#with a piercing gun and surgical steel earrings
black-rose-writings · 8 months
I'm thinking about getting my ears re-pierced, so I'm doing some research on it and I found this really funny thing.
An article from a jewelry store (it's the first thing that pops up when I googled surgical steel alergy, which I am pretty sure I have) says, in the same sentence that nickel allergies (which are typically the cause of bad reactions to iron-based alloys) are very rare and then they say 10% of the population has some form of it. That's not very rare. That's 1 in 10 people. In medication side effects lists, 1 in 10 is considered common.
So, yeah, fucking stupid ass jewelry website trying to sell their stupid ass jewelry by misleading their readers/customers.
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silvercap · 5 months
Forced to watch for the ask game? 👀 Thank you!
Sure!! (For this prompt list)
Forced to watch
"Can your friends in FOS hear you?" the man sneers as Leon stifles an agonized gasp, skinny hand twisting the knife he's jammed into the meat of Leon's thigh until fresh blood oozes forth, soaking into the torn fabric of his jeans. He reaches out to fist a hand in Leon's hair, leaving the blade in place. "Do they hear how pathetic you sound?"
Leon concentrates on keeping himself as quiet as he can, Hunnigan's keyboard typing frantically in his ear.
"I'm getting in contact with Chris, Leon. I can't legally send out a team, but he can if he knows the situation. We're going to find you, you hear me?" she says, a steady stream of soothing reassurances that Leon tries to anchor himself on as the man slaps him violently across the face and slams the knife deeper without warning. Leon can't stop a strangled sound, hating the falter in Hunnigan's voice when the noise carries through the mic attached to his comm. "Focus on your breathing, Leon, that's it."
"Well, tell them this," the skinny man continues, gleeful. "If they want their precious agent back, safe and sound, they'd better give me my demands. You know what they are, don't you, Hunnigan?" He leans back, reaching for another of his tools from the tray he's set out in an attempt at intimidation. Leon raises his head just long enough to see some sort of power tool, a long cord attached to the end of it. He presses it against Leon's upper arm with a grin.
"Hunnigan," Leon croaks, "turn off your comm. Don't--don't listen t' --"
He's cut off by a spike of agony in his bicep, pained moan impossible to hold back. The power tool makes a loud ka-chunk sound, a bead of blood forming around the steel nail Leon can see embedded in his skin when the man pulls it back again.
"I'm not going anywhere," Hunnigan says stubbornly, at the same time as the man sets his nail gun on a spot a few inches above Leon's uninjured knee.
"I had this baby amped up," he says conversationally. "Usually they don't go through skin as a safety thing, but I made a few adjustments."
Leon's entire body shudders when he presses down again, a whimper sneaking out from behind the lump in his throat as another nail shoots deep into his leg. The man isn't done, though--he pierces two more spots in quick succession, Leon's cries harder and harder to hold back with every click. He pants as the man pats his head, chest heaving. His trembling fingers ache where they've already been broken one-by-one, nails removed with surgical precision. Sweat stings his eyes.
"Hunnigan," he pleads.
"I'm not going to let you go through this alone," she insists, though Leon can hear the shake in her voice. "I'm here for you, remember?"
"I hope she's enjoying this," the man goads, jamming a fourth nail into Leon's thigh for good measure. Leon chokes.
"Sh--she's not listening," he tries, voice slightly more dazed than he'd hoped. "She turned it off."
The man jams the nail gun into Leon's hip without hesitation, a ragged scream tearing out from between his lips. He shudders against the ropes holding him in place, unable to even protest when the man lifts his chin with a hand.
"Hang in there," Hunnigan says miserably. "It'll be okay, Leon, we're going to get you out."
"Tell her what I want them to give me," the man orders in a low voice. His eyes gleam. The muzzle of the nail gun comes to rest under Leon's collarbone, a dangerous weight. "Or the next one goes into your lung."
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borninwinter81 · 5 months
My piercings + ear redecorating!
I got my first lobe piercings when I was around 10 (scary old fashioned gun, at a jeweller, it was 1992 and no-one really knew better).
Throughout my mid to late teens I pierced my ears myself 4 more times with sewing needles. *obligatory warning that this was very stupid and can go horribly wrong, go to a professional*. Luckily for me I didn't get any infections or keloids.
I've had a few other piercings over the years but my ear ones are the only ones I still have, with the addition of a rook and a helix - those were all done professionally.
I took out my lip and tongue due to worry about tooth damage, my wrist surface piercing I only kept for a month as although I loved it, it was also super annoying and kept getting caught on things. I also removed my eyebrow in the last couple of years as it was also getting on my nerves. I'm a pretty rare beast as I managed to keep my eyebrow piercing from the age of 17 up to my late 30s, and I could probably still get it back in now. Eyebrow piercings are notorious for rejecting and growing out, but that never happened with mine. I generally heal piercings extremely well.
I retired my second lobes when I started stretching as I didn't want them to get in the way. My right has been at 16mm for about 15 years now. At the time I liked being asymmetrical, however late last year I decided I wanted to stretch the left up to match. Its currently at 5mm.
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For almost the entire time I've had ear piercings they've been just plain steel - like the pic on the right. Remember, the body piercing era I started out in was the late 90s, and back then apart from surgical steel all you could get was horrible plastic stuff, and the occasional glittery gemstone. I'm not into bling. Titanium wasn't even a thing you could get for piercings at that point, and neither was internally threaded jewellery, which meant having interesting ends on them wasn't really possible.
I tend to forget that there are a lot more options now, so coinciding with stretching my left ear I've been scouring the Internet for jewellery I like. So far I have what you see here, though I do also have an ankh stud on the way. These are all titanium, and from 2 UK sellers, Herbie and Lou, and Deep Blue Piercing, whom I found on Etsy. Deep Blue does have their own website, but the pricing is the same as Etsy.
All my studs are labret studs as I find the flat back and the slightly larger gauge (1.2mm or 16g to Americans) much more comfortable. I never wear conventional earrings.
I do like to wear dangly ones which I remove the hooks from and put on a hinged segment ring, which I then hang from my tunnels. Here are a couple of examples.
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The fly is from Kattie Whittle, and is one of my favourite pairs. The other one was from a charity shop. Both are surprisingly lightweight for such large earrings.
Though I think it can look awesome, for me personally I don't really like lots of large dangles up my ear, so I'm sticking with the studs in the rest of my lobes for now.
I'll fill them slowly but surely as I find more studs I like. I'd also really love to find some nice jewellery to put in my rook - you can get oval clickers for them, or I could switch out the ends of my horseshoe bar for some more interesting ones, or get a curved barbell and do the same thing. We will see 😁
I'm open to suggestions of good shops to get jewellery from, though of course it's much better for me if they're UK based. I don't really want to spend more on postage than I do on the jewellery!
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artykyn · 9 months
here’s a token to cash in whenever you want: so what about piercings at claire’s?
Okay you asked
First of all, a traditional piercing at a reputable piercing studio uses a hollow needle to pierce your ear. The earring is essentially threaded into your ear. Needles are super sharp, sterile, and single-use.
Claire's uses a gun.
It's a special gun that loads up the earring and jams it right into your ear. They market this as "needle free piercing!" to, I don't know, calm people who are afraid of needles? But here's the thing: the gun hurts way way worse than a needle. You aren't being pierced with a sharp needle, you are being jabbed by a blunt earring.
Needle? Clean, smooth hole. Gun? Well... think about what happens if you shoot a bullet through a target. On the front, it looks like a clean circle. On the back?
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That's the back of your ear after getting pierced by a gun!
Your tissues are super screwed up, your piercing wound is way bigger than it would be with a clean, sharp needle, and your healing process is more complicated. The stud you stick on the back of your earring is pressed against all that loose flappy damaged skin that is now desperate to heal itself from such blunt force trauma-- don't be surprised if your skin grows and heals around the stud in the same way that trees "consume" things.
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Also you can't even sterilize a piercing gun properly. Shopping mall piercing kiosks claim that it's sterile but the fact is that single-use needles and disposable surgical gloves are way more sterile than a gun you clean between every customer.
Claire's tries to market it as a "No contact!" piercing method that's "cleaner" because the piercer's hand doesn't have to touch your ear. If you trust a surgeon to physically touch your organs then what's the big deal about a professional piercer touching your ear?
Since the cartilage of your ear is way more delicate than your lobe, using a piercing gun there is more likely to straight up shatter your ear. Like shooting a gun at a block of wood. Lots of cracks and splinters!!
By the way, Claire's is not the only place that uses piercing guns. In fact, you can even buy them yourself online to do "at-home piercing".
Avoid them. Oh my god please avoid them.
Second of all you need high-grade metal for an initial piercing. Low-grade stainless steel is okay for a healed piercing. But using it for an initial piercing is how you risk allergic reactions, irritation, rejection (it never heals, and your body forces it out). This is also how you can put yourself at risk of spontaneously developing a nickel allergy that you will have for the rest of your life! (Like me!!)
Claire's does have some high-grade metals you can choose from. But they also offer stainless steel. Most stainless steels use nickel as part of the alloy mix. If you're going for stainless steel for a first piercing, get surgical-grade.
Let's assume you wanted an aquarium. Obviously, a store that specializes in aquariums has better products than a generic store like Petco. The employees at an aquarium store are also WAY better informed about aquariums and fish, and can give you better advice, as opposed to the average Petco worker, who has a general knowledge of all animals but nothing too in-depth about any specific ones. Some of the suggestions I've been given by Petco workers would 100% be animal torture. They don't know better.
That's Claire's. The employees aren't professional piercers, they are retail workers who got basic piercing training. For that reason, piercings are super cheap! You get what you pay for.
My final gripe is around piercing culture in general. Piercings are, I'm sure you're aware, often gendered as a "feminine" thing. A woman having her ear lobes pierced is super common. And if a woman wants to have pierced ears, okay, but my issue is with mothers who take their infant baby girls to get their ears pierced.
Those are women who did not want to get their ears pierced. Their mothers forced it upon them as a baby, because their mothers had some weird obsession with gender roles and aesthetic appearance and wanted to treat their baby like a doll. If a man forced his girlfriend to get her ears pierced so she'd look more feminine, that'd be sketchy. Why is it okay for mothers to pierce their baby's ears?? A baby is a human being, not a toy.
Putting a bow on your kid is one thing. Putting them through permanent body-altering procedures for the sake of YOUR aesthetics, however? Would you tattoo freckles on your child if freckles were considered a cute feminine thing for girls to have? Would you sign your brown-eyed baby up to get that procedure that turns their eyes blue, if blue eyes were considered feminine? What is your limit? How far do gender roles have to go before you question them?
Let people choose for THEMSELVES if they want to get a piercing, or any other body alteration. For goodness's sake. Why does that have to be said.
