#with a thinner veneer
sedgewicke · 1 year
Powerful, dignified, emotionally constipatedstoic men who seem like they have everything figured out and all their shit together, but are actually hot messes who have Way Too Many Emotions that they have no idea what to do with (probably combined with some nonspecific, undiagnosed mental illness) and are generally just barely keeping it together under a veneer of being Totally In Control.
Is a very specific fetish of mine.
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blurban-form · 1 year
Insightful Comment from Chilli
In S3E04 “Promises”, there’s an exchange that’s ultra-relevant to this Tumblr. Interesting food for thought. It helps to get everyone to get real and stop being silly re: promises.
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Mum: The whole point of promises is to build trust. If there's no trust, none of this is possible.
Bluey: What, none of the whole world?
Mum: None of it. No libraries, no roads, no power lines.
Bingo: No power lines!?!
Bluey: I'm not sure about that. I think we'd still have power lines.
Mum: No, we wouldn't.
Dad: Mum's right. No more promise-y tricks.
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vickyvicarious · 4 months
Oh yes, the feeling that you have to rely to the creeper who you loathe so much that you have come to hate even the rooms he resides in, that he's not the scariest thing in your life, that you have to run to his arms for safety. Horror! Dracula claiming him was the high point of the entry (than the almost-bite)
Honestly, yeah. The dynamics between Dracula and Jonathan are so scary, to the point that all the supernatural events are the cherry on top rather than the main course, as far as the horror of this section goes.
Dracula does so much manipulation here, holds so many different kinds of power over Jonathan, and multiple levels of each too. He's got physical power - both in the sense of the castle being a prison, and in the sense of his incredible strength. He's got social power - as a noble, and as a client/boss. He's got monetary power over Jonathan too, able to potentially make or ruin his career. He has so much control over Jonathan's ability to express himself - he's the only company available to him, he's forcing him to keep up a pretense of friendship, he's limiting and controlling his communication with others. Jonathan has no escape: he can't go out of the castle because he's locked in, he can't go many places inside the castle because he's locked out of them, and now he can't leave the rooms Dracula wants him in because otherwise the vampire ladies will get him, and within those rooms there is nowhere safe from Dracula himself. Jonathan has seemingly no action he can take: if he sneaks around behind Dracula's back, a greater threat awaits. If he acts openly, Dracula's own threat may become realized. If he doesn't act at all, he's doomed. If he acts at all, he's doomed. If he trusts Dracula, he's doomed. If he doesn't trust Dracula, he's doomed.
Of course, the supernatural elements are the mechanics by which Dracula increases the stakes, the threats underlying the charming veneer. Specifically, the introduction of the vampire women is what puts Jonathan in this seemingly inescapable box, and one with potential threats to something even greater than his life.
But Dracula's playing this Bluebeard role and could have done so with some more mundane threat as well, without changing too terribly much about his own actions. Where he's scariest (at least to me) is in these interactions with Jonathan, in these manipulative webs and traps he lays out in his words, in the way he pushes so many boundaries until they're forced to collapse or warp under the pressure. Jonathan's privacy keeps getting worn away. Dracula's speech and touch get more familiar and more possessive. He started out the first night blaming Jonathan for the things he did himself ('oh, why did you make your conversation so interesting we had to stay up all night?') and escalates until now he's making Jonathan be the one to act, and to suffer the consequences: whether in forcing him to lie to his loved ones, or in dangling the bait of sleeping outside his room and then only barely saving him when he does. And Jonathan has no real choice but to act. To fail to do so, in one way or another, would mean giving up all hope at escape or likely even survival. But because he has to act, he winds up feeling complicit. He ends up in situations where Dracula thanks him, forgives him, saves him. It keeps putting them on seemingly the same side, with Jonathan in a lesser/reliant role. And that's all a huge lie, at its core. But in a very real way, it's true too, to an extent. More and more, he's getting layers of resistance scraped away, and having to seek safety from Dracula now is so, so horrifying. In many ways all he truly has left is his will to live, his internal determination to resist - and now he's been given powerful incentive not to trust in that latter part too much. It's absolutely brutal.
He's walking a wire that just keeps getting thinner and thinner. All he can possibly do is try to keep this balancing act going, and hope for something to change that will give him more options down the line.
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rocksibblingsau · 4 months
I love the idea that Bergen raised branch has Bridget just, like, open Floyd’s bottle no issue.
I know the major reason for the family harmony being so single mindedly pursued in canon was pretty much how hung up JD was on it. But Bruce lived on a whole island filled with giant people and no one thought one of them could try?
I like the idea she opens Floyd's but the rest of BroZone got caught so they ended up doing the family harmony anyway.
To be fair to Bruce that Vacayers are only giants to them. Their average height is shorter than the average Bergen.
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[Gristle compared to Chef]
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[Gristle compared to Brandy]
She's about as tall as two Bergens who appear to have some form of dwarfism, but her proportions are way smaller. Her hands, arms, legs, etc are wayyyy smaller/thinner than theirs. Definitely not of a size where she could storm the tower on equal footing to Velvet and Veneer, they could just pick her up.
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simplydannie · 6 months
Velvet & Veneer Fanfic
I Couldn’t Save You
Prelude Here
An infection story I did a while ago! This is an AU I plan on doing, so this story is a separate timeline.
An outbreak of some sort has happened as we saw in the prelude. Those at the detention were separated. Floyd is on a mission to not only find Branch who mysteriously disappeared… but to also make sure if a set of siblings are unharmed.
After a perilous journey, the Trolls had finally made it to Mount Rageous again…. Except this time…. It was in ruin.
Buildings in smoke, roofs caved in….. the infection had made its way to the dazzling city of lights. Knowing that Mount Rageous was populated by teens, the Trolls only hoped they were able to make it home with their families before….well…. They couldn’t even finish the thought.
“Why are we here again…” John Dory asked as he looked at the ruined city with a distraught look.
“… Trying to find Branch.” Floyd said. JD looked at his brother.
“And…” He waited for Floyd’s continued answer.
“…. To see if the twins are alright….”Floyd finished.
Crimp told them that Mount Rageous itself had no detention center. That was located further into Rageous… and that’s where they traveled.
The air was eerie. What was once a lively bustling city filled with youngsters… was now silent, and dead. As they traveled they didn’t pass a single soul, not one Rageoun in sight. How things could change in one year.
“You think they all made it out in time?” JD asked.
“Hopefully. Or maybe isolating themselves…” Floyd responded. As they continued they saw the rest of Rageous for the first time. If it wasn’t for the ruin and smoke… it would have been dazzling: buildings made of precious gems and stones. Floyd would have liked to learn more about the Rageouns if it was under better circumstances.
After what felt like hours, the made it: RAGEOUS DETENTION CENTER FOR TROUBLED YOUTH. Or in Veneers words, prison.
It seemed abandoned and empty…. At least the brothers hoped it was.
“Ready?” Floyd asked. John Dory took a deep breath.
“Let’s go.”
Broken glass and shattered material layed inside the detention center…. But no soul in sight. They checked behind every door, inside every room…empty.
“Okay. This is good. They evacuated, they made it out.” John Dory said.
“Yes.” Hope began filling in Floyds heart for a moment, “But Branch…”
“Maybe it’s better if we didn’t find him…means he’s safe….” JD replied. They were cut off by a sudden sound down within the hall.
They cautiously walked over to a cell….
“Oh man…it’s a kid.” JD said. Both being older, when they meant kid, it was a teen… an infected teen.
Floyd couldn’t make out the face of the young Rageoun…All he could hear were eerie hymns coming from the Rageon’s mouth, rocking back and forth, small burst of cynical giggles. Floyd felt bad.
“…..They’re not immune….” Floyd began to say before he was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Floyd?” He heard a female voice call out to him from behind. He turned to see Velvet’s familiar face.
