#virus hashtag
hablandoconcarol · 6 months
24 consejos para no ser estafado/a en Internet Aquí tienes algunos consejos para evitar ser víctima de estafas, especialmente en internet: 1) No respondas a correos electrónicos que soliciten datos personales y no hagas clic en enlaces sospechosos. 2) Protege tu información con contraseñas seguras y cámbialas regularmente. 3) Desconfía de mensajes de texto, WhatsApp o redes sociales que parezcan fraudulentos. 4) Verifica la autenticidad de los organismos públicos o bancos que te contacten. 5) Comprueba las transferencias y operaciones bancarias que realices. 6) Presta atención a la redacción de los mensajes y busca errores que delaten fraudes. 7) Corrobora la veracidad de ofertas promocionales o descuentos. 8) Investiga la reputación de tiendas o sitios antes de comprar en línea. 9) Utiliza el doble factor de autenticación siempre que sea posible. 10) Cambia contraseñas solo a través de sitios oficiales. 11) Verifica el logo de autenticación en contactos de WhatsApp de organismos públicos. 12) No compartas códigos de verificación recibidos por email o mensaje. 13) Mantén actualizado el sistema operativo, navegador y aplicaciones. 14) Usa antivirus y antimalware. 15) Desactiva ubicación, cámara y micrófono cuando no sean necesarios. 16) Nunca envíes dinero a desconocidos. 17) Observa errores ortográficos y gramaticales en comunicaciones. 18) Ten cuidado al compartir información personal o multimedia. 19) Baja la velocidad y no actúes bajo presión; los estafadores suelen urgir a sus víctimas. 20) Revisa la autenticidad de sitios web y correos electrónicos. 21) Evita páginas falsas que imitan a sitios legítimos. 22) Infórmate sobre las últimas estafas digitales y cómo operan. 23) No confíes en páginas que causen desconfianza o parezcan demasiado buenas para ser ciertas. 24) Denuncia cualquier actividad sospechosa a las autoridades competentes. Espero que estos consejos te sean útiles para protegerte de posibles estafas. Siempre es mejor prevenir y estar informado. 😁 💳 👮‍♀‍
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marbledproxies · 12 days
i do NOT understand the jeffben ship whatsoever. even as a middle schooler i couldnt stand it :iamshakingmyhead:
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cherrywperson · 1 year
okay yk what?? im going to ramble about this fic cuz uhhhhh has me going nuts a bit anddd i want to share the crazyness
The Omission
(im bad at explaining this is going to be so ramblecore)
so gumball is connected to the void, in a way that it speaks to him and messes with his head. (does that mean he knows he's in a cartoon? no but i'll get into that in a bit)
the void has been pretty much causing him issues. he's feeling terrible. these issues are kind of what the fic revolves around.
gumball and darwin have kind of a conflict with eachother. gumball phases in and out of the void sometimes. rob is there. many mentions of tv static. some self awareness slipping in there. bobert dies in like both chapters HELPP WHAT. oh and mr small is there woohoo
i can best describe the fic as an essay of sorts. it digs into the characters' thoughts and feelings, why they might be the way they are. it questions their world, their reality, and just all that existential stuff sort of. and it describes things in such a way that captivates me so, so much i just absolutely love it.
it was meant to be a oneshot, but it got another chapter just now and it's really good as well (actually check out the notes at the end of chapter 2 for more info on the chapters stuff thank you)
i just really like this fic okay? i reccommend checking it out if yr interested ^__^ !!!!
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pupuseriazag · 11 months
Oh so porn bots can spam their fucking links with porn thumbnails in several tags but god forbid a queer artist posts a tittie
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boldlygoingtohell · 10 months
In a weird way, as a Jew, I can kinda take Normal Antisemitism™️.
I mean, I understand where right-wing racists are coming from when it comes to their antisemitism. At the end of the day, theirs just comes from fear, replacement theory, etc… It’s easily identifiable. 2+2=4. Yea its shitty, but I see how they got from A to B and it’s a straight line.
But left-wing antisemitism?? Like, how does that happen? I thought the left was about supporting minority groups, encouraging them to speak and be heard. But all I’m seeing from leftists these days (I myself being super fucking liberal, left, etc…) is just waves and waves of antisemitism. And yes it has to do with Israel, but these people are incapable of criticizing the Israeli government without going “all Jews are responsible!” in the process. It's infuriating.
Are all the the world’s Jews, millions of which live OUTSIDE of Israel, now responsible for Israel’s actions? I'M a stupid American! I’ve never even BEEN to Israel, much less know the intricate details of a geo-political conflict whose complexities go willfully unlearned by armchair activists in favor of yelling in all caps for 140 characters.
But what really gets me, and I mean REALLY get me about the whole situation, is the hypocrisy.
Remember how awful it was when we saw waves of Islamophobic hate crimes after 9/11, American Muslims with no ties to al-Qaeda being targeted for the faith those terrorists claimed to represent?
Or do you remember standing against the wave of anti-Asian hate crimes that was spurned on by COVID falsehoods? The “China virus” as Trump so eloquently put it? You remember being pissed about that, not blaming Asian Americans but standing with them against hate?
And hell, I’ve heard there has been a rash of Islamophobic attacks again because of the Israeli-Gaza conflict. That’s fucking awful, and I will stand against that bull shit because it does not belong here, end of story.
But now there are also antisemitic attacks, hate crimes, being perpetrated around the world. And who are the perpetrators now? The left that stood against everything else. There's no widespread ally-ship for Jews like me. There's no sweeping social media campaign, no catchy hashtag, no ice bucket challenge.
Why am I allowed to be condemned for what a country on the other side of the world is doing, when I have nothing to do with it? Why can I have the finger pointed at me when I don’t want the fighting in the first place? Why must Jews be allowed to be the target of this ire when it's already been decided that other ethnicities/religions don't deserve it either?
Now, I am PROUD to be Jewish; it is my culture, in my heritage, in my literal blood. It is in my genetics, my bones, my spoken language, it is in the holidays I celebrate, the philosophies I live by.
But it is also in the generational trauma of my mother insisting I have a passport as a young child, not because we were traveling, but in case we had to flee. It is in her inherent distrust of the government; a card-carrying Democrat all her life, she would always remind me, "if you don't think the government can't turn on you, you're kidding yourself." It is her constant reminders that as a Jew, our assimilation is conditional, our acceptance is political. I felt these, but never as strongly as she did. Not until now.
