#woop !
digipaw-does-art · 2 years
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katiethelmie · 6 months
“2 minutes.”
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okaydays · 18 days
Colin was out with friends for the evening, so Penelope reheated some leftovers for dinner, and then assembled all the things she needed for a quiet night in - lit candles, soft music echoing from their new bluetooth speakers, a cup of tea that was still hot on the coffee table, a comfortable blanket. 
She’s sitting on the couch with said blanket and her carefully chosen book (Love in the Time of Cholera), and she should be having a great time. Back when Penelope was at her mother’s house, with all the commotion and whining, this was the kind of evening she’d dreamt about. Just her, quiet and cosy. No one to bother her.
But she lives with Colin, now. And while he is, occasionally, a bother, it’s never really unwelcome. Not when he could bat those blue eyes, shoot her a winsome grin and spin her around to the music like they’re ballroom dancing.
A quiet evening to herself seems boring in comparison. 
What Penelope wants, in truth, is exactly what she has now - a little comfortable moment, but with Colin’s arms around her instead of a blanket. Leaning against him, maybe with his own book, instead of just the sofa arm.
She misses him, really. And it’s only been an hour or so. 
Oh well. Penelope nestles back further into the couch. He won’t be back for a while, so the book will have to keep her company for now.
“Tell him yes,” She reads. “Even if you are dying of fear, even if you are sorry later, because whatever you do, you will be sorry all the rest of your life if you say no.”
Around fifteen minutes later, the front door opens. Penelope almost knocks over her mug of tea with how violently she jumps. And then - oh, it’s just Colin. And then - oh, it’s Colin!
‘Colin!’ she exclaims, interrupting her internal monologue by just stating it out loud. ‘What are you doing back so early?’ 
He’s leaning against the doorframe, flashing her that grin she adores. ‘Got all cosy, did you?’ he asks, looking around at the lit candles and bluetooth speaker and the blanket they got from his mother as a housewarming present. ‘Mind if I join in?’ 
Penelope moves along the sofa and lifts up the corner of the blanket in invitation. Colin slides right in, and they adjust - he’s now sitting where she’s just vacated, arm slung around her shoulders, and she’s leaning into him with one leg over his and one on the coffee table. 
It’s even better than she imagined.
‘Missed you,’ Colin says after a minute. She’d gone back to her book and he was on his phone, reading an article, but she looks up at that. 
‘They were talking about sports or something, and I thought, ‘I’d rather be home with my girl,’ so now I’m here,’ he says, looking right back at her. 
Something warm unfurls in Penelope’s chest at that. At the pet name, at the fact that he’d preferred her boring evening to a fun night out, at the fact that he was now here and that it was exactly where he’d wanted to be. 
Colin kisses her once, gently, and when she leans in again, he moves over to kiss her forehead instead. 
‘We can do that later. You were prepared for a quiet night, right? Don’t let me get in the way of that,’ he says, equally as gently, and Penelope shakes her head.
‘You don’t get in the way. You make it better,’ she admits, and he smiles. Pulls her in closer. 
‘Glad we moved in together,’ he says, and puts his phone on his thigh so he can reach over and carefully open her book back up, from where she’d been keeping track of her page with her thumb.
So Penelope goes back to her book, and Colin goes back to the article, and the track switches to a new piano piece. And then when her tea gets cold, he goes and makes her a new one, just the way she likes it. 
Tell him yes, the book said. She’s so glad she did.
(Also on ao3)
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26 days sober! So close to making it a whole month free from cannabis and alcohol!
Just a reminder that you don't have to be a heavy user to be an addict,
You don't have to hit rock bottom to want to recover
You don't need a special reason to be sober 💕
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helluva-artblog · 1 month
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Move aside, Fizz! It's Blitzo time!
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cowpants147 · 1 year
I can't sleep so I'm just laid here and I started thinking about the Foxes that go on to play exy professionally and what they'd do after retirement:
I know for a fact that this interaction happened during Andrews last press event after his last match.
Reporter: so Andrew, now that you've officially retired, what are you gonna do now?
Andrew: I'm gonna be a stay at home dad.
Obviously the reporters run w it and suddenly everyone's trying to figure out when Andrew had kids and who with all the while he's at home with the cats aka his children all day.
I also think he either starts coaching exy at a school or at a youth centre because he recognises the out that exy gave him and he's great with kids.
