#but I also have like 4 that I’m actively listening to already
I have so many cool horror podcasts to listen to…. Unfortunately there are so many other cool horror podcasts to listen to…
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 3 months
F! Yuu’s Dad in Twst Wonderland Headcanons pt. 2
Pt.1 Pt.3 Pt.4
Heartslabyul, Octavinelle, Scarabia, and Pomefiore are genuinely the only dorms that respect your dad.
Savannaclaw keeps trying to fight him with the exception of Jack, Ruggie, and Leona.
Ignihyde fears your father. Mainly because your father thinks Idia is some form of a perverted weirdo.
🦀: Yuu, that weird boy is looking at you and your cat again.
🎮: Please let me touch your cat…
🦀:….I’m going to give you five minutes to get away from us.
Meanwhile, Diasomnia, is still amused your dad tried to beat up Malleus.
The core emotions and feelings of Diasomnia towards Yuu’s dad is the following:
Malleus: Amused and now takes gaining any sort of relationship with you as a challenge
Silver: A bit wary of your dad but still gets why he’s so protective over you
Sebek: Wants to beat him up for threatening Malleus and thinks he can win
Lilia: As a father he understands and is probably going to tell Malleus not to purposefully irritate your father for his own good.
After witnessing Riddle’s overblot, your father is convinced on staying at the Isle Sage’s hotel
Or maybe trying RSA
Whatever option comes first.
In fact, he actually tried to bolt out of NRC after the Savannaclaw overblot.
🦀: Yuu! Yuu! Yuu, listen to me! These kids are not right in the head. A hyena furry boy was using magic to control people’s bodies so they fall down the stairs. For a school tournament! And the lion furry man, BY THE WAY, he is 20! He tried to turn everyone into sand!
🦐: Dad, please, they’re my friends and I give them comfort. Plus Riddle and Leona were having a mental health crisis.
🦀: These kids are serial killers or murders in the making! We should’ve ran when we found out they worshipped Disney villains!
You end up running out of NRC with your father with Grim, and by the time morning came, someone has already found you.
♥️: Yo. I heard Yuu was staying here now.
🦀: How did you find us?
♥️: Um…I had a bit of help…more like magic spell really.
Deuce, Epel, Jack, Silver, and Sebek step out from behind Ace.
🦀: *Sigh* Look, I get we teleported into your school, but we really don’t need to stay there-
🦐: Dad, can’t I attend school there until we go home? It’s perfect.
🦀: They literally don’t even have a girls bathroom for you to use.
🦐: Doesn’t matter. I can use the bathroom when no one is in there.
Then things heat up when Malleus appears.
🐉: There you are, Child of Man. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.
🦀: Let me guess, you didn’t see her inside her room when you floated by? Like you usually do when you think no one notices?
🐉: Child of Man, would you like to go to my gargoyles club meeting? It’s really only me, but together we can bring more people.
🦀: That is the worst lie for a date I’ve ever heard. Also, her name is Yuu not Child of Man. And this Man is named F/N. Besides, we still don’t know your actually name Hornyton.
The mocking of the nickname Yuu picked out for him causes him to get upset. Which inadvertently activated the fairy tale fae behavior.
🐉: You know, a name is a very important thing to give away. If I give my name to you, you must give something to me.
🦀: You realize I can just break into Crowley’s office and get your school records or just ask anyone what your name is, right?
🐉: Perhaps, your daughter might be something of equal value to give. My name for a girl with an otherworldly name. I assure you I’ll treat her well if you give her to-
Your dad punches Malleus square in the nose and KOs him.
❤️&♠️: Damn.
🗡️: I told him not to make being in a relationship with Yuu a challenge.
🍎: Nice right hook.
🐺: What good form.
Your dad shuts the door, and packs up your stuff again.
You move back into Ramshackle the next day, but this time there’s iron hanging around the doors and windows.
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quibbs126 · 4 months
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So I’ve been making this
So basically last night, I was listening to some music, specifically Not Gonna Die by Skillet, more specifically a version on YouTube with the intro (because I’m not the biggest fan of Good to be Alive where the intro actually is). Anyways, when it’s night, my imagination tends to be more active and I tend to have more energy. While listening to the song, I eventually got this mental image in my mind of this scene with Dark Choco, and the more it crystallized the more I wanted to draw it. I was going to go to sleep and maybe do it in the morning, but I realized that I probably would forget the vibe and not have as much energy, so instead I decided to power through and draw the idea
It was a bit difficult since I had limited references for the pose I wanted, and I suppose I can admit the sword looks a bit off anatomically, but it looks good enough I think, and lets me keep the eyes revealed
I did eventually have to stop drawing, because my iPad had been worked all the way down to 4% (and it was at 30% when I started, the poor thing), not to mention it was around 11:30 already which is pretty late for me, and my earbuds had been running nonstop for over 2 hours (yes I was listening to the same song, it’s how I keep the vibe). I was at least able to get the pose, base colors and lineart done, and I’m still pretty proud of where I left things last night
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Today was mostly just doing the background and lighting, which admittedly I may have fumbled. I’m not very good at backgrounds and I didn’t know how to draw lightning. I tried my best, but honestly I don’t think I got the image in my head. Didn’t help that my brain was playing the wrong Skillet song this morning
Oh yeah and by the way, the background is supposed to be from this. That’s what I used as reference
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The lightning both feels like too much and too little. Like, it’s crowding the picture, and I can’t have more because it’d be way too crowded with it, but also at the same time, it doesn’t feel like enough, like there isn’t as much power as I wanted
Actually wait, maybe I can add some small particle effects to like, enhance the lightning feel. That was in the original sketch but I omitted it in the final. If you see one with that, you know I did that
Edit: I did indeed do that
To be fair though, I don’t think I have the art skill to properly convey the image in my head. Basically the scene is that Dark Choco is using absolutely every amount of his power for this final swing down, so much that it’s too powerful and the Strawberry Jam Sword completely shatters. But also it’s too powerful that Dark Choco’s body simply can’t handle it, and he basically ends up exploding. The scene depicted would be the wind up to that final swing that destroys the both of them
This isn’t necessarily the first time I’ve come up with this scenario, and the setup would basically be that he turned on the Cookies of Darkness slightly earlier, because he didn’t want to destroy his homeland again, and he tried to get rid of them while in the kingdom but not yet at the Citadel, but he ended up failing, so with nothing to lose, he chases after them and decides to put everything into destroying them, even if it likely ends in his death. After this he probably killed Pomegranate and crippled Licorice in some way (I don’t think he’d attack Poison Mushroom), so his final act did have some effect, but he’s still dead by the end of it. And he and his father never got the chance to properly reconcile because Dark Choco thought that could never be a possibility anymore and he had resigned himself to his fate
But yeah, I just don’t know how to convey that sheer overwhelming power and emotion that this scenario suggests. I tried my best though
I also want to submit this to the Dark Cacao Forever contest, but I’m not sure if it’s good enough for it. What do you think?
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Jade & Lilia reacting to their fem s/o that vapes/smokes 👀
Part 4 of S/O Who Vapes/Smokes
(Azul, Jade, Jamil, Lilia)
A/N: ironically I started this before I tried vaping and now I'm trying to quit 😅 (20 days sober lol)
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The sheer surprise Azul experiences by seeing a cigarette set casually in your fingers is unexplainable by his standards
Smoke billowed from your parted lips and he let out a small squeak of shock
You turned towards your boyfriend and felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment
“A-Azul! When did you get here?”
“Just in time to see you engaging in a disgusting habit.”
Shame flooded your system and you scowled
In anger you took another long draw and you felt his gaze burn into you
He scowls and marches over to you
You pull back and look at him with defiance but startle when his gaze softens a bit
“Y/N” he started cautiously, “You know I love you and support you no matter what you do, right?”
You nod hesitantly and he continues “But I also want what is best for you and I might come from the sea but I do know a thing or two about stuff that hurts humans.” 
It was hard to look him in the eye as he said that and you busied yourself snuffing out the cigarette
“I love you, Angel but this isn’t good for you and you know it.”
“I know but I can’t help it. Azul it helps, it really does.”
He sighs and sits down next to you, his nose wrinkling at the smell of your after smoke. 
“There are people who can help… I can look into some resources for you?” he asks careful not to upset you
For a moment you sit in tense silence before finally turning towards him with sad eyes
“Can I try to quit on my own first?” 
He smiles and nods at you before kissing you briefly even though you know the smell and taste bothers him
“Of course Angel. I’m with you every step of the way.” 
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You’ve only been vaping for about a month but you could tell you were already addicted to it
The flavor, the feeling, the smell, the buzz, all of it was more addicting than anything you’ve ever experienced
The problem you had now was that your boyfriend just caught you taking a hit and you were suddenly regretting all of it
Jade was quiet for a moment, standing in your dorm room doorway stiffly
As if he snapped out of a trance he stepped into your room and closed the door behind him as he set his bag down
“So, how was your day?” 
You cringed inwardly and looked down at your vape which you still held like it was a lifeline that could save you from this conversation
“My day was good, Floyd tried to beat up a student and Azul wants me back early tonight to test out a new recipe before he opens the lounge”
His eyes met yours and you saw cold indifference in them
It hurt your heart to see him like this after you spent so long trying to get to the softer side of him which he rarely let anyone see, not even Floyd had been given that privilege since they were kids
He raised an eyebrow and sighed dramatically as he sat on your bed
“Listen little Coral, I don’t care what you do or don’t do with your life but I do know that there are other ways to handle your problems.”
You bit your lip, feeling like a scolded child 
“You will get through this and next time you feel the urge to bring that nasty device to your precious lips, come to me and I will distract them with a much more therapeutic activity.” 
You blushed wildly and gawked up at him 
“Now about that test you have tomorrow” he said with a smirk
You scowled at the thought of the impending doom that loomed over you then grinned as an idea struck you
“You know Jade, I’m kinda feeling like vaping right now. Maybe I could take you up on that offer?”
Needless to say, you didn’t get much studying done
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It’s late when Jamil finds you smoking off the balcony at Scarabia
Kalim had invited you to stay the night after another one of his parties and you agreed knowing it would make the childish dorm leader happy
You didn’t expect that anyone else would be up this late so when you heard a shocked gasp you startled
Jamil had been on his way to the kitchen to make some tea for Kalim who was having trouble sleeping but strayed from his original task to take the cigarette from your hand
“What are you doing?!”
You rolled your eyes as if you were annoyed even though you just didn’t want to see the disappointment in his gaze
He waits patiently for a response but when it’s clear he isn’t going to get one he sighs
He takes your hand gently and pulls you towards him into a hug
“I know that you can’t help it if you are addicted but if you aren’t yet please stop. I love your voice and I love you, I can’t imagine not having either one day because of this.”
You look up at him with shameful tears in your eyes and he frowns as he wipes them gently
“I’m sorry Jamil.” 
“I know, and I’m sorry you feel like you have to do this.” 
