#wondersis x wonderfamily imagine
ragingbookdragon · 3 years
For the dialogue prompts, may I please request #9 and/or #25? 💖
You may, Kio! Thank you for all the wonderful comments you leave me <3
9. "You're in love with her." 25. "I want an answer, Goddamnit!"
“You should tell her.”
He rolled his eyes, sipping the champagne in his hand to hide his annoyance. “I’m not telling her, Dick.”
“You should,” he urged. “C’mon Jason, you’re in love with her. What do you have to lose?”
Jason face pinched. “My dignity?”
“Like you had dignity anyways,” Dick snickered. “But seriously, what’s keeping you from telling the second Princess of Themyscira that you’re head over heels with her?”
He grabbed Dick’s wrist as his brother was waving her over and hissed, “I want a reciprocated answer, Goddamnit!”
“Well, we’re about to see!” he chirped.
“Dick, no!”
She stepped up and smiled. “Good evening Richard.” Her eyes found Jason’s and he swore they practically twinkled as she greeted warmly, “Hello Jason.”
His cheeks warmed. “Hey.”
Dick smirked and took her hand, placing it in Jason’s. “You know, he did say he wanted to dance with you tonight!” shuffling them to the dance floor, he watched as the two started giggling, and he smiled. “I should be a matchmaker.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
How would Wondersis and Batsis get along?
It would go something a lot like this:
"Excuse me! I have an announcement!" They all turned, eyes widening at the sight of their eldest sister thrown over the shoulder of Diana's own sister, though she didn't seem bothered playing the role of a sack of potatoes. "I have only known this woman for a day but if anything ever happened to her I would destroy the world."
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
For FFF "You won because she let you win" with Jay Todd
"You won because she let you win." WONDERSIS WONDERSIS WONDERSIS
The tip of the training sword touched her throat and she inhaled quietly as she looked up into the eyes of her lover, his own narrowed in quiet victory. “Yield,” he commanded and for a moment she considered continuing their fight—curse her indignant streak.
“I yield,” she replied, and he pulled the sword away, replacing it with his hand.
With a grunt, he heaved her to her feet. “Good fight, babe.” He commented. “You really made me work for that win.”
She smiled with hidden humor and gestured to herself. “I’m going to clean up.”
As she walked off, footsteps sounded behind him and he turned, seeing Diana coming to him. “I was watching from the sidelines. You fight well, Jason.”
“Thank you, Diana,” he said, then chuckled, “She was holding back though.”
Diana grinned knowingly, “Oh? So, you know you won because she let you win?”
“Of course,” Jason noted. “She’s got a whole different set of skills than you, but she’s still an immortal warrior who’s trained for thousands of years more than I have.” He looked at her. “If she had wanted to win, I would’ve been put down in two seconds flat.”
Diana tipped her head side to side as she left; nudging him in the ribs, she corrected, “It actually would have been one.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
When Will My Weight Be Too Much For You?
Barry Allen x Wondersis One-Shot
Word Count: 1.6 Warnings: Explicit Language, Slight Angst
Author's Note: Based off this ask right here! Enjoy! -Thorne
Diana said this is the way to leave my grievance where you can hear it instead of straight from my mouth. I must deliver it this way because if I were to see you at this very moment, I would say things that would be improper of a princess and a partner in our relationship. Bartholomew, I do not say this lightly, but your unattendance to the unveiling of the museum exhibit has wounded my heart. You promised you would make it in time to see me reveal it to the world. I know you are busy, believe me I know, but I had asked you multiple times to check your schedule to clear it. Please wait for me to contact you again, it should be within the next few days. I would like to exert this potent emotion from mind and body before we meet once more. And though this event has occurred, please understand that my love for you has not changed. I still love you very much, Bartholomew Allen and I always shall. Farewell. End of message. To repeat, please press the pound key.
Barry banged his head on the desk as the message ended for the eighth time that night. He felt like such a fool. Such a bumbling, moronic fool. (Y/N)’d called him the day before and reminded him and he still forgot about the museum exhibit being unveiled today. He’d been so caught up in the labs that day that by the time he’d actually gotten a break, it was past three—four hours past the event.
So much for having super-speed. He’d been late. Again. And this time, he’d upset (Y/N) so much that she didn’t even want to see him for a few days. And Barry wasn’t sure what he was more upset about—missing the event and hurting her or hearing the devastation in her voice from the message. Whichever it was, it hurt Barry to the core. The type of hurt that made even his chest feel sore and his eyes sting. And all Barry could do was sit and wait, planning out how to make it up to her, and hope that she still wanted to be with him after.