“Velvet? You’re still here? Why? How?” Floyd walked up to the tempered glass cell.
“Me? Why the heck are you here?” She asked. She didn’t seem at all bothered by what was going on around her, by the infected Rageoun right across from her.
“Obvisouly now, here to get you out now! JD let’s get this open….” Floyd began to say.
“NO! No. Don’t. I am not going out there.” Velvet made her way and leaned herself against a wall. Crouched, hugging her legs….She looked a little different… thinner paler. “I’ve scavenged enough supplies…for now.”
“Vels, we got to get you and your brother out. The city is abandoned…we need to get you somewhere safe…” JD began to say.
“I know what’s out there. I was here when all the panic started…but I am not going anywhere.” She said without looking at them. “….I have what I need here…”
“Where’s Veneer? Maybe we can convince him? I know he wants you safe.” Floyd said. Upon the mention of her brothers name, she looked at Floyd with a sad look in her eyes. He could see her eyes begin to fill with tears. Without a word, she glanced at the cell across from her…..at the cell where the infected Rageoun was…..oh no….
Floyd made his way to the cell.
“Floyd no.” Velvet warned. Floyd ignored her warning…He crept closer and closer until he could make out the features of the Rageoun….The porcelain pale skin, the green swooped up hair…
“….Veneer…” He said. At that moment Veneer turned his head and made his way in attempts to grab Floyd. But he forgot about the glass cell. Veneer ran straight into it…it didn’t phase him one bit…Floyd saw the yellow in his eyes, the dark circles under them…He was thinner, and paler, bruise-like spots all around his skin. He didn’t speak, only mumbled and gurgled. He attempted to grab Floyd through the glass..but no success…The thing that stood in front of them… it wasn’t Veneer anymore. John Dory looked at Velvet.
“How long?” He asked. Velvet hesitated to answer.
“…He just got like this about 1 month ago…” Velvet stared at the ground. She spent the entire time here in the cell waiting for the infection to slowly take it’s toll on Veneer.
“Velvet…I’m sorry about your brother…but…we can still save you. Come with us. Maybe we can find a cure, save him before he gets worse…” Floyd was saying.
“STOP IT! No..im not going anywhere. I’m not going to leave him alone…We’ve been inseparable since…forever….” She looked at the creature that was once her brother. He crouched down rocking back and forth, humming some sort of tune. “Me and him are gonna go through his together too.” She pulled up her sleeve….a bite mark.
“No, Velvet!” John Dory exclaimed.
“I don’t know how it works. Veneer just got sick out of nowhere and now look….I was desperate…I just didn’t know what to do…So…I went to his cell and….” Velvet pulled down her sleeve. “I just don’t want to continue life alone…without my brother…”
Moments of silence passed between them….Veneer was long gone, and Velvet would be well on her way….Floyd couldn’t save them…They were just kids….He tried to find something he could say to her…something that would convince her to leave even if she was infected…They could still find a cure.
“Your brother was here…two months ago…before Veneer lost it.” Velvet said. The Trolls ears perked up. “He…he tried to get us out…But Veneer knew he was already infected…He didn’t go anywhere…neither did I…”
“Where was he going? What is he doing?” Floyd asked. Velvet stared off into the distance…a lost look in her eyes…she blinked and looked at the Trolls…
“Floyd? What are you doing here?” She asked. Tears began streaming down Floyds face….her memory was already leaving her….she’d soon be gone too.
“I’m so sorry….We couldn’t save both of you.” He cried.
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herprincess · 5 months
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-V&V would write/sing Everyone Knows That (the lost one or whatever)
-Velvet would write/sing that Zepotha opening song idk the name but it sounds very her
-Velvet wears acrylics because she picks at her nails and skin around them out of anxiety/nervous tic
-Veneer fights with his family at Thanksgiving over politics. Ever. Year. 
-When Velvet was around the middle school age, she wanted to be a ER nurse 
-Veneer wanted to do it with her just so they could still be together
-Sometimes they will say the same thing at the same time + finish each others sentences 
-Velvet used to get mad at Veneer when they were younger because she would watch videos where twin sisters would pretend to be each other at school, and she couldn’t do that with him because their hair obviously and some facial differences
-The differences they have obviously besides gender is Velvet having a more upturned nose, farther set eyes, lighter eyes, (you can see in the GIF if you don’t believe me lol she rlly does have lighter eyes than him) and a bit thinner, while Veneer having a rounded top lip, closer set eyes, darker eyes, and a more boxy figure
-Velvet has undiagnosed borderline personality disorder because her parents were convinced she was just a growing girl so she just started masking it to try and seem pretty and proper like the girls she’d see on TV shows, but masking it eventually built up so much that it exploded and that didn’t end very well
-Velvet is the one who picks the pickles off everything and gives them to Veneer
-Velvets hair is very heat damaged 
-It used to be wavy✊
-She would try and revive them after regretting all her years of straightening it but the pattern is destroyed
-Veneer was a roblox ipad kid and he used to steal their moms card for robux
-Velvet likes watching crime shows
-Which always creeped Veneer out
-Velvet choked on a piece of steak once and now she won’t eat it
-V&V used to make up dances to perform to their parents to try and convince them to take them somewhere 
-Velvet is allergic to peanuts 
-Veneer is allergic to penicillin
-Velvet was a allstar cheerleader but left because the toxic environment of her gym
-V&V were preemies
-I promise you Veneer isn’t as shy uwu innocent as some people make him out to be like did we watch the same movie?
-Vels favorite snack is pink frosted animal crackers
-Vens is zebra cakes
-From what i’ve seen in pictures, V&V are the around the same exact height, Velvet being maybe a bit taller
-Velvet is a hypoglycemic, so she did use the troll gem thing for fruits a few times on off screen performances if her sugar was low (if they even had off screen performances)
-Velvet was more shy when her and Ven were toddlers but as she started preschool, her extrovertism started to show
-As I stated in a previous post, I think it would be funny if V&V could both sing but acted like they sucked to make the other feel better 
-I can just see them looking at each other like 
-Veneer is lefthanded 
-He still grips his spoon/fork like he did in the table flip scene
-Velvet had a tooth gap growing up 
-They would both get in trouble because they would sneak watching Jersey Shore
-Veneer has insomnia
-If the twins had socials they’d be cancelled within a week because of Vel
-They both ran track at some point
-They both spend HOURS in Sephora 
-When they would chase each other, Veneer was the one who jumped on the bed and kick his legs so Velvet can’t get him
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saintsenara · 1 month
the war of the roses - a snippet
sirius black/severus snape explicit
here’s a wee look at the next chapter of the war of the roses to tide you over before the weekend...
featuring tonks being a bonafide baddie with a terrible taste in men, sirius moping [as per], and me shoehorning in my "everything in the series connects to contemporary anglo-irish history" agenda....
Tonks has a black eye (courtesy of Augustus Rookwood) and a grey complexion (courtesy of being dragged back to work weeks earlier than she should have been). She looks exhausted. She’s lost weight. She has dark circles under her eyes and hollows under her cheekbones and he finds it almost terrifying to look directly at her.
Not because growing thinner has made it all the clearer how much she looks like Bella - he knew that; he can handle that - but because her specific brand of wan and worn-out looks so much like the one he remembers his mother putting on during his childhood - a cloak of pale skin and mourning robes and staring at the woven roses on the rug and not leaving the house - and never taking off.
Only the fact that her hair is electric blue and her aura opalescent and her appetite undiminished quells the shiver working its way down his spine, stopping him from panicking that there’s been some rip in time and the old bitch isn’t dead anymore.
‘- started quacking like a duck,’ she says, cheeks bulging out like a hamster’s with pasta bake, her luminescence - a gemstone sheen that no Death Eater’s curse could rob from her - so magnificent that even Molly smiles indulgently at her lack of table manners.
