father's image before her subordinates and 'partners'. But Hanma never failed to sweetly praise their outfits, comments that went completely unnoticed since they mentioned information that only their relatives would know, how you longed to have a certain garment or colors that you took to find to complement your closet.
Dedicating a little more of her time to put on makeup in a way that pleased her and made her feel pretty, receiving praise from many, but not from those who craved them. But without fail she felt an intense look, but she never found someone who looked at her so intensely, squeezed her skin and gave her a good round of chills that ran through her whole. If only Hanma looked at her like that.
But the attempts to attract his gaze were not only on the part of [Name], but Hanma alike.
Hanma knew that he would never be a just or decent man, he could tell by his blood-stained hands or his complete and null interest in the good of others to his acquaintances or those who came to consider friends. Therefore, when he received the news that his friend would have a daughter had taken him by surprise, but he had knowledge about that it was one of the most hidden dreams of Kisaki and let him be happy a good part of the childhood of the brat taking charge and placed, for the first time -at that time- diligence and discipline to maintain the empire they formed at the top and go up a little more. Every year, slaughtering competitors or enemies with their 'partners' hand in hand. They were boring years in which he honed many skills that he did not want to do before, and boredom made him ruthless. He hated being bored, but it was for the sake of his only best friend, so the sacrifice was worth it. When those years came to an end he waited for a soft Kisaki Tetta with his heart in his hand - at that time only he could say it that way and those who dared to say it painted the walls with a combination of brains with blood - but it was a pleasant surprise that his two friends (I also came to appreciate Kisaki's wife) returned in better condition than ever.  family time in no way managed to soften it in fact quite the opposite, they arrived at the business back with a whole aura of murder and leadership - which was to be expected since he learned that in that family time Kisaki's wife; Runa had taken over his clan by joining it to Kisaki's empire – it was years that were not wasted. With his arrival he was able to rest from leading to obey orders that never bored him and it was then that his whole world turned upside down.
All for her, for [Name].
The first time he met her was in a dangerous situation that put her in danger, or so it was assumed because Runa ordered him to go and monitor her at home which he obeyed because he knew that both leaders loved their firstborn. When I arrive I expect to see a scared girl, but she found something completely different; A bloody and fighting scene in which there were about five men in the living room scattered around the black armchairs with contorted necks, others with bullets in their foreheads and the one who surprised him the most with a Chinese ink pen in the eye socket that was so embedded that only a pendant in the form of a small dagger came out. To find her sitting on the stairs whimpering silently as she abruptly wiped away the tears and sweat that beaded on her visible skin, she wore scantily clad trousers with a tight tank top that revealed a large part of her blood-stained chest with her hair still damp. Then he discovered that he had been caught making a sandwich at home when he had just gotten out of the shower and he only had to dispose of the bodies, looking at her sideways always with an impossibly tender pout on his lips that at the end of the night he discovered was because of his broken nails. He couldn't help but leave a good wad of bills in your room with a note that night, you were a cute girl almost a sinfully sexy angel unconsciously and you didn't deserve your pretty nails to be in bad condition. He could say that you were not so innocent because a week after short interactions he received a photo of him with his beautiful nails made in a  stupidly suggestive pose – which he did not even realize apparently – since he could see in the reflection of the mirror part of his torso in a large dark shirt that showed her breasts without a bra with delicious erect nipples. That picture was his wallpaper for years.
And everything was in a tailspin from that moment as you dwelt in his head in the hours where he was not on guard, the damn daughter of his best friend and the little princess of the whole fucking organization; all the partners adored her in a tender way as Sano Manjiro who had no qualms about pampering her as if she were a younger sister, some others like someone who adores the children of her friends or family, Kisaki knew about it but only allowed a closeness of the high commands of which they had loyalty to the organization but never took his eyes off him except when he was with Mikey or with he, then Kisaki could concentrate on his tasks. It was like leaving a sweet angel with death itself, or he could avoid absorbing every damn trait of it to reproduce it in his head. Over the years she only became more attractive and sexy, a girl who could attract the most correct eyes of beings to her figure, her determined gait and her charismatic personality.
And hell he knew how to use it to his advantage.
With her 'uncles' she could have any whim, at her damn 19 years old she was a beautiful woman who was not afraid to stain her hands with blood and knew very well what she wanted, how much she was worth, how much she deserved and how she loved herself before anyone else offered to love her. A woman with a strong temper always broke her barriers, but she; Her best friend's daughter had absolutely snatched her heart at the same time that she had seen her enter the organization little by little, learn from the best and make a place in her parents' organization as if it were the easiest thing. I could never deny it but I adored strong, slightly sadistic women, that's what I saw in her.
With the passage of time it had only crept under her skin in a sinuous but permanent way, climbing to her damn heart and trapping it between her bare hands, if she asked for her damn heart it would be taken out of her chest to leave it in her palms to do anything; destroy him and consume him with sadistic laughter or kiss him until he shows his love. He was absurdly and hopelessly in love who was even pathetic.
Pathetically in love.
There wasn't a single ounce of rationality in his mind to ignore his almost timid subtle and gentle flirtations but he still managed to catch them in the air by sweetening his senses to ecstasy without contact or consumption. I admired how she arranged herself a little more for him by dedicating a more special time to becoming even prettier in his eyes. Because he did it himself, he put effort in fixing himself for you and only for your beautiful eyes that ran through him scanning it.
[Name] was her absolute downfall, he would adore dying at her feet and following her to the ends of damn hell with just a blink of her flirtatious eyes and a blink of those ridiculous curly eyelashes.
Each short but elegant skirt that adorned her figure stylizing her hip and shapely butt that made her salivate in the best way, and in those events she knew better that she should be close to her at a short distance so she resorted to having a hand on her lower back whispering in her ear, savoring the skin that reached to caress her lips or hands. All those scenes were sweetened even more when I managed to get smiles and discreet giggles with his unfunny or dark jokes, with his cruel teasing towards others and enjoyed how you clung to his arms. Nor could he ignore that every damn thing that beasts he put effort into combining with you either in range of colors, if they were suits as close to yours or complementary because he loved the excited look of his beautiful eyes to see him, it was a completely naïve and tender emotion.
Every damn tight blouse or flirtatious tops that covered your chest only caused her hands to itch, to feel her hands sweat from putting them on those happy tits and squeezing them, which would give for only one taste. And I could see them up close when you interrupted the talks about their 'business' to deliver glasses of whiskey, to their father on the rocks and to the same direct, in those moments that he leaned I could see his cleavage. They were moments that were worth everything and he corresponded, extending his legs and leaving a space between them for his use, as he looked up and down to lick his lips in a subtle way and culminate with a flirtatious smile.
It was impossible not to catch in his gaze the legs of [Name] in stockings of different types, from those he came to wear for high school in black to those he wore as a net with short skirts, the stockings sweetened the view of his turned legs and with more flesh, he loved to see how with long socks sometimes the waistband was a little tight leaving those chubby ones in sight,  which he praised without being able to control himself. Catching his red ears for compliments, he was a praise bug apparently.
The tight clothes on her sweet doll's body were a direct passage to hell, she loved to scan you up and down with every outfit that exposed your delicious figure; wide hips, voluptuous breasts, small waist in which he dreamed of putting his hands and long legs, a body he wanted to map with his tongue.
And oh for all the heavens, the makeup that was placed according to the occasion from the colorful and extravagant with holographic outlines in different colors that sharpened her look or made her more innocent since she had a whole album on her cell phone with photos of her that were sometimes her wallpaper or those that she saw admiring for hours. I knew how much you loved makeup (because you even got to make up Runa and the few members of high female ranks) and that's why he had given her a damn complete set of the best eyeliners in the damn market for her enjoyment that was rewarded with a sweet kiss on the lips, which she did not capture that I gave her because she had run home screaming with innocent emotion. That kiss ended up condemning him and trapped him in his wake, first dead before leaving him.
Hanma Shuji found himself loving every damn characteristic of Kisaki from the aesthetic to the emotional, adoring his strength and every weakness he would cover if necessary. He would be able to give her his soul in a bowed box if she asked him to.
I was just at her feet and she didn't know it yet.
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The day had been extremely quiet, as if there were no task or responsibility close to fulfillment. It was a perfect day to devote time to leisure, essentially that night would be a quiet one where the family would have dinner with the best friend of the father of the family, something quiet and without ulterior motives. At least that's how it was planned when Hanma Shuji arrived at the Kisaki house being received by [Name] the firstborn, in the moments at the entrance the older man could not resist mocking the sweet doll that received him with an expression that perhaps appeared to be furious but showed an annoying pout,  She was beautiful without even realizing it.
"Don't tell me you dressed like this for my little girl?" Shuji crooned mockingly at all his height admiring the youngest squatting looking for the pair of indoor slippers, the mere image of her facing him almost on his knees weakened his will.
[Name] rolled his eyes forcing those butterflies down in his stomach but he couldn't do anything about the tingling skin. The young Kisaki let out a slightly exasperated sigh when she sat up from the ground leaving the pair of slippers at the feet of the tallest without being able to stop her sarcastic response, although she felt that she lost effectiveness because of her red ears.
"That's what you'd like Hanma," the slightest hissed feigning disgust rather than ready to enter her house back.
The eldest did not waste time holding the lowest one by the waist with little force, forcing her to arch in his hands highlighting her breasts unwillingly. [Name] with his heart in his throat put his hands on Hanma's chest trying to pull it away from her body, she was panicking that her father could find them in that position without her mother to alleviate that situation. But I could not deny that he had her squeezing her legs together because of the delicious sensation that ran through her whole when she had Hanma's hands on her body and how he dominated her.
"I don't like my sweet angel lying to me like that" Hanma whispered on [Name's] lips feeling the slightly sticky gloss of his own lips, a sweet aroma of chocolate reached his nose almost intoxicating him and without shame he was nothing to pass his tongue over those smooth lips that tempted him for some time but he received a frankly strong push that made him release surprised. Nothing to complain I soon look at the reason for it by your trembling hands on your back and the sight of his friend with casual clothes on but keys in his hands "Hey Tetta! What a way to treat your guests that your little princess has"
The mere mention of his daughter made Tetta look bitter at his partner and companion almost regretting going to the hospital, but it was his wife.
"You don't need a big welcome piece of animal" sharply lashed out the elder Kisaki receiving a funny laugh from the Hanma, ignoring that the older Kisaki quickly crossed the room until he was in front of his only daughter ignoring Hanma browsing his house "I have to go to the hospital with your mother, apparently something did not go quite right in the business I was running. Will you stay here with Hanma, yes?"
Immediately that attracted an alert to the head of the young Kisaki who anxiously received the embrace of her Father to calm her silencing 
"It's nothing serious darling, just bulky, but not something that endangers your life. Dinner and sleep, possibly I'll be back until tomorrow or midnight."
With that, the elder Kisaki left the house quickly, leaving behind his daughter with his friend, without suspecting anything. Hanma was not at all about to tease her to lighten her mood but she knew better that would only annoy her more. So with the intention of feeding her he went to the kitchen with [Name] behind him.
"I can cook Hanma," the youngest meekly commented, even with concern for her mother attacking her.
"Nope, you are very worried and in your state you will only hurt yourself or burn your food. I know you hate burnt food" replied without much preamble the eldest seeing how the food was half done "You just be pretty and get on the counter, a visual stimulus would help me do it faster"
With a less tense chuck [Name] climbed onto the counter receiving a glass of ice water as he waited for dinner. With amazement I watch as Hanma cooked semi-expertly, although the ingredients were left by her side, so from time to time she asked for them and she delivered them without overlooking brushing her fingers with the hands of the tallest.
Even without doing [Name] anything was a threat.
Hanma went for the salt but it was located between the open legs of [Name] who burned the jar with his sweet leg that he did not take long to caress to take the jar which he achieved but was stopped by the smaller and slightly marked hands of the minor that forced him to stamp his lips against the others still covered by gloss. Feeling how she kissed him with sweetness and desperation I put aside the damn jar of salt to squeeze the chubby thighs making him separate his lips, the opportunity to taste his tongue. He ran his tongue through the moist inside of his mouth, occasionally catching his tender and moist tongue, he wanted to monopolize his mouth, to draw the air from his lungs. Stick his tongue in his throat if humanly possible but his hands hit his chest with weak insistence so he cut the kiss seeing his dazed state along with the thread of saliva that united them, which he broke with another sweeter kiss.
"I didn't know your kisses were so delicious doll" hummed almost intoxicated Hanma squeezing her waist tightly getting a soft moan "I already wish to know what else is delicious in your body"
[Name] could not even put together a coherent sentence because again she was kissed suddenly, Shuji's lips dominating her and almost hypnotizing her to separate her lips for her tongue, which she did by receiving wet caresses and feeling how her tongue was sometimes sucked, and she replied as she could. She was not an expert in kissing.
When they least expected it, both of them were already kissing almost without air.
The older one tightly held the thighs of the younger one carrying her, feeling how he hugged his neck tightly and continued kissing him in short bursts or tongue kisses. He didn't leave a single space between them. As if he wanted to merge with him which encouraged him even more to mistreat his little body, to leave the mark of his fingers on his smooth skin and leave traces of his possession. Shuji was carrying her in half a kitchen, her chubby thighs entrenched on her hips and her hands sunk into her flesh, meeting the smaller hands on her nape without letting go. Even if he craved to eat her alive, savor every corner of her body, and map her skin with his tongue, he wouldn't force her into anything.
"If you don't stop me now, I won't be able to do it later, my beautiful girl," the eldest whispered over the lips of others, having on his tongue the taste of his sweet mouth. Hanma knew her eternal love of sweets, strawberry milk and flavored gloss, all melting in her tempting mouth creating her always characteristic flavor that she wanted to have on her tongue always. With amazement I admire how dazed the youngest was, with her eyes unfocused and her lips gently apart exposing her pink tongue, with a prodigal laugh fleeting kisses on her lips and cheeks urging her to answer "The moment you tried doll there is no turning back for me, I want to do everything with you"
[Name] was carefully and slowly pulled out of her daze by Shuji's lips, listening to her words and analyzing them a little slowly but she could not gather the necessary words to respond because she still wanted kisses, to stick her tongue in her throat if necessary and without much thought she passed her tongue over Hanma's lips,  There was no trace of shame or doubt in his mind or heart.
