#would u guys look after them if i left them to in ur care while im out
dizzybizz · 1 year
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itty bitties
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plmp0 · 5 months
The Sex Love house PT1
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Summary: Welcome to the love house where a lot of stories will infold, 7 participants will have a chance to live together in the same house for a mounth while still doing their normal activities, will they find real love in this short period? Or at least this is what ur friend want u to believe.
Genre: smut (that's really it) PT 2
Warning: a very manipulative!jay, manipulative!sunghoon, manipulative!heeseung, everyone is a perv in this house, reader is clueless, shameless reader, kinda stalker reader, Siyeon (from dreamcatcher) is also part of this, this is a pure filth, explicit content.
Smut warning: hand!job, degradation, humiliation, fingering, use of toys, semi-public sex....
When ur friend invited u to participate in this variety show u had no idea u'll accept let alone to find urself in a situation where u r thorn away between all this people. -how is that even possible? How can you feel this way about that many people? But again ur heart had other words…. "what do u mean u want me to particiapte in ur dating show?" U questionned ur friend from 6 years Yeri as she said while playing it cool : please do that for me! (Fake pout) we need more female participants, we didn't find ones that will be suitable for tv!
You looked at her in disbelief "and u think i am? Yeri who are u kidding? U know more than anyone that m not the type that is comfortable around cameras." Yeri sighed but insisted non the less trying to convince u no matter what "please y/n m begging u! We want to start filming before winter comes, and i promise there is a lot of handsome men u'll not regret it." "No, m not interested." Was all u said before leaving her to take a cab. Even after a week of Yeri's begging, u always declined her offer whenever she opens her mouth, u had a lot of stuff to do, work has never been easy to deal with and plus u don't have time to even take care of urself because once u get home from work u pass out on ur bed immediately and what ? She expects u to come from work and chat with random people and try to find love? (U chuckle deep into ur thoughts) "ahhh Yeri what am i gonna do with u?". U mumble to urself ignorant that ur co-worker and ur friend Jungwon is standing behind u. Jungwon:I suppose Yeri is on something again? U let a scream startled not noticing his presence until he spoke: Omg u scared me! U said through wide eyes pouting ur lips when everyone started looking at ur direction. Jungwon laughed his dimples deep in his cheeks making ur heart warm up from how cute he looks: I can never get enough from ur dramatic ass y/n. U hit his shoulder playfuly acting offended: yaa it's not that m dramatic it's just that u keep showing up without a noise so it's normal for me to be scared!. Jungwon nodded his head pretending to buy ur words: yeah yeah whatever (he paused for a second, sitting next to u) so what was the Yeri thing that u didn't want to tell me about? (He looked at u curiousity shouting from his eyes). U droped the file u were working on leaning on ur chair: You know, Yeri and her team are starting a dating show and they had less participants than they expected so she asked me to join them , ridicilous right? Jungwon didn't let a single word out, noticing that, u turned to look at him finding him not acting sus at all, u raise ur eyebrow calling his name: Jungwon? Why aren't u saying something? Jungwon coughed looking everywhere but at you:emm-…. woah? Really? Yeri did? Isn't that a good idea? U stare at him a "wtf look" over ur face: it's ur idea isn't it. Jungwon: listen i- U cutted him short immediately: Did u think that i would say yes? Like i don't get that, don't u guys know me so well? I would never say yes to something like that?. Jungwon: but why? Like it's really fine, beside u've been single for three years don't u miss being in a relationship?. U answered annoyed: No i don't and even if i do i wouldn't do it that way. Jungwon raised his left brow: ahah? And how would u do it?. U paused to think not knowing how to answer: idk, i want it to come naturally and not force it. (U shrugg). Jungwon stood up from his seat eyes still on u: but u don't know maybe there is someone from the participants that u might know. U looked at him smiling suspeciously" ahah? Is that the case? Who would be there then? U? "( u laughed at ur own word not buying what he is saying). But what u didn't know is that something worst than ur "joke" happened in real life, getting annoyed from Yeri's consistent pleads Jungwon decided to join her , they turned ur days into nightmares making u not wanting to go out at all.
So deciding to give it a shot u said yes to Yeri more to rest ur head from her nagging than being excited to join this show. It was about time u go to the "love house" as they call it cringing at the name whenever u remember it, u kept shaking ur legs, nervous about this whole situation, regretting to say yes when the taxi u decided to take to the location had a camera right on ur face, making u uncomfortable, u started tugging on ur not so long purple dress, ur hair styled for the first time in a mounths, u wished this ride to end fastly and that they cancel this show but much to ur disapointement the taxi driver kept calling u to notify that u've arrived. Sighing nervously u paid him giving him a little thank u before getting ur luggage and closing the door, u stood out in front of the house admiring how big and luxiourious it looks, stepping upward u noticed a camera man at the gate signaling u to be fast, u scoff annoyed , opening the door while carrying ur heavy stuff looking with wide eyes at the beautiful garden in front of u ,
Arriving to the actual door u stood there confused at what to do "should i knock? Or ring the bel?" Staying there for minutes one of the directors told u frasturated to just open it, u gave him a fake smile apologizing awkwardly before opening the door and stepping inside. The fancy mirror in the entrance was so elegant and clean for u to not check urself, u adjusted ur hair and lipstick noticing how it faded and only a small tint is left behind " i just want one thing to work for me." U scoffed getting ur lipstick out and putting on another layer, before ur ears caught a faint of sounds from people talking, u furrowed ur eyebrows u thought u were the first one to arrive but it looks like it's not the case. Hearing that, u hurried leaving ur stuff in there, and following the sound until ur feet lead u to a nice decorated room, too focused on the decor u didn't notice the eyes that were on u until u finished scaning the room. You widen ur eyes looking at the two familiar faces smirking at u "what? Why are you here?" When u came here u didn't think that ur hot neightbour and one of ur clients would be in the show as well. Heeseung (ur neighbour) looked at you enjoying ur reaction upon seeing him "hey little doll." Unable to let a word out, Jay spoke before u with amusement in his tone "Was not expecting to see us here now did u?" U dropped ur bag feet barely keeping u up u started to panick ain't no way these two are here, no u r not on the same show with them!
U screemed at Yeri on top of ur head not knowing how to react after the director told u to do something and stop freezing on ur spot, u coughed a little bit awakening urself before u sat in the corner away from both of them, u gave them an awkward smile pretending like u don't know them at all. Heeseung kept the cocky smile on his face knowing exectly how hot he his and that u might have something for him by the way u kept looking at him from ur window whenever he is on ur line of sight, he has caught u multiple times staring at him from his mirror and couldn't help but admire how cute u looked trying to hide with ur curtain thinking that he wouldn't see u, but he did!. Jay on the other hand loved the way ur face turns red whenever he spoke to u in ur work meetings, ur shyness, the way u try to avoid his gaze everytime u felt his eyes on u, it just that u look so delicious for him to ignore u and not tease u. U were sitting there regretting all of ur life choices so embarassed for some reasons that it had to be these two specificly , not even one of them, but both? Woah u wouldn't survive here for sure! U can sense them tearing u appart with their eyes, u couldn't help but fan urself praying that the next contenstant enter now, and she did "Joy" as u've heard about her in the magazines, she is a very famous and beautiful model, has worked with so many known labels, u were surprised to see her in front of u fangirling inside rather than being intimidated by her presence, u scaned her outfit, a short white skirt with pleaths, with a yellow crop top that shows her cleavage, her hair was styled up in a ponytail, her makeup is done perfectly, she looked so beautiful u were drooling. Standing up to say hi, she looked ur way her smile getting bigger as she held her hand to shake urs directing her words to everyone in the room hi , nice to meet u m joy." She said to everyone in the room, the guys nodded at her introducing themselves and turned their gaze to u immediatly. Pressure, so much pressure u r feeling right now, it's almost suffocating the vibe in this room ! The silence not helping it at all. Before Joy can say something to lighten the mood the door opened and ur eyes opened wide with it , seeing sunghoon one of the people that u can't help it but feel embarrassed around giving that one situation u had with him (oh nooo ) u said to urself, it was as if this cast was selected on purpose to make fun of u. U gulped as he approached, white shirt tight on his body, tucked nicely in his pants getting his so very nice black locks away from his face, He looks…. majestic. Stopping in the middle of the room he said hi to everyone and took a seat next to you making u scream in your head, he turned ur way looking at u with a cocky grin: we met again little one. U were hopping that he doesn't remember u , that he forgot completly about ur existance, but looks like it's not the case. U see ur story with Sunghoon started in ur collage years, u were so frustrated after all ur exams and the teasing of heeseung (even when he wasn't doing anything) u head to a very far bathroom sure that almost nobody used it before closing the door and started getting off, moaning at ur pervet thoughts about heeseung not noticing that someone else was in the bathroom as well it's not until u got out of the bathrooms section and were going to the sinks to wash ur hand that u saw sunghoon standing there with shoock looking at u like u were some kind of pervet
u were ready to die at that moment, not knowing what to do ur head told u to ran away immediately and from that moment u did everything u could to avoid Sunghoon's presence, whenever u saw him heading some way u made sure to go in the opposite until u graduated and stopped seeing him. But here he is sitting so close to u, ur thighs are touching ,u were sure that by this time ur face is so red, ur hands got so sweaty from anxiety , u stopped hopping for the other contestants afraid that someone else u know is gonna enter. Joy was making sure to get rid of the awkwardness asking about your MBTI and stuff and that really helped to relieve ur stress a little bit. The next girl came, her name is "Siyeon", she was wearing a tight leather dress with high boots, her hair red and her eye makeup was so intense, out of everyone here she was definetly the most intimidating one!. She said hi sitting in ur opposit direction eyes checking u out, u couldn't help it but feel like she looks familiar "where have i seen her before?" But u couldn't remember, u felt uneasy by the way she was staring at u, somehow this room keeps getting hotter the more people come, u just wanted a breath but NO whenever u look someway ur eyes meet someone's so u just ended up looking down. The last contestant was late, the staff told you that they will come for diner and suggested to chose rooms to carry your luggage to. There was 6 rooms, 3 for the guys and 3 for the ladies. You didn't know how to choose so you just did that randomely, one of the three rooms is for 2 people. You went to the room they choose for you smiling at the cozy vibes you got from it, you closed your eyes after tossing yourself on that bed, tired already and you just started. "How am i gonna live with these people for a whole mounth ? Omg plz help me" You couldn't contain yourself from cursing Yeri and Jungwon who didn't even bother to show themselves or at least send you a text before you came her. ----> (Irey is Yeri btw)
You: U bitches i'll never forgive u! 😡 Irey:W-Whyyy??? 😶😶 You: U have the audacity to ask me why? You:Where are you? I have a lot of things to tell u! Irey:emm actually u won't see me there-…. "U furrowed ur brows at her reply, questionning wtf does she means" You :? Irey: ehem that … u know.. this is not the show we were working for. You: can u give me an understandble respond cause i don't get what you are saying. Irey: Actually one of my friends begged me to bring someone to the show, they promised to give us an interview with a very famous actor and i couldn't say no 🥺
You: Ahhhh Yeri, when i catch u Yeri ! Why would u lie to me like that u could of just told me the truth, do u know in what situation i am right now? Ffff good thing ur not here or i would of smacked that face of urs 😮‍💨. Irey: i knew u would say No, like u said it even though u thought the show is mine! So there was no way u'd say yes if i said it's for a friend. Also what situation are u talking about? 😶 You : m not telling u ! I need u to learn ur lesson first. I have to go now!.
U turned ur internet off sullking, ur head is spinning hopping that this room gets locked somehow and not oppen until 30 days passes. But as soon as u thought that, u heard a knock on ur door, curious as to who is there, u rushed only to open it in an almost shirtless heeseung only two of his bottons are closed his hair kind of messy his fucking smirk not leaving his face, u stayed there mouth open not knowing what to do, u have never once spoken to Heeseung before, he is someone u kept admiring and crushing on because u never been this close to him , and now that he is in front of u head leaning to reach ur height u can't help the aggressif heartbeat pounding in ur chest. Ahhh m doomed!
Heeseung moved some of ur hair to tack it behind ur ears, eyes on ur lips not even trying to hide that as his tongue darts on his. Heeseung whispered in ur ear making sure to awaken all of ur senses "i've been waiting to get close to u little doll." He moved away enjoying ur flustred face and the way ur eyes are fully open looking at his chest muscule. He chuckled enjoying how shameless u r not even saying a word and staring at him instead, he approached u more his index finger tracing ur neck "it looks like m not the only one who has been waiting for that ha?" Not knowing what to say u kept quiet inhaling his smell secretely ofc! Eyes closed, all of ur braincells stopped working. Heeseung has that much effect on u? U thought. He stepped out again looking at u amused he definetly didn't think u'd act this obvious in front of him, he thought u'd shake him off, try to avoid him maybe? But no, he was wrong. Nd god he loves it even more, seeing how u r acting when he hasn't even done nothing it got him aroused. Heeseung cleared his throath finally remembering why he came here "The staff are calling us to talk a little bit and have lunch, u can change and join us if u want." he said scanning ur short dress and how tight it is on ur body, fuck! He is going insane already! . U noded still affected to let a word out, he smiled at u and left. U closed the door head spining what is going on with u? U shake this feeling there was so much tension between both of you, u didn't know he'd look more handsome up this close, God, he is so ur ideal type… u've never meet someone close to ur ideal type before heeseung, so the moment he moved to ur neighborhood
the moment u saw him exit his house going god know where u couldn't help but gasp, butterflies running in ur stomache u felt an instant attraction, and from that moment u couldn't miss an opportunity to admire him, the fact that his room was in front of urs helped a lot, there was a lot of moment when he'd come home after the gym removing his shirt body all sweaty and abs defined, hair messy drinking a bottle of water, How hot can he get! Out of all the days of the week u were looking for the gym ones Heeseung always giving u a show.
