#world of aureum
aureum-lepus · 8 months
Ma shoes at work...yes needed one themed for severus 🤭 (look at mini snaaaape)
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chaoticallycam · 6 months
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Cam actually drawing her iterator ocs? I know I’m surprised too
finally got all of these sillies designed! Meet the Hydric group :) left to right is: Alkaline Smoke (AS), Neritic Stromatolite (NS), Ephemeral Arcs (EA), Cyclonic Maelstrom (CM), Starlit Arctic Jet (SAJ), Equatorial Ebullition (EE), Intertidal Aureum (IA) and Anoxic Baryte Spines (ABS)
gonna be drawin em a lot more I think
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twistedtangledfate · 11 months
Tag drop;
tempus est aureum (andarna)
fortis et astutus (tairn)
shade of a forgotten world (xaden)
I am up for RP stuff but presently, I've only read Fourth Wing. I am due to start Iron Flame tomorrow.
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I felt like sharing my collection of Latin phrases that may make good fanfic or fanart titles or inspiration. Some of the translations may be off, so you might want to double-check them before use. Also, I used capitalization liberally so you might also want to check where capitalization is actually indicated.
Ab Intra (From Within)
Acta Est Fabula (The play has been performed)
Acta Sancti ___ (The Deeds of Saint ___)
Ad Undas (to the waves / to hell)
Advocatus Diaboli (Devil's advocate)
Aegri Somnia (a sick man's dreams / troubled dreams)
Alea Iacta Est (the die has been cast / point of no return)
Apologia Pro Vita Sua (defense of one's life)
Caetera Desunt (the rest is missing)
Cedere Nescio (I know not how to yield)
Damnatio Memoriae (damnation of memory / denying someone ever lived)
De Nobis Fabula Narratur (their story is our story)
Decessit Vita Patris (died before their father)
Diem Perdidi (I have lost the day)
Dies Tenebrosa Sicut Nox (a day as dark as night)
Dolor Hic Tibi Proderit Olim (some day this pain will be useful to you)
Dulce Est Desipere In Loco (It is sweet on occasion to play the fool)
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus (while we live, let us live)
Dux Bellorum (war leader)
Ex Umbra In Solem (from the shadow into the light)
Festina Lente (hurry slowly)
Fortis Cadere, Cedere Non Potest (the brave may fall, but can not yield)
Fui Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum (I once was what you are, you will be what I am)
Graviora Manent (heavier things remain / the worst is yet to come)
Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (one day, this will be pleasing to remember)
Hic Mortui Vivunt (here the dead speak)
Hinc Illae Lacrimae (hence those tears)
Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi (Today it's me, tomorrow it will be you - of death)
In Ictu Oculi (in the blink of an eye)
In Somnis Veritas (in dreams there is truth)
Inter Spem Et Metum (between hope and fear)
Lapsus Memoriae (slip of memory)
Luctor, Non Mergor (I struggle, but am not overwhelmed)
Lux Ex Tenebris (light from darkness)
Media Vita In Morte Sumus (In the midst of our lives we die)
Memento Mori (remember that you will die)
Memento Vivere (remember to live)
Morior Invictus (I die unvanquished / death before defeat)
Mundus Senescit (the world grows old)
Nemini Parco (I spare no one - death)
Nitimur In Vetitum (we strive for the forbidden)
Non Ducor, Duco (I am not led; I lead)
Non Omnis Moriar (I shall not all die / part of me will survive beyond death)
Nunc Scio Quid Sit Amor (now I know what love is)
Oderint Dum Metuant (let them hate, so long as they fear)
Omnia Mutantur (everything changes)
Onus Probandi (burden of proof)
Opera Posthuma (posthumous works)
Ophidia In Herba (a snake in the grass)
Pax Aeterna (eternal peace - a common epitaph)
Primum Non Nocere (first do no harm)
Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus (we are dust and shadow)
Quis Leget Haec? (who will read this?)
Quod Periit, Periit (what Is gone is gone)
Res, Non Verba (deeds, not words)
Respice Finem (consider the end)
Scientia Et Sapientia (knowledge and wisdom)
Seculo Seculorum (forever and ever)
Sed Terrae Graviora Manent (but on earth, worse things await)
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
Sic Infit (so it begins)
Sic Vita Est (such is life)
Silentium Est Aureum (silence is golden)
Sine Nomine (without a name / author unknown)
Sola Dosis Facit Venemum (the dose makes the poison)
Solvitur Ambulando (it is solved by walking / simple tests find solutions)
Stamus Contra Malum (we stand against evil)
Succisa Virescit (cut down, we grow back stronger)
Sum Quod Eris (I am what you will be - of death)
Summum Bonum (the supreme good)
Summum Malum (the supreme evil)
Sunt Lacrimae Rerum (there are tears for things)
Sunt Omnes Unum (they are all one)
Tabula Rasa (blank slate)
Transire Benefaciendo (to travel along while doing good)
Tu Fui Ego Eris (I was you; you will be me - of death)
Ubi Amor, Ibi Dolor (where there is love, there is pain)
Ultima Forsan (perhaps the last / sundial quote "perhaps your last hour")
Usque Ad Finem (until the end / fight to the death)
Vacate Et Scire (Be still and know)
Vi Et Animo (with heart and soul)
Victoria Aut Mors (victory or death)
Vincit Qui Patitur (he conquers who endures)
Vita Ante Acta (a life done before - of reincarnation)
Vivere Militare Est (to live is to fight)
Vox Clamantis In Deserto (the voice of one crying in the wilderness)
There are also some longer ones that may not make good titles because of their length, but are still worth inclusion:
Aut Simul Stabunt Aut Simul Cadent (they will either stand together or fall together)
Flectere Si Nequeo Superos, Acheronta Movebo (if I can not reach Heaven I will raise Hell)
Forsan Et Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (perhaps even these things will be good to remember one day)
Igitur Qui Desiderat Pacem, Praeparet Bellum (therefore whoever desires peace, let him prepare for war)
In Regione Caecorum Rex Est Luscus (in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
Minus Malum Toleratur Ut Maius Tollat (choose the lesser evil so a greater evil may be averted)
Quem Deus Vult Perdere, Dementat Prius (whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad)
Ubi Sunt, Qui Ante Nos Fuerunt? (Where are they, those who have gone before us?)
Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit (that which virtue unites, let not death separate)
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writingjourney · 1 year
You've known Papa Primo for a thousand years. You have lived together for many-many years. Although you are not much younger than him, but your husband is worried, that he is old for you, that you will stop loving him. But on the other hand, he sees, how you look at him. Just like before. Like he's the only man in this world. Both of you are not getting any younger, and the feelings between you are no longer as hot and unbridled as before, but they have become stronger, warmer. Let it be a little difficult for you to give each other physical love, but you can talk for a long time.
The Devil's Ivy | Primo x gn!reader
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I love you anon and I love this headcanon. Primo deserves all the love and affection. Also, I wrote this while sick so pls bear with me.
content: 900 words, older gn!reader, just some wholesome fluff :)
Masterlist – Ao3 link
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Epipremnum aureum, the devil’s ivy, almost a decade old but still alive and thriving.
Primo has been propagating this plant for an hour now, carefully cutting the stems with his sterilized pruning shears, removing leaves, placing the cuttings in fresh water. His patience astounds you, just like his growing expertise ever since he started to properly hone in on this former niche interest of his after retiring. Watching him so focused on his hobby is beautiful; it would be much more beautiful if you weren’t seeing that big line of worry on his forehead.
You leave your reading spot on the sofa to walk over to his sunny working station by the window. If he notices you, he doesn’t let on, only setting down his latest cutting and the shears when you mold yourself into his side, wrapping your arms around his middle.
“Hello, handsome,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his soft cheek.
Your husband has changed a lot over the past two decades, just like you have. The years are much more visible on him, though, a man who had to shoulder all the heavy burdens that life as a high-ranking clergy member inevitably bestowed him with. They are etched into his skin now, visible in every line on his face, every wrinkle and age spot marring his hands, the slightly crouched way in which he walks. The responsibilities, the sacrifices he made in his faith, they mark his very soul, and his stern reputation has long since faded as he grew into a confidante, a mentor for many younger clergy members. You love his growing softness, physical as well as emotional. His caring nature had drawn you in when you met him more than half a lifetime ago, especially towards his brothers, hidden under so many protective layers of authority and sometimes even cruelty. But now it is showing so clearly that you can’t help but fall deeper in love with him every single day.
“Hello, fiore mio,” he replies, wrapping a slender arm around your waist.
“I love that you picked up gardening.” You lean into him, feeling his steady warmth. “I love you, Primo.”
He smiles. “Because I bring you flowers every day?”
You smirk. “Yes. But also no.”
“I love you, too,” he says, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “What made you get up from your comfortable spot on the couch to tell your old man this?”
“That unmistakable line of worry on your forehead.”
His expression changes, softens, and you lift your hand to smooth out the very crease you’ve been speaking of. He relaxes against your touch, wrapping his other arm around you as well until you’re properly nestled up to him.
“What is it, my love?” you ask, leaning back to catch his mismatched gaze.
A soft shake of his head. “It is silly. Silly old man thoughts.”
“Tell me anyway.”
Primo sighs, his fingertips digging into your flesh ever so slightly as he tightens his grip on you. “I am old, amore– No, hush!” You close your mouth again at his scowl. “I am old, it is true. You are the best thing in my life, fiore mio. I am grateful for you every day and I want you to be happy with me always, so it is natural that I worry about this, yes? That I am too old for you?”
You smile softly, running the backs of your fingers over his cheek. “I suppose it is normal, yes.”
He takes your hand that’s still hovering close to his face and brings it to his lips. “I worry about this sometimes but then I see you like this, looking at me with such love, treating me like I am the only man in the world, like I am still young and desirable.”
“You are still desirable. And you know I’m not getting any younger either.”
He shakes his head dismissively. “Your beauty only grows every day, amore.”
You feel your cheeks heating up as he presses a tender kiss to your knuckles, then another and another until you can’t help but giggle like you did when you were young and head-over-heels in love with him. And you still are that person, in many ways, only that your love has changed, evolved from a heated, passionate intensity to this soft, lingering feeling of bliss that every action now carries. The years have not weathered your love for each other but made it stronger and the solidity of those feelings, of your trust in each other, is worth more than anything else in the world.
