#worse enough all of it are cool as hell i cant even choose which one is the best
ruumuf · 1 year
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still suffering from making my portfolio exam thats due 2 weeks, have them to make sure im not dead <3
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noveauskull · 2 months
I have a genuine question that revolves around this very specific story idea and im just D Y I N G to know if i should make it happen or not and i need the words and support of every fellow L&DS writer and reader ASAP
(im super anxious writing this cause what if everyone thinks this idea sucks or not enough ppl see this post cause they dgaf 😭😭)
so im thinking of making a fanfic of L&DS where MC has a twin sister. this twin sister is like her evil half and tbh not really her twin but more like part of MC's self where all the evil and painful things she did is hidden in that half of herself which is her twin sister.
MC lost her memories of all the male leads in L&DS when she used her aether core to divide herself into the worse half of her, which is why she has heart problems and overall just issues with having an aether core, because of her twin that carries all the past mistakes and sorrows she had.
I plan on making MC's twin a very aggressive, childish and petty person, but she can have her times of weakness and be very sweet and caring when she wants to, i mean, she is the bitter half of MC so of course she has to be cruel, but we also get to see how MC's twin grows into being the true version of MC.
I would just jump onto making the fic happen however i need it to be clear that the main focus won't be MC herself but MC's twin, and all the male leads in L&DS will be showing affection towards MC AT FIRST before moving on towards MC's twin.
I even have the names of MC and MC's twin planned out (since I cant always narrate them as MC and MC's twin) in both chinese and english! *since L&DS is a chinese game and also because im using english to write the fic*
Also the debate on making this fic a fluff only with slight angst or fluff, angst and SMUTTY AS HELL with all male leads is a very, very, VERY big option that im struggling to choose, but as my pride and joy of being a smut writer, i think the smut side is really pushing through here.
So far these are all the main information i wanna share before making the fic happen, hopefully enough blogs reply to this post cause i am in DESPERATE NEED OF FEEDBACK cause if no one is going to read it why bother amiright or amiright LMAO
im kidding but please do give your thoughts on this! if i dont think a lot of people are interested im cool with that too but again it'd be amazing to actually write a full on fanfic that isnt just oneshots or short tumblr posts, and a SMUT one at that!
Im always eager to challenge myself and i think im ready to take the leap for this one!
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livvynka · 3 years
Can i get your vote? Kamilah x Amy x Priya AU
Warning: SMUT, death threatening, harsh sexual activities, Angst, Putting Kamilah in her place, bit of a fluff?
I’m not native english speaker, feel free to correct me (i would be actually glad).
NOTE: Story is before Kamilah and Amy fall in love, when Amy tries get Priya's vote, so Lily can join Adrian's clan. Uff, this takes a lot from me. :D
Pairing: Kamilah x Amy x Priya
About 2430+- words.
Tag list: @fal-carrington @samanthadalton @vonda-b-real @drmmyrs @straightlikewetspaghetti @blaine-hayes @lizielasyd @mrskamilahsayeed @millasayeed @ntoraplayschoices @ilove-kamilah-sayeed @kamilah-is-queen @rhonda-sayeed @queenkamilah @domakir @kwaj115 @fundamentalromantic @somethindarker @crimsonvrose @glowriter @leenasayeed
Amy has goosebumps just from the thought, she needs to visit and get to the good side of Priya's. She knows Priya is evil, and every good thing in her died a long time ago. But there is no way Kamilah or Adrian could break her so she does something nice for them. They are sitting in Adrian's office. Brainstorming plan how to get 4 votes, so Lily can live. Amy: "Alright, I pay her visit." Kamilah shoot stare to Adrian. Kamilah: "She's your pet. I don't care. But she gets all of you into this mess, so she needs to fix it." Adrian: "Kamilah be reasonable, she will not come back alive. You know Priya and her ´activities´..." Amy: "Kamilah is right. And there is no other way. She will send you to the hell in the moment you set your foot to her club."
Adrian: "No! We will find another way, I will not let anything to happen to you." Amy: "Maybe we will, but it will take a long time. And now, time is what we don't have. I already decide Adrian. And you cant change my mind. I'm going with or without your help." Kamilah: "Amy, she is going to break you. Don't underestimated her. Not every vampire is in control like us and our clans." Amy: "Now you care? You threaten to kill me, Kamilah! You can go back to your office, because you are not helping." Amy stands up and starts walking towards door. She stops with her hand on the handle. She takes a few deep breaths. Then she looks over her shoulder. Adrian put his head into his hands. He shakes his head and nod. Adrian: "We send someone, who will watch you from distance. If anything goes wrong, they help you." Kamilah straighten her back, clears her throat and began walk towards Amy.
Kamilah: "I'll escort you to her club. We need to talk privately." Adrian look between Amy and Kamilah with questions in his eyes. He feels there's great tension between them. He just don't know what kind of tension. It seems he wants to say something, but he just look to the opposit direction. Amy: "Great.. Yeah.... Thank you..." They got into her car. Kamilah drives Amy to the Paulus viewpoint. Kamilah exit the vehicle first, she opens doors for Amy and offers her hand. Amy decline and burst out of the car. Amy: "Why did you take me here? I need to meet with Priya! If you want to kill me, do it! Enough of your threats and shit talking about me all the time."
Kamilah: "You may be right, mortal. I don't care about you. But Adrian likes you. So listen to me, I will not repeat myself. I will help you out of this situation, who if I remember, you cause. But if this doesn't work out, and Adrian loses his life, because you put your con act and manipulate him to turn Lily. I'll kill you both without any hesitation." Amy is stressed out. Angry. Scared for her, Lily's and Adrian's life. This was the last button to push. She doesn't care if more than 2000 years old, strongest vampire on the earth, who can snap her neck in the velocity of light, stands before her. She slaps her hard and pushes her. Again, and again and again. She pinned Kamilah to the railing. Amy: "Ohh, really, Kamilah? Than do it, kill me! You are full of the bullshit! Drop this nonsense! You are hiding behind coldness, strength and rudeness. But we both know where is the truth! Deep inside, you are scared little girl, who is afraid of people leaving you, after they get to know real you! You are lonely and scream for the attention, affection and love! Deep inside, you want someone who will care about you, who will see the real you! Who will get you and stand by your side. So NO! I'm not afraid you. You care about people. Adrian may be the last being who likes you, and you know it. So you are losing your control, because he is the only hope for your humanity. Only thing which puts you in the line. The last thing to stops you from being monster. Be honest for second and show me some damn respect!" She catches Amy's hand when she wanted to push her again. Her jaw drops. She is right and they both now it. She stands there in shock.
Kamilah: "I-I..."
Amy: "That's what I though."
Amy free her hands from Kamilah's strong grasp and start walking towards the city. It's a few miles. This is going to be a long walk, but Amy doesn't care. She needs to clear her head. She feels connection towards Kamilah, but she is tired of her act and manipulation. Kamilah feel how tear slides down her cheek. Reality falls apart and she remembers how she sits alone in her pentahouse or office, trying to drink her mind off. She prohibited herself any kind of connection after what she done in past. After so much pain she causes.
After centuries someone sees through her like she was a plate of glass. She closes her eyes and tried gain her control back. After a while she enters her expensive car and follows Amy. It does not take long, she finds her walking angrily in abandonen path.
Kamilah: "I'm sorry Amy. Please get into the car, I'll drive you to the Priya's club. It's not safe in the night here."
Amy: "I'm fine. Just go away." Kamilah: "Don't be stuborn, you were right about everything. Let me take you to the Priya's club, now for real. I know I upset you, but it takes hours from here, by walking.
Amy sight and listen, she gets into the car and turn to the window with her hand fold above her stomach. She is looking at the night New York. Amy: "What can Priya do to me?"
Kamilah: "She is a real monster. She will promise you a lot of things. She makes you feel special for short quantity of time. In the second she gets enough of you or gets bored, she will probably kill you. Her games, no human can survive. People disapear or they found them dead." Amy: "At least she is attractive. I will have a nice view when she dries me suck and I will die for someone I care about." Kamilah narrow her eyes at the girl, sitting besides her. Kamilah: "We won't let that happened. You need to get out of there if she tries something. We still can get Baron's vote." Amy: "He is even worse. Priya wants to play games, but her ego destroys her once. What she doesn't know, I'm good at playing games."
Amy: "Kamilah, I'm sorry about what I said earlier."
Kamilah's brows quirk. She thinking about hers next words.
Kamilah: "Don't be. Perhaps it was bold to say those things, but you were right. Noone was brave enough to tell me before..." Kamilah drive Amy to the Priya's club and wish her luck. Amy didn't wait a long line and walk towards the bouncer. Amy: "Priya will accept me immediately." Bouncer: "Oh, are you her snack? Tell me your name, I check the list." Amy tells her name to the bouncer. He calls for his colleague and they escort Amy right to the Priyas V.I.P. room. Priya is wearing a black minidress, with gold stripes and a red high heel boots. A lace from the dress covering only a little bit of her skin, it's really tight dress. She talks with another vampires. Some of them Amy knows from the Council meeting. It takes only few second before Priya sensed Amy. She shoot glare directly to Amy. Priya: "Well, well, well. Look at who's decided do choose better company."
She kissed Amy at both cheeks and hugs her tightly. Priya may be a monster, but she is also very attractive. When Amy feels how close is Priya's body presses to hers, she gasps. Her heart skips a few heartbeats. Priya smirk and look at the girl before her with amusement.
Amy: "Hi Priya, I need to talk with you. Privately." Priya: "Ohh!" She clapped her hands together enthusiastically and murderous smile appear at her face. Amy rolled her eyes. Priya: "I love where is this coming. Follow me." They enter a private elevator what is connected directly to the Priya's apartment. When the door close Priya immediately catch Amy by her sides, other hand searching to find a way under Amy's shirt. She runs a nail along Amy's stomach harshly, and cut a line on her belly, blood appears immediately. Amy let out a moan. Priya kiss her with hunger. Amy pauses the kiss and walk a few steps away. Her heart is beating fast. Priya attract her, but she is also very dangerous. Amy is trying to cool down and put hand in the air between them, to make some space. Amy: "I'm here only to talk." Priya: "Don't lie, I hear your heart, it's like it explode any moment."
Amy: "Priya... I need your help with something, hear me out." They exit the elevator, and Priya pour them a glass of expensive red wine. They sit on the leather couch. Priya grab Amy by her thigh and pull her close. She is drawing a circles at her thigh. Priya: "Well?" Amy: "Someone of your kind attacks my friend..." Priya: "Of my kind?!" Amy: "Vampire... My friend, Lily... She was dying... So I ask Adrian to turn her. I got you envelope, he is calling a Council meeting. We need your vote." Priya: "HA! Adrian breaks rules for some human?"
Priya: "You get my vote under one condition. You stay with me and become my little kitten." Amy: "No way, I want to live at least for next 50 years, Priya. One night, no killing, no turning. No ripping parts of my body." Priya: "Oh, I will have so much fun! Alright then. After I do to you, you will have no thoughts of leaving." Amy: "I am going to regret this. Am I? I accept." Priya: "Very well." She kisses Amy and guides her to stand up from the sofa. Her hands sliding at Amy's arms. Making way to tangle their fingers while Priya dominate Amy's tongue. Priya: "Now, I want to hear your heart race, your moans fills the room. And I have a very good idea." Before Amy opens her mouth to say something, she is back in flash with sex harness. Its black leather metal restrains for neck and wrists. Amy let out a long sigh and look directly at Priya's eyes. Amy: "Seriously Priya?" Priya: "I'll enjoy this my little kitten." She doesn't waste any time and free Amy of her cloths. She is completely nude. Before she can protest Priya restrain her into the harness and with the swift move settle Amy into near chair. She spread her kneese and push her toward the edge of the luxury seat. She kissed her again, but not for long. She continues to Amy's neck and bite, she inserts two fingers inside Amy. Amy sees how colors spread before her eyes. The pain and pleasure made Amy arch her back a bit. Her breath quickens when suddenly she feel another finger thrust in. A moan escapes her lips. She tried to hold onto something, but the harness blocking her movement. She almost can't take it. Amy: "FUCK, PRIYA!" Priya continues in her murderous pace and drinking Amy's blood. Amy vision goes blur. She doesn't know if its from the pleasure or the blood lost. Amy: "You dry me suck Priya! STOP!" But Priya continues. She starts to fuck Amy again and moves to her shoulder. She bites her again and sucks her blood like it's the best food she ever has. She bites her side, drink a little bit, then stomach, and finally she sucks her vulva. Amy let out very loud moan and rock against Priya. When Amy's orgasm come to close Priya moves again, to her thigh. She drinks Amy's blood again. Amy yell by the pleasure Priya giving her and from the pain.