Now that u r thinking about it the fact that u've never talked with each other until now is crazy, but u thanked god for that because if u did u'd be so down bad for him. Getting him out of ur head u changed into a more comfortable clothes, receiving a text that there will not be any dates out , so you can just chill and get to know each other , checking the mirror u stared at ur own reflection wearing a cute pink shorts with kitten paws and a white oversized tshirt, hair in a messy bun with some strands on ur face, u put ur lipgloss making sure that u look presentable, after 5 min of checking urself u got ur phone and headed down to the living room, almost everyone was already sitting , joy still in her previous outfit laughing with jay over something, siyeon in a black hoodie and sweatpants eating god knows what, heeseung in white top and grey sweatpants "oh god m feeling dizzy" staring at ur outfit with a side smile, Sunghoon nontheless is not here yet… u smiled awkwardly avoiding Heeseung and sitting between jay and Siyeon who is now looking at u.
Siyeon leaned to ur side "what was ur name? I didn't have a glimpse at it." You smiled at her while telling her ur name. Siyeon "Y/n! what a cute name for a cute girl like u. " She said looking at ur cute shorts with a smile U thanked her cheeks red after her comment, Joy somehow only noticing ur presence now "Ohhh Y/n u r here?" U noded as she gave u a piece of strawberry candy "here, have one." U took it u've been craving something sweet since this morning, u removed the wrapper and slid the candy between ur lips sensing 4 pair of eyes on you, u forrow not knowing at what they r staring but then Sunghoon enterend the room taking ur attention away, he changed to an outfit similar to heeseung but all in black , he noticed ur gaze bitting his lips as he sitted next to heeseung, both of them whispering between each other. Joy took this moment to talk "okayy so guys i wanted us to get to know each other better but i think it would not be great when another contestant will join us tonight so i figured out we save that for then." You nodded agreeing "yeah it's better that way." (u spoke still playing with the candy until a small drop of saliva got out) taking ur finger to catch it afraid it's gonna stain the couch u watch at siyeon catched it instead taking it to her lips, ur eyes widen at that not knowing what to do as she let out a hmm sound , u turned ur head pretending like u've not seen or heard anything as Joy started asking if we know how to cook. U answered immediately "Ohhhh m a bad cook." Laughing awkwardly afterwards, Joy smiled relating to u "so i am hahahhah" Jay leaned on the back of the couch manspreading hands carressing his forhead "m good at cooking i can help." U looked his way not expecting that he does and he met ur eyes grining "why? U thought i don't know how to?" Taken back from his sudden question to u, u answer stutering "N-no i- i just u know…." Not letting u finish ur words Jay let out a deep chuckle "i was just kidding relax."
Smiling u massage ur neck awkwardly as u bite on the candy finishing it. Ur eyes shifted to both heeseung and sunghoon who seems deep into their conversation quietely as they keep looking ur way, u looked at them confused and curious about what they r talking about and thanks for having Joy here she asked them "u guys seem like u know each other"
Heeseung smiled "Yeah Sunghoon is a very close friend of mine (he looked deep into ur eyes)hens he never hide something from me, he tells me everything. "Is he implying that he told him about me?"
Shocked u looked at Sunghoon to find him smirking at u, u started to panic no way he did right?. U felt uneasy the whole time, not beeing able to concentrate in their discussions head wandering whether heeseung knows now or not. Sensing something off Jay reached ur thigh hand hanging there while asking if something is wrong, u flinched from his touch "ohh noo no m fine just hungry."
U lied. Jay smiled softely asking siyeon for her opinion about what to prepare for lunch since they are the only two who knows how to cook. Siyeon shrugged and then asked what you r craving her eyes on the hand that is still on ur thigh clicking her tongue. After they setteled on what to do, you joined them in the kitchen wanting to help in someway. Siyeon "wanna help?" She asked getting some stuff from the fridge, you noded: "yeah just show me what to do and i'll do it." Jay's focus shifted to u after ur words smiling at how cute u look with these clothes, u look so innocent saying these words he almost wanna ruin that.
Siyeon in the other hand patted ur hair asking u to chop some vegetables for the pasta she will be making, u did that Joy helping u with them as Jay is working alone frying the steaks, ur nose picked up the delicious smell of the seasoning making ur stomache growl more from hunger, mouth watering as u stare at it. Seeing that Siyeon couldn't help but laugh at ur cuteness "omg why are u so cute, Jay u better hurry or Y/n is gonna throw u aside and have the steak for herself."
U chuckled embarrassed u can't help it when u r hungry it just shows. "btw where is Sunghoon and heeseung?" Jay asked now flipping the steak to the other side. "they are looking for a movie so we can watch it together." Joy answered washing some fruits for later U smiled upon hearing her words "Ohhh that sounds fun." Siyeon smiled at ur reaction "yeah Are u excited?." U smiled back while nodding "i didn't have the time to watch something in a while so that sounds fun." "And why is that? Is it because of work." Siyeon asked now adding more cream cheese to the pasta. U sighed u didn't have a week off for an eternity, u really need a rest "yeah" Siyeon pouted side hugging u "awww." Jay turned the heat off placing the last steak beautifully on the plate "okaay steak is ready, how is it going overthere?." Siyeon also placed the pasta on the three plates in front of her, you got some forks and napkins while joy helped Siyeon to serve the table, as you got there u found a very sus heeseung staring at his phone with his brows forrowed, u noticed that he always has this expression before he close the curtains when u were "stalking him", clearing ur throat heeseung shuts his phone helping joy as Sunghoon comes from outside holding some snacks and putting them in the kitchen for later.
Everyone took their places diving into food u cutted the steak taking a piece and savouring the tastiness of it moaning at how good it is u give a thumbs up to Jay saying with ur eyes that he did an excellent job getting a lovely smile from him u smiled back , not noticing the stares u got from ur so not quiet moan.
Heeseung tightened his fist trying to brush off this feeling and focusing on his food, head still dizzy from how fuckable u look with that cute and adorable outfit u r wearing. Sunghoon on the other hand stares at u darkly memories from the past coming back to him, he'd love that moment to repeat itself now, he'd definitely act differentely than before.
Siyeon's eyes bore into u, eyes never leaving u, taking in every expression and sound u make, she finds u sooo cute and adorable she can't even eat properly not wanting to miss a thing. Joy isn't even there lost in the food she has been starving herself for her last photoshoot that this is paradise for her. U finished eating not paying attention to anything, heeseung and sunghoon offered to wash the dishes since they didn't help in cooking earlier. They came out from the kitchen with some snacks sitting in the sofa in front of the tv before sunghoon hitted play for the movie on the screen.
U were sandwitched between heeseung and sunghoon they were so close to u, both of their bodies touching urs, u felt so hot , so weird not knowing what to do after all it's been three years since u broke with ur ex and got to ur current job, ur job being as hard as it is didn't allow u or give u the chance to meet with anyone, u haven't been this close to a guy appart from Jungwon in a while, so the fact that heeseung throw his hand at ur shoulder while eating from his bowl made u so flustered not giving ur full focus to the movie playing, hands shaking u opened ur hair tie allowing ur hair to breathe a little while tying it again, ur shampoo smell was everywhere now making sunghoon inhale it while placing a hand on ur thigh pretending like it's nothing big U gasp a little bit looking at him staring at the tv, u bit ur lips feeling hot all of a sudden, heeseung took some chocolate from the table offering it to u, u took it smiling at him with a very quiet thank u. The movie kept going on, it was a romance movie you weren't a big fan of romance so u were so bored, u took ur phone from ur pocket opening instagram to the picture of heeseung u checked out this morning
flustered u clicked exit multiple times locking the phone and putting back on ur pocket u couldn't even look at heeseung side but u r so sure that he saw it giving the little breathy chuckle he gave after the "pathetic" word he mumbeled making ur cheeks as red as tomatoes, u sighed seriously when will this day end?. Sunghoon on the other side moved his hand a little to high, pretending to take some chips from heeseung's bowl ignoring the way u jolted at his touch as he grins, he kept doing that taking u by surprise everytime he does it, you were starting to get so hot after what they are doing heeseung throwing some groans and sighs so close to ur ears whenever he eats something, plus sunghoon's touches.
Heeseung asked u if he could call his phone because he doesn't know where he left it, confused as to why he asked u specificly when sunghoon was just here playing with his but u gave it to him forgetting that u already has his number after stalking him on social media just to see some of his stories that he just shared in his number, Heeseung wanted to make sure if the unknown number he keeps seing is really urs curious as to how far u went, and yeah he was sure the moment he composed four of his phone number on ur screen and he saw his name on it, he smiled more amused than creeped, he could of embarrass u here and expose u but it would be more fun if it's only u two, so he earesed the numbers and give u ur phone back saying that he just remembered where he put it and u didn't think that much about it until u saw a scene in the movie where the female lead was calling one of her friends and then it clicked to u, u gasped quietely eyes looking at heeseung trying to read his face "did he saw his number?".
But heeseung didn't say anything appart from raising his brow in question and saying "what?". Joy insisted to watch another movie too bored to do anything, siyeon on the other hand excused herself going to sleep, u didn't want to leave Joy here alone with the guys in case she'd feel uncomfortable so u just stayed: noo this movie needs darkness can we close the curtains Jay?. Jay noded closing the curtains and going back to sleep in the other end of the couch. U adjusted the way u r sitting lying into the couch u kicked sunghoons leg by mistake saying "sorry" as he didn't even bother to answer u, too focused on his phone it got u curious but as soon as u peeked there u regretted ur decision, "is he watching porn here? Wtf?" Ur eyes got wide face red so surprised at his action, u reached for the water drinking a bunch and going back to ur place , after a while heeseung asked sunghoon about what he was watching making ur face go red again, thinking that he would say something as "nothing important" or whatever but instead he showed him, his phone right into ur sight shocked u look at him but again he is not even paying attention to ur existance both of them acting as u r not between them right now, discussing how eager the woman in the video is, how they'd ruin her and give her exactly what she needs, u felt so aroused there, u know u shouldn't but ain't no way u wont with how much teasing both of them were giving u before and now that they are doing this u need to run from here but the thing is that u couldn't, u were locked between them, body stuck there, u couldn't even move, as the guy in the video slapped his dick on the woman's face heeseung chuckled deeply "look at how small her face looks next to his cock how would it look next to mine, i bet her face would disappear" hearing his words u let out a small whimper, u've always fantasied about heeseung, how he'd look while being pleasured, how big his cock would be, how would he fuck, and now that he is here claiming that he has a huge cock u can't help it but whimper shifting on ur seat uncomfortably, pussy itching.. Heeseung felt his cock twitch inside his pants from the sound u let out, containing his groan, he loved that face u had after listening to his words. Sunghoon smirked at u knowing exactly how shameless u can be, and how easy it was to make u horny, he in fact didn't caught u that time alone, it was actually u who caughted him for the first time, he used that bathroom a lot and everytime he does he knows that u'd be there getting off on something stupid.
So now he isn't even surprised, seing how ur thighs keep rubbing together, he kept playing the video throwing some comments here and there making it hard for u to not let out a sound, for a moment u forgot that u r on a variety show, thanks god that they still hasn't installed the cameras in this room or u'd be gone. U throw a look at Joy sighing in relieve when u saw how her eyes are so into the movie, Jay as well is long gone sleeping. This whole situation that u r into now is insane to u, it is one of ur very long fantasies and the fact that they are ignoring ur presence is driving u more insane. Clicking on anothor video of a woman dressed up as a kitten with her collar on kneeling before as what seems her master heeseung sighed "so he is into that?" U thought very interested as to what is gonna happen shame long gone u watched with curious eyes as he pulled on her leash guiding her to his cock before ordering her to open her mouth, pulling her hair harshely and started fucking her mouth, not caring about how she is gagging on his side, eyes watering as her face became so red, ur mouth opened in an o as u watch him use her as he want u gulp loudly at that, both heeseung and sunghoon looking ur way focusing now on ur face rather than the video, eyes dark and sharp, drinking ur expressions, sunghoon dragged his hand again on ur thigh making u leave a small moan, bitting his lower lip agressively ohhh how he wished to take u here in front of everyone hearing u moan again and again as he used u, especially after u put ur hand on his wrist digging ur nails on his flech, hips shamelessly grinding forward, he groaned deeply his cock twitching so hard, seeing this heeseung couldn't help it but to pat his cock on top of his pants hiding his action with the large pillow he has on his lap. U couldn't contain urself after sunghoon touched u, it was as if you reached ur limit u didn't know what to do ur hand guiding sunghoon's hand upward he hissed after sensing ur wetness on top of ur shorts he cursed deeply "so fucking wet, ur gonna ruin the couch" u moan ashamed but not much as u grind on his hand eyes shutting brain washed and clear nothing running there but for u to release ur stress, heeseung leaned in ur ear whispering quitely"looks at u now, getting off on sunghoon's hand in front of everyone, pretending to be innocent all the time while in reality ur just a horny eager little thing" he licked ur earlobe taking ur hand to palm his crotch, u moan sensing how hard and big he is he chuckled "what? Liked that? Do u think u can take it" u just moaned occupied with sunghoon's hand that pressed hard on ur clit and then disappeared, whining u open ur eyes barely managing to not shut them, sunghoon's fingers digged in ur thighs harshely "when someone ask u a question u have to answer little one or u wont get what u want" u pout hand still working on heeseung as u look at him almost crying u were so close u barely managed to get these words out "i can take everything, so please touch me". Sunghoon patted ur cheek in a menacing way before he whispered "that's more like it slut" U moaned at the degrading name taking his hand again and placing it inside ur shorts u almost screamed when his cold fingers pressed on ur clit hand moving in a fast circular motion making ur toes curl, everything about sunghoon's touch is harsh he took one of ur breasts kneeding it roughly u were afraid it gonna burst in his hand, heeseung took the other one circling ur nipple until it became hard and he tugged on it pinching it u almost let out a scream if it wasn't for his other hand that covered ur mouth hard, u felt like u were in heaven touched and gropped this way was something u always craved
ur eyes opened a little meeting Jay's that is on the other end watching u while mouthing quietly to not let Joy notice "so sluty" "very pathetic" he clenched his jaw regreting sitting that far but enjoying the show nontheless, u look so hot like that sweating hand pressed on ur lips covering any sound breasts gropped ahhh how soft and squechy they'd feel around his hands, ur hand palming heeseung's crotch skilfully nails pretty and beautiful just to be ruined by cum, you look so fucked out now shaking in sunghoon's hand eyes rolling back trying to remove his hand from how sensitive u are but he is too strong for u to do that, he kept moving his hand until u let out a tear chuckling deeply at ur state as heeseung freed his cock from his pants and started moving ur hand faster groaning right in ur ears so close to his release he had to let go of ur lips to bit his hand and supress any sound, not long after, u felt ur hand getting sticky moaning at this feeling u miss it so much, heeseung kept going until he emptied his balls, satisfied to see ur hand full of his cum, if only u were alone here he'd make sure u don't waste a drop of it, sunghoon guided his fingers full of ur slick into ur mouth making u suck on them "that's right make them clean whore" u moaned on his fingers driving him insane as he pushed his fingers deeper in your throat u almost gagged but held it, not wanting to make Joy who has seen everything through the screen's reflection notice, with a pop sunghoon removed his fingers letting go of ur breast as heeseung did the same, standing and leaving u there like a mess looking at jay shamefully as he shrugged his head disapointed.
