#i just want some silly ocs that i can play with like dolls and dress up and theyre all idiots and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
dizzybizz · 1 year
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itty bitties
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remremsies · 3 months
Gang I’ve been gone for a while again I’m so sorry😔
I decided to come back and show y’all my OC who I’ll use while playing Our life now&forever!
Soo first I should warn you that there will be mild mentions of mental health issues and SH‼️ If these things trigger you, please skip my STEP 2 text or do not read this at all. It isn’t anything big, but I don’t want anyone to feel anxious while reading this🫶
Here it starts (I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language)
Her name is Rosemary Salmonbay and some might say her surname is silly, but it’s a literal translation of my own surname! I love it, hehe. So, Rosemary is heavily inspired of my own life and almost just me. I made Rosemary a long time ago to make little stories that were inspired of my life and just as a way to cope. But she’s not 100% me either, because that would make me feel uncomfortable lmao.
I used picrew‼️ This is Toon Me!
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Rosemary is an awkward, shy and silly kid. An outcast, kind of. She’s very into anime, games and drawing. At first not very talkative and finds new people scary, but once you get closer to her she becomes very loud and energetic.
Rosemary enjoys playing outside with dolls, especially Monster High dolls and even dressing up as these characters. She likes drawing them a lot and making new outfits for them. Usually her doll plays are enspired by the games and animes she enjoyed.
She liked games that many other kids didn’t back then, such as Ib. Animes she watched were Ouran High School Host Club and Death Note.
As you can notice from the picture, she didn’t have much fashion sense because she just wore whatever felt comfortable and looked cool. Shirts with Mickey Mouse, Youtube merch and galaxy print.
Rosemary has tried many sports to have at least one hobbie, but nothing really fit her. Football was her favorite though. Rosemary was more into videogames and YouTube.
Moving to a new place made her very nervous but hopeful that she would make friends who wouldn’t judge her too much.
Rosemary gets called Rose, Rosie, Roses, etc. So many different nicknames and sometimes it annoys her, but doesn’t really stop anyone. She’s a bit bigger than other kids, which always made her feel embarrassed. A bit taller than most kids and didn’t like her tummy:(
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These years were the hardest for Rosemary, because she was very lost, didn’t know who was her true friends and even has some issues with her mother. But mostly Rosemary battles with herself during this time.
Now, Rosemary tries her best to stay away from any spotlight and has only few close friends. She doesn’t want any conflicts, so she has a hard time choosing sides whenever a classmates would have drama.
Rosemary’s escape is music and dancing now. She’s very into K-pop and J-pop during this time and has kind of dropped her old gamer and anime loving self. Though, she still misses those times when it was okay for her to be ”cringe”.
Her mental health declines rather harshly, even making her harm herself in certain ways to relieve overwhelming emotions. She usually regrets doing it afterwards, because it’s hard to hide and it makes her vulnerable.
Even though Rosemary says that she isn’t trying to fit in and is genuinely herself, it’s most likely a lie. She indeed is just trying to somehow fit in and make others happy. Rosemary starts wearing clothes that show off her body more in hopes of making herself like the cool girls and tries to learn makeup.
Rosemary gets more into studying herself and understand that maybe, just maybe this isn’t truly her. So, in subtle ways she tries to show her true self (such as jewelry). Rosemary accepted herself as pansexual/romantic already when she was 12, but for a long while she questions her gender. Being a girl feels right but also empty, being a boy is too much for her and nonbinary isn’t right either. But, she tries to ignore it.
She’s still rather chubby and hates it. It causes her to wear more ’boring’ clothes, because she thinks they won’t show others her bigger body. Rosemary only accepts Rose nickname during this time.
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Everything kind of starts making sense now. Rosemary is gaining confidence and got professional help for her problems. She accepts her actual style and doesn’t wear ’boring’ clothes anymore.
She’s still awkward and kind of anti-social, but tries her best and is more laid-back now. Rosemary only goes with her kind of people now and won’t force herself to fit in.
They also got back into gaming, anime and even started cosplaying sometimes! They still sometimes listen to K-pop and J-pop but more for nostalgia and during rough times. They’re also into makeup and fashion now, especially fashion styles from Japan.
Did you notice how I used they pronoun for Rosemary? Well, they finally realized and accepted themself as a demigirl! Rosemary prefers she/they pronouns but doesn’t really care if anyone uses he.
Rosemary isn’t entirely happy with her body still and also feels kind of lost, but is slowly and surely getting better. She’s trying to live healthy now, not working out to lose weight but to love her body no matter how chubby she was.
A bit more confident in themself, but still has ways to go and a lot to learn. They aren’t 100% certain what they want to do in the future, but ha some ideas.
That was all I have for her now! I haven’t made one for Step 4 yet, but I’ll work on it. I’ll probably post more about her as well and maybe change some things. This is kind of like a first draft, but I doubt I’ll change anything drastically.
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really late, but wanted to send in a little assortment of question prompts for the ask game, so take your pick!: 3 and 16 for hero, 1 and 5 for CJ, 6 and 7 for lorraine, 8 and 15 for tamra, 18 for kel, and 13 for sunny! :D - 🩶
🩶-Anon!!!! Hello!! It's so wonderful to hear from you again. 🥰 We hope you are doing well and that you enjoyed the newest chapters of "When Sun Shines Again." Thank you so much again for the support and encouragement! It meant so much to us to get to hear your thoughts on our series, and we made sure to thank you in our authors' note on Chapter 7 & hope you enjoyed that one especially 💖
Thank you so much for your ask as well! It is always such a delight to see you in our inbox, and we'd be thrilled to answer these questions for you! We're going to try to answer all of them but have decided to divide them into two posts: one for canon characters and the other for OCs. The OC answers are below and the canon character post is linked here. Thank you so much for playing!!
Please drop by our inbox anytime! We love hearing from you. Take care!! 💙
C.J. Answers:
1. Who makes up your family?  How close are you to them?
My immediate family is my parents, my three sisters: Shawna, Lisa, and Camille (but we all call her Cami), and me, but my Nana (my grandma) has always lived with us so I'd include her too. I think I'm pretty close to them.
