#with jhope on the side
love4hobi · 1 year
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hoseok, suchwita ep. 12
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aipaintchaos · 5 months
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It's his friends!! Say hellllooo!!!!🐳
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jellyj777 · 2 months
02; Elastic | THE PATIENT
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THE PATIENT | Book | Ch02; Elastic
JungkookxReader (fluff/angst/smut)
—Falling in love with a patient in an asylum might not be everyone's tea but you had a thing to fix something you never broke at first place.
words: 3.1k+
TROPES: One sided hate, TherapistAu.
SYNOPSIS:: —"Don't trust me, Believe in me"
WARNINGS:: Talk about abuse, Violence ahead, explicit language, Anger issues.
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"Do you really think you can change him, Mun?" Hoseok asks sipping on the coffee infront of him, the noise of air conditioner can be heard in the dimmed room.
"I don't want to change him, I just want him to be a better version of himself." You reply and mutter a small 'thank you' while taking the extra coffee cup that your colleague brought for you.
"This one's gonna be a tough, Y/N" he chuckles looking through the surveillance footage where Jungkook can be seen stretching the elastic on his wrist and releasing it with a pop sound, this was his fifth time doing it in under five minutes. He was doing it in a repetitive pattern, after another fifteen seconds and another 'pop' sound is heard.
"Good thing, I'm getting paid well." You shrug your shoulders focusing on the screen in front of you.
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"Let's start slow, how's that?" You ask Jungkook whose eyes were closed, he hums back in agreement and opened his eyes with a sigh knowing you won't listen no matter what. That was making him furious inside.
Your hand makes its way to your ponytail taking out the elastic that was keeping your hair together making it fall on your shoulder. You slide the hair tie on the table towards Jungkook who looks at you with squinted eyes and grabs the elastic infront of him.
"Can you wear it on your wrist, please?" You say, "Left one" specifically pointing wih your finger. He hesitates for a moment but then nods back in reply and puts his left hand on the table to wear the elastic given by you. His scars were fully visible due to the half-sleeves hospital shirt dress.
Better than the surveillance footage. You think giving it a glance.
He wraps the elastic on his wrist, as you suddenly grab his wrist gently pulling it more towards you. Suprised by the sudden light grasp, he takes a quick glance of your face and then his hand again in confusion.
Stretching the elastic that was resting on the skin of his, you release it earning a 'pop' sound to which Jungkook hisses.
"Did it hurt?" You ask,
"Kinda?" He replies.
"Do that whenever you feel anxious or wanting to self harm." you smile at him diverting your eyes from his hand to his face.
The thing you noticed from Jungkook's reports is that self harming was a coping technique for Jungkook. The photos that his parents allegedly gave included the scars that he did to himself from his high school years. It was a coping technique before his anger started taking over him and that is why he had scars on his arm, left arm to be specific. Some were healed but some were new.
Those new scars are made by himself even without any weapon or a way for him to make it in this so-called dungeon (named by Jungkook himself). He would strach the skin of his arm, using his nails as a tool until blood would be oozing out. When Jungkook is supposed to take his meds, he gets really aggressive and that is when you have to step in. The whole time during that, he either flirts with you or teases you.
That is what happens when he is high due to the meds and the worst part is that you cannot reply to any of his teasings. Said by your seniors, 'not matter what the patient is saying, he/she is not in their right mind during the intake of any meds so different patients do dofferent things at that time.' Even if a patient hits you during that period of time, you're not supposed to snap back at them.
You're supposed to go with their delusions and this is taught to you when you're taking your training at the hospital. Well this is also one of the reasons why this sub unit of hospital is really famous and expensive. The royal treatment ofcourse.
Whenever it's the weekend, you've to pep talk Jungkook and your other patients before cause you work only two weekends out of four in a month like every other doctor in this department.
You noticed one thing when you were in the surveillance room last week. Jungkook has to start slow for his progress in future and starting with the stop of self-harm should be a good plan, according to you ofcourse in hope that this would work.
You have the time to give and you just hoped that he would appreciate that if it's even just a little bit.
"Just try it out, if it doesn't work. We'll try something else." You pat his hand gently as a reassurance before pulling your hand away and he pulls his hand back resting it on his lap again.
Before you could break the silence, a bitter chuckle is heard from the male infront of you whose focus was on his lap while fidgeting his fingers.
"Bullshit." He grumbles in a quiet tone almost a whisper under his breath. "Why are you doing this?" He questions to which you raise your eyebrows, and another bitter chuckle leaves his lips when he sees your confused face.
