#world healing nature restored etc etc
slythereen · 11 months
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austin gp 2023 you are a beauty ❤️
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icycoldninja · 7 months
hello! i read the half angel s/o hc's for dante recently and thought it was a sweet concept, so i was wondering if you could write some more for nero and maybe vergil? have a nice day :)
Nero and Vergil x Half Angel S/O headcannons
○ Nero ○
-He's amazed to learn you're half angel and is really curious about your powers, and wonders if you can restore his arm.
-When you guys go out on missions, he's careful to keep the demons away from you so you can focus on support.
-Nero practically fell in love with you all over again when he saw your angel trigger and now sees you as a living deity, making sure to treat you like one, too.
-He will massage you, utilizing his prosthetic arm(s)' full potential.
-Calls you Sunshine, Bright-Lights, and other light-related nicknames,
-Takes you places with beautiful scenery, like lakes, cliffs, plains, etc. And then takes pictures of you which he will save on his phone so he can admire you whenever he's away from home.
-All in all, Nero loves his beautiful ball of sunshine more than anything in the world.
□ Vergil □
-Half demon plus a half angel? That's a match literally made in heaven.
-Congratulations on revealing your angelic nature; Vergil is now your devoted bodyguard, dedicated to protecting you from literally any and all harm, be it a cockroach crawling around in the kitchen or a massive demon with eight heads.
-Didn't want to bring you on missions because he's afraid you'll get hut. Then he remembers you have healing abilities, and that those are very useful, so he allows you to come along.
-Is extremely protective of you during battle, going as far as to take hits for you so you can be safe.
-At one point he became critically wounded, resulting in you activating your angel trigger to heal him.
-When you healed him and he came to, he genuinely thought he had died and gone to heaven.
-After that incident, he started calling you "my savior" (in private, of course) and grew more and more protective each day until he might as well have been your personal guard dog.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 11 months
Why do you think Diablo has disenged on it's core themes? (I mean I agree) I've always considered it to be a franchise with some insane wasted potential, but my perspective comes more from Diablo 3 and 4. Id be nice if you could expand on that.
I mean, my argument is that Diablo 1 was a dungeon crawler with a randomized loot mechanic that existed mostly to enable the roguelike random level generation that ensured replayability for the adventure. Players shouldn't be able to simply beeline it to the most powerful items in the game once they figure out exactly where they are, so randomization made each journey into the Tristram Cathedral a new process of discovery.
It's a game that, yes, wants to provide engaging gameplay, but just as much as the discovery of loot, it is driven by discovery of its world and story - multiple NPCs in the game exist that have no function or benefit to the player except as characters to interact with. You find lore tomes in the labyrinth which give you exposition about the world, but offer no tangible benefits. Shrines will randomize your stats, transform your potions, curse your items, randomly teleport you into a horde of monsters. The world is populated by objects, people and events that entice a player with curiosity to see what happens as much as they entice the player with the power fantasy of Making Number Go Up, and plenty of interactions have no hard gameplay benefit. "Sub dungeons" in the labyrinth, like the Halls of the Blind or Chamber of Bone, exist in part to give the player lootable rewards and monsters to fight, but also each of them have their own exposition, lore and worldbuilding (however limited by budget and technical limitations).
Diablo 2 realized that the skinner box thrill of randomized loot drops and number-go-up optimization was by far the most primally emotionally engaging part of Diablo 1's gameplay, and began the process of reorienting the franchise ENTIRELY to enable that specific pleasure. The loot system expands exponentially, crafting, gem slotting, etc all get introduced, and loot mechanics are given pride of place in terms of how the game engages the players. Shrines all provide knowable, specific benefits, every NPC is either a quest-giver or a merchant, there are HUNDREDS of randomized sub-dungeons on every map, and the vast majority of them have absolutely no narrative content whatsoever, they are merely slot machine arms for the player to pull, hoping for a chance of a jackpot loot drop.
Diablo 3 is the apotheosis of this process - a game which drops all pretense that the nature of your loot matters in favor of orienting every part of it around chasing the high of Getting A Bigger Number. You're a sorcerer running around with a greatsword? No problem! You cast all your spells as normal. So long as the greatsword has Bigger Numbers, anything works. Templar with a Wand? Equally viable! Damage numbers inflate into the millions, hordes of monsters swell with ever greater numbers, your spells and abilities clear entire screens in seconds, and everything in the game revolves around enabling the player's power fantasy.
In Diablo 1 you are an unimportant adventurer, the latest in a long line of unremarkable hopefuls, stepping alone into the bowels of a middle-of-nowhere village church, creeping slowly through its doors and hallways, fighting its monsters primarily one by one. Any group of ranged monsters can kill you in seconds, even in the late-game, and if you get surrounded, likely as not you are quite simply dead. It's tense, lonely, unglamorous and often desperate. Unwieldy inventory management puts constraints on your ability to heal and restore mana. You can only carry so many potions while leaving room for loot, and remember to leave room for your Town Portals and Identify scrolls, and for your all-important gold, which will clog your inventory almost totally by the end. Slay a unique monster and hope to god that the item it dropped wasn't cursed. Touch a shrine and you might lose 2 Strength points and suddenly be unable to equip your armor. When you kill Diablo, you find he is nothing but the possessed body of a young boy who was abducted and abused by a corrupt priest, an ugly and mundane tragedy leading to extraordinary suffering.
In Diablo 3 you are the most specialest most important incredible super-hero that has ever existed. You are a half-angel half-demon unstoppable killing machine, mowing down hordes of demons and corrupted angels like nothing, absolutely BATHING in infinite showers of ultra-powerful legendary loot, each more ultra-powerful and legendary than the last. You deal ten million damage with a single ability. You fight Ultra Diablo, the special super-powered SUPER SAIYING MEGA ULTRA super-powered extra special Prime Evil who is the most powerful evil bad guy who has ever existed and YOU are the only one in the whole universe who can beat him because you're SO special, yes you are! Identify shit by clicking on it! Cast town portal whenever you want! Enemies drop infinite health potions whenever you need them! Fuck it, you even KILL DEATH by the end because you are invincible and immortal and unstoppable and perfect. Fear has no hold on you, never in your life will you know uncertainty or doubt. AND it's your birthday! Buy a sword that is 3.2% better than your magic wand with real money in the auction house as a treat!
tl;dr Diablo 1 is an adventure game, Diablo 3 is Cookie Clicker.
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catofadifferentcolor · 6 months
Terrible Fic Idea #87: Percy Jackson, but make it MCU
Look, I didn't want to come up with yet another crazy PJO crossover, but here I am. Because instead of just coming up with the lightest, fluffiest, gayest PJO romance possible - which is what I wanted - I had to turn it into an MCU identity reveal fic too.
Or: What if post-ToA Percy Jackson was Peter Parker's caseworker following Aunt May's untimely death?
Just imagine it:
Tony Stark first meets Percy Jackson in the ICU of Metropolitan General the day after Peter and his aunt are caught in a terrible subway accident. May dies on scene. Even with his advanced healing, Peter is badly injured and taken to the nearest hospital - where it quickly becomes apparent he's Enhanced. It takes about 24 hours for the news to make its way to Tony, who immediately storms the hospital with the intention of taking Peter back to his Tower to heal-
-only to be told Peter's not going anywhere by the social worker assigned to the case.
This is remarkable for many reasons, not the least because the social worker is an unassuming, overworked 27-year-old wearing Finding Nemo socks and a faded Save the Oceans t-shirt. That the case worker - Percy Jackson - stands his ground in the face of Iron Man's wrath is even more remarkable, but Tony is forced to admit the kid has a point: he can't just let someone without any obvious connection to a minor walk off with said minor, particularly when that minor is Enhanced.
It takes Tony a couple days to get his ducks in a row, proving that he is not only able and willing to take in Peter, but is the one his aunt wanted to take care of him in the event something happened to her. During that time he has JARVIS research everything he can on Percy (lives in a Central Park penthouse owned by his long-time boyfriend, a successful music producer; volunteers for a NPO started by his best friend dedicated to restoring the wild; brief stint as the youngest ever on the FBI's most wanted, etc), but finds nothing to suggest he's anything other than a social worker trying to do what's best for his charges.
Percy becomes a semi-regular fixture at the Tower. At first it's just business, checking in on how Peter is doing and facilitating the foster care/adoption paperwork. Later it becomes something akin to friendship, with Percy being utterly unimpressed by Tony's fame but remarkably charmed by his inventions and philanthropic efforts. (He also comes to have strong feelings about the Rogues and their actions during the Civil War once he learns of them, helping Tony to see their betrayal for what it is. This alone makes him one of Rhodey and Pepper's favorite people.)
This goes on for quite some time - though I see this as happening post-CACW, we don't jump straight into the Infinity War, with there being several years wherein the Accords are ratified, the Rogues found and tried for their actions in the Civil War, and for the most part allowed to return to the Avengers on a probationary basis - until Thor finally arrives with news of Thanos' impending arrival.
Only Percy happens to be visiting when Thor arrives and the Avengers naturally have questions after Thor addresses him as Prince Perseus.
The truth of Percy's identity comes out in fits and starts (demigod son of Poseidon, saved the world a couple times, ascended to become God of Heroes, Natural Disasters, and Poison as well as Patron God of New York City; has been dating Apollo since he was fourteen; yes, is actually a social worker, albeit one who takes cases across the country to protect demigods and Enhanced), which is not helped by Thor (who can't help but comment on what he knows of Percy's heroics) or Apollo (who shows up after Percy texts an SOS but can't help but talk up his boyfriend either.)
The Infinity War still happens, albeit rather differently than in canon - perhaps Thanos turns out to be a disgruntled child or sibling of Gaia out for revenge, justifying Greek/Roman interference? But the details don't really matter as much as the identity reveal.
And... that's really all I have with regards to plot. But there should be a lot of character moments leading up to the reveal that hint at who Percy really is but which don't form a coherent narrative until the truth is revealed.
Bonuses include:
The softest, fluffiest romance possible for Apollo and Percy, with the pair more or less falling head over heels at first sight at the start of TTC, having their first kiss at the party at the end of the book, and dating throughout the rest of the Titan War. Apollo goes absolutely batshit insane when Percy goes missing at the start of HOO and breaks out of Olympus to crash the Senate meeting at the end of SoN and check on his boyfriend, and eventually gets made mortal for helping too much during the Giant War. The broad strokes of ToA occur with Percy fighting at his now-mortal boyfriend's side, and Percy ascends to godhood when Apollo regains his. There's some tension (Zeus is not happy about his firstborn son's choice of lover, fearing overthrow; Poseidon fears Apollo will end up breaking Percy's heart, but softens after Percy ascends and his chance of becoming a flower diminishes; many CHB campers think Percy's mad for dating a god, etc) but for the most part it should be as fluffy as circumstances allow.
Percy having been really obvious about his background, but in ways that seem reasonable ("How did you meet your boyfriend?" "I was at a really bad party when a friend ended up calling her brother to pick us up early. I fell in love with his car and then with him.") or like jokes ("Those sea turtles really seem to like you." "I like them too." "I guess they're kind of cute." "Excellent conversationalists too.") until the full truth comes out; and
Thor attempting to make up for blowing Percy's cover in dramatic (and hilarious) ways. This should include the gift of at least one native Asgardian water plant ("Dude, have you never heard of invasive species?") and end in a bakery's worth of Asgardian baked goods.