My older sisters, Shawna and Lisa, are always going to see me as their dorky little brother, I think, but they've always looked out for me. Nana says used to treat me like their doll when I was little and would dress me up in silly clothes and loved pushing me around the in stroller like they were playing house, but I don't remember that beyond her stories and some pictures. I do remember playing together with my sisters as kid though. They both have much stronger personalities than me, so I think they liked that I would just go along with whatever they said and whatever games they wanted to play. Shawna can be really bossy sometimes, and Lisa's really into a lot of girly stuff I don't know that much about, but we always had fun together. They tease me for being hopeless with girls (instead of, you know, actually giving me useful advice), but I know we've got each other's backs.
Cami is my little sister, and she's 7. Shawna and Lisa were 15 and 17 when she was born, but I was only 12 so I think we've always been a little bit closer, especially when our older sisters went away to college and we were the only kids still living at home. Our parents work a lot so we spent a lot of time together just the two us and Nana. We like to watch cartoons together, and Cami loves stories, especially comic books (and I have a pretty big collection of those). She was really sad when I left for college, and I really miss her, but we talk on the phone a lot.
5. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
I love spending time outdoors. Hiking is probably my favorite thing to do, but I love pretty much all outdoor activities, except fishing. It's too boring.
I like spending time with my friends too, so the best is when they tag along on my hiking trips. There's a lot of parks in the city including a nature preserve with a lot of hiking trails close to our college, and we'll all go out there sometimes when the weather is nice. Hero and Lorraine pack picnics for us. It's always a lot of fun!
6. What's the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
It was hard to move around a lot and keep leaving my friends when I was a kid. I missed them so much and it has hard to keep in touch from so far away, but now I have pen pals all over the world so that's pretty cool! 🥰
I guess getting over some painful breakups was hard too. Heartbreak can be hard to recover from, but I don't think any of my failed relationships left me shattered and swearing off love forever like poor Hero (or at least I think that's what happened to him...? I don't know all the details, but I can tell his heart is broken and he doesn't think he'll ever be happy again. I worry about him sometimes... 🩷).
Compared to that and everything that happened to Kyle's knee, I don't think anything I've been through has been all that bad. Even my sister has had a rougher time than me, I think. I've had some normal tough times like everybody does, but nothing too lifechanging.
7. Who do you look up to?
My mom! She's so nice and so beautiful, and she has this way of making everybody happy, even when they're having a bad day. When I still lived at home and would invite my friends over, they would say she was like another mom to them because she always makes them feel so welcome and like part of our family. She's amazing at baking, crafts, and especially at gardening, and it's almost like she has this superpower where she can just look at person and know what's bothering them and what will make them feel better. I've always wanted to be just like her! 🥰
TAMRA Answers:
8. What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
I think being encouraged to practice my music and follow my dreams had a really big impact on me. My parents wanted me to do well in school, of course, but they knew how much I loved playing piano so they always made sure I had lessons and time for practice too and would drive me all over the country for recitals, concerts, and competitions. My parents never made me feel like my music was a waste of time.
When I went away to college, I ended up choosing a double major in music and education because I love teaching too, and they were always really supportive of me. I think I might have given up on my dreams if it hadn't been for them.
I also have to mention Andre! He's been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and we've always been really supportive of each other and our dreams (even when they led us to universities thousands of miles away from each other). Getting to meet him and grow up together (and eventually to fall in love 💕) also had a really big impact on me! 💜
15. Do you play any instruments?  Which ones?  How long have you been playing?
Yes! I can actually play a lot of instruments at least a little bit 😅--mostly keyboard instruments like the piano, organ, synthesizer, keytar, melodica, and the harpsicord. Some of my friends from band in high school tried to teach me how to play some of their instruments, and I got pretty good at the clarinet, I think, which made it easier to play the melodica. At college, I've been trying to branch out into strings. My university has a program where its music majors teach private lessons to kids and other people in the community. I teach piano, but a friend of mine teaches viola and another teaches cello, and after our lessons wrap up for the day, we've all been staying late so teach each other our instruments a little bit. It's been fun, but I wouldn't say I'm very good at either of those yet.
My favorite instrument and the one I'm best at is definitely the piano. I've been playing since I was 4, and I love it! It's amazing to get to play piano at college too--though I'll admit I'm getting a little sick of playing Chopin. The chair of the music department's favorite composer is Chopin so I keep getting assigned his pieces for my student showcases, and I'd really like to play something else every now and again (Maybe some Debussy or some Rachmaninoff 🤞).
At my other part time job, I play popular music on piano at a restaurant, and that's always fun! I love transcription projects and getting to play people's (my friends') favorite songs on piano for them. 🥰
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alia-turin · 3 years
After me pooling you guys yesterday it was determined that now I need to post that Caranthir fic I have been writing for weeks now and I’m very much unsure about. By popular demand here it comes. It will  be multichapter, it is actually mostly finished but it does need some polishing and final touches, I would try to post at least one chapter per week if not more. Not sure how many chapters will be overall, but I do promise some more Aen Elle action later. Thank you for reading. The fic is kind of a follow up on this story HERE but you don’t have to read it, things will make sense either way.
Fic Title: Somewhere in Time (Chapter 1) Fandom: The Witcher (Aen Elle) Pairing: Caranthir/F/OC Warning: Canon typical violence for this chapter AO3 Link
She could hear noises around that she was not familiar with. The forest had always been silent beside the songs of birds and the occasional animal passing by. Wind or rain, but not that. Footsteps, many of them.
Aine looked through the window, she could see shadows in the distance and hear muffled voices. It wasn’t too stranger for a hunter to find himself that deep in the woods, but it was not usual. Based on the number of voices and steps, that was not just one hunter. Then there was another sound she had not heard in the forest - horses running and dogs howling. She felt fear running through her body, she was alone and that had never scared her, although she had wondered what she would do if someone was to come and try and harm her. For five years that has not been something that never happened, nor she had reason to think it might actually happen. She ran to the door to make sure it was locked and that was when the screams started. Those were not animal screams, those were elven or human voices wrapped in fear. She stepped back from there as if being away would stop the horrible picture that was growing in her head and disappear, but that did not change, it just became louder and more violent.
She made another step backwards when something hit the door. It sounded as if a tree trunk was thrown against it. Another hit and she jumped, as it happened, on the third hit the door fell open. Her breath stuck in her throat when she saw what came through the door. What she assumed was a man was dressed in armor taller and larger than any elf or human she had seen.
