#wof crossover au
theravequeen · 21 days
Pressure fandom, Wings of Fire fandom.....
I made them dragons
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Also here's Raven trying to fit in:
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dopegardenersheep · 2 years
Silly doodles of a certain rat from Portal as a dragon
Rat bat dragon haha bat rat dragon
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In that au, he is known as Mooneyes. As a twice-moonborn NightWing he possesses both mind reading and precognition abilities, which may or may not have worsened his schizophrenia bc he lacks training to distinguish which are thoughts from others and which are products of his mind. He's lucky it's not that advanced like he would've constantly listen to people's thoughts but it's an ass for appearing the strongest in conjunction with his episodes.
I shoved him the precognition ability to explain how he knows of the Borealis' fate (fuzzy at best but he got the gist of it at least). But it's not as helpful as his mindreading ability and visions only pop up like. once. in a while. and they ofc would be abt random major events that didn't involve him at all. (Him knowing Chell would be the Chosen One is still a lucky hunch)
Anyway have rat dragon
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thsc-stuffs · 2 years
For that post you just made about your crossover, what kind of dragons will they be? Four-legged, no legs, with or without wings, etc. And, do you by chance have a favorite design at the moment?
So, in Wings of Fire, all of the dragons are four-legged! Some tribes (the equivalent of dog breeds) have 4 wings, but most have 2! Each tribe has different body shapes, color schemes, abilities, and the likes! There's also established cultures within the tribes (i.e. Rainwings being vegetarians, Icewings having strict social hierarchy), but we're not necessarily entirely sticking to the books!
The tribes are; Skywings, Rainwings, Nightwings, Mudwings, Seawings, Icewings, Hivewings, Silkwings, and Leafwings!
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Thinkin' of WOF Au for DC, but like, it's a Gothamite and Fawcett thing. (And Amity Park if crossover)
Like those are the most magical areas in the world, even if Gotham is cursed as fuck. An unspoken secret of sorts that while they present themselves as human to outsiders, they are all Very Much Not.
Which means hilariously in the league, when everyone expects Batman to be suspicious and short with the new guy- even made bets on it- they are then shooketh when both visibly relax and start talking. And half the shared complaints don't make sense!
Now Gotham technically has no Queen, nor does Fawcett, but Batman and Captain Marvel are the closest things. Not in the traditional sense of back when they were in separate tribes (& maybe from a different dimension but shh that was millennia ago) but in the sense of, they're the ones patrolling and protecting the cities along with calling the shots in disasters.
Which does sort of change the dynamic they both have in their city. If one of them calls to arms, the city would follow them. They could declare war, and their cities (begrudgingly in Gotham's underbelly's case of strongest is in charge) would follow. And while Billy is oblivious, both Marvel-the-not-hivemind and Batman are. They know they have to be very careful.
I'm sure we all want Nightwing Bruce but no. Bruce, like both his mother and father and father's father and so on before him, is actually an Icewing. The Waynes however, have a case of melanism running in their bloodline. Thomas Wayne? Only his quills and part of his back were darker, but Bruce? Practically pitch black scales that shadow his eyes.
Now Alfred on the other hand, is a Nightwing. No special powers there, though you would hear many a child protest with how he seems to know everything.
Commissioner Gordon is a Mudwing, big stocky and very tired, which translates to his human disguise as a large trenchcoat. He finds this very amusing. Barbara similarly, is half Mudwing. Her mother was a Hivewing, making her a hybrid between both. Which does ironically mean that Batgirl does in fact have insectoid wings. Though that does ponder the question on if they'd all go by their original vigilante names.
Dick is a Silkwing. Wingless as he watches his parents fall and unable to do anything despite this place supposedly being safe for beings like them. He grows into his own, and his wings, when they come in, are dark Gotham colors through and through, with the deep blue of the sky he's come to crave.
Jason is a hybrid between a Mudwing and a Skywing. He's also an animus- not that he knew that. He doesn't find out until he's dying, telling himself to not die, to get back to Gotham, to his dad, his family- And then he wakes up in his Coffin, alive.