Amy: "Priya! I am close!" Priya: "Let go my beautiful kitten." Priya pump into Amy with vampire strenght and speed. She can't even breath properly. She arch her back, the harness slightly choke herself, her wrist miss oxygen, but she doesn't care. After few moments she crashed so hard. Amy: "PRIYA! FUCK! OHMYHOD!" Amy lost her consciousness, from blood lost and pleasure Priya gives her. Priya stands up and clean her face from Amy's juice.
Priya: "Ha! They will be pissed, especially Adrian and grandma. Th-."
In that moment doors flew open and Kamilah make her way to the Priya. Kamilah is standing her, her twin daggers holding close.
Kamilah: "What about we just kill you?"
Priya: "Wait! Just take her!"
Kamilah: "Smart choice, Lacroix."
Kamilah hide her daggers and undress her maroon blazer. She free Amy of the leather - metal harness and wrap Amy into blazer. She pick her up, holding her close, but carefully.
Kamilah: "You are not allowed to touch her again."
Priya: "Whatever, after this night, she comes back voluntarily."
Kamilah: "I expect ´aye´ from you, tomorrow. And even if she comes back by her choice, you will hand her over to us, immediately."
Without hearing answer, Kamilah exit the building.
Kamilah: "You got yourself into serious mess Amy."
Amy wakes up and nuzzles to Kamilah's neck.
Amy: "Kam?"
Kamilah: "Shh. You are safe and alive."
Amy: "I was imagining you whole time. While she was doing, what she was doing."
Amy falls alseep again. Kamilah stops for the moment and look at that small, fragile human. She don't know what she should think about this. But she decide to ignors it. She carefully put Amy at back seats and drive her to her pentahouse, where she clean Amy's wounds. She lay her onto her bed and with intention watch her till she wakes up, lay besides her. Amy lookes so calm. Soon she falls asleep to.
Amy wakes up in the morning. She is laying on top of Kamilahs chest. Kamilah is holding her close, only in underwear, Amy is only in Kamilah's blater. She tried to stand up, but Kamilah is holding her too strongly.
She nuzzle to her cheek with her nose, while stroking her silk hair between her fingers.
Amy: "Kamilah? Wake up"
Kamilah: "Hmm, no, you are not going anywhere."
Amy smile at the old vampire and lay at her chest again.
Amy: "Okay then"
They both continue sleep. And for once, both can sleep peacefully.
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livingasaghost · 4 years
okay so i always see a bunch of ridiculous aftg headcanons soooo i decided to put my hat in the ring and try it out
this is all about the foxes and their chaotic as hell groupchats
so let’s imagine for a second that this series doesn’t take place in the early 2000s so smart phones exist 
periodically the foxes have exchanged numbers with each other - obviously each of the cliques can contact each other, but then throughout that first year there are little things that cause people to give out their numbers
like at some point nicky lets it slip that he’s having trouble with his stats class and out of the blue allison offers to meet up with him because she’s surprisingly like really great at math? so the two of them start up a little text chain where they just shit talk everyone and start a few random bets
and then dan gets katelyn’s number from one of the other vixens and the two of them initially just start texting about game details...which turns into bonding over make-up and girl talk and eventually dan starts inviting katelyn to hang out with her and the fox girls
at first renee is the only one who has everyone’s number because she’s the only one who everyone likes 
but then after their big win, renee just puts everyone in one massive groupchat so no one gets left out and they can all bond and it’s just as chaotic as one would expect
at first everyone’s just trying to figure out who’s who, but not everyone has an iphone so all the iphone users are really pissed off at the green bubbles
aaron’s the only one with an android because of course he is
he refuses to switch to an iphone even when the rest of the team BEGS him to bc he “doesn’t see the point”
for the whole summer after neil’s first year, the team keeps trying to pressure him and andrew into upgrading their phones because the team is so sick of what it’s doing to the groupchat
neil doesn’t really know how it all works because he’s still getting used to having a phone and having friends to text, but then everyone starts sending him emojis that don’t show up properly and his phone won’t load any photos they send and the rest of the foxes are so FRUSTRATED bc neil doesn’t seem to notice
eventually, in a shocking turn of events, andrew gets so fed up with the chaos of everyone texting his flip phone that he’s the one who gives in
he shows up at the dorm one day and just hands neil a little baggie with his new iphone
they’re just starting to get it set up when nicky strolls in and IMMEDIATELY takes over, showing neil all about emojis and changing your phone background and saving all the fox contacts
neil is, unsurprisingly, very overwhelmed and slightly terrified, so andrew reaches over and does it all for him, and nicky just looks put out
it takes neil like six months to change any of his contacts or backgrounds or settings because he just doesn’t care
eventually he does manage to set his lockscreen to a really bad photo he took of andrew when he wasn’t paying attention
andrew notices it one day and chooses not to say anything
(he secretly loves it)
when the groupchats start heating up.......neil realizes it’s kind of fun to have a smart phone because it feels like the foxes are with him all the time
after neil and andrew get iphones, the rest of the team decide to make a separate groupchat for just apple users bc no one really texts aaron regularly anyway
at first it’s just a place where people drop details about practices
dan shares news from wymack and abby and then kevin starts giving orders about what the foxes can do better
and somehow that is the tipping point
because everyone hates when kevin starts talking exy
(except neil)
so everyone jumps on him and it’s the perfect icebreaker
nicky is the obnoxious one who sends a ridiculous amount of emojis and gifs and reaction images (neil never knows where he finds them all) - he also sends the most tiktoks. usually ones that are super inappropriate or just plain stupid.
allison texts a lot because she’s always attached to her phone ready for the tea and sometimes she’ll send a really raunchy meme just to spice things up
neil doesn’t really know what’s going on half the time - and he never really scrolls up to see what he’s missed - so if and when he does respond, it’s usually just to ask clarifying questions or give a thumbs up
matt is the one who always checks in to make sure everyone’s doing okay - he’ll send really encouraging texts that people like andrew shit on
one time matt sends everyone a really sweet text over the holidays about how much they mean to him....and then dan just kicks him out of the gc and goes “okay enough of that bullshit i hate u guys xoxo” and andrew gives it a thumbs up
sometimes when he’s bored andrew will just kick out everyone but renee and neil bc why not
kevin is the one who gets kicked out the most 
sometimes it’s because he texts about exy, but eventually it just becomes a running joke that they’ll kick him out randomly
like they’ll be in the middle of a conversation and then allison will just boot him out of the gc just to see what he’ll do
usually when this happens kevin will just send an angry message in one of the other gcs telling neil to add him back
it’s usually neil or renee who adds someone back bc they feel bad that people get left out of the gc
renee has this weird obsession with tiktok and she sends them CONSTANTLY like usually they remind her of certain teammates
she’ll send these at all hours of the night bc she has trouble sleeping and that means more time to scroll through the app from hell
and even though it gets on everyone’s nerves, no one can hate renee so they all just kind of....watch the videos and then everyone’s obsessed with tiktok
dan will send memes and things but only when they’re like so ridiculously funny that they get the whole gc wheezing at midnight on a school night
and usually they’re SO ridiculous that they only make sense to dan
“Dan you do realize we have practice tomorrow?”
“matt shut up this girl is talking like MARGE SIMPSON I CANT BREATHE”
most of the foxes text without proper capitalization or punctuation but  matt and kevin and neil (and aaron) are all very proper with their texting
dan makes fun of matt all the time bc he doesn’t seem like the kind of person to Use Proper English but matt doesn’t understand why everyone can’t just use capitals when it’s automatic (he doesn’t know how to turn it off)
neil uses proper grammar just bc it doesn’t occur to him to do anything else
andrew uses lowercase bc it reads like a monotone to him and he thinks it’s ~cool~ and he also likes making kevin mad
sometimes he’ll use the wrong punctuation and grammar on purpose just to get kevin to reply to his texts
eventually nicky realizes he can change the group name and the group photo so he starts the most chaotic conversation by dramatically changing it to a snapchat screenshot of neil asleep on andrew’s lap and calling the gc SEXY EXY BESTIES 👅💦
it stays like that for all of two minutes before kevin notices and quickly changes the name to The Foxes
and then it becomes a free for all as everyone tries to be smart and snarky and ridiculous
stans of kevin’s left hand
the foxwhore court
🧡 Neil Josten Fanclub 🧡
life’s like a game of exy🥍
periodically throughout the week someone will change the name as they see fit - normally it’s something stupid but sometimes they’ll start an actual conversation by changing the group name
The Ungrateful Foxes
fuck you kevin
Guys plz be nice to Kevin
The Worst Team in the NCAA
fuck you kevin
one time after they’d spent like two weeks being called wymack’s whores, andrew decided he’d had enough of that so he just renamed it 🖕🏻🦊
and they do have a separate gc with wymack (they just don’t need to bother him with all their shitty commentary)
but funny enough, they’re almost worse in the wymack gc
at first wymack tried to control everyone by kicking people out who misbehaved, but then it just kept happening until it was him, kevin and renee left and he had to let it go
now all the foxes will text him at the most random times with the most random of questions
they also have a running joke where they all call him dad
kevin hates it, but wymack secretly thinks it’s hilarious and sweet
“hey dad can we get pizza after practice tomorrow???”
“dad nicky’s being a bitch can you make him run extra laps”
kevin starts leaving the gc instead of waiting to be kicked out
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ajdrawshq · 3 years
For the niche ask game: Terra, Repliku, and Namine
I'm gonna skip the smell question bc I literally do not know what to say abt that for anyone
Terra my beloved
• Song that reminds me of them: the only song I've ever associated with him is.. apparently Apocalypse by Sleeperstar according to my spotify playlist for him
• An otp: tbh,, I dont actually ship Terra with anyone
• A notp: anything w the minors and also,,, lowkey Terraqua,,, just bc I dont see them like that but since there's So Much of it its just. Yknow. I'm v sorry Terraqua enjoyers u do u
• Favorite platonic/familial relationships: I enjoy his relationships w Aqua and Ven so much....... AND WITH RIKU their interactions are so good
• Popular headcanon I disagree with: HES NOT THAT DUMB. PLEASE I know its just a fandom joke but I could go on and on abt how the way he was raised and how the total lack of proper guidance fucked him over so so bad but also there was no fucking way for Terra to figure out the stuff happening behind the scenes. Not once does he actually assist the villains without rightfully believing hes doing the right thing, the closest exception I can think of being when he helps Hook bc yeah that dude is pretty shady but he was asked to protect the chest, and only attacked in defense of it - something that is a defining trait of Terra, and his whole job is to protect the light which is vague as fuck so can u really blame him for thinking some of it was in a chest for some reason, plus Peter Pan is kind of a bitch so u can't really fault him for that fight anyway. And don't talk to me abt the sleeping beauty incident bc that wasn't his fault (although I admit its kind of funny that he just,, left) AND the entire Xehanort arc. Dont even get me started if Eraqus just let Terra know that Xehanort is up to shit instead of telling Aqua to spy on him and TELLING TERRA TO FIND XEHANORT WITHOUT ANY CONTEXT WHATSOEVER ALLOWING XEHANORT TO MANIPULATE HIM WITHOUT ANY TRUE HINTS ABOUT HIS MOTIVES we could've avoided like at least half the shit that went down in this game I swear I would've killed this old man with my bare hands. Anyway what was the question
• The position they sleep in: he takes up like 3/4s of any bed without trying i just know it.. and he seems like he'd be very warm. Sleeping next to him is absolute hell in the summer
• A crossover I'd love to see them in: does kingdom hearts itself count as a crossover considering all the d*sney and ff characters.. I just wanna see more Terra
• My favorite outfit theyve worn: how DARE u make me choose between his glorious flowy pants that I desperately want for myself and one of the best armor sets in all of kh.. but I'm going with his keyblade armor purely bc of that one shot thats just like. Terrass. Yknow the one
• Song that reminds me of them: oh god I feel so strongly about this. I have a whole (very self indulgent and incomprehensible) playlist for them but I'm gonna say specifically Last Of Me by CircusP
• An otp: ok I wanna say Replinami. But. I've grown so attached to the idea of Repliku n Roxas being together its ridiculous
• A notp: w any adults obviously, and Riku and Replitwo. They're Siblings
• Favorite platonic/familial relationships: on that note I'm very very soft for their sibling relationships w those two. Whenever I think abt the kh3 Riku n Repli scenes I cry. Also love the idea of them being friends w Xion and Vanitas. And Sora..
