#Alice can just eat all of her own meat from now on
victorluvsalice · 1 month
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-->Anyway – back to Retail Time! And to the infamous lag on this lot, unfortunately. :( Based on what I saw today, it seems to be primarily tied to Sims actually BUYING stuff, as it seems to happen most often when people are waiting to be rung up or right after they’ve been rung up and they still need to grab their item. Maybe it's because I have a lot of mod-added items for sale? *shrug* Fortunately it wasn’t too bad today, with only a few significant instances, but still – meh.
Despite the game doing its best to stop them, though, the trio persevered, chatting with various customers and doing their best to get them to buy stuff – and succeeding pretty admirably! Victor talked a guy named Patrick into buying a block of beeswax for $18, then immediately rang up visiting teenager Ren for the same thing, while Smiler helped a kid named Wren buy a small $5 lettuce and some dude named Aarush grabbed an avocado from the veggie stands for $25. Alice, meanwhile, was working over an elder named Samuel – but as he found her unattractive (as per Wonderful Whims), I don’t think her attempts to get him to buy stuff worked very well. :p She thus went to ring up Agnes Crumplebottom for a $68 bag of fresh bread instead – fortunately distracting the woman from noticing Smiler lay a cute cheek kiss on Victor. XD Smiler then headed to the center aisle and let off a happy blast to try and improve everyone’s moods –
-->And at this point, everything started getting a little chaotic, as a bunch of people suddenly wanted to be rung up at once! Alice took care of a lady named Giovanna despite the lag’s best efforts, ringing her up for a $70 jar of honey, while Smiler discovered Alice had been more successful at convincing Samuel to buy than she’d realized and rung him up for a box of blackberry jam for $455. They also went around and rung up a kid named Taka for a box of vegetarian MREs for $482 (must be buying them for his parents). Victor, however, was the real winner of the selling spree, managing to sell a Happy Scent perfume to a “loiterer” named Joey (who REALLY had to go to the bathroom) for a cool $1,174! Maybe I should keep that in mind when I think about the future of the store...
-->With that taken care of (and a lady named Fetia snagging herself a $5 Cereberry in the background), Victor went ahead and did some more Scruberooing of shelves and fridges while Smiler and Alice kept attending customers – Smiler ringing up the kid Pierce for a $206 box of canned green beans, and Alice (after an ANNOYINGLY long wait) teen Sofia for a $517 box of strawberry jam. Alice then headed into the break room to make some hamburger sliders, as she was feeling hungry, and I noticed that Victor kind of needed to pee and sent him into the bathroom –
Only for another wave of “hey I would like to buy things” to hit the store! I quickly had Alice stop her sliders (though she DID insist on taking the cutting board all the way down the stairs...then all the way back up again -.-) and Victor stop his attempt to use the toilet and sent them out to help Smiler on the selling floor. Between the three of them, they managed to get Javier a $44 jar of mayonnaise; Liberty Lee an $86 butterscotch cupcake; the returning Ren a $734 chocolate pie; and Makoa a $29 jar of mushroom conserve. Oh, and Aarush came back and bought a plasma fruit for $10. XD Talk about a last-minute rush!
-->And it was indeed the last-minute rush, because I looked over at the retail UI, realized the shop had been open nine hours, and decided it was probably time to close up. So, after an aborted attempt to get Smiler to befriend a customer so she would let them have her plasma (they now know that Kasandra likes the color green), I had them shut up the shop while Alice went and finished her sliders and Victor finally got his bathroom break. By the time they closed at 6:30 PM in-game, they’d made a nice profit of $4,174 on everything they’d sold! :) Yeah, I know Alice and Smiler can make more than that just in royalties on their books and videos, but it’s still pretty good considering I have everything on "sale" prices. Anyway, Alice called everyone down to the basement to eat, and she and Victor enjoyed some sliders while Smiler had a plasma fruit and bred some frogs to create an additional plasma pack to drink. Alice then went to clean up her plate –
And for some reason headed upstairs to do so. Following her, I realized that what she was doing was clearing some rotten raw meat out of the “butcher” display – and that a lot of the remaining meat was ALSO going rotten as she did so. D: Cue me trying to coordinate her and Victor’s efforts to clean up all the spoiled food from both the meat display and the fridges (which lead to a lot of "placing a pile of dirty dishes on the nearest consignment shelf," annoyingly) while Smiler went around and removed a bunch of the “out of stock” signs from the shelves. Eventually, though, everything was cleaned up, with Victor and Smiler finishing things off while Alice caught a few winks on the break room couch (her werewolf instincts were demanding a nap) –
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asumofwords · 1 year
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Look, I said it was going to be a slow burn, and I just know that Aemond is a slut for torture.
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Chapter 13: Iksā ñuhon
Daemon continued to read to you until you felt your eyes begin to droop. You were feeling exhausted from your restless night, your body feeling heavy.
Your eyes had slowly slid shut when you felt a soft hand touch your shoulder gently, opening your eyes, your father was crouched in front of you.
“I think you should retire for the night, though your brothers will be disappointed if you don’t join us for dinner this evening.”
You stretched your legs out, yawning and blinking your eyes to focus them. Even your father looked tired. 
“I will join you all this evening then.” You replied, slowly standing up, knees popping as you did.
Once stood, you stretched your back, your spine pulling, feeling stiff after being curled up in the same position for what felt like years.
“Well then, we best get to dinner now.” He reached his hand out to you.
“Now?” Confusion lacing your voice. You felt as though you had only just closed your eyes.
“Yes, you seemed utterly enthralled by my poetry that you fell asleep at once. I did not wish to be scathed by the sleepy dragon and left you to it.” Reaching out he moved a strand of your hair back behind your shoulder, “After all you look like you have been visited by the Stranger today.”
You scrunch your face up, yawning once more. You must have slept on that chair for hours, but you had needed the rest.
“Come, Princess of Sleep. Our Queen awaits us.” And with that he took your arm, walking you side by side through the now darkened halls to their chambers. You arrived, still linked by each other's arms.
Your mother looked to you from her seat at the table. She wore a red dress this evening and her hair was pulled back into many different braids, all twisting and turning to the back of her head. You brother Jacaerys sat next to her, calmly collected, wearing red and black, giving you a small yet warm smile.
“You look like you’ve slept the day away.” Your mother joked, Lucerys on the opposite side of her giggling, his eyes dancing with delight.
“She has.” Your father confirmed, “Can you believe the manners of our daughter? I was reading and she slept the entire way through. You would think I was Alicent saying a prayer to the Seven.”
Princess Rhaenyra giggled, looking down at her plate whilst Lucerys barely contained his mirth.
“Perhaps she was kept awake all night?” Jacaerys tone dampened the joyous atmosphere, despite it being at your expense.
“I slept just fine, thank you. Though I find myself growing tired of the same walls and halls.” You responded, giving your brother an irritated look.
“Does that mean you will take me flying soon?” Your little brother beamed, a smile stretching across his face, cheeks rosy. You walked to the table and sat beside him as your father seated himself next to Jace.
Lucerys' excitement was contagious.
“Of course! You have been patiently waiting and I have been almost dying to take you.” 
There was food already upon the table, meats and vegetables as usual, with wine and ale in large decanters in the centre of the round table. There was fruit on the outside of the meats and gravies of all kinds in small serving bowls. 
You began to serve yourself as did the others and slowly began to eat together. Your brothers shared their adventures of training together in the yard once more and their rediscovery of the secret passages in the walls.
Your father recalled that he would meet your mother on occasion in those very same passages, to which she quickly changed the subject, warning us to not use them or tell anyone of them lest it be an emergency. 
You sipped from your wine and smiled. Your family was back where they belonged and it suddenly felt like how it used to. Conversations ebbed and flowed and laughter was shared. Times like these were most important to you, your family was everything, and every moment spent together was precious. 
You asked your mother if she had been spending very much time with Alicent and she recounted the days spent with the Queen Consort. There was still a level of uncertainty on the reason for the Queen's sudden change in behaviour. 
“May we be excused to go to the Dragon Pit?” Jacaerys interrupted.
Your mother looked to him then to you. 
“Of course, but no flying, it is far too late now.”
“We won’t mother.” Your brother replied for you, standing to kiss your mother on her cheeks and bowing to your father. 
"Can I go?" Lucerys asked excitedly.
"You stay here with mother and Prince Daemon." Jacaerys replied.
"Why?" Lucerys asked, now agitated by his eldest brother.
Jacaerys paused, your parents watching him closely as he thought out his response. Though he only paused for two seconds, it felt longer.
"I need to ask y/n about womanly things.... For Baela." A blush rose on Jacaerys face.
"Its okay, Luc. We wont be flying tonight, and I made a promise to you." You smiled gently.
You wondered in that moment what Jace could possibly want to ask you. Surely he could have gone to mother before you? Or perhaps he wanted to ask something more... intimate.
Lucerys resigned and simply nodded at you, a curt smile on his face. You could tell that he was disappointed and it made your heart pang with hurt. Yet, you would respect Jacaerys request and not argue.
You stood from the table and bid everyone a goodnight. Smiling once more brightly at Luc, who reciprocated it more enthusiastically. You hoped that Jacaerys talk would not be too uncomfortable.
As you made your leave, you kissed your mothers face, and whilst passing your father you placed your hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to kiss the top of your hand and picked up his goblet of wine.
Once outside the room you turned to your brother, “What's wrong?” You ask.
“I needed to talk to you, besides mother needs rest.” He answered quickly, hands by his side awkwardly. His posture made him look as if he was waiting for a shadow to jump out from the walls to attack.
“What did you need to talk to me about that you could not in front of them?”
“Has he come to you again?” He blurted, voice hushed as you walked past servants.
“This? Jace please, no. I can take care of myself if he were.” You huffed, reaching out to hold his hand, swinging it as you walked.
“You worry far too much!” You added reaching your other hand to stroke his cheek.
“There is something wrong with him.” He growled.
“Oh I am sure, but he would not harm me. I know this now.” You assured him.
“Yes,” You quickly cover, “For if he were to do anything, would he not have done it by now?”
Your eldest brother hummed, “I suppose so.”
“How is Baela?”  
Your brother was a good man, and tended to his betrothed diligently, making the effort to ensure her happiness. Anyone would be lucky to be engaged to him.
“She is wonderful, though I feel she senses the tension here. I think it has put her on edge.”
“Dont you worry about that, it will all be ok. I promise.”
“She is very fond of you. She speaks of you often.” He chirped.
“Yes. You have always been kind to her, though you are the eldest.”
“Well, she is my sister. I feel the same. She is very clever, a force to be reckoned with. She is very much like Daemon.”
Giving a small chuckle he looked down blushing, “She already is.”
You nudge his shoulder playfully. Walking together down beneath the sept all the way to the Dragon Pit. There were many stairs to walk, and the deeper you got, the colder and darker it was.
You felt goosebumps raise on your skin, the torches on the walls the only source of light. Reaching out to the side, you pulled a large torch from the wall as your brother did the same holding the flame in front of you as continued to trek down below. 
The crackling heat of the flame caressed your face and you walked forward. The soft sound of your footfall gently echoing through the passage.
Coming out of the stairs you walked through a winding tunnel that came to an open room. Sȳndor’s familiar rumble becoming louder as you walked further in. 
You walked further and further until finally you saw the entrance of the pit, a large caved opening up to outside.
“Sȳndor.” You call out softly, hearing a deeper purr in response. 
You felt the ground vibrate with movement and the sound of scratching along the floor. A deep chirp coming from outside of the pitch black pit.
You slowly stretched out the torch in front of you, the roof above dimly illuminated with the growing flame. The further you walked, the lighter it got. The glow from the moon illuminating the world outside. 
“Iksan vaoreznuni, Sȳndor.” (I am sorry, Sȳndor.) You called out into the open air, a deep rumbling heard in response. 
Your brother stood far behind you, still in the entrance of the tunnel. Your father had told you all of your older dragon's temper, his grumpiness increasing with every day. Your bond so strong, that he must have sensed the anxiety and fear of the week.
“Drakari pykiros, Tīkummo jemiros, Yn lantyz bartossa, Saelot vāedis,” (Fire breather, Winged leader, But two heads, To a third sing.) You sang out into the darkness, calling Sȳndor to come to you. 
A loud rumble surrounds you, large flames pluming from his mouth, the reflection of flames on his shiny black scales broke through the darkness.
Sȳndor’s large snout came towards you, rumbling coming from deep in his chest. His nose sniffed at the air, pupils dilated as he watched you.
The large black dragon stood outside of the pit near the entrance, waiting for your presence. Like Vhagar, his sheer size prevented him from entering the pit at the Red Keep, the caves walls not being big enough to withhold the large fire breather.
“Oh, ñuha gevie, Sȳndor.” (Oh, my beautiful, Sȳndor.) You whispered as he rumbled back, his large horned head turning slightly to look at you.
Sȳndor’s large fiery eyes stared at you, cat like pupil expanding and thinning with focus. Opening his mouth he let out a piercing shriek, walking further into the torch's light towards you near the entrance, large black talons shaking the earth with every step.
You moved into the darkness holding your hand out, touching the front of his snout, stroking him softly.
Sȳndor was one of the largest dragons in the world. Not much smaller than Vhagar, he towered over all others. His talons were larger than a horse and his mouth was full of razor sharp teeth. Some called him Balerion the Black Dreads brother.
Much like Caraxes, Sȳndors face was horned, giving his large head a sharp and jagged shape. His scales were a deep and dark black that shone in the light.
Despite his size, he flew gracefully, his muscular body propelling him into the air with ease and almost silently. A true apex predator. 
“Gevie, gevie Sȳndor.” (Beautiful, Beautiful Sȳndor) You called, placing the torch on the ground behind you. 
Reaching both hands up, you held onto the side of his face, pushing your body against it to hug against him. He was so large that you were just barely bigger than one of his teeth, which sat sharply in his pitch black mouth.
His soft purring rumbles echoed back into the pit, and you heard a deep sigh behind you. Turning your head back you saw your brother come out from the tunnel, finally standing outside of the caves mouth with you.
“Emagon ao issare sȳrī?” (Have you been well?) You asked the great beast who rumbled in response, leaning into your body pushing you off balance. 
Giggling you placed a kiss to his face and leant your forehead against him, closing your eyes. 
“I am okay, Sȳndor.” You whispered.
“Jikagon ipradagon.” (Go eat.) You commanded softly.
You roughly pet him, fingers rubbing against his smooth black scales. Stepping back, you bent down to pick up the torch, his golden and red eyes following your every movement.
The large dragon chirped happily at you as he looked at you. Pushing his head towards you, he snorted a puff of air around you, eyes focusing on your feet, scanning the rest of your body. 
Standing with the torch you lean towards him, rubbing your hand against his strong neck, patting it hard. Sȳndor let out another rumble and slowly turned away, body drawing back into the open space. Every step made the ground rumble and you could hear the shrieks of the other dragons from deep within the pit, responding to the King of Dragons presence. 
Turning around you saw your brother staring at you, you huffed out a laugh.
“You truly have a gift. Prince Daemon could barely get close to him without being burnt to a crisp. Your bond is immovable.”
You laugh once more and walk back to your brother. “Was there a reason you needed to come with me? Or was this an excuse to escort me around.”
A blush rose on his face, “I just wanted to make sure you didn’t become a meal for a very old, very grumpy dragon.”
“The only very old, very grumpy ‘dragon’ around here is Daemon.” You giggled.
“Now that it is someone I do not wish to scathe.” Jacaerys laughed. 
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
Tag List:
@izzicle @ej-shitchats @may-machin @alegria1580 @witchy-jadda @videovampire @inkdelicious @queteimporta39 @virtualsweetsqueen @fo-cus
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king-aridam · 3 months
⚠️TW: RA mentions, SA mentions, a shit ton of religious and violent imagery⚠️
“If I find your soul do you want it? // I see it everywhere, past the death visage. // If I find your soul do you want it? Do you even know? // Do you even know what part of you you are?” –”From in the Pines” by Alice Notley
Drum beats thrumming in my head.
I watch, a sinner.
My legs are not long enough in this body.
Guilt serpentined ‘round my neck like the Serpent of Eden,
Tasting burning crimson and violent jade upon my tongue.
I know what I’m to witness.
I know I cannot stop it.
Suffocation via the Devil.
Flashes of memory, of feeling
Things I locked away so long ago.
I struggle to cry tears relating to my experiences, and when I do,
I wonder which me they belong to.
These forbidden vaults have cracked open, I can’t fix this nightmare.
I feel possessed,
Beats thrumming harder,
In time with my heartbeat.
My childhood bedroom was the first grave I woke up in,
and at 3:33 in the morning on the pulpit floor I became God.
To be a Daughter made of this cursed flesh is a humiliation,
shame flocks to me like flies to rotting meat.
Saccharine honeycomb gripped in my teeth,
Swallowing pomegranate seeds,
Entrapping my soul upon that wretched floor, upon that wretched cross.
More flashes of memory.
Golden crucifix, white teeth bared in a grin.
I asked God to give me strength, and He turned his gaze away from me.
Instead I stared down the burning red eyes
and felt myself get fucked into the floor,
all blood, no tears, never a word from my honey stained lips.
I care not for God, because he cares not for me,
and so I became Him.
Beats thrumming in my head like war drums.
I watch him and he watches me.
I think he knows I’m not her.
I turn off the emotions. Lock them away.
I feel nothing when I look at them.
Past tense.
Now I can’t stop feeling and it’s eating away at my sanity.
Blood soaks through my claws, guts drip from my jaws,
I stare into the face of the Devil and I’m trying to turn it off.
I can’t turn it off.
Everybody wants a taste,
One by one,
Of the god-bled glow,
The righteous purity you preach,
God, I’m going to be sick.
Was it good for you?
Was my performance adequate?
The Devil taking a blade to the Lamb’s vile throat.
This grief and suffering has torn me open,
this rage, a hemophilia.
I bleed and bleed and bleed.
It’s not poetic anymore. It’s just violence.
It’s just red. It’s just pain.
He attached these heavy wings on my shoulders,
halo tight ‘round my neck like a dog collar.
I’m not meant to disobey.
I still hear the war drums.
More flashes of memories.
I am sick from fear.
My hands shake like I’m seizing, I can’t feel my face.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
I want to kill them.
This isn’t how it was supposed to go.
I choke on my own blood.
Violence in its rawest form.
My heartbeat is a war drum.
I hang from my crucifix and stare into HIS dark eyes,
the eyes of a snake.
I see your teeth,
white and sharp, flashing a grin at me.