“You are a pretty one.” he said as he walked toward her, she could not see his face as he was wearing a helmet but Aine could swear she could hear a chuckle even if whatever rational part of her brain was working told her that was not possible. She tried to run away, right through her table, but as soon as she turned her back on him he grabbed her by the hair and yanked her toward himself. She screamed, she tried to reach for his grip, but her nails painfully dug in his armor. He dragged her out of the house as if she was nothing, his grip pulling cruelly on her hair, her legs trying to keep her somewhat standing, but that failed. She was just a rag doll, she could feel her clothes tearing as they rubbed against dirt and stone, her skin started burning.
Caranthir dismounted his horse in the midst of the chaos. Humans were screaming around him, dogs howling and the smell of blood filled his head like a long needed drug. Part of him felt pity for the forest being disturbed by the sounds of violence, but it was going to be over soon. When they captured the escaped humans he could just open a portal to Tir na Lia and they will be done with that pitiful task. He looked around as their men were already lining the humans next to a small wooden house. Strange, he had not been that far in the woods recently, but a house here? It looked more like an old hunting lodge, a very small one, maybe that is why it was abandoned. It wasn’t too far from the nearest town, but it wasn’t close either. As he was musing over the place he saw Imlerith march from the entrance, dragging someone after himself. A woman, she couldn’t keep her balance, her legs and feet were just trying to keep up with the mountain of a man that was pulling her. At first Caranthir ignored it, that was not something that caught his attention anymore, Imlerith can do whatever. He was about to walk away, he didn’t need to see that, although he was going to hear about it no matter if he wanted or not. That woman better preyed for quick death as he was sure Imlerith won’t show an ounce of mercy. Then something caught his attention. Caranthir turned very slowly and just now noticed what Imlerith was dragging. The first thing he saw was the bundle of red hair in the man’s fist, a spark of green eyes with delicate features.
It couldn’t be. Memories rolled in his mind like an avalanche.
He rushed toward Imlerith, he was in fact running, but he realized that only after he reached the other man.
“Stop.” he placed a hand on Imlerith’s shoulder. He was sitting on top of her already, her body looked so small and fragile compared to him. “Stop!” he repeated louder and Imlerith did stop, he couldn’t see his face because of the helmet but he could imagine the annoyance. Foolish of Caranthir to stay between a beast and his prey.
“Want to join?” Imlerith tilted his head, the woman tried to push him off herself, silly girl, even Caranthir wasn’t sure if he would be able to move the other man if he was in her place.
Caranthir didn’t say a thing, he was struggling with his own confusion, she was nothing to him, just some girl that for a second brough painful memories to his mind, but he knew it wasn’t her, so why did he even bother what happened?
“We don’t have time for that.” Was the first thing that came to Caranthri’s mind. They had time for...everything they were not running on a schedule, that could take them days if they wanted to no one was going to tell them a thing.
“You want her for yourself.” Imlerith started laughing. He pushed himself up and stepped away. “Go on then.”
The girl saw her chance and tried to run, but Caranthir used his staff to trip her, she fell face down, and he pressed his foot on her lower back so she couldn’t escape. Imlerith walked away laughing as if he just witnessed a hilarious joke. It was a joke just not a very funny one.
“Please…” the woman pleaded as he moved his foot off and knelt next to her. He grabbed her face, his armoured hand gripping her jaw hard and forcing her to look at him.
He observed her carefully, hair was the same blood red color, but that was about where the similarities ended. Two very different women, not much in common between them, his mind was playing tricks on him, she was dead while the girl in his hand was very much alive. It wasn’t her obviously, but why was he so bothered? She was pretty, very pretty. Half human half elf, frame was smaller and shorter, more human, but even frozen with fear it had the Aen Elle grace. Her face was also just a mix of both races, still beautiful despite the tears and then there were the eyes. Once upon a time he had tried to figure out how exactly Avallac’h had made him. He read about so many genetic oddities, including the mismatching eye colors, a rarity, certainly just nature doing its thing in her case, unlike all the malformations on his body. Then he sensed something he had missed before. He tilted his head to the side and smiled. “You can use magic.” it wasn’t a question.. Her tears had stopped, but she still looked at him like a doe that was about to be devoured by wolves. “You should have defended yourself.”
She continued to look at him with these scared eyes and for a second time today he had to fight with his own mind. Part of him wanted to end her here, she was half human, humans should not be allowed anywhere near magic, they were too weak. But she was also Aen Elle. Even more importantly something in his chest was feeling so tight that it almost hurt physically. That was stupid. She was dead, that was just some random girl Imlerith dragged out of nowhere.
“Caranthir!” it was Imlerith shouting somewhere behind him, but he ignored him. He had to decide what to do. She wasn’t one of the humans they were hunting; he knew that, but he could not leave her here either. Half human, half elf with magic, that she probably didn’t know how to control, otherwise Imlerith would have had a very bad day. No, it was irresponsible to leave her here. Too dangerous.
“You will be coming with me.” as soon as he said that she tried to pull away from his grip but he was holding her jaw firm if she yanked any harder she was more likely to break it than run away from him. Caranthir released his grip for a second, but then moved his hand to her throat, her neck so small in his hold, he could probably break it with little effort. He got up, pulling her with himself, she choked, fighting for breath even if he did not think he was holding her too hard. She tried to say something but the words just didn’t come.
He started opening portals to Tir na Lia, as he watched her lose consciousness.
When she woke up she was lying on a cold stone. She wanted to believe everything that had happened was just a nightmare, but her surroundings hinted to the opposite. Aine lifted herself up slowly, her legs and back were burning from the way the stone and earth had scratched them. Standing all the way seemed like a difficult task but she did it. She was in a room, certainly not one she had ever seen before. There was a bed, table with a couple of chairs, a chest of drawers and a window to the far end. The space was almost as large as the log cabin where she lived. Floors and walls were solid stone and all the furniture was dark old wood. She walked slowly to the window, that should help her figure out where she was. Even that little walk, no more than 3 feet, was painful. Her knees have been badly bruised and every attempt to bend them was just jolts of pain and discomfort. Slowly she made her way and all she could do was stare. Tir na Lia, that was where she was, she knew the city, but she has never seen it from that point, that high up...she must be in the castle. Fear ran down her spine, why was she alive and why was she here…
That was when the door opened and Aine turned not sure she wanted to face whatever might come from there. A man walked in, taller than her, but that wasn’t really a surprise, being only half elf almost everyone was taller than her, even some humans. The elf started walking toward her and she pressed her back against the wall wishing she had more space to avoid him. It took him just a couple of steps to get to her and he grabbed her throat, painful from this morning, using his fingers to turn her head left and right as if observing a horse he was about to buy. She was terrified. Her heart was beating hundreds of kilometers per hour and she could barely breath and the reason was not his hand on her neck. His touch was almost gentle if anything in this situation could be gentle. Even from the weird angle her head was turned she could see his face. Pale hair and cold eyes, tattoos were crawling on his neck and disappearing under the furs of his cloak. Terrible scars were covering half of his face which despite the strands of hair over them she could see.