I am third generation American, and yet I feel like an outsider in the only country I have ever known. People who I thought understood, who were my friends, who marched with me against the injustices of the world, are now calling after Jews to answer for Israel's actions.
I say I don't want the violence to persist and I'm told that I'm, "one of the good ones". I'm told hurt Israelis don't deserve sympathy because, "all Jews are rich anyway, right? Who cares." I tell them my fears about the rising antisemitism and wearing my star of david necklace out. I'm told, "it doesn't matter, you're white anyway."
For the first time in my life, the racists aren't just some crazy KKK members. They're not just Nazis marching around with beer bellies and ill fitting helmets. It's not just some screeching street preacher who claims I'm going to hell after he caught the glint off my star of david necklace. If needs be, I can kick and punch my way out of those. They're just idiots. Isolated, concentrated incidents. It'd be a good story to tell at a bar the next day though a gap-toothed smile and a sling on my shoulder.
But now, both sides are coming after me and my people. Now, it's not just idiots who have all of their views backwards; it's people I thought I could trust to have my back, to go down swinging with me against those Nazis. Right. Left. It's everywhere. There's no escape.
It's coming from all sides. It's coming from social media platforms, from dinners with friends, from posters on street lamps.
I live in one of the safest, most Jewish neighborhoods in America, and for the first time in my life I am truly scared.
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liiiiianne · 7 months
It's honestly more mutation than horror but I'm still so glad people said they'd wanna see this! so here's the story:
In this au romeo accidentally some horror virus out of magic from the evil asteroid and science.
The virus spread (starting with ortisia) it mutates everyone with their powers and turnes them into violent monters and start loosing control of their body. The virus spreads when someone mutated touches/attacks another person (but ortisia got it from breaking into Romeo's lab).
People with no powers are immune, like Romeo. And people who don't have or use much magic like Night Ninja can still try to fight and work with the virus if they got infected.
So now the rest of the uninfected are racing to find a cure to save everyone.
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Also made a hashtag for it just in case⬇️
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
So I’ve been thinking of the EarthSpark children’s books again.
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Besides the Guidebook, these two seem to be the only ones out atm that are original stories and not recaps/adaptions of episodes of the cartoon. I personally prefer original stories set roughly during the cartoon’s universe, and to no one’s surprise I’m naturally a big fan of the RiD15 books being all original stories.
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However, my nitpick with the EarthSpark books is they’re too short and … safe. There’s no real conflict or if there is one, like Racetrack Recon, it’s resolved instantly…
Now kids books or not, I think most of us want some kind villain for the Autobots to fight, which the RiD books excelled in. My favorites being Scuzzard from above, Liege Maximo starting trouble because he was bored and needed a cheap thrill, and Drift meeting up with his old Decepticon crew. So what can the EarthSpark books do?
Well for starters:
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Use Swindle. He’s perfect for low scale conflict, and you can get a lot of mileage out of him starting trouble with a guest star that the Terrans have to stop. Obviously you could experiment with other villains besides him, but still.
Book idea 1: Items have been going missing from Witwicky. The culprits are Swindle and Chop Shop.
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Besides trying to make a quick buck, they also seek to steal important GHOST tech to benefit the Decepticons still roaming the Earth. Dot and Optimus have to keep Croft and Schloder distracted so the Terrans can put a stop to Chop Shop’s kleptomania.
Book Idea 2: The Decepticons need energy if they plan to still take over Earth and stick it to Megatron and GHOST. Swindle, seeing an opportunity to make some moolah, gets Octane and RatBat to join him on a fuel syphoning scheme.
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I feel like it’d be a Jawbreaker and Grimlock story as a gag on fossil fuel.
Book Idea 3: Revision of Recon where Swindle fixes the race using the RiD15 originated Stunticons. I already talked about this one.
Book Idea 4: Tarantulas runs afoul of an old lab partner, the insane Autobot scientist Flame.
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(For a potential toy, I feel Flame would be a hybrid design of these two, taking more from the one on the right for ease of toy design.) Flame, fed up with the humans treatment of Transformers, decides to release a Cyber-Virus bio weapon Tarantulas developed during the Great War, and use it to Cyber Form Earth into something more palatable. Tarantulas needs Nightshade, Wheeljack and Hashtag’s help in a race against the clock to defeat Flame’s mad ambitions. Akin to RiD15 Grimlock with Simacore, Nightshade gets their first arch rival in Flame.
Book Idea 5: Nightshade and Sam team up to take down crime in Philadelphia, playing up a bit of the superhero side to the owl. Playful parody of 60’s Batman, using Animated supervillains like Angry Archer and Nanosec.
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The supervillains are part of a larger scheme by the Decepticon Malignus.
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Of which Nightshade and Sam need to call in the rest of the “Teen Terrans” and Bumblebee to help deal with.
Book Idea 6: Optimus Prime’s trailer/Combat Deck starts malfunctioning and causing a rampage around town, causing a headache for GHOST and the Autobots.
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It’s discovered the jailhouse Decepticons implanted a computer virus into the trailer via Bombshell’s Cerebro Shells to spite the Autobots. Twitch, Robbie and Hashtag have to jack in and defeat the computer virus within, Kremzeek, in a video game showdown while Jawbreaker, Mo, Thrash, Nightshade and Megatron try to contain the Combat Deck on the outside. There’s a fun visual of Roller effortlessly pulling the trailer around town in its rampage.
Book Idea 7: GHOST develop their own Navi program in TORQ III from studying Cybertronian technology and Teletraan 1.
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A hybrid of the G1 episode, Marvel UK’s Raiders of the Last Ark, and TFP’s Flying Mind, TORQ finds GHOST inefficient and seeks to apprehend every remaining Decepticon on the planet with his own methods, regardless of the consequences to the Autobots, and humans like the Maltos. Optimus, Elita and Megatron have to stop TORQ and his mind controlled Decepticons from starting a new Machine War.
Book Idea 8: The elusive Mirage, based on the RotB version with his body being closer to RiD01 Mirage, returns and pays a visit to the Malto household to see what all the hubbub is.
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Mirage, Robbie and Thrash become fast friends, and team up to put a stop to the latest scheme of Swindle’s. Battletrap, Transit and Scorponok are present as part of further RotB synergy.
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robodove · 11 months
You mentioned a ninjago manga thing in your last posts hashtags, what are you referring to? I'm curious.
