#wood burned jewelry box
paran0rmality · 10 months
I forgot to take a before picture(RIP) but my first restoration/remodel!
Got this little wooden box from the thrift shop and it was in bad condition, loose wobbly off center hinges, an ill hitting lid, chipping laquer and scratched to hell.
Used what I had on hand, so it's not perfect, but I think it's pretty!
Sanded her down and sanded down the metal bits with some wd40 and put everything back together. Gave her a light coat of wd40 to make the grain stand out more and to shine it up (more of a light satin type shine) and she's done!!
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kyasanuri · 1 year
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Woodburned jewelry box with a borzoi and hares. Available on my Etsy shop!
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pyromagick · 1 year
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My newest piece is live in my shop for the affordable price of $115 🥰
Feedback and love is appreciated❤️🍄
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overlyspecific · 4 months
Part 2 of Merlin as Robin Hood
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
A noble is traveling through the woods and Merlin sees him mistreating his servants.
Noble: come on, move faster! we need to get to Camelot before sundown. I don’t want to spend any longer in these words than I have to.
servant: *under his breath* well maybe if you gave me a horse i would be able to go a little faster
Noble: what did you say?!
the noble brings his arm up to strike the servant, but is suddenly thrown back against a tree. ropes spring up to tie the noble down.
Merlin: he said if you gave him a horse things would go faster. i happen to agree. what do you think, should i give him your horse?
Noble: Magic! You are using magic! The king will have your head for this!
Merlin: Oh he has certainly tried…several times. Anyways, its been a great chat but I actually have places to be so why don’t we speed things up? Lance? Gwaine?
Lance and Gwaine appear from behind the trees. The servant jumps back at their entrance.
Gwaine: yeah merls?
Merlin: take the excess from the cart for that village in famine we visited a couple days ago.
Gwaine: on it!
Merlin: Lance, make sure Gwaine doesnt take the ale.
Lance: on it.
Gwaine: oh come on, Merlin. whats the point of being an outlaw if we can’t benefit from it just a little?
Merlin: we’re not outlaws. we are just working outside of the law.
Merlin turns to face the servant.
Servant: Who ARE you?
Merlin: the names Merlin but some call me emrys and one calls me an idiot but i dont listen to him much.
Servant: and you steal from the rich…but you dont take anything for yourself?
Merlin: only what we need to survive
Servant: wow that’s really-
Merlin: amazing, honorable, selfless?
Servent: -a total rip-off of that guy in sherwood forest.
Gwaine: *from the cart, unloading boxes of jewelry and gold* that’s what I told him, but he didn’t listen
Lancelot: two people can do good in a similar way.
Merlin: thank you Lance, thats why you’re my favorite
Gwaine: *mock outrage* you dont mean THAT
Servant: so can I go or…
Merlin: yes you are free to leave, but you have to do one thing first…
Time jump. The throne room of the castle.
Uther: he said what?!
Servant: he said ‘tell the prince i appreciate the fancy jewels but i look better in blue’
Morgana hides a laugh behind her hand and Arthur glares at her. his anger isnt enough to hide his blush, and Moragna laugh harder.
Uther: Arthur, you are to go after him at once!
Arthur: but father, he has magic and seems to always be three steps ahead.
Uther: I don’t care! I will not have my kingdom be accosted by a sorcerer who taunts us at every turn
Morgana: *under her breath to Gwen as she fills her cup* he really only taunts arthur
Uther: Arthur, you will find him and make sure he burns on the pyre. we will make an example of him. no one is above the law!
Arthur: yes, father. we will leave at once
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golden-cherry · 6 months
deal - cl16 (26/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Burning things is a good way to get rid of stuff. But perhaps you and Charles have more in common than you like.
Warnings: this is quite angsty (mentions of cheating, Annika and Raphael), fire (of course), some fluff
Word Count: 4.2k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: this is a long one. but well, I felt like it. there are some Easter eggs in this chapter, tell me which one you found! feedback is appreciated (as always, please and thank you!)
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Since your newly purchased items have not made it any further into the apartment than the hallway, Charles' bedroom looks pretty empty. There are three large boxes next to the door, which gradually fill up the longer you stay in the room. 
"What about this?" you ask Charles and show him a pink candlestick that was recently on the windowsill. 
Your roommate pulls his head out of the closet. "Throw it away."
"Okay." You try not to trip over anything as you walk over to the door and place the item in the left box, which already contains a vase and empty picture frames. As you straighten up again, a shirt flies past your face before landing in the right box.
"Sorry," Charles mumbles, without taking his eyes off the clothes in front of him. 
"It's all right." You glance at the chest of drawers against the wall. "What about this?" you ask, pointing to the few books arranged by size on the dark wood. 
Charles sighs. "Just assume you can throw away everything in this room." Another item lands in the box on the right. 
Unsure, you bite the inside of your cheek.
The idea was to get all the stuff Annika left in the bedroom out of the apartment and - if possible - burn it in Jori's fire bowl, in the hope that Charles can have closure. The box on the left is for things that can't easily be turned into ashes, such as picture frames, candlesticks or small, empty flower pots. The middle one is for things Annika couldn't pack in her haste, like jewelry, clothes, electronics. She would come to collect them at some point. 
The box on the right is for flammable things. The pictures from photo frames, books, tickets from events the couple attended together - and the clothes Charles throws in. And it looks like they're his. 
"Can I ask why you're throwing away your clothes?" you ask timidly as you sit down on the bed. You run your fingers over the soft fabric, which will also end up in the right-hand box later. 
Charles pushes some empty hangers aside before taking a jacket off the hanger. "Everything in this room is from when Annika and I were a couple." He shows you the jacket. "I was wearing this the first time we went to the racetrack together. Our first public appearance as a couple." He throws the jacket towards the door before grabbing the next item - a sweater. "I wore this one on the first Valentine's Day. We went out for dinner and then to the movies."
You purse your lips. "And you want to get rid of all these memories? Even if they are nice ones?"
The sweater lands on the jacket before Charles turns to you and looks at you for the first time since you walked into this room. "That woman cheated on me. Took advantage of my trust and broke it." His gaze is rock hard. "Whoever she was to me, she doesn't deserve to have her memories here. I want to put it all behind me. I want to be free."
You see a sad glint in his eyes, which you don't address. Instead, you get up from the bed and begin to sort out everything that's still lying around into the boxes, while Charles pulls one item of clothing after another out of the closet. 
Apart from a little rustling and your footsteps, the room is silent. You want to give Charles his space, give him the peace and quiet he needs to sort out his thoughts and really come to terms with the relationship. The fact that he has asked you to help him with this warms your heart. Because even though you've only known each other for a short time, he's the person you care most about. The person you would run to immediately if your life went down the drain. The person you can tell everything to without being judged. 
You seem to be that person for Charles too - the person he can trust without having to worry, the person who would help him bury a body - this feeling warms you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. 
"I think that's it," Charles finally interrupts the silence and closes the now empty closet behind him while you remove the cover from one of the two pillows. His gaze wanders from your face to your hands. "You don't need to do that. We'll put the bedding in a big bag and then it can all go."
"Are you sure?" you ask uncertainly, but put the pillow back on the bed. 
"Very sure. I don't want to sleep in a bed she slept in or cover myself with a blanket she slept under. I just want to put it behind me."
"Okay." You walk around the bed and put in the clothes that missed the box. "Which car do we take? My Renault is still at the old place and your Ferrari won't fit the stuff." Besides, it would be too conspicuous and you don't want us to be seen in it together.
"There's an old car of my brother's downstairs in the garage. It's bigger than the Ferrari," he calls out from the hallway, where he's rummaging around in one of the cupboards before entering the bedroom again. In his hand he holds a huge blue plastic bag from a Swedish furniture store. "If that's not enough, I've got another one."
It's not enough. The bedding actually has to be divided into three different bags until the bed is empty except for the mattress. As Charles stands at the front door, one bag on each shoulder and a box - containing the last bag - in his hands, he peeks past it. "Can you open the door for me, please? I'd like to take the things downstairs."
As packed as he is, you have to stifle a grin. The Monegasque looks like a pack mule. "You can walk several times, you know that? Then you won't be straining your shoulders."
Your flatmate blows a strand of hair out of his forehead. "No way. I'd rather fall down the stairs before I have to walk twice."
As you open the door and press the elevator button for him, you just shake your head. "Then it's a good thing there's an elevator here. You'll still have to go a second time."
While Charles takes the things to the underground garage, you put the other two boxes by the front door before you go in search of another large bag. As Charles has already used all the available bags from the hall cupboard, you have no choice but to take a bin liner from the kitchen. As you hear him grab the second box, you poke your head out of the kitchen. 
"I'll bring the other box in a minute. You can wait downstairs by the car, okay?"
"All right," he replies and puts the box on his hip. "It shouldn't be that heavy. It's just the picture frames and stuff in there." He smiles at you. "See you in a bit then. But hurry up."
You roll your eyes, which makes him laugh before he disappears with the box in his hands. When you're alone, you walk from the kitchen into the living room, where the red roses that Charles must have forgotten are still on the white piano. You carefully put them in the bag, taking care not to tear the thin plastic, and then tie it up before dragging the bin bag into the hallway and putting it in the box.
The roses make the box much heavier than expected and when you arrive a few minutes later, panting, in the underground parking garage where Charles is already waiting to meet you, you are glad when he takes it off your hands. 
"What's in there?" he asks, pointing to the bag after placing the box in the trunk of the silver car.
You shrug your shoulders. "I found this. We can burn it if you like," you simply reply and drop into the passenger seat while Charles closes the trunk. 
The drive to Joris is shorter than expected and although it's not too late, the sky is already turning red, as if the sun is about to set. There's some song on the radio that you don't know and Charles isn't humming along to. As he finally steers the car through the familiar narrow alley and then pulls on the handbrake in a parking lot, the front door opens and Joris enters the courtyard. 
"Hello, you two," he greets you as you get out of the car. While he shakes Charles' hand, he presses a kiss to your cheek, first on the left and then on the right. "You said on the phone that you wanted to burn something?" He rubs his hands together excitedly. 
Your roommate nods and opens the trunk. "Not only that." He takes one of the boxes - the one with Annika's belongings - and hands it to his buddy. "I'd like to leave them here, if that's possible. I don't want to see Annika again and I'd be incredibly grateful if you could give her her things back."
"Of course," he replies and takes a look in the trunk. "What about this?" With a nod, he points to the box with the picture frames. 