(Y/N) hefted the javelin by her head, cocking it back as far as she could before she threw it with all her might, taking out an entire tree in the backyard of Wayne Manor. It’d been four days since the museum event, four days since Barry hadn’t showed, and four days since she’d called in sick, instead of being at home, being at Wayne Manor. Oddly enough, it was the one place she could work out her emotion—there seemed to be no end to criminals and Bruce’s family didn’t seem too particularly bothered by an Amazon being present or watching her break the Joker’s legs—they enjoyed that.
With a heavy sigh, she collapsed into the grass, gazing up at the sky as she let her limbs sprawl out. She wasn’t angry or upset with Barry anymore. Well, there was a little annoyance, but the majority had been worked out. All that was left was the feeling in her chest that made her sigh all the time—exasperation. Barry was the greatest man alive, probably better than Clark Kent, but Gods if he wasn’t the latest man alive too. He was always late
Another puff of air escaped her, and she closed her eyes as the grass crunched near her. “Have you come to gloat?”
Someone chuckled. “You’ve been out here since four AM, (Y/N). Aren’t you tired?”
“Not particularly, Bruce.” She returned, cracking one eye open to see him dressed in his suit; he’d probably just gotten back from work. “Are you going on patrol soon?”
Bruce glanced at his watch. “It’s a quarter to six. Sun’s going down. I’m going to get ready.”
(Y/N) nodded, starting to rise. “Then I shall get ready too.”
“Actually, (Y/N), I think you should go back to Central City.”
She paused, looking down at him—though their height wasn’t much different, a few inches give or take—and asked, “Have I overstayed my welcome? I apologize if I have.”
He shook his head. “Never.” Reaching out, he placed a hand on her shoulder. “But I think you should go home and talk to Barry.”
An eyebrow arched on her head, though her heart was fluttering at the mention of Central City being home. “Why?” she was genuinely curious, or perhaps suspicious of his answer. It seemed like he wanted her to talk to Barry more than he wanted her to leave.
“Because Barry Allen is moping so much during League meetings that it makes me look cheerful,” Bruce scowled. “I’m sick of seeing the poor man so distraught over his mistake.”
(Y/N) frowned. “My intentions were not to cause such distress, I just—”
“You left him a voicemail that practically tore his heart out.”
“I just—” she stopped, gaping at him. “How did you know?”
Bruce blinked. “That’s not important. What is important is that you go home to your boyfriend and tell him you love him and that you’re not angry anymore.” He shifted his hands, grabbing her face gently but firmly. “For the love of God, (Y/N), please, forgive the poor bastard.”
(Y/N), with a pinched face, looked down on the man and grunted, “If you wish to keep your hands, I suggest you remove them. Now.”
“Just go home. Please,” Bruce griped, pulling away from her. “I’m so sick of looking at Barry moping like a lovesick drunkard.”
She waved in defeat. “I shall back my bag.”
Suddenly, her duffel bag was in her face. “Already packed,” he said. “Go home.”
“I am feeling the love,” (Y/N) laughed, tugging the tight strap over her body, and rose into the sky. “Until we see one another again, my dear friend.”
Bruce waved as flew off. “See you around, Vanguard.”
By the time she’d returned to Central City, it was well into the night, quite possibly the early hours of the morning. The city was asleep, few cars were on the road and even fewer skyscrapers were lit up with company. (Y/N) slipped into the apartment through the bedroom window, too lazy to walk up the six flights of stairs and through the front door like she knew she should, but no one was watching, so who cared?
Apparently, Barry did, because the moment her second foot touched the floor, she was being yanked to the ground, faster than she could realize what was happening. She thrashed beneath the weight pinning her to the floor, one hand wrapping around Barry’s wrist, the other his throat as she cocked one of her legs up underneath his pelvis and to her chest, shoving at him.
Tipping their weight, he went down, and she flipped atop him, then shifted her hand to grab his other wrist, holding them both beside his head.
“Peace Barry!” she comforted firmly. “It is me, (Y/N).”
Barry stopped squirming, blinking in the darkness. “(Y/N)?”
“Yes,” she answered, letting him go so she could reach up and flick the night-side lamp on. The room was illuminated with soft yellow glow, and she glanced down at him with an easy smile. “I cannot imagine how you heard me. I was dead silent coming inside.”
He blinked. “I was awake and rolled over. All I saw was someone in the bedroom.” Barry reached up, cupping her cheek. “You’re home.”
(Y/N) leaned down, brushing her nose against his. “I am home.” Smiling sadly, she added, “And sorry I left like I did…and for making you hurt. I hope you can forgive me, Barry. I should have acted maturely and not run from my problem like a child.”