Now Cass, raised to be the perfect killer, is also a hybrid, just one between a Nightwing and a Rainwing, egg set out under the moon. Which succeeds, partially. She can't straight up read minds, but combined with her talent in reading body language on both human and inhuman bodies, it's a near thing.
Tim is a Seawing, borderline abandoned by his parents who seek treasures and more wealth as he's trapped back in a city where the water is dark and poisoned. But he's Gothamite, through and through, and he adapts. Scales darker than the original blues he was born with, and glow shifting to that sickly white of the Gotham's Bats.
Now Steph, is a full-blooded Rainwing, and can in fact change her scales, but can mostly be found in purples and golds. Though for a short time she was in another set of colors, thought dead before she slithered out of the shadows older and wiser than before.
Damian is his father's son, but he's also an Al-Ghul. The not-quite dragonet is half Icewing, and half Sandwing. And struggled to adjust at first, to a place so different from his first home where the only other dragons were blood related. But like any Wayne before him, he adjusts, and he adapts.
Billy wasn't a Beetlewing originally, and perhaps he would have hesitated if he'd known it would change him, would change his body and the last thing he had of his parents. But his friends, his Team and new family help. And he can pass as a Silkwing like their sort-of foster mother. All six of them can do so now, even if the others look more like hybrids themselves thanks to not being the Champion. They might not be, but they're his family. And that's enough.
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wofaus · 1 month
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Tempest the SkyWing/SeaWing
Ryusui Nanami - Dr. Stone
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riverripplespeaks · 25 days
The Rotten God
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himm!!! tanzanite. im actually getting better at drawing dragons, thankfully.
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kinkajouwof · 1 month
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 6 months
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Thank you everyone who partook in the poll and please welcome Oryx (Henry) and Opuscribe (William)
I’ll write some lore and draw the Afton kids later, for now I’m gonna read some Hunger Games yaoi and fall asleep
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ouro-bones · 6 months
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If yall are familiar with Wof here's a little treat
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localsharkcryptid · 10 months
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This turned out wayyyy better than anticipated and is way closer to my vision than expected so I am excitedly posting it.
The design for Ouroboros!Dream is far from set in stone but this sets the tone well, he's serpentine and almost unnatural looking in a lot of aspects which is entirely intentional and a byproduct of being created as a personal pawn by a deranged might as well be god.
As you can also see in these sketches I haven't quite figured out which mask option to go with, though it will most likely be the half-mask (top half edition) or the full mask since the reason for it is due to that nature of his eyes - which are alarmingly similar to those of the Dragonbite Viper and well many dragons aren't exactly just comfortable with that.
Additional fun notes:
The "blade" on his tail is effectively a malformed stinger, it lacks any venom or toxin but can be used as a weapon along with the spines along the end of the tail.
He can in fact produce silk! There is Silkwing in his ungodly combination of "genes".
While his colors do not shift with his emotions in the same way a rainwing's do, he can shift through shades of green to darken/lighten his scales either to display emotional state or to provide camouflage in the right environment. He works kinda like a lizard, so his scales get darker/brighter when pissed off.
Anyways I am super proud of this and I think imma do more of these concept art things in the future for characters.
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kanerallels · 4 months
Today's @spectre-week prompt is dedicated to @keeper-of-sparkly-things, because it was her genius idea in the first place! Here it is on AO3, but it's also on here! Enjoy!
The Kingdom of Sand was, in a word, hot. Blisteringly hot, in a way that weighed on the scales and seared through the flesh. Zeb had only been there for a few days, and he felt like he was melting, scale by scale.
He hated it with a passionate fury. But he didn’t have a choice. Home… wasn’t an option anymore.
A shudder rippled through him at the memories— Insidious’s guards showing up at his home village. Lady Crystalline facing them, her children Petrel and Tern behind her, curious.
Blue blood, staining the snow bright.
So much death. Too much. Zeb had barely made it out alive. He still wasn’t sure how he’d made it out. He was captain of the guard, by the moons. He shouldn’t have been the one who was still alive.
But he was. And now he was in the Kingdom of Sand, watching himself evaporate drop by drop.
