#wolves vs hearts
lunar-lakes · 1 year
just a reminder that throam ryan's apartment was probably really ugly (affectionate)
it was the 70s and he had his place decorated by keltie so it probably looked like this
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(edited this post because it was cringe)
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mirandasdream · 7 months
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The branches of the pine trees are drooping down with a heavy coat of snow, and it reminds me of the early sixties when I'd stand on this porch as an entirely different person. I was only a child, my nose cold, watching the snowfall. It was so different from Las Vegas where it never snowed, where there were no pine trees, and the one good thing that my old man ever managed to do for me was to bring me up here every winter. It taught me one thing at the age of six: there was a world outside Vegas.
I have nothing in common with that little boy anymore, nothing but some scrapes of a shared past. Then the music happened, and LA happened, and the band happened, and the drugs and the booze and the women and the paralyzing realization that it couldn't last forever and that it just might kill me before the inevitable end, and every day it became more crystallized that I didn't want what I had gained. I think I'm on the right path now. I think I might be.
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throam-hcs · 2 months
🚨🚨🚨 HEY 🚨🚨🚨 do you like throam? still? Remember that discord server someone made a while ago but deleted it??? That was super lame of them anyway
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mouse-like · 8 months
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from: Anna Green, "The Heart Rate of a Mouse" (Volume II, "Wolves vs. Hearts")
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aquiloneblu-000 · 2 years
DESPERATLY looking for Anna Green's other fics besides throam
(Yes, I know it is 2022 and i am late and out of style but like,,, i know i am not the only one)
I can't for the life of me figure out how to use the way back machine, i only managed to find the first two chapters of the black rose season.
Does anybody have links that work with the way back machine or like a pdf file??
Please i am b e g g i n g i can't recover from throam and i need more
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sunshine-ross · 1 year
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Chapter 2: Living on Borrowed Time
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
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poppyseed799 · 6 months
I’m not sure if it’s a conscious thing people are doing but I’ve been seeing a LOT of people trying to discredit Scar’s win. And I don’t like it.
In the 2v1, Pearl only got one hit in, which I don’t think dealt too much damage, then let Scar handle the rest, so it was basically Scar and Pearl’s wolves vs Gem. If Scar had killed Pearl like she wanted him to, and made it a 1v1 with Scar and Gem, then Scar would’ve had extra hearts and therefore an even BETTER advantage. So I don’t think he only won the fight cuz of the 2v1.
Then people also keep saying he wouldn’t have won if Grian didn’t deal so much damage to Gem earlier. I mean… yeah??? I’m sure Gem would’ve won if nobody attacked her ever. But they did, because that’s how the series works. Grian didn’t kill Gem, Scar did. Why are we talking about how much damage Grian dealt in a conversation that isn’t about him. You could apply this logic to literally any time someone attacked someone else to discredit any kill (unless it’s a kill done on someone with full hearts and no assistance I guess lol). Like I get Grian dealt what, over 40 hearts of damage? That absolutely softened Gem up but she recovered enough to not instantly die afterwards soo. Why do we credit Grian for a kill Scar did long after he died.
I also saw someone complaining that Scar only got so many kills and won because he was picking off people with low hearts. Dude it’s literally not his fault if everyone he goes after happens to have low hearts, he couldn’t know that. With Tango, everyone knew, and Scar gave him MANY chances to escape being killed. You know what he did with the rest of the people he knew had low hearts? Let Skizz run away longer, found out Joel had low hearts and told him to go for Skizz. Does that sound like something a cheapster who wants to pick off easy kills would do??? Besides, if going after people with low hearts WAS his strategy, it would be a pretty valid one lol. Difficult to pull off too since you don’t know heart counts and not everyone escapes a fight on low health.
They also said he only won because he had too many allies? I mean, that is stupid because that’s literally part of the strategy in this series, it’s a survival/pvp/SOCIAL game. Scar has ALWAYS tried to win via having alliances. AND HE DIDNT EVEN HAVE ANY SOLID ONES SO WHAT WERE THEY ON ABOUT?? I guess because everyone decided to try to win him over to their side? Which was actually caused by him NOT having allies lol. He honestly did more helping others than being helped anyways. Well, in the finale.
Anyways, I just wanna add that this does NOT mean we gotta make fun of Gem for losing or whatever. You could say like “Gem could’ve won if only (whatever) didn’t happen!” As a way to hype her up. But saying “Scar only won because (whatever)” is just messed up. He earned that win. Gem was also deserving but things didn’t line up well for her so she got a good 3rd place. That’s just how the series goes. This makes it sound like it’s Gem fans that are discrediting Scar but honestly I don’t think it is? I just don’t want people to think you can’t hype up Gem or talk about how she could’ve won.