“No-no-no-no,” he worried, sitting up, taking her with him. “You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
“But I—”
Barry shook his head, brushing his thumb across her cheekbone. “I broke my promise to you, (Y/N). You reacting how you did was understandable.”
“Perhaps to a human,” she argued. “But not for a princess. And especially one of Themyscira.” (Y/N) cupped his face in her hands and pressed her forehead to hers. “It was just a museum exhibit, Barry. You are more important to me than pieces of history.”
His blue eyes were bright even in the dull light and his smile was as wide as a mile. “I love you, (Y/N).”
She matched his smile. “I love you more, Barry Allen.”
“Well, I love you most,” he countered, and she giggled, shaking her head.
“Impossible,” she bantered. “My love for you knows no bounds.”
“Oh yeah?” he bet, wrapping one arm around her waist, whilst the other fumbled for the bedside, rising to his feet. “Hmm, my love is eternal.” He turned, (Y/N) sinking into the mattress as he climbed onto the bed, looking at her.
An evil smirk crossed her lips and Barry’s body flushed with heat as his cheeks darkened, and before he could even blink, he was being flipped, staring up as she gazed down at him. “H-honey,” he stuttered as her fingers deftly undid the buttons of his pajama shirt, spreading it open to reveal his toned chest. He really flushed when she bent down and pressed a kiss to the center of his chest, ebbing upwards to his throat, only leaving a trail of crimson love bites in her wake.
“Your love is eternal, hmm?” she cooed against his skin, heatedly kissing along his jaw to whisper in his ear. “Prove it to me.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Time Stops When I Look At You
Barry Allen x Wondersis One-Shot
Word Count: 1.8K Warnings: None
Author's Note: Based on the ask I received! Love this pairing now! -Thorne
When he opened the door at seven AM after getting in at three that morning, he wasn’t happy. And Hal Jordan certainly wasn’t happy to see her with a bright smile on her face as she greeted, “My dearest friend! What a blessed morning we are having, yes!”
He blinked blearily at her. “It was a blessed morning…when I was still sleeping.”
“Are you telling me you do not rise with the sun and train?” she asked. “I thought that was standard for the warriors of the United of American States.”
“United States of America, (Y/N),” he corrected, opening the door. “And to answer your question, I haven’t been in the military for a few years now. I get to sleep in before I go to work.”
(Y/N) hummed as she stepped inside. “That seems like a waste of valuable time.” She glanced back at him. “I have something important to discuss with you.”
Hal merely made a noise low in his throat and lumbered down the hall, her on his heels, into his bedroom; he collapsed back onto the bed and pulled the covers up to his ears. “What’s on your mind, Princess?”
She quickly unhooked her greaves before climbing onto the bed, laying across his body. “I am unsure of how to show affections for someone.”
He adjusted his body so that her head was on his stomach. “Really? The Princess gifted by Aphrodite doesn’t know how to show you’ve got a crush on somebody? Who woulda thought?”
(Y/N) dug her chin into his gut. “You mock me, my dearest friend.” She let out a sigh. “I was going to offer him a blade forged by my mother and sisters and recite Sappho’s Ode to Aphrodite to win his favor.” Her eyes drifted to his. “But I do not know if he likes poetry.”
“Who is ‘he’?” Hal asked.
He blinked. “Wait…you mean Barry? Like…our Barry?”
She nodded. “Yes.” (Y/N) stared at him. “Does Bartholomew enjoy poetry, Harold? I have more pieces prepared. The Iliad for example.”
“Please, God, don’t call me Harold.” He shuddered. “Makes me think my mom is scolding me.” He sighed, laying his head back. “Barry’s…not exactly a poetry guy. He’s more the ‘take me to a science museum’ type of guy.”
(Y/N) hummed thoughtfully. “Interesting! What is a science museum?”
“Big building with a bunch of things that make lovers of science all tingly inside.”
“And you think Barry would like that better than a sword and poetry?”
Hal snorted. “(Y/N), let’s get one thing clear. You could give Barry a dowry of a million dollars, and he’d still not get the hint.” He glanced down at her. “You’ve literally gotta tell him you like him or he’s not going to get it. Hell, probably though a science line. That’s one way to get through to him. Actually, that’s probably the only way to get through to him.”
“Hmm…and to think I had a dowry prepared back home.”
“What? Seriously?”
“Of course. Many animals and a great deal of gold.” She turned over onto her back, resting the back of her head on his stomach. “Where is a science museum I can take him to? I do not know if there is one in the city I live in.”
“There’s a really cool one in Chicago,” he offered. “I know Barry’d get a hard-on for that place.”
“A hard-on?” (Y/N)’s brows furrowed. “What does that mean?”
“Is that another euphemism for arousal?”