Caranthir looked at the marks his gauntlet had left around her throat, the skin already turning blue and purple. That was uncalled for, he could have been more careful. On the other hand why did he even bother about some half bred mutt? He should have broken her neck in the woods and ended it there. Instead he had taken her in Tir na Lia, for what? Because she reminded him of someone he had lost so many years ago that he could barely recall her face? But he did not need to remember the face, he remembered the feeling. Mostly the hate he felt when he lost her, the need to destroy and hurt, but when he saw this half-breed’s face something else made him stop. A feeling he had buried so deep in himself that he did not even know it existed anymore. A need he had convinced himself over so many years to be childish and unnecessary. He was imagining things, he was overthinking it.
“Please...let me go…” her voice came through broken, he couldn’t determine if it was the fear or the fact he had hurt her too bad this morning.
“Cannot let half human mage just roam around Tir na Lia.” his answer was not that much directed at her, he had no interest in her plea, it was mostly a thought he vocalized. That was too dangerous. But if that was dangerous, why was he unable to just kill her? All he had to do is snap her neck as he was holding her, push her through the window next to them, or any manner of magic that he could think about. No, not unable, he was more than able. Unwilling. His mind was conflicted for unknown reasons and all he could do was stare at her. The long red hair, complete mess from Imlerith dragging her in the woods, her face dirty but still beautiful and the mismatching eyes - green and brown. Somehow she also looked equally Aen Elle and human. When he tried to point to a future that was more human to convince himself that she is nothing but a cockroach that needs to be killed, he would find something that made her look as elven as he was.
“I’m not a mage…” there were no tears in her eyes but her voice sounded more like a cry than anything else.
Caranthir did not comment on that, he knew what he was feeling, magic is one of the things he knew better than anyone. She was either lying to him or she was not aware she had powers. But she had....she was not as old as he was, definitely much younger but an adult nonetheless. She should have felt something or done something that would make her experience the power she had no matter how weak it might be.
“Ever moved an object that you couldn’t reach but it somehow ended up in your hand?” she shook her head at the question. “Ever destroyed something just with thought in a fit of anger?” again shaking for no. “Ever had a dream that became true?” Again no.
He wasn’t wrong. That started bothering him and he could feel an obsession growing in him. He had to figure that out. He removed his hand from her throat and ran a finger through her cheek, wet with tears. She was beautiful. Not like her, it was a different sort of beauty, less...polished. Caranthir was hurting and felt excited at the same time, it had been years since something could provoke so many strong emotions in him.
“I will ask someone to bring you food and new clothes.” he stepped back just to see her frame visibly sink in relief. He knew he had that effect on people but somehow he felt a bit disappointed. He could have done worse, much worse.
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twstdreams · 5 years
hi! i’ve seen a lot of romance headcannons so if it’s ok with you could i plz request some family headcannons? what would it be like having leona, ruggie, ace, cater, and epel as big brothers? (reader is little sister) if you’re not comfortable writing this you don’t have to! thanks for reading my request:)
YES, YOU CAN! I love writing siblings and platonic content. I will happily accept family and friends centred requests. My OC has a platonic relationship with everyone, and in another fandom, I wrote an entire series with Big Brother! Character and Little Sister! Reader. Given that I have sibling(s) too, this is well within my comfort range even if I’m the older one. 
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Big Brother! Leona, Ruggie, Ace, Cater, and Epel & Little Sister! Reader
Leona Kingscholar
100% is lazy and abuses his older sibling privileges. This exchange is common for the two of you:
“Go get this for me.”
“Because I’m older!”
You two exchange playful jabs all the time. Him calling you weaker or silly, you replying about how he’s lazy and you could beat him anyway since he never gets off his butt
You have definitely whacked his face with a pillow
Speaking of which you adore waking him up to see his scrunched up expression as you remove the pillow from under his head and pull away the blankets
When you were younger, you definitely used water once or twice to wake him up when you were really pissed
Leona isn’t actively protective, yeah you’re weaker than him, but that doesn’t mean you’re actually weak
His position and power usually are enough to ward off someone, but if anyone decides to physically hurt you and leave a mark, they better be prepared to get it back tenfold. It’s basically a direct challenge to Leona, and any idiot that thinks they can hurt his little sister and get away with it has to be put in their place 
He brushes it off as whatever, maybe a slight against his pride, but you know if you were ever really in danger, he’d help you
You’re never getting help with your homework though
Ruggie Bucchi
Now that he’s older and your family isn’t in such a tight place, he shares, but OH BOY did you two fight when you were kids
Food, toys, clothing, stationery, you two fought over it all
“HEY! That’s mine!”  was a very common phrase
Looking back, it’s a little embarrassing, especially for Ruggie given he’s the older sibling, but hey kids are kids. Neither of you brings it up often if only because both of you have so much ammo against each other, it would never end
You both care about each other but very much need your own personal space and things
You have probably thrown a slipper at one another telling the other sibling to get out of your room
If you two shared a room, at one point in your childhood, there was a string dividing the room in two
With age, the two of you have mellowed out but you still fight from time to time. No, you’re not doing the dishes for him, you already have to do the laundry!
Ruggie is a pretty helpful older brother, but you gotta ask. He’s not going to hover over you or constantly ask how you’re doing
At the end of the day, the two of you have each other’s back 
Ace Trappola
The two of you have fun and goof around a lot, Ace isn’t very serious and his brightness shines when you play games together
He’s a pretty chill older brother, not overbearing at all
When you two argue, it’s ugly. You have explosive fights because he goads you and can be quite mean, and you aren’t one to just roll over and take it. 
