#wn fanfic
princington · 1 year
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She takes the stethoscope and holds it around the rib area, where she’s pretty sure the heart would be if Mr. Bones here had one. “Oh Mr. Bones, your heart is racing, I know I look really good in this insanely restrictive and heavy habit, but you must control yourself, I am a woman of the cloth!”
“Mrs. Bones is going to be jealous.”
The new voice suddenly behind her makes Ava jump out of her skin (just like Mr. Bones). She turns around, nearly tripping over her skirts as she takes off the stethoscope and throws it at the intruder like a weapon.
Said intrude reaches out and catches it with one hand in an insanely attractive manner.
how do you solve a problem like ava silva? ch 1 by @simplykorra
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footy au chap 5
world cup final(s)
there's only joy. there's only the ball in the back of the net: perfect.
on ao3 here
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Chapter 2 of my percy jackson au!
words: 7k
rated: M
read on Ao3
The moment she steps out of the ocean, salt sticking to her skin, Ava feels a prickle of pain travel up the column of her spine. It takes all of her determination to keep walking, trudging up the sandy incline, dodging the shards of seashell that stick up out of the wet sand. They’re beautiful, glimmers of purple and blue and inky black, growth-bands warping the surface into patterns. Calcium carbonate and chitin derived into a dark rainbow, scattered up the beach.
The pain spreads to her legs, erupting in pins and needles, trying to rock her off balance as she stuffs her board up underneath one arm, eyes on the ground as the dizziness hits. The surfboard is slippery, still dripping seawater down her arms and onto her swim trunks, which are patterned in tiny winking flamingos.
She stops, taking deep breaths as the anaesthetic of the ocean fades, willing herself not to pass out again because she’s already been fireman-carried up the beach twice in the past week. Both times by JC, and he’s sweet about it, but there’s only so many times a girl can be scraped off the ground by a cute boy before it turns from romantic to pathetic.
So she stands with the sunlight prickling the back of her neck in her pink bikini top and her flamingo swim trunks, wondering what the sweet fuck is happening to her. Even before that night in the orphanage, she was able to move most of her upper body. Maybe it was all the baths culminating into feeling, or maybe it was just time, but on her nineteenth birthday Ava managed to get herself into her chair before anyone could come in and wake her. She was still figuring out her hands and building up the muscles in her back and her arms, but it was momentum. It was the possibility of living by herself, of leaving.
But then the monster came and everything accelerated and now she’s here and she can breathe underwater, but she can’t sit out on her board forever. She has to come ashore, and when she does she can feel the livid traceries of scar tissue where they performed surgery after surgery on her back.
Sister Frances never laughed when Ava said she felt like a prawn getting de-veined over and over again.
Ava’s not ungrateful. She doesn’t know if it’s some fucked-up form of water-bending or if she’s secretly part-mermaid, but she’s not willing to look too closely at any of it either. It’s a miracle.
But fuck, it still hurts like a bitch when she leaves the ocean after a day of pushing her body hard, and most mornings she has to spend twenty minutes getting out of bed and stretching before she can sprint down to the beach or slap the bottom of JC’s ‘protein shaker’ when he’s drinking out of it.
Behind her, the ocean sighs, tripping over loose seashells. The sound feels amplified, somehow, like it’s calling her home.
She used to dream of it, there in the strange spiral of dust motes that floated in her room at night, washed into visibility by moonlight, streetlight, by the little lamp that sat next to Ava’s bed. It was decorated with little dragonflies, and it was the only faint nod to childhood that Sister Frances left alone. Beyond that the room was barren, a mausoleum more than a place you might expect to find a sleeping child.
It was a space of tiled whites and the grey of the nuns fluttering by, of the heat trickling in through the cracked windowpanes. Ava and her perpetually dry mouth, alone while the other children lay on the grass outside with juice boxes, their voices reaching her like stray birds, or stones.