“I will make some tea now,” you decide. “And you take a break to sit with me for a while.”
He nods, shoulders slumping as his worries slowly leave him. “Thank you, amore.”
You smile, holding his face in your hands to look into his familiar eyes. Throughout all those years together, the excited glimmer when he sees you has never once disappeared, and you feel ever so grateful that you get to see it every single day. When you lean in to press a proper kiss to his lips, he reciprocates and keeps you close for just a little bit longer.
Maybe these moments are how you propagate your love. And with a little care and patience every now and then, you know it will thrive, just like his devil’s ivy, for many years to come.
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0v3rcast · 1 year
Seriously. If these things mess you up, please sit this one out.))
Vulnus Aureum
Teyvat was supposed to be different. You were a stranger here, an outsider, brought here after a disastrous first life.
You were supposed to see this beautiful world through your own eyes, to fall in love with it a second time. To taste the meals of your most beloved characters, to know them as people...
Instead, the first person you met put an arrow through your eye, killing you instantly.
This vendetta against you follows you from Mondstadt to Liyue to Inazuma to Sumeru. The ones you love turned against you by some belief you're an 'imposter'.
Pyro licked at skin as you screamed, burning to death.
Your frozen body shattered when it impacted the ground.
The sizzle of frying flesh as you writhed and howled, body coursing with electro.
Desperately clawing at your throat, eyes becoming bloodshot as Anemo stole the breath from your lungs.
The sheer water pressure of Hydro attacks cleaved through your flesh with impunity, your lungs overflowing with water as you drowned on dry land.
Your organs and bones crushed to pulp beneath the unyielding weight of Geo.
Dendro-grown plants strangled and bound you, thorny vines curling up to crush you, air full of choking pollen.
Teyvat was supposed to be different.
Unbeknownst to you, every death came with consequences for your killer.
Visions entirely lost their glow, the elemental energies contained within abandoning the traitorous allogene, leaving them powerless in a suddenly far more hostile area.
Pristine weaponry and artifacts, proof of your favor, vanishing into thin air the moment you cease to live.
Even the falling stars that once brought them such power simply fade from their constellations.
(After all, if they are not yours, if they reject Your Divinity, then they have no right to your favor.)
Where your blood touches weapons, they rust and decay, turning the pinnacles of craft into simple piles of iron oxide and termite-eaten wood and weathered stone.
You find that the animals, monsters, and machines of Teyvat follow your orders without question and treat you with both respect and kindness.
Hilichurl camps all across Teyvat go from 'nuisance' to 'genuine danger' as their inhabitants go up a world rank overnight are mysteriously empowered after your presence fills their cursed bodies with life, with this not helped by the fact that many allogenes simply no longer have the power of a Vision.
Upon a throne of marble and gold and crystal, a 'god' harshly addresses their acolytes, hurling abuse at the now-powerless Archons.
In their rage, they knock over a porcelain cup, which does as all fragile things do and explodes into shards.
(In this instant, Teyvat grins, her eyes full of malice, and a careful application of Anemo takes one shard straight across the cheek of the false idol.)
The archons stare up in horror as starless red blood oozes from the wound on the face of their Creator.
Horror curdles into deep-seated shame... and blinding rage. Four Archons overpower a liar and rend them apart with nails and teeth.
That night, the sky fills with falling stars, gold and blue and purple screaming down from the heavens on comet tails, seeking out those who'd never raised their hands against the maker, giving them gifts that had once anointed favored acolytes.
These 'New Chosen' do not stay within the cities. Not when they have You to find. Not when there is so much for them to make up for.
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xponentialdesign · 1 year
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Classicum Aureum Elementium. The oldest gold artifacts in the world are from Bulgaria dating back to the 5ᵗʰ millennium BC Gold artifacts probably made their first appearance in Ancient Egypt at beginning of the pre-dynastic period, at the end of the 5ᵗʰ millennium BC & the start of the 4ᵗʰ. In the past, a gold standard was often implemented as a monetary policy. Gold coins ceased to be minted as a circulating currency in the 1930s, and the world gold standard was abandoned for a fiat currency system after the Nixon shock measures of 1971.
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deathlessathanasia · 3 months
What colors do you associate with Hera?
There are several, but turns out I'm boring and unimaginative so they are mostly colours that appear in association with her in ancient texts.
Golden, yellow and to some extent red: gold is basically the ultimate godly metal and Hera herself has several gold attributes (sandals, throne, peplos); yellow/red because of the associations with bridal clothing in ancient Rome and possibly Greece as well. I'm combining these because of what Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones points out in Aphrodite's Tortoise: The Veiled Woman of Ancient Greece: "Investigation of the Greek and Latin texts shows that the ancient view of red actually incorporated a colour band that runs from modern-day yellow to red to purple. In the Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius, after all, Favorinus' treatise on the red-yellow band of colour confirms that what we would ordinarily classify within the yellow colour stratum, the ancients were happy to see as red. For Favorinus, flammeum, croceum, aureum, xanthos, erythros, pyrros and kirros are all shades of red, and in this the Roman philosopher follows a line taken by Aristotle in his Meteorologica." Hera is also called ξανθᾶς in the eleventh Ode of Bacchylides, a word that is usually translated as blond or red-haired and is probably somewhere in the yellow-red-light brown colour range.