“You are such a man.”
“Thank you for noticing,” he chirped, glancing out the window. “Well…you woke me up and since I’m awake…wanna get pancakes?”
(Y/N) jumped up, excitement crossing her face. “YES! I LOVE THE CAKES OF PAN! THEY ARE DELICIOUS!”
Hal chuckled, tossing the covers from his body. “Lemme shower really quickly. Hey, and make sure you text Barry about going so he can put it in his schedule.”
She pointed at him. “That is a wonderful idea.”
(Y/N) glanced at the watch on her wrist for what seemed like the millionth time, holding the umbrella with her other. The rain poured around her, thunder rumbling above, but she stood hopeful that the Scarlet Speedster would eventually show. They had talked about the museum for days and she’d been anticipating it ever since they agreed to meet up.
Barry had texted that he would be there in the morning, but that had been hours ago, and he hadn’t answered his phone after she’d last called. (Y/N) pursed her lips as the sky darkened, and not from the storm, wondering if he had forgotten.
Perhaps I should have given him the sword and recited the poem? She frowned and looked around, seeing couples walking around, sharing umbrellas and laughing, joy etched onto their faces. No, I must wait. He said he would be here.
But as the hours dwindled and the day turned into evening, she realized he wasn’t going to make it in time. With a sigh, she turned to the doors of the museum; most of the lights were being shut off and the workers were leaving to go home for the evening.
(Y/N) smiled sadly and gripped her umbrella, turning to walk down the street. There was always tomorrow.
Barry rushed back to his house, speeding into his bedroom to yank out a dress shirt, a pullover sweater, and a pair of khakis that he hadn’t yet ruined. He’d completely forgotten all about the museum trip (Y/N)’d invited him on, getting so caught up in cases and running around Central, that by the time he remembered, it was already a quarter to six.
He changed and sped through his door, the streets of Central City turning into a blur as he headed for the museum in the next state. He skidded to a stop outside the museum, eyes widening when he saw the doors shut and the lights off.
“Oh no,” he whispered, looking around for (Y/N); she was nowhere to be seen. “Oh no.”
He sprinted down the street, trying to remember if she’d said she was wearing a blue dress or a red one. He should’ve remembered earlier. He should’ve sent a text. He should’ve called. He should’ve—
Barry went barreling to the ground, landing atop something warm and soft. The scent of flowers and metal oil flooded his senses, and after he caught his bearings, he looked up, cheeks flushing when he realized he’d landed on a woman and more importantly, face first into her chest.
“Good evening, Bartholomew.” His eyes darted to the woman’s face, and he saw (Y/N) smiling at him. “You are late.”
He floundered. His mouth opened and closed but nothing came out except a pitiful burst of air as he scrambled off her, face as red as his suit. He bent down, hauling her up. “I’msosorryIdidn’tseewhereIwasgoingandIlandedonyouandIputmyfaceinyourchestandI’msosrry!”
(Y/N) blinked at him. “I…I did not catch that, Bartholomew. Can you repeat that? Slower, perhaps?”
He raised his hands to his face, covering them as he apologized profusely, “I am so sorry, (Y/N). I didn’t mean to be late or land on you or—or stick my face in your—I’m really sorry!”
She giggled. “I am not offended.” She reached out and took his hand, pressing it to her chest. “Many friends have rested their heads on my bosom. They are comfortable, are they not? Like the finest cushions.”
Barry’s jaw dropped and this time all that came out of him was strangled noise. “I can’t feel my face,” he whispered, and she pressed her free hand to his cheeks.
“Hmm, your face is very hot. Shall we go find somewhere cool to rest?” she asked, taking the hand still pressed against her chest; she laced their fingers. “I saw an ice cream store down the street here.”
He let himself be tugged along. Every circuit in his brain had been burned out and his heart was fluttering way too fast for him to think about anything other than calming it down. But it was impossible. Barry could feel the warmth from (Y/N)’s body, could smell the delicate fragrance of roses, could see the beauty that threatened to blind him.
(Y/N) led him around for a few moments, then stopped in front of an ice cream parlor that had a big blue sign. “Here we are.” She led them inside and glanced at the menu. “Do you want anything?”
Barry blinked, looking up, though it was all a blur, still shell-shocked. “I, uh, a milkshake? Chocolate?”
She smiled. “I will order for us. Please, go sit.”
He did as she said, collapsing into one of the seats in the corner, immediately rubbing vigorously at his face to will the blush away.
After a few moments, (Y/N) sat down across from him and placed a frozen drink down. “Here you are, Bartholomew.”
Barry glanced up to see her with her own straw in her mouth, eyes shut, face drawn in joy as she sipped her milkshake. “Thank you,” he replied. “How much was this?”