Back to the topic. I think the enchanting having no restrictions really helped Scar lol. It had always been a big part of his strategy and now he finally had an episode 5 that was getting stacked as hell instead of dying horribly. Happy for him.
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argisthebulwark · 11 months
'I'd Kill For You' vs 'I'd Die For You'
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summary: who would fight and who would lay down their life in place of yours? gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used. feat: Brynjolf, Farkas, Cicero, Rune, Mercer, Miraak, Teldryn, Erik warnings: canon typical non-graphic blood/injury/death
Brynjolf would die for you. He can’t bring himself to take a life - Gallus never mixed words when teaching Brynjolf that lesson. But he would gladly die in your place. He begs you to leave him and save yourself, to get as far away as you can before Mercer’s Frenzy spell. His knuckles are white as he struggles to keep the blade pointed away from you despite the magicka taking hold of his mind. "Please, you have to get away. Let me handle this traitor. If there is love for me in your heart then you need to run and not look back."
Farkas would kill for you. He would lay waste to an entire camp if you asked. Silver Hand or run of the mill bandits it makes no difference to Farkas - he’d cut down anyone threatening your life.  "You're not getting away from me that easy. I'm not burying you 'til I drink you under the table one more time."
Cicero would kill for you in a heartbeat. He’s been waiting. Please ask him to kill for you. Daggers are in hand awaiting your word. He’s already mapping out the order in which he’ll take down anyone who looks at you wrong. You are his Listener, after all. It is his duty to keep you safe from harm.  "Loyal Cicero strikes at your command, dearest Listener. Just say the word."
Rune would die for you without thinking. He’d jump in front of the killing blow meant for you. He would let you cry into his armor, would wipe your tears when you demand to know why he would do such a thing. He would tell you that you still have so much work to do, the rest of the Guild relies on you too much to let you die. "The rest of them, they need you. Go on and make me proud, yeah?"
Mercer would begrudgingly kill for you. He’d try to spin it so you don’t think it has anything to do with you but there’s no mistaking it - he saved you. He’d grumble something about you being more useful alive than dead but you both know. Even if he refuses to admit it he’d kill almost anyone to keep you safe.  "Don't let it go to your head. The moment you stop bein' useful I'm tossing you back to the wolves."
Miraak would only die for you. When it comes down to it, when his sole hope for survival is ending your life he can’t bring himself to do it. He lets you kill him because he knows what you mean to the rest of the world. He’s realized that even if his life stretched on for another millennia it would be worthless without you. "I cannot face it without you, Mal Dov. I have wasted enough lifetimes to mourn the one I might have lived with you."
Teldryn would kill for you. The moment he spots you in trouble, surrounded on all sides and outnumbered by bandits all the memories would come flooding back. The grief of losing a close friend and patron. He couldn’t lose you. He’d rush in without a thought, fending off swords and arrows at your side. "Can't have you dying and ruining my fine reputation. I am Morrowind's finest bladesman, you're not dying on my watch."
Erik would die for you. He’d do anything for you. After all you’ve done for him - reigniting his dreams of becoming an adventurer, helping him escape the family farm, seeing the world at his side, he will not allow you to die. Laying in your arms he reminds you that he’s loved every moment spent in your company. "I wanted to grow old with you. I wanted to see everything with you."
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barrenclan · 1 month
Mallowstar saying 'when did the wolves start closing in?' with that panel of him being surrounded by two canine silhouettes (Prowl and Ranger taunting him)
I'm feasting on the foreshadowing
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One thing this style of illustrated prose lends itself to really well is the repetition of not only artistic symbols, but written ones. I have tried to include as much as possible of specific phrases that repeat in thematic places, or draw parallel imagery. Here's a few examples:
"I lifted a paw and weakly pushed at the thing, imagining long canine teeth digging into my neck, but in a moment the pressure lifted and I sunk into the cool, dark softness beneath my body." (Issue 23)
"I could feel his long canine teeth dig in, sending tiny jolts of pain through my skin, and I couldn’t stop myself from shuddering." (Issue 24)
"Something about darkness, and long canine teeth, and blood spattered up Asphodelpaw’s neck." (Issue 29)
"Then a cold smile cracked the wolf’s face open, revealing long canine fangs, and my heart fell." (Issue 35)
"Gatherings happen once every couple of weeks, when the moon gets fat and hangs in the sky like a big, unblinking eye." (Issue 1)
"When I came to myself, it was midday, the sun hanging in the sky like an unblinking eye." (Issue 33)
"I took a deep breath and flexed my claws in the prickling grass, trying to recall why I was here." (Issue 31)
"I looked over my shoulder, and saw that the grass had surrounded me in a yellow and prickling expanse." (Issue 33)
Those are just the ones I can find quickly, but there's plenty in the comic. Of course, there's also more obvious parallels in specific phrasing -
(such as: "[...] drowning out her words and seeping red into my vision, thick and overwhelming with the scent of blood and triumph and bones and death - " Issue 31, vs. "Gore and death - violence and hypocrisy - take what you want, give meaning to what you do - blood and triumph and bones and death and death - " Issue 28)
- but here, I'm just specifically speaking about the little words, the tiny bits. Poetry in phrasing and repeated motifs are important literary devices to me.