U excused urself running to ur room face as red as a tomato u washed ur hand moaning after seeing how full of cum it is, u can't help it but wish that they follow u to ur room to finish what they were doing not satisfied fully by what they gave u, pussy still clenching around nothing, u sighed flustrated. Changing ur clothes u went to ur bed thinking about what just happened the fact that Jay saw u is turning u on more than it should, after minutes of thinking u find urself sleeping so tired from today's event. U woke up to a text notification, telling u that u'll be headed to a restaurant to meet the last contestant. U smiled excited to eat outside properly, picking a tight black dress with a golden chain on the collar, wearing ur favourite heels and applying a red lipstick, satisfied with ur look u wore some parfum going to ur bed to pick ur bag before u hear a knock again. Gulping and adjusting ur dress u opened the door just to find urself thrown to the wall hand tightly wrapped around ur lips, u widen ur eyes taking a back fromhow fast that happened just to see Jay looking at u darkely, jaw clenched as he come closer whispering with his other hand lifting ur dress and reaching inside ur panties hissing as u feel a weird object enter u "U really thought i'd act like nothing happened ha?" He rubbed the toy on ur folds making u moan quietly, "u see i couldn't bear the fact that i was left out " he continue rubbing on ur folds only faster this time making u squirm over his hand, he chuckled deeply "so i figured out i should teach u a lesson" he leaned on ur ears whispering "u r gonna have this inside u all the time at the diner" he licked ur earlobe "u better act well or it'd be so embarrasing" u moaned at the thought, he leaned back scanny ur fucked out state hips following his hand mouvement eyes rolled back this is all too much for u he pressed harder on ur lips "m really so disapointed on u, how could u leave ur client out?" He removed his hand from ur panties only when u were about to come leaving u whining and positioned it on ur left hip "but again i didn't know u'd be so perveted letting two men use u in front of everyone" u whimper from humiliation gasping when his knee got between ur thighs pressing directly on ur core "i'll tease u a lot tonight" he grinded his knee on ur core making ur knees feel like jelly if it wasn't for the hold he has on ur hip u'd be on the floor now "i'll make sure u come to my room tonight crying and begging me to fuck u"
No cause Jay here is gonna be 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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finsplurtz · 14 days
addicted — izuku.midoriya
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— dom ! male.reader x sub ! Izuku Midoriya
— contents : dom!bottom ! izuku maybe.. non-con/rape , blowjobs as friends , some public play , you’re both virgins , use of his quirk , bondage
warnings : rape/non-con
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✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
Deku never thought about sex, he found it like ehhh
he was always focused on improving his quirk and stuff he never really thought about it, he didn’t masterbate often either cause he never had time and it never really interested him
you were a close friend of his, it was always you ochaco lida and izuku. He always praised you and admired you as a friend, always found you to be his safe place.
so when he accidentally walked in on you jacking ur shit he freaked out. He was thinking about how he ruined yalls friendship and stuff
you didn’t continue obviously…though you were close to ejaculating you just couldn’t continue, you told him to come in and he awkwardly walked in with his face red.
“I’m so sorry yn..! I didn’t mean to— I should’ve knocked I’m so sosososososososo sorry!!” he was a cute babbling mess, you laughed nervously and told him not to worry about it and that accidents happen.
“don’t worry izuku! I know you didn’t mean to ya know…it’s fine we’re guys this is like- normal so no need to be awkward” you smile at him and he nods his head before apologizing once more.
“…..doesn’t it hurt..?” he shyly pointed at your crotch and you let out a nervous chuckle.
“well……..don’t worry I’ll just take care of it later” you scratched the back of your neck while izuku just nodded and looked around anxiously.
“…I’m sorry I can’t help but think that you didn’t get to.. you know…! I w..wanna help in some way..? i just feel bad yn” he whined and blushed looking off to the side.
you just stared at his adorable face feeling your dick twitch in your pants.
“well I guess if you..want to, you can…..” he tensed up and stiffly walked over to your bed and sat down in front of you.
he looked you in the eyes waiting for you to give him orders. you looked off to the side for a second and back. “…do you know how to..”
“N-no..I don’t” he blushed embarrassed.
“I’d hope not.. just uhm how do you touch yourself? it’s like that but on another person” izuku was thinking about blowing you really but…….. makes sense
“I don’t touch myself” he said. you held In a laugh but grabbed his hand and placed it on your thigh.
“….im just helping a friend it’s fine..” he mumbled to himself.
“izuk.. u don’t have to yk I can kinda just do it by myself” he insisted and took you out of your pants making you gasp.
He’s never done this before, he loves helping people that’s why he was doing this…..and cause he was curious, it’d been a while since he touched himself and just wanted to.. explore
he stuck his tongue out and put you in his mouth, you let out a deep breath and stiffened feeling his hot mouth work on your dick.
this all happened too fast- I mean anybody with common sense would NEVER offer to blow their friend just cause they accidental interrupted them………that’s gay
but izuku’s just…overly kind or something, you’ll just let him do whatever he wants. Only a crazy person would turn a blowjob down anyway
you started to let out small moans and gently grab on izuku’s soft green locks. He started to really get into it….taking you down his throat and swallowing around you.
“fuuuck..~ I’m gonna…fucking c..NGH—!” you’re eyes rolled back feeling the cum rip out of your cock and into midoriya’s mouth, your chest raised and lowered rapidly trying to catch your breath.
“haa….shh..it..” you combed your finger thru your friends hair as he slowly got off and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
you just stared at him and smiled.
“th..thank you i-zuku..” you felt dizzy and he just smiled happily.
“a..anytime yn..” he said his goodbyes and left you alone in your room staring into the void. what. just happened.
izuku started to spend more time alone in his room after that, you guys weren’t thattt awkward but there was a little tension between you guys. it didn’t happen just once though, he had walked in on you accidentally again and apologized like it was the first time. then he’d offer to help.
it started to become a regular thing you guys did, nothing more than a blowjob. you would offer to please him in return but he always turned it down so…
he liked how he made you feel. it made him feel funny but he couldn’t bring himself to stop it was like an addiction. it started to happen OUTSIDE of your room…..
he went to use the bathroom and you were coincidentally there and next thing ya know, he blew you in one of the stalls. it scared you because you didn’t want to get caught.. but you didn’t say anything.
he had become more touchy, always touching you in some way, your hand, arm, thigh, legs just- he had to be touching you.
he was becoming like a…sex demon, he couldn’t stop wanting to touch you. addict to dick….
one night he was in your room again you stopped him.
“sorry- izuku I just… this is weird why are we…” you watched as his face saddened a bit…..he looks so cute:(
“am I not good at it…?”
“nono izuku! You’re great at it— it’s just like what if we get caught…?”
“oh…then we’ll just have to be more quiet! we won’t get caught that way..” he crawled closer to you and placed his palm on your crotch.
“I-i know but- ugh..~” you couldn’t say anything else as you got lost in the pleasure.
this time while he was blowing you he made eye contact with you, he looked at you with his big glossy green eyes. He’d moan around your length sending vibrations that drove you crazy. what you hadn’t noticed was how he’d finger himself while blowing you, he was stretching himself….for what
when you did notice it though, it didn’t leave your mind. Surely he won’t want to fuck right..? no that can’t happen. you have to make sure of it. you can blow him and everything but- you can’t lose your virginity to this kid and he can’t lose his to you.
“Hey midoriya, ya know this is as far as we can go…right?” you looked at him and you could see the disappointment in his eyes. he hesitated to answer.
“We can’t do anymore than a handy or a blowjob. so don’t…get any funny ideas”
“mh” he smiled and said his goodbye and left. after that he visited…less. like the addiction just left, just like that. He didn’t offer anything but he was still touchy with you. this was fine, you could tell he was looking for something else, it was good to break things off.
after a couple weeks of no nightly visits, he suddenly knocks on ur door. you let him come in and he starts talking about whatever. how his day was, how his training was going, all that normal stuff.
“izuku do you want something from me” you interrupted him mid sentence. he tilts his head pretending to be confused, he tries to say something but he can’t.
“what is it. do you want me to touch you or what” he blushes and bites the inside of his cheek. “i just…can..i…..” he felt the embarrassment down his spine, he pointed at your crotch and then his mouth.
you sigh and grab his arm dragging him to your bed. You stand in front of him while he’s on his knees on the bed looking up at you like a lost puppy. you pet his head and pull your half hard dick out.
He’s practically drooling as he wraps his hands around your cock and pumps it slowly while giving it kitten licks.
He quickly stuffs you in his mouth earning slutty moans from you, he does this till you start getting closer and closer to releasing. you had your eyes closed so you failed to see his quirk blackwhip slowly creep out of him.
he didn’t take his eyes off you, he just stared while he blew you. you felt your body quickly getting bounded tightly together, you opened your eyes and izuku got off.
“wha…what are you doing izu..”
“‘m sorry yn..! I really really n-need this…~” he slipped his shorts off and straddled your lap, your dick at his entrance. you tried to fight against the restraints but obviously, didn’t work. he was blushing like crazy and shaking as he slowly lowered himself on your cock.
“s-stop—! stop it izu..aghn..~!” The wave of pleasure punched you in the face.
he was squatting on you like a rabbit, his hands on your abdomen and his back arched.
“haa..why’re you s..so tight..” your vision was blurry and you had already stopped trying to escape, it was no use. you’ve never been inside someone, you knew it would feel great but this…felt so much fucking better than you thought.
“d-don’t worry yn..I’ll milk your cock and it’ll feel great…~” he smiled pathetically as he lifted himself up and slammed himself back down, your cock hitting his prostate. He gasped loudly and arched his back oh so beautiful, tightening even more around you.
“Sh..shit izu..! you’re soo..hmnn~” you whined feeling your dick throb in him. he began at a fast and rough pace, bouncing on your dick.
“ugh- mm..~ so big yn…~! you feel so g-good..~” he’s moaning loudly while you just watch him fuck himself on your cock. you’re panting and feel as if you’re about to pass out and he still looks as cute as ever forcefully taking your virginity. you flush red and let out a small whimper.
“W-we’re still..close f..friends, right yn-y..” he leans down so he’s closer to your face.
“mm..” you’re too confused and lost in pleasure to respond properly. izuku smiles and gives you a small peck on the lips before sitting back up.
“I hope I can use your cock whenever I please yn..~” he roughly sat all the way down on your dick, his eyes rolled back and his tongue lolled out. a slutty moan ripped from his throat, your dick was deep in his gushy insides.
he tightened around you and you whined once more finally cumming deep inside him.
“haa..uhn~” your body was tired, you just kept watching him. What was he gonna do next. He slowly lifted himself and you watched your own nut drip out of him.
“hm…th..thank you yn..” he looked you in the eyes with such seductive eyes before he went limp and fell beside you on your bed, his quirk disappearing.
you shakily got up and went to clean yourself up, you cleaned your friend up as well and got back in bed.
you finally looked at izuku’s sleeping face and let out a small sigh.
though you wish he would’ve asked for consent, you’re kinda glad that virginity shit was over with. you’re confused is all.
you gently wrapped your arms around the smaller boy and pull him closer for warmth.
that morning you woke up with midoriya on your chest, his face hiding in the crook of your neck.
“izuk— ugh~!” you gasp realizing you were inside him again.
“let’s stay…like this..” he said tiredly kissing your neck before probably passing out… he was like addicted to this.
why can’t you say no to him.
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a/n; what are y’all’s thoughts on izuku w/ the low taper fade
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jujutsubaby · 5 months
after hours (part 4)
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☆ pairing: toji fushiguro x afab!reader, satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: you and toji FINALLY have some alone time...things are getting steamy in the fushiguro household...meanwhile, satoru gojo cannot keep his hands to himself, no matter how hard he tries. ☆ warnings: 18+. MINORS DNI !! oral sex (f!recieving & m!recieving) deepthroating, fingering, spanking, penetrative sex, slight power dynamic, dirty talk, hints of a threesome, masturbation, dirty fantasies ☆ tags: modernAU, babysittingAU ☆ a/n: OK IT"S FINALLY HERE U HORNDOGS <3 the toji smut i wrote once again with one hand 😈 i'm excited for the next chapter where i can finally write some gojo smut hehe 🤭 🖤🤍 series masterlist 🤍🖤
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"be right back, gonna tuck megumi into bed really quick," toji says to before giving you a quick peck on the lips and heading upstairs.
you sit on toji’s couch, twiddling your thumbs, quite honestly feeling excited for the rest of the night. you’ve wanted this for long it feels like you manifested it and you just couldn’t wait any longer. you close your eyes and sigh deeply, imagining how toji’s hands would feel sliding up and down your body and shiver slightly. your hand starts wandering lower and lower down your stomach, but your thoughts are abruptly interrupted by your phone dinging. you immediately frown. getting a text from satoru is always an immediately boner kill…sometimes.
satoru: wyd wanna come over?
ugh, how many times do i have to tell him that i’m busy tonight? you quickly type a response.
y/n: dude i alr told u i was busy tn remember 😒
satoru: are u fr gonna let toji’s broke ass dick you down instead of hangin w me?? sad 😔
y/n: yes 🙃 best offer i’ve had tn
speech bubbles show up, indicating satoru is typing, and continues to type for what feels like hours (it was 30 seconds). 
satoru: i guarantee u i can blow ur back better than he can. just ask anyone 😈
you stare at the text dumbfounded. what the actual FUCK is he on? you’re honestly so annoyed that he would try to slide into your thoughts right now, right before toji blows your mind. 
y/n: kys
you put your phone on vibrate and mute satoru’s texts, not caring how he responds back. you go back to the fantasy you were thinking of before his intrusion and your hand starts sliding down your body once again. you’re imagining toji’s arms holding you tight and how skillful he was with his tongue last night. he never properly showed love to your tits, and you imagine him continuing what he was doing earlier in the night with your delicate buds. and satoru choking you while it happens. wait, what the fuck?
your hand immediately stops, shocked by your intrusive thoughts, but your lower body betrays you, soaking your panties. 
as if your heart wasn't beating fast enough, you hear toji come down the stairs and you get up to meet him. he holds a hand out for you.
