#i just have to focus on eating more protein in my salads and soups and smoothies so im full longer
al3n3andal0n3 · 6 months
my swear-by's for a healthy feeling after dinner (feeling sated mentally and physically)
dinner mix as
1/2 large plate raw veg (or 1/4 raw+1/4 cooked), 1/4 or 1 serving of hummus or fatty/protein dip and 1/4 plate low cal/carb protein (like 200 g of tofu)
1/2 small plate fermented food or prebiotic (pickles, pickled beets, seaweed salad, ginger) and 1/2 small plate carbs (preferable high fiber/protein: brown rice, lentil pasta, wild rice, sourdough)
one of the key things i follow is to isolated each seasoning as much as I can. being able to "build" certain flavors from an assortment makes eating more satisfying in a certain way idk so i always end up eating less or slower....
fruit teas are so amazing!
i love the celestial seasoning's fruit sampler package - i always swap cravings for gummies/welch packs with a stevia + rasberry zinger, or black. if you are really craving the gummies - have the tea with carrots/cucumber/apple and a small amount of lower sugar gummies
soup with popcorn or dipping carb
a meatier or savoury soup with pop corn or corn cakes (baked) with a spicy broth! or white rice, can be really good with spinach or a simmered broccoli - just keep the broth thinner but rich.
all of these "meals" should be intentional and nutrient/mineral dense choices. keep them relatively solo starring to minimize clashing
this will help you feel sated but not overwhelmed or craving something else - make sure its a mix of enjoyable AND complementary!
take your time to eat (there are a couple things to keep in mind here)
eat more regular but "thinner" meals with plenty of water, often should be vegetable-based and easily digestible/high protein - this will help to ensure that you aren't ravenously hungry when you approach a next meal.
if you can't/don't want to eat more or if you're having cravings/approaching hunger strikes, it will be better to push through a couple hours of hunger and past so when you do approach again to eat you wont binge (ensure you have a small veg and a tea an hour before coming out of a fast, to prime your mindset)
///------> if you struggling to enjoy/focus on the food, smoke can help to reorient (if you struggle with smoking please be somewhat responsible with this!)
ensure that you chew/focus on each bite. as much as you want to say, the intuitive eating does have some merit in intentional eating.
for a dessert, a cookie and fruit goes well with a black non-caffine tea! or orange pekoe / chai / earl grey if it suits you too - just ensure to hydrate if you are drinking before bed and keep this clear!!!
any ways haha, heres some things that have been helping me feel more in control of what im eating... its been sort of working right now, but im thinking with a change in movement i might be able to feel better about it
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crapcafe · 4 months
hearing people talking about cooking is always such an interesting topic and i'm gonna take a min to ramble about it. i learned how to cook (eggs and pasta mostly) as a kid from my mom because she learned to cook at a young age as well and she would also be gone on work trips pretty often. later on in life i worked in restaurant kitchens as a kitchen manager and a line cook. i've even had the displeasure of working alongside new hire line cooks that don't fucking know how to cook but figure that they can still do the job (they could not)
some things just become intuitive so it's hard for me to remember exactly what i needed to focus on learning and what did just come naturally from the start, but a lot of it relates to just general science/chemistry knowledge. denser items will take longer to cook than less dense things (potatoes take forfuckingever but sliced button mushrooms take like a minute or two), high heat makes things cook way faster so liquids will boil off sooner, dense items will sear/burn quicker, and thin/small things will just burn. some professional cooks don't even know this based on the amount of times i've had to talk coworkers out of turning the fryer temp higher because things were taking a long time to cook (this is a great way to get a nice crispy skin on some shit that's still frozen in the middle)
there's a lot of learning how to read recipes. abbreviations (sometimes tablespoon is T or tb or TBSP or Tbs), how to adjust amounts if you need more or less of something, looking up substitutions for things (if you don't have milk but need to make a cream sauce, using applesauce instead of oil or butter or eggs in some baking recipes, etc). its definitely a skill to know how to read some recipes, and coming in with your own knowledge is great, but it's another instance of "you need to learn the rules to know how to break them." this is how you get the screenshots of ppl substituting kale in their banana cookie recipes and then wondering why they suck
thinking of foods in terms of nutritional value can also be helpful. if you have tortilla chips and salsa youre technically getting some vegetables in you. frozen and dried fruits and veggies are still fruits and veggies. rice and beans is grains and protein. miso soup with tofu and spinach is lots of protein and iron. romaine salad with balsamic vin, olive oil, feta, and tomatoes is some vitamins and fats and calcium but without grains and fiber it wont give you too much energy so have some bread or something with it. moving away from processed food will make you feel better. apple slice and peanut butter is my new depression meal bc it makes me feel more alive than shredded cheese from the bag and you can feel like a roman emperor a bit.
if you're just starting out learning how to cook: try to keep it simple with starch + veggie + protein (veggie pasta is a staple classic, roast some stuff and toss it with pasta and garlic and olive oil), find something with just a handful of ingredients that you actually want to eat. the act of cooking can be fun but not everyone thinks its fun, so at least make sure you'll want to eat the final product. if there's any sauces you really like try to keep some on hand. gochujang+soy sauce+sesame oil+sugar+broth can be really good in a stir fry, and basically all of those things will last a long time.
anyway theres a lot of text about cooking. theres a reason i stayed working in kitchens for almost 5 years despite how shit working in kitchens is. i like food and cooking. its one of the few things humans have been doing for a bajillion years and its necessary to live a healthy life and if you can find some fun and peace in the process then thats even better. theres no shame in not knowing how to cook but there is shame in refusing to try and learn imo
insert senshi page about eating well and exercising regularly to live a healthy life
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okay. i gotta get serious abt losing weight again. like its getting back to the point i feel uncomfortable in some of my clothes again, especially my bras. so im gonna start doing nightly journal entries taking abt what i ate today, any exercise i did, how i felt, and what my plans for the next day are. if i count calories or purge ill put that here too.
ill start them all w the date and tag them all "#shellys day" so u can black list that if u want. i know i havent reblogged pics in a while but ive just been in such an awful binging cycle and also getting most of my th1nspo from insta lately
today was really bad. i went to work decided on panda express for lunch. i always get kung pao chicken (290), chow mein (510), and some crab rangoons (190), so for lunch i had about 1,000 calories. it wasnt even very good and even tho i was full half way through i ate the whole thing anyway cuz im a disgusting pig. i spend the rest of my shift at work wishing i had got some poke instead so naturally even tho i wasnt hungry i stopped and got poke after work. i have no idea how many calories are in it, i at least get the poke salad option so theres just lettuce instead of rice but it was still way too much and again even tho i was full half way thru i made myself eat the rest. i also got some fried rice balls cuz im a fucking cow and decided to really make myself feel worse than i already did. after i ate i just laid down and kept feeling worse and worse til i went to throw up like maybe an hour or an hour and a half after eating. i still have two rice balls left i really want before i go to bed. i dont have any more easy high calorie foods left in the house other than the cookies my dad made but hopefully hell give those away to friends before i binge on them. im gonna try to do better tomorrow. im gonna go to the gym with my dad in the morning if i can make myself get up in time. im also supposed to see one of my partners tomorrow evening and he always orders taco bell super later at night so i know ill end up eating something there but if i can have a little discipline itll be the only thing i eat tomorrow. then starting saturday night after whatever i eat w my partner im gonna start a 36 hour fast. im gonna allow liquid calories but nothing crazy, just its ok to put a little creamer in my coffee or a spoon of sugar in my tea i mean. if i mess up im gonna restart til i make it thru the fast. once i make it thru im gonna go back on a low-carb diet and focus on protein and veggies again. carbs are always my downfall. once i start on pasta and potatos and bread and sugar i always ruin my diet and start binging on everything. maybe ill make more balerina soup again. idk but im gonna fix this. my current achievable goal is to lose 20 lbs by december. if i can lose about 2 lbs a week i can do that. i just gotta focus and stop binging. i can let myself have a cheat day every now and then when im w my friends or a partner but i have to stop rewarding myself with food and overeating when im depressed.
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adamgant · 5 months
Pecan pie protein oatmeal
Pecan pie protein oatmeal https://ift.tt/BDjyZqQ Hey hey! How are you? Now that we’ve finally made it through what felt like an extra-long and slow January, I found myself thinking about to the holidays. Do you miss them already as much as I do? Time really seems to fly between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I always find myself wishing I had taken more time to slow down and enjoy the season, although I’m not sure if it even would’ve possible! Which brings me back to this post. Amid all the holiday scrambling, I’m always especially grateful for a quick, easy, and healthy meal… like tasty pecan pie oatmeal that’s practically bursting with pecan pie flavor. Pecan Pie Protein Oatmeal The few days leading up to a big holiday, I tend to take it a little easier on the indulgent food. This usually has a lot to do with the fact that I’m too busy scrambling around before the festivities to make anything truly exciting. I try to focus on protein and produce (eat like a PRO!) with more simple eats that I can quickly put together. It’s usually a lot of scrambled eggs, soups, smoothies, oatmeal and salads. That doesn’t mean that it’s totally boring. A great example: this pecan pie protein oatmeal. It has the flavor and texture of delectable pecan pie baked oatmeal, but comes together much quicker! How to make pecan pie protein oatmeal I’ve made this a few times over the last few weeks. It’s packed with protein, the texture is amazing (I’ll tell you my secret trick!). And it has the perfect amount of pie-like sweetness on top. Not to mention it makes meal prep a breeze! So here’s why these oats have been so awesome lately: a little soaking action overnight. Regular ol’ rolled oats have been feeling extra grainy/chewy lately. So I started soaking them overnight before cooking. I just cover them in water and let them sit overnight. Then rinse and drain before boiling. It makes the texture super soft, fluffy and creamy. They taste the same way restaurant oats taste, which are usually loaded with milk and butter in the cooking process. Another bonus from soaking: it makes them easier to digest. I was listening to The Model Health Show (
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rshbdigital · 1 year
Russian companies are producing meat and milk substitutes and other alternative products
Producers of sausages and other plant-based premade and deli products speak out.
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According to NielsenIQ, by 2030, the Russian plant-based food market will increase fivefold, and the total turnover will amount to 50-100 billion rubles. While the Russian Association of Plant-Based Food Producers is puzzling about how to help the industry in the coming years, we decided to talk to those who live and breathe it right now.
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co-founder of Greenwise, a producer of plant-based food
How it all started
My father has worked in the food industry for over 30 years. He was the first to bring soy protein concentrates, which are used to replace animal proteins in products, from the US. Partner-M, a company founded by my father, is still in the business of processing plant-based raw materials.
Working for the company, I mostly dealt with legal issues but was also involved in analyzing production and market conditions. Six years ago, together with the marketing director, I went to the Netherlands to study. We were surprised and inspired by the eco-friendly approach both to food and life. We decided to launch the production of Russian plant-based products that any person can include in their diet.