Purple: because of its connotations of nobility and luxury but also because Bacchylides calls her πορφυρόζωνος (purple-girdled) in Ode 11 and in the Thebaid of Statius she s offered a purple garment by the Argive matrons. Also, the inventory from her temple on Samos lists several items of clothing decorated with purple fringes that were meant to be draped on her cult statue.
White: because the only item of clothing that has its colour mentioned in her preparation scene in Iliad 14 is her white (λευκὸν) kredemnon; there is also this description of Royalty, the child of Zeus, in Dio Chrysostom's First Discourse on Kingship: "He therefore took him first to the loftier peak and showed him a woman seated upon a resplended throne. She was beautiful and stately, clothed in white raiment, and held in her hand a sceptre, … a figure for all the world like the pictures of Hera."; And again, on Samos, another of Hera's cult statue seems to have had a white himation.
Black as well, to a much lesser extent: I have no idea why, really, maybe just because one of the definitions for "boopis" in the Iliad scholia is "black/dark-eyed" (Μελανόφθαλμος). She definitely has dark eyes in my mind, but that's about it.
Blue too, I guess, and maybe also silver since the epithet ἀργυρόθρονος is apparently applied to her once or twice, but honestly silver doesn't really feel like a Hera colour to me.
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aureumdev · 3 months
Welcome to The Aureum
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Hi! I'm a newer software dev, but with a long history with programming (thanks to this accursed site in 2014 and my desire to join robotics) I also happen to love writing and art, and have a lot of OCs. I always struggled with keeping them organized and finding a software that works for me.
Enter, The Aureum!
What is The Aureum?
The Aureum is a work in progress web based app made with electron that I am working on so that I can organize my characters in a bit of a different way. A lot of elements and planned features take inspiration from the fandom community wiki, mixed with some of my other favorite world building websites that just ended up not being a good fit for me.
I made this blog so I can easily keep track of my development progress on this, and maybe make some cool new friends in the process.
What does it do?
Currently? Very little, other than make characters with information.
However, I'm currently working on a number of features, one of my most ideal features being project organization. This would allow me (and other users ofc) to sort their OCs and locations BY the project. Maybe you're a writer working on a few different series/stories at the same time, and you need some way to seperate them. Maybe your a game dev, visual novel creator, etc and you just want to have some way to store all of your story and character information in one place.
I also have some more fun and 'unique' features that are being worked on, like an automatic reference sheet generator, which prints out some of your characters information like name, age, height, weight, body type, and some of your preselected colors.
Another favorite feature I'm working on are the personality sliders! In the characters page there are sliders that you can edit to have a little more of a 'fun' view of how your characters act. Here are some screenshots of the layout from within Figma!
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Currently, I'm setting up the data storage structure so that we can input all of this character information and still be able to create a project after to put the character in. But while I'm still working out the kinks, here's a list of the main planned features that will be implemented before i send it out to friends to alpha test!
Multiple Projects/ Worlds
Entirely locally hosted, no internet connection required
Personality sliders
Character sheet generator
Timeline feature per project/world
Ability to link to sources and citations
Relationship linking between characters (Similar to fandom wiki setups)
The Aurei - The golden ones, your favorite OC's flagged so that you can access them faster, especially if you have favorites from multiple projects.
Random generation features, for things like art prompts and writing prompts.
Ideas for future releases
D20, d6, etc dice roller
Fake social media screenshot generator similar to twinote or photonote
Additional timeline just on a character by character basis
Ability to sort OCs by tag - by gender, species, location, etc.
Dark mode (maybe custom color palettes for later that users can upload/customize via css)
and more!
Okay but when will it be done?
Truthfully, who knows? I'm solo deving this software for fun, while working a full time job on top of my normal small game projects I make. It might be functional in a few months, or it might take a few years. Ultimately, I have no timeline for this project, and I want to be up front right out of the gate. Once i get a stablle build with the main character and project features implemented and organized, I'll send it off to friends to alpha test, and if all goes well for a few weeks, then I'll post the alpha build for others to use.
Why are you doing this?
the short answer is just because i want to. The longer answer is because, while I love using things like notion, obsidian, metos, worldanvil, etc. I find that there's always one or two things missing from each of them that I'd personally like to have. A lot of these softwares/websites are created with specific things in mind, like note taking, etc. But for me, I make games, i do art, i write stories, and I'm a DND Dungeon Master, so not all of those softwares will work for my every project.
I wanted to make something that would work for everyone, for all of their creative needs.
Also a mini note, to anyone who comes back and sees this or is curious, this project *will* be free on release to the public and likely hosted on itch.io. There are currently NO plans for an online sync or any only features, as that is not within my devstack or technical abilities at this time.
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venillopewrites · 1 year
Hi I hope you're well. I was just wondering if there were any new updates you could give us?
If not, what about any non spoilery fun facts for this or your other project?
Actually Idk if you started working on it yet but if so, How's the other project going? All I saw was animals and got excited.
Hello love! I'm doing good, winding down from the summer excitement and preparing my home for my favorite autumn season 🍂 My neighbors are getting increasingly worried about my pumpkin collection.
I do have some minor updates for you! Nothing to warrant an entire post, but small successes are also successes!
