#would be curious to try them tho
semiotomatics · 5 months
😭😭 literally sobbing rn you guys, my ankle braces arrived n ive been wearing them for a couple hours now and they!! feel!! amazing!!! i can't wait to wear them outside (fingers crossed i can wear shoes w them lol) so i can see how much of a difference they make. also gonna sleep w them tonight (or whenever i manage to sleep :/) to see if that helps w my pain at night/when i wake up!!
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explodingstarlight · 1 year
I wonder how the rise boys would react to 2012 Mikey's pizza concoctions...like the pizza shake lol
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something tells me rise!Mikey isn't pleased
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newvegasceo · 1 month
i realize how little i have in common with my peers simply because im not constantly on tik tok/instagram/facebook 👴
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thatonecrookedsmile · 2 months
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"Brought to you by GENT."
Was it really necessary to do a drawing like this for something that at the end of the day will just be a little spinoff to occupy us while we wait for the Next Big Thing that's being made in the back room? No, I would say it wasn't. But was it something that I ended up really wanting to do after having The Idea™, on the day this game was "announced"? Absolutely.
It's funny,the original concept for this drawing (basically, everything in this image that didn't come from SOTM) first came to my head in the form of a drawing idea related to Bendy 3 (the next mainline game after DR), it would be a little more colorful - more blue in this case - and would have Audrey, Dapper Bendy and maybe even the Ink Demon. Yeah, I know, this game doesn't exist yet. But I thought it would be a cool thing to draw eventually.
But then, recently, Bendy fans unearthed this new game on April 2nd on Steam and my brain went crazy that day. The unexpected surprise in the new game eventually led to inspiration, and the idea of Bendy 3's drawing ended up coming back during the process and part of its concept ended up emerging with some ideas I was thinking about for SOTM and then, boom. The result was the picture above. I started working on this immediately later that day.
Regarding the drawing itself: The house is not and will not be 100% faithful to what will appear in the game. It's shot in the trailer doesn't really have very good quality,so there are certain details in it that will practically be wrong compared to in-game. (I have no idea what is written below Bendy's head,so I put a random phrase in its place,in this case,"The Nightmare Will Never End") (Also, there is something on the balcony next to the entrance. I don't know what is it, but it look a bit like a wheelchair to me? Idk. I decided to put it in after completing the house)
The Man? It's Alan Gray! Gent's CEO. At least, my take on him. He was the part of the original Bendy 3 idea that I decided to reuse for this. To be honest, I don't have much hope that we'll hear from him in the game, but realistically, of all the characters in the Bendy universe (especially in the games) that have been introduced so far, I think he's the one with the best chance of making an appearance ( him,and probably,but with low chances,Thomas) Also, I included him too because, who else to represent the face of the corporation than the boss himself?
"Brought to you by Gent", which I took directly from BATDR, was also part of the original idea. We know that a third main Bendy game that will focus more on Gent will exist one day, but what it will be called we have no idea. So I used referred, not only to this potential game, but the idea of the og drawing itself, as "Bendy 3: Brought to you by GENT". I thought it sounded nice. And now? I turned it into "Bendy: Secrets of the Machine. Brought to you by GENT" It's a small thing, but it's cool to finally apply this to a game that actually exists.
But in short: I'm very interested! This seems like a very different Bendy game compared to the others that have come before. And while I have several thoughts about what this game might be about and what it might offer, in the end, I don't really know what this game will be. And the fact that I don't know what this is going to be is what makes me very curious and makes me really want to be able to play this. I have a lot to say about this game before it releases, so if you want to know about my thoughts,just read this. Warning, though, I wrote a lot. But that's about it. Enjoy. ✌️
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mihai-florescu · 5 months
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Seiya & Anzu's eerily similar descriptions of idolhood
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ladysqueakinpip · 5 months
the only thing my sister and i have to offer to the rise fandom is theories about how lou jitsu's dna recombined with the turtles
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mars-ipan · 5 months
one of my fav aspec community things is when a bunch of aspecs try to dissect and understand allo behavior. it’s like a group of scientists looking at lab data and trying to figure out Why
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
During the 2020 shut-in era, I basically only listened to Coldplay and god the amnt of emotional nostalgia I get from listening to their music is so
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#the first 3 albums only btw 🥰🥰#theres some songs i rly like from their other albums#but nothing has the gut punch of their first 3 for me#and i listened to them a lot while developing my main oc ship#so listening to these im like SOB SOB ECLIPOIR SOB SOB SOB#i even drew art of them w the lyrics....#but now these songs are my go-to ship coded songs#so ofc listening to them now my brain is subconsciously trying to apply them to vettonso....#tho something i think is very funny is how this music is pretty basic right? not a bad thing!!! but like very well known normal music#but of course when i listen to it im making these over dramatic animatics in my head to them#and once i looked at the lyrics explanation for a song cause i was curious#and the reasoning was something super boring related to chris martin's marriage and it ruined the song for a bit LMFAO#i cant be thinking abt them in that context okay 😭😭 theyre the songs thsy form the tapestry for basically every ship i have#blah blah blah typical catie moment of 'i dont listen to these songs in the NORMAL way' calm down...#anyways getting emo as always over this music sob sob sob#I just love that music can instantly transport you back to a specific time in your life or a specific thing#i think I also was into rainbow six when i listened to this music mainly 😭😭 so now ofc theyre popping into my head#also my god: Spies would be such a good Bond song and i refuse to believe they didnt write it w that in mind ;;;;;#maybe i should put more thought into what songs of theirs i could apply to vettonso...#i really need to make a playlist for them sometime :D#catie.rambling.txt
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juusasu4evagrrl · 1 year
I just remembered that a naruto fan art rendition of Judith beheading her rapist Holofernes exists and ☹️
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akkivee · 10 months
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some things don’t ever change huh kuukou 🤭
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forecast-rain · 4 months
am I an. angst writer?