Pulling his wings a little closer in hope that there was some leftover cold in those scales, he squinted at the desert around him. He’d been traveling for five days, switching between flying and walking, and there was officially no sign of the Ice Kingdom behind him. Just sand and cacti, and the odd desert creature.
Luckily, Zeb had always been good at maps. And if he remembered correctly, he was getting closer to his goal. The Scorpion Den was at the heart of the desert, past even the old Sandwing palace, from back when rulers other than Insidious had actually held power. These days, they were just puppets or talonlicking scum who agreed with Insidious’s lies.
The Scorpion Den wasn’t like that. Mostly because it was a haven for criminals— or so Zeb had always heard. There had been times when it was more organized, run by dragons who wanted to help, not to harm. Now, who knew? All Zeb cared about was that it was a place where, hopefully, he could disappear.
After that… he didn’t know what would come next. Pantala wasn’t watched as closely as Pyrrhia was, so maybe he’d travel to the other continent. But once he was there, then what? Just hide away while the Empire continued their atrocities, massacring dragons who dared to stand up to Insidious?
The truth was, he didn’t know where to go next. The only thing he could focus on was putting one talon in front of the other, and the burning heat beating down on his scales.
It was worse down on the sand, though, and he’d been there for a couple hours already. Flaring his wings, it took Zeb a couple tries to get into the air, but once he was there, flying was a relief. It was a repetitive action, giving him something to focus on, and the wind rushing around him cooled him a little.
Time ticked by, but not much had passed before Zeb saw a dark shape looming on the horizon. As he grew closer, he recognized it with a jolt. This was the Sandwing palace. He’d been to once when he was new in the guard, years ago.
If he’d reached the palace, then it couldn’t be long before he reached the Scorpion Den. Beating his wings harder, Zeb pushed onwards. He was close— and he hadn’t had anything to drink in a while. There would be water there, and he could submerge himself in an oceanful.
He thought wistfully of the frigid seas of the Ice Kingdom, and kept flying.
Hours slipped by. The sun sank in the sky, but Zeb didn’t stop. It was smarter for him to fly by night, anyways. Kept him safe from prying eyes, and from the heat of the day.
So he flew through the night, the moons glittering off his wings, the temperature dropping to something far more pleasantly chilly. The night passed in a blur, the sky going dark and then fading into light again.
The sun slowly bled over the horizon, turning the sand below him orange and staining the sky. In the distance, the dark shape of a sprawling city marred the wide expanse of desert.
Zeb had made it to the Scorpion Den.
He landed outside the city limits gracefully. And by gracefully, he meant his wings faltered and his head spun and he wound up in a tangled pile, face down and spitting out sand.
In his defense, he’d been flying all night. And it had been a long time since he last had any water.
Scrambling up, he shook off his wings, waited until his head stopped whirling, and then started towards the city gate.
Zeb only made it a little ways into the city when he realized this wasn’t like any cities he’d ever been to before. The Ice Kingdom, while welcoming to other tribes, was simply too cold for other species. They generally had to leave their home to experience others. That had been more common, before Insidious. Now, with his reign, the Icewings kept to themselves. The idea of a Nightwing king ruling over everyone was just a little too close to certain past events to be anything less than ominous.
So the town where Zeb lived, and most of the others, were just Icewings.
There wasn’t an Icewing in sight here. There were Sandwings, mostly. But also Skywings, their orange and red scales bright against the sand, and duller brown Mudwings. The colors overlapped in an autumnal medley, with an occasional pop of blue from a Seawing or black from a Nightwing.
They were a little unusual. Zeb stuck out like a sore thumb, and everyone around him knew it. A lot of hostile and suspicious glances were being sent his way, and it was getting old. Zeb put on his most aggressive look— which didn’t take much, he was a natural at looking mean— and decided to find the closest oasis or well. If he didn’t get water soon, he was probably going to pass out.
He hadn’t made it far when things started to get interesting.
First, the streets started to get emptier. The dragons around him slipped out of sight or darted down alleyways, and Zeb frowned. Something was wrong.