You’ve lived together for a long time and Ace knows how to hit you where it hurts. If he’s not careful, he can be quite cruel and brutal 
Ace doesn’t intend to be so mean, but you’re both growing up together and it took a while to establish boundaries
He always wavers when you cry, he hates seeing tears trail down your face and he despises that he’s the cause of it all
He helps you here and there in little gestures like reminders to do things or wake you up so you’re not late for school
Yes, he loves you, no he is not going to do the chores for you
Cater Diamond
He is the nice older brother that all your friends think is so cool
He knows all the latest trends and rumours, so it’s easy to treat him like your friend. He just gets it and you don’t have to explain things to him
He comes off as pretty loose when it comes to you, and he does respect that you’re independent but he keeps an eye on you
When you were a kid he indulged you as his cute little sister and dressed up for miniature tea parties 
He gives you many head pats and ruffles your hair lightly
Despite all the cheeriness, it’s in your fights that you remember he can be so heartless
He can and will hold a grudge for as long as he needs. Days after fights are so heavy that your heart feels like lead. Apologies are stifled and awkward but necessary. 
If he apologizes too, then it’s fine after you two give each other a bit of space. If you feel like you’re always the one apologizing, it can get messy. You feel hurt by it, but even more so, you’re tired.
He cares but he’s not always empathetic, and he is more than willing to let you sort out your own mess. If things get out of hand, then he’ll step in and help
Epel Felmier
He is so sweet, sweeter than apple pie to his darling sister
Guaranteed, you look like a doll and Epel goes shopping with you to pick out cute pieces and accessories
The genes in this family are blessed with porcelain smooth skin and long wispy lashes
As kids, you’d constantly play pretend and Epel would be your prince or knight as you two went on adventures
You hate if anyone suggests Epel isn’t a good brother because of his fragile aesthetic and dispel all rumours
There are no secrets between you two and the two of you share a lot of furtive knowing looks and inside jokes
He totally gives into your tears. Epel absolutely cannot handle it when your eyes begin to well and tears spill
He’s pretty doting, so if you want boundaries, you have to be firm and fair. Epel won’t take it well if he feels like you’re trying to shut him out of your life.
He has a couple peculiarities or pet peeves that you have to abide by, he can be pretty finicky at times
Epel loves you with all his heart and you love him too
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emilythecosmicbun · 4 years
Creepypasta OCs.
Any updates information is on Wattpad WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/story/255861941-creepypasta-ocs-emily-elliot-and-stedge
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cottontailprincess is my Instagram and Emilythecosmiccat is my username on some art websites.
They/Them pronouns please
do not sexualise me, my characters or my boyfriend please he isn’t comfortable with that.
okay so these are my two vent ocs.
Emily/Elliot (Bunny.)
one of them, as you know, is my impure agere oc, representing all the sad and flashback parts of everything. I made them to help cope with my thoughts and feelings. They are based off of my appearance and my trauma. They age up with me.
Full Name: Emily/Elliot Bunzelle but prefers just Emily or Elliot.
Nickname(s): Bunny, Emmy, El, Em, Princess, Prince, Princette
Meaning of name: Emily (from Urban Dictionary.) An Emily is someone who is crazy inside and out. She knows who her friends are and try’s hard to look after them. She is very pretty but doesn’t always know that. She isn’t always the most popular, but to her that doesn’t matter. She has friends from all ages and they all adore her. She hides her feelings however upsetting they may be.
Meaning of name: Elliot (Urban Dictionary) Elliot is a true master at caring. He teaches how to love and be loved. A man of honour a man of steal. He's as handsome as a Greek God, as strong as diamond, as compassionate as a saint and is as gentle as a father's touch. Elliot possesses a magic within to create a vision in the eyes of all, leaving them stunned at how brilliant and perfect Elliot truly is. A leader, a spirit lifter, a lover, a giver, an Elliot'll leave you speechless with his being, his essence.
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Currently 19, same as IRL me, though they physically and mentally regress to younger ages, so their age varies. Their main ages are variants of 1+
Date of Birth:
August 21st (Body born in 2001)
Race/Species: English and a Spirit or Entity.
Native language: English (as in England English.)
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Bisexual Personality: Silly, playful, honest, caring, childish, bratty, stubborn, sweet.
Are They Dead: No but they aren't alive either. Somewhere in between.
Any Mental Health Issues?
C-PTSD, due to multiple traumatic events. They frequently experience multiple flashbacks and nightmares, and is usually terrified of leaving their safe space unless it’s with Stedge, even then, they panic.
Triggers: Listed Here. Triggers page on my Carrd.
Powers/Special Abilities: Can float slightly off the ground, is able to phase through walls, spew blood at will, and look "alive" when speaking and comforting children, or just around those they trust.
Very young child:  Short but very curly/wavy brown hair, a bit lighter than when they are in older looking forms. They wear a pink dress with a white shirt under, and black school shoes. However, they can also just wear a sonic shirt and leggings, or a skirt.
Child:  They can vary but their usual look is long curly/wavy brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, blood on their mouth and nose area, tired-looking eyes, pink dress, sometimes a nightgown, depending on the look, they can wear socks, bunny slippers or even go barefoot! Sometimes they wear bunny ears! Sometimes they like to wear sonic gear.
Teen:  Depending on the age as a teen, at the point it's  "kawaii" inspired things, sometimes just a Melanie Martinez shirt and pants (or skirt), sometimes overalls! They also wore band merch, stuff like that. They have either long brown hair, black hair or multicoloured hair like Melanie Martinez (dyed in variants such as pink, red, blonde (more like light ginger.)
Adult:  Band tops, but also ones with cute designs on such as bunnies or kittens, sometimes overalls or dresses, sometimes even onesies, since they can still have the traits of an agere headspace. Short Brown hair, is a lot chubbier than the rest, can be considered mid or plus size.
Height: Varies depending on form and age, but usually smol.
Hair color: Dark brown/Brown
Eye color: Brown
Scars and/or skin conditions: Has a few bruises and a few cuts in some places, but I prefer to not draw them.
Has a skin condition called psoriasis. (I have it IRL.)
Never Seen Without: White Bun, and their three Cream The Rabbit plushies.
• Things with peaches (the fruit) on them. (Including peaches and peach ice tea.)