• Popular headcanon I disagree with: are there,,, really any popular headcanons abt Repliku? I can barely find any for them to begin with lmao but I CAN say they're not cishet. Bi transfem Repliku my beloved
• The position they sleep in: considering how their life has been plus how touch starved they are, they usually curl up into a ball and/or hold something close to them
• A crossover I'd love to see them in: does my idea of showing them Pokemon The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back as a form of therapy and/or enlightenment count. Ok but i actually wanna see them interact with Mewtwo for better or worse i think it'd be fun
• My favorite outfit theyve worn: I've talked enough abt the darksuit for this one to be obvious I think
• Song that reminds me of them: ooooh this is a hard one...... I'm gonna say Worlds Apart by Seven Lions
• An otp: Namixi and Replinami are both very very good
• A notp: any adults, n im not rly a fan of her being w any of the destiny trio or Roxas
• Favorite platonic/familial relationships: on that note again i Do enjoy her general relationships with the above four.. and I like her dynamic with Axel/Lea tbh. And the idea of her and Terra being friends is vv neat. And I think she'd have a funky friendship w Vani. She has so many friends!! good for her, good for her
• Popular headcanon I disagree with: I cant think of anything in particular I disagree with I just think she should be allowed to kill people (read: Ansem TW)
• The position they sleep in: similar to Repliku, but she prefers being surrounded by something (whether it be pillows, weighted blanket, etc)
• A crossover I'd love to see them in: I think Naminé, Lunafreya from ffxv and Lillie from pkmn should meet.. they're sisters now
• My favorite outfit theyve worn: theres uh. Not a lot of options here (but all the fan made outfits ppl make for her are so epic and cool i love em)
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offtopicoverload · 4 years
Howdy there!! Who are the li’s you fancy the most from LITG??
hi! thanks for the ask!
i honestly dunno who’s my top answer, cuz they’re all interesting in their own way
I’m only going to talk about female LIs cuz the only male routes I’ve finished are Bobby and Jake, and I tapped through most of Jake and only ended with Bobby on my first run cuz I never unlocked Marisol, so I’m not the best source lol
She’s just so chill but has no problem standing up for MC, she has her back no matter what
Which, like, what a queen
She’s the original and only one of 4 LIs, which maybe it’s just me, but for a game based on an incredibly heteronormative reality show, allowing representation for queer audiences from launch is such a big deal and so cool to me, so Talia’s kind of special in my mind
She was also my first LI so nostalgia points
And she’s such an easy LI, not much drama on her route outside of Lucy, just her having MC’s back as the boys make themselves look like idiots
And she has so much potential, like I know some people think her only personality trait is fancying MC, which I mean, is a little fair, but there’s so many opportunities for her in fics and headcanons to develop the good amount of information we got on her in 13 days
I absolutely love how self-aware and confident she is
She just went for what she wanted, struggled a bit with commitment at first, because who wouldn’t, but after that it was smooth sailing
Like obviously what she said in the Beach Hut at the beginning of the season wasn’t great for MC, but she knew exactly what she wanted out of her time on the show
She was confident in herself and her sexuality so much so that she was just down to have a fling with a girl and not worry about how it would effect the show
And then she *coupled up* with that same girl, not even giving a shit about the rules or anything
A queen
I know she’s not an official LI, but her arc is what got me into writing so she gets a million points for that
I love what could have been done with her progression if she was given an actual route, I’m a sucker for some good enemies to lovers, but alas, she’s canonically a bad bitch with a lot of internalised homophobia yet enough confidence to ask MC out
I still love her
I know so many people hate her, and I get it, but I do really like her growth
Maybe it’s cuz I’m pretty analytical too, but her analyses never bothered me or anything, and now that I’ve played her route so many times, it’s pretty obvious that that’s a defense mechanism, and I understand that
She very much so has a “figure their weaknesses out before they have a chance to figure mine out” attitude, and I’m 99% positive it’s because of the ex that Elisa reminded her of
So not only has she been burned in the past, I’m willing to bet it was by the only woman she’s been in a serious relationship with
I really have no problem with her commitment issues, it’s understandable, and I can really empathise with her fear of coming out, it’s absolutely terrifying even if you’ve accepted it and bought a flag, saying the words can be really difficult
My biggest issue is her entitlement and immaturity, I guess?
Like her using Graham to make MC jealous just feels like an excuse to crack on with him and still have MC available for when she’s ready
I understand her being scared to couple up, but playing games to distract herself just made things with MC worse
And unless youre on her route, and sometimes even when you are, it’s clear to me that she expects things and has no problem saying what they are, but going after them is a problem?
Like her going after Lurik even though they don’t have a connection, or Gary even when he’s with Hannah
But then it never works and she gets sad and I melt because I’m weak
ALSO, can I just say how awful it is that Lucas and Henrik don’t pick her unless they have to???
Like cmon she deserves MC after that
And when they finally couple up? And she’s all soft? The GROWTH ohmygod
Anyway I love who Marisol became, maybe not everything she started out as, but definitely the person she ended the season as, more confident and self assured and willing to be vulnerable
It’s precious
I still haven’t done an Elisa route
I tried to a couple months ago, but dumping Marisol felt so cruel, what the hell was Fusebox thinking with that?? 
I do really like that they learned from their mistake though, even if they went in the opposite direction
From what I’ve seen of Elisa, she can be pretty sweet, I’ve seen her described as a Lucas-Bobby hybrid, and while that’s not the most interesting personality to me, I will say that she’s a really cool character that FB messed up on
Why did they make her a straight up villain???
And why ONLY her???
None of the other female LIs have been villains or had such a complete 180
Like her going from shouting at Chelsea, who is literally meant to be MC’s ride or die and the person outside of your LI that youre supposed to want to defend and avenge, to “i cant even sleep because im pining so hard”
I know the treatment of black women has been discussed before, specifically in regards to Hope and Erikah, and it is by no means my place to speak on it, but I definitely think something’s going on with Elisa
Anywayyyy, I love her archetype
The celebrity and influencer has so much potential, to the point that I wrote a one shot without even knowing her lmao 
And she’s so confident in a way that’s so different from Marisol
She doesn’t even care if MC’s happily coupled up, she WILL get in her pants and I respect that
In conclusion, Fusebox did her dirty and I’m probably going to try and retcon some canon for her in the future
A goth babe
Yeah, anyway, so I love her
Her growth is just unbeatable in my opinion
Yeah, she still has her flaws by the end of the season, but she went from ready to rip everyone’s throat out to biting her tongue around Hannah
And her and MC???
And the development between them??? 
No matter what way you swing it, you’ve either got best friends to lovers or enemies to lovers and I adore both
And her aesthetic is one of my favourites, I’m alt myself and having a character like that is just so cool
My Runaways MC is a ball of sunshine with some hidden darkness specifically because Lottie’s such a dark cloud but can start shining with the right person, and that’s my absolute favourite trope
But man were the wedding episodes a cop out
Why couldn’t they give her the Noah treatment? Or the single treatment? Where they just get together after the show? Same with Hannah, why are they giving such an intense confession after who knows how long of literally nothing, like no communication even????
Don’t get me wrong, I kinda simultaneously love it for the angst and yearning, but it just… makes no sense?
So yeah, amazing bat lady that I seriously vibe with and wish my MC could have wifed up
I know this is a little controversial buuuut
I fucking love Hannah
But only OGHannah, Returning Hannah was butchered and I will never let that go
And it was such a toxic message too, that she needed to change herself and her appearance just to get a guy to like her?
Fuck that, Original Hannah was amazing and perfect exactly as she was
I love her trope, too, the naivety and how obvious and clear it was that she’s still learning about the world and relationships, to the point that it’s going to get her in trouble
And her obsession with fairy tales? 
Fucking adorable ohmygod
I started a fic a while ago that I think I’m gonna scrap, that just indulged in the fairy tale metaphors and stuff because I just love how cute it is lmao
If she wasn’t dumped, I think she could have had amazing growth alongside Lottie, and their friendship/kinda, probably, most-definitely-if-MC’s-not-there-more-than-a-friendship growing together would have been so good
In an alternate reality Hope was dumped instead, and that helps me sleep at night
I firmly stand by the fact that Noah should have been the deciding factor between Hope and Hannah/MC, where Lottie said something that screwed with his head earlier in the day to make sure her friends were safe
Noah should have saved Hannah/MC and Hope should have returned with Rocco, hellbent on revenge and proving herself
That would have been so good for Noah stans and such good drama, that actually made perfect sense
Hope was fully expecting that she’d get picked by Noah because they’d spent three days attached at the hip and then to just… not have that happen. It would have driven her insane and if there was then a scene with MC where she just like, gives up
Like she’s spent the past two days grafting Noah but he won’t make up his mind and she’s just done and MC can comfort her or fight with her and you just get to humanize her make her vulnerable and hurting and I fucking WISH they did something like that, even for RHannah
And Hannah’s growth in the Villa would have been so amazing
I think her idea of a perfect guy is definitely too much, and I’m not advocating that she settles by any means, just that she could have learned that there are things more important than money
That conversation on day 1 where you choose between money, kindness, and intelligence still baffles me
Like why are you a gold digger Hannah?!?!
Why don’t you just want a Prince/ss Charming???
Her and Hope should have swapped and I don’t understand why they weren’t
I mean, I do really like Hope, but Hannah’s just so cute and has so much to learn and her struggling in the Villa just to have a lightbulb moment with MC would have been precious and now I want to write it dammit
Anyway, Hannah is adorable and had so much potential and she never should have returned if they were just going to scrap everything that made her Hannah, except for snooty literature
I wanna listen to her rattle on about Belle and Mulan and every other Disney Princess and what they meant for representation and progress in media and then compare them to their original stories like a dweeb and I would have melted on the spot
Like yes, please tell me more about how gruesome Cinderella is
She should have shown up at the finale and hugged MC and been innocent and sweet so I could have just lost my shit for like a half hour
But stan OGHannah, burn RHannah
Adorable, precious, denied an arc outside of coming out
I am not exaggerating when I say that I cried at 4:30 in the morning at her blushing face when playing the first two days
It’s just so fucking cute and I’m a sap and I don’t know why it made me cry, but it did okay?!
And her coming out was such good representation!!! By far the best thing in Boat Party, and I’m so proud of the progress FB’s made in queer representation at the very least
I know she’s pretty one dimensional, but most of S3 is unfortunately
Her being available right off the bat was also such a win, I’m positive it’s the reason she had so many stans
If her and Yasmin had switched or her and Lily, they would have been the ones that were dominating Reddit polls and stuff
And I know she’s written as masc but I just can’t really see it? Like I can’t see her in a dress, but outside of a few clothing items, I guess I just can’t see it? Maybe androgynous is more the word for my image of her, like definitely a mix
She’ll wear a skirt under the right circumstances, but never a dress, a crop top with a flannel, her prom outfit that’s like a frilly jumpsuit, stuff like that? idk im not a lesbian
Her route for me was so glitchy, but I know that if MC’s stolen from her by Yasmin, Tai, or Ciaran, she has some really cute scenes and I wish I could have seen them
And I know some people were ragging on her for the eyelash at the end of the scene but I thought that was just a perfect callback - maybe it’s the writer in me
Basically, AJ’s adorable and why did Ciaran have to split her and MC up, not cool dude
I forgot I was doing a Yasmin route a while ago, but from what I’ve seen and played, she’s really sweet 
I hate that she’s almost nonexistent outside of her route
Give us a mysterious musician friend, you cowards!
I saw that she sings to MC on the final date and damn is that cute
Her eyeshadow kinda throws me off, but her stuffed animal makes up for it
And I’m salty that Yasmin the Lamb disappeared too, that was such a nice detail that made me start a Yasmin route
She’s distant and self-assured, but has a soft, gooey, nostalgic center and I wish we saw more of that, even if we weren’t on her route
My final thoughts on Yasmin: An artsy indie icon that I really need to stop getting distracted from and finish her route
Again, don’t know much about her, but she seems really cool
Her shaving her head between the finale and Boat Party is such a flex and I wish she did it right before Boat Party so we could see her in all her bald glory
She’s into cars, right? And… architecture?
Idk, I barely remember my own name, let alone a 10 minute date from months ago
But I’ll definitely get around to doing her route at some point, maybe just to write for her, we’ll see
I know she’s not an LI, but MC so should have been able to run away with her
I missed that option in S3
I kinda get why they didn’t do that, but Boat Party’s just so messy in general
And I would include Genevieve here, but she’s so cute with Seb that I’d feel bad splitting them up
But Elladine had actual problems with Nicky!!!
Why did they mention it for it to never pay off??
And I’m so mad that the hype around her died when it was revealed she wasn’t an LI or the badass of the season, because I still adore how sweet she is
I also want to brag that before we got a name I was calling her Emma and that’s just on example of my almost psychic-ness
But yeah I wanted Ell to be a run away option and I’m salty that she wasn’t
Know what, fuck it, Viv too, she’s smart and cool as hell, let us love these awesome women FB, you cowards!!!
I have no idea who would be my number 1 based on canon, but if we’re talking hypotheticals, I think my answer, as strange as it is, is Hannah.
I just love what she could have been, but by no means what she is. 
It’s so awkward to know her for three days, not see her for three weeks, then spend a couple more days with, a couple weeks at most, just for her to write a whole ass book about MC?? And tell her about it with that hair????
