#women's equality flag
lunallamaloveshuntlow · 5 months
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Throwing my OCs out into the world ... 'cause I can.
(also I know I did the collar wrong. For the life of me I can never draw a perfect letterman 🥲)
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saddayfordemocracy · 1 year
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Barbara Kruger, Untitled (flag), 2020,
Screenprint in colours on cotton, created for Artists Band Together, published by Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Sheet: 55 x 55 cm (unframed).
Courtesy: Roseberys
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September 26, 2022 - Congratulations to the Cuban people for voting in favor of the Family Code! [article]
The new code guarantees the right of all people to form a family without discrimination, legalizing same sex marriage and allowing same sex couples to adopt children. Under the new code, parental rights will be shared among extended and non-traditional family structures that could include grandparents, step parents and surrogate mothers. The code also adds novelties such as prenuptial agreements and assisted reproduction.
The Code promotes equal distribution of domestic responsibilities amongst men and women and extends labor rights to those who care full-time for children, the elderly, or people with disabilities. The code establishes the right to a family life free from violence, one that values ​​love, affection, solidarity and responsibility. It codifies domestic violence penalties, and promotes comprehensive policies to address gender-based violence.
The Code also outlaws child marriage and corporal punishment, stating that parents will have “responsibility” instead of “custody” of children, and will be required to be “respectful of the dignity and physical and mental integrity of children and adolescents.” It also asserts that parents should grant maturing offspring more say over their lives.
The new code also expands the rights of the elderly and people with disabilities. It recognizes the role of grandfathers and grandmothers in the transmission of values, culture, traditions and care.
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Feminist Masculist Flag
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[ID: 5 horizontal stripes colored with double blue, white, and double purple. End ID.]
Feminism: the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
Masculism: the advocacy of men’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
Can be used as an antisexism flag. Similar to the other.
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tilbageidanmark · 1 month
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Celebrating the Copenhagen Pride Parade today.
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comradecowplant · 4 months
Love that the discourse is so rancid that cishet men are the main character of pride this year! Great job everyone!!!!!
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WOOP guess what time it is FLAG TIME! /pos
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WOMAN/GIRL/FEMALE FLAG! This includes ALL women. Trans women, non-binary women, queer women, WoC, disabled women, intersex women, GNC women, GC women, ALL WOMEN! /pos
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MAN/BOY/MALE FLAG! As with above, this includes ALL men. Trans men, non-binary men, queer men, MoC, disabled men, intersex men, ALL MEN! /pos
Feel free to make alt designs of these, I’m not too proud of them myself but I couldn’t think of much else…
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shopcat · 2 years
ik this is a dumb ask to send on christmas eve no less but my family is annoying and im tired and need an escape so im just gonna be a bitch for a little while: i hate how much the stddie fandom feminizes steve while simultaneously equating femininity to being small and soft and submissive both sexually and in general. like its rlly telling that none of these people want to explore what steve could find interesting and comfortable in being femme (even though he's pretty consistently traditionally masc throughout the show in how he chooses to dress and what his general interests are etc) they just want him to be The Girl in the relationship. its the same with how like 90% of the fandom decided out of nowhere that he's a bottom and must also be a sub bc steve, the most sexually confident and experienced main character outside of the actual adults, would absolutely be a stereotypical blushing virgin bottom and wouldn't want to be in charge of his own pleasure regardless of how he's physically getting it
no for sure i actually have seen this a lot with other charas but it's particularly off with steve specifically because of the way people go about it is just concerning 😭. i've actually said before in passing that ppl almost tend to treat steve somehow misogynistically which is CRAZY but it makes sense because like one of the roots of homophobia is misogyny and at the end of the day it's just homophobia!! i think people want to indulge in the idea of him being feminine and simply get carried away and it's clear that their idea of femininity is tied in pretty transparently with soft submissiveness. and while it's true that men don't typically GET to indulge in these aspects of their own masculinity and getting to take this typically very masc character who has shown aspects of nontoxic masculinity can be a thing that invites nuance scrubbing him down until he's this like pathetic little waif of a thing who creams his pants the second the big strong man (in this case eddie but i know this is 99% of what h*rringr*vers do too) comes along to tell him what to do is concerning at the very best.
being gender nonconforming in any particular way is a complex thing and i would ENCOURAGE!! people to want to explore it with kindness and NOT as a way to at the end of the day sexualise and bastardise it to the point of no return. steve IS pretty and he is my babygirl and i do like saying he's a mean girl and he giggles and tucks his hair behind his ear and even wears the tinted chapstick and put him in pink outfits and perfume honestly like 99% of what people do with this i tend to ENTHUSIASTICALLY agree with but it's pretty clear when they're doing it to genuinely explore these things and celebrating the dissection of gender nonconformity and sexuality which has traditionally and continues to be dismissed/a marginalised aspect of being outwardly, clockably lgbt and when they're doing it ingeniously because they think it's like hot. and like yeah totally it's literally so hot but omg have some tact.. the hottest thing in the world is a gnc bisexual/gay man so it's understandable that ppl let their brains melt a little but let's give nuance the floor here for a SECOND please...