So, at night, Ava shut her eyes long before they felt tired, opening them every now and then to watch a spider draw a web in the far corner of the room or to listen to a siren as it grew fainter and fainter, trying not to think of the last time she saw her mother and how the air then had been full of sirens too. Getting closer – the Doppler effect drowning them both in waves of sound where they lay in the weird shimmer of broken glass under the one working headlight of the car.
Both of them strewn onto the road because Ava forgot to put her seatbelt on, and her mother - with a sharp click not unlike the internal sound of breaking bone – undid her belt to reach into the backseat for Ava’s.
Her face, body curved to reach Ava in the backseat. The light in her eyes as she said, ‘Eu tenho você.’  
Then the road and the blood-draped shape of her, white light cutting over her shoulders and making her seem larger than life, though Ava imagines they must have looked small together, out on the asphalt waiting for sirens.
Deftly, sometimes, Ava managed to drift past the sound of her mother’s voice or the phantom feeling of glass cutting through her, hitting to road to find the pain had gone missing. She thought of other things while the world revolved, but not around her.
The lamp cast large dragonfly shapes onto the walls, stretching the wings wide and the long bodies longer.
Her dreams were always blue.
Not the plain, pastel blue of the blanket the social worker put over her legs before she left, passing the shape of Frances in the doorway. Not the too-brilliant blue of the sky, glimpsed through the old windows in her bedroom.
This blue was different. Deeper, and richer, and hungry. It was a blue that turned to black, turned inky and reflected back the night sky. A colour that sat up on the surface and caught sunlight, dragging it down beneath into wavy lines of white surrounded by slats of cerulean.
It was water, absorbing all wavelengths and leaving the blue alone, complicated and occasionally greenish, occasionally lightless. Kicked up into the storms or smoothed into glassy stillness.
Ava dreamed of bright coral a handspan under the surface, the light refracted sideways, sitting on the scales of tiny moving bodies. She dreamed of white foam, of cool dark depths and the bioluminescence that lurks down very deep, where creatures must make their own light.
The water gathered her, and held her, and she felt – somehow – that it wanted to keep her.
But she always woke up. A fish on a hook drawn by the noise of the orphanage waking around her, of someone rushing into her room to say good morning before Frances could get her slippers on. The cool weight of a palm on her forehead and a promise to listen in geography class today, ‘I know you like that bullshit.’
Ava half-asleep saying, ‘I do, I do,’ but only in time to watch the last flash of backpack disappear through her bedroom door.
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My HoneyBea
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Warrior Nun Relationships: Sister Beatrice/Ava Silva, Sister Beatrice & Shotgun Mary (Warrior Nun), Sister Beatrice & Sister Camila (Warrior Nun)
Summary: Beatrice has life figured out. She has a home, a family that found her when she needed them most, and a fulfilling job keeping the bees and garden her grandparents left her as a part of her inheritance she was never supposed to receive, along with a summer farmer’s market stand out of which she sells the honey from said bees. She’s settling in for what she hopes will be her first calm summer in years until one Ava Silva shows up, a whirlwind of a girl with the brightness of the sun and the energy to match, and the quiet summer turns into something brighter than Beatrice thinks possible.
Read chapter one on AO3 | Chapter 8
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avatrice + 11. “The sun isn’t even up yet and you want me to do what?”
Okay this isn't exactly about avatrice but I was excited to share anyway. A sneak peek of a future scene in my Childhood!AU from Lilith's POV! Please enjoy!
“The sun isn’t even up yet and you want me to do what?” 
It was a miracle really that Lilith had managed to even convince Beatrice to meet her here, the lights from the gym muted in their refuge under the bleachers. She’d woken up early and roused a very annoyed Beatrice out of the bed next to hers, begging her to meet her in the gym before classes. 
Now they sit, their knees pressed together in the small space. From here Lilith can see every weakness in Beatrice’s form. The tired lines just underneath her eyes, the way her shoulders tighten, sitting impossibly straight even in this cramped position. Beatrice’s voice is whispered, harsh against the quiet hum of the electricity in the fluorescent lights above them.