"I want everything Shuji, everything" replied halfway the minor still entertained licking the lips of others, and lavishing kisses "P-please do not stop"
That was what sealed the deal, Hanma without much effort continued kissing her sweet doll to take her to the dining table, where she would undress her completely and if possible she would fail her, just thinking about it her dick would rise more.
Between stumbles and moans both came to the table.
The female body was carefully deposited on the surface of the table leaving it extended. [Name] stirred uncomfortably for not having Hanma's body in her arms but clung to the ice cream of the table giving her back a little lucidity that she used to see Hanma who seemed to see her as a total predator. The mere glance made him squeeze his legs and whimper.
"You're quite a show doll" hummed the elder firmly un-re-re-reando the legs of the smallest of his hips to hold them in his hands joining them and put them in front of his body analyzing how big his hands were almost covering the entirety of his sweet legs, the length was perfect and he adored them. Hanma smiled without being able to hold him anymore and left kisses on his turned legs, running from time to time with his tongue and mapping with his hands from his ankles that I adore properly to his thighs where he finally touched that damn short skirt that with skillful fingers he unbuttoned very slowly admiring her excited but desperate face "I will undress you honey,  okay?"
A fierce nod was the response that managed to make the major laugh because of his silent enthusiasm.
"I need words" knowing his expectation the biggest kept his words to see his beautiful sulking expression, it was unconsciously but Hanma found it cute in a way, to see how he expected him "otherwise, I will not take off your clothes" Hanma finished leaving his hands still on his hips and feeling his legs on his shoulders,  dedicating himself to savoring the weight on his shoulder. Shuji was amused watching the doe eyes of his sweet girl "Words" firmly reiterated the eldest.
"Si S-shuji"
His words were only two, only two, and yet the eldest had his heart skip a beat, hearing his name from his voice was particularly satisfying. Shuji with the positive response began to mobilize as soon as possible, crossing with his bare hands the reliefs of his legs squeezing with a taste the flesh until he reached the hips of the minor dedicating a necessary time squeezing and caressing until his fingers brushed the waistband, followed the path arranged by the light until unfastening it completely listening to the slightly accelerated breathing of her. With skillful hands I manage to get rid of the ignition in its entirety taking the socks of passage discarding them on the floor. So the panorama was clear, beautiful hips that looked slightly tight in the panties that were a plain black color, without any decoration but extremely soft in sight and could not help but walk his fingers through the fabric feeling the skin underneath, with a giggle and playing traveled until he reached the pelvis only leaving ghost caresses looking from time to time at their expressions waiting,  They were impatient expressions but he loved to play with his little patience so he played with his wait under his fingers to the front of the undergarment to gather them between his fingers pulling it slightly forcing the fabric to break through its folds invading his pussy. Hanma enjoyed it completely, seeing her pussy moistening with her actions and the slightly stuffed lips parting, she could even see the shadow of what the fabric hid. Licking her lips, continuing with the rest of her clothes, leaving aside the wet panties (which she knew she would take home when she finished) and did the same ritual, she slowly traveled her waist until she reached the edge of the tight blouse to go up slowly, having fun to see how she writhed slowly arching and trying to flee was something that amused her too much.
His attempts to escape the slowness showed something, but eyes said completely otherwise, it was just another foreplay.
[Name] scrambled in Hanma's hands, feeling how the fabric of her blouse was slowly going up her torso until it reached above her breasts exposing her bra that definitely did not match her panties, that out of nowhere made her self-conscious. She knew of the major's history with attractive women too much if what her uncle said was true, she was the only one who knew of his attraction to Hanma. He felt an itch that he definitely couldn't scratch now. And the eldest unconsciously calmed her, his smile was pronounced before leaving tender kisses on each still covered chest.
"Nice bra girl, I want to see it more" something deep inside her being seemed attractive to her of her disparate underwear. Hanma did not look like those combinations, he was fussy but in her he certainly gave him an angelic air, almost innocent and naïve although he knew that she had done more explicit and shameless things, he knew it because he was his bodyguard a good part of his 18 years so seeing her in a comfortable and safe environment stirred something,  I didn't know it was but it certainly didn't need a name "I had wanted to tear off your clothes but I've seen with what dedication you buy your clothes so I won't risk it, nope"
Without even knowing it, those words calmed a storm in the mind of the child in an unexpected but so peculiar way of him, only he could do so. Do it without warning, calm her down without even foreseeing it. 
"Shut up Shuji, you've messed up a good part of my clothes," she said between amused and embarrassed, it was impossible to feel that way in a moment that pretended to be intimate but he succeeded. [Name] meekly let him completely remove the blouse over his head feeling in its center the involuntary friction of his closeness squeezing him without being able to hold it, it had been his reflexes "But thank you is my favorite bra"
Shuji only dedicated himself to smile seeing how [Name] turned in the attention of his gaze next to his wandering hands that did not leave a single part without caresses, leaving the blouse on the surface of the table leaned over it leaving a path of irregular kisses on her face until reaching her lips where she did not waste time intensifying it while holding her face well to manipulate her Taste for him to tilt his head at angles where he could go deeper into his tongue, feel the timid touches of his tongue in his own mouth until releasing him in favor of continuing on his chin, his neck in which he soon inhaled strongly his essence that was made up of an expensive perfume, creams and cleaning products that left a combination of his own on his skin. It was a scent that was impregnated in his clothes without even trying. His neck was tempting so lavishing kisses with his hand gently tilted to the opposite side his head leaving room for his thorough inspection until he traveled imaginary paths with his tongue and sucking strategic patches of skin where no one would see his marks he did not want to show his act so soon. It was impossible for him to control himself having on his lips the smooth skin of his neck and throat, with which he looked hyperfixed by how delicate it was, with his hickeys they would leave visible marks and just imagine how his neck would look with his hand on it lit him in ways that no woman in the past achieved.
The others didn't matter.
Shuji listened to his soft moans, his moans that he tried to control and how he clung to any part of his body during the assault on his neck and throat, with a last kiss in which he caught the skin between his lips to suck hard to calm with his tongue and leave a last kiss. It was impossible not to feel the friction of her crotch still covered by her panties against her own crotch even with the pants, it was exquisite. She continued to descend at her own pace to reach the bra that did not match the underwear, her breasts were certainly generous and with that fabulous view it was impossible for her not to leave kisses in each cup of the garment, longing to see those twin delights naked.
It was as if she was the one, the one who made him go slow and soft to take care of his reactions and feelings.
To nothing to direct his hands to the back of the minor his hands were cut and redirected to the front of the chest of the female. The eldest smiled when he saw the action of his little doll and admired how in the center of the glasses there was a tiny brooch that with one hand I managed to release leaving in the air what his eyes so longed to see naked.
"I will definitely eat these beautiful tits doll" dictated the tallest hunched over the figure of the youngest before leaving a sonorous and wet kiss on each breast causing a deep blush "because I will eat you whole tonight"
Before the youngest could form a word, she received the lips of the major on her breasts without any preamble as if it were an emergency. [Name] arched his back when wet kisses reached one of her nipples to suck it and let out a choked scream when Shuji's other hand went to her free breast to massage it with gentle movements that were making them hard, until he felt in tandem a pinch and teeth.
"I love you" whispered Shuji on [Name's] chest releasing with a wet sound the nipple he had clung to, he still felt the warm aftertaste on his tongue and went after the other snaking his free hand to her panties running with his fingertips his mount venus feeling the fabric and spending time sucking the nipple he still had in his mouth,  alternating between licking or sucking and moving your hands in tandem "I can't wait to fuck you"
[Name] felt too hot, as her body was touched freely and by the hands she had fantasized about since she was fourteen years old that gradually malused her to her liking. Her breasts did not stop receiving attention, but the hand on her mount venus took her by complete surprise and moved to lean on her hand insistently, for a long time she craved the roughest, strongest and longest fingers of Shuji against her pussy but nothing prepared her for when the tips of her fingers brushed her clitoris on the fabric that made her moan openly and openly,  I can't keep his lips together or his tongue inside. He couldn't believe that just a semi-direct brush caused him to squirm.
"S-shuji" whimpered the child catching the hand that was on her pussy between her legs tightly to rub against her with a visible desperation "Touch me, t-touch me"
Shuji suddenly released the sweet nipple between his lips but not before giving it a considerable bite and sit up completely to see his masterpiece, his beautiful and sexy muse that inspired him full of marks. She was beautiful lying on the table with her hands restless on her belly or between her breasts with her legs together impossibly firm but still managed to see the stain on her panties and the relief of that beautiful pussy with which I only get to fantasize.
"Of course I'll just have to wait," replied the eldest before unbuttoning his pants under the watchful eye of the child who did not lose details. Shuji smiled and moved slower, unbuttoning the button of her pants slowly until the zipper was lowered more slowly, but the smaller hands were tremblingly in her hand to help her lower it by brushing her bulge in passing to respingar surprised, it was almost innocent and angelic her surprise "Someone is impatient doll" crooned mockingly the oldest.
Shuji let [Name's] curious hands lead the way, silently admiring how with firmer hands he ran from his abdomen rubbing his sharp nails on his skin under his shirt to his crotch where he delicately ran with the tips of his acrylic nails where he lowered his pants a little deliberately rubbing his bulge until it cupped in his palm. He let out an airy sigh, his hand was significantly small and his dick looked bigger even confined in his boxers, that put him in a thousand indescribable ways that no woman had ever put before. He assumed it was because it was her, which would make sense and in his musings between his excitement he felt his underwear being lowered gently until suddenly his cock shot out almost hitting her in the process. I watch as her sweet doll looked surprised at him, with her cute half-open mouth and big eyes with those damn acrylic nails near her tender lips.
"Do you like what you see?" asked Shuji amusedly seeing how his little girl did not stop staring at him to faintly affirm "Lie down angel I will do something before"
With unusual obedience the child lay on the table feeling how her legs were held by the older who pressed them together in front of her body before going for her hips where he pulled her panties until they reached her ankles where he pulled them out completely. [Name] watched in surprise as Shuji took her panties to her back pocket and gave her a kiss that made her blush more.
"Pervert" I accuse embarrassed and with some timidity the minor.
"With you I certainly am, but in my defense it is the first time and with your consent"
With those last words Shuji manually squeezed together the legs of his girl who understood the message keeping them together in what he caressed a couple of times feeling his dick wetter than normal, the previous games so slow used to bore him but with her everything was accumulating and not as he spat directly on his cock listening to a soft and pornographic moan coming from his wrist,  With a smile he guided his cock to the tiny space almost zero between his thighs feeling the softness of his skin squeezing his dick and as a final part he felt the sweet moisture of his pussy. With determination he clung to his legs bringing them together even more and began to move his hips, feeling his cock slide between his thighs with a little friction until one of his hands went straight to his clitoris to caress him tenderly and increase the intensity as he accelerated the speed.
Almost timidly, the sounds began to increase.
[Name] tried not to stir, but felt the heat of Shuji's cock between his thighs, wet and throbbing, the tip occasionally reaching his clitoris and making him almost cry, when the tip touched his pearl it was violently and suddenly. Between moans that she could not control she felt Shuji's fingers on her protrusion caressing him firmly and fast, it was not like when she touched herself or with fingers or toys, her fingertips were rough and rough against her pearl.
"S-shuji" whimpered the younger clinging to what he could of the older, feeling his pussy begin to soak in his arousal "P-please"
The pleas only stimulated Hanma who redoubled efforts in fucking the tender and plump thighs of her sweet girl who only moaned in pleasure, she could see her tender face contorted into an expression taken from a porn movie; cheeks sprinkled in pink, half-open lips exposing the tip her delicious pink tongue almost hanging from her lips, eyes narrowed and full of tears without shedding. What excited her most was seeing her little hands groping her own breasts, pinching and squeezing.
"Fuck this soaked pussy angel" announced the older one slamming the legs of the minor without stopping to touch her tender and hard clitoris that was replaced by her dick with which she gave a few hard blows on her wet pussy "You will feel it in the stomach doll"
That was the only warning [Name] received before suddenly feeling the loss of contact and how it suddenly returned in a soft, small and wet form. [Name] surprised sat up on her elbows seeing how Hanma's face was sunk into her pussy, she let herself fall suddenly feeling how they sipped and kissed her most intimate part, how Hanma lifted her from the table with her hands on her buttocks and handled her as if nothing.
"N-no S-shuji" hypersensitive squeal the minor trying to get away from the older man's mouth but was pulled harder towards that greedy mouth "S-feels weird"
Hanma continued to hold that pair of buttocks so plump and firm, squeezing very hard and raising it to his mouth, he put his tongue as much as he could in the drooling hole and rubbery walls, he was practically fucking it with his tongue to walk his tongue between his lips until he reached his sweet hard pearl,  He couldn't help but smile at the taste of his delicious honey that filled his mouth. Separating a little to breathe properly I leave her wrist on the table and take her by the legs placing them on her shoulders so that she can put her fingers in that exquisite hole and dedicate herself to sucking the swollen pearl.
"N-no d-daddy feels v-very weird" sobbing [Name] not knowing what words came out of her mouth feeling how her whole body tensed harder than usual, her legs felt numb and a current running through her whole, she barely managed to close her mouth and even if she tried to get Shuji away from her sensitive pussy she could not what made her despair more but she felt so good,  so rich that she could barely think properly outside of how her pussy twitched on her partner's long fingers "D-daddy n-no"
With that damn nickname Shuji continued in tandem fucking with his fingers and sucking, strong and firm without wavering until his fingers were almost expelled by the contractions of his sweet drooling hole. Feeling her walls throb and her swollen clitoris pulsate separate her mouth from that delicious pussy, even if she didn't want to, all by instinct.
The sobs had increased, and male growls were beginning to be heard.
The eldest was standing pumping his cock hard looking at his sweet girl almost crying, followed his instincts and spat on his fingers to masturbate the younger one a little more. Shuji watched intently as [Name] writhed trying to get away but also as he mounted his fingers. There were no words at the moment of penetrating it for the first time, I savor intensely how his cock plowed in his rubbery and drooling walls almost taking it out at first but he made an effort to attack it properly but without much strength seeing how now his sweet girl cried in full rule shedding fat tears without being able to close that sinful mouth, she couldn't help but chuckle ecstatically and admired how she seemed to sit still for a few microseconds in which with desperate hands she clung to her body scratching it.
He had fantasized so much about those nails scratching his back.
The older one impacted his hips against those of the younger one without any pause or merciful, with force and rapidity holding his weight with his hands on the surface of the table on each side of the woman's head, feeling so intensely the edge of the nails of others embedded in his back and his legs squeezing into his hips with such force barely allowing him to move.