"This," Charles begins the sentence before grabbing the box and walking over to one of the garbage containers that must belong to Jori's house. Without giving it much thought, he dumps the contents into the garbage can before rejoining you to take the three bags of bedding and throwing them into the container as well. "'Is garbage. We'd like to burn the rest that's left there."
"The firewood and fuel are already ready."
The boys carry the things upstairs and you follow them. When you arrive at Jori's apartment, you close the door behind you while Joris puts the box with Annika's things in a room and Charles walks towards the rooftop terrace. You open the door for him and he smiles gently at you as he walks past you towards the fire bowl, which already has some wood in it. 
A little later, Joris joins you, a small canister of gasoline in his hand. "You'll need this. Please don't burn yourselves. I've got a quick online meeting coming up and no time to drive you to the hospital." 
"Thanks, man. I appreciate that," says Charles as he takes the burning liquid from his buddy's hand. As Joris disappears, Charles pulls an outdoor couch sitting in a corner near the fire bowl. "In case it takes longer. Then we don't have to stand the whole time."
While Charles lights the wood, you take the garbage bag with the roses out of the box and put it next to the couch. "Would you like something to drink?"
Charles looks up from the small flame snaking around one of the logs. "There should be cans of Coke in the fridge. And there should be some sweets in the cupboard in the living room." When you look at him in astonishment, he grins. "Go ahead and help yourself. Joris has already eaten my entire fridge once when he was drunk."
"Okay." You leave him alone on the roof terrace and go searching. You actually find the cans in the fridge, two of which you take and put on the living room table so you can rummage through the cupboard for something sweet. You find fruit gums, some chocolate - which you probably shouldn't bring anywhere near a fire - and a bucket of popcorn, which you tuck under your arm. 
When you return to Charles with your hands full, he laughs. 
"What?" you ask, confused, as he takes the bucket from you. "You told me to help myself. And that's what I did."
"That's right." He motions for you to sit down on the sofa. As he sits down next to you, he nudges his knee against yours. He opens his can of Coke and you do the same. "Here's to the future." He holds his can out to you.
You clink glasses with him. "To the future."
After a few minutes, the fire burns brightly and warms you on this beautiful winter evening and Charles pokes around in the wood with a poker, which apparently belongs to the fire bowl, before grabbing the box and placing it between you on the couch. The fact that there's this physical distance between you both bothers you more than it should. 
"Two years for nothing," Charles says as he pulls out the first picture. It shows him and Annika lying on the beach and smiling at the camera. He throws it into the fire. "For nothing, for absolutely nothing."
"Don't say that." You watch as the flames engulf the photo. "You learn from relationships. No matter how long they last."
He throws a piece of paper into the bowl. It looks like a concert ticket. "And what have I learned? How to be cheated on without realizing it? I definitely didn't need to learn that." His tone is cold.
You suppress the urge to roll your eyes. When you take your eyes off the fire and look at him, his features are soft. He looks hurt. You purse your lips. "How did you find out?"
"I caught them." As you stare at him open-mouthed, he shrugs. " I was actually planning on flying from race to race, but my gut told me to fly back home." He has to swallow. "When I walked through the front door, there were already shoes there that weren't mine. And when I walked towards the bedroom, I heard them."
You raise an eyebrow. "They were doing it in your bed?" No wonder he doesn't want to keep the bedding or the bed. 
He nods weakly and throws one of his shirts into the fire. "I knew exactly what was behind the door and yet it broke my heart when I actually saw it. It wasn't much, but enough to know that it could never have been that 'it's not what it looks like' thing."
You hand him two plane tickets, which he throws away without looking at them. "And then?"
"She wanted to talk to me, begged me to stay with her and said how sorry she was. But I didn't want to hear any of it. I just turned around and left. I couldn't look her in the eye."
"I can understand that," you answer him quietly. 
"I think if I had really loved her the way you do in relationships, I would have thrown her out of the apartment straight away. But when I left and created distance between us, I racked my brains as to why she did that. And it was all over the internet that a lot of people do it because they feel neglected by their partner and are looking for closeness with someone else."
"And that's why you felt so bad that you allowed her to continue living there?" He nods. Another couple of photos land in the flames and catch fire. "Did you know the man?"
He shakes his head in response. He fixates on a burning log as if he doesn't want to look at you. When he does, his gaze is full of the kind of pain and hatred you've only ever seen on his face once before. As you remember the situation, your heart breaks. For both of you. 
When you answer him, your voice is no louder than your breath. "It was Raphael."
Your stomach clenches so tightly that you feel like throwing up. That's how Charles knew where Raphael worked. Something you've forgotten until now. Something is pounding behind your eyes and it's only when a tear runs down your cheek that you realize you're crying. 
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Charles' voice is soft and through the veil of tears you see his hand twitch, as if he's struggling to take you in his arms and comfort you. But there's this stupid box between you. And you've never felt so lonely. 
"Don't," you say quietly and without thinking about it, you reach into the box between you, grab everything you can with one hand and throw it into the fire in front of you. You watch as Annika's face burns. You throw a second handful into the fire bowl. This time it's his jacket. "That bastard."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I'd rather kill them both."
A faint smile spreads across Charles' face. "I'm afraid that's not possible. Although I've thought about it before. But I'm afraid that I won't be able to drive my super-fast car if I'm behind bars."
"What if I take over for both of us?" 
"I think the prison clothes would look good on you, but the visiting hours are definitely a pain in the ass and I couldn't stand not seeing you every day," he says gently and reaches for the now empty box, which he now places on the floor next to the couch. Then he pulls you into his arms. And from now on, it's not the fire in front of you that warms you. 
You stare into the fire for a while, feeling Charles' arm around your waist and his cheek on the top of your head. "Are you going to tell me what's in that garbage bag?" 
"Oh." You straighten up, dumbfounded, and lean over the backrest to pick up the bin bag. As you turn back to Charles, his gaze quickly flickers back to your face. "This morning - after your mother visited - we were sitting together in the living room and you couldn't stop staring at the piano. But it wasn't the piano, was it?"
He shakes his head and as you untie the knot of the bag, he takes a peek inside. "I'd totally forgotten about that just now." 
"That's what I thought. That's why I brought them." You pull out the letters of roses and place them next to you on the couch before handing him the first one. While he throws the first rose into the fire, you open the bucket of popcorn and snuggle up to his side again. 
"Annika gave it to me for our second anniversary," he explains, before opening his mouth and looking at you expectantly. As you pop a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth, he grins at you. You ignore the fact that your fingers are tingling where they touched his lips: "I don't even like roses. I think they're too hackneyed and the most unimaginative thing you can give someone to show that you love them."
"So a gift without really making an effort," you continue his thought. "And what are your favorite flowers?"
When he looks at you, his gaze is warm and there's a sparkle in his eyes that you can't quite put your finger on. "Peonies."
You feel the warmth shoot into your cheeks and turn your gaze away from him. He throws more roses into the fire and you continue to pop popcorn into both of your mouths as the flowers burst into flames in front of you. You hope that this action is as cleansing for him as it is being said all over the internet. You hand him the second letter, which he can burn in peace, before standing up and taking his empty Coke can. "I guess you need a new one?" 
His grin is wide. "Yes, please."
You disappear into the kitchen, where you leave the can on the counter and take a new one from the fridge. As you go back to Charles, you bump into Joris, who is just coming out of one of the rooms. "How did your online meeting go?"
"Pretty good," he replies and walks past you into the kitchen to take another can from the fridge. You stop in the doorway. "It was just about familiarizing myself with my new job, which I start in the New Year."
"That's right," you reply and raise your eyebrows. "You said you'd been offered a job. Are you already looking forward to it?"
"Very much. I can hardly wait," he replies as you walk towards the living room. You can watch Charles through the window as he continues to set the roses on fire. "Was that your idea? With the whole burning thing?"
You nod. "Yes. I burned my ex-boyfriend's things too when I found out he'd cheated on me. Only I didn't have a big fire bowl."
"Then where did you do it?"
You shrug your shoulders. "In the kitchen sink."
Joris has to laugh before he nudges yours with his shoulder. "Your friendship is good for him. He's never opened up to anyone as quickly as he did with you. I'm starting to think I need to worry that you're taking my place as his best friend."
"Haha. You two have known each other for ages. I don't think I could ever get in the way, even if I wanted to." You have to smile. "But Charles is definitely my best friend. There's nothing I wouldn't want to share with him."
"It's nice to hear that you're good for each other." He smiles at you. 
"Do you want to come outside?" you ask him as you walk to the patio door. 
Joris waves you off. "You go and do your cleansing thing. But please don't burn down the sofa. That's sacred to me."
You stick your tongue out at him and grab the blanket hanging over the back of a chair before returning to Charles, who has now reached the last letter. You hand him the Coke and spread the blanket over your knees. The sun has set, but the fire in front of you is so bright that you have no problem seeing his beautiful face. 
"Do you think she would have cheated on me too if I had been a better boyfriend?" Charles asks quietly at one point, without looking at you. 
"I don't know."
He thinks for a moment. "She said that everything in my life revolves around Formula One. That I don't notice what's going on around me. And that I was never there for her like a boyfriend should be. And that she had to share me with the whole world." As he turns to you, you see tears glistening in his eyes. "You said you were sure there was someone out there for me who wouldn't find my job too hectic. Who will support me no matter how hard it gets."
You turn to him and put your hand to his cheek to make him look at you. A tear rolls down his cheek and you wipe it away with your thumb. "I have. And I mean it."
He licks his tongue over his lips. "You also said that there's a person out there for everyone. A soulmate with whom you can share everything. With whom you don't have to pretend and can be who you really are." You feel his arms wrap around your middle and before you know it, you're sitting in his lap. 
You wrap your arms around his neck so you can hold him tight. 
"So you think there's someone else out there for me? That I haven't missed my chance at love?" You feel his warm breath on your face and how much you want to kiss away the tears that escape his eyes. Take away all his pain. Show him how much he means to you. 
But now is not the right time. Someday. Maybe.
"I promise you that." 
You watch him throw the last rose into the fire. In an instant, the red blossoms catch fire, the stem begins to glow and before you know it, this last piece from a time Charles wants to forget at all costs disappears and turns to ash. 
His grip on you tightens. A sign for you to turn towards him. When you look at him, his cheeks are wet, but he doesn't look sad. The smile on his face is honest and genuine and so loving that you can't help but return it. 
