#worried for nothing
thorinoakenbutt · 6 months
I haven't gotten very far at all in DD2 yet but the highlight so far has been watching Anders peel off from the group and haul ass toward the water, all the while I'm going NOOOO ANDERS, THE BRINE
and then he plucks a huge fish out with his bare hands and puts it in his pocket like lmao
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autobot2001 · 1 year
Worried Over a Cold
@mediwhumpmay: shaking @themerrywhumpofmay: hot coffee, doubt
Allergies are annoying, especially when Jamie isn't sure if her allergies are acting up or she's getting sick. Even as she feels cold drinking hot coffee, she questions if she's getting sick. Even if this is allergies, I'll feel like crap by the afternoon. Jamie thinks.   She chooses to go down to the training room as planned.
Lily and Sunstreaker don't notice anything different during the forty-minute workout, and a shower does help Jamie. She believes her issue was allergies, and the shower helped. The three go to their art room until lunch.
After lunch, Jamie needs to lie down. "I know her computer is in their room, but she didn't look good during lunch," Lily whispers. "Crosshairs and Drift must have also noticed. It could be allergies." Both do worry if it's not allergies. They don't want to wait five hours to see if Jamie is ok, but that's what they decide.
Drift walks into the room at four-thirty. He thought Jamie didn't look good at lunch, and seeing her already asleep confirms this. He and Crosshairs thought Jamie was dealing with allergies, but not bad enough to result in going to bed. Drift feels bad feeling Jamie's warm forehead. Crosshairs sees Drift is displeased. "She's sick," Drift sighs, "and I thought it was allergies." Crosshairs feels how warm Jamie is. He gets the digital thermometer from a box of medical supplies in his closet. Hating the box even exists rather than a drawer of a few medical items in a bathroom drawer. "101°," Crosshairs reads, "add she did a workout today. Definitely made herself feel like scrap with this cold." The two mechs are still trying to figure out what to do about dinner since it's too late to make soup, and Jamie will likely not want to go to the cafeteria. They don't want to wake her but want her to eat dinner. They don't have to wait long for Jamie to wake up. She tiredly agrees to get dinner. Jamie ignores how she feels as she sits up.
By the time the three return to the room, Jamie is ready for bed, even though it's only six. Knowing it's too early to sleep, Jamie lies on Drift's lap as the three watches TV. The two mechs hope this cold won't be bad.
Drift wakes up at two in the morning, worried about Jamie shaking. He turns on the lamp, hoping Crosshairs doesn't wake up, and sees her hugging herself. He turns off the lamp and moves Jamie closer to him, hoping to help her get warm and worried about her fever.
"She's not getting out of bed today," Crosshairs sighs, reading Jamie's temperature has risen. The two know one degree is still not great, even if it's not an issue that requires one of the medics to examine Jamie. Drift hates adding how Jamie was shivering overnight. The two aren't worried Jamie has the flu, and they hate seeing her sick as much as they hate her poor mental health. The two didn't think Lily and the terror twins would come by. The three also not liking Jamie is sick. Even though the Autobot knows what an Earth cold is. "Guys, a cold doesn't cause a flare-up if that's what you're worried about," Drift assures them, "she'll likely not want to get out of bed for a few days." The three walk down the hall. Crosshairs and Drift get ready for the day while waiting for Jamie to wake up. Crosshairs decides he'll get breakfast for the two and something that both mechs hope Jamie will eat.
Crosshairs figures toast is all Jamie will eat — if she'll eat the toast. He knows she'll drink hot tea. "Can we stay in your room and watch TV?" Lily asks with Sideswipe behind her. "No, Jamie will likely sleep most of the day." They should know this. Why do they want to stay in our room? Crosshairs wonders.
Drift is a little concerned about Lily and Sideswipe's request. He and Crosshairs suspect the terror twins, and Lily will come by soon to see how Jamie is doing. As Crosshairs thought, Jamie wants hot tea but doesn't want to eat when she wakes up. Drift goes to the kitchen to make soup. Hoping Jamie will want to eat when it's done. Jamie gets out of bed to lie on the couch and watch TV. Crosshairs lies on his bed, deciding to check on Jamie in an hour.