This! I wish I knew what it was from but most I see from it is 1 reddit post and a Japanese website that tries to give you a virus... on the Ninjago wiki, there's a whole little comic in the same style (it shows up when you look up "Ninjago manga,") but it doesn't include this... I'm sure more could be found with proper research, but I just thought the outfits were cute! :]
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cartilagecruncher · 5 months
Because I'm honestly kinda curious, what's Kasper's opinion of D? I can tell that infected thinks of them as a friend, but I'm curious on Kasper's opinion of them
Also, if you'd like, add another lore tidbit because I enjoy reading them
hehehehee.. >:3 Kasper finds them to be a nice person, not quite a "friend" yet, more like a buddy or someone you keep seeing everywhere and you don't even know their name. also YAY LORE TIDBITS!!!! i'll only add a few little fun fact/mini-lore things here </3 - The virus does have a name. Only Kasper knows the real name of it. - Lampert is like a brother to Kas, since he "adopted" him from the ROKEA, and he's basically a part of the family. This is why Infected and Lampert are so close, despite the horrors. - Unplez gets WAY too excited everytime she gets to talk with Kas. Like "HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" levels of excited. [sometimes tokyo mew mew ichigo levels of excited/ref] Hashtag Infected hate club.
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decepti-thots · 10 months
I’m really sorry about your ongoing work situation. I hope you get some sort of relief and rest when you can. As for asks, maybe this is standard knowledge James lore, but what are your favorite Transformers continuities? Top 5 TF ships (across the franchise)?
Thank you! <3 Hopefully. Soon.
My favourite continuities are TFA (how I got into TF proper), IDW1, the Sunbow G1 cartoon, Cyberverse and then. You know I probably do like Beast Wars: Uprising enough to give it fifth spot, lmao. It's too unhinged for me to not give it that. I mean. It's just TOO ridiculous and there is nothing I love more in the world than something utterly committed to its own bit. The final piece of canon is an academic paper written in-universe, for gods' sake. There's a virus that turns people into Galvatron. A character speaks in hashtags. Eject runs the hunger games. First neopronoun in Transformers canon. Incredible.
My top five ships are IDW rodimags, taraprowl, arcee/aileron, cdrw, and the fifth is a constantly rotating list of whatever currently has my attention, traditionally, lmao. Right now I am thinking a lot about megop, they can have the spot.
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ballercollective · 6 months
Ok so since the poll is basically over [it's obvious what's gonna win anyway] I have typed up my other interpretations of Unpleasant!! Dumpster Diver: - Basically got shot out of a computer one day - lived in dumpsters for most of their life, eating small mammals like raccoons, birds, and the occasional rat -Kas found him in, like, late middle school. Him and Lampert hung out near the dumpsters just to hang with them. - Kasper and her were BESTIES!!!! - After high school, when Kas had to go to college, he bought an apartment and snuck in Unpleasant. Yayy they live together now!! - Unpleasant ate Poptart cuz.. force of habit. - After the virus, Infected started being really hostile to Unpleasant, acting like he doesn't even know them and constantly telling them to leave. It was a really stressful to convince him to let her stay. Thankfully, Infected couldn't bring himself to throw them out. - VERY big introvert, they'd much rather watch skibidi toilet than talk with someone they don't know. Born Of Him: - When Infected got the virus, he basically got spawned out of thin air. He's a by-product of it. - She's cringe on purpose, just to mess with everyone. - WALLTER LED A VOTE THAT THEY COULDN'T SPEAK IN THE ELEVATOR LMAOO SO NOW THEY'RE JUST GETTING COOKED - More humanoid than the other versions I have. - yeah idk what else to say. this one doesn't have glasses and he ate poptart to piss off Infected. Oopsy Daisy - Decided to crash at Kasper's place for literally no reason, they lived in the walls. - He caused the infection! Kas got infected with something that they tracked in and he was chased out of the walls by the texture infection. - She understands that this situation is wholly her fault but she doesn't want to feel guilty for it, so she just pretends it never happened. - Lampert eventually found out because they accidentally mentioned it in a conversation, and he hates them even more now. - Struggles with basic subjects like math and stuff, but is a BOSS when it comes to history. Why? He was THERE, that's why!!! Hashtag immortal being and all that
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ch1meraa · 11 months
Warning long post!
Here is an excerpt from an rp I’ve got going on with @turtwap - This isn’t the entire story, but some turns from where we are up to. It takes place in my Plagued horror au - Some time after the end of episode 25 of Transformers Earthspark. Mandroid’s plan to eradicate all Cybertronians is reversed, the healing ray ressurects him, but leaves him in a comatose state. He is taken by GHOST where his future is not certain. When an outbreak of an unknown and devastating virus surfaces shortly after, Alex asks GHOST to help Victor AKA Mandroid - They agree, but funding a new body for him will not be cheap - They must see results from him to make it viable. And so, Victor is brought back where he has to face up to his past - He makes some good progress but there are many obstacles ahead to face.
@monocle-teacup thought this might be of interest to you
@vihattu-thethoroughbredofsin Here is the rp the drawings are based on
As time passed, Hashtag grew fed up with being in her room. She wasn’t tired either - and now she was growing bored of being in the same place. Her music wasn’t helping her tonight. Exhaling pointedly, she got up from where she’d been sat, which wasn’t on her berth - instead, she’d been sitting on the floor, head in her hands, for an unknown amount of time. Bored, she decided to take a walk to break up the monotony of the evening.
In the training arena, a miserable sight was unfolding before the scathing glare of Lena, who should have gone home hours ago. She wanted to oversee proceedings with the new Plagued captive - because this one was far more coherent than the others. This one was *talking* …
Arms folded, she turned to the team. Alex was nowhere to be seen, not at this late hour. She smiled a gloating little leer of a grin. Nobody to stop her from getting her money’s worth out of being an absolute bastard around Victor, whom the scientists had gathered around as he was being medically assessed - he looked indifferent to the situation. He was sitting on the berth. Alex ordered that he wouldn’t be strapped down against his will. He tolerated just sitting there, even as hands touched him, pinched at his veins, injected him or hooked him up to various machines. Victor had ports on his armour, where jacks could be inserted, to see how the mechanical parts of him were functioning - it was sad how no one spoke to him, despite that, like them, he had a human face - he stared ahead, or down at the floor. The only one who spoke to him was Lena - and she did not address him nicely. He didn’t look at her but saw her feet approach, then stop some feet away. His face was unreadable. He did not look up. When Lena spoke, it was not to him but about him - to the other scientists, making him feel even less human.
“…We have a talker in the arena. Have Victor find out the alien’s name. I want to know as much as possible - so make sure there are no mistakes this time.”