"Wrist stop squeezing me so much I won't be able to move" hiss Shuji ending a strong but short onslaught, barely able to get a few centimeters his dick out of his soaked pussy but only received sharp and low shrieks. He incorporated himself as much as he could even with [Name's] flimsy arms on his body seeing his lost expression "The faces you make god"
[Name] barely managed to spin her thoughts only felt, felt how her pussy was attacked with such force that it reached points that her dildos could not and she felt so strange, more sensitive, very good but strange.
The stench of sex danced in the air and the table was soaked.
Shuji sealed her lips on her wrist's lips, violating her little mouth relentlessly to truly fuck her sweet pussy with strong, fast and straight to that point that was making her delirious. He felt the wet splashes of his dick in that needy hole, as his lower abdomen was splashed in those juices that he wished not to waste.
"D-daddy n-no, n-no please" asked between whimpers the minor cutting the wet kiss watching as her belly grew when her partner's cock was inside her and seeing how her pussy expelled so much liquid, she felt so strange but rich and without even realizing her hips moved meeting her onslaughts "S-I feel that q-I want to pee n-no"
At this frightened statement and as the youngest clung more to the elder, Shuji let out a laugh when he saw the panic to suck [Name's] tongue.
"Let it out, let's squirt doll that reaches my mouth fuck"
Between quick attacks and almost with hatred the child cried beautifully letting go of that knot in the belly, hiding her face in the hollow of her partner's neck without letting go feeling how a liquid came out almost under pressure from her wet, she could not control her tears or her voice. He was crying full-heartedly, he felt so sensitive.
Tears and drops remained.
Shuji didn't even have to get out of the rubbery walls to, the same force of his jet expelled him hard and he on the damn table, he could hear [Name's] sobs so he wrapped her in his arms lifting her from the table sticking her to his chest to leave a thousand kisses on her pearly face in sweat and tears.
"You don't know how much I adore you doll"
And that prayer was sealed with a sweet kiss that was half-reciprocated, an almost innocent kiss the opposite of the fuck before.
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Runa and Tetta returned home at dawn to find their guest sitting across the coffee table in front of their daughter with a bundle of letters in his hands looking accusingly straight ahead. Both of them didn't even notice their arrival.
"You're a cheater [Name]!" squealed the eldest sharply and loudly as he started pulling more than eight cards.
Tetta watched her daughter laughing behind her card pack before starting to laugh at the outset.
"It's not my fault that you're a loser in the stupid ONE"
While Tetta felt something strange in the environment it could be for leaving his daughter alone with the guy she hated, but seeing how his wife wrapped her arms around their daughter from behind and began to shuffle all the cards to play again.
Maybe it was just his imagination combined with stress.
(Little did she know that under her pajamas [Name] had so many hickeys and hand marks and Hanma's back full of reddish lines that no longer bled but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her... yet).
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I'm honestly sorry it was a bit lazy or pointless in parts, but I hope it's to your liking if you're not free to tell me.
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scratchandplaster · 7 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 18 - Too weak to move
CW: panic attack, bad caretaker, threats of recapture
Previous | [Masterlist] | Next
Lukas' knees were shaking with every outraged breath. No. No! This wasn't happening, Ben would knock on the door any minute.
His hands slapped against his face over and over until the numbness under his skin made space for pain. Good, he could focus better this way.
"My fault, that's my fault. I'm such a goddamn idiot!"
"You don't know if anything bad happened. He probably had the night of his life, I saw him leave with some ginger," Lukas' roommate was gesturing and smiling reassuringly, "Huge ass on that one. Huge!" 
"Shut the fuck up, Avery! How is this helping?"
Luke's hands wandered down his thighs, rubbing up and down the knees in a soothing pattern. He needed to calm down, he needed to think-
Avery's babble was no meaningful support. Just as useless as himself, god, why was he so against giving Ben a phone? No phone. No phone! Shepard couldn't track him, not that he knew how smartphones worked. Did he? Whatever, nobody understood, nobody saw Shepard for who he really was.
Luke did, though, he witnessed every sin. Ben was a gentle soul, he wasn't able to suffer their father's wrath alone.
"I have to go - or he will find me."
Lukas had to stop his self-loathing to pack his bags, throw a few shirts and a toothbrush together and get going. He did so before and if none of his friends were ready to help, he needed to pull through on his own. One of said friends desperately tried to made sense of the chaos: "Ben is such a sweet guy, he would never rat you out."
"My f-" Luke swallowed hard to get the letters down his throat and hopefully out of his mind, "he has his methods."
Shepard was on his way, Lukas felt it in every twitching fiber of his being. The next guest wouldn't be Ben. 
"Call the police, then." 
"It's not that easy! God, where's my fucking backpack?!"
Neither Reuben nor Lukas were registered in any system they would be missed by, so how were they supposed to report a missing person if nobody of interest had been lost? Lukas was isolated and helpless, just like Shepard wanted. Contacting the local authorities would backfire horribly, any officer would simply hand-deliver him to his father to save on the paperwork.
"I'll do it." Avery suddenly held his shoulders tight and made Luke flinch back, „Hey! I like the little freak too, okay? But I'm not letting you disappear into the night like this."
Quick to swat a helping hand away, Lukas once again tried to make his heavy knees stand straight, grappling with keeping himself steady. There was no time for this!
"We, uhm, take a quick trip to Heaven's Gate and if Ben is really there...we'll just steal him right back."
Nobody would ever tell him what to do anymore, not even Avery, not even if it was in his best interest. Lukas was free now, he had a life, he-
He hadn't noticed how the familiar numbness had spread throughout his body again, and with it the weight on his chest: "I can't go back, they're gonna- I can't!"
"Calm down, you sound like a maniac." 
"I shouldn't have left him alone, I have to- I'm so fucking stupid."
Avery was talking insistently near him, still sounding far away, as if Lukas was submerged in a cold puddle. 
He needed to- 
He had to-
Biting his quivering lip until he tasted blood, Luke clutched his fists to his chest where he wanted to hold his brother close.
As always, his actions had only carried misery into their lives.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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polutrope · 10 months
For the holiday prompts, Fingon/Maedhros going from hot tub to cold (#23), please?
Fingon and Maedhros are too old to have fun. Unless? ~1.5k words. Warning for a teensy bit of below-the-waist activity 😳. Technically a follow-up to yesterday's, but should make sense independently. Posting these to AO3, here. Prompt list.
Maedhros sighed. It was good to relax. How could it have been three — no, almost four — years since he and Fingon had made the trip out to Lalwen’s spa? Even then, after booking himself a week off back in February, Fingon had had to practically drag him away from spending his vacation tormenting himself with a backlog of paperwork.
“Get off that laptop or I will physically remove you from it,” Fingon had threatened, throwing Maedhros’ as-yet-unpacked duffle bag on the desk beside him. “You know I can. And before you get any ideas, you’re not bringing your work. You’re gonna make your injury flare up — and I have plans for your hand that I wouldn’t mind you carrying out without wincing in pain.”
“I’ve got another hand,” Maedhros had responded disinterestedly.
At which Fingon had slammed his computer shut, yanked his chair out, and said, “Pack your things. We’re leaving in fifteen minutes.”
Maedhros never denied he was a hypocrite. Despite promoting the benefits of relaxation to his chronic pain patients almost every day, it was a luxury he seldom allowed himself. He flexed the fingers of his right hand experimentally. His index finger protested, as usual, but the range of motion was better than it had been in months. And there was no pain.
When he heard the sauna door swing softly open and shut again, he stretched his legs out to recline fully on the top bench. Well — almost fully.
“Damn,” he said, tutting with disappointment.
Fingon chuckled on the bench below. “That was optimistic of you.”
Maedhros lazily smacked him with the back of a hand.
“Oof.” Fingon sat upright and gulped from his water bottle. “I don’t know how you can stand it up there. It’s so hot!”
Maedhros answered flatly, “I have a soul of fire. You’ve said so yourself.”
“Well, I don’t think I can stay much longer. What do you say to do the polar pool next? Think you can handle 12 degrees?”
“Mm.” Maedhros rolled onto his side, coming nearly eye-level with Fingon, whose face was flush and glowing from the heat. Maedhros’ eyes strayed down to his collarbone and followed a little bead of sweat as it trickled down between his pectorals, over his flat his stomach, and was lost in the trail of fine dark hair that began just above his bellybutton.
Maedhros dragged his eye back up to Fingon’s face. “But we’ve got the sauna to ourselves now.”
“A public sauna,” Fingon said, but didn’t resist when Maedhros cupped his jaw and kissed him. Or when he opened his mouth to deepen it.
“That never used to stop you,” Maedhros said with a smirk.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“Nothing.” Maedhros glanced down. “You in that little white towel.”
Fingon yanked on his arm. “Get down here.”
Maedhros slid obligingly to the lower bench. Kissing Fingon again, he nudged his fingertips under the towel at Fingon’s waist.
“You’re so bad,” said Fingon, nonetheless spreading his knees and making room for Maedhros’s hand to descend fully. “If I get kicked out of my aunt’s posh Nordic spa for public fornication, it’s definitely getting back to my dad.”
“Please don’t bring your father into this.”
“Yeah, good call — ah!”
“Shh.” Maedhros nipped at his neck. “You’ll draw attention.”
“Fuck, babe, someone could walk in here any minute. I’m doing a service by — ahh — warning them they might not want to.” Fingon hitched his hips and groaned.
Outside, there was a sudden explosion of shrieks and laughter.
“What was that?” Fingon’s eyes darted to the door, and Maedhros felt him soften.
“Probably some kids being stupid,” Maedhros muttered and nibbled on his ear. “Just ignore it.”
One of the voices rose up, counting: “Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen — ooooh! She’s out! — fourteen, fifteen…”
“Ugh.” Maedhros withdrew his hand. “Yeah, no, I can’t do this. God, don’t they see the ‘Quiet, please,’ signs everywhere?”
“Well,” Fingon grinned, “seems everyone’s breaking the rules around here.”
“It’s hardly the same,” Maedhros groused. “They are way more disruptive.” An especially shrill scream cause him to flinch. “That’s it,” he slapped his thighs and began to rise, “I’m going to go tell them to shut up.”
A hand slammed into his chest. “Oh no you don’t,” Fingon warned.
“They shouldn’t be allowed—”
“Yeah, and I know you. You’ll tell them off, scare the shit out of them, and then you’ll mope to me: ‘Do you think they hate me? I mean, they were being loud. Someone had to tell them… It’s not like I like being mean!’ You let me talk to them.”
“Fine.” Maedhros leaned back against the bench and crossed his arms.
Fingon quickly shuffled into his swim shorts, threw the towel over his shoulder, and slotted his feet into his sandals. He flashed Maedhros his most affable smile on his way out.
“Hey, guys!” Fingon’s voice rang out. “Looks fun! What’re you up to?”
The shouts and giggles died down, replaced by indistinguishable tones of cheerful conversation.
Maedhros closed his eyes and let the chatter recede into the background. Ah, Fingon — his saviour. As they so often did, Maedhros’ thoughts strayed to wondering where he’d be without him. Probably miserably enslaved to the corporate machine, being groomed to take over his father’s business as the heir apparent to Ambar Metta Development Group. Admittedly, despite Maedhros telling him time and time again that it wasn’t what he wanted, Fëanor still deluded himself into believing his eldest would give up the physical therapy practice when it came time for a successor to step in.
The sauna door swung open and Maedhros’ eyes winked open to greet the stranger. A peal of laughter slipped in behind him.
Wait. Maedhros knew that laugh.
“Kids, eh?” the new arrival said, pouring water down his back.
Maedhros grunted in agreement as he strained to hear. That was definitely Fingon laughing.
“Did you see what they’re up to?” the man asked.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Competition to see who can lie down in the snow the longest. One of them’s up to five minutes now.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Maedhros muttered.
Maedhros ignored the question, threw on his robe, and strode outside to see what nonsensical frivolity his thirty-four-year-old boyfriend had been roped into this time. Of course he was. Fingon could never say no to a competition.
Sure enough, there was Fingon in nothing by his swim shorts, covered in goosebumps, ice crusting the tips of his long hair. A tall blond girl was monitoring him, stopwatch app displaying five minutes and counting. Another squealed and snapped a photo.
He caught sight of Maedhros glaring at him. “Oh hey Maedhros! You remember our cousin Galadriel?”
Maedhros smiled tightly. While it didn’t seem to bother Fingon, and while technically true by adoption, it was always a little off-putting when he reminded Maedhros that they, as “cousins”, shared the same cousins.
The blond glanced over her shoulder. “Hi,” she said coolly, and turned back to her phone.
“Hey,” he said, then back to Fingon: “Come on, we’re leaving.”
“Oh boo, no fun!” another girl complained, and Maedhros turned his glare on her.
“No fun!” Fingon seconded.
“Aaaand, you’ve beat my record,” Galadriel announced. “Five minutes forty-three seconds.”
Fingon leapt out of the snow with a relieved shout and snatched the robe Maedhros had slung over one shoulder.
“Brrr,” he said, grinning. “So, you think you can beat me?”
“Of course I could,” said Maedhros. “But I’m not gonna.”
“Aw, come on!” chimed in one of the guys also participating in this game. “Don’t be so old!”
“Yeah, Rus, don’t be so old,” Fingon parroted.
Maedhros slid him a glance and took a deep breath. The crowd looked on in anticipation.
“Fuck it,” he said, “set that timer.”
And he casually flopped himself down in the heap of snow, hoping that he still had it in him to live up to the seven-minute record he’d achieved ten years ago.
Maedhros was sure he would have done it if he had not been robbed of the chance.
Instead, ten minutes later, he, Fingon, and eight nervous Zoomers were huddled in the spa lobby, wet and shivering.
Lalwen had her hands on her hips, smiling and shaking her head in disbelief.
“Well, I’m obviously going to have to kick you out.” At that, she barked a laugh and took a moment to compose herself. “And I’ll have to consider whether I let any of my unruly relatives visit my establishment again.” She paused to giggle. “But I really do have to thank you all for the entertainment and a fantastic story. Oh yes, I will be telling your fathers about this.” She looked pointedly at Maedhros. “All of them.”
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whumpworld · 2 years
Dead On Your Feet
Inspired by this. 
