#wolf rescue
Maned wolf cub getting pets and making happy leggy noises
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heavendraven · 1 year
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twilight princess really dropped the character design of all time and then did NOTHING with her....
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bikananjarrus · 5 months
hey remember how caleb saw a force vision of depa being killed during order 66 before it happened. yeah was that fucked up or what ha ha. Help
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aroaessidhe · 13 days
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aro & ace books: aroace boys/men
in some of these it's explored significantly, in others it's only vaguely/briefly implied!
Sailing By Orion’s Star - historical trilogy, 3 aroace MCs
The Stones Stay Silent - high fantasy
Fallen Thorns - urban fantasy/paranormal
The Wolf Among The Wild Hunt - dark fantasy
The Siren The Song and The Spy - YA fantasy, one of various MCs (in book 2)
Wander The Night - urban fantasy
Lord of the Empty Isles - scifi/fantasy
Sinners - dark fantasy duology
The Dragon of Ynys - fantasy
Royal Rescue - high fantasy
City of Exile - high fantasy series, one of many MCs (other aspec chars too)
The Loudest Silence - YA contemporary, 1 of 2 MCs
See also: Rick, The Rhythm of My Soul, Party of Fools, The Chronicles of Nerezia
#aspec books / aspec database / tumblr masterpost
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animalbabypolls · 6 months
Losers Branch Rescue Round Pt.1
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The winner will be set back into the main competition branch! Since this time there are WAY more animals competing I'd appreciate a reblog to have the biggest vote sample we can!
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effen-draws · 11 months
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This is their dynamic right?
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 27 - Fix-It
@wolfstarmicrofic July 27, word count 876
CW - Murder, killing with a knife, blood, dead bodies, graves
Part eight of werewolf Sirius
Previous part First part
He looked at the note over and over. It was definitely Regulus’s handwriting, he’d watched him use it enough times. The papers had said he’d drowned and every scrap of information he’d managed to gather said the same. Regulus Black had drowned. He’d thought it odd, as Regulus had always been a strong swimmer. He often out-swam Sirius himself. But now he knew the truth, but he couldn’t think why Voldemort would lock the son of his most loyal servants away and lie about his death, hopefully, he could ask Regulus himself once they got him out. 
Greyback returned on the day of the full moon. His followers grabbed Sirius and forced him to his knees. He glared up at the old wolf. They’d prepared for this. 
“Well, Lord Black, are you ready?” Greyback growled. “Your brother’s life hangs in the balance. If you answer incorrectly again, I’m afraid that young Master Black won’t see the moon rise.” Sirius shook with rage. 
“How do I know you’ll keep your word and let Regulus live?” Sirius’s voice was shaky. He added to it, pretending it was with nervousness. 
“When you agree, I shall send word to the Dark Lord and your brother’s carers that you are doing as commanded, and they will keep him alive until the sunrises tomorrow and I will send word that Dumbledore is dead. If I don’t your brother, your lover and yourself will not live another day.” Greyback’s eyes flicked over to Marcus. “You know what, we'll throw in your little buddy as well. He’s been useless to me since he arrived anyway.” Sirius swallowed and let his head hang low.
“I’ll do it,” He whispered. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t quite hear that,” Greyback smiled horridly, holding a hand to his ear. 
“I’ll take you to Albus Dumbledore in exchange for my brother’s life.” He repeated, defeatedly. Greyback took out a small scroll of parchment, held it up and clicked his fingers. It disappeared into a cloud of black smoke. A minute later, a different parchment returned in the same black smoke and Greyback unfurled it. 
“The Dark Lord is very happy with you, Lord Black.” He turned to address the rest of the camp. “We will be leaving in a few hours for the forbidden forest. Prepare yourselves, my children. Tonight is going to be written in the history books!” A knife slid across Greyback’s neck, he raised his hands to the wound as blood poured out. He fell to the ground with a sickening thump. Then, one after the other, his closest followers fell with him and a few others dotted through the gathered wolves. Remus stepped forward. 
“Well done. We leave for Lestrange castle before nightfall.” The gathered wolves all bowed to their new leader, Sirius included. Remus bent and pulled Sirius up from the ground. They stood together looking at the new pack they’d created. A wolf pack that after tonight would be peaceful and free from Greyback and Voldemort’s whims. 