The two of you talk for hours into the night about how he can help you and eventually you fall asleep in his arms
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Lilia has seen and tried just about everything there is to try so when he sees you with a mysterious device in your mouth he is confused
You pull the vape device from your lips and he watches as white vapor follows it
As he gets closer he notes that it smells like the fruity scent you usually have
He had assumed it was some kind of perfume but he supposes it probably comes from your peculiar vapor device
That's when it hits him- the smell of nicotine hidden under sickly flavoring
Any normal human wouldn’t be able to scent something so subtle but to him it’s as if you had bathed in the stuff
“Love?” he appears next to you suddenly
Months ago that would have scared you but now you found it endearing
“Lilia!” you exclaim, slipping your vape into your pocket in what you hoped was a natural and unnoticeable way
He raised an eyebrow and summoned the vape to his hand and held it in front of you
“What is this odd device?” he asks in his rare serious tone
Sighing you explain to him that it is a modern way of smoking and that it is healthier than cigarettes so it is ok to do
He frowns through your explanation
“First, nothing that contains addictive non-prescription substances could ever be healthy in any way, second I can smell the chemicals that are no doubt doing damage to your lungs as we speak.”
Maybe he was being a little dramatic but he knew how sensitive humans were to these things and he would do anything to keep his human healthy and safe
You look at the ground while he speaks and he sighs in frustration
He doesn’t want you to feel scolded or ashamed, he just gets nervous about your health
“We will figure it out ok love? For now can you try not to do it as often?”
You nod and he kisses you soundly, Lilia will do anything for his human and he vows to find an alternative to your vaping device that allows you to feel secure in yourself and him to feel secure in your health
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successfulgoddess333 · 6 months
So I have heard that even I manifested for everyone
It may not work for everyone
Because you still have to persist yourself
Kinda like this
You could manifest for a job but you still have to work
Someone told me this
And then said that those who promised to manifest in the void for others said that they tried but couldn’t do it for everyone
So their followers called them liars
Please don’t do that
We are the Gods of our OWN reality
Do it yourself
I’m here to guide you
Here’s a step by step guide that actually helped someone get super close and helped me get in!!!
What is the void state?
The void state is the deepest type of meditation
It is the state of pure consciousness where your body is asleep but the righty side of your brain is awake
Why we need to keep the right side of our brain awake?
Because the right side of our brain is more “creative”
We have two sides of our brain
They’re called “Hemispheres”
Left hemisphere(left side of brain)
Is for your every day activities you use more of during certain classes at school
This sides more logical
Meaning it knows things like
“1+1=2” “You eat cereal with a spoon spaghetti with a fork”
When you stay still for 15-20 minutes not only is your body asleep but your left hemisphere is also asleep
How to enter the void state
To enter the void state one must simply
In the void state anything is possible
You can revise death, heal someone from something, gain magical powers
Become famous be a billionaire marry your celebrity crush wake up next to your SP
Be the coolest person in the world
Have pink hair etc
Nothing is impossible
If you lost someone you could literally manifest in the void they’re still alive and healthy
Here are the steps to entering the void:
1. Get comfortable I don’t care if you lay down or sit up just be in a position where you feel comfy
2. Put on an instrumental to your favorite song if it’s relaxing enough it can even be a rap song
Just no lyrics
Make sure it’s upbeat enough to make you happy and keep you awake
Or a slow pop instrumental I don’t care if it’s Billie Eilish etc
Any song instrumental that gets you in your mood
3. Whilst listening to your instrumental, I want you to start daydreaming
Visualize your dream life
Picture that everything is perfect the way you want it
The 3D can be altered that’s why it’s an illusion
In this very moment that you’re lying down the only thing that’s important is your mind
Allow your thoughts to pass they don’t even matter
Shift those thoughts into your daydream
Fantasize about your dream life
Feel happy feel good
4. While daydreaming about your desires
I want you to picture your desired self as vividly as you can picture them staring into your eyes
Breathing with you
The breathing method I want you to try during this is
The “444” method
Breathe in on 4
Like this
As you’re breathing in through your nose count to 4 in your head or out loud
Then hold it
Release on the count of 8
So hold it then release on 8
Do I this until you feel super relaxed
Now imagine your desired self
Counting to a hundred with you
With each breath in you both count together
What you’re doing here is you are becoming in sync with your desired self
As she/he/they( your desired self) stares into your eyes
Let them count with you picture them just staring at you with a comfy smile and counting with you
Until you reach maybe 100 or 200 whatever you choose
5. After counting
Still imagine your desired self
Imagine they’re telling “you always wake up in the void”
Repeat after them start saying
“I always wake up in the void “
Create affirmations for them to say
And just repeat after them but using first place like they’ll say “You are pure consciousness” so you say “I am pure consciousness”
Become in synch with your desired self as if your souls are one because truthfully this desired version of you is already you
You’re just forming a deeper connection with them in this very moment
6. Start saying together “I am in the void”
7. that’s it
If you’re not in by now
I need you to focus on talking to your desired self today become in synchronized with them
This will help you feel a stronger connection with your desires instead of putting them on a pedestal
Subliminals to use
For Alpha waves
What is Alpha waves?
Alpha waves are a mindfulness meditation exercise that helps relief stress and many other things
The alpha state of mind is a relaxed state of consciousness while awake when the brain produces alpha waves instead of beta waves. Alpha waves can help reduce stress increase productivity, and boost creativity. Some techniques that may help you enter the alpha state include:
(Credit to google haha)
Examples of when you’re in the Alpha wave state
1. When you sit down to watch tv for awhile
2.While studying
3.Maybe reading a book
These are examples of things we do that trigger the alpha state
To get into the alpha wave
Listen to the subliminal above with the waves included
During this subliminal
Focus on deep breathing
Calm your mind
Slow down your heart rate
The frequency of alpha should be at 8 to 13 HZ
The video I mentioned above is at a frequency of 11 HZ
Isochronic tones are tones that basically forces your brain waves to move in synch with the frequency you’re listening to
Isochronic tones is what I like to call “Synchronized tones “
You can use binaural beats but these and isochronic tones are the not the same
The differences are
Binaural beats are separate frequencies functioning together
While isochronic tones are frequencies of a singular wave
You could use either one
“What if you can’t visualize?”
No worries!
If you are unable to visualize like I was I want you to practice this method instead
The non visualization method:
Requires no daydreaming no visualization
How to enter void with a clear mental image
1. As stated before get into a comfortable position
2. Put on either subliminal or instrumental
3. Close your eyes and instead of visualizing
I want you to lay completely still
In about 15 minutes or when you feel it’s been awhile
Start moving your eyes rapidly
Not too fast
You know when you’re fake sleeping and your mom tries to see if you’re actually asleep
Like that move your eyes
Not like you WANT to wake up but more like as in you are dreaming
This will trick you into thinking you’re in the “R.E.M” state
The REM state also known as “Rapid eye movement”
This occurs when your brain waves and your mind are becoming consciously aware
You’ll feel like waking up because you’re in the process of waking up
But you’re still asleep
This where you dream
Or if you have Aphantasia(the inability to visualize) whether your dream or not
Many people with aphantasia still dream they’re just low in sensory
Anyways during REM sleep
You’re basically half awake half asleep
The duration is about 90 minutes
To trick yourself into thinking you’re in the REM state
After awhile of laying still and tricking your body into thinking you’re asleep
Move your eyes rapidly
You’ll start seeing little lights or colors that’s behind your eyelids
These are called “phosphenes”
Focus on these colors behind your eyes
Until you feel you’ve are in a self induced trance
You might end up in the hypnagogic state
Hypnagogia are phoshenes which is where you’re between awaking consciousness and sleep
You’ll hallucinate different patterns shapes smells etc
This is just extra information
The main key here is if you can’t visualize
Trick your body into thinking you’re the REM state by moving your eyes
And focusing on the lights shapes sparkles or colors you see behind your eyes
4. When you feel like your mind is blank/fuzzy at this point
Start affirming or counting or both while still focusing on the colors
This helps you take the focus off of your surroundings and your body
Because at this point you’ll be feeling symptoms
If you don’t it doesn’t mean you’re not doing it right
You don’t need symptoms
They’re your bodies reaction to falling asleep
That floating feeling
Is also part of your body falling asleep
You ever had dream you were falling and you wake up thinking you were falling?
The void requires no symptoms
So if you get some don’t get excited
It just means your body is full asleep
It only takes 15 minutes to fall asleep
The Gateway Experience
First and foremost it’s important to know not to use too many different brain wave audios choose a few you resonate with the most
This audio below is from either the 60s or 80s
Anyways it’s been proven by the CiA that the void state exists
Monks have done for centuries tapping into it whilst chanting the OM mantra
Below I’ve provided the hemi synch subliminal and a theta wave subliminal one with the OM mantra one without
And one is for shifting realities but you can block out the shifting affs if you just wanna enter the void
We have different brain waves here’s what each one is and used for
Beta wave: Alertness awakened consciousness active thinking
You in school or work
Theta wave: Creativity
Dreaming deep meditative states
Meditation or when you’re about to fall asleep
Delta waves: Deep sleep
Reduced waking consciousness
Deep sleeping
Epilson waves: Spiritual awareness and insight along with inspiration
Subliminals I recommend
And good luck guys
I love you babies so much
But please remember not to give these subliminals or even me
The power lies within you
So if these work
It’s because you allow them too
You might think you’re self concept is good
But there’s two versions of your mind
Your 3D brain and your 4D brain
Your 4D brain is where your imagination lies
Your 3D brain is you right now
Both are you but they must both be in synch
Your 3D brain needs to also know your power
In other words you could say all you want that you’re “The God of your reality” or that you “Enter the void easily”
But you need to actually believe it
Many believe that reprogramming the subconscious mind takes months or weeks have clearly never of Psych k
Psych k is a method that aligns both sides of the brain in tune to absorb whatever information you tell it
It’s supposed to require your brain in only minutes
Watch this video to learn how to do it
I know some success stories are exaggerated but never get discouraged if you do
Search “Electra Soul” on YouTube
She helped me when I needed the motivation
Here is more subliminals for you to try out
Don’t ask people to enter for you
Because it’s not 100% guaranteed even if it was
Everything in your life
Is the way this because of how YOU assume it to be
Change your assumptions
If I entered for everyone but you still have a shitty self concept
Your life would not be better that’s like me giving a kid homework for something he’s already been taught
But he still expects me to do it for him
How else does he learn? He does it himself
Then if he needs help he asks
Reason why they’re called “TEACHers” to teach you the things you need to know not do it for you
Plus you feel so much more accomplished and confident when you get things done by yourself
At the end of the day all you have is you
We’re all just random strangers
Your subconscious mind is not a person so stop talking at it
But talk TO it
It’s like a tape recorder
The current tape that’s in is repeating negative affirmations that’s you’ve subconsciously embeddeded into your mind
Change the tape
Re record those thoughts
Place them with wanted desired thoughts
Here’s more subs for you as I mentioned earlier
Hemi Synch
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tiyoin · 6 months
Now I'm thinking about twisted anxiety reader being able to sing really well. I feel like there could be some very interesting/funny moments (4 us not reader).
Reader probably only sings in a reclusive area like a forest around the dorm
I wanna say that the forest already has haunting rumors about it ,and when someone (jade or rook) hears reader singing they think that the "ghost" is up and active again. So students start doing a "test of courage" type thing.