"You have potential, Jungkook. You aren't fully ruined, just yet." You answer him understanding his that you can be 'not trustable' for him, he tilts his head lightly scanning your face. There was no uncertainty in your gaze only generous worry and that made him damn confused.
How is that possible? He thinks.
Shaking his head, he leans forward "Pardon me?"
"I want to help you, Jungkook. Even a slightest change in you is a big thing for me." You say leaning back on your chair, clearing your throat before speaking again. "This is your last chance, Jungkook. And after this," Your voice turning uncertain with a hint of horror in it. "I don't what they'll do to you." You warn him not because you wanted to scare him but this was truly his last chance to improve himself and him being self-aware that this is his last chance is the first step.
He had potential, it was visible through his previous records. The door is knocked meaning the session is over for the week, you reassure him with a smile. He knows what you mean by 'they' and for gods sake he doesn't want to go back. He would rather die than go back to that place again. Creepy as it might sound but after hearing your words, he did got anxious and seeing your smile suddenly creeped the shit out of him.
He gulps.
"Try your best, I won't force you but I'll be up your way everytime." You speak, your words make him nod. This was the first time he is being so understandable cause last week's session was hell according to the aslyum. You haven't received the footage for it yet but it would be here by next week probably.
"I'll try, um... thanks i guess?" He mutters standing up. He felt like a human for the first time after talking to you. No offence, you give him a creepy doll vibes for sure. In his mind, the mental image is that you say the creepiest shit with your doll like face.
You nod in return watching his figure disappear with the nurse that came to take Jungkook for his daily activity, —dinner now probably— the worst part for Jungkook is that he can't even roam around the hospital like other patients because he wasn't like other patients.
He was a tranfered patient from an asylum and this was truly his last chance.
Therapy and Meds was his last chance.
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"Do you think there's a possibility that the government will take him, again?" Hoseok questions sipping on the straw attached to the coffee cup. He was curious after reading the previous records of Jungkook and Oh, his curiosity was soon broken into horror after reading about Jungkook's previous outbursts.
"Well, if he doesn't work on himself then maybe," you roll your sleeves up keeping an eye on the screen infront as you took another sip with help of a straw before speaking up again. "I think he won't work on himself until he finds something, you know?"
"Something? Like a goal?" He raises his brows pondering,
"Mhm, like a goal or more like a hope?" You nod unsure while thinking that is currently working in your head like crazy.
"Are you planning something, Y/N?" You shrug your shoulders making him chuckle. You were clearly planning something in your mind and it was quiet obvious to Hoseok. After a moment of silence of you both looking at the screen infront, you clear your troath lightly before speaking up "Do you remember the time you took a patient out?" You question Hoseok as he nods in return.
He did take alot patients out throughout his career and the first patient he took out was for a dinner as a reward to be able to cope with their anxiety but for that he had to sign various documents and alots of paperwork taking the responsibility of the patient. Doctors are allowed to take their patients out of the hospital but the responsibility and risk is next level so not all of the doctors think about this.
Heck, not everyone likes their job this much to take patients out but Hoseok was different. He has been working here for seven years now and he would also get attached with the patients easily that would make him wanna reward them something for being able to get out of their difficult time. He is like a ray of sunshine for them and you couldn't just agree more.
"Yeah, what about it?" He pauses and then pokes your arm making you yelp "What was that for!" You exclaim laughing lightly knowing damn well what was it for. He knows you're thinking of taking a patient out and the first person comes in his mind is the guy in the screen infront of him. Jungkook ofcourse.
"Don't even try."
A warning is heard from his side. Taking a patient out is good and he obviously supports that but taking Jungkook out is not a wise decision according to him. No matter how many pep talks you would give Hoseok that Jungkook is just a human, he won't allow this. He knows Jungkook is a human being but the anger issues can take over his personality —stated from previous records too— and no way in hell you'll be able to control him.
"Damn, I've been a doctor for three years and it would be my first time too taking a patient out." You mutter out rubbing the arm he poked into dramatically.
"Take someone easy for the first time, Y/N." He grumbles glaring at you. That wasn't an advice, that was more like a statement. "Kay' fine." You sigh running your hand through your hair.
"Do you have shift this weekend?" You ask switiching the topic, not wanting to talk about it until you've a final decision about the same. Turning his chair to you —now his body facing yours— "Yeah, what about you?" He asks back making you shake your head in return.
"Lucky you." He groans rolling his eyes playfully.
"I had my shift last weekend," you spoke taking a glance at the screen again. Your butt was pressed on the edge of the table so you were basically towering him. The big screen in front of both of you changed from Jungkook's room to another patient's room.