(Sirius wonders how long it took Andy - she was hardly as much of a prig as Cissy, but she’d nonetheless never gone in for eating like she lived in a pig-sty - to give up on trying to drum some decorum into her.)
‘The Muggles all thought he’d lost his gobstones - obviously - but the portrait in the PM’s office alerted the Accidents and Catastrophes lot just before they could cart him off to see one of their - oh bollocks, what do they call them? Y’know - the healers for the mind?’
‘Sike-trists,’ says Kingsley.
‘That’s the word I was looking for!’ she squeals, waving her fork in his direction with transparent glee. ‘I was going to say “suck-tits”, but I knew that wasn’t right…’
Kingsley chuckles. Moony chokes on his beer.
And Tonks stares at him, her dark eyes - Bella’s eyes; his mother’s eyes - gleaming, the dancing flames from the fireplace reflected within them. She looks thrilled, triumphant. Like making Moony shed his stiffness - the meek and restrained act he’s been perfecting since he was eleven - and reveal himself to be capable of spontaneity, of looking dishevelled and coming undone, was her goal.
Moony blushes. Tonks waggles her eyebrows extravagantly at him and then collapses into giggles.
(Sirius wonders what Andy would say. There’s no way she hasn’t warned her daughter to beware the hungry glint which lurks in wolfish eyes, betraying the monster which coils beneath an affable, moderate veneer, ready to strike. After all, she’d seen a similar heart-shaped face staring rapt and worshipping.)
‘It’s no laughing matter, Tonks,’ says Arthur, sternly, gamely diving into the fire which seems to have sprung up around her and Moony. ‘We’re very lucky that Herbert Chorley had a bad reaction to the Imperius Curse… If it had taken, the Prime Minister would be dead.’
Tonks doesn’t look remotely chagrined.
(Sirius wonders if Andy would say that passion’s flame - no matter how dangerous; no matter how quickly it burns itself out - is better than the alternative. He remembers his mother and father, drifting past each other on the stairs like ships in the night. He remembers Bella sitting awkwardly beside her new husband at her wedding breakfast, and how he and Reg had spent the next seven years - until he’d fled, for Godric’s Hollow and its fields of golden wheat - convinced that Rodolphus was genuinely incapable of smiling.)
But Kingsley is possessed by the spirit of irritation at government incompetence which all civil servants must indulge. ‘The worst thing is,’ he spits, ‘we didn’t have a fucking clue the Prime Minister was at risk until this Imperius was buggered up. It doesn’t seem to have occurred to anyone that they might not confine their attacks on Muggles to this shit with the giants… Scrimgeour told me that I’m going to be the first ever liaison we’ve had in the Muggle government. The fucking first! Voldemort probably has dozens!’
‘Why would he bother with all that, though?’ asks Tonks, still shovelling food into her mouth. ‘He wouldn’t get any credit for offing the PM. The Muggles would just blame it on their own terrorists.’
‘Exactly,’ says Arthur. ‘The Muggles would blame their own terrorists, which would give You-Know-Who the cover to keep attacking them on the pretence that the terror threat was escalating, which would involve him doing more and more magic in plain sight, which would keep the Ministry busy scrambling to cover everything up.’
‘And it hurts the Ministry’s standing with the Muggles,’ says Kingsley. ‘The relationship between the Minister and the PM is sold to them on the basis that we don’t affect their affairs in any way. We’re on thin ice with them as it is - the PM took a lot of shit about rising crime rates in February, after the breakout from Azkaban; it’s hit his polling hard - and I guarantee Voldemort knows it. It’s why he’s going after Muggle targets in the way he is. If the PM stops talking to the Minister, because he’s pissed off that he’s having to look unpopular for things which are our fault, then the Death Eaters have a clear run at creating chaos in the Muggle world.’ He picks up his fork again, jabs it with an irritated stab into a piece of pasta. ‘D’you remember in the last war, Arthur, that massacre in Belfast -’
‘- where he had all the Death Eaters dress up like Muggle soldiers. Of course I do. The Prime Minister was furious. There were genuinely worries he was going to renege on the terms of the Statute of Secrecy. We were working overtime for months to sort it all out.’
‘It killed Eugenia Jenkins’ career.’
‘I remember that Mad-Eye used to be convinced that it was Voldemort who got Mountbatten,’ says Moony, his gaze still fixed on Tonks.
‘I’m pretty sure Mad-Eye’s still convinced of that,’ mutters Kingsley.
‘Yeah,’ says Tonks, with a roll of her eyes, ‘but since Mad-Eye’s also convinced that You-Know-Who stopped the Kestrels winning the league in ‘79, I take everything he says with a pinch of salt.’
Everyone laughs, dragged back to levity by her refusal to take anything too seriously. She’s basking in it - their adulation - being cocky and cheeky, so sure that nothing truly evil hides in the lengthening shadows on the other side of the walls that they can almost believe she might be onto something, and let themselves forget the slog which grinds them down and makes exhausted bodies - horses fit for the knacker’s yard - out of young men.
She doesn’t realise that her swagger makes her susceptible, Sirius thinks. She hasn’t noticed that her eyes are glassy with something which could be fever, as she watches Moony watching her, neither of them pretending he isn’t. Sirius has never seen him so overt in his desire, so unwilling to merely pine from afar.
He wonders if something lupine in him has caught the scent of easy prey.
She takes a swig of beer, lips lingering for just a little longer than necessary around the bottle-top when she draws it away.
‘Scrimgeour’s putting liaisons everywhere,’ she says. ‘Ankunda’s going to be guarding Tony Blair. I asked if I could get the gig protecting Princess Diana.’
‘And did you?’ Moony asks. A purr has come into his voice, something low and sultry, like the embers of a fire.
Tonks chuckles. ‘Nah. Scrimgeour thinks that it wouldn’t do to have me pictured near her.’ She gestures at her hair. ‘Says it might ruin her mystique… It’s gone to Savage. He reckons he’s going to have a crack at her.’
‘Poor woman.’
‘Oh, I dunno.’ She winks at him. ‘She’s done worse.’
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dangermousie · 1 year
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 Her face at his recounting and I love that he recounts both to prove how much he loves her but also because he wants her to know everything that he did because she’s his wife and she has a right!
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She can’t help but ask. Your facade is cracking, girl!
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This is not a man who knows the meaning of giving up. And his veneer of pretending to believe she is not Xiwu is getting thinner and thinner.
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zhalfirin-binds · 2 months
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WIP - The Crown of the Summer Court
case construction (long post under the cut, see the finished bind here)
Did I ever mention I hate sanding? Well, I did a lot of sanding for this bind. Sadly I forgot to take pictures of all the steps, but I'll try my best to fill in the gaps.
The series of steps jumps a bit back and forth and feels reversed at times, because I needed different measurements to do different step on another part of the bind.
Basically I started like I always do, with the spine stiffener and a piece of paper to gather the case before covering. Only this time there was a bit more to think about. I knew I wanted a thaumatrope on the case and it should not be a dangly bit, but still removable. Also it should not stick out too much (preferably not at all to avoid damage to the thaumatrope). To achieve that I planned on using a magnet and sink one into the board and sandwich the other between card board on the thaumatrope. So part of the board thickness was simply dictated by the thickness of the magnet. I was in luck to have some really thin neodymium magnets and still the boards ended up ~3mm, which is massive for an A7 sized book.
The case is made of 2 different kinds of board, one solid 2,5mm the other layered to make a cut out easier.
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Here you can see the different levels of the front board . A thinner base with an inset magnet, covered by cardboard so the magnet will not show through (maybe that is doable by working the inset neater but I have not managed that so far so I went for the additional cardboard) On top a thinner grey board to accommodate for the thaumatrope, so it would not stick out (too much).