Wincing as one of the technicians jabbed a needle into his arm, Vic looked out through the window at the Cybertronian who was sitting by themselves, surrounded by open space and then a ring of guards with plasma guns trained on him. At that moment, Vic felt a weird sympathy - Two different life forms which were not so different because they were both viewed as beasts.
“Diagnostics are complete. Looks like a clean bill of health for you, Victor.” Came the voice of one of the scientists, Alex’s friend Marcus - One of the more pleasant lab staff. Even though he was scared of Vic, he was always courteous to him.
Marcus followed Vic as he wordlessly stood up, walking towards the window to look into the arena. Marcus appeared next to him, looking up at the cyborg scientist.
“…I take it that this one isn’t destined for the chopping block, then?”
“Yeah - we just need intel tonight, Vic. You have full permission to terminate him if you feel it is necessary.”
That was all Vic needed to know. He looked at Marcus, who moved back a few steps - Vic stopped caring long ago who was scared of him just for existing.
“Acknowledged - And chill out, Marcus. I don’t always bite.” Vic added sardonically. With that said, he left to go to the arena, where the big, captive Cybertronian awaited him.
Hashtag had found herself wandering through tall doors marked ‘No Entry’ or ‘Staff Only’ - Fuck it. She was in a mood and needed a thrill. She had no idea what she had let herself in for when she found herself in a dark engine room - with its busy machines buzzing away and bright lights flickering … no one was around despite the noise. The next door she found was marked ‘Arena 2 - Viewing Room’ - at first she didn’t dare to go in - what if it was full of people? Before she could stop, she’d already let herself in. It was cold, dark and empty. What the hell was this place?? She locked the door, spark pulsing with some fear she now felt for having snuck so deeply into the base - where she was probably not permitted unless accompanied. What she saw next made her optics go wide - It was *him*
And someone else… a fellow Cybertronian… she didn’t get too close to the glass, in case she was seen, but nor could she make herself look away.
Topspin was as bolted to the wall as any living being could be. The restraining bolts kept him from accessing any of his weapons, but he had the strength now to break out of there if he tried. Even hungry as he was - *starving*. He just needed something to eat, just one cube of energon to take the edge off. He’d *watched* those Terran kids go right past where he was hiding that night, but Megatron had forbidden anyone from touching them on a pain worse than being made un-dead.
GHOST still dumped Energon in the forest. It wasn’t always *good* Energon. They were sure it was medical waste or what was left over from various machines, but despite tasting like trash, it was edible for them. It took the edge off, at least. GHOST had so few uninfected Cybertronians left, so getting a fresh meal was much more complicated than it used to be. With the loss of his twin still fresh, he felt like he needed to eat double to fill the gap inside his spark. Maybe if he played his cards right, he could talk them into giving him some…
As the humans stepped aside, a creature stepped towards him - the face was human, but the rest of it….he didn’t even know. Despite not being afraid at all, inside him, he felt a sharp pain of fear from what had, at one point, been Twin Twist’s half of their bond. The fear he felt before he’d been killed.
As the creature stepped towards him, Topspin bared his terrifying fangs and screeched at it. The humans all jumped back in terror, but he wasn’t focused on them, “you killed my brother! I felt it! You gut him like a fish!”
Despite all the humans’ fear, one of them without armour, he didn’t recognise her even from before, turned to another and whispered, “Make a note: ‘even infected they still feel familial relationships—'
Topspin cut her off by shrieking again, “And you took him to get butchered! I’ll kill every one of you and take your hearts for —“
Several of the armed guards fired taser rounds at him, electrocuting him so hard he thought his audials would explode. He saw the human’s pet monster get closer to him, looking at him like a specimen.
As Victor approached, his organic set of arms folded loosely, he stood and observed, face set as he looked into the optics of the being before him. When he saw a scientist nearby making notes, he thought it best to usher them off - before they found out anything of *actual* value - and as Victor was the chief scientist at GHOST, he did have the final say. No one was going to argue with him regardless - most were only too happy not to have to be around him, especially given the fact that he’d nearly killed one of the scientists just weeks earlier. Vic was able to hide his reaction when he saw them taser Topspin, but his folded arms seemed to tighten. He, too, knew the pain of the taser well.
“Leave us.”
There was no resistance from the other scientists, who did as ordered. The others with their guns seemed hesitant at first, exchanging glances until Victor spoke again, that slightly mechanised voice making them jump as it echoed eerily in the massive space of the arena.
“*Did I stutter?*”
With the sternness in his voice, the guards, with their plasma guns, submitted and left the area along with the scientists. As they did so, Vic remained staring dead ahead into the face of the captive Cybertronian - when it was just the two of them, Victor finally spoke again.
“What is your name?” Vic began, ignoring the bestial anger and snapping jaws that could not reach him. Topspin was struggling so much, but Victor remained icy calm. He wasn’t going to barter or inflict pain. He wanted Topspin to realise he had a choice, to either be hard work - or be reasonable.
“This can be as difficult as you want it to be. If you comply, we can get this over with quickly. The choice is yours. I’ll ask again - What is your name?”
When the guards left, Topspin stared at the thing talking to him. Four arms, a tail….yikes. Maybe this guy took over the space bridge and came back as a monster in a shell. Acting tough didn’t faze him, so Topspin quickly cut the act and eased back against the wall. He didn’t let his guard down, but he no longer had anyone he needed to scare off.
The second time he was asked, he complied, “Topspin. Twin Twist was my brother…he’s one of the ones who was killed a couple of nights ago. Rotorstorm was the other.”
Names were a start - GHOST always loved getting names, even before. If they didn’t have a bot’s name, they pushed until they got it. The twins had listened to Optimus, joined the humans with the rest of the Autobots, kept their heads down and did what they were told. Look where it got them now.
“I was just looking for Energon - some guys in a truck usually dump the wasted stuff by this old backroad. It must have got too close. That’s what the other two were doing. Rotorstorm was so hungry he was starting to lose it - that’s probably why….”
He didn’t need to explain the rest. And he wasn’t trying to win any favours with a sob story. He just wanted to get this interrogation over with so they would hurry up and put him out of his misery.
As Topspin began to talk, Vic just listened - His demeanour didn’t change much, but his expression was intriguing. The man looked *done*. He looked like a guy who had just turned up to a 12-hour shift at his hated job. He kept his pair of organic arms loosely folded for a moment longer but soon began to walk towards the various large storage vats, machinery and what looked like surgical equipment on the big workbench nearby. Was this the end? What was this four-armed monster going to do next? Indeed, something awful. Indeed, something as inhuman as he looked.
