#woudl appreciate
poltergeist-coffee · 5 months
Hhmm Bagi? 👀
Also hey I'm back, school was killing me:D
- 🍽
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song: Carnaval by Kamaitachi
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flashhwing · 2 years
i hate when characters are written out of character in fics unless it's people making anders and fenris be nice to merrill. i think that's good mischaracterization actually
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wizzardhat · 1 year
Im rereading nona and i am baffled anew by people who listen to jod recount every single agonizing step in his slow and terrible descent and are like, "wow John was always an awful irredeemable liar and his reluctance to admit that he set off the nukes was not, in fact, him struggling to accept the magnitude of how completely and terribly he failed and became the very person he was trying to stop, but was just another calculated lie because he's a Bad Man. if it were me i would have simply not done that." I have to assume these are the same people who read "**When our backs are against the wall and everything is falling apart we rarely become heroes" and were like "huh i wonder who thats for"
**approximate quote from memory because I cannot for the life of me find the exact excerpt but it was one of Wake's "letters" that only Harrow could read while they were in the bubble
#people get very defensive about this too like if you even imply that john's actions were individually understandable#or that the person he is in harrow the ninth is different from the person he was 10000 years prior immediately after the world ended#or if you suggest that sometimes. a person can be genuinely and truly traumatized by a tragedy of their own making.#and being traumatized is not a mark of moral correctness or victimhood but a neutral reality of human psyche separate from morality#or and this is a big one#suggest they consider genuinely what they would do at each step of that journey#and dont take Well I simply woudl not have nuked the earth or#Well he's a liar so most of that was probably a lie anyway#as an answer#well#people dont like that lol#john being indefensible seems to be so important to people#that to suggest that John's downfall is an interesting and compelling study in how a person with good intentions can still end up the bad g#this will immediately be taken as Defending Him or Justifying His Actions and they will get Quite Upset#i know its asking a lot for people to appreciate the moral complexity of a well written villain who isn't like. a sexy meow meow or whateve#but it just amuses and annoys me#how people desperately need to flatten the complexity of this series#this is probably the reason why people who like TLT then turn around and recommend the shittiest books ever written as comparable#generally on the basis that they are both about Sword Lesbians#which is like. true on a superficial level.#But like. TLT is about sword lesbians in the same way that EEAAO is about a lady doing her taxes#these tags are longer than the post sorry lmao. i have Opinions about these books.
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In desperate need of a human heating pad
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palskippah · 10 months
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Some Mareach thoughts regarding their pining for the other because that's my favorite headcanon ever for them, especially if it's painfully obvious that they like the other.
It's all rambling sjdksj Sorry if it's confusing to read! It's just all my thoughts on the matter, and they're loosely based on the drawings I did jsjds
Also, this all may not be very coherent? In the sense of time and stuff, I wrote it on the spot, honestly sjsj
Now, Peach has been in love with Mario for a long time. Before he saved her for the first time, and maybe even before he became the helpful hero of the Mushroom Kingdom.
He was nice to her, respectful and liked to have fun- never mind that she was a princess. With her subjects Peach couldn't exactly run and jump and just play any time outside of the official games (unless it was little children, they loved it, but once they got bigger, they realized she was The Princess, and must be treated with excessive respect and distance, apparently), but with Mario she could get her nice, pink dress dirty with mud or with stains of green grass, get leaves in her hair, or overall be a mess, regardless of the situation. He'd just laugh with his equally dirty overalls, instead of fretting over her nice clothes being ruined.
They'd have simple competitions, who gets faster to that one tree about ten meters away? They'd push and shove to get there quicker, both using their abilities for it. Peach would levitate a rock for it to get in Mario's way, and Mario would jump very high to go past it easily. And whoever won earned a kiss from the loser (alright, Peach shamelessly set that rule, whatever for her to place her lips on Mario's round nose or to get his mustache to tickle her cheek when his lips placed a loud kiss on it).
It was fun and simple, and Peach felt truly relaxed and appreciated when she was with Mario, in a way that with her cousin Daisy or her father Toadsworth she just didn't. Her heart would beat faster, and she'd look forward to seeing Mario's blue eyes and his silly nose and his handsome mustache. And to hear his accented sweet voice, or to see him communicate with gestures, where Peach would do her absolute best to interpret it the best she could.
To simply be by Mario's side could made Peach's whole day.