"have you ever been to my bedroom?" he asks, leading you up the stairs.
you giggle, excited to see toji's bedroom for the first time. "i haven't! i'm so excited! i feel like a person's bedroom says a lot about them and i just love-"
you're left speechless as you enter toji's bedroom, which is just plain sheets on a king sized mattress without a headboard, and a measly bedside drawer and dresser. you think you saw one of the two on the sidewalk last spring for spring cleaning.
"this is where the magic happens, pumpkin," toji says slyly. "i know, i know, contain yourself."
"there's no way you live like someone who's in kappa sigma. be so fucking for real right now, toji. you're literally a father..." you say, still in absolute shock over over his room. you vowed back in undergrad you would never hook up with a frat guy ever again and here now is this mid-30s man who you were about to link up with that doesn't have a headboard. you look up at toji nonplussed.
"i guarantee that you won't give a shit about how this place looks once i'm done with you." with that, toji lifts you up and starts kissing you deeply, tongue feverishly exploring yours. he slams your body down into his bed, and you're surprised that his bed is softer than you expected. your body melts into his sheets and you never break contact with his mouth, moaning into the kiss.
he breaks the kiss and flips you over, causing you to squeak. "let's get this thing off of you," toji growls, his eyes filled with hunger as he fiddles with the zipper on your back. you arch your back out, your ass meeting his hard member, and he hisses at the slight touch.
"calm down, pumpkin...so eager and slutty for me..." toji whispers as he finally undoes the buttons and zippers. it practically takes everything toji has to not rip your jumpsuit to shreds as he turns you over and peels your jumpsuit off of you, exposing your chest and your perky nipples.
he wastes no time and immediately latches on to one while kneading the other, and you let out a wanton moan, gripping his hair. the things he's doing with his tongue is sending electricity throughout your body and your back arches in pleasure.
toji moves on to your other nipple, and lightly bites and rolls it between his mouth, causing you to yell out a pathetic "toji, please..."
"what do you need from me, pumpkin?" he asks, lifting his head up and locking eyes with you.
"n-need...i need you in my mouth." you whimper, feeling so helpless to the lustful indulgence you were giving into.
toji grunts and places your hand on his hard member and you use your fingers to unzip his pants and palm him through his boxer briefs, whining for more. "can't keep my pumpkin waiting, can i?" he says, as he pulls his underwear down and his throbbing member bounces out.
your eyes widen at the sheer size of him, but you were never a quitter. your mouth salivates as your fingers wrap around him and start to move up and down. you kiss the tip and leave a trail of saliva connecting your lips to his throbbing member, before fully engulfing him in your mouth.
you hear toji let out a guttural moan before his hands fixate themselves as your makeshift ponytail. "just like that...yeah...you're taking me so well, pumpkin..." he says softly between throaty sighs. he starts moving your head up and down at a faster pace and you moan around him.
the vibrations of your constant moans sends toji into a frenzy. "fuck, y'think you can deepthroat me? think your little mouth can handle that?" he asks between deep breaths.
your eyes look up to meet his. you give him the green light, and toji wastes no time picking up the pace and fucking your mouth. your whimpers against him only motivates him to go faster. you don't think your mouth has ever been this full (and you're sure it's gonna be bruised tomorrow morning), and tears start to brim your eyes and mascara slowly smudges down your face. you're determined to take his full length into your mouth, or at least gag trying until he's close.
you should've known better than trying to fit all of him in. he's so incredibly huge so you don't get to take in his full length, and you end up gagging on him a few times. soon enough, toji finds a pace that allows your tongue to skillfully lick and suck his entire length while your hand takes over what you can't.
"f-fuck, pumpkin, you keep goin' like this i'm gonna get close..." toji says, his eyes closed, face flushed, and his mouth in an o-shape, taking in the sensations your mouth was performing. it really was a spectacularly lewd performance, as toji cannot recall another time another girl was so skilled with their tongue. none of the girls he fucked before compared to you.
you continue your ministrations, and just as toji warned before, he gets dangerously close before he abruptly pulls his soaked, leaking member off your mouth. you cry out at the loss of him inside your mouth, but finally relax your jaw as toji starts kissing your neck all the way up to your mouth, and then back to your neck.
as he starts to bite your neck and leaves, what you think will be, a giant purple patch tomorrow morning, you wantonly cry out. "t-toji~ please, i can't handle this anymore," as tears start to well up in your eyes from deepthroating him. "i-i n-need you i-inside m-mee~" you beg. your mind can barely form a coherent thought, as all you could think about was how you wanted to feel him. all of him.
toji lets out a breathy chuckle as he starts kissing you down your body, slowly removing the rest of your jumpsuit and leaving you in your - oh my god? why the hell are you wearing your pink panties with burger prints all over them?!
"ohmygod, sorry i totally forgot to change into sexy pant- ohh, f-fuck~"
toji kisses your wet clothed core deeply, hitting your bundle of nerves, causing you to stop mid-sentence. "these are fuckin' adorable, pumpkin," toji coos, his eyes never once leaving your clothed core, hypnotized by the sight of your wet panties sticking to your core in front him.
he slowly takes off your burger panties, and locks eyes with you, before his tongue flicks across your bundle of nerves, causing you to practically scream at how sensitive you were. toji smirks, knowing he quite literally hit the right nerve, before diving into it.
"o-ohh, f-fu-, don't stop, pleaaase~" you whine as you hold his head in place between your legs. you grind your core up and down, feeling your sensitive nub shoot pleasure through all part of your body and causing your toes to curl.
"you know, i think we forgot to get dessert tonight...", toji teases as he switches to his fingers rubbing rough circles on your bundle of nerves. "you taste better than anything we would've got..."
you breaths become heavier and shorter as you feel the familiar dam build up begging to release. "remember when i made you cum all over my face last time princess? let's do it two for two," toji says between licks to your sensitive and throbbing core.
"y-yes p-please, toji~" you nod, already feeling yourself coming undone. "i-i'm about to...please~" you beg, unable to stop the dam from breaking and you release over toji's mouth once again. toji takes in every part of you, making sure you ride your release until the very end, almost to the point of overstimulating you.
you to jerk your hips away from toji's mouth due to how overstimulated you got. satisfied, toji leans up to give you a wet open mouthed kiss that you whimper into pathetically, unable to properly prop yourself up after your first release. before you're able to say anything, toji flips you over on your chest and pulls your exposed ass up as he slips off his underwear.
"been waiting my turn for ages, pumpkin," he mumbles, as he licks his two fingers before sliding them inside your entrance, stretching and prepping your for his length. you let our a throaty moan as you feel yourself already ready for another release over just his fingers.
"think you can handle me, pumpkin?" he asks, taking his fingers out of you and you mewl at the loss of contact.
you bit your lip and widen your eyes as you look at him. his pupils were dilated and filled with lust, and you bit back a moan. "i can take you," you pout, feigning displeasure with toji's diffidence towards you. can you though? you've never had something as big as him inside you, and you knew it. but once again, you were never a quitter, always a pleaser.
he wordlessly chuckles, as he slowly teases your entrance with his tip. you shake your hips back and forth, eager to feel him fully inside you, and toji obliges, unapologetically sliding his full length inside your eager entrance.
he anticipates your long moan, and immediately slaps his hand over your mouth, and your cries end up muffled and muted. toji hisses at the way your walls immediately tighten around him.
"fuck, pumpkin. never met anyone tighter than you..." he grunts, slowly and rhythmically moving himself against your ass. you feel him hit the sensitive patch inside you, and your moans are muffled even further as toji tightens his hand around your mouth harder.
after pounding into you for a bit more, he releases his hand from your mouth, causing you to slur out toji's name. "t-toji~ i'm getting sooo clo-"
you're cut off by toji switching angles, as he pushes your back down, creating a harsh arch of your back. your face sinks headfirst into the pillows, and your ass flush against the base of toji's throbbing member. your whimpers are muffled against the pillows, as toji masterfully and ruthlessly starts to slam into you in and out. he's getting close, but he's determined to hold out until you are too.
toji's hand slips around your waist and his fingers start circling your bundle of nerves, causing you whimper and grab the bedsheets until your knuckles turn white. he switches up the sensation by giving your ass a harsh slap, earning a high pitched moan out of you. seeing the red palm imprint on your ass cheek spurs him on to hammer into you even faster.
you feel the familiar tight coil starting inside your core, spreading all over your body. your toes and fingers curl, and you're a moaning crying mess. your makeup is definitely staining toji's sheets but your don't even care. no one does.
toji alternates between relentlessly massaging your delicate nub and playfully slapping your ass as he's teetering closer and closer to the edge.
he feels your walls clench up around him and can tell your close. "need a release, pumpkin?" he says through gritted teeth and deep breaths.
you don't even understand what you say, your words slurred from the ecstasy of toji's sublime movements. how is he managing to hit your g-spot every single time?
"nnghh~ i-i'm g-gonna c-cu-"
you cry out in ecstasy as your walls begin to tighten around him as you feel the tight coil in your stomach unfurl with fireworks and spots blurring your vision as you have your second, and strongest, release of the night. your release directly results in toji's as you milk his hard throbbing pulsating member and he fills you up. he lets out quick, deep, guttural groans as he spills all over you. thank god you're on birth control.
you both are left breathing heavily, as you turn on your back, legs still twitching from how hard your body gave in to toji, who bounces into the spot next to you breathing heavily. you feel toji's seed slowly seeping out of you, but you can't bring yourself to care; you're far too fucked out to think a coherent thought.
he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close as you snuggle into his neck, just like a puzzle piece finding it's place. you sigh and close your eyes, hearing nothing the sound of your breaths in unison slowing down.
"that...was...so fun..." you whisper slowly in between breaths.
toji airily chuckles. "it was, wasn't it, pumpkin?" toji starts massaging your scalp an playing with your hair and you both sit in the comfortable companionable silence you both appreciated.
toji doesn't know when your silence turned into slumber, but when he gets up, he sees your eyes closed with your mouth slightly open, your mind somewhere far away. he knows he shouldn't wake you, but he also knows you really should use the bathroom before falling asleep. deciding on letting you sleep a bit more before waking you, he tries his best to slowly get out of the creaky bed and head to the washroom.
toji won't lie, he's also incredibly fucked out, and his eyes are droopy as he tries to stay awake while he brushes his teeth and gets out an extra tooth brush for you. once he's done, he approaches you silently and lightly shakes you to wake you up.
"mmmghh, stoppp i'm trying to sleep..." you mumble, clearly unreceptive to waking up.
"i know, pumpkin," toji coos, rubbing your body up and down, "y'gotta pee after sex, i read it somewhere i think..."
you sleepily giggle at his concern with your eyes closed as you lay on your back. "ugh, fine...but you have to keep my spot warm for me." you warn, as toji helps you get up.
"left you a toothbrush on the counter. it's the blue one."
"gotcha," you say with a thumbs up as you swing your legs over the bed. as you take the first step, you double down over the pain you feel in your abdomen and lower stomach and yelp.
a concerned toji runs over to your side, only to start grinning and laughing. he leans down your level. "ohhh, someone's sore..." he teases.
"shut up toji~" you yell in a loud whisper, frowning at him laughing at your pain. "this is all your fault," you pout.
"okay, go pee and brush your teeth and i'll make it up by playing w your hair again until you sleep," he promises, giving your ass a quick slap. you give him a playfully dirty look before heading to the bathroom to finish your business.
while brushing your teeth, you send quick text to shoko letting her know you're planning to stay the night with toji. immediately, you get a text back from her acknowledging it, but even more surprisingly, you get a text from satoru:
satoru: so ur spending the night at his place, huh? that good? 🤨
no way they're together right now. you furrow your eyebrows and send a quick text back.
y/n: what are you doing w shoko
satoru: i'm at ur apartment stupid i told u i got bored
y/n: stay away frm my room
satoru: too late i'm going to do 3/3 of my jerk offs in ur bed tn :/
you don't know why you snorted. i mean it was a little funny. you shake your head and finish brushing your teeth. you look at your reflection in the mirror and notice all the mascara and eyeliner streaks on your face and have to hold back a laugh. you're looking so ridiculous and fucked out, and you know shoko and utahime would find it hilarious (and partially very happy for you for having a fun time). you grab your phone and take a selfie of your makeup streaked face and send it to your group chat with them.
y/n: [1 Photo] it happened ya'll 🤪
utahime and shoko both immediately respond:
utahime: u deserve this queen u manifested it 💓
shoko: i do NOT want to hear that ur down bad ever again after this
shoko: also !! [1 Photo]
shoko sends you a screenshot of her and utahime's villager avatars on their animal crossing island, cottagecore witchy theme and all, holding hands. this might possibly be the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life and send at least 10 hearts in response.
you let out a big yawn and head back to bed. you have an early morning tomorrow, as you made plans with your friends to meet up at cafe amanai again to dissect the parent teacher conference. you can't remember why you were so nervous about tonight -- it went just as lovely as you hoped (aside from all the dumb texts from satoru).