Prompt: Whumptober No. 4 DEAD ON YOUR FEET [Hidden Injury | Waking up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out]
CW: Stabbing, stomach injury, hidden injury, kind of a failed rescue, implied past whipping, loss of consciousness.
The wind whips cold around them as they trudge forward in the dim light of dawn. If they can just make it to the car in time, they’ll be free and clear. Caretaker has already prepared everything: extra bags of food and clothing, a fake license plate on the bumper, even fake IDs and burner phones in case Whumper tries to track them. 
Caretaker has prepared everything to get Whumpee the fuck out of here and into a new, comfortable life.
And at first, the plan had gone flawlessly. Caretaker’d gotten in, gotten the jump on Whumper, even managed to restrain them with their own stupid handcuffs—but, not before Whumper succeeded in driving a piece of glass, broken in the struggle, into Caretaker’s side. A restrained Whumper had laughed themselves stupid as Caretaker winced and stumbled out of the room, shouting at their back that they’d have to pay with their life to see Whumpee again.
But, it wasn’t that bad. It really wasn’t. They’d managed to slow the bleeding by applying pressure around the short, jagged edge of glass sticking out of them, and even stabilized the intrusion with a torn layer of cloth before getting to Whumpee. 
The problems arose in actually getting out with an also injured Whumpee. Caretaker had expected Whumpee to be injured, possibly even unable to walk, but they’d planned on simply carrying them out. Now, with a burning wound in their side…well. It was a little more difficult than expected. Thank god, at least, for the adrenaline numbing their nerves and keeping them upright. Caretaker is sure that three inches of glass in their gut is supposed to hurt more than this.
As they distance themselves from the secluded home, one of Caretaker’s arms wraps around Whumpee’s back, hooking under their armpit, their other gripping the wrist of Whumpee’s arm that’s slung across their shoulders in. Whumpee is bundled in Caretaker’s jacket, face tucked into their neck, and Caretaker’s heart breaks every time they shift their smaller-than-normal frame in their arms and Whumpee whimpers at the aggravation to the lashes on their back. But they keep moving, because Caretaker knows if anyone could get out of handcuffs, it’d be Whumper.
They’re so close to the car, only a bit further and over the hill, but Caretaker’s breathing is getting progressively shakier, and they find themselves squeezing Whumpee closer to them as their vision blurs at the edges. Their skin feels hot and sticky even under the cold fall air.
“It’s okay. Almost, Whumpee. Just a little further,” they insist, starting up the hill, dragging Whumpee with them, careful not to slip on the freshly downed fall leaves covering the grass. They press their face into Whumpee’s hair in what they hope is a reassuring motion. Even after all this time, Whumpee still smells faintly of themselves, and it almost makes Caretaker smile, until, Whumpee trips and with a small cry, their knees give out.
Caretaker has to bend over to readjust their grip on Whumpee, and they have to grit their teeth to hold in a gasp as the motion shifts the glass. When they right themselves and Whumpee, their vision whites out for an instant, the heavy thumping of their heart echoing through their head. Goddammit, not now. Can’t pass out now. Not yet. 
“I-I’m sorry…”
“No, Whumpee, don’t be. You are okay, it’s all okay. We’re almost to the car, okay?” Caretaker says gently, moving them forward again, and Whumpee sniffles and nods. “I promise, I’ve got you.” They say, and they mean it, even as they feel their darkly colored shirt sticking more and more to their abdomen, sharp pangs slipping through the adrenaline haze. 
By the time they’re at the top of the hill, Caretaker has to squint through static to see the car hidden in the brush, and they feel blood soaking down into their pants. They’re so close. They’ll be fine once they get Whumpee in the car and sit down. Everything is fine.
“Look, Whumpee. We made it,” Caretaker breathes, though it’s more to themselves as they feel fire licking up their side, cramping abdominal muscles only worsening the wound, as if their body is trying to push the shard out. They can’t hold in a groan as they take another step towards the car and lightning bolts down their leg, shaking their knees. 
“Caretaker?” Whumpee asks again, this time suspicious and concerned. 
“‘S nothing,” They urge, and sidle out from under Whumpee’s arm to lean them against the car. As soon as Whumpee’s weight is off them they grab the key from their pocket, ignoring the sticky redness coating it and unlock the car. They help Whumpee into the passenger seat, a steadying hand on the frame of the car and jaw clenched so hard their teeth might crack as they bend over to get Whumpee in. When they stand back up, the world sways. 
They stumble around the back of the car, fumbling with the handle to get in, slowing down when the static rises again, nearly dragging them down. They press a hand next to the wound and find the end of the glass is no longer sticking out of them, grimacing at the wave of nausea that rocks them. When did they start having cold sweats? 
They collapse into the car seat, hands white-knuckling the steering wheel as they try to calm themselves. But the adrenaline is seeping out of them, and they can’t shake the blurry vision or the throbbing pain overtaking their entire torso, and their head starts to slump forward as their vision goes again.
“C-caretaker!” Whumpee shouts, as their grip on the wheel slips and falls to their lap, a trail of red streaked across the leather cover.
“‘M…okay. I–I got you back…” They can’t feel their lips. Their tongue feels fat in their mouth. Caretaker turns to see a horrified Whumpee in the passenger seat, and they so badly want to hold their face and smooth out all the worry lines slowly and carefully, so Whumpee is left with nothing but a peaceful smile. They raise their hand to touch Whumpee’s face and everything fades to black.
~ ~ ~
Whumpee stares at the blood smeared across the steering wheel, and in an instant, Caretaker is slumping over the middle console, arm outstretched and awkwardly crushed beneath their head.
“Caretaker!” They shout, mouth going dry as they grab Caretaker’s shoulders, panic overwhelming them. They breathe in little squeaks of air, as they try to shake Caretaker awake, frantically patting them down. They sob when they feel the side of their shirt, soaking wet and sticky, and slowly peel it up to find a horrendous, jagged wound, weeping blood through makeshift bandages that have slipped out of place. 
“N-no, no, please—” Whumpee cries, lifting Caretaker’s head, finding a pale and blank face, skin cool to the touch. “No…no! No, please!”
They grab under Caretaker’s shoulders, try to pull them into their lap and to cradle their head. “P-please, Caretaker. Please, wake—wake up.” But Caretaker doesn’t stir. 
Whumpee looks over the wound again, panic setting in. They look back over the hill, waiting to see Whumper emerging, bloody hands and a dislocated thumb, but no one appears. Whumpee could drive the car…but they don’t know where they are, and there’s no GPS, and they don’t think they could move Caretaker themselves either. A whimper bubbles from their throat as Caretaker groans softy.
“It’s o-okay, Caretaker,” they whisper through tears, pressing a kiss to a sweaty forehead. They take off the jacket Caretaker had given them and gently stuff it under Caretaker’s head, before opening the passenger door and climbing out. 
“I-it’s okay, Caretaker. I’m…I’m gonna g-go get help.” Whumpee looks towards the direction they know the road is in, no idea how far away, but certain it’s not a high traffic road out here in the middle of nowhere—it might be hours before someone drives by. 
They look back at Caretaker, who came all this way to save them, and then turn back towards the house. Whumpee shuts the car door and stumbles back down the hill.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
do you have any more nsfw submissive reagan hcs?
Sub!Reagan Ridley x gn! reader:
Warnings: nsfw, smut, gender neutral, unprotected sex (wrap that rascal), plus it’s a real panty drencher if I may say so myself. AND, there is p-in-v sex but I left it very vague on purpose so it can be perceived as either a strap or an actual dick, up to your imagination and discretion, somewhat like a smutty version of mad libs
Content: smut, sex toys, oral, p-in-v sex, unprotected sex, domesticity, etc. Also more of a fic than a set of headcanons because I got carried away as usual, lmao, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!!
I feel Reagan is more dominant leaning but does need some tender love and care so she’ll have times and periods where she’s the one who needs to be doted on and looked after.
Like she’s in control of everything and has to manage so much, handle so much, so there’s times where she has to have control over things, and with sex, she likes to control you.
Other times, she’ll just need to rescind all control and just tap out, give in, and give it up to you. Having Reagan be submissive only comes when she trusts you wholly, completely, and implicitly. She’s a control freak who deals with so much, so she needs to be able to count on you and trust you not just with her needs, but her body and wants.
But those times where you take care of her, let her brain blank out as you fuck her literally stupid and drooling?? Mag-fucking-nificent. Reagan usually drifts into subspace after rough and bad days, needing you and your talented hands and gifted mouth with your tender heart to take care of her. And goddamn if you don’t deliver, and deliver well.
You adore taking care of her in subspace, before, after, and during sex. It’s rare for her to be in that state and you take the opportunity happily and eagerly. If she texts you throughout the day and you can just tell it’s not going too hot and she’s more subdued and non-talkative, you’ll try and get home first and prep to make sure she has a nice night.
Cozy and clean house, homemade favorite meal waiting for her, plus you who’s washed all the sex toys and cleaned the sheets + dolled yourself up so you can fuck her stupid whenever and wherever she wants, making good on all of your promises hushed between pillows and sheets in the dark of stormy nights - to protect her and be there for her, unconditional loved followed by equal support forever and always. You sap.
Just the moment she walks up the steps and unlocks the door to her brownstone, and sees you waiting for her with a warm smile and arms outstretched, she’s gone. Melting and liquifying in your arms and dropping her bags at the door to sag and drop into your hole and embrace. After a few moments, smoothing the hair out of her face and pressing a brief array of kisses to her face, you get her settled and with dinner while locking the house back up.
But that moment afterward where she’s all soothed but still tense and gets to head up to her bedroom and realize that you cleaned everything, even as you sidle your behind her and rest your cheek against her back while wrapping your arms around his middle, swaying a tad. God, she loves you. So much. Struggles with articulating it sometimes, but you’ve unfortunately met her parents, cant blame her too much.
Reagan just tugs at you and turns around to plant a kiss against your lips, much more soft and malleable than her forceful ones where she’s in control. And you take over, backing her near the freshly-made bed and laying her atop it while undressing her, kisses splayed across her sternum and collarbones, dotted around her neck, until she’s fussy and whining in your hold wearing just her semi-soaked black panties and a hair tie.
You follow suit, undressing on your own as she watches dazedly, laying back with her forearms holding her up while her eyes skim over every inch of bared skin you reveal to her. Nearing, settling yourself above her with a knee pressed between her legs and your forearms leaning on either side of the space near her head, looming forth as you suck and kiss at her neck while moving your thigh to feel her soaked cunt twitch at the attention.
“Need me to care care of you, sweets?” Is murmured before she hums an appreciative and confirming sound, only getting more touch after it ceases when she audibly consents, getting your teeth nipping at her shoulder and your hand sliding off her panties slowly for her to kick them off with hurried movements that make you laugh lowly into the heated skin above the column of her throat.
“I’ve gotcha’, be good for me.” She couldn’t imagine or consider not being good for you, with the way you eased yourself down between her thighs and parted them to kiss down her chest, nip and suckle at her flushed tan skin, nosing at the under swell of her breasts and giggling as she squirms while her nipples harden. “Stop y’squirming. Told you to be good.” Reagan is about to huff and send out a snippy comment, along the lines of just eating her out already, until she glances down to see your darkened eyes and steeled gaze, fun-having demeanor gone.
“Want me to stop?” she shakes her head, the elastic band tying her hair up falling out with the movement, tresses settling at her shoulders and around her face, clinging a bit to the shine of sweat on her forehead. “Wonderful. Sit still or I’ll stop and leave you here. No cumming. With or without me.” Usually Reagan wouldn’t be one to follow orders, and you aren’t one to be boss others around. But the unforgiving and cool demeanor you shoulder like a well-worn and custom coat says otherwise. She nods, chapped bottom lip tugged between her teeth, and you grin.
“Good girl.”
Fuck, she’d drench her panties if she was still wearing them. But she doesn’t, bare all over now and at your sole mercy and benevolence. Close to begging for the latter to avoid the former.
Just that moment of you easing into her, forgoing the prep with how soaked she was and how shitty her attitude was being, feeling her walls clench and twitch around you as you rock back and forth while caging her in. Reagan gets whiny, not used to not getting what she wants. But this moment of you just knocking the air from her lungs and the logic from her brain, wiping her clean like a memory reset, gets her going and loud and vocal. Even if she doesn’t know what she’s saying or what’s flying past her puffy and chapped lips, she’s real eager to be good and be good for you.
You don’t even fuck her harshly, she wants to be a little brat, she’ll get treated like one. Fucked slow and steady until she’s earned her keep and to get fucked right and well. She hates it, keening and writhing, trying to get you to give her more attention and care. Reagan starts pleading and begging nonsensically
“You can do so much better than that, with that pretty mouth of yours,” you trail off, a hand moving past her chest and throat to clutch her cheeks and press her lips together, smushing them with the touch, “my baby needs to go a little braindead tonight? But I’ll be nice, give in early. Poor darlin’, gonna’ need to ice this pussy when I’m through with it.”
Pace changes, hoisting her thighs up on the notch of your elbows while you plant your palms on either side of Reagan’s head, plowing into her and watching as her eyes slammed shut and she tugged on her bottom lip ‘til it nearly burst, crying out with everything in her chest as you fucked her harshly, hitting her cervix and sending her back and forth against the sheets. She’s weepy and beggy, especially as you shift one hand from beside her head to wrap around her throat loosely, only taut at the sides to give her the blood rush and not limit her air supply, knowing she loves that brain fog that comes with that touch. You fuck her dumb, rescinding her doctorate as soon as you press her to the mattress like this, with your lips curled in a snarl while your hips smack back and forth against hers while she gushes around you.
“Gon-, gonna’ cum. Please, gotta’ cum f’you.” Reagan stutters out, watery and thick in her mouth and barely able to form the words with her brain fading as you clutch her throat. You respond, snapping your hips faster and pushing her orgasm further while chasing yours. “Atta’ Girl, cum f’me. All over me,” you trail off, “go ahead.”
“Make a mess.”
Those words send her rocketing off the edge, mind going white as you squeeze her throat one last time before gripping her hips and leaning back to piston in and out, fucking her through it while you finally reach your own climax, shuddering and crying out as you catch yourself on your forearms above her.
She does in fact, make a mess, practically squirting as she came and having a little dripping pool of cum seeping out from her and around you, soaking and staining the sheets that absolutely need to be cleaned. You rise first, senses regained and alert once more to take Reagan in, eyes clenched shut and breathing heavy with her chest heaving. After pressing kisses to her cheeks and lips before she comes to, you pull on an oversized tee and some airy underwear before grabbing a cloth and running it under warm water then filling a spare glass with some cold water and returning to the room.