"Oh it's just a piercing it's not a big deal" babies do not understand the care instruction "do not touch". The baby will touch the piercing. The baby will crawl and roll around and put their ears against the floor and many other things. The risk of infection and bad healing is super high. The risk of your child now growing up with a deformed ear is super high.
ESPECIALLY if you use a piercing gun.
And guess what?
Claire's will happily pierce your baby's ears for you.
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delilahfimclain · 1 year
𝕯𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖍'𝖘 𝕿𝖆𝖘𝖐𝖘
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FULL NAME: Delilah Ophelia McLaine AGE/DOB: 29 Years Old / May 11th, 1994 HEIGHT: 5'5" WEIGHT: 118 Ibs ETHNICITY: Caucasian GENDER: Female HAIR: Brunette EYES: Chocolate Brown / Silver White SCARS: Scar on the Nose (From a Boomerang Accident as a Child) TATTOOS: Outer Thigh Tattoo (A Red Heart With A Semicolon in The Center), Shoulder Tattoo (Birds Flying Across her Left Shoulder) PIERCINGS: Ear Piercings (Normally Wears Studs), Nose Piercing (Often Wears Studs) LANGUAGES: English, (Intending To Learn More) EDUCATION: Four Year Bachelor Degree, Four Years of Medical School, Medical Degree, Surgical Degree, Three Out of Five Years of Surgical Residency Program OCCUPATION: Doctor, Third-Year Transferring Surgical Resident at Covaire City Hospital (Hopes to Be a Pediatric or Trauma Surgeon) SEXUAL IDENTIFICATION: Pansexual ROMANTIC IDENTIFICATION: Panromantic, Polyamorous (Maybe) TEMPERAMENT: S-I Phlegmatic-Sanguine: The Harmonizer - The combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary temperament need is to be accommodating. The secondary need is to be accepted socially. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. They prefer a mostly private, routine existence, and involvement with family and a few friends. They stubbornly resist change—especially sudden change. They are loyal, consistent, and dependable. They are naturally service minded and will often work when they are ill. They are very independent-minded and want to operate by themselves and set their own pace. They learn by doing (hands-on). The Phlegmatic-Sanguine can do routine work but will need some change during the day. They have a very difficult time saying no and will often take on more than they can do just to please others. They are easy to like, and they have a very pleasant, soft voice. They are friendlier after warming up. MYERS BRIGGS TYPE: ENFP: The Campaigner - Campaigners are free spirits, Open minded, and heart as well as outgoing, often standing out in a crowd thanks to their lively, upbeat approach to life. But, even though they light up a room, they do not just care about having a good time. They yearned for meaningful, emotional connections with other people. MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good (81%) - You are more of a modern kind of good. You are willing to break or use the law to defeat those you see as evil, and, though you prefer the truth, you are willing to lie to get those who are evil imprisoned or exposed. If you are working for an evil villain, you most likely are using him as a way to stop a greater evil.
FAVORITE FOODS: Chocolate, Mashed Potatoes With Gravy, Steak Cooked Rare, Watermelon FAVORITE DRINKS: Old Fashioned, Orange Faygo, Rum FAVORITE BRANDS: Hospital-Issued Scrubs and Coats, Thrifted Clothing (Doesn’t Look at Brands Often) FAVORITE PLACES: Anywhere She Can See the Stars, Heights Such as Ferris Wheels, The Woods FAVORITE HOBBIES: Dancing, Hiking, Painting, Researching Risky Surgeries, Singing, Studying Surgeries, Writing FAVORITE ARTIST: Vincent Van Gogh FAVORITE MUSICIANS: Coldplay, Dolly Parton, Eminem, Green Day, Guns N' Roses, Kelly Clarkson, Linkin' Park, Nine Inch Nails, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Etc. FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Anything With Crime or Horror, Game of Thrones, Hospital Shows FAVORITE MOVIES: Moulin Rouge (2001), Hocus Pocus, The Last Unicorn, Titanic FAVORITE BOOK: Medical Books, Medical Journals, Medical Studies, The Great Gatsby FAVORITE SCENTS: Chocolate, Coffee, Fire, Forest Like Smells, Smell of Rain, Smoke, Sugar, Vanilla FAVORITE COLOUR: Red FAVORITE TEXTURES: Silk, Wool, Cold Steel FAVORITE PERSON: None Yet
LIST FIVE THINGS THEY LIKE: Masturbating, Saving Lives, Singing, The Idea of Sex, Writing LIST FIVE THINGS THEY DISLIKE: Being Put Down, Being Treated Like a Child, Dishonesty, Violence Against Children, Yelling PET PEEVE: Being Interrupted PERSONALITY TYPES THEY PREFER: Dependable, Honesty, Kind-Hearted, Mature, Open-Minded PERSONALITY TYPES THEY AVOID: Close-Minded, Dishonesty, Disloyalty, Idiotic, Immature ACHILLES HEEL: Children in Need (She's a Pediatric Trauma Surgeon) LIST THREE THINGS THEY LIKE ABOUT THEMSELVES: Independence, Kind Heart, Outgoing Behavior LIST THREE THINGS THEY DISLIKE ABOUT THEMSELVES: Fear, Herself, Her Temper FASHION STYLE: Mostly Modest/Casual With a Bit of Cleavage Showing, But She Will Dress to Impress for an Event or Date LIST TWO SEX POSITIONS THEY PREFER: (Hasn't Had Sex Yet, But She Wants to Try) Doggy Style, Cowgirl LIST TWO SEX POSITIONS THEY AVOID: None Yet
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earholerepair · 3 months
Comprehensive Guide to Ear Studs Piercing and Earring Hole Repair in Mumbai
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Ear piercing has been a popular form of body modification and self-expression for centuries. In Mumbai, the trend of ear studs piercing continues to thrive, with numerous studios and clinics offering a range of services. However, as much as ear piercing is popular, issues such as earring hole repair, stitching, and closing are equally common. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about ear studs piercing and earring hole repair in Mumbai, including the processes, options available, and expert tips for aftercare.
The Art of Ear Studs Piercing
Choosing the Right Studio
When it comes to ear studs piercing in Mumbai, the first step is selecting a reputable studio. Look for places that maintain high standards of hygiene, have experienced piercers, and use sterilized equipment. Customer reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations can be very helpful in making this choice.
The Piercing Process
The process of ear studs piercing is straightforward but must be done with precision. Here’s a step-by-step overview:
Consultation: Discuss your preferences and any concerns with the piercer.
Preparation: The ear is cleaned and marked for the piercing.
Piercing: Using a sterilized needle or piercing gun, the piercer creates a hole and inserts the stud.
Aftercare Instructions: You will be given guidelines on how to care for your new piercing.
Aftercare Tips for Ear Studs Piercing
Proper aftercare is crucial to prevent infections and ensure quick healing. Here are some tips:
Clean the piercing twice a day with a saline solution.
Avoid touching the piercing with dirty hands.
Keep hair and other potential irritants away from the piercing site.
Avoid swimming in pools or the ocean until the piercing is fully healed.
Common Issues with Ear Piercings
Even with the best care, problems can arise. Some common issues include:
Infections: Redness, swelling, and pus are signs of an infection. Consult a professional immediately if you notice these symptoms. -Allergic Reactions: Some people are allergic to certain metals. Opt for hypoallergenic materials like surgical steel or titanium.
Keloids: These are raised scars that form at the piercing site. They require medical treatment.
Earring Hole Repair Services in Mumbai
Why You Might Need Earring Hole Repair
Earring hole repair is often necessary for several reasons, including:
Torn Earlobes: Heavy earrings or accidental pulls can tear the earlobe.
Stretched Holes: Over time, the weight of earrings can stretch the piercing hole. Infected Piercings: Severe infections might require the hole to be repaired and re-pierced later.
Types of Earring Hole Repairs
Earring Hole Stitching in Mumbai: This involves stitching the torn or stretched earring hole. The process is usually quick and done under local anesthesia.
Earring Hole Repair in Mumbai: This includes stitching and reshaping the earlobe to restore its natural appearance.
Ear Piercing Hole Repair in Mumbai: Specifically addresses issues with the piercing itself, ensuring it can be re-pierced safely. 4.Earlobe Hole Repair in Mumbai: Focuses on repairing significant damage to the earlobe.
The Process of Earring Hole Repair
Consultation and Assessment
A professional will assess the damage and discuss the best course of action. This might include:
Examination: Checking the extent of the tear or stretch.
Discussion: Explaining the procedure, aftercare, and expected results.
The Repair Procedure
The procedure typically involves:
1.Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is applied to numb the area.
Stitching: The torn or stretched hole is carefully stitched.
Recovery: You’ll receive aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.
Aftercare for Earring Hole Repair
Proper aftercare ensures a smooth recovery and includes:
Cleaning: Keep the area clean to prevent infections.
Avoiding Stress: Do not wear earrings until fully healed.
Follow-up Visits: Regular check-ups with the professional to monitor healing.
Closing Ear Piercings in Mumbai
Why Close an Ear Piercing?
There are various reasons someone might want to close an ear piercing:
Personal Preference: Changing tastes or career requirements.
Damage or Infection:Severe cases might necessitate closing the piercing.
The Procedure
Closing a piercing involves a simple procedure where the professional will:
Clean and Numb the Area: Ensuring the process is painless. 2.Remove the Jewelry: If still in place.
Stitching or Laser Treatment: To close the hole.
Aftercare Instructions: To ensure the area heals properly.
FAQs about Ear Studs Piercing and Earring Hole Repair
Q1: How long does it take for an ear studs piercing to heal?
A1: It typically takes 6–8 weeks for an ear studs piercing to heal completely. However, the healing time can vary depending on individual factors and aftercare practices.
Q2: Can I get my ear piercing re-done after earring hole repair?
A2: Yes, once the earring hole repair has fully healed, you can get your ear re-pierced. It’s recommended to wait at least 3–6 months before re-piercing.
Q3: What materials are best for new ear piercings?
A3: Hypoallergenic materials such as surgical steel, titanium, or 14k gold are best for new ear piercings to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and infections.
Q4: How much does earring hole repair in Mumbai cost?
A4: The cost of earring hole repair can vary depending on the severity of the damage and the clinic. On average, it ranges from ₹2000 to ₹5000 per ear.
Q5: Where can I get the best ear studs piercing and earring hole repair services in Mumbai?
A5: Earhole Repair Mumbai offers top-notch services for both ear studs piercing and earring hole repair, ensuring a safe, hygienic, and professional experience.
Ear studs piercing and earring hole repair are specialized services that require professional expertise and meticulous care. Whether you’re looking to get a new piercing or need to repair an existing one, Mumbai has numerous reputable options. Proper aftercare and selecting the right professional are key to ensuring the best results. If you’re considering these services, Earhole Repair Mumbai offers comprehensive solutions tailored to meet your needs. Book an appointment today to experience high-quality care and exceptional results.