I put Jade or Rook being the one to hear reader cuz they're really the only ones that would really be in that area without a reason.
I also know they're intelligent enough to know it's not a ghost ,but start the rumor anyways cuz they want to know who's singing. And it becomes this big thing the school trying to figure out.
Cut to reader losing her mind cuz she like "wow, I didn't know people thought it was that bad. How am I supposed to live, laugh, love ever again??"
When in reality they were just memorized by reader's singing. And they really want to find out who it is.
Bonus points if they film it and sent it to the group chat you posted about earlier. And reader just has to be like 🧍‍♀️ "whattt???? No way!! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ a random voice in the woods 😱😱"
I'm sorry for sending 2 long asks back 2 back ,but twisted anxiety just gets my head going.
Also if you don't like being sent stuff like this just tell me and I won't send any more. I don't want to over step at all. These are just like head cannons I give to reader ,cuz I just love making things worse for her. Can't let her know what peace is
i’m going to give you the fattest smooch alive you don’t understand. AND I LOVE IT WHEN I GET LONG ASKS!!! so please! ask away i don’t mind, i actually get really flattered that people want to share with me their long, detailed thoughts !! i was actually nervous people wouldn’t like my long responses 😖
no cause that’s ALWAYS one troupe i ALWAYS go back to.
i was thinking about making them a singer, REALLY I WAS- but i had second thoughts cause i thought people wouldn’t like it / maybe people would think its too… y-nie or im trying to make twisted anxiety reader too much, ya know
BUT OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU MEAH MWAH (also dw i got your other ask and fully plan on answering it, this one was just at the top of my inbox 🫶🫶)
but oh my god,,,, HEAR ME OUT;
twisted anxiety reader getting pent up because they. have. no. outlet.
maybe they played a sport in their old world, but no longer can’t because seriously?? going up against beastmen, mermen, fae and just,,, men?! absolutely not.
they can’t do anything fun in ramshackle because of the ghosts can and will find a way to stick their noses into your business. also hello??? no privacy at ramshackle👎👎
honestly, twisted anxiety reader doesn’t have any friends so they can’t blow off steam that way either. and going to the gym is out of the question because 1. anxiety 2.gym bros- and working out at home is… different.
so there has to be a way to let off steam… good thing twisted anxiety reader dilly dallied in everything!!
they want to sing but aren’t confident enough to join the pop music club, and the walls to ramshackle are paper thin.
there’s absolutely no where you can go.
and yet… every time you glance at the forest. you can’t help but wonder…🤔
“everything stays” from adventure time
“love all mine” by mitski
“rises the moon” by liana flores
“sky fall” by adele
“memory” from cats
“listen” by beyoncé
“hopelessly devoted” by olivia newton-john
oh my god i have to make a separate post for this before i completely rot and accidentally write a whole chapter because i’ve been WAITING to write about this and i’d feel bad about making this SUPER LONG
but i can’t imagine rook going for a sunset “hike” (…sure, let’s go with that) and hearing you. belting your little heart to “hopelessly devoted” HAGFJAIWOFOSOWOFOAPEIFOZOQFOXOD
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such passion! such devotion! how marvelously beautiful! rook is stunned.
of course after you finish singing he can hear you moan and groan about trivial things but- rook hunt was not a hunt if he didn’t appreciate the gift the forest provided.
and yet, the carful hunter made a careless mistake. cursing silently, he glared at the twig his boots stepped on before he snapped his head up to the clearing up ahead.
ah, you fled.
to say rook was… upset was an understatement. yes he was able to marvel in your voice, but he lost the privilege to listen to more, to observe from afar.
the strange songs you sang and possibly wrote (what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him) are gone with the wind and the high step of your foot as you vanished into thin air.
rook could easily hunt you down, but he stopped himself after a slight muscle twitch. non non! he was the enjoyer of beauty! not the hunter! yes he hunted beauty but it would go against his very being to trap it instead of let it fly free and continue its song.
so let this be your little secret, okay.
jade would def walk into you singing ‘everything stays’
readers just like;
“time to find a new location☝️”
*there’s no where those two won’t be able to find you fyi*
please send more headcanons i love reading them 🙇🏻🙇🏻
babes this is me n u rn:
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eli0004 · 7 months
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Ever wondered where the Veterans would take you on a date?
Contains: Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, Hange Zoe
Synopsis: brief Headcannons about where the Vets would take you on a date
Warnings: None
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Erwin smith? Applebee’s💀
lmfao I’m joking, but the way i see it, Erwin strikes me as the goofy, endearingly cringy, single dad type of guy that really believes Applebee’s is the epitome of fine dining. Thankfully, he listens when Levi tells him to have a little class💀
In all seriousness, I think he’d be the type to take you wine tasting, go to see live music performances at local venues, or browsing a cute little craft market on a crisp spring morning.
He’d clean up nice beforehand, probably wear some jeans and a button up shirt, and this man would smell…so…fucking…good😩 like fresh powdery cologne and spearmint gum. You’d get in his car and he’d already have your favorite coffee order in the cupholder waiting for you. Omg i love him
Levi Ackerman? Tea shops, local bakeries, art museums, bookstores, theater.
Levi has a love for the arts, and anything intellectually stimulating. He likes to take his time getting to know the person he’s interested in, so he wouldn’t want to do any kind of activity he couldn’t talk during. It’s a common headcannon among us Levi lovers that he’s an acts of service kind of guy, so you know he’ll be always observing what kind of pastries you order, what kind of tea you like, or your favorite genre of book.
When Levi takes interest in someone, he doesn’t take them for granted. He’s always perusing, always chasing, always loving, so diligently. Gas will never be an issue, this man will drive you across town and back 4 times if you asked him to. He plans dates ahead of time, and always comes prepared, with a wallet full of cash and a tank full of gas, and If he ends the night empty handed, he’ll call it a job well done.
Hange Zoe? Hikes, smoke sesh on the roof, metaphysical shops, farmers markets, picnics, nature walks, the zoo.
Hange is one of those earthly granola people. They’re 100% vegan, grounded to the world around them, and a huge animal lover, so i love the idea that they’ll want to go on a hike to bird watch or pet some moss. Just imagine how cute it would be, you’re both walking around in a stream in the woods, pant legs hiked up around your calves, looking for pretty colored stones for your collection. The sun is peaking through the tree line and you both smell like sweat and sunscreen and earth. Hange finds a turtle or a small frog and catches it to show you🥹 they make me so soft. They’ll also 100% get sunburnt on their nose and cheeks because they can’t ever remember to apply sunscreen there.
Hange is the type to love taking photos of you on dates, and add them to the photo wall in their apartment. If you go to visit, the two of you will pack a bowl and laugh about the memories you have together as you look over the pictures, some kind of cozy music playing in the background.
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5 Writing Rules I Like to Break
                Listen, I am firmly of the belief that writing doesn’t have rules. There’s no one way to do it—no one schedule or technique or tip that’s going to work for everyone and produce perfect narratives. Which is a good thing! I think if we all had to write exactly the same way, our stories would end up looking very similar.
                So while in general I tend to say throw out any and all rules (and yes, even including the advice I give on this blog if you so desire), here’s 5 common writing rules I specifically and intentionally break, and why:
1. Write what you know
I already talked all about how I tend to ignore this advice here if you’re interested. The TLDR version of it is that you can absolutely write things beyond your scope of knowledge (in fact, I’d guess that’s where the majority of fiction comes from) as long as you write it genuinely—this rule should be instead ‘write what you feel’.
2. Don’t edit as you write
Booo!! Okay maybe it works for some of you—if so, by all means continue (this applies to all the rules I’m about to mention, so just keep that in mind). Editing as I go is how I get back into the swing of things in a new writing session, and also allows me to try a scene a few different times to get the most I can out of it. I tend to believe that words are words even if they’re edited, rewritten, or even deleted.
If your goal is to finish your project as fast as possible, I imagine going back to edit before you’re finished your draft might slow you down. However, I also imagine editing as you go might save you an entire draft. Whatever works for you here is what you should do, but I personally love to edit as I write.
3. Avoid ‘said’
At least I think a lot of you guys are with me when I say that ‘said’ is sometimes just the best word to use. Using lots of descriptive words like, ‘yelled’, ‘begged’, ‘exclaimed’ can be distracting. When the dialogue speaks for itself, the ‘said’ disappears into the background of the scene, while necessary for grammar, it’s a formality for the actual storytelling. As well, I like to experiment with said by adding a descriptor afterwards. ‘Said quietly’ ‘said through a laugh’ ‘said without taking a breath’ etc.
4. Avoid adverbs
Here’s what I’ll say about word usage in general, as long as you pick your words with thought and care, you may use whatever words you want. Words have different specific connotations, and not always will avoiding the adverb have the same impact. For example, changing “he laughed lightly” to “he giggled.” We may have removed the adverb ‘lightly’, but ‘giggled’ holds a completely different connotation. It evokes a sort of immaturity, not unlike the ‘schoolgirl’ stereotype. If we don’t want that connotation, in this case, laughed lightly may be better.
                So don’t count out adverbs for the sake of it. As long as you’re choosing your words with intention and you understand the meaning behind them, you can experiment with a world of adverbs!
5. Never use passive voice
This one I didn’t realize was important to break until quite recently. We tend to be taught that passive voice automatically equals bad and I’m here to tell you that isn’t true. Passive voice should equal focus on action. Active voice equals focus on character. There may be certain sentences in which focusing on either the character or the action is more beneficial.
For example, “the alarm was pulled by Alice” (passive) kind of sounds clunky and wrong, whereas “Alice pulled the alarm” (active) is much more effective.
BUT “Alice was dragged out of the way” (passive) focuses on the action of Alice being dragged, rather than “Something dragged Alice out of the way” (active) focuses on the something that is doing the dragging, which in a moment of action, may take away from the pacing.
As long as you choose your voice with intention, both passive and active voice can be used to create strong, effective sentences.
                What are some typical writing rules you tend to ignore?
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defnotciara · 2 months
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The ultimate shifting guide! (Tips, methods, etc)
Before I actually get into this i just wanted to clarify that everyone’s shifting journey is different and just because something worked for one person doesn’t mean it will work for you too! In order to shifting you kinda have to experiment a bit from what i’ve learnt and done so far.
DR: Desired Reality
CR: Current Reality
WR: Waiting Room
Also, before we start i’m just going to go over what shifting is, if you dont want to read this part feel free to skip this is mainly for the people who are newer to shifting and are looking for a basic rundown before getting into everything else!
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
1 • YOU DONT NEED TO USE METHODS OR SCRIPTS!! The methods are there to guide the process for those who The scripts allow you to imagine, organize your DR, and fuel your desire to go to your dr. Another thing is that if you forget to script something chances are is taht your subconscious already remembered it so you don’t really need to worry much about it!
2 • Symptoms are not actually you shifting! It’s actually just your body falling asleep. Although some things like feeling your surroundings change, hearing voices from ur dr, etc do actually count as shifting? (In my opinion) But since symptoms don’t really let you know what you have shifted who’s to say that you haven’t?? Gaslight yourself into believing you have shifted and during this ask like rhetorical questions like “How is shifting so easy for me?” “Why am i so good at shifting” “How am i already in my DR” Doing this will help you distract your brain from that annoying voice thats like “Thats not true, you haven’t shifted yet?”