After she was rescued though, she saw him in a new light- a heroic (and very handsome-) light. He fought against a koopa many times his size and simply flung him out by the tail! Then Mario effortlessly lifted her in his arms and ran her to safety. Mario kind of literally swept her off her feet, and Peach felt that she fell a little more in love with him, in a way that she knew she never would be able to forget or be able to get over it.
But something Peach is very glad of, it's that there's no need to forget or get over it, because Mario likes her too. A lot it seems. The first time he saved her, and once they were back at the castle, Mario seemed to reach for his hat to do a playful bow as he usually did for the princess, but Peach was excited and loved him so much and felt so cared for, that she impulsively leaned in and kissed him on the nose, halting Mario's movements. She muttered in a sweet, loving voice: "Thank you, Mario."
And by the stars, the way Mario's cheeks went pink and his eyes bright, as if something wonderful just happened to him, made Peach's heart sing in happiness. Could this mean that he could love her too?
So, Peach started to be clear in her intentions. She'd be sweeter, she'd get him gifts, and treat him like a king that deserved everything in the world. Because to her, Mario did deserve everything and more. Peach invited him exclusively to eat cake with her, they woudl go to picnics on their own ,to enjoy each other's company. And Peach would very tentatively reach his hand when she could or kiss his face if the situation allowed it, even staright up hugging him, with no excuse or reason to (simply because she wanted!)
To any outsider, it was clear the princess was courting Mario, but to Mario, it was just his good friend being more friendly, which was great! He was very glad to be a closer friend to Peach. So, Mario started returning the efforts, he'd give her silly things he found that reminded him of her or make the time to spend his afternoons with her. He'd be more affectionate in the way Peach was, saying outright what he liked of her or cheering for her in enthusiasm at their games (Mario saying, "I love you, I love you so much!" while clapping).
But it didn't go past that.
Peach wasn't sure if Mario was being oblivious or she wasn't being clear enough- But he'd blush and do silly dances when she said something particularly sweet to him, and his eyes would soften when looking up at her. So, Peach was very confused. Why, even when she said, "I love you, Mario", he answered with an enthusiastically, "I love you too, principessa!" and... that was it. As if Mario just didn't notice that Peach was trying to go somewhere with all their courting (Thinking about the "we look like a couple :3" "A couple of besties! :D").
I'm thinking that ever since they became friends, Mario has had at least a little crush on Peach, and how could he not? She's so beautiful, and nice, and funny. Mario doesn't think she'd be interested in him in a romantic sense though, because he knows very well she cares about him! But romantically? Princess Peach could have anyone she wanted, and there must be other royals more worthy of her love. So, why choose Mario? What could he possibly give her that another guy or woman in a much higher position couldn't?
Mario is very sure of himself in some ambits, and then in others not so much. When time goes on, he truly believes he's worthy of being Peach's hero, because he's strong, agile, he can jump very high, he's smart too! If Peach is in trouble, he will find a solution or a way to rescue her and make sure she's okay. He trusts his physical abilities very much, that's why he trains and does his best to be as strong as he can! What else can Mario give Peach if he can't be useful for her safety-
But he doesn't think he's good enough to be anything else besides that. Because Mario isn't worthy to hold her hand simply because he wants to, unless he's pulling her and running away from danger. And Mario couldn't just hold Peach in his arms in the way a bride is held by the groom, because he only does that if he needs to get Peach away from a castle or danger, again. Or to kiss her cheek just because he wanted to show her his fondness, without having to purposely lose their races.
Mario just wasn't good enough for that, and it always made him realize that no matter what he did, he'd never feel worthy, because he'll always just be Mario, Mushroom Kingdom's and Peach's hero. And Mario was okay with that, really. And what difference does it make, anyway, if Peach doesn't feel the same way. She was so sweet and considerate, always looking out for people she cared about. Mario was just very glad that he was in that group of people that Peach deeply cared for. And he knew he was there, because she did so many nice things for him! Bake him a cake, even when he didn't help her in any significant way prior to it, or hug him out of nowhere or look at him sweetly- it was as if they were dating! And it made Mario immensely happy, because if he tried hard enough, it was as if Peach only had eyes for him, and only did nice, sweet things for him. And looked at him with her beautiful sky-blue eyes, full of love for Mario, as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend.
When he saved her for the first and she kissed him and looked at him as if he was something precious and loving, he felt that maybe Peach could see him as a romantic partner, worthy of very nice things and very nice people such as Peach. But then she said, "You are my hero!" and that hope shattered, because right- hero, Mario was a hero. He was good in helping and saving the day and that's why people liked him! That's why Peach appreciated him too. So, Mario smiled brightly anyways and jumped in joy, because he's happy to be Peach's hero!