• Bunnies
• Their Caregiver, Stedge.
• Drawing, and colouring in.
• The colour pink.
• Sonic The Hedgehog.
• Porcelain Dolls
• Stuffed Animals
• Abusers (including physical, mental and sexual abusers.)
• Those who take advantage of vulnerable people.
• People who don’t take them seriously.
• Drama.
• Being abandoned or left alone.
Stedge - Partner in crime, best friend, caregiver and lover. (Depending on age of course.)
Cream.exe (Sally.exe game) - practically twinning, bunny loves to hang out with cream.exe. (my highest kin, apart from cream herself.)
Family Members - Depending on which member, they do have a good bond or a negative one. Bunny loves them on different levels, some of them, they hate.  This does not reflect on how (I myself) feel about said family members.
(If you want your creepypasta oc to be friends with Bunny, just ask!)
• They age up with my current age since they aren't dead and they are based off of me.
• I decided to make them some sort of entity since I couldn’t make them a ghost and still be alive lol they age up with me.
•Their “trauma” is the same as mine, which is why I won’t write it in detail here but they are a victim of abuse.
• They are all bloody because its how I feel about my trauma.
• They physically and mentally regressed to the age they are supposed to be, if they are in their child forms, they are an actual child. (Direct reference to my age regression I use to help me cope with my trauma) They prefer to be in this form so they can protect and befriend children. They don't harm children or other victims of abuse. The children usually call them “bunny.”
• When they're in their adult form, they have a partner called Stephen. Someone who they have known since they were 17 years old. When they are a “child” he takes care of them and protects them to make sure they don't ever get hurt again.
• Their sense of justice is what caused them to want to help other children. They never want to see another child go through what they went through.
Any Other Info is on the Picture.
Well, I also made a creepypasta oc to represent my boyfriend, someone who I love and trust to help me during those horrible times. He’s like my partner in crime. lmao also his age isn’t rly there because he ages up with his real life counterpart, which will get updated.
Name: Stephen
Nickname(s): Stedge, Mr. Bubbles (by Emily/Elliot.)
Meaning of name: Stephen The most beautiful boy in existence. Has stunning eyes, that make your heart fall through the floor when they crinkle with his perfect smile. Is deep, unlike most boys, and extremely intelligent. Has a big heart, and he doesn't realize when he's being taken for granted. Even though he would never admit it, he sometime's can't see what's right in front of him. An over-analyzer, and very stubborn, but he will admit defeat when he has to. Likes to drive girls crazy, apparently. Easy to fall in love with. Hard to figure out.
Gender: Male
Age: Ages up with IRL person. Currently: 19.
Date of Birth:
9th April
Race/Species: English, Human.
Native language: UK English.
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Straight
Are They Dead: No
Any Mental Health Issues? No, None that we know of.
Triggers: None that we know of.
Powers/Special Abilities:
He doesn't have many powers but he athletic and can run quick and has a good amount of strength. He uses a bat and other various stuff.
Short brown hair, brown eyes, a bit of facial hair, variants of a black or dark grey shirt, but obviously not only those, sometimes they’re ripped.
Hair color: Dark brown, brown.
Eye color: Brown.
Scars: None.
Personality: He is quite intelligent and mature, behaves childishly in front of Emily/Elliot, cold and serious, is kind, polite, protective.
Hobbies and Likes: • playing the guitar
• skate (skateboarding)
• listening to tunes
• spending time with Emily/Elliot.
• Abusers, people who take advantage of vulnerable people.
• People who are cruel to Emily/Elliot.
Relationships: Bunny - Best friend, soulmate, would do anything to make bunny smile, frequently gets them stuffed toys and food.
He is a few months older than me in IRL, his age is 19 right now, along with mine but will be updated.
Stephen is a human, and helps take care of Emily (in their child forms.) since they are a child and very vulnerable in that state due to their trauma, when they’re adult they are romantic towards each other.
They work together as a team when bashing and killing abusers. While he uses physical means, Emily uses mental.
Any Other Info is on the Picture.
WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/story/255861941-creepypasta-ocs-emily-elliot-and-stedge
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Chapter 3. Beautiful chords (Willow Series)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Valentina Rivera (OC)
Word count: 955
Trigger Warning: singing and guitars, Bucky falling in love. Sad Family history(?). Taylor Swift music. Fluff
Disclaimer: I don’t own any Marvel character, only the Original Characters are mine. English is not my mother tongue.
General Masterlist - Willow Series Masterlist- Abuelita Rivera Spanish Lesson- The Val Playlist
Gifts and pictures aren’t mine
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Silk Lavender blue knee length dress with three quarters sleeve, a nice ballerina bun keeps her hair in place, but the thing that actually calls Bucky's attention is the cute dance she was doing on her way to her hut, he knows that is her victory dance, something good happened.
"They said yes! THEY SAID YES!" ends screaming to the air with what she calls her Oprah impression" They said yes to my proposal! I'm fucking awesome!" she kept yelling, until finally disappeared in her hut, with her heels in hand and her cute blue backpack on her shoulder.
For the very first time since he left cryogenics, he allows a soft laugh and a real smile, a brief moment, but he surprises himself, what the hell was happening to him?.
It was late, past mid day, probably Val was coming soon to him with their evening coffee, probably she would tell him the reason for her happiness.
It was after four when Val approached him, two empty cups, her usual thermo with coffee, two containers and two spoons.
"Hey!" she greeted, with a big smile
"Hi" he gave a really small smile, almost imperceptible.
She has changed her clothes, wearing now black sweatpants, a white t-shirt and her usual Black combat boots, as always, wearing the necklace with the lilies pendant, and her wild hair in an half updo.
"Are you okay if we eat this in the lake?" Bucky takes the thermo with his hand when finally finished his work, answering her question with a nod.
They walk in a very comfortable silence, just enjoying the nice surroundings. When they finally get to the lake, they sit down, facing each other. Valentina opens the containers, using the lids as a small table for the spoons and the cups while he starts pouring the coffee when it's safe to do, it was their little ritual, the same hour, during the whole week and the same chores. He would never know if things were destined to be that way, but that little sensation of routine and normality was one of the little things keeping him sane now, or at least he wanted to believe that was the routine and not entirely the women in that routine.
"No sugar?"