Like yesterday, Jamie is cold even while drinking something hot. She regrets not bringing the blanket from the bed but already feels like crap when she sits up. The short walk to the bed is impossible. Crosshairs figured Jamie would be cold and happy he didn't wait an hour to check on her. He gives her cold medicine, hoping she'll want to eat when the soup is done. Within a half-hour, Jamie is asleep. Sunstreaker is texting, wanting to know how Jamie is doing. "And he thinks Drift worries too much," Crosshairs smiles as he texts Sunstreaker. Should we worry about how worried the three are over Jamie being sick with a cold? Crosshairs questions.
Jamie is awake in time for lunch, feels like eating, and wants to go to the cafeteria. The two mechs let her go downstairs, and they know the terror twins and Lily will be happy to see her.
The terror twins and Lily are happy to see Jamie and that she's eating, but they know she had cold medicine. They know Jamie could get worse before she gets better, and they might not see her in the cafeteria until she's well. "This is likely the routine until she's well," Drift tells them, "I hope we can give her medicine so she'll come to the cafeteria for dinner. Lunch might be impossible depending on when she wakes up and takes medicine."
Drift is right, the routine is the two mechs and Jamie would be at the cafeteria for dinner, but Jamie only feels like eating dinner. This worries the twins and Lily even though Crosshairs and Drift aren't worried. Ratchet finds out and looks at Jamie with the three in the room. "It is a cold," Ratchet confirms, "if you three are worried about this, then I'm concerned." If Jamie's guardians aren't worried, the twins should know she's fine. Ratchet thinks as he leaves the room. "You know Drift would be a wreck if Jamie was in worse condition," Crosshairs whispers to the twins and Lily, "even if we can care for her. She'll be better in a few days."
The routine continues for two days before Jamie starts feeling better and wanting to eat more. Within another three days, Jamie is over the cold. She doesn't say anything about the twins and Lily being over-worried about her but worries about them when she suffers a flare-up, even if it's mild and infrequent.
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january-summers · 6 months
"AO3 doesn't need a "dislike" button"
Um, actually, it already has one. Depending on your specs, it might look a little different but over all it looks kinda like this:
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You can find it at the corner of your screen, which corner is dependent on your layout.
Anyway, if you dislike a fic, you can hit this Dislike Button until the fic goes away. It really is pretty amazing actually.
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ionomycin · 1 year
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Mother of Pearl
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stromblessed · 10 months
Mizu, femininity, and fallen sparrows
In my last post about Mizu and Akemi, I feel like I came across as overly critical of Mizu given that Mizu is a woman who - in her own words - has to live as a man in order to go down the path of revenge.
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If she is ever discovered to be female by the wrong person, she will not only be unable to complete her quest, but there's a good chance that she'll be arrested or killed.
So it makes complete sense for Mizu to distance herself as much as possible from any behavior that she feels like would make someone question her sex.
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I felt so indignant toward Mizu on my first couple watchthroughs for this moment. Why couldn't Mizu bribe the woman and her child's way into the city too? If Mizu is presenting as a man, couldn't she claim to be the woman's escort?
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However, this moment makes things pretty clear. Mizu knows all too well the plight of women in her society. She knows it so well that she cannot risk ever finding herself back in their position again. She helps in what little way she can - without drawing attention to herself.
Mizu is not a hero and she is not one to make of herself a martyr - she will not set herself on fire to keep others warm. There's room to argue that Mizu shouldn't prioritize her quest over people's lives, but given the collateral damage Mizu can live with in almost every episode of season 1, Mizu is simply not operating under that kind of morality at this point. ("You don't know what I've done to reach you," Mizu tells Fowler.)
And while I still feel like Mizu has an obvious and established blind spot when it comes to Akemi because of their differences in station, such that Mizu's judgment of Akemi and actions in episode 5 are the result of prejudice rather than the result of Mizu's caution, I also want to establish that Mizu is just as caged as Akemi is, despite her technically having more freedom while living as a man.