And that's all I have, though given the way this has been living rent-free in my head all week there may be more. As always feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More PJO Ideas | More Terrible Fic Ideas
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okay so before I can talk about some things I have to establish some other things, and I'm shaking all the bees out of my brain today with great vigor, which means, without further ado: a brief overview of How Does Restoration Work (according to people named Mouse who are me)
point zero: for the most part, simplistically, each school of magic can be thought of as a manipulation of something. enchanting and conjuration fall under different strains of manipulation of souls, illusion as manipulation of the mind, and so forth. restoration is manipulation of the body.
now first (and this might be stating the obvious lol, but I have to state it): it does not work 1:1 exactly like it does in-game. people do not actually have the handy-dandy HP bar, illness/injury does not translate to a single number ticking downwards, and healing is definitely not just "make number go back up" in a matter of seconds. when you're at a point where a hypothetical HP bar would be nearly depleted, anything that's fast is not going to have the kind of long-term payoff that you need, but it might get you somewhere safer so you have the time to dedicate to actually properly healing.
secondly: in order to fix something, you have to know how it works. magic is a tool; any tool is only as effective as whoever is wielding it. it doesn't take a lot of knowledge to close a paper cut that didn't even bleed, but a severed tendon is going to be a very different story. an accomplished healer must have extensive knowledge of the body and its various systems in order to ensure their healing attempt is not going to inadvertently cause a whole slew of other problems. doctors today go through over a decade of schooling and training; in the US at least you're looking at a minimum of four years of premed, four years of med school, and three to seven years of residency. personally I think healers should also be the school of magic that requires the longest time spent learning because... there IS so much to learn! an additional note is that restoration has the benefit we do not of being magic, though: I think that in a world where healing is executed largely through the hands with magic, it stands to follow that you are not going to want to physically open someone up every time you need to check something inside the body, and so for my purposes this leads us to healers cultivating a specialized, passive sense of the bodily interior through touch. I've described this previously as a bit like echolocation as magic is channelled through the body and allows the healer a sort of "sixth sense" of precisely what's going on and where, though an in-universe analog might be a highly-refined version of "detect life".
(but Mouse, one might say, that's not a restoration spell! correct! the classification of magic is arbitrary! now put a pin in that thought because it will be important at a later date. not today though stay with me here.)
thirdly: as any tool should not be alone in the toolbox, magic can be used as a supplement or supplemented by mundane resources. if you have the time for it, an open wound will benefit from being stitched together to hold shape before applying magical healing, resulting in the need to produce far less scar tissue than a wound that you try to heal without closing it first. you still need to know how to use a tourniquet, how to handle a dislocated shoulder, how to drain an abscess, etc. just like you wouldn't whip out your power tools to hang a single photo frame, you have to know when to rely on magical healing and when to take whatever steps you can non-magically.
fourthly: magical healing has limits. manipulation of the body is not an all-powerful solution. no deus ex machina healing here. the two major restrictions are (1) the body's natural capabilities, and (2) the body's preexisting material. a body is capable of much more than we generally achieve in day-to-day life and nobody is running at 100% capacity 24/7 (because you would die, very fast). restoration can amplify measures that are already in place, such as stimulating platelet clotting/fibrin production over a cut to scab it over rapidly - and then, if taken further, providing the energy for tissue repair to move entirely from cut to scab to scar. crucially you will note that you cannot skip a stage! the healer is using what the body already has available, just allowing it to happen on a compressed timescale by boosting the energy available and providing external direction. there is a LOT of potential regarding what a healer could be capable of just by stimulating production of different hormones or shuffling brain chemistry alone. but! to reiterate! restoration is manipulative, not additive: a healer may be able to reattach a limb if they get to you in time, but they can't grow you a new arm out of nothing.
fourthly, subpoint: magical healing has cost, for both the healer and the patient. the more severe the injury/illness is, the longer it will take to heal and to recover fully from the expedited healing process, and thus the more energy the healer has to expend. a healer is limited most sharply by the depth of their own magicka reserve; practicing to expand the amount of magicka one has access to is just as fundamental a skill as learning anatomy and physiology. this is why most healers don't work alone! being able to literally split up the work - I'll take the broken leg; you focus on the slipped rib - reduces the probability of running out of magicka mid-patient and allows for fewer required follow-up sessions to ensure recovery is proceeding the way it should.
(fourthly, sub-subpoint: this is also why Colette Marence, the only professional healer in Winterhold, deserves a significant raise and a vacation and if anyone asks "is there a healer around" somebody ELSE can take care of it for once-)
fifthly: potions! we know that alchemical concoctions are a separate beast entirely from magic as executed by a mage - namely, I point here to spell absorption/spell reflection not being triggered by drinking a potion. this could take us down a separate rabbit hole about alchemy tapping into the innate magicka stored in reagents and the way THAT works, but for now the relevant question is: how does a healing potion differ from a healing spell? primarily the difference is capacity for intent and direction: a healer, being a person, can focus in on the specific site of injury and identify exactly what's wrong and exactly what steps need to be taken to fix it most efficiently. a potion does not have this capacity for specificity and is instead subject to the direction of the body's natural systems. ingested, it will be dispersed through the digestive system and through the bloodstream; applied as a salve it may work faster, but this usage is limited to external injuries. strong healing potions therefore are great for boosting your natural healing capacities long enough to get you to an actual healer for more serious cases, and may be all someone relies on for less serious cases - similar to using over-the-counter medication for a cold versus going to see a doctor for bronchitis.
tldr: restoration IS a perfectly valid school of magic, and just because it emphasizes mundane knowledge alongside esoteric magical knowledge does not make it any less fascinating or worthwhile. thank you <3
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acti-veg · 1 year
R.E taxidermy & disrespecting their bodies, I saw a taxidermist on insta who took a bird that had been killed by a cat - the poor thing's body was really quite mutilated, almost unrecognizable as the living creature it once was - and restored it back to what it looked like before, which I actually thought was quite beautiful/poignant - even to an unaffected outsider it was moving to see the 'life' restored the the animal. To me, it's more reminiscent of a human corpse being restored for a funeral viewing, which is something that's healing to some people - I know there's a few who get their pets taxidermied.
Just for clarity, I don’t think that disrespecting the animal’s body is the problem with taxidermy, since I have no real beliefs about the sacredness of dead bodies or the respect they’re due on any inherent level, outside of our feelings about them. My problem more comes from the resource lost to the natural world, as well what it says about us and our relationship with animals, particularly our feelings of entitlement.
I can understand that people may get a lot out of it as art but it’s meaningless for the animal. You can find ways of justifying it on the basis that no harm is caused etc but it’s the attempts at making it some sort of favour or service to the animal that really ring hollow. The animal is dead, they can’t benefit from anything done to dress up their body after death and they’re unlikely they have any wishes about what happens to their body. Their wider animal community however, are the ones who lose the benefit of that body in terms of a natural resource.
Regardless, what healing is really necessary for the death of a wild animal who the taxidermist presumably did not know and did not have any strong feelings towards? In this particular instance the animal was killed as a result of humans keeping cats and letting them go outside, they will never have their life restored. It’s hard to argue that this has anything to do with the animal benefiting from the process, it’s really only us who get anything from it.
People talk about taxidermy as creating beauty from a dead body, and I know that’s subjective, but I think that there is far more beauty in letting an animal’s body return to the earth, being consumed by other animals, bacteria and funghi, their body being returned to nature and their energy reused, something else growing in their place. That is more beautiful to me than a body being removed from the natural world forever, treated with chemicals and preservatives then stuffed and sat on someone’s shelf.
I have no strong ethical objection here, it just feels like a very tasteless and wasteful activity to me, to dress up and stuff a dead body rather than letting it return to their natural ecosystem. That just seems like a much better way to ‘honour’ the animal, if that is the goal. I think its less about love of the animal or beauty, and more about us exercising a perceived right to take ownership of an animal’s body after death, then using it for our own amusement.
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bonecarve · 3 months
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NAME. mahito (meaning: true human) SPECIES. cursed spirit MANIFESTATION OF human fear and hatred for other humans. AGE. simultaneously ageless and ~1 year old; curses are immortal, but mahito was manifested into being only recently. assumes a physical form that appears to be in its 20s. GENDER. agender ( he / they / she / it ); tends toward masculine non-binary expression. HEIGHT. 5’11 HAIR COLOUR. blue-gray EYE COLOUR. heterochromia ( gray left eye, blue right eye ) SCARS. patchwork scars across the face and body, giving him the appearance of one who has been stitched together.
ALIGNMENT. chaotic evil. NOTE. mahito is amoral, not immoral. they do not believe in the concept of morality as it pertains to good or bad; consequently, he does not consider himself evil. he simply lives and acts in accordance with his true nature — which cannot be immoral, insofar as morality has nothing to do with truth (and vice versa). DEFINING TRAITS. playful, sadistic, curious, intelligent, manipulative, philosophical, callous, immature.
TRANSFIGURATION. can alter his form at will, limited only by the scope of his own imagination. this includes the basics of appearance, such as height and gender, and more drastic transformations into both organic or inorganic forms. can transfigure their entire body or just selected parts of it. he is also capable of creating multiple, perfect clones of himself. 
SOUL MANIPULATION. including both his own (allowing him to heal and alter his physical form) and others. the ability to transfigure humans into monstrous abominations, as well as combine multiple human souls together into a single, subservient creature. the ability to touch one’s soul and kill them in an instant.
ENHANCED SPEED, STRENGTH, AND DURABILITY. mahito’s physical feats far surpass human capabilities. it is not possible to beat him in raw physical combat without the aid of (jujutsu) magic or supernatural powers.
CANON (JJK). adheres to canon events. mahito strives for the eradication of humanity and the domination of cursed spirits. believing that the reincarnation of sukuna is the best way to achieve this goal, they ally themselves with a group of special grade cursed spirits intent on restoring the king of curses to power.
GENERAL. this verse deals away with the limitations of jjk lore. cursed spirits are manifestations of human fear, hatred, sadness, and other negative emotions. they are visible to the naked human eye and prey upon humanity in varying ways (killing, consumption, etc). mahito is a cursed spirit with a distinctly humanoid appearance and mannerisms, making them a far more insidious presence than some of their overtly monstrous counterparts. his ability to live among and navigate the mortal world allows him to interact with humans — generally in sadistic and malevolent ways. they manipulate, encourage, and prey on negative emotion as a way to sow further fear and discontent. they kill indiscriminately, seeing humans as an imperfect species that will, inevitably, die out to make way for the curses that they themselves brought into existence. mahito uses humans as pawns and as tools, experimenting on them in order to gain more knowledge on the concept of the soul.
THE WITCHER. a particularly malevolent spirit, far exceeding the abilities of a common wraith. unlike other cursed apparitions of his ilk, mahito was not created from the negative emotions of his own, mortal form prior to death — rather, he came into being from the collective fears and hatred that humanity experiences toward itself. they were never human; rather, they are a manifestation born of mortal malevolence. unbound by geographical restraints, mahito wanders the continent and its islands at will, seeking to learn from — and ultimately discard — humanity. they are drawn to places ripe with negative emotions, where they prey on mankind’s hatred for its fellow man. although mahito has been known to kill and experiment on non-humans (such as elves, gnomes, and dryads), he tends his focus toward victimizing the same imperfect, hateful race that brought him into being.
as always, verses listed here aren't exhaustive. i love to come up with verses on a case-by-case basis / plot new ones out with writing partners. i've consumed so much media fr i'll figure out verses for just about anything.
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To Zephrah!
I am reminded that there's another place in the story where we've seen wounds that leak black ichor and refuse to heal by natural or magical means: the wound that Tharizdun left Ioun with.
oh the new Laudna art is gorgeous
Orym got a custom battle maneuver! Zephran Spirit lets him expend a superiority die and add the result to a dexterity save. I'm assuming it's not a dex save specifically caused by wind, because that's ridiculously specific -- it's probably something like dex saves against falling prone, being grappled, forced movement, etc.