The small ledge was cut back later when I trimmed the boards to fit the book block.
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I also sanded the edges to a bevel so they would not look as massive as they actually are.
To get smooth paste downs I also sanded the paper used to connect the boards. Which later proved unnecessary, because I decided to glue in more cardboard to even out the cork veneer, which is comparably bulky and left too much of a step for my liking.
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Next up was covering the front and back board with a nice base paper. Naturally I had nothing I liked. I considered the same paper as the endpapers.
I tried the front...
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... and backside
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While I think both are actually okay, neither made me really happy. Eventually I set out to make paste papers. The idea was to get something with earthy colours in the 'root' area, a yellowish colour in the trunk height and some leafy green in the upper part.
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Lesson learned in this session: - patterns are harder than you imagine them to be - getting colours right is harder than you imagine it to be - size matters! if you have just a small area to show some colour shift. use paper only a little larger than needed to get all the colours you want/need on it.
The winner was some fooling around when I had actually given up on my idea and a sunrise/sunset pair of papers turned out nicely. I checked with the patter I cut for the cork veneer and it fit surprisingly well.
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I was a little worried for the paper to tear in the recessed area. but it was trouble at all to work the paper in there. Still to keep the edges crisp I cut the cut out circle a tiny bit smaller and put it back in the recessed area to let the paper dry with a weight on top.
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By the way, the papers have not been waxed! Since I wanted to glue another layer on top and most of the paper would be covered again, I didn't want to seal the surface.
Next step was preparing the cork veneer with the cut outs. I had started with some scribbles on paper and simply used those to trace on the paper backside of the cork paper. To not get confused I had marked front and back before drawing anything and hatched the areas that were to cut away.
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The gluing it self was easy on the spine and then I realised, that I could not just cover the front in glue and lay down the veneer because I'd never manage to just apply glue to the parts where the cork was meant to be. So working one side after the other I dabbed the glue on to the veneer in midair while holding it up. It works, but I really can't recommend that.
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The turn-ins were easy after that though. For the second bind I applied glue to the whole of the cork paper. Which wasn't much better to be honest. With all the tiny bits and pieces I had glue pressing out to the front and smearing a bit to the cork. Fortunately the material is rather forgiving to glue stains though.
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Last I leveled out the inside of the case with cardboard. This time I remembered to bevel the cardboard on the hinge side to soften the step there!
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mapledental · 5 months
Professional Teeth Whitening vs. At-Home Teeth Whitening: Which is Right for You?
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A bright, dazzling smile is often associated with good health, confidence, and vitality. However, over time, various factors can cause teeth to become discoloured, leading many people to seek out teeth-whitening solutions. In this blog, we'll delve into the causes of discoloured teeth, how teeth whitening works, its effectiveness, and the differences between professional teeth whitening and at-home teeth whitening options.
Causes of Discolored Teeth
Before diving into teeth whitening methods, it's essential to understand what causes teeth to become discoloured in the first place. Some common culprits include:
1. Staining Foods and Beverages: Coffee, tea, red wine, and certain fruits and vegetables contain pigments that can stain tooth enamel over time.
2. Tobacco Use: Smoking or chewing tobacco can lead to stubborn stains on teeth.
3. Poor Oral Hygiene: Inadequate brushing and flossing can allow plaque and tartar to build up, contributing to discolouration.
4. Aging: As we age, tooth enamel naturally wears down, revealing the yellowish dentin beneath.
5. Medications: Certain medications, such as tetracycline antibiotics, can cause teeth to darken or stain.
6. Genetics: Some people are genetically predisposed to having thicker or thinner enamel, which can affect tooth colour.
How Does Teeth Whitening Work?
Teeth whitening treatments aim to remove stains and discolouration from the enamel and dentin of teeth, restoring a brighter, whiter appearance. Most whitening products contain either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the active bleaching agent. These chemicals break down stains into smaller, less concentrated particles, making the teeth appear whiter.
Does Teeth Whitening Work on All Teeth?
While teeth whitening can effectively remove many types of stains, it may not be suitable for everyone or every type of discolouration. For example:
Yellow Teeth: Teeth that have yellowed due to ageing or surface stains typically respond well to whitening treatments.
Brown or Gray Teeth: Teeth with brown or grey discolouration, especially those caused by medications or trauma, may be less responsive to whitening and may require alternative treatments like veneers or bonding.
Dental Restorations: Teeth whitening treatments do not work on dental restorations such as fillings, crowns, or veneers. These materials do not respond to bleaching agents, so they may need to be replaced to match the newly whitened teeth.
 Teeth Whitening Options
When it comes to teeth whitening, there are two primary options available: professional teeth whitening and at-home teeth whitening kits.
Professional Teeth Whitening:
Performed by Dentists: Professional teeth whitening is typically performed by a dentist or dental hygienist in a dental office setting.
Stronger Bleaching Agents: Dentists use higher concentrations of bleaching agents than those found in over-the-counter products, allowing for more dramatic results.
Customized Treatment: Dentists can tailor the whitening treatment to the individual patient, taking into account factors such as tooth sensitivity and desired level of whitening.
Faster Results: Professional whitening treatments often yield faster results, with noticeable improvement after just one session.
At-Home Teeth Whitening:
Over-the-Counter Kits: At-home whitening kits are available at pharmacies and grocery stores and typically include whitening gels, strips, or trays.
ower Concentrations: These kits contain lower concentrations of bleaching agents compared to professional treatments, which may result in slower or less dramatic whitening.
Convenience: At-home whitening kits offer the convenience of being able to whiten your teeth on your schedule, without needing to visit a dentist's office.
Cost-Effective: At-home whitening kits are generally more affordable than professional treatments, making them a popular option for budget-conscious individuals.
Differences Between Professional Teeth Whitening and At-home Teeth Whitening
1. Effectiveness: Professional treatments tend to deliver faster and more dramatic results due to the use of higher concentrations of bleaching agents.
2. Customization: Professional whitening treatments are customized to each patient's needs, while at-home kits offer a one-size-fits-all approach.
3. Supervision: Professional whitening is performed under the supervision of a dental professional, ensuring safety and efficacy.
both professional teeth whitening and at-home whitening kits can effectively brighten your smile, but the best option for you will depend on your budget, desired level of whitening, and personal preferences. Consulting with a dentist can help you determine the most suitable whitening method for your individual needs. Remember, a radiant smile can boost your confidence and leave a lasting impression, so choose the option that works best for you and enjoy the benefits of a brighter, whiter smile!
Looking for professional teeth whitening solutions in Victorville, CA? Look no further than Maple Dental! Our experienced dentists in Victorville, CA, offer expert teeth whitening services to help you achieve a brighter, more radiant smile. With our personalized treatment plans and high-quality whitening products, you can enjoy fast and effective results. 
Say goodbye to stains and discoloration and hello to a confident smile! Contact Maple Dental today at 760-949-7274 to schedule your teeth whitening appointment with our skilled dentist in Victorville, CA. Your journey to a whiter smile starts here!
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tact-and-impulse · 2 years
Shinkane Week 2022 Day 5
I’d like to say I started shipping them when she shot him or when he talked to her from his hospital bed, but I didn’t. I started shipping them from their first scene together. For the “wrath” prompt!
Ozone and rain.
The Enforcers emerged from the paddy wagon, while Akane hurriedly donned her new jacket. He was the last to step under the temporary shelter, his posture taut and already facing the closest alley. She glimpsed unruly dark hair, a fur-lined collar, and broad shoulders. A stoic side profile, or maybe, ‘brooding’ was the better word. He didn’t meet anyone else’s eyes, completely focused on obtaining the Dominator. But his eyes weren’t eager, the blue glow surging briefly, and he spoke of the case in blunt terms of hunting prey.