He would love to put his hands on your face and kiss you until you can't breathe. To feel your lips on his, your skin on his and tell you how important you are to him. How much he craves you and that everything he feels for you goes beyond the limits of friendship. But the only thing he does is grab your hand with his and squeeze it twice. Maybe you'll understand. Understand why he always squeezes twice. 
The right time will come. Someday. Maybe. 
When you look at him, with tears in your eyes and a warmth that makes his heart stumble, he has to swallow. He's never been as grateful to anyone as he is to you. 
"I'm free."
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werecreature-addicted · 4 months
Imagine this
Goth spooky werewolf gf with her cute pastel vampire gf :3
Cute Vampire girl with a big greenhouse that she can really go inside it at night but she still takes excellent care of all her plant babies. she'd like to have indoor plants inside her manner but she has to settle for fake plants, she's burned herself with sunshine one too many times. Lots of floral prints in her closet. pinks and yellows and blues. She doesn't know how to sew. she keeps saying she's going to learn but it's been 194 years and the machines keep changing so she hasn't bothered to learn yet. all that to say she keeps buying pretty fabrics and fun patterns she'll find a use for eventually.
Werewolf Gf who is 6'2 and that's before she puts on her big platforms. All her jewelry is white gold or stainless steel. she has to be careful putting in new lip rings because the silver burns. at least she always gets a kiss when she fucks up. So upset her vampire girlfriend doesn't sleep in a coffin she thinks it's a wasted opportunity. She tries to build a coffin around their existing bed but Vampire yells at her for stealing wood she was going to use to make plant boxes.
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thedivineart · 1 year
Confirmation Signs To Determine Your Future Spouse
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wishing well, a fountain, throwing coin and wishing in fountain, unexpected meeting, receiving the most special gift from someone, a lost purse/wallet, climbing alone in mountain to reduce stress/ hangout, being alone without feeling lonely, a dog coming towards you, small home in forest, cross roads, being happy in other people relationship, going to building/institutions to fix legal documents, a friends to lovers trope, visioning your past life, a gallantry from someone, aiming financial achievement, lucky money wins, a nest eggs, flames, mutual feelings with someone, being flirt, co-worker, a new friend, ships, a little home/cottage, new house/places, moving to a new place, soulmate connection, meeting perfect person/ ideal lover, seeing lots of abiding love, wedding, wedding rings, hurt/painful feeling, hospital/doctor, unrequited love
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changing location whether it is for work or residency, when you heal from the past, starting a new, stork, a invitation for a event, gifts ( receive or give ), helpful advice from someone, receiving lots of good news, a clock/time, your hate and fear towards someone, a handshake, a journey ( travel ), birds, sharing ( partnership), food, restaurant/ fast-food places, notice of correspondence from important bills, writer/ journalist, financial loans/help, being at your lowest point such as feeling trapped/tired/staying at home/unhealthy situation, a friend betrayal, older than you, foreign, lawyer/authority, being attack, an enemy, invitation in weddings or engagements, church, cemetery, thinking negative/ having negative thoughts, a large body of water such as beaches, pools, fountains etc, night, cold weather/winter, locks, fishes, physical union with someone, a mending of broken friendship/ex love, party, clubs
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younger, foreign / leader, bad girl & boy image/personality, unexpected kiss, feeling lonely, a new lover/person, family oriented, lady and moody, soulmates connection, unexpected friendship with someone, horse/sagittarius, a good news coming, an artist/poet, student of arts, athletic body or an athlete, lack of focus in commitment, receive or give gifts, fountains, generous, wears uniform that symbolize their position at work, a friend, co-worker, a peer, taking time to heal the wounds of the past, in park, in forest, walking around and meeting someone new, having time alone, wandering in woods, in the big trees, travel, achievement, lucky breaks, successful moving up ( at work or something), the space, distance, someone is far away, delay, receiving love letters and bouquet of flowers, country side, simple life, money surrounds them, professional person, workaholic and less focus on love, a bank; good at handling finances, provides good advice in finance, a happy family, fire/burning, summer, evening, warm weather country, good judgement, social
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authority, can be foreign, arrogant, weddings, older, negative emotions, large body of water such as beaches, pool, fountains, lake, pond etc, night, cold weather/winter, a dog, a friend, a church, a purse, money, financially stable/ wealthy, office, jewelry box, a social butterfly, enjoy clubs and socializing, likes to be busy and active, wine, travel, trips via water, clouds, heavy rains, good partner, sensual, good at financial advice, an expensive wedding of a friend, children, financially secure, fixing cars, lily, workaholic, trying their best at difficult situation, lion, a Leo sign, quite, electric, jealous and possessive, like to give great advice, streets of gold
⋆ feel free to ask questions you didn't understand in this reading
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© thedivineart. do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform.
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marveltrumpshate · 8 days
Want to participate in Marvel Trumps Hate, but don't know what to offer? Think outside the box!
Stumped on what to offer because you don't write fic or draw? Marvel Trumps Hate welcomes a huge variety of fanworks and fan labor (see our sign-up post), so there are different ways you can contribute. You'll be amazed by the breadth of skills, talents, knowledge, and types of creative expression found in fandom!
Here's a smorgasbord of offers that we've either had before or seen people discuss as possibilities for MTH 2024 or future years to help inspire you. What you can offer is not restricted to the list below; these are just examples to get you brainstorming about what you can auction off because trust us, even if you think you might not have something to offer, you probably do!
Single-page and multi-page comics
Pixel art
Paintings (oil, acrylic, gouache, watercolor)
Mixed-media artwork on canvas
Ink-on-bristol art
Embroidery on canvas
Pour paint/spin art
Digital coloring books
Fan music or filk inspired by characters, ships, or fics
Videos (fic trailers, themed edits, vids set to songs)
Animations (making original art/animation or turning existing art into animation)
Cheer reading
Soundboarding/planning/development work
Sensitivity reading
Knowledge about specific topics or experiences (e.g., identities, lifestyles, professions, interests, fields of study)
Lip balms
Stained glass/suncatcher
Scented beanbag-style sachets
Candy/chocolate/baked goods/jellies/sweets
Fic/character/ship/theme boxes (like book boxes)
Pins, magnets, patches, charms, standees, key chains, ring holders, calendars, stickers, bookmarks, temporary tattoos
Sculptures and clay figures
Ceramic mugs and other ceramic items
Apparel/wearable accessories (shirts, jackets, scarves, gloves/mittens, hats, face masks, regular masks, cowls, pajamas/onesies)
Backpacks, tote bags, itabags with custom window shapes, leather dice bags, wallets, pouches/pencil cases
Plushie animal or Tsum Tsum versions of Marvel characters
Dolls (crochet, needle felt, matte board, hand-sewn)
Embroidery hoops/wall art and cross stitch pieces
Jewelry (diamond painting, macrame, metal, crochet, wire, beads)
Woodwork/wood burning (cheese board, box/chest, USB stick, coasters, photo frame, alphabet blocks)
Custom Funko Pops
Paper cut light boxes
Pillow cases, quilted pillows, baby blankets, dishcloth/washcloths, potholders
Handmade leather journals
Linoleum stamps
Dog/cat/pet toys
Artbooks, paper doll books, and coloring books
Hand-dyed yarn skeins
Custom tea blends
Mood boards
Photo manips
Fic covers/posters/banners
Icons and headers
Tumblr or website layouts
Digital calendars
Custom Discord emojis
Recipes based on characters, ships, or themes
Names, tags, and summaries for fics
Audio/sound editing and/or soundscaping for podfics
Book cover design and printing
Art/comic/fic translation
Website/game/AO3 skin coding
Fic rec lists
Fic playlists/fanmixes
Knitting/crochet patterns
Art coaching
Help with launching and organizing fan events
Meta posts
Social media AUs
Physical letters written by characters to the reader or between two characters
Remixes of your fic or an existing fic with the author's permission
Whether you can do something on this list or something else altogether (we're sure there are a lot of other things that you can do that we haven't thought about or seen before), we hope you'll consider signing up before the deadline: September 28, 11:59 PM ET.
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xxdemonicheartxx · 11 months
Flight Rising flights but as art mediums:
There are some overlaps in mediums since dragons are so tight knit and far spread
Earth: tile work/mosaics, jewelry work, ceramics, stone sculpture, chalk, clay work, plaster, leather work, rain chains
Water: plaster work, woven tapestries, shell jewelry and chimes, pearl inlays, decorative sails and flags, basket weaving, sandstone carving, watercolors, mirrors and glass sculptures
Shadow: optical illusions, black and white photography, puzzle boxes, uranium glass work, maybe iron work, mycology arrangements, shadow boxes, gouache, anything that involves glowing in the dark
Light: stone carving and gold foiled painting, sometimes tapestry weaving to depict an image or scene, impressionism, oil paint, tempera, portraiture, clothing and attire, mirrors, pigment making
Plague: hyper realism, and taxidermy, ceramics, bone carvings, tattoos, ink block prints, collage art, murals, leather work, totems and large outdoor installations
Nature: floral arrangements, dye work, wood work, candle making, hot wax painting, landscaping, rain chains, wind chimes, tapestries, needle felting, carpentry, animal cosmetics (haircuts, animal safe dye, nail and claw painting, etc), apparel/clothing, pigment making
Ice: needle felting, wood carving, quilting, ice carving and sculpture, snow sculptures, knitting, the art of tea blends, dried plant arrangements, carpentry, fabric weaving, tapestries, crochet, wood burning, blanket weaving, candle making, dye work, wood turning
Fire: welding, decorative weapon smithing, glass blowing, wood burning, wrought iron, stained glass, latticed metal, terracotta, ceramics, obsidian and basalt carving, graphite, slate, charcoal
Wind: paper mache, ribbon mediums, basket weaving, sonorous sculptures, wind chimes, feathered attire, really tall and thin structures/sculptures, jade carving, blanket weaving
Arcane: resin, stained glass, welding, intricate silver work, collaborative neon work with shadow (they need that special eye for glow in the dark), crystal carving, zen gardens, bonsai art, screen printing, photography, illuminated manuscripts, clothing and apparel, gold foil work, abstract art
Lightning: bronze cast sculptures, sand sculptures (when lightning strikes the sand and turns it to stone) aluminum casts poured into ant colonies/hills, pop art, up-cycled art, photography, art that is still capable of being utilized and interacted with because people and dragons are part of the medium, assemblage art, banners and flags
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aris-ink · 2 years
Hi there!!! Can you write obsessive, possessive yandere Namjoon smut? Can be any plot/scenario. You have full creative control, absolutely love your writing and congrats on passing your exam!!🥳🥳🥳
- Shy anon 🩰
tysm 🥺 and I love YOU 💕
pairing: namjoon x reader
genre: romance
warnings: jealousy, allusions to stalking, rough sex, choking (with jewelry lmao), spanking, oral sex, mentions of nude photographs, praise + a little degradation, daddy kink, creampie
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The letters were gold and filled with small diamonds, just like the chain they were attached to. Sometimes, his gifts felt like intimate love notes, ink curving softly on sunlit paper.