First to greet them is Maeve, Orym's sister (in law), with a group of guards.
Keyleth is still wounded, and are multiple Zephran soldiers who made it out of "the Red Center." That battle was an "all to arms" situation, and most of Zephrah's military force was sent there. Lida, another of Orym's systers, was unharmed and is tending to Keyleth's wounds.
In Zephrah, some of the permanent enchantment-based wards are offline, and some of their means of transportation are down.
oh god, Keyleth's spell slots aren't restoring either???
When the malleus key went off, everyone in the crater responded differently. Many were scattered across the continent, and others have been sent after them; and the rest were left behind and continued the fight.
When they arrive, Keyleth is resting. Her wounds haven't closed, and while there is no blood, they look freshly carved, with exposed red flesh that hasn't healed over. "The assassin uses the same toxin that once found its way to our village. It doesn't have a historical precursor we can find, and I barely sustained an injury last time but we all lost much in the shadow of that day. They were able to recover with the use of a... challenging remedy made from the blue perenum flower." Few grow, but those that do are found in cursed landscapes -- places of strife and unfriendly beasts. The ones they collected last time were from the Gray Valley north of Zephrah, and were all used to heal wounds from the last attack -- though notably, it seems that the use of this remedy can only affect a living creature. A party, including one of Orym's sisters, went out to find this flower, but they haven't returned.
Zephrah lost over 2 dozen people in the crater. That number includes people who were teleported away who may still be alive, though.
"The last thing that I saw, before the light took us... was someone important to me. Someone I lost long ago. And I will do everything in my power to destroy those who did this. Otohan, Ludinus, Liliana -- all of them. I will tear down everything they represent, and I will see that they leave no more pain in their wake."
"We need to rally. Confusion is woven into the design. They have sown confusion for months, in big towns and small... [the Ruby Vanguard] is now emerging publicly, using the confusion and outrage of the public to bolster their efforts." She asks them to track down the group that went missing trying to find the flowers for the cure, and to bring them and the plant back.
"Find this for us, so that we may heal. Then, together, we will rain the fury of every power that Exandria has onto these absolute shitheads." Keyleth gets to swear twice a year, canon
Keyleth regards the gods as heralds of the natural world, and the general religious vibe in Zephrah is that they worship nature and the natural world -- they try to be good neighbors and hope the gods do the same in return.
"Herald" is such an interesting description to me. It paints the gods as entities that usher in, but do not overtly create, the natural world, or that stand as a mediator between the raw power of nature and its actual physical manifestation. It just feels very intentional in its meaning, when Keyleth could've used words like "harbinger," "hierophant," or something similar here.
Oh hey! the airship crashing actually did something! it took out dozens of Ruby Vanguard members and damaged the top of the malleus key.
Both Keyleth and Lida were left in the crater after the white light went off, and they saw that both Ludinus and Liliana had been teleported away. She saw a couple of the reilora come through, and they seemed to be in alliance with the Vanguard; the "nightmarish" entities can bleed. Some were hulking, some were quick, some weren't fully material, but none spoke with words.
The Gray Valley was the site of Drassig's bargain with the demon prince of indulgence, which corrupted the landscape. There are dark spirits and errant demons, but the landscape and creatures grow more dangerous under Ruidus flares (which is interesting considering that Drassig is canonically Ruidusborn).
Ashton asks one of Keyleth's advisors about the Hishari. He gives a different date for the actual event that destroyed the village -- around 20 years ago, according to him -- but otherwise there isn't much new information.
The Bells Hells go to visit Orym's mom. He grew up in a little cottagecore house with flowers everywhere, built for halflings -- so Fearne, Ashton, Laudna, and maybe Imogen all have to stoop down.
Laura: "that fantasy food sounds good IRL right now." Travis, immediately: *picks up phone, orders doordash to the studio*
.....Orym had toys made by Chetney when he was a baby. Chetney got his start in Tal'dorei. Orym never knew his father. "Did you create my childhood, Chetney?" I swear to gods, if one of the mid/endgame reveals ends up being that Chetney is Orym's father--
Ashton and Orym head into town to finally get their new outfits! Orym is looking for new leather armor (possibly enchanted), and it sounds like he wants some bracers of defense. Ashton wants to be his "best self, I want to inspire people, the look of a champion," and he pulls design references from the hole -- anti-hero chique. Legendary hero, but make it fashion. Also, Ashton is described as a "strange hunk."
"Whitestone is for lovers, Zephrah is for fuckers."
Arriving in the Gray Valley, it is a barren, monochrome, grayscale landscape covered in petrified plantlife and the smell of burning fat. They stand in the middle of a forest, but all the trees are blanched, their leaves are white and gray.
Chetney identifies that burning fat, melted wax-type smell as the smell that accompanies fiends when they cross into Exandria.
Also in this area, they find scattered bits of spherical metal that are embedded into the dirt -- helmets with skulls in them, accompanied by the rest of a body. From the dryness and the moss growth, these bodies are quite old.
I know they were singing Tom's Diner, but Centuries sounds so fucking similar--
Aww, FCG casts death ward on Orym, taking a cue from Deanna's book.
Two gloomstalkers (I think) fly over the Bells Hells. For reference, Vox Machina fought gloomstalkers at level 17, the Mighty Nein fought them at level 9, and the Bells Hells are level 10.
Chetney notes that there is an omnipresent smell of volcanic emissions, but it's coming more strongly from an area of the forest in which the trees are darker, charred, and smoking.
For the record, the text of find familiar is vague enough that it comes down to DM discretion as to whether the caster uses their own or their familiar's skill bonuses. But if you absolutely need an answer from the rules as written, then the caster would use their own bonuses, because the spell states that, when looking through their familiar's eyes, the caster gains any senses of the familiar. This implies that when they are looking through their familiar's eyes, the caster uses their own senses except as augmented by the familiar's abilities. But again, this is vague enough that it ends up being up to the DM.
The Bells Hells continue looking for the flowers. Eventually, they find evidence of movement, and as they continue they reach a swampland. This entire area is a forgotten battlefield -- swords reclaimed by nature, pieces of armor buried in the marsh. A layer of ash has coated the entire landscape, but as they continue, they eventually find a little speck of blue.
did....... did Marisha just reference do you love the color of the sky? Is this what y'all mean when you say that Tumblr has breached containment?
Chetney harvests some of the flowers they found, but as he does, two of the armored bodies they'd found rise up and start crawling from the ground. They aren't skeletal and ancient -- they're a little more recent, and they look toward a small, shadowed figure that's been sitting, watching them. Hunched low, they can barely make out clasped hands, with dark purplish skin, golden-orange eyes, horns that curve above their head. As Chetney begins to move away, it stands, and we roll initiative!
As always, there's very little to liveblog during combat, so here's our character level updates section of the liveblog post!
This episode being so close in number to C2E55 is stressing me out--
Undead, but recently deceased, bodies attack Chetney. One is male and one is female, human or half-elven in form -- either could very well be Orym's sister or the missing Ashari.
It appears that there is some kind of humanoid form inside the ribcage of this demonic entity, and it uses the "soul rend" ability to inflict almost 40 points of necrotic damage on a failed save. This is a homebrew ability, as nothing in existing published 5e materials has the "soul rend" ability. It's also worth nothing that a low chuckle accompanies the necrotic damage, heard by everyone who gets hit by it.
"I'm gonna go to my happy place, so I'm gonna rage." Ashton rolls gravity, which causes his own form to become monochromatic like the landscape. But there are a bunch of other things on top. When they attack, they use both reckless attacks and gravity well. Gravity well causes the subject of the attack to make a STR save. Ashton also uses the belt and the ring to add more die rolls to this, but AFAIK this isn't a build update, since we've seen this effect before. But it's a massive amount of damage that clearly has an impact on the creature.
With his passive perception, Orym recognizes the corpse he's fighting as a member of the Air Ashari, but one he barely knew.
Fearne casts aura of life, which is a wildfire druid spell. Usually it's a paladin spell, but it's fucking great for a druid like Fearne.
*Laudna uses hounds of ill omen* Fearne and Imogen, immediately: "I am looking respectfully!"
More of the spectral, demonic figures aparate around them, and Chetney considers putting on Ludinus' fey energy-channeling vest.
Ashton rage build update: While the space build is active, Ashton can use their reaction to gain resistance to an attack (halving the attack's damage), then can force the attacking creature (if it fails its save) to move 30ft in any direction after the attack has resolved.
These creatures are a lot like the chasmes TM9 fought (in, btw, C2E60), in that they reduce their targets' max hit points upon attacking. However, Fearne's aura of life completely shuts this off, since not only does it give creatures in the radius resistance to necrotic damage, but also prevents their HP max from being lowered.
Anyway, I maintain that FCG's spell save is way too low for this level, to the point that it legit feels like Sam is actively sabotaging the party by not increasing FCG's wisdom. FCG's spell save should be 17 or 18 by level 10.
Ashton rage build update: Imogen casts lightning bolt, and could have targeted Ashton's hammer if she wanted. It was implied that Imogen's spell would've been cast from a different space should she have targeted the hammer instead of her actual target with it.
Fearne casts daylight, and none of these undead creatures appreciate it very much. These sound similar to the sorrow-sworn that the Mighty Nein encountered in the Barbed Fields.
With a witch bolt, Imogen dispatches the last creature along with its thralls.
Within the slain figure, Orym finds the trace of a consciousness, an Ashari warrior. It takes the form of a young, elven, female figure who touches her hand to Orym's and smiles before dissipating -- not his sister. The other two are dead beyond contact, but the Bells Hells bury them respectfully.
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thesquidkid · 10 months
Who says science isn't exciting?
4x08 Missing my baby
I know that it has been a while since I last updated my science meta, life happened and I wasn't really in the mood to write. I also did a thesis in between, so I suppose I now have proper experience in writing a scientific paper.
Disclaimer: I am still not a biologist and it's been quite some time since I last watched the show, so please feel free to correct me if you see anything inaccurate. I also really like talking about science so if anything is unclear I will happily explain it in more details.
The first mention of science is Liz talking to Maria in the Wild Pony:
Liz: "There has to be a scientific explanation for how Alex is reaching out to you."
She then proceeds to explain her scientific theory:
"At first, I thought this was a resurgence of your powers, like a vision of Alex manifesting itself. But your brain scans match up with your last checkup, post-cure, which means this is not a vision. Alex is alive. And he's figuring out a way to communicate with you. We've seen versions of this before. You did it in the coma. Max talked to Rosa in the pod."
I should probably go ahead and say that this falls in the realm of science-fiction. Well, mostly. In reality, people in a coma can `communicate' with the outside world. More or less. Studies have shown that when talking to people in a vegetative state, asking them to perform certain tasks, the brain reacts in the same way it would for someone that is not in vegetative state. For example, when doctors asked a few yes-no questions to a patient in vegetative state, they found out that he knew where he was, what kind of program he enjoyed on TV, etc [x]. This was done by monitoring the brain activity of the patient and looking at the pattern in his brain activity.
This kind of research [x] allowed scientists to conclude that some comatose patients were conscious.
Going back to our lovely little alien show, we can argue that Maria communicating with Liz while in her coma is scientifically possible. However, Alex being in another dimension and communicating through with Maria is fiction.
(As a side note, Liz mentions a few time in that scene that it's all science, except it's not.)
Next, Liz and Shivani are doing science in Shivani's lab:
Liz: "The regenerative enzymes in the blood sample we brought back from New York... Isn't healing the diseased cells in our subject." Liz: "The fluid stimulates the proteins momentarily, but it isn't potent enough to sustain their viability."
As defined in my meta for 1x08 [x, x], an enzyme is a protein that accelerates a chemical reaction. Here, regenerative enzymes refers to enzymes that have the ability to regenerate their cofactors.