No thanks, I’ll stick with closeted sapphic horse girl nerd Hannah because I guess that’s somehow my type??? Oh god what the fuck I swear I’m not a total weirdo
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For the prompt list, maybe ”I'm sorry for asking.” with an s/o that asks to be in a poly relationship with Tenko and Himiko after realizing they're in love with both of them? I think this would be a pretty cute idea. 🥰
Oh my god you're right that is a really cute idea anon! I hope I do it justice. ;v; Sorry if Tenko and/or Himiko are ooc btw, I dont know too, too much about their in-game personalities. This is also probably my longest post so far, so yeah. Lemme know if you want a rewrite! Stay safe!
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S/o confesses to Tenko and Himiko and ask to be in a poly relationship after realizing they're in love with both of them
You had begun talking to Tenko because she had been walking around the school advertising a magic show between classes. She pretty much went up to every person she saw and at least gave them a flyer. When you saw her walking up to you, you were actually kind of excited. You honestly had your eyes on her for the past week or so. She had just. Caught your eye if you're being honest. You weren't entirely sure why. Maybe it was her enthusiasm.. or maybe her beautiful long hair put into those twisted twintails.. or-
"Hey, there's going to be a magic show on Saturday! You should totally come!"
"O-oh.. uhh.. yeah! Yeah, I'll be there!"
"Seriously?! Thank you! Here's a flyer with more info!"
She hands you a flyer that's pretty well made.
'Come see the amazing Himiko preform tonight!'
That was the header of the flyer. The rest was some info about 'The amazing Himiko' and where she was performing. There was also a picture of her in the middle doing a magic trick.
Oh fuck shes actually kinda cute-
What the hell? You thought you were attracted to Tenko?! Welp. The only way to find out if you're actually attracted to 'The amazing Himiko' is to go to her show.
Well.. you were already planning on going, but you know what you mean!
Saturday comes faster than you anticipate, and you already find yourself in the school gymnasium where the magic show was being held. You walk in and see at least a small group of people in some chairs. You take a seat and like the others wait for the show to begin.
After about 5 minutes, the same girl on the flyer appears on a small stage. She gives an introduction speech and the show begins. She actually performs some really cool tricks!
After the show, everyone else leaves, but you figured right now was better than ever to confront Tenko. And now that you knew you seemed to have a crush on this Himiko girl, might as well talk to them both.
So you walk over to them and introduce yourself.
"Uh, hey, my name is y/n. I just wanted to say that that was really impressive!"
"Nyeh? You really think so?"
"Heck yeah!"
After that, you started talking with the two in the halls, going to lunch together, then outside of school, and soon enough, you three would all hang out often.
Tonight was movie night.
You were so excited, you could barely sit still in your seat during your classes. When lunch came, you noticed Tenko wasnt there.
"Hey Himiko, where's Tenko?"
"Nyeh? Oh, she's sick."
Sick? On movie night? Would it be canceled?
You ask Himiko if movie night is canceled, hoping it's not, as it was the only thing you were looking foward to today.
"Well, I thought we should let her get better and reschedule, but Tenko said she was fine, and that if it got worse, she would reschedule."
Oh thank heavens.
After school, you and Himiko walk to Tenko's house together, which is where you three decided to have movie night tonight. You two walk in and see Tenko on her couch, seemingly half asleep.
"Huh..? Oh!"
She immediately jolts up after realizing it's you two.
"Sorry theres no snacks, I'll go get some."
She gets up and slowly walks to the kitchen as you two walk in and close the door. You stop Tenko before she reaches the kitchen.
"You sit down. I'll handle the snacks."
"No buts. You're sick. Now go, sit."
You turn Tenko around and lightly push her towards the couch. She complies and sits down next to Himiko, who begins talking to her. You begin making snacks. Popcorn, some drinks, etc., plus some soup for Tenko. (It was canned, so you weren't sure if it was actually gonna do anything, but the gesture was still there.)
After you're done making snacks, you sit down next to Himiko. You realize Tenko had gotten up. You look around a little trying to see where she went, when you suddenly see Tenko headed straight for you two with a giant blanket. You barely have time to react before Tenko tackles you both, hugging you close.
Tenko begins laughing and you two join her. Once you three get settled in the blanket on the couch, you begin to pick out a movie.
You three decide on watching the classic, A Nightmare On Elm Street. After you three watch that, you kinda just put on a cheesy romance film so you can just relax.
You three end up snuggling up close and falling asleep. Before you fell asleep, you had a thought about how nice this was, and how you wish it could last forever. After you fell asleep, you had an amazing dream where all three of you were just huddled close and sitting peacefully in a field.
Then, Himiko kisses you.
You immediately shoot awake, your face going red. As you begin to calm down, you start to think about it.
You absolutely had feelings for both of them.
You didnt wanna choose between them though...
Was there a way to..?
You doubted it.
But the thought just kept appearing. It had literally been two days and you kept wondering.
Alright, that's enough.
As soon as you got home, you got onto your computer to do some research.
It only takes you a few minutes to find out about polyamorous relationships. You do some deeper digging for about an hour before coming to the conclusion that you think you want to be in a polyamorous relationship with the two people you love the most.
But would they agree on it?
You hoped so, especially since the two had known eachother for longer than you had known them.
You decided to wait until your next hangout to ask them. Luckily, the next hangout was at your house, so you decide to do something special.
You three were supposed to have a study session together and then have a sleepover.
So you decide to add a few things you hope mix all three of your personalities and interests.
You three had given eachother access to each others music playlists, so you decide to take a bunch of songs from all of your playlists and put them into one special playlist. You even add in a few songs that just remind you of the three of you.
You buy some magic supplies that Himiko particularly likes, and you also grab a spare yoga mat you have so you can make some padding for Tenko to practice some of her moves on. You had also added a few things you liked.
You had also decided to buy a little projector that projects a galaxy onto the ceiling as if you were stargazing outside. The galaxy even moved as if it were the real sky! A few shooting stars pop up as well at some points.
And to top it all off, you had bought everyone's favorite snacks.
*Knock, knock, knock*
You answer the door and see two beautiful smiling faces that you adored.
"Come on in!"
You three complete your study session in about three hours, with Himiko almost falling asleep about four times.
At this rate you were afraid Himiko wasnt even gonna stay awake long enough for your confession.
They were also a little shocked by the special playlist.
"Who's music are we gonna play for this session?"
"Well actually, I made a special playlist with a mix of our songs on it, if you'd like to play it."
"Woah, really y/n? Of course we're gonna play it! You worked hard on it afterall!"
You play it, and you find its actually really nice to have a mix of songs you all love.
After that, you three head to your room for the sleepover part of your hangout.
You tell the two about your setup of activities and they both smile.
"Wow y/n, you really did a lot for this hangout!"
"Yeah.. just felt like doing something special today."
"Well me and Himiko really appreciate it!"
Tenko then grabs you and Himiko and hugs the two of you close.
You feel your heart stop and your face grow red.
Oh my god they're sO CUTE-
You three each do separate activities and show off for a few hours while eating snacks. Himiko didnt even seem to be tired, so you hoped she would last until your confession.
After you three show off to eachother, you all lie down and you turn on the little projector, to which you smile.
This is perfect.
"Hey, are you guys still awake?"
"I wanted to ask you guys something really important."
Tenko sits up.
"Yeah of course, what's up?"
Your heart begins racing faster than Usain Bolt and you can feel your face grow as red as an apple, and you are so glad the other two cant see you right now.
"I- er- uh..."
You sit up as well.
"I... like you guys.."
You barely whisper it, but they seem to hear you.
Himiko sits up surprisingly quick and you can see Tenko go wide eyed.
You get up and turn the light on so you can see their faces.
Tenko is indeed wide eyed and her face looks like someone had painted it red.
Himiko is also wide eyed and almost as red as her hair.
"Are.. are you serious y/n?"
"Yes. One hundred percent."
"Well.. I think I like you too. I just never really wanted to acknowledge it.."
"Nyeh.. I uh.. I like you too.."
So that part went well.
Now for the bigger question.
"Do you guys wanna.. be in a polyamorous relationship?"
Both of them seemed to grow confused.
"I'm sorry for asking, that was kinda sudden!"
Tenko gets up and walks towards you.
She has a soft smile on her still flushed face.
"We have no idea what that means y/n."
You sit back down and end up explaining what a polyamorous relationship is, and throughout it you can feel your face get warmer, and you can see the same happening to Himiko and Tenko.
After you're done explaining, the room is silent, but all of you were extremely red.
"I agree."
Tenko said that and you looked up to see her looking at you with the same soft smile.
You loved that smile.
She took both of your hands into hers.
"I really do like- no- love, both of you. I've honestly had a crush on Himiko for the longest time. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything like y/n. But.. now that you're both here, my life truly is complete."
Wow. You had always suspected Tenko had a thing for Himiko.
"Nyeh.. I swear, if you two get any cuter, I'm gonna kiss you."
You turn around to look at Himiko who was smiling.
"I love you both as well."
You're heart flutters at this.
The two people you loved the most were now your lovers.
Lovers. Heh. You never thought this dream would come true.
Himiko did in fact kiss you two, and you both kissed her back. It was really cute, but clearly none of you knew how to kiss.
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warning, the following has mainly snarky (and possibly furious) opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
Okay folks. this is it. part 1 of the final chapter
here we go.
trial day 2?? oh yeah i forgot they split this game up in the worst, uneven way possible 
wow that cutscene was
something alright
wow datz actually managed to hold onto the snow globe. kudos?
what the fuck
i think i heard it wrong but Dhurke’s objection sounds like an old man 
I'm pretty sure i heard it wrong 
missed the bass
who was that no– oh Garananana
i guess she's gonna be the final boss instead huh
im so tired i cant even snark properly 
“is that kosher?”
i like it
oh god
what.... what is she wearing 
i mean
TALK about madonna-whore complex. oh yeah, time to turn super evil?? bear your midriff! show off dem tiddies! 
look, SOJ. theres only one bad bitch in ace attorney who can pull off floaty tendril hair, and its NOT ga’ran.
i cant believe i have to look at this train wreck for the rest of the trial
“heh heh heh. its all coming back now. the feel of my blood pumping through my veins”
this is perhaps because youre actually moving now, your eminence.
can we just dispense with the trial and have a good old fashioned anime fight? cmon apollo, spike up that hair and grab your BFS. 
everyone in the court: :O what??? whats wrong with rayfa??? why is she sad???
oh i dunno maybe because her fucking Father just got brutally murdered?? maybe??
what the fuck is up with SOJ characters being dumb as a bag of bricks when it comes to other peoples’ feelings regarding death of loved ones???
phoenix: shits fucked, thats why?? apollo: OHHHHHHHHHHHHH
“seems like she's worse off today than she was yesterday”
hey game you'd better not be implying any shit 
alright, back after another longass break. i can do this.
( That’s oddly compassionate of him, all things considered )
I was about to defend Nahyuta because what kind of person wouldn’t try to spare a child from witnessing that kind of trauma... but then again, this is the Sadmad who purposefully tried to trigger someone into losing a trial so
(shrug emoji)
grana’s gone into full HORHORHOR BITCH MODE 
partially I'm totally numb because i dont have any stakes in her newfound ebilness, and partially I'm tired of this weird new trend of child abuse in the new games 
“Barbed head.”
oh my god 
the first person she goes to after realizing that her caretaker is gone is fucking Phoenix 
im gonna cry 
“ive been reduced to “royal robe remover”” NO NICK YOU’VE BEEN UPGRADED TO DAD BY SOMEONE WHO’S NOT YOU
( ‘It’s like she’s grooming Mr. Wright to be Nayna’s replacement’) 
I know this game is all about confusing bullshit for heartwarming moments and vice versa but guys 
good lord
my heart
i really needed that 
(sigh) they really couldn’t get someone who sounded like a fucking 14 year old to do her voice?? really???
rayfa: (looks like she's going to die and collapses)
apollo: this is not good...
gee apollo you really think so? 
wait a fuking second 
we went through the whole dance cutscene and we’re not even going to see the pool??? does that mean the priestess has to be conscious and present for the images to be visible? ...and how does that work, anyway? 
i just realized, a medium could use a pool to see the dead, but how the hell could they project it for others to see?? does she literally open a portal to hell???
(sigh) i just regret sitting through that cutscene again
“cabal of traitorous lawyers”
i love that
(Seriously Dhurke? This is no laughing matter.)
this basically sums up Dhurke’s entire personality 
...yknow, i know what they were trying to do with his character– i really do. i know he’s supposed to come off as a dashing, cavalier rebel who laughs in the face of danger. 
but they overshot endearingly irreverent and ploughed straight into fuckwaddome. if you want a character to be charming, they need softer moments too. Dhurke isn’t a bad person, but he’s kind of an asshole when you get right down to it, and nothing so far is proving otherwise. 
ok ive heard Dhurke’s Objection again and it doesn't sound like an old man– it just sounds about as overblown and ridiculous as Manfred von Karma’s (not to mention about as deep)
... i guess
another perfect example of Dhurke being kind of a fuckwad: he keeps needling the queen and baiting her in ways that could get himself killed, which would be all fine and dandy if he were the brave resistance leader being tortured for information in the bowels of a dungeon.