Sometimes, they felt like roses. Petals stained red and thorns drawing more red from your fingers. A softness so savage it never failed to remind you that you were his.
"I stayed up the- fuck- the whole n-night, shit, waiting for you to come home, you little brat."
His hips pounded against your ass mercilessly, shoving you harder and harder into his desk, your thighs burning from the wood's rough edges. You could feel his cock stretching you out with every aggressive thrust; long and thick, it always made your mind go numb, nothing but shivers of pleasure flooding through you. But with your air flow being restricted on top of that, you could do nothing but moan, your head filled with cotton.
And he knew.
He tightened his grip on the chain around your neck, like it was nothing more than a leash. The golden letters dug into your skin. There was no way this wouldn't leave marks; and maybe that was exactly what he wanted. Blurry purple and blue galaxies in the shape of his name, right where everyone could see it.
"Nothing to say? Huh?" He breathed into your ear, free hand coming down on your ass with a sharp crack.
You whined, electric currents running through you, wires sparking.
"Aw. Can't speak? Is daddy choking you too hard?"
The mockery in his voice had you gushing, and a deep groan rumbled out of his chest. You were beginning to see stars dancing around your eyes. So good, but so dizzy.
He released the necklace. The sudden flow of air into your lungs made you collapse forward, and you would have hit the desk had he not been there to catch you.
But Namjoon was always there to catch you.
Warm, strong arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you up to his chest.
"That's it, that's my good girl," he whispered, soothing fingertips caressing your stomach, and hard cock still pounding deep into you. "You understand daddy needs to punish you, right?"
Your throat ached, but it hurt so good, your head falling against his shoulder.
"Yeah d-daddy," you moaned hoarsely. "I'm sorry."
Namjoon grunted.
"Good girl. You're only mine, do you understand that?"
The desk was beginning to shake, his cock so wet the sounds of it ramming inside you alone were feeding the fire igniting your bones. You mewled, nodding with the little strength you had in you.
"Yes, yes, only yours, daddy."
Another harsh smack on your ass made you tingle. Namjoon groaned.
"Ah, fuck, good girl. Good girl."
You knew the moment you got a little too lost in having fun at the party that arriving home late will end like this; with you shaking and coming all over his cock, right before he followed and filled you up until you overflowed.
Namjoon was never one to deny you an orgasm, even when he was punishing you. On the contrary; he loved to make you fall to pieces, remind you that you were his and why you were his. He liked to kiss you all over and wash you afterwards, whispering his praises like prayers. Assuring you that you were his good girl, that you took his cock so well, that he was so proud of his baby.
Ever the hopeless romantic, he always kept a picture of you in his wallet, a pretty smile on your face and your chain on full display. Small boxes hidden away in his closet were filled with more pictures, because Namjoon could never get enough of you. (Some of them taken before you started dating, but you didn't need to know that.) It was so hard to pick a favorite; but if he had to, it would probably be the one where you wore nothing but the chain, the very definition of art. Namjoon never thought of himself as a photographer until he met you.
"Just a little more, baby. Let me see you."
You spread your legs further apart, skin burning hot, heart racing beneath your ribs.
The camera was set down and he leaned down to capture your lips in the low light of the candles, tongue eager and skilled.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he sighed. "I love you so much."
His hand traveled up to squeeze your breast. You moaned into his mouth, arching your back and reaching for his zipper.
"I love you too."
Namjoon sighed again, contentedly, scattering soft, wet kisses across your neck. Nothing so wrong ever felt so right before.
Because you knew it was wrong. He was too jealous, too obsessive. And yet he was exactly what you needed.
Not a moment passed by where you didn't feel wanted or loved. You never had a shadow of doubt that if you fell, he'd swoop in and save you. And if he couldn't, he'd throw himself into the abyss just to rest with you at the rock bottom and keep you warm.
And he never tolerated your self doubt.
"Are you happy with me?"
You sniffled, nodding your head.
"Then that's all that matters, baby."
He rocked you in his arms, wiping away the tears that fell. It was messed up. You were like a lost, little girl, starved for love and attention, and so tired of life. With Namjoon these burdens disappeared; it was a well known fact that even beasts most feral had mates, and you were his. Fitting into him like a puzzle piece. The balance between heaven and hell, your wings caught on fire from flying too low.
"My pretty, little angel. Fuck."
You moaned around his cock, trying to relax your throat for him. You could taste precum on your tongue, and he groaned as you swallowed.
"Yeah. Good girl. Can I fuck that pretty mouth, baby?"
You answered him with another moan. His grip on your hair tightened, hips rutting forward.
"Shit, I'm so close."
His panting was making your cunt throb. The tip of his cock reached deeper, touching the back of your throat. You breathed through your nose slowly, eyes stinging as you tried not to choke.
"Fucking hell," he grunted. "Daddy's good, little slut."
You clenched, your panties wet and knees sore, Namjoon's thrusts growing sloppier by the second.
"Oh fuck. I'm gonna come."
His breathing grew harsh, raspy moans slipping out of his heavenly mouth. No matter how much you braced yourself for it, the feeling of his cum spurting down your throat had you whining around him. You swallowed it all down, watching him curse, a thrilling shudder running through his body.
He pulled his cock out of your mouth carefully, hissing at the sensitivity.
You took a much needed breath, hands dropping down to your knees. Namjoon leaned down to scoop you into his arms, lifting you off the floor. It never failed to amaze you how strong he was.
"God, you're incredible," he mumbled, carrying you towards the bed. "Your turn, princess."
That never failed to amaze you, either; or just how much you enjoyed it.
He set you down on the mattress gently, then reached to open the drawer on the nightstand.
"But before that," he murmured, fingers wrapping around your chin, "let me see that pretty face, baby."
He directed the camera straight at your lips, still swollen and wet from sucking him off. He made sure that your chain was also in the frame, his name gleaming around your neck. You relaxed, the sheets pleasantly cool under your body, and his gaze burning hot.
Another one for his collection.
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ofdrivensnow · 8 months
open to Livia Cardew. / MUTUALS OR NON MUTUALS.
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He kept it in a box of keepsakes. One hand splayed underneath the cold wooden box, the lid placed to the side and glacier hues transfixing on the earring inside. The last item he had left of his songbird. It reflected off his hand, the sun's beams raying through the window next to him catching the honey glow of amber colored pieces embedded in the silver. In that moment he was back in those woods, going insane knowing she got away, and the insanity that STILL 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 ℎ𝑖𝑚 ; 𝑀 𝐴 𝐷 of wondering where she may be now. Sound of the heavy door opening startled Coriolanus out of his thoughts and with the quick snap of his head, he especially in particular felt burning hatred TOWARDS the one who interrupted. Caught with it in his palm. The only option his mind quickly puzzled together was to tuck his fingers over the jewelry and play it off, "Do you not have PURPOSE else where? –Of course not." More venomous than usual ; and IF LOOKS COULD KILL.
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takeurexam · 3 months
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dynasty || III
non idol au, time travel, romance, rivals to allies to friends to lovers, crown prince to emperor taehyun, reader gets appointed as an concubine
taehyun x reader
(warning, this does not reflect the REAL idols personality, and no smut will be written to respect the idol, and i am not comfortable as well, and the taehyun in this ff is not the actual taehyun)
in which you, an excellent law student about to graduate collage suddenly gets dragged into the past, meeting the famous-fawned over emperor of the kang's dynansty. but you getting dragged into this mess was beyond a mystery, and it seems like you have something deep to discover. meddling with the past is a risky decision after all.
dynasty masterlist
3: Encounter
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"So, who was he?" Hobak wiggles his eyebrows as he teasingly looks at you. "Hes a guy I met on my journey to Daedo. He serves the Crown Prince." You start to glare at him as he giggles at you.
"Uh huh.. Okay, okay." You glare daggers at him more as you two walked back to the base camp. "Oh, I got some spicy rumours!" Hobak smirks as your eyes widen and scoot over closer to him, "Spill!"
"Spill?" He looked confused, "Oh right. I forgot im in a whole new generation." You chuckle as you answer his confusion, "Tell me."
The night journey on the way to the camp was just filled with you and Hobak talking about some spicy rumours around the area, and what you did this day; about some clients Hobak met with, such spicy tea at this dynasty.
You both arrive safely at the camp with Soobin passed out in his bed sleeping soundly. You and Hobak share your goodnights and end the day with some nice sleep that you havent tried for a while.
"Where am I?"
You look around the place you're in, its an ominous room filled with guns or swords hanged all over the place, with a horrible smell that smelt like burned wood. "Are these real guns?" You look around the room a little more throughly. "They are..." You touch the guns and open the area where you get the bullets. The room was dusty and looked unused.
"This room dosent look like a weapon room." You look around and notice red curtains, jewelry, mirrors and shuffled around clothes and scattered cargo. "Im in a storage room filled with guns and swords, its either abandoned or unused because of how dusty things are here." You mumble to yourself. "Wait, dumbass. A weapon room and a storage room like this is just the same." You mentally slap yourself.
You hear faint shouting outside the room, and one of your guesses is that they were on the way on the room you remained in, and your first instict is to hide somewhere; you hid behind some cargo boxes as your guess was right- they were heading towards this room you were in.
They open the door as you hear two women murmur to eachother while making sure the door was locked. "Clear." One of them whisper.
They wore Hanboks that were colored green with some black, "They're from the palace. Most likely servants in a higher rank." You thought as you peek at them.
"You fool. You failed to put it on her meal!" The middle-aged looking woman shout as she slaps her other companion that looked a little younger as you peek through the box.
"I-Im sorry! The emperor suddenly barged in and-"
Suddenly, you woke up from that ominus dream as sweat dripped down your head. "Who were they? A dream cant feel this real." You mumble as you wipe the sweat off your face, "Whatever. I need to do my errands for today." You ignore the weird dream and continue on with your day. But somethings a little confusing still.