For example, the personality aspect of the prologue has passed quick testing! Now every action has an appropriate reaction somewhere in the text, no matter how small. I so enjoy flavor text 💫 (I added like 2k words of flavor text. Oops, but not really)
The naming shenanigans for the Parasite has been fun. There's some easter eggs there, depending on what you decide to name it! (ie. Venom, which no doubt will be popular) Of course all of these aliens from media have faded from human memory between 2023 and 2974, but that won't stop me from writing some general and vaguely snarky responses.
Bonus scene for this week was the very first "death" scene. Not that the MC can die this early in the game, but I'll switch to the Parasite's POV as a lil treat for both you and me 😌 It's very exasperated about the whole ordeal of its human meat bag going *windows shutting down*.
Focusing heavily on the stat page now too, and boy is it fun. There's even (placeholder) graphics! Both literary and numerical relationship stats, yay! Shiba will be the only one who even remotely likes MC in the beginning of the game, the others are either indifferent (Parasite), wary (N.) or downright hostile (E.)
There are a lot of fun tidbits from both games, but let's do TEP for now.
Did you know organized religion no longer exists in 2974? The only thing remaining are obscure records on the intranets and crumbling, forgotten infrastructure hidden deep within the oldest parts of the Pens. Cults though, those you'll find in abundance!
The metropolitan city has a name, but no one really uses it. The three districts (the Aureum, the Hub, and the Pens) are the biggest districts within the city of Arca. There are more, but no one really pays mind to those. Like suburbs that have nothing happening to be honest.
All but four planets (the four exceptions being Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn) in the solar system are inhabited by humans. Mercury is an industrial behemoth, and only houses mines, factories, and factory workers. Venus is a resort planet, but just for the richest of people who can afford it. Very bougie. Mars is a settled planet with similar massive cityscapes as Earth, but they're very much shielded under massive domes. Pluto is a prison. Many moons/natural satellites also have colonies, because humans are too many and need space.
One of those inhabited moons kinda went kablooey in 2430. RIP people who lived on Rhea.
While the future has many great technologies, humans haven't dabbled in android business yet. There are some trials on extinct animals though, but those have all been failures.
Animals only exist in zoos. The planet is too barren and crowded to house any natural animals. Sad, but no one really cares since they don't go outside the city limits on foot anyway.
Oh wee, that was a lot of loredropping, huh? Hope it gives a bit of an insight to the world!
Now the other project is in outlining stages, but I can name drop some NPCs/RO's for you 😉 They're all set in their genders too which will help me with coding.
Anyway, here's them and their respective emojis.
Kit 🐻‍❄️🐧
Olivia 🐬🦈
Dallas 🐊🐍
Mason 🦁🐯
Harper 🦚🦜
Sydney 🩺🐾
Oh, and the villain 💵🏗️, duh.
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volucerrubidus · 1 year
@aureum-li liked for a starter... so i continued a thread lol
Tim nudged Kon's arm with his elbow, eyeing him from the corners of his eyes. "Hey, now. This city slicker might take offense to that."
Their gaze flicked back to the stars, though, and after a quiet moment, they conceded, "...It is peaceful; I'll give you that one."
Tim liked Gotham. He did. There was nowhere else he'd rather live. But for a short few days, they had taken up camp at the Kent farm, and if they were being honest with themself, something about it felt so distant and far away from everything, that it was easy to see why Kon, and other assorted Supers, took refuge there whenever the world felt too intense.
Reaching to twine his fingers into his friend's, Tim added, "I have to admit, though, I don't think I could live here full time. Could outlast Imp, for sure, but... I dunno. I think I'd miss--" My family. My legacy. My city. My work. "White Castle. Can't go anywhere else for mediocre burgers half as good as theirs."
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The Characters of Escheria
Hello, biblio-anthropologists!
Recently I've been renaming some of the characters in Escheria (the first story world you visit) to better fit the naming system, and I realized that I haven't written introductions yet for the characters that you'll meet later in DDWCaPH! So here you go!
Below are some old concept art for Huckle and Berry, although they need a bit of a redesign after all the new developments.
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If you missed the previous worldbuilding posts and need some more context, check out these other posts:
Escherian Clock/Calendar
The Herstory of Escheria
Stars and Constellations in Escheria
I'll post more worldbuilding details about the naming system in the next one!
Hortus Aureum Mimidae, more commonly known by his alias "Uncle Huckle", is the camp founder of D' Warblings Camp, a refugee camp for dwarves and halflings caught in the ongoing civil war. He established the camp together with the other members of his 'vaudevillian' group, The Nightingales.
A devout Avian despite being a dwarf, Uncle has managed to call for a truce between the two people with his efforts. He has been trying to work out a peace treaty ever since the war drove his halfling wife Berry away, a monumental task given that one of the FIVE GOLDEN RINGS is still missing.
Uncle is a jolly, exuberant, and generous type of person who loves fireworks, hosting social gatherings, and telling stories, both true and exaggerated. While very much a party bird, Uncle can count on his fingers the number of times he has been drunk, partly from the vow he has made after marrying Berry. He usually takes pranks and jokes in good stride, but he can also be stubborn and quick to anger if you threaten him and his flock.
