#worm hashtag
hablandoconcarol · 6 months
24 consejos para no ser estafado/a en Internet Aquí tienes algunos consejos para evitar ser víctima de estafas, especialmente en internet: 1) No respondas a correos electrónicos que soliciten datos personales y no hagas clic en enlaces sospechosos. 2) Protege tu información con contraseñas seguras y cámbialas regularmente. 3) Desconfía de mensajes de texto, WhatsApp o redes sociales que parezcan fraudulentos. 4) Verifica la autenticidad de los organismos públicos o bancos que te contacten. 5) Comprueba las transferencias y operaciones bancarias que realices. 6) Presta atención a la redacción de los mensajes y busca errores que delaten fraudes. 7) Corrobora la veracidad de ofertas promocionales o descuentos. 8) Investiga la reputación de tiendas o sitios antes de comprar en línea. 9) Utiliza el doble factor de autenticación siempre que sea posible. 10) Cambia contraseñas solo a través de sitios oficiales. 11) Verifica el logo de autenticación en contactos de WhatsApp de organismos públicos. 12) No compartas códigos de verificación recibidos por email o mensaje. 13) Mantén actualizado el sistema operativo, navegador y aplicaciones. 14) Usa antivirus y antimalware. 15) Desactiva ubicación, cámara y micrófono cuando no sean necesarios. 16) Nunca envíes dinero a desconocidos. 17) Observa errores ortográficos y gramaticales en comunicaciones. 18) Ten cuidado al compartir información personal o multimedia. 19) Baja la velocidad y no actúes bajo presión; los estafadores suelen urgir a sus víctimas. 20) Revisa la autenticidad de sitios web y correos electrónicos. 21) Evita páginas falsas que imitan a sitios legítimos. 22) Infórmate sobre las últimas estafas digitales y cómo operan. 23) No confíes en páginas que causen desconfianza o parezcan demasiado buenas para ser ciertas. 24) Denuncia cualquier actividad sospechosa a las autoridades competentes. Espero que estos consejos te sean útiles para protegerte de posibles estafas. Siempre es mejor prevenir y estar informado. 😁 💳 👮‍♀‍
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nat-20s · 9 months
*gently takes your hand* listen LISTEN. I know they're mostly goofs but genuinely no version of The Doctor and Donna hate each other. They're SOULmates not personalitymates. Their dynamic will play out differently with each face but there is never once a lack of mutual love and adoration. As long as The Doctor is The Doctor and Donna Noble is Donna Noble, they are sharing a soul in different bodies, no matter what bodies those might be.
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hornystiel · 2 months
keep thinking about how armand likes to take walks in daniel's mind unannounced of course and when he's once again at daniel's apartment, trapping him against a wall and staring at him unblinkingly, hand going to daniel's pants, playing with him like a cat with its prey, daniel's mind is a jumbled stream of please and yes and fuck this is scary and fuck I'm getting turned on. and armand has been hearing all of this for centuries from others, he's used to it no matter how vain is it to think like this. but coming from daniel? it's somehow special. and also he missed being desired so much by one person. it feels fresh and he's suddenly hungry. and then he hears 'i missed this bastard' and his mental ears perk up because really? this boy missed him? after everything. and he asks in words and daniel denies it, tells him to fuck off even though he's shaking like a leaf while doing so, but his mind doesn't lie. and at this time they've met like a couple of times and armand is all dom and closed off from him and I want to see how it slowly changes, how at first he's always in control and hides behind his personas but slowly he unravels and at one moment he catches himself missing daniel as well and from then on it's a road downhill
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umitheclown · 8 months
Alternate wttt universe where everything is the same but everyone is a worm on a string
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ultimatefartwizard · 3 months
In leu of the current stuffs, I finally have reason to post my beautiful rendition of Mandroid's final form
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Look at that totally beautiful smile, nothing is wrong with this picture at all
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bandaidfingers · 6 months
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another little set of Dune sketch commissions from earlier in March :) Stilgar and Shai-Hulud
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
One aspect of Les Mis that gets lost in adaptations is how critical Hugo is of the Church, and the way Christianity can be used as a tool of oppression. Myriel is not supposed to represent a normal bishop-- he's a bizarre outlier. He's a rebel. No one else in the Church likes him because he's the only one who calls out their hypocrisy. And it's not a coincidence that the Thing that made Myriel go from being a shallow careless aristocratic cad to a gentle compassionate priest was....the French Revolution.