3 • Shifting is what you believe it is. If you believe that shifting is hard, or easy, or that you can’t shift then you won’t shift 🤷‍♀️ Why do you think people who were introduced to shifting by someone who they personally know shift pretty easily? Thats because they trust in what that person is saying and trusting that shifting is easy and real and that they can shift too if they tried, they aren’t “Lucky” its just that they don’t use apps like tiktok, tumblr, etc; that over complicate shifting because shifting is as easy as setting a intent to wake up in your DR.
4 • “Can i script xyz/Or are there any limitations” You can literally do anything and when i mean anything i mean anything, if you want to be able to fly go fly ! Oh, you want to shift to a cartoon/anime go shift to it. Literally nothing is stopping you from doing whatever you want its called a desired reality for a reason. But, please take into account that even if it is a different reality that doesn’t mean you can’t being back trauma with you to your CR also take into consideration that the people in your DR are just as real and human as you are so keep that in mind when scripting!
4 • “What is a clone?” A clone is basically just you in your CR once you’ve shifted (Unless your asleep while shifting clones shouldn’t really be a problem) Your clone will act exactly like you do and if your worried about them doing something you wouldn’t do you are able to dictate their activities/what they do while you are out partying with your S/O.
5 • “What can i do to make shifting easier?” There are many different resources for you to use on your shifting journey like mind reprogramming I personally recommend listening to “Reprogramming through habits|| Video guide by shifting with reya” (I will link at the very bottom of this post if you are interested!) This video includes a 4 day (Maybe more depending on the person) Mind reprogramming method that allows you to alter your beliefs on shifting, another thing you can try is Gateway tapes, these tapes are made by the Monroe Institution/CIA these tapes use a training system that uses meditation like techniques combined with sound technology to alter the states of consciousness (If you are interested in learning more i can maybe make a post about it another day) You are required to pay for them but some people upload them to youtube, google docs etc; for the people who can’t since they are quite expensive! (I HAVE A GOOGLE DRIVE OF THE SOME OF THEM SO I CAN GIVE YOU THE LINK IF YOU WANTT), there are many more ways to make shifting easier but these are just to name a few.
6 • Meditation, Meditation is so easy and super efficient in helping you shift! If you just take 5 or more minutes out of your day to meditate for a month or two you will definitely notice the difference it makes, not only does it destress you but its helpful for when you are trying to relax during a shifting attempt or just shift while doing it.
7 • Affirmations, affirmations are so incredibly powerful with shifting and manifestation because it’s literally so easy and doesn’t even take long to do! Affirmations are basically just words that you say/think to yourself that help you shift/manifest some affirmations that I personally use during shifting attempts or just during random times of the day just to remind myself that shifting is so easy. “Why is shifting so easy for me?” “I am shifting” “Every breath i take gets me closer to shifting” “Every “failed” shifting attempt just makes me get closer to shifting” Etc, etc, etc.
And thats it for now should i make another part? I feel like this is to short but i really wanted to post it because i felt bad for promising to post it yesterday but i ended up falling asleep while typingg 😭 I hope yall can forgive me loll, but anyways lmk what you think about this and pleasee let me know if theres any misinformation in this so i can fix it!!
Thanks for reading this, i hope you all have an amazing day/nightt !!
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 3 months
How do you think Sam and Dean would be with a teenage sister/Daughter who is a Supernatural creature?
Like a nephilim, the Reincarnation of a witch, a kid with demon blood (Like Sam), a fallen angel, someone who can sense paranormal activity, a dreamwalker or something like that?
Like... Imagine that this supernatural teenager is just quiet and they don't like to talk that much, so They just focus on things that hey like to keep their mind distracted from the fact that They aren't human at all, like drawing, reading, etc...
I think nephilim or half demon makes the most sense for an au (because I’m pretty sure witch is a learned thing, not necessarily something you’re born with, and the boys wouldn’t let their sister learn magic. Plus the demon blood thing, Dean already dealt with, so for sake of something different I’ll do these).
I think it would be super interesting if their sister was a nephilim, because they didn’t even know what angels were until season 4, so here these three men are, with a baby/kid that one of John’s old hookups dumped on them, and the kid starts doing all this weird stuff that no one can explain, and none of the usual monster tests work on her, so they have no idea what she is.
John would have such a hard time with it—he shoots first, asks questions later when it comes to the supernatural, he always has had to be, because it’s the only way he knows he can protect his boys—but he can’t, not this time. This is his baby, that smiles whenever she’s in his arms, and has the cutest little giggle, and always seems so scared whenever she accidentally blows a light or somehow ends up in John’s bed without ever taking a step out of her crib. That’s what hurts John—his kid is just as scared as he is when she does something supernatural.
Sam and Dean would have a little bit of an easier time with it, because they met her when they were teens, so they had some developmental time to get used to her.
John wouldn’t let her use her powers, not even to help with hunting. He didn’t know the extent of what she could do, and she didn’t want to—he didn’t think it was right. So she grew up more separated from hunting, because high stress situations could draw out her powers, and things went wrong easily when that happened.
She also grew up really quiet and reserved. She found it was easier to control her powers if she just kept herself in check. She wasn’t tamping down her personality, she was just naturally introverted and withdrawn.
After John died, she got really attached to her brothers. She got really clingy with Dean, because she got close to him while Sam was away. Dean knows how to calm her down when she gets stressed, and keeps her from losing control of her powers.
Once Sam starts figuring out his powers, both Dean and the little sister are worried about him because it’s nothing like her powers. Sam starts to be really sympathetic to the little sister, because even though their powers are different, he gets now how hard it can be.
As the show progresses and the boys mature, this is kind of how it goes—
—Sam is always willing to listen to his little sister rant about her powers, and he always tries to give her advice. He always tells her that she’s more than just her powers, she’s her own person, and using or ignoring her powers isn’t going to define her.
—Dean always knows how to comfort his little sister. If she’s really scared or sad or angry and her powers start getting out of control, he can bring her down faster than anyone.
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nburkhardt · 10 months
Here is an angsty thing with a happy ending! (Please note: this takes place BEFORE seasons 3 & 4 but after demodogs.)
Pray for the Ground to Swallow Me Whole
He’ll eventually thank her for the domino effect she caused. It’ll be the best thing to happen to him, even if it meant leaving town very premature.
But for now, his heart hurts and his eyes are burning from holding the tears back. For now he’ll stand here and listen to words that’ll haunt him, to faintly be reminded of times when he was an ignorant asshole that only cared about himself and didn’t bother thinking of his actions.
Truthfully, he sorta thought this would happen.
The only ones who actually actively engaged with him was the kids, especially Dustin and Lucas. But if he was being truly honest with himself, a nasty voice in the back of his head always told him they just liked him because he saved them. He tried not letting that get to him.
Currently though? That nasty voice is whispering and it’s not just a voice in his head anymore.
The voice just sounds a lot like Joyce Byers.
“- you did help him and I’ll always be grateful for that. Honestly. But I also remember him coming home from school and telling me about this kid, this jerk who laughed and poked fun at him,” Joyce stops to take a breather, crossing her arms and looking disappointed as if he wasn’t already used to that kind of look, “It actually makes me very uncomfortable to have you around, you have to understand that?”
He choked down a defense and sob, blinked hard before looking away with a nod. Listening to this for the last twenty minutes has broken him down faster than Nancy calling him “bullshit”.
“Yes, Mrs. Byers, I’ll-I’ll leave your family alone”
She nodded, “I’d appreciate that, Steve. But I’m not just talking about my family”
He’s hit with ice and dread. Freezes up and looks back at her, “wha-what do you mean? I’m sorry, I’m confused”
“I don’t think it’s really appropriate for you to be around Will and his friends. With my knowledge of what Jon told me about you and the fact you are five years older than them. It would make a lot of their parents uncomfortable too. Don’t you know that?” She’s speaking softly now, like she’s talking to a scared animal.
And maybe she is, he feels like it.
He shakes his head, not to her though. To himself, shaking the memories of hang outs with the Henderson family. Memories of Claudia Henderson making extra food- “just in case, dear! You can even have leftovers for tomorrow!” And Dustin biking over just to tell him about the newest movie he wants to see- “we absolutely have to go, Steve! It’s gonna be a classic, trust me!”
The memory of Claudia hugging him close, telling him “such a blessing, sweetie! You’ll always be welcomed here” that still makes him cry late at night in his empty quiet home.
He avoids looking at Joyce, trying to figure out a way to get away.
“I- uh, I gotta, if you’ll excuse me” he mumbles and doesn’t smile or even look directly at her. Just moves around her to leave, as he walks out and overhears the excited voices calling for him, he ignores them and keeps his head down to avoid showing them how red his cheeks are in embarrassment and how much he’s holding back tears.
Without saying goodbye, he gets into his car and drives.
He doesn’t know how long he drives, doesn’t know where he’s going. Just driving to get away, to avoid listening to Joyce’s words that are already taunting him in his head. Slowly mixing in with “you’re bullshit” and “run away, Steve, always running away!” and all the disappointed sighs and taunts from his father.
The car picks the location for him, gas running low and he’s forced to stop at Lovers Lake. Pulling to a stop and turning his car off, he sits in silence. Staring ahead at the lake, eyes still burning.
It’s a long time as he just sits there. In silence.
Rubbing his eyes to get the tears to go away, there’s no reason to cry. She is right, he was an asshole and it is inappropriate for a eighteen year old to hang around thirteen year olds.
Even more inappropriate to hang around a house where he isn’t welcomed.
He rests his head against the steering wheel, arms around it and his knuckles turning white from how hard his gripping the wheel. His eyes burn and he laughs a bitter sound, lightly hitting his head against the wheel. “Fucking, knock it off, get yourself together” he mumbles and it’s weak, he chokes back another sob as he squeezes his eyes shut.
There’s a knock on his window that makes him flinch hard, eyes are wide and he’s immediately aware of how fucking stupid he was to let his guard down like that. Looking next to him he flinches again, not because he’s scared but because of who’s standing there.
Of all the people to find him right now, during probably his lowest point ever, is the local drug dealer. The twice senior and King of the Freaks, Eddie Munson.
“Hey man, uh, you okay?”
Shaking his head, he rests it back on his headrest taking a breath before rolling the window down. Munson takes a step back, he only knows because of the chains hanging from the guy’s pants.
“All good, Munson” he lies straight through his teeth, he doesn’t need to see how red his face is with how warm it feels. And his hands actually hurt now from how hard he was gripping the wheel, “i didn’t- uh, see anything.”
Since he’s leaning his head back on the headrest with eyes closed, he doesn’t see how Munson reacts. The only noise is just nature, birds chirping and the wind hitting leaves. He doesn’t even hear Munson moving, so opening his eyes he looks over and finds the guy standing there with an odd look on his face.
“Look, I’ll just- fuck,” he knocks his head back before rolling the window up and turning his car off, climbing out and avoiding looking directly at the guy. “I’m gonna just go”
Doesn’t bother waiting for something back, it’s been long enough in his own pity party. Now, he just needs to walk home and figure out how he’ll go about life without seeing the Henderson family and the rest of the kids.