...but here’s the thing.
you’ve got 2 extra lives on the line here.
...3 if my suspicions are correct.
stop calling him son please you abandoned him in an orphanage and didnt contact him for 14 years.
...and if he can’t call you ‘dad’ you have no right to call him ‘son’
coming back to this after ghost trick has convinced me that one of ga’ran’s lackeys miiiiiight be related to Cabanela, baby
“Wright... I can see we are kindred spirits, you and I! Hah-ha ha ha ha ha!!”
“It’s pretty easy to spot the difference between a soulless man and the soulless shell of a man”
ok that did get a laugh out of me, good job dhurke.
apollo: pls dont get us killed dhurke: mmmm ok ill try but I'm not promising anything lol
“But remember, son, if you truly believe in me, you should be able to prove my innocence.”
do i even have to list how many reasons thats wrong and a shitty thing to say
“Such Insolence”
You’ve been beat out, Not So Fast
Ga’ran used Gust!
Apollo flinched and couldn’t move!
“I could behead you at any time”
she's got a point; she’s a fucking despot, there’s no reason to actually hold a trial. i mean i guess she wants to shut up the rebels but just killing them would be a lot easier and its not like she has any qualms about murder
“Aw shoot, ya got me.”
again, not an appropriate reaction for whats going on buddy
lol get fucked kjudge
WE GOT GUILTY (excited cheers from the audience)
the applause and the shots of everyone with :O faces is making me feel like i just won a gameshow 
wheres my cheesy jingle 
also i love how Dhurke’s like “oh shit!! my assholishness has directly resulted in my son’s death!!! did NOT see that coming!!!!!!!!!”
again the sound mixing is drowning out the background music (sigh)
“your benevolence? I’d be happy to lend an ear if you’d like to talk!”
>this is it, this is why he leaves the series guys. Apollo is too good for these sinful games.
we’ve got an april may here
“Rayfa, I shall buy you a new servant”
so Kooraheen practices slavery..? I mean, she.... she said ‘buy’, not hire.
“she would have left shoeprints”
do you know what evaporation is your malevolence 
wait wait wait
that doesn't make any sense 
the only prints leading out are from Inga, but the prints inside the building are from Nayna? how did she avoid leaving prints leading inside, then?? did she just long-jump over the dirt path???
the guards are not fanboying, apollo, they’re toadying. there’s a difference.
apollo: maybe the place he was stabbed and the place he died were different 
(the game only continues after you carefully explain what dying of blood loss is three years later)
to be completely fair, there are actually stories of people who were unaware of being stabbed 
furthermore, when you get stabbed, you’re not going to be the most rational human being on earth. 
phoenix, don’t give sadmad that point, especially when he’s currently assaulting your protege 
now, as i was saying, Apollo’s suggestion that Inga was stabbed in the back and then ran into the temple is perfectly plausible; running to shelter from an attacker is probably the first thing you’d want to do when injured, and the tomb was a pretty safe place, i’d wager. 
tbh i really don’t know why they’re arguing about him feeling the pain as that wouldn’t really impair his movement considering he was stabbed in a place that wouldn’t affect his ability to walk???
but yeah apparently he was doped up to shit so 
...i highly doubt back pain medication is strong enough to negate a stab wound. on the other hand, if it is and your back pain is THAT intense, Inga, you need to see a fucking doctor pronto.
...yeah shots straight into the spine is one step away from surgery; not to be an asshole but I'm not sure Inga was doing so well anyway before he went 
huh. are they really gonna give us an actual choosable choice to abandon Dhurke and save our own skin? Cause that would be interesting; a lot like the old games where you could “”choose”” to defend a client or not.
to be clear here, though, i wouldn't choose “no” even as much as i dislike dhurke. we know (sigh) that he’s innocent, and even if i dont like him it’s our duty to defend his shitty ass
wow. y’know SOJ, i dont much like you, but you fuckin Did That. well done.
also thank you for the Justice pun it is much appreciated.
“And while I can’t say I’m used to it, this isn’t exactly my first rodeo”
>game flashes back to the Ahlbi case
DSKJFLS THIS IS LITERALLY THE “at second rodeo: this isn't my first rodeo” POST
phoenix: allow me to mansplain how rayfa is feeling despite how fucking obvious it is. after all, we know our players have the mental and emotional capacity of goldfish!
oh hey mansplain is a legit word in the dictionary 
why are they building this up?? just fucking tell Rayfa to do her stupid dance again and get on with it; we already did this at the beginning of the trial 
“Hmm... Indeed. It would be problematic.”
oh her nails are actually tiny pen 
thats neat 
thank goodness Kooraheeneese is an up-and-down written language– otherwise they’d have to make a whole new animation for the english game teehee
“....................But... Horn Head needs my help”
oh my heart
dan she just straight up begone’d her 
see the one thing that falls flat here is that, during a regular trial, the prosecution saying “oh, ok, have it your way; you can try to prove your theory” holds up a little more since they... you know. don’t have absolute power.
where as, with Garananana, its more like she's just a huge posturing pushover. especially since every other minute she's saying “ok, I'm gonna kill you for REAL now.”
rayfa: b but if i fail you'll be killed!!! i dont get it...
apollo: i literally just finished explaining that I'm 100% ready to die for my shitty job that was like 5 minutes ago
it is sweet to see that he’s cheering her on though. good big bro 
I'm finding small solace in this beautiful moment of “your foreign dad and bro are here for you babe reach for the stars”
Athena’s probably flashing a double thumbs up from the gallery too
“But... I finally know now. I know in what I can trust”
Bobby, from the afterlife: YOU’RE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE 
Garan: What??? my tiny 14 year old daughter is going to do a thing i don’t want her to??? fuck there’s no way i can shut her up. not even with all of my large adult man guards who could easily just escort her out of the courtroom without any resistance because they’re my fucking royal guards and I'm the Queen
oh shit she took off her own cape
im so glad i muted the game so her awful voice actress couldn’t ruin this cool moment
and now as this long ass cutscene plays out again, i simply cannot help but wonder about the poor choir and how long they’ve been on standby 
where do they keep the choir during trials 
whats it like singing the dance of devotion song every trial 
oh finally here we go. alright, lets see what the magic party pool has in store for us this time 
...o ...ok then
Inga’s face blind?!
Y’know I did have a few thoughts about that when we discovered his notebook but I didn’t think they’d actually go that route... though, thinking about it now, it is pretty convenient.
...ok everyone’s freaking out. maybe they’ve never heard of face-blindness? ...or maybe its not face blindness after all
im pretty sure it is though
i dont know why but everyone being like FUCK ITS GOD and phoenix being like “whoops shits trippy now” made me laugh pretty hard
ok i gotta say I'm actually a little invested now, even if its just because i think face-blindness is an interesting thing to incorporate into a murder case. again, a convenient thing, but an interesting thing all the same.
ahh fuck i keep forgetting how the stupid seance works 
welp, there goes one of my souls... (sigh)
..apollo you dont need to show her the picture of her dead father to say “he had a cell phone”.
the voice was coming from INSIDE THE PHONE 
...why would Rayfa interpret the sound of the warbaa’d (something she’s familiar with) with a lion’s roar (something she’s unfamiliar with) ??
oh i see thats why Vore Machine is an idiot 
for plot convenience 
Datz Are’bal, a man who throws fire crackers at children.
...sounds like an are’bal guy.
“The joker who got a kick out of startling Ahlbi with his Dragon Snot Snaps”
...something tells me that if Datz found out about Youtube, he’d be one of those “””prank””” channels.
i think you mean vaguely sociopathic
(sigh) ive finally been worn down to the point where i need a walkthrough. ive... been beaten...
boy ahlbi’s just a font of knowledge isn't he 
face blindness 
... i mean theyre not calling it that but thats what it is 
yeah yeah channeling blah blah come on! youre in the LAND of channeling !
I'm picturing Inga running into his own dead body and flipping his shit 
oh man. thats the end of Trail 2 part 1.
guess i’ll see you guys on the other side... heheh. 
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tumblunni · 7 years
aaaa tfw u been without central heating for so long that you get all dizzy and cant sleep once the house is finally warm again its like brain explode cos of such a sudden change aaa or maybe just because i stayed up really late to reset my sleeping patterns in order to actually get to the shops, lol and i guess it kinda worked cos its am now which is almost a morning but also i still feel Tired Dead so i’ll probably go back to sleep and wake up after noon aaaa
anyway i also finally got a new phone after my old one broke ages ago and hopefully this one will work good?? i got a £100 one when my last one was the cheapest possible £35 one in a sale so thats probably why it was so shoddy. this one has 3 times the memory so it hopefully won’t get the same problem of not having enough space to hold its own updates til it dies a slow and ignoble death. Hell, maybe I could actually download Apps! I remember Apps! XD Srsly i had to keep my even older broken phone to use my basic tiny mobile banking app, it was annoying. Maybe I could even finally play the pokemons???
but also it as like Embarassment City cos like I hadnt had hot water for TWO MONTHS and i was in this eternal spiral of ‘cant go to the store and pay bills cos i am smely, can’t un-smely cos no water’. and then I finally resolved to by asking for my support worker’s help to like.. escort me there and shield me, i suppose?? I also really needed to get this new phone cos i had no way of contacting her.
And she actually took me to this really big and fancy Tesco super SUPER market!! It was like the size of my old high school!! There was a whole phone store inside it and it was super huge and crowded and scary and also exciting!! AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED I SUDDENLY GOT SICK FOR NO REASON wtf why my luck like this i just suddenly felt super woozy and stomach ache on the drive there and it wasnt even travel sickness cos it was a really quick and short drive. I still dunno what happened, maybe just the bread i ate that morning was slightly out of date cos thats all I even had?? Or I dunno maybe my travel sickness gets worse if i have a relatively empty stomach. So yeah we got to the store and I was like WAIT A SECOND and rushed to the bathroom and was in there for like half an hour throwing up and then i felt completely fine? So it was probably the bread, right? But even if it resolved itself quickly and was no big illness, I was still super panicked that entire time, getting all anxiety dizzy in a supermarket bathroom cos WHAT IF IT GETS WORSE AND WE HAVE TO CANCEL THE WHOLE DAY AND GO HOME and also WHAT IF PEOPLE CAN HEAR ME PUKING and also WHAT IF I SMELL LIKE PUKE ALL DAY and also AAAAA I’M KEEPING MY SUPPORT WORKER WAITING But it all turned out okay, lol
And then the cashier in the phone store was really nice and helped answer all my questions cos I know Nothing about phones. And we even had a bit of jokey banter over the weird names of all the phone models. (”Titan Grey”!) But then i also feel awful about embarassing myself with my Inability To Choose Between Things. I kept everyone standing there for like fifteen minutes but IT FELT LIKE AN HOUR and I was just like ‘pleas stop telling me the phones are equally good, please throw me the slightest bone’. So I just ended up going for the slightly more expensive one with a better camera cos the sticker was blue instead of pink and i wasn’t wearing any pink today. THIS IS THE KIND OF IMPULSE PURCHASE THAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET BUNNI DECIDE And then it was kinda hilarious how the guy was then like ‘okay so what colour do you want’ and i was like ‘AAAAAAA’ i just went with titan grey cos it sounded funny ALSO!! I got a little stylus thing for touch screen phones so it’ll be easier to use! And it came with a free speaker amp which I will probably not use but it looks cool at least! :D
And then I embarassed myself again by walking too fast in the shop and getting lost from my support worker and kinda freaking out a little, but she managed to find me and It Was A Dumb Thing To Worry About Ehhh... Oh but I did enjoy browsing all the cool stuff this store had that normal ones don’t! I have no idea what a Pomelo is but now I own one!! It looks like a giant orange but kinda lemon shaped?? I just keep looking at it instead of eating it, its so weird and cute! I also LE GOSH found the one brand of noodles I really loved as a kid: Other Flavour. Remember that post I made earlier this year about the prawn flavour nostalgias? Well those weren’ EXACTLY how I remembered them, they were a little more spicy and the noodles were stickier. But it was still awesome! I’ve changed a lot in a decade too, lol! So anyway I found the curry flavour version of those, which i also liked, and i cleared the whole damn shelf of them into my basket. Who knows when I’ll ever get to return to super tesco!!! ALso they had a way bigger world foods aisle and I decided to try some random asian sweets and snacks. Its a shame I don’t know exactly what they’re called cos the packages are all in japanese and korean. It says ‘Kusaga strawberry gummi’ but that might be the brand and not the name of the food itself? And then the other one is just ‘korean seaweed’ on the english label. Like yo, what one?? There’s loads of different seaweed snacks, like nori and konbe and dulse and probably even more!! And ive never tried any of them so how can i tell, lol? This one, whatever it was, came in small flat sheets and kinda tastes barbeque flavour. And when you hold em up to the light they look like cool glowy cathedral windows~! Also the gummi sweets get stuck in my throat so i probably won’t get those again, lol. Good tho! Despite the choking!