There was the sound of liquid gushing and a tap being activated. It was probably a preservative or acid.
When the cybernetic creature returned, he held a Jerry-can-type container full of bright pink liquid. What he did next was utterly unexpected - Hashtag was still watching, optics wide. She was mentally trying to prepare herself for whatever awful thing was about to happen next. She could already feel her optics stinging, mind and spark racing as she desperately wanted to do *something* - anything… to stop was about to -
“This will be easier if you lift your chin.” Vic began, now standing well within biting distance - He had nothing to fear. He’d be wheeled away and stitched up, forced to get better and exist for another day, so he didn’t fear the jaws of Topspin. He wanted to give him some Energon, given that’s all he had wanted. It was impossible to tell if the act was out of some vague sense of compassion, or remorse or whether it was scientific curiosity. Regardless, he was offering the Energon - Topspin was free to react however he pleased. Given that he was bound, his options were somewhat limited.
Hashtag continued to stare in confusion through the window. In the sanctity of the room, she felt a knot form within her. Why was this scene not playing out like she had expected? Ruthless, scornful, cold and horrible Victor - Who wasn’t doing what she expected him to. Why?
As Victor leaned in with the Jerry can, just before he let Topspin drink, he lifted the can up enough to cover that he was talking to him - This was unexpected. Topspin could take the man’s throat out with one bite if he wanted, but when Vic began to speak again, it was too unusual of a situation to do anything other than listen.
“Topspin, I don’t have much time. If they see me like this for too long, they’ll send the guards down. Tell me - Are there others like you? Where is Megatron’s base?”
Victor knew that he was being monitored - They couldn’t hear him, not like this - but they could see him to a degree. He hoped that Topspin would give him something useful to work with and fast.
“I’m sorry about your brothers - There is no time for sentiment. Tell me what you know.”
When GHOST’s cyborg monster approached him with the Energon, Topspin didn’t hesitate. He tried to keep his lips over his fangs as much as he could out of deference, but he did gulp it down greedily. If he could, he would have bitten through the can and sucked it dry, though that would probably risk biting the hand that fed him and getting put down early.
He acknowledged the first question with a nod, swallowing down the last of the Energon quickly so he could answer. Instantly, he felt more alert, less like he was trying not to lose his grip on a slippery slope. Another couple of days hungry, and he would have ended up like the mindless ones that tore off and never came back.
Fair was fair - the creature had extended an olive branch, so the least he could do was answer honestly, “When you say ‘like me’, you mean coherent? Not just angry, spark-sucking monsters? We’re *all* like that - at least….who’s left. It doesn’t start like that. The hunger is so bad at first that it just *hurts* like nothing you could imagine. All you want to do is rip someone’s throat out. But after a while, it goes away. You start to become…more like you.
“But with so many of us, it’s getting harder and harder to find ways to feed. Sorry to say it, but we ate most of our options. That’s why we go after the scraps and stop attacking GHOST so frequently. There’s not much to go around, though…and when bots go hungry… that makes them monstrous. The ones that attack don’t know what they’re doing. As for the base…I don’t know—
Before Topspin could continue, the door slammed open again. Lena and her small army returned, pointing their guns at Topspin but not bothering to mind that Vic was half in the way if they fired.
“Victor, I said, interrogate it, not make friends with it. We are not a home for wayward demon-bots. Did it say anything useful or not?”
With the humans back, Topspin had no desire to speak. Their cybernetic pet….lackey….thing—Victor, apparently—he had no issues with anymore, but the humans would remain nothing but cruel. He bared his fangs at them, “Now I won’t say anything! I know what you’ll do if I talk: you’ll kill everyone and pretend to be the heroes. You aren’t any different than us.”
He sneered at her, hissing quietly through his teeth like a snake. The guards looked at the human woman expectantly, who only raised an eyebrow and looked down at her watch and back.
“Fine. I don’t have the time to waste, and I can find ways to lure another of you in. Maybe one more talkative,” she turned to Vic coldly, “kill him. Not too horribly, since now I need his corpse for bait.”
When Victor heard the big doors to the lab open abruptly, he looked to Topspin, resisting the urge to look behind himself - and for the first time, his otherwise set expression looked pleading. He spoke quickly and quietly, even as he heard Lena yell up at him, on the platform where he stood eye-level with the much larger form of Topspin.
“…If you want to help your friends, tell me where Megatron’s base is.”
In no hurry to acknowledge Lena or her troupe of guards, Victor searched the optics of Topspin one last time - Hoping he’d say something worthwhile. Victor pursed his lips, eyes closing in a moment of seething frustration as his jaw tightened. He sharply exhaled, looking determinedly to Topspin one last time - the seconds slipping away. He got down from the platform, getting back to the ground with a swift leap. He landed a short distance away from Lena and approached, noting how she did not move around like everyone else always did - even her not-so-tough guards appeared as if to be hiding behind their guns.
Her face twisted into a scolding grimace - as if she was always thoroughly disappointed. She barely acknowledged Victor even as he watched her dismissively pass by him. He was not going to chase after her. He didn’t even speak until she looked back, and up at him. Her words seemed to defy logic - Victor’s brow furrowed in confusion
“Lena - I implore you to reconsider. He has valuable Intel we can use. Killing him will be a setback we cannot accommodate.”
Lena’s head spun around so fast it was almost as if she’d had cold water thrown on her. She looked up at Victor, walking towards him. Whenever she took out that damn pen in her pocket and began clicking it, Vic knew well enough to expect the situation to go only one way - *hers*.
“-Give me some time with him and-“
“*Enough* - That is enough. Now, I believe I have already given you an order, so why don’t you hurry up and *execute* it? Put those many empty hands of yours to some use, won’t you? They, along with the rest of you, are costing this organization a small fortune I hope you realise?”
Inside, the man was utterly seething. All four of his fists tightly balled up - but he could not let his anger show -
For an entire moment, he locked eyes with that woman before him, and inside, behind the rack of chest teeth, he felt his laser gun warm up painfully - Oh, how he wanted to. He could not, though. Not yet.
Victor’s gaze went toward Topspin as he resignedly walked over to where he was bound - He did not want to kill him, but Victor had no choice. Before he did, he looked up at Topspin one last time and did the last thing he could think to do - in the moments they still had left. Using the Plague’s telepathic bridging ability, he reached out to Topspin - So only the two of them could hear each other.
“I apologise for what I am about to do. There won’t be any pain. I ask you one last time to tell me the location of Megatron’s base.”