“Who’s hungry? After all that, I’m starving,” Marcus rose from his bow, clapping his hands together. “Hey, when you’ve finished making googly eyes at your mate, pack master. Could you do something about this rubbish strewn across the camp before it starts to stink?” Marcus joked, holding his nose closed. Remus rolled his eyes at the mischievous wolf and raised his wand. He levitated them into the forest and dug graves for them all. No words were said and the few that had gathered quickly left. 
The pack of twenty wolves arrived at the castle gates. Those who could do magic had acquired wands, and together they began to pull apart the protection spells keeping them out. Sirius felt the last bit of magic breaking and the gate swung open. Sirius walked through as they’d discussed earlier to check it was safe. When nothing happened, the rest of the pack followed. 
They hid in the shadows away from the main door. He and Remus locked the gates again with their own brand of magic. It would be almost impossible for anyone to get in or out who wasn't already familiar with their spells. Sirius cast a reviling charm to show how many people were in the castle. Faint yellow dots appeared before him. He counted ten in all. Nine gathered together in the dining room and one below in the dungeons. Smaller blue dots shone together in the kitchen. House elves. He watched as another blue light appeared, and together they all disappeared. He ended the spell. Taking Remus's hand, they turned back to the gathered wolves.  
“Anyone who has changed their mind now that we are here and doesn’t wish to take part in this fight can go and none of us will hold it against them. We will meet you at the new camp tomorrow if we make it out,” Remus addressed his pack in a whisper. Their superior hearing meant they all heard the quiet words. None of the pack moved.  
Sirius could feel the change coming. Remus looked at him, and they shared a silent moment before the first whimper left one of the other wolves. They hastily cast a silencing charm around the pack and let the wolves within out to play.  
Next part
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sholmeser · 1 month
so like it’s 1999 and solid snake is in zanzibar land and gray fox tells you that all he can do is fight. it’s all he has and it’s probably all you’re ever going to have, too, because deep down you know your father is right, you know he is right as you click the lighter and burn the flesh off his skin, you know he is right when he tells you, this will never go away. i am always going to be a part of you. it’s 2005 and solid snake is in shadow moses island, alaska and gray fox tells you that’s good, snake. hit me harder. do it more. that’s good. when you meet meryl you kill the guards, and then snake thinks he loves her, so you kill psycho mantis for her, ocelot tortures you and you withstand it for her, you beat liquid to a pulp for her and while his blood is on your fists he smiles and tells you that you two, you’ll always be the same. gray fox means violence means meryl means violence, so what’s love if not that? what is it if not the feeling of broken bones under your knuckles, if not the smell of your father’s burnt flesh? but she's too young, she doesn’t understand you and she couldn’t if she tried, because she’s eighteen years old and doesn’t know any better and doesn’t understand that after you sleep with her you’re going to get up and let the pillow grow cold, she thinks you’ll tell her everything and when you don’t, because you can’t, she’ll leave you. you kill him with your fists and for her you destroy shadow moses and you hear him say to you again that’s good, snake, that feels good, do it harder. but it isn’t a coincidence that in mgs1 you meet otacon at the same time you meet gray fox. otacon who is so scared of battle he pisses his pants and otacon who cries over a woman who could never love him back and otacon who thinks good people like dogs, kind people like dogs, otacon who passed you a meal, ready-to-eat and a bottle of ketchup across the bars of your cell and when you ask him why the fuck are you here if you cant help me he says to you, i thought you might be hungry. otacon who gives you her handkerchief that was once her mother's and will be hers once again when she dies, when you rest it atop her glazed-over irises, a cycle of love. she was a good person, snake, and so are you. she liked the wolves and you do too. otacon who cries over his baby sister’s little body, who blames himself for being seventeen years old under the touch of the woman who should have been his mother. otacon who when it's 2014 will make you the solid eye and the octocamo suit and the mk. ii to keep you safe and say to you, don't hurt anyone, snake. will say to you: i'll follow you wherever you go, like this. otacon who blubbers like a baby and cries too much and who, when it's 2009 in new york city, you have to say to, go rescue the hostages, because if you don’t he’s going to crumple in on himself, a dying star. this is how you love, you don’t say to him, and how i love, because you showed me how. wrap your arms around his shoulders and hope it’s enough.