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Blaze of glory - Kinktober 7
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Summary: You’re glad to be alive.
Summary: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: near-death experience, death of the monster of the week, blood, gore, grumpy Dean, light smut, unprotected sex, glad-to-be-alive sex, kinda reunion sex, quickie, a little fun, banter
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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Blaze of glory.
Dean always hoped he’d go down like this. A gun in his hand, and a smirk on his lips. Just like in the old Western movies, he loves so much.
The hero comes out to fight the big bad guy threatening to burn the town down.
At least he tries to pretend he’s the hero, and this is the way to go down. He presses his hand to the wound on his arm. It’s bleeding heavily, but he’s got no time to waste.
If he wants to take the monsters with him, Dean must get back up and fight. Even if it means wasting his last breath on a stinking pack of werewolves.
“Sonofabitch,” he curses when he slips on the floor and lands on his ass. His legs give in every time he tries to get back on his feet. “Fuck.
“Take this.”
His head snaps to the left when he hears someone else than the werewolves get closer. Three gunshots cut through the air, hitting one of the wolves wanting to attack him a second time right in the chest. The beast drops dead to the ground.
“Get up,” the voice yells in Dean’s direction. “I don’t have all day to save you, princess.”
Dean always expected to go down in a blaze of glory. He just didn’t expect to watch someone else steal his kill, and to bleed out on the ground while watching.
“Dude, did you not-“There’s commotion, and growls echo through the abandoned barn. Dean can barely see, as he slowly drifts into darkness. “Shit, keep your teeth out of my arm, bastard.”
Dean grunts as the head of a wolf ends up right next to him. He scrunches up his nose but can’t even push the head away.
“Get up, Winchester,” his head lolls back when hands grasp for him. He only hopes he dies before one of the furry beasts can turn him. “You sonofabitch!”
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“Hands of my car!” Dean jolts up on the mattress, panting heavily. He squints as it’s bitch black inside the room. If it’s even a room. Or is it hell? “Where the fuck am I?”
“Welcome back among the living,” that voice again, he thinks as someone switches the lights on. He covers his eyes, groaning as the light is much too bright. “I thought you fucked yourself over for a minute.”
“What?” The hunter dips his head to glance at his arm. There is not even a scratch. “Fuck, no. Why didn’t you kill me?”
“Why?” You step toward the bed to look at him. “You still got all of your limbs, your head is still on top of your body, and you didn’t lose a single organ. You’re fine.”
“Did you forget everything you learned?” He growls, baring his teeth as he stares at your half-naked form. You’re only wearing a shirt, barely covering anything. “I was injured, deadly I may add. Now there’s not even a scratch.”
You chuckle. “You think you got turned?”
“Y/N, this isn’t funny. If you don’t end me now, I’ll lose control sooner than later and kill you. You don’t want to end with your heart missing, right?”
“Aw, you’re kind of cute when scared,” you dip your knee into the mattress. “You’re not going to turn into a wolf, Dean.” You purr the words as you push against his chest to climb on top of the hunter. “I wouldn’t mind if you get a little rough, but we will see.”
“What? I-“ Dean splutters. He can’t believe you start nipping at his neck while he fears the wolf in him will rip you apart. “Y/N this is insane. I’ll kill you. Please end me.”
“Dean, I’m trying to have glad-to-be-alive sex with you. Now shut up and get to work,” you straddle his lap and look down at Dean. “The wolf didn’t damage your dick, right? If so, I need to tell Castiel to heal your limp dick too.”
“Cas? Cas was here and…” Dean’s eyes darken, and he grunts. “You could’ve told me so!”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Running your hands over his chest you smirk. “What will you do about it, Winchester? How do you want to punish me?”