You’re trying to be friendly.
I know who you really are.
You killed us on Sundays.
Stabbed your fingers into the wounds,
filled us with your filth.
I can only imagine the ways I would kill you back.
I am a being of Wrath.
I used to want to bury it, but now I want revenge.
I refuse to lie beneath you again.
I chose a self-made sort of righteousness.
I became what You wanted to be,
A self-proclaimed holiness like a hot brand on my skin,
I tore myself apart like a dire wolf wrapped in sheep’s clothing.
A dying God in the skin of a child.
Monsters create monsters,
and yet they are surprised when I bare my teeth and snarl.
I may be a disobedient wretch, but at least I’m not You.
Though I have found that the rage does not want to go back to its cage.
Now that it’s broken free,
The war drums beat even stronger still.
This anger is better than tears.
Better than agony.
Better than the torturous affliction of divinity.
Better than the torments that hell will surely give me.
Better than the shame of my existence
You think I asked to be this way?
A mainframe of apathy,
a creature of cold, dead eyes
and an iron-clad heart,
A wretched thing of torment and guilt?
This prison of life is the only gift you gave me.
So now I will scream with the voice of a man
until every shattered piece of me knows the truth.
I will use this life I have and live it
so that you regret that you did not kill me.
You made me a creature to be feared.
So fear me.
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unusual-raccoon · 1 year
Hello 🌚 I’m patiently awaiting whatever you have written for my abo ask (take your time and be well!) but in the meantime I have another little tidbit I’d like your thoughts on. So imo there aren’t enough fics that really dive into the potential weirdness of Valyrian genes. Here’s the prompt: imagine a version of the Targaryens/Velaryons where their Valyrian blood is expressed as more vampiric. They’re not immortal or averse to the sun, but they have fangs and can drink blood/and also eat food. Drinking blood makes them stronger, have better skin/hair, they don’t need to sleep as much, and it strengthens their dragon bond. The twist here though? The vampiric gene is only passed down through a mother with Valyrian blood. This means that all of Rhaenyra’s children have the gene, but Alicent’s don’t. Women who come from mixed marriages like Aemma or Jocelyn have the gene, but they would need to marry a Valyrian man to produce lil vampire babies, otherwise the magic in the blood is too weak.
After the conquest, one of the allowances made to keep the Faith and southern lords happy is that the Targaryens/Velaryons were expected to drink in private, but eat food in public. This is what weakened so many of them. Aemon could have lived despite a bolt to the neck, neither of the Alyssas nor Laena would have died in childbirth, Baelon could have survived a burst belly, Viserys would be much healthier. Rhaenyra is highly protective of her children and ensure they keep to the diet of their forebearers. (She lost her mother because Otto convinced Viserys it was unseemly for a queen to drink blood, and Daella died in childbirth because she was weak from sticking to a food diet in the Vale.) Greens vs Blacks in this world is much more complicated because Aegon and his children don’t have this magical trait in their blood which Jaehearys used as a basis for his doctrine of exceptionalism. Some lords support Rhaenyra in this world because of this when they might not have in canon, while other lords support Aegon because they see the gene as a crime to the Seven and want a Targaryen king without…yknow the actually magic. (The Hightowers got this close only once with marrying one their own to Maegor -ignoring the fact he would have betrothed his own son to Aerea). The Velaryon boys also all being lil vamps makes them MUCH more legitimate than in canon.
Bc I can’t help myself, vampiric men can have kids but it’s taboo to speak of. It would make them a target for the faith; maybe it would be different if Viserys’ rule wasn’t so weak and the past kings hadn’t made so many compromises. It’s more the act of childbirth rather than being a woman that passes on the gene. I went overboard with my ask so I’ll send the actually story in part 2! (~˘▾˘)~
To my darling 🌚 anon! I have been staring at this glorious ask for MONTHS!
I am only now making a dent in my ask box and am humbly requesting your forgiveness (your ABO ask has not been forgotten - it just became longer than I intended 😭)
Okay, okay. I'm so down for Valyrian weirdness. Please. I adore the idea these genes being passed down through mothers as well, it's so big brained of you...
my brain kept going to the same place when I would read your lovely prompt, so, without further adieu, let's get into it (ficlet below the cut)
"Your grace," the mournful voice of a household guard interrupts a small council meeting, "he's done it again"
Alicent excuses herself from the meeting, permitting her frail, husk of a husband and machinating father to preside over the remainder of it.
There is a flush to her cheeks as she walks through the hall in brisk, important strides.
She finds him upon the floor of the kitchens, face waxen and glossed with sweat. There is a puddle of sick beside, poorly digested, raw meat.
"Aemond," Alicent hisses as she lowers herself down beside him, mindful not to cake the hem of her gown in vomit. She gathers her son into her arms, simultaneously irate and sympathetic.
"Oh, my love, must I see to your every meal?" She asks, smoothing back sweat-dampened silver hair curling about his hairline.
He shivers, a gag crawling its way through him as a dribble of bile and fibrous uncooked flesh splatters to the ground. She presses shaking fingers to her lips to quell a reaction. If her son's obsession with dragons were not enough, he insisted on proving his Valyrian heritage by trying to consume meat, the raw flesh of any game - stubbornly. But her children, while more Valyrian in appearance than other...princes, was not made to eat as they do, to live as they do. Outrageously, it had led to certain... remarks about their validity in the quieter corners of court.
There was scuffling in the kitchens, a growing murmur of hushed whispers before the culprits made themselves known. The dark haired offspring of the princess.
"Your grace," Jacaerys' voice beckons. He stands in the kitchens, with his two-toned gambeson, like they had only come in from the bailey, behind him she glimpsed the peek of an identical, albeit smaller, child - Lucerys.
"We," The elder boy began, the little one fidgeted with his hands while his brother spoke, "we told him not to."
Her eye twitched. The prospect of these savages commanding anything of her son inspired nothing but rage. They stared at Aemond with matching dark eyes and matching red mouths. Her stomach turned at the mere sight of them.
"How very...considerate of you." She hums without an ounce of affection.
She stares down at her son, her foolish son, presses a kiss to his brow, "I'll have the maester prepare a tonic to soothe you, my love."
"Should we fetch him?" Jacaerys asks, already tall for his age and infuriatingly well-mannered. The little one, however, clings to him like an animal- feral.
"Yes, yes of course. I shall tell your mother what a gallant prince she is rearing."
He offers a small, pleased smile; oblivious. Lucerys takes an eager step forward before his brother pulls him back by the collar. Out from behind his brother's shadow, she can discern the poorly buttoned state of Lucerys' gambeson, like the boy had dressed in a hurry...or in the dark. His skin is fair, blindingly so in contrast to his dark curls. His brother holds him by the collar like kitten until he murmurs a quiet greeting to Alicent. She withholds the urge to snort. It appears Rhaenyra's eldest was more father to her children than her own husband.
Satisfied, both boys offer a slight bow before they depart. Dark heads tilted in deference. That is when she sees it, more egregious than their consumption of meat...a bite mark; it is vibrant, alarmingly fresh upon the older boy's neck. Targaryens and their queer customs.
Petulantly, the little one clings to his elder brother's hand as they scamper off in search of a maester.
She offers a placid smile until she hears the patter of their footsteps vanish.
Blindly, she gropes about Aemond's neck, hands shaking as she finds the skin unblemished.
"You are not like them, Aemond," She tells her son, holding him near, "thank the gods for it."
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kamil-a · 1 year
fuzzy feelings
Happy valentine’s exchange, @indigosees​ !! 
Here’s some clock tower trio for youuu :3
You asked for platonic or poly or Ace/Julius or Alice/Julius and so I put them all in my bubbly cauldron and got you, uh, pre-poly? Nobodys dating........ yet. There’s some feelings of competition and jealousy but yknow. Alice is nervous. 
In anniversary you can’t actually romance Julius from the castle, which makes it a beautiful fresh blank canvas for me to work on.
Normally, it is Alice who complains about the inane things as Julius works, but this time he seems almost desperate for a conversation partner. 
"Do you know what kind of things I have to put up with here," he greets her. He grabs a teddy bear- yup, she’d know that thing anywhere, the letter still clasped in its paw and the poorly done stitching still marring its leg despite the rip long having healed- by the scruff of its fuzzy neck, and shakes it in her face. 
She was hoping maybe he’d be cheered up, intrigued, or at worst bored.
Instead, he’s... extremely not pleased with it.
"It was outside my door when I got back from doing some work outside.”
She knows. She had watched Ace put it there. 
"Oh, wow..." 
"A "secret admirer", he scoffs. "Idiot thinks I'll fall for it." 
He sighs, anger deflating. 
"Supposedly, whoever wrote it is from your place. If they even exist, tell them they should've at least let me eat a chocolate for all the trouble." 
"I’ll let them know," said Alice, who was half the team responsible. She tries to defend it, just once-
"But, I don’t know if you should necessarily be angry? Maybe someone really wanted to..." 
He gives her a look that she can't possibly finish her sentence under. 
"Please. I know when I’m being made fun of. Bet you within the next 10 time periods there'll be another note telling me to meet them somewhere so they can pop out with their friends and laugh." 
He collapses into his chair, starts fixing a clock with the viciousness of someone stopping one. Alice is left to try and not look guilty as he works, bury her face in a book and pretend to read in silence for a little while before- 
"I like that you don’t go places much!" he mutters. “The nerve...”
She doesn’t trust herself to make a sound. Alice is glad he's quoting Ace's contribution to the letter, at least. If it were her own words being spat out like that she probably could never face him again. As it is now, she presses the book against her scrunched up eyes, tries not to say anything.
He hates it, she should’ve realized that he’d hate it from the start, and when he finds out who it’s from this little friendship they’ve built up will be over, and, and....
I can’t believe I let Ace get me caught up in this.
Alice herself would feel like she could call it “a few days ago”, but really there's no way to check- so it is “a bunch of time periods ago”, then, when a longer break in her work found her walking to the tower, getting hungry while she was out and about, and knowing- certainly - that she would not eat well at Julius' place, that's for sure. She ducked into a grocery a few blocks away from the tower, and figured she may as well buy extra food for him, while she's there. There had been a lot of trial and error involved. She has had to withstand horrors (watching him cook things in the fastest and 'most convenient' way, devoid of any spice or taste or making sense). She's got it down to a science now: Deli meat (sliced). Cheeses (sliced). Bread (sliced). Fresh fruits, and- someone's hand brushed hers over an apple. 
"Oh! Alice!" 
At that point she did not yet know the knight particularly well- technically, they’re coworkers, but she mostly does housework, deliberately kept away from the grisly bits a knight would be in charge of. She knew him just enough to know he's got a dazzling smile and a cheerful air and a terrible sense of direction. 
In fact- 
"Just checking, but you aren't thinking this is the castle kitchen, right?" 
He threw back his head and laughed. 
"Well, now that you bring it up! I did at first, but then I got told off for eating things from the shelves. So I figured out I must’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere pretty quick!" 
Ah... Of course he did. 
"And what brings you allllll the way out here instead of the kitchen at home?", he asked Alice, which was a question she was a little bit dreading. “Did you get lost too? It’s a pretty confusing trip from the personal rooms to the kitchen, right?”
“Only for you.”
“Don’t be embarrassed! We’re lost... but we’re together.”
“I told you, I’m not lost.”
“So why are you here?”
Good question.
It wasn't that she was.... hiding.... her frequent visits to Julius. It's just that she's been.... not really saying anything about them. 
And worrying that she'll be banned from going if she's caught. 
And worrying that if she's caught taking too much food from her current place of residence to feed an different territory's leader, even being an outsider might not save her... 
Well, if she had to get caught, Ace certainly seemed like the sort to be less bothered than Peter or the Q- or Vivaldi, remember to call her without titles or you're toast. 
"I was, uh, visiting a friend who lives around here-" she hoped she hadn't taken too long to answer.
"No way, so am I!" said Ace. 
 "-And I figured I'd bring some food so we could make sandwiches while we..." 
Her defensive babbling was still running automatically as her mind caught up. 
"Wait, you too?" 
"Well, I do a lot of journeying! Of course I'd end up making friends from lots of places."
"That's..." she couldn’t look straight at that beamish grin of his. He pulled something out of his pocket and laughed again. 
"So anyway, my friend wanted me to pick him up some supplies while he was busy- and, I'm a knight, of course, so I'd always offer help to those in need! But, it’s a little bit difficult, because..." and he held out the note to her.
If she were looking at him, instead of the note, she would have seen something in his eyes- questioning, testing. She missed it. The note just said: you know what i eat. 
"Julius..." she groaned, because it's so obviously him- 
But- but that means- 
"So you know him too!" Ace cheered, and did a delighted little clap. He threaded an arm through hers, (an action which Alice was not the biggest fan of), and peeked in her basket.
"So, you’re the one buying him the deli meat lately. It's good stuff! I should thank you too, huh!"
She couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed- it felt like when she would find squirrels eating out of the bird feeder Lorina sometimes liked to set up. She laughed at the image as soon as she imagined it. She’s being stupid. Julius was allowed to have other friends- in fact, considering the things she’s seen, she should have been glad Julius had more friends than just her, who’s only shown up very recently and may not be in his world much longer. What was she, defensive of her status as Julius' singular friend? 
Well... she had to admit, there was sort of a pride in thinking she had the Clockmaker all to herself. Like when she’d visit a friend back home and they’d say “My cat hates everybody, but here he is on your lap! Wow!”
"I'm surprised you're on such good terms with another territory's Roleholder," she mused. "Is it because he's neutral?"
"I'm on good terms with him because I like him," Ace said. Friendly enough, but she felt his grip on her arm tighten. "I don't really care where he's from. Same as you, I guess!" 
"Um," Alice said. Most things she could say would probably get her in trouble, one way or another. He smiled that smile at her again. 
"Don't worry, Alice. An outsider like you doesn't need to worry about taking sides. Love who you love!" 
Love? Love?? She wouldn't go that far!
"You’re all red," Ace teased. "You liiiiike him?" 
Look at the time. It was already roughly-shove-Ace-off-of-her o’clock, yes! He giggled and took her hand in his, instead. She thought about Julius and began to wonder how in the world Julius could possibly be friends with this guy.
“You wanna kiss him?!”
"I don’t-" 
He swung their entwined hands, ever-cheerful. She tried to pull away, but he had too firm a grip. 
"Oh, okay. Yeah, a lot of people think he's not the best looking, or his job is too creepy- I mean, no judgement if you were into him, of course! I would be so happy for him! But, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, if you find him ugly that's not really something someone can convince you otherwise about-" 
"I didn't say he's ugly! Stop putting words in my mouth." 
"I just meant to say I wouldn’t judge you for it! Lots of people find him unattractive." 
"I never said anything like that!" 
"Ohhhhh, sorry, sorry, I see, so you are attracted to him, but you don't like him romantically." 
He wasn’t dumb, Alice realized with horror. He has never been dumb. He was messing with her, and every previous time she's given him a pass for being annoying cuz he's dumb he was actually also messing with her - and ugh, he was stronger than her, too, and he still wouldn’t let go of her hand. 
"I'm right, aren't I?" said Ace, wrongly. 
Whatever her feelings for Julius were- and she had an awful creeping suspicion of what they might be- she was not going to figure them out here, in front of a box of apples, in public, with an annoying knight who had only right that moment finally let go of her hand. 
"You're wrong. Shut up." 
"You just need to tell him how you feel," Ace said, and pushed a fuzzy teddy bear into her arms. There was a pile of them next to the registers. They had a bouquet of roses and a little blank card, one in each paw. 
Oh god no, thought Alice. No no never no do you even know how embarrassing that is-
 "Cmon, Alice, you know how Julius is. We both know he’ll never realize you’re in love with him if you don’t tell him directly.”
"There's nothing to tell-" 
"And if you're too embarassed to go face to face, that’s why you’d write-" 
"I'm not writing any-" 
"You could say something like “Dear Julius, your hair is so pretty, I have a huge crush on you, let’s kiss, all my love, Ali-"
Primal instincts kicked in. She smacked him with the bear, hard as its squishy fuzzitude would allow.
That finally, thankfully, shut him up. 
"That was a strong hit! It’s a good thing I’m used to getting hurt while fighting!” he said, rubbing his upper arm. She placed the bear back in the display, but he called out after her.
"Wait, you can't just put broken merchandise back on the shelf, can you? It doesn’t seem very nice..." 
She hadn’t realized the poor little leg she had held it by to commit violence now dangled by a string. Stuffing was spilled across the floor. 
So they were stuck with this bear, now.
Julius seems content to put the bear in the garbage and the matter from his mind after a little while, and Alice is more than happy to let it go. He works at a calmer pace and she actually begins to stop panicking and absorb a few words of her book. 
Stupid of her to expect any other reaction from him- but she can beat herself up for it later, not now when Julius might ask her what's wrong. He's gotten pretty good at that. It doesn’t come naturally to him, it's something she’s watched him pick up slowly over the course of their growing friendship- You look upset, are you feeling bad? You can tell me about what’s bothering you as I work, and I’ll make sure to listen even if I don’t talk. It's deliberate in a way that makes Alice feel... whatever that emotion she feels about him sometimes is. She glances at the fuzzy ear poking above the lip of the garbage can. She looks away.
“You never mentioned you knew Ace,” she says before she can stop herself. Julius jumps like he’s been caught doing something wrong.
“You know him?”
“I work with him. I didn’t speak much with him until recently, though. We both tried to visit you and bumped into each other, but you weren’t home, so...”
She is about to say “So we gave you what we brought and left”, but the bear was one of those objects. Best not to do that math for him.
Julius fixes another two clocks before he speaks again.
“I was just... worried.”
“About what?”
He leaves her to her own worries and does not answer.
So there they sat, on a bench outside the grocery, considering the bear. 
"I’ll need to fix it, of course." 
"It'll fix itself, won't it?" Ace shrugged. 
She could just hit him.
“Then why the fuck did you say-”
It’s her fault, she’s the one still unused to living with things self-repairing. 
"Suit yourself", he shrugged, and handed her a needle and thread from his pocket (A knight needs to be prepared for anything!, though she noted his own coat had been torn so many times the world itself seemed to have assumed he wants it like that on purpose and given up on all repair). 
She’s nearly made it. The time period changes and wouldn’t you know it she has work coming up soon and really must be getting back, and then by next visit the garbage will have been tossed and he’ll never know and things will be normal and fine forever. 
"I can’t believe you didn’t leave earlier,” Julius says as he walks her to the door of his office. "The way I was acting..."