Her gaze tracked him, as he walked to the perimeter with clear intent. Kougami Shinya. Her first impression wasn’t of a leashed hound, but a wolf that only accepted to be tamed for the time being.
In the coming weeks, she’d realize how true it was. With every new piece of information she learned, it explained his demeanor. Simmering rage, just barely concealed under a veneer of self-discipline. Everything he did was in pursuit of his target. His quest for revenge was anger distilled, at Makishima, the system that allowed him to slip away, and towards Kougami himself.
And despite the warnings, she was unable to stay away.
Dust and cigarette smoke.
Adrenaline still buzzed beneath her skin; she redirected the frantic need to move, pulling on the shirt loaned to her. She stole glances at the owner. After four years, Kougami was tanned and more muscular. He’d always been the type to appear thinner with clothes on, but now, that strength was uncontained.
He drove on, turning a corner. “The group is based in one of the abandoned ruins. We have food, water, medicine. Cigarettes are practically currency. We turn the lights off at night, for safety.”
“Have you gotten into many fights?” A faint white line ran down his jawline. She didn’t remember it.
“Plenty. More than I can recall. I can share them with you later.” The car hit a bump. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s alright.” She looked behind. The dirt path was free of drones, the lush trees framing either side. Towards the horizon, a gray haze remained. Another distant boom resounded, and her heart sank.
“Almost there.” He reassured, voice steady.
In this brutal place vastly different from home, Kougami didn’t flinch. He seemed perfectly accustomed. She should’ve been frustrated, appalled, saddened. Even so, all she felt was overwhelming relief that he was alive.
Ironwork and warm lights.
She was surprised at how spacious an Enforcer’s quarters were, and compared to her prison, it was a definite upgrade. Her belongings had been moved in quickly, especially with the help she received. “Thank you, again. This isn’t bad, I’ll get to experience how you lived.”
However, Kougami hadn’t budged from the couch, hands interlocked in that familiar pose of deep thought. “I still don’t like that you’re an Enforcer. Statutory or not, it’s the same.”
Akane stood over him, gently caressing his tense shoulders. “I’ll continue investigating, just in a different way. The foxes are out there.”
“Yes, and I won’t stop until every one is arrested. You suffered in that underground cell, and they need to pay.” His tone was foreboding, a dark promise.
After all these years, his default coping mechanism hadn’t changed. She sighed, and buried her lips against the top of his head, amidst the new gray visible. “Will you stay for dinner?”
“Of course.” He brought her in for a kiss, with a searing intensity only he could deliver. His wrath was a reckless beast, but it was fighting for her sake this time, and for once, she couldn’t protest.
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astrognossienne · 2 years
scandalous beauty: tallulah bankhead - an analysis
“I don’t care what they say about me after I’m dead, so long as they say something! Say anything about me, darling, as long as it isn’t boring.” - Tallulah Bankhead
She was the biggest Hollywood star that never really was. Ever since I saw her brilliant portrayal of the cold and ruthless, yet fiery Regina Giddens in Lillian Hellman's The Little Foxes, I had to know more about Tallulah Bankhead. Bankhead combined the morally inverting wit of Oscar Wilde, the drawling decadence of Tennessee Williams and the tragic shadow of Blanche DuBois, a character she claimed Williams wrote just for her. Hollywood’s original wild child, Bankhead was an atypical southerner, championing civil rights way before it was popular, and was a devout Democrat, anti-Communist and liberal. Born into an old Southern family, Bankhead grew up overshadowed by her prettier older sister. She compensated by being outspoken and outrageous, a habit which would make her a star of the London stage and a subject of gossip columns. Her name was linked during her lifetime with many people (the notches on Bankhead’s bedpost were rumored to add up to at least 500, maybe even 5,000) and she carefully nurtured her wild reputation. She was also known for using cocaine and often mentioned that she did. She carried on affairs with both sexes, smoked, drank, and drugged to excess, and claimed to have only come to Hollywood “to fuck that divine Gary Cooper”.
The first actress to screen test for the role of Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind, Bankhead herself was an "accessible" icon. She reveled in her fans' idolatry and always acknowledged them, on-stage or off. A true diva, she clashed with most of the actors in the plays and movies she was cast in and many of them would not show up for performances until the very last minute to avoid her tantrums. Despite Bankhead’s demanding and extreme temperament, she enjoyed great professional success during the 1940s. Her typical Aquarian uniqueness, frivolity and irreverence, however, was a veneer for the tragedies and ghosts that haunted her life: Bankhead’s mother dying shortly after giving birth to her and the lifelong resentment of her congressman father, the sexual assault that occurred when she was a teenager, the case of the clap that left her sterile before she was 30 and the string of loveless affairs concealing a tender, coked-up heart. In the end, her last discernible words were "codeine, bourbon". While most of her contemporaries have long since been forgotten, the untamed and outspoken Tallulah has proven hard to shake.
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Tallulah Bankhead, according to astrotheme, was an Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon. Bankhead’s mother, Adelaide (or "Ada" as she was called) was already engaged to another man when she met William Bankhead on a trip to Huntsville, Alabama to shop for her wedding dress. Will and Ada fell in love at first sight and, following a whirlwind romance, were married on January 31, 1900 in Memphis, Tennessee. Two years to the day, she was born in Huntsville, Alabama; her older sister Eugenia was born a year before. She was named after her paternal grandmother, who, in turn, was named after the town of Tallulah Falls in Georgia. The Bankheads were a prominent Alabama political family. Tallulah's grandfather, John Hollis Bankhead, was a Confederate veteran and a U.S. senator. Tallulah's uncle John was also a Senator and her father would serve as a U.S. Representative and Speaker of the House. Her mother died of complications from childbirth several weeks later, and she was raised in part by her aunts and grandparents. Bankhead was an admittedly bad-tempered baby turned defiant child. Made to feel inadequate by her older, thinner, prettier sister, Tallulah did everything she could think of for attention. Her boisterous behaviour rankled everyone's nerves, especially her grandmother. Today, Tallulah would be probably be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. She soon discovered at an early age that theatrics were a viable outlet for gaining the attention she craved. A series of throat and chest infections—whooping cough, measles, pneumonia, the mumps—left her with the famous voice that would become her trademark. In later years, Bankhead once made the statement, in conversation, that she had been raped when she was eleven. She said she could still remember and feel the gravel driveway where it happened, although there was no supporting witness, and no friend in whom she confided at the time.
Though her family wasn’t even Catholic, the uncontrollable Bankhead was sent away to convents, where she was twice expelled: once for throwing ink at the Mother Superior and again, at age 12, for making romantic advances towards a nun. At 15, perhaps due to her “manic narcissism,” Bankhead submitted her photo to Picture Play magazine and won a small part in a movie, as well as a trip to New York. With her lax Aunt Louise as chaperone, Bankhead took a room at the then unremarkable Algonquin Hotel. Her father used his influence and connections to help secure Tallulah's first stage role. In the meantime, she was a hit on the social scene. Though her acting was praised, the plays she was cast in were commercially and critically unsuccessful. Bankhead had been in New York for five years, but had yet to score a significant hit. Restless, Bankhead moved to London, making her debut on stage in 1923. Her fame as an actress was ensured in 1924 when she played Amy in Sidney Howard's They Knew What They Wanted. Bankhead returned to the United States in 1931, renting a home in Hollywood. She befriended famed director George Cukor and began hosting parties that were said to "have no boundaries". She found film-making to be very boring and did not have the patience for it. Promiscuity came naturally to Tallulah and she went to bed with anyone who was interested. She professed to having a ravenous appetite for sex, but not for a particular type:
"I've tried several varieties of sex. The conventional position makes me claustrophobic. And the others give me either stiff neck or lockjaw."