A cofactor (in biology) is a non-proteinic chemical compound that is required for enzymes to act as catalyst (i.e. to accelerate a chemical reaction) [x].
Now, from what I read on the internet, enzymes are used in cellular apoptosis, which is a programmed cell death (happening naturally in our body, I talked about it more in my meta for 2x02 [x]), and the regenerative aspect of enzymes comes into play with regards to their cofactors. Furthermore, I have found a few sources about regenerating dead cells (namely after injuries) that mention enzymes as `executioner' rather than reconstructive. In other words, it appears that enzymes (regenerative or not) are present when it comes to killing cells, but not resuscitating them [x, x].
So, really, it's not that surprising that Liz's enzymes aren't healing the deceased cells...
The next bit of science happening in Shivani's lab is purely fictive as it revolves around the cracked pod that Shivani has:
Shivani: "The viscous liquid we developed was formulated using the fluid from within [the pod]. It contains restorative properties identical to the ones that you've been researching." Liz: "In gene-sequencing your work, I found micromolecular inconsistencies, and this crack explains why. Oxygen is changing the fluid's chemical composition. In order to continue testing, we need a pod that's in working condition."
As Michael points out in 2x03, the pods keep the person inside in stasis by regenerating the cells at the rate they decay. He also says "this current will speed up the regeneration". So, by regenerating the cells at the rate they decay, the pod would also (slowly) regenerate the cells that are already dead. Namely, it would regenerate the dead cells at the rate that the alive cells are decaying, since the pod wouldn't select which cells to regenerate, and which to not.
Personally, I am not a big fan of the pods being the answer the everything, namely here providing a regenerative cure, especially when we saw Liz figure it all out using science before, and since her research is about vascular regeneration.
The part on oxygen altering the fluid's chemical composition is accurate to what we saw before, with Noah's pod. Hence, this would fall into the realm of science within the fiction, since at least the results are consistent.
We then see Rosa and Maria trying to communicate with Alex at the Wild Pony. This is once again clearly fiction, but they use science words that I thus will look into. We start with (another) mention of frequencies:
Rosa: "I can hear the frequency of Alex's DNA in the hair, but... nowhere else."
At first, the mention of frequencies in the show was very nice and (mostly) accurate. Then, it became too much (as @angrycowboy pointed out about 4x13)
DNA does have frequency, and it particular it generates a wave that propagates in the direction of the magnetic field vector [x]. Magnetic field vector refers to the direction and the dimension of the magnetic field. These magnetic waves are what allow the cells to communicate with each other.
It is also possible to detect the frequency of DNA, namely it is around 20 GHz. Note that 20 GHz falls into the domain of super high electromagnetic frequency, which is the same frequency range as satellite communication and microwave ovens. Suppose Rosa can hear the frequency of Alex's DNA in his hair. This would mean that she is able to hear satellite communication happening nearby, and considering there is a military base not too far away (I don't know anything about actual Roswell geography, but the show does mention the base a few times), she would be able to pick up on those conversations. Useful espionnage tool.
Rosa does mention something about Isobel teaching her how to listen:
Rosa: "Isobel taught me that in order to silence all the noise, you have to find a place inside yourself where you feel safe and calm."
And in real life, radios can tune to a particular frequency (hence how you only hear a single radio channel and not everything at once). However, a radio is also able to detect other frequencies, hence how you can switch channel. The reason why you do not hear the other radio channels when you switch on your radio is that radio emitters in a region have an agreement to distinguish each frequency. This means that the frequency of each channel has to be sufficiently distinct.
DNA is different for everyone, hence it's frequency differs. Since Alex, Maria, Rosa, and any one else who came to the Wild Pony are not twins, Rosa would be able to distinguish Alex from the other DNA frequencies.
However, there are three things I find strange. First, I am assuming Alex was at the Pony before disappearing, so there should be traces of his DNA left, hence Rosa would hear somewhere else. Secondly, the choice of detecting DNA at the Wild Pony is weird, in my opinion, since there are many more frequencies that Rosa has to tune out, as it is presented to be a popular bar.
Thirdly, as much as DNA can be extracted from hair, there is no guarantee that DNA is always available in a hair sample. Namely, the DNA is present at the root of the hair [x]. Without the root of the hair, the procedure to get DNA is much more complex. So, for the sake of the argument, I am assuming that Rosa has the root of Alex's hair.
But, even having the root of the hair, typical DNA testing that is done in forensics requires an electron microscope (which uses a beam of electron as a light source, and thus has a better resolution than a typical light microscope [x]), since it is the only way to visualise the small bits of DNA. The second test is through mitochondrial DNA, but such a test will not distinguish between siblings, as they share the same mitochondrial DNA profile [x]. DNA testing from hair also requires more than 1 hair to have an accurate test [x].
To conclude on the topic of hair DNA and frequency, despite DNA having a frequency, and hair having DNA, I doubt the accuracy of Rosa's test, since too little DNA is present in a single strand of hair.
The next bit of science is also said by Rosa:
Rosa: "Energy rises from the ground into your feet, and since consciousness is a tangible form of energy connecting us to all matter, astrophysicists believe that... meditation could open you up to speaking over universes, even dimensions."
I am not going to touch on this topic, other than say that Rosa probably meant astrologists and not astrophysicists. Astrology is the field of divinatory practices, recognised as a pseudo-science (it used to be a science until a more scientific theory came along), while astrophysics is the study of astronomical objects using physics and chemistry. Meditation falls into the category of astrology, not astronomy.
The next two pieces of science (the last ones for this episode) are all between Liz and Shivani, during different scenes.
Shivani: "Why atomize the fluid into a mist?" Liz: "I made slight genetic modifications to accelerate enzyme inhibitors for swift cell regeneration. Molecules, they travel faster in a gaseous state than in liquid form." Shivani: "If this cure eradicates the alien virus, could it be repurposed to fight off human illness?" Liz: "Like a universal vaccine? Interspecies scaling at this level would be a huge leap."
So. Liz's first sentence is already hurting my brain.
An enzyme inhibitor is a molecule that attaches itself to an enzyme and stops its activity [x].
Since enzymes are used in process of cell death, inhibiting its activity would then slow this process. In fact, inhibitors can be used to start the process of cell regeneration (in some circumstances, although I am not sure I understood what those circumstances were precisely) [x]. So, if Liz accelerates the inhibitors, it could lead to an acceleration of the regeneration process (or at least, make it begin faster).
It is true that molecules travel faster as gas than liquid. In fact, molecules are always moving, but in a solid they are moving so slow that it can be considered static. In a liquid, the molecules glide past each other, and hence are faster in movement than in a sold. In a gas the molecules are further apart from each other, and move faster [x].
Shivani then asks if a vaccine to cure all human illnesses is possible. Liz is right with her response, that interspecies vaccines are tricky to work with.
We first need to note that interspecies contamination is possible (coronaviruses are example of this). However, interspecies vaccination is not as simple; consider the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in poultry, for which different vaccines have to be created for the different species of poultry. Even species which are similar (poultry for instance) would reach very differently to the same vaccine, and would not be offered the same protection [x]. So, despite humans and oasians being similar, a vaccine that would protect both is also unlikely.
Furthermore, a universal vaccine in the sense of a single vaccine that would protect against everything in scientifically improbably. The point of a vaccine is to inject into the human body a small dose of a virus to teach the body how to defend itself against it. Therefore, a universal vaccine would have to consist of a small dose of every virus known to mankind, which would very likely kill the patient. Imagine having your body fight against all the viruses ever.
So what Shivani is suggesting is rather improbable.
The final bit of science is later in the episode, still in Shivani's lab:
Shivani: "What if we altered the protein receptors to perform some, not all, of their functions? If we folded the principle alpha helices and stabilized the covalent bonds between the amino acids..."
(I won't go into the rest of that scene, since it's mostly about ethics)
If I am being honest, the sentence "altered the protein receptors to perform some, not all, of their functions" confuses me. So I am ignoring it for the sake of my mental health (also because I don't understand what the `their' is referring to).
The next bit of science that Shivani mentions is "principle alpha helices".
An alpha helix is a sequence of amino acids in a protein that are twisted in a helix shape [x]. This structure is the most common type of secondary structure in proteins.
In everything that I've read online about alpha helices, there isn't really a notion of principle alpha helix. So, I don't really know why this is specified by Shivani here (probably to make the sentence sound science-y...).
Folding in chemistry is the process by which a molecule assumes its shape. Protein folding refers to the shape that is assumed by a specific sequence of amino acids in a protein [x].
So, from what I understand, folding the protein would give it its alpha helix structure, but folding the alpha helix structure doesn't really mean anything...
A covalent bond is a chemical bond that involved sharing electrons to form electron pairs between atoms [x].
The different structures in a protein are attached via covalent bonds [x], so indeed, there are covalent bonds between some amino acids (the ones that are found in two different structures). Alpha helices are considered to be the stabler structure of a protein, but their stability, from what I've read, is not quite due to the covalent bonds. So, again, despite the different elements of the sentence making sense, they are quite confusing and lack proper meaning when being put together.
Liz and Shivani share another scene together in Shivani's lab, at the end of the episode where Liz breathes the mist. However, this scene does not contain much science in it, so I'm stopping my analysis here.
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endyre · 9 months
D&D Homebrew Race time!!!
This one’s been sitting in my notes app for ages and i finally got around to revising it a bit. Parts of this statblock will say “you or your” and others will just say “the breadfolk”. Same thing it’s just that I mostly wrote these for my players who need to be concisely told when they need to do things.
A race of living baked goods. They are created when magic and baking come together, forming a whimsical creature.
The first breadfolk were created by a mischievous fae goddess who decided to mess with a royal baker by animating and granting sentience to every single piece of bread within their store rooms. The result were hundreds of small little people made of bread, all seeking their own place in the world. All of them came with prewritten histories and lives that they swear are real, such as one being a knight of the crumbtable or one being the princess of muffinland. Some traits of a breadfolk are inherited from the original baker, but most are completely arbitrary. Other fae have taken up the habit of creating breadfolk, mostly because they are entertain by the silly little guy nature of breadfolk. Stats and subtypes below
-Type: Construct, but can be affected by abilities that only affect fae/fey.
-Age: The lifespan of breadfolk is about the same of a dwarf, although breadfolk start their lives as fully capable “adults”. Upon death breadfolk go through a process called “molding” where they are covered in mold and begin to break down.
-Size: Small
-Fire vulnerability: When fire damage is rolled against a breadfolk, increase the dice amount by one. (E.X. 3d4 fire damage -> 4d4 fire damage)
-Languages: Common, Sylvan and any 1 standard language of your choice (that choice is usually the language of the bread folks original original baker)
Crusted Breadfolk were left out too long before being animated, and thus have a hardened outer crust.
-Stat Changes: +1 Constitution, -2 Strength
-Natural Armor: Crusted Breadfolk gain +1 AC and resistance to non-magical bludgeoning and piercing damage. Taking acid or fire damage will remove this resistance and AC bonus. Completing a long rest will restore the AC bonus and resistance.
-Speed: 20ft
These Breadfolk have berries baked into them, and are capable of drawing them out to aid them on their travels.
-Stat Changes: -2 Charisma
-Speed: 25ft
-Berry Batch: At the start of each day roll 3d4. Before rolling assign each of them a berry type between Raspberry, Blackberry and Blueberry. The number rolled is the amount of that berry you have access to for that day. Preparing a berry for use is a bonus action, and using a berry is an action. Preparing a berry causes the breadfolk to take 1d2 necrotic damage that cannot be lowered by any means. Below are the different uses of each berry.