In the privacy of his own room, Mario would allow himself to feel sad about the matter, about feeling too little like a person and too much like a hero sometimes. Hoping it could be the other way, or maybe both ways. Anything so Peach could think of Mario and be pleased with the person he was, rather in all the things he could do. (Does that even make sense? it's me, Kym, asking ASJKJS)
And you can bet that Luigi was witnessing all of this, especially Peach's fruitless courting, and Mario's lovesick pining. He'd see the princess acting in the same way a loving partner would, and Mario relishing in the attention, very clearly in love. And then Mario would say something that sounded way to close to friend-zoning, and Peach would look briefly caught off-ward, most likely confused.
And Luigi couldn't blame her, when Mario himself didn't think she was courting him! The idiot (both affectionate and derogatory) didn't have enough confidence to think a princess could like (and love) him. Alright, well, if Luigi had a royal person hopelessly in love with him, he wouldn't believe it either- because he's just little ol' Luigi! Nothing special. But Mario? He was the specialest guy around! But he was so insecure too and wouldn't just see that Peach was almost desperately trying to get him to see that she loved him and wanted to be much more than just friends.
For God's sake, she said 'I love you' to Mario, directly to his face, and not even that seemed to change his thoughts of not being good enough or her not wanting anything besides friendship. Worst part, Luigi had to see his bro pining in their house, sighing, thinking of the princess, and out loud wondering what she was doing. He'd always be thinking of her, Peach this and Peach that- And it's not that it bothered Luigi or angered him, it's just that it was frustrating! The woman was right there! Peach could be with a huge MARIO, WANNA BE MY BOYFRIEND? <3 sign right outside their house and Mario would ask Luigi for which brother it was.
It frustrated him and made him feel sorry for his bro. Mario had something so good right in front of him, and due to his insecurity, he couldn't allow himself to see it.
After months and months of implying a relationship and Mario just, not noticing, Peach started to realize that... maybe Mario just didn't feel the same way. And maybe he just didn't know how to let her know it. Maybe Mario was being nice and returning her efforts just to not hurt her feelings, when all he wanted was to just remain friends. It made Peach feel so sad and so ashamed, had she just been forcing her feelings on Mario? A worse thought crossed her mind, has she been making him uncomfortable with her actions? And all these months...., Peach wouldn't forgive herself if that was the case. Maybe all those blushes and soft eyes and shy smiles were just the things she wanted to see.
Stars, she had to fix it. So, Peach stopped inviting Mario on his own to her castle and baking a cake with his favourite flavors in mind, and started inviting both brothers and also friends. She stopped leaning to hug him or kiss him, and when they'd win or lose races, Peach changed the rule into a high-five, meeting Mario's kissy lips with her palm the first time it happened. She truly hoped her efforts of a romantic relationship could just be forgotten, and not affect their friendship.
Mario was devastated with the change in Peach's behavior. She no longer invited him to the castle, and he didn't receive any more letters with 'Come to the castle, I've baked you a cake! <3', and the worst part- when he ran especially slow to get to kiss Peach in the cheek, and he was right about to do it, Peach's hand received him instead of her face. She smiled cheerfully and said, "Let's do high-fives from now on, yes?'
It was as if Mario's heart shattered- it was the last piece in the puzzle that indicated that he was no longer as loved as he used to be by the princess. Mario was treated like, like Luigi was! Which, honestly, was still very good, but! Mario used to be special! Peach used to treat him like he was someone noteworthy and worthy of the nicest gifts and her nicest smiles, and now it was no longer... If there was a little sliver of hope in Mario that they could be something, it was entirely gone. Now he couldn't even pretend that she loved him romantically, and it made him so, so sad.
Was it something he did? Mario should just ask, shouldn't he? God, but he just couldn't, he was a coward. What if Peach told him she no longer liked him at all, and was trying to slowly distance herself, and she actually hated Mario now?! Obviously, Mario was being dramatic, but he just wanted to explain why Peach no longer treated him in a special way...
That's all I've got 🧍
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chiefatticcreator · 8 days
How about a lesbian couple fooling around in bed, one riding the others face, so they don't see the stud who just broke the one on top, who holds her girlfriend in place for him?
Mainly thinking Ruby/Weiss with Whitley or Taiyang, or Yang/Blake with Taiyang.
"That's enough playing aroudn for now, Ruby." Weiss smirked, pulling away from her girlfriend's lips.