For more information and to schedule a consultation, visit Earhole Repair Mumbai. Our team of experienced professionals is here to help you with all your ear piercing and repair needs.Contact Us https://earholerepair.com/
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dermatologistexpert · 7 months
Things To Be Kept In Mind While Going For Ear Piercing
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Ear piercing is a timeless form of body modification allowing individuals to express their style and adorn themselves with beautiful jewelry. However, before getting your ears pierced, there are several important factors to consider to ensure a safe and satisfying experience. 
In this article, we'll explore the key considerations for ear piercing in Mumbai, including ear piercing costs and procedures, particularly for those in Mumbai.
Six Things To Be Kept In Mind While Going For Ear Piercing
1. Choose a Reputable Piercing Studio
Selecting a reputable piercing studio is crucial to ensure a safe and hygienic ear piercing experience. Look for a studio that adheres to strict sterilization protocols, uses high-quality piercing equipment, and employs experienced piercers. 
Reading reviews and asking for recommendations from friends or family help you find a trusted piercing studio in Mumbai.
2. Consider the Cost
The cost of ear piercing varies depending on factors such as the type of piercing (e.g., lobe, cartilage), the jewelry used, and the reputation of the piercing studio. It's essential to inquire about the total ear piercing cost upfront, including the price of the piercing procedure and any additional fees for jewelry and aftercare products. 
3. Research Different Piercing Methods
There are several methods for ear piercing, including needle piercing and gun piercing. Needle piercing, performed by professional piercers using a sterile needle, is widely considered safer and less traumatic than gun piercing, which may cause tissue damage and increase the risk of infection. 
Researching and understanding the pros and cons of each method helps you make an informed decision about the type of ear piercing you prefer.
4. Understand the Healing Process
Ear piercing requires proper aftercare to facilitate healing and prevent complications such as infection and scarring. It's essential to follow the piercer's aftercare instructions carefully, including cleaning the pierced area with saline solution, avoiding touching or twisting the jewelry, and refraining from swimming or submerging the piercing in water. 
Understanding the healing process and being diligent about aftercare help ensure a smooth and successful recovery.
5. Choose the Right Jewelry
Selecting the right jewelry for your newly pierced ears is essential for both comfort and aesthetics. Consider factors such as material (e.g., surgical stainless steel, titanium, gold), style (e.g., studs, hoops, dangles), and size. 
Choosing hypoallergenic jewelry is recommended to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin. Your piercer guides you in selecting suitable jewelry for your ear piercing.
6. Be Prepared for Potential Discomfort
While ear piercing is generally a quick and relatively painless procedure, some discomfort or mild pain may occur during and after the piercing. It's normal to experience redness, swelling, and tenderness in the pierced area for a few days following the procedure. 
Over-the-counter pain relievers and applying cold compresses help alleviate discomfort. However, if you experience severe pain, excessive swelling, or signs of infection, seek medical attention promptly.
Ear piercing is a popular form of self-expression and adornment, but it's essential to approach the process thoughtfully and responsibly. Inurskn, a trusted name, offers professional ear piercing in Mumbai, prioritizing safety and hygiene. 
With experienced piercers and a commitment to using high-quality equipment, they ensure a comfortable and satisfying experience for clients. Trust Inurskn for your ear piercing needs and embark on your journey to stylish and beautifully adorned ears with confidence and peace of mind.
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blogs-studexarabia · 1 year
Your Comprehensive Guide to Ear and Tongue Piercing: Finding Studios, Kits, and Instruments | StudexArabia.Quora.Com
Ear and tongue piercing have long been popular forms of self-expression, allowing individuals to adorn themselves in unique and meaningful ways. Whether you're interested in finding a nearby studio, exploring DIY kits, or understanding the tools involved, this guide covers all aspects of safe and stylish piercing. From classic earring styles to trendy studs, we'll delve into the art of body piercing.
Navigating Your Options for Ear Piercing:
The journey of ear piercing begins with finding the right studio. Searching for "ear piercing near me" is a crucial step, but proximity is not the only factor to consider. Reputable studios prioritize cleanliness, professionalism, and expertise. Look for reviews and recommendations to ensure you choose a place with experienced piercers who adhere to strict hygiene practices.
A reputable studio offers a diverse range of earring options, from studs to hoops, allowing you to choose what resonates with your style. Multiple ear piercing studs are becoming increasingly popular, allowing for creative combinations that reflect your personality.
Exploring Ear Piercing Kit and Machine:
For those who prefer a DIY approach, ear piercing kit is readily available. These kit typically include sterilized piercing earrings, marking tools, and aftercare instructions. While convenient, it's crucial to proceed with caution. Follow the instructions meticulously to prevent infections and ensure proper placement. Opt for hypoallergenic materials to minimize the risk of adverse reactions.
Ear piercing machine is another modern option, using controlled pressure to create accurate piercings. However, only skilled professionals should operate these machines to ensure safety and precision.
Embracing Piercing Earrings and Studs:
Piercing earrings come in various designs, catering to different tastes. Classic studs are a timeless choice, while hoops offer a more contemporary look. When selecting earrings, prioritize hypoallergenic materials such as surgical stainless steel or titanium to avoid complications.
Trends like multiple ear piercing studs have brought a new dimension to piercing. This trend allows you to curate a unique constellation of earrings, showcasing your individual style.
Navigating Tongue Piercing:
Beyond ear piercing, tongue piercing is an edgy option. Tongue studs are inserted through the center of the tongue, making professional expertise essential. Choose a piercer experienced in tongue piercings to ensure proper placement and reduce discomfort.
Tongue piercing requires meticulous aftercare due to the oral environment. Rinsing with saline solutions after eating helps maintain hygiene and promote healing. Keep in mind that tongue piercings have a longer healing period compared to ear piercings due to the constant movement of the tongue.
The Role of Ear Piercing Instrument:
The success of an ear piercing largely depends on the instruments used. Properly sterilized and appropriate instruments minimize pain and the risk of infections. Piercers use specialized ear piercing instrument designed to create precise holes while minimizing trauma to the surrounding area.
Whether it's a needle or a piercing gun, ensure that the instruments are sterilized and used by trained professionals to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.
Overcoming Challenges and Pitfalls:
Opting for professional piercers and studios is crucial to avoid common pitfalls. DIY piercing attempts using non-sterile items can lead to infections. Changing earrings or studs too early can disrupt the healing process. Patience and adherence to aftercare guidelines are key to a successful outcome.
Prioritizing Aftercare and Healing:
Regardless of the type of piercing, proper aftercare is vital. Following instructions provided by your piercer or kit is essential to prevent infections. Regularly cleaning the pierced area with a saline solution maintains hygiene. Each piercing has a unique healing timeline; avoid rushing into jewelry changes to prevent complications.
Celebrating Individuality Through Piercings:
Piercings go beyond aesthetics; they're a celebration of individuality. They hold cultural significance, convey personal stories, and empower self-expression. Beyond the visual aspect, piercings are a journey of self-discovery and confidence-building.
As you embark on your piercing journey, prioritize safety and professionalism. Whether it's classic earrings or multiple ear piercing studs, your piercings tell a unique story. Embrace the beauty of self-expression through body art.
The Cultural Significance of Piercing:
Piercings have a rich history and cultural significance that span across different civilizations and time periods. In some cultures, piercings were used as rites of passage or symbols of status and identity. For instance, ancient Egyptian royalty adorned themselves with earrings as symbols of power. In modern times, piercings continue to hold cultural meaning for many individuals.
Understanding the cultural significance of piercings adds depth to your personal journey. Whether you're honoring traditions or creating new ones, your piercings become a bridge connecting you to history and heritage.
Exploring Advanced Piercing Techniques:
While ear and tongue piercings are the most common, the world of body piercing offers an array of advanced options. From nose piercings to belly button piercings and beyond, these unique choices enable you to express yourself even further. However, advanced piercings often require extra care and research due to their unique healing processes.
When considering advanced piercings, consult a professional piercer with experience in these specialized techniques. They can provide valuable insights into aftercare, healing timelines, and suitable jewelry options.
Enhancing Aesthetics with Jewelry:
The jewelry you choose for your piercings plays a significant role in enhancing aesthetics. Beyond the initial piercing, the jewelry you wear becomes a focal point of your look. Experiment with different earring styles, colors, and materials to complement your style and outfits.
For ear piercing studs, you can mix and match various sizes and shapes to create a visually appealing arrangement. Hoops offer a versatile option that can be worn for both casual and formal occasions. Remember that jewelry can be changed once the piercing is fully healed, allowing you to refresh your look whenever you like.
Overcoming Fear and Misconceptions:
Fear of pain or complications can deter individuals from getting piercings. It's important to address these concerns and debunk common misconceptions. While there may be some discomfort during the piercing process, it is usually brief and manageable. Reputable piercers use techniques that minimize pain and ensure your comfort.
To ease fears, research the piercing process, read about others' experiences, and consult with professional piercers. Knowledge can empower you to make informed decisions and embark on your piercing journey with confidence.
Long-Term Care and Maintenance:
Piercings are a commitment that extends beyond the initial procedure. Long-term care is essential to prevent infections and maintain the beauty of your piercings. Even after healing, continue to clean your piercings regularly and avoid exposing them to harsh chemicals or irritants.
For individuals with multiple ear piercing studs or intricate arrangements, take extra care to clean between each earring. Regular check-ups with your piercer are recommended to ensure the health and integrity of your piercings.
Reflecting on Your Piercing Journey:
As time passes, your piercings become a part of your story. Each piercing holds memories, experiences, and milestones. Whether it's the excitement of the first piercing, the confidence that developed, or the artistic exploration of jewelry, your piercings are a canvas reflecting your personal journey.
Take moments to reflect on how your piercings have impacted your life and style. Embrace the growth and change they symbolize, and continue to evolve your piercings along with your evolving identity. Read more...