Second, a squad of Insidious’s armored stormtroopers came barrelling down the street, and Zeb froze. Just the sight of them brought back memories he didn’t care to relive, and he tensed, ready for a fight.
But they went right past him, like he wasn’t even there, charging into a nearby alleyway, bristling with weapons.
What was happening nearby that was more dangerous than him?
Curiosity tugged at him until he found himself heading down the same alleyway, ears pricked. It wasn’t long before he heard… something. Snarls and shouts, clattering weapons. There was the barest hint of smoke, and Zeb slowed a little as he came closer.
Peeking around a corner, he took in the sight before him.
There were six stormtroopers, all carrying swords or spears and clad in white armor that covered their scales. They’d backed their quarry into a corner, and Zeb realized, with a jolt of surprise, that it was a Leafwing.
He hadn’t met too many Pantalan dragons in his time, and he was pretty sure this was the first Leafwing he’d ever seen. His scales were green, with highlights of brown, and his eyes were a surprising shade of blue-green.
More surprising than that, however, was his reaction to the troopers. He didn’t look remotely concerned. In fact, a bit of a smile crossed his face as he bounced on his talons a little, ready for a fight.
Zeb was already pretty sure he liked this guy.
“Surrender, rebel,” one of the troopers barked at him. “You’ve been interfering in Emperor Insidious’s business.”
The Leafwing snorted. “If keeping you from beating up a dragonet is interfering, then I think I’ll keep doing it.”
“Hybrids are outlawed—”
“For existing, yeah. So I’ve heard.” Flexing his talons, the Leafwing glared at them. “Dragons shouldn’t have to justify their right to live.”
“Disrespect like this won’t be tolerated,” the stormtrooper snarled, and the Leafwing grinned.
“Then do something about it.”
The troopers were about to attack. Zeb could see them tensing, ready to move in. And while the Leafwing looked like a warrior, that didn’t mean he could handle six on his own.
Which was good. Because Zeb was about ready for a fight too.
Stepping away from the wall, he inhaled deeply, then exhaled a long blast of frostbreath across the bare wings of the troopers in front of him.
Some of it missed, collecting in frosty spirals across the armor on their back, but it hit the mark well enough. The two dragons recoiled, howling— and the Leafwing moved.
He was fast, almost faster than Zeb as he barrelled into the nearest trooper. Letting out a snarl of satisfaction, Zeb hurled himself into the fray, yanking a spear from one of the trooper’s talons. Grabbing him and one of his companions, he slammed their heads together, and let them drop to the ground.
The Leafwing had already dispatched one of the dragons Zeb had hit with his frostbreath. The other one had collapsed, unmoving, on the ground. Another was fighting the Leafwing. And the sixth—
A blast of fire seared Zeb’s side, and he jerked backwards with a snarl. Swinging the spear at the dragon advancing towards him, he forced him backwards, backing him against the wall. He sent a blast of frostbreath towards him, then, when the trooper was distracted pulling back, slammed the hilt of the spear into his head.
It cracked against the helmet, but it worked. The trooper folded to the ground, unmoving. Dropping the spear, Zeb let out a satisfied grunt. It had been far too long since he’d gotten in a good fight.
“Thanks for the assist.”
Zeb turned to see the Leafwing, eying him curiously. “No problem,” he said.
The Leafwing nodded. “I’m Kanan. We don’t see a lot of Icewings here.”
“Can’t imagine why. Not like it’s a blasted inferno around here,” Zeb said dryly, grimacing. “And it’s Zeb.”
Kanan studied him for a minute, then seemed to come to a decision. “Well, Zeb, I think I can help with some of that. Come on— let’s get some water on those burns.”
Without waiting for a response, he turned and ducked down an alley. Zeb hesitated, wondering if it was a good idea to follow a clearly proficient warrior down a dark alley— but at this point, he was too thirsty to care. He headed after the Leafwing.
They wound their way down narrow alleys and edged between buildings, keeping away from the main crowds— though Zeb could hear them, calling and arguing and selling things. Finally, they popped out in front of a large white tent, and Kanan led the way inside.