You get out of bed and get ready for the day incoming.
"Another day another errand." You stretch as you make your way near Daedo to find some more herbs Soobin requested, he listed a lot of easy tasks to do and even noted a little "Stay safe!"
"Wonder if im going to meet General Beomgyu again." You mumble as you pick up some plants you've recorgnized on the list.
You do your errand which is picking up some plants Soobin listed for today and some normal wood and firewood. He listed alot more than yesterday which made you assume that you would be out here for a while.
"Speaking of which, I need to do a backround check." You freeze in your tracks and snap your fingers as you close your eyes, "Day two, met Beomgyu, something suspucious within the palace, and I still have no clue why im here."
"I wanna go home but at the same time, this feels awfully peaceful and fun." You put your finger to your chin as you think out loud.
"But then again, I miss my life there too."
You sigh as you lay down a tree to rest a little bit and stretch as you look at the mountain view you've sat near on. You sat by a tree facing the mountain edge as the afternoon sun faced the other direction.
"This feels refreshing and is making me sleepy as hell." You yawn as you stretch your arms and take a little nap.
"Ow that hurts..." A throbbing sensation filled your head.
"Really now?" You hear a male voice above you, "And why do I feel something like legs beneath my head?" You thought.
"Am I laying down on you right now?" You ask the man.
"Yes, you are." He responds as you kept your eyes closed. "Why?" Your eyebrows furrow.
You then open your eyes to reveal a man with eyes staring down at you that look like pearls, with dark brown hair and a handsome face with clothing for nobles.
"You literally blacked out. You were even drooling after all that trouble." He chuckles. "I thought you were dying so I laid you down my legs to check you because you were saying 'No! Thats so uncomfortable!' When I laid you down the leaves."
"...You did not see me." You sit up and scoot away from him as he stands up.
His eyes blinked several times before sitting up and walking towards you, "You fell from the sky." He crosses his arms while raising a brow at you, suspiciously. "Sky?"
"Okay, how wise you are!" You say sarcastically as you stand up with your eyebrow raised. "How would I even fall from the sky?"
"Perhaps you fell because the heavens wanted you gone." He clicks his tongue, as you glare at him. "Why are you even here? This is near an royal camp.. you're an assassin, arent you?" He draws his sword. "One second you're saving me and the next you're about to kill me." You roll your eyes.
You sigh as you blow the strands of hair covering your hair, blowing them away from your face, and ignoring the 'royal camp' part. "I dont even know why I fell, im experiancing memory loss and cant even remember why im here."
"I do not trust you." He continues raising his brow as his sword is drawn and an inch away from your neck.
"Who even are you?"
"I am the Crown Prince of this Kingdom."
"What?" You look at him as if he's bluffing, but realization hits you-
"WHAT?!?!" You scream that it woke up every sleeping or hibernating animal in this forest.
The two of you sat against the leavy ground with your backs supported by some trees. You've met the 'Crown Prince' Hobak was talking about and he was way something else than you expected.
He was a tease, first of all. Second, he's judgemental, and third, he literally just sneaked out the royal camp because he was bored.
"So..." You chuckle anxiously as you try to build conversation with him.
"What?" His tone cold as he glances at you. "This bitch." You roll your eyes at him.
"I remember now. I fell asleep and I rolled off the mountain and fell into a big pile of grass and you found me their and thought I was about to face death itself." You sigh as you grip your hair following with you groaning.
"How amusing." He smirks. "Very." You sigh, "Oh!"
"Wait, so if you're the Crown Prince, then General Beomgyu serves you?" He nods at your question as you nod back with a look at him. "Thats an odd question. Are you seeing him?" He tilts his head.
You furrow your eyebrows and look at him with a disgusted look, "No way! I just met him yesterday. He was just patroling around the area I was in."
Silence takes over you both as you recollect some thoughts, "I wonder how it feels to be in the palace. Its so interesting though, but I think its better out here than there." You eye him suspiciously with your eyebrow raised.
"Reminds me, I have to find out his name for historical purposes." You nod to yourself as you turn to him.
"What?" He notices your look.
"Whats your name?" You tilt your head. He looked genuinely suprised at your question which was barely even asked. You might even be the first or second to ask that.
He takes some time to look at you and answers, "Kang Taehyun." He mumbles.
"Bingo! He is the guy that I was thinking of yesterday. So he still isin't the emperor here then." You smile as you gather your thoughts.
"Okay!" You snap your fingers as you look at him, nodding your head as he gives you the look of disapproval. "Why are you even out here? Its pretty dangerous for a prince like you, you know."
He smirks, "Then why are you out here too? Isint it dangerous for a pretty lady like you to be out here?"
"You're too kind. I know!" You grin as you wink and push your hair upwards. "Your confidence is charming." He smirks at you with a little grin.
"Uh... okay." You scooch farther from him. "I forgot people are actual weirdos even in this generation. I mean- look at his disgusting smirk!"
He chuckles as your reaction and scooches closer to you, "Well, you know my name, but I dont know yours?" He smiles.
"He went from total grumpy to total flirt! Gross!" Your eye twitches as you maintain your composure, "Y/N. Now, stay away can you!" You shout a little.
He laughs even more as he moves away from you, "Im just playing jokes here."
"Very funny." You look at him deadpanned.
"Arent they going to start to find you?"
He chuckles, "Leave them be."
The two guards argue as they make some noise around the Crown Prince's meant to be tent. General Beomgyu watches them from afar as he sips his cup of tea with an amused look.
"The crown prince is missing, General." A eunuch reports to him, "He may have left about this morning when everyone was out eating and distracted." General Beomgyu drops his tea as he looks at the Eunuch.
"Its fine. I'll find him before sunset arrives, and if I dont arrive before, then distract the people with dinner." The general stands up from his seat and fixes up his armor, "Handle things for a while, Head Eunuch. And make those two stop bickering."
"Noted, General." The Head Eunuch tiptoes away.
"What are you plotting, Taehyun?" Beomgyu takes one last look at the two bickering before heading out to the forest.
"Hey. You should get back soon." You suggest to Taehyun as you both still sat on the same spot ago. "If I get beheaded, the heavens will blame you."
He laughs, "Should I be scared?"
"Idiot." You gruff at him.
You both glare at each other before you turn your glance into the leaves on the ground. Your senses turn awake as you hear something, "Wait. What was that?" Your ears perk up from some leaves crunching above you two.
Another crunch makes you observe the sound, "They're going slow. This is bad, they might be targeting Taehyun. If this was a person from the palace, their movements would most likely be fast paced with the fear of getting beheaded by not finding him on time. And I dont hear this person calling out. The person near me and him might not be a guard or someone from his camp."
You look at Taehyun as he stared down the leaves, before covering his mouth and holding his wrist as he looks at you with protest and fear.
"Dont make a sound. Someones here and they are not from the palace." You whisper to him very quiet as possible as he nods and looks at his sword.
"I hear their footsteps crunching. Im suprised you didnt even notice." You whisper once again. "I was lost in thought." He whispers back.
A sword draws from somewhere above you as you both hid below the small cliff where you both sat on as the mysterious person approaches.
"Okay. We might have to run." You look at him as he nods, "Hold me tightly as possible." He mumbles.
"One." You whisper.
"Two." He whispers.
"Three!" You both shout as you run upfront to avoid the person on the small cliff, you look back to see an figure with black clothes which fit the standards in your head for assassin looks. "Its an assassin." You breathe out to Taehyun as you both ran.
The two of you ran for your life as you both panted heavily with the leaves crunching loudly. "Wheres your camp directed at? I think its best we go there!" You ask Taehyun.
"Right up from our East! Lets run there." You nod at his answer as you both change directions and start running to the East.
You look back to see the assassin running after you two as he had a sword drawn. "Fuck, he has his sword out." You pant.
"Is he right or left?" He asks you as he does not bother to look behind and focuses to run.
"Left!" He was in the right side as he turns you around and swaps places with you. "What are you doing!" You catch your balance.
"Its best if hes in my direction! Your safety must go first!" He sees a light from the camp, "We're not too far!"
"Dipshit! You cant get hurt! You're the crown prince!"
"And you're an innocent person involved in my shit! So stop whining and let me!"
You sigh loudly as you continue running for your life, "Fuck, im getting tired! Its good I can run better here than in my original life- but my body has limits!"
You both look behind before seeing the assassin stoping in their tracks and running away, "Huh?" You both look at each other confused.
"Your Imperial Highness." A deep voice startles you both as you two slowly turn around to see a man in a high ponytail- black armor and.. "General Beomgyu?" You grin as he looked a little suprised at you.
"Beomgyu." The prince mumbles.
"Why are you two together?" He questions with a raised brow, "Long story!" You push the General to the direction of the camp as he eyes you with thoughts of you acting suspicious.
"Hurry, hurry and lets go to the camp." You three walk up to the camp nearby.
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>next chapter
a/n: i swear on skibidi i dont have full complete plot of this fanfic but it is what it is! we finally met the kang taehyun 🥳 anyways i stayed up pretty late for this so i'll be sleeping for a while <3
see you next time, @takeurexam
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the-gt-fairy · 1 year
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Day 28: Cursed
One of the first toh g/t ideas I had was an au where instead of ending up in the Demon Realm, Luz gets shrunk for bullshit reasons and discovers a secret magic tiny society in the woods. Sorta like Epic 2013. While she's working on a way to get back to normal size, the rest of the Nocedas think she's gone missing
Here's the one and only complete thing I've written for it
Luz was in a very conflicting situation.
On one hand, in the span of just a couple minutes, she had found that magic was real! Turned out that one last walk through the woods before she was shipped off to camp was a good idea.
On the other hand, this was not exactly the magic adventure she had dreamed of. Normally, she thought about stumbling into another dimension full of fantastical creatures to be met, epic quests to be completed, and diabolical villains to be overthrown.
Though while at first glance it didn’t seem like it, she was still very much in the same dimension. Only it was now several times bigger than her.
The dilapidated house she had wandered into had become a wooden cavern, almost giving her a sense of vertigo as she gaped up at it. The hole where her foot had caved into the floorboards was now three times her size, and the box she had found beneath was about twice.
Of course she had been instantly curious about that box, that swell of maybe this was the moment returning whenever she found such things. She hadn’t actually expected it to be The Moment (that sort of hope had dwindled long ago), but then she had opened the lid to a face-full of light, blinding her and sending her falling back.