“I should kill you,” he flips you over before you get the chance to react. You don’t mind, though. As long as you get what you want, you’re game. “Maybe leave you here to think about your sins.”
“I saved your ass,” you sass as he settles between your legs. “Without me, you’d be a chewing toy for werewolves by now.”
“You’ve got a mouth on you,” he claims your lips roughly, leaving you no chance but to moan into his mouth. Your hands claw at his biceps, nails digging deep into his healed flesh. “And Cas saved me, not you.”
“I killed the wolves,” you move your hands to his waist to shove his boxers down. “And I brought you here. Without me, you’d be dead.”
“Yeah, now give me my reward. Fuck me, baby. Make me feel alive,” you breathe against his lips. “Or did you forget how to fuck me?”
The hunter doesn’t need much encouragement. He growls against your lips as he slips inside of you. Claiming your body as his.
Dean doesn’t waste another moment with foreplay or pleasantries. He knows that, if you’re in this mood you want it rough, and animalistic.
The bed starts creaking with every powerful thrust. “Harder. Faster.” You’re impatient and want to get off and feel alive. Dean doesn’t know it was a close call for you too. “Fuck me like you are not allowed to ever have sex again.”
You claw at his body, nails biting into his back as you try to meet his thrusts.
Dean buries his face in your neck, moaning your name while fighting his approaching high.
He’s so close to losing it too soon, and you don’t make things easier for him. You’re on the edge and pumped up from the fight. It doesn’t take you long to reach your high, triggering Dean’s orgasm when you tighten around him. 
A good fight always arouses you. Especially when you get to save Dean Winchester.
“Fuck, that was fast, sweetheart,” Dean grunts. “I wanted this to last longer. Reunion sex and all.”
You grin. “You’re getting old, is all.”
“I should’ve bitten you,” he buries his face in your neck and sinks his teeth in your neck. “If I ever turn into a werewolf, I’ll bite your ass.”
“Bite my pussy and we are golden…”
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Tags in reblog.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Booklist:
Books to become your dream girl. This list is curated to unleash the empowered woman inside, tap into your dark feminine energy, and help you succeed in every area of life. Sections are listed below:
Seductive Psychology 
Femme Fatale/Dark Feminine/Feminist Reads 
Mental Health 
Physical Health 
Fashion & Beauty
Get educated. Expand your mind. Enjoy xx
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
Atomic Habits by James Clear
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Don’t Believe Everything You Think by Joseph Nguyen
The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery by Brianna Wiest
Boundary Boss: The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free by Terri Cole
The Confidence Formula: May Cause: Lower Self-Doubt, Higher Self-Esteem, and Comfort In Your Own Skin by Patrick King
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Choose Your Story, Change Your Life: Silence Your Inner Critic and Rewrite Your Life from the Inside Out by Kindra Hall
When You’re Ready, This Is How To Heal  by Brianna Wiest
Hunting Discomfort: How to Get Breakthrough Results in Life and Business No Matter What by Sterling Hawkins
The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves by Shawn Ginwright
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Seductive Psychology:
48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
Mastery by Robert Greene
The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
How To Win Friends & Influence People  by Dale Carnegie
Power vs. Force by David Hawkins 
Femme Fatale/Dark Feminine/Feminist Reads:
Unbound: A Woman’s Guide To Power by Kasia Urbaniak 
Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer 
Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl―A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship by Sherry Argov 
A Single Revolution by Shani Silver 
This Is Your Brain On Birth Control by Sarah Hill 
Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler
Regretting Motherhood: A Study by Orna Donath 
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Me by Caroline Criado Perez 
Women Who Run With The Wolves: ​​Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estes 
The Second Sex by Simone De Beauvoir 
The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone De Beauvoir
A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf 
Women & Power: A Manifesto by Mary Beard 
Spinster by Kate Bolick 
What French Women Know: About Love, Sex, and Other Matters of the Heart and Mind by Debra Ollivier 
Living Forever Chic: Frenchwomen's Timeless Secrets for Everyday Elegance, Gracious Entertaining, and Enduring Allure by Tish Jett
Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss 
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini 
The 2-Hour Cocktail Party by Nick Gray 
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey 
Girl On Fire by Cara Alwill Leyba 
Women, Work & the Art of Savoir Faire: Business Sense & Sensibility by Mireille Guiliano 
Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Joseph Grenny 
Living On Purpose: Five Deliberate Choices to Realize Fulfillment by Amy Eliza Wong 
The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment by Marshall Goldsmith 
The High 5 Habit: Take Control of Your Life with One Simple Habit by Mel Robbins 
Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential by Tiago Forte