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Mizu can hide her mixed race identity some of the time, and she can hide her sex almost all of the time, but being able to operate outside of her society's strict rules for women does not mean she cannot see their plight.
It does not mean she doesn't hurt for them.
Back to Mizu and collateral damage, remember that sparrow?
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While Mizu is breaking into Boss Hamata's manse, she gets startled by a bird and kills it on reflex. She then cradles it in her hands - much more tenderly than we've seen Mizu treat almost anything up to this point in the season:
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She then puts it in its nest, with its unhatched eggs. Almost like she's trying to make the death look natural. Or like an accident.
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You see where I'm going with this.
When Mizu kills Kinuyo, Mizu lingers in the moment, holding the body tenderly:
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And btw a lot of stuff about this show hit me hard, but this remains the biggest gut punch of them all for me, Mizu holding that poor girl's body close, GOD
When Mizu arranges the "scene of the crime," Kinuyo's body is delicate, birdlike. And Mizu is so shaken afterward that she gets sloppy. She's horrified at this kill to the point that she can't bring herself to take another innocent life - the boy who rats her out.
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No wonder Mizu is as stoic and cold as she is.
And no wonder Mizu has no patience for Akemi whatsoever right before the terrible reveal and the fight breaks out:
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Speaking of Akemi - guess who else is compared to a bird!
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The plumage is more colorful, a bit flashier. But a bird is a bird.
And, uh
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I like to think that Mizu killing the sparrow is not only foreshadowing for what she must do to Kinuyo, but is also a representation of the choice she makes on Akemi's behalf. She decides to cage the bird because she believes the bird is "better off." Better off caged than... dead.
But because Mizu doesn't know Akemi or her situation, she of course doesn't realize that the bird is fated to die if it is caged and sent back home.
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Mizu is clearly not happy, or pleased, or satisfied by allowing Akemi to be dragged back to her father:
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But softness and mercy haven't gotten Mizu anywhere good, recently.
There is so much tragedy layered into Mizu's character, and it includes the things she has to witness and the choices she makes - or believes she has to make - involving women, when she herself can skirt around a lot of what her society throws at women. Although, I do believe that it comes at the cost of a part of Mizu's soul.
After all, I'm gonna be haunted for the rest of this show by Mizu's very first prayer in episode 1:
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"LET" her die. Because as Ringo points out, she doesn't "know how" to die.
Kind of like another bird in this show:
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soaked-doors · 8 months
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nothing happened
…nothing at all
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sgt-celestial · 9 months
babies if they had tumblr
🍼 chewtoyboy Follow
grrrr my gums hurt so bad. cant wait for this stupid teething thing to be over so i'll never have to grow out teeth again
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🍉 cocomel0n Follow
do you think strawberry and that blueberry guy ever...nay i shant say
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🎈 anklebiter2023
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#hes so cute 😭😭 #elmo #ankle babbles
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🔧 block-stacker Follow
finally getting the hang of walking 😁 will post video showing my progress once my fine motor skills have fully developed
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🍭 i-classify-soft-foods reblogged
🌼 ga-ga Follow
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🍭 i-classify-soft-foods Follow
Heinz apricot and peach muesli
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🚜 jovial-crawler Follow
goo goo ga ga <- just a look into the machinations of my twisted mind
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alioshakaramazov · 1 year
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when they say shakespeare is inmortal and eternally relevant what they mean is that he was making one brain cell jokes in the 1600s
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matchstique · 23 days
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Submission for a DTIYS by @cupcakeslushie ! I do love my boy Donnie. EW! Donnie should not have scissors tho…he should be given much more dangerous and sharper objects. Possibly even plutonium. As a treat.
Empyrean Weeping is cool ya’ll should check it. Be aware this is some heavy content in the story tho!
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revlischarm · 9 months
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I don’t know what they were expecting.
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an-internet-introvert · 5 months
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Going to Phil's to do the Laundry
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taikeero-lecoredier · 2 years
Inactive Twitter accounts will be deleted
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So like I understand the need to free up usernames that were taken and then never used again, but what about accounts of people who died ?