It's fascinating how much Myriel actually ends up agreeing with the atheist rebel Conventionary's attitudes towards the Church--- but it makes complete sense when you look at the way he's been interacting with religion for the past few decades of his life!
In 1.1.12 we're told that Myriel is flat-out shunned by all other bishops and priests, largely because he has no interest in using the Church to gain power and wealth.
He “did not take” in Paris. Not a single future dreamed of engrafting itself on this solitary old man. Not a single sprouting ambition committed the folly of putting forth its foliage in his shadow. (...)The impossibility of growing great under Monseigneur Bienvenu was so well understood, that no sooner had the young men whom he ordained left the seminary than they got themselves recommended to the archbishops of Aix or of Auch, and went off in a great hurry. For, in short, we repeat it, men wish to be pushed. A saint who dwells in a paroxysm of abnegation is a dangerous neighbor; he might communicate to you, by contagion, an incurable poverty, an anchylosis of the joints, which are useful in advancement, and in short, more renunciation than you desire; and this infectious virtue is avoided. Hence the isolation of Monseigneur Bienvenu. We live in the midst of a gloomy society. Success; that is the lesson which falls drop by drop from the slope of corruption.
When he interacts with other bishops, it's with snarky frustrated comments about they waste all their money on luxuries while people are starving:
The fact is that he displeased them. Among other strange things, it is said that he chanced to remark one evening, when he found himself at the house of one of his most notable colleagues: “What beautiful clocks! What beautiful carpets! What beautiful liveries! They must be a great trouble. I would not have all those superfluities, crying incessantly in my ears: ‘There are people who are hungry! There are people who are cold! There are poor people! There are poor people!’”
He describes himself this way: I embarrassed them. The outside air penetrated to them through me. I produced on them the effect of an open door.”
Myriel is not normal! All of his acts of kindness and generosity, and the way he's so willing to shield outcasts and criminals, are explicitly framed as a kind of rebellion against the church. And, more importantly, it's all completely voluntary. He doesn't have to do any of it. His voluntary poverty is, emotionally, completely different from the actual real poverty of the people around him-- he never has to lose more than he can bear. If he doesn't want to give up everything, he can still choose to keep his fancy aristocratic silverware. I think that's part of why he doesn't protest against the Conventionary when he assumes that Myriel is ridiculously wealthy and lives in a palace full of luxuries. Even if the Conventionary was wrong about Myriel specifically....he's voicing the exact same criticisms Myriel has made of the church. He's saying all the things that Myriel has said to his own colleagues, the things that have made him an outcast. The Conventionary's:
You are a bishop; that is to say, a prince of the church, one of those gilded men with heraldic bearings and revenues, who have vast prebends,—the bishopric of D—— fifteen thousand francs settled income, ten thousand in perquisites; total, twenty-five thousand francs,—who have kitchens, who have liveries, who make good cheer, who eat moor-hens on Friday, who strut about, a lackey before, a lackey behind, in a gala coach, and who have palaces, and who roll in their carriages in the name of Jesus Christ who went barefoot!
is very similar to Myriel's:
“What beautiful clocks! What beautiful carpets! What beautiful liveries! They must be a great trouble. I would not have all those superfluities, crying incessantly in my ears: ‘There are people who are hungry!'
(And the Conventionary's comment about Jesus Christ preaching barefoot is very similar to the Bishop's earlier comments about how he is fine with travelling on the back of a donkey because it was good enough for Jesus Christ.) It's like, the Bishop thought the rebel atheist Conventionary was his enemy-- but after talking to him he discovers that he agrees with him far more, and on a far deeper level, than he agrees with any of his peers in the church.
