#worth it in my opinion
massiveladycat · 2 months
leo shouldve learned how to cope with his trauma and his need for validation instead of rick slapping a girlfriend on him and calling it a day. in this essay i will-
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my toxic trait cycle is kinda not liking being fat, getting into a good workout routine and holding it for a few months, gaining a ton of muscle and losing little weight overall bc i love food and live in urban areas with amazing diversity, then stopping the exercise routine cuz IDEK, and beinmg like whaaaahhhh where r my moose-kles??? gaining a ton of weight and starting all over
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I truly, TRULY do not know how to say this, because the fact that I have to say it makes me feel like I am losing my grip on reality. But no, in the post-capitalistic anarchist utopia, I will not be relying on “autistic minecraft girlies” to be building inspectors because - and this may shock you - one of those occupations takes years of education in how to read and interpret hundreds of thousands of lines of regulations based on complicated math and physics that were the result of decades of tragedy and death, and the other one involves playing a children’s video game.
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mipexch · 1 year
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put too much effort into this
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quiet-admirer · 10 days
I need vanilla fat liberationists to understand that every time they open up their mouths about feedism and fat fetishes they sound like "do they know it's Christmas" lmao. Their sudden blind spot when it comes to reasoning and fat politics because of their own disgust and fear is just so blatantly, bafflingly obvious. I don't get how they don't see how patronizing, paternalistic, ignorant, self-centered, and rude they are, especially toward fat feedists... They never bother to do any research (they rarely even get the basic terminology or definitions right), and god forbid they actually talk to a feedist or invite them to discussions about their own experiences and subcultures. As if there's no way we could ever have anything meaningful to say, because of course what they know about feedism and fat fetishism must be all there is to know.
And on top of it all, they always speak about us like there's no way we could ever be listening to what they're saying. But sorry! We can hear you! And nothing they're saying about us is new to us, none of it is interesting, and none of it is something we haven't thoroughly responded to or debunked or explained to them or consistently continued to address and combat or thought of already on our own decades ago. It's the same tired arguments and opinions they were saying back when I came onto the scene 13 years ago, and yet they still talk like they're saying something new and intellectual every time.
Like, come back to the table to talk about feedism and fat fetishism when you are willing to NOT talk about feedism and fat fetishism and can instead sit there and listen and learn the way you would for any other experience or identity you don't have direct lived experience with.
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nosfagratu · 1 year
if kim only cares about people's worth if they're in the RCM then why in the fuck was he about to give his jacket to some random ass kid
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yeah sure the guy who only cares about other RCM officers if they're good was about to part with the only item of clothing keeping him somewhat warm in a place where there's ice thick enough to support two grown men and a bunch of other shit absolutely
(edit: i'd appreciate it if you take a look at this version instead x it contains way more nuance and some amazing additions)
(edit 2: here's a version with IDs as well x )
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it’s not that huan can’t talk; it’s that he thinks dog is a perfectly functional language for every purpose that actually matters and refuses to speak anything else unless he absolutely has to
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beedreamscape · 1 month
I'm pretty much the worst person to even weigh in on this topic because I've been partial to Suvi since day one, but in my opinion there wasn't ever a need to explain or justify Suvi's choices/reactions.
Not because she's perfect, never wrong (though in my heart I know...) but because I'm very certain that the people that keep on hammering on her mistakes/shortcomings/tendencies are people that already dislike Suvi (or don't like Aabria very much, I wish this wasn't a topic of consideration but even 30+ eps in there's still people like that around) for whatever reason and gather excuses to justify their bias against her and no amount of explanation will turn their hearts in her favour.
It really feels like a parallel to the way Suvi herself tries to be understood by her friends and yet she fails time and time again.
And people insist on forgetting that Suvi is not the Citadel, she's just one young wizard of the Citadel.
And it's gut-wrenching how much I relate to that feeling of alienation before every corner she tries to fit in: amongst her citadel peers she's othered by her position and privilege, and now by her friendship to a witch and a spirit; between her friends she's the odd-one-out because of her Citadel connections and the nature of her power; and now amongst the witches she stands out by being the face of the "enemy".