"Aha" she answered, taking the cup and enjoying the first sip" I brought tres leches, probably the sweetest thing that I ever ate in my life. I really hope you enjoy it."
Bucky took the first spoonful of the famous tres leches he heard since day one, she was right, it was highly sweet, wasn’t his thing, but wasn’t that bad either.
She starts talking about her day, how successful it was when she spoke with the University board about her findings in the research, how happy she felt when they approved this new approach on her research.
She was passionate, undoubtedly, with a contagious emotion and happiness that made it impossible for him not to smile or laugh with her, she was a kind of light capable to warm his sadness and make his past bright.
That night, Bucky dines in Valentina’s hut, some vegetables “al dente” and meat in tomato sauce, his mind kept repeating her: “the real tomato sauce, not that fake one in cans”.
They end after dinner, sitting in front of the hut, with the nice illumination of the moon and a bonfire, each one with a nice cup of coconut water, they end playing a silly question game.
"What happened to your dad? You barely mention him" he finally asks
"Dad left during my childhood, he had another family in Portugal, one day he took a plane and decided to never come back. His mom… my grandma, she was so angry, his whole family was so angry that he never returned to America to visited them"
"His mom is the grandma that raised you?"
"Yes, his whole family chose to help and support my mom more than him, which is weird sometimes in Latino families, but it was a win. They are a really big awesome support, I love them, deeply"
"Sounds that there is a happy ending"
"I wouldn’t call it ending but yes, a happy development" she smiles, a tired smile" Now, my turn… Favorite contemporary music artist?" Bucky grins, he clearly didn’t have an answer for that" Seriously?"
"Dead serious, doll" doll? Was the first time he addressed her with that nickname, but she didn’t correct him.
"You don’t know a name? Taylor Swift maybe?" he moves his head as a negative answer for that" You don’t Know who Taylor Swift is?! THE Taylor Swift?" once again, he move his head as a negative answer "Stay here"
She stands up and walks inside her hut, returning minutes later with a guitar in her hands. It was a white guitar with draws of roses, and then she sat down, adjusting her position so she could accommodate her guitar.
"Tonight is the night that you know who Taylor Swift is"
She started to perform, just for him, she was an artist, or that he thought, it was very clear how used she was to sing and play in front of people.
That was the moment, Bucky understood there why he loved so much to be around her, it wasn’t the feeling of normality or the routine, it is her: her voice, her laugh, her silence and her ability to observe, is her wild hair, is her light and love to share the things she like with him. It is entirely her reason he is happy around her, is her the reason why he is falling in love.
Luckily, he isn’t the only one falling at the feets of the other.
Tags: @pinkpondofasgard @invisibleanonymousmonsters @dance-dreamer @americasmarauders @autumn-and-rain
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peaky-shelby · 5 years
when he sees me [3]
Read: prologue, episode 1, episode 2
Pairing: Chris Evans x oc
Episode 3: The one with the metaphors
Summary: Delilah is a simple shy girl. What will happen when famous actor, Chris Evans sees her? Will she hide, will she run again? Will he make her come out of hiding instead?
Words: 2.000
Warnings: mentions of sex, a little cursing
Inspired by When he sees me by Sara Bareilles
Author’s note: Sebastian is making an appearance in this one so there’s extra dumb energy. Bra feedback is always welcome and it’s what keeps me interested in to keep writing this, so please always tell me what you think💘
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“You don’t talk much do you?” asked Chris, getting her attention. So far the ride had been silent, you could only hear the low music coming from the radio. Delilah had spent her time looking out the window, while chris would steal a few quick glances now and then. She tilted her head and looked at him with a shy smile. “I talk when I have something to say.”
Chris nodded in some sort of agreement “lets find something to say then.”’
Delilah let her head drop, her hair hiding her expression. Chris chuckled under his breath. She looked so fragile and awkward but in a good way, like she was trying to hide herself from the world but she was too bright to be ignored. “Are you an actress?”
She shook here head even tho Chris couldn’t see her cuz he was looking at the street “No, I’m a writer, Laura is the actress.”
“You mean, Your friend that got you in the party last night?”
“Yes, she’s got connections in your area... me on the other hand I don’t even know whose party we were at.”
“Sebastian Stan. He throws these parties from time to time, for fun and girls.”
“ makes sense now why you were there.” Delilah looked up at him with a smile and he glanced her way for a short second before looking back at the road.
“So... a writer, ha? What do you write?”
“oh god I hate that question.” she mumbled under her breath and then laughed it off “I’m sorry, it’s just the typical question everyone asks and I don’t have a typical answer. Writing is my copying mechanism.. what I write changes all the time.„
“I gotta say for the short time I know you, I don’t think there’s anything typical about you”
Delilah laid her head back on her seat and closed her eyes, smiling “You’re not all wrong about that.”
Small talk and small laughs were what defined the rest of the drive. Quick Glances and smiles were shared in between silly jokes until they reached their destination. Chris stopped the car, letting out a deep breath. “You want me to help you find your car.” He expected for a negative answer, which he was ready to ignore but instead—
“That bitch!„ exclaimed Dilailah. Chris’ eyes opened wide, he looked her way, confused and a bit shocked. Before he had any time to understand what was happening, Delilah stormed out the car, he followed her movements, getting out as well. She was walking towards the entrance of the club while two people were coming out. It took Chris a bit to recognize his friend, Sebastian and next to him was an unknown girl with long black hair and green eyes. The unknown girl let go of Sebastian’s arm when she saw Delilah.
“Delilah!„ she exclaimed, smiling. Sebastian who was only an inch behind her, nodded at Chris. He smirked and then motioned his head towards Delilah, as if he was saying, good catch.
Chris didn’t get it at first but when he did, he took his hands out of his pockets and signaled for him to cut it out. Making him realize that nothing had happened between him and her. His movements captured the attention of Laura, who tilted her neck to look behind her friend. Her mouth opened wide when she realized who was standing there and she pushed her friend playfully on the shoulder “looks like you found your Captain, mermaid.„
“No!„ spat out Delilah, maybe faster than she should have. “I didn’t— we didn’t— it’s a long story! It doesn’t matter! Why the hell are you here? You told me you left!„
“Oh yeah we would but turns out they have these rooms in the back„ Laura lowered her head to speak in Delilah’s ear “the beds were too comfortable.„ she giggled. Delilah shook her entire body, trying to erase the thought of her and Sebastian screwing each other.