"You think?" Ruby smiled.
"I do. Didn't you talk about wanting to eat me out today?"
"I did, thank you!"
That was all ruby needed to lay down on the bed and early wait for Weiss to sit on her face. The two girls were completely naked, so it woudl take only a few seconds for Weiss to be in position right above Ruby's face, filling the girl's vision with Weiss's booty.
"I love your tongue, Ruby." Weiss sighed out loud when she began to have her snatch licked.
Weiss wasn't this vocal just because she appreciated Ruby's tonguework (although there were elements of that), but to signal to her brother, waiting just outside the room, that it was time to enter as discreetly as possible.
"You're okay, weiss?" Ruby blushed from beneath her girlfriend's ass. Unable to really see anything, she just heard Weiss compliment her, and then strange noises.
"Yes, ruby.3 Weiss smiled, leaning forward until her mouth was just inches from Ruby's pussy, at about the same time Whitley's mighty cock approached it. With a smirk, Weiss's hands wrapped around ruby's ankles to make her completely trapped.
And then Whitley slid his cock inside Ruby's pussy.
The intrusion was so sudden, so unexpected, that Ruby's mind lagged, taking a second to actually realise what had happened.
"W... Weiss? Is this a new toy? It feels really... large. And thick, and warm, and..." Ruby couldn't help but moan at how good this strange new 'toy' felt.
"No, Ruby~ that's my brother's cock, and now he's going to fuck you." Weiss revealed, looking up at Whitley with adoration in her eyes.
her little brother started pumping his hips and fucking Ruby for real, hsi thick large cock moving in and out of her, makign her whine and gasp as the betrayal of it dawned on her.
"Weiss! I.. I don't liek guys! And.. it's yoru brother, and... and..."
"You'll liek it soon enough." Weiss grinned, watching, mesmerized, her brother's cock fucking her grilfriend's tight hole.
True to her words, Ruby's whines and struggle against Weiss's hold slowly shifted to whimpers, then to moans of pleasure.
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saintobio · 4 months
i can’t believe i caught the ask box open 🥹 first off, miss saint, sy11 had me on my knees gasping for air i kid you not. your writing is truly incredible, and i will say time and time again that you are genuinely one of a kind!
okay okay. time for theories yayay! i know heaps of people have said this already, but my delusional ass self would love to believe that satoru rly did chase after akemi only to let her down. or to hit her with the “my heart belongs to yn. it always has” line. i feel like yn might’ve encouraged him to run after akemi, since yn must’ve also felt guilty since she played a role in gojo cheating on akemi (+ she was put in a similar position so she would know how it feels). since we have four more chapters to go (minus the epilogue), i feel like yn would likely distance herself from gojo, purely bc she feels horrible and didn’t wanna do akemi like that. it was just something done in the moment. i also feel as if the miscommunication trope will still move forward, despite yn and gojo pouring their hearts out to each other at the lake :’)
i have a gut feeling that momjo is likely going to make an appearance back and cause havoc again. maybe we’ll see some parallels between momjo and eula, or momjo and dadjo (who knows). but most likely she’ll plant seeds of doubt in satorus mind by implying things like how yn might only be using gojo as a rebound to ‘get over toji’ (even though we all know the complete opposite 😭).
kinda hoping for some sachi and yn moments bc the angst is too good to be true 🤌 kinda miss their interactions i can’t lie :( sometime tells me that towards the end or during the epilogue of sy, they’re gonna have another kid again (sachiko 🥺) purely bc they did it w/o protection lmao (im going insane)
anyways, i wish i could come up with the brilliant theories that some other readers can come up with (i lack the creativity to) but once again, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you so much for once again releasing another beautifully written chapter. pls don’t mind my rambling hahah. ilysm saint <3
no no, your theories were great and i believe many woudl agree !! so thank you for sharing them and for reading sy <33 i appreciate ur kind words
momjo will be definitely back for a bit, and like i said, gen and yn’s side of the family would make an appearance too. i think you guys already have a hunch as to why :)))
as for sachi, there’s a reason why he’s not in these episodes as much. but munchkin will be back soon!!
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phvntomess · 7 months
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some cool fun facts about her (all canon):
- she’s from Okayama, Japan
- she likes dogs :3
- she has a course in Super Mario Maker 2’s course world!!!! how cool is that!!!!!
- she’s trans
- she’s right-handed
- you can encounter her doppelgänger in Wii Sports Club tennis
- in a (now unlisted) video from the Australian Tomodachi Life website, her canon voice was revealed! (if someone can help me find the videos i woudl. love you foreber.)