“Oh come on, Beatrice. It’s just practice. It doesn’t mean anything.” 
She watches as Beatrice’s eyes widen only minutely and a soft flush appears across the freckles scattered along her cheeks. She looks almost ridiculous, like a deer caught in a headlight and under any other circumstances, Lilith might have teased her for it. 
But right now, anxiety is coiling through her own chest and she tightens her fists at her side to stop her hands from giving away how nervous the request is actually making her feel. 
“But why do we have to practice kissing?” 
Lilith can feel the back of her neck prickle with heat as images of a certain sixth year girl with gorgeous skin and a teasing smile flash across her mind. It’s a fair question but she can’t bring herself to admit the truth, that she’s never kissed anyone. The thought of actually admitting that she’s bad at anything, let alone something so simple, is mortifying. So she just shrugs. 
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it, Beatrice. You’ll meet a man, or someone one day, and you’ll be grateful for the chance to practice.” 
The way Beatrice wrinkles her nose at the thought is almost enough to lighten the nervous weight on her own chest and she has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. She doubts very much it will be a man who steals Beatrice’s heart one day but it isn’t Lilith’s place to say so.  Instead she nudges Beatrice’s knee with her own. “Come on, I never ask you for anything. And if you help me with this I swear I’ll owe you. Whatever you want.” 
The nervous knot loosens ever so slightly when Beatrice rolls her eyes and finally gives in with an exasperated sigh. “Fine. But you have to stay with me during break next week?” 
Her voice falters at the end, as if she isn’t sure for a moment that Lilith will agree. Which is absurd, really, because it’s such an easy request. She’s no happier at home than Beatrice is. “Deal.” 
“Okay. How-how do we do it?” 
The question takes her off guard and for the first time Lilith’s resolve almost disappears. It had seemed easy before when she was imagining the scenario in her head. Practice with Beatrice had seemed a lot less daunting than asking Lucia straight up for a date. But now Lilith falters, considering Beatrice for a moment before finally huffing out an annoyed breath. 
“I think we just need to go for it.” 
Beatrice nods and then squeezes her eyes shut, her face scrunching up in concentration as she freezes. Lilith only rolls her eyes and leans forward, closing the small distance between them in a fluid motion. “Geez. I’m not going to bite you. Relax.” 
The words are murmured for just an instant before Lilith closes her eyes too and presses her mouth against Beatrice’s, lingering for one brief, chaste moment. 
Beatrice’s lips are chapped and the small touch tickles against her own before Beatrice is pulling away, her eyes flying open. 
“How was that?” Her words are rushed and another bright flush dusts across her face.  It occurs to Lilith that Beatrice must be as nervous as she is. 
She only rolls her eyes to hide the mirth just lying under the surface of her nervousness and shakes her head. “I think you have to stay still for longer than a second for it to really count.” 
The challenge does the trick. It’s enough for Beatrice to frown, her eyebrows drawing forward as she huffs in annoyance. “Fine. Try again, then.” 
Lilith only shakes her head, amusement loosening the nervous coil in her chest completely now. It really is too easy to rile Beatrice up. But underneath the humor a surge of warmth settles against her chest. Beatrice may be uptight, and even a little oblivious sometimes. But she’s a good friend and any anxiety Lilith might have had over the request eases as she leans forward to kiss Beatrice again. ______________________________________________________________
The afternoon sun slants across their two bodies, laid out against Beatrice’s bedroom floor. A song plays idly in the background on Beatrice’s record player, filling the room with soft noise that fades easily into the background around them. 
Lilith turns her head to watch her friend for a moment, the way the light trails down Beatrice’s face, her eyes closed and her lips parted as she breathes out evenly. It’s the most relaxed Lilith has ever seen her and she can’t help but smile at the image. Whatever Ava is doing, it’s obviously doing wonders for Beatrice. Even if she is an annoying shit. 
“What’s it like? Being with Ava?” 