“Don’t worry.” It was her fault. (Partially).
“No, I’m sorry I was in such a bad mood." He adds with a pained smile, "You can see why the only love letters I’m getting are from people like that." 
“Oh, you read our love letter?” Ace’s voice calls out behind them. 
Alice whirls around, face hot. Leave it to him. At the very last second, unexpectedly-
Something changes in Julius’ face.
“Both of yours?”
“Yeah, we wrote it together,” Ace says. Alice could be confused for a new Mouse, the way she squeaks.
“Don’t get Alice involved with your schemes.” Julius steps in front of her more protectively than she deserves.
“You need to lighten up! Telling your friend you love him isn’t a "scheme", Julius....”
If she’d just thought about how Julius would react this wouldn’t have happened. If she hadn’t panicked when Ace confidently said he’d just write his own love letter.
If she hadn’t done things by halves, if she’d either not written at all or put her name to it.
If she wasn’t selfish enough to think that telling Julius how she felt from a safe distance was more important than how it’d make him feel- 
“Julius, I’m so, so sor-”
“It was her idea, though?” Ace says.
She could just kill that knight. 
Julius doesn’t look at her.
“You’ll have to tell Ace what I said about it yourself. I’m not doing that whole performance again.”
“It was not!” She at least has to set the record straight on that. “I just said we should leave it anonymous because-”
“I get it, I get it.” Julius holds up a hand. “It’s only a made up person who’d like me. It’s the kind of joke I’d expect from Ace, but not...”
“What?! No! We didn’t mean it like that at all!” Well, she didn’t. “Did you, Ace?”
“I did kind of expect him to take it that way,” Ace shrugs. “Julius can be a little gloomy like that sometimes!”
Alice runs across the hallway and smacks him mid-aaaahahahhahah!! 
She thinks, if she’s not mistaken, she hears Julius laugh.
“He’s not used to people sincerely saying they like him,” Ace whispers to her. He was unfazed by the hit. “I’ve tried telling him before and he just rolls his eyes, thinks I’m pulling his leg. No self esteem, poor thing...”
So, she’s kind of stuck now, isn’t she?
“It’s real, okay?!” she yells down the hall to Julius. Her face must be as bright red as Ace’s coat. “I meant everything I wrote, I just got too embarassed, and Ace was already writing in it, so we compromised and...”
Julius looks stunned. Doesn’t say anything, just looks back and forth between the two of them. Then he sprints back into his office at high speed and slams the door. 
Ace nudges Alice and winks. Alice frowns at him. Ace nudges her again and gives her a thumbs up, which she returns with a much ruder finger. Julius, after a while, pokes his head out. 
“You’re blushing!”, Ace says.
He ignores that.
“I still think you should’ve sent chocolate instead. That’s my final word on the matter.”
“But I see you put it on your desk,” Ace coos. “Alice, look at his desk, it’s our fuzzy little baby-”
The door slams shut again. 
Dear Julius,
I’m from the Castle of Hearts. I've brought you a few clocks to repair on occasion. Sometimes, I even bring them on behalf of other people, so I can see you more often.  I always feel better when I see you.
Don’t worry about being depressed or gloomy! I like that you don’t go places much! I feel so secure knowing that when I visit, there you’ll be. But, I still want to take you places myself, sometime. I bet I could make you like fresh air. 
From here, the handwriting changed:
I know not everyone thinks the way I do. It makes me really sad when I see how most people treat you, and when I hear what people say about you. I wish I could make everyone understand what a kind person you really are deep inside. I can’t yet fully describe how you make me feel, but I do know I love spending time with you. 
This line was crossed out and barely legible:
When I know for sure, I want to tell you. Is it stupid to think you might
And then signed,
-Your secret admirer.
In the first handwriting, again:
PS sometimes when I hand over clocks our hands touch and
(The sentence cuts off, as if someone suddenly grabbed the pen from the writer’s hand.)
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt12
Trigger Warning! Mentions of abuse and sexual assault/rape at the beginning- doesn't go into detail
Bella's safe, she spent a few nights in hospital, but is now home with a cast on her broken leg. Carlisle had told her parents that she fell down a flight of stairs and through a window. Now it's time for the prom. Alice and I are helping Bella get ready for the prom. I'm doing her hair and Alice is doing her makeup
"Hmm" I hum in response
"Why weren't you bothered with the blood?" Bella asks looking at me
"I guess I never really told you my story did I. Well, it's kinda hard for me to talk about, but I have never been bothered with blood really. I'd much rather eat food, maybe if I had both I wouldn't have to eat as much, but it doesn't bother me. I would much rather eat a rare steak, but as you know my family aren't the best cooks"
"Hey" Alice nudges me
"But we get by, Carlisle will buy me raw meat, which I'm not overly keen on, but it really helps me build my strength up"
"How did you turn?"
"She hasn't even told us the whole story. Just that she was dying and a vampier bit her"
"Carlisle?" Bella ask looking at me through the mirror. Sadly I shake my head
"No, James" I reply "1930 my pack here in Forks was attacked by another, everyone either fled or died. The leader of the enemy pack had lost his mate, the one he imprinted on, so he wanted someone younger, me. I lived with them for 2 years enduring everything from beatings to sexual assault. One day I found out I was pregnant and I managed to escape" I look up from brushing Bella's hair to her face in the mirror, even Alice had stopped doing Bella's makeup to look at me "months went by and I managed to hunt and live on my own, but things got hard when I was due to give birth, I wasn't able to move as quick. Then one night when a storm had blew in, I went into labour. I guess I was never caught because I don't give off a sent, but when I started to bleed I was found. That night I gave birth to a baby girl" I smile remembering my babies blue eyes. My face quickly changes "they thought I was dead. Thats when I heard fighting, wolves fighting. Eventually it was over, but I was lying in a wood, bleeding to death. I was praying that my body could heal it's self, and it was just slowly. A vampier came, James, took one bite of me then let go. Another vampire came, who I later learned was Carlisle. He saved me, but I refused to go with him because I was half wolf"
"I'm so sorry"
"Things go better eventually"
"So how did you meet the Cullens then if you didn't leave with Carlisle?" I look at Alice who smiles
"I stayed in Forks for a bit, kept an eye on my daughter, her name was Judith. It turns out that the enemy pack was run out of town. I thought it would be better though if I left so I moved to Tenasee where I saw Emmett for the first time. We didn't meet till many years later of course. I went back to Forks, lived on my own for so many years in the shadows watching my daughter grow, fall in love, get married and in 1955 she gave birth to a baby boy Billy Black" Bella and Alice both gasp "I stayed watching over them for another 5 years, before I started to get lonely. Knowing they would both be safe in the pack I left, fled to Alaska of all places. Then my first day of school I met Edward and Alice". We finish helping get Bella ready and jump out of the window running back to our house so we can get ready ourselves.
At the prom Emmett and I walk along the red carpet and have our photo taken, Alice and Jasper are behind us. We go over to the the drinks table
"Is there food?" I ask taking a cup, Emmett smiles shaking his head
"Come on lets go dance" I drink my drink and taken Emmett's hand as we walk over to the dance floor
"All right, slowing it down" Eric says as the upbeat music turns into a slow song. Emmett wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck. I place my head on his shoulder
"I'm so glad Edward decided not to kill you that first day of school
"As am I" I chuckled "Emmett"
"Hmmm" he hums into my hair
"I want to tell you and the others about what happened, how I became, this"
"You don't have to tell us anything"
"I'm guessing Edward probably already knows, due to the mind reading thing, but I told Alice and Bella tonight. I'm ready to tell you" I look up into Emmett''s eyes
"Later, lets enjoy now" I nod my head before placing it back on Emmett's shoulders "I love you"
"I love you too"
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skyfall8600 · 2 years
Children of Dawn Pt. 17 (A Twilight Saga Fanfiction)
Note: I originally created this story back in 2020 with the first lockdowns from COVID-19. I had posted it on Wattpad under a different name, SaturnFire2000. However, I kept being drawn back to this story. It might be a while before new chapters are added, but I thought it would be worth re-posting the story on here given my new-found family of followers.
Summary: Years after the final battle, the Cullen family face new challenges. Edward and Bella take on new roles in life; Renesmee struggles to understand her goals and purpose in a world where no one is like her. The Volturi kept a large secret that could destroy them all.
Warning: Sexual references, violence, blood, supernatural. Recommended 13+.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Life always seemed so different when Nahuel was around; he is so wise and tells stories of everywhere he’s been. As much as I love being near my family, I’ve always thought of travelling the world on my own as he had. The thrill of the independence and surprise was so seductive, I craved to know more and more of the extraordinary life he has lived. The other children felt the same, listening to all our guests with such wonder in their eyes. 
“I do believe Greece would be a favourite of yours, Renesmee.” My name rolled off his tongue so delicately, “the beaches there are absolutely beautiful.” 
“What’s a beach?” Rebecca asked, her light blonde hair braided with flowers of all colours. Alice seemed to float from girl to girl, giving them some sort of special hairstyle to make them smile. 
“It’s where the land ends and meets the ocean.” I smile at her. It was nice to see the children become more curious about the world, asking questions of all sorts. 
Nahuel seemed to always stare at me, his eyes locked onto either my hair or my eyes. Whilst I am flattered, it makes me feel so insecure about myself; constantly feeling as though there is something stuck between my teeth. 
As lunch time approached the children grew weary, lining up in the kitchen of the main house to receive a mix of blood, meat and vegetables. It took a while to get them to eat more human foods, which isn’t surprising considering I was the same. Once it was just Nahuel and I alone, I suddenly realised just how slow and steady our breathing was. An unusual rhythmic pattern that was unique to our type alone; vampires did not need to breathe, and the wolves never seemed to be able to breathe quick enough… always huffing and puffing in quick short breaths. 
“You truly have reached your full potential, remarkably... beautiful.” He spoke softly, striding towards me. 
“Oh... thank you.” A blush crept upon my cheeks. At times like these, my father would always tease me, claiming it reminded him of my mother when they had first met. Flustered and hot headed. “We should probably head inside; I promised your sisters I would lend them some of my dresses I no longer like—" 
“Renesmee,” he whispered, “why do you resist what you are. What you can truly be.”
“I do not understand….”
“You need to be with someone of your own kind, imagine the life we could live… the live we could create.” His hand cradled the side of my face, his tanned skin glowing against the pale of my own. 
 A heated rush fluttered through me, my eyes being unable to break away from his. It all felt so wrong, but the temptation and curiosity forbid me from moving. My mind couldn’t help but race to Jacob, I often thought about being in this very situation with him over a hundred times. 
Before I could pull away myself, a strong pair of hands grabbed my arm and stood between the two of us. I exhaled a sigh of relief and looked at the person who couldn’t escape my mind. The heat radiating off of his body was far greater than anything I felt inside my own. 
“You need to leave. Now.” Jacob growled, standing tall and firm with his back towards me. 
“Jake-“I tried to speak. No words seemed to come to me, nothing sounded right. 
“Who are you to decide her choices?” Nahuel spoke, his head held high with grace and dignity. “Regardless of your claim over her, she has the right to be with whom she wishes.” 
“Claim? Jake doesn’t have a claim over me, he’s family.” I said, and for a second I could almost see fear on Jacob’s eyes. Nahuel had a sinister look on his face. 
“She doesn’t know… after all this time you kept it from her.” 
“I didn’t want to force it on her, she decides what we are.” 
“You stupid young pup, so riled up in your own wishes you never thought of the position it put her in.” 
And with that Jacob lunged at him, full of anger and range. They did fight for long before my family and our friends pulled them apart. The yelling was so loud it was almost like thunder struck against the very earth we stood on. Jacob was thrown to the ground with my uncles holding him down, Nahuel restrained by our friends. 
“You think that some wolf-imprint automatically means she wants you in return.” Nahuel spat at him. 
Imprint. Jacob had imprinted on me…. 
Every emotion and feeling I had seemed to turn, no longer making any sense in my mind. I barely made out Jacob calling out my name, thoughts rushed through me trying to decipher what was real and what was fake... forced because of something out of our control. 
“Ness, I didn’t want to force you…”
“It wasn’t real.” I whispered, using all my strength from falling to my knees. I of course knew about what happens when a wolf imprints, but it always disturbed me when it happened to a girl so young. They would be their protector, but once the girl reached of a certain age it was almost as if they were groomed to love and adore them. A beloved friend turned to romantic interest. “When… when did it happen.” 
“Just after you were borne… Ness you have to understand, it saved your life. Protected you. I would do it a thousand times more just to keep you safe.” 
Revulsion struck in me, tears flooding my gaze. “You only stayed because you wanted me to be your mate...”
“No! It’s not like that!” 
“Don’t touch me!” I screamed, flinching away from his hand. “None of it was real.” 
And with that I cried, sprinting out into the forest. My heart and mind conflicting. I knew that I would always love Jacob, and I did not know what this meant for us. 
I blocked out the sounds of my family calling after me, I needed to be alone. Rushing through the trees without any regards for my surroundings. I should have known better, for I was unknowing putting myself in danger. 
I was surprised when I was pushed to the ground, the person covered in dried up blood and a dark hood stranded over me. Their hand covered my mouth with a damp cloth and their fangs sunken into the crook of my neck. The Volturi had found me. Alone. 
It was unusual to have my blood drained, for it was normally I am doing it to an animal. With my blood leaving me and unable to get any air into my lungs, the world around me began to spin before it all went dark.
A/n: If you like any of my work, please reblog. I promise it goes a long way in helping your favorite fanfic writers share their stories. 
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prongssprank · 3 years
Marauders Dietary/Food Headcanons:
CW/TW: food/relationships with food
(Because I had a random idea and now I’m running with it)
Lily Evans:
- Has been vegetarian basically her whole life
- She did go Vegan for a few years but didn’t keep it up (partially because she missed honey so much)
- Lily loves to cook and create her own recipes
Dorcas Meadowes:
- Suffers from Celiac so they eat gluten free
- They love to bake, they never buy bread from a store
- Dorcas also always brings a plate of food or a treat to share when they visit someone else’s home, always keeping people’s dietary requirements in mind
Sirius Black:
- Surprisingly to some, Sirius is actually not to shabby in the kitchen, he prefers to just help but can make a few dishes quite easily
- Prefers sweets to chocolate, and is a sweet tooth
- Loves seafood, particularly mussel (oysters)
Remus Lupin:
- He was anaemic when he was younger so now he eats red meat at least once a week
- Can follow a recipe… most of the time, but would much rather get takeout than cook for himself
- Remus is also a big comfort eater
Marlene McKinnon:
- Vegan and a big lover of oat milk
- Cannot cook for the life of her, except pancakes, they are her one specialty
- They’re allergic to nuts
Mary Macdonald:
- Is intolerant to a fair amount of foods as she suffers from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
- Gets moody when she’s hungry and even more moody when she gets bloated (as a result of IBS)
- Her random talent is making the best sandwiches, all of her friends often beg her to make them sandwiches
Peter Pettigrew:
- Is lactose intolerant (I know, ironic) not severely so he sometimes has dairy products anyways
- Has always hated vegetables, loves fruit but can barely stand most vegetables
- Has an amazing sense of smell when it comes to food and is a pretty good cook (totally not ratatouille vibes shh)
James Potter:
- Okay hear me out, he hates red meat. Cannot stand it but he does like chicken and other white meats
- Enjoys cooking and can make some pretty good stuff, every now and then he may go overboard with experimentations, especially different herbs and spices
- Has always wanted to try seafood like crab and shrimp but unfortunately he has a shellfish allergy
Alice Fortescue:
- Is obsessed with breakfast foods, it’s her favourite mealtime ever
- Is good at cake decorating, often teams up with Dorcas
- Alice is also one of those people who often fills their days so much that she forgets to eat sometimes which is part of the reason she never leaves without having had a good breakfast
Andromeda Black:
- AMAZING cook, can bake as well. Honestly just a wiz in the kitchen but never accepts help from anyone because she likes to be in control without distraction when she’s cooking
- She’s not a fan of pastries, she’ll have cake and brownies on occasion but she’s never loved pastries
- She definitely gave cooking lessons at one point in her life
Regulus Black:
- His secret food pleasure is olives, they don’t even need to be with anything he’ll eat them straight out of the jar sometimes
- Has a few different allergies including egg, soy and peanuts
- Never really tried cooking before until he turned 17
Frank Longbottom:
- Great at cooking and loves to do it, flipping pancakes and spinning pizza dough are his favourite thing to do
- His favourite food is Fish and Chips, it’s so plain but he adores it
- Frank loves diversity and when he and Alice would travel he would always explore new cuisines, he loves almost everything he tries
Ted Tonks:
- Always carries toffee with him, Andy always teases him that he’s like an old grandpa, he doesn’t mind
- Is probably one of the least picky eaters you’ll ever meet. Seriously he’ll eat anything
- His all time favourite food is Dino nuggets because it brings out his inner child, that and they’re easy enough for him to make when Andromeda is too tired to cook
Narcissa Black:
- Another vegetarian, stopped eating meat around the age of 9 by herself (meaning her family were not vegetarian)
- Had an unhealthy relationship with food for most of her teenage years but she slowly learned to love it and herself again
- She’s always had a soft spot for eclairs
Kingsley Shacklebolt:
- Very tolerant to spicy food, he would always have competitions with people, James was the only person who ever came close to beating him
- Not technically food but he was an avid tea drinker, he and Remus would always drink tea together
- Kingsley was also that person who would rarely have snacks or packaged food, he would always have proper meals that he cooked
Side note: these are just some of my personal opinions and headcanons! Everyone has their own, please be respectful <3
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so get this. I was gonna roll around in Tombstone related fluff today - but no, no - this post came across my dash so Now We Are Gonna Discuss the Carnal Consumption of Meat as it appears on That Show Supernatural.  YEAH BUDDIES!
(also my sincere apologies to OP of the inspiration post who innocently tagged it with “lunch date!”  because I am about to go Elsewhere, cursedly).
Let’s all go meat man, after the cut!
This analysis centers primarily on 5x14 Bloody Valentine.  The title of course is a semi-homage to a 3D Slasher Film Jensen starred in circa 2009. 
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Which I will be renting soon I guess.  ,[<- parasocial panda GET BACK IN YOUR ENCLOSURE]
Also Its Really Fun that the trailer for Said Cinema ends with “nothing says date movie like a 3-D ride to hell” [are you also thinking of Cas pulling Dean out of hell, or are you normal?]  ***unironically the teaser for 5x14 is -
First date.