Besides being one of the camp's leaders and an ambassador for the halflings, Uncle works as the innkeeper of the Huckle-Berry Inn & Tavern, as well as an amateur ornithologist—which he takes great pride in. As a former member of The Nightingales, Uncle is also a professional at playing the kazoo, which he uses to call on his trusty griffin companion, Dore.
Uncle's signature weapon is a convertible three-sectional-staff made from fortified bamboo, and a repurposed hunting rifle from his griffin hunting days, customized to look like a bamboozle (a bamboo toy gun). Although an experienced fighter, his old age is catching up to him more than he'd like to admit.
Cyanea, more popularly known by her stage name-turned-nickname Blueberry Rhymebelly, was a former Nightingales halfling vocalist and chorister, before she married Huckle and co-founded D' Warblings Camp.
Huckle and Blueberry initially didn't have an interest with each other, until their bandmates decided to set them up together on a blind date. After years of being courted and serenaded, Berry's parents eventually let Huckle marry her via the Ardan marriage tradition of heartbinding, with the condition that they set the marital vows.
Berry later gave birth to their daughter Cordelia, but rising tensions from the war ultimately led her to leaving the camp and her family. Since Avians are polygamous, she has since then married and started a new flock with her old friend Vireo, with permission from Huckle. Of course, Huckle will always be her first love, and she regularly keeps in touch with him and Cordelia through Huckle's messenger birds.
True to her sweet and caring nature, Berry is proficient at nature and healing magic, which she harnesses through her singing talents. While she can use her gifts for combat, she usually prefers casting illusions and "silence" spells, which renders others who rely on Avian magic powerless. It's sometimes useful for winning arguments against Huckle too.
Cordifolia, or Cordelia as she is known around the camp, is the half-dwarf, half-halfling daughter of Blueberry and Huckle. While Cordelia has her mother's warm, understanding, and caring nature, she also has her father's fierce protectiveness and unyielding determination. Although she might appear shy compared to her more outgoing parents, she loves getting to know people and learning what brought them to the camp.
Delia works as a cook and tea brewer at the HuckleBerry Inn & Tavern. While she enjoys the peace and frequent gatherings, she feels uneasy and longs to leave the camp, something her father is adamantly against. She wants to venture out into the world to help other people with her abilities, partly because of the call to adventure, and partly to stop the rising tensions that drove her mother to live away from the camp—a sentiment Wayne can relate to with his own father.
She is an apprentice at nature and healing magic, a talent she inherited from her mother. She's not gifted at singing like her mother is, so she uses her ocarina instead to harness the healing and protective properties of Avia's winds. Although she views violence as a last resort, she is still very much capable of defending herself, having learned various fighting techniques from her Papa.
She also has a rainbow cockatoo griffin companion named Odora, which she unknowingly tamed as a toddler after her father caught one from the wild. Dore grew to be protective of Delia, often taking her and her father together to fly and do tricks around the camp, sometimes recklessly as Dore has come to expect Delia's healing aid. Since then, Dore has become an invaluable asset for her father's diplomatic efforts, as the griffins' hybrid nature symbolize unity between Avia and Arda.
Polyantha is a halfling Avian priestess, and was one of the original members of the music band "Polly and the Seven Dwarves". After she was appointed Broodmother due to her accomplishments and generosity as a priestess, she left the band, which eventually reformed into The Nightingales we know today.
Although Polly is adored by many citizens (giving her the nickname Aunt Pollyana), her term as Broodmother was ultimately cut short after a measly one and a half cycle (the shortest on record), when she openly declared her disinterest in marriage and bearing children—a decision which made her unfit to bear the title of Broodmother.
She moved in to D' Warblings Camp after it was established to become its head priestess, and to support the ambitions of her old friend and bandmate Huckle (who she affectionately calls "Dumpling"). While still not at all interested in marriage, she has adopted twin goblin children orphaned at the camp, named Powellichthys and Tautoga, better known as their nicknames, Po and Tato.
Despite being overthrown, Polly is on friendly terms with Purpurea Strigidae-Tytonidae-Monarchidae-Paradisaeidae, the current broodmother of Cellador. And with her age and experience, she has become one of Broodmother Rhea's most trusted advisors.
After Huckle finds a child named Wayne bearing the missing golden ring, Polly and Rhea must guard Wayne and his friends from the cult who calls themselves The Catalysts—who aim to bring about the Third Intervention—and the villains invading from a plot hole that suddenly manifested in Escheria.
The feisty dwarven innkeeper of The Galloping Griff-Inn, located in Cellador. Pistacia's inn is where most of The Nightingales would stay and perform before they grew to popularity, which would eventually become the inspiration for Uncle building The Huckle-Berry Inn on a treehouse.
Although heavily pregnant, Tasha decides to escort Huckle and Wayne's company through the treacherous Gub'bat Forest in order to make an emergency meeting with the dwarven president of Mt. Bundoc, Oleifera Fargesia.
After the premature worldquake, she returns to Cellador and decides to temporarily convert the inn to an infirmary with the help of Aunt Polly and the other Avian priestesses.
Tomentosus, or Uncle Tom to his colleagues, was an old friend of Huckle during his griffin hunting days, and the husband of MetroKnome's District 13 Governor, Chlora Polyporales.