Sitting for a moment, you take her in, usually being on the opposite end of things and being the one needing the more extensive aftercare. You always enjoyed the rare dynamic switch. Taking care of her tended to be a battle but you always ended up victorious, especially if you won out by having her in bed every night and morning.
“Hey baby,” you coo as you gently pry apart her thighs to clean between them, wiping her sensitive cunt clean while she whines and grabs at your forearm and blinks blearily your at you before offering a small smile. “Hi.” She starts, voice more rough than normal.
“Hello yourself, feel better?” Reagan nods in response, grabbing for you before parting as you step away, sticking her tongue out along with her middle finger before she concedes as you move the grab her one of your oversized hoodies that she immediately curls up in. “Wanna’ go watch tv on the couch and eat while I wash the sheets?”
She nods again, making a snark comment about you being as domesticated as a 1950s housewife as she gets up slowly with help and pads out to the living room before you swiftly smack her bare ass on the way, chuckling at her noise of indignation before stripping the bed while hearing her click around the tv with the remote. Life wasn’t always perfect, but at least you had each other to clear the stormy skies away.
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5 times Merlin does something that requires a considerable amount of strength;
+1 time the gang has time to actually bring it up.
Everyone is baffled, half distracted by Merlin’s surprising buffness and half amused by Arthur’s gay panic:
The clearing fills with the sounds of a brutal fight. 
The Knights of Camelot, along with their King, had given up on trying to figure out how bandits always managed to find them in the woods. It seemed impossible for there to be so many mercenary groups that it was just coincidence for them to stumble upon each other so often, but equally, the knights moved quietly and always covered their tracks well, so... yeah, who knows.
The point is, they’re outnumbered three to one, and all of them were starting to regret not listening to Merlin’s earlier suggestion that they keep riding for another hour or so; their camp was destroyed and the fight was tiring them out.
Three to one weren’t bad odds, especially for knights with such a high level of skill, but it was exhausting and time consuming and they just wanted it to be over. Merlin was having similar thoughts as he stumbles through the middle of the crowd, trying to get out of the way. He was keeping an eye on them of course, but his friends were winning so his magical intervention wasn’t really needed; he was just annoyed that Arthur was almost certainly going to make him clear everything up afterwards.
His attention is suddenly caught when Percival’s voice rings out across the clearing:
“Merlin! Behind you!”
All of the knights’ gazes whip to the servant when they hear the giant’s yell, and they all abandon their own battles to step towards him despite knowing that they were too far away to be able to help in time. The servant takes in a sharp breath at Percival’s warning, becoming suddenly aware of a fast-moving presence behind him; he forms a fist and turns, swinging blindly with all his strength and following through even when his knuckles crunch with surprising accuracy against the temple of a bandit.
The man, not expecting the rapid attack, doesn’t have time to move out of the way, and his head jerks to the side, his entire body following as if an afterthought. He crumples to the floor gracelessly, unconscious before his head makes contact with the trampled undergrowth.
Merlin hisses at the pain bursting through his knuckles and up into his wrist, shaking his hand out as he steps over the bandit’s still form without even blinking, back to focusing on attempting to find a tree to sit behind and sulk, as if nothing had happened.
The knights only have a fraction of a second to freeze in shock before they’re dragged back to their own fights, forced to defend themselves lest they get skewered. 
The battle only lasts a few more minutes; despite being outnumbered, the knights far outmatch the bandits in skill (and sufficient armour) and Merlin was correct in his assumption that they wouldn’t need any of his DIY luck, which is a good thing really, considering how much his hand is throbbing. He peeks his head around the tree when things go suspiciously quiet, getting up and making his way to the abandoned bag of medical supplies when he sees the knights victorious.
The servant runs a quick gaze over them, taking stock of any potential injuries as he makes his way through the clearing, injured hand clenched tightly and held to his chest. He may have knocked the bandit out, but that just meant that the punch was hard enough to do damage to his hand as well as the other guy’s head. When he finds nothing more than the odd bruise on the others, he grabs a roll of bandages for himself, quickly wrapping his hand almost painfully tight, before turning to Arthur with a scowl:
“I told you we were too close to the road, I told you we should’ve kept on going. But do you ever listen to me? No, because you’re-”
He’s cut off by The King stepping towards him and taking his bandaged hand, cradling it gently and looking to Merlin in concern:
“Merlin, are you alright?”
Merlin just rolls his eyes and huffs, snatching his hand back and retreating to check on the horses, thankfully tied and uninjured at the edge of the clearing:
“No, my hand fucking hurts, because, surprisingly enough, these idiots have skulls almost as thick as yours. We need to move camps, like I said earlier. Prat.”
Arthur frowns, looking down to Merlin’s unconscious bandit at his feet, and then glancing back to the other knights, who all just shrug with wide eyes. The King sighs, reluctantly nodding at Merlin’s assertion as he stares up at the darkening sky, deciding that Merlin must’ve... hit a pressure point or... something:
“Everyone pack up, I want to be moving on in three minutes.”
Merlin had foregone his jacket and rolled his sleeves up in the surprising Spring heatwave.
Which was a sight in itself.
But what really made the knights look twice (I mean... Arthur was just outright staring, but Leon had long since glared the others into not mentioning The King’s little... crush) was the way the supposedly wimpy servant had two sets of chainmail folded on one shoulder, his arm curled over them to keep them balanced, and a few odd bits of mismatched armour clutched in his other hand. He was making his way from the training field up to the castle, presumably to find an empty room to sit quietly and clean them.
Elyan waves at him across the field, the movement just about catching the servant’s gaze as he twists around, flashing a bright, sunny grin in place of waving back. 
Arthur gulps, eyes drawn to the vein standing out from Merlin’s uncovered neck; apparently the heat had encouraged him to abandon his neckerchief as well. The King takes a deep breath, sending a scowl Merlin’s way to cover his... surprise, holding in a smirk when the servant just rolls his eyes and turns back to the castle.
His stride was strong, and though his arms were straining against the weight, he looked entirely unbothered, not even breathing deeply as he picks up his pace, jogging up the citadel steps.
Training had all but stopped at this point, the roundtable knights staring in confusion as Merlin carefully pulled the door open, making sure he wouldn’t drop anything, before nudging the door shut again with his hip. Gwaine was the first to break the silence, quirking one of his eyebrows up as he speaks in a slightly surprised tone:
“Didn’t know he had it in him. Wearing one set, when the weight is evenly distributed, is hard enough, let alone carrying two sets. And armour. Up steps. Huh.”
Arthur clears his throat, looking away with a slight blush as he asserts:
“Yes, well, knights carry the same weight in armour and weapons everyday, if not more. If you’re that impressed Sir Gwaine, perhaps you should work on your strength.”
Gwaine turns to him with a smirk, but Leon’s warning glare stops him from teasing, or saying anything else that could be considered treasonous. Instead, he rolls his eyes at the first knight before humming non-committedly and pointing his sword at The King:
“That, Princess, sounds like a challenge.”
Arthur, blush forgotten, looks up with raised eyebrows and a chuckle, noting with satisfaction the way the other knights spread out to form a circle around the two of them, swords lowered and expectant looks on their faces:
“Does it now? I suppose you’ll have to take me up on it then, won’t you?”
The knights were on some stupid (in Merlin’s opinion) quest.
The group was currently making their way through a complicated cave system. They had maps, thankfully, but they were old, and provided by a small village of locals who hadn’t spoken common very well. 
They’d had to trade away half of their supplies in return for the maps, so Arthur was already in a foul mood, but a dotted line on the page across the path they were following was worrying him. The note written next to it was in some old, almost lost native language, so The King had just resigned himself to carrying on and hoping for the best.
Which is why he let out a series of echoing curse words when they turned a corner to find a ragged overhang, about eight feet above the path. The wall curved in on itself before jutting out again at the top, making it impossible to climb, even without armour and swords and packs.
Elyan is the first to break the tense silence after Arthur’s outburst, his tone half amused, half annoyed, as he mutters:
“That’ll be why the locals kept pointing at that ladder then.”
Arthur huffs, glaring at the knight with a rare venom, but Leon gestures to the map in his hand before he can retort:
“We can always go back, or is there another way around?”
Arthur huffs louder, letting out a short growl as he thrusts the maps to Leon’s chest and paces closer to the overhang:
“Feel free, if you can find an alternative route, please, enlighten me. The village is a day’s journey away, we don’t have time to go back.”
Leon covers his annoyance at Arthur’s harshness well, but Merlin scowls at The King openly before moving to stand at the junction between the wall of the corridor, and the overhang in front of them:
“Don’t be an arse, Arthur, it’s not Leon’s fault that none of us can understand Old... whatever it was. And it’s not that high, just-”
With that, Merlin braces his foot against the wall, bending his knees slightly before pushing off and jumping up, reaching out and grabbing the overhang, his feet dangling off the ground. The knights stare in shock, but before they can say anything, Merlin swings his feet forwards, and backwards, and forwards again. When they swing back for the second time, he uses the momentum to pull himself up, his arms locking out straight beneath him as he lifts his knees up, crawling over the edge and onto the floor above them.
Arthur blinks, looking from the floor, to the wall, and up to Merlin again, trying to figure out how the hell his manservant had enough strength in his arms and core to pull himself up; he hadn’t even taken his pack off.
Lancelot clears his throat, tilting his head and frowning as he slowly speaks:
“That was... impressive. But we’re wearing armour, Merlin, I don’t think we’ll be able to manage that with all the extra weight.”
No one mentions that they don’t think they could do it even without armour.
Merlin just rolls his eyes and sits on the edge, his feet dangling below him as he gestures vaguely:
“Well if you just get your hands on the ledge then I can pull you up. Take your packs off and throw them up first if you’re so worried, you can give each other a hand up, and Percival can go last because of how tall he is. Come on, it wasn’t that hard.”
Lancelot shrugs, taking his pack off and throwing it up with all his might. Merlin leans out, catching it with ease and chucking it behind him as he motions Percival to interlock his hands. The knight does so, allowing Lancelot to step on them and throw himself up, just about managing to catch the ledge and groaning at the strain in his arms. Merlin brings his feet back over the overhang, bracing his heels against the stone as he reaches down, gripping Lancelot’s wrists and hauling him up and over the edge.
Lance yelps as Merlin yanks him up, rolling onto his back and panting at the ceiling as he blinks in surprise. Merlin doesn’t pay him any attention, frowning down at the others and gesturing at them to hurry:
“Come on, I thought we were in a rush?”
With that, they all huddle below, taking turns to be thrown up and hauled over the edge. Merlin drags Elyan up on his own, Lance still recovering from his slight shock, but the more people gather at the top, the less work Merlin has to do. Which is good, because he may be strong, but he’s not sure he could manage Percival on his own. The giant has to take a running leap at the ledge, and it takes four of them to pull him up without dislocating any shoulders or throwing out any backs.
When they’re all successfully at the top, Merlin wordlessly picks his pack up, shrugging it onto his shoulders as he begins a quick pace along the corridor as if he hadn’t a care in the world; the knights break out of their stupors and jog to catch up, knowing that Merlin was right and they needed to hurry.
Arthur was glaring resolutely at the floor, trying to psych himself up to confront whatever arsehole had managed to get the drop on him and his six best knights. The others were arguing in whispers around him, trying to figure out some way to escape the dungeon unscathed, though The King kept silent, knowing that the only way out was if someone unlocked these infernal chains first.
They’d only been there for around an hour, so no one from Camelot would have realised they were missing yet; their only hope was that Merlin was making his way back to the city to get help. He’d been off gathering firewood, and he’d already been gone half a candle mark when they’d been ambushed; Arthur would never admit it, but he had faith that Merlin would be able to sort everything out.
The King harshly shushes the knights as he hears the guards begin to yell, but frowns in confusion when he hears “They’re going crazy up there!” and “What the fuck?!” before the unmistakable sound of armoured boots running up the stairs and away from the dungeons reaches them.
The knights all look to each other in confusion, straining against their chains to try and see through the small barred window at the top of the door. A shadow passes through the square of light on the floor, and they all shuffle back against the wall, staying silent. None of them manage to hold in their surprised yelps however, when the door suddenly bursts in, the wood around the lock splintering violently and spreading shards across the dungeon floor.
A strong arm extends out, stopping the now broken beyond repair door from swinging shut again, and the knights look up, taking in sharp gasps when they see Merlin stood there, scowling disapprovingly with a ring of keys in his other hand and one foot in front of the other, as if he had... as if he had kicked the door. Leon is the first to break the silence:
“Merlin?? What are you doing here?”
Merlin’s scowl deepens as he glances down the corridor before stepping into the dungeon, sorting through the keys to try and figure out which one would open which set of chains:
“Well I’m rescuing you lot, obviously. I leave camp for barely a candle-mark and you get yourselves kidnapped. Honestly, how hard is it to not find trouble, for once?”
Arthur is too busy staring at Merlin’s apparently muscled legs to say anything, even when Elyan clears his throat and kicks him, so Percival is the next to speak as Merlin unlocks his chains:
“Why not just... unlock the door?”
Merlin doesn’t look at the largest of the knights as he moves on to the others, unchaining them one by one as he responds, his scowl still firmly in place:
“The key was on a separate ring and I only had time to grab one, figured the door would be easier to break than the chains.”
Arthur finally blinks and shakes his head free of.... distracting, thoughts as Merlin finally turns to him, holding his hands out to be unchained as he clears his throat and says strongly, forcing the waiver from his voice:
“How did you distract the guards?”
Merlin finally smiles at that, standing and reaching into his pocket to pull out a lumpy looking bit of plant:
“Snuck in and pretended to be one of their slaves, laced all the jugs with mandrake root. They’re all going loopy with hallucinations upstairs, a few of them vomited and I think one guy might have shit himself. The guards went to see what was wrong, so we don’t have much time, come on.”
Arthur nods impressed, and was the last of the group to sneak from the dungeon, pausing briefly to run a hand over the splintered wood and warped metal of the kicked-in door, before shaking his head and following the others out of the not-quite-abandoned fort.
It had been almost a year since Merlin had last seen his mother, so when the servant requested two weeks off to visit home, wanting to help the village out with repairs before the winter set in, Arthur agreed immediately, on the condition that he and a couple of the knights could tag along.