I don't blame her for clinging to the little corner of the world that has not made her feel foreign despite the very nature of her presence: in Steel's family whom she's not related to by blood, yet completely by heart.
And it'll never be a fair game. The girls especially are very young and with new-found independence, they're given colossal decisions to make, and that before beings older than three generations of them combined and incomprehensively more powerful and less empathic.
As much as Mirara wants there to be a good witch and bad witch, there's no such thing as black and white, there are decisions and consequences, what one does with the power they're given. There is no right or wrong in a fight filled with so much heart, there was never a world where a fight between Ame and Suvi would be clean.
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skunkes · 2 months
longlegs fucking sucked 😭
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04tenno · 10 months
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You ever think about what it'd look like if Shishido was fully zipped up
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ossy-serenity · 1 month
Can you please draw my design for Kevin? I'm curious how it would look the way you draw. Thank you 😊!
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chthonic-pain · 4 months
I hate syscourse because we have so many topics that are so much more engaging and interesting than "can you have a system without trauma?" But no one has any time or energy to discuss those things, or the way that different people's healing looks different, because "proendos" and "antiendos" are too busy hating on each other.
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
One of the many Wolf 359 script directions that is Important To Me is this bit from Ep15 What's Up, Doc?, which comes after Hilbert has been threatening to tell Minkowski how Eiffel ended up on the Hephaestus:
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veliseraptor · 3 months
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listen if your "found family" does not include revenge plots, murder, and suicide then honestly why should I care
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
Hey, I came from your post about Night. I’ve been wanting to read it for a while now, but I’ve heard that the English version is very watered down and stripped of the original emotions that are in the Yiddish version. Do you know if there are any more accurate English translations, or if the Hebrew one is more like the original? Sorry if you’re not the right person to ask about this, you just seem quite knowledgeable
(also coming from my vent account so I don’t get any hate on main for being a Jew lol)
No worries at all, @nonbinary-vents:
I want to be clear about something: My post was aimed at goyim.
You are a Jewish person, and reading this book (especially if you haven't read any other accounts of experiences in concentration camps) may be an important thing for you to do. And I'd cautiously encourage you to do so if you feel emotionally stable. But you do not need to worry about the experience of this book feeling watered down.
If you are Jewish and not in a very stable emotional state, do not read this book. Do not cause yourself harm.
(If you are goyiscshe, you should challenge yourself and force yourself to read this book. Obviously if you are in an actual emotional/psychological crisis or dealing with the death or illness of a loved one, then you are the only goyim who has an excuse not to read this book. No matter who you are, do not read this book if it will cause you actual mental harm or drive you to somehow cause yourself physical harm. But if it will make you upset, depressed, panicked at your own failings, or other extremely unpleasant but ultimately human discomfort, then you should read this book. Jews don't get a choice about knowing this shit, because knowing this shit is how we survive. And you NOT knowing this shit is what makes it so easy for you to dismiss and target us over and over and over again. You should be uncomfortable. You should feel guilty. Because unless you're actively learning how to disentangle yourself from the antisemitism that led to The Holocaust, then you are actively participating in thee fomentation of another. And that should horrify you.)
Sure, I bet this book is even more haunting and visceral in the original Yiddish. I've spoken recently about how hard Jewish language is to translate to English.
But there is no world in which this book will feel watered down to you.
@nonbinary-vents This book will haunt you. This book will change you. This book will challenge your faith and your ability to trust people.
Remember going in that Judaism asks us not to separate ourselves from our community--not just our Jewish community, but any community in which we find ourselves. Resist the urge this book may stir within you to become insular and fearful of goyim. That is not our way. We are a part of the communities and cultures and nations in which we find ourselves. And we must do good for those communities, because that is what we are called to do. The lesson of this book for Jews is different than the lesson of this book for goyim.
The lesson of this book for Jews -- in fact, the lesson of "Never Again" for Jews -- is that we cannot ever allow this to happen to ourselves again. No, of course, I am not blaming Jews for the Holocaust and if anyone thinks that's what I'm arguing here, then they can fuck off.