Raspberry: The use of a Raspberry acts as a touch-based healing ability. Upon touching a creature while raspberry is prepared, you may use an action to heal that creature for an amount based on your level. Level 1 = 1d4. Level 3 = 2d4, Level 5 = 3d4 etc.
Blackberry: The use of a Blackberry acts as a weapon enchantment ability. Upon touching a piercing or slashing weapon while Blackberry is prepared, you may use an action to coat the weapon in blackberry jam. This adds 1d4 acid damage to an amount of successful attacks based on your level. For every one level you have, the berry buff will last for one more attack before wearing off. Missed attacks do not count against this. Any sort of water coming into contact with the weapon will prematurely end the blackberry buff.
Blueberry: The use of a Blueberry acts as a utility item. When a Blueberry is consumed the creature who consumed the Blueberry gains the effects of a Goodberry. It also gives a temporary 1d2 that can be spent at any point within 1 hour of consumption. This 1d2 is similar to bardic inspiration and can be added to any roll the consumer makes. The use of the Blackberry buff must be called before a roll is made, and cannot be used if a roll has already been made. If multiple Blackberries are consumed then the period where it can be used is extended by 1 hour per extra berry. The 1d2 does not grow larger if multiple berries are consumed. This can be used alongside other inspiration buffs.
These breadfolk were slightly burnt before being animated.
-Stat changes: -2 Constitution.
-Due to being crunchy, they made lots of noise, and have disadvantage on stealth checks.
-Toasted breadfolk do not have the fire vulnerability other breadfolk have.
-Toasted breadfolk are immune to poison damage
-Speed: 30ft
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dayabelle · 1 month
Sickening Love
-Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!reader-
Tumblr media
Y/n M/n L/n.
The idea that provoked Little Eri's captor.
Your name was given to you by Big Man. And he was you're only friend.
If bad things happened to innocent people one way or another, what was the point in living?
Faith. Faith was the one thing you held onto during your dark and empty days. Grey walls that constantly surrounded you lightened up when you hoped and prayed that one day a hero would save you. Maybe All Might, but any hero would suffice.
Your mom was taken by villains when she was 18. They experimented on her, and eventually, one of the villians got her pregnant, so her bloodline would continue. Her quirk was powerful, something the villians wanted. She was too weak, and when she gave birth to you, she died of childbirth. So you would replace her. You have no sense of the real world and have never left the lab. You would get fed twice a day and then training and experiments. Your only friend was big man, he felt bad for you since you were a child that knew nothing but pain every day. Big man lost his daughter and loved you because he was grieving his loss. Though he couldn't escape with you since the villains he worked for were powerful and not to be crossed. He helped you, he taught you words and how to speak. What everything around you was. You lived like that for 16 years until heroes found out about the villian scams and hideout and about your mom and you. They got records of your quirk and wanted you out of there and into their hands so you wouldn't become a villain.
Quirk: Venom
(Full abilities unknown)
You can create a certain black Venom from your body. It can decinigrate whatever it touches based on the set heat from the user leaving their body. The Venom can act as a power source, like food and the sun. Whenever the user of the quirks body is damaged or in distress, the quirk will heal itself. If the user of the quirk wishes to not be healed, they can simply stop using their quirk, which would stop the Venom flow in their body. The Venom can also act as a holder if the user is starving or their body is too cold/hot to the point where it will slowly kill them. The Venom will act as a placeholder until the natural source is restored. If while the Venom is acting as a placeholder or healing the body by the users command and the quirk is stopped, the body will get confused, and the user will feel great pain. Sometimes if the user is on the verge of death because of a lack of living source or damage to the body and it isn't getting taken care of, their instincts will tell the mind to use the quirk to help. If the user is low on energy (sleep, Overused, Setbacks. Etc) the Venom will not work to heal the body and will have run out. You basicly need energy and fuel to keep the Venom running.
When the user shoots the Venom out of their hands, it can not be broken easily. It is like a body of plasma or lava type of matter. It can not be broken or torn unless from fire or hot chemicals. It's like fire or lava. Wherever the venom is the user can combine into that venom for a second and appear in the area wherever thr Venom is. (Basicly like teloporting into the venom for a second). It can grow as large and as long as their body can take.
Basically. The Venom can help heal your body or preserve it, can be shot out if your hands will melt away if the user draws it back or is destroyed. This particular user has an unknown amount of strength with this quirk, so drawbacks are intense, but the quirk is unique and mostly unknown. The user can use it in the form of sharpness, heat, or freezing temperature.
Past memory. 5 years old. May 5th (year) 8:00pm.
"Mr. big man?" I said, trembling still locked in my tiny cube
"Yes?" He said
"Where's my mommy and daddy?" I asked. I held my arms close to me, hugging myself, I was freezing cold. And all I had to wear was a grey dress and socks. The cube I kneeled in was fit to my size, but only big enough to kneel in. Big man said my cage reminded him of Hampsters at a pet store. I didn't know if that was a compliment or not.
".. there not here any more kid, " big man said, moving to sit in front of my cube cage. He propped his chair in front of the freeze to the touch glass. It was stained, so I could barely see him clearly unless he lifted the cover-up placed for safety measures. Everything was Grey, expe for people. People had color, like big man. His skin is dark, just like his eyes and hair. He's big too, unlike the scrawny other doctors.
"Why not? Where did they go? Did they not like me?" I started crying a bit, I often asked this question a lot. Because when Big man would tell me about his family, i wondered where mine was. Big man said he considered me a part of his family as well. If that was the case, then why couldn't i leave. Was this how families were supposed to act? What was wrong with me? Did they leave me because I was bad? Why was big man the only person here who cared for me?
"No kid, they didn't leave you because they didn't like you. They didn't have a choice, but they loved you very much." Big man turning the fan towards my way so I had enough air to talk. Inside my cube, it was very moist. The vents hadn't been changed in 2 years, and it gets very stuffy in here. Big man said he would change them if he could, I don't know who was stopping him.
"Oh, ok... big man.. do you love me? Like you said, you love your family? " I asked, pushing the flying hair pieces out of my face. I repositioned myself to sit criss cross apple sauce. A funny thing Big man taught me, Big man was funny. He often told me silly stories about a world full of colors and trees? I wish I could live in a fairytale with colors, kids, and people. I wonder why he would make up such stories to me?
"Yeah... yeah, I do, kid," big man said, smiling. For the first time in my life, I saw someone smile. Like they do on the TV. I don't know what a TV is. Big man told me it's something people make videos on. Videos are moving pictures of things for people to watch for fun. Sometimes, when no one else is here and it's big man's turn to watch me, he turns on kid shows for me to watch. Though big man only gets to watch me on Sundays and Saturdays. Then the mean men come and either operate on me or watch me. They treat me real badly. He has to hide the TV in his truck. I wish he could hide me in his truck as well.
I tried to smile back at Big Man. But I knew I wasn't doing it right because he looked sad. I don't know how that made me feel, I didn't know a lot of words, and I couldn't describe my more complicated feelings. But I could sum it all up to being sad and lonely.
"I'm sorry, big man.." I said, putting my hand on the glass. After that, I refused to smile until I got it right. Every day, I would mimick peoples smiles in my reflection on the glass. And when it looked just like theirs, is when I would show it off. Then my sadness wouldn't affect Big man. I was often called gloomy and pathetic, which made me feel sorry for my friend. For having the modicum amount of compassion for my well-being. I wish I could change, but I didn't know any other way of living.
"No kid, don't say sorry. It's not your fault. Nothing here that's happened to you was your fault," he said, putting his hand in front of mine on the glass. I saw a big man take out something square, he clicked on it and it turned bright, then he started tapping it and put the square on the glass. I saw a big man with yellow hair and bright clothing. He yelled, "Go plus ultra!!". Woth the biggest and brightest smile I'd ever seen, oh boy. What I would give to have a smile like that.
"Big man, who is that?" I asked, I was amazed by the new big man I was seeing on my friend's baby TV. My mouth held agape, and I felt like my jaw was hurting. I wanted to smile because the yellow plus ultra man made me feel happy. But I couldn't express it, so I hid it away even if it hurt.
"That's all might, he's a superhero," big man said, taking back the square and tapping on it.
"Superhero, like the one that saves people?" I asked, waiting for him to put the square back on the glass. I furrowed my brows and crossed my arms to show him I was upset, and he just laughed. But he kept tapping on his baby TV.
"Yes, he saves people and kids just like you, from bad guys like the scientists you see every day." Big man said, showing me another video. Then big man pulled the fan away and turned it off.
"Ok, don't talk anymore, kid. I can't keep the fan on all night because they will get suspicious. Remember, I'm not supposed to be interacting with you, correct?"
I nodded and held my head down. Great, now I was getting big man in trouble. For simply talking. Why did I exist for this, I hated hearing about other kids' lives compared to mine. Why is it so unfair?
"There's more air out here than there is in there. So just watch these videos and go to sleep." Big man said, setting the square up in front of the window and leaning back in his chair to take a nap. He pulled his hat down to cover his face and stretched his legs upon the second hair infornt of him. How could I not talk, I couldn't just sit in silence when i had so many questions, thoughts, too many to count. Everything about this hurt my brain and my chest. It was infuriating to just sit here for so long and stare at nothing.
I kept watching the video, and my love for all might grew stronger and stronger. It makes me happy that kids like me are getting saved from bad guys. But why couldn't I be saved as well? Why do I suffer every day? I've done nothing wrong. Though that's at least what a big man tells me. The scientists say I'm a bad girl because I killed my mother. I don't remember killing her. Why did I kill her? Could she have helped me? I shouldn't have done that. Maybe this is my fault.
I'm so glad I have a big man with me, though. It makes my dull days a little less harder and less insufferable. He's the one who taught me everything I know now. Though I don't know his name, I know I love him. He shows me videos and teaches me to say more words other than 'yes, sir'. He tells me stories about a life outside of this building. One day, I will go outside to live in the fairytale. And I'll take a big man with me and we will finally be happy. I need to have faith that it's real, faith in big man's words.
Faith might be my favorite word.
7 years later, 12 years old, July 3rd (year) 2:12 pm.
Yesterday I got what Big man called a period. I'm scared of that. I start bleeding every month. And very often, it hurts like hell. And i know what hell feels like.
Why did things like this have to happen to me, i wish i could make it go away. But wishes aren't reality. I reslly needed to stop wishing on stars and placing my hope in faith.
Big man tells me I must keep it a secret from the scientists. Or bad things will happen. Then that's when he started explaining things to me. Things I never knew existed. He explained to me about females and males and bodyparts and all sorts of stuff. I felt like I lost a part of me when one of the scientists r*ped me not long after the bleeding started. I failed to keep it a secret, I always messed up and ruined it for me. So I shouldn't be sad, I brought this upon myself. I complain even though it's all my fault. After that incident, Big man promised to take in more shifts to be with me. He always had to act mean to me when others were around, but he always made up for it with videos and secret trips outside. I feel so silly for thinking the outside world was a fairytale. He only started taking me outside when I got a little older. It always had to be night, though. I didn't go really far, and I couldn't see anything but a wall and a little bush, and the door buttons. The wall blocked my view of anything further, but It was the first time I saw the moon and the stars. And actually felt... outside air and nature. No grey walls completely surrounding me, I was outside where other people lived every day. I even saw a bunny! Not like the rotten ones in the lab, this one was actually alive and hopping. I could only go out once every few months, but that was alright with me. I felt bad that big man had to work more in this awful place because of me. He always treated my wounds after training and experiments. I promised myself I wouldn't smile, but when I started looking at the bright side of things, I learned a bit how. I still needed some practice , but Big Man didn't make weird faces anymore whenever I did it.