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krikeymate · 2 years
Enid laments her lack of pack after another row with her mother. Wednesday promises her that she shall always have a pack, and pulls her out their room. Wednesday drags her into the trees, and Enid is a little confused, but she’s still reeling from the intensity of Wednesday’s words, waving at Eugene as they pass the hives. Enid smiles to herself, and yeah, maybe she doesn’t have a traditional pack, but she has a pack.
They stop, Wednesday whistles. 30 seconds pass in silence.
“Wednesday wha-”
In the blink of an eye, they’re surrounded. Enid stiffens, adrenaline rushes through her, claws and fangs escape with a snick.
Wednesday turns, hands clasped in front of her. “A pack. For you.”
“Wednesday, what the fuck.”
Enid eyes the wolves surrounding them cautiously. 9 of them, all a variety of size, shape, and colour. A close look reveals hidden injuries, small patches of missing fur, scars glinting in the light.
“You’ll find them to be a much more intelligent conversation than your previous pack.”
“Wednesday. What. The. Fuck.”
Wednesday appears visibly confused, brow furrowing. As if this is an entirely normal and reasonable situation.
“You wanted a pack. Behold, a pack.”
Enid startles as one nudges her leg, sniffing curiously. Snapping her eyes back to Wednesday desperate to know what to do, she’s startled by the sight in front of her. Wednesday is petting one, as two others rub against her and another flops down at her feet.
She turns back to the wolf and slowly reaches out, relaxing when she isn’t immediately ravaged. The wolf begins to wag its tail as she scritches its ears and Enid finds herself smiling. Ok, so this was a little cute.
- 🐺 -
“Wait, there are no actual wolves in Jericho, where did they come from?”
“Oh I bought them with me from home.”
“Wednesday, what the fuck.”
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whump-tr0pes · 1 month
Lux in Tenebris, Medieval AU - Wolves, Part 1
Takes place a few weeks after this chapter
Contents: lost in the woods, environmental whump, attacked by wolves, wolf bite, blood, rescue
Nightfall was coming quickly in the forest. Ilya’s heart fluttered as they raised their head to peer at the rapidly fading sky through the dense canopy above them. They couldn’t tell if the trees around them were unfamiliar, or if these were the same trees they had walked past a dozen times already today. They had lost the trail hours ago – of that, they were certain. And with the coming evening came a chill in the air. They shivered and pulled their cloak tighter around them.
As if called by their uneasiness, a howl sounded in the distance.
Their throat tightened in real fear now. They knew as well as anyone that wolves roamed these woods. Hunters complained about wolves snatching the animals from their snares – they shuddered and tried not to think of the creature boy he had found in the snare just weeks ago. Last summer a particularly brave wolf had ventured into shepherd Belven’s flock and taken four sheep. The entire village had mourned with him. Even the loss of one sheep was a hardship. Four was a tragedy.
Another howl rose from Ilya’s other side. This wolf was closer. They shuddered and quickened their strides. The air was colder, too; they could see their breath. One thing was certain: they were not going to reach the village tonight. They had to make camp, and soon, before they completely lost the light.
Ahead, they spotted a fallen tree with branches that spread over the ground, creating a makeshift shelter. It would do. It would have to do. They hurried forward and peered under the branches, making sure they were not unwittingly wandering into another creature’s den. Spotting nothing, they slung their pack from their shoulders and dug around for their flint and steel. Their fingers curled around it and they let out a breath.
Quickly, they gathered some moss for tinder, and some twigs for kindling. They found a few branches for larger fuel for the fire. By the time they were done, they had to strain their eyes to see. They built up a small pile of moss and struck their flint and steel to make a spark. Nothing happened. They cursed and tried again. A small spark flew, but missed the moss. They tried again. The spark landed and caught. They blew a gentle breath at the base of the moss and let it catch the rest. Slowly, they fed the little flame a twig, then another. The fire grew until it was the size of their hand. They build a small structure of sticks around it until the fire lit it. They breathed a sigh of relief as heat bloomed over their cold cheeks.
They raised their gaze to glance around the small clearing surrounding their little shelter. Looking back at them was a pair of yellow eyes.
Their hands shook as they built up the fire, feeding larger and larger sticks into it until it was a blaze. The sky was dark now, and the forest was alive with sounds. Insects buzzed around them, and frogs croaked to each other in the undergrowth. Then, so close it made Ilya’s hair stand on end, a wolf howled.