One of the few male gnomes in an otherwise female-dominated field, Tom is a gnome tinkerer specializing in Ardan magic. His innovations has revolutionized steam technology, with the development of a renewable power source through the use of solar-powered runes. Solar energy allows runic magic to be portable and rechargeable for later use, unlike Avian and Aguan magic which needs to be harnessed continuously through music or movement. This discovery led to Tom popularizing the "rock" music genre and pioneering a new popular sport among Ardans and Avians: ornithopter racing.
After the premature worldquake, Tom led an expedition on his airship The Dymaxion, to map out the new landscape and search for new habitable areas. The ship was eventually led off course to a world of chocolate and candy, after a discombobulated Santa Claus crashes with the ship.
With the help of the missing children Huckle and Polly were escorting, Tom and Santa's reindeers fly the airship to evacuate WanderLand's citizens, from an oncoming tsunami caused by the worldquake. Unfortunately, the ship comes across another plot hole causing a literal food storm, but the kids narrowly escaped through one of Tom's prototypes, a solar-powered vessel built from the remains of a wrecked school bus.
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pixystixxxdraws · 2 years
The Tragedy of Aureum Pomum Tremelliare
By 2004, that name was a hushed whisper.
You see, in a similar vein to where you would hear after six layers of separation, you could connect to any person in the world, there was a rumor if you follow any money held by a mage through up to three layers of separation, you would face the Tremelliare family.
If you're a mage family truly worth your salt in mage society, you'd have come to them, begging for a loan or if you were truly daring, their near miraculous healing, to cost you an arm and a leg.
Just like Mystery itself, they greatly disliked being discussed in broad daylight, only in hushed whispers akin to magecraft itself.
A string of curious movements within the family, however, left eyes focused on this matriarchy, if you could call it that anymore, for only a moment.
The idea of them connecting to the Clock Tower itself was only seriously entertained by the last head of the family, the last true Madame Tremelliare who forced herself to attend the Clock Tower. The Madame would not only become head of the family in the shadows, but must be emblematic of womanhood itself.
It's hard to trace what the Tremelliare's base their magecraft in, but if you knew much about the family, you may know the family motto.
"Life if a Miracle."
Because of this, it's less surprising the Tremelliare family would be a matriarchy. They would never take a husband, only a suitor to father their children before allowing them to leave with decent compensation. Older generations say they've seen the Tremelliares take on husbands, but it was clear they never truly had power.
This is all pretense, of course, to establish the mage society's shock when the first Monsieur Tremelliare in hundreds of years was established in 1997. To track their inner workings were impossible, but what only made it more curious was their recent connection to the Clock Tower, making the previous heirs more visible.
This is where those who've done business with the family for years had started to put together the pieces.
In 1993-1994 the twin heirs, Aureum Pomum Tremelliare and Argent Malum Tremelliare had attended classes at the Clock Tower.
It was unclear why this generation decided to keep the boy, Argent, as a spare, but there were few and far between who truly considered him an actual heir.
It was until 1994 when Aureum Pomum Tremelliare had been removed from classes, and in 1997, when Madame Victoria had passed, Monsieur Tremelliare was officially named.
While the pieces may be clear for now, corroborated by witnesses of tense words exchanged between the twins, there is another player one must consider in the fate of this young lady.
Aureum Pomum Tremelliare had attended classes in the Department of Minerology, run by Lord El-Melloi at the time, Lord Kayneth Archibald. She had attended for a total of 5 days before transferring into the same class as her brother.
One of the more outrageous rumors that may explain as to why that was would be that of Aureum's stance on mages, as some dare to say she had more radical views on preserving magecraft. Unfortunately, it's hard for knowledgeable mages to accept the heiress to such an older family to advocate so fiercely for newer mages.
There were whispers that Lord Kayneth and Madame Victoria Tremelliare had been old friends, but the interest lies in reports of Kayneth showing interest in Argent Malum Tremelliare, the future Monsieur Tremelliare.
Monsieur Tremelliare has spoken on multiple occasions his admiration for the previous Lord El-Melloi, however it seems the Tremelliares were unable to give him their full support in the 4th Holy Grail War, three months after the last appearance of Aureum in public.
And in 1997, after Monsieur Tremelliare was announced, shortly after the current Lord El-Melloi II was announced, was all financial support between the Tremelliares and the El-Melloi family cut.
It seemed as though these two had a particularly harsh relationship to some, as it seems everytime they were in the same room, those around Monsieur Tremelliare could tell how fiercely unpleasant it was to be in the same room as these two. As they both kept their tense expressions, it seemed Lord El-Melloi II, fierce for his "lack of respect", would have trouble talking to the Monsieur, who would always look ready to kill for the entire interaction.
Now all these mages have, behind closed doors and in hushed tones, are questions they know will never be answered.
What happened in 1994 to the previous heiress? Did the El-Melloi's truly have a hand in her disappearance?
And why does Monsieur Tremelliare have such a hatred for Lord El-Melloi II? And why wasn't he dead?
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bioaquatix · 3 months
What Are the Hidden Gems Among Freshwater Tropical Fish for Sale?
Looking to add some new life to your aquarium? Freshwater tropical fish offer a wide variety of colors and behaviors that can turn your tank into a vibrant underwater world. While many hobbyists gravitate toward popular choices, there are some hidden gems out there that deserve attention. Let's dive into five exceptional freshwater tropical fish for sale: Blue Aureum, Cardinal Tetra, German Blue Rams, Silver Angelfish Short Fin, and Gold Angelfish.