It had been a very long time here, I was born here, but it didn't feel like a home. I didn't even know what home felt like. I always begged Big man to tell me about his family, his friends, his personal life, his hobbies, and his favorite things. I didn't have any of those, so hearing about his didn't make me feel like I was so empty inside. Like my little world wasn't so small compared to the giant one outside. I know I didn't deserve such a beautiful life, but I'm sure other people didn't either. But in the end, it's always me who ends up back in the cube.
4 years later, 16 years old. June 12th (year) 5:34 pm.
Big man didn't come to work for the past 2 weeks. I wondered why, but I couldn't find myself caring. I didn't like the person I was becoming. My life was cold, and I felt like I was subcoming to it. I didn't wonder why all the time, because I didn't care anymore. I distance myself, and I started hating everything. I lost all my faith and hope for something better because I decided it didn't exist for me. I could describe the person I had become. She didn't feel like me, or maybe I just didn't want to change. I thought training with my quirk was scary, but that was never true. My quirk was the thing that seemed safe to me. If I didn't have my quirk, I would be vulnerable and useless. I needed some sort of safety. In the end, it would just be me. And I learned to accept that fact. Stopped complaining, just accepted this life.
I was sitting in my now upgraded cube, waiting for my friend to show up. It was a sunday, but these few weekends were confusing because i didn't know the future. Which i learned was very difficult to predict. So I left my mind wonder, I thought about past memories with Big Man and what I liked about things I had never even seen before. But my imagination grew to be very complex, i remembered everything i was shone just so i could picture it in my head. Books were fun to, it was just more stories all in one, and i could read every detail about them. Even if most stories from books were fake. I sat with my back against the hard wall and my knees to my chest, i held my arms around my calves and picked at my lips with my nails. I stared into nothing. If anybody saw me, they'd think i was crazy. That's if anybody would ever see me anyway.
Then, I felt the building shaking. Everything outside my "room" started falling out of place. And I started to panic because I couldn't get out of my cubicle, and if the place was left a mess undee my watch, i would somehow get the blame for it. Nobody here had patience, except me. It was just another thing that ruined my life. I was stuck in a cube in a shaking building with no idea what's about to happen to me. What a great way to die. Hopefully, that would be the outcome. I heard loud bangs, yelling, gun shots, and overall chaos. I tried to think of any way to escape, but I've already tried before, and there was no escape leisure from the inside. Only the outside is where a button was to open the door. The stained glass panel was lifted up today, which could've been a good or a bad thing. I sat in my same position but with my head buried in my legs. Sure, i was scared, but would dykng here really be that bad? If these were my dying moments. I wanted to think, i imagined myself in scenes from books. I didn't even notice when the building stopped shaking, but i paid no mind because my mind was in a different place. The gunshots and loud noises didn't stop. I never realized how easy it was for anything out of the ordinary to just happen. But then suddenly a man with black hair, a black outfit and a big grey scarf with yellow goggles ran up to my cubicle and started banging on it. He looked concerned. He kept trying to get my attention. But i had never seen this man before. He could be anybody, and i haven't been trained for anything like this before. Maybe this was training, and i was already failing. I didn't know if I was supposed to help him or fight him? Is he a bad guy or trying to break me out. Even if I wanted to help, the chains on me are quirk canceling, so I can't break out of the chains to help him. I lift my head up to get a better look at him. He looked tired, but he was full of energy. Maybe it was the building shaking. I mentally rolled my eyes at my sarcastic thoughts and kneeled. I chose not to speak because my voice was hoarse from not speaking for a long while. I held up my hands, showing him the locks around my wrists. The chains moved like snakes at my every movement, clunking against each other. He then broke the glass from the outside. He was quick. I didn't have time to react when the glass shares flew towards me. I ducked my head into my knees and shrunk as far as I could into the corner. I held my hands on the tip of my heads, forming myself into a ball. I felt him move towards me and crouch down. He placed a hand on my knee very cautiously. What was i doing, I was cowering.
"Kid, are you okay!?" He yelled at me while trying to get the chains off of me.
"Get away from me, who are you!" I yelled, kicking him off me. He stumbled back, but he didn't seem angry, I just kicked him, and he still reached for the chains in an attempt to pry them off. What's wrong with him?
He looked calm but also upset?
"My name is aizawa, I'm a pro hero named eraserhead. I'm here to save you, " he said, prying the chains off me as best he could with a random tool he pulled out his stupidly long scarf.
"A hero?" I said. There's more heroes? Are they like all might. This guy was a hero, and he just suddenly appeared. Nothing about this felt right, I had spent so long forcing myself to lose my faith in life. I ignored a possible chance of anybody from the real world saving me. But here he was?
"..yes I'm a hero, do you know what that is?" He asked, helping me off the ground. If he was a hero, I needed to trust him. I didn't have anything else to do, but trust him anyway. I felt fragile. Sitting in my box for days seemed odd. No scientists had shown up, were heroes the reason because of it. No training for two whole weeks?
It's kinda hard to remember, since it was all those years ago I saw all might on big man's square tap machine. It's such a distant memory, but my memory is chemically advanced by accident. I see big man, my foggy glass screen and the baby TV. Which later I learned was a phone.
"All might is a hero, A hero is someone who saves people from bad guys?" I said unsure, my memory was hazy because of all the experiments all these years. My mind was always in a daze, disconnected, and hazy. I tried to move on through life without feelings.
"Yes, all might is a hero, and so am I. There are other heroes here to save you -" He was cut off by a scientist hitting him in the head. My eyes widened, and i stepped back immediately, trying to focus my mind again to reality and access this new situation. The scientist had a knife and was about to stab aizawa until I grabbed aizawa and pushed him behind me, letting the knife stab me in the shoulder. The scientist pulled out the small object. I hate that thing. Whenever he clicks it, my heart starts hurting, and my veins turn black. They always used this during experiments, and over time, i pretended it didn't hurt, so i would get accustomed to it. But they seemed to be advancing it along with my progress reports. He pressed the button, and I fell to the floor screaming in pain. It has never hurt this badly, I guess they made it more powerful as I got older and i was right, but I never noticed because I always followed their rules, so they didn't use it as much. But now it hurt even more because I was screaming more loudly. In the past, I learned not to scream or show emotion when they hurt me because that makes them want to hurt me even more. But I need to fight the pain, or this man behind me, they only hero to ever save me, will die. I started to use my quirk. Because with Aizawa in my mind, i forgot all my pain and derealization from life and focused for the first time jn weeks. My mind wasn't a fairytale. I was here, and i had a job to do.
Protect my hero.
The button in his hand exploded in a black steamy liquid, the steam burned his hand and he flung it up in the air truing to soothe the burning sensation I've felt many times before. And I took a few breaths. I needed to control it. I haven't used it so carelessly, so i absolutely needed to focus. This time, my actions from here on out actually mattered. Whatever i did now would reflect on my future. I stood off the floor and charged towards the scientist, head, and hands first. I pushed him against the wall and dug my fingers into his chest that had sharp hard solid venom appearing at my fingertips like knives, but before my venom could leak and reach inside from where i was peircing him. He kicked me backward, causing me to rip some flesh off his chest, causing him to bleed. After a few seconds, he had healed using his quirk and was now using another knife and stabbing aizawa in his back. That's when I got angry, I wasn't going to let this scientist, who tortured and used me all my life, kill the first person in my life who was going to save me from my misery. My body just moved, but it wasn't derealization this time. It was adrenaline. I jumped on the scientists back and pulled his neck backward so he would fall back. Stumbling backward towards the hole in the glass wall, he fell on top of me, and I started choking him. He arms were layered in steaming venom, and he screamed in pain just as I did. That's when I realized they were using my venom and using it against me. They had to have biologically altered it for it to actually hurt me. I ripped a hole in the scientists back and through his chest. I had never done that before, I'm just really mad and scared. I was letting out all my pent-up emotions on him, and jt felt nice. I mean, it felt really fucking nice.
I slowly slid my arm out the slinky man's chest and rose from the ground, I didnt feel fragile or weak. My bones didn't feel like they were rotting and I was deteriorating. Adrenaline was a heavy bitch. But i ignored what had just happened and quickly ran to Aizawa before the scientist caught his breath after healing from his quirk. I hasn't killed him yet, in order to kill him I'd need his quirk to be unusable. Aizawa was now sitting uproght after i helped him, and I poured some of my venom in his wounds, covering them up so no more blood would spill out. He yelled in pain from the venom, which I tryed to make lukewarm so it wouldn't sting or be to hot for it to heal.
"I know it hurts, but it will stop the blood from spilling out," I said, my voice raspy and soft. I Wrapped his ridiculously long scarf around his torso and putting pressure on the wounds, I made sure to let the venom harden after the liquid state sucked up all the blood and whatever the scientist had on his knives.
"You need to get outta here, kid," he said.
"Yeah, not a chance, I'm going to help you, but you need to promise you'll get me out here," I said, tearing up a bit. I knew he would, but I needed to hear it. I could venture by myself, I had never felt so alone before.
"..I promise, that's what we're here to do," he said slowly. I could tell every movement for him was tightening the sealed up wounds, so I carefully placed my hand on them and softened it as much as I could before his wounds opened up again.
Then I felt hands grab me by my face and scratch my eyes, pulled my head baxkwards ans dragging my body with it. I screamed in pain from my now stinging bloody eyes. I turned around and saw a hazy figure standing up with another knife!? 'What the hell is with this guy and knives?' I thought getting my venom charged up. My vision was red and bloody, but it was alright. I transferred my blood in exchange for venom so I could use it as a advantage. My venom enhancement activated right when he threw a knife towards my face, I dodged at the last second and charged at him, punching him in the face, with venomous spikes poking out of my knuckles. I was rusty, I mean really rusty from lack of practice and my state if health. I then shot an uppercut towards his stomach, with the same venomous spikes formed on my knuckles, peirceing threw the man's whole stomach, I took my fist out of his stomach and he fell to the floor. I felt crazed, I'm smiling. I'm actually smiling for the first time in my entire life. His blood spewed out all over my floor. I finally got some of my revenge on these stupid ass scientists. I've always hated the idea of hurting people, but this, this felt different. I didn't feel like I was hurting him, I felt like I was actually getting some justice and revenge for all the hell they put me through. I started laughing for the first time, but this wasn't a happy laugh. This feels worse, i feel crazy? Then I started crying, I fell to the floor and started balling my eyes out and screaming, punching the floor. I didn't want to hurt people like this, i didnt want to kill people. I feel good about it. That would make me as bad as them. My mind was my biggest weakness, I couldn't deal with my emotions as well as I thought I could. I already hates the person I became and this wasn't helping.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see aizawa, now sitting beside me, pulling me into a hug. This was the first time I had ever been hugged other than big man. Who only hugged me three times in my life, even though I could never hug him back. But this time I could, I wasn't chained to the wall anymore. I wrapped my arms around him and silently cried into his shoulder, finally letting out all of these years held back tears and loneliness. A hero saved me, I'm saved, I think. I buried my nose into his neck. I smelled a new scent, no antibiotics or prosthetics. I wanted to stay like this forever, but i knew that was silly. He pulled away, helping me off the ground as best as he could. I felt his pain through the connection in my venom, but despite his state he endured solely because of me. He was still trying to help me. My venom has probably healed his wounds a bit to the point where he can stand.
"I can feel your badly hurt, please take your time" I whispered, If I talked to loudly my voice would just croak and I wouldn't even form a sentence. I needed to stretch it out before I started talking normally.