Neil's got too much of a mouth on him to go quietly into retirement so I definitely see him being a commentator and providing some of the highest praise and most iconic insults ever known to the sports channels.
I feel like he'd miss actually playing though so he'd probably become some kind of coach. Maybe even goes back to PSU to help Dan as assistant coach after Wymack retires.
That boy was born and bred for his own sports related show. I like the idea of him and Jeremy hosting this exy post show where they go over everything that's happened in the week. Jeremy is ever positive, Kevin is harsher with his commentary but they've both got smiles made for prime time TV.
They have a 3rd on the panel reserved for a different special guest each week. Such special guests at one point include Neil, Wymack, and Andrew who only went on to see if he could get Kevin to crack and break character.
100% becomes a stay at home dad to his and Dan's actual human kids and their golden retriever. During this retirement press conference he says something about proudly being Dan's trophy husband.
Coach's his kids little league team, even if they're not playing exy. Makes homemade signs with the kids for when they go watch the Foxes play.
Buys Andrew a matching "best dad ever" mug the minute Andrew drops that line in his interview. When Neil teams up with Dan to coach the Foxes these two become random best buds, going out for food and and drinks together, sitting together at games, worldlessly teaming up to make sure Dan and Neil have lunch every day at practise.
+ Jeremy and Jean
The minute Jean retires he's done with exy. Jeremy goes on to do a shit ton of charity work and be on the weekly prime time exy show with Kevin but Jean is more than happy to stay out of the public eye.
They live on a farm or like in a super cute small town where nobody bothers them. Jean spends all day reading books, painting, takes up photography and becomes so good that he's hired by the locals for weddings, newborn pics, etc. He's a regular at the farmers market. Maybe if they live on a farm then he has his own stall selling eggs, jams, and family recipes that Jeremy passed down to him from the Knox family and that Jean has perfected over the years.
And they travel as much as they can! They have a second home in France and use that as their home base while they trav around Europe every chance they can get.
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teencopandthesourwolf · 11 months
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(when you're excited to test every one of the brushes on procreate so start scribbling away on a blank document like a feral child with your tongue sticking out of the corner of your mouth and it somehow turns into a colour vomit sketchy sterek making out in the woods thing aha)
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zeltqz · 2 years
your secret
pairing. fwb!atsumu x fem!reader
synopsis. atsumu comes to your work shift because he wants some attention
authors note: my first haikyuu fic omgmggmgmgmgmg hehe i love atsumu so much
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content. friends with benefits, praising, oral sex, secret situationship; you and atsumu mess around in secret because you don't like attention
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“I did gooood didn’t I?” Atsumu nudged at his twin, looking even smuger than usual. It made Osamu sick; not because his twin was in a happy mood, but because he did do good. He scored the final point at the very last second. 
“Yeah, you were amazing.” Despite such a pleasant statement, the tone in Osamu’s voice stated otherwise. It was sarcastic and dry, but Atsumu was high enough on his own emotions to even notice the very ironic tone. 
Atsumu’s day was already going great, amplified ten fold when he looked past Suna’s head, at the table right behind you. He’d recognise the back of your head from anywhere. He’d gotten praise from everyone but you. He’s craving it now, his fingers tingle with the need to get validation from you.
He was going to go to your house after dinner with his friends, tell you about his awesome heroic victory and hopefully sleep with you. But why wait, when you are right there. 
He waits for you to finish serving that table, that sweet smile you give to the table before you’re heading to the back. He quickly sticks his hand up, fast enough to almost slap his brother in the face to grab your attention. You turn to head towards the table, only to freeze in your step when you realise who exactly is at that table.
Oh, you could just kill him. 
Atsumu can see that moment of hesitation in your step, like you’re contemplating whether or not to dash towards the back, grab one of your fellow waiters to tend their table. 
But it was already too late. Atsumu’s long ass arm in the air already attracted the attention of your manager who’s urging you to stop standing in the middle of the restaurant and go to the table. 
If only she knew why you were hesitating to go. You put on your best smile and over to the table, repeating the same phrase you’ve said at least 50 times today. “How can I help you today?”
Osamu looks up from his phone. “Oh shit. (Y/n), you work here?” 
Upon hearing your name, Suna also lifts his head up. He’s more silent than his friend, simply looks you up and down before looking back over at his phone. A reaction you didn’t mind, at least he didn’t have to vocalise his words. 
Atsumu is ignoring the death glare you’re currently sending him. “May I have more water please?” He gestures towards his half empty glass of water. 