"gotcha this also so you're not cold," toji mumbles, half alseep, pointing to his national park t-shirt on the bed. you put it on, and it's the perfect oversized fit for you. oh my god, it's kinda cute...should you keep it?
you get into bed and bonk toji's head lightly. "hey! you said you would play with my hair," you chide, facing away from him, but pushing your body snugly against his. he pulls you even closer, accepting his role as the big spoon, and mumbles something you can't hear starts playing with your lightly.
you hum in contentment. "by the way, this t-shirt..." you yawn. "it's...so dilfy."
"hmm..." toji says half alseep, "bet you say that to all the dilfs you fuck..."
you feel so warm inside when you realize you can hear his smile in that response, even half asleep. "you got me," you joke, as the sound of toji's breathing and his fingers caressing your scalp sends you into a blissful slumber within minutes.
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meanwhile, at your apartment, shoko and utahime are bidding farewell to suguru and satoru. utahime is trying not to rush them out, but she really doesn't want her night to be more soiled by satoru than it already is, and shoko agrees.
satoru drives himself and suguru back, mostly in silence since it is past midnight, and they are both incredibly tired. once back at their apartment, like clockwork, satoru finds himself doing the motions to get ready for bed.
his head plops into his silk pillow and despite being obviously tired and having an early morning of gossip sessions, work, and classes ahead of him, he cannot stop thinking about the photo he sneakily saw of you on shoko's phone -- the one of your mascara running down your face.
if he recalls correctly, you didn't have a neck hemline in the photo either, so you were probably naked too. he's trying really hard not to think about him fucking your mouth like that. no, he really is, he swears his hands are just reaching down his boxers magically. he's also getting hard despite trying to replace your face with literally any other girl he's slept with, but it always reverts back to you.
satoru always makes jokes about blowing your back out, and he knows he's joking...right? it's just a cheeky joke he makes with one of his best friends, satoru thinks, as he's starts stroking himself more passionately.
his breath hitches, and he imagines you- no, not you, that, uh, other girl...what's her name? jessica? he imagines jessica's face tearing up as he casually rams himself deeper into your throat - no, jessica's throat!
fuck, satoru thinks, reaching closer to the edge of no return. at this point, he's shameless as he let's his fantasies run wild. he thinks of you on your knees, tongue sticking out, waiting for him to spill all over your fucked out face. satoru climaxes hard, and wishes nothing more than to watch you clean it up with your mouth.
god, satoru knows it's wrong but you both have bad habits of blurring the lines of your friendship...
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pookietv · 2 months
small pause | arthurtv
requested!! an arthurtv x reader social media break up, but with a happy ending :)
hope u guys enjoyed and i loved doing this so if you have anymore requests please send them in!!
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liked by arthurtv, freyanightingale and 5,278 more tagged bambinobecky
yourusername: forcing becky to take me on museum dates that she doesn't care about
bambinobecky: you stared at the paintings and i stared at your arse
↳ yourusername: sounds like a good trade tbh x
gkbarry: your haiiiiir i would kill for mine to be that thick
↳ yourusername: love you endlessly girl
sabinablair: looking gorgeous
↳ yourusername: need to see you soon! missed u like crazy x
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liked by georgeclarkeey, chrismd10 and 6,839 others
arthurtv: went back to jersey for a while, sorry for the lack in uploads! wanted some time at home and with family for a bit, will be back and uploading next week :)
georgeclarkeey: come back i miss our cuddles
↳ arthurtv: you weren't supposed to tell anyone about that
arthurnfhill: looking good!
↳ arthurtv: are you flirting with me??
user1: omg him going home to feel better after the breakup, arthurxy/n heart is breaking
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liked by yourusername, arthurtv and 7,208 more. tagged arthurtv
theuselesshotlinepod: had the lovely @/arthurtv on with us this week to talk UK youtube, dating, and growing up with chris md!
arthurtv: is george allowed to touch everyone like that in the workplace??
↳ maxbalegde: well we tell him not to due to HR but he just couldn't keep his hands off you x
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liked by faithlouisak, taliamar and 6,302 more
yourusername: dragging the girls to come out for cocktails has become a too often occurrence (not that i'm complaining)
taliamar: ugh was so good to see you
↳ yourusername: ditto, literally have been rotting in bed so the girls was exactly what i needed
faithlouisak: ur so hot
↳ yourusername: coming from my favourite milf x
bambinobecky: what is there on this earth that cocktails can't fix?
↳ yourusername: i'll not go too deep on the main insta x
yourusername has posted on their story!
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liked by yourusername, georgeclarkeey and 6,893 more
arthurtv: a silly little last min trip to greece :)
georgeclarkeey: any excuse for you to take your top off
↳ arthurtv: your mum wasn't complaining last night
arthurnfhill: literally didn't even realise you had left the flat, you're in greece?
↳ arthurtv: glad to know i'm appreciated
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liked by arthurtv, bambinobecky and 6,390 others
yourusername: i went away for the weekend and thought i'd share some of the cute photos (ps: there were so many cats i loved it so much)
taliamar: literally the prettiest!! i didn't even know you were going on holiday
↳ yourusername: was a last min long weekend thing, i didn't even know i was going away until the day before lmao
username3: anyone think it looks really similar to where arthur is rn???
gkbarry: you're so hot oml
↳ yourusername: no u
bambinobecky: could have at least taken me with u
↳ yourusername: next time next time x
username1: y/n's single hot girl summer era is gonna go so hard
↳ yourusername: about that ...
↳ username2: what the fuck does she mean 'about that'????
↳ yourusername: hehe
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liked by arthurtv, bambinobecky and 6,389 others tagged arthurtv
yourusername: okay so i may not have been on holiday alone
user1: oh my FUCKING god i called it
user2: mrs television is back i been waiting for thissss
georgeclarkeey: we all called it, knew it wouldn't be off for long
↳ yourusername: get lost loser
↳ georgeclarkeey: you mock but living with him in his mopey missing y/n era was no fun
arthurtv: you did me dirty with that second photo of my entire plate of beans
↳ yourusername: i mean what are you gonna do, break up with me again?
↳ arthurtv: way to kick a guy when feels guilty
↳ yourusername: being guilty is a small price to pay if it means you'll take me on holidays again :)
↳ arthurtv: i think i owe you a million holidays
↳ yourusername: i can live with that x
maxbalegde: possibly the shortest breakup i've ever seen (but i knew it wouldn't last long, arthur literally looks lost when ur not in a room let alone not in his life)
↳ yourusername: just means i'm stuck with him for good
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liked by yourusername, arthurnfhill and 7,839 others
arthurtv: she only got back with me to make me take nice photos of her
yourusername: absolutely not!!! (it's also for the banging cuppas you make)
↳ arthurtv: ah, makes sense
user1: favourite couple are officially back together
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ccswife · 2 months
Scoring Love
pairing๛: kate martin x bballplayer!reader
synopsis๛: playing basketball with your bestfriend has its perks.
warnings๛: angst if u squint? fluff!
requested by @rimunagenius <3
kinda proofread
listen to this while reading if u want :D
Laborious. thats the only way you could describe todays practice. coach bluder was in a particularly snotty mood, as she was very disappointed in the performance you guys put up game against rutgers yesterday . you lost count of the amount of full court suicides everyone has done so far. all you could think about was the cold shower you were gonna take after this was over. looking over at the clock on the score board, the time reads 8:17am— which means there's roughly thirteen minutes left of practice.
"Y/L/N!" coach bluder suddenly screams from across the court, clearly angry. "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY LOOKING AT THE CLOCK RIGHT NOW? WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THAT?!" bluders bone-chilling yell eco’s for what seems like eons. everyone turns to look at you, some with an empathetic look and others with annoyance as this definitely meant that the team was gonna run 5 more full court suicides.
“i- im sorry it was absent minded” you cringe on the inside after speaking up, knowing that a) she would just continue to yell about the time b) make you run more without saying anything more than a shake of the head or c) turn it into a lesson of basketball and strategy. it ended up being option c. bluder started to talk, sorry- yell about how everyone was too busy being absent minded on the court during lower competition games, and how every game is important no matter how much you win by and blah blah blah. you kinda tuned it out after she said the phrase “locked in” for the fifth time. it seemed that some of the other girls started to zone out as well, mostly the starters. the bench players didn’t dare to tune her on-going speech out, in fear of potentially being picked on extra since they dont play as much. which, kudos to them! they took it very seriously. that doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t care, but you knew she wouldn’t consider taking you off the starting line-up unless you did something so unfathomably stupid. you meant too much. you, were the tape. and the tape needed glue.
practice finished at exactly 9:00am, bluder keeping you guys in the gym an extra thirty minutes. this actually wasn’t that bad, considering one time she was SO angry that she held you guys two extra hours. everyone hit the showers and got home as fast as they could, not wanting to stick around any longer then they already had. you ended up being one of the last to shower, though. you felt kind of guilty for practice, so you let some underclassman and bench players go in before you. that being said, it wasn’t just you who felt guilty. your best friend did too. kate martin, the one and only #20 let some girls go in-front of her too and ended up being the only one with you. but this was pretty usual— being together i mean. you two were peas in a pod, birds of a feather, partners in crime! it had been that way since forever.
sounds of running water and the opening/closing of bottles filled the echoey bathroom as you and kate showered (not together, reader. get ur mind out of the gutter). even though the silence was given due to the situation, you were content. sometimes the two of you didn’t need words to communicate, and just the silence did what you needed. kate cleared her throat,
“y/n? you’re there still right?” her voice soft and seemingly- worried? you’ve heard this tone before, right before she told you she failed a test you helped her study for. it was her ‘please dont be mad at me’ voice. “ yea im here still, whats up k? the last time you sounded like that is when you told me you failed the anatomy test.” you continued to suds up your hair, waiting for kate to reply.
“well soooo i have to ask you something,” she sounded completely different now, like she was about to get a new puppy. it was honestly quite adorable— but that sentence stopped you right in your tracks. ‘ask me something??’ multiple scenarios reeled through your mind before you could answer, and kate (growing impatient) spoke up again. “helllooooo? aw dont tell me you already got out” quickly you replied with enthusiasm, to cover up your worry for what was about to come out of her mouth. “ nono! what d’ya have to ask me? my ring size? because it’s a 6. but i dont think bluder would like me playing with a rock on my finger, just saying” kate snorted from her shower. you guys have joked about getting married for years now, and you even made a pact so that if you both aren’t married by thirty, you’ll marry eachother. after snickering to yourself, you shut off the shower and wrapped yourself up into a towel. kate continued to shower and took a beat before finally popping the question (marry me?). “i have this event i have to go to right? its a reunion type of thing with me and my teammates from highschool,”
“my teammates and i” you interjected. she hates when you correct her grammar.
“ yea yea whatever, so basically we all have an option of bringing a plus one and all of them are bringing their girlfriends and some boyfriends.” again you cut her off. “k are you asking me to be your pretend girlfriend?” you were genuinely freaking out, and thank the lord above you got out and got dressed before her because boy if she saw the look on your face….sheesh. kate shut the shower off and continued frantically. “no! not at all! i just dont wanna be the only person without a plus one, and who better to bring than my googly bear?” she laughed at her own joke and stepped out in fresh clothes, brushing her hair while walking towards you. you giggle at the nickname and blow a kiss at her. she catches it, and places in on her cheek. “ of course, my baby boo! what time is this event?” she shows a toothy smile, the one she always does around you and grabs your hand. she starts rubbing the palm of your hand and answers “ 7:00pm, my queen. i’ll pick you up at 6?” your lip curls as you slap her hand away. “we live together, you doofus” kate makes a surprised face and jumps up. “ no way?! seriously!? omg thats so fun! lets go home!!!”. you share a laugh before picking all your stuff up to go home to your shared apartment.
the rest of the day goes normally, running errands, eating, studying together and picking out clothes for this reunion thing. the clock strikes 5, and you start to get ready. kate said its semi-formal, so you pick out a gray babydoll dress, with wedges that weren’t too tall. they made you taller, obviously, but not too tall were you were above kates height. she likes that you’re shorter than her, says that it boost her ego. anyways, you curl your hair and put on a natural layer of makeup— natural enough where it wasn’t too heavy but not were you couldn’t tell you were wearing anything. spraying some perfume, and taking a handbag from your closet, you check the clock and head out to the living room. kate is sitting on the couch on her phone, in a black blazer and pants, with a white crop underneath it. shes manspreading and good god does she look good. before you walked all the way in, you stood there and gawked for a second. breathing a little too loud, kate looks up and notices you standing there. now its her turn to gawk, because ohhhh the things she could say to you right now. it almost brought her down to one knee.
she gets up and makes her way over to you. “y/n,” she places a hand on your waist, pulling you just a little closer. the two of you lock eyes and she smirks. “you look so beautiful, im serious” her smile only widens as you blush. “ ohh stopppp” you lean your head against her shoulder, grabbing her bicep and giggle, slightly lifting your leg up. kate steps back and admires you some more while you look around. she admires how the wedges you wear perfectly accentuate the muscles in your legs from years of basketball and hard work, how your makeup perfectly compliments all of your features, and how the curls in your hair frame your face so gorgeously. she seriously could kiss you right now, hell— she had to stop herself from smothering you when she grabbed your waist. checking the time again, you realize its six, and you usher kate out to the car so you can beat traffic. when you arrive, you see some of kates old teammates and their partners standing at the front, waiting for everyone to arrive. you all make your greetings, and kate introduces you to everyone.
upon going in, you find that one of the girls made a reservation and you were immediately sat down. kate lets you slide in first, and slides in next to you, making sure your leg is touching hers. conversation continues, all talking about how their college experience was and how jobs are, etc. etc. eventually appetizers were ordered and one of the girls, anna, asks all of the couples how they are. when anna gets to you two, she says “ and you two? are you a couple?” she had the sweetest smile on her face as she asked. before you could answer, kate blurts out “yes! we are”
you immediately kick her leg under the table, keeping a smile on your face. anna continued around the table and crinkle your nose at kate. in a low whisper, you say in her ear “ i thought i wasn’t going to be your pretend girlfriend, martin” she side eyes you but is unable to answer as another girl asks her a question about basketball. quickly, you stand up and excuse yourself to the restroom. shortly after you go in, a knock is heard on the door. its kate, of course.