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delilahmclaine · 1 year
𝕯𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖍'𝖘 𝕿𝖆𝖘𝖐𝖘
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*This will be updated after Delilah gets more experience in Covaire City.* *Has Been Updated Since the Titan War Event.*
FULL NAME: Delilah Ophelia McLaine AGE/DOB: 29 Years Old / May 11th, 1994 HEIGHT: 5'5" WEIGHT: 118 Ibs ETHNICITY: Caucasian GENDER: Female HAIR: Brunette EYES: Chocolate Brown / Silver White SCARS: Scar on the Nose (From a Boomerang Accident as a Child), Bite Mark on Right Shoulder (A Bite from Israel during the Titan’s War), Claw Marks on Left and Right Waist (Also Attack from Israel during the Titan’s War) TATTOOS: Right Wrist Tattoo (A Heart with a Semi-colon), Shoulder Tattoo/Collarbone (Birds Flying Across her Left Shoulder) PIERCINGS: Ear Piercings (Normally Wears Studs), Nose Piercing (Often Wears Studs) LANGUAGES: American Sign Language, English, (Intending To Learn More) EDUCATION: Four Year Bachelor Degree, Four Years of Medical School, Medical Degree, Surgical Degree, Three Out of Five Years of Surgical Residency Program OCCUPATION: Doctor, Third-Year Transferring Surgical Resident at Covaire City Hospital (Hopes to Be a Pediatric or Trauma Surgeon) SEXUAL IDENTIFICATION: Pansexual ROMANTIC IDENTIFICATION: Panromantic, Polyamorous (Maybe) TEMPERAMENT: S-I Phlegmatic-Sanguine: The Harmonizer - The combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary temperament need is to be accommodating. The secondary need is to be accepted socially. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. They prefer a mostly private, routine existence, and involvement with family and a few friends. They stubbornly resist change—especially sudden change. They are loyal, consistent, and dependable. They are naturally service minded and will often work when they are ill. They are very independent-minded and want to operate by themselves and set their own pace. They learn by doing (hands-on). The Phlegmatic-Sanguine can do routine work but will need some change during the day. They have a very difficult time saying no and will often take on more than they can do just to please others. They are easy to like, and they have a very pleasant, soft voice. They are friendlier after warming up. MYERS BRIGGS TYPE: ENFP: The Campaigner - Campaigners are free spirits, Open minded, and heart as well as outgoing, often standing out in a crowd thanks to their lively, upbeat approach to life. But, even though they light up a room, they do not just care about having a good time. They yearned for meaningful, emotional connections with other people. MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good (81%) - You are more of a modern kind of good. You are willing to break or use the law to defeat those you see as evil, and, though you prefer the truth, you are willing to lie to get those who are evil imprisoned or exposed. If you are working for an evil villain, you most likely are using him as a way to stop a greater evil.
FAVORITE FOODS: Chocolate, Mashed Potatoes With Gravy, Steak Cooked Rare, Watermelon FAVORITE DRINKS: Old Fashioned, Orange Faygo, Rum FAVORITE BRANDS: Hospital-Issued Scrubs and Coats, Thrifted Clothing (Doesn’t Look at Brands Often) FAVORITE PLACES: Anywhere She Can See the Stars, Heights Such as Ferris Wheels, The Woods FAVORITE HOBBIES: Dancing, Hiking, Painting, Researching Risky Surgeries, Singing, Studying Surgeries, Writing FAVORITE ARTIST: Vincent Van Gogh FAVORITE MUSICIANS: Coldplay, Dolly Parton, Eminem, Green Day, Guns N' Roses, Kelly Clarkson, Linkin' Park, Nine Inch Nails, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Etc. FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Anything With Crime or Horror, Game of Thrones, Hospital Shows FAVORITE MOVIES: Moulin Rouge (2001), Hocus Pocus, The Last Unicorn, Titanic FAVORITE BOOK: Medical Books, Medical Journals, Medical Studies, The Great Gatsby FAVORITE SCENTS: Chocolate, Coffee, Fire, Forest Like Smells, Smell of Rain, Smoke, Sugar, Vanilla FAVORITE COLOUR: Red FAVORITE TEXTURES: Silk, Wool, Cold Steel FAVORITE PERSON: Vincent Poe
LIST FIVE THINGS THEY LIKE: Masturbating, Saving Lives, Singing, The Idea of Sex, Writing LIST FIVE THINGS THEY DISLIKE: Being Put Down, Being Treated Like a Child, Dishonesty, Violence Against Children, Yelling PET PEEVE: Being Interrupted PERSONALITY TYPES THEY PREFER: Dependable, Honesty, Kind-Hearted, Mature, Open-Minded PERSONALITY TYPES THEY AVOID: Close-Minded, Dishonesty, Disloyalty, Idiotic, Immature ACHILLES HEEL: Children in Need (She's a Pediatric Trauma Surgeon) LIST THREE THINGS THEY LIKE ABOUT THEMSELVES: Independence, Kind Heart, Outgoing Behavior LIST THREE THINGS THEY DISLIKE ABOUT THEMSELVES: Fear, Herself, Her Temper FASHION STYLE: Mostly Modest/Casual With a Bit of Cleavage Showing, But She Will Dress to Impress for an Event or Date LIST TWO SEX POSITIONS THEY PREFER: (Hasn't Had Sex Yet, But She Wants to Try) Doggy Style, Cowgirl LIST TWO SEX POSITIONS THEY AVOID: None Yet
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Trendy and Safe: A Comprehensive Guide to Nostril Piercing, Tragus Piercing, Children's Studs, and More | Shoaib-Jaffer-01-01-1983.BlogSpot.Com
Welcome to the world of body piercings and trendy accessories! In this blog post, we'll be diving into the fascinating realm of nostril piercing, tragus piercing, children's studs, ear piercing studs, ear piercing machines, gold-plated earrings, and nose piercing studs. Whether you're a piercing enthusiast or a parent considering ear piercings for your child, we've got you covered with all the essential information you need to know. Let's explore these exciting topics and discover the perfect adornment for your style!
1. Nostril Piercing:
Nostril piercing has been a popular form of self-expression for centuries in various cultures around the world. This type of piercing involves creating a hole through the nostril to wear a stud or ring. Nostril piercing studs come in various materials such as surgical steel, titanium, or gold plated earrings, catering to different preferences and skin sensitivities.
If you're considering getting a nostril piercing, remember to choose a professional piercer who follows strict hygiene and safety standards. Aftercare is vital to ensure a smooth healing process and avoid infections.
2. Tragus Piercing:
The tragus piercing, located on the small, cartilaginous flap just in front of the ear canal, has become increasingly popular in recent years. Tragus piercings are typically adorned with studs due to the limited space available. Children's studs are also available for this type of piercing, allowing the younger generation to experiment with their style safely.
Although tragus piercings can be visually stunning, they require careful handling during the healing process. Be sure to follow aftercare instructions provided by your piercer to avoid complications and promote quick healing.
3. Children's Studs:
Introducing children to the world of ear piercings can be a momentous occasion. Children's studs offer a safe and gentle option for youngsters who wish to adorn their ears with cute and age-appropriate designs. These studs are usually made from hypoallergenic materials to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.
Before taking your child to get their ears pierced, make sure they are ready and understand the responsibility of caring for their new piercings. Accompany them to a reputable piercing studio with experienced professionals who can ensure a positive experience.
4. Ear Piercing Studs:
Ear piercing studs are a versatile accessory choice for individuals of all ages. Whether you opt for a classic gold plated earring or a dazzling gemstone stud, these piercings can add a touch of elegance and personality to your style. The process of ear piercing has become increasingly effortless, thanks to the advancement of ear piercing machines that provide a swift and relatively painless experience.
When choosing ear piercing studs, consider factors such as the material, design, and ease of cleaning. High-quality materials like surgical stainless steel or hypoallergenic metals are recommended to minimize the risk of skin irritations.
5. Ear Piercing Machine:
Gone are the days of traditional piercing guns; modern technology has given rise to advanced ear piercing machines. These machines are designed to be safe, efficient, and more precise than their predecessors. They use single-use cartridges to minimize the risk of cross-contamination and ensure a hygienic experience.
Before getting your ears pierced using a machine, do thorough research on the piercing studio and check their reviews. Only trust licensed professionals who prioritize safety and maintain a sterile environment.
6. Gold Plated Earrings:
For those seeking the allure of gold without breaking the bank, gold plated earrings offer an excellent alternative. These earrings are crafted from base metals and then coated with a thin layer of gold. They exude the elegance and charm of gold jewelry while remaining budget-friendly.
Remember that gold plated earrings may require extra care to preserve their luster. Avoid exposing them to moisture, chemicals, or abrasion to prolong their lifespan and maintain their shine.
7. Nose Piercing Studs:
Nose piercing is a form of self-expression that has been prevalent in various cultures for centuries. From small studs to rings and other intricate designs, there is a wide array of nose piercing jewelry to choose from. Nose piercing studs, often made from materials like stainless steel or gold plated, are a popular choice due to their minimalistic yet stylish appearance.
Just like with any piercing, nose piercings require proper aftercare to ensure proper healing and prevent infections. Consult with a professional piercer to find the best jewelry and care routine for your individual needs.
In this comprehensive guide, we explored the captivating world of nostril piercing, tragus piercing, children's studs, ear piercing studs, ear piercing machines, gold plated earrings, and nose piercing studs. Remember, safety should always be a priority when it comes to body piercings, so opt for professional piercers and reputable studios to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
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gar-ganocompany · 1 year
Gun and starter earrings
Selling the premium-quality gun and starter earrings of Studex, the Gar-Gano Company has been supplying earrings, ear piercing instruments, and accessories throughout the USA since 1989. The different products available are earrings for women, men, girls, and boys. They come with items of gold earrings, gold ear studs, surgical steel ear studs, starter studs, cartilage piercing studs, and earrings, nose earrings, gun and starter earrings, and silver earrings. The entire earring piercing equipment is completely sterilized. Users also get a full one-hour training session for free, covering the aspects of sanitation, sterilization, antiseptics, antibiotics, steel types, and hands-on training.
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bodyjewelryusa1 · 1 year
Tips to Remember When Choosing Piercing Jewelry
The practice of piercing one's body is growing in popularity. As a matter of fact, it's a return to a time-honored tradition. Ancient Romans were masters of this form of body art. Nipple piercing, for example, was once seen as a sign of bravery in ancient cultures. It has been discovered that people pierced their hands, lips, and ears. Piercing of the genitalia was also common.
Today, piercing evolves across cultures all over the world. Today's piercing professionals draw on piercing's rich history while also utilizing cutting-edge techniques and equipment to ensure the safety of their clients. Only in the last few years has it once again become a major topic of discussion. Yes, it did make such a splash in the world of fashion that people took notice.
An increasing number of people today are drawn to this type of ear jewelry and Curved barbels. However, those considering it should understand that it involves more than just their appearance, and that learning the basics is essential.
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Body Piercing: A Crucial Resource
Always seek out an expert Piercer. Nowadays, piercing studios for Flat back labret are abundant. Pick one that has a history of satisfied customers, as well as the necessary documentation to prove its legitimacy, such as a licence or certification.
In order to prevent infection, professional piercers should take precautions before performing body piercing, such as donning gloves & protective clothing, covering their hair, and washing their hands.
Don't reuse needles, and only use sterile bandages and 24-karat-gold body ornaments.
All instruments and surfaces used must be sterilised before use.
Guns used for piercing cannot be sterilised, making them unsuitable for use. Due to the plastic construction of these piercing guns, they cannot be sterilised. Another reason why piercing guns should be avoided is that piercings performed with them take longer to heal and can cause inflammation or infection. A lot of damage is done to the pierced tissues because of the raggedness of the cut formed by this instrument.
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If you want a quick recovery without any issues, be sure to follow your piercer's aftercare instructions to the letter. From six to eight weeks is the typical time required for recovery. At that point, you can freely alter your existing body adornment.