Oh, and @summon-daze your hat absolutely saved me!! Great shield against the sun and the social embarassment! Plus it made me feel confident cos of how damn cute at least 10% of my existance looks today. I am a beautiful head on a trash body! So they had No Man’s Sky on clearance sale for £10 and I got it cos I remembered you had it. I Dunno if I ever asked if you enjoyed it tho? XD But it was cheap so even if it ends up being bad I won’t be too sad. And honestly my standards are low so as long as it delivers on Randomly Generated Worlds Oo Look At That Weird Aminal i’ll probably be satisfied even if there’s not much gameplay.
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futurepast56 · 8 years
The 100 4x05 Summary
*We start with Raven being smart in the lab* Abby: We can save all people. Guy: How? Abby: No idea. But we can. Raven: *gets a headache* Raven: *is… flying? what the hell?* Raven: *wasn’t flying. Just having a seizure or some shit* Abby: *calls raven ‘sweatheart* - shippers gonna ship Abby: *gives Raven a cure* Raven: *feels better* ******* THE 100 ******* *we cut to Octavia on the horse* Octavia: *falls down from the horse* Guy: *finds Octavia* ******* *and now we cut to camp Jaha* Monty: “We are almost out of bimber. No alcohol… How Jasper gonna survive that?” Clarke: “Hello” Monty: “haha, no. bai” *goes away* Clarke: “Oh hello, the girl that i slept with once” Girl: “Hello to you too” Clarke: “Hey did you do the thing i asked you to do” Girl: “Yep. and i was thinking-” *sudden almost dead-octavia carried by a guy appears and cockblocks* Guy: “She is almost dead! Help her!” Clarke: “And why you give a fuck?” Guy: “I guess im gonna be a new love interest for someone so I have to be likeable” Clarke: “Ugh… Okay. Put Octavia on the table. This is the time when I remind everyone that im a doctor - which I think people forgot since season 1 - and I can do stuff” Clarke: *does CPR to Octavia. there were lips touching. Shippers gonna ship now xD* Octavia: *lives* Clarke: “Its okay Octavia. We gonna take care of you” Octavia: “Let me talk, would ya? Azegeda is coming. You all gonna die. Prepare or something… god, now I can just pass out in peace” Octavia: *passes out like a badass* Clarke: “PEOPLE WE GOT SHIT TO DO! AZGEDA IS COMING AND WE WILL FIGHT!” Everyone: *runs out of the room to prepare* Guy that brought Octavia in: “I will just… wait here then” ******** Poeple in camp jaha: *plans* Some random: “-and then we will burn everything and it will be awesome and-” Monty: *uses brain* “No” Random: “But-” Monty: “No. We will not burn our save house that can help us survive later. No way” Clarke: “Maybe I will talk to Roan?” Random: “Even worse idea” Monty: “Actually… YOu can do that Clarke. And then we will do some things we learn from Pike” Harper: “Pike? You really want to follow something that this motherfucking asshole did?” Monty: “No, but it will work” ******** *cut to Roan on the horse and his army* Single Clarke standing on their way: “Hello! We had element of suprise but we’re not gonna use ths shit” Roan: “Oh shit, they’ve been warned” Chick who stabbed my baby Octavia: “There is no way Octavia survived my blade and the fall-” Roan: “She is too badass to die, you stupid fuck! Everyone knows that!” *sigh* Clarke: “we should talk” Roan: “too late. Archers shoot Wanheda!” Clarke: “Really?” Clarke: “My people with guns! Do your job!” Roan: “I did not expect that… Bring prisoners!” Bellamy and Kane: “Hello” Clarke: “oh, of course you got caught, you idiots, beacuse my life and decisions can never be simple. Ugh” Clarke: “Roan we talk. Pretty please?” Roan: “Okay” Chick: “But what if its a trap?!” Roan: *sigh* Roan: “Look around women. We are already in the fucking trap. Jesus, am I the only one with a brain in here?! Ugh” Roan *follows Clarke* ********* *cut to people with guns* Monty: “Okay we got what we wanted. Now stop shooting at Roan. Its not a target. Focus on the army” Someone: *didnt listen* Monty: “Okay, who didnt take the gun out of Roan? Show yourself” Monty: *notices Riley* Monty: “Riley you stupid fuck stop!” Riley: “but they’re bad people and they have to die!” Monty: “first jasper and this moron” Monty: “DO NOT SHOOT!” Riley: “God! Fine. Just stfu” ******** *cuts to Bellamy* Bellamy: “Someone warned them” Kane: “You think that it was your sis” Bellamy: “Well, duh?! Didn’t you see how badass she is? If anyone was about to survive stabing and fall from the cliff its Octavia” Kane: “True” ********* *cuts to Octavia* octavia: *wakes up* Octavia: “Oh fuck. I warned them right? those idiots get the messege?” Chick that Clarke used to bang: “Yep. They went to negociate with Roan” Octavia: “Negociate? I almost died for them to negociate? I gave them perfect element of suprise but they blow it. ugh” Octavia: “How did I get here anyway? I’m badass but i dont think im badass enough to teleport… yet” Chick: “Oh this one guy who will probably be your future love interest brought you here” O: “Love interest? Really? Who writes this shit?” ********* *cuts to this guy who is really terrefied - and left alone - because of all technology* ********* *cuts to Abby taking care of Raven* Raven: “I got an idea that I had during my seizure!” Raven: *explains idea* Abby: “this… is bloody briliant! and can work!” Raven: “Yeah! We just have to find a place without a gravity! On earth!” Abby: “Which is highly impossible!” Raven: “yay! We have a plan!” Raven: “Oh look I found a space ship! Now I can go to space and make our plan work!” Abby: “yay!” ********* *cut to Monty* Monty: “Riley, u there?” Some guy: “Nah he went somewhere. Probably to kill the king and start the war. Who knows?” Monty: “…” Monty: “Awesome. Now I have to save someone and probably die” ********** *Cut to Roan and clarke* Clarke: “So why u traing to kill us?” Roan: “You cheated on us and hide the truth!” Clarke: “Meaning?” Roan: “You building the ship to save yourself not us” Clarke: “…” Clarke: “Well IM TRYING TO SAVE MY PEOPLE, YOU A-HOLE! AND IT WILL FIT 100 PEOPLE ANYWAY SO NOW THEY HATE ME BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID LIST SO DONT GET ME STARTED ABOUT JASPER BEING ASSHOLE AND JAHA’S STUPID IDEA WITH LOTERY, BECAUSE NOW I HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOUR STUPID SHIT!” Roan: “Well i want your ship” Clarke: “Sure, do you know how technology works?” Roan :“…” Clarke: “Thought so. Did Kane mentioned you that we have Luna and have a chance to find a cure?” Roan: “he tried, but thats probably lies so I choose to ignore that information” Roan: *mentiones Lexa, which makes Clarke both sad and angry* Clarke: “ugh… what if we share a ship? hmm?” ********** *cut to Monty going to Azgeda people* Monty: “Im unarmend, just want to talk, please dont kill me…” Chick who stabbed Octavia: “What do you want?” Monty: “One of our soldiers is a moron who cant listen and we think that he separete from group to kill your king” Chick: “Why are you telling me that?” Monty: “Oh, I dunno, maybe because I DONT WANT A FUCKING WAR?!” Ckick: “Okay, im taking Bellamy with me. If I wont be back in some time then just kill them” People: “sure” ********* *cut to Abby, a guy and Raven doing science stuff* Raven: “Clarke cut us from ALLIE’s infuence but I still got he knowledge!” Abby: “Well, isnt that convinient?” *some Raven/Abby scene happens* *Raven and Abby hold hands - shippers gonna ship hard* ********** *cut to Bellamy walking with a chick that stabbed Octavia* *some boring “war makes us killers” talk happens" ********** *cut to Riley who is stupid fuck and cannot listen* ********** *cuts to Roan and Clarke* Roan: “Everyone gets 50 people who can live. FAir deal” Clarke :“Cool, but your people wants war. like now” Roan: “Im a king. I dont have to ask them what they want” Roan: “What about your people?” Clarke: “Well, they will probably burn me alive for loosing 50 places on the ship” Roan: “Cool” ********** *cuts to bellamy who tries to Reason with Riley and stop the war* Riley: *is being little enoying shit* Chick: *wants to kill Riley* Bellamy: “CAN YOU BOTH JUST LISTEN TO ME?!” Riley: *didnt kill Roan* ********** *cut to Octavia and that one chick that Clarke bang once* Octavia: “This little shit is on the missio to destroy technology and you let him walk around in the place that is made of technology. Alone. Brilliant” Octavia: “Little shit used me to get here. Ugh” *********** *scenes cutting form Octavia who tries to reason with this guy and Bellamy, chick, Clarke and Roan talking about what happened this episode* Octavia: “If you blow this place up then we all die” Guy: “I dont care” Guy: *blows Arkadia down* ************ Clarke: *sees explosion* Clarke: “Did they just blow up fucking arkadia?!” Roan: “So there is no Arkadia and no ship anymore?” Clarke: “Nope” Roan: “… so this episode was about… nothing? Just a big mothetfucking build-up for this?” Clarke: “yep. preducers of the show love to fuck with us” ************* *cuts to Arkadia* People: *are running to save their lives* Guy who blow up the ship: “Ups, I suddenly has concience. Time to take Octavia and this other girl out of the fire” Clarke and Bellamy walks in Camp Jaha* Bellamy: *takes Octavia from this guy* Clarke: *takes this girl she slept with from this guy (if she will be in next ep I will have to learn her name xD)* Octavia: “it was this motherfucker who saved me. God you should watch over him and not leave him alone” Arkadia: *literally burns to the fucking ground* Clarke: “okay, you shitty producers, let get this shit straight! YOU MAKE US BUILD A FUCKING SAVE HOUSE FOR 5 EPISODES AND MADE WHOLE LAST EPISODE ABOUT THE LIST AND PEOPLE WHO CAN GO TO THE SAVE HOUSE AND NOW THIS EPISODE ABOUT NEGOTIATIONS OF THOSE PLACES AND THEN YOU BLOW THIS SHIT UP LIKE NOTHING MATTERS?! WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT OF THOSE EPISODES?! WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS SEASON?! UGH I HATE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! *cuts to black* THE END
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arielkrupnik · 7 years
The Holy Babble
God evening, all Welcome yourselves Welcome to the revelations against me. See my identity, make ruin of your focus - Damage needs to be done to find out how it can be prevented This greatest idea, started by sounding stupid Dont let being smart stop you from doing what you love the most
Swallow your pride, and bite off more than you can chew Follow your dreams Swallow your nightmares Dont be me with more nightmares than ideas to use. Its better to see your dreams with eyes open In a dream, I saw a long line of chains; a string of events yet to commence 
Everything we do is an anagram for what we are not doing Every step forward is a step taken in circles round and round it goes, where it'll stop, no one knows Inner darkness travels faster than that of the speed of outer light Now its the light at the end of the tunnel thats just light to the un'train'ed mind But basing life on visuals is not an option I lost the vision I saw for miles I saw so far, no good You wont get anywhere, unless you're from out of nowhere My life came in too fast to live to just miss the opportunity to better myself Being the fool is the crime If I died, I'd be the last to know I can never die if Im living the way I supposed to Living is on my side - This body of work, is very much alive And behind that door number one, my life is potent misery to any who knows it Looking on the bright side is portrayed in a bad light and are we not already? We flaunt excellence, and flaunt flare in the faces of those who dont (have it) Beauty may only be skin deep to be a prisoner to its host You can almost hear this jailhouse rock, this heartless heartthrob Here in heartache/heartbreak heaven, the body is an asylum for criticism thats in constant outbreak In'securities make up the worst bodyguards Our judgment days make daises Its the end of the world for anyone who cares.
