#won't be bothering with that again!
victorluvsalice · 4 months
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-->Anyway – back to Retail Time! And to the infamous lag on this lot, unfortunately. :( Based on what I saw today, it seems to be primarily tied to Sims actually BUYING stuff, as it seems to happen most often when people are waiting to be rung up or right after they’ve been rung up and they still need to grab their item. Maybe it's because I have a lot of mod-added items for sale? *shrug* Fortunately it wasn’t too bad today, with only a few significant instances, but still – meh.
Despite the game doing its best to stop them, though, the trio persevered, chatting with various customers and doing their best to get them to buy stuff – and succeeding pretty admirably! Victor talked a guy named Patrick into buying a block of beeswax for $18, then immediately rang up visiting teenager Ren for the same thing, while Smiler helped a kid named Wren buy a small $5 lettuce and some dude named Aarush grabbed an avocado from the veggie stands for $25. Alice, meanwhile, was working over an elder named Samuel – but as he found her unattractive (as per Wonderful Whims), I don’t think her attempts to get him to buy stuff worked very well. :p She thus went to ring up Agnes Crumplebottom for a $68 bag of fresh bread instead – fortunately distracting the woman from noticing Smiler lay a cute cheek kiss on Victor. XD Smiler then headed to the center aisle and let off a happy blast to try and improve everyone’s moods –
-->And at this point, everything started getting a little chaotic, as a bunch of people suddenly wanted to be rung up at once! Alice took care of a lady named Giovanna despite the lag’s best efforts, ringing her up for a $70 jar of honey, while Smiler discovered Alice had been more successful at convincing Samuel to buy than she’d realized and rung him up for a box of blackberry jam for $455. They also went around and rung up a kid named Taka for a box of vegetarian MREs for $482 (must be buying them for his parents). Victor, however, was the real winner of the selling spree, managing to sell a Happy Scent perfume to a “loiterer” named Joey (who REALLY had to go to the bathroom) for a cool $1,174! Maybe I should keep that in mind when I think about the future of the store...
-->With that taken care of (and a lady named Fetia snagging herself a $5 Cereberry in the background), Victor went ahead and did some more Scruberooing of shelves and fridges while Smiler and Alice kept attending customers – Smiler ringing up the kid Pierce for a $206 box of canned green beans, and Alice (after an ANNOYINGLY long wait) teen Sofia for a $517 box of strawberry jam. Alice then headed into the break room to make some hamburger sliders, as she was feeling hungry, and I noticed that Victor kind of needed to pee and sent him into the bathroom –
Only for another wave of “hey I would like to buy things” to hit the store! I quickly had Alice stop her sliders (though she DID insist on taking the cutting board all the way down the stairs...then all the way back up again -.-) and Victor stop his attempt to use the toilet and sent them out to help Smiler on the selling floor. Between the three of them, they managed to get Javier a $44 jar of mayonnaise; Liberty Lee an $86 butterscotch cupcake; the returning Ren a $734 chocolate pie; and Makoa a $29 jar of mushroom conserve. Oh, and Aarush came back and bought a plasma fruit for $10. XD Talk about a last-minute rush!
-->And it was indeed the last-minute rush, because I looked over at the retail UI, realized the shop had been open nine hours, and decided it was probably time to close up. So, after an aborted attempt to get Smiler to befriend a customer so she would let them have her plasma (they now know that Kasandra likes the color green), I had them shut up the shop while Alice went and finished her sliders and Victor finally got his bathroom break. By the time they closed at 6:30 PM in-game, they’d made a nice profit of $4,174 on everything they’d sold! :) Yeah, I know Alice and Smiler can make more than that just in royalties on their books and videos, but it’s still pretty good considering I have everything on "sale" prices. Anyway, Alice called everyone down to the basement to eat, and she and Victor enjoyed some sliders while Smiler had a plasma fruit and bred some frogs to create an additional plasma pack to drink. Alice then went to clean up her plate –
And for some reason headed upstairs to do so. Following her, I realized that what she was doing was clearing some rotten raw meat out of the “butcher” display – and that a lot of the remaining meat was ALSO going rotten as she did so. D: Cue me trying to coordinate her and Victor’s efforts to clean up all the spoiled food from both the meat display and the fridges (which lead to a lot of "placing a pile of dirty dishes on the nearest consignment shelf," annoyingly) while Smiler went around and removed a bunch of the “out of stock” signs from the shelves. Eventually, though, everything was cleaned up, with Victor and Smiler finishing things off while Alice caught a few winks on the break room couch (her werewolf instincts were demanding a nap) –
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potatopassenger · 3 months
Nami now she's free from the burden of Arlong: I can and will kill for my Nakama because they are good people who help others and give them their freedom we're giving pirates a better name and no one will harm them on my watch
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Nakama: Oh shit don't upset Nami
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uncanny-tranny · 4 months
With how dangerous binding and tucking can be, it's wild to me that in so many ways, the onus of having your basic humanity respected often hinges on ensuring that you do whatever you can to minimize your body. And it's extra wild when you're told how nobody will respect you, but I have had plenty of interactions with (just to name a couple of examples) men who don't bind and women who don't pack, and it's actually so easy to engage with them without laser-focusing on their body.