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ellaintrigue · 3 months
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This happens all the time! I'm not upset if you don't buy from me but don't let some dog ass hoe control you! There are hard cocks everywhere so don't put up with a controlling one!! Always make sure you maintain your own finances and have an escape plan!!
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galerymod · 4 months
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No matter whether you are a public prosecutor, a Sharia judge and an agitator of a mullah state or another misanthrope, I will get you all.
Your judges the dead
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saddayfordemocracy · 1 year
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Delia Davis,
"Women for Freedom . . . Stars & Dykes Forever," 1973,
Offset lithograph poster, 274x402 mm (10 1/2x16 inches.)
Courtesy: Swann Auction Galleries
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spiritingawaytoanime · 6 months
does anyone else think its weird when cishet girls are a little too obsessed with the "I want two boyfriends and I want the boyfriends to be boyfriends" bit. cause you can be supportive of polyamorous relationships but you're on thin ice sweetie
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mlarayoukai · 7 months
I'm not a trans women but last year over a dozen of my art featuring feminine characters with viable penis bulges got flag literally minutes from my posting them, while my equally nsfw woman without penises did not get flagged. So yes, this website has had a history of specifically transmisogynistic problems, even at a minor scale of posting fictional characters that wore panties with a bulge
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tilbageidanmark · 1 month
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Celebrating the Copenhagen Pride Parade today.
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masterhallmark · 6 months
Rant incoming
I feel like the problem with a lot of Disney's live action remakes (and arguably Wish) is they're trying to appeal to a crowd that no longer exists, namely the people who used to claim that the Disney Princesses were sexist.
All the interviews tend to include, "Well she's not chasing a MAN anymore" which...almost no one sees the princesses like that, anymore. Virtually NO ONE still believes the princesses are man-chasing sexist caricatures of women.
Cinderella is now hailed as an abuse victim who stayed strong long enough to get help to get out of her situation. Anyone who says she should have saved herself is basically regarded as a victim blamer. And it's very clear in the film she wasn't looking to marry the prince, she just wanted a night off. She was the only one who wasn't in line to meet him. She didn't find out she met the prince until he went looking for her!
Snow White is now hailed for her negotiation skills, ability to calm down after extreme stress (she had a moment of panic and had to cry for a bit, but who wouldn't after finding out The Queen hired someone to kill you?), and ability to take charge of a house of adult men. And again, she was an abuse victim, this time trying to escape ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS. While she dreamed of her prince, it was secondary to her main goal of SURVIVAL. There are also entire video essays about how Snow White gave hope to people during The Great Depression.
Everyone acknowledges that Ariel wanted to be human BEFORE meeting Eric. We all know she was a nerd hyperfixating on humans, and also standing up to her prejudiced father.
We understand Sleeping Beauty wasn't the main character, the Three Good Fairies were, AND PHILLIP WOULD NEVER HAVE BEATEN MALEFICENT WITHOUT THEM! He literally depended on them! WOMEN SAVED THE DAY! But even then, is it really such a sin for a girl to fantasize about romance and fall for someone with corny pickup lines?
We all understand Jasmine just wanted someone to treat her LIKE A PERSON. She rejected every Prince before Aladdin because they treated her like a prize. So why did they need her to want to be Sultan? How did that make her more feminist when she already wanted to be treated like an equal and have a say in her future? Is it only empowering if you want a career in politics?
We admire that Belle, despite living in a judgemental village, was kind to everyone (even though she found the village life dull), and her story teaches girls that the guy everyone else loves isn't always a good guy. What's sexist about teaching girls about red flags? And she didn't start being nice to The Beast until he started treating her with respect and kindness.
Do I really NEED to defend Mulan or Tiana? I think they speak for themselves.