We founded Greenwise company, where I, among other things, was engaged in developing formulations. Since Partner-M is a family business, I had access to the plant and raw materials. However, I still lacked knowledge about the food industry in the beginning. So I spent a lot of time learning all the subtleties and talking a lot to employees at production sites.
The first product I developed and launched was plant-based jerky. My friends and the specialists working for my father’s company tried it. They liked the product, so we decided to roll it out.
We carried out the first business analysis after going on a trip to Frankfurt to attend the Health Ingredients Expo. We did not even have a stand, we came only with suitcases full of samples of our jerky that we offered to other exhibitors. We came across the stand of ProVega, an international food tech accelerator from Germany.
ProVega’s director was surprised that Russians came with anything other than IT or defense technology. When we took out the samples, he said: ‘Cool, I am just about to have lunch!’ He poured jerky into the salad and asked us to tell him about ourselves. When he finished, he invited us to Berlin to take part in the accelerator program.
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Now Greenwise products are available in more than 2,500 stores of VkusVill, Perekrestok, Azbuka Vkusa and other chains. We export products to Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Japan, Australia, USA, Israel, Turkey, UAE and Saudi Arabia. We are going to develop and expand our product range.
Who is our customer
At first, our main target audience were flexitarians who prefer plant-based foods, but also eat meat and fish. Right now, we focus on anyone who wants a plant-based product without the label screaming ‘vegan’. We have the widest possible price range offering both expensive and affordable products.
What we offer is a new food category in its own right – like tofu or seitan – so our product is not just a meat alternative.
We work in several areas: we produce and sell ingredients for plant-based products, frozen and chilled semi-finished products: fillets ‘instead of chicken’ and ‘instead of beef’, plant-based minced meat, canned food and jerky.
As part of a partnership program with Yandex Eats, we also develop supplies to restaurants, mostly to non-vegetarian ones. We offer ready-made meals: rolls, shawarma, sandwiches, burgers, soups, mashed potatoes with patties made of plant-based meat. The company has launched Lenten, New Year and Summer lines.
About ten years ago it was hard to imagine that there would be soy, oat, almond and other plant milk on the shelves of supermarkets and in almost all coffee shops. They did not replace animal proteins, but consumers got a choice. It should be the same with meat alternatives, so we are trying to move away from the concept of comparing plant and animal.
Is it worth entering the market?
A good question. On the one hand, you can open a small company. For example, we can share our formulations for free with manufacturers who buy our ingredients and spices. Our raw materials are not as expensive as in the meat processing industry, since growing requirements are less demanding.
But the most important thing is to understand customers’ needs. For example, in Russia a plant-based kebab or barbecue sausages will do really well in the summer. But, of course, you need to think about what you will do next.
How the Russian market develops
The projects taking part in the acceleration program in Germany are 3–5 times ahead of the Russian ones in terms of demand and sales. Europe already has a ready legislative environment and a target audience.
We are trying to work through these issues, so we have established the Association of Alternative Food Products Producers bringing together all Russian market players. Together with our colleagues from Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems, we are developing national standards and have launched a working group at Rosstandart to form a correct naming procedure.
For example, we are trying to provide a framework for what can be called vegan products and what can be called vegetarian. We are holding events; we have launched a project with Samokat delivering service to test the sale of more than 40 products in various categories.
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We would like the alternative food market to develop faster, and we need competent specialists. Therefore, in collaboration with ITMO University, we have developed the first educational program in Russia covering the plant-based food technology.
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Director and co-founder of Ne Myaso (Not Meat) brand at Tashir Food
How it all started
Tashir Group, which I work for, comprises many companies associated with commercial real estate, manufacturing, restaurant and hotel business. In 2019, Tashir Food company specializing in developing environmentally friendly and healthy food was started. Upon studying the market, I realized that Russia is about five years behind global trends and would definitely catch up with other countries in the near future to become one of the market leaders.
For months I’ve been telling my colleagues that we needed to focus on plant-based products, but many of them did not understand the word ‘vegan’ at all. However, using figures and examples of other companies, I still managed to convince my partners to support the idea. This is how our company developed Ne Myaso, a line of plant-based products.
The innovative plant-based meats we make are not ‘vegan meat’, not flavored soy and not ‘pea and beet patties’. The idea is to make a convincing meat alternative. Textured soy protein and soy patties only vaguely resemble meat and can never be a real replacement for it. This product is essentially flavored soy flour.
Unlike ‘soy meat’, which is too different from real meat, innovative plant-based products are meant to recreate the amino acid and mineral profile of meat, and then achieve the desired structure, flavor and color.
Plant-based foods are not just a trend. This is a business featuring a distinct social infrastructure, a part of a specific agenda just like the ESG index. The industry offers many ideas that help make the world a better place.
Who is our customer
Women aged 25–35. They are not vegans but rather flexitarians.
Our customers are people who do not want to cut costs on food quality. The quality of the ingredients is important for them, and despite the high quality of our ingredients, our prices are still affordable. Consumers are ready to pay 500 rubles and more for our products, because they know we offer great value for money.
Is it worth entering the market?
Producing innovative plant-based products in Russia is a challenge. Sales throughout the year are unstable with a fall in summer and a rise in winter. This is something we cannot yet explain. Perhaps, the reason for the increase in sales in winter is Lent.
In the summer, people go to their summer cottages and switch to eating their home-grown vegetables, but these are just assumptions so far. In general, sales are growing year by year with a turnover of more than 25%.
However, in my opinion, the plant-based meat industry in Russia is not a good place for startups. It has to be a thought-out business within large companies and holdings. Greenwise boasts a plant-based protein producer Partner-M.
It is practically the only company in Russia to produce plant-based protein and make alternative meat from it. Tashir Food is a company within a large holding with different production facilities, so we, as a verified business, have more opportunities. For example, we can use the equipment of meat processing plants.
More importantly, any food project needs highly qualified technologists: to sell a plant-based product, you need to make it right. Customers read ingredient lists and want to see it clean, without ‘E number’ additives.
Making a flow process chart is not easy. Any mistake can cause the product to separate or layer. People will mention it giving their feedback. This can instantly affect reputation and sales.
Meat sausage is much easier to make than its plant-based alternative. There is no special equipment for plant-based products. Those are made using meat processing equipment, which is one of the most expensive. To build a production facility, we need to spend about 200–300 million rubles on equipment alone. This is a fairly large investment for a startup.
Our main competitor is meat – not other plant-based food companies.
Now we are building a new production facility at Podolsk-based food cluster. Our goal is to capture at least 10% of the market and sales in the meat category. This will prove the success of plant-based alternatives in the Russian food industry. I hope we will succeed.
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General Director of Vyshy Vkus
How it all started
In the 2000s, vegetarian cafes and alternative foods began to appear in large Russian cities. But as supporters of a healthy lifestyle and plant-based diet, we were not very satisfied with them: taste and texture just weren’t the same. So we decided to start our own production.
We had some experience in the food industry albeit in the restaurant business. But still, it was food-related. We built a team and rented Solnechny Agricultural Complex in Krasnodar Territory featuring greenhouse and unleavened bread production facilities. We started making the first wheat protein products.
People need the food they are used to. In order to switch to a plant-based diet, there should be ‘soft’ alternatives that have the flavor of familiar foods.
First, we introduced our ideas into our own vegetarian cafes and restaurants. Then, we founded Vyshy Vkus company to launch mass production.
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Now many meat processing plants are starting to produce plant-based products. For vegetarians and vegans, this approach may be unethical. If a customer follows a plant-based diet and does not want to touch meat either physically or ‘energetically’, then they simply choose other products.
How the Russian market is changing
Russia has no national standards for a plant-based diet yet. This has its advantages: we do not need to meet any requirements and can easily promote plant-based products.
Fifteen years ago, the word ‘vegetarian’ sounded like ‘alien’ to many people. Now vegetarianism is much more common.
We often visit international exhibitions, analyze markets of other countries and are happy to note that open-mindedness in this area is gaining momentum. If a person eats meat, this does not mean that they will not be curious about alternative foods. Conversely, a vegetarian will not argue with meat-eaters or try to convince them.
Russia is about five years behind Europe and the USA in the development of alternative products. But there is some progress: according to our analysts, sales of vegan products in the Russian market grow by 27–36% per year. However, the situation worsened after February 2022.
Is it worth entering the market?
It is quite difficult to make money in this market in Russia. The higher the production, the higher the profitability. The more plant-based products are produced, the cheaper they will be. However, few companies can provide strong output.
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Those who want to launch their own production of plant-based products should make sure that this area suits them in terms of life philosophy. I would not recommend that someone go into this business to make money. If your values are more important to you than huge profit, then you are welcome to do as you please.
Large meat processing companies are now entering the plant-based sector. Still, the market is small: only 1.5% of Russians are vegetarians. Therefore, this business is easier for those who combine two types of production. But I believe that we should call a spade a spade, and not deceive consumers telling stories about ‘a bright future without meat and cruelty.
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What I am focusing on
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Toby (my puppy)
❣️extremly important for keeping the lifestyle that you already have, gives you the financial abundance and opportunities that allow you to invest and develop in other areas
💫 focus to get the work done
💫 pay attention to details
💫 work fast, but stay relaxed, open minded, and confident
💫 keep track of your cases and organizational tasks
💫 Correct attitude: I am working on my cases fast, efficiently, but carefully, and I take the time to search for answers, ask when I don't know something, and constantly improve my work. I create a flow in my work, I put everything else on hold, and I emerge in my tasks. When I feel I need to take a break, I let myself rest. I set timers for my breaks so I don't lose momentum.
❣️confidence, self acceptance, feeling comfortable in my skin, energized, ready to go
🥦 eat healthy: salads, soups, light wraps or sandwhiches, grilled protein with veggies, smoothies. Fill your body with nutrition not chemicals. Eat healthy, taste healthy too 🍌🍑😉
❤️‍🩹 AVOID sugar, dairy (not all of it), deli meats, bread, processed foods. Select your food and go for quality and natural flavours. Your body is not a trash bin and "tasty" food is a lot of the times toxic food. (Fast food = love bombing in relationships, avoid them both, they only yummy in the moment, then they leave life time scars)
🍕Explore that emotional eating. What does it mean for you? When does it happen? What do you feel when you want to binge? What is your body trying to say? What emotions come up and why is it so hard to sit with them that you need to use food as a crutch?
🏃‍♀️Move your body: Walk with Toby, take new routes, longer routes. Go out to run in the morning. Exercise before lunch, work those muscle groups.