Merlin reluctantly gave in, but only after insisting that he wouldn’t be Arthur’s servant, and whoever came would have to dig in and help out. To be honest, Arthur was mentally exhausted after months of work on repealing the magic ban, so Merlin was silently grateful that he was coming; The King needed a break, and Merlin knew how secretly fond the man was of Merlin’s mother, and her simple country life. 
In the end, Leon and Mordred were the only ones who could come; Lancelot and Elyan were left in charge of patrols, Percival and Gwaine were left in charge of training, and Guinevere, Gaius, and Morgana were left to oversee the council and the general running of the Kingdom. Arthur wasn’t worried to be honest, they were only going to be gone for two weeks, and if disaster set in they were only a two day’s ride away at most.
It was chilly, the winter was setting in early so Merlin and Hunith were eager for work to start as soon as possible. There were numerous leaks and fences to fix, and one of the village’s barns needed clearing out so it could filled with grain over the snowy season.
That, and as much firewood needed to be collected as possible so they could stockpile. They normally barely had enough to last them through the winter; Arthur had nodded in approval when Merlin had meekly asked if they could take a cart of wood with them from Camelot, but they still had a lot to gather.
It was the afternoon of their first day, Leon had been sent to a neighbour’s to fix a roof, Merlin was doing something outside, and Mordred was just about to head over to one of the livestock pastures to strengthen a few of the fences. Hunith was preparing the evening’s meal and Arthur stood politely in the doorway as he spoke:
“Merlin said that firewood had to be gathered? I can get started on that if you can point me in the right direction.”
Hunith smiles over her shoulder briefly, and Arthur ignores the warm fuzziness in his stomach at the sight as she speaks:
“Oh don’t worry about that, we’ve only one axe in the village and Merlin is out by the barn chopping wood now. I know there’s a leak somewhere in the basement of the village hall, a few of the boys are already down there if you’re looking for something to do?”
Arthur raises his eyebrow at Hunith’s insistence that Merlin, his lanky manservant, was outside with an axe chopping wood, and he glances at Mordred over his shoulder, who just shrugs, nodding to Hunith’s turned back. The King responds quietly, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice:
“Hmm. I’ll go check in with Merlin and then head down to the hall, if he doesn’t need help.”
Hunith hums in agreement, but otherwise doesn’t reply, mumbling under her breath about herbs and measurements as she stirs something into the pot. Arthur smirks at Mordred and the two of them head out, neither mentioning how Mordred was following Arthur to find Merlin instead of getting to the fences.
They walk in silence, though they both freeze on the spot when they turn a corner to see Merlin, once again with his sleeves rolled up, hefting around a huge lump of wood, a ginormous axe resting on his shoulder. He gets the wood where he wants it, stepping back and wiping his forearm across his sweaty forehead before lifting the axe and swinging it down again. The stump splits easily beneath the sharpened metal, and Merlin wastes no time in repositioning the new pieces of wood, ready to be chopped again.
Arthur doesn’t even realise his mouth is hanging open until Mordred looks at him and smirks, biting his lip before giving in and snorting quietly:
“You’re the colour of our capes, Sire, and you might want to shut your mouth. Don’t want to catch flies, do you?”
Arthur’s jaw snaps shut with a clack, and he frowns as his teeth begin to ache. Mordred chuckles slightly and though Arthur is grateful that the young knight is finally comfortable enough to joke around with him, he desperately wishes he wasn’t at Gwaine’s level of comfort.
Instead of retorting, Arthur just clears his throat and turns around, striding towards the village hall:
“It appears he’s got things handled. Those fences won’t fix themselves, Sir Mordred.”
Mordred only just manages to hold in his giggle, looking up to see Merlin staring confusedly at him and Arthur’s rapidly retreating back. He waves briefly, sending a quick “I’ll tell you later.” over their mental link before turning himself and heading in the direction of the pastures.
He knows full well that he has no intention of telling Merlin about Arthur’s crush; watching them tiptoe around each other was the funniest thing ever, and he didn’t want to ruin the bet that Gwaine had going.
The fight was vicious, more so than any of the skirmishes the knights had dealt with in the last several months.
They were vastly outnumbered, and the addition of four powerful sorcerers to the enemy ranks meant that Merlin and Mordred were quickly running out of energy, having to focus on both the magical aspect of the fight, and trying to keep everyone else alive.
The metallic scent of blood was almost overwhelming, and the constant clang of metal on metal mixed with the whooshing echoes of sorcerous fire and vines was deafening. The fight went on a lot longer than Merlin had thought it would; the enemy was clearly more skilled than predicted, but the Camelot knights did prevail eventually, Percival ending the fight with the smooth slice of his blade across the last mercenary’s throat.
Merlin wastes no time in running his gaze over the knights, giving special attention to Arthur as he searches for any injuries that need seeing to immediately. The last of the sorcerers had managed to escape, so they needed to get out of there as soon as possible: there’s no way they’d survive a second attack if he came back with reinforcements.
Merlin was relieved to see nothing too serious; Lancelot had a gash on his temple that would need a thorough cleaning and a few stitches, and Gwaine was holding his wrist to his chest in a way that told Merlin it was likely broken, but everyone was on their feet and no one was crying. That’s a good start.
Merlin relaxes, but his shoulders quickly tense again as Mordred’s voice echoes weakly through his head:
“Emrys... I’m... I’m tired...”
Merlin whips around quickly, his eyes wide and panicked as his frantic gaze lands on the young knight. He’s leaning against a tree, his eyes hooded and focused on the floor. Merlin leaps towards him, catching him just before his head lands harshly on a boulder, and pulling the collapsed younger man into a more comfortable position as Arthur rushes over:
“What’s wrong with him? I don’t see any blood, was he hit with magic?”
Merlin waves him off, checking Mordred’s pulse and breathing before he relaxes again, sending a tired, but relieved smile up to The King:
“He’s fine, just exhausted. This is the first time he’s used this much magic in years, he’ll need a little while to recover his strength, but we need to get out of here in case they come back.”
Arthur lets out a relieved sigh and nods, leaning down to take one of Mordred’s arms and waving Gwaine over to pick his legs up, but before either of them get even close, Merlin stands up, dragging Mordred with him and settling the armoured knight across his shoulders. He looks to Arthur next to him, not seeming to notice The King’s shock as he quickly says:
“I know you’re The King and all, but would you mind carrying my bag?”
Arthur nods dumbly, picking up Merlin’s dropped medical bag without taking his gaze off the Warlock, who wanders around double checking that the other knights were ok and that all the bandits were dead as if he didn’t have about 240 pounds of man and armour dangling from his shoulders.
Leon catches Arthur’s eye, nodding pointedly towards the path they needed to take, trying to pull Arthur back into the present before the others notice him gawping. Arthur gulps, blushing as he nods his thanks and moves away from the battlefield, Merlin’s bag secured on his shoulders as he confidently speaks:
“Merlin’s right, we need to get as far away from here as we can. I saw a cave about two hours’ back North, we can make camp there before heading back to Camelot in the morning. Gather as much as you can carry, we’ve no hope of finding the horses before nightfall, hopefully they can make their own way home.”
The knights all nod, following Arthur’s lead as he steps carefully through the underbrush, trying not leave any obvious pointers to their direction. He keeps his gaze resolutely ahead as he hears Percival ask:
“You alright, Merlin? Sure you don’t want a hand?”
Despite keeping his gaze stubbornly forward, Arthur strains his ears to hear Merlin’s response, refusing to acknowledge the sudden weakness in his knees at what the Warlock replies with:
“Nah, it’s fine, he’s not that heavy.”
Leon subtly sidles up to walk next to The King, glancing behind him before leaning in close, talking quietly as they moved:
“Perhaps you should... let him know of you affections, Sire?”
Arthur’s blushing gaze quickly finds the older knight’s before he looks away again:
“I don’t know what you think you’re implying, Sir Leon.”
Leon just raises his eyebrow in an unusual display of amused defiance:
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Arthur. He’s been by your side for ten years, you’ve been through the unspeakable, both with each other and for each other. That, and he has a surprisingly... admirable physique.-”
Arthur’s blush deepens and he clears his throat, crossing his arms petulantly and staring resolutely ahead. Leon puts a hand on The young King’s shoulder as he continues:
The knight sighs and bites his lip again, debating with himself over whether he should say it or not:
“-you’re head over heels for him, Sire, perhaps it’s time to do something about it? Gods know he feels the same, and the Gods also know that he’ll never make the first move. He’s still... nervous, about messing things up, I think. His-”
Leon glances over his shoulder again to make sure no one could hear him before dropping his voice to a whisper:
“-his magic being outed put him... on edge, even after all these months. He won’t do anything that he think could push you away or anger you.”
Arthur sighs and nods, before turning to him slowly with an embarrassed scowl on his face; he doesn’t shrug off Leon’s hand, which the knight takes as a good sign:
“Not a word to anyone, Leon, I swear to the Gods.”
Leon holds his hand up and uses his other to wave a cross over his heart:
“I swear, Sire. Though I feel the need to tell you that... at least three of the other servants, and I do believe Lady Bronwyn and Sir Galahad, also have... uh... their eyes on him, as it were.”
Arthur’s scowl gets impossibly deeper as he huffs, muttering to himself:
“They do, do they? Well, we’ll see about that.”
Leon just smirks again and rolls his eyes fondly before falling back to walk with Elyan.
They finally make it back to the cave, though it took them even longer without horses. Merlin had requested they stop around a candle mark in so he could remove some of the heavier bits of Mordred’s armour, passing them off to the other knights, but he had once again rejected any offers of help, saying that he was slowly siphoning his own magic into Mordred so he would wake sooner. Apparently they needed to be touching for that to happen, and though Merlin had been teaching them, none of them had enough knowledge on magic to know whether that was true or not, but they did know that Merlin was incredibly protective of the young Druid, so they let it be.
A fire was lit quickly and supplies were laid out. A map had been saved, thankfully, so they could figure out roughly where they were and how long it would take them to get back home as Merlin quickly treated Lance’s gash and Gwaine’s wrist.
Mordred begins to stir just as Percival serves up food, groaning slightly and rubbing at his eyes before struggling to sit himself up. Merlin had rushed to his side as soon as he felt the Druid begin to wake, and helps prop him up against the cave wall, handing him a water-skin as he stares at him with concern. Mordred takes a long drink, nodding his thanks and clearing his throat before speaking, his voice gravelly and slow:
“This... this is the cave we passed a few hours ago...”
His voice trails off, and Arthur answers the question in his tone:
“Hmm. We had no horses, so we were never going to make it back to the city, but we couldn’t stay where we were.”
Mordred nods, yawning widely and rubbing his eyes again as he asks:
“How did you get me this far without horses?”
Arthur clenches his jaw, blushing slightly as he looks away, but thankfully Gwaine butts in, answering with a grin on his face before anyone notices The King’s flush:
“Merlin here is stronger than he looks. Carried you the whole way, didn’t use magic or anything.”
Mordred turns his incredulous gaze to Merlin and he just shrugs absentmindedly:
“You don’t weigh that much, it was fairly easy.”
Elyan laughs and shakes his head, joining in on the conversation quickly:
“Are you kidding me? I mean... sure, I could’ve carried him for maybe an hour, if I was at full strength and it was easy terrain. You carried him for three, only took his armour off in the second hour, down what could barely be classified as a path, in a barely tamed forest, after a pretty hefty fight. That’s... impressive.”
Merlin raises an eyebrow, looking around the room in bafflement as he realises that everyone is staring at him with varying levels of impressed confusion:
“You guys... you guys know that I grew up in the country, right? I spent my childhood climbing trees and running away from predators, and my teenage years chopping wood, building things with barely any help, and fighting the odd bear. I then arrive in Camelot, only to immediately be given a job that involves carrying a shit ton of heavy stuff, including, but not limited to: armour, luggage, hunting equipment, and the occasional unconscious idiot.”
Arthur sits up straight and scowls slightly when Merlin gestures to him instead of Mordred:
“You have never had to carry me anywhere.”
Merlin raises an eyebrow, gaze sinking to the floor as he smirks and coughs out something that sounds suspiciously like “Sophia”.
Arthur’s blush deepens and he jabs an accusing finger in Merlin’s direction:
“That. Didn’t. Happen.”
Merlin bites his lip to stop himself from laughing, but his dimples still show through despite his best effort and he holds his hands up in surrender:
“Whatever you say, Sire.”
Arthur just clenches his jaw and sits back against the wall with eyes focused on his food and cheeks red, stubbornly ignoring the knights’ curious stares as everyone eats their food. Merlin fusses over Mordred for a few more minutes but is quickly waved away by the younger man; the Warlock huffs and rolls his eyes, but gives in to the fact that Mordred did not need, nor want, to be babied. He moves subtly around the cave to sit down next to Arthur, barely a foot of air between them despite the abundance of space elsewhere.
Arthur forces his blush down at Merlin’s proximity, refusing to think of anything but his food and the difficult journey home, desperately keeping his gaze on his meal instead of Merlin’s strong legs stretched out next to him.
The King doesn’t acknowledge him, but doesn’t move away either, which Merlin takes as a good sign as he settles in, wrapping himself in a blanket to protect his body from the impending cold.
The other knights have long since finished their meals, scarping the lot in a matter of seconds in an attempt to gain back a little energy after the hours of riding and fighting and walking; they quickly settle into the blankets and cloaks and bedrolls they had managed to carry, though Leon seems to deliberately move slower, waiting for Arthur to glance up at him so he can give a pointed look to Merlin, just finishing his food, before laying down and attempting to sleep.
Arthur blushes with wide eyes, but Leon turns around before he has time to glare at him, and The King huffs quietly, risking a glance to a shivering Merlin next to him. He quickly frowns, not moving his gaze away like he had intended to, instead whispering softly:
“Cold? Can’t you use magic to warm up?”
Merlin looks to him tiredly, leaning his head back against the wall as his eyelids droop slightly:
“Hmm. I gave most of my reserves to Mordred, he was worse off than I first thought so he needed a lot more magic than I realised to keep him alive long enough for his energy to build up again.-”
Arthur widens his eyes at the fact that he was so close to losing one of his knights, but then shakes his head, huffing as he glares at the Warlock disapprovingly, but Merlin closes his eyes and continues before he can get told off:
“-I’ll be fine by morning, I just need-”
He’s interrupted when his body is wracked by a particularly strong shiver:
“-I just need some sleep.”