The question is blurted out before she can stop herself. But she finds that she doesn’t quite regret it, even if the back of her neck does warm. She shifts and props herself up on her elbows so she can look at Beatrice, who only opens her eyes and turns her head toward Lilith, pondering the question for a moment. 
“It’s…. wonderful.” Beatrice breathes out the last word in a small exhale, a soft blush creeping along her ears and cheeks. Her lips tilt upward in a soft smile and she grins sheepishly, “I didn’t think it was possible to be this happy.” 
The sight sends a pleasant ache through Lilith’s chest. Even a few months ago it was obvious Beatrice wasn’t happy. Lilith very much doubted Beatrice would have known what happiness looked like even if it slammed right into her. Which Lilith supposed, it sort of had. 
It takes her a moment to place the odd fluttering emotion in her chest. Hope, she realizes with a jolt of surprise. If Beatrice of all people could find happiness, then maybe it wasn’t completely unattainable. Maybe it’s something Lilith can earn too. The image of Camila’s mischievous smile, the soft dimples at the corner of her lips, and the way her curled hair catches the light plays across Lilith’s mind, sending a pleasant swoop through her belly. 
“If I confess something to you, do you swear not to judge?” 
Beatrice’s eyebrows furrow ever so slightly and she shifts too until she’s propped up on one elbow, her head resting against her hand. “Do you have feelings for Ava, as well?” 
Her lips purse against a teasing smile at the question and Lilith barks out a surprised laugh. “Don’t be ridiculous, I wouldn’t date Ava even if she was the last person on this earth. You can have her. Besides, I have my sights on someone else.” 
Beatrice’s grin widens, a genuine smile with a flash of teeth. She nudges Lilith’s leg with her foot. “Are you going to tell me who it is?” 
It’s new, this sudden vulnerability and understanding between the two of them and Lilith clings to the warmth it brings even as she falters for a moment, anxiety tightening around her chest as she answers. “It’s Camila…” 
Beatrice’s eyes widen in surprise and Lilith is ready, an apology right on the tip of her tongue. She can feel the flush on her face as she opens her mouth to explain, to take it back maybe. But Beatrice only grins again, her eyes bright with delight. “That’s wonderful!”
“Really? You’re not mad?” Lilith had honestly expected more pushback. Considering that just a few weeks ago they weren’t even talking, she hadn’t expected Beatrice to be so supportive. She studies Beatrice’s face for any sign of hidden frustration, or annoyance, but she doesn’t find any. Beatrice’s smile is still relaxed, her eyes squinting against the sunlight streaming through the blinds covering the window. But her expression is sincere, open, and Lilith finds herself relaxing as Beatrice answers, 
“Why would I be? I think it’s great, truly.”
“I don’t know.” Lilith shrugs, her attention moving to the carpet underneath them. She tugs at a loose strand, wrapping it around her finger as she answers, “She’s your little. I know you feel responsible for her.” 
The memory of their argument is still raw between them, the lingering words heavy against Lilith’s chest. She can’t quite bring herself to meet Beatrice’s gaze. Silence settles over them, awkward and stifling for several long moments. 
“I’m sorry, Lilith. What I said before, it wasn’t fair—“ 
Lilith rolls her eyes to hide the uncomfortable prickle of nervous tears welling in her eyes. “You’ve already apologized. You don’t have to—“
“Let me finish.” Beatrice raises her hand and Lilith falls silent, swallowing against the stupid lump in her throat. 
“It wasn’t fair and I want you to know, I don’t really think you’re…what was it I said?” 
“Heartless.” Lilith almost whispers the words, her heart clenching painfully against them, a juxtaposition to the accusation. Beatrice was right, she hadn’t been fair to say it. But Lilith couldn’t deny there was truth in the perception she gave off to people. Her mother was heartless. Her grandmother even more so, and if Lilith was honest her biggest fear is that she would end up mean and bitter, just like them. Beatrice’s words, said in a righteous fury of the moment, had pierced Lilith’s weakest point. 