💅Daily self-care/pampering/spa moments. Brush your teeth and wash your face. Moisturise. Take daily showers, scrub, exfoliate, shave, moisturize. Take care of your nails. Hair masks, use conditioner, brush that hair every morning, put on some light quick no make up make up if you don't go anywhere. It doesn't have to take you an eternity, just quick things, but show up for yourself!!!! That's how you show yourself love, how you you start reparenting yourself and how you build your confidence.
🧠How does your body want to feel right now? How can you support it?
❣️Leave the past behind so you can be happy in the moment. Everything in your life will happen according to your thoughts and the emotions sustained by your thoughts. So go through your issues, mindset, traumas, fears and heal.
💭 Read books. Search the books that will teach you how to navigate your healing journey
💭 write somewhere all the information you find online. It might not be complete or explained, but if it resonates it is important. Keep track of it and you will be able to come back to expand and clarify with other resources.
💭 journal. Don't just think, you have to write, connect the dots, put it down so you can review it later.
💭 avoid those people that only look to cause trouble. You already gave them more than enough chances, or they already proved time and time again that they will always be in your way no matter what. So make yourself a favour and eliminate and/or avoid. Pretend they are not there
💭 When you have the chance, ask the people close to you that you TRUST about the concepts you find hard to grasp. What is their opinion? How do they see you in that context? Can they give you feedback?
❣️Benefits are limitless. Just give yourself permission to discover and experience spirituality in it's raw, authentic form.
🌞 Meditate.
🌞 Tarot and oracle cards
🌞 Pray
🌞 Study and analyse astrology
🪐 Create a routine and batch them together. You don't have to spend hours on them daily, but just a couple of minutes to show up for yourself, the universe, God. This will also help calm your mind, your thoughts, and emotions, and get guidance on your spoken or unspoke questions and struggles. Trust life and life will show up for you.
❣️ Chinese is known to be among the most difficult languages to learn. Not only it is beneficial to learn new languages as it keeps the brain engaged and young, but learning any new language will make you a more educated, cultured, knowledgeable and interesting person. Chinese specifically helps me with my job and other future career opportunities. I will write more about my language goals in a future post.
📒 Vocab should be reviewed daily
📒 Try to have specific Learning days (for new material) and specific Study days.
📒 After every Learning day you should put aside at leat 30 min to study or prep for the next study day: flashcards, create tests, review study plan, etc
❣️ Toby is my 6 month labrador puppy and I love him so incredibly much. He is the cutest and the smartest, but I need to spend time to train him in order to improve his behaviour in certain areas. Plus everybody loves so much more a well trained dog 🐕
🐶 Create routines for Toby as he needs structure in his day.
🐶 Daily: Food, walks, wash his water and food bowls, make sure he has enough food in his container, have dedicated play time after work and practice the tricks he already knows.
🐶 Weekly: Brush his hair, his teeth, take him to the dog park and teach him new skills.
🐶 Monthly: Order him food and review upcoming vet appointments.
❣️ Giving him structure and routines also helps you take breaks and disconnect from your daily stressors. You can also batch some of his tasks with yours like washing his bowls after washing my dishes or brushing his teeth after I brush my teeth at night.
❣️ It's my dream to be my own boss, have my own flexible schedule and not focus on just a couple of tasks for 8 hours straight like a little horse. I want to pursue my passions in a way that can also bring me financial freedom. And I want to push myself to make my dreams come true career wise, as every day at work I know that this corporate life is unfortunately not for me.
💸 Learn. Watch the videos, read the articles, see if there are any relevant courses that will give you the knowledge you need in starting your business. What skills do I need? What are the steps? What does starting a business look like? What is the process of creating the product of my dreams?
❣️💸 Set yourself deadlines for each step. Don't treat them like they are optional if they literally represent your dream life and goals. Take them seriously and they will take you far far away to your dream lifestyle 🦋❤️‍🔥
💸 Brainstorm a ton. Names, concepts, ideas. Research research research as well.
💸 Create the product. It won't get done in a day. No. Break down the goal in small tasks. Give yourself a deadline. Then deadlines for multiple drafts.
💸 Research companies to make the product come to life. Ask for help. Call them and get answers. Do you have the resources? Can you get started on it? Ask a couple of companies to create the product and compare quality and prices.
💸 Marketing. Website. Social media. Pictures. Create a marketing plan. Take a course or two on selling on social media. Get educated on this side as you will be the one to run your marketing campaigns most probably. Put the side together. Write the blog posts. Give yourself deadlines!!!
💸 Is it realistic to start the business? Are you ready? Go get the business name. Make it public. Or review and refresh the plan. You can do it!
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leightonshea · 3 years
Ancestral Foods on the Family Table
As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I am an ex-vegetarian turned ancestral eater. I was a vegetarian for nearly 10 years, with waves of intermitted veganism. My concept of ‘healthy’ had moral roots for me, but terribly muddled with misinformation. I felt as if the food was green it would be the healthiest for me. I felt my body’s cravings and hunger cues were flawed. Fat needed to be strictly monitored. Any smoothie would heal me (especially if it was green). I also felt that dairy was bad. These are just a few assumptions I now realize that I held onto for numerous years, assumptions that ultimately led to my current health complications.
I believe what I most lacked was the concept of nourishment. A nourishing bowl of hot soup, made with a vitamin-rich broth, on a cold day. Of homemade full-fat yogurt with fresh local fruit. Fresh fruit with cream. A slow cooked stew with lots of bones and root vegetables. Butter with sautéed vegetables. Deep-root nourishment. I had muddied my concept of health with an excess of green salads, that my body did not crave, and therefore let to binges on calorie dense foods such as peanut butter (for those of you who know me well), or vegan baked goods. My diet swung between nervous extremes. Extreme ‘health’ to confused binges and cravings.
Upon arriving to Patagonia, my diet radically changed. There was no abundance of kale and greens for giant salads. Breakfast was farm fresh eggs, lunch was salad (yes) with some form of meat, carrots, potatoes, onions, lard, broth, etc. And dinner similar. I was lucky to always have access to fresh whole-wheat bread instead of the white bread Chilean staple. But my diet changed. And as the long-day Patagonia summer began to shorten and leaves were shed in a brilliant array of colors, my body craved…
Cazuela, as they say here. A soup based on lots of bones, with a little meat, peas, potatoes, carrots, squash. Hot, nourishing. A roast in the oven. A cut of meat with extra fat. I wanted the very extreme I had so long avoided and demonized.
Luckily enough this change in season and diet coincided with my introduction to the Weston A. Price foundation. Therefore I was learning the exact knowledge I needed to support myself and understand why I felt so much better getting these nutrients my body required.
And I haven’t gone back.
And now, as a Patagonia-living-farming-lady-mama, ancestral foods are the center of our home. The heart of our home. I dedicate my time to producing and preserving our fresh produce. My husband is in charge of our animals, or working in exchange for animals so we always have animal products.
I will start with the butchering of the sheep. If it is a lamb, we can catch the blood from the knife wound and made a Chilean delicacy called ñachi. It’s the fresh blood mixed with salt, basil, cilantro, and lemon juice. It has to be eaten within 10 minutes of buttering the animal, and ONLY works with lambs, not sheep.
The animal is skinned, and hung. We open up the rib cage and all of the organs fall out. We always save the kidneys, heart, stomach, fat, and liver. The rest we bury.
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We cut up the meat, portion it off, and freeze everything. We always eat the head the same day  the animal is butchered. While Roman prepares the head for cooking in the oven, I start chopping up the extra suet (fat from the internal cavity of the animal) to render, which ultimately we use for cooking and for skin care products for the family (soaps and creams). Sheep fat is the most saturated of all animal fats, meaning that it is extremely stable for cooking. As well this suet if a great source of palmitoleic acid, which is strongly antimicrobial. Thus the first ancestral food home-basic is created. The sheep fat.
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Now with the rest of the animal I can elaborate so many different dishes. In the pressure pot I can throw in some t of meat with bones, some fava peas, peas, garlic, carrots, squash potatoes (all from the garden), cook it about 30 minutes, and quala! Dinner. I can also slice up the heart or liver and sauté them in a pan with garlic and onions, perhaps some mustard seeds. I can cook a cut of meat in the oven with lots of vegetables. I will focus on specific recipes in another blog post based on requests from my readers.
The next preparation is the bone broth. I can use the sheep bones, however they are quite small for the amount of broth I like to make. Therefore I take a biweekly trip to the local butcher and ask for ‘los huesos blanco’, which generally correspond to the elbows and knees of the animals. The bones appear to have no meat, and just be tendons and such. But after cooking for 4 hours or so in the pressure pot, they separate into many tiny tiny bones and loose cartilage and collagen. This bone broth is then the basis for soups, used to cook beans and grains, or sipped in mug on cold days. High in protein and fat, and stock full of glycine- an amino acid special for healing our digestive tract. And for that very reason it pairs so well with grains and legumes, because it makes them much more digestible, and nutrient dense.
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The organ meats can be prepared in many different forms. For the weak-of-heart, they can be made into ground meat (the liver, kidneys, and heart) with other cuts from the animal. Usually I just soak the organ in water with vinegar in the fridge for a few hours. Then, I slice it up extra fine and cook them up in the pan with sheep lard, lots of garlic, and a mix of whatever vegetables I have. If the flavor is still too strong to pass I add a bit of sauerkraut or carrot pickles to each bite. Recently I had the guts (haha) to start cooking with tripe, which is the edible stomach wall of the animal. This part had to be cleaned very well, and boiled with a bit of baking soda to help with the smell. After about 20 minutes of boiling, the stomach is ready. At this point, I just chop up the tripe super fine and whip up some curry, or bolognaise sauce.
Now I will mention a couple ferments always present in the family home, sauerkraut and fermented-pickles. Both very simple to prepare. Full of probiotics, digestive enzymes, and bio-available vitamins. We consume ferments every day, and our bodies now crave their very flavor. There nothing like a medium-rare steak, topped with mustard-seed sauerkraut and fresh parsley. Mmmm! Or Lentils cooked in bone broth and tomatoes topped with grated pickles ginger-carrots. There is always some lacto-fermented vegetable on the table. Fermenting our vegetables is also a necessary job because the summer months are fleeting and we need to make the harvest last the whole winter ideally. Therefore I produce lots of cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, and garlic. They all preserve well through pickling.
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Kefir is the other indispensable food on our family table. As they call it here in Patagonia, ‘yogur de pajaritos’. Also dangerously easy to prepare. This yogurt ferments quickly, so every day I filter the yogurt out of the jar, and feed the kefir grains new milk. This yogurt will either be used for breakfast, made into a smoothie later, a creamy salad dressing, mixed into soups, or eaten with fruit for dessert. I made a liter because I know that between the three (sometimes four) of us, we can consume it daily.
