#wordpress platforms
aphonicsolutions · 1 year
How To Maintain The Stability Of Your WordPress Site?
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Maintaining the stability of your WordPress for your website is crucial to ensure its performance, security, and user experience. Here are some WordPress website stability steps you can take to maintain your WordPress site keep WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated, have regular backups, monitor website performance, optimize images and media, implement security measures, and regularly test for more detailed information visit our blog.
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kimmiessimmies · 2 months
Crushes and Squishes (1/14)
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Her feet in the water, Kyra stared out over the sea. It had been one of those perfect summer days when the pressure of school obligations were left behind, the weather was just that sweet middle of wonderfully warm but not too hot and the company had been just right.
She smiled. The company had been just right. She was still thankful every day for the connection she and Malik had made a year and a half ago at that awful birthday party at Holly’s. He had proved to be the most awesome friend in the world. And they clicked on so many levels. Okay, he didn’t share her obsession for horses, and she didn’t really get those RPGs he played, but when it came to the real stuff, they understood each other. They could talk for hours about anything and everything. It was a shame he would now be on holiday for two weeks.
She knew about the rumours going through the school saying she and Malik were secretly hooking up, and they had a good laugh about that together. A relationship? A romantic one? Them? Ha! That was never going to happen. Not only did Kyra not feel attracted to Malik in that way; he didn’t feel attracted to anyone in that way. He told her months ago he had come to realise he was aro/ace. Aromantic and asexual. Malik hadn’t told a lot of people about this, just some of his online gaming friends and Kyra. Not because it was a secret but mostly because he didn’t feel like explaining. From their research online, Kyra and Malik had found a lot of misunderstanding, especially for young aro/ace people. “You just haven’t met the right person yet.” This made Kyra angry, but Malik shrugged it off, saying, “Maybe they’re right, maybe there is someone I match with. Maybe I will find I’m demisexual or grayromantic or vice versa or whatever, but that doesn’t make me less aro/ace. I know my truth.” This was the true spirit of Malik: somewhat stubborn but always confident.
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389 · 1 year
Another feature that could spark more discussions: Instagram’s network isn’t starting from scratch. It will build on the company’s own network yes. But over time, Threads will also let you follow discussions on Mastodon and potentially other services that adopt ActivityPub. Tumblr and WordPress, which share a parent company, have both said they will support publishing on the protocol. In a year or two, then, you might read WordPress blog posts in Threads — or read Threads posts in your favorite Mastodon client. It’s an almost unthinkable reversal from Meta’s extremely lucrative walled-garden strategy, which it has employed for its entire history as a company. But Mosseri told me that decentralization is the future of social networks — even if it means that someday a disgruntled Threads user will be able to take the following they build in the app to another network, never to return. “There definitely are trade offs,” Mosseri said. “You're giving up some control. But there are benefits. I do think over time, it's going to be a more compelling value proposition that other apps are going to offer. And I think that should attract more creative talent over the long run.”
— Casey Newton, in a Platformer piece discussing Instagram’s new Twitter clone, quoting their chief Adam Mosseri
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ashmp3 · 29 days
in another life i would be a beauty influencer reviewing products and living my best life but unfortunately i hate the thought of my face and voice being on the internet forever so. Ive been thinking of making some kind of weekly favorites type of posts... would that be enjoyable for you guys to read😭
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percivalias · 7 days
Good website builders/hosts?
Hey gang. Looking to switch my website from its current platform to a new one here in a couple months when the annual subscription runs out but I'm not entirely sure what all the options are beyond the really big companies that dominate the market. I'm looking for something that has a visual editor that is easy to work with & flexible, while still letting me dig into the code and write custom HTML/CSS when I need that. Anyone have any recs?
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duskwingmoth · 3 days
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Last week's phone drawrs
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wphostzone · 23 days
What is Web Hosting? Discover Types, Key Factors, & 2024’s 12 Best Web Hosting Platforms.
Web hosting—the physical presence of your website on the internet—is essential for your online business. Without dependable web hosting, you jeopardize your capacity to run your business and meet your consumers’ expectations.
Understanding web hosting and how it works can be difficult, particularly for people who are unfamiliar with the notion. This article will clearly describe web hosting, explain the many types of web hosting plans available, and outline the essential factors to consider when selecting a hosting company.
What is web hosting?