“Please do not worry about repayment. I do not need one.” She looked at him with a smile. “You came.”
Suddenly he remembered how late he was. The entire day had gone by; Barry lowered his head. “(Y/N)…I’m so sorry about not making it here earlier. I never meant to leave you here all alone.”
“You are a busy man and I understand, Bartholomew. You need not apologize to me.”
He looked up and gazed at her. “You weren’t there. I thought you’d left and gone home.”
“Of course not,” she said, eyes wide. “We said we were going to meet. I was waiting for you.” She coughed slightly. “But I had to use the restroom, so that is the reason you did not see me immediately.”
“Wait,” Barry said. “Were you…were you waiting here all day?”
(Y/N) blinked. “Yes?”
Now Barry felt like a bigger jerk, and he let his head drop again. “I feel terrible, (Y/N). I’m so sorry.”
She merely stared at him, heart beating against her rib cage and the words of her people’s poetry came back to her, but so did Hal’s words. You have to tell him.
Reaching out, she rested her hand on his, urging, “Bartholomew, will you look at me, please?”
He did as she asked, meeting her eyes. “Yeah?”
(Y/N) smiled. “You must be the speed of light, because time stops when I look at you.”
For what felt like the millionth time, Barry’s mouth dropped open. She didn’t know if that was a good or a bad sign. “I…figured you would like, a line as Harold calls it, that was scientific.” (Y/N) smiled awkwardly. “I care for you, Barry. More than the bonds of battle have forged between us and…I would like to spend more time with you. Intimate…close time with you. Just us.”
Barry nodded dumbly, turning his hand over so his palm touched hers; he brushed his thumb over the back of her hand. “I would love to, (Y/N).”
“Oh, you would?” she inquired, face full of joy and he nodded, a smile crossing his own lips.
“Absolutely. But I have one request.”
Barry smiled at her. “Call me Barry.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
hi, what about number 2 with batsis or wondersis ?
Hi, feel my sadness for the immortal wondersis
2. I wish I had died
She stood amongst the graves, a blank look on her face. The rain came down in soft patters, soaking her clothes and hair, but she didn’t care, merely gazing at the names of her family etched into the multitude of stones. Husband. Sons. Daughters. Grandchildren. Great-grandchildren. She had cried out all the tears many centuries ago. There was nothing left inside her soul but a gaping, empty hole, never to be filled, always aching, always remembering.
The rain ceased to fall upon her, and a woman’s voice filled her ears. “You have come again.”
“As I told them I would,” she replied, feeling the woman’s hand lacing her fingers with hers. “As I always will.”
“They would not wish you to keep coming back, sister.”
She blinked, looking at the name of her husband. Bruce Wayne. A loving husband, father, and son. “I wish I had died with him.” her throat tightened. “A mother should never have to witness her children’s deaths. I was present for them all.” Her gaze turned to Diana. “We have not aged a day.”
“No,” Diana murmured, resting her head on her sister’s shoulder. “It is a blessing as it is a curse.”
She let out a heavy breath. “I miss my family.” Her lips wobbled. “I miss my husband and my children.”
Send me a number and a character!
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
A League Of Her Own
A Wondersis One-Shot
Word Count: 1.4K Warnings: None
Author's Note: I guess I now have to put a "Wonderfamily" portion in my DC Masterlist! Enjoy! -Thorne
“And this! Dear sister! Is where my team and I meet to save the world!”
Her eyes were wide with wonder and awe, gazing around the room as she breathed, “Diana, you save the world here? Every day?”
Diana shrugged. “It is mostly every day. We typically arrive to the Watchtower when one of us has a mission.” She grinned. “It is usually Batman who calls us.”
Her head swiveled. “Batman? Is he here?” She smiled, taking Diana’s hands. “Oh, I so wish to meet all your friends! The Flash and Green Lantern and Superman and—”
“Peace, (Y/N),” Diana giggled. “I shall introduce you to them all.”
(Y/N)’s smile only widened. “You cannot blame me for being so excited sister. You come home and tell me stories of your adventures and it is all I can do to be—” she cut herself off with a gasp, pointing to something in the corner. “WHAT IS THAT!”
Her sister merely watched bemusedly as (Y/N) sped over to the machine, poking and prodding it. “That is an ice cream machine.”
“How does it work?” she questioned, and Diana walked to her side, grabbing a cup from the side before putting it under the nozzle.
“Like this.” She pulled the lever and couldn’t help but laugh as (Y/N)’s eyes widened, head cocking sideways as she watched the frozen treat swirl in the cup.
“Amazing,” she breathed, and Diana handed her the cup along with a spoon.