Body jewelry should be made of a metal that won't cause any adverse reactions in the human body.
Surgical implant steel, surgery implant titanium, Tygon, and gold are all viable options.
Don't use anything silver- or gold-plated or fake. Infections can be caused when these metals react with body tissues.
Even more so with a fresh piercing, you should not take any chances. Always hire a qualified piercer. In addition, they can advise you on which Belly rings metal is ideal for your needs.
Cheap Naval jewelry inserted carelessly into a piercing runs the risk of being rejected by the body or causing an infection. To put it bluntly, if you get sick, it won't matter how much money you saved. Perhaps you should wait six months or even a year after getting pierced before you start wearing body jewellery.
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inkykeiji · 4 years
i can take you there but baby you won’t make it back
character: dabi | todoroki touya
notes: stepcest (kind of—ur parents aren’t married yet) with dabi-as-touya x a very naïve and inexperienced reader, normal!AU (no quirks, dabi also has tattoos over his scarred + fully healed skin), university!reader, implied yakuza!dabi, excessive use of the words niichan and good, praise kink, fingering, face fucking, title credit = save that shit by lil peep lmao  uhhhh yeah i hc dabi as a very intelligent and perceptive individual soooo i feel like he’d be a master at reading a person & their emotions and then adapting his manipulation techniques
warnings: 18+, pseudo-incest (stepcest), noncon/dubcon, slight somnophilia, emotional manipulation, toxic relationship, size difference, slight degradation, mentions of drug use
words: 7.1k
part 2.1 | part 2.2
“You want to be good for me, don’t you, sweetheart?”
“Of course,” you respond instantly. Later, when you lay awake in your bed, you’ll feel ashamed by your actions, by how readily captivated you were with him, by how easily he was able to manipulate you with those sapphire eyes and that rough voice—
But in that moment, you’ll do anything to pull that little smile from him, anything to hear him tell you you’re good. You just want to be good.
Something dark and primal flashes in those gorgeous eyes as they gaze down at you, a small grin spreading across his face. “Of course,” he repeats softly.
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Your dad’s been dating Rei for a while—nearly a year, now—when things begin to get serious, and he proposes to her.
She accepts, so it’s not exactly a surprise when she suggests you guys move in with her—she’s got more than enough space, she tells you, it’s just her and her son in that big old house—and your dad seems pretty thrilled about it. This was the next step before marriage, after all.
You like Rei well enough, she’s always been nothing but sweet to you, and anyway, your father’s relationship really isn’t any of your business or concern.
It isn’t that you don’t want to move in with her—her house is in a better part of the neighborhood, a standard detached upper-middle class home, and just a short walk from a bus stop that’ll take you directly to university, which you start in a week.
It’s just…You’re a little apprehensive.
You know she has kids. She mentions them in passing every once in a while, but you can’t for the life of you remember their names, or their ages, or how many of them there are. You know they don’t all live with her, that her relationship with her ex-husband is complicated and rocky at best.
But you’re still surprised to hear that only one of them, her eldest, lives with her. She tells you he’s five years older than you are, that he’s a clever, smart boy, going off on a tangent about how disappointed she is that he didn’t go to university, because ‘he would’ve done so well—he could’ve shone so brightly.’ Something about the way she says that, the way her voice sounds almost sad, makes anxiety turn to lead in your stomach. She talks about him as if he’s already a lost cause, but he’s only in his mid-twenties, isn’t he?
You understand the moment you see him. The man standing in front of you as you shift from foot to foot unsurely in the foyer of this unfamiliar house is about as far from what you anticipated as he could possibly be.
He’s tall, skin pale as moonlight, with jet black hair and the most stunning blue eyes you’ve ever seen. But that isn’t what captivates you. It isn’t the lip ring curled around his bottom lip snuggly, and it isn’t the tongue piercing you’re about to find out he’s hiding in his mouth, either.
Every inch of the exposed skin of his arms is covered in intricate, seamlessly flowing tattoos—or, for a moment, you thought it was tattoos, plural. Upon closer inspection, you realize that each arm is actually covered in one giant tattoo, giving a new definition to the term ‘sleeve’. It’s all black ink, not a splash of colour anywhere, depicting an extremely detailed and anatomically correct mechanical arm, complete with what would’ve been joints, ligaments and bones in the form of wires and steel.
The tattoos extend onto the tops of his hands, made to look as if surgical staples are peeling his skin back to reveal the robot beneath. This same tattoo continues up his neck, along his jaw and onto his cheeks, all the way to his bottom lip, spreading across his entire face and disappearing into his hairline and onto his ears. Finally, there’s a small portion of the tattoo underneath his eyes, the surgical staples lining the edges of the face tattoos, too.
It startles you—you’re not necessarily scared, you just…weren’t expecting that. But there’s no denying the rush of breath that involuntarily escapes your lips as your eyes search his face, raking over his body in a brazen way that should make you feel shameful, travelling back up to find him smirking smugly at you, raising an eyebrow as your eyes meet again.
The look in his eyes tells you he knows, knows what you’re thinking about, knows how undeniably attracted you are to him, and scalding heat floods your cheeks.
He chuckles a little, which does nothing but add insult to injury, and sharp anger slices through your chest at the way that you stomach absolutely drops at his gravelly voice. You can’t believe yourself, can’t believe your body is reacting and responding so readily to this man—this stranger.
He introduces himself as Touya, in that rough, deep voice that forces a jolt of electricity to run through your veins. You idly wonder what your name would sound like on his tongue, how it might sound if his voice dropped to a growl, find yourself stuck thinking about this for the rest of the night.
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To your disappointment, and as much as you are unabashedly interested in him, you don’t interact much with Touya for your first few weeks in the house—in fact, you barely see him at all.
This only piques your curiosity about him more, finding that you’re unable to tear your eyes from him on the rare occasion that you are in a room together. He catches you staring every single time, and he has the audacity to chuckle to himself and shake his head when his gaze meets yours, your eyes quickly darting away and cheeks burning at his laugh.
You begin gathering little tidbits of information about him, purely sourced from interactions you witness in the house, desperately praying for something that’ll give you an opportunity to start a conversation with him.
Your efforts prove fruitless when, almost a month and a half since you moved in, you’ve still only spoken a handful of words to him. You do learn a bit about him through observing, though.
You discover that he’s a smoker, which really doesn’t come as a shock at all. Marlboro’s are his favourite, and he’s always got a pack in his back pocket or rolled up in the short sleeve of his t-shirt. He must have them imported—Marlboro’s are incredibly rare to find all the way in Japan.
Touya must have a lot of things imported.
You find out that every other Thursday, Touya discreetly stuffs an absurdly large wad of cash—all composed of ten-thousand-yen bills—into his mom’s hands, forcing her fingers to curl around it. She fights him on it, every time, but he’s firm and adamant that she take it. It always ends with Rei giving him a small, watery smile, Touya pressing a kiss against the side of her head and murmuring that he loves her.
After you witness this interaction for the first time, you begin to notice that, while the house looks relatively normal on the outside, it is stuffed full of luxury on the inside. Flat-screen TVs each complete with full entertainment systems, state of the art appliances that are somehow up to date with all of the latest trends (including a smart fridge—absolutely ridiculous), custom made furniture, ornate rugs, a housekeeper that drops by every Sunday…
You have no idea what he does for work, but you think you’ve got at least some sort of idea when you catch him one night, just past 2AM, exiting his room and using a thumb to brush excess white powder off his nose. His eyes catch yours, pupils blown and shining in the low light, and he smiles darkly at you, winking once as he walks away.
You don’t ask—no one ever does.
You don’t ask about the crimson splattered on the toe of his boot, or why he sometimes smells metallic, like copper, the strong scent wafting after him and invading the halls as he stalks leisurely toward the bathroom. You don’t ask why he leaves the house at odd hours in the night, and you definitely don’t ask about the soft clinking and clicking you hear through the thin walls every so often while he cleans his gun at 3AM.
You’re not sure if it’s really any of your business, anyway. So you stay quiet, and continue to wait.
The opportunity finally comes one Wednesday in October, two weeks before Halloween, when you’re in the kitchen after school busy fixing yourself an afternoon snack. Touya comes home uncharacteristically early—you rarely see him before 10PM, so his entrance scares you, and you jump a little.
“Sorry,” he murmurs as he passes by behind you, just an inch too close, just enough so you can feel his body heat radiating off of him.
“It’s fine,” you say quietly, shaking your head a little and trying in vain to stop your hands from trembling as you spread peanut butter across a piece of bread.
You can feel his eyes on you, and it makes you nervous, makes your skin crawl in a way you’ve never felt before. He laughs a little at your struggling, leaning against the counter next to you and crossing his arms over his chest.
“You don’t have to be so nervous around me, y’know,” he says with a smirk, eyes glittering at the way your lips part in surprise, your breath stuttering a little. “I’m your niichan after all, aren’t I?”
You hadn’t even considered using the honorific until he himself uses it.
Your hands freeze, hovering over your plate, and you look over at him slowly. “You…Want me to call you that?”
“You can, if you’d like,” he says smoothly, nonchalantly, like he doesn’t have a care in the world. It makes no difference to him, he tells you, but when he finally looks back at you, you think you can see it in his eyes—a sharp, small glimmer of…of something. Something that makes your stomach twist in a way you can’t decide if you like or not.
But this is it, you think, this is your opening to finally begin talking to him.
So you do. And the smirk he gives you the first time you address him by the honorific, voice quivering slightly as you ask him where Rei normally keeps the blender, is nothing short of predatory.
“It’s on the top shelf. It’s too high for you, though,” he says, voice so sickly sweet it almost sounds mocking. “Let niichan get it for you,”
It isn’t, but you let him get it for you anyway.
And he knows—knows he’s got you the moment you gasp at the honorific leaving his lips, trying to hide it behind your hand, nodding quickly and squeaking out a thank you.
It starts after that. He begins playing with you; a sick, perverse game of cat and mouse, hunter and hunted, and you play your part perfectly.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it, if you said it didn’t send wicked sparks of excitement shooting up your spine and an intense fluttering in your stomach.
And it starts slow. It starts with gentle pet names—honey, sweetheart, princess—and fingertips trailing down your arm as he passes you. It starts with a large hand placed on the small of your back, guiding you—out of the house and into his car, out of the kitchen and into the living room, out of the hallway and into his bedroom—and with little pecks on your lips stolen when no one’s watching, quick kisses that leave you feeling exhilarated despite their chastity.
Suddenly, he’s home a hell of a lot more. He’s sitting too close to you on the couch while you curl up with a textbook, his thigh pressed against you and flesh burning hot through his black jeans. He’s joining the family dinner a few times a week, idly hooking and unhooking his ankle with yours beneath the table while smirking at you from across it.
Suddenly, he’s asking you if you need a ride to school, or if you need someone to pick you up. You don’t, you tell him, the bus is just fine, but he insists. It’s what niichans do, he says. He wants to take care of you, he says.