Those are my most essential food-preparations for nourishing the family. There are many other important preparations, but when I think about my journey from vegetarianism to ancestral eating, these were the foods that most healed and nourished me (as well I felt good morally consuming these bits of the animal that normally go to waste). However, my healing journey continues, therefore I am always open to advice and comments. The knowledge is to share! If you are curious about any specific preparations, send me a message and I will try to do a blog post addressing any of those.
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On recovery
As some of you may know, I am a recovered ana.
I remember [vividly] my thoughts on recovery when I was throat-deep in the ED deluge.
To me, recovery was “being fat and pretending to be OK with it.”
Recovery was “pretending to be OK and pressing everything down even further.”
Recovery was “being a poser like society demands.”
Recovery was “inconceivable unless I compromised the very fabric of my soul.”
I couldn’t have been more wrong. For my ED/ana/Ednos/mia/orthorexia/etc friends and followers: maybe this post will disappear into the blr-abyss but maybe it will help someone.
*disclaimer*: I am not a mental health professional, so please just look at this as peer comments. If you struggle from an ED or mental health disorder, please take steps right now to get help. Just search on tumblr and you can chat with someone who cares. My ask is always open too.
I didn’t go the traditional recovery route.
1) I saw a counselor at uni who helped me marvelously. We talked about my best gf who died suddenly. We talked about fam issues and faith issues and existential issues. Almost none of them had to do with weight/BMI.
2) I worked with multiple doctors, who found that I have celiac and lupus. Once those diseases got under control, my mental health SKYROCKETED. EDs have very real physiological roots.
3) I saw a highly conscious nutritionist who supported my desire to eat a plant-based vegan diet, but challenged me to do it in a healthy way, not a self-destructive way. I saw an allergist who found out why so many foods were making me sick, which made eating a pleasure again instead of painful!
4) I moved out of home and followed my passion and stopped GAF what other people say about me or my looks or my wt or my life choices.
5) I found my true passion: science and medicine. My obsession with counting calories and my own physiology was a misplaced fascination with science, data gathering, etc. And now, I use those powers for GOOD instead of self-destruction.
6) I refuse to participate in body-bashing or body-shaming.
7) My version of feminism: using healthy food to fuel my body and BRAIN to succeed and have the life I dream of. . .instead of starving and harming myself and my BRAIN.
I realize that many of those above (esp 1-3) are extremely privileged. I was so blessed. However, there are many free and low-cost options. Please find a free clinic and talk to someone. If they don’t respect you, MTFO. Find a healthcare provider who listens and cares and supports your recovery.
What does my life look like now?
I know that some people feel that stats are triggering, but I would like to share them to disprove my pre-recovery ana brain saying “recovery=fat.” I actually love my body now [almost all the time]! I am around 172-173 cm and weigh abt 48-50 kg. While this is a low BMI, it is “normal” for most of my family members — and it is a good 5 kg higher than my LW. My periods are back and regular. My BF is low, but my muscle mass is that of an average MALE my height! During relapses, mainly because I wasn’t eating enough calories, I did experience water wt. gain and bloating. PSA: EAT!! I was so afraid of carbohydrates. I thought if I ate a whole banana my thighs would literally blow up overnight. And I thought if I ate an avocado (over 300 cal!?!?!?!) I would be obese.
But now, it’s so hard to imagine I was ever someone who had to write down every single calorie eaten and burned every day. I eat *at least* one avocado a day.
I don’t count calories. I eat a high carb low-ish fat vegan diet. I drink large green juices most days to start the day, and raw salads with soup during the day, and large cooked meals in the evening. My evening meals are typically something several huge bowls of brown rice topped with every vegetable you can imagine (corn, sprouts, avocado, parlsey, cilantro, arugula) and vegan cheese and black beans for fats and protein. Or, it could be half a bag of russet potatoes, oven-baked, topped again w every veg you can imagine!
I exercise purely for pleasure now and for the mental health benefits, not for calories. I have had neurological issues from the lupus lately, so I haven’t been able to run, but I have enjoyed light elliptical or walking workouts.
As soon as I *actually started eating carbs and enough calories*, I actually LOST weight. In a relapse/recovery period, I was about 125 lbs/57 kg. I felt very bloated and tired and puffy. BECAUSE I WASNT EATING ANY CARBS OR FOOD IN GENERAL. I was doing this whole keto vegan thing aka STARVATION. As soon as I recovered from that and started HCLF vegan, I went from 57 kg to 50 kg (125 to 110lbs), without exercising or counting calories or ANY type of dieting. Just eating until I was satisfied.
My point is not to say this is a cookie cutter for everyone’s journey. My point is that you can OWN your recovery.
I hope this was helpful. . . . I hope even one person can read this and be helped by it. LOVE YOU GUYS.
Unconventional Recovery Resources
1) Natalia Rose (nutritionist — love her books)
2) Eckhart Tolle (spiritual writer: The Power of Now and Stillness Speaks helped me massively transform)
3) Dr. John McDougal (doctor with nutritional focus. Check out his website - it has a ton of free recipes and articles. He helped me recover from CARBOPHOBIA).
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paleorecipecookbook · 5 years
Meal Prep: Your Best Tool for Healthy Eating
One of the main reasons why people are unable to stick with Paleo is that they feel overwhelmed; the grocery shopping and cooking involved can certainly be a major adjustment if you’re not used to preparing your own meals. Fortunately, there is a simple way around this potential roadblock and to make your diet changes stick—start meal prepping!
In this article, I’ll cover the art and science of meal prepping, as well as provide you with valuable tips and tricks for making the Paleo lifestyle affordable and time-saving, even if you’re on a strict budget and tight schedule.
Want to skip ahead? Use these links to jump to a new section:
Why meal prepping makes sense
Five steps to successful meal prepping
The best foods to use
Other ideas to help you meal prep
Why It Makes Sense to Meal Prep
Why should you start meal prepping? Simply put, meal prepping saves you time and money and, by ensuring that you have good-quality meals to eat on a daily basis, helps you stick to your diet!
If you want to start meal prepping but you’re not sure where to begin, this article is for you. Get time- and money-saving tips and learn how to plan and prep your Paleo meals successfully. #nutrition #wellness #chriskresser
You Save Time
The thought of having to cook 21 separate meals every week (breakfast, lunch, and dinner times seven) can seem daunting to Paleo newcomers. Because it’s simple to batch cook foods ahead of time, rather than making complete meals from scratch every day, meal prepping saves you valuable time in the kitchen.
You Save Money
The costs associated with regularly buying takeout or eating at restaurants really add up (and such food, unless you pay a premium, is typically lower in quality). Meal prepping, on the other hand, saves money because it involves cooking at home with ingredients that you can easily buy affordably in bulk. (Keep reading to learn more strategies for eating Paleo on a budget.)
You Prevent “Decision Fatigue”
For many of us, our action-packed days are a series of decision-making sessions that leave us exhausted and deplete our willpower—leading to “decision fatigue.” Decision fatigue can make us more likely to lounge on the couch and order takeout after work than hit the gym and cook a wholesome meal. By deciding on all your meals in advance, meal prepping reduces decision fatigue and frees up some of your willpower, helping you stay on track with your diet and your other health-related goals.
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Five Steps to Successful Meal Prepping
While meal prepping pays off, it does require some planning on your part. In this section, I've provided you with handy guides, tips, and tricks to make each of these steps as painless and straightforward as possible.
Step 1: Clean Out Your Kitchen
The first step towards successful meal prep is to get rid of foods in your fridge, freezer, and pantry that aren’t serving your health. Toss or give away items like processed foods, industrial seed oils, and refined sugar. Get rid of items that have already been opened and donate unopened items to a food pantry. And before you panic that your shelves will be bare, remember that you’ll be replacing these foods with healthy staples!
Prepping for the Thirty-Day Reset Diet
If you’re brand new to the Paleo lifestyle and are unsure about the types of foods you can tolerate, I recommend trying a Thirty-Day Reset, as outlined in my book The Paleo Cure.
To start, you eliminate unhealthy foods and potentially problematic foods for 30 days. Then you systematically reintroduce those possibly problematic foods to determine which ones you can tolerate. This diet is specifically designed to reduce inflammation, identify food sensitivities, and reduce allergic reactions—in addition to improving your overall health.
If you’re beginning a Thirty-Day Reset, eliminate these foods (at least temporarily):
Dairy products like butter, cheese, yogurt, milk, and cream
Grains, including rice, wheat, oats, quinoa, barley, and couscous
Beans, legumes, and related products like peanut butter and soy sauce
Processed “health foods” like whey protein and energy bars
All sweeteners, whether they’re real or artificial
What to Do If You’re on a Paleo Template
Not everyone needs to follow a Thirty-Day Reset. If you already have a good idea of which foods you can and can’t handle, a Paleo template might be a better fit for you.
Under a Paleo template, your main focus should be on getting rid of packaged, processed food. Eliminate foods made with industrial seeds oils and goods that include hidden sweeteners or food additives. While there are some healthy packaged foods out there (and you should check the ingredient label if you’re unsure), a good general rule is if it comes in a bag or a box, throw it out.
Here are some common items to toss:
Sugary beverages like juice, soda, energy drinks, and sweet teas
Seed oils, like vegetable, peanut, or canola
Margarine and Crisco
Packaged meals like pizza, french fries, and frozen dinners
Imitation meat or seafood
Boxed pastries and other packaged baked goods
Canned soups, unless they’re free from preservatives, processed ingredients, and other additives
Breakfast cereals and snack bars
Dips, dressings, seasoning mixes, marinades, and gravies
Chips and crackers
Candy, cookies, cakes, pudding, and other desserts
Syrups, including processed pancake syrups, sorghum syrups, etc. (Note: real maple syrup is okay)
Processed honey (Note: raw, local, and organic honey is fine)
Step 2: Restock with Healthy Staples
Once you’ve eliminated those foods from your kitchen, it’s time to restock with healthy staples.
Non-Starchy Vegetables
Non-starchy vegetables are a nutritious and affordable staple in the Paleo lifestyle. Stock your fridge and freezer with fresh or frozen broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, green onions, bell peppers, and leafy greens.
Whole Fruits
Whole fruits such as berries, apples, pears, bananas, mango, pineapple, and citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C and phytonutrients. They make a great snack on their own or can be added to smoothies. However, avoid fruit juice because its lack of fiber allows fruit sugars to be absorbed more rapidly, resulting in spikes in blood glucose levels. In fact, diets heavy in fruit juice are linked to an increased risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, whereas whole fruit consumption does the very opposite, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. (1)
Starchy plants such as sweet potatoes, white potatoes, plantains, winter squash, taro, cassava, beets, turnips, and rutabaga are affordable, nutrient-dense, satiating foods to include in your diet. Stock up on these vegetables when they’re available seasonally; many of the tubers and root veggies will keep for quite a while when properly stored in the refrigerator. If you have trouble finding some of the more exotic tubers at your grocery store, consider checking out Asian markets, which frequently stock taro and cassava.