- on that same website, she was given the name Alisha Lanni
- in the Australian Tomodachi Life brochure, her personality was revealed! she’s an easygoing optimist!
- her eyebrows are INSANE. scan her official qr code and make her bald. you’ll see.
I LOVE KAORIIIIIII shes so awesome RAAGHJDHEJFJWJFJEIHF <3333 (if i got any info wrong lmk!!!)
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noellevanious · 7 days
If it's alright, I'd like to share some about myself. I'm also a trans woman, 28, live with my mom, never been able to get a job, only ever dated 1 person and that was over 10 years ago, no friends at all, very lonely. I'm not sure why I'm sending this, or what I hope to do, just...You're not alone, I guess. Please keep going. I don't know if it will get better for either of us, but we should at least try, right? Thank you for your time, Rachael
i appreciate it... im sorry, i wish i could make you feel appreciated the way messages like this make me feel appreciated. i appreciate seeing you in my notes. it's just. so hard lately. i feel so empty. i dont have anybody. but i dont want anybody else to hurt or feel upset or alone. id give myself up for good if it meant at least one other person woudl know that they're loved and happy and they dont need to be lonely anymore
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charli3emily · 10 months
Hey pooks
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Also I wanna mix fandoms so I woudl rly appreciate if you choses characters from these medias🙏
☆Death Note
☆Madoka Magica
☆The Owl house
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cowboyjen68 · 10 months
Hello, I’m sure you get comments like this all the time, but I’d like you to know that your blog means a lot to me. I am by no means the only queer person at my school, or even the only lesbian, but I am the only butch lesbian there. It can feel very isolating sometimes. Seeing butch women out and about is always a rare treat, and I’ve had the privilege to actually speak to one only once. So, the internet is where I find a lot of influence for my style and behavior.
I can’t express enough how grateful I am to have you as a role model, especially as I approach adulthood, it can be hard to picture what my life might look like going forward. Seeing the things that you post motivate me not only to dress how I want right now, but to continue to stick with it. Because I know that I’m not the only one.
Thank you for being here, sorry for the long ask!
I am happy your found me out in the interwebs. When I was young, high school age, I wore things that were adjacent to what I really felt confident and comfortable in because I didn't want to be see as "manly" or different from the other girls. Sweatshirts and t shirts, Jeans and cheap K Mart tennies were my go to. Middle of the road fashion that could be suitible for boys or girls my age. Casual.
I woudl day things like "dressing up is stupid" and I didn't "like it putting on nice clothes" but what I really meant was anything perceived as appropriate dress clothes for women my age made me highly uncomfortable. The dresses and skirts, no matter how plaid did the opposite of making me feel special or confident. I felt awkward and weird, ugly and outcast.
Time, age and the encouragement of my lesbians friends gave me the courage to wear what I thought I might look good in (with the help of my femme first girlfriend) and I started dressing for me not everyone else. I wanted to look good and attractive but only to those who were important. (other lesbians).
I didn't want to make a huge effort to be unattractive to men or the straight world. Their judgements became unimportant as I found a style I enjoyed seeing in my own mirror.
I have many butch friends (now) but it was not always so. And in general we are still a smaller population among all of my lesbian friends. But i have had 55 years (30 years out) to build and enhance my friend group. Don't give up. You are not alone or an anomoly. You are one of many kinds of lesbians and other women will come into your world who share your experiences or have an appreciation for how you experience the world.
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maochira · 1 year
schreiben please heacanons with uhm uhhh uhmmm uhmmmmmmmmmm uhhhhh uhhh lorenzos love language and how he shows affectjin and how cuddkung woudl be hmmnjhbghhhh
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I feel like feeding the Lorenzo Nation with my writing is my new job. Not complaining tho! You ask, I serve. Also, this is my "comeback" after my shadowban, so reblogs are appreciated <3
Requests open! - Current writing event
Tags: gn!reader x Don Lorenzo, established relationship
-his primary love language is DEFINITELY gift-giving. Like, come on. He's obsessed with money and would not hesitate to use his money to buy you nice presents all the time
-don't even think of paying anything when you go shopping with him. He would probably hide your purse so you have no other choice than to let him pay for you
-his second love language is physical touch. Lots of hugs and kisses and cuddles. In his case, that's paired with quality time so let's say both physical touch and quality time take the second place
-that's closely followed by words of affection! He compliments you a lot and he just wants you to feel good about yourself
-he loves cuddling to fall asleep and he holds you in his arms the entire night. He will NOT let go off you even in his sleep
-Lorenzo prefers being the little spoon when cuddling. He just really likes resting his head against your chest (you get his greasy hair in your face all the time) I'm sorry (I'm not) but greasy Lorenzo is a running joke among my friends and me. He do be greasy tho
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cgtg · 7 months
Since you said that if we had a song that we liked a lot, we could send them 2 u.