"Oh, Y/N. I forgot to tell you" Hoseok mutters gaining your attention fully as you turn your head to look at him, he takes his phone out of his pocket.
"I have tickets to the game, sadly for this weekend. My friend bought it, do you wanna go instead of me?" He asks scrolling on his phone, probably looking for the digital tickets.
"Is it the ice hockey match?" You ask remembering that there is a match that will be happening on the weekend in your area. It came on your 'foryou' page which you didn't pay much attention to being honest. As much as you loved the sport you weren't a fangirl of it that would to to each and every hockey match.
He hummed in agreement focused on his phone, one thing that you both had in common was the interest in sports. Not that you were an expert, no. You don't even know most of the rules but the adrenaline rush to watch men— handsome men fight in the ice hockey rink is not so bad. Not supporting violence or anythign but ragged up men look so hot. Not only in ice hockey to be honest, any sport is fun to watch when you've a person like Hoseok beside you explaining the stuff that is happening in the game.
At once. Hoseok got so interested about ice skating that he infact did invite you once to go with him after learning it himself. And boy! was he good at it. He was fucking amazing. Watching him ice skate freely as if he didn't had a bone in his body didn't felt so self appreciating to you but you admired him, this guy was freaking flexible. The amount of times you fell on ice was uncountable but it was a good experience at the end of the day, earning Hoseok's laughs everytime you fell and your groans in return with a smile, atleast now you know how to ice skate after multiple failures. Thanks to him.
"Who else is going?" You inquire more cause no way in hell Hoseok would go alone to a match. He is very verbal while watching matches, keeping an update on it by speaking about it —mostly making a mental mote for himself—. Like the possibility is very low for him to go alone, not fully zero but very low. You've known him for few years now, through this lovely hospital ofcourse and he is like a social butterfly.
"My friend, if you don't mind." He replies back as a notification is heard on your phone, making it vibrate lightly in your pocket —probably the tickets that he was searching for earlier—. He looks up from his phone and sees you have raised your eyebrows at him, ofcourse saying 'my friend' wouldn't solve the mystery.
"Oh, the guy's name is Taehyung; he's a nice guy. Don't worry." Hoseok smiles answering the unheard question. Okay that smile wasn't genuine, was this his plan? He damn well knew he was working this weekend but still accepted the tickets from this guy —Taehyung?
Or maybe you're just over analyzing the whole situation because he didn't quiet know that you were free this weekend.
"Is this your way of setting me on a date?" You chuckle looking at him with raised eyebrows. This wasn't the first time he was doing this, definitely.
"Maybe?" He shrugs with a sheepish grins.
Caught him.
"You know it won't work" you speak straightening your posture,
"He's a great guy, Y/N. I wouldn't set you with someone who isn't great." Hoseok states looking at you as he stands up now towering you and grabs his stuff shoving it in his pocket. "If not anything, you'll have a new friend." He shrugs and an innocent smile crepts his face making you nod.
You do know few of his friends and so does he which makes you both have mutual friends in return and you trust his instincts that he won't set you off with a creep. Exaggerated maybe but it is the truth. Nobody can be trusted in this world especially men. Ugh.
"Kay', I'll go but this is the last time." You grumble under your breath hoping he won't do this again cause the last time didn't go so well. The guy asked you for a kiss which you denied and thankfully he didn't make a fuss about it.
Hoseok did apologize to you later on behalf of his friend's behaviour but you just shrugged it off knowing he didn't meant it. He pats your back in a 'proud' way. Acting like a cupid, isn't he now?
"I'll text him your number then, don't be late Y/N." Hoseok warns earning a hum from you in return.
Bidding byes with Hoseok, you scan your profile card on the scanner signing out for the day. Your phone chimes with a notification, curiously you take your phone out and see an unknown number.
Unknown Texter: Hey, this side Taehyung. Hoseok's friend, you must be Y/N?
Welp, that was quick.
Having a quick chat with Taehyung about the time and how you'll reach to the venue, you put your phone back in your pocket and make your way towards the elevator to tell your patients that you won't be here for the next two days.
After talking with other patients about your absence, you finally make it to the top floor with a tired sigh. Today was a long day due to all the sessions with the patients and damn, it was tiring as hell. Looking through the little glass rectangle on the door, you saw Jungkook looking out of the window in his room.
Sliding the door quietly you step inside the room, "Hey" you mutter quietly not wanting to scare him out of nowhere. "How was the dinner?" You ask Jungkook who turned around to sit back on the bed while you sat on the chair nearby.