The interior was shady and cooler, and Zeb enjoyed the lack of sun for a minute before taking in his surroundings. There were a few rugs and pillows piled in a corner, along with a wooden chest and a rack of weapons, and an opening at the back, which Kanan was heading towards. “We’ve got access to one of the oases out here,” he called over his shoulder. “You’re lucky— the Empire and the gangs have got all the others.”
Zeb hurried after him, coming out in front of a wide pool, surrounded by palm trees. There were a handful of other dragons, filling waterskins or flasks, but Zeb didn’t pay any attention to them.
Heading straight to the pool, he stuck his head in, gulping down several mouthfuls with a groan of relief. He heard Kanan off to his left talking to someone, but didn’t pay attention to the words as he scooped water out of the pool, dripping it over the burns from his encounter with the troopers. None were too bad, but they did sting, and Zeb wished, more than ever, for a pile of snow. Or at least for a lack of oppressive heat.
He settled for dumping a talonful of water over his head, then drinking a little more, this time slowly. The last thing he wanted was to be sick, and he was pretty sure that was a thing that could happen.
Sitting back on the sand, Zeb glanced towards Kanan. The Leafwing was approaching him, holding something, and at his side was another dragon. At first glance, to Zeb’s surprise, she looked to be a Silkwing.
Silkwings were a little more common than Leafwings— but where they were seen, all too often, they were slaves. Ornaments of society, as pretty as Rainwings but without the magical death spit. Zeb had always hated that practice. Thank the three moons, it was rare in the Ice Kingdom.
And this Silkwing didn’t look like a slave. Her green eyes were steady and calm, not a drop of subservience or fear in them. She held herself like a leader, not a servant. And while her green wings with the silvery lighter green patterns resembled Silkwings closely, the yellow highlights looked decidedly… sandy?
Interesting, Zeb thought. This might explain why Kanan had been picking a fight over a hybrid dragonet.
“Zeb, this is Hera,” Kanan told him, nodding at the Silkwing. “She’s the boss around here. Hera, this is—”
“The reason you’re not dead right now,” Hera finished, and Kanan gave her an offended look.
“I can handle myself.”
“Uh-huh. Whatever you say, dear.” Oh, they’re totally a thing, Zeb thought as Hera turned her attention to him. “Thank you for helping him out, Zeb. I wish there was some way we could repay you—”
“The water is just fine, ma’am,” Zeb told her.
Grinning, Kanan said, “I think we can do better than that.”
He tossed him the object he’d been holding, and Zeb caught it. It was an armband, made of green leather, and he frowned. “Right. Jewelry. That’s… great? Totally won’t look hideous on me?”
Rolling his eyes, Kanan said, “It was all I had. Put it on— you’ll see.”
Dubiously, Zeb strapped it onto one of his front arms. The minute it clicked shut, he froze.
Literally. A wave of icy cold swept the heat away, bathing him in arctic temperatures. It felt like he was outside on a perfectly cool day at home. “What—” Zeb stared at Kanan. And then he saw the narrow bracelet clasped around Kanan’s wrist, and the matching one on Hera’s. The kind that were generally animus touched communicators.
“Temperature regulator,” Kanan said, looking satisfied. “Removable at any time, and it’ll adjust to any climate. You’re welcome.”
“Thanks,” Zeb said, staring at him. “What— are you—”
“Not that we make that public,” Hera added, her voice quiet. “The less people who know what he can do, the better.”
Nodding, Zeb said, “Got it. Well, thanks. Er— why did you help me?”
Kanan shrugged. “You helped me. It’s the least I could do. Besides… we’ve been hearing rumors about something bad happening in the Ice Kingdom. If you are running from that, you’ll need it.”
A memory of blood and terror flickered through Zeb’s mind, and he shoved it away. “Yeah. You’re not wrong.”
Hera nodded, her gaze sympathetic. “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you like. Do you have any plans?”
“Not yet,” Zeb admitted. “But… I guess I could stick around for a bit.”
“We’re glad to have you,” Kanan told him, and for the first time since Zeb had run, things felt… not quite easier. But he was somewhere safe, with people who he could trust. And that was a step in the right direction.