“Are you walking? What the fuck, just leaving your car here?” Munson shouts out at him.
He glances back at his car then at Munson, slowing to a stop. “Why do you care?”
It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, why would this guy care whether he leaves his car here? It’s only Hawkins, no one is going to steal his car. You’re more likely gonna come across a monster around than a stolen car.
Especially not at Lover’s Lake. Also why care about him? He’s an asshole and everything Munson hates and loudly announces at lunch.
He shakes his head and starts walking again, taking the silence that Munson doesn’t actually care about him. It doesn’t hurt to admit another person doesn’t like him, he honestly would be shocked if someone did like him.
What really hurts is the fake worry, the questioning, the fake concern and the curiosity.
He’s going to continue to walk home that’ll take him a few hours and will only make it back by dark. Without a weapon, without the bat to hold, because he left that in his car and Munson is still here. Can’t let him ask anymore questions.
“-sus Christ! Jesus, slow the fuck down Harrington!” Munson sounds out of breath, a lot closer too.
He flinches when a hand lands on his arm, “What? What do you want?” He turns and shakes the hand off, “if someone steals it, whatever. It- it doesn’t matter.”
Munson squints at him, looking confused, “Dude, wait, why are you crying?”
Touching his face, he laughs and it sounds so wrong. He is crying, didn’t even realize it was happening. Shaking his head, he turns around and doesn’t bother answering.
“Come on, Harrington!” Munson grabs hold of his shoulder and his grip is rough, “look, I’m sorry if you want to be alone but fuck, dude, you look like shit and crying alone is the worst. So, why don’t I give you a ride to whoe-“
Shaking his head, “like I have anyone to run to right now”
There’s a flash of Claudia and Dustin Henderson in his head and he wants, thinks that they’d shake him and hug him tight if they knew what was said and how it’s haunting him already. Won’t go away, it just brings more tears.
Munson’s silent and his hand drops, leaving behind a faint pressure and that hurts too.
“God, I’m so pathetic right now.”
“Nah, just lonely it seems”
His eyes snap to Munson and his hands are shoved into his jacket, kicking his foot before looking back at him, “I won’t judge, seriously. Let me help, even if it’s just to give you a ride”
“Just a ride?”
Munson nods, “just a ride, unless you change your mind”
He nods, taking a deep breath before stepping towards Munson, “okay, you can, um. Take me home?”
A smile spreads across Munson’s face and he takes his hands out to swing them towards where his van most likely is, “your chariot awaits, good sir!”
Despite his mood and how this might possibly be one of the worst days of his life, he cracks a tiny smile. Just enough to squeeze at his heart, actually.
Walking along side Munson is quiet, it’s a little peaceful. If he remembers correctly, Munson was never this quiet before. Always talking or laughing or yelling, he’s loud and sometimes overly obnoxious.
This is nice. Actually really nice, this quiet with him.
They make it to the van and the ride isn’t the same quiet but it’s still there. He can feel it deep in his bones now.
That this, right here, is peaceful.
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Hello! This whole thing originally started back in May and I lost a little interest in this particular WIP, so I stopped and it’s been in my drafts since. Then I kept getting writers block, still have it tbh. But I read it back today and decided I can technically turn this into a two part fic instead of a one shot soo, it’s finally being shared!
I want to be clear that it’s an AU from after the demodogs and everything after that won’t be the same. And that I have nothing against Joyce but I thought “what if it was someone else than made Steve leave/didn’t like Steve?” guess who I picked 😇 plus we have enough Hopper & Joyce adopt Steve fics, we need a little more of them not doing that. Also!! There should be more fics of them being wrong, that they’re being judgmental and need consequences for their words & actions.
Anyway! I’m automatically assuming only a few people will read this far into my rambling. And if you did I love you, you get a platonic forehead kiss ☺️
Permanent Taglist: @spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @grimmfitzz @estrellami-1 @cartercaptainofthemoon @strangersteddierthings
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AITA for choosing to spend time with my friends?
I (24f) and my boyfriend (24m) have been together for three years, and were friends for a long time before that. We don’t live together yet as neither of us make enough money to afford rent along with groceries utilities etc, and I’m about to do an unpaid internship so it’s just not ideal financially.
I am currently working full time and doing graduate school online. This means that we usually only have the evenings and weekends to spend together. He thinks we don’t spend enough time together which is totally valid. We usually just have the evenings and weekends to hang out. I have d&d at 4:00 on Saturdays and church with my family at 10:30am on Sundays, so I can get pretty busy. We usually spend the evenings together and we go to his house most of the time, as he is allergic to cats and my house has 2 of them. So after work, I come home and put my work stuff away and then drive over to his house.
He has mentioned before and just brought up how we don’t spend enough time together. And he’s right. The problem is, he doesn’t realize how many events or friend hangouts I turn down or reject so that I can spend my evenings with him. Not to mention, I don’t do my chores after work because they take away from that and he’ll complain that I’m coming over late and I’ll have to leave soon (I need to wake up early for work). So I basically spend every weekday evening except for one (when he has band practice) at his house. He gets to do all his chores during that time since we’re at his house. We usually spend Saturday mornings and afternoons together until 3:30 when I have to leave for d&d. I play d&d with a tight group of friends. We’re all super close and we only hang out once a week: Saturday for d&d.
Last Saturday I had to leave early from my house where my bf was spending the night because I had forgotten I had a memorial service to attend. I felt really shitty about it and he was upset which I understand, but overall our Saturdays & Sundays have been pretty consistent.
This Saturday my friends decided to meet earlier—1pm— to get ice cream together before our d&d game. I figured it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if I couldn’t hang out more on one Saturday. I texted my bf and told him if he wanted to we could get breakfast together and he could even come with me to get ice cream w my friends if he wants.
He got mad at me saying that we never spend enough time together and all he wants is to spend time with me and that I’m not spending enough time with him. I tried to explain to him that I basically put aside every other event or activity I’m interested in so that we can spend more time together but he’s like “we still don’t spend enough time together.” I don’t want to be that friend that disappears from the group when they’re in a relationship. I value my friends and my graduate school career and I don’t want to give up any of that. I already reject multiple offers from other people who want to hang out or invite me to things because I know my boyfriend will be upset. Now I’m debating on if I should even see my friends today.
I feel like I never have any time to myself anymore and that he’s not listening to me when I tell him how much I’m trying, but I also love my boyfriend and enjoy spending time with him. So, am I the asshole for saying yes to my friends inviting me somewhere before our usual hangout time?
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maered613 · 2 months
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Camie's getting married. Estranged from Owen & Beru, Luke goes home for the first time in 10 years. He's not looking forward to meeting their farmhand, the man who’s been living his old life ever since he left. Din isn’t particularly excited to meet Luke either; not when he already hates him for abandoning people who are like family to him now.
They both try to be civil. Fireworks ensue instead.
Din hangs his Stetson up at the end of the day, walking into the house, and his first thought is that he’s walked into an active war zone.
"- still doesn’t change the fact that is the stupidest song I have ever heard in my entire life!” Leia says, throwing her hands up.
“What does it matter?!” Luke says back, “-it’s just a song, Leia-”
“I am not going to be indoctrinated into being a person that thinks a song called “She Thinks My Tractor is Sexy” is a normal piece of music!”
“You’re just in time for the fireworks.” Solo says, beside him, “-Luke’s tryna teach Leia to square dance before the big shindig on Saturday.”
Din's gotta hand it to him, he’s still trying to play nice even after Din’s earlier dig.
Din doesn’t say anything, though, just listens to Leia and Luke argue back and forth about ‘insidious hick indoctrination’ until Luke agrees to change the song.
“They don’t play stuff like that in the country bars in New York!”
“Of course not, they only play entry level country music there. You’re gonna have to get used to the real ones!!” Luke says, skipping a track on his CD player, “-does this one pass muster?”
Leia listens for a bit and rolls her eyes.
“Still ridiculous. But fine.”
“That’s not square dancing.” Din says, after a moment of watching Luke guide Leia around the living room; she's picked it up quickly. “-it’s line dancing.”
“What’s the bloody difference?” Solo says, incredulously.
Din looks at him, blankly.
“-in square dancing, your dance pattern is a square.” Din says, slowly, as he mimes a square outline with his index finger. “- in line dancing, you dance on a straight line.” Din also punctuates that with drawing a line in the air.
“Well, how was I supposed to know?” Solo asks, indignant. “-I’m a Yankee.”
“So am I.” Din says, “-Detroit.”
“Motor City!”
“Yeah.” Din says, raising a brow. “-anyway, don’t worry about it. Grogu watched a lot of Sesame Street when he was a baby. I know my shapes.”
Din feels his moustache twitch as he catches sight of Luke’s shoulders hunching together, like he only does when he’s trying not to laugh.
“No wonder the two of you get along.” Solo says, flatly, “-you’re both fucking smartasses.”
you all are entirely too nice. I hope you enjoy the ending as much as i enjoyed writing it and interacting with you all. Xoxoxo
@dinlukeweek @stardads
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Cosmere Characters in IKEA
The title says it all, really.
1. Adolin & Shallan
Adolin: This place is such a maze!
Shallan: Yeah, it kinda reminds me of my time in the chasms with Kaladin.
Shallan: There could be a chasmfiend made entirely of hex keys around any corner.
Adolin: You’ve already mapped this place in your head, haven’t you?
Shallan: Well, duh. 
2. Kaladin & Teft
Kaladin: Ha, look at the size of this bed! What kind of spoiled lighteyes needs a bed this big??
Teft: Kaladin, lad, that’s a bed for two people...
Kaladin: ...
Kaladin: I knew that. 
3. Sebarial & Palona
Sebarial: Genius, really, setting up all of these fake rooms to make people imagine their homes looking like this.
Sebarial: Makes you want to buy way more than you came in for.
Sebarial: And it all seems cheap, but it sure adds up!
Palona: Mmm...and the pathing really forces you to see everything, no matter what you’re looking for.
Palona: Urithiru is mazelike already--think Dalinar would give you a floor to set up something like this?
Sebarial: Are you SURE you don’t want to marry me?
4. Dalinar & Stormfather
Dalinar: I think it’s good for people to build their own furniture.
Dalinar: I never felt as clear-headed as I did when I dug that latrine that one time.
Stormfather: Bah, this flimsy wood could never stand up to a storm.
Dalinar: Most people keep their furniture inside.
Stormfather: I’m listening and learning here.  
Dalinar: What?
Stormfather: What?
5. Lopen & Rock
Lopen: Now, see, people say the REAL fun is the food!
Rock: Ha! These meatballs are not as good as chouta with fried cremling claws, but they’re still pretty good!
Lopen: Of course! Nothing beats chouta!
6. Wyndle & Lift
Wyndle: Oh, this is SO exciting!
Wyndle: Look at all of these WONDERFUL chairs!
Wyndle: I can’t wait to add some of these to my chair garden!
Lift (dragging her feet): Is this the LAST time I let you pick our activity. 
7. Denth & Tonk Fah
Denth: You know what I hate about being a mercenary?
Denth: People think you have no sense of style.