Who are you to deny him that, really?
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The first time you experience Touya angry is about a month after the inciting incident, when he catches you walking home with a few of your university friends.
He had texted you earlier that day, telling you that he—very regretfully, he said—would be unable to pick you up from school this afternoon because ‘something had come up’.
You didn’t question what it was—you knew he’d lie even if you did. So you accepted it obediently, reassured him that it was fine, that you’d find another way home.
You’re pretty sure if you had told him that you didn’t have any extra change on you for the bus suddenly whatever important thing that had ‘come up’ which so desperately needed his attention wouldn’t be so urgent anymore. But you didn’t want to be a bother, or inconvenience him, so you say nothing.
Two friends decide they’ll accompany you on your walk home, so you aren’t lonely, they claim. Normally, the walk from campus to your house is about thirty minutes, but that day it takes you nearly an hour, wasting time goofing around and walking slowly as you talk idly.
Touya’s already pissed that it’s taken you so long to arrive home, that you’ve ignored all of his extremely considerate texts asking if you’re alright, but when he sees you squished between two boys, giggling as the three of you stumble up your driveway—he’s fucking fuming.
“Where the fuck have you been?” he asks, voice calm and monotonous, leaning casually against the doorframe.
Your head snaps up—you swear he wasn’t there just a second ago—blood running cold.
His stance is relaxed, arms crossed loosely over his chest, lazily raising an eyebrow as your wide eyes meet his. Technically, the only indication that he’s furious is the blazing blue fire in his eyes, but your friends can read the tension in the air surrounding him, shuffling a little closer to you. This minuscule action does not go unnoticed by Touya, sharp jaw clenching once.
“You had niichan worried,”
You’re frozen a few feet away from the porch, unable to find your voice, to move your legs, to breathe at all.
“I didn’t know you had an older brother,”
Your eyes do not leave Touya’s as you speak, the words hoarse. “Oh, we’re—”
“Yeah,” Touya bites, irritation finally bleeding into his voice. “She does,” his eyes float back to yours. “Come here, princess,”
Your body snaps into action, moving automatically before you can even comprehend it, allowing Touya to tuck you into his side the moment you reach him.
Your hands are shaking, but you have no control over them as your fingers curl in his white t-shirt, clinging to him. To your surprise, the arm around your shoulders hugs you closer in response, thumb caressing you.
“Thanks for making sure she got home safely,” he tosses over his shoulder, managing to make the simple sentence sound like an insult, tone bordering on patronizing, while he turns on his heel, marching you both inside.
“I-I’m so sorry,” you’re rushing to say the moment the front door shuts behind you two, Touya’s arm still wrapped firmly around you.
He looks down at you coldly. “Don’t you dare pull shit like that again,” he tells you, eerily calm voice forcing spikes of icy dread up your spine. He pauses for a moment, letting his words sink in as his eyes bore into yours. “You had me worried sick,” he breathes out then, squeezing you again. You’re surprised in the sudden change of tone, feeling your chest swell at the thought of him fretting over you, a small smile gracing your lips.
“I…I did?”
Touya’s eyebrows furrow, as if he’s offended at your questioning, mood morphing in the span of a second. “Of course you fucking did,” he spits like you’re stupid, arm dropping. “Do you ever check your phone?”
Touya rolls his eyes. “Check your phone,” he calls out airily as he begins walking into the kitchen, shaking his head a little, disappointment rolling off him in waves.
Hastily fishing your phone out of your bag, you’re astonished to see eight texts from him and three missed calls. You scroll through the texts quickly, each one making you feel more nauseous than the next. ‘Is everything okay? You should’ve been home by now’; ‘Please answer me, princess, you’re making your niichan nervous’; ‘Where are you? Answer my fucking calls already’. Guilt turns sour in your mouth and you hurry after him.
“I-I really am s-so sorry,” you force the words out, unsure as to why there are suddenly tears stinging your eyes. He isn’t even doing anything—his back is facing you as he nonchalantly begins brewing a pot of coffee.
But the thought of him being upset with you, of losing his approval, sends a sharp pain searing through your chest.
“Are you?” he asks, and although his voice holds no malice in it, it causes your whole body to stutter with a harsh breath.
“Yes,” you whimper out, latching onto his arm and tugging in an attempt to draw his eyes to yours, to see how regretful you are, the remorse written across your face. “I should’ve…That was so careless and inconsiderate of me,”
“It was,” he agrees simply, voice still light, as if he’s discussing something as mundane as the weather. “But you’ll never do it again, right?”
“Right,” you agree readily, breathing out the word before you even realize what you’re agreeing to.
“Tell niichan you’ll never worry him like that again,” he finally looks over at you.
“I-I’ll never worry you like that again, niichan, I pr-promise,”
His eyes hold yours for what feels like eons, before he finally twists his arm out of your grasp, instead wrapping it around you and tugging you against his body. You stay staring up at him, eyes wide and obedient, breath bated as you wait for your next order, so pliant and ready to serve him.
“Good,” he whispers, eyes finally softening, and you feel like you can breathe properly again. His free hand cups your face, thumb running along your lips, then your chin, then your jaw. “You want to be good for me, don’t you, sweetheart?”
“Of course,” you respond instantly. Later, you’ll lay awake in your bed, feeling ashamed by your actions, by how readily captivated you were with him, by how easily he was able to manipulate you with those sapphire eyes and that rough voice—
But in that moment, you’ll do anything to pull that little smile from him, anything to hear him tell you you’re good. You just want to be good.
Something dark and primal flashes in those gorgeous eyes as they gaze down at you, a small grin spreading across his face. “Of course,” he repeats softly.
  ✰          ✰          ✰          
He begins to trust you more. You meet his friends, each one terrifying in their own right. Jin is alright, although his brain is fried from drugs, and he talks to and contradicts himself a lot, earning the nickname Twice from Tomura.
Tomura horrifies you to your very core—a tall, lanky man with sunken red eyes and sickly pale skin who looks like he’s one bad day away from death—and Touya tells you very sternly to stay away from him.
A university student not unlike yourself, Keigo is your favourite. Keigo is the most normal, with his wild blonde hair and enticing gold eyes that always look like they’re playfully holding the secrets of the universe just out of your grasp.
Keigo’s brain is always going a hundred miles a minute, although you’d never guess it with his trademark lazy drawl, speaking as if he hasn’t got a care in the world. But he can always keep a conversation going, knows exactly what to say to avoid awkward silences or lulls in the discussion, and you appreciate that. You think he’s so cool—he has so much knowledge about the oddest things, everything and anything, ‘a walking encyclopedia’, Tomura calls it, and it fascinates you to no end.
It’s the speed, Touya tells you one night while you’re laying on the couch, your body on top of his, the pads of his fingers dragging down your back in rhythmic strokes. Speed is Keigo’s drug of choice, you find out. Speed is the reason why Keigo knows as much as he does.
“Sometimes he doesn’t sleep for days,” Touya says. “That’s how he has all the time to memorize everything he knows—though that big overactive brain of his plays a part in it, too,”
The thought inexplicably makes your heart sink in your chest, and you don’t say anything else. If Touya notices your shift in mood, he doesn’t mention it. You idly wonder what Touya’s drug of choice is, but you’re too scared of the answer to ask.
  ✰          ✰          ✰          
It’s only a few nights later when you wake with a violent jolt, breathing laboured as you absentmindedly press your palm to your chest, trying in vain to calm your racing heart.
A nightmare.
You sit in silence for a moment, listening to the sound of your own harsh breaths echoing off the walls and debating what to do next. A minute later, you swing your legs over the side of the bed, wincing when your bare feet touch the cold hardwood, and pad down the hallway.
You try to trick yourself into believing that you aren’t using this purely as an excuse to spend the night with him. It really was so scary, you reason with yourself, it really has made you all shaken up…
Who are you kidding? You didn’t even attempt to go back to sleep.
You’ve been in his room plenty of times now—sitting daintily on his bed as he introduces you to new music, new movies, new books. Stuff that reminds him of you, he says, stuff that he thought you might be interested in. You’re grateful for it; there are so many things you’ve learned in the short time you’ve known him.
That isn’t all, though. There’s no denying the warmth that spreads through your body, that tiny excited flutter in your chest, when he calls your name and interlaces your fingers, leading you toward his room and telling you he’s got something to show you.
Yes, you’ve been in his room plenty of times now. But this is the first time you spend the night in his bed.
He’s still up, soft golden light leaking from under his closed bedroom door. Your hand quivers a little as you lift it to rap your knuckles against the wood. He appears in the doorway a moment later, leaning against the frame in a black t-shirt that looks like it’s a size or two too small for him, riding up to reveal a teasing sliver of milky skin, tips of his hipbones jutting out from the waistband of his plaid pajama pants.
“Princess? What is it?”
You didn’t realize you were staring, and you jump a little at his gravelly voice.
“Oh. I, um—Well, I just…had a nightmare a-and I can’t sleep,”
You can barely look him in the eyes as you say it, your cheeks burning. You both know it’s a lie.
But he plays along.
“Aw, baby,” he coos, drawing you into his arms, into his room, into his bed.
“You’re trembling,” he murmurs as he turns on his side to face you, propping his head up with a hand. “Poor thing. Was it a bad one?”
Your mouth feels like its been stuffed with cotton, rendering you incapable of speech, tongue dry and sluggish. You nod in response, heat seeping into your cheeks again at just how loudly your heart is thumping while you roll onto your side. There’s only a few inches of space between your bodies now, his hot breath fanning across your face as he speaks again.
“Do you want niichan to help you forget about it?”
The question hangs heavy in the air, and you suck your bottom lip into your mouth, eyes searching his. Your thighs squeeze together at the way his voice has dropped an octave, low and husky, familiar heat pooling in the depths of your belly. He waits patiently, lifting a hand to caress your cheek, then runs his fingertips down your bare arm, goosebumps following.
Finally, you nod. You think you see the corners of his lips quirk up into the slightest hint of a smirk, but you blink, and it’s gone.
“Here,” he whispers, hooking an arm around your waist and pulling you against him. Hand cupping your jaw, he tilts your face up and slots his mouth against yours.
You’ve kissed before, of course—in his bed, in yours, on the living room couch, on the kitchen counter with his hips shoved between your thighs—but this…this feels different.
These are kisses with intent, with purpose, with a goal in mind. These are kisses that keep you distracted—slow, soft, messy with saliva—as his hand slips down your body and between your thighs.
Your gasp breaks the kiss, wide eyes blinking up at him then fluttering shut as he brushes a knuckle against your clit. He hushes you, nimble fingers spreading your folds before he drags them up your slit, huffing out a laugh at how wet you already are.
“Were you thinking about something naughty before?” he gasps mockingly, sliding the pads of his fingers back down as he speaks.