High-quality protein is a staple of the Paleo diet and can be prepped ahead of time. Purchase grass-fed and organic beef, bison, chicken, turkey, and eggs from your grocery store or farmers market or directly from local farms. Check out EatWild to find farms near you offering grass-fed and organic meats. I also recommend eating wild seafood several times a week as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, selenium, and many other micronutrients. Thrive Market and Vital Choice both offer excellent selections of wild, sustainable seafood.
Healthy Fats
As you may know by now, Paleo encourages the consumption of plenty of healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, red palm oil, avocado oil, pastured tallow and lard, and duck fat. Select a few of these fats and keep them on hand for sautéing, roasting, baking, and dressing salads.
Nuts and nut butter make for a great Paleo snack. If possible, buy soaked and sprouted nuts because these processes remove much of the anti-nutrients from nuts, making their nutrients more bioavailable. You can also soak and sprout raw nuts yourself at home. Avoid buying roasted nuts covered in vegetable oils, as the roasting process causes the fats to go rancid.
Spices can quickly add interest to any Paleo dish. Invest in a spice rack and stock it with staples such as oregano, thyme, rosemary, cinnamon, and turmeric.
Baking Ingredients
If you’re planning to do any Paleo baking, then you’ll want to stock your pantry with a few Paleo flours and sweeteners. Try cassava, almond, coconut, and tigernut flours for baking Paleo cookies, brownies, or cake. Coconut flakes are a nice addition to homemade Paleo granola. Keep cans of full-fat coconut milk (preferably a BPA-free version such as Native Forest Simple Organic Unsweetened Coconut Milk) on hand along with Paleo-friendly sweeteners such as raw honey, maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, molasses, and monk fruit sweetener.
Other Paleo Template-Friendly Foods
Depending on your personal Paleo Template, you can also stock up on things like white rice, buckwheat, full-fat dairy products, legumes, and chocolate. Just look for organic products that aren’t processed or refined.
Step 3: Plan Your Meals
Now that you’ve eliminated unhealthy foods and restocked your kitchen with healthy staples, it’s time to start planning your meals! This part of the meal-prepping process is fun, will save you time in the kitchen, and will even tempt you to try new tastes and flavors.
Start by planning your meals on a weekly schedule. You can do this in one of two ways.
Old-School Style
Take a pen and paper and figure out how many breakfasts, lunches, and dinners you will need for the upcoming week. Factor in things like date nights, meals with clients, and travel. Once you know how many meals you’ll need for the week, decide what to eat for those meals. See the sections “What makes a good meal?” and “Which foods work best for meal prepping?” below for ideas. Make a grocery list based on your notes.
Use a Meal-Prepping App
There are many useful apps that will help you with meal prep—and some are even tailored specifically for Paleo. These apps provide you with recipes, chart out your meal schedule for the coming week, and automatically generate a grocery shopping list based on your meal plan. (Check out Step 4 below for an overview of my favorites.)
Once you’ve laid out your meal plan for the week, display it in a place where everyone in your household can see it. This way, you can get input from them and ultimately create weekly meal plans that will make everyone well fed and happy.
After the first few weeks of planning meals regularly, I realize it can be easy to fall into a rut, using the same few recipes repeatedly. But dietary diversity is crucial for meeting our nutrient needs and for feeding our gut microbes, so I recommend introducing new foods and recipes regularly. Start by adding one new vegetable per week and work your way up from there.
What Makes a Good Meal?
What exactly should the meals on your meal plan look like? First and foremost, choose nutrient-dense, whole foods. To learn more about how to select nutrient-dense foods, read my article “What Is Nutrient Density and Why Is It Important?”
Secondly, try to create meals that contain a balance of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Eating well-balanced meals promotes satiety, modulates your body’s blood sugar response, and even enhances nutrient uptake from food. For example, eating protein with carbohydrates moderates the spike in insulin caused by dietary glucose, and consuming fat with vegetables enhances the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients such as carotenoids. (2, 3)
While I typically don’t advise people to count calories or obsess over macronutrient ratios, some people need to do so for health reasons. If you are one of those people, I highly recommend using a meal planning app to make the process easier.
Step 4. Use an App
The amount of planning involved with meal planning is significant, but fortunately, there is a way to make it infinitely easier—meal planning software and apps. I’ve taken the guesswork out of selecting the best ones for Paleo meal planning by creating this list.
AnyList App
AnyList collects and organizes recipes and adds them to a meal plan calendar. It then generates a grocery shopping list that you can easily edit and share with friends and family.
Cook Smarts
In addition to creating weekly meal plans, Cook Smarts also offers helpful cooking guides, infographics, and online cooking sessions.
eMeals lets you choose from a variety of different meal plans (including a Paleo plan, of course). Each meal plan includes recipes with main and side dishes, a shopping list, and step-by-step instructions.
Mealime produces weekly meal plans with over 200 personalization options.
Keto Diet Tracker
The Keto Diet Tracker app is helpful for tracking net carbs and storing recipes for those following a keto diet.
Nom Nom Paleo App
The Nom Nom Paleo app has nearly 150 recipes, 2,000 step-by-step photos, and a Whole30-friendly monthlong meal plan and generates customizable shopping lists, all for a low cost.
Paleo Leap Meal Planner
This app includes only Paleo-friendly recipes—every single one is free of gluten, grains, legumes, sugar, soy, and corn. The app offers over 1,500 recipes, generates grocery lists, and lets you set your own food preferences and restrictions; for example, you can indicate if you’d like low-FODMAP, egg-free, or autoimmune protocol-friendly recipes.
The Paleo.io app answers a simple question: Is it Paleo? It helps users determine whether a given food is Paleo or not using a database of over 3,000 foods. It also includes hundreds of Paleo-approved recipes. This app is particularly helpful for those who are new to Paleo.
The Paprika app helps you organize recipes, make meal plans, and create grocery lists. Paprika’s built-in browser allows you to save recipes from anywhere on the internet so you can create your ideal meal plan.
Plan to Eat
Plan to Eat allows you to add your own recipes from anywhere on the internet into a recipe book. You can then drag and drop recipes into a calendar to plan out your meals for the week. The app also generates a grocery list for you based on your planned recipes.
RealPlans creates and organizes recipes, develops a weekly menu, and generates grocery lists so that you can get healthy, delicious food on the table. If you need to track your macros, Real Plans has you covered. A subscription will give you access to all the app’s meal plans (Classic, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Paleo, Keto, autoimmune protocol, and more) and over 1,500 recipes. You can add on recipes from well-known food bloggers for an additional fee.
Yummly Recipes and Recipe Box
Yummly takes a cue from Instagram, allowing you to browse through a photo gallery of recipes and save them to your own digital cookbook. Yummly also uses a proprietary program called Food Genome and a patent-pending technology called Food Intelligence to recommend recipes to users based on their allergies, tastes, and more.
Step 5: Cook Your Meals
You’ve cleaned out your kitchen, restocked it with healthy foods, and created a meal plan—now it’s time to start cooking! Here are a few simple strategies that will make it easier for you to follow through on your commitment to stick with Paleo.
Set Aside Time for Grocery Shopping and Meal Prepping
For many people, Sundays work best. You may also want to consider doing your shopping and main meal prep session on a Sunday and a second, smaller meal prep session mid-week to keep your fridge stocked with fresh options. Use a list when grocery shopping and check off items as you add them to your cart.
Organize Your Recipes
Organizing the recipes you intend to use in meal prepping will save you time in the kitchen. The meal prep apps I mentioned above make organizing your recipes easy, but you may also want to keep a few cookbooks in your house and print out recipes from blogs and websites and collect them in a binder. Find 15 to 20 recipes that you really enjoy and rotate them throughout the weeks (and check out some of my favorite Paleo-friendly recipes).
Keep Things Simple
You don’t need to cook an elaborate meal to satisfy your nutritional needs and appetite! Uncomplicated meals should be a staple in your weekly meal plans. For example, a high-quality protein source; steamed or roasted veggies with salt, pepper, and some healthy fat; and a sweet potato can make for a wholly satisfying and effortless meal.
Incorporate Leftovers into Your Weekly Meal Plan
Don’t be afraid of leftovers! Eating leftovers is an easy way to cut down on meal prep and prevents food waste. Label and date leftovers so you keep track of what’s in your fridge and freezer. And speaking of the freezer, use it! When you batch cook (see next item), you’ll have extras that you can stash away for later.
Batch Cook
Batch cooking, including doubling and tripling your favorite recipes, is a critical component of food prepping and can be applied toward many types of foods. For instance, bake several batches of egg muffins at a time to have around for breakfasts or roast a bunch of sweet potatoes to use as sides throughout the week.
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Which Foods Work Best for Meal Prepping?
Some foods are more suitable for meal prepping than others; for example, roasted sweet potatoes hold up well to reheating, whereas pre-dressed salads quickly wilt in the refrigerator. In this section, I’ve outlined some of the best foods to include in your meal prepping process.
Cook chicken, turkey, beef, bison, or game meat in a slow-cooker. Shred the meat and set aside to use in stir-fries, in Paleo tacos, on top of salads, or in soup.
Sauté ground turkey, chicken, or beef in a pan with garlic, onion, and sea salt. Use the ground meat in Paleo “taco” salads, on top of spiralized vegetables, or in hearty stews.
Bake chicken breasts, wild salmon fillets, burgers, or meatballs in batches. Use them throughout the week with roasted or sautéed veggies, salad, and starchy vegetables as sides.
Hard-boil a dozen eggs. Hard-boiled eggs are ideal for a quick and easy breakfast and are also an excellent portable snack.
Roast sweet potatoes, white potatoes, winter squash, and root vegetables in batches. These vegetables hold up well to reheating and are nutrient-dense sources of carbohydrates.
If you tolerate white rice, make large quantities in a rice cooker or Instant Pot.
Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts, also hold up well to reheating throughout the week.
Make several sauces to use throughout the week. Salsa, guacamole, gremolata, and chimichurri are just a few examples of Paleo-friendly sauces that can be made ahead of time and quickly spice up any meal.
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Four Meal Prepping Tips and Tricks
Now that you know the basics of meal prepping, you’re well on your way towards saving time in the kitchen and eating well.
To build on your new skills and help you stay on track with Paleo eating, here are more ideas you can use, including strategies for how to shop Paleo on a budget, where to buy healthy staples and fresh ingredients, how to shop seasonally, and—when home-cooking isn’t on the menu—recommendations for Paleo meal delivery services.