“This is chocolate ice-cream. Be careful not to—”
(Y/N) stuck a giant spoonful in her mouth, eyes widening as she blurted. “Iss o old!”
“Sister,” Diana sighed with amusement. “I tried to warn you.”
“Old—old—old,” she whined, snapping her mouth shut, and her expression morphed into joy as she swallowed. (Y/N) shoved the cup in her sister’s face. “This is fantastic! Who created this? I must congratulate them!”
Diana fell to pieces in laughter, her sister puffing her cheeks. “Why are you laughing at me, Diana! I am being completely serious!”
“I know you are, but the inventor is…no longer alive.”
(Y/N)’s lips pulled downwards. “How sad!” she stuck the spoon back in her mouth, holding out her hand. “Ow e ore!” Diana grinned and took her hand, leading her around.
Some twenty minutes later, the two women were walking down the hall when (Y/N) suddenly stopped, unbeknownst to Diana, who kept talking. “You would never know the Watchtower was up here. We have the ability to—(Y/N)?”
She turned, glancing at her sister who was staring out one of the bigger windows, eyes big and round with awe, mouth open slightly; her hands were pressed tight to her stomach. “Sister?” Diana worried, walking back. “Is everything alright?”
(Y/N) glanced at her, ushed tears in her vision. “The world…it is…beautiful.”
Diana’s face eased from concern to warmth as she wrapped her arms around (Y/N), resting her head on her sister’s shoulder. “It is.”
“I never would have believed I would be able to see it in its entirety like this. I am overcome with such emotion.”
“It is love.”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yes. It is.” She reached up and wiped her eyes. “I also have an urge to paint this wondrous masterpiece.”
Diana laughed. “I do not know if the Watchtower could hold the beauty your painting would produce.”
“You flatter me, sister.”
“Nonsense, I speak the truth.” She pulled away, glancing down the hall. “If you will excuse me for just a moment. I need to use the restroom.”
“Of course,” she nodded. “I will wait here for you.”
(Y/N) watched Diana walk off before turning back to the window, stepping up to it; she raised a hand and rested the tips of her fingers on the glass, feeling the chill on her skin. It was absolutely beautiful, the flow of the clouds against the bright blue water, along the green and tan of the lands. Her fingers itched to paint. To create. To weave and design tapestries that would remind her of this moment. All of it.
Someone’s arm fitted around her waist. “Hey Wonder Woman, you look absolutely beautiful in this light.”
She turned her head, seeing a brown-haired man with caramel eyes gazing at her. “Who are you?”
He blinked, eyes widening as he said, “You’re not Wonder Woman. Who are you?”
“My sister and I are two completely different women.” (Y/N) pulled from his grip. “But I asked you first. Speak or I shall drag the truth from you.”
“Is that a promise?” he flirted. “Because I totally have a thing for—NGH!”
His response was cut off by (Y/N) who yanked him forward by the arm and shoved him up against the window, pinning his arms behind him.
“Answer my question!” she shouted, shoving his arms up until he let out a grunt and raised on his toes to keep from feeling the pain.
“Hey! Easy! I need those arms!”
“You will need more than arms if you do not tell me who you are!”
“Hal Jordan!” he shouted. “I’m Green Lantern!”
(Y/N)’s eyes narrowed. “We shall wait for Diana to return to confirm that truth.”
“I’m telling you the truth!”
“And we shall see.”
Footsteps sounded from down the hall and she glanced over, seeing Diana coming down, a man in red and another in blue following.
“Sister!” she called out. “I have apprehended this man! He claims to be the Green Lantern!”
Diana sighed, dragging a hand down her face. “(Y/N)…Hal is.”
She looked at Diana, then to Hal, then back to Diana. “Truly? Him? He looks so…plain though?”
“Don’t sound so disappointed,” he muttered, cheek still smushed up against the glass; he glanced at the man in red. “Hey Barry.”
The man, Barry, snickered. “Having fun, Hal?”
“Oh, you know, this is just another Tuesday night for me.” He wiggled his fingers. “Is that your breastplate, pretty woman? It’s awfully cold. I’d be happy to warm it up for you.”
(Y/N) scowled, stepping away from his hands. “You are absolutely disgusting. Diana you cannot possibly work with such a lecher.”
Diana giggled at Hal’s outcry of offense. “You get used to him, sister.” She waved. “Now please, let him go. You’ll break the poor man’s arms.”
She did as Diana commanded, letting him go and Hal sunk back to the floor, shaking out his arms. “Damn, you’ve got a strong grip, pretty woman.”
“My name is not ‘pretty woman’,” she griped. “I am Princess (Y/N) of Themyscira.”