Lena was growing ever more impatient by the second; if Victor wasn’t going to do it - She’d surely get her guards to kill him instead, and Victor would be reprimanded. To keep Lena distracted, Vic began charging up - The sound of his mechanical parts whirring up as a power boost bought him a little longer - but not much. He implored Topspin, as his organic arms began to extend - Then slam into Topspin’s chest, palms down, the teeth on his palms piercing Topspin’s chest plate, sinking in with deadly swiftness- Victor promised there would be no pain, and he kept his word. The scientist began draining the Energon out of Topspin - rendering his last meal moments ago worthless - Victor’s eyes went bright violet-white. Topspin stared back, hypnotised into unconsciousness. Victor drained him until he shut down, sagging in his restraints- completely dead. It was horrendous to witness - Even Lena looked uncomfortable. Truly, Victor was as twisted as any life form could get and he worried her, even if she never let him know of it.
Hashtag’s mouth hung open - she backed away from the window until darkness shrouded her. She felt *terrified* - She watched Topspin die, the unnaturally stretched arms of the cyborg scientist retracting. She ambled backwards until her back was against a wall, which made her gasp as she slid down it - She felt utterly numb by now. Why was she here in this awful place… It was like living in a tomb.
The moment Victor stepped away from the body, the team of specialists and guards had it lowered onto the ground to swarm it like flies, most likely preparing to store it until whatever plan Lena was concocting came time.
Speaking of, the woman continued staring on ahead when she spoke, not looking at Vic for even a moment, “I wasn’t just putting on a show, I meant what I said. We don’t have time for you to get to know every single bot that comes through here. If one won’t spill, we move on. Throw enough darts at the wall and one of them is bound to hit the target - eventually we will either find one that is as cooperative as we need, or we end up wiping them all out anyway.”
She could *feel* that Victor was about to argue back, and she didn’t care for it. Lena hadn’t even heard him draw breath before she held a hand up to quiet him, “they can act intelligent all they want, but it won’t change the fact that they are a threat. Whatever you were going to say, don’t.”
She walked away after that, crossing the room to speak with the team of lab coats and assistants, leaving Vic standing by himself. As cruel as she acted towards him, to the rest of her team she was firm and shrewd, but much less harsh. Always thanking them, hearing out and occasionally agreeing with their opposing opinions. She understood that the organization ran best with cooperation. But she saw Vic as an unpredictable outlier, one that needed to be kept on a short, tight leash.
Hashtag knew what she needed to do. She had to protect her family from that *evil thing* that her sister was so attached to. She could go home and hide and cry later, but right now she felt so angry she let it take her over. She retraced her steps from a couple days prior to her to the lab, easily hacking through door controls and security cameras to get there unnoticed. Once she was in, she realized she didn’t entirely have a plan. Was she going to try and kill him? How was she going to do that when he was so much stronger than her.
She pulled up the security camera feeds for the hallways again and saw that Vic was making his way back to the lab, he’d be there in a couple minutes. Panicking, Hashtag found a metal storage closet against one wall, and opened it, hoping for *something* that would give her a quick weapon, at least to defend herself. Fixed to the inside of one of the doors was a massive crowbar. It would have to do.
She grabbed it, shut the cabinet so no one would notice, and hid herself in a dark corner near the door.
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connanro · 1 year
i’m sure someone has made this list before. but i’ve recently reread the robin (1993-2009) comics and realised how Batshit Crazy tim’s time as robin was. here’s a list of major events that happened during his tenure:
obeah man???: still not clear on exactly what happened here, but his parents are both poisoned, resulting in his mom’s death and his dad’s long-term coma.
knightfall/knightquest/knightsend: the iconic arc when bane breaks bruce’s back and azrael (derogatory) temporarily becomes batman then quickly goes off the rails and tries to kill tim, forcing him to go solo and work with huntress (hashtag girlboss) before bruce returns and handles azrael
contagion: the incurable Apocalypse Virus™ threatens to wipe out gotham city and tim naturally catches it and nearly dies before bruce returns with The Cure
the final night: a sun-eater tries to Eat The Sun. tim meets impulse! robin and spoiler defend gotham city on their own during the crisis! tim’s girlfriend’s crazy mafia uncle tries to kill him after finding them in bed together (not doing the sexy. but it looked like they were gonna do it.)
cataclysm: a massive earthquake levels half of gotham, throwing the city into crisis and causing some problems in tim’s personal life as his father relocates them to keystone briefly before tim’s misery convinces him to move them back to gotham
no man’s land (a personal favourite): gotham’s post-earthquake crisis worsens and the government decides that the best solution is to declare it no man’s land. shockingly, this causes Even More Problems. there’s a whole thing where tim’s dad realises tim snuck off into the city, and the news about it makes people sympathetic enough to gotham’s (cough a rich white family’s) plight that the government decides to actually help. cass becomes batgirl!
young justice/teen titans drama!: so much went on here. i don’t even know where to begin. the whole imperiex/our worlds at war apocalyptic crisis. tim quits young justice after the thing where the justice league discovers batman’s Super Paranoid Contingency Plans™ causes the team to distrust him. he returns to the team, which is disbanded after a team-up with the titans goes badly. the teen titans is formed. general fuckery involving tim’s civilian life!
unmasked: tim’s dad finds out he’s robin, confronts batman in the batcave with a gun and forces tim to quit. steph becomes robin and cuts off contact with tim. superboy tries to convince tim to come back to teen titans, but tim insists that he’s Totally Happy Just Being A Civilian, Kon. Really. He’s Less Stressed Now That He’s Not Dealing With Constant Crises! (lying)
war games: oh god. we all know this one. gang war! gotham in peril! steph dies! tim meets evil!future batman!tim who murdered the entire rogue gallery with the gun that killed bruce’s parents. tim seriously considers killing himself to prevent this future.
identity crisis: a Mysterious Villain begins targeting families of the justice league. because tim is not allowed to have anything remotely nice, his dad is murdered (by captain boomerang, which is frankly adding insult to injury). tim invents an uncle to avoid getting adopted by bruce (really, kid? really?). bruce finds out and helps him solidify the fake uncle's identity (bruce no)
robin: to kill a bird: jason todd returns all crazy and nearly kills tim at titans’ tower (dressed in a version of his robin costume) and signs his name in tim’s blood. theatre kid much, jason?
infinite crisis: c’mon dc, you’ve done like four world-ending crises in the last decade. chill your goddamn tits. the teen titans, doom patrol, and justice society of america team up to take down superboy prime. normal superboy dies due to the fight, despite tim’s desperate attempt to find a cure. also bludhaven got nuked and tim’s stepmother gets a traumatic brain injury and is permanently hospitalised. then bruce, tim, and dick go on vacation and tim accepts bruce’s offer to adopt him! yay!