“I don’t think you’re heartless. And I think Camila would be really lucky.” Beatrice’s hand wraps around her own and it takes every ounce of willpower Lilith has to stop the sob threatening to choke out of her. She finally looks up, her eyes stinging with tears only to find Beatrice’s own tears reflected back at her. Despite her best efforts, her vision blurs and she feels a single wet drop escape down her cheek. She laughs, watery and weak, and Beatrice does too. 
Maybe this is what happiness really looks like. Or at least something similar. The warm sun heating her skin in the afternoon, shared tears and laughter between friends. She can feel all the cracks within her, frayed and ragged. It doesn’t heal, not even close. But Lilith thinks, here with Beatrice’s tear-filled laughter mixing with her own, maybe for now this is enough.  The promise of a new beginning. For both of them. 
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chappelroans · 1 year
i remember everything (it all comes back to you)
Fandom: Warrior nun
Ship: Ava/Beatrice
Word Count: 18332
Rating: Mature
The bar is loud. Their bar.
It’s Saturday night and the city is alive. Though small, it never fails to feed gaggles of partygoers into the streets every weekend, taking students from the mountains and providing them with liquid stress-relief. Almost like coming home, the bar is always waiting for them with open arms.
The rafters seem to tremble with the music, like blood pumping through tight veins, bass spilling out of the mouth of Hans’ brand new stereo system -- all thanks to Beatrice’s meticulous budget-saving techniques. The glasses behind the counter shake and the bar’s stone walls and concrete floors reverberate sound like the belfry back in Andalucía. Beatrice no longer calls that place home. This is their home now. With the cavity of expectations filled instead with laughter, this is their home.
read the rest here on ao3
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gnoyo · 4 months
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a little broken, a little new
Estaba muy feliz de iniciar este fanfic y de repente vi el número de páginas (383), sigo muy feliz pero temo que voy a tardar muchos días, extraño la temporada en la que pasaba todo el día en casa y podía acabar uno de estos en día y medio.
En realidad ya lo empecé a leer voy en la página 177, está muy bueno.
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analogoose · 2 years
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god trick
Rating: Teen and Up Pairing: Avatrice Tags: Character Study, Takes Place Throughout S1 Chapters: 1/1 Born on the eve of a new year—at the cusp of change, Beatrice arrives when dawn sits right under the horizon, with eyes squeezed tightly shut and a newborn’s cry as she’s exchanged between unfamiliar hands and wrapped in a soft yellow blanket. Later, tucked into the crook of her mother’s elbow, she’ll laugh, bright and gilded with gold, and her father will call her the girl who woke the world. —  [Sister Beatrice doesn’t remember her name. What does it mean to forget yourself?]
read on ao3
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beastsovrevelation · 8 months
Fandom: Warrior Nun (TV) Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Ava Silva/Adriel, Sister Lilith/Lucifer Characters: Ava Silva, Adriel
As trumpets threaten to sound and hail falls mixed with blood, two foes find themselves on an eerily similar path.
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potsticker1234 · 2 years
across the boulevard, she hears a hallelujah chapter 2 on AO3
Caught up in the public eye, what does a day in the life of your friendly neighborhood halo-bearer look like?
Cue Lilith the nosey landlord, spidey senses tingling, and Ava abusing her super powers for photography.
Spiderman AU
Spider Silva is entirely, completely brought to you by @wingedsilva and her incredible Spidey Ava art Follow her immediately <3
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renegade--soul498 · 2 years
Chapters: 2/2
Fandom: Warrior Nun (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sister Beatrice/Ava Silva
Characters: Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun), Ava Silva
Additional Tags: No Dialogue, Character Study, Relationship Study, Post-Canon, Mild Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Post-Season/Series 02, Song Inspired, My First Work in This Fandom, They flip flop? They flip flop!
Summary: Loneliness comes in different versions, but their journeys lead to the same home, where their hearts truly were all along.
Fic title comes from "Unapologetic" by Halestorm.