1. Stick to a Budget
Shopping Paleo can be expensive if you don’t know how to grocery shop to your advantage. With the tips I’ve outlined here, you can successfully shop Paleo on a budget while still filling your cart with high-quality, nutrient-dense foods.
Buy conventional instead of organic (for some produce). Organic produce is ideal because it reduces our exposure to harmful pesticides and herbicides. However, costs can really add up when buying nothing but organic foods. If this is a problem for you, check out the Environmental Working Group’s Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists to determine which conventionally grown fruits and vegetables are lowest in pesticides and thus safe to buy conventional rather than organic.
Whether you buy organic or conventional produce, thoroughly wash your produce before eating. Almost no food is completely free of pesticides. The most effective way to remove pesticides from produce is by washing produce in a baking soda bath. (4) To wash vegetables, fill a large bowl with water and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Add the veggies and soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Scrub with a scrub brush and then rinse under clean water. For leafy greens, soak in a baking soda bath for a minute, thoroughly rinse, and then spin dry in a salad spinner. Wash smooth-skinned fruits (like apples and nectarines) in a baking soda bath like you would for veggies.
Here are some more money-saving tips:
Buy frozen produce. Buying frozen produce saves money while still providing you with nutrient-dense food; most fruits and vegetables are flash-frozen immediately after picking, thus preserving the nutrients they contain.
Buy in-season produce. Out-of-season produce is typically shipped from distant locations, including other continents, increasing costs. It’s also generally picked before it’s allowed to ripen (so that it can be transported without bruising or other damage), and that can impact its nutrient content if it’s improperly stored or subjected to temperature extremes.
Start a garden. Growing your own produce takes some work, but it ultimately is a really low-cost way to obtain organic fruits and vegetables.
Buy lower-quality cuts of meat. You don’t need to buy expensive cuts of meat to eat Paleo. For example, ground beef and brisket are cheaper than filet mignon but have the same nutritional value. In fact, some of the so-called “less desirable” cuts of meat may actually have higher nutritional value than pure muscle meat; for instance, nutritious gelatin-rich cuts of meat such as chuck roast and beef shank are often cheaper than cuts such as sirloin.
Choose more affordable species of wild fish, such as wild sardines instead of wild salmon.
Make eggs a staple in your diet. Eggs are a very economical protein source, including high-quality, farm-fresh eggs from a local source.
Buy in bulk. Many bulk grocery stores now offer many healthy options, including organic produce, wild seafood, and pastured meats, at lower prices than regular grocery stores. Consider buying a quarter, half, or or whole animal for meat directly from a rancher or farmer instead of single cuts from the grocery store; while you’ll need to invest in a chest freezer, this strategy can significantly reduce the cost of meat.
2. Shop Around for Healthy Food
Contrary to popular belief, Whole Foods is not the only place you can buy healthy food! All the stores listed here have excellent selections of healthy, Paleo-friendly foods. Even your local grocery store is likely to have some options.
Trader Joe’s
Natural Grocers
Sprouts Farmers Market
Super Target
Harris Teeter
Food Lion
Sam’s Club
Farmers Markets
Don’t forget about your local farmers market! Farmers markets offer fresh produce, meat, and (depending on where you live) seafood at lower prices than most grocery stores. You might also want to investigate a CSA—community supported agriculture—in your area from which you can purchase a subscription to locally raised foods including produce and meat, delivered weekly or monthly.
Healthy grocery shopping can now be done online as well as in person. The following online grocery stores offer organic, healthy options and deliver right to your door:
Thrive Market
Shop Seasonally
Shopping seasonally is a great way to tune in with your local food system and save money. Check out the Seasonal Food Guide to find out what produce is in season near you.
3. Use Real Food Delivery Services
If you are really tight on time but still committed to eating healthy meals, you may want to consider a Paleo “real food” meal delivery service. There are countless options out there, but I’ve curated the very best in this list.
Beetnik Foods
Beetnik Foods meals are certified Paleo friendly, delivered nationwide, and also available in select health food and grocery stores.
ButcherBox delivers 100 percent grass-fed and grass-finished beef, heritage breed pork, and free-range, organic chicken. That can help if you’re short on time or if you’re struggling to find a local provider of grass-fed meat.
Caveman Chefs
Caveman Chefs offers both meal delivery services and catering. It is based in Colorado but ships nationwide. Choose from meals that are Whole30 approved, autoimmune protocol, low FODMAP, and ketogenic.
Factor 75
Factor 75 meals are premade, 100 percent organic, and free of hormones, GMOs, and antibiotics. Choose from bundles of four, six, eight, 12, or 18 meals.
Green Chef
Green Chef provides you with prepped ingredients to cook three two-person Paleo dinners (or two four-person dinners on the family plan) each week. All recipes are organic and gluten-free, feature protein and fresh veggies, and contain zero grains or dairy.
Kettlebell Kitchen
Kettlebell Kitchen meals are free of artificial ingredients, preservatives, gluten, dairy, soy, corn, industrial vegetable oils, and refined sugar. Some of the meals contain non-Paleo ingredients that are tolerated by many people, including white rice, lentils, and gluten-free oats.
Paleo On The Go
Paleo On The Go operates out of a completely gluten-free kitchen and specializes in Paleo and autoimmune protocol-friendly frozen premade meals that can be delivered nationwide. You can purchase meals individually or in bundles.
Paleo Power Meals
Paleo Power Meals offers premade meals with generous portions that pack a large amount of protein.
Pete’s Paleo
Pete’s Paleo offers seasonally inspired, farm-fresh prepared Paleo meals. Order bundles of five, 10, 14, or 20 meals in vacuum-sealed packages from anywhere in the United States.
Sunbasket allows you to select three two- or four-person meal kits per week without gluten, grains, soy, corn, added sugar, or dairy. The ingredients and recipes are delivered fresh so you can cook great meals without any planning or shopping.
The Good Kitchen
The Good Kitchen sources organic produce almost exclusively from local farms in North Carolina (where its operation is based) and delivers its refrigerated and frozen meals nationwide.
Trifecta Nutrition
Trifecta Nutrition provides ready-to-eat dinners and lunches that are non-GMO, 100 percent organic, and free of sugar, grains, gluten, dairy, and soy. You can also upgrade to add breakfasts and additional entrées or choose build-your-own meals.
TrueFare uses the highest-quality ingredients in their meals, including organic produce, grass-fed beef, heritage pork, and organic or free-range poultry. They offer Paleo-, keto-, autoimmune protocol-, and Whole30-friendly meal plans.
4. Stock Your Kitchen with the Essentials
To successfully meal prep, you’ll need to stock your kitchen with some essential tools. This includes basic tools that everyone should have in their kitchen, Paleo-specific items, cookware and bakeware, and maybe some “nice to have” extras for when you decide to get creative with cooking.
Kitchen Basics
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
Kitchen towels
Vegetable peeler
Spice rack
Cutting boards
Chef’s knife
Slotted spoons
Utensil holder
Mixing bowls
Glass storage container
Wooden spoons
Paleo Kitchen Essentials
Meat cleaver
Paring knife
Probe meat thermometer
Hand-held lemon squeezer or citrus reamer
Mason jars
Salad spinner
Cheesecloth or cotton/linen fine mesh towel
Potato masher
Food processor
Immersion blender
Cookware and Bakeware
Sauté pan
Baking dishes
Soup pot
Dutch oven
“Nice to Have” Items
Kitchen shears
Pepper mill
Muffin tin and muffin liners
Spoon rest
Meat grinder
Hand mixer
Mortar and pestle
Slow cooker
Sous vide
Fermentation pot
Spice grinder machine
Garlic press
Tool for making your own meat jerky (such as LEM Products 468 Jerky Cannon)
Food processor
Instant Pot
Countertop toaster oven or convection oven
Water Filter
For drinking and cooking water, I recommend investing in a high-quality water filter. Berkey water filtration systems sit conveniently on your countertop and remove viruses, pathogenic bacteria, cysts, and parasites to undetectable levels. They also reduce heavy metals without eliminating beneficial minerals. Additional white filters can be added to remove fluoride. If you want to filter your home’s entire water supply, you may want to consider a reverse osmosis filter instead.
Food Storage
Once you’ve prepped your meals, you’ll need containers for storing everything. Since plastic containers contain chemicals that are known endocrine disruptors, I prefer people use glass storage dishes with BPA-free lids.
For wrapping up foods, use unbleached parchment paper or beeswax-coated reusable food wrap (such as Bee’s Wrap) instead of conventional plastic wrap, which may leach endocrine disrupting chemicals into your food. (5) Finally, try reusable silicone storage bags (such as Stasher bags) instead of plastic freezer/storage bags, which may also contain endocrine-disrupting plasticizers.
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Now I’d like to hear from you. Do you practice food prepping? If not, do you think you’ll try the food-prepping strategies I’ve outlined in this article? Let me know in the comments below.
The post Meal Prep: Your Best Tool for Healthy Eating appeared first on Chris Kresser.
Source: http://chriskresser.com February 12, 2019 at 06:10PM
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fiti-vation · 6 years
Hey ☺️ Been a follower for a while and I find what you post so incredibly helpful; I’ve always felt intimidated by both exercise and how to eat the right way for who I am so that I end up not doing anything usually even though I feel almost desperate to. I’m a pescatarian but rarely eat fish (so practically a veggie) and I struggle with how to get enough protein and iron. I take multivits with iron most days but still have very low energy. Any advice on easy protein/iron? Thank you so much!🙏🏼
Aww thank you very much for the kind words and support love!
There’s a lot of advice out there on how to incorporate more protein into your diet, and if I’m being honest, it can sometimes feel like too much to think about. Whether you’re paleo, vegan, or counting macros, everybody needs protein. My motto when it comes to getting enough protein is to focus on the essential. Instead of focusing on protein focus on getting enough of the amino acids your body cannot make by itself!
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A bit of nutrition science (I’ll simplify everything down below): Protein is an important nutrient required for the building, maintenance, and repair of tissues in the body. Proteins are made out of smaller molecules called amino acids, which are linked together like beads on a string. The linked amino acids form long protein chains, which are then folded into complex shapes.Some of these amino acids can be produced by the body, while we must get others from the diet. The ones we cannot produce and must get from our foods are called the “essential” amino acids.
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English please 💁🏽‍♀️: Here’s the simplified version of what I just said: Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and they can be synthesized by the body or ingested from food. There are 20 different amino acids (some sources list 22) in the food we eat, but our body can only make 11 of them. The nine essential amino acids, which cannot be produced by the body, must be obtained from the diet. If you scroll through my blog, you’ll notice I’ve often elaborated on this topic before.
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A variety of grains, legumes, and vegetables can provide all of the essential amino acids our bodies require. However, keep in mind that since grains, legumes, and vegetables are incomplete sources of protein you’ll have to combine these foods (protein combining (or protein complementing) – more on that later. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics posits that protein from a variety of plant foods eaten during the course of a day supplies enough of all essential amino acids when caloric requirements are met.