“y/n please open it, i need to talk to you,” you stand there for a second before she speaks through the door again. “you’re not seriously angry right? i didn’t mean to say that i swear, it just came out.” you let out a loud sigh before unlocking the door, letting her in and locking it again— just incase. kate looks at you and starts to explain. “ i dont know why i said that and im soooo sorry. i guess i felt pressured to have a girlfriend so i just said it was you. i know i told you you wouldn’t be my pretend girlfriend and i meant that, but this was not supposed to happen” you stare back at her, thinking of what to say. were you angry? sure, a little. but your real problem was that she wasn’t your actual girlfriend, and that she acted like one and hell! even called you her girlfriend but shes too pussy to actually ask you to be official! i mean seriously. you guys constantly joke about dating and getting married, and you guys act so coupley, how has she not gotten the hint? finally , you decide to speak up. “are you that oblivious kate? do you really not know why im actually mad?” she stares at you with a “idk” look amd shrugs her shoulders, sticking her tongue into the side of her mouth as she thinks. “ im mad because— because! you act like my girlfriend and we even make jokes about dating and shit, and you still dont see how i feel about you! i love you kate!! and not platonically like we’ve been saying it for all these years!” tears start to stream down your face, this conversation being long awaited by you. “i just, cant understand why you wont make it official! unless i’ve completely read you wrong, which im sure i didn’t because i know you like the back of my hand, i think the feelings are requited!” now the tears are really coming down. you lean against the sink and put your face in your hands, trying to hide and wipe the tears off your wet cheeks. kate stands still before lifting your head up. now you see shes crying, too. “of course i love you more than platonically, y/n. i’ve never loved someone so much, and if i could marry you right now i would. i just didn’t know if you loved me back. you know how i get in my head. and i couldn’t go to you to help me because then i’d have to tell you everything.” now shes cupping your cheek in her hand, and the two of you are staring into each other’s glistening eyes. again, she puts her hand on your waist and smiles. “ y/n , please please please accept my apology…” she takes a pregnant pause before continuing, your eyebrows raise in curiosity. “ and…. will you, officially, be mine?” you laugh, and more tears come out. grasping her arms, you whisper-cry “yes, yes of course kate” she pulls you in closer and kisses you, hard and passionately. nothings ever felt so good before. it may seem cliche, but sparks flew in that tiny restaurant bathroom.
kate pulls away and kisses you on the forehead. “ im gonna go tell them we have to take a rain-check, the you’re not feeling well, alright love?” shes never looked so beautiful than when shes calling you love and actually means it.
“of course, my googly bear” you smile sweetly at her, and she pulls you in for one more kiss before going out to tell the other girls that you’re leaving. you slide against the wall a little bit, and touch your lips.
gosh, you really scored at love, didn’t you?
A/N q(❂‿❂)p : AHHHHH!!!!!! I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEE! rimunagenius i hope you like this i tried my best with the request you gave! i know its not rlly that basketbally lmao 😔myb. im actually lowkey proud of myself guys 😌👊. let me know what you guys think! also send more requests for other people (and kate too but other people as well lollll). thats it. googbye hamsters in my phone <3. TOODLES
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dontexpectmuch · 1 year
Hiii i’m so obsessed w ur writing omg ;—; i was wondering if you’d wanna write a lil fic about a clingy n sleepy jude trying to coax his s/o to bed for bedtime cuddles but they’re refusing to budge until they finish their extensive skincare routine and he grows progressively more impatient and needy 😭
“it’s late.” judes strained voice came from behind you, as you looked at his tired expression through the mirror.
you currently were in your bathroom, finishing, or rather just beginning, your skincare routine for the night. jude wanted to have a sleepover with you, since the two of you had a busy week and weren’t able to meet up as much. right after training ended, jude also had to attend a few meetings, whether it was with his manager or something for media day. thus, he was even more exhausted than normally and therefore more clingy as well.
you hummed, rubbing the oil gently on your face and tracing down to your neck, “wait in bed for me, love. this might take a while.” you tell him calmly, eyes once again meeting with his through the mirror.
jude sighed again, stepping closer and resting his warm hands against your hips, head on your shoulder. “i don’t see the point of doing all this.” he begins, voice deep, “you already look really good.”
you laughed quietly at his behavior, bumping your head lightly against his, while also continuing on with your routine.
“i want to look good, even in our fifties, you know, like, a milf or something.” you explain to him, washing your hands to move on to the next step.
“but it’s late!” he whines again, now standing next to you, his back facing the mirror, arms crossed in front of him as he stares at you. if it wasn’t this late, or if he just wasn’t as tired as he is now, he most definitely would join you. him loving the feeling of your hands against his skin, the care and adoration in your eyes that were directed at him made everything even better.
“well, as i said, wait in bed.” you repeat yourself for the second time, now putting on some cream for your lips. “nice skin takes up some time, jude, nothing we can do about it.”
“you can just stop here and come to bed.”
“jude.” you roll your eyes at this, his neediness more prominent now.
“i don’t like it when you’re not there!” he tries to reason, he seats himself onto the bathroom counter and pulls you between his legs, crossing them behind yours.
you crane your neck slightly to the left, just enough to look at yourself in the mirror before continuing with the last few steps of the routine.
“you seem to sleep heavenly when i’m not there, though.” you remind him, thinking about all those times when jude had a free day and would sleep in til noon, not answering his phone whenever you texted him.
“that’s because i dream of you.” he flirts, moving closer to your face and pecking your lip, “ew, what-“
“i just put on some cream, jude!” you groan, pulling the tube out once more to reapply it.
“that’s nasty, dude.” his face clearly presents his disliking for the cream, the back of his hand rubbing against his lips to remove the rest.
“go to bed, victor.”
“not the middle name, wow!” jude laughed, head nearing your neck to bite it.
“jude, come on!”
who would have thought that this guy would be so, what was the word, needy? clingy?
well, not you, that’s for sure.
do u have a crush on me, be honest.
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savannahsdeath · 6 months
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summary: you and katniss dance at the finnick&annie's wedding <3
warnings: alcohol and language but its pure flufff, katniss has a huge crush on you but she doesnt really understand her feelings untill...
a/n: pleaaaase let me know if u guys liked it and want more katniss:pp this is for my fav katniss lover (hi i know ur reading this anon !!)🩷
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katniss was sitting opposite peeta, with you on her left side and haymitch on the other. she hoped she could stop him from drinking too much that way, but she eventually gave up. finnick was getting married, after all - that's something worth celebrating, and if his way of doing that is by drinking, then so be it. you couldn't care less. what you cared about, though, was taking her away from this table. she didn't look happy at all, not even bored, just... somehow out of place. of course, she smiled at you every one in a while. how could she not?
you were sitting there, the prettiest girl in her world, wearing the prettiest dress she ever saw, joking with peeta and already drunk haymitch. she heard you giggling and her heart melted. you made the girl on fire feel like she was really on fire, burning more and more with each of your moves. the point is, she was sure that's a bad feeling, yet she loved it. she was addicted to it.
but you were clueless.
she scraped her fork across the plate, making a sound which hurt your ears.
you propped your head on your hands. "what's wrong?" you frowned, trying to see through her.
she immediately smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "nothing's wrong."
"uh-huh..." you hummed, straightening up and tapping your nails on the table. your eyebrows furrowed, hoping she'll continue, but that was all she had to say.
she looked at the freshly married couple and her smile slowly faded away. once her gaze came back to you, you weren't in your place anymore. you now stood behind her and tapped her shoulder.
haymitch laughed, apparently predicting what you are up to. she also chuckled, before turning around to take your extended hand.
she stood up, her eyes drifting between your eyes and lips. "i'm not the best dancer" she admitted.
"we don't have to dance dance..." you reassured her, slowly making your way to the parquet, dragging her closely behind you.
once you got there, you loosely wrapped your hands around her neck, propping them on her shoulders. she hesitated before putting her own on your waist, but you moved a little closer, making it less awkward.
"so, how do you like it?" you smirked, as the two of you started to sway to the slow music.
"well, i'm happy for finnick." she looked at him one more time. "and the food is good."
you giggled and nodded. "of course it is, peeta's the man behind the baked goods." you paused for a moment, licked your lips and bit your bottom one. "you just don't look like you're having fun."
"oh, sweetheart, i do." she shook her head and smiled. she seemed genuine, but you knew what you saw earlier.
you cleared your throat. "then, let me put it another way. what would make you even happier to be here?"
katniss raised her right hand and tugged a strand of your hair behind your ear. her moves were slow, so you could perfectly feel how her finger brushes your skin and lasts there for a few seconds, giving you goosebumps. "i think i'm a little jealous." she grinned.
"jealous?" you frowned, pouting your already dry lips.
"yes, jealous" she confirmed. "i'd rather have my own wedding— with flowers, a huge cake baked by peeta with a little, made of icing me on top. me and..." she stopped speaking as her eyes pierced your body and seemed to look somewhere behind you. you gave her a minute, before she suddenly came back to reality. "you know."
you smiled again, this time not from amusement but admiration. you moved closer, so you could whisper while knowing she can hear you. "i didn't know you want something so serious."
"i didn't know either, that's why i'm so upset." she whispered back, her tone raspy from the change of tone.
that makes sense, you thought. "and who do you imagine as your other half?"
she shrugged, obviously not wanting to talk about it, but it wasn't a valid answer for you.
"you can tell me" you pleaded. "i won't tell anyone— not haymitch, not even for peeta."
she thought for a moment, a good, long moment. "there's that one girl. do you want to see her?" she leaned in, putting her face next to your ear. "look behind you."
you discreetly turned your head, seeing nothing but a window. it was already late outside and the chandelier lightened up the whole room, so the glass worked like a darkening mirror. you saw nothing but your own reflection.
when you wanted to look back at katniss, her hands were already cupping your cheeks. you didn't have time to react, though you wouldn't stop her anyway. oh, no, you wanted that as much as she did... or more.
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desafinado · 1 year
secret relationship hcs with them...
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°。⋆ it's not necessarily confidential or forbidden, but the two of you would just rather have each other to yourselves...
°。⋆ kaveh, diluc, ayato x gn! reader
note: i love the secret relationship trope bcos like.. it's like yeah u guys still live seperate lives but those moments when it's just the two of you, it's as though the world doesn't matter.. bc ur each other's world im so 😭.. also this is a repost bc initially i think it got shadowbanned or something 💀
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kaveh ♡
it's not that the both of you are trying to keep it a secret, but… you're a very busy person in a somewhat high position in the akademiya so you barely ever get some time alone.
this only motivates kaveh to be more romantic with the short moments you guys have.
expect him to have a bouquet of dried flowers every time he goes to meet you.
secret meetings in all the best viewpoints in sumeru city and port ormos (bc ofc he knows them).
or if he needs to, he'll be happy to adjust for you
"my love… i came through the window just to see you" "my office is on the first floor?" "exactly"
sitting on his lap while you do paperwork, or vice versa.
kisses that always feel as though he'll never get the chance to kiss you again.
the first time alhaitham caught you visiting kaveh, alhaitham simple did not want to believe.
"ah y/n, did you want to discuss something…? i must say i'm not sure how you knew where i live, but-… oh.. this isn't what i think it is, correct? please?"
he makes much more romantic and maybe even.. sensual… architecture designs.
and whenever people ask him where he got the inspiration he simple replies "ah well, love is everywhere.. im simply the messenger"
however their praises can never compare to the look of astonishment you have when you show him his newest design.
"this.. is beautiful, kaveh" "only for you, my love.. only by you was it possible"
whenever you get the chance to spend the night together, he makes sure to hold you tight and stay with you until you wake up.
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diluc ♡
does he loves you? of course. would he rather you not get swept up by the rumors and dangers that surround his life? very much.
"mysterious" gifts left at your door stop every night delivered by the dark knight himself… flowers, chocolates, anything you might want
on the rare occasion, the gift might even be himself "hello dear… may i?"
he rather stay over at your place, because it lets him pretend for a second that he lives a normal quaint life with you.
will sometimes ask you to tend his wounds, which ends up with you lecturing him for however long it takes.
he just wanted to babied with your touch he didn't ask for this :(
you'll also tell him about your day and he listens attentively, asking questions every so often.
you'll also tell him the latest rumors about him
"they think.. im a vampire..? how ridiculous.." "can you not crush my dreams?"
he also might drop by after a particularly exhausting night at angel's share.
his head in your lap as you mindlessly stroke his hair, it's just so…
"you're so pretty.. you know that?" "i..thank you."
is still a bit hesitant in being intimate, so you proudly take the first move just to make him feel comfortable.
holds you as though you're made of glass, kisses you as if it's both your first time.
he always makes sure you know that he loves and cares for you, and he would never take you for granted.
he waits for the day he can just fade away from the public's eye and live in his own little world with you, and only you.
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ayato ♡
this man is the whole reason i decided to write this.. and the trope feels most reasonable with him
make-out sessions in his office, stolen kisses in the most secluded areas of the city
kisses that feel forbidden, only causing more of an adrenaline rush
honestly though, thoma knows about it because he often acts as correspondence between the two of you.. and everything he knows was learned against his will
"my lord.. im not telling y/n that.." "but it is simply how i feel? this is an order, thoma."
now it isn't too suspicious for him to be talking to you a lot, since your small family business often play a big part in preparations for festivals
nor would it be too suspicious to find you both walking through the festival checking on the stalls, enjoying the atmosphere
but when the grand fireworks display go off, and the both of you are nowhere to be seen.. it gets just the slightest suspicious.. but oh well, not many seem to notice anyways
he loves teasing you and almost exposing your relationship in front of others
"are you free to discuss the layout later?" "a-actually, i have a-" "so it's settled, please meet me in my office"
nothing with you ever feels forced, you make him feel so relaxed. work leaves his mind and insecurities die down
anything he asks of you.. time, affection, forgiveness.. you give him, but also don't let him off so easily. you keep him grounded
he always feels like he's not enough, and that someone else would make you so much happier
"I'm sorry, love.. I-" "no, i love you so much, and i can't imagine a future without you. i don't care how long it takes, what it takes or how, but i believe in us."
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requests are open!! please do not repost on other sites.
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mywons · 11 months
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❛ boyfriend!jungwon headcanons.