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Web hosting uses internet-facing hardware and software to provide web services to end users. It is where your website and services are stored, processed, and delivered.
At its most fundamental, web hosting consists of secure internet interfaces and communications, computer server hardware and storage, web server software, and content (text, pictures, audio/video).
However, most web hosting solutions also include database servers, content management systems, e-commerce tools, security and authentication, and other applications required for websites to function and remain secure.
The web hosting sector is critical and is expected to increase by more than 20% year between 2024 and 2028.
How much does web hosting cost?
Hosting charges vary, typically based on capabilities. You may pay $10 per month for a simple billboard-style website to market your business online, or much more if you run a successful e-commerce store with thousands of clients.
To successfully select web hosting that works for you, you simply need to understand your goals and how to translate them into hosting requirements.
Types of Web Hosting
Shared hosting.
Dedicated Hosting
VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting
Cloud hosting
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doll-elvis · 1 year
Do you believe Kathy Tatum’s story?
thank you so much for the question because I’ve been needing an excuse to delve into this as I’ve always wondered about the validity of her story 👀
**as always this is long but I found some strong and damning evidence 🤧!!
For context: Kathy Tatum is a Memphis native who claims to have met Elvis, who was 34 at the time, outside the gates of Graceland on July 2, 1969, when she was 16 years old. According to her, they began casually dating from that first initial meeting and continued to do so up until 1972-ish
In 2015 she published her book, “Love beads from Elvis”, which is mainly compromised of entries from the diary she kept during her time with Elvis as well as commentary from her perspective now. Recently, she was also featured in the Amazon documentary “Elvis’ women” where she shared more about her experience
Anyone who has kept a diary knows just how repetitive the entries can get. Every entry/chapter of her book is essentially "woke up, went to school, met with Elvis, went to the Memphian, made out, mom made us come home, went to bed". So it’s definitely not the most exciting read but I will say it’s very immersive, and I definitely felt like I was in her shoes so to speak
Here are Kathy and Elvis pictured when they first met, as well as the shot she snapped of him alone ⬇️
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And here is part of the entry describing their first initial meeting (click each photo to read in its entirety) ⬇️
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As for the validity…
short answer: either kathy is completely lying or she is just terrible with dates
my vote is with completely lying
long answer: The three best methods, in my opinion, for determining whether a book or story concerning Elvis is true or not are...
1. Check to see if anyone else in Elvis' life, particularly his inner circle, has confirmed or refuted the claim
2. Check to see if Elvis' described behavior matches with how we know he acted based on credible sources
3. Finally, and most importantly, check to determine if the dates match and if Elvis was indeed where the person claimed he was
This 3rd method is definitely the most reliable, as many falsified stories about Elvis tend to get the dates wrong. For example claiming he was in Vegas while, in fact, he was in Memphis
From what I have researched, Kathy fails 2 of the above mentioned methods
Method number one: Kathy fails. Nobody who knew Elvis has even acknowledged Kathy Tatum, let alone denied her story. Essentially, Kathy does not exist in the “Elvis Universe” according to his closest friends/girlfriends/family members
And most damning for Kathy, not even Charlie Hodge, who is talked about nearly as often as Elvis in her book and who also allegedly dated her sister, has spoken about her
So, once again, I find it difficult to believe that Kathy, who claims to have frequented the Memphian with Elvis and Charlie, and occasionally the entire group, has never been mentioned by anyone else
In one entry in Kathy's book, she states that as she got up from her seat in the theater to go to the concession stand, Elvis got up and followed her, and began kissing her in front of the counter worker and a few members of the group…yet no one in his circle has ever talked about the 16-year-old blonde that Elvis would very publicly make out with? And would sit with and kiss inside the theater?