Hal grinned at her. “Pleasure you meet you, Princess.”
(Y/N)’s lip curled, and she turned her attention to Diana. “Are all men like this?”
“Thankfully, no,” her sister said, placing hands on both Barry and the man in blue’s backs. “May I introduce Barry Allen the Flash and Clark Kent, who is Superman.”
(Y/N)’s disgust fell away to happiness as she stepped up and hugged them both. “It is my honor to meet you both! Diana has talked about all of you in great detail.”
“Has she talked about me?” Hal questioned and she turned her head.
“Darn shame. I’m a great conversation topic.”
She looked at Diana. “Is he always this arrogant?”
“No,” she shrugged. “Sometimes he is asleep.”
The sisters laughed whilst Hal pouted, and Barry asked, “Princess (Y/N), would you like to come to the cafeteria and eat some lunch?”
She smiled. “You may call me (Y/N), Barry. But yes, I would like to. That is, if Diana is coming too?”
“I would sister, but Clark was coming to get me for a meeting with Batman.” Diana excused, turning to Superman who nodded.
“We’re discussing some changes to the Watchtower communicators,” he said and (Y/N) merely smiled.
“I understand. We shall meet up later then.” Her eyes drifted to Barry’s. “Are you going with them?”
“Nope,” he said, popping his bottom lip. “Bruce said it was okay for me to skip out. He held out his arm. “May I escort you?”
Laughing, she looped her arm with his. “You may.” As she passed Hal, she held out her free arm. “Are you coming?”
He glanced at her. “I thought you didn’t like me?”
“It is too early to decide such a thing. Do I think you are a lecher? Absolutely. But that is merely my first opinion.” (Y/N) smiled. “I believe you will change it.”
Hal cracked a grin and looped his arm with hers. “See, if you really wanna change it, you should let me take you flying.”
“Oh? Like in a jet? Diana has one,” she chirped, letting the two men lead her down the hall.
“Of course in a jet. See there’s this place in Coast City—”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I hope I’m not too late but I humbly request for wondersis flustering everyone in 10” heels for fff
Clicking drew everyone’s attention from Batman’s display to the doorway, their jaws dropping at the woman standing there, the skin-tight black dress laced up her sides. She smiled and even Diana gaped at her sister when the Amazon walked into the room wearing thigh high leather boots. But it wasn’t the boots that had shocked them—it was the length of the platformed heel—a full ten inches, bringing the Amazon’s usual height from 6’5” to 7’3”. She was even taller than J’onn and he was 6’7”.
She didn’t trip up or stumble at all as she waltzed to her seat and elegantly sat down. “Pardon my absence. There was a problem getting away from work.” Smiling at Batman, she murmured, “Please, continue,” and made a show of cocking one of her legs over the other, the muscles in her limb flexing and she felt a rush of power when Batman’s eyes widened ever so slightly and she heard Hal’s sharp, ‘Jesus Christ’.
The Dark Knight didn’t even skip a beat as he quickly continued into his PowerPoint and discussion, but she made it a point to meet the eyes of the men in the room and smile coyly at them.
Some hour and a half later, the meeting was done, and the group was rising, ready to disperse and she was slow to get up herself, checking a few messages on the phone she had. Someone’s hand touched her shoulder and she smirked. “Is there something you need?”
“Barry and I were wondering if you wanted to come get some food with us. Diana and Clark are coming. And they’re probably working on Bruce and Arthur too.”
She rose from her seat and turned, looking down at Hal and she merely offered him a bemused smile, taking his chin in her hand. “You are so tiny down there, Hal.” She thumbed his bottom lip, grinning when they parted, hot breath blooming across the pad of her finger. “I could squash you under my boot.” Her expression turned downright lusting. “I wonder how much you would enjoy such an activity.”
Pulling away, she strutted over to Barry and looped her arms around his neck, watching as the Speedster’s gaze became level with her chest and immediately, he flushed, blue eyes shot up to her face. “Problem Barry?”
He couldn’t even form words. “I—I don’t—it’s not—I—uh—”
“You are so adorable,” she quipped, kissing his cheek, and pulled from him, leaving him a blushing and stuttering mess.
“How come Barry gets a kiss and I don’t?” Hal complained.
She turned, walking confidently backwards. “Work for it and I shall do more than give you a kiss.”
Hal’s jaw went slack, and he almost collapsed into Barry. “Hold me up,” he begged. “Tall, beautiful women are my weakness.”
Barry could only nod, weakly holding Hal up. “I’ll say.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
“Sister,” Diana asked quietly. “May I ask you a question?”
She looked over from the two sparring men. “Of course. You need not ever ask.”