▸ ִֶָ tags [ boyfriend ] jungwon x reader, fluff + mentions of kissing + cute wonnie + just a happy relationship + mentions of petnames. warnings! && possible warning : very brief (2) mentions of marriage + mentions of jealousy / possessiveness. ✿ 0.6k words —
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won is very . . . loveable
he's super affectionate & loveydovey, he does any & everything to show how deep his love for you runs
dates with him are usually full of spontaneity. quick & fun picnics, a playful movie night with takeout
out of all of enhypen, i think jungwon is the second most type to date-to-marry (after mr. husband material park jongseong). so while he's very fun and playful, he's serious about you too
he wants you to know that he sees a future with you and if you don't see that with him, what's the point?
likes to keep polaroids of you scattered across his room's walls
collects the silliest little trinkets & souvenirs whenever the group goes someplace new, only to bring them back to you
the type of bf to text you at 3am and ask if you wanna raid the nearest corner store
kisses you very often. as a greeting, as a goodbye, as a reward, bc you look cute, he literally just loves kissing you
doesn't get jealous easily but so so so clingy when he does ,, will pull you towards him and refuse to let go
so so so so caring, smothers you with all the love in the world whenever you're feeling down :(
petnames include: lovey & pretty baby
likes to sleep with his head on your chest so that he can hear the rhythm of your heartbeat <3
definitely randomly calls you at all times of the day, just saying he misses you
^^ "i called you earlier why didn't you answer :(" "bc i'd literally just left your place" "so..????"
he's like ur MY lover u need to be attached to my hip at all times bc ur my baby !!!!!!
and he's so real for that honestly
i think he to an extent feels an overwhelming sense of protectiveness for you and because of that, he tends to overthink ab if even the smallest things he does are affecting you negatively
constantly making sure you're happy/content in your relationship, asking if there's anything else you'd like for him to do
he's just super careful with you
nd so supportive oh em gee !! if ur an idol like him, he's at every single show he can make it to. cheering you on, shouting "thats my baby 🫵"
if you're interested in smthn else/neither of you are idols, he's still definitely supporting you in whatever interest you have
constantly complimenting you and praising how your brain works. he admires everything about you
sometimes buys stuff in a bigger/smaller size so that he has an excuse to wear it and then give it to you
^^ "oh it doesn't really fit me so here you go :]" knowing damn well he just wants you to smell like him
definitely competitive when it comes to you. "oh yeah? well my lover can do this and this"
forever seeking any reasons to make you feel good about yourself
likes when you play with his hair after a long day or even sing to him, ironically.
really just enjoys the sound of your voice
would love to adopt a bunch of cats and grow old with you <3
never is the one to end any contact with you first. oh you guys are on the phone? better hang up first bc he isn't. won't even pull from a hug first, and would run out of oxygen if it meant keeping his lips on yours instead of resorting to pulling away
sees himself marrying you has thought about it plenty of times and voiced his ideas for the wedding, resulting in teasing from the members
eats ingredients out of your food that he knows you don't enjoy so you won't have to pick the pieces out !!
likes being called honey
need him to be my boyfriend immediately
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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warmilksz · 1 year
How will your future spouse comfort you when you are sad?
Pick a Ghibli character Intuitive reading
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Hi everyone 👋☺️ here is another reading I hope your ur day is a little brighter after reading this💕🫣 (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥ Ghibli movies are my favorite movies ever. So I decided to make that the theme on this post! 💖💖💖Thanks for reading, liking, reblogging and sharing 💖💖💖
**just a disclaimer: take what resonates and leave what doesn't for others. Go with he flowwwww It's a general reading (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
CENTERING: Aight, just inhale for 4seconds, hold for 6, exhale for 8! Put all thoughts of the future and past to rest. Feels your hands, your chest rising and falling. We will get in touch with your intuition by appreciating the present.
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They really care, they love you. If you want to be alone they will respect that and leave you alone. I'm getting that when you guys are happy your really happy together. This may be my physical group 😳. Maybe they might try to soothe you sexually. I think they are kinda awkward when ur sad and they may not know the right words to say at times. But they know what makes you feel good so they will try to comfort you that way if u catch my drift 🫣. But I'm getting you may not always be happy after that, and may want to be left alone sometimes. Just to process your thoughts. (I'm feeling kinda heavy, are you going through something tough rn?) In any case, your spouse knows that u need space for you and wants to respect it by leaving you alone when you need it. And when you're ready to open up, they will be there waiting for you ready to hear you out 🤗.
Hmmm interesting I'm drawing a blank here. Maybe this person doesn't wanna show you, or has a hard time being vulnerable. The thing is, If you were sad, it would still shake them up emotionally. It's like they want to be this tough and strong for you on the outside ,your rock. But seeing you cry would shatter their heart inside 🥺! They would feel obligated to action. Like if it was something someone said that saddened you, they would confront them. If not they would immediately want to find a solution for you. On that note, I'm getting a strong masculine and possible feminine vibe here. Like a knight and a princess ☺️ Mainly the masculine one tho . Like one of you is kinda stoic and the other may be sensitive 😩. I think your relationship will teach them more about feelings and how important it is to be intune with emotions and not close their heart to things. U Will help them with it
Similar to pile 1 they will have a lot of respect for you and want to treat you like the independent person you are. But they also feel drawn to you when you are sad. It's very nurturing.. Im also picking up that some of your spouses are good communicators and they may have a way with words but for the most part, choose to stay silent and just hold you gently when ur sad. They want you to be at peace when ur with them, they wanna be your oasis in the dessert. I think they realize deep down they really just wanna scoop you up and never let you go from their arms 😢💕. I think you'd let them too 🩷😭 Awe! Sometimes silence and a gentle hug can speak more than any words.
For this pile, I'm getting they're such a try hard lol. It's really sweet and I'm already feeling kinda bubbly for this pile hahah. If u was sad, they would take one look at your face and be able to tell without you saying anything. This person takes notes on you 📖🩷! They would probably start being extra nice to you aswell. I'm getting buying you ice cream, or other sweet stuff, buying you shoes or that thing they saw you staring at while you didn't notice them. Maybe this person is well off 😌 cause when your sad they want to buy you happiness lol. Hmmm, if happiness was made, they'd buy the factory for u 😏 But they know that is just a bandaid. I think they love you so much they can't stand to see you feel sad. As adorable as it is, it's important to feel all your emotions, even the sad ones. Maybe you guys can cuddle and cry together. I'm getting they would share your tears just so you'd have less of them 😢💘
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sturnwritess · 4 months
Things always end PT. 3
warnings: pyschical fighting, tons of flashbacks,drinking and hard angst.
Me and Matt were friends at first, I met Nick and Chris before Matt. We all met in 7th grade, and Matt always knew how to catch my eye. Marylou was like a mother to me.
She knew how to comfort me when I was crying or when I was angry. She knew everything to calm me down, She knew me and she always knew if there was something wrong with me.
Nick was my best friend and he couldn’t always tell what was wrong with me but Chris could, he would always go to Marylou. Chris was always my bestfriend too but it felt different with him. I could always depend on Chris in a different way then Nick.
I had no really big connection to Matt till sophomore year, I was always bullied by Gracie. Gracie was always popular and always dated someone, one day she pointed out about my dead mom.
That was my breaking point and everyone knew that, Matt saw my red puffy eyes the night i went over and he asked me what was wrong and I explained.
He let me cry in his arms that night and then we connected instantly after that night.
End of flashback.
Nicole bursts into my room "GUESS WHOS HAVING A PARTY TONIGHT!" She said yelling, "hm?" I said calmly. "THAT BITCH GRACIE" she says. My eyes go wide questioning why she's excited, she notices and says "it's ur time to make him jealous y/n/n."
7 hours later
While I was doing my makeup my phone got a notification.
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I left him on opened.
I finally got done getting ready, Nicole called a Uber knowing it would be a fun night. The Uber took 10 minutes to get to the party.
The strobing lights making it hard to see, me and Nicole went instantly to the alcohol stand. I already saw Gracie and Matt but I paid no attention.
Matt caught me looking at them once and I just couldn't do it. Nicole wanted to stay with me the whole night, she pointed out a guy she thought was cute and i told her i would be fine. I wasn't going to be fine, but for her I would always be fine.
I drank enough for the night when Chris came up to me, "hey y/n, are you doing okay?" He says worried. "Yea im doing okay." Slurring at my words, i stumble and trip but Chris is there to catch me.
It caught Matt's eye making his jaw clench. I catch the fact i made him jealous, but I wouldn't do that to Chris.
Chris leaves me alone for a second to talk to his friends, but then my ex was there. Gio, he was a asshole and he was Gracie's ex also which made it more aggravating. "Oh lookey whos here" he says in a sarcastic tone.
"What do u want Gio?" you say annoyed. "Oh nothing sweetie" he says with a grin that makes u want to slap it off. Matt and Chris notice that your ex is talking to you, and tried to get all touchy with you.
"Gio stop touching me" you push him back, he doesn't comply, Chris and Matt are getting pissed off about the fact that he's bugging you. As he's about to kiss you someone pulls him away and punches him. Chris was punching Gio repeatedly when Matt came over to stop Chris.
Gio was beaten to the floor with a already black eye and busted lip, blood on Chris's knuckles. Your eyes went wide at the sight, Matt questioned why Chris beat him to protect you.
Matt always questioned if Chris was in love with you, he always put those thoughts aside while he was laying in bed with you.
Gracie walked over and already started complaining "ugh of course this shit happens with her here." Matt already gave her a look that made her skin crawl, Chris didn't pay any attention to her only wondering if you're okay.
Nicole finally came over and saw what happened, she took your wrist and led you outside. Chris snapped out of Matt's hold following you outside, Matt then followed Chris outside. Gracie was just there taking care of Gio, when Matt left her there.
Nicole noticed Chris was following you and didn't care, but when she noticed Matt was too she immediately tried blocking him off. "Matt stop following y/n it's weird just leave her alone" she says harshly.
Matt replies saying, "I was following my brother and I still care about her Nicole". He says annoyed "if you cared about her, you wouldn't have cheated on her" Chris says chiming in.
"It's fine if he follows us" you says sternly, "it's not y/n he was a dick to you." Chris says with sympathy, You look at him with pleading eyes and he agrees. All four of you were on the backyard patio, "Chris what the fuck was that back there" Matt says.
"Y/n was getting dicked around with Gio and it was pissing me off" he says while looking at me, "I know he was and it was pissing me off as well but this is Gracie's party and your my brother, it's embarrassing Chris" he says harshly.
"Hey don't talk to him like that" you say towards Matt, Matt looked into your eyes searching for the love u once had for him. Nothing was there anymore, "y/n cmon you even know he fucked up" Matt says.
"He didn't and what's embarrassing is how u followed me out here instead of staying with your little girlfriend." You say pissed off.
"Your little girlfriend is stitching up gio over there so stop worrying about Chris and go fuck off Matt." Your words stinging like venom. Matt leaves and drives home.
"Chris would u like to stay over at our place?" You ask. "I would love to y/n" he says. Nicole just observing about to chime in but you give her a look, she knows he's staying over tonight.
anyways i apologize for not posting ive been so busy lol.
and sorry this is so short again im js lazy nd tired
@sturnioloshacker @slutsturn @mattsturnioloarchive
@carolinalikesthings @junnniiieee07 @hearts4chris @chrisloyalgf @chrissolosa @sturniolosluvv @sturniolosstar @sturnioloskies @nicksnosering @mattsturnioloz @chrissturniolosbitch
@chrissturnioloshoe @chrissturniolossidehoe @chrisenthusiast @mattsgirlie @mattsmunch
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doiesfav · 9 months
hii i love ur writing!! just read mr. no name, it was such a cute and funny plot i love it!!🥺 would it be possible to get a part2?
(also more importantly, hope u have a good day~<33)
*˚:✧Mr. No Name PT. 2 - Mark ||
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''I wanna know your name''
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Pairing: nonidol! Mark x fem! Reader
Plot: After breaking up with your long time boyfriend your friend took you to a party to get over it, you weren't feeling it but when you arrived, you met a stranger there who made your heart feel warm again.
Genre: strangers to idfk! AU, fiction, short story
Contains: smoking, fainting, wounds and ig Jaehyun is just an asshole😭
wc -> 0,8K
Requested -> ✓ || by anon
a/n: hiii! Thanks for enjoying my fic I really appreciate it a lot TT, your comment made me realise a lot of people are enjoying it as well. Although I'm not the best writer I will keep practicing to get much more better and reach your expectations, again thanks!!
for better reading experience -> PT.1
(not proof read, sorry for mistakes!)
banners and dividers are self made
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After he left chuckling the repeated words ''Mr. No name'' you stayed in there to think about what just happened. The blonde guy whose name was unknown to you had an aura that probably made you have a little crush. You were drooling over him until you heard some screams down in the living room.
''Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!''.
Who was fighting who? You loved those kinds of situations, well, at least not when the ones fighting were your ex and your recent crush. ''So it was fucking you Mark, I fucking knew it'' You just discovered his name Mark, but it wasn't the most important thing right now. ''And what, are you gonna beat the fuck out of me?'' he then opened his arms to him showing how much confidence he had. ''Oh yes I fucking will'' and the fight started.
Jaehyun grabbed him by the collar and punched him straight on his cheeks which made Mark fall creating more space for them to fight. He got up and pinned down the ex boyfriend and gave him back the punch he received plus another one. Jaehyun tried to stand up but fell on his knees while Mark got thrown away by his strong hands. All of this was happening in front of you, you could have stopped the fight, yelled at them, or even called the police which wasn't a very clever thing to do since some of the guests were still minors. But you decided to just watch them fight until he noticed you.
''What? Gonna just stand there and watch while we fight our asses off?'' Those words made Mark notice your presence and when you two made eye contact he looked away trying to prevent it, ''You know Jaehyun, you are such a loser'' you said while sipping a glass of cocktail you randomly grabbed from the kitchen. ''I'm a what? Be so for real right now bitch'' He slowly got up and went straight to you, you didn't try to flinch as it would show your weakness. ''Hey don't come near her'' It was Mark's voice which made Jaehyun even more frustrated than he already was. ''Shut the fuck up blondie, I thought you were better than this'' He then turned his head towards you again and used his hands to cup your cheeks but your eyes showed no signs of fear.