Denth: And sure, interior decorating isn’t a big part of our life.
Denth: But just look at this pillow I chose and tell me it wouldn’t look great on any modern couch.
Tonk Fah: Hey, that old lady you stabbed to get that pillow seems to be coming around.
Denth: And people NEVER appreciate the lengths we got to to get a good deal!
8. Szeth & Nightblood
Szeth: I like this place.
Szeth: There is no profane stone anywhere, and the seemingly endless maze of empty rooms devoid of all life reminds me of the inside of my own head, only they took out the screams.
Szeth: And some of the plastic fruit is nice.
Nightblood: That’s great but can we get back to my thing now?
Szeth: That sofa wasn’t evil, sword-nimi.
Nightblood: Then why was its name looking at me with those beady eyes?!
Szeth: I think the umlaut is just part of the spelling, sword-nimi.
Nightblood: I think we should destroy it, just in case.
9. Siri & Syl
Siri: Look at this!! A tiny frying pan!
Syl: No, look at this!! It’s a blue stuffed shark!
Siri: Look at how colorful this rug is!
Syl: I don’t even smoke, but this ash tray is shaped like a COW!
Siri: I can’t believe Vivenna and Kal said we “couldn’t be trusted in the marketplace”
Syl: I know! We make such good decisions!
10. Jasnah & Navani & Elhokar 
Jasnah: It is nice of them to include pictogram instructions, so that even men can assemble this furniture. 
Navani: Engineering for men. Very progressive of them. 
Elhokar: How am I supposed to screw in all these screws with just this hex key?! Also, these dowels definitely do NOT fit in this hole! And I am definitely missing some pieces!!
Elhokar (muttering): I bet Kaladin could build this bookcase.
Jasnah: Should we help him?
Navani: Give it five more minutes. 
273 notes · View notes
wangxianficfinder · 11 months
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Fic finder
1. I'm looking for a fic that's during the Cloud Recesses study arc where, WWX I think, found out Wen Chao couldn't read and started teaching him. I think a couple of the other kids started helping him, MianMian maybe? I can't remember much but they definitely helped him learn how to read and became friends. TIA
FOUND? Wei Wuxian’s Super Special Super Secret Book Club by Anonyma (T, 31k, WWX & WC & LQY, WangXian, Canon Divergence)
2. hello!! All good? I'm looking for a collection of one shots, and I can't find it, I read it a little while ago but I remember a one shot, where Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying were discussing the fact that Wei Ying had saved the heirs of the sects in cave and Jin Ling was listening and Wei Ying was saying that if he hadn't saved the heirs Jin Ling wouldn't exist and Jiang Cheng said something like, Whatever.... Honestly, I don't even remember the tags, but Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying realizing that Jin Ling had heard, Wei Ying asks what Jin Ling wants. @sweettiebah
FOUND! 🔒 Chapter 11: Careless Words of Short Prompts by Vrishchika (JL POV - Not JC Friendly - WWX loses his patience)
3. Hello !! Ive read this fanfic a while ago and I have multiple ss of it since i like to save memorable parts of the fic but now i cant remember it anymore </3 i dont remember the synopsis but there was a scene where Lwj and Wwx were in an inn while out night hunting, and wwx suspected the person serving them to have poisoned lwj, wwx got really angry and threatened the guy to the max
Wei Wuxian slammed him against the wall again, cutting off his rapid ramblings and jostling his fractured arm. "Your stories bore me," he spoke lowly, peering his head around slightly so as to almost look into Heng She's face. He still had yet to acknowledge Lan Wangji's presence. "Tell me why you poisoned the tea, or I will hang you in the street by your intestines, ripped open to let the crows feed on your liver." @jingyisbff
FOUND! let me sing to you by greybird_crookedbranch (T, 61k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, adorable Juniors, Minor Original Character(s)for plot purposes, Minor Violence, Demonic Cultivation, resentful energy, Trauma, Guilt, Protectiveness, BAMF WWX, Hurt wwx, Protective WWX, Protective LWJ, Baby Lans, Mental Instability, Possession, it's a case fic but the case is for the hurts, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV LWJ, a tasteful seasoning of Yunmeng Bros Reconcilliation, CQL canon except LWJ is not chief cultivator, Nightmares)
4. Hello! T__T I have my focus mode on so my distracting apps like twitter (x) are paused. I took a 5 minutes break and opened it. I saw a threadfic of Bottomji/Topxian (Omegaverse) They already have 3 kids (Yuan, Twins) but they are all alphas. lwj wants a daughter (or an omega son). He rode wwx that night then let him knot him for 3x. They were on a date and lwj bought some robes for a girl the confronts wwx that he wants a daughter.... Thats all Ive read. I want to read the whole thread but my app closed. 💔 Can you guys help me with it? I cant find it anymore.
FOUND! sounds like this twt threadfic by @/omegawangji
5. Hi, I need help finding a fic I’m pretty sure I’ve seen recommended on here a couple years ago.
I don’t remember the title or the author. It was on AO3. It was an Alternative Universe fic where WWX is an art student (and lived in a dorm with the Wen siblings) and LWJ has a very active but discreet sex life. WangXian know each other but they’re not together. Eventually they start sleeping with each other (WWX doesn’t realize LWJ actually likes him and he’s not just another hookup). There is also a secondary plot about one of LWJ’s past hookups stalking and tormenting them at a club or party at some point? T
his is all I can remember, unfortunately. I hope to reach someone who knows which fic this is by asking on here. WangXian nation, do your thing! 🙏
FOUND? show me a quiver, give me tonight by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 115k, wangxian, lwj/others, communication failure, mutual pining, artists, demisexual wwx, angst w/ happy ending) It doesn't match exactly but some details do
6. For fic finder, a fic I read a good while back.
It was one of those “jgs magically spies on the burial mounds to get people to hate wwx and the remnants” but in this one wwx and lwj did the “a-yuan is birthed from wwx” thing and the people spying believe it. Lqr passes out for a bit and lxc and jc start planning a wedding since lwj apparently deflowered wwx. I think it was completed
FOUND! Assumptions by draechaeli (T, 50k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mainly Novel with a few CQL and Donghua bits, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Adoption, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, not mpreg, Not Established Relationship, Fluff, Canon-Typical Violence, Fix-It, gender non-conforming titles)
7. Hello! Here's one I've read a dozen times and would swear I have bookmarked, but now I can't find it. Basically, LZ is a courtesan/assassin who's sent by JGS to seduce and kill the powerful Yiling Patriarch. Meng Yao is working with LZ, although he has his own plans against JGS, of course. WWX later realizes LZ's brother is alive and looking for him, so he brings them together. (By the way, are you thinking of adding a Courtesan compilation? There are plenty of good ones to rec!) Thank you! @ladysalieri (we don't have a courtesan au specific comp but we do have a royalty one that includes a few! ^^ - Mod C)
FOUND! out to get you (to get you) by iliacquer (E, 41k, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, switching, top/bottom LWJ, top/bottom WWX, power play, courtesan LWJ, assassin LWJ, dark lord WWX, bondage, happy ending, past slavery)
8. Hello i am looking for a fic where modern lwj time travels to the canon era and becomes original lwj, in the fic he is betrothed to yilling patriarch wy who sends him letters, and wy becomes more desperate and insane because lwj doesn't answers his letters. @ahiku-chan
FOUND? if this is a dream, i pray to never wake up by dangodangomilk (M, 27k, WangXian, Marriage, Weddings, Engagement, Canon Divergence, Parallel Universes, YLLZ WWX, false amnesia, Implied/Referenced Sex, Fluff and Angst, Sexual Content)
9. hello! i'm looking for a fic from lwj's pov. he runs into wwx (dark) in yiling i think, after burial mounds but before his new body. lwj is horrified by how bad he looks and convinces him to go to an inn (wwx mean), they have sex. during this lwj realizes that wwx's bones are all broken from his fall in the burial mounds and he is holding them stable with resentful energy. he can't heal them, but the resentful energy is working as a stopgap. possibly of it's own volition? bittersweet? thx! @saydams
10. Hello!! I love this blog, where I find fics to read!! A few days ago, I asked someone to find me a fic, but I'm here again because I remembered med and another fic that I loved reading, but currently can't find.
The things I remember: Wangxian has an spiritual connection, which is why the golden core transfer does not occur (and it is qing who informs Wei Ying of the connection, as Madam Yu knew and gave tea to undo the connection but it did not work ) and if I'm not mistaken Yanli is the one who told Wei Ying that the spiritual connection no longer exists (which is obviously wrong)
If you can't find it, I ask you to recommend something similar.
Thank you ❤💛🖤 @sweettiebah
FOUND! Half of my soul by Asphodel_Meadow (T, 8k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, No Golden Core Transfer, Fix-It, 5+1 Things, kinda soul bond but with their golden cores, POV Outsider, POV Alternating)
11. Hi, im looking for a fic where when Wei Wuxian was dead others tried to flirt with Lan Wangji. I remember one of the scenes where Shizui was walking to the jingshi and overherd someone (a cousin of Lan Jingyi?) trying to flirt with Lan Wangji. I think it was a 5+1 type of deal. No matter the way i word it, i cant find it. I`ve been looking on and off for months. @herebedragons02
FOUND? Criteria by incendir (T, 10k, LSZ & LWJ, WangXian) Criteria from the Resolutions series! I've reread ot enough to know that description on site
12. I hope you don't mind me asking, i'm looking for a wangxian fic where there is a scene that takes place in the cloud recesses where jiang cheng injures nie huaisang and nie mingjue almost declares war on the jiang sect. Thats as much as i remember I hope it's enough to go on. If it helps any it was either a Jiang Cheng bashing fic or a Jiang Family bashing. / Hi i'm looking for a Jiang Cheng or Jiang Family Bashing fic (can't remember which it was) where Nie Huaisang gets severely injured by Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue almost declares war on the Jiang Sect. Thank you. @hanabichan2018
FOUND? Ad Oblivione by Baph, HikariNoHimeWriter (M, 70k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Multiple, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Identity Reveal, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation World Critical, Not JC Friendly, Abusive YZY, Angst with a Happy Ending)
FOUND? A Future Family In A Broken Past by Hauntcats (T, 121k, wangxian, Not JIang Family Friendly, Not Cultivation World Friendly, WWX Needs a Hug, Family Dynamics, What is a good family?, Fear of emotions does not excuse abuse, Not Jiang Clan Friendly, Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, LXC needs a hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Not YZY Friendly)
13. Hello I’ve been looking for this fic but I cannot find it I remember seeing it before it’s where in order to survive the burial mounds WY exchanges his heart which changes how he acts and then at the end JC, JYL, LWJ and NH decide to go to the burial mounds to see what happened to WY
FOUND?🔒 between the shadow and the soul by Reverie (cl410) (M, 22k, wangxian, JYL/WQ, JC/NHS, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Family, Dark WWX, Feral WWX, Memory Loss, Magic, Magical Realism, Protective LWJ, Protective JC, Protective JYL, Grief, BAMF WWX, POV Alternating)
14. Hi! For next fic finder, could you help me find a modern wangxian au with combination of arranged marriage, marriage of convenient (i think it is), and contract marriage. YZY arranged a marriage between WWX and LWJ for a bussiness cooperation. WWX agreed to that so he can get away from the Jiang (especially YZY) and to make his own carrier. Then LWJ and WWX make a contract to make the marriage last until 2 years and decided if they want to keep the marriage or not. I think LWJ playing his guqin and WWX is used to that and when 2 years almost up, WWX didnt want to get divorce. The fic is focused about them getting to know each other. I think thats all i can remember. I read that in 2021 so the detail is kinda patchy. If you dont know the fic at least a confirmation that im not the only one that ever read this. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
Hi, im #14. Unfortunately its not the fic that iam searching for. The one that iam serching for focused on wangxian, other characters barely appears. Even the jiangs only gets mentioned. Wwx didnt work for Jiang, i think he is graphic design freelancer? The agrement for divorce is between the two of them, their family didnt know about their agreement. They choose how long they stay together before divorce after they think that the project between their family is finished so their divorce wont effect the project. WWX even has a plan after their divorce to open his own office. If i remember corectly, WWX realize he didnt want to get divorced is a few days before the day of their divorce. Like he is in his room and thinking that after their divorce, he cant listening to LWJ playing his guqin and spend their days together and he didnt want that.