The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups by Daniel Coyle 
Rich As F*ck: More Money Than You Know What to Do With by Amanda Frances 
Rich Bitch  by Nicole Lapin 
Like She Owns the Place by Cara Alwill Leyba 
So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport 
The First Minute: How To Start Conversations That Get Results by Chris Fenning 
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman 
Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making by Tony Fadell 
The Hard About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz 
The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness by Morgan Housel
The Science of Self-Discipline:  The Willpower, Mental Toughness, and Self-Control to Resist Temptation and Achieve Your Goals by Peter Hollins 
Free Time: Lose The Busy Work, Love Your Business by Jenny Blake 
Vision to Reality: Stop Working, Start Living by Curtis Jenkins
Deep Work: Rules For Focused Success in A Distracted World by Cal Newport 
Finish What You Start by Peter Hollins
Mental Health:
Becoming The One by Sheleana Aiyana  
Attached by Amir Levine 
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns 
Whole Again by Jackson MacKenzie 
Take Your Lunch Break by Massoma Alam Chohan
Stop Overthinking by Nick Trenton 
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture by Ryan A. Bush 
Radical Acceptance: Awakening The Love That Heals Fear and Shame by Tara Brach 
Recovery from Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse, Codependency & Complex PTSD by Don Barlow 
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson 
Inner Child Recovery Work with Radical Self-Compassion by Don Barlow 
What Happened To You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Bruce D. Perry & Oprah Winfrey 
Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown 
Physical Health:
The China Study by T. Collin Campbell 
The Blue Zones  by Dan Buettner 
How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger 
Befriending Your Body by Ann Saffi Biasetti 
Brain Over Binge by Kathryn Hansen 
The Power of Self-Discipline by Peter Hollins 
Fit at Any Age: It's Never Too Late by Susan Niebergall 
French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano 
The Archetype Diet by Dana James 
Fashion & Beauty: 
The Lucky Shopping Manual: Building and Improving Your Wardrobe Piece by Piece by Andrea Linett & Kim France 
Dress Like A Parisian by Alois Guinut
Parisian Chic by Ines de la Fressange & Sophie Gachet 
Why French Women Wear Vintage: And other secrets of sustainable style by Alois Guinut
Ageless Beauty the French Way: Secrets from Three Generations of French Beauty Editors by Clemence von Mueffling 
Skincare: The Ultimate No-Nonsense Guide by Caroline Hirons
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ccspostagebox · 2 months
Okay I'm just going to dump my thoughts here on Spooky Month 6 and it's ending.
Alrighty. So. From what I can tell and what others have already said, it was implied that Father Gregor had become a sacrifice for The Eyes after the cult practically threw him to the wolves.
However, I feel like there might be one of possibly two ways this goes.
1. He's actually been killed off. (And why I think that might not be likely. I am a death denier at heart </3)
* Since Father Gregor is starting to uncover aspects of the town that may begin to unnerve some of the residents there, it would be wise of them to get rid of him to prevent backstabbing and to prevent suspicions of what's really going on behind the scenes.
* Nobody seems to really trust Father Gregor except Skid and Pump (even though they do seem rather hesitant to trust him as well, said trust likely majorly broken when Moloch was turned to stone/dust.). And, well, nobody is going to bat an eye about a guy they barely know, right? However, this can create issues as the residents may be suspicious of where the "random guy" has gone.
*I suspect The Eyes may have a bigger part for Father Gregor to play in the cult or in the town, yet I cannot begin to speculate what that role may be yet.
2. He has been...changed.
*I personally feel like some people focus on the more physical aspects of being "sacrificed" when it comes to this scene near the end. While being a sacrifice can mean being physically slaughtered or killed, it can also mean giving up something of extreme value to you or surrendering, which is more on the mental or emotional side of things. I feel like Father Gregor may have been harmed partially physically, yet had the most damage done with "sacrificing" his own faith to surrender to The Eyes. This would be evident in his expression and body language. He is looking into the face of what is practically a god himself. If you were in his position and saw a being in much higher power and control than you, tell me you would not be scared shitless. I guarantee most of us cannot claim as such.
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* In his body language, he doesn't really appear to me as if he is offering himself up to be killed. It seems more like an act of peace. He knows he cannot win with any use of protest or violence like he did with the demonic possessions of Moloch using the residents. He is getting on his knees and opening his arms as a sign of peace, a sign of surrender. This man has seen the face of God, and is not going to risk anything by a simple wrong move or action. It looks to me more like a plea for mercy, a plea for The Eyes to have a speck of pity for him. Dude is fucking terrified, and he knows that his plea may go fully unanswered as he is left to be lamb to the slaughter.