This has been the reason why I haven't written absolutely nothing else for two (maybe more?) weeks. It's insane how curiosity leads you to watch a show about tactical nuns who fight demons like they're mf-ing SWAT. Now I can be free from this and go back to writing my other projects. Who knows? May I come back to this? Will this fandom be the one that gets me to write more-than-Mature-rated fics? Probably it will get to that, it's been powerful like that. The whole #SaveWarriorNun movement got to me one day and here we are~ this is what happens lol, brain rot!
Anyways... I hope you enjoy the reading.
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sedlex · 2 years
One thing I love about the flamingoing is fanfiction writers I was subscribed to from other fandoms finished watching and are currently churning works applying a style of writing I like to something I want to read about, and I get the results in my email with zero effort.
Anyway, couple of recs?
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lennapo · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Warrior Nun (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sister Beatrice/Ava Silva Characters: Yasmine Amunet, Ava Silva, Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun), Sister Camila (Warrior Nun), Mother Superion (Warrior Nun), Sister Lilith (Warrior Nun) Additional Tags: Avatrice, Yasmine is the mvp of the season, warrior nun - Freeform, Sister Beatrice Needs a Hug (Warrior Nun), Character Study, No beta we die by lightning like Duretti Summary:
Family are the ones you give a piece of your heart to and give one of their own in return. A short character study of Sister Beatrice from the point of view of the ones that love her.
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juodojimirtis · 1 year
Look, I published my first Avadriel fanfic! Well... The first chapter of it, anyway. I apologize if it’s not perfect. It’s certainly not as polished as I perhaps wanted it to be. But, it’s long. It’s been taking too long. It was honestly becoming unhealthy, I could hardly focus on anything, including lectures, because I was so frustrated about it taking so long. So, I decided to let it fly. I hope you enjoy! If... you ship this ship, especially. I know how rare it is. I’ve been talking pretty much to myself for a while. ;)
By the way, my AO3 is juodojimirtis now, like this blog.
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These bitter ends hold sweeter beginnings
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Suddenly the girl looks up, her eyes meeting Beatrice’s through the window. She doesn’t think the girl can see her from this angle but the girl’s grin brightens, revealing a gap between her front teeth. Her hair is tousled underneath the ball cap she’s wearing and there’s a smudge of dirt against her left cheek. 
She’s pretty, Beatrice realizes with a jolt.
The sight of the girl sends an odd ache through her chest that she doesn’t quite understand. But Beatrice still finds herself raising her hand and pressing it against the glass of her window in a wave. To her delight the girl waves back, her arm moving back and forth in a wild gesture that matches the excitement of her smile. 
My new Childhood friends!AU You can read the rest here
The moodboard was made by the super talented and lovely @book-and-music-lover!
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chappelroans · 1 year
happens great, happens sweet (be known in its aching)
fandom: warrior nun
rating: M
chapters: 1/?
word count: 5892
“Having fun?” Ava asks with a smile, digging her toes into the wet sand. Her Docs are clutched in one hand, her socks stuffed inside. Beatrice tightens the grip on her own shoes in her hand when an icy wave laps at her ankles.
“Yes,” she answers honestly, “it’s been a lot of fun.”
“You don’t strike me as a person who has much of that.”
Beatrice is stunned. She furrows her brow and looks at the guide with a million questions written across her face, an indignant scoff brewing at the front of her throat. Ava laughs.
“No, no,” she backtracks, holding her hands up in defense, “not in a bad way. I just mean you seem like you’re really stressed about something. Like you don’t let loose very often.”
Beatrice sighs and turns her gaze back towards her feet, finding a piece of green sea glass a few inches away, tucked beneath the cover of sand. She wonders how long it took to become beaten into smoothness. She worries that her edges are rounding.
“I’m studying abroad,” she explains, “not much time for fun, I’m afraid.”
Ava smiles and nods, a soft ah leaving her mouth. “Well, you should make some. Fun looks good on you.”
read more here on ao3
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