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Protein Requirements
A lot of people consume protein without knowing their daily protein requirement.  Before you start to incorporate more protein into your diet it’s very important to have an idea of how much you should consume daily. Obviously, this will depend on many factors such as your weight, your fitness goals, how active you are, and your age. That said, however, in the athletic world, there is no greater debate than how much protein you require on a daily basis. There are a number of varying recommendations and calculations when it comes to how much protein you should be consuming. On closer inspection, the daily intake of protein depends on age and activity level. For example, weight trainers and teenagers require more protein than a sedentary individual.There are a few calculations that can be used in terms of protein recommendations.
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The RDA increases by 30 grams per day during pregnancy and 20 grams per day during lactation. During growth, different amounts are needed. For example, 2.2 grams of protein are needed per kilogram of body weight each day in the first six months of life, and 2.0 grams per kilogram for the next six months.
Many nutritional experts feel the RDA for protein is far too low and is only suitable for sedentary adults. For those who are active, insulin sensitive, overweight or seeking weight loss or are in their teenage years, the amount of protein should be higher. If this is the case, you will likely need to increase your protein intake from the RDA’s recommendation of 0.8 g/kg to 1.2-1.8 g/kg. The calculation would be:
1. Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg2. Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein gm
If you are pregnant, recovering from an illness, stuck in a metabolic rut, under stress or work out intensely, I recommend using a number between 1 and 1.8. The calculation would be:
Example: 150 lb female who is a regular exerciser and lifts weights150 lbs/2.2 = 68kg68kg x 1.5 = 102 gm protein/day
Protein Quality
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Once you’ve determined from which foods you can get your essential amino acids and also your required daily protein intake – you can begin to incorporate more protein into your diet according to your needs. As I’ve mentioned earlier grains, legumes, and vegetables are incomplete sources of protein, so you’ll have to combine foods to get all of your essential amino acids!  Protein complementation is essential if you decide not to eat any animal-based products. It simply means ‘putting together 2 or more sources of protein together to make sure you get the 9 essential amino acids’. And remember although there are only 9 essential amino acids, the body uses 20 amino acids to make its proteins, so make sure you eat enough! Complementary proteins do not need to be eaten together, so long as the day’s meals supply them all.
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Vegetables are quite often low in the Amino Acids Methionine and Isoleucine. These are important for heart health, muscle recovery and blood sugar regulation. So, if you tried to survive on veggies alone you probably wouldn’t be doing all that well.
You could try a diet of grains (which seem to make up the majority of most people’s diet… but don’t necessarily include them in their raw form unfortunately). As I’ve discussed above, grains are low in Lysine, but also in Threonine and Tryptophan. These three-control bone development, hormone production, sleep and regulate moods. So, if you lived off grains alone you’d be a tired, cranky, hormonal mess probably with Osteoporosis!
Onto Nuts and Seeds, which are deficient in Lysine and Isoleucine which have been previously mentioned for their involvement in bone development, muscle recovery and blood sugar regulation. Likewise, with Legumes which are low in Methionine and Tryptophan for heart health, sleep and mood regulation.
So, as you can see you can’t live off any one of these categories alone, however, if you combine the correct foods and have a good variety you won’t be missing out at all! If you want to ensure you have a Complete amount of protein with every meal, consider combining the following…
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So simply pick the base of your meal and add one of the two options and you’ll be laughing. Note that, combining at each meal isn’t necessary! Alternatively, if that doesn’t suit the meal you’re trying to make, just make sure you eat a good variety of all four by the end of the day and your diet will be full of Complete protein by the end of the day. 
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Also keep in mind that even if you don’t have time to meal prep to combine foods, we have a 30-foot-long digestive tract and foods transit through it in somewhere between 14 – 30 hours. This means that proteins will be combined in the small intestines all day. As long as you eat a variety of plant foods, such as nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), and greens, your protein needs can be easily met.
Here are some common meal items that naturally complement each others’ proteins/ Some ideas for foods which you can put together to combine protein:
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Beans and rice or tortillas
Peanut butter sandwich/Peanut butter on bread 
Baked beans toast
Poached egg and toast
Macaroni and cheese
Tofu with rice (or any grain)
Taco/tortilla & beans
Black Bean Burritos
Hummus with pita bread
Grilled cheese sandwich
Peanut Butter Spaghetti
Yogurt with nuts
Noodle stir-fry with peanut or sesame seed sauce
Lentil soup or dairy-based soup with bread
Whole grain cereal with milk
Tacos filled with beans or lentils
Quinoa salad with black beans and feta
Corn, beans and squash are the three sacred crops of the indigenous peoples of North America. The Iroquois called them ‘The Three Sisters.” When combined in equal amounts, they provide 100% of the essential amino acids – rivaling animal foods. Additionally, quinoa, and soy are nearly complete vegetable proteins on their own.
Other tips
Before I end this, here are a few more tips that I personally use to make my life easier when it comes to incorporating protein:
1. Invest in a good BCAA supplement, my favourite BCAA supplement is ALLMAX Nutrition, Aminocore – the key lime pie flavour! -  I haven’t tried the other flavour yet but I will. You can make delicious lemonades during hot summer days. You can also make BCAA popsickles. I drink BCCA every day before and after my workouts. P.S. it’s available at Walmart
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2. Also invest in some quality vegan protein! Protein shakes are an amazing way to achieve your daily protein intake requirements. As I’ve mentioned before protein shakes aren’t disgusting – but it’s the way one makes his protein shake that makes it disgusting. I hate mixing protein shakes with just water – it’s just yuck, I don’t know how people can just drink protein powder with water 🤢🤮 (my opinion though – don’t @ me please 🙃). You gotta add some life to the protein shake!!! I once made a protein shake with:
Vanilla protein powder (25g protein)
Coconut water
Almond milk
I also did:
Fruit blast Tropical powder blend (21 g of protein)
Coconut water
Almond milk 
Baby spinach + Pineapple & Mango
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3. If your feeling fancy, make delicious smoked salmon bagel sandwiches. It’s easy to prepare and a real delight for your tummy.  I bought some smoked salmon for $2.49 the other day at GT Boutique (aka Giant Tiger). I don’t think GT exists in the States so try Walmart. Here are the instructions:
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4. You can make a variety of mouthwatering salads packed with proteins. Here are 2 of my favourite salads that are super easy to make.
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5. Here are a few non-meat protein sources:
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You can also take a look at these posts from my blog for more ideas:
Plant protein energy kit [X]
Protein shakes [X]
48 delicious protein shake recipes [X]
10 vegetarian ways to eat your daily protein [X]
10 ways to add protein to your breakfast [X]
8 Must-Have Veggies for Building Muscles [X]
No meat muscle: 4 Rules for building lean mass on a vegetarian diet [X]
7 unique sources of protein [X]
Top sources of plant based protein [X]
Hope this was helpful and you enjoyed,Stephanie 😊
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myendlessempathy · 6 years
useful freshmen advice
This a is realistic, useful advice column I am writing about my time as a Freshman. When I read blog posts before my first semester began, I felt very confused by all them because all of them said something different. One says not to get a water filter, the other says it's great, etc. The only way I could figure it out is if I bought what I needed and went about my year noting what was a waste and what was greatly used. With these posts, I hope you utilize the advice given and hopefully believe me. 
 Thanks for reading, 
an actual Freshman in college 
  Advice and answering questions you may have: 
 If you are an incoming freshman or high school senior, you will eventually be told all of this (or not) by the school or fellow students. But my logic is why not know before hand? 
Ah yes, the college kid classic. When you think of a college student, you think partiers or studiers. Here are a few useful tips before going to a party. 
 1- Know the difference between a "house party" and a "party". House parties are usually smaller, crammed and get shut down by police. When you think of college parties these are usually it. I am not saying this to scare you but this is the reputation they have. Parties in general are typically held by committees or some sort of event at the school. Note: this is the definition at my school. More conservative I suppose. 
 2- Jungle Juice. Just don't drink it, promise? If you are unaware, jungle juice is a bad combo of alcohols and various other drinks thrown in. I strongly advice to not drink it. Why? You have no idea what is in it. For all you know it could be spiked. If your friends call you a loser for not drinking it (or drinking in general) then find new friends. 
 3- Peer pressure.  Do not give in. If it means being the loser or party pooper so be it. Claim yourself as the sober driver for back up when asked why you do not partake. Normally, people will back off if you say this but they may not.  If you do want to partake then do it responsibly. Note how I said "want" not "forced".
 4- It's dangerous to go alone! I cannot stress enough how important it is to have back up with you. Go with friends, roommates or your cousin it does not matter. Be safe there and don't go alone! I do not recommend separating from your group because if you split up and have no way of getting home then there is another problem. Watch out for each other is the main goal. 
 Surviving homesickness
Yes, it's unavoidable. 
 1- Have an outlet. Whether it be your favorite hang out spot, an instrument or your friends. Having a place to get away from homesickness is crucial in your first year. Even if it's only temporary (just like the sickness itself), outlets are a proven way to ease the sadness. 
 2- Have comfort food ready. Sometimes all you need is mom's homemade soup or pizza. If your family does not cook, try taking it up yourself. Try baking some cookies (most res halls have some sort of kitchen) or take a few classes on how to cook (if your schedule allows it). Having this background will not only benefit you after college but you can impress your friends too! 
 3- Get artsy. It sounds childish but adult coloring books are a must for me during this trying time. I have always found it comforting to color or draw something to shift my focus from my home onto the picture I'm attempting. Or if coloring is not for you, make a DIY. Try to knit, build a miniature car model, teach yourself how to play cards. However you become distracted from the thing stressing you out. 
 4- Hang up photos. This is a given but if you do not already have photos of your family hanging on your walls, print some out! CVS or Walgreens or your local drug store will let you do it for cheap. Most people in a dorm have some sort of picture collage in their space of people or things they love. If you are not allowed to put holes in the walls, buy sticky magnetic strips to place on the back of your photos or get a cork board. It is a proven fact that having photos to look at will help you!
 5- Do not stay in your room. As much as we all want to, staying locked in your room is not healthy. Go explore campus or the city. Just get some fresh air! Join a club (I did and it helped greatly!)
6- Talk to someone. Most campuses have a counseling group ready to chat with you. Do not be ashamed or afraid to go to them, it's what they're there for! They see cases like this almost everyday. 
 Word of advice: Once my classes started, I became busy to where I thought about home less and it wasn't as sad. If your classes have not began yet, do not fret. They maybe part of the solution to curing your homesickness. 