And falling.
And falling.
Until finally her back hit the ground, and she blinked away the spots in her eyes to reveal the sight she was met with now.
The box had tipped over when she dropped it, allowing her easy access into it now. But as she crept inside, there was nothing hidden in the crevices. No magic light, no ancient scroll, no cursed jewelry.
Just this.
Luz stepped away from the box, staring into space dumbfounded. Was it permanent? Did this mean she didn’t have to go to camp? Oh gosh, what was she supposed to tell her family???
How was she even gonna get home?
She snapped out of her thoughts by a rustling sound and a slight tremor through the floorboards. Her attention was brought to the door at the back of the house, and a large shape appeared around the frame.
The biggest raccoon she had ever seen trundled into view.
Now, Luz knew a lot of useless trivia. One such being that raccoons were omnivores, and rodents were part of that diet. A raccoon probably couldn’t distinguish between a rodent and a shrunken human.
And it probably didn’t care.
Without a thought, Luz ducked into the box, pulling the lid closed behind her. Dread sank into her stomach as she was cast into darkness, and she froze. The scrabbling of the raccoon’s steps slowly grew closer, languidly shuffling about the room. Eventually, it reached just outside of her shelter, and she could hear it sniffing the wood.
And then her whole world tilted.
She yelped, barely managing to keep her grip on the lid as the box was shifted. The raccoon’s claws scratched against the outside, trying to pry it open. A sliver of light began to peek in, and she quickly hooked her foot on a knot in the wood, using the leverage to shove the lid back down.
Luz kept her grip tight to avoid being tossed around, her muscles burning from the effort. Even as she tried so hard, she knew it was going to be useless. She was going to die. Oh shit, she was going to die. She always thought raccoons were so cute, and now she was gonna be eaten by one–
Relief flooded her at that sound. Vee had found her, she was going to be fine, she was going to be saved–
Her stomach swooped as gravity took over fully, sending her tumbling even more rapidly than before. Her hold finally slipped off as she was banged around in the box, until it quickly came to a jerking stop. The lid fell open, revealing the dim space beneath the floorboards.
Luz quickly scrambled out, looking up and hearing Vee gently shooing the raccoon away. Vee’s frame appeared above the hole, and dang, Vee was gonna tease Luz for weeks about how she was the taller twin now.
Luz took a breath, preparing to shout. But she had barely gotten out the first “Vee–!” before something clapped over her mouth and pulled her into the shadows.
She struggled against her assailant, screaming against the palm over her mouth. “Quiet!”, they hissed in her ear.
Luz proceeded to scream louder.
Her captor shook her, knocking the breath out her lungs. “I mean it, kid! There’s a human right there!”
Said human was now wandering out of the house, wood creaking as she left. Luz could only watch as her one chance of help abandoned the house and left her behind.
Frustrated, distraught, and frankly just annoyed, she licked her captor’s hand.
“Ew, kid, what the hell!”, the other exclaimed, taking their hand away to wipe off the saliva. Luz took the opportunity to wriggle out of the hold, whirling around to face the mystery person.
It looked to be an older woman, long, silver hair slicked back like a mane. She wore a red dress, some equivalent of hiking boots, along with a backpack and a belt filled with multicolored potion bottles. Her eyes were a striking gold that almost seemed to glow in the dim light, and her ears were pointed.
In any other situation, Luz would’ve been entirely fascinated. Here was a tiny humanoid, looking appropriately witchy and like she had a wild backstory. But this wasn’t another situation.
“What the hell?”, Luz parroted the woman incredulously. “You’re the one who captured me–”
“I was saving your ass, you’re very welcome.”, the woman cut off, “Did you really not see that human?”
“Of course I did!”, Luz shouted, “That was my sister! I needed her help!”
“Your sister?”, the woman repeated in disbelief. She laughed, clearly mocking and making Luz’s blood boil as her cheeks heated up with shame. “You sure you didn’t hit your head in that fall?”
Luz crossed her arms and looked away with a pout, but didn’t reply. She could tell when no one would believe her, no matter what she said. It was better to just let the woman come to her own conclusions, play into what she wanted Luz to say until Luz could find a way out of it.
“Anyway, kid, what are you doing all the way out here?”, the woman went on.
“Just…taking a walk.”, Luz replied in a mumble.
“That’s one hell of a walk.”, the woman joked, “You’re a while’s away from Bonesborough.”
“Bonesborough…?”, Luz questioned.
“Yeah, are you not from there?”
“You don’t sound too sure about that answer.”
“Hey, like you said, maybe I hit my head too hard.”
The woman snorted. “Yeah, well, unless you know any other towns around, then that’s where I’m taking you.”
Luz’s eyes widened. “Wait, are you actually kidnapping me?”
The woman barked another laugh. “Unless you wanna get yourself killed, I’m not. You hardly look prepared for a trip out here.”
Luz glanced down at herself, definitely looking underdressed compared to the woman. The only item she had on her was the duffel bag that had somehow shrunk with her. At least she had a change of clothes and some of her Azura books…
The woman turned on her heel, beginning to walk in a seemingly random direction. “Well, we don’t got all day.”, she declared as she waved for Luz to follow.
“Wait!”, Luz called, making the woman pause and look back at her. “What’s your name?”
She flashed a grin, a gold fang glinting in the lowlight. “You can call me Eda. You?”
“Luz Noceda.”, she nodded back.
“Well, Luz. You comin’ or what?”
For just one more moment, Luz hesitated. It was all beginning to sink in that she had shrunk and she had met another tiny woman who was presumably about to take her to a town of other tiny people.
She had no idea what this all would entail. Whatever this was could wear off in a day, or be stuck to her forever.
Either way, it would get her out of going to camp for a little longer…
Without much of another option, Luz fell in step with Eda. Despite the circumstances, she couldn’t help a swell of excitement. This was it, the literal magic moment she had been waiting years for. Even if it wasn’t exactly what she wanted, she couldn’t deny what she got.
Through a small hole in the foundation, Luz stepped out of the house and into a new world.
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romanoffprentiss · 2 years
Next Thing you Know 
Tumblr media
 Me hating country  and most of my fics based on country songs 
You swear you’re staying single next thing you know
You meet a girl at a bar next thing you know
You get her laughing 
Its 2 am
Emily joined the BAU with the goal of staying single. She had been burned one to many times and the effort wasn’t worth the heartache. That was what she said to JJ one night at a girls night. Like a sign from above you walked into the BAU and changed her world. She had tried to stay professional, but after a night at Penelope’s she decided your laugh was the best thing in the world. That night she kissed you on your car door and your smile was present for weeks after.
:read more:
Then you tell your buddies 
3 months in
She aint moving in
Derek heard about the kiss from Penelope who heard it from JJ who heard it from Spencer who you told. Derek walked over to Emily’s Desk with a pep in his step,
“So y/n?” He grins and Emily sighs looking up at him,
“What are you talking about?” She raises an eyebrow and he smirks,
“Why don’t we recreate what you two did at baby girls place” he teased and Emily hit him with a file,
“Its not like that” she defended and Derek rolled his eyes,
“mhm, Penelope told me you’d be considered a ‘u-haul lesbian’?” He quoted and Emily laughed,
“She is not moving in !”
But next thing you know
There’s a U-haul trailer 
Next thing you know
Your old apartment 
Is y’alls new place 
There goes the carpet 
But the deer head stays
Derek wouldn’t let it go as he helped unload boxes into Emilys apartment.
“Remember a couple months ago?” He began and Emily threw a stuffed animal at him,
“Em ! Watch out !” You playfully scold as you pick up the stuffed toy and kiss her cheek leaving Emily apologizing and leaning in for a kiss and chasing after your lips when you pull away,
“You’re so whipped” Derek continued his teasing, this time Penelope walks over,
“Leave the love birds alone Derek! They’re so sweet” she cooed and you both blush at the comment.
That next day you got to work re arranging the living room,
“Woah what’s wrong with it?” Emily pouts seeing you put the carpet in the donate pile,
“This one I ordered will fit with the space better” you say and she sighs,
“Well then my emo rock collection stays” she says and you laugh,
“As long as you do the same hair and eyeliner” you tease walking over to her and wrapping your arms around her waist kissing her cheek,
“I can’t believe Garcia showed you that” Emily groans hiding her face in your neck leaving kisses up and down,
“It was actually Spencer” you whisper and Emily gasps,
“Im gonna kill him” 
Next thing you know 
You’re Savin money like never before (just to)
Spend it all at a jewelry store (gettin)
Emily had been comfortable all her life, which is why she spared no expense picking out your ring. She spent multiple nights in JJ’s office going over rings and sizes,
“This one is perfect” she says pulling up the most beautiful ring she’s seen in days,
“She’s going to love it” JJ says and smiles trying to ignore the hefty price tag.
Down on one knee on her mama’s porch
Just pray she don’t say no
The dinner was amazing. Conversation flowed freely and Emily looked like a lovesick puppy the whole time. After she pays she grabs your hand and leads you down a path,
“Emily  considering what we do for a living this is the worst idea ever” you joke as she leads you down the wooded dark path,
“It’ll be worth it, plus I have my gun” she replies and you giggle as an opening reveals with rose petals and candles,
Emily leads you to the middle and you notice Penelope and JJ standing off to the side with cameras,
“Em?” you turn to face her but look down seeing her on one knee noticing a ring box in her hands,
“Y/n Ive loved you from the moment you walked into the BAU I thought I would never fall in love and the-“ she’s cut off as you almost take her down hugging her. She laughs and you kiss her all over her face,
“Yes yes yes ! A million times yes” you say and she kisses you deeply. Once releasing she puts the ring on your finger,
“I got it !” JJ shouts walking over with the camera with a proud smile as she congratulates you two. 