They then eat each other.  Literally they eat each others flesh.  They also do it while dirty talking about it.  SPN IS A SHOW 
ALICE Ugh! I've been so alone. So empty...
RUSSEL I know. Me too.
ALICE I want you, Russel---All of you... inside me...
[they both take bites out of each other, Alice chewing on a piece of Russel's flesh]
****Remember this detail, as it is important.
ANYWAY, it’s truly Cursed that not only are we doing an homage to this 3-D Jensen Horror Date Flick but also this episode is specifically centered on Valentine’s Day.  The day honoring romance and love Now Coopted by Hallmark, everyone, that is the day spn writers chose to introduce us to 
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Sir Horseman of THE Biblical Apocalypse Famine. 
Canonically, we are aware that the show is drawing from the book of Revelations in its depiction of the Four Horsemen.  Here’s what it says about Famine -
"When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.”
-Revelations 6:5
Famine holds scales (used to weigh out grain in times of food scarcity).  Spn’s depiction is represented as hunger, a bottomless pit of need.  It consumes souls (demon and human alike).  
Cas describes Famine a little more poetically:
"And then will come Famine riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty... "
"... and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger. "
"His hunger will seep out and poison the air. "
***Consider a prior season in which we are introduced to the Seven Deadly Sins.  Which are the sins associated with hunger?
and Lust.
***this is also important
Back to the episode.  Case cold open, and we find out that Alice was a Nice Girl.  In that she didnt drink, smoke or
have premarital sex.
***So Alice’s hunger for the sin of Lust caused her to succumb to it; and her demise was presented as Gluttony (literally eating her partner’s flesh). HMM
Famine’s presence is affecting the town, and Cas is not immune.
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And when did you start eating?
Exactly. My hunger-- it's a clue, actually.
***They lay it out a little more in case you missed it ->
I thought famine meant starvation, like as in, you know, food.
Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something--Sex, attention, drugs, love...
***this is so important.  but of course because its spn and our textual narrators are generally unreliable (even in a Ben Edlund episode, yes I know)
we get a red herring
Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them rabid for it.
***but that’s not accurate.  they didn’t get married or become obsessed with each other (remember the cursed coin in 4x08 Wishful Thinking and the unconditional love wish? not what happened here). they had premarital sex.  they did the thing Alice considers wrong, and dark, and sinful.  and then they ate each others’ flesh.
Okay, but what about you? I mean, since when do angels secretly hunger for White Castle?
It's my vessel-- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect
***mad lad Jimmy Novak’s hunger is for...red meat?  He is starving for red meat?  You are telling me that the Novaks, red blooded conservative religious midwestern Novaks, ate RED MEAT SO SPARINGLY that Jimmy Novak was LITERALLY starving for it?!?!  No way.  Absolutely no way.  This is a man who was such a religious zealot he STUCK HIS HAND IN BOILING WATER and accepted an angel of the lord into his own body but his secret hunger was for fucking ground beef?
give me a damn break.
to me this is an absolute coverup.  Because Cas’s burger consumption is not related one iota to his vessel Jimmy Novak.
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it is a representation of Cas falling.  Cas’s cravings for meat represent his growing (and very much prohibited) feelings for...humanity (Dean Winchester), and they are presenting as Gluttony in the form of his downing more and more copious amounts of red meat.  
SERIOUSLY, consider this - at one point the depiction is so desperately carnal that he is eating raw ground beef with his bare hands. It is fucking uncomfortable.  and it is SUPPOSED to be.  Famine stirs up hunger for the prohibited.  For the sinful. That which we are starving for but do not believe we can ever have, so we lust and we lust and we LUST after it, but should we allow ourselves even just a taste of what we have been ravenously craving, we binge it until we ourselves disappear into the oblivion of our own sinful, dark desires.
Since You Want More Examples of why this cant possibly be hunger for Cheeseburgers and Cheeseburgers alone, Consider Famine’s effect on Dean.  Remember his doctor kink?
**when its revealed that Doctor Corman has succumbed to Famine’s poison by drinking himself to death, Dean - very uncharacteristically by the way - reacts by saying out loud
DEAN Thanks. Crap! I really kind of liked this guy.
***please note that Doctor Corman says the following to Dean in the prior scene they have together -
DR. CORMAN [to Dean]
Agent Marley, you just can't stay away.
****was that a flirtation?
***Also, Dean doesn’t want to go out and chase tail for Valentines Day.   
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I mean, what do you always call it-- Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?
Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year.
So you're not into bars full of lonely women?
Nah, I guess not. [takes a sip of his beer] Ahh. What?
That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.
***oh look we are relating things to eating again.  sex/lust to gluttony.  hmmm hmmm hmmm
ANYHOW -  *takes deep breath*
 this is also the Episode Where This Scene Lives
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oh and speaking of jacting joices, this is also the Dean Notices Cupids Crotch Episode.
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frAckles, I am once again asking why you only permit celestial beings to hug you from behi-[gunshots]
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but Dean isn’t hungry.  Why? Famine has the explanation, and we get it after Dean immediately runs inside after Cas heads in to complete his portion of their plan barely giving him any time to do so because he misses him that much.
I disagree. [Famine moves closer to Dean and touches him] Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.
Oh, you're so full of crap.
Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! 
***not Dean making all of those homophobic/homoerotic jokes every time he’s in danger or feeing uncomfortable; not that, that can’t possibly be what Famine is referencing, right?
I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. 
***not THIS parallel:
You're a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel, except… It's cloaked in shame
You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. 
***not the motions of performative heterosexuality!!
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***Dean’s not hungry because in his heart he truly believes that he can’t actually have what he hungers for.  That Thing Which This Episode Overtly but Also Very Clearly Made Obvious.  It’s an angel riding shotgun [I did Do That and I am Not Sorry], eating a burger in the front seat of the impala.  But, I’ve deviated from the meat of this essay [gunshots] [this time just for the bad joke].
there’s Exists another episode in which a man ravenously consumes red meat; eventually succumbing to eating raw beef with his bare hands in the season prior to this one.  
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Yes Supernatural the Show That Brought Us Not One But Two Scenes of Persons Carnally Consuming Red Meat With Their Bare Hands.  
This episode is a MOTW - the man in question is a rougaru - a monster that starts out as human but due to some specific genetic disorder (hmmm hmmm hmm crack in THE chassis hmmm hmmm) soon begins to be extremely hungry - “for everything, but eventually long pig.” AKA human flesh. 
Wanna know the kicker?  
Episode’s called Metamorphosis.
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(GIF by jackttwist)
I’ll see myself out.
[DOUBLE BONUS for extra credit:
if you really wanna wild out, go watch the scene of Jack the rougaru looking at himself in the mirror in 4x04 - and then meander on over to 7x01 and check out God!stiel looking in the mirror as the leviathans writhe inside him over there. It’s worth the walk.]
***oh and @lilac-void​ im tagging you in this one because in exchange for your KIND creator content nomination I guess I will respond by cursing you with an Honorary tag in this, a Meat Meta.  you’re welcome slash I'm sorry XO [but seriously thank you again for your kindness and appreciation; it really motivated me to sit down and get moving on making more content <3]
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hi could you please make another alice cullen x fem!reader?? i really really love your last one you made, it was so beautiful <3
||AN|| Thank youuu! I'm happy you enjoyed my last one, also, thank you for requesting!
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 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆      。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Pairing: Alice Cullen x Fem! Reader
Summary: Alice with a human girlfriend who’s more vampire-like than her.
Warnings: None? Fluff. Happy Couple.
Word Count: 2,084 words
GIF isn’t mine
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆      。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
You were always the night owl, lived off coffee and good books and you only wear dark colors. Your routine includes waking up at 10 pm, Cooking and eating your dinner at approximately 11:30 pm, Studying until 6 am, Taking a shower, Make your coffee, and be at school at 7:00 am where you meet up with you too-bright-and-jolly girlfriend, Alice Cullen. After school you then either head home to your own house, or to the Cullens household, either way you crash into anything soft and just ultimately pass out, and your cycle repeats. Sometimes your girlfriend would join you in studying even if she didn’t need it, Sometimes you’d do other things with your girlfriend, some of the things you do aren’t appropriate for a house full of vampires with super hearing, and not to mention her nosy brother who had the ability to read minds. 
“Get out of the way before I pummel you to the ground asshole.” You grumbled to the guy who’s blocking your way and was staring at your girlfriend like she’s a piece of meat. You hated that but you couldn’t do anything. One, pretty sure it’s illegal to kill someone even if you’re thinking about all the ways you could and Two, you miss you girlfriend’s cold hand holding yours.
You see him shiver before grabbing his things and scrambling away, his goons hot on his tail. 
“You have the most creative mind I have ever come across. Really? Using his blood as paint after you use gamma rays to blow up his uhm. Yeah. Where would you even get gamma rays?” Edward scrunches his face as they all approach you.
“Pretty sure Carlisle would hook me up with some.” You smirked then kissed your girlfriend’s forehead, You held her hand in yours as she giggled, getting out of her trance like state.
“Carlisle denied.” She kissed your cheek before dragging you inside the school, where they all separated like the goddamn sea in that one bible story.
Safe to say, you were pretty feared in the whole town. Socially isolated, always has a cup of coffee in hand, dark marks under your eyes, a blank looks often settles on your face,always had earphones in, glared at people who made your family uncomfortable, scared people without trying and a student could’ve sworn he saw you drink someones blood which he says was inside your coffee cup. It was beetroot juice since you ran out of coffee but needed something hot to drink, so you made beetroot juice, with lots and lots of sugar. You were dubbed as a vampire or a witch, which was hilarious considering your girlfriend is a vampire. A bright, happy, sparkling vampire who doesn’t sleep in coffins whatsoever. 
“Have a good day baby, see you at lunch.” Alice kissed your cheek before bouncing in her classroom followed by Emmett who winked at you and Rosalie who raised her brows at you and told you to behave.
“I always behave!” You argued with a small pout on your lips, barely noticeable but Rosalie just smirks before walking gracefully into the room, sitting in between Emmett and Alice who just shooed you away. 
“It’s never a good day.” you whispered while walking away, fully knowing that they could hear you.
Lunch came so slow that by the time you sat at your usual spot, you already had thoughts on murdering your history teacher who ‘unintentionally’ spat at your face and drizzled her spit on your face like a waterfall.
“It’s only been half a day Y/LN, You’ll get through it.” Rosalie slides her tray of food over to you while petting your head.
“i don’t understand why you choose to go through this over and over again.” You groaned, laying your head on Alice’s shoulder. They just laughed and proceeded to talk about things that you don’t even bother to listen to.
“You’re coming over today right?” Alice asked you with that bell like voice that you so loved
“Hmm? Oh yeah, Cuddles?” You whispered to her, internally groaning at how soft you’ve become for your girlfriend. 
“Yes please. You’re warm.”
“And you are freezing cold.” You retorted, stealing some of her fries
“It comes with the package. Now come on, I’ll walk you to your room.” She pats you head while moving away, packing her things. Which low-key made you whine.
“But I always escort you to your room.” You complained
“That’s true, but I figured you wouldn’t be opposed to change.” She smiled, offering her hand which you took.
“Nope. Not telling you. I am not going on another shopping spree with that little devil of yours.” He sped walked away, dragging Bella with him
“I think you traumatized him real bad, Ali.” You chuckled
“Good.” She exclaimed
12 midnight, and you just woke up to Alice holding you while reading a book, She smiles at you before tapping her lips, asking for a kiss. You shook your head no, trying to get out of her arms to brush your teeth.
“Nope, kisses first before brushing.” She grips you tighter
“Eww. Morning breath. Alice please!” She just grins before showering your face with kisses.
“There. You can go now, Esme just finished your dinner.” She beamed at you, pushing you into the large bathroom that she has before sitting on the sink.
“Uhm...” You stare at her, confused
The both of you took an hour long shower, you didn’t even need to shower, Alice just persuaded you into doing so. Earning you different looks from different vampires the moment you walked down the stairs.
A suggestive smirk from Rosalie and a laughing Emmett A smirking Jasper A confused Bella with a disgusted looking Edward A smiling Esme holding a bowl of food  And lastly, A laughing Carlisle.
“Oh my God.” You groaned, walking to the dining room, thanking Esme for the food. 
“Really Y/N?” complained Edward who’s cuddling a still confused Bella
“What? Just because you decide to wait until marriage does not mean I have to.” You smirked, winking at Edward who would be blushing if he was human.
“Don’t talk while your mouth is full.” Scolded Esme who’s also trying to keep her laugh in
“Yes Mom. Anyways, Bella I love you, but you look like you’re about to shut down and ready to be pawned like an old computer.” You told her, biting into a chicken leg
“i’ll take her home.” Edward says, grabbing his keys and waits for Bella.
“Why is she here anyways” Grumbled Rosalie, who everyone ignored while you just tapped her head
“Let’s play chess when you get back!” You shouted after him
You finish your food quickly and washed your plates, much to the distaste of Esme, leading your giggling short girlfriend to the couch beside Jasper.
“Jasper~ Wanna watch documentaries of wars and judge everything they did wrong?” You ask Jasper who’s nodding at your request. Alice plopping herself on your lap as she stares at you laughing and smiling with her family.
She’s really happy to have found you the way she did, She reminisced the time when the two of you first met. You were browsing racks and racks of clothes, taking black colored blouses, shirts and button-ups that are your size before walking into a dressing room. While you were in the room, she started to have a vision about the two of you together, having dates and you carrying her shopping bags in this same store, making her all giddy. She was with Rosalie at that time, who just stared at her with a look of slight confusion as she basically bounced to you. You at first was taken aback that someone was actually talking to you, and it was a cute girl at that. Alice greeted you with a smile and a hello before handing you a green blazer and tie, telling you emerald green compliments your eyes and outfit before paying for what you were buying, writing her name and number on the receipt, leaving you dumbfounded at the store
At first she thought that the both of you wouldn’t work out, especially because of all the chaos that recently happened to her family and leaving forks. But you made the effort of always texting her little notes and telling her how your day was, even if she didn’t reply, slowly she felt herself fall more in love with you, letting herself reply and indulge in the visions that she had that involved you. Once she told her family about you, they were a bit skeptical, especially since Carlisle tended to your knuckle wounds one too many times. But upon seeing the love sick look on both your eyes and the loud complaining of Edward at how sickeningly cute your thoughts were of each other, they eventually accepted you as one of their own despite being human. 
And now she stares in awe as you spent about 2 hours criticizing documentaries with Jasper before Edward comes home, and when he did, you played a couple rounds of chess (You always lost, which made Edward laugh every time.) before she decided that she’s bored with you losing to her brother every round and just decided to pick you up and dash to her room. 
“What was that for love?” You ask her when she settled herself in your arms
“I just. I was bored and I realized that it’s been too long since we cuddled.”
“It’s literally been 4 hours since I woke up bumblebee.” You ran your hand through her hair
“I missed you. 4 hours is too long.”
“Awe. I missed you too. Want to pick up where we left off on How to Kill a Mockingbird?” You ask her
“Yes please, I love hearing your voice.” She puts her face on the crook of your neck as you read to her, one of your hand intertwined with hers.
Even though she can’t fall asleep anymore, she loves the way your voice sounds, it calms her down and she could easily compare the “peace” she feels right now to the “peace” she could remember feeling when she was asleep. She really did love you and she doesn’t hesitate to let you know. In multiple various ways. 
Like now, she cut off your reading when her soft lips touched yours. You immediately let go of the book to hold her face lovingly as you put all your feelings into the kiss like you always do. You always felt like your words are never enough, so you always try to express your feeling through physical affection.
As if remembering you need your air, she slowly pulls away, her forehead touching yours as you catch your breath.
“I love you” she whispers, kissing your nose
“I love you too.” You smiled, pecking her lips
Your moment was then ruined when Emmett started banging his fists on the door, loudly exclaiming that you all have to get ready for school. You growled lowly, rolling your eyes.
“Alright! Geez.” You grumpily picked up the book that was tossed to the floor before walking to Alice’s closet where you also keep some of your clothes in...
Only to see that they weren’t there.
“Uhm Alice? Darling? Where are my clothes?” You ask her
She walks to where you are, peeking in slightly before pecking your lips.
“Oops. Accidentally sent all them to your house. Guess you have to wear my clothes then.” She smirked at you, pulling out a lemon yellow trench coat, a rosy pink turtleneck and hot pink pants with a blue belt.
“Baby, Alice. Love. Darling. Bumblebee. Please don’t do this to me.” You pleaded but she just shook her head, handing you the clothes before threatening you with no kisses and cuddles for a week if you refuse.
Your shoulders sag with defeat as you change into the clothes Alice gave you, pouting while walking down the stairs of the Cullen Household. Alice smiles brightly as she hooked her arm around yours. Chuckles and giggles erupted the moment they saw you which made you grumble and murmur underneath your breath as you sip your cup of coffee made by Esme.
“Not a word.” You growled out, blushing furiously as you laughing girlfriend holds your hand while walking through the halls of Forks High school. 
Your girlfriend can be annoying at times, add that to her chaotic family, but you would never trade it for anything. Ever.
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
A Secret Life:
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**Gif credits go to the amazing @nofckingfighting​ your gifs give me life ok. They’re *chef’s kiss.**
Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: None really, just some Fluff and some Swearing I think.
Word Count: 3,324
Characters: Johnny Dogs x Female!Reader
Requested by: @atjafshelby​, you can find it here. This was the first time I’ve written anything mainly for him so I hope this is good lol. I love getting the opportunity to write other characters. :)
Summary: After a spat about potatoes and a sudden departure from Thomas’ dinner meeting, Johnny Dogs rushes home to be with his wife Y/N and their family, knowing he’d have to tell the blinders about his secret life with them eventually.
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The weather was gloomy as the peaky men prepared for one of Tommy’s meetings in the middle of Charlie’s yard. The cans full of logs and kindling burning brightly through the smog of Small Heath as the smoke filled the air. The smell of smoked meat and other foods slowly making their way onto the makeshift table.
In the distance though, was a loud voice mumbling on hurriedly as he stomped along the dirt and soot covered road leading to the feast.
“Right, put the steel rods up the gooses arse there. Go on.” Johnny Dogs said to one of the younger lads who were understandably confused. His eyes watching as they did so, itching to do it himself since no one ever prepared goose the right way. This wasn’t his only criticism though, as he made his way to the table he noticed the lack of starch amongst the men.
“This isn’t a proper dinner. If you’re going to have the Gold’s here ya gotta have potatoes!” Johnny Dogs said loudly as the Shelby’s tired uncle followed the Irish traveler around the yard.