one year later: cass is briefly evil! the league of assassins tries to recruit tim, who barely escapes with his life after turning them down. then he goes a little crazy with grief, tries to clone kon, and has a brief relationship with extreme violence before deciding to break it off.
the resurrection of ra’s al ghul: damian arrives in gotham! and tries to kill tim multiple times! ra’s tries to seduce tim to the Dark Side with the promise of resurrecting his parents! tim refuses! ra’s tries to force bruce to sacrifice either tim or damian to become his new host body! tim tries to sacrifice himself but is convinced by dick to Not Do That at the last minute!
batman r.i.p.: bruce dies, but not really! fun times!
battle for the cowl: i like to pretend this doesn’t exist, because it is Stupid As Fuck. jason nearly kills tim again, but damian (!) rescues him.
red robin: dick makes damian robin. the end!
but not really
and then of course the whole red robin series (which i love) is just like. tim is passively suicidal! tim loses an entire important organ while working with the loa! tim becomes ceo of wayne enterprises then blows up the loa and ra’s almost kills him! tim is nearly raped by one of ra’s’ daughters because ra’s really wants tim’s babies! this is not dealt with at all!!! love that for him
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Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection Art Countdown Event!
Hi everyone, I'm back with more! I'm so sorry, I was hoping to get this started a bit earlier, but better late than never.
With the clock ticking down, we are getting ever closer to the release date of the Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection, which launches on April 14th. And to help celebrate that, while enjoying some memories of the series, we are going to have a little art countdown event.
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Read on after the break for the event rundown.
How will this work? 
Well, for starters this is an open signup, welcome to artists of any skill level. The signup will consist of you choosing one single Net Navi, virus, boss or human character from the Battle Network/EXE franchise that you would like to draw. It will be first come, first serve. Once a character has been chosen, nobody else will be able to take them. Cross Fused/Soul Unison/Cross characters will be considered their own unique character to choose from. 
To go along with the character you choose, we will also require a secondary Battle Network-related prompt to include with your character. This could be any battle chip/weapon/attack/Program Advance for a Navi, such as Kawarimi or Hi Cannon. It could be a location, such as MaHa Ichiban or SciLab, that you draw as a background. It can be a reference to an anime episode, such as baseball outfits, Neko virus or swimsuits at the hot springs. Etc., etc. 
Your character and prompt do not have to match something we have seen in the games/anime. So that way, we can have unlimited fun with it! So if you wanted to draw Meijin-san in the Aki idol outfit from the anime, or disco agent outfit Mariko-sensei, that is allowed! Create a Zoano-form for a Navi that never was in Beast or Cross Fuse a pair that never showed up in Stream. This is up to your imagination. I will list a few example prompts, but feel free to come up with your own.
Since I failed and am behind on launching this, I'm not sure if we will be able to post art for a full 30 days before the game's launch on Friday, April 14th. We can still try, if we have some fast artists and enough people join in. But the goal will be to have the first pieces submitted and ready to post 21 days before (March 24th), giving us 3 weeks of content counting down until the game's release date.
Between @tentokki​ and myself, we are going to try to keep a public spreadsheet of what has been taken updated and as current as possible as people sign up. This first day or so might be a little messy as we try to see who called who first and get everything initially set up, so try to have a backup option or two ready. While I am opening this up tonight, I might not be able to get back to everyone to update this list until tomorrow afternoon, as a disclaimer. Appreciate your patience! Please try to watch through the replies to ensure someone hasn't already called out your choice first. Once you have gotten the OK in a reply back and are added to the list, you are on the clock to begin working on your art.
There will not be a hard deadline for everyone to start out, but we will need at least one person done and ready before March 24th. Please choose a realistic deadline for yourself between March 23rd-April 14th, so that we can assign you to post on that specific day.
TLDR; When signing up, we need: 1.) A character 2.) A BN related-prompt included in your art 3.) Your own chosen deadline date between 3/24 - 4/14/2023
(View confirmed sign ups on this spreadsheet)
When you are finished, please send your art to me via DM or email [rock2125(at)hotmail(dot)com], and we will make sure you are set up a day for you to post your art. Then, when we hit that March 24th date, we will begin the countdown by having artists post their pic to their Twitter/tumblr, asking you to use the hashtag #MMBNLCCountdown in your post, along with stating the number of days remaining until the collection's release. 
If we get enough participants, then some days we might have more than 1 piece of art posted. Sky and I will then be reblogging/retweeting your posts each day, so that the focus is on your account and art. We'll continue counting down with new art each day until we reach the game's release.
What's in it for you? 
Well, besides hopefully having fun and reminscing a bit, I will also once again hold a prize/prize money raffle to give away copies of the game (standard version) for those who complete a pic. But once again, like the Valentine's Event, you will only be eligible for this raffle if you sign up, submit your art to me, and complete your art in time.
Already preordered it? Well, I'll instead offer you the cash to cover what you paid, if your name is drawn. As always, please have a valid Paypal account to receive your winnings. Total amount of prize winners not set in stone, but likely at least 6.
How to sign up! Sorry if I was not totally clear when I first posted this yesterday in my haste to get it online, but please either comment on this post, the Twitter post, or send a DM with your choices to sign up. Once again, please check the spreadsheet to see what has been taken already. The spreadsheet linked above is publicly viewable, but you are not editing or signing up on there. That is just for everyone’s reference as I officially confirm each sign up.
We will begin to assign people days to post as we get closer to the March 24th date. If you finish early, before your estimated deadline, still send it in via DM/email to me. The more people are done before March 24th, the easier it will be to organize and set up people to post on specific countdown days between  3/24-4/14.
As always, any questions, feel free to ask! First time trying this format, so we'll see how it works out!
Example Prompts (feel free to use one of these or your own!):
Devil Chip  Idol Outfit  Ghosts!  Pink Squirrel  Neko Virus Summa DIS Whiskey  Astronaut Suit  Hot Springs Disco Outfit  Baseball Uniform Buttferfly Net Car Race Star Potter Red Carpet  Copyroid  Curry Humor Program Zoo animals  Plunger on the head  Froggy trash can  Oven on fire!  Throwing your PET Jack in! Beast out!