 Odds and ends
1- Do not let your keys/ID card leave your side. I am referring to your house/apartment/dorm key and campus ID. I made the mistake of leaving them in my room during a fire drill and had to walk to Public Safety to fetch a spare key. Not one of my roommates were willing to help me. Take them to your classes, the laundry room, the dining hall. Literally everywhere because you never know when you need them. Also, if your door locks automatically and your roommates are not home please take them with you. I cannot stress it enough. If you are forgetful like me, hang them up somewhere you look everyday such as next to your bed or on your dresser. This way you grab and go! 
 2- Balance your lifestyle. College students are some of the busiest bees on the planet we barely have time to breathe. I highly recommend waiting to get a job until you're at least settled into your classes. I got a job within the first few weeks of school because I constantly need to stay busy to be sane. I know the finance aspect of college is terrifying but everyone goes through it. Until you feel comfortable with campus, classes and everything in between; wait on the job. 
 3- Balance your diet. This may be hard for some but it can be easy once you have a routine. The dining hall foods are not always the healthiest but they are expedient. In order to escape the Freshmen 15, limit yourself to maybe one dessert per week (such as an ice cream cone), add more protein to your diet, have a salad (I do not like them anymore than you do but I have one at least once a week to balance my diet. I have actually grown to crave healthy foods since moving to campus). This is not telling you to completely stop eating unhealthy foods (sometime we need Gummy Bears or a brownie and that's okay), just portion them. 
 4- Go to the gym/drink water. I'm serious when it comes to these two. You do not have to work out everyday but perhaps in your down time, one or two times a week (or weekend). Go for a quick 20 minute run on the treadmill, do some weights, whatever you are comfortable with. If the gym does not appeal to you, try outdoor exercise such as a hike or walk. Drink water as much as you can. It will keep your brain functioning even when you feel exhausted and let you get that paper done! A dehydrated mind is the worst tool during study hours! Buy an over sized water bottle off of Amazon for cheap and keep it at your side. I found that constantly doing this makes me crave water when I'm without it. 
 5- Consistency is key. Put yourself on a routine for everything. This is including but not limited to the gym, what time you eat, take your medications, what time you wake up or go to bed. For some reason I keep forgetting to eat so I need to set reminders throughout my day to notify me. Even if it's just a little snack before class. 
6- Literally no one knows what they're doing. It's okay to feel lost and afraid. Every single person is in the same position as you. College is about choices and seeking the unknown. 
7- Learn how to properly write an email. Start with your salutation, state your name, the class/section you are in (most professors have so many students they will not remember you unless you make your mark) and your question or whatever it is you have to write. End with a professional note such as “Best, [insert your full name here]”. I have professors who will not respond to emails that are poorly written (text talk or just bad grammar). Trust me you do not want them on your bad side. 
You’re welcome. 
- a freshman in college
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9 Well-balanced Set Cooking food Dishes.
As frequent audiences understand, I am actually a large supporter from the feminist movement with past history. There was actually one clinical study which presented that when this was actually blended with Garcinia Mangostana, that this carried weight loss effects. I am sorry that a number of you have battled with eating ailments before but a number of our team like me should drop some weight. The 2 crucial active substances have but to be supported by any sort of dependable scientific research studies that confirm it is actually effective and risk-free for weight reduction. However with a great mindset and regular diet plan as well as workout, you are going to begin to view your physical body modification. Our experts assimilate food items either to get power, or even to utilize private elements of food items in growth, routine maintenance, or even fixing from our own physical body parts. I shed regarding twenty extra pounds by exercising without doing a meals journal, once I carried out both, I reduced weight somewhat quickly, although I seldom consumed less than 2000 fats. Therefore, defeat the glucose tormenter and also return in control from exactly what you do with your food items. This message has actually been so practical that I am actually reposting this now that the NYT bestseller The Invincible Diet plan book is posted. If you do experience hypoglycemia, discuss administration choices with your medical professional: down medication correction, changing meal volumes or opportunities, correction of physical exercise regimen, eating more carbs, etc So I WAGER that individuals that get the herbal tea are actually additionally extra aware from just what they consume and also how they exercise given that they do not intend to squander their funds or their opportunity. While this is just one of the best crucial elements to making Weight Watchers (or even any type of strategy) job, that is actually also one of the elements that goes out the window the absolute most. Therefore Phinney placed a small group of elite guy bikers on a low-carb diet regimen to check this out-- pushing their bodies to tap into the fat stores. There may properly be opportunities where you're lured to reduce fats right down to drop weight that bit a lot faster - specifically if you've been weight loss for a special celebration. Merely visit our Update Strategy webpage where you can easily improve your menu as well as strategy information. Research is currently verifying that genetic makeups can additionally control the way our team manage to process food items as well as the impact our diets have on our wellness. Lynne Malcolm as well as Olivia Willis take a look at the impact of negative diet plan on mental wellness in a function for Registered Nurse. Regrettably, many diet plans are actually low in zinc, as well as many kids today are actually born low in zinc as a result of their mama's diets. I would certainly point out no. I presume if an individual feels addicted" around food items, they could would like to inspect their degree of physical regulation (really refuting themselves ample fats, making too much cravings, and/or rejecting themselves certain meals) or their degree of emotional regulation (consuming the meals yet really feeling bad regarding them, labeling foods good/bad, feeling bad regarding their bodies and using food as a proxy).
If you want to leave from the diet programs curler rollercoaster, some of the initial steps is actually to leave fad diets behind and decide on a weight-loss strategy that will create long-term end results. If you are actually a dieter, as well as perhaps even primarily a Weight Watchers alum, you will definitely recognize exactly what ABC stands for. Fast food as well as various other generally eaten American foods possess a considerably higher quantity from omega-6 (everything created with vegetable oil is loaded along with omega-6 fatty acids). She came to be consumed along with workout and also calorie counting, which really did not aid her shed the weight. When you attempt to manage your meals consumption by staying with outlandish guidelines, you are actually movinged towards the same sort of breakdown"-- and also's not fair to you. Surely there may be natural selection associated with that some people could be actually genetically a lot more susceptible to gaining weight in our obesogenic setting, but that is actually setting nevertheless which is actually the reason for the existing surge in obesity rates. You seemed like a model, and all of my various other clients were frightened through you, asked me why you were there because clearly you failed to must burn fat. There is no magic technique to drop weight, I believe its own really incredibly unfortunate that individuals try to act like body weight is actually a condition they have captured. After the negative traits going on in my scalp, meals was the next huge thing to sort out. Results can easily differ." He's called for to place that there through legislation due to the fact that now this's reputable that diet plans don't function to generate sustainable weight loss, results can not be actually forecasted with any kind of level from precision, and within 3 to 5 years most or even all weight is actually reclaimed ... and due to the fact that his diet regimen is no various. A lot of the moments I then don't eat up until 4 'time clock I at that point consume a dish with something wonderful however sweets free and wheat or grain complimentary. Boyd Swinburn: That corrects and also that definitely does indicate adhering to the diet regimen and how much folks are actually adhering to the diet. I started this diet today but I am actually a pescatarian so I made a gigantic container from grain and veggie soup as well as I eat that instead of the chicken. Alongside the monitoring component there is actually additionally a personal digital assistant to help you figure out PointsPlus worths of foods items you could certainly not locate in the database. ABC News opened a story about Duke Educational institution reviewing the expenses and performance of three diet systems as well as 3 fat loss prescribed drugs. Although the program was produced to assist dieters stay away from holiday weight increase, The 17 Day Diet plan may be adhered to any time when swiftly and also effective fat loss is wanted. While the diet regimen as well as social environments of centenarians like Sol have been analysed as part of the durability genes project, results suggest they are actually not the calculating aspect for incredibly lengthy lifestyle. When I need to have an excellent difficulty or easy workout session, I will be actually pulling that out again at some point. This then delivers in-depth reports on how your hereditary profile can easily modify your diet regimen and also exercise that can help satisfy your targets. When you plunge into any type of weight-loss program, this is actually finest to possess no collection assumptions and also to not compare your own self to a good friend, your husband or wife or perhaps your experience last time you carried out Atkins or even some other weight-loss diet. The 14-Day Low Calorie Enhancer diet can be found in at merely 1,000 Fats (only 200 above the medical meaning from a Very-Low-Calorie-Diet). Discover More Here perform fast every 3 hours most opportunity they simply possess protein drinks for breakfast Lunch be actually some type of tossed salad dinner snacking on nuts or blended almonds and a peach or apple or even a orange for supper. Beginners this year which certainly bear an exclusive callout include Retrofit, an innovative weight loss strategy that only acquired some fairly significant focus from ABC News last week on its 2013 diet styles disclose. After merely preserving lifestyle, the next crucial job of food is actually to expected our company with each other as social beings.
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bunnydetox · 2 years
(Thursday, June 9th) Wtfwtfwtwfwtwftwfwtfwtfw, Such a terrible way to end the day. I impulsively decided to have a monster, but my stomach couldn’t keep it down and I ended up expelling battery acid wtf 😭🤚🏾 throat is in so much pain. Ok so onto my progress. I read today that I really shouldn’t have any net calories remaining at a 1,200 goal, so I tried to even it out the best I could, (and I did 🍞- not 💔). I just wasn’t in the mood for food today like I usually am, but forced myself to eat as much as possible regardless though. 1,200 (goal) - 1,250 (calories) + 448 (Exercise) = 398 (net calories/remaining). Also 48.9 Oz of water. I went over sodium even MORE today, and I thought I was doing a good job while I was eating the soup that caused me all this grief.💀 I was so wrong while I had my earphones in jamming to music while I was chowing down on saltlake city today. Tomorrow, I’m gonna put in a REAL effort to stay away from sodium cuz salt has been abusing my body, and we don’t offer that type of toxicity over here. Without my waist trainer I weighed in at 157.2 lbs/71.3 kgs. Today I’m not gonna weigh myself with my waist trainer on because I’m not mentally prepared for a higher number 🐇. So, overall, pretty good- I guess 🥴 definitely Better than yesterday- OMG cuz let me tell you about YESTERDAY BOY GUESS WHAT I FOUND OUT!!
Ok so yesterday was a SHAM, because i had a salad but forgot to add the calories of the dressing and found out today, because I had the same meal, that the calories of the dressing were 310 👹 Who tf lied to me? I knew that salad i was eating was tasting too good 😐 too good to be true. So yesterday was actually 1,200 (goal) - 1,608 (Food) + 497 (Exercise) = 89 (remaining). Boy lemme tell you I almost had a mental BREAKDOWN SEEING THAT 89 JAJAJAJAJ 🗿 but then- remember- I found out about not wanting to undereat so then I felt a little bit better so dw. 😮‍💨 but dang that was super close to going over. But Akneeways, tmr I’m gonna try to drink MORE water, burn atleast 300 calories from exercise, and focus on my protein/sodium intake 🤎
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