*In this absolutely beautiful credits art in the ending, it depicts Father Gregor clearly reaching towards The Eyes, as if seeking for help or assistance before he is possibly brought to Moloch's underworld. The contrast of the cult being a "heaven" vs Moloch's underworld being clearly "hell" makes me wonder if The Eyes may actually decide to have mercy on Father Gregor. He has clearly been shown to have mercy on the misguided and naive (E.g. Skid and Pump.), yet also displays traits of being poor on judgement of whom to "save" (e.g. Bob Velseb), making them practically insane by the end of their run or course. The way Father Gregor has wings and reaches for The Eyes makes me think that perhaps The Eyes plans to make him a secondary leader or main spokesperson for the cult. After all, even though nobody knows him that much, would you not take a highly respected man of a God's word as the truth? Many people, especially the residents of the town, may be much more likely to give into the cult's demands after its been "approved" by a man of faith.
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Of course, these are just my thoughts, nothing is concrete. We can only go off of the tidbits we are given so far.
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Propaganda under the cut.
Lady Eboshi:
She relentlenssy fights the wolves (including San who is wolfgender) and destroys nature, to maintain the activity of her mine. But she does not do it for greed. She does it to protect sex workers and lepers. To protect marginalized people. She may be an "antagonist" (if they were an antagonist in the movie) but she's not a bad person, just a good person that destroys nature (like so many IRL humans).
Listen. She was good to her village people, especially the women. Took care of leprosy patients when no one else would. Very empowering girlboss. I hate her very much. She wanted to destroy the mountain and the forests for resources and caused great harm to the nature spirits, animals, and animal gods that lived there. Fuck her. Morally gray but I'd fight her to the death. With regret
Princess Azula:
homegirl was only 14 and scarier than her dad but let's be fr, her mum saw her as a monster back when she was a kid bc no one taught her how to be gentle. she was ozai's golden child born and raised to be his puppet. sure she's not a good person nor did she do good things but c'mon she was never given the chance or space to be good. the amount of unexplored potential in her is astronomical. also her lines are just iconic
She tries to kill people with lightning, and is controlling/manipulative of her friends and Zuko. However, she is very cool, so I think this should be allowed.
honestly what do you even say about azula that *hasn't* been said. she's a psychologically fascinating villain, evil yet so complicated and interesting to watch, she's so intriguing and well written. her immoralness mixed with seeing her Feel made her so so interesting to watch. she's an excellent cautionary tale and just a wonderful antagonist. definitely one of the most memorable parts of the show for me
She has never ONCE genuinely apologized for anything in her entire life. Everything she did was on purpose and with the direct intention of furthering her own goals and fucking everybody else over. Firelord of my heart.
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cutiepieloves131 · 5 months
𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝟎𝟎°𝟎𝟎’ - 𝟏𝟑°𝟐𝟎’
The animal of this nakshatra is a male wolf or a male dog.
A dog is the most fascinating creature on this planet.
It can love to a point that it will give its life for you or it can bite and throttle someone’s bone if they cross their territory.
They are needy, emotional, and pack animals. They always want to be with you and feel abandoned when you go to work.
Dogs are not directly connected with wolf’s lineage as many think, rather a different species of wolf, which lived 30,000 years ago but there are few similarities.
Wolves on the other hand are wild, sharp, smart and know how to pack hunt.
Wolves are some of the smartest hunters in the wild.
The most distant feature of the wolf is their howling during full moon nights or when the member of the pack dies.
Mula individuals gets attached very quickly and don't want to let go, just like a dog, which is the animal symbol of the nakshatra.
Mula is the root, the male dog develops deep roots not only in their master’s heart but also with other family members.
Mula natives are attached with their family, spouse, children or friends.
Once they are your friends, they are your friends regardless.
A male dog is more playful most of the time vs. female dog.
Mula natives are quite playful but their playfulness can be painful just like the sharp paws of the puppy or dog.
They can play rough and they don’t realize they have hurt the other person.
The symbol of Mula nakshatra is the roots, roots of a tree, plant or even our own roots.
Roots grow underground hence, invisible.
We only see what is in front of us growing above the ground.
Mula natives are the embodiment of their roots, their past; their ancestors.
They love to be detectives, search the past, like an archaeologist or paleontologist.
The roots can be completely uprooted especially when taking out a dead plant or removing trees to clear out a land.
Native who have clusters of Mula in their chart will always have the tendency of uprooting their life without a hint.