Arthur rolls his eyes, shuffling into a more comfortable position before opening his arms, spreading his cloak wide as if they were a pair of majestic wings:
“Come here, you idiot. I can’t have you freezing to death because you refuse to look after yourself.”
In normal circumstance Merlin would’ve argued, but he really was cold, so when he cracks his eyes open to see Arthur ready and waiting, he doesn’t hesitate to crawl hurriedly over. Arthur ignores the flush rising on his cheeks as Merlin clambers over one of his legs, settling between them and shoving his head under the blonde’s chin; he wraps his cloak around the two of them and rubs his cheek into the Warlock’s soft hair. 
He can feel Merlin grin against his collarbone, and it’s enough to distract him from the surprising, but not unwelcome, weight of Merlin’s muscled form against his chest:
“You know, Arthur, if you wanted to feel up my muscles so badly you just had to ask. You stare far too often to think you’re subtle.”
Arthur’s flush deepens and his body goes rigid as Merlin giggles. He clenches his jaw and lands a punch, far softer than he would normally go for, on the other man’s shoulder, but that just makes him giggle harder, and Arthur has to hush him in fear of waking the others. Merlin looks up at him through thick eyelashes, blinking tiredly with a satisfied smile on his face:
“Just let me know if you ever want carrying around, I’m more than happy to help.”
Arthur gulps, refusing to make eye contact as he stares resolutely at the opposite wall and not acknowledging the red hue of his cheeks:
“When we get back to Camelot, I’m hanging you for treason.”
Merlin snorts quietly, re-burying his face in Arthur’s chest and curling up tightly in his lap to stave off the cold:
“Whatever you say, Sire.”
Arthur gives in, smiling slightly and rolling his eyes as he tightens his hold on the other man. He lets his cheek fall back to rest on his soft hair as he closes his eyes, allowing his exhaustion to take over and descending into an easy sleep.
We stan Arthur gay panicking and all the knights (bar Leon of course, who handles it as tactically as he’s able) ruthlessly taking the piss :D
I hope y’all enjoyed reading this, I certainly enjoyed writing it! Thank you anon, I loved writing this!!!
Same as always, someone wants to write it up in full, go for it!! Drop me a message and credit/tag me :)
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
(my submission for @cruelsummer-ficfest that was completed in a timely manner, at a leisurely pace and not...pulled out of my ass as a microfic and is absolutely not hot garbage.
my song: teardrops on my guitar
my ship: prongsfoot)
Sirius opened the door to the dormitory, heart-rate slightly elevated from the stair climb and the sounds of the music carrying down the hall.
Melancholic. A woman crooning to guitars in a minor key.
Sirius put his hand on the doorknob, unsure of what shade of Remus he was going to be walking into, knowing the record player and some sad muggle girl were his go-to's for his bad days, and sad days, and most days that weren't unbelievably light.
"Hey Moon....y..."
Sirius walked in to see James lying on the floor, staring straight up at the ceiling, the record player spinning behind his head.
"Babe?" Sirius stepped closer, dropping his book bag on top of the trunk at the foot of his bed, and toeing off his shoes before lying on the floor next to James. "What's this song?" he asked, reaching a hand over to brush curls out of James's eyes, propping himself up on his elbow.
"Dunno, I asked Moony to put it on for me..."
"It's not The Beatles."
"Are you mad?"
"Aren't you?"
"No....? Should I be? I can be," Sirius offered. "Do you need me to be mad? Go punch someones teeth i--"
"No punching," James told him, grabbing Sirius's free hand and intertwining their fingers together, as if that would prevent any damage (and he wasn't wrong. Sirius's hands these days spent far less time punching and holding onto Wizard's Brew bottles in favor of holding James's hands in the hallways, or carrying books). "I...thought you were mad. I've..."
James finally looked up at Sirius, "You said love ya."
"You said love ya, this morning before you left to go Arithmancy. Not I love you."
Sirius couldn't help but let his jaw fall open, "...You're joking."
"I'm not. And then you sat with Lily during Potions, and I laughed at all your jokes and you didn't even notice?"
"And then--don't laugh, hey!" James sat up, eyebrows furrowed, "I know you think feelings are stupid but these are mine you hurt today and I want to know why. That's not fair."
Sirius sat up, and faced James, crossing his legs so their knee caps were touching. He grabbed James's face in his hands tenderly and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. I didn't mean to hurt you. And I do love ya."
"...what about love me?"
"That too. Your feelings are the only ones I care about. Ca va, mon amour? I love you only from here on out. But I'm still going to sit next to Evans, who takes notes."
"Why would I take notes when yours are so pretty?"
"So you're not in here listening to--what the fuck is this."
"It's what it sounds like when there are teardrops on a guitar."
Sirius rolled his eyes, and James cracked a smile, kissing Sirius one more. "We can listen to it together."
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Summary: Andy wanted your trust.
Pairings: Andy Barber x Black!Reader
Warnings: minors dni, smut, swearing, Daddy kink, rough sex, degradation, dirty talk, verbal degradation
(A/N: yay my first non request in awhile. Something I hadn’t been able to work on for a long time so if it seems a little disjointed that’s why. But I love it 🥺. Like follow Reblog 💜 ✌🏾)
»»——————————- ♡ —————-————-««
“Nice doing business with you,” Andy said, standing up to hold out his hand.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help yourself as you smiled. After giving you a handshake like you were a client, he chuckled and pulled you in for a hug. Then kissed your forehead before finally moving to your lips. God it was a good thing he’d gotten a private dining room.
Tonight had been a big night. The two of you had been dating for a few months now. Starting out as neighbors when he’d moved in next door after his divorce. What started out as a friendly plate of freshly baked cookies to welcome him turned into him helping you carry your shopping bags into your apartment. Which was followed by two of you ending up on the same jogging path to grabbing breakfast together. Then beers, then dinner, then movie nights to him finally kissing you.
At some point sex started to become a constant topic of conversation. Of him talking about how he’d tried to ask his ex wife to explore more, but every time he’d chicken out. Then when the feelings went away it didn’t feel right to ask. Like if he did he’d deserve a slap on the face.
Then you’d ended up giving him the finest glimpse into what kind of stuff you were into. How you’d been judged in the past by people so you were a little shy about opening up. But that you felt like your secret was safe with him. You’d even whispered it in his ear like someone else could hear him.
Fuck was he dying to touch you. You were all close on your knees. Tits pressing into him. If he’d turned his head just a little he would have gotten face full of them. You were wearing these thigh socks. It was cold, but you apparently didn’t like sleeping in pants so that was your compromise. Thank god for that.
It became kind of a thing you did. He’d open up about the side he’d been trying to explore and you told him the same. Always whispering it in his ears. Until he finally kissed you. He doesn’t know how he waited so long to do it.
He pulled you on his lap so he could kiss you feverishly. Then you tugged at the bottom of his white t-shirt which told him everything about where this was headed. Fuck why hadn’t he done it sooner.
He carried you to your bedroom before laying you down. Fuck he didn’t let up. Just kept pounding into you and you couldn’t help yourself as you cried out and moaned. Said his name over and over again. While he whispered in your ear this time. Saying exactly the things you’d told him you liked.
Didn’t even care that he hadn’t worn a condom. The thought never even crossing his mind. You’d just felt so good as he fucked you. Beside he knew you were on birth control. Even then he wasn’t sure if he cared.
After you came all over his cock once again, he finally exploded inside of you. Making sure to get it nice and deep as if he was trying to impregnate you on purpose. Maybe a tiny little bit of him hoping he caught you when your birth control was failing or something.
After you rolled onto your side. He’d wrapped his arms around you, repeatedly kissing your cheek as you were coming down. Asking you if you needed anything.
You just yawned and turned to snuggle into him. He didn’t stop pressing kiss after kiss into anywhere his lips could reach. Making you giggle a little before you finally kissed him back which is what led to part two.
The next morning you’d woken up before him where he found you in the kitchen making pancakes. He kissed your face over and over as you giggled before he helped you finish.
Since then most mornings were spent like this. Alternating between his place and yours. Yet he noticed something every time. Through all that talking he’d picked up on every kink you had. What made you tick. He’d found out just how to work you up to the point where it was almost too easy. God he was obsessed with it.
But, he’d also noticed was that you were holding back. You hadn’t called him Daddy once. Didn’t let him tie you up. Never even asked for it. So of course he was going to bring it up one day.
“Well,” you’d started, “I guess it’s because I feel like whenever I open up about it...” you trailed off, sighing as you shrugged, “I feel like I end up getting used.”
Andy sighed and pursed his lips. “Aw, Babe...” he sighed before kissing your temple. “You know I’d never do that.”
You shrugged. “You say that now.”
“I won’t. We’re three months in, haven’t I been good to you?” He asked.
“Yeah, but that’s not that long.”
He sighed. He didn’t wanna argue. He wanted you to trust him. Wanted to prove that it wasn’t about the sex. Well, completely. “Okay,” he started, “how about we,” then bit his lip as he thought, his head going to the side, “how about we set a time. It’s three months down. Maybe,” he shrugged,” three more?”
You chuckled and rolled your eyes playfully. “What are we gonna sign contracts?” You asked with a giggle.
“I mean, we could! That’s a great idea!” He laughed. “I can draft one up.”
“I didn’t realize you wanted to be my daddy so bad,” you said not being able to wipe the smile off your face.
He sighed before kissing your cheek. “Well, yeah I wanna be your daddy, but I also want you to be comfortable around me,” he replied.
You peeked up at him through your lashes. You knew he was right. Andy knew you wanted that. With a dramatic sigh, you casted your eyes to the side. “I mean. True.”
He pulled you in. Wrapping his arms snugly around your waist. “Hey, we don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Then he lifted your chin up with his fingers. “We can go at your pace. Or not even do it at all. I just thought-“
“No,” you interrupted him. “You’re totally right. I kinda like the idea of a contract.”
“Yeah?” He asked a grin spreading on his face. “Okay. I can draft it in the morning.”
“I’ll make sure to talk it over with my lawyer,” you teased.
He kissed your cheek. “You’re already my favorite client,” he said before kissing your nose next.
You signed it over drinks then next day. The both of you sitting on the couch as you ‘negotiated’. With anyone else you would have felt silly, but with him you were laughing so much it made your stomach hurt.
Then you made out. Which was interrupted when his son called. Then you sipped on your wine as you curled into him.
He’d held up his end up of the bargain. You’d been a very willing participant. Happily taken part trust exercises as the both of you called them. Like the time you tested how he’d respond to your nonverbal safe word by as he fucked your face. Which he is as quick to ask you if you were okay only to be met by you giggling and smiling and telling him he passed your test. Which only made him chuckle before going back into it.
Clearly it had all paid off because now you were making out on the couch after dinner. Barely able to wait as he pushed your dress passed your waist. “Daddy,” you moaned.
Fuck it was like music to his ears. “That’s my girl,” he groaned, standing up with you in his arms. Fuck he needed you so damn bad. Making sure to get you undressed on the way to his bedroom. Leaving a trail of your clothes and his. Stopping to kiss you along the way. “Gonna finally let me take care of you right?” He asked as he was finally able to lay you down.
“Please,” you whimpered. Suddenly realizing just how badly you needed him. Fuck you should have just let him do this sooner. Andy Barber was clearly a trustworthy man. You don’t know why you were tripping so hard in the first place. He was obviously daddy material from the moment you met him.
He licked his lips as he put his forehead against yours. “Yeah?” He asked. “What do you want?" Then he grabbed your cheek when you tried to look away. Feeling intimated by his bedroom eyes.
Before you could answer, his hand got real close to your pussy. Thumb pressing into your clit making your eyebrow raising as he started rubbing that spot he knew was just right. Making you squeak out, “You.”
He chuckled. The noise vibrating deep in his chest. You looked so fucking cute laying there. All spread out. Eyes begging for him to make his next move. “Don’t play stupid with me.”
Your pussy had gotten so wet. Dripping down onto the sheets. He just got you like that. Almost like you never had a choice and he’d barely even done anything. The noise that fell from your lips was almost pornographic.
Then he shifted so he could replace it with the tip of his hard cock. Flicking at it. Not taking his eyes off of you as he angled himself at your entrance. Covering it in your wetness. Wishing he would stop teasing you because your pussy was aching so bad for him.
“I want you to be my daddy,” you whimpered.
“That’s my good fucking girl,” he said before finally putting you out of your misery and sliding into you. Going about half way. Giving you a little time to adjust. Pussy tightening around him already.
His thickness feeling a little intrusive already in your pussy. You gasped. He kissed the corner of your mouth. Rocking into you slowly. Fuck it felt like your pussy was just begging him to go deeper.
Nose to yours as he inched in a little more. It made your breath hitch in your throat. Instead of going in deeper he pulled out to where his tip was the only thing in you again.
“Daddy,” you mewled. “Please. I need you so bad.”
“Tell daddy what you want, Baby.”
“I want you to fuck me.” You looked up at him with big watery eyes.
“Yeah?” He asked going back in half way. “How you want daddy to fuck you?”
“Like he owns it,” you whined.
“Aw, Baby,” he cooed before leaning down to kiss you. Taking the time to finally go in the rest of the way making you pull away to gasp.
“You want me to fuck your pussy like I own it,” he asked once again going to where only the tip was in before sliding in home.
You cried out. “Yes. Please, Daddy.”
“I can do that,” he cooed before kissing the side of your head. “I can do that, Baby.”
“I wanna be your slut.” You sniffled.
“I know.” He whispered still fucking into you nice and slowly. “You been my slut.”
“Please, Daddy,” you whimpered.
He wrapped his hand around your neck as he pretty much shoved himself into you that time then went back to square one with only the tip. “Yeah? You think you can take my dick?”
“I can,” you promised.
Ah fuck he couldn’t tease you anymore. Your eyes shutting tight as he pushed into you. Thick cock feeling like it was splitting you open until he bottomed out. Giving you a minute to get used to his intrusion before capturing your lips in his.
You moaned into his mouth when he finally started to move. Hands going to his back so you could dig your nails into him. Crying out from how deep he was going.
It wasn’t to say he was being gentle, but he was giving you a moment to feel him without completely overwhelming you yet. It was more like a calm before the storm as he peppered your face in kisses and whispered, “You take your daddy’s dick so well, pretty girl.”
Your walls tightening around him, one of your legs over his shoulder. It felt so good but you needed something more. “Daddy,” you whined. “Please.”
“Tell me what you want,” he said. “Don’t play stupid. Use your fucking words.”