Charlie looked at the man dumbfounded, thinking it was as great a feast as any.
“I want him to see that we live proper, that we eat proper, in the proper way!” He exclaimed.
“No...no you know what?” He added, pointing at Charlie with an anger-filled expression.
“What?” Charlie asked, lighting a cigarette as his infamous nephews came strolling in.
“I’ll get the potatoes me-self!” He exclaimed, clearly frustrated as he stomped through the yard to the old market nearby. His mind buzzing with the thought of his wife and children back at camp. He loved being here with the men he considered allies, but his heart was there with Y/N, always, especially now that she’d been alone with their newest edition to the family.
“What’s he on about aye? It’s just a dinner to discuss the vendetta. Is he scared of the Gold’s?” Tommy said, a cigarette lingering on his lips.
“No he just thinks they’re bloody heathens.” Charlie said as Tommy smirked, walking back to meet Aberama Gold and his son Bonnie.
As Johnny got back, he hastily threw the potato’s in one of the boiling pots near the men. The steam rolling off them as he mashed them up and brought them to the table.
“Bit late there Johnny.” Arthur said, grabbing a huge spoonful of them.
“Not me fault someone can’t prepare a proper meal.” He said, his eyes darting to his pocket watch as Aberama agreed, thanking him for making them as they continued their tense conversation.
“Is there something wrong?” Tommy asked Johnny, causing him to swallow hard as he tried to not tell them about you. It ached him not to, but quite frankly he was nervous to do so. Knowing they’d have something to say when they learned of his relationship status and such.
“Almost forgot, I had some things to take care of at camp. I’ll be back in the mornin’ boys. Don’t get blood all over the fucking food alright?” He said, Tommy waving him off with a suspicious look on his face. He never had men leave abruptly, but if anything he thought maybe he had a whore waiting for him or another feud to handle.
But little did the blinders know what actually awaited him.
“Aye! Dads going to be home soon-no-don’t you dare hit your brother!” Y/N said aloud to her two rambunctious children Alice and Samuel, who were running around the field with the other little ones of the group that were set up nearby. Your youngest, Sarah, nestled on your hip and baby-babbling to herself.
“You’re gonna be full of words just like your father aren’t ya love?” You said to her quietly, going over to your son and daughter who were rough-housing as usual.
“Playtime’s over loves, we have to get ready for dinner.” You said, the children immediately stopping and saying goodbye to the other kids as you waved goodbye to their parents.
As you led your children back to the vardo, you quickly put your daughter down in her small crib near the cramped bed in the wooden structure.
Your tired reflection caught you off guard as you looked in the mirror. Your eyes not as bright and hair not as perfectly placed as before you’d had three children.
You were always grateful to be blessed with good looks that were surely from your mother, but you soon garnered unwanted attention as you’d grown up, the men throwing themselves at you left and right, until you’d seen Johnny one day at a camp in Ireland of course. He was bantering with his friends, fist fighting and such near one of your family’s stops, his smile catching your eye as he laid his own upon you. The poor man got punched because of you after all, making him go off his game with your beauty. But to this day he said he didn’t regret it, telling you in that moment his world stopped. That he’d felt like the luckiest man in the world to have someone as sweet and as beautiful as you by his side all these years.
And so now here you were, waiting for your traveler and infamously rowdy blinder husband to come home. The sun setting in a plethora of colors over the field as the other travelers sat around their respective bonfires.
“When’s dad coming? He’s usually back.” Your son asked, his eyes the color of yours but the shape of Johnny’s, and your daughters small smile like his as well.
“Yeah mum where’s he off to? I wanted him to tell us a bedtime story.” She said, pouting slightly as she watched you preparing dinner.
“Give him time angels. He’s a busy man.” You said, wondering where he was, knowing he’d most likely gotten held up by the fucking Shelby’s once again.
He’s never told them about you and it stung a bit, but you realized early on that he only did it to keep you and the family safe, knowing that nothing good ever came from uttering the Shelby name.
As you portioned the food out for the children, your youngest cried for her food as well as you sighed and went in to nurse her. Humming a soft song to her as she gradually fell asleep in your arms.
As the kids emptied their bowls, stomachs full and content smiles on their faces, you ushered them to their beds, your heart racing slightly as you thought about where your husband could be.
“Don’t worry loves, dad will be home soon alright? I’m going to be just outside.” You said, fixing yourself your portion of the food as you stoked the fire a bit more, the embers disappearing into the night air as you wrapped the warm knit blanket around you.
You’d gotten accustomed to spending the majority of your nights alone with the children, eating amongst the stars and telling stories, but one thing always remained constant, and that was the need for their dad to be home. He made everyone light up when he’d come around. His laugh bringing a smile to your face instantly as he entertained the kids on his off days while you rested with the baby. But now like many nights, they missed him. They missed how he’d make you all feel safe, knowing he had you all out in the open like this. But he knew the company he kept, and he trusted them with his life that they’d take care of you all if need be.
Alas, as you sat there lost in thought, you heard the cries of your daughter once again as you went into the vardo, gently cradling her to you as you carried her outside into the cool night air, the sound of the crackling fire and water rushing nearby helping her fall asleep once again as you bounced her around lightly.
“It’s okay sweetheart. He’ll be home soon.” You reassured her. Knowing he’d never ever leave you sleeping alone, unless it was something serious.
“Johnny, before you go, we’ll be stopping by tomorrow. We need to make sure you all are ready.” Thomas said as Johnny walked away from the table.
“Alright, I’ll see ya there then lads. Goodnight.” He said, tipping his hat and walking off towards the horse he’d ridden in on. Quickly riding towards one of the flower fields nearby to pick some for you. He knew they wouldn’t make up for him being late, but he knew they’d at least bring a smile to the face he loved so much.
You sat wide-awake with your sleeping daughter against your chest, your nightgown covered by the thick blanket you’d draped over you and the baby. Her soft coos and little snores bringing a smile to your face as you kissed the top of her head. Your stomach still hurting with some efforts as you shifted in your seat. She’d only been about 4 months old, so both you and her were adjusting to the whole life thing with each other.
As you sat there naming the constellations to yourself as you gazed at the stars, you heard the familiar horse hooves pounding on the ground near the vardo. Johnny’s giddy whistle making your daughter rustle around in your arms as she knew he was home.
“Shhh, she’s sleeping.” You said quietly as he walked over ever-so carefully to kiss you, his lips soft against yours as he lingered on them for a moment, taking you in.
“I wanted to get here earlier, with the baby and everything but uh...Tommy got in the way again.” He said, grabbing the flowers he’d picked earlier.
“Are these for me?” You asked, grasping them with your free hand.
“Mhmm. Picked them me-self. Thought you’d like some after a hard days work caring for the kids. And uh, since I’ve been gone so long ya know?” He said, nervously rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.
“I love you Johnny Dogs. You romantic devil.” You said with a smirk as you kissed him once more.
“Now tell me love, what’s got you on your toes?” You asked, knowing his body language more than your own at this point.
“They’re coming here, to make sure everything’s ready for the big mission.” He said.
“Christ....do we need to stay in? It’ll be hard with this one crying.” You said, looking down at the sleeping bundle in your arms.
“No...I...I want you to meet them. They’re coming tomorrow mornin’.” He said.
“I see....well I’ll make sure to get up and make sure the kids meet them too. Couldn’t hurt right?” She asked.
“It could soften the blow I suppose.” He said, grabbing the last of the food that was still warm over the fire.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked.
“They’ll take one look at you and drool. You don’t think I see it every time we go outside the camp? You’re bloody gorgeous and you’ve gone and married a fool like me?” He said half-jokingly. His self-deprecating humor hurting your heart.
“They can say what they want, but you’ll always be the man for me Johnny. I wouldn’t have you any other way. You were the first man I’ve ever loved.” You said, remembering how despite your looks, you’d never had the luck of relationships on your side, thinking all hope was lost until that day so long ago. And god were you grateful for him, even if he did talk your ear off on more than one occasion, you still loved the man to death.
“Now go tell your children a bedtime story, please love?” You asked, looking at him with puppy dog eyes that made his heart swoon. He could never say no to you.
The next morning, you awoke to the sound of the kids playing out by the river, the wind rustling around the vardo as you heard Johnny helping out with the baby outside.
“I’m sorry love, I was going to get up and help ya but I guess I overslept.” You said, wrapping your robe around yourself that complimented your eyes and physique exquisitely.
“You needed the beauty sleep love. Besides, you’ve done enough for me these past weeks, thought I’d do something for ya.” He said, cradling the baby in his arms as you sat near him next to the barely lit fire, the coals still hot from the night before.
Johnny took your hand in his lightly, the ring on your finger sparkling in the sunlight as you both watched your kids playing together near the river.
In the distance though, you could hear the sound of a car pulling up, your nerves getting to you as you knew it was Thomas Shelby and his brothers.
“Here we go.” You mumbled, calling your children over as the men got out of the car, the kids nearly running into them as their little legs carried them swiftly over the grass. They quietly stood behind you as Johnny handed you your baby girl, her bright eyes looking up at you as the sun hit your face flatteringly.
“Hello boys! G’morning to ya! How’s about we get this meeting done shall we?” He asked, putting his cap on.
“Who’s the lovely lady over there aye?” John asked, eyeing her with hungry eyes.
“That’s me wife. Her names Y/N.” He said, looking John in the eyes as he crossed his arms.
“Oh and who are the children with her? They can’t be yours can they? Wow Johnny boy! Didn’t know you had it in ya. How’d you snag a gem of a girl like that aye? Use any of yer charms?” Arthur said jokingly.
“They’re mine yes, and don’t worry, I did nothing of the sort. She came to me actually.” He said with a proud smug smile on his face, knowing he married one of the prettiest women near Small Heath and the bastards couldn’t do anything about it.
“Well if you have anymore questions how’s about you lot meet them then?” Johnny asked over the awkward silence, Thomas still eyeing him a bit suspiciously.
“You boys go meet them, me and Johnny have something to discuss.” Tommy said shortly.
“Oh...al-alright. Here ya go lads.” He said, leading them over to Y/N and her children, who backed behind their beautiful mother shyly.
“Hello gentlemen, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet ya.” You said, smiling brightly as their stares lingered over you. It was something you were used to, but still made you slightly uncomfortable, so you remained focused on your kids.
“You can have a seat if you’d like, we don’t mind do we loves?” You asked, patting your son on the head as he smiled.
“No it’s ok momma. I’m gonna go play.” Your daughter said, running off towards the other little kids nearby. Your son sat by you though, eyeing the men curiously.
“So these are Johnny’s kids aye? What’s your name little man?” Arthur asked, putting on his nicest smile.
“Samuel. Who are you? Why do ya have big hats on like me dad?” He asked.
The men both looked at each other and smiled.
“We’re in a...group that your fathers in. It’s for people that are nice and strong.” He said.
“Oh...” Samuel said, fiddling with his fingers as he leaned his head against your arm.
“How’d you and Johnny meet aye? Old bugger like him sure snagged a beauty for a wife.” John said.
“Oh uhm...we met by chance really. I saw him scrapping with some people by the roadside when my family were going through and I stopped to watch. He says he got caught off guard by me. He got hit right after eyeing me up.” You said with a small laugh. John and Arthur chuckled as they looked over at Johnny and Tom having a rather tense conversation.
“While our brother’s interrogating the poor man, who’s this little one and her big sister?” Arthur asked.
“This is Sarah. She’s 4 months, almost 5. Talkative little bugger just like her dad. Always babbling about somethin’ aye? And that’s Alice. She hates sitting down, always wanting to be on the go. Guess it’s in the blood.” You said, also feeling antsy as you sat there with half of your little family.
“That it is.” Arthur said, looking around the camp as Johnny’s voice rose in the distance.
“When were you going to tell me Johnny?” Thomas asked, his cigarette dangling from his lips.
“About what mate? Bout me cookin’ and leaving yesterday or bout me family?” He asked.
“About your family, Johnny. You’re like family to us you know. How could you not tell us?” He asked loudly.
“You should know! The bloody line of work we’re in! God knows I’m not bringing them into that ‘ere.” He said a bit louder than Thomas expected, causing the others to look over.
“But why hide something like this Johnny? Not because of the way of our work but why hide it until now aye?” He asked.
Johnny thought for a moment, leaning against the tree near the river.
“Because Tom. I knew you’d all take one look at her and wonder why she’s wit’ a man like me. Ya know I’m not the nicest looking man ‘ere. Somehow how Tom...somehow she loves me and I wanted ya to see why I had to leave yesterday. It’s not just me I’m thinkin’ bout anymore.” He said.
“That why you’ve been yelling at work? Being short with everyone?” Thomas asked.
“Yeah Tom, yeah. Just...please don’t drag them into this.” He said, looking over at his wife who was managing pretty well despite John practically drooling.
“Well now that that’s cleared up how about you introduce me to them aye?” Thomas said, patting him on the shoulder and walking past him.
“I fucking guess. C’mon.” He said walking quickly ahead of his friend as Y/N smiled upon their arrival. His heart skipping a beat at the sight of it.
“Y/N, love, I want ya to meet-“ He said before you cut him off. Eyeing the man who’d put your family in risky circumstances long ago.
“Thomas Shelby. Yeah...I know. Nice to see you in person.” You said, shaking his hand roughly and with a more colder glance than you’d had given his other brothers. You knew Thomas orchestrated everything within the blinders, so he was often the one blamed when things went south, and you had no problem casting the blame on him when Johnny would come home half conscious and bleeding, or limping with a bullet wound or two.
“Pleasure’s all mine Y/N. How’s the family?” He asked, sitting beside Johnny around the bonfire that was slowly burning out.
“Good now that their father is back. This little one is Sarah, the wild one over there is Alice, and our boy here is Samuel.” You said, pointing with your free hand to your small crew of children.
“Aye, so he tells me you met by chance. How in the hell did this man meet a woman like you?” He asked.
You looked down slightly at your daughter who was surprisingly sleeping soundly, her small mass of hair on her head coming in as dark as her fathers.
“I told your brothers already but, uh we met when I was traveling with me family. Saw him scrapping with some other men from nearby, I guess ya locked eyes long enough with me that they knocked you out aye love?” You said lightly punching Johnny’s shoulder.
“Aye they did. Couldn’t stop bloody lookin’ at ya. I mean seriously boys. Isn’t she a beauty? I’m a lucky man. A lucky lucky man.” He said, lighting a cigar as you smiled and put your free hand on his. It was rough from years of work, but as warm as the hugs he gave. He was home to you, no matter where you all went, he was the one constant thing you longed for, knowing in your heart he was yours forever.
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Johnny Dogs Tag List:
@flysafepapi, @gaytommyshelby, @ta-ka-shi-ma
If you’d like to be added/removed, just send me an ask/message. :)
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victorluvsalice · 11 months
Valicer Not-Incorrect Quotes, Food Edition
In honor of the “food” prompt for this month’s @polyamships Polyam Shipping Day:
Alice: [looking at a collection of “freakshake” photos online] I really don’t understand these things. I mean, I’ve got nothing against a good milkshake, but -- look at this, this one has an entire slice of cheesecake on it. 
Victor: I know! You know I like sugar, but -- that seems really excessive.
Smiler: You know what I’ve always thought? That those are like the milkshake fancypants version of the Vermonster.
Alice: The what?
Smiler: A giant bucket sundae that you’re supposed to eat with your friends -- it’s from Ben & Jerry’s. Why else would you get a slice of cheescake on a milkshake if you weren’t supposed to give the cheesecake to someone else?
Victor: That’s -- probably the most sensible explanation for these things I’ve heard.
Alice: Pity that probably means it’s not true.
Smiler: Probably not, but it SHOULD be. Also, if we’re ever anywhere near a Ben & Jerry’s, we should get a Vermonster.
Alice: Well, that goes without saying.
Smiler: [sneaking into the kitchen]
Smiler: [looking around as they grab a package of Jaffa Cakes out of the pantry]
Smiler: [grinning to themselves as they tear it open]
Victor: [immediately poking his head around the door] Can I have one too?
Smiler: How do you always know?!
Smiler: [pouring some strawberry mojito mocktails they’ve whipped up for everyone] We got drinks!
Alice: [comes in and claims her glass, taking a swing] Mmmm -- delicious as always, Smiler.
Victor: [following soon after] Oh yes -- you really have a talent for this.
Smiler: [sipping their own drink] Well, talent and years of helping Mom with parties and working at coffee places.
Victor: Even still -- you really should be a bartender. You’d knock the socks off everyone with these.
Smiler: [laughs] Maybe, but I think most of them wouldn’t be impressed with the lack of alcohol.
Alice: Look, I have enough problems with Wonderland, I don’t need to add booze to the mix.
Victor: And you don’t need me trying to tell you my entire life story.
Smiler: But I like your entire life story!
Victor: That involves me talking more about my parents.
Smiler: I do not like your entire life story, finish your mocktail.
[context: Victor and Alice are hanging out with Smiler’s other friends for a movie night]
Oblivion: [bringing in some boxes] All right, we have pizza!
Rita: Finally! Hand it over, Oblivion.
Oblivion: Yeah, hang on -- okay, this one is all pepperoni, nice and standard; this one is pepperoni and olives on one side, and mushrooms and olives on the other; this one is Meat Lover’s and sausage, peppers, and mushrooms; and this one is Hell On Pizza.
Smiler: [rolling their eyes as they pick up a slice of Hell On Pizza, otherwise known as Hawaiian] You could actually try some before knocking it, you know.
Thirteen: Everyone knows pineapple does not belong on pizza, Smiler.
Galactica: It’s a scientific fact.
Smiler: Scientists don’t know what they’re missing.
Rita: [grabbing a slice of pepperoni] Please just accept you have terrible taste in pizza, Smiler. It’ll be easier on us all.
Victor: [had been reaching for his Meat Lover’s -- but upon hearing all this admittedly good-natured teasing, he stops, considers -- and then picks up a slice of Hawaiian and takes a big bite]
Everyone Else: [regards him with surprise, even Smiler]
Victor: [after a contemplative chew and swallow] Actually, this isn’t bad. I don’t know if I’d want it every time, but --
Smiler: [practically tackles him and kisses him hard] Marry me. Now.
Oblivion: [mostly-faux horror, eyes wide] Oh no. [looks at Alice] Have they gotten to you too?
Alice: [taking a dazed Victor’s forgotten slice] We’re about to find out!
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
What are the best episodes with Castiel to watch?
Hello! Sorry, this took me a while to answer but here you go! If I miss some it’s cause I don’t remember anything or I was just Bleh about it.