Cannon Wide Shot Variable Sword Recovery Kawarimi Guardian Super Vulcan Dream Aura Muramasa Blade PoisonAnubis Z-Saber GunDelSol DarkSound CornShot MiniBomb Boomerang NumberBall PitHockey HyperBurst DreamSword
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form-sweet-form · 2 years
Brain Crash Drama "DRAMAtical Murder" Flashback Info
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Performance Date: April 28th (Friday) to May 7th (Sunday) 2023
New Virus & Trip Route!
As in 2019/2020 performance, you can take photos and record video during the Curtain Call!
They encourage people to post these to twitter with the hashtags of "#Domaste" and "#Domaste repeat" (#ドマステ and #ドマステ再演 in Japanese.)
Limited After Talk will be on the following days:
April 29th (Sat/Holiday) 13:00 (Mink time) On stage: Norihito Nakayashiki, Seiichiro Nagata, Takanori Yamaki
April 30th (Sun) 13:00 (Clear time) On stage: Norihito Nakayashiki, Nagata Seiichiro, Yuki Yamagata
May 4th (Thursday/holiday) 18:00 (mink time) On stage: Seiichiro Nagata, Takanori Yamaki
May 5th (Friday/holiday) 13:00 (clear time) On stage: Seiichiro Nagata, Yamagata Yuki Seii-chan's comment about the new performance:
Aoba: Seiichiro Nagata
Even now, three years later, I still vividly remember the heat and excitement of that moment, and the days of running recklessly. It's still burned into my mind.
I hope that everyone will have a flashback to that world, and that it will be a denser and more powerful work with more routes than the previous work.
I am very, very honored to be able to come back in front of everyone as Aoba.
I will do my best to face you. Crash your brain with all your might! Thank you.
All info from the official performance page.
When more info is released I will try to update this!
I DO NOT check Tumblr much. DM Me on my any of my other social media links if you have questions.
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thanathicca · 1 day
Pathologic Fest Day 17: Notoriety (1)
Part 1 - #crystalclaraity
This belated entry for @fellowtragedian is also crossposted on AO3! and yes, this is set in my 22nd century Thanatica AU, ISMIE (imperare sibi maximum imperium est).
Warning: medical scams, internet drama, ableism, xenophobia, suicide baiting, anti-vaccine behavior
Everything in this story is fictional. Any resemblance to real people, places, or events are purely coincidental.
posted July 13, 2165
you guys need to lay off of crystalclaraity’ accent guys. just because she’s russian doesn’t mean she’s a plot to undermine the us government via tocktick. get real
#crystalclaraity #crystalclaraity discourse #discourse #you USians are CRAZY #not everything revolves around y’all
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Do you forget that CrystalClaraity is literally scamming people by selling them rocks that “”””heal the plague””””??? She forfeited the right to not be insulted by making people disregard safety protocols just to watch her “”””perform miracles”””” holy shit!!!
@\illogical-conclusion those people in her videos are probably paid actors.
@\6969plaguefucker6969 THAT DOESN’T MAKE IT BETTER????????
@\illogical-conclusion i’m just asking y’all yankees to stop pointing out her accent. it’s literally embarrassing that you still mock foreigners for speaking english in their own accents in the year of the lord 2165
@\gemmedicine I’m not American???? LMAO???????
@\illogical-conclusion sorry
posted July 19, 2165
gem/medicine literally believes in crystal healing. So unserious. How does he expect anyone with half a brain to take him seriously? xD
#discourse #crystalclaraity #crystalclaraity discourse #xDDD #gemmedicine #crystal healing doesn’t work you guys xP #drama #internet drama
250 Likes | 53 Reblogs | 11 Replies
@\bonked-silly-style some alternative medicine *can* work. my russian mutual @\prodxedwithgay ordered crystalclaraity’ stuff and it actually helped her.
As a Russian, I disown @prodxedwithgay WTF why would you buy from crystalclaraity. Go to the WHO website or whatever instead of using TockTick for medical information -_____________-
you say it like it is, man. my mom got into the alternative medicine pipeline cuz my little sister is autistic and she doesn’t want to vaccinate her 🙄 and now she’s totally entrenched in conspiracy and we’re not even allowed otc medication anymore. i have to wear crystal necklaces to school. i really need a new phone but noooo she had to use our savings to buy a mAgIc CrYsTaL i feel like i’m going insane.
like. crystalclaraity says shit like “this plague isn’t real” and like it’s “just the negative energy pooling in the world that my crystal can neutralize”. i bet she’s fully vaccinated and doesn’t even listen to her own videos.
@\never-traumadump you think Crystalclaraity’s thing is a bit???
@\crazy-poor-asian Just like a stand-up comedian, sometimes a bit can result in a career 😌
posted August 25, 2165
CrystalClaraity, the health influencer that has accumulated 3.5 million followers on TockTick, EyeTube, Twatter, and InstantGram, has been drowning in controversy. CrystalClaraity has been selling healing crystals that allegedly protect you from the virus and reduce symptoms of the plague since the pandemic began in January 2165.
Research has found that some of the crystals sold in CrystalClaraity’s shops contain lead, asbestos, and several radioactive materials
The hashtag #KillerClaraity has been used as a campaigns for mass recalls and refunds are surfacing on several social media platforms.
#crystalclaraity #pandemic #tw pandemic #cw pandemic #alternative medicine
19,874 Likes | 3,160 Reblogs | 252 Replies
@\vigorovsky-trash how does it feel to know you support child abuse? kys <3
I hope they go to jail for this. This is unacceptable. Innocent people are getting hurt because internet social media platforms don’t have ways to prevent these scams from happening and getting bumped by the algorithm.
Isn’t Clara literally a teenager?
No one knows how old they are.
Speculation of CrystalClarity’s age by u/NotaConArtist
Cosplay Wig Expert Weighs In: Clara is Wearing Shitty Brand Wigs
CrystalClarity candid photos (unedited) (footage not from socials)
It’s not a Rickroll.
posted August 26, 2165
EAT THAT, @\gemmedicine!
#killerclaraity #crystalclaraity #discourse #gemmedicine #crystalclaraity discourse #crystal healing is stupid and anyone who thinks it works is an idiot
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…imagine listening to someone with a minion porn avatar
@\rationalhumanbeing What are you doing reading minion porn? xD Devil’s sacrament moment xDDD
Posted August 26, 2165
some people really be using serious cases just to further drama. touch grass. if you know who i’m talking about leave them alone btw. “touch grass” applies to everyone on this hellsite
#personal #crystalclaraity discourse #crystalclaraity #discourse #oh well #i’m gonna go touch grass #maybe remake my blog #moots dm me for new user
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