You look down at the glass. “Maybe you should finish it first?”
Atsumu’s smile gets wiped off his face the moment at that realisation. This is what he gets for mustering up an excuse on the spot. 
“Ignore his stupid ass.” Osamu knocks him on the head with his elbow.
“I’m not stupid!” Atsumu tries to hit him back but is stopped when you ask them politely to stop fighting in a restaurant. 
“That’s a debatable statement.”  “That’s debatable.” You and Suna both say at the same time. A small chuckle leaves his lips and a small smile grows on your own. Atsumu notices and his brows crease in frustration. Not at what you both said; no not that, he’s used to handling the verbal abuse from his friends and sometimes you. It’s the fact that you both are looking at each other and smiling at each other and saying the same things at the same time—
Without thinking, he grabs his half-empty glass of water and downs it so quick it almost spills on the table. You look at him, confused, before he’s placing the glass back on the table. “Show me where to fill this up.” 
“Uh—okay?” You reach forward to grab the glass and head towards the fill station. Atsumu is following behind you, standing a bit too close for comfort as he watches you fill up the water glass. 
He leans down to whisper in your ear. “So…guess what?” 
You stiffen upon hearing his voice so close to your ear. “I don’t care Atsumu,”
“Damn. Atsumu? What happened to that cute nickname you used to give me all the time.” 
“Shut up. I’m mad at you.” You turn off the tap and hand him his glass of water. “Why did you bring them here? What part of ‘I want us’ “ you gesture at the both of you “to be a secret don’t you understand?”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted to see you.” He presses a kiss to your earlobe. “Forgive me? Please?”
You groan, allowing him to leave kisses along your jawline. “...Fine. But stop kissing me, I’m workin—”
“Take a break.” He muffles into the skin of your neck. 
“I—I can’t.”
He pulls out from the junction in your neck to press his forehead against yours. You stare deep into his hazel eyes, as if he’s trying to coax you into doing what he says. And man, it’s working. His stare paired along with the hand trailing up your leg, resting on the bristsles of your skirt. “Go to the bathroom, I’ll be right there.”
His smile is so contagious, he’s pressing a warm kiss to your nose before he’s bouncing to the bathrooms. You head to the back, asking your manager for a quick 15 minute break. She looks hesitant and first because the restaurant is extra busy tonight but you tell her you’ll make it up for her next shift. After a couple more moments of pleading, she’s letting you take a small break, so you head towards the bathroom where you saw Atsumu go inside.
“Sorry I took so lon—.” You allow Atsumu to press you up against the counter, his fingers lifting up your chin to slot your lips together. “Wait.” You tap at his chest to grab his attention.
“You said you wanted to tell me something? Earlier.”
You watch as his face falls a little, trying to remember. “Oh! Yeah! I won the game.”
“Really?! Congratulations ’Tsumu!” You hug him, wrapping your arms tight around his neck. He’s pulling you closer, a hand drifting downwards to wrap your legs around his waist. “I’m so proud of you.” You mutter in his ear. 
Your praise sends a shiver down his spine and he holds you tighter.  He gently moves you to sit on the counter and maneouvers himself between your legs. “Praise me more.” 
“You’re so stupid.” You chuckle airily, gasping when his hands tighten on your waist. 
“How long do we have? Fifteen minutes?”
“Actually—” You groan, digging your fingers in his hair when he lays kisses along your neck, taking his sweet time because he thinks you have fifteen minutes. “We have about five…”
“Five?” He pulls out from your neck and looks at you confused. 
“I’m sorry! My manager wouldn’t let me have fifteen…”
“Guess we will have to make the most of it.” He pushes you down from the counter, digging his fingers into your tights and pulls them down your legs.
“Wait…you’re doing that here?! Now?!” 
“Yeah? I’ll be quick.” He gets on his knees, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. He lifts your leg, putting it over his shoulder for better placement, tugging you forward. 
“’Tsumu, this isn’t very sanitary—” You’re cut off when he licks up your slit, wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking harshly. “Oh fuck.” You exhale shakily, a hand coming up to your mouth to stiffen your moan, the other tracks downwards to the puffy ball of blonde hair beneath you, digging your fingers into the strands. 