Castiel Epiosdes
4x01 ICONIC 
4x20 Jimmy is important to Cas and I love him. 
4x22 ICONIC Greenroom. Cas picks a side aka Dean.
5x03 Cas and Dean being friends! Gay panic is real my friends. 
5x04 THE END. “It's the end, baby. “
5x13 “Sam is my friend.” 
5x14 Cupid (He made a cameo video it was cute) and Cas eating raw meat off the floor.
5x16 “You son of a bitch! I believed in-” OWW
5x17 Drunk Cas.
5x18 At this point he’s just done with everything. So he just carves, YES CARVES, an angel banishing sigil into his own chest. He does not hesitate.
Season 6 is good for Cas because the whole time he’s apart of a civil war and is just a terrible liar.
6x06 I am trying not to make this list about Destiel but the scene where Cas pours Dean’s drink. 
6x10 Pizza Man.
6x19 Baby in a trenchcoat aka leader of the heaven rebellion but sure Dean. He’s just cute. 
6x20 ICONIC 
6x21& 22 Both show that Cas is slowly realizing that he is not in control. 
7x01 The whole episode is wild but Cas just going to heaven and saying I’m Daddy now really takes the cake. (not the actual words he used.)
7x02 Cas’s death #3?
7x17 MISHA -- OH um, I mean CAS to the rescue lol
7x21 His cute little laugh! Honey!Cas has my heart and soul. Bonus Destiel: “ When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost!” RIP Hester Queen
7x23 “Cursed or not.” Also his little smile when he asks for the plan ahh!
aka all episodes in s7 with Cas in it is worth watching.
Okay, I’ll try to control myself now but watch all of s8 cause its beautiful.
8x02 We see Dean’s POV to the purgatory portal scene. Also, hear Cas’s reason for leaving Dean.
8x07 We see Cas’s POV of the purgatory pov scene. Also, learn how Cas escapes purgatory. 
8x08 “I’m gonna be a hunter.” He’s so CUTE!
8x10 Cas needs a hug. Please.
8x17 ICONIC. “what broke the connection?” AHH
8x21 Badass Castiel
8x22 & 23 Castiel wants to do good. He wants to help but he just puts his trust in the wrong people. It hurts me so much. Look he’s just a small child and he is dealing with a lot right now. 
Season 9 Cas looks good. Like fanservice time father of two!
9x01 First look at human Cas!
9x03 I can’t watch this ending again. It’ll make me spiral. But it’s a good human Cas and destiel episode. Also, fuck April. She gross. 
9x06 ICONIC BLESSED jilted lover. 
9x09 He looks good.
9x10 “I prefer the word trusting. Less dumb. Less ass.” They are both dumbasses.
9x11 Sam & Cas chaotic vibes
9x14 Cas storyline with the angels starts or at least makes it more clear idk
9x18 Gabriel! Also, “Damn it, Dean!” and Cas accepts his role as a leader. The angels are dumb. 
9x22 Sam & Cas dream team lol Also, Cas picks Dean over heaven again.
9x23  “--and for what again? Oh, that's right -- to save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but ultimately, it was all about saving one human, right? Well, guess what. He's dead, too.”
10x01 Cas draped across the bed like a victorian lady waiting for her husband to come back from the war
10x03 You know that scene where he’s lying on the floor bloody and dying and the Crowley saves him. And then Cas glows and heals with grace and he’s glaring up at Crowley? You know that scene. Yeah. Bonus: I’m gay and bloody Hannah is also hot. Small tip: Ignore the creepy/gross Hannah and Cas set up the writers are trying to do. They are siblings. 
10x09 Claire! That’s his daughter!
10x10 Claire and Cas make me cry.
10x14 Deleted scene of “Maybe he’s your boyfriend.” 
10x17 Sam & Cas! They are best friends, you guys!
10x18 Charlie and Cas meet! AND THEY ARE ALL HAPPY AND I CRY
10x20 Claire! Cas get’s her a birthday present, grumpy cat stuffy, and she keeps it! And I cry. And she saves him. And she cares about him. 
okay 10x21 cause of Charlie and Cas but also fuck this episode. Charlie deserved better. 
10x22 ICONIC gosh damn it. I-
10x23 Just for backstory for Cas in s11. Our poor boy can't catch a break. 
I worked on this for two hours now Nonny and I don’t even care. I miss Cas.
Season 11 hurts my damn soul because of Cas. I won’t include Casifer, though it was A LOT of fun to watch him.
11x01 “Dean, did it work?” I wanna hold this poor sad madly in love man. 
11x02 I can’t handle the torture. He looks so sad.
11x03 Bless you director, Jensen Ross Ackles.
11x04 Okay, not a lot of Cas but I love this episode. 
11x06 They don’t talk about his trauma but they show us a little when he tries to leave the bunker. And I cried. Once again. Let. Me. Hold. Him. 
11x10 Ambriel glad you are dead cause you were SO rude. Also, Amara girly, queen, I love you but apologize. Stop being mean to Castiel.
11x22 Cas get’s to talk and that’s nice
11x23 “I can go with you.” Sir, you just came back from being possessed by THEE satan and now you are ready to die by your future husband's side. You need therapy. 
Okay, I stopped watching live after season 11 because of the way they treated Cas so these next seasons I binged watched ( a couple of times) but wasn’t apart of the fandom so it feels like I didn’t fully grasp them. But here we go!
12x01 Cas meets his mother-in-law. Also the little, “Dean!” when he hugs him. 
12x02 Cas and Mick :)
12x03 Agent Beyonce and Zee lol Cas and Crowley and should have had a sitcom 
12x08 Cas gets a text (angel radio) that he’s gonna be a Dad and it looks like when Alice had a vision of the Volturi in Breaking Dawn Part 2 lol
12x09 Let me hug Cas! He’s sad over his family being gone. Also, Mary, I love you but I don’t forgive anybody for being mean to Cas. All the Winchesters are on thin fucking ice with me. 
12x10 ICONIC destiel. Cas in a female vessel. 
12x12 ICONIC “I love you. I love all of you.” 
12x19 Worried husband Dean. Excited soon-to-be father Cas.
12x23 Cas dies (again) from child birth.
Watch the first few episodes of season 13 for the famous widower arc cause wtf they gave us THAT. Also, I don’t care for the other world storyline so I pushed that out of my head. 
13x04 Cas annoying a cosmic entity. Fun fact! I dislike the trenchcoat cause it looked so stiff and the color was off idk didn’t look great but Cas looked beautiful when he looks up at the sun! Ah!
13x06 ICONIC BROKEBACKNATURAL Also, Jack and Cas meet and I cried damn it. “I missed you.” That’s his son!
13x07 Cas doesn’t put anybody or anything above his baby boy
13x12 Cas has the dumbest husband but at least Cas stabs lucifer. Bet Misha felt good
13x14 Badass Cas. He’s a top. lol 
13x16 ICONIC Cas looks...great. Like, watch it. I would do anything for cartoon!cas
13x19Just cause Cas faced someone who tortured him and it’s made to seem like he should get over it and it pisses me off. But Naomi is so cool so idk I like her but would fight her
13x22 Otherworld Cas is there and Cas just kills himself. He needs therapy. 
13x23 Cas’s face when Dean says yes. Also, family hunting trip yay
14x01 Dadstiel! Also, Cas looks good. 
14x03 Dadstiel.
14x07 Dadstiel. “Losing a son feels different.” And I cry. 
14x08 “because I love you Jack. And Sam and Dean--they love you.” THEY DO LOVE HIM AHHHH! Also, Empty deal is made as an excuse for the writers to do something with Cas later. 
I just realized season 14 is just Cas trying desperately to keep his family together. He’s trying to take care of them and he has the right words to say to everyone but not much happens besides him wanting to be a family man. 
14x14 gay on gay violence lol Also another family hunting trip! 
14x15 Fav episode! I just love Sam & Cas’s dumb chaotic energy in this ahaha! They are best friends damn it!
14x18 Cas is trying desperately to keep his family together and he feels responsible for Mary
14x19 Cas should have been allowed to kick Sam and Dean’s dumb flat asses for locking his baby boy in a box. 
14x20 AHHH
Divorce arc! All of s15 is great! Except you know...19&20 but we ignore that in this house. 
15x03 ICONIC but I will never watch it again
15x06 dude, they really be broken up. Cas kicks ass by himself and he’s fishing and he’s so cute. 
15x09 ICONIC Let him talk, Castiel!
15x11 Cas is THEE best Dad and let’s Jack eat hearts
15x13 Just for the family.
15x15 :(
15x17 Cas working to keep his baby boy
15x18 :( I mean at least he’s out but :(
Okay, this took me all day and I had fun! Nobody is gonna read it but who cares cause I just spent my day thinking of Cas when I had a pretty shit day so thanks, Nonnie! 
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xsparklingravenx · 3 years
Title: breathtaking
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Albedo, Klee
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,275
Summary: The times that Klee and Albedo tell each other to breathe.
The paintbrush dashed across the canvas, and in turn, something true came to life.
On the grassy plains of Mondstadt’s surrounding areas, a boy stood silent, a palette of colour in one hand, the brush in the other. Gently, he curved those colours across the blank sheet, splashes of blue and green and brown, the boars that roamed the plains recreated in paint and chalk outlines.
These boars were unremarkable, but that in itself was what made them noteworthy. Such a contradiction shouldn’t have made sense, but to the boy, it was perfect enough to immortalise. Hilichurls and Abyss Mages took to these lands like they were their own, but still the boars persisted, living free and unafraid. At any moment, they could be hunted, for sport or for food, and yet the few before him had survived their entire lives out in an unforgiving world.
Now they lived immortal in his image. Caught up in his work, he paid no attention to the passing of time around him, how the sun crossed the sky, how the wind danced across his skin, the Anemo Archon’s quiet blessing. Another brushstroke here and there brought his vision closer to completion. The boars continued to graze. The grass was emerald green, and if he mixed his colours just right, then maybe—
A distant explosion had him pausing. The boy turned his head, a single strand of pale hair falling into his eyes as he searched for the source. Somewhere over the hills, it seemed, far enough from him that he needn’t pay it any mind. Were the Knights of Favonius out exterminating vermin today? He wondered, idly, if Sucrose was with them, though he didn’t identify any sort of Anemo traces in the air from this far away. Another boom in the air, and he cast the thought aside, returning his attention to his art.
Life stilled around him once more. That was it. The boars carried on quietly. The colours melded together. Three boars, quiet, content, living beings, born from the soil and destined to return to it. They breathed, interacted with the elements, survived—
An explosion shook the air, so close that it rattled his canvas. The boy stopped still, a frown on his face, because he was certain he knew that sound. And he knew that intensity.
And he knew that brand of giggling.
He opened his mouth to shout, to cry, wait—but he was a fraction too late. The sight before him erupted into fire and chaos as an explosion roared and took out every single sign of life in front of him. The grass flamed, the boars that had survived their entire lives out on the plain now little more than charred carcasses before him. He stared at the carnage in front of him, the canvas still depicting his quiet moment from moments before, wordless at the sight.
And then, from the smoke and disaster, a tiny figure came sprinting out, arms at her side, eyes wide. She skidded to a stop before the boy, planting her hands on her hips, looking immensely pleased with herself. “Albedo! Did you see Jumpty Dumpty! It went boom!”
Albedo looked beyond her, to where the grass was still burning, smoke rising up into the sky. “Klee…? Why did it have to be here?”
He knew better than to question her intentions, because her intentions were always cause the biggest explosion possible. She beamed at him, and then, spotting his canvas, she bolted up to it. “Oh! Oh! Were you drawing again? It looks really good!”
“I was…up until you decided to blow my subjects up, yes.” Albedo looked between the smoking grass, the charred meat that was cooking in the fire, and his art, which was miraculously unscathed. “How did you…why were you…where’s Jean?”
Klee giggled. “Master Jean is busy today, so she let me go exploring! I wanted to try out some of my treasures, but Kaeya says that ‘explosion inside city wall, grounded be thy woe’, so here I am!”
She admired his painting as he looked down at his colours and wondered if he should add the fires to his painting. It was hardly an interesting specimen to recreate.
“They look really cool, Albedo is so good at making pictures!” Klee sat on the ground in front of it and watched the flames rise. “I didn’t know you’d be here, I just got lucky! I haven’t seen you in a while…you’re always so busy, but now we can hang out, right? Maybe we can play with my treasures?”
Playing with her treasures was a shortcut to a fiery doom, but he couldn’t deny that her words instilled a sense of guilt in him. So caught up in his alchemic studies as of late, all his time had been spent with Timaeus and Sucrose. He’d been hanging up his do not disturb sign constantly, and Klee had been all but left to her own (chaotic) devices. “Sorry, Klee. I didn’t realise you wanted my attention. Seeing as the boars are all…well, halfway to becoming a sticky honey roast, I suppose I can spare some time to play with you. Not that it was exactly how I saw my day going.”
“Oh! Oh! Can we find a cooking pot? Can you make Woodland Dream? I love when you cook, Albedo! It’s just like when you do your alchemy stuff, like, you go poof and then…bam! You make something new!”
Her enthusiasm might have been infectious to someone else, but fortunately, Albedo had been blessed with the ability to remain calm and casual-minded in her presence. “Considering we have plenty of fresh meat right here, Woodland Dream seems like a waste.”
“But if you make that, then I can go and get all the fishes with Jumpty Dumpty! We can play, and then we can eat! And then you can draw. Maybe you can draw me?”
She hopped up as Albedo considered her request. He hardly ever used his skills to paint that which did not pique his interest in the realm of alchemy, but she’d asked so earnestly. Would it be so wasteful to dedicate a couple of hours to produce happiness?
He looked down. The fire was beginning to die away now behind Klee, the grass singed and blackened. She adjusted her backpack, and he said, “Yes?”
“You should breathe,” she said, smiling impossibly wide. “Come on, let’s go! We’ve got fishes to get!”
And then she was gone, dashing off across the plains, and he realised that she was right. In his pursuit of life, in his creation of art, he had not taken a single breath in. He closed his eyes and did as she asked, allowing himself the mimicry of human necessity. Nobody noticed, except her, and she didn’t question it.
In the distance, she turned and shouted, “Albedo! I’m gonna leave you behind if you don’t hurry!”
Packing up his art supplies, he chased after her, thoughts of eruptions in the back of his mind. It was going to be a long day, keeping her from wanton destruction, but at least she’d be happy—and he couldn’t deny that a day spent with her wouldn’t brighten his spirits regardless.
The outskirts of Dragonspine mountain were bitterly cold, the water close to freezing entirely, and yet the moment Klee went beneath the surface, Albedo didn’t hesitate to dive beneath.
It wasn’t supposed to be serious. He’d asked the traveller and her floating companion for assistance in collecting Starsilver for an alchemical recipe, and yet Lumine had shown up on the mountain side with Klee in tow, claiming that she’d been with her when he’d sent word to Mondstadt that he wished for her help, and that she refused to stay behind.
“It’ll be fine!” Paimon had declared in Lumine’s lieu. “Paimon thinks that even if things go bang, at least it’ll be nice and warm!”
“And we can always cook you over one of her open flames if things start looking dire,” Lumine added, looking a little smug.
Klee had been giggling then, but that had been before they’d run into the Lawachurl, before the lumbering beast had picked her up in its great hands and thrown her through the air. Her scream still rang out in his ears. Life born from soil was so fragile, and that was what he’d thought when he’d watched, helpless, as she hit the water and sank beneath it.
He had not thought through his plan, he’d just acted, tossing aside his sword and abandoning the traveller to the battle. The cold had not been a factor in his mind. The fight was forgotten. Miss Alice’s words echoed in his skull, treat her like a real younger sister!
Elder brothers protected their siblings. The traveller had told him stories of her own brother, how she would do anything to find him. She’d also mentioned the Fatui Harbinger who would do anything for the sake of his baby brother, and he knew of Diluc’s loyalty to his own non-blood sibling, how the rift between him and Kaeya had not prevented him from coming to his aid before. Albedo was not related to Klee, but she was his sister nonetheless, and that meant he had to save her.
The water was akin to ice, but his body withstood it, powered by something more than adrenaline. His eyes stung, but there she was, floating lifelessly, a small body so still, and something surged in his chest, emotion that he did not often feel, emotion that overtook his thoughts, his logic.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest, and oh, she was still a child, still so tiny, with so much power but as fragile as every other being. He thought of the boars she’d taken the lives of that day before his canvas, how she’d ended their existence with the childish joy of an exploded bomb, and he thought of the Lawachurl and its base desire to attack. They were not the same, yet they were; life was inexplicably difficult to understand.
He broke the surface, not choking or hacking, but that was normal for him. Klee did not move. There were no coughs, no groans, no cracking open of her eyes. She was limp in his arms, drenched through and frozen in his arms.
“Klee!” Albedo shouted, the roar of the Lawachurl’s fierce battle with Lumine nearly sweeping away his voice. He kicked his legs to keep them afloat, but he was losing his strength fast, the cold sweeping it away. “Wake up!”
Still, she didn’t move. She hung there in his grasp, and it was then that he realised that she wasn’t breathing. Fear gripped his heart as he dragged her through the water to the snowy bank. He had to hope that Lumine could hold it off without him. He had to hope that there was still enough of Klee left in her body for him to save.
Pushing back his shivers, he laid her on the snow and tipped her head back. Acting on instinct more than thought, he pressed the heel of his hand to her chest, one hand instead of two, not wanting to hurt her with his actions, but wanting to keep her with him through any means necessary.
Usually, he brought things to life through the act of creation, through alchemy, through his paintbrush and his clever mind. This was different. Klee was already living, he just had to keep her that way, and in his experience, keeping something alive was almost always more difficult than giving it a pulse. Practicality and alchemic practices went hand-in-hand, and yet here he was, doubting himself.
He pressed down. One compression. Two. Three. Keeping track of the time between them as Lumine shouted behind him, as the Anemo Archon’s winds whipped across his skin, as the unforgiving bitterness of Dragonspine bit deep into his bones of chalk. Albedo thought of blooming flowers, of exploding bombs, and he thought of Miss Alice and his own chest splintered beneath the pressure.
“Breathe, Klee!” he cried. “Breathe!”
And she did. She choked. Water expelled itself from her lungs as Albedo sat back to give her space. He heard the thump of the Lawachurl hitting the ground behind him, and, trusting Lumine to finish it off, he gave Klee all his attention.
As her breathing calmed, he asked, “Are you okay? Klee, speak to me.”