"It was shit. Can y'all make your budget higher for fucks sake?" He grumbles making a disgusted face.
Damn was it that bad?
"Good to know the feedback. I'll talk with the staff but this isn't a hotel, right?" You reply sarcastically with a smile and a little laugh in between. "Why are you here?" He groans glaring at your smiling face.
Creepy doll. He thinks.
"I was here to tell you that I won't be here for the next two days." You mumble looking at him with your typical smiling face. "Aw, I won't be able to see your face for two days? That sucks." He speaks sarcastically in a nonchalant tone making it clear that it didn't matter to him whether you were here or not. That response was a very expected response from his behalf to be honest.
You nod and get up after giving him the meds for the night. "Alright. That's good. Have fun for two days." You smile putting the empty glass of water on the nightstand beside that Jungkook gulped down seconds ago with the medicines.
"Kay'" he nods and runs his hand through his long hair, "Night. Dream about me doc." Jungkook says with a wink, there the drugs taking over him again. He took the blanket and wrapped it around himself to sleep, you nod in return and wish him a quick 'good night' before leaving the room and eventually the hospital alas.
wattpad: Elastic;CH02 (read on wattpad)
taglist; @seokout @khadeeeeej ‘to be added in the taglist : 🏷️’
Next chapter will be posted on next friday lol. I was editing this chapter and had to re-write it all when I felt like I didn't include Jungkook too much in the conversation. I'll post the sneek-peak for the next chapter on my tumblr and Instagram as usual.
Ty <3
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jksscenery · 1 year
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2/7 ♡
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mythmerth · 1 day
I don’t even know if there’s a fandom crossover to be found here but any merthur and also bts fans do NOT I repeat do NOT read blue side (2021)’s lyrics while thinking about it as S5 - post finale Merlin
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 5 months
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day 369/548 of hobi's military service
these selcas were posted on 170613 with the caption:
Happy birthday Bangtan♥️ARMY!!!!
(trans cr: Katharosx @ bts-trans)
bonus post from that day:
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[#Today'sBangtan] Thank you for being together with us, and let's be together in the future too💜 Bangtan and ARMYs have fun (together)ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ #BTSARMYforeva #BTSBirthday #PleaseSleepEarlyTonight🌙
(trans cr: Alli @ bts-trans)
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rainydrawstuff · 1 year
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Art inspired by Blue Side 💫
“Under the blue moonlight, on the rainbow bridge, I wanna walk the blue path only” — j-hope
You can find this print in my shop.
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artkrisus · 2 years
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blue side (2021)
old gif i made back then that i still rly love! digital x gouache
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darthagustd · 2 months
I can't think about Blue Side too much or I'll start crying
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gotyouniverse · 1 year
Jung Hoseok though...
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cerajun · 2 years
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A piece for the Blue Side zine project on twitter 💙
[ twitter × instagram × project ]
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hobismorning · 2 years
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shapinginvisible · 9 months
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Going back to this unforgettable J Hope look.
That sharp jawline, that side profile🙌🏼. One of my fav hairstyles on him too.
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justasopearchive · 2 years
I get it, Yoongi 🥴🥴🥴
I would fall in love, too, if I stared at Hoseok’s side-profile for over a decade.
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rainydrawstuff · 1 year
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Pandora's Box (h✦pe edition)
Shop | Twitter | Insta
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abel660660 · 11 months
“Girl-Warrior stood to wash dishes on a chair / Singing blue along with the singers who were tiny / And lived in the radio / Perched on the shelf above the sink. / When she sand with them everywhere it was blue.”
- Joy Harjo in Poet Warrior
“차가움에 태양이 비추고 구름이 감싸준 Blue (The sun shines on the cold, the clouds embrace Blue) / 하늘 바람 타고 지금 이 순간 그곳으로 Blue (Riding on the wind, right now, to that place, Blue) / 지금 날 위로해 주는 내 마음의 Blue (Inside my heart, comforting me now, Blue) / 파란 달빛 아래 나 홀로 Blue (Under the blue moonlight, I, alone, Blue).”
- Jung Hoseok in Blue Side
“어쩜 정말 후회의 동물인지 (Could it be that humans are really the animals of regret) / 아니면은 외로움이 낳은 나일지 (or, is it just me who was created by loneliness) / 여전히 모르겠어 서슬 퍼런 블루 (I still don’t know, the ferocious blue) / 잠식되지 않길 바래 찾을 거야 출구 (Hoping I don’t get eaten away, I’ll find the exit) / I just wanna be happier.”
- Kim Taehyung in Blue & Grey
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