As for method number 2, I would say this is one that Kathy actually passes 🤧
To give an example of how this method can help determine the validity of a story, we can talk about Byron Raphael and his egregious claims
One claim being that Elvis personally asked Byron to have girls give “practice” bl*wjobs (on Byron) so that Byron could evaluate whether she was skilled enough before she went to see Elvis. Another claim made by Byron is that Elvis liked to keep his bedroom door open while having s*x with the girl he was with so that everybody in the hotel could see and hear…
You don’t even have to do much research about Elvis to know that it’s completely uncharacteristic of him, as Elvis was insanely protective of his dates and would get easily jealous. I mean Jerry nearly got fired for just having a casual conversation with Priscilla 😭
And, according to Sonny and Red West, when parties were thrown at the Perugia Way house in Los Angeles and people were skinny dipping and such, Elvis would not allow hisself or his girl for the night to participate ⬇️
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so basically… Byron is full of shit (yet Alanna Nash used him as a source, multiple times, which says everything about her credibility 💀)
Now, the reason I feel that Kathy passes this specific method is that their relationship never went beyond kissing/fondling, which, as we all know, was typical of Elvis in some of his relationships. Another is that the food she depicts him eating is consistent with what we know he liked (hamburgers and more hamburgers, basically), and I believe she accurately describes Elvis and his slightly odd sense of humor as well. But still it’s not enough to prove validity as all of this would be easy to research and perhaps the author did, and that’s why it’s so accurately written in her book
Lastly for method number 3, Kathy fails this one quite miserably which again is very damning for the validity of her book
On multiple occasions throughout her book, Elvis was not actually where she claimed he was (based on the dates of her entries)
For example, one of the most terribly obvious mistakes in her dated entries occurs on July 15th, 1970
This is Kathy Tatum’s recollection of that day in Memphis, Tennessee ⬇️
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And this is where Elvis actually was, filming rehearsals for MGM in Culver City… California ⬇️
like we have video (and very famous video) evidence that Elvis was not making out with Kathy Tatum in Memphis 🤧
Another example takes place on March 15th, 1971
This is Kathy’s recollection of that day in a motel with Elvis in Memphis, Tennessee ⬇️
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And this is where Elvis actually was… in Nashville, Tennessee… rehearsing
(and again, video/auditory evidence that Elvis was not in Memphis making out with Kathy)
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So all in all… much like Byron, Kathy is full of shit 🤧
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literal-ghost · 7 months
How quickly do you think it'll be before Tumblr gets sold off to some other company that has no idea how to handle it?
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briancocksofficial · 1 year
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anyone else here a fan of cumulative undying momentum
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Fat White Bricklayer Named Craig! - Chapter 1 now available
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communitycooks · 2 years
cooking is a radical act of love.
in an age where people are burnt out by the gears of capitalism and the impending feeling of doom perpetuated by our social media feeds, where can we find the energy to cook?
cooking takes mental prep, planning, and time out of our day. but it is so worth it. cooking is radical when we can just go out to eat or order p*stm*tes with a click of a button. choosing to slow down and making what we put into our bodies is radical. maybe i’m just a sucker for compliments but i love giving my loved ones a warm meal and basking in their “mmmm”s when they take their first bite.
i remember when i started at my first big adult^tm job, i had a really rough time. one of my dearest friends listened to me as i cried about not being able to take care of myself properly. i was an adult, i should be able to do that right? they meal prepped a week’s worth of bulgogi stir fry and delivered it to my apartment. in la? that’s a big deal. an act of love, if i’m not being too presumptuous.
there is so much storytelling and history in cooking. i made this blog for a variety of purposes - a creative outlet, sharing my love of cooking, etc., etc., but i really want to focus on the cultural histories and stories inherent to cooking. i’m here to dispel myths around health and ethnic cooking. i’m here to share my love.
my name is cei (they/them). i’m a first gen, vietnamese american  public health grad student passionate about food and i hope y’all will join me on this community project! submit your family recipes, tell me your stories.
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barefootwalkerguy · 2 years
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Platform Shoes from the 70's - going from barefoot shoes to regular modern day shoe feels like putting on platform shoes.
I drew this cartoon.
See my new blog for more cartoons!
Barefoot Shoe Walker on Blogger
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apekssolutions · 6 days
Key Differences: Shopify vs WooCommerce Inventory Management
This video provides a comprehensive comparison of inventory management features between two leading e-commerce platforms: Shopify and WooCommerce inventory management. It explores their unique capabilities, user-friendliness, and customization options, helping businesses determine which platform best suits their inventory management needs. Key topics include stock tracking, bulk import/export functionalities, low stock alerts, and integration options. Ideal for entrepreneurs and online retailers looking to optimize their inventory processes and enhance operational efficiency with best WooCommerce inventory management plugin.