In Hollywood, Tallulah rented William Haines' former house, hired three black servants, and prepared for her fourth Paramount film, Thunder Below. It fared worse than any of her previous films. Tallulah may have been miserable in her professional life, but she didn't let that affect her private life. She indeed met Gary Cooper and even made a film with him, Devil and the Deep, Returning to Broadway, Bankhead worked steadily in a series of middling plays which were, ironically, later turned into highly successful Hollywood films starring other actresses. But Bankhead persevered, even through ill health. In 1933, while performing in Jezebel, Bankhead nearly died following a five-hour emergency hysterectomy due to gonorrhea, which she claimed she had contracted from either Gary Cooper or tough-guy actor George Raft. However, she had so many sexual partners at the time that it is impossible to know the truth. Hollywood was becoming increasingly conservative partly as a result from past scandals with their stars and because Will Hays had formed the infamous Production Code. The Code dictated not only what the studios could show in their films, but how their actors must conduct themselves off the screen. Bankhead was cited in the Hays Committee's "Doom Book", a list of 150 actors and actresses considered "unsuitable for the public" which was presented to the studios. Bankhead was at the top of the list with the heading: "Verbal Moral Turpitude". In return, she publicly called Hays "a little prick".
Tallulah finally achieved triumph with The Little Foxes in 1939. The Lillian Hellman classic told the story of the Hubbard family, whose lives are controlled by hatred and greed. Tallulah played Regina Giddens, a cold and self-centered social climber who stops at nothing to gain a foothold in Chicago society, even if it means destroying her family. Tallulah received tremendous praise for her performance and she won the Variety Award for Best Actress of the Season. The play enjoyed a long run (408 performances), followed by a year- long road tour. Tallulah also made a small fortune from the play as she demanded her usual ten percent of the grosses. Tallulah's next antic shocked everyone - to placate her father, she announced that she was getting married. She had been mesmerized by actor John Emery when she saw him on stage in Busman's Holiday in Westport, Connecticut. Tallulah met him after the play and invited him to spend the weekend with her. He moved in with her shortly afterward. In reality, Tallulah was never interested in "settling down" with any man and, after a rocky four years together (and her father’s death in the fall of 1940), the couple divorced in 1941.
By 1950, Tallulah was a household name who was frequently mentioned in the press, whether it was to report on her latest political involvement or simply to relate another humorous anecdote. Though Bankhead's career slowed in the mid-1950s, she never faded from the public eye. Her highly public and often scandalous personal life began to undermine her reputation as a terrific actress, leading to criticism she had become a caricature of herself. In early 1967, television producer Bill Dozier asked Tallulah to appear on his program, Batman. She would be paid $20,000 to appear in a two-part episode portraying the villainous "Black Widow". In 1968, Bankhead returned to her New York apartment and, in December, she contracted the Asian flu. She didn't respond to antibiotics and was placed in the hospital. After developing pneumonia and falling into a coma, she was placed in intensive care where she died on December 12, 1968, at age 66. After her death, it was revealed that she was not as poor as she often claimed; she left an estate valued at almost 2 million dollars. Half of the estate went to her long-time friend, Eugenia Rawls and her husband, Donald Seawell. Tallulah also also left generous portions to other good friends Jesse Levy, Estelle Winwood and Edie Smith. Tallulah's long-suffering sister, Eugenia, with whom she always had a strained relationship, had long fallen out of favour and was left $5,000 and a monthly allowance of $250.
Next, I focus on another scandalous figure of the early 20th century and the center of Hollywood's greatest real-life murder mystery: Taurus William Desmond Taylor.
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birthdate: January 31, 1902
major planets:
Sun: Aquarius
Moon: Scorpio
Rising: Virgo
Mercury: Aquarius
Venus: Pisces
Mars: Aquarius
Midheaven: Gemini
Jupiter: Capricorn
Saturn: Capricorn
Uranus: Sagittarius
Neptune: Gemini
Pluto: Gemini
Overall personality snapshot: She had a powerful, magnetic personality which had a hypnotic effect on many people. Her character possessed a compelling blend of broad social-intellectual concerns and passionate self-interest; detached idealism and dark cynicism, the latter based on an intimate understanding of her own appetites and emotional needs. In general a ‘people’ person and an avid student of human nature, she was popular because the intensity of her personality rarely let up. Her obsessive individualism commanded recognition – she convinced people of her importance and capability, inspiring some to follow her to the ends of the Earth. Indeed, she may have had the magnetism of a demi-god and the confidence of a guru, but when she conquered an unbalanced desire for power and developed a more impartial approach her achievements will have had longer-lasting success. Freedom from obsessive self-interest should have been her aim. A sort of commanding haughtiness and inner conviction that she was ‘It’ usually drew people into her spell. But she was equally capable of detached withdrawal and even contempt, especially if her ego has been injured or unfairly treated. She may have tried to rise above petty feelings, but she could carry resentment around inside for a long time if injustice has been done.
It was important that her conscious, rational Aquarian side, which ‘knew’ itself to be fully self-determined and uniquely in charge of her life, come to understand and respect her proud, emotionally possessive, instinctively voracious Scorpio side, whose primitive needs, if unmet, led to manipulative behaviour that undermined her chances for emotional fulfillment. In order for her to maintain peace between these two sides of herself, she needed to dig down deep to see what buried assumptions and denied needs were at the root of a possible mind/feeling split. Like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, her intellectual and creative potential was enormous as long as both sides were working harmoniously together instead of living unconnected and mutually antagonistic lives – and this could only come for her through profound self-knowledge. Her Aquarian sun was the rational scientist; her Scorpio moon the hungry sensualist. Being deeply rooted in both realms gave her powerful insight into the vast spectrum of human nature. She was a good investigator of the human psyche and/or body, and she had the instincts of the reformer who saw the hidden potential in the discarded souls of life and could facilitate in their transformation.
Her body was neat and wiry, and she used neat and economical movements. Her well-groomed appearance was mirrored in her cool and classic way of dressing, good posture, fine bone structure and animated expression. Physically, she possessed good stamina. She tended to look younger than she really was, all the way through into her later years. She was an intelligent, bold thinker who was attracted to new and avant-garde ideas. Her mental application might have been slightly erratic, but it was often brilliant. She detested being pigeonholed or categorized. She hated being told what to think, as intellectual independence was vitally important to her. She loved to talk and to travel, so with her able to combine these two in her job as an actress, she was happy. She needed to have a fair degree of variety and change within her job, and the aspect of travel may have satisfied this. In whatever job she would have done, she would always have been the perpetual student, as long as the subject was interesting enough. Her sense of duty and responsibility were well-developed. Her powers of concentration were strong, and she was an honest person. She could be extremely efficient in the way that she tried to get maximum result out of minimum effort. She didn’t like extravagance and waste. She was a thoughtful and resourceful person, who was well-informed on many subjects. Success came gradually and as a result of hard work. Success and growth, for her, were expressed by material and financial achievements, bringing status and prestige. Worldly success was well within her reach, because she possessed all the necessary talents to gain power, influence and status. She was practical, determined and patient. When there were hitches in her plans, she simply worked around them. She knew where she was heading to, and had already figured out the best way to use her talents to reach her goals.
Although she could be fairly pessimistic about life in general, it didn’t put her off aiming for the top. She could be very single-minded about reaching her goals, and was prepared to put her career interests above her personal happiness. She was extremely aware of his own worth. She was prepared to work beyond the call of duty. Her strong sense of ambition gave her a certain rigidity, arrogance and selfishness in the eyes of others. She belonged to a generation with fiery enthusiasm for new and innovative ideas and concepts. Rejecting the past and its mistakes, she sought new ideals and people to believe in. As a member of this generation, she felt restless and adventurous, and was attracted towards foreign people, places and cultures. As a member of the Gemini Neptune generation, her restless mind pushed her to explore new intellectual fields. She loved communication and the occult and was likely also fascinated by metaphysical phenomena and astrology. As a Gemini Plutonian, she was mentally restless and willing to examine and change old doctrines, ideas and ways of thinking. As a member of this generation, she showed an amount of mental vitality, originality and perception. Traditional customs and taboos were examined and rejected for newer and more original ways of doing things. As opportunities with education expanded, she questioned more and learned more. As a member of this generation, having more than one occupation at a time would not have been unusual to her.
