#woe is me 😔
I have so many cool horror podcasts to listen to…. Unfortunately there are so many other cool horror podcasts to listen to…
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6flyingosprey6 · 1 year
YEYEYE I agree that Bad gaining Philza's support would be incredibly good for him. Philza is probably the most trusted person on the server with a stable sleep schedule, and I think he would bring good ideas to the table on what to do.
I have mixed feelings on the debates personally. I feel like the native English speakers will have an advantage as they will probably be in English, and tbh from what I understand so much nuance can be lost between languages.
Personally I hope they have some sort of in-person translator so people feel like they can use their native languages but I know it probably won't happen 😔
Anon whoops is cute :3
Yeah fully agree with you on how the debates could be heavily biased in the native English speakers favor. Im really hoping that they figure out a better way of translating for the debates, because they’ll be really important. I have high hopes for Quackity Studios in finding a solution for that, because like you said, a lot can get lost between languages.
AND YES YES YES Philza could be such a good ally! He has a ton of respect, and is seen as a generally pretty level headed guy (also his audience is fairly large, so audience votes yay!). I cannot wait to see how this goes tomorrow.
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bbbeowulf · 1 year
“I’ll never be able to write 700-1000 words for this essay!!!”
*writes almost 1,300 words and counting*
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nyarados · 2 years
my whole family is home while I'm working my last day before the holidays
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kaltstrahls · 2 years
the other day my friend said "dove, my dear, i think you're cursed. it hasn't rained like this on xmas for nearly 35 years!" and now, the day i leave, it's sunny and +30C again. definitely cursed
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ashertickler · 2 months
redacted brainrot and asher simpery got me to a point where i heard about asher hong on the men's usa gymnastics team and immediately thought "OH MY GOD LIKE ASHER REDACTED"
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lotus-pear · 10 months
honestly shoutout to the ppl that still follow my acc after discovering that i’m merely a hormonal teenage girl that latches onto sad pathetic fictional men like a motherless duckling. and not. yk. an aloof and mature responsible young adult who maintains decorum online and doesn’t taint their digital footprint with toe curling sheet gripping down horrendous statements about a century dead poet.
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overlordneptune · 9 months
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what would the plot be?? 🤔🤔🤔
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
i wish it wasn't so normal for people to complain about unfinished wips or fics that take a long time to update. because sometimes i think i have a really fun idea for a fic but it'd take a while for me to write, and i like talking about my work as i do it and i don't like writing entire fics over like 20k without sharing, because i lose steam. so if i were to write and post that cool fic idea, it'd be as a wip. and then i think about all the people who just refuse to engage with wips, or all the other people who would just go "update pls" all the time, and of how people only really comment in the first 24 hours something is posted and then it's lost to obscurity, and then i just go "actually whats the point in going through the effort writing this out? i'll just daydream about it now and then and be done with it." and then i don't write it. alas!
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7official7moose7 · 2 years
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Some special best friends 4 your health <33
Sshhh they're playing animal crossing
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sneez · 1 month
may we learn the story of how you acquired the 15£ Special Autism Suncream?
haha, i wish it was an interesting one but unfortunately i just went on r/autism to see which suncreams people recommend (because normal suncream makes me want to peel myself) and bought the only one i could find in my local pharmacy. and it isnt even good!!!!!! it’s maybe 15% better than normal suncream but it cost So Much More. i am so happy to have an opportunity to vent about this situation because i am terribly aggrieved. terribly i say!!!
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gregmarriage · 2 months
happy gwen left the womb day!!!
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spaciebabie · 1 year
This is a little old but it's also the first (and last) time I've drawn springtrap. I felt you would enjoy it.
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pandoa · 6 months
i miss being happy (summer 2022, writing a silly fanfic about a dramatic hunter quoting lines from titanic in my bathroom, when life was fun and carefree and i squealed over getting 2 likes bc i still didn’t really know how tumblr algorithm worked but i was happy regardless because it made me excited over the fact that someone in the world saw something i posted)
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celluzu · 1 year
late night qsmpblr...
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Goldilocks: can we talk?