His tongue laves ruthlessly at your clit, eyes closed shut as he loses himself in your pussy, moving a finger up to press at your slit, tickling the hole before slipping it inside. “’Tsum—oh my god—yes!” You whimper, voice muffled by your palm as he fucks his fingers deeper inside you, briefly moving his lips away from your clit to lick at your juices along the inside of your thighs.
It’s messy, so messy but you can’t bring him to stop. Not with the way he’s adding a second finger to the mix, pumping them out at a lazy pace, but enough to have your entire face flushing, enough to have you biting down on the inside of your palms to stiffen your moans.
He lifts himself up from the ground, fingers still twisting inside you and leans in for a kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck, holding him closer to you as he pushes his tongue past your lips. You're moaning into his mouth, allowing his fingers to brush up against your spot. “’Tsumu, I’m gonna cum—”
“Cum on my fingers, babe.” He breaks the kiss to look down at where his fingers are pumping inside you, the wet slick sound it makes as he somehow pushes his fingers even deeper. 
“Oh sh—fuck! I’m gon—” Your scream is cut off when he kisses you briefly.
“D’ya wanna get us caught?” He smiles against your lips and you look up at him, dazily before hiding your face in his neck, cumming on his fingers, hiding your moan in his shirt. 
It feels like forever until he pulls his fingers out and you can’t help but cover your face when he licks at his fingers that are absolutely soaked with your juices. “’Tsumu, can you stop! That’s so embarrassing.” You move his fingers away from his mouth but he’s gotten them sealed tight, like a vacuum to it’s dust. 
“Not my fault you taste so good.” He’s wiping his spit soaked fingers against his pants before kissing you again. “By the way, that definitely was more than five minutes.”
You blink, trying to understand what he means until you remember where you are right now and panic. “Oh shit!” You’re pushing past him to slide off the counter, tugging your tights backup and readjust your uniform. “Never come here unannounced again.” You poke at his chest.
“I’ll be here same time next week.” He winks at you and you’re scoffing before exiting the bathroom. He waits a couple seconds to avoid suspicion before he’s heading back to his table.
“How long does it take to get some fucking water?” Suna says the moment Atsumu comes to sit back down.
“Yeah, it’s been like ten minutes.”
“Was busy.” His smile is extra cheerful today and they look at him weirdly before he’s adjusting himself in his seat to try and get a better look at you working. He waits until you’re sitting down at the back, wiping some sweat from your forehead before he brings out his phone to text you.
Atsumu: did i tell u that u look sexy in that uniform ;)
Me: why havent you left yet
Atsumu: that’s not how to treat customers
Me: pls go home. I cant work properly with you here
Atsumu: are u gettin shy on me?
Me: no ur just staring at me like a creep. Stop
Atsumu: ok ill look at your sexy manager instead
Me: fuck u
His text goes unnoticed by you as you turn off your phone, making sure to silence notifications and stuff it in the pocket of your apron. 
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nephenees-lance · 3 months
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It's my 11 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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lustylita · 2 months
Does anyone wanna follow my instagram/ Discord? Wanna get to know you lovelies! :)
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souppuppey · 3 months
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Ryker, please come home.
Your family misses you.
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abbybubbls · 10 months
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Muriel may be innocent, but they're not a baby!
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piixelpaint · 2 years
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A rough wip sketch for a moment in @naffeclipse‘s Under the Storm. Actually have a few Sleuth Jesters sketches waiting for me to get back to them, but I’m so swamped with other stuff it’ll have to wait, hopefully not indefinitely :<
Anywho, though the main Sleuth Jesters storyline is technically finished, it’s still got me in a tight chokehold like a certain mafia boss amIright XD. Seriously can’t sing praises enough for how much fun this series is! Naff has cemented herself as one of my fav writers, love their work!
Vigilante!Y/N’s design is also very heavily borrowed from @pure-plum​ - they’re just too cool, couldn’t not draw them! 
So if you haven’t yet, go check out the Detective AU originally coined by @starlightcloudbaby and the accompanying written work by @naffeclipse!! :D
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zero-is-nebulous · 4 months
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Another Tails commission from @gareaf ! This one's from a fanfiction they're writing, so check it out immediately!!!!! >:D
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tripingonaceid · 5 months
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"I don't even like you.."
"You do."
Last post of this year 😭💪 WOOP WOOP!! Happy New Years Eve to everyone! 🥂🎉
Thought I should post something eventually to congratulate Neil Gaiman on the renewal for Season 3‼️ CONGRATULATIONS!! 🥂
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texaschainsawmascara · 7 months
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