The lesson of this book for Jews is that we must never again let fear hold us back from fighting for ourselves. If he world calls upon us to die, we must refuse. Refuse to put ourselves on a list. Refuse to follow our oppressors' directions to the ghetto. Refusal to get on the train or to enter the gas chamber. And we must refuse to be silent for other people's comfort. While it is a Jewish imperative to believe that every human being is capable of kindness and has inherent goodness within them, we can never again trust that the kindness and goodness they possess will ever be directed at us. There was the very understandable thought back when this all started that if we just complied--if we were just willing to suffer a little bit by moving to the ghettos or registering on the lists of Jews the Nazis demanded or carried our papers with us at all time and wore our stars just as they said --then they would eventually realize we were good citizens. They would eventually realize we were just people like them doing their best to live quiet lives and follow the rules. People believed that, if we just complied, they'd remember their humanity and our own. If we just complied and let ourselves suffer, hen maybe our friends and loved one would be safe.
But that was a lie we told ourselves.
No amount of compliance or agree-ability or self-sacrifice will ever make someone who sees Jews as evil and subhuman realize that Jews are actually just human beings like everyone else. Compliance will never ensure our safety; it will just make us easier to kill. Compliance won't make antisemites see us as human; it will only ever make them see us -- at best -- as agreeable livestock.
(although I doubt any farmer would treat their animals as cruelly as Nazis and their supporters treated us).
I am not advocating for violence. But I advocating for discomfort and defense. That is why I am on here every day writing the things I write. I will not shut up for the comfort of people who don't care about my life or my safety. And neither should you. Neither should any of us. I will not allow antisemites to co-opt our own tragedies to demonize us further while casting themselves as warriors for justice.
No, we should not take to the streets and start harming goyim. But if the day comes that they once again start to round us up, I for one will tear those Nazis a-fucking-part with my bare hands. And if they live to have children and grandchildren of their own, they will have to explain to their children and grandchildren that they got the scars on their face and the missing eyeball because the Jew they were trying to murder wouldn't submit quietly.
And if this seems like a hyperbolic and absurd hypothetical to anyone reading this? Well, yeah. It seemed like one back then, too.
(And if any goyim chose to read "Night" by Elie Wiesel because of my post, please tell me. Please engage. I cannot be emphatic enough about this. If you are willing to read night in the way I asked of you in my post, then please do reach out to me with your experience and thoughts. Because that's the whole point. Jews need you to listen and engage with us about our own suffering. We need you to consider your impact on us and to not run away from that guilt or from us. If any of you are willing to read this book in the way that I have asked of you, please please please don't keep your experience to yourself. A lot of Jews desperately need to see goysiche growth in understanding antisemitism and its affects. I don't think you can even imagine how scared and lonely we are right now)
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karvviie · 25 days
just want to say that you are one of the only artists whose wash take i respect especially because youve mentioned you dont even like him that much so hes kind of just a cute handbag for characters you do like. i love that.
helpppp yeah… i mean i do like wash. i like to put that man in situations. i think i just care more about the version of him in my brain rather than in canon.
i guess he’s just not exactly the type of character i go super crazy about but i do also have some reservations about his place as a “white” character in a fandom.
i only say this because when i first joined the rvb fandom years ago, he was pretty much exclusively drawn as a white man. i’m not saying that people only like him because he’s white, but i do think that in any community there will be some people with an unconscious bias towards white men. for example, there are many instances of poc characters in a piece of media being written poorly or as the therapist/accessory to the tortured white guy.
it’s totally normal for people to play favourites though obviously (i do too!) it’s only when it leads to the poor treatment of poc characters which is when it doesn’t sit right with me.
anyways. that’s not really relevant but i just wanted to explain my thoughts on the topic. regardless of whether he is white or not i fully understand why wash is one of the most popular characters and i don't have any problems with him or his stans or to people who see him as a white man! people have a right to envision him however they want to.
i just gotta be wary sometimes because there are certain people out there who can get very defensive over their favourite characters. i’ve had people in the past be very racist and mad at me for not drawing him as a white guy. and yes i know it’s basically canon that he’s white but also i don’t really care. people are making these heterosexual characters yaoi it up so why can’t i draw this guy who’s face has never been revealed into a poc.
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