Then a hand grabbed one side of your ex's shoulders and when he turned around, he received another punch that made him fall straight away to the ground. ''Fuck, I said do not touch her'' To be honest, when his hands disappeared from your cheeks your nervousness also did. Jaehyun after that punch didn't react and was left on the dirty ground, people started to worry and some even checked if he was still breathing. ''He's still breathing guys, probably just knocked out by his punch'' someone said out loudly. Jaehyun's friends then rushed to carry him away and everyone kept doing their things, it was now you and Mark between people who didn't care about your relationship. ''Great punch'' you said after giggling, ''Thanks, actually that wasn't my most powerful one'' You bursted out laughing after those words he said. ''Don't laugh, it's a fact'' ''yes I believe you''.
You two went outside to take a break from the foggy and crowded ambient inside, ''don't mind if I smoke right?'' you said as your urges to take a cig were getting bigger, ''yea sure''. You then lighted up your cig and Mark just put his hands in his pockets, the smoke you just expelled went in the direction of the wind, which was also where Mark was. He coughed after accidentally exhaling a bit of it, ''Oh gosh, sorry let's change our positions'' And before you could move your body a hand grabbed your wrist, ''no it's okay, stay where you were I'm f-'' he then continued coughing not as hard as the first time though. You had no option but to throw the cigarette away, ''it was fine, you could just have ke-'' you had to shut him up, ''Don't worry is just one cig, although you seem nervous'' he actually acted more nervous after. ''No, is just, I never smoke so, that doesn't mean you should leave it- It's your decision, I'm nobody to-'' Before he could continue you patted his head. ''don't be nervous, you sounded much more cooler in the bathroom''.
''So Mark right?'' He nodded, ''Yup, Mark Lee'', and your hand raised so you could shake hands ''Nice to meet you Mark'' He looked down and noticed, ''Nice to meet you too'' Both hands connected, and you could feel his recent wounds because of the fight. He could feel your soft and silky hands which he didn't wanna release because of the warmth of yours.
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Heyyy, thanks for requesting a part two, I totally forgot there was gonna be one but now there is :))) Remember would appreciate any kind of notes!! love you guys <33
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gifti3 · 2 months
Arranged marriage au with asmo
I need asmo to be in some type of royal otome slowburn manhwa
ramblings ramblings
the drama guys....the DRAMA! dont tell me a bunch of nonsense wouldnt happen
remember the post where i was like indifferent/passive aggressive asmo becoming curious about the MC fics are peak
similar thing is happening here! honestly i think theres some resentment coming from asmos side at first but mc is like ay....you do ur thing and i do mine
im not gonna make u do anything u dont want, i dont have any expectations from this arrangement. lets just try not to make each of our lives hell u know
lol i bet when asmo first meets MC after finding out that hes supposed to marry them he's like thinking "......ig theyre not that bad looking"😒 (he literally would have been flirting with them in any other circumstance)
hmmm mc needs to be apart of a pretty influential family i think since this is gonna be a political type marriage
and asmo,,,,i feel like he doesnt really engage in the specifics when it comes to politics or anything. it's just not something thats important to him. he has his side hobbies and business endeavors that cares about. But topics outside of those things are left up to his family
so perhaps one day, the head of the family (i wanna say lucifer but since i want the person in this role to give off more a mysterious vibe, where his word is final michael might be a better choice) is like... this specific family...theyre kinda important and we want them on our side so get married to their eldest who has rejected every other person ever but has agreed to marry and since u dont do much when it comes to political affairs im gonna have you do this whether you want to or not
and asmo is just like....HUH he tries to get lucifer to help him out here but lucifers like...yea dads not budging sorry lil bro (he doesnt say it like that but similar sentiment lmao)
now mc never really wanted to get married cause they didnt wanna have to go through the motions against their will and they like their life as is but their parents have been breathing down their neck about marriage for years now. And now that this BIG opportunity has present itself to their parents, it feels like the pressure is really on now! at first mc is like shit...idk if i can weasel my way outta this one
and then......they realized that maybe this could probably work out in their favor actually.....
mc agreed to married him cause asmo has a bit of a reputation as a partier and a playboy
with asmo they feel like things can stay as they are for the most part if they let him continue to do as he pleases (not like they could have stopped him if they wanted to lol)
everything can be the same, they can still live their own separate lives, just now they have the title of spouses!
and thats the plan, like i said before asmo comes in being a bit rude at first but it kinda changes to indifference and a little passive aggressiveness once MC is like...yo chill im not gonna shit on ur parade. i just wanna be left to my own things. you do you sir
yes thats the plan...thats supposed to be the plan and it was going as mc expected for a good while
but as we know if u put something or someone in front of asmo enough times hes gonna get curious
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moldingtundra · 3 months
thought I’d talk about my interpretation of unpleasant because yes (also I might make an ask blog about it)
Ok so lord timeee!! Content warning for some really sensitive topics (genocide, murder, prostitution, implied abuse, etc.) so watch out.
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so unpleasant gradient (aka gradie) was born because his mother was a prostitute (so was his dad but much less so) and his fathers parents found out so they made him marry her, obviously that does shit and eventually when he turned 7 his father left and he was left along and u can kindddaaa imagine what happeneds when ur left with this type of mom whis also an alcoholic and smoker…yeahhh, so he gets two sibs (one if them is older the other is younger, same mom) pleasant gradient (older, named penny) and monotomous graident (younger, named mono) who took care of him when his mother escaped without him at 11 years old including a third sibling who used to take care of him when he was a toddler but ran away from home due to his mom (they were mutated gradient). (gradie has a shit ton, you can imagine why lmao) but he only sees it once and never again, so the three brothers have to survive the famine and genocide going around (it started before gradie was even born) but obviously u can imagine what happens in this typa scenerio (gradie had to almost say bye bye to half of his body bc of a bomb at 12 and watch penny die and mono run away then escape at 15 (the scars dwindled over time dw but it’s still there )) and then there is an opurtunity to escape the country with a bus, but theres only one bus ticket, so a random woman gives it to gradie and sends him off bc she knows he has the most potential and promises to find him (its been 45 years he still hasnt seen them) here’s art of what he looked like back then:
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so after he escaped he rebuild his life in the land equivalent of AMERICUH and he attends this high school and he falls in love with builderman but decides not to confess and they both decide to graduate together and try getting it big, builderman did it by building the robloxia community and gradie byt writing his experiences with genocide and hiking high feets no one reached, like he won some guinness world record and some new york times bestseller thing- my guy was packed!!!…..until he got hit by a truck and couldnt do anything anymore (sad 💔) ON TOP OF THAT builderman married jane doe and had thier kid (infected) and graide would by to babysit infected since he was a wee little baby.
so kasper got infected at his 12th birthday. But the infected turns him into a vicious furry or whatever (werewolf if you want) and the first time that happened, he fucking ate his parents and gradie literally just came by to give them lasagna and infecteds present, so now his parents are dead, and graide decides to adopt infected (who hates it lol) and they just raise infected while tryna deal with his furry issue (his furry issue caused him to eat his own cat and some residents) and graide is just like tryna fucking hold himself together bc if the kid u had to babysit thats from ur one sided gay lover who married a fugly woman decides to kill yo one sided gay lover and u had to adopt him I wouldve eaten my organs)
and that’s basically it! Expect an ask blog for him soon this week or before I die lol
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jistagrams · 11 months
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pairing : bff?haechan & bff?reader
warning:cursing, stripping infront of someone idk she was changing, slight hair pulling, idk what else to put 😭😭
a/n :haechan is a gamer in his free time & they are in college & this was not proofread 😭🙏🙏
all of his friends were screaming at him at once making it very obvious they were upset w him, too bad tho he was busy getting his meal that was left on the porch by the doordasher, "we bout to eattt"haechan says outloud like he's talking to someone knowing very well he's home alone in his apartment, u usually would be over laying on his bed watching tv or on his chair playing the Sims while he ate , But u were at work doing a 9 hour shift slowly waiting for 8pm to come so u can clock out and hang out with ur very loud but funny friend.
As u finally clock out u hear ur phone start to ring.
"hey donghyuck what did u call for"
"jus to see when u will be over"
"bro...i barley just got off??"
"and I wanna watch shameless together!"
"what season"
"the older ones"
"ill be over in 10, make sure u leave enough food for me"
"u got it babe"
u see... he uses babe as a nickname. Some friends use a shortened ver of their friends names but haechan js liked to call u babe , u never understood it or why he likes to call u that but u never rlly cared enough to ask.
"AHHH BABE UR HERE" he screams when he opens the door to see u in ur subway uniform, "HI HYUCCKKKK!!" U squeal seeing ur best friend after the longest hours of ur life. He opens the door wider to let u in, moving to the side as u walk in, u take ur shoes off n start to shuffle into his room, him following quickly behind u , u enter his room where u see the food and the show already set up like he was waiting for u to arrive, "were u waiting or something" "yeah actually I was bored bro" he says as u both flop onto the bed, situating urselfs into a sitting position, he turns the show on as u both start eating.
feeling full and tired after working and eating so much food u both decide to lay down on his bed, snuggling into eachother while watching missing, "omg I told u that he would end up being her dad!" , "HYUCK SHUT UP AND WATCH THE MOVIE" u say while covering his mouth with the hand that was free, other hand busy messing with his hair that u slightly tugged at while yelling at him, he winced in pain even tho it was the slightest pull. (he liked it but he would never admit that to u ofc). "Your moms real name is sarah" the guy on the TV says while u guys are immersed into the movie a lil too much u guys don't realize his roommates coming home and standing in the doorframe watching u guys until renjun and doyoung speak up, "u guys are literally a couple" renjun says first , "no literally look at them all snuggled up to eachother under the blanket watching a movie" doyoung adds to renjuns comment. Haechan let's out a sudden shreik from shock when he sees his roommates home from a guys night out (it was js them 2 and they went to a amusement park 😭😭) "WHY DIDNT U GUYS SAY U WERE COMING HOME?" Haechan says in his high pitched voice, "we literally texted u like 5 times bro, YOU didn't answer" renjun says back pointing at his phone he had in his hand, haechan climbs over ur body to grab the phone that was sitting at his desk charing, opening it to see the 5 msgs from the gc his roommates made.
yeah doyoung won a huge ass teddy bear, looks like u hyuck
hey were gonna be home in like 10
yeah pls
we're pulling in rn unlock the door for us
"Oh." , "yeah OH." , renjun ignores hyuck and doyoung and starts talking to u, "hey y/n" he says with a smile. "Oh hey renjun!" U say back after looking up from ur phone and sit up on the headboard of haechans bed, speaking of haechan he's currently in the kitchen talking loudly w doyoung doing whatever they are doing, "how have u been, I haven't seen u since the day before yesterday" , "I've been good I've just been working Hella, have to pay for college somehow" , "ha, yeah I get it" , "how about u?how have u been?" , "good, good" ,"aahhh that's nice" , u say back slowly letting go of the convo lightly. "Well ima go to the bathroom n shower, see u around bear kisser" he says waving bye to u while walking out , "bye renjun!" U say waving back....hold on. Bear kisser??
"WHAT THE HELL DO U MEAN BY BEAR KISSER??" U say quite louder than u meant to while jumping up from haechans bed walking into the kitchen to see haechan drinking soda from the bottle and doyoung turning off the air since he swears its "too cold!". "it's so hot doyoung turn that shit back on" haechan says putting the bottle on the counter and walking over to doyoung turning back on the ac, "its cold! If ur sooooo hot get a fan!"he says turning it off and walking away. Knowing not to mess with the ac again hyuck storms away dramatically. His walking becomes more sulky while he walks to u , pulling u into a hug from the back. "just turn ur fan on dong" u say while u scroll on ur phone as he starts to sway u both side to side, u guys may look like a couple but u both really don't care, maybe u guys like looking like a couple, maybe u guys ARE a couple but hiding it, who knows. "but he's always turning it off and I'm over here sweating my ass off in my sleep cos he thinks it's -5 degrees in this house." He whines to u as u guys start to walk back to his room still in the same position, him hugging u from behind. "I know u always look like ur sweating when I sleep over" , "its because i AM" he says back letting go of u to sit in his chair , turning on his pc to get a little gaming in before going to sleep, u decide to get out of ur work clothes and wear some comfy clothes. U grab one of his shirts and shorts , throwing them on the bed and closing his door. U move back to his dresser and start taking off ur shirt standing infront of the beds end. U unclip ur bra and grab his shirt sliding it on, feeling it fit better on u than usual, while ur in shock of his being fit nicely on u haechan is screaming at his friends for not killing the guy that was targeting him and ends up getting shot by him, while arguing with his friends he notices you've been too quiet and decides to turn around in his chair, he turns and sees ur bra and shirt on the floor and u staring at urself in his body mirror on his wall, "what's wrong??" , "this shirt is supposed to be baggy, that's how it's always been" , "maybe u grew into it" , "did u wash it too many times??" , "uh yeah that's what u do when u wear something and dirty it" , "donghyuck...shut up" , "well that shirt fits me fine, it's actually kinda baggy on me maybe ur the problem" , " whatever, can u grab me the lotion I feel ashy" , he turns around to grab the lotion from his desk (don't ask why it's there) and gets up to give it to u, feeling a lil silly he decides to grab ur waist and pull u close into him , giving u his lotion as u set it down and turn around to give him a small kiss on his lips and cheek, "hold on I still have to change my pants" u say as u slip out his grip, "what are u waiting for then" he says with a smirk knowing that ur gonna be changing infront of him. U unbutton ur pants, slipping out of them and grab his shorts u threw on the bed previously, well u tried to grab them before haechan grabs u and throws u on the bed while him ontop. Kissing u passionately, stopping to say , "god i love my girlfriend so much. Especially in my clothes.u look so pretty" u give him a big toothy smile, "what abt sexy" , "oh babe your very sexy, not as sexy as I am tho" he says making u laugh as he starts to mark up ur neck. "gonna treat u so good tonight"
Obviously this is gonna be a long night.
This has been in my drafts for like 2 days now I think, I was waiting to get motivation again to finish the rest of it 😭
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