I was always told that respect hinges on earning it - a trans person earns respect (see: people almost begrudgingly seeing and/or affirming who they are) when we prove ourselves. As a kid, I didn't have the financial or familial support to bind, so I used bandages. Like, I remember leaving class to take them off because I was in so much pain, and it just makes me think that there is a whole lot of difference between the workloads of trans people and certain others. I don't think putting my body in physical risk like that is the same mental and physical workload as... using a name, using pronouns, seeing the person and who they are.
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Hey love bug! Guess who's backkkkk😍can you do farah and Kate laswell comforting reader with a headache bc I have one right now probably because I eat a shit ton of sugar and haven't drank water since the last ice age
Hey there! Please drink some water! I know you sent that request in a few days ago, but I hope you're feeling better now!
Farah and Laswell with a Reader with a Headache
Farah: She’d get fussy over you and demand you drink some water immediately. Won’t say too much while handing you a big glass of water, though. You better drink half of it in one go and gradually drink the rest of it sooner rather than later. She makes sure that you will drink the water and refills the glass as well, doesn’t matter how much you complain. She can be stern when she needs to be and this is one of those times. She doesn’t immediately grab some headache meds, though, opting for literally everything else first. Drink some water, go to bed at a reasonable time, take a long nap, just rest up, that sort of stuff. Only when the headache doesn’t seem to be going away will she resort to giving you some meds. Or when it worsens, whichever comes first. However, if it’s just a headache because you haven’t slept well in a while, then she’ll usher you to sleep while she does most of the housework. Will be quiet while she does so, however. She’s a very competent sniper, she knows how to be quiet while doing something.
Laswell: Like Farah, she would not be very pleased with you not drinking much, or any, water. Will give you the nearest bottle of water she can grab, even one with a flavor you like to give you more of an incentive to drink it. Will also make sure that you actually drink it, she’ll stand beside you and watch you down the water bottle, leave and emerge with a new one in hand. Will also use meds as a last resort sort of thing and tries everything else before that. It’s not that she’s against using medication, but using too much of it can lessen its effectiveness, so she’d prefer you take a nap or go to bed to make it go away. If the headache won’t go away or gets worse then, like Farah, she’ll grab the meds and give you some. Will also usher you to bed if you’re not feeling well, she’ll leave you alone for the time being. Cooks dinner for you and her and only calls you when it’s time to eat. Afterwards it’s time for you to go to bed again and sleep the headache off. Laswell can handle herself and the housework in the meantime, but she will be a little more stern with you if you decide to wake up for no good reason. You will be sleeping it off, whether you like it or not.
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iamnmbr3 · 8 months
ok the fact that Draco hasn’t come over even once to mock Harry about the Rita Skeeter article claiming he and Hermione are an item leads me to conclude that he is living in fear of it being true and thus doesn't find it funny
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deva-arts · 3 months
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I regret nothing.
Yes he cut a hole in the swim trunks for his tail
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hamartia-grander · 8 months
Me: *fucking around at camp, talking to everyone because I'm bored*
Withers out of nowhere:
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writeouswriter · 1 year
Comedy is not inherently a lesser form than tragedy; why are you pitting two bad bitches against each other?? They're equals! They're besties! They're lovers!
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grassyneptune · 6 months
Would you be willing to draw a freehoun piece for the starving freehouners? I love your freemance so much!!
ok ok i hear you. it's gonna take a little while though
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mayhemtowntv · 1 month
That drawing I made of weird Al is the "Yankovic bump" in my online existence and not in a good way
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solvaneon · 4 months
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I made a nightfury subspecies thing heavily based on wildtype axolotls (and also gechos (I love them so much you have no idea))
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My headcanon that lightfuries are bred by humans to be cute pets but then a shit ton got released / escaped and ran off to live in the wild (kinda like pigeons) is fueled by axolotls (and pigeons)
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darkleloog · 11 days
OK THAT'S ALL, WHAT THE HELL, I DON'T INSULT ANYONE NOR DO I INTEND TO DO IT, IT'S RP, SEND THAT BUNCH OF TEXT IN A COPY PASTE OF THE FIRST RESULT THAT APPEARED I THOUGHT "hehe, Alex will very upset with Darkle, Darkle wants to win that position as Alex's enemy." AND I TOOK A RANDOM PIECE OF ALL THE LOTS OF TEXT THAT WAS PUT THERE. I don't understand it, I didn't want to offend anyone.