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amaryllislifecycle1 · 6 months
Pothos plant types
Introduction: Pothos plants have rightfully earned their place as one of the most beloved indoor plants, cherished for their beauty, resilience, and air-purifying qualities. Within the realm of pothos, there exists a fascinating array of varieties, each with its own unique characteristics and aesthetic appeal. Let's embark on a journey to explore the diverse world of pothos plant types, perfect for enhancing the ambiance of any home.
Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): A timeless classic, the Golden Pothos stands out with its glossy, heart-shaped leaves adorned with streaks and splashes of vibrant golden-yellow hues. Renowned for its adaptability and low maintenance, this variety thrives in various light conditions, from bright indirect sunlight to lower-light environments. Its trailing vines make it an ideal candidate for hanging baskets or cascading from shelves, adding a touch of warmth and vitality to any room.
Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen'): Embodying elegance and sophistication, the Marble Queen Pothos captivates with its marbled foliage, featuring creamy-white patterns swirling amidst shades of green. This striking variety is a showstopper in any interior setting, complementing both modern and traditional décor styles alike. Like its golden counterpart, the Marble Queen adapts well to different light levels and thrives with minimal care, making it a popular choice for busy homeowners seeking a touch of luxury.
Neon Pothos (Epipremnum aureum 'Neon'): For those craving a burst of vibrant color, the Neon Pothos plant types delivers with its electrifying lime-green leaves that seem to glow with vitality. This energetic variety adds a playful element to any space, infusing it with freshness and dynamism. While it appreciates bright, indirect light, the Neon Pothos is also remarkably forgiving of less-than-ideal conditions, making it an excellent option for beginners or those with less sunlight in their homes.
Jade Pothos (Epipremnum aureum 'Jade'): With its lush, deep-green foliage and glossy texture, the Jade Pothos exudes a sense of serenity and tranquility. This variety is renowned for its resilience, thriving in low-light conditions where other plants might struggle. Whether placed in a dimly lit corner or adorning a bookshelf, the Jade Pothos brings a touch of nature indoors, promoting a calming atmosphere and enhancing overall well-being.
Pearls and Jade Pothos (Epipremnum aureum 'Pearls and Jade'): Combining elegance with whimsy, the Pearls and Jade Pothos enchants with its variegated leaves adorned with specks of creamy-white and emerald-green hues. This captivating variety adds depth and texture to any room, serving as a focal point or complementing existing décor elements. Like its relatives, the Pearls and Jade Pothos thrives in diverse light conditions and requires minimal maintenance, making it an excellent choice for busy households.
Conclusion: Incorporating pothos plants into your home decor not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also promotes a healthier and more inviting indoor environment. From the classic charm of the Golden Pothos to the vibrant energy of the Neon Pothos, there's a pothos variety to suit every taste and style preference. By exploring the diverse range of pothos plant types available, you can elevate your living spaces with lush greenery and experience the joy of nurturing these versatile and resilient botanical companions.
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0v3rcast · 1 year
Hi! I really love your sagau fics. I’ve read your one-shots like Vulnus Aureum, which I especially liked for some reason, and the way you’re writing this au in your Gnaw fic is pretty interesting!
The elements made into their own beings, the Creator’s children is amazing! I love the Abyss Made Manifest.
“Some alchemist made them when Khaenri'ah existed” I wonder… Is this Gold/Rhinedottir?
Ngl, I did not expect Ganyu’s horn to be torn off, but that’s great! (wow that sounds weird) In most fics the Creator gets hurt and barely inflicts damage, so to see them cause that kind of injury is impressive! I love it.
I’ve seen in other sagau fics the hilichurls and other abyssal creatures being allies to the Creator, but it’s the first time I see someone write Osial. I’m curious to see what’s going to happen next, if he can help the Creator escapes… I really love the way you’re doing this! I'm very curious to see what comes next.
Thank you for writing this!
And thank you for reading this! I'm glad so many people are having a good time.
The Abyss Made Manifest (please, call her Nil, her full title makes her feel old) loves you too!
I don't exactly know much about the Rhinedottir/Gold, but I'm going to say she, at the very least, led to the clone existing.
Maybe not on purpose, but her work probably did a lot to lay the foundations of creating a vessel for a spirit. If she did actually have a direct hand in it, Nil likely devoured her.
(Also, the one who started the project? Immortal, eternally trapped in the Abyss, to be tormented forever, in every possible way. They're basically Prometheus, but instead of eagles eating their liver, they're just an abyssal chew toy until the creator gives them the final peace of deletion.)
Ganyu, while a sweetheart, is devoted to her work to a degree I'd maybe call obsessive, and in a cult AU I'd presume her faith would be just as (if not more) intense.
She, like most of the world, is pretty under the not-you's spell. If she knew, she'd likely march to that palace and kill the other you herself.
(Though she'd have to get in line, there's practically a mob of angry allogenes and Archons outside the door in that scenario.)
Osial is a big friendly hydra who needs more love, damnit.
A sweet baby who can also drown an entire section of the world. That is Osial. My noodle child.
Anywho, thank you for talking to me! The wonderful people on this website are the most human contact I get other than my two friends.
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