I really hope i didnt mix several fic together. Thank you!
NOT FOUND! you're the only thing i think i got right by sandustorms (lucianclouds) (M, 48k, wangxian, Arranged Marriage, Falling In Love, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Domestic, Married Life, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, do you remember that fake reddit post abt the guy that fell for his husband, that he was arranged to be married to, that was kind of what inspired this, Happy Ending, Modern, Strangers to Lovers, Romance)
15. Hello Mods, hope you are having a good day (^ ω ^)
This is for the fic finder and I'm not quite sure about this so just to be safe I don't want to upset anyone so
Trigger Warning! Trigger Warning! Trigger Warning!
This is what I remember: WWX is roofied or SA'ed in the Cloud Recesses ( I don't remember if that is shown) and there's a lot about how he handle it (denial? minimizing? disassociation?), and LWJ is there, he didn't do it, he is good, and anti-victim-blaming? if that makes sense?
FOUND? obscura: ink stain by AvoOwO (M, 20k, wangxian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Canon Divergence, Emotions, Heavy Angst, Painting, Temporary Amnesia, Drugs, Drug Use, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Drink Spiking, Victim Blaming, LWJ Has Feelings, LWJ Has a Crush, Soft wangxian, Holding Hands, Blood and Violence, Good Sibling JC, Protective JC, WWX is a Mess, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Politics, Protective LXC, Good Sibling LXC, Good Uncle LQR, LQR Tries, OCs, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, WWX Needs a Hug, someone gets punched a lot, LWJ contemplates murder for a moment, JC almost gets it done, not quite about romance, as much as romance elements there, more so about the small things, LWJ loves how WWX smells, some nasty things are said, WWX def needs a nap, he gets one dw, LQR Gets Shit Done, NHS Is A Little Shit, Scheming NHS)
16. Hi! For fic finder, I am looking for a short-ish fic where Jin Ling learns that Wei Wuxian is the one who named him “Rulan.” Jin Ling then realizes he is named after the Lans, and he has a teenage meltdown about how he is named after his uncle’s crush. Does this sound familiar? Thank you, everyone, for all your help! @gloriousclotpole
FOUND! three days gone by occultings (microcomets) (G, 4k, JL & WWX, WangXian, Post-Canon, Family Bonding, Homophobic Language, Fluff) there may be a few fics that fit, is it maybe the one where jin ling and jiang cheng are reading sect letters together, and jin ling got mad about being called "rulan"? so far i found another fic, ig it's "similar" since jin ling's only mad for one sentence, but i thought to link it anyway
17. Hi! I'm looking for a fic, but i only remember a specific scene from it: wwx and the wens on the horses and it's raining and lan zhan lets them go, but then i guess granny wen says go back and get him, and when they return, lan zhan is soaking wet and she says something along the lines of 'dramatic young people'. Thank you so much!
FOUND? Turn Around by mondengel (Not rated, <1k, wangxian, humor)
18. Hi, I'm looking for an AU WIP fic where WWX has to wear a mask; nobody but family is allowed to see his face. He and LWJ have an arranged marriage, but LWJ still refuses to let him take his mask off, and doesn't make any effort in the marriage. Very soon after they are married, he takes Wen Qing as a concubine, without explaining anything to WWX. WWX moves to a house near Lotus Pier, and there is a bit about him adopting children, but I can't remember how that came about... Thank you! @godiva696
FOUND! Sounds like the deleted "A price to pay" by wangxianist.
Not FOUND! sounds sorta like shana's identity porn fic here on tumblr
19. Hello! 😃 I hope you can help me find this fic that I have been looking for!
I only remember that Wei Wuxian gets reunited with the sect leader of the Yu sect,(she is basically his grandma I think) and he get very emotional, it is also at a discussion conference or something like that, it is a very sweet/happy scene.
thank you 😊
NOT FOUND!🔒补救; to remedy, to do something to correct or improve something that is wrong by ravenditefairylights (G, 21k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Fluff and Angst, Healing, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Getting Together, Everybody Gets Their Shit Together, Family Feels, Teacher WWX, Soft WWX, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Crying, Marriage Proposal, Assassination Attempt(s), Family Bonding, soup as a metaphor, Meishan as a metaphor, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Forgiveness, BAMF WWX, Assassin WWX) i'm not positive this is it, but has a scene like that
Not FOUND And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together) has a wwx-Sect Leader Yu relationship a bit like that? They meet up in Meishan, though, it's not a conference
Not FOUND The Housewife's Guide to Causing Chaos by dvasva (M, 127k, WIP, WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence, Functionally Trans Character, Mild Sexual Content, Domestic Fluff, Love Confessions, Transphobia, Good Parents LWJ and WWX, Pining, WWX is a Tease, Grief/Mourning, Body Dysphoria, Fake Marriage, Canonical Character Death, Misunderstandings, Doting LWJ, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, WWX is not in MXY's body, Misgendering, Mild Angst, Assumptions, Comedic Elements, non-sexual nudity, Blood, Discussion of Various Bodily Functions, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, 4 years of mourning instead of 13, Méishān Yú Sect, POV Multiple, Corporal Punishment, Trans WWX, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, pregnancy mention, Timeline What Timeline, Sexual Harassment Threats) has wwx summoned by an OC Yu cousin instead of mxy, so there is some wwx-Yu sect interactions in the story. I don't remember it being particularly sweet or happy, but the setting is a conference
Not FOUND Moments of Revelation by meyari (T, 133k, ChengSang, WangXian, XiYao, POV JC, Canon Divergence, Temporary Character Death, Character Death, not anyone we care about, Time Travel Fix-It, Self-Sacrifice, Torture, Chronic Pain, Chronic anxiety, magical healing and how it fails, Grief/Mourning, PTSD, Chronic Mental Health Issues, Assassination, renamed my, Families of Choice, Original Supporting characters, Unreliable Narrator(s), Demonic Possession) last suggestion, and this probably isn't it, but it has a lot of Yunmeng Trio & Yu sect interactions (mostly Jiang Cheng centric, but wwx is there too lol)
FOUND! Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics) the reunion scene is on ch31
20. Hello! I’m looking for a fic where during the Sunshot Campaign, Wei Wuxian was able to tame the Xuanwu, resulting in victory. However, he wasn’t fully able to control its bloodlust so it was sequestered onto an island in Lotus Pier.
However, he leaves one day for a brief visit to Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli, JGS paid a child to visit the island and the child is killed. This causes WWX to go with the Xuanwu into the water surrounding the island and he disappears for many years.
Later on, Jin Ling ends up trying to prove himself by going into the forest surrounding this island (which has since filled with resentful energy). And finds that WWX has come back and the Xuanwu has been purified.
I’m not sure if it’s been deleted??
FOUND? The Turtle Master by Gotcocomilk (M, 40k, wangxian, JC & WWX, JL & WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Character Death Fix, shijie lives, Hurt/Comfort, OC Child death, zombie turtle!!, BAMF WWX, isnt he always, Fluff and Angst, first half is pain second half is soft)
105 notes · View notes
constellationguy · 26 days
Another perspective
Episode five
"Text: regular talking
'Text': regular thinking
"Text": Saiki talking telepathically
'Text': Saiki thinking
Previous episode
ATTENTION! You might want to rewatch episode five of The Disastrous Life of Saiki K before reading to fully understand the events.
Summary: Episode 5 in L/N Y/N's perspective.
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It is 4:00pm at PK Academy and everyone is trying to go home, Y/N was no exception. However Y/N had to do some homework in the library so they stuck around a couple extra minutes to finish it before going home.
While Y/N was in the library they heard Takahashi calling out for Saiki. ‘Why the hell is he looking for Kusuo? He’s probably already left by now to catch that show he was talking about,’ they thought. They didn’t pay it much thought though and soon left the library to go home.
Just as Y/N reached the shoe lockers they heard Kaido scream. “AAAAAAAAA”
“What’s wrong Kaido?” Teruhashi asked.
“A ghost just lifted up the locker I was hiding in! No wait, it wasn’t a ghost it was dark reunion!”
“Slow down! Nothing you’re saying is making sense,” Teruhashi said trying to understand him.
“HOLD ON ILL SAVE YOOOUUU,” Hairo screamed, running back into the building.
“What happened?! I heard a scream!”
“It’s Dark Reunion! They’ve found my hiding spot!”
“Oh… okay ya.” “Of course,” Hairo and Teruhashi said unimpressed.
“Finally heading home Saiki?” Toritsuka asked.
‘Saiki?,” Y/N thought. They were on the other side so wouldn’t be able to see him but they didn’t hear Saiki approaching earlier.
“I’ll walk with you pal!”
“You idiot!”
“AH THERE HE IS!” Teruhashi, Kaido, and Hairo said, finally seeing Saiki.
‘Oh man, I feel bad for Kusuo, but it’s not like I can do anything about it. It’d probably draw to much attention. I know he won’t be to pleased with me ignoring this but he’ll get over it right?’ Y/N thought feeling a little guilty.
“Saiki! I need to repay your favor!”
“Our teacher asked me to give these to you!”
“I have a layer now!”
“You’re not busy are you?” They asked in unison.
‘Sorry Kusuo….’ Y/N thought as they quietly left, not drawing the group’s attention.
“Listen up guys, today’s about one thing. US BEING NUMBER ONE!” “LETS DO IT!”
“Sports day, so annoying.”
“You’re just saying that cause you suck at sports.”
Y/N had to agree with Kaido. It’s not like they didn’t like sports or they were bad at them, sports day was just a gaggle of activities that didn’t hold much value to them. Shouldn’t “sports day” be about actual sports anyway?
“Yo Saiki, hey! You pumped?”
“I’m the opposite of pumped.” Saiki replied plainly.
“And Nendo, you’re a fit guy! I expect big things out there from you too!”
“That’s right, you’re not beating me this time.”
“We’re all on the same team,” Saiki said exasperated.
“And Kaido, my man!….. just do whatever it is you can do. I’m sure you’re gonna try really hard.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
While Hairo was talking about the other teams Y/N couldn’t be bothered to pay attention. They really didn’t think winning sports day should be that deep.