I wanted to ask before sending it just so I could be sure that I'm not sending a music that you've already listened 2
So, have you listened to Dark Woods Circus? (Yes, it is a vocaloid song)
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i hadnt herdd it before, i guess it sumhow missed my radar even tho i usd 2 lisen to so much miku stuff back arnd the time
its not super my thing, but i always respect a spooky circus vibe, the art for the music vid is rly cute as well heheh. i think they usd the vocas rlly cool here
now da second one (warning 4 spooky imagery here) you mentioned fucking rules i rlly rlly like the da-a-a-a na-a-a part, its so catchy. & the percussion is gr8,im a big percussion guy. shits brutal..... earworm central
u ever heard marenol by leaf? itz not vocaloid, but i feel like u woudl maybe appreciate what its doing. more wubwub though
thank u sm 4 the song recz, this is rly fun.
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fluffwritingsandchars · 18 hours
Untitled BakuSquad Fic
Dunno what I am gonna call this yet, but wanted to do something with them, and experimenting to see how my OC woudl fit in so I did that. I don't know if this is canon to my little AU but we'll see.
Chapter One: New Faces, New Places
The night was winding down, the sounds of the city starting to mellow as the streets emptied. The BakuSquad had begun to disperse after their impromptu street food feast, a few of them still nursing their full stomachs while making lazy conversation. Bakugo, as usual, had left first—without a word—after taking down an absurd number of skewers and glaring at anyone who dared make a comment about it.
Yosuke found himself lingering at the edge of the group, watching as the others slowly began to say their goodbyes. Kirishima and Mina were still deep in conversation with Kaminari and Sero, their laughter occasionally piercing the cool night air. Despite their easy camaraderie, Yosuke couldn’t quite shake the weight of Bakugo’s earlier remark. It still lingered, a sharp sting in his chest that made him question why he had even agreed to come out with them tonight.
The arcade had been a distraction—he’d felt comfortable for a few fleeting moments, even allowed himself to enjoy it—but now, with the night winding down, the familiar feeling of isolation crept back in. Bakugo’s words echoed in his mind: Cowards hide behind illusions. Was that how they saw him? Was that how the world saw him?
He had been careful to keep his distance for so long, afraid that if anyone got too close, they’d see through the façade. But Kirishima and Mina had broken down his defenses with their kindness, and for a moment, he had thought maybe things could be different. Yet Bakugo’s disdain had reminded him of why he stayed away, why he kept his quirk hidden behind strategies and illusions.
The others started walking toward the dorms, their voices fading into the background as Yosuke remained behind. He hadn’t realized he was standing still until Kirishima’s voice broke through his thoughts.
“Hey, Yosuke! You coming or what?”
Yosuke glanced up, his fox-like ears twitching slightly at the sound. Kirishima stood a few steps ahead, his usual bright grin softened with concern. The others had already started down the street, but Kirishima lingered, clearly waiting for Yosuke to catch up.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there,” Yosuke mumbled, though his feet didn’t move.
Kirishima frowned, his sharp eyes narrowing as he walked back toward him. There was no point in pretending—Kirishima was too perceptive for that. He had noticed Yosuke’s mood shift after Bakugo’s comment, and now, the red-haired boy wasn’t about to let it slide.
“Hey, man, I know Bakugo’s words can be rough,” Kirishima said, his voice low but steady as he stopped beside Yosuke. “But don’t take it personally, alright? He’s like that with everyone.”
Yosuke’s jaw tightened, and he looked away, his amber eyes focusing on the pavement. He appreciated Kirishima’s effort to smooth things over, but it wasn’t that simple. Bakugo’s words had hit a nerve, one that Yosuke had spent years burying deep inside.
“I know,” Yosuke replied, though the words felt hollow. He paused, struggling to find the right way to explain the thoughts swirling in his head. “It’s just… it’s not the first time I’ve heard something like that. People think my quirk makes me a coward because I don’t fight directly.”