And that's what he's getting at in the last lines of the chapter:
“Monseigneur, people are inquiring when Your Greatness will receive the red cap!”—“Oh! oh! that’s a coarse color,” replied the Bishop. “It is lucky that those who despise it in a cap revere it in a hat.”
People who despise the red hats of rebels revere the red hats of cardinals. But at this point Myriel seems to respect this outcast atheist rebel more than he respects any of the high church officials we've seen him interact with; he snarks at his bishop peers until none of them like him anymore, but he begs the conventionary for his blessing.
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toonnytotal · 3 months
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Worm the worm GARFEILD FAN #1
@schmiblorflumbo's guy yeah
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abirddogmoment · 8 months
realized today that I'm so done being embarrassed by my puppy's normal harmless age-appropriate behaviours
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luvbug724 · 7 months
it’s 12:35 am i have to stop checking that thea post but a decently small age gap between adults is not inherently problematic & is an incredibly situational thing you can’t just take a rule and apply it to everyone
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imfullofworms · 1 year
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Right now the sky is my favourite shade of peace
A blue so warm it can't possibly be linked to the emotions it loves to describe
And I listen, listen, listen...
Nothing— my head, heart and soul are quiet
At home...
The noise, the grey, the war are waiting
But they can't have me, not yet
Not yet
by me, warm and content :)
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catilinas · 1 year
wikipedia list of roman consuls who exploded
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bug4932 · 2 years
everyone who votes gregor needs to start actually posting content of him after the poll ends
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bio1 · 1 year
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andmaybegayer · 6 days
saw someone quote some bad economics/AI doomerposting about how tech companies are bad because they're parasites and I have other complaints about everything they say but it also features this claim
Recall that only ten percent of animal species are parasites. What happens if that number grows to 30% or 50% or 70%? That must have catastrophic consequences, no?
which, man, come on, anyone who knows about parasites knows this number is bullshit. Esimates say there are at least 100k different species of helminth worm alone, probably way more, let alone parasitic wasps, flies, snails, and more. Error bars are wide but most estimates of species of animal life come in under 10 million. Hell there's over 50 thousand known parasitoid wasps. You don't have to make claims that are wrong! Even if you're counting individuals, The average zebra or salmon contains multiple parasitic worms. Battery chickens! By biomass, maybe.
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volivolition · 9 days
truly if anymr f t lttrs f my kybar brak tis inclus svral numbrs an n f t parntsis btw) im fr ral gnna run ut f kybins t rplac tm wit </
[truly if anymore of the letters of my keyboard break (this includes several numbers and one of the parenthesis btw) im for real gonna run out of keybinds to replace them with </3]
#chemi chats#the ''e'' and ''3'' keys broke a long time ago which is already pretty shit considering how many <333's i write.#i remap the ''e'' key to my ''insert'' key and remap the 3 to the number pad so i can still make hashtags#then as if taking <3s wasnt enough my ! key broke. not the 1 key. shift+1 SPECIFICALLY. which is a hate crime against me im pretty sure??#so i remap that to the number pad too. at some point my d key stopped working which was annoying but also vaguely amusing#because typing ''i want to draw volition'' when the d key isn't working is /mortifying/ hkjghg#my o key stopped working too so i remapped it to the 0 key on the keypad.#today my h key stopped working too which SUCKSSS because thats what all my keysmashes start with???#my volume up and down keys are also broken? along with my screen brightness and 9 key. my delete key and backspace are also on the fritz#its a whole ship of theseus situation lmao anyone trying to type anything on this keyboard is just like ''what the fuck bro'' gjgfkjg#i my nam is vli. im 2 yars ld an my prnuns ar /im. LMAO thats so funny kjgdfkj#its literally such a hassle to replace each of these with a different keybind and readjust everytime jikjg#the whole laptop's breaking but replacing it would cost money and thats a whole other can of worms djkfdd#anyway i have to restart the laptop so that the new keybinds can start working (ive been copy-pasting every h in this post gfkjg)#i think i'll also take a nap? idk low energy as fuck recently </3 ok bye!!! <33
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