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Substack Mastery Book: Chapter 11
Supercharge Your Substack Newsletters with Blogging on WordPress, Medium, or Other Platforms: Here’s What You Need to Know and How to Get Started Right Now I wrote this chapter because I gained significant benefits from blogging, especially within the last 12 months when I started intensifying my efforts on Substack. Until I deliberately blogged my content published on Substack or sent it…
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wphostzone · 23 days
5 Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers for 2024 (Compared)
If you want to shift your WordPress site to one of the top-managed WordPress hostings, here are the best-managed hosts for WordPress: Managed Hosting Service ProviderRecommended minimum
Before I go into great detail, let me explain how I came to try over ten web hosting companies to produce the most careful list of the best-managed WordPress hosting on the Internet.
I launched BloggingInsight on a shared hosting platform in 2024.
However, over time, BloggingInsight gained popularity and, as a result, increased traffic. I knew I needed to upgrade to stronger hosting to meet my blog’s rising needs.
Eventually, I switched to managed WordPress hosting. I went through a couple of managed hosts before finding Kinsta, which also hosts BloggingInsight.
Kinsta is one of the best-managed WordPress hosts, but I’ll provide a list of other options at the end of this essay.
You can still use a low-cost host if you’re new to WordPress. If your blog acquires popularity, you should consider managed WordPress hosting.
The best-managed WordPress hosting providers
So now that you know what I look for in a well-managed host, here is my list of the best WordPress-managed hosts for your high-traffic blog.
WP Engine
WPX Hosting
1. Kinsta
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Kinsta is what I use to host BloggingInsight, and it is recommended as the best-managed hosting by WordPress professionals.
They designed their hosting options expressly to help heavy-duty WordPress sites function quickly. They employ Google Cloud infrastructure, which is fully connected with Cloudflare and includes all of the best technologies such as Nginx, PHP8+, Redis, and Object cache. This ensures your website loads quickly.
Despite how popular BloggingInsight has grown, I can still achieve page load times in less than one second using Kinsta hosting.
They also provide excellent support. When I migrated BloggingInsight to Kinsta, I encountered some issues with outdated plugins that were not compatible with PHP 7, and guess what? Kinsta’s CEO stepped in to assist. That is their level of dedication.
Kinsta also provides other excellent features like:
Data centers are located on multiple continents, allowing you to choose the ideal location for your needs.
Backups are performed automatically every day and on request.
Security includes several firewalls, DDoS protection, and security assessments to keep your site safe.
Easy-to-use staging area
Free wildcard SSL certificates
Competitive pricing.
Excellent customer help is provided. 24/7/365
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Their cheapest package starts at $35 per month and increases from there. I’m on their Business 4 plan, which includes unique pricing as a benefit of being an early customer.
From my personal experience, I can say that Kinsta is the best WordPress host.
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jcmarchi · 25 days
Shipping Tumblr and WordPress
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/shipping-tumblr-and-wordpress/
Shipping Tumblr and WordPress
Didya see that Tumblr is getting a WordPress makeover? And it’s not a trivial move:
This won’t be easy. Tumblr hosts over half a billion blogs. We’re talking about one of the largest technical migrations in internet history. Some people think it’s impossible. But we say, “challenge accepted.”
Half a billion blogs. Considering that WordPress already powers somewhere around 40% of all websites (which is much, much higher than 500m) this’ll certainly push that figure even further.
I’m sure there’s at least one suspicious nose out there catching whiffs of marketing smoke though I’m amicable to the possibility that this is a genuine move to enhance a beloved platform that’s largely seen as a past relic of the Flickr era. I loved Tumblr back then. It really embraced the whole idea that a blog can help facilitate better writing with a variety of post formats. (Post formats, fwiw, are something I always wished would be a WordPress first-class citizen but they never made it out of being an opt-in theme feature). Tumblr was the first time I was able to see blogging as more than a linear chain of content organized in reverse chronological order. Blog posts are more about what you write and how you write it than they are when they’re written.
Anyway, I know jobs are a scarce commodity in tech these days and Auttomatic is looking for folks to help with the migration.
I was about to say this “could” be a neat opportunity, but nay, it’s a super interesting and exciting opportunity, one where your work is touching two of the most influential blogging platforms on the planet. I remember interviewing Alex Hollender and Jon Robson after they shipped a design update to Wikipedia and thinking how much fun and learning would come out of a project like that. This has that same vibe to me. Buuuut, make no illusions about it: it’ll be tough.
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