Next thing you know
Your best man gives a half drunk speech (and you’re)
Sunburnt on a honeymoon beach (and your)
Left hand’s getting used to that ring 
There the next two three or years go
Emily sat next to you at the bridal party table, JJ to your left and Emily to your right. Once Derek stood up you knew it would be trouble, you give a look to Emily who shrugs and kisses you gently which gets rid of any fear of Derek’s speech,
“Emily Prentiss, or should I say my princess” Derek begins,
“I met you on your first day on the BAU and woo, at first I thought I could have a chance with you” You raised an eyebrow and Derek looked at you,
“Don’t worry mama she’s all yours, I knew once y/n walked in that Emily was gone, miss. commitment issues Prentiss, miss. I don’t need anyone Prentiss, had met her match, and she tried in the beginning to ignore it, but y/n has that effect on people, to squeeze her way into your heart even if every defense tells you to avoid her, even when she’s enabling Reid to go on his long rambles, and can convince you to drink way more then you should on a work night” the crowd laughs and you squeeze Emilys hand and see her staring at you lovingly,
“I mean look at them, can’t take their eyes off of each other for 5 seconds” Derek teases and you chuckle as Emily leans in for a kiss.
The next week is spent blissfully on a beach. You sip your drink and watch as Emily gets out of the pool, you didn’t think someone could make it look so sexy but here she was. She walked over drenched and stands over you. You lower your sunglasses as she leans down for a kiss,
“Hi baby” you say and she grins,
“Hello mrs.Prentiss” she grins and gets on top of you,
“Emily ! You’re soaked !” You shriek but can’t help but laugh,
“You said till death do us part” she jokes and you kiss her again,
“Death will come soon for us with hypothermia” you joke and she laughs. It’s your favorite sound, you’re amazed you can spend the rest of your life making her laugh like that. 
Next thing you know
Y’all weren’t really trying next thing you know 
There’s a test on the counter next thing you know 
She’s standing there crying nodding her head yes 
You’re half excited half scared to death (cause)
After almost a year of treatments and tests and needles you were ready to give up. It broke Emily’s heart to see you so upset over it, one last attempt you had both agreed that after that, you couldn’t handle another negative. Emily came home from a brunch with her mother and frowned when she couldn’t find you in the living room, the kitchen, or the bedroom. She walked over to the bathroom door and knocked gently,
“Y/n?” She asked and you sniffle opening the door for her,
“Honey what’s wrong?” She asks and hugs you. You cry into her shoulder as her eyes meet the stick laying on the counter,
“Is that?” She pauses not believing it as she holds up the stick seeing the two lines. She gasps and looks over as you nod and she picks you up hugging you tightly. It all hits her that there is a baby now. It’s no longer a hypothetical but a reality. Someone she will be in charge of and have to make sure she raises them properly. 
Next thing you know 
You’re wearing scrubs and a funny white hat (and the)
Doctor’s saying how you doin there Mom (and)
Nobody’s ever called you that (and)
You take the drive home slow
Standing in the OR, Emily did not picture this. You’re on the table, the meds have definitely kicked in and you smile up at her,
“You look so funny baby” you say and she chuckles wiping the tears from her eyes,
“Anything to be here with you” she says kissing your head. She doesn’t look over the curtain until you make a look of discomfort,
“You’re doing so well” she whispers in your head and stands up to see. A gasp is let out as she sees the baby be lifted up and a screeching cry fills the room,
“Is she okay?” You ask and Emily nods eagerly,
“She’s beautiful y/n” she says and the doctor rests the baby by your head. Emily lets out a sob as you hold the baby for the first time,
“You doing okay there mom?” Rossi asks as Emily spaced out for a minute as the team each take turns holding the baby,
“Yeah just soaking it all in” she says and is off again in her own world as it hits her that she’s a mother now. She would do anything for your little girl. She’s never felt this strong of a love before. 
On the way home you almost complain about how Emily goes 5 under the speed limit,
“She’s okay em” you encourage sitting in the back seat as Nadia holds your finger in her sleep.
Next thing you know 
Its first steps, first dates, first car (it’s)
11:01 wondering where they are
Then you’re saying USC’s too far
Its amazing how fast 17 years go
Emily sighed leaning back in her desk chair. It was a long night of paperwork, she thought back to the days that it didn’t matter if she stayed late but now she had you and Nadia waiting on her. She longed to see you both, you had left earlier, finishing your report early to be able to pick up Nadia. The lights were dim and everyone but her and Hotch were left. The door to the Bullpen open and she hears and squeal and some footsteps,
“What are you guys doing here?” Emily said turning around to see you both standing,
“We missed our mama, didn’t we?” You coo at Nadia who reaches out,
“Mama” she says and you put her down on the floor holding her hands to guide her to walk over, she had been teasing walking for a while but still needed something to hold onto,
Until suddenly she let go of your hands and took three steps right into Emily’s arms,
“Oh my god ! Oh my god ! you did it baby !” Emily smiled lifting Nadia up into the air and kissing her cheeks as Nadia clapped.
That felt like just yesterday. Emily looked into Nadia’s room as you helped her apply her lipstick. It was prom and you did not waste a second making sure it would be perfect for Nadia. Emily never got to go to prom herself and was glad to see how excited Nadia was. She was glad that you both raised her to be able to enjoy normal teenage things,
“Isn’t she a little too young for all this?” Emily asked and you rolled your eyes,
“She’s 17 its completely appropriate” you say and Emily chuckles. Nadia looks up at Emily and smiles,
“How do I look?” She asked and Emily smiled,
“Gorgeous like always” she kissed Nadias hair as the doorbell rang,
“Ill get it” Nadia shoots up but you hold her back,
“Let mama make him sweat a little” you chuckle as Nadia looks mortified as Emily answers the door,
“Hello mrs.Prentiss, is Nadia almost ready?” The boy asks and Emily notes he’s dressed up and holding a bouquet of flowers,
“You make it really hard to play bad cop Henry” Emily teased and let him in. Nadia and you walk down the stairs and Henry smiles,
“You look amazing” he lets out and hands her flowers, she giggles and they go to leave,
“Wait wait ! I need pictures !” You say grabbing the camera, and Nadia lets out a groan. You blink away tears as they pose,
“I can’t believe you guys are all grown up” you wipe a tear and Emily puts her arm around you,
“You guys get out of here before the waterworks, have her back by 11 mister” she points at Henry who nods quickly, 
“Yes ma’am” he says. You both watch as they share smiles and Henry opens her car door for her,
“Those smiles are dangerous” Emily points out and you chuckle,
“Let them be teens” you say and send JJ the pictures.
“Babe come to bed” you say from the staircase as Emily sits in the kitchen,
“She should be home by now” Emily says and you frown,
“did you call her?” You ask walking over and wrapping your arms around her shoulder’s kissing her cheek,
“No but we agreed 11” she huffs and you grab your phone and see Nadia sent a text saying the movie got out late and she was on her way home now,
“See no need to worry” you try to reassure her but she doesn’t budge. She waits for Nadia to come home and once she’s inside and the house is locked up you walk past the hall to see Emily tucking Nadia in. You stand in the doorway as Emily kisses her forehead,
“I know USC is exciting and you want to get away but maybe a school in the same state? Or timezone? I don’t think I can handle worrying about you while you’re all the way on the other side of the country” Emily says and Nadia chuckles,
“You worry too much mama” Nadia replied and Emily shook her head,
“Its my job, I just want you to be safe and happy, and if USC is it, then ill be right there, but me and mom need at least weekly calls to keep us sane, otherwise ill steal the jet and fly over myself” Emily says and Nadia nods,
“I love you mama” she says and hugs Emily,
“Love you too bug” Emily says. 
Next thing you know
You get to know your wife again (and you’re)
More in love then you’ve ever been (with a)
Lot of years of remember when’s
And still some down the road
Emily thought that the house would be quiet. Coming home after getting Nadia settled. She was proven wrong. She missed Nadia dearly but part of her loved this new phase. Waking up to breakfast in bed, dancing around the living room, baking, watching tv, anything was way better doing it together.
Retirement felt amazing, Emily worried that she would miss the action, and maybe occasionally she did, but standing behind you in the kitchen while you guys tried to make homemade cookies, she knew that she never wanted to leave this life you two have built. 
Cause next thing you know
You got a yard full of your kid's kids and ya
Take 'em to church, teach 'em to fish, and ya
Tell 'em stories every chance you get
About how fast this life down here can go
After Emily’s mother passed, she inherited her fathers old cabin. You two quickly moved in and settled into an outdoors lifestyle. She was brought back to summers spent here with her father so many years ago. She walked out onto the porch and watched as Henry chased a little Charlie around who’s giggles were infectious, she walked over to where Will, JJ, Nadia, and yourself were chatting at the table. Henry soon walks over with Charlie on his shoulders,
“Grandma can we go fishing now?” Charlie asked and Emily smiled, though originally she hated the grandma title, feeling too old, Charlie, just like his mom, had Emily wrapped around his finger,
“Of course bud lets grab our things” she said and they walked into the shed. You smile watching the two,
“He looks just like you Nadia” you comment taking a sip of your cup,
“Reminds me when Elizabeth tried to come camping with us that one year” you reminisce and Nadia lets out a laugh,
“She had pantsuits on to go for a hike” Nadia remembers and you both laugh. Emily leads Charlie to the lake and smiles as she helps him with his rod,
“You know I used to fish with my dad when I was your age, in this very spot” Emily tells the boy and he squints looking up at her,
“You were my age?” He asked and she laughed nodding,
“Long long ago, one day you can take your own kids fishing and tell this story” Emily says and the moment is interrupted by a pull on the line and Emily helps him reel in the fish. Charlies face lit up as Henry ran over with his camera to take a picture of the moment. After putting the fish back and sitting around the fireplace that night. Emily put her arm around you,
“I think we did alright” she says softly and you look up at her,
“I wouldn’t change a thing” you agree and kiss her gently, still managing to give her the butterflies you did that first night at Garcia’s apartment. 
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bitchfitch · 1 year
There's a volcanic island. A scrap of rock and rich soil that was pushed up and out of the ocean by the whims of earthquakes far below the surface of the water. There's only plants and birds and flighted insects on it, few people have ever seen it. It shakes every so often as the ocean threatens to reclaim it. It won't stand for much longer.
Still, there's a building. It's walls are cracked but it still stands strong. Only a few rooms all which were once lavishly decorated but which now stand bare of their drapes and fabric comforts. Some of the wood furniture has stayed, most has collapsed. The cracking of hand cut boards pouring bounties of wealth beyond what most would ever dream of onto the floors already cluttered with golden riches that would make the most powerful kings burn with envy.
Unimaginable treasure. Coins of many denominations, jewelry and finely sculpted gem and metal statues. A dragon's hoard of a pirate's bounty.