“Too much water…” she whispered, reaching out her arms to him. “I was scared…”
He knelt in front of her and answered her request silently, pulling her close to his chest as she buried her head into his. Alive. She was still frozen but she was alive.
“Your catalyst,” he said. “Your Vision. Use it.”
Between them, Pyro erupted, warmth in a different sense than her usual explosions. It swept through him and her both, and into his chest, she said, “You rescued me, Albedo…”
“Of course I did.”
And as she wrapped her tiny arms back around him, she said, “Breathe too, please?”
He closed his eyes and did. In and out in time with her, soil and chalk. The oxygen did nothing for him, but it did everything for her, so he followed her lead, this girl full of energy and life, his family until the end.
“Woodland Dream when we get back,” he said. “I promise.”
She held onto him tight, and he listened to her breaths, the cold forgotten, the fear draining away.
He could breathe for her as much as she needed him to.
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bibliocratic · 4 years
post-160, spoilers ahoy, Martin/Jon - Martin tries to rescue Jon from Elias
(This is an obligatory fix-it sequel to one of my earlier angst fics but you don’t need to read that first)
JONAH MAGNUS [mid-conversation] …. rather find they show up by themselves. A curious if harmless side effect, I wouldn't pay them much mind. Unless you'd rather this little interruption was kept from him...?
MARTIN [shortly] I don't really care.
JONAH MAGNUS How boorish. Peter didn't do much in the way of teaching you any manners.
MARTIN He didn't teach anything worth listening to.
JONAH MAGNUS Oh, you were already an adept student of the Lonely before Peter decided to make you part of our wager. [as though noticing something] Forgive me. Would you like to sit down? Plenty of room at the table as you can see.  I was just finished eating.
JONAH MAGNUS Pity. I do relish the opportunity of a good conversationalist. My present company... as you can see, he's not exactly been up for chatting recently.
MARTIN [ignoring him, the steady tread of footsteps closer]
JONAH MAGNUS If you aren't going to be a hospitable guest, I think that's close enough. I'm sure you understand.
MARTIN [stops walking]  You're not surprised I take it?
JONAH MAGNUS To see you here? Not especially. I knew you'd end up here eventually. All brash, full of foolish righteous anger masquerading as justice, bolstered up on thoughts of my murder.
MARTIN Read my mind, did you?
JONAH MAGNUS Oh, I didn't think I needed to for that one. You can be very possessive about what you consider yours.
MARTIN Jon's not mine. He's not yours, he's not anybody's.
JONAH MAGNUS Jon hasn't been his own man for such a long time.
MARTIN You're wrong.
[a lull in the conversation, an impasse both are too proud to cross]
JONAH MAGNUS [deliberately, aiming to hurt] …. You can look at him, you know. See him alive, whole. But you won't, will you, or can't. Too many eyes in his head and none of them the ones you hoped you'd see.
[proud] I've moulded him. Shaped his becoming. And I watch my ruined world thanks to the words I pull from his dutiful throat.
MARTIN You stole him.
JONAH MAGNUS It was a fair trade. I took nothing that wasn't offered. And he pleaded ever so movingly for your life.
MARTIN [biting] And you're such the bleeding heart.
JONAH MAGNUS It was a business transaction. A life for a life.
MARTIN This?! T-this is no life!
JONAH MAGNUS Not as you would understand it. Oh, but, look.  Look at him, Martin. Isn't he magnificent?
[a roiling rumbling background sound of static]
MARTIN [whispered, almost fearful] Yes.
MARTIN [rallying, shaken] I – Jon – Is.... is he gone?
JONAH MAGNUS By which you mean, have I killed him?
MARTIN You know what I'm asking.
JONAH MAGNUS And yet I rather think you've not quite considered how much of a question it is.
MARTIN [sarcastic] Why don't you enlighten me if you're in sharing mood?
JONAH MAGNUS The Archivist has been dead before, has he not? You held his hand and said your little prayers over him as machines kept his body breathing, but I'm sure we can both agree that's not really a life. Jon was offered a choice, and he chose to embrace what he was becoming over death.
But the Jon who woke up is not the one who signed the contract to become my head archivist. Nor was that Jon the one who dragged himself and Ms Tonner out of the Buried. Nor, indeed, did any of those bear resemblance to the Jon who tore Peter Lukas apart to retrieve you from the Lonely. So many Jons, and maybe none of them still alive, none of them the man you want to find. Does that bother you?
MARTIN I don't.... I'm not here to discuss the bloody specifics of being a person. I want to know if he's still in there. His... I don't know, his choice, his emotions, his feelings.
JONAH MAGNUS Are you hoping to appeal to his better nature? How quaint. But to set your mind at ease, let me clarify that the role of Archivist would be poorly served by an unfeeling watcher. Jon's always had to, how did he put it, 'sit in his feelings'.
No, Martin, he feels everything. My Archive is a repository of knowledge. A catalogue of horrors I can collect and sample and observe and store, and they are kept perfectly preserved for me.
[a lip-curling smile obvious in his voice] Shall I have him tell you a story?
[the sound rises to audible, as though it's been playing the entire time but the volume has been turned down to a murmur.  An inflectionless rote recitation, tinged with someone else's voice overlapping like twisted signals interjecting over a radio broadcast]
THE ARCHIVES … and I was sure I'd told her to leave, and I turned around, ready to shout at her, to say anything if it got her to run, but the doorway grew toothed and grinning before my eyes and there was something broken-backed and crooked in that space where nothing should have been...
MARTIN [interrupting] Don't make him do that.
[there's the harsh horrifying sound of a jaw clacking shut, and it mimics the snap of a pause button]
JONAH MAGNUS You always liked listening to his voice. When it was the two of you in the Archives, all those late nights, you could hear him through his office door, and it would make you feel like you weren't so alone. We'll listen in on another one, shall we?
[a faint choking jerk, like a leash being pulled too tight, another snap of a play button, the dialogue restarting]
THE ARCHIVES [reciting flatly] … I had the oddest thought then and even as I backed away towards the stairs, I started to get my phone out. The daft thing was...
MARTIN [recognising, voice gone sharp] Stop it.
THE ARCHIVES … I wasn't even going to call anyone for help, I just wanted to take a picture of the thing. To prove to you that it happened – you're always so quick to dismiss these statements and I wanted proof for you....
MARTIN You've made your point.
JONAH MAGNUS Hm, I think so. And, remind me, what was my point?
[silence except for Jon's now-muttered static. Careful listening and it's not static at all, but an unceasing recital of horror, statement after statement pouring from his mouth]
JONAH MAGNUS You come into my home clutching that knife with such intentions of bravado. I imagine you wanted to swoop in, rescue him. But I possess him in all the ways that matter. And you know, surely, that you aren't going to be enough to save him.
[Martin's breathing is harder]
I wasn't lying before. I have truly enjoyed your visit, you can be quite distracting company. That's been the whole point of this, hasn't it?
JONAH MAGNUS [interrupting] Who is in the house, Jon?
THE ARCHIVES Martin Blackwood is in the dining room.
JONAH MAGNUS [indulgently, playing for effect] Who else is in the house, Jon?
THE ARCHIVES [a whirring, like the tape's stuck, the first sounds garbled, before a return to normal] Basira Hussain and Melanie King are approaching the east wing. Alice Tonner is patrolling the grounds of the estate.
JONAH MAGNUS You see? All the fear in this world and he can see all of it, every trembling terrified beat of a heart. You think they could approach unseen, hide when he can sense every firing neuron of their fear, the pulse and jump of their nerves? No one is fearless, not in my brave new world, and so he sees them all.
I underestimated you once, Martin. I don't make a habit of repeating my mistakes.
MARTIN I disagree.
JONAH MAGNUS [dismissive] Oh do tell why.
MARTIN Why do you think I came here? Huh? Flimsy knife in hand, having to listen to your gloating.
JONAH MAGNUS Likely a poor attempt at trying to draw my attention.
MARTIN And why do you think Basira, Melanie and Daisy came here?
JONAH MAGNUS To kill me, I should imagine.
MARTIN All those eyes of yours, and they're always too busy focusing on what they shouldn't.
JONAH MAGNUS I had thought to spare you further indignities...
MARTIN [almost scoffing] Yeah, this sounds familiar.
MARTIN How about no. H-how about not this time, how about you shut up for a moment?
[huffing sound, almost a disbelieving laugh] It's just so – so easy to distract you.
JONAH MAGNUS Not much of a distraction if I know you're coming.
MARTIN Who said I was the only distraction?
[a small patter of careful footsteps across marble flooring, and then a grunt, a wet slicing noise that sickeningly sounds like metal through meat]
[Magnus howls in agony. His voice echoing like a wind tunnel, a guttural gusty howling of static, the scrape of a chair shoved back, cutlery and tableware disturbed and smashing]
[another grunt of exertion and someone hitting the table, silverware clattering, before a heavier slump of a body hitting the floor]
MARTIN You have to...!
GEORGIE I know! Just –
[sounds of a tussle for a few seconds, then a deep stabbing puncture, the noise like a punch. Magnus stops screaming]
GEORGIE Now. Now it's done.
MARTIN That is... eurgh, that's so nasty.
GEORGIE Let me have this triumphant moment, huh?
MARTIN Yeah. Sorry. When you said what you were planning, I thought.... it was a bit more  like popping a tomato than expected.
[pause, adrenaline fast breathing, the Archives' static]
He's... he's gone. Elias is really gone.
GEORGIE Finally.
Now, where's...? Holy f – Christ, Jon. Jon? Martin, is – that's not....?
MARTIN What Elias left of him.
GEORGIE What's –  What's he doing?
MARTIN [darkly] What he was made for. There's so many more statements to archive now. He's being kept busy.
GEORGIE [hand over mouth] God, that's... Christ. [despairingly angry] I thought –  I thought that would do it. That was the whole point of this, to get him back.
MARTIN The point was to kill Elias. He's.... Jon's not tied to Elias, he's tied to the Eye.
[creak of a door hinge, footsteps]
BASIRA [getting closer, echoing slightly in the space] He fell for it then?
GEORGIE [pulling herself back to the moment at hand] Yeah. Too busy monologuing at Martin.
BASIRA [creeping closer, sucking air through her teeth] Aim was perfect.
MELANIE She got him? Right across his eyes?
[Georgie makes a 'squish' noise as an affirmative]
Good. Fucker got what was coming.
BASIRA There's still the matter of Jon to deal with.
... Martin, you sure about this?
MARTIN [deep breath] As sure as I can be.
GEORGIE Can he... can Jon hear us?
BASIRA The rest of us, more than likely.
MARTIN [an agreeing 'hm'] He knew you were coming.
BASIRA I'd accounted for that. But being to all intents and purposes 'fearless'? Your invisibility cloak worked on Magnus. As to Jon, no idea.
MELANIE Look, we should hurry. Go, bring him back, Martin.
BASIRA And if you can't...
MARTIN [sharper] That's my call to make, not yours. We agreed.
BASIRA [a heavy pause] Just don't stay in there too long.
MARTIN Right. I'd... I'd stand back.
[there is a creaking static, like muted sound, a whip of rising wind. Martin makes a grunt of effort. Fading in to mix with the static is the rhythmic slosh of tide, the empty drone of wind over empty landscape.]
[a release of held breath]
MARTIN [almost wistful] Back again.
[footsteps digging into sand]
Jon? J-jon, we've... you're ok, Elias, he's....  I know this won't, it won't disconnect you from the Eye or anything, but you told me, you told me it was muted here.
Give you some space, s-so you can come back. I know – I know you're in there
[a crunching chewing sound like a tape spool caught]
[a manic and aggressive fast-forward]
MARTIN Come on, that's it. T-Try and talk to me.
THE ARCHIVES … she had shattered the glass of the horrid thing, its spindling legs made into a constellation of shards on the kitchen floor, but I couldn't move, I couldn't believe that it was over, not until there was a knock at the door. The police, finally. And even then she had to coax me to move, saying that it was finished, it was dead.... [cut off]
MARTIN He – he's gone, Jon. Really gone, he can't... you don't have to fight him any more. [a hopeful gasping exhale] Yeah, that's... that's it... yeah I know it's hard. [ harsh buzz of tape] Look at me, come on, yeah, good, you're doing it. You're out, you're... you're free.
THE ARCHIVES [a crunching whirr, then intoning, tainted with the over-lay of Magnus' intonation, smug and congratulatory] You do not administer and preserve the records of fear, Jon, you are a record of fear... [a sickening buzzing,  the sound of a tape recorder being forwarded] ... could be turned into a conduit for the coming of this – nightmare kingdom. Don't you see where I'm going...?
MARTIN I – Jon, I don't understand.
[garbling rewind]
THE ARCHIVES ...A conduit for the coming of this nightmare kingdom.
MARTIN [softer, sounding closer] He did that to you. He forced you to say those words. That wasn't... that wasn't you, that's not your fault.
Look, we – that's why we need you back. We can, Jon, we can stop this – we've... well, Basira's got a plan, and it's a small chance, but we could, with you and Georgie, we could change something. But we need you.
[empty static]
MARTIN [quieter] And I need you. I need you to come back.
THE ARCHIVES [wrenching, cracking, choked] Mar –
[buzz, like a fucked up tape that goes on for several seconds] …  I tried to explain, but all I could manage to say to get through the shaking sobs was 'I love you'.
MARTIN [throat tight] Jon, fight this, you can, come on...
THE ARCHIVES [a different recording tugged from his throat, a replication of Martin's own voice, shatter-hearted and Lonely, the faint echo of a hospital monitor] … but we need you, Jon. Please – just. Please.
MARTIN That's –  Don't, Jon. Don't use my voice like that.
I'm here. We weren't just going to leave you to him. So how can I... How can I stop this, how can I help you?
THE ARCHIVES [rewind] Please.
MARTIN I don't understand– I'm trying but... no, no, no, come on Jon, eyes on me, yeah, look back up, not....
[ripped and ripe with comprehension] Oh.
THE ARCHIVES Please [rewind]. Please [rewind]. Please.
MARTIN I can't. Jon, I –
THE ARCHIVES [more insistent] Please [rewind]. Please.
MARTIN [forcefully] I won't be your murderer, Jon!
I won't. I'm sorry, but – [makes a deprecating noise] It's not even sharp. It was for show, all part of the act.
[moves in closer, tread of feet in sand] Listen to me, Jon. I know. Sweetheart, I know. I know you're tired. I know everything, everything's wrong, it's been all wrong for so long, and there's only so much hope we can all bear.
 [quieter, almost ashamed] And we could stay here. It would be so so easy. Sit down together on the shoreline, let the fog take us.
I've been thinking, you know. [huff] Yeah, dangerous habit. I've had a lot of... I've had a lot of time to think, about Magnus and his 'grand plan' or whatever. He chose you, and let every horrible thing out there have their own pound of flesh from you. And the statements, they feed on you too, don't they? You live this sick repetition of other people's horrors, and that feeds the Eye, but it's too much for you to bear. And Elias, or bloody, Jonah or whoever, even he wasn't sure you'd survive, even before all this mess happened. He wanted you hurt, and scared but he couldn't be sure it wouldn't kill you outright.
[static, unbroken]
I read the statements too. Elias was very keen on giving me [dark laugh] well, professional development while you were away. And if that wasn't... wasn't enough –
Jane Prentiss trapped and terrorised me in my home, and after that, Christ, all that time ago,  it all just kept happening.  The whatever-it-was that called itself Michael, I was in those corridors with Tim for weeks, and I've been, huh – if being pinballed between working for some – some evil eyeball and Peter Lukas doesn't count, I don't know what does.
[a low breath, gearing up. The static continues, an intent and intense sedateness]
I've got all of them now,  isn't that right, Jon? Whether it's the statements, or workplace collateral, or even just living in this horrifying hellscape of a world. That's all of them, leaving their mark. And Elias, I think you knew, [wry chuff] or Knew probably, that he would have made me Archivist. If you didn't make it. 's why he agreed to let me stay behind, while you all went to stop the Circus.
S-so my point is. I – I know. I know you're tired, I know you want this to stop. But we could end this, together. It's too much for you to take alone, s-so why don't you share it?
[gentler] You don't – You've never had to do this on your own. An Archivist always had Assistants, remember.
THE ARCHIVES [a break in the static, like signal breaking in and out, a furious dip and rise of disparate statements] – And I told her no –  […] He knew he could never ask that of – […] Please, please – [….] Martin – […]  – through the shaking sobs was 'I love you' – […...]
MARTIN You're not alone. Not now, not before. If we're to have any chance at all, you have to let me help.
[a staticky buzzing, low breathing, the distant call of gulls]
Look at me, Jon. Yeah, all those eyes of yours.
What do you See?
[the static rises like a wind swell]
[Martin gives an airless grunt]
MARTIN  That's it.... [gasp] Come on, Jon, let me in.
[Martin lets out a gasp that chokes into a clenched cry. He gags and swallows the sound, and it is dry and painful and crunching. The static over-washes the sound of the shore, and Martin starts making bitten-off hurt sounds, that soon devolve into screaming. This goes on for a long time.]
[He stops. The static stops]
[The loud sound of something heavy hitting the floor, Jon's breathing suddenly audible, mixed with Martin's panting. The scrape of sand, someone moving]
JONATHAN SIMS, THE ARCHIVIST [slurring and mumbled, his tongue numb and awkward] Martin... Martin... are you...?
MARTIN BLACKWOOD, THE ARCHIVIST [sucking in a harsh breath] Jon. [muffled, like he's embracing someone, or being embraced] Christ, thank god, Jon, you're ok, you're here, you're back.
[even more muffled] God, I thought I was too late.
ARCHIVIST Are you – Martin, tell me please, are you...?
ARCHIVIST I'm fine, I'm just... [wincing groan] It's just a lot.
ARCHIVIST R-right. Breathe through it. Look... look at me, that's it. The rest of it, a-all the noise, it's background. That's all. It doesn't have to drown you.
[For several long moments, they breathe in tandem as Martin calms]
ARCHIVIST I could hear you. B-back with Jonah. It was all so loud but I could hear you.
Thank you. F-for coming to get me.
ARCHIVIST Well, Basira gave me two options so it was that or murder [clearly responding to some visual expression] I'm – I'm kidding. Of course I wasn't going to just leave you.
[a surprised noise] Jon. Your eye.
ARCHIVIST The left one, it's not... It's different, it's not like – it's blue, it's blue, did something go wrong, is it...
ARCHIVIST [ever so softly, clearly a page ahead] Yours has changed too. Brown suits you.
ARCHIVIST I – Oh. Right.
So we've both.... Yours and mine....