Another answered. A twig snapped in the trees to Ilya’s right, and they whimpered in fear. A pair of glowing yellow eyes darted past on the edge of the clearing. Another circled, its owner just on the edge of the halo of light cast by their small campfire.
“Leave me alone!” they cried, pawing around for a large stick, a rock, anything they could use to fend off the encroaching pack. “Go away!”
Another howl. This time, Ilya could see the wolf it belonged to. It stood at the edge of the clearing. Its gray fur was illuminated by the fire, and its head arched back with its cry. It was huge; its shoulder probably stood as high as Ilya’s. They skittered back on their elbows, as far under the tree as they could get, their eyes fixed in horror on the wolf as it dropped its head and sauntered forward. Another wolf paced at the edge of the clearing. Yet another stepped into the light of the fire, this one dark brown and just as large as the first one.
“Go away!” Ilya screamed, wedging themself under the tree trunk. “Please!”
A third pair of yellow eyes surveyed them hungrily from the clearing. Ilya’s stomach flipped as they stared back. The huge gray wolf reached Ilya and closed its teeth on their leg, dragging them out from under the tree. Ilya shrieked in terror and pain, hands scrabbling in the dirt and fallen leaves. Canine jaws clamped down on their shirt and tore the fabric.
Someone – or something – streaked into the clearing and bowled the wolf over, snarling like an animal. The wolf whined like a dog and staggered to its feet.
Standing in front of the wolves, eyes wild and clothes torn, was the boy that Ilya had freed from the hunter’s snare. His eyes were huge in the firelight, the pupils reflecting yellow like a wolf’s. Fangs descended past his lip and he lunged for the wolf again.
All three wolves turned tail and ran.
The boy glared after them, his eyes piercing through the darkness. Ilya trembled and let out a sob. He whirled and fell to his knees beside them in an instant.
They flinched away from him. He froze, his hands suspended above him like he was afraid to touch them. He no longer had fangs, Ilya realized. They wondered if the fangs only descended when he was frightened, or angry.
“A-are you alright?” he croaked.
Ilya swallowed hard. “You speak English?”
He nodded slowly. “I… I can speak English, yes.”
Ilya felt shaky, and like they might be sick. “Why didn’t you before?”
“I was frightened,” he said softly. His eyes darted to Ilya’s leg. “You��re hurt.”
The pain washed over them then. They retched weakly into the dirt beneath them. They stiffened when they felt gentle hands at their leg, peeling the torn strips of their ruined pants away from their lower leg.
The boy blew out a slow breath. “You can keep the leg, at least.”
“It… it hurts,” Ilya whimpered.
The boy chewed his lip. “We’re too far from the village for us to make it back tonight. And… and I do not want to leave you here alone.”
“Do you live in the village?” Ilya said. Their lips were going numb.
He looked at them with a sad, strange look. “No,” he said finally. “No, I live… here. In the woods.”
“Then will you take me to where you live?” Ilya sobbed weakly. Sweat broke out over their body. “Please, I…” Their stomach heaved. “Please.”
The boy chewed his lip as he looked around at the clearing. Then, he nodded. “Yes,” he said. “It’s not… it’s not comfortable, for someone like… for humans. But I’ll take you there. And I’ll keep you safe until morning.” With that, he got to his feet and grabbed Ilya’s pack. He slung it over his shoulders. Then, he pulled Ilya up, letting them lean on him as much as they needed. He stomped out the fire before they left the clearing. Every time Ilya looked at him, the moon reflected in his yellow eyes.
Continued here
@womping-grounds , @free-2bmee , @quirkykayleetam , @walkingchemicalfire , @inpainandsuffering , @redwingedwhump , @burtlederp , @castielamigos-whump-side-blog , @whatwhumpcomments , @whumpywhumper , @stxck-fxck ,  @whumps-the-word , @justwhumpitwhumpitgood,  @inky-whump ,  @orchidscript , @inkyinsanity , @this-mightaswell-happen , @newandfiguringitout , @whumpkitty , @pebbledriscoll , @im-just-here-for-the-whump , @endless-whump , @grizzlie70 , @oops-its-whump , @kixngiggles, @1phoenixfeather , @butwhatifyouwrite , @carnagecardinal , @laves-here, @mylifeisonthebookshelf , @wolfeyedwitch , @batfacedliar , @also-finder-of-rings , @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump, @extrabitterbrain, @i-eat-worlds
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lotusxpop · 2 months
Drew some stuff from my fic “h2o: just add water” on ao3 cuz writers Block is even more fun when you have been sick for a month
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𝔇erek ℌale 𝔏ives
some mornings, you wake up and find you’re able to finish the blasphemous FUCK YOU TEEN WOLF MOVIE! tribute artwork you’ve mean meaning to share with the world for a while now… must have jesus our lord and saviour on my side today or something, huh? he gets it lol
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
@nancyheart, have Dad Squad minus the Dads! <3
Trees passed rapidly as the wolf tore through the forest. Link held tightly to his fur, crouched low against his body and glaring fiercely ahead. They were hunting, and he wanted to make sure they caught up to their prey quickly.