Love/sex life: She was the least intellectual of the Aquarius Martian lovers. She gets emotionally involved with her ideals and she fell in love with abstractions. This ability to link ideas with feelings allowed her to surround the person she loved with an amazing edifice of beauty and refinement in accordance with her idealized and highly romantic preconception about love. It can be a beautiful thing but it rarely lasts. People had a bad habit of stepping out of the sugar-coated world she’s created in her mind and behaving like human beings, leaving her confused and disappointed. She was also one of the most emotionally vulnerable of the Mars in Aquarius lovers and, for this reason, she was often more cautious and conservative in her romantic choices than was typical with this type. She had to protect her tender feelings. If she decided to defy convention it would have been because of overwhelming emotional necessity and not just because she wanted to see how other people reacted. But, given the combination of her sensuous and extremely affectionate nature and her uncompromising commitment to her romantic ideals, if and when she did choose to get radical about sex her actions invariably drew a lot of attention.
minor asteroids and points:
North Node: Scorpio
Lilith: Scorpio
Vertex: Pisces
Fortune: Sagittarius
East Point: Virgo
Her North Node in Scorpio dictated that she needed to be careful not to let the more emotional side of her personality overwhelm her. Instead, she should have set out to consciously develop her more practical abilities. Her Lilith in Scorpio meant that she liked life intense and was judged for her sexuality and general vibe and learned early on how to deflect moral judgments. She may have been tried in the court of public opinion but no way was she going to show up for the sentencing. She seduced and conquered on a daily basis. She was fearless as an actress and otherwise. Her Part of Fortune in Sagittarius and Part of Spirit in Gemini dictated that her destiny lay in seeking truth, justice and fairness in any given situation. Fortune came through higher education, travel and philosophy. She found her greatest fortune in places far from her home. Happiness and success came from looking outside herself. Her soul’s purpose asked her to communicate fully and explore all forms of learning and knowledge. She felt spiritual connections and the spark of the divine through words and writing. East Point in Virgo dictated that she was most likely to personally identify with the need to work and to be pragmatic. She needed early responsibilities (which were within her capabilities). She tended to feel guilty when not working, as if she should be contributing in some way. She was generally identified with her work (“I am what I do.”) and with a performance orientation. If carried too far, this led to excessive self-criticism. When done in moderation, she was simply very practical and realistic, usually worked hard and saw life and herself clearly.
Vertex in Pisces, 6th house reveals that she had an internal yearning to personally interact with humankind. Her unspoken concept of intimacy blended in an almost mystical way with a need to alleviate suffering, accompanied by an indescribable capacity for compassion. She empathized with the tribulations of others. Her sexuality was often intense only because it is a natural part of human interaction and sometimes the only way to alleviate another's pain, however, briefly. There was a limit to how much she put up with, after all she was only human too. She had an attitude of duty, obligation and sacrifice when it came to heartfelt interactions. Here we often find associations unconsciously based on a medical or religious model of service and sometimes even sainthood. The negative side was the tendency to become hypochondriacal or martyristic to get the love she so desperately wanted. There was a need for others to appreciate the sincerity of her intentions, to the daily tasks she executed in a conscientious and caring way and for others to know that her actions, no matter how routine they may seem, awere based on devoted love.
elemental dominance:
She was communicative, quick and mentally agile, and she liked to stir things up. She was likely a havoc-seeker on some level. She was oriented more toward thinking than feeling. She carried information and the seeds of ideas. Out of balance, she lived in her head and could be insensitive to the feelings of others. But at her best, she helped others form connections in all spheres of their daily lives. She was a practical, reliable woman and could provide structure and protection. She was oriented toward practical experience and thought in terms of doing rather than thinking, feeling, or imagining. Could be materialistic, unimaginative, and resistant to change. But at her best, she provided the practical resources, analysis, and leadership to make dreams come true.
modality dominance:
She wasn’t particularly interested in spearheading new ventures or dealing with the day-to-day challenges of organization and management. She excelled at performing tasks and producing outcomes. She was flexible and liked to finish things. Was also likely undependable, lacking in initiative, and disorganized. Had an itchy restlessness and an unwillingness to buckle down to the task at hand. Probably had a chronic inability to commit—to a job, a relationship, or even to a set of values.
house dominants:
Her life had an emphasis on creativity and self-expression. This included new beginnings; in fact, it included any way in which her creativity manifested itself. It showed how she was special and stood out. Also indicated an emphasis on leisure activities and holidays, gambling and speculation, romance and courtship, entertainment, sport, and sex. Her ambition in relation to the outside world, the identity she wished to achieve in regard to the community at large, and her career aspirations were all themes that were emphasized throughout her life. All matters outside the home, her public image and reputation were very important to her. Her attitude to people in authority, and how she viewed the outside world, as well as the influence of her mother and her own attitude to her was highlighted. The domestic arena and the home were emphasized in her life. By extension, the influence of the family she was born into, and the parents that raised her, in particular her father, as well as her personal and private life was of paramount importance to her.
planet dominants:
She was of a contemplative nature, particularly receptive to ambiances, places, and people. She gladly cultivated the art of letting go, and allowed the natural unfolding of events to construct her world. She followed her inspirations, for better or for worse. She was intelligent, mentally quick, and had excellent verbal acuity. She dealt in terms of logic and reasoning. It was likely that she was left-brained. She was restless, craved movement, newness, and the bright hope of undiscovered terrains. She was unique and protected her individuality. She had disruptions appear in her life that brought unpleasant and unexpected surprises and she immersed herself in areas of her life in which these disruptions occur. Change galvanized her. She was inventive, creative, and original.    
sign dominants:
She was an original thinker, often eccentric, who prized individuality and freedom above all else. Her compassion, while genuine, rose from the intellect rather than the heart. She was hard to figure out because she was so often a paradox. She was patient but impatient; a nonconformist who conformed when it suited her; rebellious but peace-loving; stubborn and yet compliant when she wanted to be. She chafed at the restrictions placed upon her by society and sought to follow her own path. She ventured out to see what else was there and seized upon new ideas that expanded her community. Her innate curiosity kept her on the move. She used her rational, intellectual mind to explore and understand her personal world. She needed to answer the single burning question in her mind: why? This applied to most facets of her life, from the personal to  the impersonal. This need to know sent her off to foreign countries, where her need to explore other cultures and traditions ranked high. She was changeable and often moody. This meant that she was often at odds with herself—the mind demanding one thing, the heart demanding the opposite. To someone else, this internal conflict often manifested as two very different people. She was a discriminating, attractive, thorough, scientific, hygienic, humane, scientific woman and had the highest standards. Her attention to detail was second to none and she had a deeply penetrative and investigative mind.
Read more about her under the cut.