“Our first event! Boys hundred meter dash!”
‘Ooo, Kusuo’s up first! This should be fun.” Y/N thought while pushing to the front of the class to get a better look at the race.
“Saiki you got third!”
“Why is everyone so excited?”
“All the other racers are on the track a field team. And the forth place guy has a school sprint record!”
By Saiki’s expression, Y/N could tell he didn’t take that into account. “Truly remarkable,” Y/N snickered.
“Not bad buddy! But I am pretty sure I could smoke you one on one, oh that guys running.” Nendo trailed off.
“Kaido’s running?”
Y/N knew this was a bad choice but they also knew seeing Kaido get absolute last place would be funny.
In the three legged race Sawakita was running along side Teruhashi. It turned out to be more of a carry but it was still entertaining, creepy maybe, but entertaining.
“Scavenger hunt race? I wonder which of us is doing that.”
“You are.” Saiki replied annoyed.
“ITS MINE I WIN! I GOT THE PAPER!” Nendo celebrated.
“Now go find what’s on that paper.” The intercom announced.
“AAAAAA! Here, let me have this!” Nendo said after running towards class 3’s group.
“Ya sure!”
“No not the racket! This, thanks!” Nendo then took one of Saiki’s limiters off his head. Y/N didn’t notice this so the couldn’t prepare for Saiki falling down and taking them with him.
“SAIKI!” The whole class screamed.
“Nendo what did you do?!” Y/N asked Nendo as they sat up and sat Saiki’s head in their lap.
“I just took his hair clip,” Nendo replied, looking at it then set it into Y/N’s out stretched hand.
‘Damn, I haven’t done this in a while, but fuck it, we ball,’ Y/N then went for it and stuck Kusuo’s limiter back into his scull.
Shortly after putting it back, Saiki regained consciousness and shot up into a sitting position.
“Are you feeling okay? We were worried,” Kaido said crouching down to talk to Saiki.
“You fainted when Nendo took that thing out of your head so Y/N put it back.” Saiki was looking around rather shocked like he was making sure everything was okay.
“You scared me.” Y/N said while they suddenly hugged Saiki’s shoulders. They held that position for a moment before letting go and asking Saiki a question. “Are you alright? You still don’t look to good.” Y/N asked while putting the back of their had to Saiki’s forehead.
Saiki let it stay there for a second, then shakily took Y/N’s wrist to bring it away from away from his head but didn’t really give them a complete answer, staying in his thoughts for a moment before getting up.
“Woah, I almost lost my buddy.” When the intercom announced that class three came in last place Nendo wasn’t too bothered by it. “Nothing I could have done about that one guy, huh, when your best buddy passes out there are more important things than sports day. We’ll get the next one.”
“He passed out because of you!” Y/N couldn’t really tell who said that cause they were still in the ground, but they assumed it was Takahashi.
“Hey are you alright?” Hairo asked Y/N while helping them up.
“Ya, I’m not injured. No harm, no foul right?” Y/N said trying to sound half hearted but they still came off a bit shaken.
“And that’s it for our morning events, time for lunch!”
“Well pal, it’s time for food.”
“Where’d Saiki go? SAIKI? WHERE ARE YOU?!”
Y/N could hear Nendo yelling but choose to ignore it in favor of following Saiki.
“I’m not feeling so hot. It doesn’t matter that it was only out for a second, it’s still causing me all sorts of problems.” Saiki commented to Y/N.
“Alright that’s it. If you keep that up, you’re going to break those chopsticks, give them here.”
“Why?” Saiki asked.
“Kusuo Saiki, give me the damn chopsticks.” Y/N said sternly, Saiki chose to comply. “You’re still really shaky and you really need these calories to recover.”
Y/N then grabbed an edamame with the chopsticks and brought it close to Saiki’s mouth. Saiki made a face for a second then put the edamame in his mouth. “What are you, my mother?” Saiki asked all snarky.
“Aw what? Don’t like the idea of me being your mommy?” Y/N said teasing back then they both broke out laughing.
“No but seriously, my body isn’t listening to me, I need to go home.”
“Saiki?! We playing hide and seek?”
“Well that’s my cue.” Saiki tried to teleport but it clearly didn’t work as he stay there as Nendo rounded the corner.
“Hello? Huh, doing some private stretching? Hey you alright? Maybe you should go home early.”
“Sorry you’re sick bro.”
“You need help getting home?”
“Oh no. His parents are here, I’ll just take Kusuo to them so they can head home together, but thanks for the offer. I’ll be back in a moment.” Y/N interrupted the group of guys trying to talk to Saiki.
Kusuo could only thank Y/N silently as they walked to meet his parents.
“Hey mom, hey dad. Kusuo needs to go home. He’s not feeling to well.” Y/N told Saiki’s parents. They’ve been a family friend for a long time so they called his parents mom and dad as well.
“Oh okay, we can take him home. How about you come with us, I’m sure Ku would like to company.” Kurumi replied.
Y/N looked to Saiki, he only shrugged in response. “I’m sure in Kusuo-ese that means, yes I’d love for you to come, so I’ll just take our head bands back to the class and we can head out.” Y/N said before patting Saiki on the back and taking both their headbands back.
“Hey, turns out I’m also headed out. Sorry I also have to leave. The Saiki’s are my neighbors so they are gonna sign me out so I can help take care of Kusuo.” Y/N told Hairo and handed him the headbands.
“Of course. No worries at all. We’ll just have to work extra hard and we’ll win this. For Saiki!” “YAAA”
Y/N then ran back to the Saiki’s and went home with them.
When they got home Y/N helped Saiki get to his room upstairs. “You go change out of your gym uniform and I’ll be back with my famous healing soup in about thirty minutes, alright?” Saiki nodded in response as Y/N closed his door.
Kurumi and Y/N made the soup together and got to talking.
“Honestly Y/N, thank you for taking care of little Ku. I know he doesn’t show it often but I know he really appreciates it.” Kurumi told Y/N.
“It’s no problem really. I need to pay back all the times he helped me out when we were little anyway. He’s been there for me ever since we were born, it’s only fair that I can be there for him when I can.” Y/N replied sentimentally.
“Aww,” Kurumi cooed as she hugged Y/N. “Well the soup’s almost ready, how about you go change while it finishes.” Kurumi said as she whipped her tears.
Y/N went over to their house to change, then quickly came back to serve Kusuo the soup.
“Knock knock. Still awake in there? Hey, how are you doing?” Y/N said gently while opening Kusuo’s door.
“Not the best but a little better,” Saiki replied.
“Well, finish this then take a nap. That should help you feel better.” Y/N said while putting the soup on Saiki’s table.
“Why are you still acting like my mom?” Kusuo asked laughing lightly.
“Someone you actually listen to has to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. And besides you don’t hate it do you?” Y/N teased.
“Whatever you say.” Saiki said, smiling very lightly.
“Okay well, finish that then get to bed. I’m going to go pack you some of the soup for your lunch tomorrow,” Y/N said while getting up.
“I’ll see you when you wake up ya?”
“Ya,” Saiki replied warmly, a little sleepy even. Y/N then closed the door to Saiki’s room.
The the next day when Saiki and Y/N came back to class, Saiki’s closer friends had buzz cuts.
“So uh, how did this happen?” Y/N asked Hairo. “Well it all started when….” “Woah! What kinda soup is that? It’s smells good. Did your mom make it? What’s in it? Tell me about it!” Nendo bombarded Saiki with questions about his lunch.
“Non of your business.” Saiki said while starting to eat his soup.
“Alright everyone, today we are having a safety drill.” Hairo announced to the class.
“I don’t need a drill, I’ll be fine.”
“Nendo. You need to take this seriously, imagine this rooms on fire, way hot flames are everywhere, the smoke makes impossible to see let alone breathe. So what then? You got an escape plan? How will you know what decision to make if you don’t participate in this drill?! Preparation is the key to survival!”
‘He’s as hot and smothering as a fire,’ ‘Ya, I see that now.’ Y/N and Saiki thought towards each other.
“So when the alarm goes off, follow my lead and evacuate to the court yard.” “Okay.”
“Here’s an easy way to remember the correct procedure in an emergency.” Hairo said while weighting S O S on the board.
“What’s sos? I know what that stands for! Save Our Selves. SOS!”
“Ya that’s the plans but that’s not-”
“If it’s not that how about Someone! Over here! Save me!”
“Hehe, each one of your guess is dumber than the last one.”
“Alright do you know what it means smart guy?!”
“Of course I do. Obviously it stands for Scorching Oblivion Smackdown…. Hehe, I’m joking. It stands for Slow, Orderly, and Silent right,”
“Yup you got it. Now everyone just remember those simple rules and we’ll ace this drill!”
“The first floor science lab is on fire. Please evacuate.”
“That alarm sound always makes me so nervous,”
“I’m with Teruhashi, it’s so jarring. I know fires most likely won’t ever happen but still, the thought is kinda scary,” Y/N thought aloud.
“Stay calm everyone Open your bag and get your Safety hood, stand in like after that in order of student number.”
“Where’s my hood.” “Oh crap I think I left it at home.”
“Seriously?! If this was an actual fire Obviously you’d be Smoldering ashes!”
“Oh I can’t seem to find my safety hood.” Said Teruhashi.
“Oh come on not you too!”
“Use my hood!” “No use mine!” “Use mine!”
“But if I take all of yours then you’ll die!”
“She’s right! This is not a safe plan!”
“Sacrifice” “Ourselves to” “Save her”
“Oh okay,” Hairo said awkwardly.
“Okay, let’s move out.”
“Hold on, I forgot my phone.”
“Stop Takahashi. Out of line is to dangerous. Stay in place!”
‘What’s with the SOS obsession?’
“Stop it guys, Obviously it’s not the time to Stupid fights.”
“Okay gang we’re almost down- AAAAAA! Stop everyone! Our path leading out! Shuddered before us!”
“Seriously?” “Oh come on!” “Screw it we’d be dead.”
“Hey, isn’t this the first floor science lab that we are supposed to avoid cause it’s “on fire”” Y/N air quoted.
“They are testing to see how well payed attention, clearly our class leader didn’t pay attention to the announcement.”
“Stay calm. Obviously there’s a Solution to get outside. Yes that’s it! I understand why they locked us in. They’re testing our physical strength, ya that’s the only explanation! We don’t have to send out an SOS if we can overcome obstacles by ourselves! Which means to get out we must break down that shudder!”
“Alright let’s break it down boys!!!” “AAAAAAAA”
‘Is it too late to leave the pack and go to the court yard by ourselves?’
‘In a real fire they’d be the first to die.”
“So you wrenched open a metal shudder and ran out the front door? I see. WHY WOULD YOU ANIMALS BREAK OUR BEE SHUDDER, WE LITERALLY INSTALED IT LAST WEEK LOSERS! So what are you gonna do? Obviously you’re idiots, Shudders are expensive to fix!!”
“This school doesn’t even need to bother with emergency drills, after all… So long as I’m here Ordeals like fires Simply won’t happen.”
“As punishment you’re all getting buzz cuts.”
Next episode: in progress
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