Even if everything is fine in a relationship, career or some idea, they just completely bulldoze and clear it out to pave a way for something new.
Mula natives may love studying the roots of plants and trees.
Sometimes, the basic meaning of things would be the biggest karma of a person, like a Ashwini native would be training horses for a living.
Mula natives would also love eating things which are buried under ground like potatoes, beats, ginger, garlic, onion; some even have a fascination with cemeteries and graveyards.
The deity of Moola nakshatra is Nirriti, the goddess of destruction.
She is the goddess who brings new creation, after destruction.
She is described as having golden locks, dark, and connected with the underworld.
She is very much similar to goddess Kali.
Goddess Nirriti rules the South West direction and is supposed to have come from the anus of Brahma in the creation myth.
There are variations of Daksha’s yagna story in which goddess Nirriti is supposed to have accompanied Rudra to destroy Daksha’s yagna.
Kali is the fierce form of goddess Durga, who stopped her destruction only after Shiva himself surrendered to her feet.
Nirriti is also connected with goddess Dhumavati, one of the ten Mahavidyas as well as goddess Alakshmi, also called as Jyeshtha, the goddess of poverty, is the elder sister of Lakshmi.
Lakshmi is the goddess of prosperity is supposed to visit Jyeshtha, her elder sister on every Saturday on the Pipal tree.
Lakshmiji follows and visit their home, who pay respect to the Pipal tree on Saturday.
Kali is connected to the black hole that is driving the center of the Milky Way, and her connection with Shiva is pointing to the Ardra-Moola nakshatra axis, with a black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
After reading the mythology the first impression we have for Mula natives is that they are followers of Kali, especially in Indian culture.
Someone in a foreign country from Celtic culture may worship a dark goddess like Carawin or Erzulie Dantor in Voodoo, which is a white magic to heal and protect people.
Laxmiji blesses a person who worships the Pipal tree where Jyeshtha resides and shows great love and admiration of her elder sibling.
Mula natives will protect their siblings and when someone does well for their siblings they would bow and protect them like their own sibling.
Just like the fierce goddess Kali these natives are fierce too.
They will challenge, stand up to anyone and take out the roots of beliefs and tradition in an instant.
Like their yoni animal, they can become Pit Bulls.
The position of Mula in the sky points towards the supermassive blackhole region of the galaxy.
So far we know nothing about inside a black hole, no one has been near it, inside it, and most are theoretical observations of scientific models.
Mula natives are as mysterious as the black hole; they can suddenly be comedians and then quickly turn into a killer like “The Joker”.
They are quite unpredictable with chaotic energy around them.
We do know via science that light doesn’t escape the black hole and it tends to suck everything around it; for this reason a Mula person must redirect their energy into a positive spiritual path because they will see how quickly they start sucking the energy of other people towards them and others would enjoy sinking into their spiritual hole.
However, the general population is not spiritual and neither desire to walk on that path.
A Mula person can be quite intense to be around, where you may feel they suck your energy.
A black hole crushes everything that comes near it hence, the Mula native also love to crush things, for example if they drink a can of coke they will crush it and throw it away, or someone who loves to see cars and other materials be crushed and destroyed by monster trucks or tanks.
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heartgold · 7 months
as much as it's frustrating how only two of the umi episodes were penned by Sayo in the irl layer, I think it's fascinating to compare them with each other because so much becomes clear when you look at the writing choices in each one side by side
the specific ways in which Legend and Turn differ from each other makes me certain that one was among the first message bottles she wrote whereas the other was one of the last, but it's not clear which is which -- it depends on how you interpret her internal journey and process of creating all these tales and fragments. Sayo's writing as a whole is very marked by her personal observations of the sins and struggles of the family and using them as mirrors to actually write about herself, using characters as stand-ins that give voice to her own inner thoughts, but both stories are very different in tone and approach
Legend feels almost methodical with the ways the murders and illusions are carried out, and the way her resentment manifests is more controlled, understated. you need to wring it around a bit more to 'see', but in my understanding: it's interesting how the 3 cousins are all made to suffer incredible grief losing their parents and love interests in quick succession (Battler being the only adult cousin who only lost his parents and not a love interest feels important to get him to remember!), but they live until the end then get invited to the Golden Land and choose to resurrect their lost love. By contrast, Natsuhi is put through the wringer through and through while being given the opportunity to be the star of the episode with her struggles as a woman taking the center of the stage, only to lose a duel (!) to Beatrice and be denied entry in the very last moment. there's a lot of conflicting emotions all over the place in both cases which is of course very characteristic of Sayo but I'm fascinated by how the cousins' entire