Those Yiga jerks weren't going to keep their filthy hands on Scars if he could help it.
He felt so stupid how it had happened. He'd found a river and wanted to go swimming and have fun. He'd noticed fairies and wanted to follow them, and Wolf had to track him, leaving Scars at their camp.
Which meant the Yiga could sneak in and kidnap him. It wasn't like Scars could defend himself, after all.
So now here they were, tracking the Yiga's smelly banana scent and racing to catch up. Wolf snarled, and Link grabbed his sword to get ready.
He didn't really have much fighting to do. Wolf was ferocious, claws and teeth shredding skin and bone. Link swung once or twice, knocked a Yiga down with his slingshot for Wolf to finish off, but their little band of bad guys quickly fell to the ground or fled.
Scars was in the middle, curled in on himself. Link gasped, jumping off Wolf as his furry friend patrolled quickly before also joining them.
"Do you think they hurt him?" he asked as he looked his friend over. Scars had only just started waking recently, not really aware of anything, but at least able to drink. It seemed taking him to different fairy fountains was helping a little, at least.
Wolf sniffed Scars, licking hesitantly at his forehead. Scars flinched at the touch, snorting a little in response, making Link giggle.
"Hey, look! More bananas!" Link pointed out, noticing a cache of the fruit. He was honestly starting to grow a little tired of it, but sometimes he cut it into fun shapes. Wolf didn't seem to like it all that much, but Link figured that was because wolves ate meat. He'd never seen a wolf eat a banana, after all.
Maybe he could get Scars to eat one?
Grabbing the bananas, he stuffed them in his pouch. He still hadn't gotten all of his supplies, even after burning down the Yiga dungeon. They'd taken it and spread it around. He really hoped they weren't using his ocarina or his masks. Especially the Fierce Deity.
He... he was scared of what might happen if they use the deity mask. It would be Termina all over again. But he felt like that would be obvious, and the world wasn't ending or anything, so that was a good start. He'd dealt with worse than this. It would be fine.
Wolf licked him unexpectedly, drawing a giggle out of him. Wolf was silly sometimes. He wagged his tail, nuzzling Scars, who scrunched his face, noticing Wolf's wet nose tickling him. Link giggled at that too.
"Come on," he prompted, pushing Scars a little. Wolf laid on the ground so he could try to ease the teenager on to his friend's back. Then they rode off towards the edge of the woods. "The fairies earlier told me there was another great fairy nearby!"
They'd fix Scars up, and Link would get his gear back and find the final boss for these Yiga jerks, and that would be that. Wolf would leave him, just as everyone else did.
But he'd at least have fun in the meantime, he guessed.
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shallowseeker · 12 days
I can't remember this episode and I know it's got problems but ALSO.
Did... Jack... rob someone?
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ellie-woody · 12 days
Three new f/os added to my list! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 29 - Crack Fic
@wolfstarmicrofic July 29, word count 990
CW - Blood
Part ten of werewolf Sirius
Previous part First part
The big black wolf glared at the human standing across from him. He growled and then suddenly stopped. He scrunched his muzzle up in an odd way and inhaled quick sharp breaths before an almighty sneeze flew from his nose. 
The wolf sneezed over and over, making odd choo sounds. 
When the sneeze attack was finally over, the wolf used his long pink tongue to lick his shiny black nose. 
“Yuck,” Regulus exclaimed from the corner. The wolf looked up at him. Regulus was covered head to toe in werewolf snot. 
Before the wolf could move any further into the cell, thunderous paws came charging down the corridor behind him. He didn’t even have time to look around before two sets of teeth sunk into his back legs, lifting them from the ground and began dragging him backwards away from the dungeons. 