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theravequeen · 11 days
Been a while since I've posted art or OC content, but I made some art of Strangesight and his siblings!
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Left to right, Ichorhunter, Strangesight, Mirrordawn
Ichorhunter is the oldest, Mirrordawn is the youngest
(effectively these three are Victor, Stephen, and Donna Strange in my marvel x wof AU)
Feel free to ask questions!
Alts under the cut!
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Feel free to ask me questions about them!!
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dopegardenersheep · 2 years
HL & Portal / Wings of Fire crossover time bc I like dragons and both of these franchises and I want to get it off somewhere before I made art of them
This crossover is basically just the characters of Half-Life and Portal in a Wings of Fire setting. The worldbuilding is altered slightly to accustom them more, Pantala and Pyrrhia still exists and tribes from both continents are well-acquainted with each other to a degree that's beyond what the books depicted, tribes from one continent are frequently sighted in another and are found to even inhabit them.
Animus dragons (god forbid they can just thanos snap the Combine and Xen flora-fauna invasion out of existence) and scavengers don't exist in this crossover. So essentially all characters are just dragons, and humanoid entities are also dragon-esque in design
Black Mesa and Aperture Science are located on Pantala, their company names remain unchanged because I have no idea on what else to call them lol. The events of HL2 and so forth takes place in Pyrrhia
Anyway on with the characters themselves keep in mind these are only humans (and probably some robots) so there'd be no humanoid aliens like Vorts or the Nihilanth. Also because I said in the context of the world that means their names will follow the naming rule of the tribe I designated them with so there won't be last names (but I'm tempted to call Gordon Freeman 'The One Free Wing' lmao) I won't show their names yet bc some aren't finalized yet 😭
Gordon Freeman - MudWing
Alyx Vance - RainWing/NightWing
Barney Calhoun - SilkWing
Adrian Shephard - LeafWing
Gina Cross - SandWing
Colette Green - RainWing
Isaac Kleiner - SeaWing
Eli Vance - NightWing
Arne Magnusson - SkyWing
Judith Mossman - HiveWing
Wallace Breen - SeaWing
Father Gregori - NightWing
The G-Man - NightWing/IceWing
Russell - IceWing/MudWing
Olga - SkyWing
Larry - SandWing
The Contractor - HiveWing
Adding in my fav HL mod aka Entropy Zero bc I can
Aidan Walker (3650) - IceWing
Wilson - HiveWing
• Humans :
Chell - SkyWing/SeaWing
Doug Rattmann - NightWing
Cave Johnson - SandWing
Caroline - IceWing
Greg - HiveWing
Henry - NightWing
Charlie - HiveWing/LeafWing
Mel - SkyWing
• AI (modelled after) :
GLaDOS - IceWing
Wheatley - SeaWing/IceWing
Rick - RainWing
Fact Core - NightWing
Space Core - SilkWing/NightWing
Morality Core - MudWing
Curiosity Core - RainWing/SandWing
Intelligence Core - SeaWing/HiveWing
Anger Core - SkyWing/MudWing
ATLAS - SeaWing
P-Body - SkyWing
Oracle Turret - NightWing
Animal King Turret - RainWing/MudWing
Prima Donna Turret - SandWing
Grady - SilkWing
Virgil - LeafWing/SilkWing
Friendly Frank - SeaWing
Alan - HiveWing
Deceptive Danny - RainWing
Bill Cunningham - LeafWing
And... done.
Man I like rambling about things no one would hear is this what Tumblr is all about?
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thsc-stuffs · 2 years
On one hand it feels absolutely cursed to have Henry with red/gold stuff but on the other hand Nightwing/Skywing hybrid makes Sense for him and its sorta cool tbh?
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autistic-blazamy · 5 months
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its been on my mind for abit and i forgot how to draw dragons so sonic / wings of fire au stuff under cut if you cant read my handwriting
sonic - silk / sky (minor firescales) tails - silkwing eggman - mudwing (animus) shadow - sky / night maria - mudwing
afew more ideas i had can be found here (plus someone i dont know)
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wofaus · 1 month
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Foxtail the LeafWing
Senku Ishigami - Dr. Stone
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