"Lets worry about you right now, my well.being is irrelevant." aizawa said, holding his hand out. I reluctantly took his hand, but our touch was very light since I was timid towards actions like this. Something about his answer seemed to puzzle me. All I cared about was his well being, at this moment he was the most important thing in my life. How could he say such things about himself? I've barely met him and he seems so different from what I know, so full of life even if he doesn't show it. It would be a shame if he let himself get hurt to save me. My venom had seemed to be working, but I walked slow on purpose so he would be forced to. And he seemed to be very mindful to my presence so I took advantage of that.
I took one good look around, I saw all the dead animals, the cages, the doors that lead to different experiment rooms, big man's chair, my smaller cube, the secret shelf hidden in the back with two dolls for me. The tools, the torture items. All the memories of me being tortured and broken, feeling trapped like all those poor rabbits and dogs. It was all happening so fast, I grew up here. This is all I've ever known, and I've grown attached to this. It's not much but what choice did I have since all my life my world revolved around this area. But it was finally my time to go, i didnt need to stay here anymore or be afraid. I took one good look and a deep deep breath.
"Ok, let's go. Please i.. i want to leave now, " I said, taking his hand and walking down the hallway and towards the exit. I didnt know where i was going by myself, but nkthing could have prepared me for what i was about to step into.
I saw the sun for the first time in my life. I felt hazy, hot, dizzy, you name it. There were speckles of red and orange clogging my line of sight and everything moved in a hot wave. The bushes were bright green and the sky, was just like I saw it on TV. But now standing under it in person, I wanted to cry, to scream, I was mortified that I had never experienced such beauty as this. It was all too much, everything that has happened it was way too much. I felt as if I were going to faint from the heat, and since I had never been exposed to the sun I probably should've let myself doze off. But I fought that urge to fall and never wake up, fought the urge to succumb to the heat of outside. I needed a little longer to enjoy this, this moment and new step in my life. It felt as of my life was just starting. I honestly didn't know what to think, it was all so full and colorful compared to me. It was.... extraordinary.
My eyes were just now healing a bit from being scratched, but now they couldn't adjust to the sun. I didn't want to look away, but my body made me. It hurt, it hurt really bad. I tried so hard to keep looking but i turned my eyes away and hid under the shadow of the overhead roof. I used my other hand that wasn't being held by aizawa to shield my eyes. I looked at aizawa from under my fingers, and he seemed hurt, like he was looking at something broken and pathetic. And he was. That's who I am. I didn't want my hero to veiw my as that. It made me feel so disgusting and pitiful. At that moment I just wanted to cry, I missed out on everything and I felt way to overwhelmed. But I need to stay strong, and keep my cool for as long as I could.
"First time in the sun?" he said with a bit of hurt in his voice. I'm so sorry Eraserhead, that you have to see such a display like this. My reality now facing the sun. I felt like I was going to faint, I swayed back and forth and felt my head getting closer to the ground. I lost control of my body and fell onto something. I refused to pass out, I absolutely refused. I needed to make sure I was safe, and that he was safe.
- 19 minutes later.
I woke up with a gasp, and I sat up quickly. My body and eyes weren't acheing anymore. Maybe it was because I wasn't outside in the bright sun, i was in another room. But this room bounced and moved, the inside was red and as I rubbed my eyes I saw Eraserhead sitting on the side of the moving room next to somebody. Next to a skinny and frail tall looking guy. Big fluffy and outstanding blonde hair.
"... I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry" I said, refusing to look his way. Afraid that if I met his pitying face I just might break down and show him how pitiful I actually was.
"Dont apologize, that would be the least most normal first reaction to the sun. I'm sorry," he said now. Placing his hand on my forearm that rested beside me on my... whatever I was laying on.
"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for," I said, my eyes now adjusting to the light that shown through a tiny window on the side of the room. I looked around at the sky, I saw it was blue with clouds of all dhapes. Clouds were big and fluffy, like big mans afro. Clouds were scattered all over the sky. Seeing them in person reminded me of heaven. Clouds held so much beauty. I saw bright trees and flowers, for the first time everything around me wasn't dead. But since this room was moving the trees and outside scenery moved in blurred motions going one way. I'm pretty sure this box was like Big man's truck. It felt great, i remember before i passed out. The air and the sun, seeing the sky and all the trees and plants, were here in front of me, this looked just like the pictures on TV. The wind felt so refreshing on me. My hair flying back and a wave of a new sense kf freedom was like water being splashed all over me. It all felt so.. beautiful. So beautiful I was able to ignore the new acquired headache from the sun and cramped torso from sitting in a cube all day. I spent weeks doing nothing in my cubicle, since everybody disappeared. I just read my book over and over again.
"Someone should have saved you. You didn't deserve what happened to you. I also should have accounted for your situation better. I should have brought you out much slower and had you adjust to your own pace. No one should ever have to experience what you went through, " aizawa said, tightening his grip on my forearm in a way to comfort me. I learned this from big man. And eventually over time, I was a quick adapted learner. I hated feeling stupid, so I picked up on everything around me and analyzed it quickly.
"Hm, it's ok. I think I did deserve what happened to me, but I agree that no one should ever experience what happened to me, " I said, looking up towards his face that was lighted up by the sun that shown through the window. I payed no attention to the man next to him, because his face was just a mess.
"Why do you think you deserve what happened to you?" He asked, his face full with confusion and interest. His intentions seemed so genuine, I didnt know how I should respond to him.
But before I could answer, the doors of the red room, or truck, opened and i had to squinch my eyes shut tightly. Who knew the sun would be so damn bright. I had people rushing up to me with a rolling bed thing and a big car with red and blue blinking lights. One car had a big red plus on it, and was red like the one I was in. They tried pulling me away from Aizawa once they had all stepped into the truck. I got scared and held on tighter to his hand now. I didn't want these people to take me away. Are these bad guys? Then more cars blinking red and blue pulled up, this time the cars were smaller and the people had blue outfits. they also started rushing up to me. To much, way to much. I'm not ready for this. Look at all of these people? So many things surrounding me and voices and murders of people faint in the background. Aizawa would protect me, but I still didn't like this situation at all. I needed calmness, I couldn't even comprehend being freed to it's full content. Now crows of rushed people trying to confront me?
"We need to get her treated!" The red plus people yelled with their moving bed thing.
"No, she needs to be contained she's dangerous!" The blue people yelled. They had guns in their hands.
"No, no, please don't shoot me! Aizawa, don't let them take me, please!" I yelled, hiding behind aizawa holding onto his back. When all the people reached us a dog man appeared and held his hand up.
"ENOUGH OF ALL THIS, EVERYONE STOP RIGHT NOW!" The dog man yelled, he walked next to, the yellow guy I started crying when i realized that this was allmight. The all moght i had hoped for all my life, but he was scrawny. I knew it was him because of his hair and eyes. Maybe he didnt save me because he turned skinny. I didn't know what I felt. Seeing him, the person I hoped for all my life, was here in front of me. Had he saved me? No aizawa saved me. Maybe he helped, though. Then I smiled, this time it wasn't I crazy smile, it was a happy smile, the best one I could give. It was broken, but it was actually true this time.
"She will go with the paramedics so she can be treated. There's no need for police because allmight and eraserhead will be with her at all times on standby. We will see what happens after that, woof " the dog man said, walking away with more blue people. Woof, did that man or dog just say woof? Like the word woof. I was so confused. Maybe my quirk wasn't THAT bad afterall.
"We need to head over there, into the hospital so we can treat you," Aizawa said, pulling me out the big red truck. Which I later learned was an,
"That's a am..bu..lin..ce..?" I tried to pronounce it since I had never heard of it in my life. We slowly stepped down from the tall vehicle and I held onto Aizawas arm. I still felt hazy from the heat and my actions were very slow.
"Yes, ambulance, it's a car that takes you to a hospital, a building where they heal you." Aizawa said, as I walked with him towards a very very large white building with large words on it. Symbolizing it was a hospital. As soon as I stepped inside, the same smell of the lab passed me. An awful stench reached my nose and my ears started ringing, loudly. I stopped dead in my tracks and gripped onto Aizawas arm. I started to have a panic attack. I couldn't control my breathing and started hyperventilating. Why was this all happening all at once, I was usually so in control. I hate this confusion, derealization, unknown feelings, and I'm moving to fast. There were so many kinds of people and things here to interact with and I could even handle seeing them all at once?
"Y/n! Y/n! You need to calm down!" Aizawa said, putting his hand on my shoulder and handing me some water. I didn't see how and where he acquired it from because I was staring at the floor. Hoping that it would somehow calm me down.
I drank the water and did my best to calm down, breathing normally. Like I haven't already tried that, but I needed to think. Or maybe that was my problem, maybe j thought to much. I subconsciously started thinking about my past and what freedom tasted like. I kept forgetting that I was actually free, I had been saved.
"Y/n.....you called me y/n?" I said, shocked. I haven't heard someone use my real name in a few years. Big man only said it a few times, then he started calling me by cute nicknames. But he was gone, and now I'm here alone. I need to stop relying on Big man for everything, right now I need to focus on myself.
"How.. how do you know my name?" I asked. I knew they clearly had some sort of information but I wanted to know what. Because truthfully, I didnt even know about myself more then they did.
"We had read a file on you during our search. We found out that your mother had a child, and she died from childbirth. She was captured by the scientists where you were born." Aizawa said, wiping off the leftover blood of my skin near my eyes as we slowly walked through the hospital whole being led by some people down some hallways.
My mother, they were looking for my mother and found me? My mother's dead, she's been dead all my life and now they find me?
"So it was true, I did kill my mother." I started crying. I had convinced myself that I accidentally killed her or that it was all a cruel joke and she just didn't want me because I was pathetic. I was a tool.
"No y/n what happened to your mother wasn't your fault, when she gave birth to you she was too weak and she died. It wasn't you that killed her. She was already dying before she gave birth to you, " all might said now patting my shoulder. I flinched at his contact, he hadn't said anything to me this whole time, or maybe he did and I just hadn't responded. I was too over stimulated to focus on more people other then Aizawa. I wish everybody and everything here would just calm down. But it seemed to be only me with the problem with all of this. Everything around me I didn't recognize. Makes sense.
"All might. Yeah, it's you. I- i...." I started crying again, I need to stop crying. Crying is what gets you hurt. Stone cold, no feelings, remember, you need to hold on a bit longer.... no.. I'm done holding on a bit longer. I'm done hiding my feelings all these years, I'm safe now. It's okay to show some feelings. I think.
"All might, I remember now. Big ma- I mean my friend would show me videos of you on his phone. You would save people every day I hoped and waited for you to save me. But you never did, but that's ok. You saved other people." I said, looking up at him. Shit maybe I shouldn't have said that. I almost slipped up, I couldn't mention big man. If these heroes only found me because they were looking to capture villians, Big man would be one of them. Afterall he was only there be ayse he worked for them, but I knew at heart he didn't agree with anything they did. He probably stopped showing up so they wouldn't find him, I hoped so. His family wouldn't be safe then to. I will find him one day, I promise.
Now he looked upset, shit did I just make all might upset? I'm such a screw up, no matter what I do or say I'll end up soiling the mood and sounding sappy.
"No, no, please don't be upset. I'm so sorry-" but before I could finish, he placed his hands on my shoulders, and I quickly stopped talking. Nervously anticipating his reaction.
that's the end of the first chapter. I don't know why I made this chapter 7372 words, but whatever. Hope you enjoy. I haven't written anything like this, and my vocabulary words seemed to disappear from my mind, even though I'm in English honors II. It's alright, tho.
I do plan on making this a series and posting it on Wattpad since I'm not to familiar with Tumblr. My wattpad username is
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quornesha · 10 months
Australian Magpie Prophecy and Symbolism
The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|
Whether the Australian Magpie appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that your enemies are beneath you. This could be in relation to a cantankerous boss, in law, neighbor or hateful person. Rest assured you have overcome something or someone. Everything sent or assigned to your life to destroy you, will be removed. The Australian Magpie is a prophecy that you do not have to chase down anything that is for you.