His hand withdraws from your shorts and he orders you to lift your hips, tugging the waistband down your thighs. You squirm a little, forcing them further down your legs until you free yourself of them completely, eyes gazing up at him again, awaiting your next command.
Legs part dutifully as his hand travels back down to the apex of your thighs, pushing a finger into your soaking pussy.
It’s slow at first, thrusting leisurely with his middle finger a few times and loosening you up a little before adding his ring finger. Sapphire eyes watch his motions, captivated by how your eager little cunt sucks his fingers in selfishly.
“Look at that, huh?” he breathes, looking down at you. “Such a pretty little pussy you’ve got,”
You open your bleary eyes to peer at yourself, mesmerized by the way his fingers are pumping in and out of you, glistening in the dim light of his bedroom. He curls his fingers and you inhale sharply, hips twitching toward his palm.
“Oh?” he chuckles darkly, knuckles nudging the spot again. “Did niichan find something, baby?”
You don’t know, you’re not sure, you try to tell him, but all you can seem to manage is pathetic little whines while you nod your head.
“Have you ever touched yourself?” he’s asking as the pads of his fingers tap against that spot, your entire body jolting.
“Y-Yes,” you whimper out, a little breathlessly. “But it’s never felt like this,”
“Aw, baby,” he coos, and it’s so condescending. “Then you weren’t doing it right, sweetheart,”
He quickens his pace, chuckles at the way you try to desperately fuck yourself on his fingers at such an awkward angle.
“Poor little thing, can’t even get herself off properly,” he tsks. “You need your niichan to do it for you, don’t you?”
Soft whines spill from your throat as you nod eagerly, your stomach coiling tightly.
“One day,” he breathes, curling his fingers with a vengeance this time, your hips rolling up off the mattress. “When we have the time, I’ll teach you how to make yourself feel so good,”  
He’s talking too much. You want to tell him this, tell him to shut the hell up, but every time you try to speak he presses the heel of his palm to your clit and grinds against it, effectively scattering all of your thoughts, soft mewls of niichan the only sound escaping your lips.
Can’t deny his voice is fucking hot though, a form of foreplay all on its own.
And he knows this, can read you like a goddamn book, especially when he’s got his fingers two knuckles deep inside of you. He can feel it, he tells you. You don’t even need to speak; he can feel your thoughts when his voice drops an octave and your cute little hole flutters, when he chuckles and your pussy clenches around his fingers—a slut for his voice, aren’t you?
“Pretty baby, you can’t do anything but nod dumbly, can you? Been fucked stupid by my fingers alone, huh?”
Your head barely moves, lost all control of your body by this point, only able to whimper in response.
“Gonna come all over my fingers, pretty girl?” the knuckle of his thumb begins grazing your clit in quick strokes. “C’mon, make a mess for niichan,”
And it’s pathetic, how quickly your body obeys. Your pussy squeezes once, twice, three times and you’re gushing all over his fingers, juices collecting in his palm, running down his wrist. You’re embarrassed—you’ve never cum that much before, have you?
Breathing still ragged, you nuzzle into his sheets, partially hiding your face from him. Nothing could hide the involuntary grin that forms on your lips, though. Arms snake under your boneless body, tugging a bit.
“Oh no, baby, we aren’t done yet,” Touya’s saying while he hoists you up, letting you lean heavily against him.
Head tilting in confusion, your glazed eyes find his. “Wh-What?”
He looks down at his lap and your gaze follows, a tiny whimper slipping past your lips at the bulge straining against his pants. “Doesn’t niichan deserve a nice reward for helping you forget that scary dream?”
Eyes darting back to his, you nod slowly, whispering out, “Yes. But—But…” But you’re hesitant; you’ve never done anything like this before. Shaking hands reach for the waistband of his pants, beginning to pull them down but freezing when the head of his cock peeks out.
Touya sighs. “Come on, you wanna be a good girl for niichan, don’t you?”
Of course. Of courses you do.
Then he wants you to touch him, he says. He’ll help you; he promises.
“But you gotta get it wet first,”
You ask how, and he laughs at you. “With your tongue, stupid,” he tells you.
He instructs you to kneel on the floor and you comply immediately, trembling legs folding beneath your body as you situate yourself between his knees. He inches forward on the bed a little, shuffling himself to the edge and caging you between his thighs. Bringing his cock close to your mouth, he taps the head against your closed lips.
They part instantly, obediently, his eyes flashing with something sinister as you take the head into your mouth and suck hesitantly, big eyes staring up at him waiting for approval.
He curses, his hips twitching ever so slightly, skin stretched taut over bony knuckles as a hand forms a fist in the sheets. Starting with kitten licks at first, the tip of your tongue barely touches him, tracing veins, then begins to gain more confidence as he groans a little, telling you what to you, that you’re doing good, so good for him.
Watching him through thick lashes, you have the audacity to look bashful as your tongue laves around the shaft, drenching it in saliva. A hand tangles in your hair and yanks, pulling you off his cock when he decides it’s sufficiently wet enough. Long fingers encircle your wrist, bringing your hand to form a fist around him.
“Like this,” he says, jerking your hand up and down.
You’re terrible at it, movements awkward and uncoordinated, but in that moment he doesn’t really care. He’s irritated a little, wondering out loud how anyone can be bad at handjobs while a large hand wraps around yours and forces you to speed up. Bad? Your heart sinks at the small three letter word, a hard lump forming in your throat, looking as though you may start crying.
But he cums quickly after that, ropes of searing hot white painting your cheeks and face. You watch him the entire time, panting a little, lips parted slightly and your tongue darts out to lick them, tasting him.
He laughs at your bitter reaction, and it’s such a patronizing sound.
“Don’t worry,” he says, collecting the cum off your face and forcing his fingers into your mouth. “Someday I’ll stuff your throat full of it.”
  ✰          ✰          ✰          
You can no longer mention needing—no, wanting—anything around him anymore, because within the next few days it’s sitting pretty and perfect on your bed, propped up against your lace trimmed pillows.
He’s so good to you; you should be grateful you have such a generous niichan, one who eats you out and spoils you with gifts. You’re so spoiled.
And he tells you this, in the dead of night when you wake to find him shoving his cock into you, snarling a little at your soft whines of protest.
“Don’t be a brat,” he warns. Just be a good girl and take his cock. He does so much for you, can’t you be good for him?
Yes, yes, you want to be good for him, you want to be the best for him.
By this point you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve woken up in the middle of the night with his head between your thighs, prepping you to take him.
“Stay sleeping, baby,” he’ll tell you, words whispered into your hair as his cockhead nudges against your hole.
As if you could ever stay sleeping when only a few minutes later he’s pounding you into oblivion, large hand clasped over your mouth so tightly his blunt nails are digging into your cheek, so hard that it’s yanking your head back, neck beginning to ache.
He tells you to be quiet, “You don’t want anyone to hear, do you? Then we’d have to stop, and you don’t want that, right, sweetheart?”
You don’t, you whimper. Of course you don’t—you want whatever he wants, you want to be his perfect little baby, you want to be told how good you take his cock, the praise mumbled against your skin in a low, strained voice right before he fills you with cum.
  ✰          ✰          ✰          
He disappears for a few days near the end of December. You have no idea where, Touya answering your curious texts with playful quips at first before he grows tired of it and tells you to stop fucking asking.
But eventually, he returns.
The front door slams shut and your body flinches with a jolt of excitement. Adrenaline spikes your blood when you hear his heavy boots colliding with the hardwood, getting louder, louder, louder…
He passes right by you, not glancing at you at all. Moments later, the sound of water hitting the tiled shower wall echoes down the hallway.
And you wait. Patiently, you wait, like the good little girl you are, not daring to move a muscle. Eventually he re-emerges, hair still damp, a few strands sticking to his neck.
With a groan, he collapses on the couch next to you, flopping his head into your lap and gazing up at you with glazed, blown sapphire eyes.
“You’re high,” you say softly, not accusatory, just an observation. He giggles a little.
“So what if I am?”
“What did you take?”
“Oh,” he gasps mockingly. “Oh no, baby, I can’t tell you that,”
Why? The question is burning on the tip of your tongue, and you can tell that he’s anticipating that to be your next response, but you bite down on your bottom lip, holding it in. You know his answer already, can practically hear his patronizing voice—Because good baby sisters aren’t supposed to know about stuff like this.
“Can I try some?” you ask instead.
All of the mirth fades from his eyes in an instant, and he moves in a flash despite his inebriated state, so quick you can barely tell what’s happening. His large hand wraps around your bicep in a bruising grasp, pulling you towards him as he sits up, his face an inch away from yours.
“Absolutely fucking not,” he spits, cobalt eyes blazing and voice rumbling against your chest. “And if I so much as catch wind that you’re using, have a mere feeling that you’ve tried it—even just once—I’ll slaughter you and the fucker you got it from. Do you understand me?”
Surprised tears spring into your eyes and you nod jerkily, body beginning to tremble as your breath gets caught in your throat. You want to tell him that you didn’t mean it, honest, you promise!; that you were just kidding around, you swear!, but you can’t, voice mangling itself with the hitched little breaths on the back of your tongue.
He growls at your silence, his grip around your arm tightening and you cry out, terrified that he might actually crush the bone with his bare hand.
“Say, yes Touya, I understand,”
“Y-Yes Touya, I understand,” you manage to stutter out, voice returning only at the command of a direct order, tears spilling over and rolling down your cheeks in pairs. His eyes search your face for a moment, his features contorted in fury, before he sneers at you, squeezing your arm once then roughly letting go, shoving you away from him.
You fall backward against the arm of the couch, heart thumping so vigorously you’re sure he can hear it. He groans, throwing his head back and closing his eyes, exasperated.
“Fuck,” he sighs, eyes opening to glare at the ceiling. “You’ve ruined my high,”
You stare at him, breath coming out in uneven huffs, clinging to the couch.
“I-I’m sorry,” you whisper, terrified to move lest you upset him more.
He’s silent for a moment, still staring up, until he lolls his head to the side, glancing at you through the corner of his eye. A small smirk spreads across his face.
“C’mere,” he says, nodding his head a little in indication.
“C’mere,” he repeats. “Come make it up to me,”
Your body’s moving before you’ve given it permission to, crawling into his lap obediently, thighs on either side of his hips. His smirk widens, and you love it—you love how much control he has over you without even trying, you love the way a quiet whimper slips through your lips as his large hands begin kneading your flesh, running up your legs and grabbing your ass.
Lips trail up the column of your neck, and you tilt your head back, a silent plea for more. You can feel the way his lips curl into a grin against your skin, nipping at it a second later.
“So, how you gonna make it up to me? Huh?” he shifts his hips under you, pressing his hard cock into your clothed core. You whine a little, grinding against him.
“I’ve got a few ideas,” you breathe out while sharp teeth mar your collarbone.
“The hell you waiting for? Show me,”
You begin sliding down his body and he pushes on your shoulders, forcing you to your knees between his spread thighs. He watches you through half-lidded eyes, gaping pupils outlined by a thin ring of blue.