Now its easier to get boredom than freedom It never gets old to the inventor, and less old to all if made right So think outside the box, after you are coffin'edA coma karma, is highly inspire-y
The confines of a coffin like a crystal ball - You can see your future in it! What can happen eventually will Laughter cant last forever No one can stay saved. When dreams are too much of a dream come true, these dreams dont seem to Dreams are just numbers on fingers you cant count on If all my dreams came true will you come to? This is not for the rose-hearted I wont revive from her beauty I succumb to defeat before I succumb to the task Its the leading cause of death to bad writers Am I not already them? This mistaken confidence, is me I give you sad is fiction! They all forget the one who remembers all; its why they are forgettable Don't regret what you cant remember Bless me for loving everyone but help me for thinking that way I love more than Im made to I am one with forgiveness I never had an enemy who wasn't already once a friend Behind every back are the worst of them; friends I cant believe there are more people against me who aren't in my head I need people I could trust, not friends I wouldn't take a bullet for them unless I was pulling the trigger There are more guns than people in the room These people are gonna haveta shoo or shoot! Double U, oh, double U It doesn't bother me that they kill, it bothers me that they don't feel bad doing it At least difficulty is my only ificulty War is only over when its overrated Losing beats boredom Dreams will eventually be boring Time will heal everything but its loss. Theres no time to find a shadow and are we not already shadows? Worse drug I ever took was a time capsule Taken with a grain of salt Eris Quod Sum - I am what you will become As if taken by pantomime pills Life imitates art into a tortured portrait of an artist You can choose any color you want for it as long as you pick black A gloomy overcast is yours to have You could put it on paper and get rid of it,
but why hurt the paper? I'd rather bash my head in with this writers block, extract the pulling juice, grab the bullshit by the horns! Anythin else would be sugarcoating a diabetic truth The only worse lie than hate is love Now its the only boyfriend of no girlfriend being the only me I'll ever think of, descended from which all of heaven originated from His is a life heavier than most imagined Such shimmerility See the world through reimagining A mass collection of obsession oddifacts Calm cools been collected. If no one can accept me for me, then there can be no such thing as a positive me We engineer the surround sound stereo'types We welcome the revolution against me This world war tour ends now A man who stands for nothing does not stand I drank hell from high water Theres hell to pay and everybody owes me Im not saying I am the devil, but I sure as hell wont deny it Tampering with 'heaven' cant get you OUT of trouble but it sure as 'hell' can get you IN When all else fails, bail And for my next trick, Im gonna make my soul disappear I say piss to this mortal life! I came to leave Dreams make you more than a person And are we not already very legendary? Sleep and the world sleeps with you Make a peep and you sleep alone Be it peace, love, and all thee above, the everything and not, some ends come sooner than others "The end cant come sooner enough" He talks in silence, he speaks just like he's God Now its a wonderful underworld He's in a better place now.
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jimdsmith34 · 7 years
12 Types Of Fans You Met At The Bar During The First Week Of The NFL Season
I may have sweat through my shirt this morning on the way to work, but that doesnt mean the NFL season isnt already underway.
Its mid-September, and following the conclusion of the San Francisco 49ers 28-0 beatdown of the Los Angeles Rams on Monday Night Football, Week 1 of this NFL season is officially in the books.
Now, I dont know how you like to spend your Sundays during the NFL season, but for most games, I like to hunker down in my apartment with friends, drink a little, order Seamless and pray to every deity known to man the New York Giants find a way to pull out a win.
This past Sunday, though, I gave into the allure that is going to a bar, eating too many wings, drinking too much beer and watching football all day.
Let me be clear, I do not condone this sort of behavior on a weekly basis, but for Week 1, I thought it was more than appropriate.
Immediately after walking into a crowded bar on the Upper West Side, I realized why I gave up the going-out-for-NFL-games tradition years ago.
Despite the fact my friends and I had a reservation, we still had to wait for a table. The bar was crowded, loud, lacking in good TV coverage and filled with all manner of football fans.
There were fans of seemingly every team in the league, as well as some folks who looked like theyd never watched a football game in their lives.
Im going to go out on a limb here and say I wasnt the only one who encountered such fuckery during Week 1 of the NFL season.
While youre still getting over that hangover, check out the 12 types of fans you definitely met at the bar during the first week of the NFL season.
1. The dude who wore a jersey over a polo shirt.
I wish I didnt see this, but then I saw it again while watching the Steelers play the Redskins on Monday Night Football. Dont do this, ever.
2. The woman who sat in a booth by herself watching the US Open final.
Look, I love tennis as much as the next person, but this lady was cheering for Stan Wawrinka harder than any NFL fan in the entire bar. I think that event mightve been better suited for viewing in the home.
3. The guy who had Deez Nuts taped over a name on the back of his jersey.
Hey, why buy a new jersey just because the player whose jersey you bought signed with another team? Im really, really tired of seeing electrical tape on the back of sports jerseys. We dont even have to discuss the replacement name this dude went with.
4. The man who felt the need to high five everyone after every play, regardless of what happened.
I was down with this dude in the first quarter, but by halftime, I was ready to try and move my seat. No more touching, bro. Lets just celebrate in our own personal space, OK?
5. The lady who couldnt figure out why the bar was so crowded on a Sunday.
I bullshit you not. And to make matter worse, she kept asking out loud, like she actually wanted an answer.
6. The dude in a Bills jersey who was hammered before the 1 pmkickoffs and well after the 4 pm games ended.
Stay classy, Buffalo. Bills Mafia for life.
7. The guy who clapped vigorously after every first down like he was cheering for his kid at the Olympics.
Its a wonder this dude didnt run out of energy by the end of the third quarter. I guess buffalo wing sauce and Bud Lights will fuel you up just enough for a three-hour football game.
8. The woman who ordered numerous glasses of white wine.
Look, Im not one of these drink-shamers. I think you should enjoy whatever alcoholic beverage floats your boat and makes you feel loved. But when it comes to football on Sunday, for the love of God, dont order white wine at the bar. Please.
9. The man who said he didnt want any wings but then eyed everyone else eating wings like a crack fiend.
We all have that one friend. Friends dont let friends pretend to diet on NFL Sundays and then throw off the entire tables wing order.
10. The dude wearing a Giants hat that looked like it spent the last 50 years in a time capsule.
Go to Dicks or Modells, or any other place of your choosing, and get yourself a hat from this decade, sir. Your retro hat isnt cool, it makes you look like you treat showering as more of a weekly option than a daily necessity.
11. The lady screaming at the top of her lungs every time the Cowboys completed a pass.
We get it, youre rooting for the Cowboys. Hell, I think the Cowboys heard this woman all the way in Dallas. Didnt help em win, though. Out of respect for your fellow patrons, please try and cheer when, like, everyone else thinks its appropriate to do so.
12. The guy who looked like he was cheering for both teams, so you werent sure whichhe was actually a fan of.
I dont know, man. If I cant tell which teamyoure rooting for at first glance, I dont trust you. You could be an inside man for ISIS for all I know.
Heres to an action-packed Week 2!
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/11/28/12-types-of-fans-you-met-at-the-bar-during-the-first-week-of-the-nfl-season/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/11/12-types-of-fans-you-met-at-bar-during.html
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
12 Types Of Fans You Met At The Bar During The First Week Of The NFL Season
I may have sweat through my shirt this morning on the way to work, but that doesnt mean the NFL season isnt already underway.
Its mid-September, and following the conclusion of the San Francisco 49ers 28-0 beatdown of the Los Angeles Rams on Monday Night Football, Week 1 of this NFL season is officially in the books.
Now, I dont know how you like to spend your Sundays during the NFL season, but for most games, I like to hunker down in my apartment with friends, drink a little, order Seamless and pray to every deity known to man the New York Giants find a way to pull out a win.
This past Sunday, though, I gave into the allure that is going to a bar, eating too many wings, drinking too much beer and watching football all day.
Let me be clear, I do not condone this sort of behavior on a weekly basis, but for Week 1, I thought it was more than appropriate.
Immediately after walking into a crowded bar on the Upper West Side, I realized why I gave up the going-out-for-NFL-games tradition years ago.
Despite the fact my friends and I had a reservation, we still had to wait for a table. The bar was crowded, loud, lacking in good TV coverage and filled with all manner of football fans.
There were fans of seemingly every team in the league, as well as some folks who looked like theyd never watched a football game in their lives.
Im going to go out on a limb here and say I wasnt the only one who encountered such fuckery during Week 1 of the NFL season.
While youre still getting over that hangover, check out the 12 types of fans you definitely met at the bar during the first week of the NFL season.
1. The dude who wore a jersey over a polo shirt.
I wish I didnt see this, but then I saw it again while watching the Steelers play the Redskins on Monday Night Football. Dont do this, ever.
2. The woman who sat in a booth by herself watching the US Open final.
Look, I love tennis as much as the next person, but this lady was cheering for Stan Wawrinka harder than any NFL fan in the entire bar. I think that event mightve been better suited for viewing in the home.
3. The guy who had Deez Nuts taped over a name on the back of his jersey.
Hey, why buy a new jersey just because the player whose jersey you bought signed with another team? Im really, really tired of seeing electrical tape on the back of sports jerseys. We dont even have to discuss the replacement name this dude went with.
4. The man who felt the need to high five everyone after every play, regardless of what happened.
I was down with this dude in the first quarter, but by halftime, I was ready to try and move my seat. No more touching, bro. Lets just celebrate in our own personal space, OK?
5. The lady who couldnt figure out why the bar was so crowded on a Sunday.
I bullshit you not. And to make matter worse, she kept asking out loud, like she actually wanted an answer.
6. The dude in a Bills jersey who was hammered before the 1 pmkickoffs and well after the 4 pm games ended.
Stay classy, Buffalo. Bills Mafia for life.
7. The guy who clapped vigorously after every first down like he was cheering for his kid at the Olympics.
Its a wonder this dude didnt run out of energy by the end of the third quarter. I guess buffalo wing sauce and Bud Lights will fuel you up just enough for a three-hour football game.
8. The woman who ordered numerous glasses of white wine.
Look, Im not one of these drink-shamers. I think you should enjoy whatever alcoholic beverage floats your boat and makes you feel loved. But when it comes to football on Sunday, for the love of God, dont order white wine at the bar. Please.
9. The man who said he didnt want any wings but then eyed everyone else eating wings like a crack fiend.
We all have that one friend. Friends dont let friends pretend to diet on NFL Sundays and then throw off the entire tables wing order.
10. The dude wearing a Giants hat that looked like it spent the last 50 years in a time capsule.
Go to Dicks or Modells, or any other place of your choosing, and get yourself a hat from this decade, sir. Your retro hat isnt cool, it makes you look like you treat showering as more of a weekly option than a daily necessity.
11. The lady screaming at the top of her lungs every time the Cowboys completed a pass.
We get it, youre rooting for the Cowboys. Hell, I think the Cowboys heard this woman all the way in Dallas. Didnt help em win, though. Out of respect for your fellow patrons, please try and cheer when, like, everyone else thinks its appropriate to do so.
12. The guy who looked like he was cheering for both teams, so you werent sure whichhe was actually a fan of.
I dont know, man. If I cant tell which teamyoure rooting for at first glance, I dont trust you. You could be an inside man for ISIS for all I know.
Heres to an action-packed Week 2!
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/11/28/12-types-of-fans-you-met-at-the-bar-during-the-first-week-of-the-nfl-season/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/11/28/12-types-of-fans-you-met-at-the-bar-during-the-first-week-of-the-nfl-season/
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
12 Types Of Fans You Met At The Bar During The First Week Of The NFL Season
I may have sweat through my shirt this morning on the way to work, but that doesnt mean the NFL season isnt already underway.
Its mid-September, and following the conclusion of the San Francisco 49ers 28-0 beatdown of the Los Angeles Rams on Monday Night Football, Week 1 of this NFL season is officially in the books.
Now, I dont know how you like to spend your Sundays during the NFL season, but for most games, I like to hunker down in my apartment with friends, drink a little, order Seamless and pray to every deity known to man the New York Giants find a way to pull out a win.
This past Sunday, though, I gave into the allure that is going to a bar, eating too many wings, drinking too much beer and watching football all day.
Let me be clear, I do not condone this sort of behavior on a weekly basis, but for Week 1, I thought it was more than appropriate.
Immediately after walking into a crowded bar on the Upper West Side, I realized why I gave up the going-out-for-NFL-games tradition years ago.
Despite the fact my friends and I had a reservation, we still had to wait for a table. The bar was crowded, loud, lacking in good TV coverage and filled with all manner of football fans.
There were fans of seemingly every team in the league, as well as some folks who looked like theyd never watched a football game in their lives.
Im going to go out on a limb here and say I wasnt the only one who encountered such fuckery during Week 1 of the NFL season.
While youre still getting over that hangover, check out the 12 types of fans you definitely met at the bar during the first week of the NFL season.
1. The dude who wore a jersey over a polo shirt.
I wish I didnt see this, but then I saw it again while watching the Steelers play the Redskins on Monday Night Football. Dont do this, ever.
2. The woman who sat in a booth by herself watching the US Open final.
Look, I love tennis as much as the next person, but this lady was cheering for Stan Wawrinka harder than any NFL fan in the entire bar. I think that event mightve been better suited for viewing in the home.
3. The guy who had Deez Nuts taped over a name on the back of his jersey.
Hey, why buy a new jersey just because the player whose jersey you bought signed with another team? Im really, really tired of seeing electrical tape on the back of sports jerseys. We dont even have to discuss the replacement name this dude went with.
4. The man who felt the need to high five everyone after every play, regardless of what happened.
I was down with this dude in the first quarter, but by halftime, I was ready to try and move my seat. No more touching, bro. Lets just celebrate in our own personal space, OK?