role in this episode is to lose everything they had, experience earth-shattering grief and be led towards a romanticized afterlife where they can heal that grief, making the choice to resurrect the love that was lost, whereas Natsuhi's role is to mirror and portray Sayo's actual interiority and struggles (many that were caused by Natsuhi herself!) that went unspoken her whole life and then be challenged to a duel and get shot. to shoot Natsuhi is to shoot herself. shooting her actual personhood and interiority and struggles to death. as a metaphor for the entire ceremony of Beatrice's revival being a suicide in order to pass on into the afterlife where compartmentalized parts of herself can simultaneously exist as whole and find happiness with their respective love interests. the final step of rejecting reality, seeking love by truly becoming fictional while the human heart of the actress behind the characters dies buried between the lines of the text unless you 'see' it. god she makes me insane. anyway
Turn by comparison is very brutal. Beatrice steps onto the gameboard and is at her cruelest here, and the deliberate narrative choices are dripping with anger, helplessness and sorrow. everything about the focus given to Rosa in her role as the main accomplice who only had eyes for gold vs the framing of the tragedy as the gift of a halloween party for Maria, the wolves and sheep allegory, the way Shannon and Kanon get repeatedly kicked around for trying to resist their fate and wanting to believe in love despite everything. Kanon's "corpse" being desecrated by being forcefully resurrected twice, not being allowed death. the barely contained sexual conflict and trauma in the themes and imagery all over the episode. the way Sayo personally kills Jessica and George and her personas are killed along with them, an utter rejection of the possibility of being loved in reality as something that can only happen in death and fiction, so they all get to die together and be connected by their souls, all portrayed as the innocent victims of a vicious witch. the unspoken horror of one of the few true closed rooms in the game, with Sayo physically killing herself while facing herself in the mirror after doing all that. no one could dispute that a coffin is a closed room. and with closed rooms in this game often symbolizing being trapped in your own logic even though the door was unlocked all along, it absolutely stands for Sayo giving up all hope. Beatrice won, the gold won, the family's curse won, Sayo's worst feelings regarding herself won. Kinzo won too, even as a dead puppet haunting the narrative, he 'lives' to the end and gets his miracle of meeting Beatrice granted again. just that says a lot. Turn is horror after horror and you can only fully grasp that with the context for her writing choices
Legend feels relatively composed and deliberate in its choices of allegory. it also carries a lot of pain and conflicted feelings (particularly with the way she hatewrote Battler in it) but the text in Turn is basically bleeding all of her self hatred and suicidality and conflict over the idea of being loved. Legend is for the most part a straightforward mystery embellished in illusions with her heart still very baked into the text, and it has a big focus on solvability (Eva as the main accomplice basically points Battler toward the solution... which he rejects) and gambling/risk-taking, with multiple moments where Sayo left things out of her hands and up to chance, making it so that she could've been stopped even by accident. and then Turn is basically an eruption of all the horrible feelings churning in her heart. it says a lot that in Legend, she left the people she loved the most alive until the end, as if hoping until the very end for the miracle that at least one of them would see through her and stop her from murdering them, while Turn kills off the cousins (barring Battler due to being the detective) and then herself before the ceremony even ends, destroying all outcomes beyond utter annihilation. Turn is absolutely about her surrendering and leaning right into the illusion she casts on herself of being an irredeemable monster, so Beatrice absolutely plays into that role here. fitting that it ends with Battler surrendering, too
the sheer tonal contrast between these two message bottles tells a story of the journey of how Sayo's mental state changed as she kept writing and running over her murder-suicide plans over and over again -- it can either show her hope and composure deteriorating as she resigned herself to accepting her dead-end of fate (Legend -> Turn) OR the raw emotion she felt in the beginning of the writing frenzy dissipating as she kept going, any result being a satisfactory outcome but still focusing on planning out a difficult but fair mystery, staking her hopes onto the miracle of having it solved by the person who shared her personal philosophy on mysteries (Turn -> Legend). I don't like relying on Confessions too much as "confirmation" of Sayo-related things because it doesn't sit well with me, but if you go by the way it portrayed the process, then it strongly suggests the latter explanation
wish we could have seen more of the countless tales she personally wrote because you can see so much of her personhood hidden within the text, her thought processes, personal views and authoral voice all providing characterization, but the two we got already tell entire untold stories. it's funny that the two first episodes are usually thought of as the least interesting ones on a first read when they're the ones with the most firsthand insight into the culprit's heart and how she felt about everything. the sorrows and pain but the strength of will and hope too
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