Holding his gaze, you lean forward with your pretty little tongue hanging out and begin licking along the straining bulge, tracing it slowly, the denim rough against your sensitive muscle. You relent though, lapping at his clothed cock in slow, long strokes, and his jeans are just thin enough for you to feel him pulse in response.
A giggle bubbles up past your lips, muffled by the denim, already beginning to feel heady as you pull simple reactions from him. Your mouth forms a cute little ‘o’ and you suck on him the best you can through his jeans, drooling all over his lap and soaking through the material.
The hand in your hair tightens into a fist, yanking hard and pulling your mouth away. “Stop fucking teasing,” he warns, a hint of something ominous in his voice.
You obey, because you always obey, tiny fingers working to quickly unbuckle his belt, pop the button, yank down the zipper. He aids you, lifting his hips and allowing you to tug his jeans down his thighs enough for his cock to spring out.
His own hand wraps around the shaft, you pausing mid-action as you reach for it.
“Open,” he demands, your dutiful lips parting immediately, letting him push his cock into the warm, wet cavern.
He sets a brutal, punishing pace from the start, refusing to give you a single moment to adjust. His other hand fists in your hair, forcing you to stay still as he rams his cock down your throat.
Reflexive tears burn your eyes, blurring your vision. You blink quickly to clear them, desperate to watch him, to catalogue all of his micro-expressions and the sound of his voice as he grunts out your name, to burn it into your mind, etch it into your very soul.
Touya’s head falls back against the couch, Adams apple bobbling with his rough whimpers, long neck and sharp collarbone on full display. If your mouth wasn’t otherwise occupied, you’d love to lick up his smooth skin, to trace the dips of his collarbone with your tongue and sign your name in brilliant splotches of blue and purple.
You’re gagging around his cock now, starting to feel lightheaded and struggling to inhale enough oxygen. The ache in your jaw is beginning to spread, but you ignore it, stretching your mouth open wider, to take more, to be good for him, to make him proud. It’s worth it for the hoarse, throaty moans you’re pulling from him, to hear your name shuddered out, followed by a breathy, “Fuck,”
He forces hot cum down your throat a moment later, and you choke on it, sputtering around his cock, throat spasming as it tries to force the foreign object out. He won’t let it, though. He holds your head in place, nose pressed against his pubic bone, and you can do nothing but take it, like a good little girl, like he tells you to.
But it’s all worth it. It’s all worth it, to hear his broken whines like that, to have him look down at you and pull your hair and tell you you’re good, so good for him.
And you’re sobbing by the end of it, gasping for air the moment he lets go of you, wheezing violently as your head collapses against his thigh.
“Did I—” you cough, voice raspy from having your throat fucked raw, “—Did I make it up to you, niichan?” you gaze up at him, eyelashes spiky with residual water. You’re the perfect picture of obedience, strands of hair stuck to your face where your salty tears have dried and swollen lips gleaming with saliva as you watch him with glittering eyes, waiting desperately for his praise.
He looks down at you, eyes devious and diabolical, chest heaving a little. “Of course you did,” he tells you, corners of his lips tugging up into a sharp smirk as you melt into him. “You always do, don’t you?”
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plunnies-n-shit · 3 years
Thought from me while I listened to Neoni's "Here Comes Trouble" -
Ichigo hears people call him a punk and a troublemaker, and instead of letting that slide, he decides, 'You know what, how about I go with that.'
Call Ichigo a punk? Then goddamn, he's going make himself one.
Grimmjow runs into a orange-haired, punk-rock tattooed "takes even less shit than normal" Ichigo and falls in love. Bonus if everything else is basically the same, friends and all.
The worst part is that ichigo tries.
Hes such an earnest kid, even after masaki dies. He wants to be good and nice, he wants to be liked, he wants his teachers to praise him. He is smart and kind and earnest.
That, at least, will never change, Tatsuki thinks when, their first year of highschool, ichigo enters the classroom with an ear still red from a fresh piercing.
Uryu will admit later to having done the piercing with one of his sewing needles. Isshin gave ichigo the worst lecture of his life and surgical steel to replace the cheap 2$ studs. Its poor work, honestly, crooked, and it heals poorly, but ichigo never once regrets it.
In fact, once theyve done their research and scrape together some money to make a very specific evay order, tatsuki pierces ichigo's other ear with a proper piercing needle. She has steadier hands, and she doesnt jerk in sympathy when ichigo flinches.
Two side-by-side on the lobe of his ear. A ladder up his cartilage, and then a helix. On his other side, his first piercing in the lobe, and an industrial.
He gets his first tattoo on a worn out sofa, squeezing chad's hand, chad's grandmother leaning over his other arm. She hasnt used a tattoo gun in almost two decades, but she hasnt lost her touch.
And ichigo never stops being smart or kind or earnest. What he stops being is nice.
Nice is politeness, orihime thinks. Its hello and please and thank you and good day. Its how the teachers never call ichigo a deliquent to his face, never gossip about his dad or his dead mom or his grades where they think he can hear. Its tight smiles. Its congratulations that arent heartfelt.
Kindness is ichigo and chad soaked to the bone, the kittens they found warm and dry in their jackets. Its cleaning up yasutora-san's garden because she wont accept payment but she just cant move like she used to. Its honest opinions of orihimes cooking, and eating it anyways.
Its flowers for a dead little girl.
Its stepping between a stranger and certain death.
(Its looking at someone hurt, someone who tried to hurt you but needs help, and extending a hand)
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meaninginmakeup · 2 years
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Since I post a lot of accessory posts as well, I thought I’d post about my favorite jewelry store!
For years and years I didn’t know I was allergic to certain metals until I got my nose pierced while in Australia, and we talked about my history with piercings not always working out as planned. Ever since then in 2008, I haven’t had a piercing rejected like when I was young and naive, and had my stuff done by a piercing gun which is not hygenic (I didn’t know that as a kid in the 90’s tbh, and was a young teen when Claire’s was so popular 😅). My mom didn’t know any better either. Hers were literally pierced at birth in Puerto Rico, and in her era she thought the guns were safe. We also weren’t sure what was wrong since I was using nickel free studs that were all supposedly hypoallergenic. I mean my skin ate through gold and silver plated jewelry! When I mentioned that, the piercer said the reason was that my body likely has a higher acidic content. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyway the piercer in Australia said the metals that would likely suit me best would be titanium/surgical steel. Especially since I mentioned having a couple of operations with no reactions from the metallic tools used during the procedures.
Now to the end of this story. I discovered Body Artforms a few years back, and have slowly been growing my collection of stuff from them. They allow you to filter your search by piercing type, by material (titanium, bone, steel, acrylic, etc), or by gauge size as well. If you lose the ends that come with barbells or hoops, you can buy replacement ends for as little as $3 depending on sales. The hoops are for my rook/tragus/helix/nose piercings which are all 16g, and you’ll notice some are belly button jewelry (which are 14g), but I buy them as a pair and wear them like traditional dangle earrings in my lowest lobe piercing. Most of these were around $7-$15 each (sometimes more depending on the design and materials used to make it). But that’s super affordable in my opinion! The brand also has high end precious stone options with gold or silver metals, where it can be $100 or more for one pair or an individual piece, so I feel like they have something for everyone. They also have customizable options which cost more, but it’s really awesome to own a custom piece. I haven’t gotten any yet, since I can’t afford that. Hopefully I can one day! They’re also always fast at packing and shipping the orders out. Here’s some more pics of their jewelry pieces in my ears.
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earholerepair · 7 months
How Long Does an Ear Piercing in Mumbai Typically Take to Heal?
Ear piercing is a popular form of body modification that has been practiced for centuries, serving as a cultural tradition, fashion statement, or personal expression. In Mumbai, the bustling city known for its vibrant culture and diverse population, ear piercing services are readily available to cater to various preferences and needs. Whether you're considering a traditional earlobe piercing or seeking specialized services like gunshot ear piercing or baby piercing, understanding the healing process is crucial for a successful outcome.
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Understanding the Ear Piercing Process:
Before delving into the healing timeline, let's briefly explore the ear piercing process itself. In Mumbai, ear piercing procedures are typically performed using one of two methods: needle piercing or gun piercing.
1. Needle Piercing:
   Needle piercing involves using a sterile needle to create the ear piercing. This method is often preferred for its precision and reduced risk of tissue trauma compared to gun piercing.
2. Gun Piercing:
   Gun piercing, also known as "gunshot" piercing, utilizes a specialized piercing gun to quickly and efficiently pierce the earlobe or cartilage. While gun piercing is commonly used for earlobe piercings, it may not be suitable for all types of ear piercings due to the risk of tissue damage.
Healing Timeline for Ear Piercings in Mumbai:
The healing process for an ear piercing can vary depending on several factors, including the individual's overall health, the location of the piercing, the method used, and the aftercare regimen followed. However, there are general guidelines that can help estimate the typical healing time for ear piercings in Mumbai:
1. Earlobe Piercings:
   Earlobe piercings are among the most common and least complicated types of ear piercings. In Mumbai, earlobe piercings typically take about 6 to 8 weeks to heal fully. During this time, it's essential to follow proper aftercare practices to minimize the risk of infection and promote healing.
2. Cartilage Piercings:
   Cartilage piercings, including helix, tragus, and conch piercings, may take longer to heal compared to earlobe piercings. In Mumbai, cartilage piercings can take anywhere from 4 to 12 months to heal completely. The extended healing time is due to the limited blood supply to cartilage tissue, which slows down the healing process.
Aftercare for Pierced Ears in Mumbai:
Proper aftercare is crucial for promoting healing and preventing complications after getting an ear piercing in Mumbai. Here are some essential aftercare tips to follow:
- Clean the pierced area twice a day with a saline solution or a mild antiseptic solution recommended by your piercer.
- Avoid touching or twisting the earring during the healing process to prevent irritation and infection.
- Avoid submerging the pierced ear in swimming pools, hot tubs, or other bodies of water until the piercing is fully healed.
- Choose hypoallergenic earrings made of materials like surgical stainless steel, titanium, or gold to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.
- Follow any additional aftercare instructions provided by your piercer to ensure optimal healing and comfort.
Specialized Services for Babies:
For parents considering ear piercing for their infants or young children in Mumbai, it's essential to prioritize safety and comfort. Some establishments offer specialized services for painless and safe baby piercing at affordable rates. These services ensure a gentle and stress-free experience for both parents and babies, with trained professionals using safe techniques and hygienic practices.
In conclusion, the healing time for an ear piercing in Mumbai can vary depending on factors such as the type of piercing and individual healing characteristics. By following proper aftercare practices and seeking professional services from reputable establishments, individuals can enjoy a safe and successful ear piercing experience. Whether it's a traditional earlobe piercing or a specialized procedure for babies, prioritizing aftercare and safety is key to achieving the desired results.
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