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plushie-lovey · 7 months
Would I be weird for making a prototype sketch of an idea I have for a jellycat plush? Would I be even weirder if I emailed it to jellycat themselves?
#listen. I'm not looking to do this to get money if they were to make the design (not that it wouldn't be nice)#I literally just want to see my idea become real#I think at the most I'd ask to receive a free plush that'd be inspired from my design or maybe ask for the prototype of the plush#even then I don't think I'd go that far even tho it'd be nice#I just want to see this become real#for anybody curious I want jellycat to add to their line of element/sitting dragons#yknow the moonlight dragon the forest dragon and the ruby dragon. those guys#I'm dying for them to make a sky dragon to go with the set#and/or an ice dragon. but I'm more focused on the sky dragon#I have a clear vision of it on my head#ik I've spoken about it before#I just really love this line of dragons and would be excited to see more in a similar style#a sunlight dragon to go with the moonlight dragon would be cool too#don't mind me Im just fixated on this idea rn#if I do create a sketch for a prototype I'll post it here first to gauge others reactions#before deciding if I'd legitimately want to send to to jellycat#not that I think they'd actually use it or even look at it. Im sure they get tons of fan ideas submitted to them#but it might be fun to try yknow?#even tho Im literally not seeking anything for doing it. I just want it to be real and official#I could commission something to replicate my vision but it wouldn't be the same at all#I need there to be silver embroidery used. the faux white leather for the horns. a perfectly shaped snooter.#idk if anybody but jellycat themselves could fulfill my vision#unless I could find somebody who's really good at mimicking their style#I doubt I'll ever look into it tho#viti shoosh
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bragganhyl · 7 months
patch 4 is going to take 5ever to download but i'm soooo excited for it
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vazaez · 2 years
that’s not very cis of you
It's complicated alright 😭💀
#a lil personal story about this now that the topic came up:#some time ago i started questioning my gender identity but i didnt like the spanish they/them pronouns on myself#they just didnt sit right lol#so i tried using gender neutral language (ig yall know spanish is one of the many languages that is VERY gendered#even fcking objects have their own 'gender' lmao) so yea if it pas possible i phrased what i said abt myself in a pronounless way#but when it was not possible to do that id use male pronouns to try how i felt with them. the thing is that every fucking time i did that#some dude in a gc i was in said 'dO u hAvE a D¡cK????' and it made me really uncomfy as if i needed it to be able to use those pronouns 🧍#LITERALLY EVERY TIME so eventually i gave up because i thought what's the point of finding my identity if it wont be respected anyways?#so yea im resigned to be seen as the same I was born with the same i've always been and the same everyone knows me#dont get me wrong i dont always hate being a girl but sometimes it makes me curious how would it be if i wasnt#and i dont mind what pronouns ppl use with me most of the time as long as it's not with a bad intention#I've wondered if maybe i'm a she/they? idk i just gave up thinking about it#at least for now. i have my whole ass life to find out what or who i am so i don't feel there's a need to rush tbh#woah this rant got rlly long sorry lol idk if anyone will read this far 🏃#btw it's not only about that guy but he made me constantly remember that most people at least here in latam are very closed minded#just like him so if i ended up finding an identity i was happy with it wouldnt be respected by most people irl anyways#i'm not in that gc anymore tho#i hope i was able to like explain well what i mean? i don't wanna seem like i gave up that easily just because some dude was being a jerk#it's just that i'm kind of an overthinker
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clanoffelidae · 2 years
Me when I was turning like 15 and my parents brought a cake to my church youth group so I would be the center of attention: nononononono-
Me when I was turning 21 and my parents told the waiters of the restaurant we were at so they could embarrass me but I promptly got out of my seat and put one foot on the chair: Give me the hat. I am conducting this performance.
#i was curious what would happen if i just didnt give them the hat back#but i didnt actually want the hat and i wasnt that curious#plus i was hungry#they also tried to offer me the alcohol menu even tho my parents had told them up front i wouldnt be interested#i wasnt interested - surprise surprise#still havent and never will be lol#i could say something like ‘oh i just want to stay sober and be healthy and not damage my liver’#when the reality is A. i have little to no self control anyway with my adhd let’s not add alcohol into the mix#and B. first and foremost alcohol yucky#alcohol yucky is 90% of my reasoning lol#thats the main bit#like i understand how it would look like ‘oh the overprotective parents dont want their 21 yr old drinking’#but the reality is im just not interested lol#my mom has said she’s cool with marijuana she’d just rather my brother and i use edibles#as opposed to smoking#bc smoking will fuck up our lungs#so its not the drug she has qualms with it’s the method of delivery#tbf she’s fairly conservative still but has fibro and would really like to try it medically for her pain one day#and when her friend had chemo it was the only thing that helped her#so she IS still fairly conservative she’s just had life experiences that have made her pro marijuana#just not pro smoking marijuana bc she’s not pro smoking anything bc it fucks up your lungs#and fucks up the lungs of anyone else nearby too#and her parents were smokers so she knows secondhand smoke well#which like yeah i think that’s 100% fair and i agree#if you wanna use tobacco or cannabis thats not my problem unless you do it in such a way that makes it my problem#one day i kinda wanna try and go somewhere i can get her some medical marijuana and bring it back for her to try#bc she’s lived with fibro so bad she’s been disabled for over 2 decades now#and if dragging my ass across the country to pick up some cbd oil for her is what i have to do to help her#then goddamnit ill get used to roadtrips
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fuck I've done it again. I had a long in depth conversation with my mom abt gender identity and trans history. I'm so *teeth gritted* cisgender and *visibly shaking* heterosexual
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