Tallulah Brockman Bankhead was born on January 31, 1902 in Huntsville, Alabama. Her father was a mover and shaker in the Democratic Party who served as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from June 4, 1936, to September 16, 1940. Tallulah had been interested in acting and, at age 15, started her stage career in the local theater troupes of Huntsville and the surrounding areas. At age 16, she won a beauty contest and, bolstered by this achievement, moved to New York City to live with her aunt and to try her hand at Broadway. She was offered a role in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920), but did not take it after she refused John Barrymore's invitation for a visit to the casting couch. Unfortunately, for the young Miss Bankhead, she did not make any headway on the stages of New York, so she pulled up stakes and moved to London, in 1923, to try her luck there. For the next several years, she was the most popular actress of London's famed West End, the British equivalent of Broadway. After starring in several well-received plays, she gained the attention of Paramount Pictures executives and returned to the United States to try her hand at the film world. Her first two films, Woman's Law (1927) and His House in Order (1928), did not exactly set the world on fire, so she returned to do more stage work. She tried film work again with Tarnished Lady (1931), where she played Nancy Courtney, a woman who marries for money but ultimately gets bored with her husband and leaves him, only to come back to him when he is broke. The critics gave it a mixed reception. Tallulah's personality did not shine on film as Paramount executives had hoped. She tried again with My Sin (1931) as a woman with a secret past about to marry into money. Later that year, she made The Cheat (1931), playing Elsa Carlyle, a woman who sold herself to a wealthy Oriental merchant who brands her like she was his own property and is subsequently murdered. The next year, she shot Thunder Below (1932), Faithless (1932), Make Me a Star (1932) (she had a cameo role along with several other Paramount stars) and Devil and the Deep (1932). The latter film was a star-studded affair that made money at the box-office due to the cast (Gary Cooper, Charles Laughton and newcomer Cary Grant). The films she was making just did not do her talent any justice, so it was back to Broadway--she did not make another film for 11 years. She toured nationally, performing in all but three states. She was also a big hit at social affairs, where she often shocked the staid members of that society with her "untraditional" behavior. She chain-smoked and enjoyed more than her share of Kentucky bourbon, and made it a "habit" to take her clothes off and chat in the nude. A friend and fellow actress remarked on one occasion, "Tallulah dear, why are you always taking your clothes off? You have such lovely frocks." She was also famous--or infamous--for throwing wild parties that would last for days. She returned to films in 1943 with a cameo in Stage Door Canteen (1943), but it was Lifeboat (1944) for director Alfred Hitchcock that put her back into the limelight. However, the limelight did not shine for long. After shooting A Royal Scandal (1945) she did not appear on film again until she landed a role in Die! Die! My Darling! (1965). Her film and small-screen work consisted of a few TV spots and the voice of the Sea Witch in the animated film The Daydreamer (1966), so she went back to the stage, which had always been first and foremost in her heart. To Tallulah, there was nothing like a live audience to perform for, because they, always, showed a lot of gratitude. On December 12, 1968, Tallulah Bankhead died at age 66 of pneumonia in her beloved New York City. While she made most of her fame on the stages of the world, the film industry and its history became richer because of her talent and her very colorful personality. Today her phrase, "Hello, Dahling" is known throughout the entertainment world. (x)
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foxqueen-katarian · 11 months
The thin veneer of civility keeps on getting thinner and thinner, and the feral beast that live in my head wants to bite so bad.
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simplydannie · 6 months
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Part 1
Floyd now understands the true reason behind his kidnapping and the fraud…. Velvet just wants her brother cured. Floyd can’t help that some is pulling the strings…. Lying to her.
Today was the day of the concert.
Velvet and Veneer were to use some prototype made by Crimp for this night…. Floyd wasn’t looking forward to it. As he sat there in the small, enclosed diamond he couldn’t stop but think what he learned a couple of weeks ago…. Veneer was sick.
This is the reason why Velvet was doing it… why she was so desperate… she didn’t want to loose her brother. What Floyd couldn’t get out of his head, is who in the world told them about Trolls? Who gave them that idea?…. His thoughts were cut short as her the sounds of a small stifled cry.
Floyd turned to see Velvet sitting on her vanity…. She was fully dressed already…tears coming down her face. He had been witnessing along with her that Veneer was slowly declining…
She didn’t know what else to do… somehow the Troll wasn’t helping… Veneer looked thinner…His voice softer… Velvet was slowly seeing her brother whither away to this stupid sickness. She had done everything they said, everything they asked for… yet there were still no answers…. Veneer still wasn’t better… were they lying to her?
“….Velvet…” Floyd said softly. He could see Velvet glance at him with anger in her eyes through her vanity.
“What Troll!” She demanded… she quickly wiped her tears away and resumed her usual demeanor. Floyd really had to choose his words carefully…
“…. Maybe there’s a way we Trolls could help your brother… without really sucking our talent or anything like that.” He said. This caught her attention… she was silent…. She was listening.
“Maybe where I’m from or any Troll for that matter, we could find a cure? There’s so much out there Velvet, I could help you. I hate seeing Veneer decline just as much as you do.” He admitted. There was silence between them for a few moments….
“I can’t….. I can’t risk it.” She finally said.
“Risk what?” Floyd asked.
“Loosing all this.” She replied.
“Velvet there’s more to life than luxury and-“ She cut him off.
“No! You don’t get it! If they see Veneer can’t keep his end… if he can’t keep up, they’ll remove him! They’ll take him away from me!” She said. A terrified look filled her eyes…She glanced at Floyd…Velvet bit her lip…. She had said too much.
“Who? Velvet, who is threatening you guys?!” Before Floyd could get any response, Veneer walked out the bathroom fully dressed.
“… I look stupid.” He said in a monotone voice, disapproval in his eyes. Again in the flip of a switch Velvet adapted her usual attitude.
“Oh shut up you look fine. Let’s kill this show!” She said. Veneer looked himself over in the mirror, he began to feel less and less himself… Floyd saw this… something slowly started to change in Velvet. She then started slowly changing her brother.
“Remember, everyone wants to be you. You’re the star, not them!” She lifted Floyd off from where he stood. She took a few spritz before placing him inside Veneers chest piece. Veneer was hesitant… he knew this was wrong, but he also knew that he couldn’t let his sister down…. She knew what was best for him….right?
“…ya okay. Let’s do this!” He finally said.
The crowd cheered and screamed as the lights dimmed.
“WHATS UP MOUNT RAGEOUS!” Velvet screamed into the mic. The crowd roared with excitement as Velvet and Veneer took center stage.
“WHOSE READY TO LIVE IT UP TONIGHT!” She screamed again. A burst of energy through the crowd. Floyd could make out all the young faces; waiting for anticipation for the idols to take the stage. He glanced sideways at Veneer….
…..He had a distant look in his eyes…. Floyd could feel him swaying back and forth…
“Veneer?” He said. The young Mount Rageoun glanced at him…. Blood began to trickle down his nose.
“Oh gosh! Veneer!” Floyd exclaimed banging on the diamond.
“I’m fine.” Veneer said wiping the blood away. Floyd desperately tried getting Velvets attention by calling her name, banging on the glass. “I’m fine.” Veneer said again.
The lights started to become a blur to him… the sound of Velvet and the crowd grow slow and muffled…. Blood came down his nose again…he could see Velvet turn to look at him… horror in her eyes… he didn’t know what she said….his eyes then rolled behind his head… he fainted right there on the stage….
“Veneer!” Velvets scream echoed across the arena.
… the crowd gasped and grew silent.
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omegawizardposting · 1 year
Even if she actually has done something wrong, if a man's entire career is built on criticizing a single, specific woman for, idk, content theft or something, I do not trust him.
You do not need to post a new video every time she reuploads a tiktok. You do not need to monitor her every move. You are doing this for A Reason, and your veneer of justice is thinner than your hairline.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
Have y’all noticed how Chris’ lips got thinner? Like it’s noticeable in the SMA shoot and interview. Normally his links are super pink and plump. Now they are thinner, like him since it looks like the life is being sucked out of him ( and not in the good way). Like he looks slimmer and drained. Idk I noticed that his lips look thinner too.
Actually, his top lip has been noticeably thinner for years than it once was. I always assumed it had something to do with some dental work, because it happened around the same time his veneers changed.
Also, don't know if you know this - but your lips do thin as you age. It's just one of those fun things we all have in store for us.
But I will agree that I think he's been looking much thinner the second part of this year. Perhaps he stopped working out.
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