Marion and Armel had quested for this place first as scrawny boys playing on their home beach, then as privateers made broad and strong men by time and their constant pushing one and another further, harder, towards some ill defined goal. They followed legends to the very ends of the earth until they at long last had the sealed map. They couldn't open it. Together they hid it and puzzled over it together they picked and prodded and tried and tried until finally it was open in their hands.
The map was coded, but their searching had long since taught them to read the cypher like it was their native tongue. There was more than just a map. It was the manifest of the last ship to go to this near legend of a place. If even a single item from it was still there, they'd be richer than the gods of gilded temples.
The men saw the bounty before them, they saw their life long friend accross the paper from themselves. They both had the same thought. They both knew the other well enough to know they thought it too.
Jaded, cold, ruthless. Bound to each other by a lifetime spent together. Their hearts were one, but their loving was the sort only men who'd do anything for their next pay could know. Fierce, true, and only lasting until their sunrise was on the horizon.
The island would shine like the new sun.
Their parlay had come to an end.
Armel took the map, tucked it back in its box. They could have one last night. He reasoned to himself. Marion walked with him from the hull to the deck. Starlit and on a night so bright they could see each other like it was day. They were heading to the galley, where they knew no one would bother them in this last indulgence. Marion stopped Armel before they could enter. Pushed him back up against the railing, and kissed him with all the passion of the future they would not share.
Marion had always been the brains of their little operation. His memory was prestigious, near photographic. His ability to navigate the seas matched only by the birds who could fly high above it. He'd memorized maps he'd only ever seen parts of over the shoulder of others.
His hands were warm where they fisted in Armel's yellowed shirt. His companions beard scratching against his cheeks. Everytime they parted they'd collide again. Marion struggled against the soft and stupid thing within himself he thought he'd long since stomped to death. Armel would kill him in his sleep. A dagger drawn accross his throat while they still laid together. A kiss against his cheek as he bleed out.
Marion focussed on that image as he trailed his hands down Armel's front. pushing them up under the hem of his shirt to feel the warmth that will soon be gone from his life. His knuckles bump against the hilt of Armel's dagger where it's tucked in his waistband. Armel's hands are tangled in his hair. holding him with as much strength and love as the mountain of a man could pour out.
Armel's breath stuttered. A sharp exhale. The hands in Marion's hair going limp, his jaw slack with shock and expected betrayal against Marion's lips.
His blood gushed hot between them, pouring from where his lover had wedged the dagger under his sternum and into the heart Marion had held captive for so many years.
In the morning no one would comment on the blood stains and Armel's sudden absence. Marion's nails were still caked in rust. money would change hands as bets on which of them would kill and toss the other overboard first were finally settled.
Armel's last breath had left him long before he hit the frigid waters the map tossed in after him as Marion didn't need something so wanted painting a target on him.
The waters churned. The ocean welcomed another into it's embrace. Ruthless as it was, it adored a good inevitability. It took Armel, bound him in its waves, and offered his hurt a deal. Kill the other. Bring Marion into the depths. Take this new form and this new false life the ocean was gleefully giving him, and bring to it Armel's other half so that the ocean may have the whole.
Armel took the deal. Warped and changed into a beast of the waters, and followed the ship he had once called home.
Marion would be haunted by that night. Haunted by Armel every time he sailed. Storms and Armel's voice, the monster that would sink any vessel he could in his attempts to drown his killer, they followed him everywhere until there was not a ship that would dare allow Marion aboard.
He had the map memorized. He had no way to get to the bounty he'd destroyed his only treasure to gain.
Years would pass. Armel was always at his shores waiting to take him into the waters. There were nights Marion would sit on the docks out of Armel's reach to watch him in the dark waters or on the shore under the bright moonlight. He tried so hard to move on. To find someone else to share a bed with. To share a life with.
If they ever ventured to close to the waters edge they'd disappear.
Marion had spent many days longing to join them at the waters edge. Taken into his lover's embrace one last time.
The ferry ride had been a necessity. A quick trip to go see a doctor about his bum shoulder. Age had turned a childhood injury into a constant nagging ache. He needed to make the pain stop. Every throb reminded him too much of how his shoulder had been wrenched out of place. He'd fallen while they were climbing a shore cliff, a game they'd played a hundred times, the path so familiar to him. Armel had caught him by the wrist. Teased him for slipping and then for crying when the pain started. They got back down safely, the teasing turning to worry when Marion couldn't stop crying from the pain of his dislocated arm. Armel never teased him for crying again after that, and went out of his way to take the burdens that may have agrivated that old wound from him.
Marion wanted to escape those memories.
The cracking of the ferry's hull had sounded like thunder in the clear blue day. They were going down. Life boats were being loaded. Marion stood at the ships edge. The life boats were tiny wooden things Armel in his new beastly shape could pull under without the smallest issue. There was no escaping his embrace. Only saving others from it. Only facing his past at long last. He stood at the ships edge. Stared the dark blot of a monster in the water down as everyone else loaded into the boats and fled to shore. There was plenty room for him to join them. A crewman tried to grab him to drag him to what should have been his salvation.
Marion stepped off the edge of the boat before he could touch him. Plummeted into the summer cool waters. The waves would bash him against the hull, Armel got him first, wrapped him in his arms and dove deep into the darkness.
He held his breath. Not to prolong his life, but to prolong the bittersweet, insane, euphoria of finally being whole again.
Marion hadn't expected to wake. Hadn't once dreamed of coming too wrapped in rotting silks in a bed that smelled of the ocean and a body warmth Marion had thought he'd forgotten. He was alone. Surrounded by wealth beyond compare. His bounty, the one he'd given his everything for, was finally within reach, but it's value had turned to that of a single grain of sand.
He had no ship. No way to transport any of it. No way to make it from something beautiful to something of value.
He sat up, his head pounding, his hands heavy with rings, bracelets like shackles decorated his arms and legs. His face and ears ached with the weight of piercings he'd not had when boarded that ferry. Gold and silver and every precious gem one could name glittered accross his chest in necklaces and harness like body jewelry. It struck him then.
He'd not gained a hoard, he had become just another piece of one.
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whumpinggrounds · 2 years
CW: BBU general warning, fire, difficulty breathing, smoke inhalation, male whumpee, pet whump, female whumper kinda
“Oh god. Oh, my god. The house – the house – our house!” Mistress Caroline is wailing, wailing like Barnaby has never heard her wail. “Vernon, Vernon, can’t they hurry? Won’t they hurry? I don’t understand where they are-”
Buoying up his distraught wife with an arm under her armpits, Master Vernon stares at the towering pile of smoke with an expression that’s attempting stoicism. “Come on now, Caroline. Deep breaths, darling.” He jostles her, and she shrieks again. Barnaby could’ve told him that wouldn’t work. “The fire department will be here in moments, it’ll…it’ll all be all right.”
“It won’t be all right!” Mistress Caroline’s hands come up to clutch at her throat. “Our home – our beautiful home – our beautiful things, all of our things-”
“They’re just things, dear, we can replace-”
“Oh, you.” There’s real venom in Mistress Caroline’s voice as she rounds on her husband. She’s raising her hand to beat on his chest, the way she does when she’s truly furious, but before she can, her gaze catches on something behind her husband.
Her gaze catches on her loyal servant, Barnaby.
Never has Barnaby longed more fiercely for Pierce, the older Box Boy, a grave and gray-haired expert who outgrew the title boy more than thirty years ago. Pierce would understand the desperate light in Mistress Caroline’s eyes. Pierce would know how to soothe her, settle her, make her see reason.
Barnaby just steps forward, head bowed. “Ma’am?”
“Barnaby, I need you to go into the house for my jewelry box, understand? You know the one, the painted china with the mirrored lid-”
“Caroline.” Now it’s Master Vernon’s turn to be sharp with irritation. “The boy is brand new. He is worth much more than whatever’s in that jewelry box-”
Now Mistress Caroline does slap him. One quick blow across the mouth, more to shock him than to harm. “Have a heart!” There’s true misery in her voice. “Some of those pieces belonged to my grandmother – my great-grandmother! I have to…I have to at least try…”
Faced by his wife dissolving into tears, Master Vernon softens, even with his cheek pink from where she slapped him. “Oh, honey, the fire isn’t even near our bedroom,” he tries, but Mistress Caroline won’t be soothed now. She’s nearly hysterical. Once again, her eyes fix on Barnaby.
“Go,” she urges, flapping a hand at him. “I said go!”
For one endless moment, Barnaby waits for Master Vernon to intervene, but his master doesn’t look at him. His arms are encircling his weeping wife. He’s picking his battles, and he isn’t picking Barnaby.
Taking a deep breath of air already tinged by smoke, the Box Boy turns toward the house.
Opening the door, he’s met with a wall of smoke, black and thick and choking. Even as he coughs, Barnaby plunges into the house, obedient until the end. From the rear of the house, the kitchen spits off heat and light and hideous smoke, smoke that burns his eyes and sears his throat. Taking even a few steps froward is agony. Bent almost double, Barnaby creeps forward, one hand fumbling ahead of him, the other rubbing uselessly at his eyes.
His reaching hand finds the banister. The thought of going up, of entering into the suffocating blanket of ash, makes Barnaby’s legs weak. Around him, the wood of the house screams under the assault of flames and heat, and Barnaby whines with it.
He doesn’t want to.
He doesn’t want to.
He must.
One foot, and then the other, Barnaby climbs the stairs. By the end, he’s almost crawling, rasping in air as best he can, staying as close to the floor as possible.
Just a few more steps. A few more steps to the bedroom, and then within it, Mistress Caroline’s bureau. The jewelry box is on it. Barnaby can picture it, cool white china and painted flowers. Once he has it in his hands. Then he can leave this hell.
Are his eyes full of grit, or is the hallway carpet blurring beneath his fingers? Barnaby can’t tell. His eyes are in agony, his throat, his lungs. He coughs but no sound comes out, he tries to breathe but there’s no air. The radiant heat on his skin and the blisters it raises don’t register. Barnaby is cooking from the inside out.
Still, nonsensically, he drags himself forward. Over the heavy hall carpet, over the threshold of the room that Master Vernon and Mistress Caroline share. There’s a window open, and smoke billows out into the sky, pours out into the sky, utterly overwhelms any glimpse he might catch of the sky.
There’s fresher air near the floor. Barnaby drinks it in greedily, hacking as he does. On hands and knees, vision fading, he creeps toward the bureau.
When the firefighters find him, he’s unconscious at the base of the dresser, curled in the fetal position. They reach down to move him, and the jewelry box spills from his insensible hands.
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