Its unclear if the criteria for an inactive account’s deletion is both “No log in for years AND zero tweets made by the account as a whole,aka empty accounts”
It could very well be “No login for years and zero tweets made during this inactivity”
Which would sucks cuz theres a lot of cool stuff made from accounts who are inactive, and again, all that some families have left from their deceased loved ones is an inactive twitter account.
Back in 2019,this concern was brought up, and Twitter said they wouldnt delete accounts to free up names without making it possible to memorialize accounts of a deceased person first.
Now, Under Elon, i dont know if it will be made.
So if you know an inactive account you really loved.. make sure to save its tweets into the wayback machine, take screenshots, etc.
Just in case.
Also they dont even specify how many years. We’re left in total darkness regarding questions we have.
Also im encouraging you to please REBLOG as to further warn people.
Also hey maybe if enough people Ask Elon about not deleting inactive accounts who do have content in them maybe hell only delete accounts who are empty ??
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Tonight I learned that my 20 yr old partner has never played chess and doesn't know how to play chess. This is mind boggling to me. They claim its not weird for people to not know anything about chess so I. I need to see. Please.
Okay so, I made a mistake in not elaborating the meaning of the options. You do not have to be good or know what you are doing in the slightest to pick that you have played before. The middle three options are for your understanding of the game having never played it at all. The reason there's a percentage on the last option is because my partner made a tumblr so they could pick it because they think they are hilarious.
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heartorbit · 2 months
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find another role, carry on the show
#EDIT IT DIDNT SAVE MY TAGS. hey so this post got a thousand notes huh. interesting. surely nothing will change#i'll leave all the old tags. for my thought process. and its kinda funny#take a bow stupid idiot (throws a tomato at them)#in stars and time#isat#siffrin#siffrin no middle names no last name ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧#... or is it. Smiles#i'd like to draw mira for her birthday but um (hasnt open artfight website in a few days) im scared.#also i have NICE ASKS TO ANSWER.... But im scared. give me a minute#Uawaaaaagh i drew this bc i was trying to animate a little bit but it just . Didnt look good. im not good ag 2d animation#tch. ill keep trying cause there ar e way too many songs that and now about isat because i have brain worms. i need amvs.#IM SCARED TO POST THINGS THAT ARE SPOILERY BECAUSE I WANT MY FRIENDS TO PLAY ISAT. BUT.#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#sasasap#sasasa:p#WHAT IS THE PROLOGUES TAG.#tshirt that says 'i <3 killing the image in the mirror and taking its place' on the fromt#and a list of megan thee stallions tour dates on the back. お金稼ぐ俺らはスター#Im kind of tempted to edit this to be the versiom with the eyes. or maybe twt can have that. or. well#all of my friends are on twt (trombone slide sfx) so maybe thats where i should worry about spoilers.#ill see if i want to slap an eyepatch on them in the morning#Im one of those people who was like idgaf about twohats (lets it simmer for a week) Oh my god. Oh my god. Ohmy god#EDIT. i swapped it out for the Eyes version it should be fine as long as its tagged formspoilers right...#ill post eyepatch vers on twt partly bc spoilers but also ppl over there can be .. annoying ..... ....#i fear i would get 800 You Forgot The Eyepatch replies. PLEASE JUST SEE MY VISION.#[BANGING MY HANDS ON THE GLASS] HIS HAND. LIKE IN THE PROLOGUE. WHEN THEYE. HANDS. HELD[EXPLOSION
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locusfandomtime · 1 year
The maths fandom is wild. “Real” and “imaginary” numbers? I think you mean canon and non-canon. You guys seriously go “this is my number oc his name is i and he is the square root of -1” when in numbers canon lore it’s actually impossible to square root a negative but sure whatever. “Complex numbers”? I think you mean a character x oc ship. “f(x) = 3x - 5”? That is self-insert fanfiction.
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
i refuse to believe that boycotting is hard. my favourite thing in the world is ordering maccies after a late night at work/a concert/getting drunk. yes i do miss it sometimes. but the other night i ordered from a small place near my house instead and it was the most orgasmic burger i've ever had in my life. i very rarely say this but fucking suck it up people are DEAD
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