He fell to the floor, his front legs unable to keep up with the fast backward movement. They splayed out before him and his stomach dragged against the cold stone. He whined in an annoyed way at the other two wolves. But they ignored him and continued to drag him towards the stairs. His head bounced on the first few steps, making him bite his tongue. After the fifth step, he held his head up. 
He was dragged unceremoniously outside by his pack master and the wolf he thought was his friend and dumped under some apple trees. 
The air smelt cleaner out here. Inside, the smell of human blood was so heavy in the air he’d been drooling. Now it just smelt like rotting apples. 
He stood up, shook out his fur and bent to assess the damage to his back legs. He licked at the small puncture wounds, cleaning them and his fur. He lifted his massive head and growled at the other wolves. The bigger grey one growled back at him so ferociously that he fell over his own feet when he tried to retreat. The brown one barked happily as it too fell off its feet in a mocking way. The black wolf got up, chuntering under his breath. 
The grey wolf came over and nuzzled him. He sighed and nuzzled him back. He was rewarded with a lick for his efforts. The grey wolf butted him, leading him further into the orchard.
He followed obediently. Something squished unpleasantly beneath his paw. He lifted his foot up and watched the mushy, foul-smelling, rotten fruit drip from the bottom of his foot. He whined softly in displeasure, before shaking what he could off and carrying on behind the grey wolf. The rest of the pack came into view, and they yipped happily at the approaching trio. The grey wolf accepted his pack’s adorations and then led the black wolf away from the group. 
They settled down in an area with fewer apples on the ground and curled up. Exhausted after all that had happened in the castle, the black wolf soon fell asleep, curled up warm against his mate. 
When Sirius awoke, he panicked. Regulus! He stood on wobbly legs and tried to run forward, only to stumble on a piece of stuck-up root and bang into a tree.  
“Ouch!” He grumbled at the offending timber. 
“Sirius, calm down. Regulus was fine when we left him last night. You need to get dressed before we do anything. If you go back into that castle naked, Regulus will curse your bollocks off wand or not.” Remus warned him. Remus stood and stretched his long body, the joints popping satisfactorily. Remus went over to the trunk they’d stowed before they transformed and unlocked it. Inside was everybody’s clothing and wands. Remus took out his and Sirius's clothing and wands and they dressed. 
“Is everyone accounted for?” Remus asked the gathered wolves. Sirius did a quick head count. He didn’t think anyone was missing. 
“Yes, pack master, everyone made it out with relatively few injuries.” One of the older wolves piped up. 
“Good. Thank you all so much for helping us with this. Please return to the new camp. There should be food and medicine waiting for you. We’ll follow shortly.” The wolves bowed to Remus when he’d finished speaking and one by one they disapparated. “Right,” Remus said, turning to Sirius once they were alone. “Let’s go get Regulus out before someone comes looking for Bellatrix or one of the others.”
They hurried across the grounds and into the creepily silent castle. Sirius gipped at the overpowering scent of blood, almost vomiting. It was ghastly. 
They made their way to the dungeons where they found a very disgruntled Regulus waiting for them. He glowered at Sirius, still covered in the snot Sirius’s wolf had sprayed on him. 
“Took you long enough,” Regulus spat out. 
“You’re very welcome for your rescue, dear brother.” Sirius huffed back haughtily. 
“Wand,” Regulus ordered. 
“Excuse me,” Sirius was taken aback by Regulus’s rudeness. He’d expected him to be overjoyed to be free. 
“Give me your wand,” Regulus hissed through his teeth. Remus tossed his over when Sirius didn’t move.
“Thank you, Lupin,” Regulus nodded at him politely. 
“What the fuck?! You’ll be nice to him but not to me?!” Sirius remarked. Regulus raised Remus’s wand and began cleaning the snot from what was left of his robes. When he was finished, he looked much better. He looked up at Sirius and raised the wand again. Before Sirius knew what was happening, huge bat bogeys were emerging from his nose and flapping around his face. 
“AHHHHHHHH!!!” He cried as he swatted at them. 
“Paybacks a bitch, isn’t it, dear brother,” Regulus scoffed. “Thank you,” He said, handing Remus his wand back. “Shall we go then? I believe we have things to discuss.” Regulus had adopted his aristocratic ways again quickly and stalked straight backed from the cell with Remus following closely, while Sirius was left to deal with the goopy bats by himself.
Next part
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