Kirishima’s brows furrowed, his usual easygoing expression hardening into something more serious. “That’s not true, man. You’re not a coward. Just because you fight differently doesn’t mean you’re hiding. There’s strength in strategy, in playing to your strengths. Don’t let Bakugo—or anyone else—tell you otherwise.”
Yosuke sighed, his fox ears drooping slightly as the tension he’d been holding onto for the last few hours began to weigh heavier. “It’s not just Bakugo. It’s everything. My quirk, my father… I don’t fit in with people like you guys. Everyone here is so strong, so confident. And me? I’m just… I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m doing here.”
Kirishima’s eyes softened at Yosuke’s admission, a look of understanding flickering across his face. He stepped closer, his tone gentle but firm. “You’re here because you belong here, Yosuke. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t. UA isn’t about being the strongest or the loudest—it’s about what you bring to the table. And you bring a lot more than you think.”
Yosuke glanced up, meeting Kirishima’s gaze for a moment before looking away again, unsure how to respond. He had spent so long feeling like an outsider, even in Class 1B, that the idea of belonging still felt foreign to him. His father’s expectations, the pressure to live up to a legacy he didn’t even want—those were weights he carried every day, and they made it hard to believe Kirishima’s words.
“You say that, but it’s different for you,” Yosuke muttered, his voice low but edged with frustration. “You’re strong. You’re confident. People look at you and see someone who’s going to be a great hero. They look at me and see someone who hides behind illusions.”
Kirishima tilted his head, considering Yosuke’s words for a moment before he spoke again. “You know, I wasn’t always like this.”
Yosuke blinked, caught off guard by the statement. He turned to look at Kirishima more fully, curiosity tugging at the edges of his doubt. “What do you mean?”
Kirishima chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. “I wasn’t always confident, man. Before I came to UA, I didn’t think I could be a hero at all. I used to be the kind of guy who stayed in the background, just like you. I thought my quirk wasn’t good enough, that I wasn’t good enough. It took me a long time to find my own strength and figure out who I wanted to be.”
Yosuke frowned, trying to picture a version of Kirishima that wasn’t full of infectious positivity and boundless energy. It seemed impossible. “Really? I can’t imagine that.”
Kirishima nodded, his smile bittersweet. “Yeah, it’s true. But what changed for me was finding out that being strong doesn’t just mean throwing the hardest punch. It means being there for people, having their backs, and pushing yourself to be better every day. That’s what being a hero is all about. It doesn’t matter if you fight with your fists or with illusions—as long as you’re using your quirk to help others, that’s what counts.”
Yosuke listened in silence, Kirishima’s words sinking in slowly. It wasn’t that he hadn’t heard this kind of thing before—teachers at UA were always talking about how heroism wasn’t just about power. But hearing it from Kirishima, someone who had gone through his own struggles, made it feel more real.
“I guess…” Yosuke started, his voice hesitant. “I’ve just spent so long feeling like I have to prove something. To my father, to everyone else. Like I’m not good enough unless I’m perfect.”
Kirishima’s expression grew more serious, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding. “I get that. It’s tough when you’ve got someone else’s expectations weighing you down. But, Yosuke, you’ve gotta live for yourself, man. Not for your father or anyone else. You don’t have to prove anything to us. We’re your friends—we’ve got your back no matter what.”
Yosuke swallowed hard, his throat tightening with emotion he hadn’t expected to feel. He wasn’t used to people saying things like that to him. Most of his life had been spent trying to meet impossible expectations, to be someone else’s version of perfect. But Kirishima’s words were simple, honest, and for the first time in a long time, Yosuke felt the weight of those expectations start to loosen.
“I don’t know if I can do that,” Yosuke admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve always been told what to do, who to be. It’s hard to break away from that.”
Kirishima placed a hand on Yosuke’s shoulder, his grip firm but reassuring. “It’s not something that happens overnight, Yosuke. But you don’t have to do it alone. That’s the point of having friends, right? We’re all figuring this out together. And you’ve got us now. We’re here for you.”
Yosuke looked up at Kirishima, his amber eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. “Thanks, Kirishima. I… I appreciate it. I’m just not used to this.”
Kirishima grinned, his usual warmth returning in full force. “You will be. Just give it time. We’re not going anywhere.”
Yosuke nodded, the knot in his chest loosening a little more. It wasn’t that all his doubts had disappeared—they were still there, lurking in the corners of his mind—but Kirishima’s words had made a difference. Maybe it wasn’t about erasing those doubts entirely. Maybe it was about learning to live with them, to push through them, knowing that there were people by his side.