Rapunzel was yet another abuse victim who just needed a little help to get out of her bad situation. In this case, she also needed to learn that she was an abuse victim, and that what Mother Gothel did WASN'T normal, much like many victims of gaslighting.
And don't get me started on the non-princess animals.
Perdita had a healthy relationship with Pongo to the point she was open to express her pregnancy fears to him, and was ready to TEAR APART Cruella's goons for daring to touch her puppies as well as adopting the other puppies. Like, she was so ferocious the goons mistook her for a hyena! She's basically that "I AM THAT GIRL'S MOTHER!" scene from SpyXFamily if Yor were a dog. She and her husband were a TEAM.....but they made a Cruella live action to turn her into a girlboss?! The literal animal abuser!? THAT'S the woman you wanted to put on a pedestal when Perdita was RIGHT THERE!?
Duchess kept her kittens calm after they had been catnapped and was classy as heck. Nice to everyone regardless of social class during a time period where that was uncommon.
Lady stood up to Tramp when she believed he had abandoned her and didn't really care about her. She found out he was a heartbreaker and was like, "Nuh uh. No. You are not doing that to me! You put me through enough."
Miss Bianca from The Rescuers was IN CHARGE the whole movie, and was willing to risk life and limb to save an innocent child. THAT TINY MOUSE TOOK ON ALLIGATORS! And she picked Bernard to accompany her because he was the only one who wasn't ogling her. And then in the sequel SHE DID IT ALL AGAIN! I wish I were as brave as her.
Like, the public haven't accused these ladies of being sexist caricatures since 2014 (Actresses and actors don't count, they're out of touch like the rest of Hollywood) yet Disney is operating under the assumption that the public still thinks that way, hence all the "sHe'S nOt AfTeR a MaN iN ThIs VeRsIOn" talk.
The live action remakes are trying to attract an audience that doesn't really exist much, anymore, and back when it did exist, was comprised mainly of people who didn't actually watch the films. The Disney princesses are no longer seen as sexist, and feminine qualities are no longer seen as weak or undesirable.
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youturningintodust · 1 year
I’m sick of the fact that just being this person causes us to immediately be viewed as less innocent, or incapable of ever being innocent in the first place.
I don’t want to go home to some partner who is supposed to be safe for me, who instead views me in the same way, and has a fetish about being with someone as supposedly un-innocent as me.
It’s why we struggle to get respect in society or work. It’s why we aren’t trusted around our own kids, or in teaching or care jobs. It’s why if a more-feminine/not-butch woman sexually harasses or even abuses a butch, they will likely believe that it was the butch that did it and not her, purely based on our looks alone.
We’re treated as men-lite when it comes to being seen as predators, but ugly, weird women when it comes to receiving sexism and misogynistic abuses from men, risking physical danger, etc.
Why the FUCK would I ever want to tolerate being even further harmed and traumatized by gender conforming cis people? In the way that living with a fetishizing partner AUTOMATICALLY WOULD?
What the hell. Why can’t gender conforming cis people ever stop and consider our actual needs and experiences for once, rather than being this disgustingly selfish?
No, I’m not your fetish, and I don’t want to be any part of it.
Is it too much to ask? I just want a grown adult woman who wants a butch/femme relationship and can respect herself and me as equals. That’s it. None of these power games.
Especially not when it’s they who are the ones who ACTUALLY have the societal power and are higher in the hierarchy than us, for being gender conforming when we literally are unable to be.
The reversal insults all of our lived experience, and is a MAJOR slap in the face! No, we are not big scary power figures. Or cis man stand-ins. YOU are the cis gender conforming person in the room. Remember your privilege and have some respect for what it means.
Brandon Teena was assaulted and killed by cis men for the so-called crime of being himself, someone known to be afab and look and live masculinely, and with a feminine woman. We put ourselves into great danger just to be not just who we are, but just to be with you. Respect that danger by not framing us AS the danger. The vulnerability of our position deserves the space and decency to be remembered and understood.
Context MATTERS. Spare us your BS.
It feels like both abusive exploitation and some weird enjoyment of lies. It’s a lie that we’re more societally powerful in some way and yet they are so attracted to roleplaying it with us. Just. Ugh. WTF.
Why would roleplaying a lie that doesn’t exist help me? Some BDSM fantasy shit doesn’t change real-world power. It just reminds me indirectly of the harsh reality that actually is. And what I could go through IRL just for living. No, it doesn’t make me feel macho and tough, pride in my masculinity, or whatever. Only softness and kindness can really, meaningfully do that.
But that doesn’t get their callous selves off.
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