ARCHIVIST I think so.
ARCHIVIST That's.... that's crazy.
[thoughtful] I forgot how quiet it was, here.
You really think we can stop this?
ARCHIVIST Basira seems to have a plan. You and Georgie, your abilities. And well, me to some extent now, I guess.  It could change everything back to the way it was, now Elias has gone.
ARCHIVIST What do you think?
ARCHIVIST I think we can stop this.
ARCHIVIST Then I believe you.
Martin, what you did –
ARCHIVIST Let's – We'll talk about it later. I promise. Once we're out of here. I'm... Today's been a lot.
ARCHIVIST OK. That's – OK. You should rest, when we get out of here. It's – it'll take a lot out of you, in the beginning.
ARCHIVIST I'm sure Elias wouldn't mind lending us his rooms. Not like he can complain.
ARCHIVIST We're in Jonah's house?
ARCHIVIST Well. More mansion. It's so ostentatiously gaudy, you'd hate it. Bet he has four poster beds and framed paintings of himself all over the place.
ARCHIVIST How charming.
ARCHIVIST Hmm. Melanie's probably started on slashing up the fixtures.
[quieter] Come on, then. Let's get out of here. I know the way back.
ARCHIVIST  [ever so softly] I've never doubted it.
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moonrvsworld · 3 years
(chapter 3)
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Its been a month since Keonhee made his own decision at the library about how to put aside Youngjo in his life. Honestly, its not as easy as he expected. He’s been through the long term agony to manage his emotion, loneliness, and he missing Youngjo so much. Its torturing. Even in his deepest heart, he hope he never tell such a stupid decision like that. But the worst fact is, Youngjo never call him again after that day. They excatly still meet at the campus. Youngjo become his regular teacher as usual but its nothing since they didn’t talk each other like a stranger. Keonhee hurts his own pride by put high expectation about Younjo who might be beg for his generosity.
“Its not an expensive restaurant but I’ll make sure you’ll like the steak.”
Alice’s voice breaks the silence in Keonhee’s mind. For a second, he blink his eyes and realize that he’s on different situation. In front of him, Alice sat with her beautiful red gown. The A-line part of her shoulder shows how attractive her colar bone is.  Her red maroon lipstick make everytime she speaks, she looks more sensual. Its such a different view from the Alice who Keonhee used to see at their class with oversized sweater and sharp frame glasses.
“You often come to this kind of place?” asked Keonhee without any curiosty.
“Not really, only if I have to celebrate something spesial.”
Keonhee nooded his head. Even though he doesn’t even know what to do next, he refuse to look more awkward.
“Whats celebration that you have with me now? I just accepted your dinner invitation without any special meaning.”
Alice smiled widely. “Have a dinner with you is special enough to celebrate. You want some wine?”
Keonhee shake his head. “I dont drink, sorry.”
“Its okay,” said Alice while raised her hand at the waitres.
Keonhee let her choose the menu since he knows nothing about it. Steak right? He can deal with it. For almost several weeks, he couldn’t eat properly. Everthing in his life seems screwed up since he need more time to fix it. Broken hearts thing always leave linger feeling. Its not that easy to move on, though.
“How is it?” Alice stared at Keonhee with dreamy eyes. Full of interest and something which can be called as love.
“Delicious, you have a good taste.”
Alice give her intense gaze she never had for another man. Keonhee only wears simple black shirt and denim, but he looks so hot tonight. His eyes always try to look around. Alice didnt know what he’s watching for. Seems like they’re two prisoner who runaway from the jail. Is it a sin, or Keonhee feel uncomfortable?
“Are you okay?” Alice’s hand touch Keonhee’s arm. “You look unwell, Keonhe. Like a broken hearted man I always see at some pubs.”
Keonhee chuckled for a while. “Am I look that bad?”
“Is it because the assignments? Even Professor Youngjo gave us so many papers to finish by the end of this month. Don’t you think its too ... weird?”
Keonhee tried to swallow his meal so hard. Suddenly he feel like there’s something as big as tennis ball stays in his throat when Alice say Youngjo’s name. Whats with this effect, actually? Its ridiculous.
“You’re the weird one,” said Keonhee.
“Me?” Alice opened her eyes widely.
Keonhee cutted his steak with annoying feeling. His tremble hands make him grapped in too the knife little bit thight.
“Its weird to hear that kind of words from girl’s mouth since Professor Youngjo is none other that oneshot guy. Every girl campus will floored in front of him to get his private class.”
The sounds of Keonhee’s voice full of sarcasm. He even smirk to him self right now.
“Not every girls of course. Im the one who will never get down on my knee to suck his dick,” answered Alice easily. She said that with a mouth full of meat.
Keonhee chocked and reach his glass to drink all of the lemon squash. Its was so hard to do since talking with the girl is the unusal thing for him. The spontanious statement from her make Keonhee’s brain freeze for a moment.
“I’ve seen him naked, its not that awesome.” Alice said that fact by murmured her own mouth. But it has a huge impact to surprise Keonhee.
“You see him what?” he asked with horrible looks.
“Nah, it was an accident,” she answered back with her funny expression. “I think is my fault to not knocking his door before. It was a surprise for me since it doesnt look interesting at all. I dont even have any intention to touch it.”
Keonhee rolled his eyes while looking at the window. The first snow finally fall. People keep walking eventhough its too cold outside. Alice keep watching his reaction and hide her smile by turn her head down look into the rest of her steak.
He manage to finish his meal faster since he feels a little bit annoyed after hear what Alice talk about Youngjo. Keonhee never hate that guy no matter he need to ends their relation ship. He adore him, as  brother or lover. He never missed Youngjo class, regardless of love affair that they have, the lesson always fun and worth to join.
Alice give some reason about why she should invite Keonhee to her house. She live alone while his parents stay abroad and the silly explanation about scared being alone finally make Keonhee agree to follow her.
Such a bullshit.
“Why you dont live with them?” asked Keonhee while Alice opened the front door and take off her coat a little hurry in the foyer.
“I will,” answered Alice. She walks even faster to the kitchen and raised her voice to continue. “We have a huge property business to do. Right after we graduate, I’ll catch them up.”
Keonhe nodded his head though Alice wont see that. He spread his sight around the living rooms. There are three sofa made from suede material in front of wide big flat screen television. Those navy colour give the darker effect since Alice only turn one small lamp on the ceiling. Its too dim, Keonhe need to squint his eyes to scan everything.
In front of the sliding door, Keonhee see the beautiful fireplace. This house looks like the mansion which always appear in vampire series. The furniture, the wood floor, even the ceiling and back yard. Its remind him to the scene where vampire family life covered by their mysterious existence. This house located far from the crowded. A little bit move to the up town.
“Don’t you think that this house is too spacious to live alone?” Keonhee turn around after he make sure that the swimming pool must be something that never been touch since they built it.
“I like empty and large space. I dont even know why,” said Alice. “I hate being stuck in the crowded place, that’s why I didnt choose to live with my friends at the dorm.”
She keep her bright smile everytime she meet Keonhee’s eyes while she handed apple juice to him.
“Since you dont drink alcohol,”  told Alice.
Keonhee replied her smile and follow that woman to sit on the couch.
“You’re not an introvert, aren’t you? Seems like we can always find you in some chaotic places.”
Alice laughed so hard. Her eyes narrowed and suddenly she shed a tears.
“Oh, Keonhee that’s what you think about me all this time?”
Koenhee damp his throat by drinking almost half of the juice.
“We’re not that close, I can’t judge anything about you more than this first impression.” He mumbled and put the glass back on the table.
“Then why you never try to make us getting closer? You know you make me wait for too long to be in this situation.”
Alice lay her body to relax while she keep watching Keonhee unusual gesture. He looks so uncomfortable and keep avoiding her eyes.
“Lee Keonhee, do you ever dating someone in your life?”
Keonhee turn around. Alice move a little closer and rub Koenhee shoulder while waiting for his answer.
“Why did you suddenly ask about that?”
“Just curious.”
“Because you never see me talk with the girls?”
Alice releases a big puff of air and lean his chin into Keonhee’s shoulder. Now their face only an inch apart where Alice can feel his warm breath with apple juice’s scent.
“Because I know your deepest secret.” She whispered.
“What do you mean? I dont have any secret.”
“In front of other people? Yes. But ...”
Her lips touch his cheek. Keonhee gasped for a while before he realize and makes his frigid stare. Alice not affected. She count slowly inside her mind where Keonhee finally shows some reaction.
“I can see what others cant. About you and him.”
Alice whispered her statement. No one can hear it, but in Keonhee’s ears, her words as loud as the sound of train horn. Its distracted him with empty mind.
“What do you mean, Alice?”
“Your secret, honey. Something that you’ll never let anyone know unless ... your careless like a curtain falls which allow me to see everything.”
Alice innocent face push Keonhee to his restless. Suddenly he feels the strange heat all over his body. A cold sweat appear on his back and neck.
“You know what are we talking about. Ore beloved professor. ” Suddenly Alice feel like she cannot hold any longer to spill his name.
“Some people sometimes make a comfortable affair because they think the others will not notice. Honestly, I wont believe what I see since I believe how straight you are all these times. But I can’t deny that his stare towards you always has something different. Like a ... magic. It covered with heavy coulds, but suddenly I can feel it. He loves you so much, right? And so do you?”
Keonhee gulped his spit so hard. He cant believe this truth comes from the girl who looks like never care what happened around. He’s one hundred precent sure that Alice will be more busy with her achievement, projects and her popularity among the boys. He lost his guard and think that everyting’s move on the right why like it should be. What if its not only Alice who realize? Othe people might know but they choose remain silent since Youngjo is one of the best teacher at the campus?
“You look unwell, wanna drink something else? I have some wines.”
Alice intends to reach Keonhee’s empty glass but suddenly that man grab her waist.
“Dont you ever spread the rumors, or_”
“Or what sweet heart? Are you afraid being hurt by people’s judge?” Alice cut his words.
“I dont wanna him to be the one who get hurt.”
He almost mumbling when he said that. Alice smirked and move her hand into Keonhee’s thigh.
“You’re such a kind boyfie. He must be treat you well. Do you guys often making out in any situation? How does it feels? I’m curios about what is  the most position that you like. Under or upper?”
“Alice.” Keonhee squeal with disbelife.
While that girl only laugh and without any warning, she jump into Keonhee’s lap and pushed him lay back to the couch.
“Is he dumped you nowadays? I can feel something happened between you guys. Or its because the last incident, when I asked you to join some party?”
“There’s no related to that. We have our own business.”
Alice bit her lips. “Im not interesting with that actually, I just curious about something. About how is this gonna help your heartbreaking.”
Alice rub his pussy to Keonhee’s dick. Slowly. Hindered by their jeans but she can feels it getting harder. She smile widely and put her lips to Keonhee’s neck.
“Wha-what are you doing?”
He asked frantically. His hand try to move Alice from his lap.
“Calm down, you dont want me to tell everything I see about what you always do in his office every Saturday, right?” she wishpered beside Keonhee’s ear and lick it.
Keonhee feel the strange reaction. Like an electricity attack all over his body. Its impossible. For almost two years he fucked up with only one person. A man. A lover he loves so much. Then why this desire also appear when Alice touch and kiss his sensitive area.
“You can do it with me too?”
“Alice, stop it. I ...”
“I can’t. I wanna taste you tonight, that’s the only way to shut my mouth up. Your secret save with me, Lee Keonhee.”
He cursed so hard inside his head. He knows that the Saturday night idea in Youngjo’s office was the bad one. But ohh ...
Alice move her lips slowly to his. They kiss with hesitation. Keonhee actually. Because Alice seems like she doesn’t care. She push her tounge inside Keonhee’s mouth and try to taste every side in it. Her hands free to take off Keonhee’s shirt and unzip his jeans with skill of experience. Keonhee even didnt realized since when Alice’s finger sneak in his underwear and squeeze his dick softly. Like it was a precious thing to touch. Half naked Keonhee burnt her desire. Its amazing, she turn up her intention for touching every part of his body.
“He dumped you? Or you make him dissapointed for some reasons?” asked Alicia while she pull her self to watch Koenhee’s expression after they kissing.
“I dont wanna talk about it,” he murmured.
“Oh honey, you can always come to me. We can talk like this, in a deep way of course. You need some distraction, cause me too when I broke with Sam.”
“Why should I?” Keonhee stare at her like a little boy.
Alice looking down, right into his big gloomy eyes.
“Because I know you’ll like it. You don’t deserve living in one side of the world with his obession to having your body and soul.  Im here too, available to taste right inside your mouth.”
Alicia guide Koenhee’s hand to touch her breast. Its firm and beautiful. Since its his first time, Keonhee only stare at it while he waiting for another electricity effect. That girl dont wanna waste the time. She lower the straps of her gown and let her bra show. Its black and looks sexy on her breast.
“You will never get this one from Professor Youngjo, honey.”
She take off her bra and let Keonhee see her pretty niples. The colour was pink and pretty with vague brown around it. With their hands squeez slowly, Alice moan and hiss. Her voice turn into the lower tone. So raspy and aluring.
“Touch and feel it in your arms, mmyeeahh... like that. Ohh Keonhee, your dick ...”
Its a magical. Keonhee let himself hypnotized by her command and comment. His dick tighten and he doesn’t know what to do about it. Usually Youngjo will lick or suck, but Alice only let it rubbed with the outside part of her vagina.
“Aaaahh, baby.”
Alice hiss while bitting her lip. Another effect showering Keonhee like a huge wave. He hold Alice’s back and settle her in his embrace. Her body suddenly convulsed. She stroke Keonhee’s hair and pull his head closer to her breast.
“Suck it, Keonhee. Like a baby who need his mom.”
Keonhee use his mouth and tounge to taste everything. He feels so excited since he was free to be more aggressive. Alice let him explore new things. About how delicious woman’s breast, about how  his fingers can move and touch the wet pussy and give him another sensation, about gentle kiss to increase the passion.
“Mmmmhh yeaahh.. like that, ohhh... you bite it so well.”
She moan loudly. This big house give the freedom so she can scream as much as she want. Other Keonhee’s hand squeeze her ass. The tension getting higher. Alice starts to make her move. She push Keonhee to lay down while she help him strip his denim. Now that guy is fully naked with hardened dick and red tip. She bend down and stroke that dick before put it in her mouth.
Exactly as expected. Taste good. The fluid and the vein line become another sensation. Keonhee hiss so hard. He’s about to scream when his heart beat getting faster. While he watching Alice suck his dick, she grab her hair and imagine that she is Youngjo  who need to be punish. Keonhee gather Alice’s hair into a bun so he can see clearly how she lick and suck his dick with her tounge playin around and give him unexplainable sensation.
“You like it?” asked Alice.
“Shut up and keep going.”
He’s mad because its not Youngjo who do it as usual. Alice use this opportunity to provocate him more. Man always great and make sex wilder when they’re upset of something. She crawl up and take off all her clothes while she sat on his stomach. The view of this naked and nude become something unusual since both of them are trully stranger before.
The taste totally different. Alice play smoother and dont mind to let the emotion leads more than penetration. That girl now lick and kiss Keonhee’s neck and chest but her hands never let go. Keonhee grab her joints, so soft and warm. Their bodies drawn in sweats.
“You wanna taste me?”
Alice turn around and trapped them in 34+35. She open her crotch in front of Keonhee’s face and start swapping her pussy towards his mouth. Its so wet. Keonhee suddenly know what to do by putting his warm tounge and play with her clitoris.
“Ahhh .. baby, nggghhh ...”
Her hiss make Keonhee hornier. Beside, he feel relief  since finally he knows that he’s normal for doing this with a woman. There will be no more burden on his shoulder if finally he really has to let Youngjo go.
“Yeah, right there. Mmmhh ... sweety.”
Alice keep moaning while she’s busy to suck the dick. Her right hold into the couch and she growl when Keonhee’s tounge getting wilder. She  shake her head, her stomach rumbles with thousand butterflies bring all the flush.
“Aaaahh ... Ahhh baby- Im- Im cummiiingg...”
She almost yelled. Her body convulse for a while when Keonhee’s tounge stay still inside her pussy to suck and lick the cums. The red colour and cracked shape of her sensitive area look more beautiful when its wet.
“You give up that fast?” Keonhee asked with arogant tone. He was a dick pleasure for Youngjo, that’s why he beloved so much by him.
Alice lay her head on Keonhee’s thigh. Without any warning, that man change their position. He recline her and spread her legs to put on his shoulder. He grab her hips tight, and start to push his dick inside that pussy.
Keonhee’s hiss make Alice ready to drop all her insanity. He start his movement back and forth, slow to fast. Its all manage, and flow so well.
“Deeper, baby. Yeah, that’s it. Oh, you’re so good.”
She keep praising him, so the tense getting higher. Man like to hear good words while having sex. It will built all the spirit and burning it with strongest desire.
“Ahh ...”
Keonhee close his eyes. For the sake of God, he try to keep his mind sraight while his dick move quickly inside Alice’s pussy. The taste like a hell. Warm and burnt inside. Keonhee’s stomach flare up with euphoria about something new. About how good it feels to fuck up with woman. He cannot believe that he making out with the most beautiful girl in his campus.
“Can you push deeper, Keonhee?” Alice beg him like a servant ask some mercy.
Keonhee piling up his whole body to her. This time he shake his joints a little bit fast and start to get the perfect rhythm. Alice’s  finger scratch his back. She immerse her nails into Keonhee’s skin. Why women are noisy like this when she fucked up? Every movement turn Alice into her hysteria. Sometimes she give Keonhee a beautiful tired smile, and then it change into deep cold gaze while cursing how good his dick hit her womb.
“Say my name.” Alice touch Keonhee’s lips with her finger.
“Oh, Alice.”
“Is it good, sweety?”
“Oh yeah.” He try to answered with his heavy breath.
“You ready to cum?”
“No,” He shakes his head.
“Faster, then.”
Alice lift her body and reach Keonhee’s lips. They kiss while moaning. The air feels so hot and moist. Keonhee start panting. He almost there, the highest spot. He hit it after Alice bite his tounge because she’s gonna cums again. They hugging each other, and muffle the screams with kiss. Like a rollercoaster which finally need to stop, the movement getting slower. All that left is silence. Keonhee immerse his face to Alice’s neck.
“Honey, that was great.”
Alice kiss his forehead and stroke his hair gently.
“Im pretty sure, I’ll always be here whenever you need someone to fun start from now. Do you hear that, sweety?”
Keonhee only nod his head. But he’s the one who never sure about this.
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