As they began walking again, heading toward the dorms, Yosuke found himself thinking about what Kirishima had said. About how strength wasn’t just about power or confidence, but about being there for others, about pushing forward even when things felt impossible. Maybe that was something he could hold onto. Maybe that was something he could learn.
The night air was cool and still, and for the first time in a long while, Yosuke felt a little less alone.
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420technoblazeit · 11 days
Do you want me to send you a guide to all the note/book collectables so you don't miss any?
i woudl appreciate a guide especially if ur not going to b in chat durign stream lmao we could use all the help we can get
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mackmp3 · 8 months
hi mack i have not seen or read good omens but here’s 002 for aziraphale so you can be matchy matchy :))
hehe thanks murph <33 appreciate it
how i feel about this character -
HOO BOY do i have feelings about this character. ofc Aziraphale is so loveable and wonderful & i do love him so much BUT he's complex in a way Crowley isn't. there's this bit of fic that sums it up really really well uhh here's the fic if anyone is wondering
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he is so full of contradictions and thinking multiple things at once and mentally tying himself in knots to get himself to do things he Knows are the right thing to do (or even just. something he likes doing) which is such a fascinating thing to watch but also really heartbreaking if i think about it too much. like i love aziraphale and want to give him a big hug but also i want to argue with him sometimes. like in the 1827 minisode he is kinda a dick and absolutely zero-nuances the whole situation, but it's even worse because you can see exactly how he thinks what he's doing is right. i will defend his decision (key word decision!!) to go back to heaven forever because He Is Doing What He Thinks Is Right. he's also such a sweetheart, i too would like to live in a bookstore full of dusty old tomes & wear the same waistcoat for ~200 years.
all the people i ship romantically with this character -
can only be Crowley. there's a fun theory Aziraphale had an affair with Oscar Wilde while Crowley was sleeping through the 1800s but lets be real here he's saving himself for marriage (/JOKING OKAY) it was flirting for fun at most
non-romantic otp for this character -
i really had to think about this one but i think Madame Tracy. i mean there's a reason that of all the psychics in london he ended up in Madame Tracy's head, i just think they'd get along fairly well. they'd have high tea together. scones. but in reality i think he'd mostly rather be reading than making friends. ooh and he'd get along with Newt too i think.
[while typing this i realised that in the Crowley one i missed that Crowley & Anathema would get along Excellently hehe]
unpopular opinion about this character -
people like to paint him as being completely brainwashed by heaven HE'S NOT STUPID. HE KNOWS WHEN HE'S REPEATING A PARTY LINE WHEN HE DOESN'T MEAN IT. CROWLEY KNOWS THIS TOO. HE SAYS SHIT HE DOESN'T AGREE WITH ALL THE TIME. JUST COS HE FEELS LIKE HE HAS TO SAY IT DOESn'T MEAN HE'S BRAINWASHEDDDDDDD AHHHHHHHHHH sorry i just really hate that one. re: contradicting ideas in his head!! working himself into loopholes for right and wrong!! people like 'ohhh he's so distant in *whatever time period* it's cos heaven brainwashed him after they found out he was seeing Crowley!!!1! HE'S BEING NORMAL HE'S JUST EXTRA TOUCHY FEELY IN 1941 & S2 THAT DOESN'T MEAN HE'S BEING AWFUL EVERY OTHER TIMEEEEEEEEE augh. sorry. anyways. moving on
one thing i wish would happen / had happened in canon -
ough it would have been fun to see him fem presenting. i think he would have a really fun time gossiping with rich noblewomen & getting into court drama heheee
otp -
literally can only be Crowley <33
crossover ship (platonically) -
i think he'd be good friends with Zachary from the Starless Sea - for one they'd hide at opposite ends of the bookshop and read in silence and just peacefully coexist. but they woudl not so much get into situations as try very hard to avoid every situation ever cos they're in the middle of a chapter and don't want to talk to anyone other than like. three specific people. & they both know what it's like to just be someone else's part in the plan/story & have to find your own role in it.
Aziraphale & the Eleventh Doctor was the first thing i thought of but honestly they're too similar they'd drive each other up the wall half the time. the other half they'd be good but the slightest annoyance & they'd be at eachother
headcanon for them -
we already know he can draw really well FROM MEMORY so i reckon he has pages and pages of drawings of Crowley in every ridiculous outfit he's ever worn, smiling and sulking & sleeping & drinking & sprawled over on the couch & he hides them away in a drawer so no one ever finds them but he has them.
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baby angel :D
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