You let out a cute little squeak. “More. Fuck me harder.”
Andy pulled out. Flipping you onto your stomach and not waiting for you to get on your hands and knees before slamming in. You let out a scream as he did as you asked. Not letting up as he his hips back and forth into you.
“Yes!” You cried into the pillow.
“Yeah? What you want? Needed to get fucked like a whore,” he practically growled before smacking your ass. It was too much and somehow not enough. You wanted it all. Fuck your wanted to be his forever and ever. He felt so damn good.
You worked back against him. Finally feeling like everything you’d ever craved from a man was being fulfilled only in such a small amount of time. If any man deserved to be your Daddy it was Andy fucking Barber.
He’d proved it from the moment you met. Just the little things he I’ll did. Just how much he cared. You owed him your pussy for making him wait so long.
“That’s it. Fuck yourself on my cock,” he groaned watching your ass move back and forth onto him. Slapping against his pelvis every time.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” you chanted with your face still in the pillow. He chuckled seeing you so desperate. You were so damn cute. Even when you were taking his cock. “I’m gonna cum!”
He grabbed your hand twisting it behind your back so he could really start driving into you. Eyes rolling to the back of your head as your boyfriend went exactly like you needed making you cum all over his thick cock.
“Fuck me. Do what you want I don’t care.” You’d officially been all fucked out and Andy had been waiting for this moment. For you to finally and fully submit to him in the way he knew you’d been too afraid to ask for before.
He grabbed your hair laughing at how far gone you were. “That’s my good girl. Gonna let me use this slutty pussy to get off.”
“Please don’t stop. Please.” You begged.
“Daddy’s not stopping until you can’t take anymore,” he replied. “You’ll be begging me to stop.”
You came again. Pussy clamping around thick cock again. Screaming daddy. Fuck he loved you like this. Using your body. Calling you names. Fuck. It was addicting.
Making you cum over and over because he wasn’t satisfied until tears were streaming down your face. Then he just made you do again because he wanted you to do it one more time as he sought out his own.
He’d wanted you back on your back for this. Wanted you to look him in the eyes as he pumped in and out of you. “Gonna cum in you, Baby. Gonna take my cum like a good fucking whore?”
“Uh huh,” you breathed because he’d officially broken you by now. “I’m daddy’s slut.”
Fuck that did it.
He doesn’t think he’d ever finished that hard. Body tightening up as he finally came deep inside of you. Making sure to get as far as he could before what felt like a never ending stream let go.
Andy was breathing hard as he laid down on top of you. Putting his head between your tits. Breathing hard, chests heaving.
He wrapped his arms around your waist. You threaded your hands through his hair. The both of you too blissed out to move. He hadn’t even fully pulled out yet.
He loved being so close to you like this after sex. You always said you loved his warmth. Then he’d roll over to pull you into him instead. Resting your head on his shoulder.
Andy kissed the top of your head. Still trying to catch your breaths. Just getting so close. Just like you needed to be.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too,” you mumbled back despite being positively cock drunk.
“You okay? I wasn’t too rough?”
You shook your head. “It was perfect.”
“Glad you thought so,” he said. “Just give me twenty minutes. I gotta tie you up.”
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murswrites · 2 years
A Little Sampler ⎯ Eddie Munson One-Shot
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader Fandom: Stranger Things MASTERLIST Word Count: 2.3k Warnings: Drug use (it’s eddie), cursing, pining, a bit of awkwardness, terrible open ass (literally) ending SUMMARY: Eddie’s had a crush on you for years, it takes you going to him for some weed for you to admit you might have a crush on him too.
A/N This was supposed to go in a completely different direction but... I kind of like the sort of... alluding??? There may be a (smutty) part 2 lmao
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Eddie Munson was good at pretty much everything–save for school–and having any kind of dating experience. He’d had crushes and kissed people here and there, but nothing ever stuck. The only thing that did stick was the embarrassingly large crush he had on Y/N. Probably the most popular person to have ever attended Hawkins High.
You graduated the year prior, while he stayed back. It sucked not having the ability to pine after you in person. But Gareth said it was better if Eddie got weaned off of you. Eddie smacked him for talking about you like you were some kinda drug. Eddie Munson wasn’t addicted to you–that’d be crazy.
It was also crazy that you were back at the school. Waiting… beside Eddie’s van. He almost shat himself when he saw you leaning against the beat-up vehicle.
“Hey, Munson, was wondering if you had anything?” It struck him as odd that you came to Eddie for weed, there were plenty of dealers in Hawkins. Part of him hoped you chose him on purpose.
He may have been a nervous wreck beneath his jean vest but you couldn’t see that. You sat across from him on that rickety picnic table, your knees just nearly touched his. Eddie forced himself to make eye contact with you–that was almost as hard as just… being around you.
“So, how much do you usually charge anyway?” You wondered, leaning on your palm toward him.
Eddie gulped discreetly, opening his tin lunchbox, “Depends what you’re looking for–and how much, of course.”
You nodded, “Of course,” He hated that you kept agreeing with him. When he said it’d be better to meet in the woods, you sat a hand on his chest and said (in your stupid sweet voice), “Yea, it’s much more discreet.”
“But, flattery works with me so–”
That’s when a wicked grin grew on your face, “Really? Wish I’d known that last year, Munson. I’d have been all over you.” There was a teasing quality to your voice but Eddie found himself wishing for it to be true. “I want something to make me feel light and airy–most weed just makes me horny.” You said that casually and it made him literally choke.
The sound that left his throat made you glance up with worry, “You okay?”
He raised his eyebrows and nodded frantically, still riffling around that lunch box of his, “Oh, I’m great…” Eddie presented you with a baggie stuffed to the brim with buds. “This should be your kind of good time.”
You took the baggie gently, turning it over in your hands before opening it and taking a smell of its contents. “Oh, my fucking–” You coughed at the strength of it and closed the bag back up. “That is… wow.”
Talking about his product was easy for Eddie, he had a light smile on his face. “Yea, that’s the good stuff. Hence why it’s not even ground up.”
“I don’t know how to grind the–”
Eddie brushed you off with a shrug, “I can do it, how much are you thinking?”
You felt heat rise in your cheeks, “I’ve never actually purchased weed myself, I’ve always had friends do it for me.”
He gave you a peculiar look but nodded, “That’s alright, I can roll a few joints for you and charge based on that?”
“That works! I’m terrible at measuring ounces and whatnot. And this is just for me so I’d greatly appreciate it.” You placed your hand on his forearm gently and Eddie stared at where your skin met his for a moment.
He shook his head and closed the box back up, “If you want… I could give you a sampler later.”
“...Sampler?” You wondered.
“Free try for your first time buying from me–a free joint. The only bad part is that all my shit’s at my house, I only carry stuff I’m selling on me so…”
You shrugged with a nod, “That’s fair, I can do that. Where do you live?”
The surprise on his face made a knowing smile grow on yours, he didn’t expect that to work… like… at all. “Uh, Forest Hills…”
“That’s perfect, right on the way home. What time should I come over?”
“Uh–when can you?” He scratched the back of his neck.
You considered it for a moment, “Right after work’s fine, I get out at seven.” Eddie nodded at you, “It’s a date.” You pretended not to see the blush that covered his cheeks and ears. It was kind of cute.
The whole thing about the trailer park being on your way home had been one fat lie. If anything it was on the complete opposite of town–but hey–free weed is free weed. You saw Eddie’s van outside of a tan trailer and knew instantly that must’ve been it. Your car settled to a slow stop as something flashed within the trailer.
There was a dark spot flying past each window as if someone was running back and forth inside. You watched for a moment with a grin–he was so nervous.
You were well aware that Munson had a crush on you. He made it hard to not notice, the way he’d stare at you dreamily used to creep you out but then he grew into himself and… Eddie Munson turned out to be super pretty. But you graduated a year too early to explore anything with him–plus you were like Hawkins High’s golden child.
If anyone was outwardly Eddie Munson’s complete opposite–it’d be you.
You only knocked twice before the door was yanked open and you were met with the sight of Eddie. He smiled nervously, “Hey, Munson. You okay?”
“Me? Oh, I’m great, how are you…?”
He pulls the door open nice and wide and you take in the peculiar-looking living room. “You have a lot of… mugs…”
“Yea… we really do. Uh, my room’s back here–if that’s okay.” He suddenly blurted and it made you pause.
“That’s fine. I don’t like the idea of stinking your entire house up.” You said with a laugh, turning around to look at all of the decorations. Eddie leads you down the carpeted hallway–apologizing for the mess but all of the art on the walls takes your attention. “Woah.” You don’t recognize half of the references but then you see his guitar. “Holy–”
Eddie had on a genuinely confident smile now, “That’s my baby.” He leaned against the doorframe for a second, “Is it alright if I close the door?”
You nod absentmindedly, looking at his walls with curiosity. “What’s… Iron Maiden? Some kind of Marvel reference?”
“Oh god no–not that there’s anything wrong with Marvel. It’s just–they’re a band.”
“I see… are all of these posters band posters?” Your eyes settled onto a Playboy poster that was half hidden behind the curtain. “Maybe not this one.” You say with a laugh, pushing the curtain to the side to take the woman in. “Good choice.”
Eddie’s face is bright red when you look over your shoulder. That is before he bounces to the closet and begins rifling through it. “I’ve got my shit… somewhere.”
“My room’s a mess too. Since I moved out it’s been hard to make myself clean it.”
“I live here with my uncle, he let me have the room which was really nice of him, to be honest.” Eddie said thoughtfully, holding a tin of Altoids in his hand, “Got the party sticks.” He shook the tin lightly as if to emphasize his point.
You look for somewhere to sit and he pushes his chair toward you, “Thanks.” Eddie busies himself with lighting the joint as you patiently wait. It’s a bit awkward with no talking or anything… “Do you got any music we could listen to?”
“Yea, my tapes are all on the desk there.”
The big speaker system makes a smile grow on your face, “I just know everyone hates it when you listen to music.” Eddie’s laugh makes you glance back at him–he’s licking the paper shut and you can’t help but stare at the simple action. You suddenly turn when he looks up at you (and catches you staring). “Uh… what would you recommend?”
“You ever hear of Ozzy Osbourne?”
“A few times, you got some of his music?” He was right behind you and the sudden closeness had your throat drying up.
Eddie nodded and reached forward, his chest pressing into your arm. You thought he had a crush on you–not the other way around. “Black Sabbath, it’s really good.” He grabbed the tape carefully and handed it to you.
“Okay…” You said with a nod, getting the music started at a lower volume. “Will this stuff make me sleepy or–”
“Shouldn’t make you sleepy. Doesn’t make me sleepy.”
That made you laugh, you raised your eyebrows, “Hm, we’ll see. I tend to get sleepy or like I said earlier…”
Eddie tilted his head, “I hear you, if you don’t like it we can stop.” We. That part stuck out to you, a weed dealer would stop smoking his own product just because you didn’t like it? That’s odd.
The joint was nearing the end of its lifespan and you began feeling the back of your head become light.
It was like marshmallows inflated inside your skull in place of your brain. You knew what would come next–the part where time began to jump and slow down. The same song felt like it had been on forever, “Hey, how’s longs it been since this song came on?”
“It’s only been like a minute.”
You groaned, “Fucking hell. I hate this part.”
“What’s wrong?” You looked up at him, holding your head up carefully with your hands. Not only were you fucking baked–you were lowkey a little paranoid because you did not know this man. “Oh–I get it. Time’s all trippy isn’t it?” You nodded sluggishly. “Want something to drink?”
You could cry, he tried offering you a drink when you coughed so hard it sounded like a smoker’s cough but you declined. Now you were wishing you’d stolen all the drinks in the trailer. “Please,”
Eddie held on to the joint as he left his room, you laid back in the chair–it was so uncomfortable. His floor was a mess, but his bed looked freshly made. You stole a glance at his door before deciding he wouldn’t mind. You needed to be flat on your back. Everything was waving and swaying and you swore you were falling but you just landed on the bed.
The door opened and Eddie’s eyes landed on you–you on his bed. And he choked. “Hey, you okay?”
“Hm? Oh, yea… just need to get everything… to… slow down.” Even your rate of speech was fucked.
He sat on the end of his bed, you bent your knees so he could get more room, “No it’s alright,” You slowly put your feet on his leg. “Here’s that drink you wanted.” A water bottle. You thought about that as you listened to the crack seal. He was obviously trying to make you more comfortable. “This thing is dead.”
“Awe, rest in peace, little guy.” You were so goddamn out of it, “How the hell are you like… okay… right now?”
One of Eddie’s hands settled on your shin, “I am very far from okay right now, dude.” You cringed at his use of dude. “I looked in the mirror and my eyes are so red.”
“Bullshit. Mine are redder.” You argued up toward the ceiling, your eyes drifting close. “Lemme see.” You wiggle your fingers at him, Eddie seems apprehensive in helping you up, “I don’t wanna fall.”
“Shit–sorry,” He’s grabbing your hands and pulling–way too fast. Your head knocks into his shoulder as your body folds due to the sudden change in position. “I am so sorry–” Your laughter is what shuts him up, your face pressed into his arm.
“You sounded so worried. Oh… my god.” You draw back, holding onto his shoulder for support. “Open your eyeballs, Eddie.” You blink at him slowly then widen your eyes.
Eddie is met with a rather unsettling sight–you staring at him with that high look on your face. “Holy shit, you’re like–in another galaxy.” That makes you giggle before you’re glaring at him, demanding he shows his eyes. “Fine,” Eddie leans so your faces are mere inches apart.
You grab his chin to hold his swaying head steady, “Hm… your eyes are pretty… pretty red.” He gulps and your eyes fall to his neck.  He’s wearing a chain and a necklace with a guitar pick on it. “That’s cool.”
“...Thanks.” His adam’s apple bobs again.
“You’re super pretty up close, Eddie. Like–freakishly pretty.”
His ears are dusted with red again and it makes you smirk through the high, “Freakishly, huh?”
“Oh! Not like that!” You groan, pushing the crown of your head against his arm again. Your hands fist in his jacket as you shake your head, “No I mean like–you’re so pretty it’s unnatural. Are you a vampire, Munson?”
Eddie laughs out loud at that, “You’re so different than I expected.”
“You’re lucky I’m high. I’m an asshole when I’m sober.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“Oh, believe it. I am like–the biggest, gaping, asshole ever.”
Eddie cringes at your vivid description, “That sounds so gross.” You laugh at his disgusted expression.
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