The Magpie reminds that when you put in the effort, success is sure to follow. The Australian Magpie is a reminder that the Gods of wealth are aligned with you. Whatever you need will come to you with relative ease. The Australian Magpie is a sign that anything that isn't for you at this point will end abruptly and without explanation. This is for your own protection. Something divine is about to happen. You are being protected and anything shallow will be exposed. Whatever you have lost you are being restored right now. You will see things trickle into place.
The domino affect will be applicable to these blessings. If it looks like you’ve been through hell know that divine heavenly blessings are coming. The Australian Magpie prophecies that a time is coming where commerce will be successful. That is to say, whatever business you are planning to continue, begin or otherwise will bring fortuitous blessings. It is a season of harvest and reaping. Stand confidently in what it is that you have discovered. Australian Magpie is saying get ready, you will touch a lot of money in this season, so, manage well. If ever you receive a lovely message and vision of your future know that it is also foretold that you will come through an adverse situation soon. From adversity to success, from struggling to thriving, from poverty to prosperity. A debt will be cleared and surely you will be financially free. A good time of life is surely ahead. Pay close attention to the number 8. The Power of tetragrammaton is at work. Generational wealth is being released upon you right now. It is so.
The Australian Magpie also reminds you to take heed of messages you receive soon. As information of a positive nature is being released to you. Listen to the message(s). A time of favor has surely come. The Australian Magpie symbolizes, the message and the messenger of all realms, opulence, luxury, connections, blessings, heaven and earth, providence, success, attribution, being generous and gratitude and defeat of ones’ enemies.
This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person.
Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.
If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight.
The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer, And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you. The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.
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lykorises · 4 months
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VIRCHE EVERMORE › ANKOU + canon divergence.
absolutely in no way connected to adolphe because i can do what i want on my blog ty. he is his own person, with his own story & connections to the main cast, esp regarding his interest in all of them. › ankou is the GATEKEEPER of hades, acting as watchman and ferryman to those who meet their ends whether through natural or unusual means. following a gruesome uptick of deaths in arpéchéle, he takes a special interest in ceres, the so-called "maiden of death" on the island. forbidden from interfering in human affairs, he's not able to simply give her the answers to solve the mysteries of the murders + suicides taking place, so he takes on the role of a semi-helpful observer, trying to nudge her in the correct direction without interfering too directly. that is, if she doesn't accept his contract.
he is :
not human. he's a god of death, however much he denies it.
not death himself, but rather, one of death's reapers.
immortal and unkillable. no matter how drastically he is injured, he will always be restored physically.
morally ambiguous, though he seems to have the best interests of certain people in mind at all times ( read : ceres, yves )
indeed gathering the lycoris flowers as yves tends to them for the purpose of crafting a bouquet, though the truth behind the story of whether or not it's meant to ultimately be the means to a proposal from death or not is something he lets remain steeped in myth, never confirming nor denying.
not omniscient, but knows quite a lot about others, including things they have not told him.
aware of ceres' personal affliction that makes her death incarnate, but is unable to tell her nor would he bother. his promise to help her become a normal girl is genuine. likewise, he is aware of the truth behind the death curse on the island.
he is also aware of many of the identities of characters hidden to the core group throughout the story and does meddle in all their lives in small ways, at times. this includes lucas as bourreau, capucine as ortie, and jean as camille.
powerful, but not violent without reason. he seems to be capable of magical / miraculous feats, but chooses not to interfere with the world around him as per his duty. still, he does lesser tricks rather frequently : disappearing into a mess of flower petals, invisibility among mortals, healing minor wounds for others, and giving them immunity to toxins if they drink his blood.
etc, this post will get updated periodically bc i'm going to add it to my muse list via a link to have his canon divergence lore on hand. this is just a rundown ty.
Important links:
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true--north · 1 year
Your Elsa headcanons?
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❄ I headcanon that Elsa wasn't a perfect queen unlike the fandom usually tends to think. She tried to be perfect but I don't believe that after she had cast away the crown in let it go, both symbolically and literally, she was so happy with the job, especially with the social part of it.
❄ I love the idea of Elsa having an internal compass, a sensing of the North wherever she goes. In the early version of F2 Anna had a compass(and her doll sets are still packed with it), I believe, as a contrast to how Elsa's was born with it(and of course, as a detail to the whole "keep going North", "as far North as we can go" thing.)
❄ With it comes my other favourite headcanon that Ahtohallan had been calling Elsa in F1 too. First I read this in some of lovewillthaw-j posts, and since then grew to love this. I know that when F1 had been in the production they weren't thinking about the sequel. But they did incorporate the kulning theme in F2, and made it so beautiful, so we can connect both films. F1 had kulning in some pivotal moments of the movie. But back then Elsa wasn't prepared to hear and listen because of her fear and suppression of her powers, and then because she needed to be with her sister. Only when the starts aligned and the right hour had come she was ready to answer.
❄ She's been dreaming about the Forest but could not know what these dreams were about.
❄ Elsa lives in the Glacier and at the tribe's.
❄ Elsa has always loved Nature and forests.
❄ Elsa can use/rule other Elements' powers. She's the Fifth Spirit and Ice is the superior power.
❄ Elsa is able to learn to see prophecies of the future in Ahtohallan too, if she wants.
❄ Elsa likes to make dresses for Anna. I want her making Anna's wedding dress.
❄ Elsa is able not to eat although she likes it because magical energy of the Elements sustains her.
❄ Elsa, as a Noaidi of the Northuldra tribe can heal too, restoring the balance of the elements in the ill person's body.
❄ She's the warmest and kindest person inside but the people that don't know her closely often freeze in awe and reverence before the distant, stunning and wild Queen of the Far North, a goddess dressed in striking snowy-white gown.
❄ She just likes wandering. She likes to call Nokk and get lost with him in the tundra wilderness for days.
❄ She sings with and to the tribe.
❄ She's immortal.
❄ She asks for Iduna-Ahtohallan guidance a lot.
❄ Once she decides to write down some interesting and captivating things of history she learned in the glacial memories.
❄ She can help people to resolve some of their needs through her access to the memory of the world, like to find a lost person or thing.
❄ She likes to tease Kristoff, but actually thinks that he's the best for Anna. If he and Anna happen to quarrel they both ask for her support and advise.
❄ When Elsa visits Arendelle, she likes to praise Anna as a queen. She learned to trust Anna and her decisions.
❄ Elsa tries to help the Northuldra tribe using her magic. Like carrying heavy things magically, making ice tools etc.
❄ She calls for the Spirits to help her; they can boost her energy and strength ( this was in JDL)
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cityandking · 1 year
education, lover, ocean, & level for minah + dai!!
tyyy!! // oc asks: firsts
EDUCATION: What was your OC's first experience with school or education? Were they homeschooled? Apprenticed? Sent away to study? If they didn't have any kind of schooling, where did they learn about the world or pick up the skills they have now?
MINAH — I guess homeschooled is the word for it? she didn't go away for school or anything like that, but she had regular group lessons with other kids around her age, mostly taught by people's parents. maybe there were some tutors? it actually ended up being pretty comprehensive. when she joined the troupe, that was very much an apprenticeship. DAI — dai had a pretty patchwork early education courtesy of the soldiers and rebellion leadership who had time for it. he learned the things that were important (reading/writing so he could run message, simple arithmetic, sewing, etc) and other things he picked up from listening to the adult talk. his first formal education was when he went off to become an acolyte and joined the order—he learned all sorts of things, including healing and history and a lot of other stuff. he honestly really enjoyed it—he's a curious kid by nature, and the structure was good for him.
LOVER: Who was your OC's first partner/lover? How did they get together? What was their relationship like? Are they still together?
MINAH — she had a boyfriend growing up. they were childhood friends, and minah really really liked him, and it was very pretty much a foregone conclusion that they were going to grow up and get married one day (high school sweethearts, you know how it is), which minah was looking forward to. then minah's dad died and she left home and they fell out of touch. sometimes she misses him. DAI — it's zaref! it's always been zaref! daichi cottoned on pretty quick that zaref was clearly respected by everyone and good at his job, and dai liked working with him. he didn't realize there might be anything more there until the void stuff started happening and daichi found himself particularly focused on zaref, and it grew pretty slowly, founded mostly on trust and second chances. then zaref lost his memories and daichi restored them by giving zaref back everything as colored by daichi's perspective (light through stained glass) and they uhhh kissed about it a lil? and then spent like two weeks in a 10ft hut with 8 other people, agreed to keep things private for a little while while they DTR'd, accidentally alienated dai's oldest friend at the time, and caused massive party strife. most recently, daichi killed himself in front of zaref then suggested zaref join him in hell forever, and zaref said "honestly I'd love to but I gave my soul to your god as collateral on my promise to bring you back so actually you'll have to kill me" so dai almost killed him but zaref destroyed his soulless vessel instead. it's a little unclear if they'll still be together after this? but daichi loves him and wants to bring him home to his dad.
OCEAN: When was the first time your OC saw the ocean? How did it make them feel? If they've never seen the ocean, do they want to?
LEVEL: If your OC has a class or uses a leveling system, what is it and when did they take their first level? If they don't, when would you consider them being skilled enough to start doing whatever they do now? How do they feel looking back on that first step now?
also answered!
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gorgonsagainstrape · 1 year
a lot of the forgiveness discourse i'm finding has been very religious-centered; i found one by a jewish woman which was against forgiveness, which was a really good read. a lot of what i'm finding, though, is just 'i want him to apologize.'
consider this one, in which the author talks about 'restorative justice,' which seems to be sitting in a circle and talking about your feelings. the things her rapist says all seem very suspicious to me; he says he 'felt like a victim,' 'blocked out the assault,' etc, implying that he also endured trauma as a result of his own decision to rape her.
"At one point he said that he wants to help stop sexual violence in the world -- it just blew my mind and also restored my world view," said Liss. "Transformation like this is possible."
i'm just so full of doubts. how do you trust that he actually means the apology? how do you trust that he won't do it again? i know it's human nature to believe that we are all inherently good but i just don't know if that's true. i don't feel that rapists are human. i don't think that if someone is capable of raping another human being, they're capable of apologizing for that. how can they mean the apology if they truly meant to hurt you & enjoyed doing so? how can you ever trust a single thing they say?
Peter Bruer, manager of the conflict resolution and training program at St. Stephen's Community House, told CTVNews.ca that restorative justice isn't about debating facts. He said its main goal is to make amends and ensure the behaviour won't happen again. "In contrast to the traditional justice system in Canada, which seeks to establish a punishment for each act of wrongdoing assuming that will contribute to victim and societal satisfaction, R.J. focuses on repairing damage and restoring relationships," Bruer in an email to CTVNews.ca. In order to participate in restorative justice, Liss' assailant had to admit wrongdoing and take responsibility for raping her. He also had to be in counselling for a year prior to the mediation circle. Once everyone in the circle had said all they needed to say, the mediators asked Liss if she was satisfied. After she said yes, the charge against her offender was dropped and the trial was cancelled at the request of assistant Crown Attorney Cara Sweeny.
THE CHARGES WERE DROPPED? it goes on to say that it's so hard to be a sex offender in society these days and he went to therapy which is sooooo difficult!!!
i'm so glad that this worked for her and helped her find a sense of healing but i just have zero faith that this approach would work on a large scale. is there any proof that this works? is there any proof that these rapists actually stop raping?
it's very coddling to the rapist. i cannot imagine ever doing this myself. which isn't to say it's not worth trying. i'll just believe it works when i see it.
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