THEN IT'S MISUNDERSTOOD AND THEY SAY: "oh, this guy is an INCREDIBLE idiot" And I try to tell them calmly: "ahem, no. This is just rp, I would never do that."
(This is a completely idiotic topic and taken in an immature way by me) Oh, and you'll think: "nah, nah, nah, he's just trying to defend himself from what this monster really is."
Darkle: GCBC DID YOU BLOCK ME?? Thank you, I love you too.
While I was writing all this I was thinking: "this text looks so bad, it's going to look like I'm EXCUSING myself" NO, NO, NO.
What a shame all this is
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OH YEAH, I BLOCKED GCBC FOR A LITTLE WHILE IN THE FORM OF: "no, now, stop, I don't want to get in trouble, I don't want to have to do THIS TEXT." And it only got worse, bad choice. MY FAULT, my fault, ik, it's my fault, I'm sorry.
At the end of that pile of text I put " /j " because I didn't want that to be misunderstood, and you will say: "why didn't you put in small print that it is not serious to insult? IT LOOKED BAD, FROM MY POINT OF VIEW IT LOST GRACE, RATHER, GRACE FROM DARKLE'S POINT OF VIEW, I really wanted to make it look like Darkle was the one who wrote it, NOT ME.
Ok, this is already a lot to read, GCBC, sorry to tell you so late, but, do you remember that time I made an Alex bot and you told me:
" AI is theft, and also a HORRIBLE resource guzzler. If you care at all about the hard work that *real people* put into honing their crafts, or the environment, you'll stay well away from this nonsense. "
(Yes, I copied the text)
Again, SORRY!! AI is crap if you ask me, but I really wanted to do something different. I didn't dare tell you.
Finally the text ends here.
Postscript: This blog is the blog of an antagonist. I thought: "an antagonist is needed in an rp"
I've put humor here because I don't even like reading things written with so much "Capital letters? Seriousness?"
That's it, it doesn't matter. IT'S OVER, RIGHT?
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cowardlychimera · 12 days
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hiiiii made this super quick a few days ago but just cleaned it up a little bit right now so heree
they're an oc and their name is Too Much and Never Enough (yes. the whole thing.) be niceys to them <3
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softle0 · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Who's your biggest inspiration/s on Simblr? Mention them! Tell us why you like them!
omg this is embarrasing to me because half of them doesn't even know me but... I guess it's my time to send some love!!! Honestly I love a lot of simmers and their work is so cute!!
For builders I love @midsummermoon20 @florwal @moonwoodmillz @vartosa and @folkling @bobnewbie @machinegrl so much! their styles are unique and so beautiful they inspire me so much when I'm building 💗
For storytelling @stellarfalls @bubblepopsims @fl0ptrait and @estah (who we miss so fucking much) are my go to!!! ❤️❤️
For CAS I love @afrolatinotrait @birdietrait @madfeary @fl0ptrait @kashisun their sims are always the best looking ones, they inspire me so much to keep creating new sims ❤️
Lastly I'd love to mention @northernsiberiawinds for making the best cc ever, @farfallasims because everything she does is so fucking good, @quietwaters inspire me so much, her reshade and all of her cc it's so good, @awingedllama as well, her nostaliga cc it's the best thing that has happend to me frrr and @aashwarr and @largetaytertots for having the best simblr channels ever, they're so funny and entertaining to watch, I'm always laughing at their videos!!
I could mention like 50 blogs more but I don't want to bother any more people tbh 😭😭😭 There are so much talented people in this community that is impossible to mention all of them. So I'm very thankful for all of them and all the creativity they bring to this game, it's absolutely amazing ❤️
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sailor-brunette · 1 year
I don't give a damn what anyone says! The shoujo/otome/villainess isekai genre is great and I'm so glad it's getting so much attention! And I really hope they give Raeliana and Doctor Elise full adaptations since both those series are completed. Cuz if they don't,there's really no point. Also,looking forward to more of the ones we’re getting and hope we get more.
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freerpstuffig · 23 days
does anyone want like 900+ icons of violette rem vahan from i swear i won't bother you again
here's a sampling. i went up to like ch 22.2
google drive link. enjoy
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