Lewis has been waiting for this text since he went jogging in the morning. His new friends would clown on him for going back, they don't get it, why Lewis goes back every time. Lewis just mumbles, 'That's my best friend, man.'
Lewis waits outside Nico's apartment complex, the guards all know him -- let him in easily, and the concierge rings up the elevator for him.
"Lewis," Nico breathes, opening the door. His hair is artfully tousled, and his white linen shirt is unbuttoned obscenely low, barefeet on his marble floors. "I didn't think you'd come."
When have I ever not? Lewis thinks, sullenly. Nico calls, and Lewis comes -- that's how they work.
"Man, you can't pull that shit that you did--" Lewis brings up the previous night but is interrupted by Nico.
"I went too far, I agree." Nico makes an approximation of looking contrite, failing. He curls up like a cat on the leather sofa, giving Lewis no choice but to sit beside him.
Nico had called, distraught, voice high pitched and whining -- a million miles an hour, and no substance abuse that caused it. How much he hates his university, he hates his professors, something about a grading dispute that Lewis couldn't be arsed to follow, then begging him to come over.
Lewis, who'd been out drinking with his friends, a free week between races, was jostled by them asking who called, if it was his ~girlfriend~ they'd hollered.
"It's just --" Lewis paused, "A buddy of mine. Fuck off." He'd shoved them off, all of them on whiskey and rum on Lewis' card.
"A buddy." Nico's voice had turned ice cold, and even tipsy Lewis knew this would blow up in his face, way bigger than it needs to be.
Sure enough, Nico had hissed, "No one cares if you're gay in Monaco, Lewis. Those friends of yours only care you're a bigshot racing driver paying for their crap."
The Nico in front of him has none of that nasty snarl to his voice, he's looking at Lewis through those disarming blue-green eyes all sincere. It must be the weekend, Lewis realises in a stray thought that isn't admiring how beautiful Nico is. Nico's too busy with classes to meet otherwise. Lewis' life is split into race weekends and not. Days of the week all blur together when it's not a Thursday - Sunday.
"I have a present for you." Nico produces a thin box from behind him, tied in a silk bow.
Lewis raises his eyebrow at him, skeptic. "You have a complete freak out on me and now you've got a present?"
Nico's mouth twists in displeasure, those catlike eyes narrowing. "I did not have a mental breakdown. I was just testing you. And I went too far. It wasn't productive of me."
Sure, whatever you say. Lewis refuses the urge to roll his eyes.
Nico holds the gift box out insistently. "Just open it. I promise you'll like it."
Lewis gives in, curiosity getting the better of him. Nico watches him open with some distant satisfaction as Lewis stops when he recognises it.
It's a box of chocolates, a box of chocolates from his hometown shop -- the smell immediately brings him back to walking down to school with dad. It had been a special confectionary shop, the most decadent chocolate Lewis has had in his life back then. And they'd shut down their store years ago.
"How did you--" Lewis asks in awe, biting into one and it tastes exactly like how he remembers it. Like biting into a memory. Rich, delicious, sweet.
"It wasn't hard," Nico says casually in a tone that implies it was hard, "I found the son on LinkedIn, got a good enough deal for ol' dad's recipe. Easy, really. Mostly customs was a bitch, you'd think I was buying a bomb."
"Nico, this is crazy, man." Lewis is oddly touched. It is very much like Nico to throw money at a problem until it goes away, but it's more that Nico remembered and in his own way, this was him trying. Lewis is so taken aback by the gesture, he doesn't consider this probably took Nico months to arrange, and not the previous night's outburst.
But Lewis goes a little stupid when Nico climbs on his lap, legs on either side, taking his fingers and making a show of licking them clean, sucking down on them. He sets the box aside, before fixing his attention on Lewis, the pale expanse of his bare chest and collarbone begging to be bitten and marked into.
"Let me make it up to you, Mr. Race Winner." Nico smiles, grinding down on him, and this is the part Lewis can't explain to his friends -- why he always goes back. No one else is as terrible and demanding and drives Lewis absolutely mad. There is no one else who compares.
Lewis does note that Nico does not apologize once. He can't really bring himself to care.
inspired by this post
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