5. The lady who couldnt figure out why the bar was so crowded on a Sunday.
I bullshit you not. And to make matter worse, she kept asking out loud, like she actually wanted an answer.
6. The dude in a Bills jersey who was hammered before the 1 pmkickoffs and well after the 4 pm games ended.
Stay classy, Buffalo. Bills Mafia for life.
7. The guy who clapped vigorously after every first down like he was cheering for his kid at the Olympics.
Its a wonder this dude didnt run out of energy by the end of the third quarter. I guess buffalo wing sauce and Bud Lights will fuel you up just enough for a three-hour football game.
8. The woman who ordered numerous glasses of white wine.
Look, Im not one of these drink-shamers. I think you should enjoy whatever alcoholic beverage floats your boat and makes you feel loved. But when it comes to football on Sunday, for the love of God, dont order white wine at the bar. Please.
9. The man who said he didnt want any wings but then eyed everyone else eating wings like a crack fiend.
We all have that one friend. Friends dont let friends pretend to diet on NFL Sundays and then throw off the entire tables wing order.
10. The dude wearing a Giants hat that looked like it spent the last 50 years in a time capsule.
Go to Dicks or Modells, or any other place of your choosing, and get yourself a hat from this decade, sir. Your retro hat isnt cool, it makes you look like you treat showering as more of a weekly option than a daily necessity.
11. The lady screaming at the top of her lungs every time the Cowboys completed a pass.
We get it, youre rooting for the Cowboys. Hell, I think the Cowboys heard this woman all the way in Dallas. Didnt help em win, though. Out of respect for your fellow patrons, please try and cheer when, like, everyone else thinks its appropriate to do so.
12. The guy who looked like he was cheering for both teams, so you werent sure whichhe was actually a fan of.
I dont know, man. If I cant tell which teamyoure rooting for at first glance, I dont trust you. You could be an inside man for ISIS for all I know.
Heres to an action-packed Week 2!
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/11/28/12-types-of-fans-you-met-at-the-bar-during-the-first-week-of-the-nfl-season/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/167958692687
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
12 Types Of Fans You Met At The Bar During The First Week Of The NFL Season
I may have sweat through my shirt this morning on the way to work, but that doesnt mean the NFL season isnt already underway.
Its mid-September, and following the conclusion of the San Francisco 49ers 28-0 beatdown of the Los Angeles Rams on Monday Night Football, Week 1 of this NFL season is officially in the books.
Now, I dont know how you like to spend your Sundays during the NFL season, but for most games, I like to hunker down in my apartment with friends, drink a little, order Seamless and pray to every deity known to man the New York Giants find a way to pull out a win.
This past Sunday, though, I gave into the allure that is going to a bar, eating too many wings, drinking too much beer and watching football all day.
Let me be clear, I do not condone this sort of behavior on a weekly basis, but for Week 1, I thought it was more than appropriate.
Immediately after walking into a crowded bar on the Upper West Side, I realized why I gave up the going-out-for-NFL-games tradition years ago.
Despite the fact my friends and I had a reservation, we still had to wait for a table. The bar was crowded, loud, lacking in good TV coverage and filled with all manner of football fans.
There were fans of seemingly every team in the league, as well as some folks who looked like theyd never watched a football game in their lives.
Im going to go out on a limb here and say I wasnt the only one who encountered such fuckery during Week 1 of the NFL season.
While youre still getting over that hangover, check out the 12 types of fans you definitely met at the bar during the first week of the NFL season.
1. The dude who wore a jersey over a polo shirt.
I wish I didnt see this, but then I saw it again while watching the Steelers play the Redskins on Monday Night Football. Dont do this, ever.
2. The woman who sat in a booth by herself watching the US Open final.
Look, I love tennis as much as the next person, but this lady was cheering for Stan Wawrinka harder than any NFL fan in the entire bar. I think that event mightve been better suited for viewing in the home.
3. The guy who had Deez Nuts taped over a name on the back of his jersey.
Hey, why buy a new jersey just because the player whose jersey you bought signed with another team? Im really, really tired of seeing electrical tape on the back of sports jerseys. We dont even have to discuss the replacement name this dude went with.
4. The man who felt the need to high five everyone after every play, regardless of what happened.
I was down with this dude in the first quarter, but by halftime, I was ready to try and move my seat. No more touching, bro. Lets just celebrate in our own personal space, OK?
5. The lady who couldnt figure out why the bar was so crowded on a Sunday.
I bullshit you not. And to make matter worse, she kept asking out loud, like she actually wanted an answer.
6. The dude in a Bills jersey who was hammered before the 1 pmkickoffs and well after the 4 pm games ended.
Stay classy, Buffalo. Bills Mafia for life.
7. The guy who clapped vigorously after every first down like he was cheering for his kid at the Olympics.
Its a wonder this dude didnt run out of energy by the end of the third quarter. I guess buffalo wing sauce and Bud Lights will fuel you up just enough for a three-hour football game.
8. The woman who ordered numerous glasses of white wine.
Look, Im not one of these drink-shamers. I think you should enjoy whatever alcoholic beverage floats your boat and makes you feel loved. But when it comes to football on Sunday, for the love of God, dont order white wine at the bar. Please.
9. The man who said he didnt want any wings but then eyed everyone else eating wings like a crack fiend.
We all have that one friend. Friends dont let friends pretend to diet on NFL Sundays and then throw off the entire tables wing order.
10. The dude wearing a Giants hat that looked like it spent the last 50 years in a time capsule.
Go to Dicks or Modells, or any other place of your choosing, and get yourself a hat from this decade, sir. Your retro hat isnt cool, it makes you look like you treat showering as more of a weekly option than a daily necessity.
11. The lady screaming at the top of her lungs every time the Cowboys completed a pass.
We get it, youre rooting for the Cowboys. Hell, I think the Cowboys heard this woman all the way in Dallas. Didnt help em win, though. Out of respect for your fellow patrons, please try and cheer when, like, everyone else thinks its appropriate to do so.
12. The guy who looked like he was cheering for both teams, so you werent sure whichhe was actually a fan of.
I dont know, man. If I cant tell which teamyoure rooting for at first glance, I dont trust you. You could be an inside man for ISIS for all I know.
Heres to an action-packed Week 2!
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/11/28/12-types-of-fans-you-met-at-the-bar-during-the-first-week-of-the-nfl-season/
0 notes
thefanficmonster · 3 years
Much Cooler
Corpse Husband & Emma Langevin 
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Platonic Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: There’s always a certain level of uncertainty when meeting someone you’ve only known online. There’s that sense of insecurity that your relationship with them will never be the same or - even worse - that their view of you might change for the worse. But there’s nothing more thrilling than seeing the person you’ve been talking to constantly for the past however long standing across from you. 
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request and I’m so terribly sorry for how late it’s coming out but I hope the fic makes it worth the wait! Lots of love, Vy ❤
“CORPSE! Wake up you famous dumbass!“ is the first thing the poor man heard over the phone at 9 AM on this fine Saturday morning.
It’s more than enough to make him contemplate why he even decided to pick it up in the first place considering he wouldn’t have been very able to participate in the conversation due to his sleepiness. He also, of course, made the mistake of not checking the caller ID which apparently wasn’t necessary considering how recognizable that voice and accent are.
“It’s 9 AM, Emma.“ He states as a tired parent would to a child, “I’m concerned as to why you’re up so early. More so as to why you’re calling me of all people.“
He can practically hear her roll her eyes but he still smirks to himself, knowing she can’t contradict him or argue since he’s completely right with his claims. “Whatever. Remind me to never call you to congratulate you on a milestone again.“
Now that pokes at his attention with a stick. Lately, said attention has proven to be a hibernating bear, leaving Corpse with a lack of interest or motivation for anything but damn if that sentence wasn’t enough to roll him out of bed and hop on PC. “What? What milestone? Subscribers?“
“Nope! You got two million likes on ‘E-girls are ruining my life’! I can’t believe I have to tell you this! Didn’t you notice the numbers climbing?!“ Emma, as annoyed and sarcastic as she’s trying to sound, she’s obviously overjoyed on his behalf and is super proud of him and of the project she luckily agreed to take a small part in.
As his PC boots up, Corpse can’t help but roll his eyes at Emma’s comment, “Well unlike you I have better things to do than refresh a page over and over aga-” His sentence is quickly cut off when he sees the number of likes under the song for himself.
Knowing that he’d find it there didn’t change the feeling of seeing it for the first time at all. It’s so surreal and so hard for his mind to comprehend. Seeing as how little he thinks of himself, his content and his art, this is like his success coming to slap him across the face as if to punctuate to him how wrong that mindset is.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you offered to take me out for at least a coffee to celebrate, bro.“ Emma comments sarcastically, joking only halfway from what he can sense.
He smirks, “Trying to even the playing field, I see.” He replies, referring to the fact that he’s still a faceless mystery to her while her face is literally the cover art for one of his songs.
She laughs but is quick to dismiss his claim, “Nah, I might be a curious and nosey little shit on other occasions, but other people’s privacy is not something I dig my nose into. However, if I were to even the playing field between us it wouldn’t be appearance-wise. More personality-wise. For my sake and yours I choose to believe you are way cooler in person than you are through messages or on a call.”
This withdraws a genuine fit of laughter from Corpse who throws his head back, a few strands of hair moving aside to reveal his shiny eyes, “Well then, instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt, how about we settle it once and for all? Tomorrow? I’ll text you the location.”
Emma’s eyebrows shoot upwards as soon as she comprehends his words and the tone that leaves no room for her to assume he’s joking, “Wait what? How come you’re agreeing to this? And so easily? Nah, this a trap if I’ve ever seen it.”
Corpse laughs yet again, “No trap, Em. I just can’t have you doubting my coolness.”
                                                             *  *  *
The main reason as to why Corpse requested for this meeting to be today is because he feared that if he had more than twenty four hours to dwell on it he’d chicken out. Little did he know it was the same for Emma. Their friendship has only ever existed with the bridge of social media connecting them and they both can’t help but fear the other might not like who they are IRL. They fear they unintentionally become a different person or change things about themselves subconsciously when communicating with people online. Bottom line, they’re scared of letting the other person down with who they really are, unaware that their personalities are most likely the exact same because, as the people who know them can confirm, neither Corpse nor Emma are the type to put on a show in order to be liked. They would rather have no friends because of who they are than have friends and fans of their persona instead of the real them.
And so, while slightly afraid and anxious about this meeting, both of them see it as a relief test to see if the friendship is in fact as real as it’s seemed these past months.
Corpse was the one to choose the location of their meet-up, a location Emma didn’t even think twice about agreeing on, and ever since, they’ve both been counting the hours until their scheduled meeting time.  It’s not about impressing each other, at least that’s what they’re both telling themselves, but rather proving to the other that they’re worthy of their friendship. They might throw snarky and sarcastic comments at one another that others would give a side-eye glance to and question if their friendship is real, but they know the dynamic best and they sure as hell don’t wanna lose it or each other.
Best friends are the ones who roast each other after all - you can’t tell me I’m wrong.
The nervous Corpse fidgets with the insides of his hoodie pockets as he waits outside the café, having arrived ten minutes early because he couldn’t stand being alone with his thoughts in his apartment, judging every fragment of himself twice as harshly as usual. Emma, on the other hand, could barely bring herself to leave her home. She kept retouching her appearance, despite knowing Corpse wouldn’t judge her even if she showed up in pjs. To be fair she contemplated doing just that several times because her hair pissed her off enough to get her discouraged on her outfit altogether but she did eventually talk herself into pulling it together. She already knew she’d be at least five minutes late, but once again, she knew Corpse wouldn’t care.
He’d wait, cause that’s the kind of friend he was. Cause that’s the kind of friend she was for him too.
And boy did it take her less than a second to recognize him. She wasn’t even out of the car when she saw him and knew it was exactly who she was looking for. He too, as if with a sixth sense that registered her presence, shoots his head up from his phone to look up at her, their gazes meeting. There’s a brief moment of close-to-shocked silence, their eyes a bit widened as their brains comprehend that they’re within arm’s reach of one another.
That’s when Emma’s the first to break the bubble of awe as a wide grin spreads across her face and she runs to Corpse, wrapping him in a hug before he’s even realized the distance between the two’s been closed.
“Hey.“ She mumbles, her face hidden in his hoodie due to the height difference.
“H-hey.“ He replies, hesitantly wrapping his arms around her too.
“I was right.“ She says once she pulls away, “You are much cooler face-to-face.“ She pauses for a second, narrowing her eyes, “You’d be even cooler if you bought me coffee though.“
Earning a laugh from him, she’s guided into the café by the arm Corpse wraps around her shoulders, telling her he’s get her a milkshake cause he doesn’t want to see her high on caffeine. Needless to say, they both are, indeed, much cooler to one another IRL.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn
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