“I am aware,” she countered. “I have to ask though…what do you see in Hal?”
A grin crossed over her lips, and she glanced back towards the men, watching the said man pick himself up off the ground as the other stood above him with a smile.
“Hal is a good man. He is loyal, handsome, and extremely strong-willed.”
“But?” Diana encouraged.
“But he is also very dumb, and I find it very endearing.”
She blinked in confusion. “You…you find his dumbness endearing?”
“I do,” she nodded. “It makes me feel very good about myself when I make him look foolish in front of people.”
“Sister,” Diana admonished. “That is cruel.”
“Perhaps,” she agreed. “But he has not caught on yet, so why stop what he has not learned?”
Her sister tsked at her. “You are terrible.”
She smirked and pinched her fingers close together. “Just a bit,” she said before calling out, “My darling, that is a shield in your hand! You are supposed to block and bash with it! Not throw it around!”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Imagine how choatic good would be Kara zor-el and wondersis.
Bonus: exhausted superman and wonder woman dealing with them
Kara Zor-El and Wondersis have been affectionately named "The Terrible Two" because when they get together, it's complete devastation to enemies and countries who have to fork out billions of dollars in reconstruction from all the destroyed city.
Kara likes to launch Wondersis like Captain America does to Black Widow because there's nothing more awesome and hysterical than seeing a 6'5" golden goddess being shot into the sky then coming back down with the fury of a thousand Amazon warriors whilst she's cackling like a crazed old coot and swinging a giant war-hammer.
Diana has to wonder (pun intended) how her sister evolved from a regal "I-Have-A-Stick-Shoved-Up-My-Ass-And-Hate-Fun" Amazon, to a completely chaotic barbarian that likes to out-drink Guy Gardner and hug Batman until his back cracks in places it shouldn't.
And Clark can't understand how punching people through solid concrete walls brings two women together, but he's happy that Kara's making a good friend and isn't going to question it since the two seem to be the only ones who can talk the other out of complete shitstorms
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
#11 is just *chefs kiss*
Have some ratatouille then
11. Please, let me help you.
“Please,” he begged, tipping his chin down, digging into her palm. “Just let me help you.”
Something flashed in her eyes, a string of her original color before the black enveloped them again and she bared her teeth. “I need no help from you.”
Her grip tightened around his wrist, and he cried out as the bones in his arm snapped under the strain. “This isn’t you!”
“This is me!” she screamed, digging one knee into his chest, the other into the elbow of his free arm, effectively pinning him in place. “This is what I was created to be!”
Barry shook his head, as best he could, given that she had his jaw in her grip. “This isn’t you. You’re the second Princess of Themyscira.” His eyes softened behind the cowl. “Honey, I know you.”
Something wet splashed on his cheek and his eyes widened at the sight of tears streaming down her face; her grip loosened on him and she pleaded, “Barry…help me…please.”
Send me a prompt and character!
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
“I would give up everything for the chance to hear your laugh again. To see you smile. To see you happy." with a character of your choice. Make me cry :)
In this house we pretend the storyline where he dies never existed :)
"I would give up everything for the chance to hear your laugh again. To see you smile. To see you happy."
She set the flowers down in front of the stone, bowing her head as she folded her hands to her chest, saying a quiet prayer. When she was finished, she looked at the name etched into the tomb. “Things are not going so well,” she murmured. “Max is dead. Diana did it to free Clark, but he and Bruce are not on good terms anymore. And the footage was broadcasted to the public. My sister is not in good favor with the world.”
Her hands fell to her lap. “Michael is not doing well either, not with losing you and to be honest…neither am I.” she swallowed the lump in her throat. “I told you not to go alone, you fool. I told you to take me with you, but you did not listen and went off alone.” Tears started swimming in her vision. “You left me, and we were left to pick up everything you left behind. I am angry and full of hatred for what happened to you, and I know that if you could speak to me you would say to keep going on and yet…”
She let out a shaky breath, tears starting to stream down her cheeks. “I would give up everything for the chance to hear your laugh again, to hear you and Michael’s boisterous laughter through the halls.” She started wiping them away, but they kept coming. “I would give it all to see you smile again. To see you happy. To see you beside me. Alive and in my arms.”
Her fingers rose to his name again. “Ted, I miss you.” Her heart felt like it was breaking all over again. “I miss you so much.”
Pressure touched her shoulder and she looked up, seeing Booster standing there, expression drenched in hurt, and he knelt beside her, holding her when she launched herself at him and sobbed on his shoulder. “I miss him,” she cried, clenching her hands in his jacket and Booster merely rested his chin on her head.
“I know,” he whispered, looking at Ted’s name. “I do too.”
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