Chris on the other hand raised his thumb at Sebastian and gave him an approving look. Sebastian winked, proud of himself.
“And you didnt even think to let me know?„
“Well you found company didn’t you?„ she asked, winking.
“I almost stole his car Laura!„ she shouted, pointing at Chris. Laura narrowed her eyes. Chris looked down and rubbed the back of his head with his hand, trying to contain his laughter. Sebastian raised his eyebrows, and Chris knew this was definitely a story he would want to hear later.
“Uh, playing dirty I get it. Steal his car and then you steal his heart—„
“We did not sleep together in the car Laura!„ she spat.
“Wait did you actually try and steal his car? That wasn’t a metaphor„
“How on earth could that be a matophor for sleeping together?„
“I don’t know why would you try and steal his car?„
“I—„ Delilah stopped herself. Chris raised his head to he direction, waiting to hear what she’d say. The truth was probably to emberassing for her “it doesn’t matter! That’s not important—„
“And why is he here now?„
“He came by the house—„
“He has our address? You know you don’t have to lie to me D, just tell me you f—„
“I DIDN’T!„ she paused, trying to calm herself and changed the subject “do you remember where you left our car last night, when you parked?„
“of course I remember where I left the car, who forgets where they left their car?„
Delilah didn’t respond to that, she gave a quick glance at Chris, who gave her a sympathetic smile.
“Can we just go home then?„
“Wait if the car is still here how did you get home last light?„
“Chris helped me.„
“Aw isn’t that romantic?„
Delilah opened her mouth to speak, repeat that nothing happened between them, but she was cut off by Sebastian.
“Chris was always a gentleman, I’m not surprised.„ said he, putting his hand around Laura’s neck. Laura then bend her head to look at him and smiled, he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss and while they were doing their thing, Chris walked beside Delilah, hands in his pockets, he smiled at her. She crossed her arms against her chest, avoiding Chris’ eyes.
“Looks like they had fun last night.„
“She’s not gonna have fun at home, I can grantee that.„
Laura pulled away from Sebastian, she had a devilish smile on, she wore it like black sexy dress and Sebastian was hypnotized by it.
“When will I see you again?„ he asked her, his voice barely above a whisper. Laura thought about it, Chris watched as she kept looking back and forth between him, Delilah and Sebastian. He knew what she was probably thinking and his heart started beating faster only in the thought of it.
“We should go on a double date!„
There it was. I saw that coming.
“No!„ answered Delilah, again, too quick. Chris looked at her a little hurt. “No offense” she added and he shrugged in understanding. “But Laura for the last there’s nothing going on between me and Chris—„
“Yeah I know, I get it, that’s what I’m trying to fix—„
“It’s not broken Laura!„ she hissed.
Chris enjoyed the little show happening in front of him. He liked the idea, Delilah, he thought, seemed like a nice girl so he had nothing lose. She didn’t seem like she wanted to take the chance tho and he wasn’t the kind of guy who would force her into a date.
Sebastian cleared his throat, turning the attention to him. “If I may interject, me and chris would love to take you two out on a nice dinner.„
“I’m not hungry!„ said Delilah. Chris chuckled at her excuse, obviously she just said the first thing that came in her mind, she was so spontaneous when she was in panic. He thought it was adorable.
“Well we’re not gonna go now! He said dinner, Delilah, we’ll go at night. You know?„
Delilah couldn’t help herself, she smacked her friend in her hand making her yelp.
Chris stepped forward. “Ok ok, if she doesn’t feel comfortable, she can say no, it’s alright.„ he looked in her eyes, giving her that reassuring look. They way she looked at him made his heart melt, she had this guilty and thankful look of a child. Truth be told he wished she’d change her mind, he wanted to know more about her and her writings and her hiding ways. He was so interested in breaking down that wall that she had around her.
She was obviously struggling making a choice and Chris wouldn’t have said what he said if he didn’t believe that deep down she wanted to say yes, she was just worried “I mean you do owe me... for everything I’ve done—„
Delilah laughed, hitting him on shoulder gently “you’re cheating!„
Chris smiled, this was exactly the reaction that he wanted. He hid his hands in his pockets. It felt like it was only him and her, like the other two had disappeared for a momend and He heard her breath out, a breath that gave him hope. “I mean I do owe you.„ she repeated his words.
Laura started jumping up and down clapping and screaming in excitement. Chris had to close his ears or else he’d go deaf.
“Ahh this is amazing! We’re gonna have so much fun! You can come pick us up at 8, don’t be late!„ she said the last sentence looking at Sebastian, he smirked.
“I wouldn’t dare, Doll!„ he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him, kissing her passionately. The very passionate brain of Chris, located between his legs, seeing him do that wanted to do the same to Delilah but of course he held himself together and instead he just gave her his hand.
She took it without hesitation “I guess I’ll see you tonight.. and my promise about getting out of your hair is officially broken.„
He laughed, looking at their hands “never liked that promise anyway.„ he admitted. The effect he had on her was obvious by the way she blushed and let her hand slip away from his. She didn’t answer tho. She grabbed her friend from her arm and pulled her away from Sebastian, ignoring her cries.
Sebastian and Chris watched them leave.
“I guess last night’s party was a success, you’re welcome.„ said Sebastian.
“She’s nice, I like her.„
“Did she really try to steal your car?„
“In her defense she was drunk and she thought it was her car.„
“Well you gotta be careful with that one..„
Chris looked at his friend. Wondering if he knew something more. “Why?„
“She’s obviously hiding from something. You’re Chris Evans and she struggled saying yes to you. She’s scared.„
“Of me?„
Sebastian scoffed “you give yourself too much credit. It’s not you. It’s nothing specific, she’s just scared. People are allowed to be scared.„
Chris narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms “When did you get so wise?„
“You get wiser when you fall in love.„
Chris laughed “you’re in love?„
“Didn’t you see her? Her eyes, her hair, her lips, that smirk, she’s like a witch and her body.. the way she—„
“I beg you not to finish that sentence.„ he raised his hand, signaling Sebastian to stop. “I have to go, I’ll send you their address and we’ll meet there. Ok lover boy?„
“See you soon captain, and may the best ship sail—„
“Seriously Seb! Go get some sleep! You don’t even know what you’re saying!„
With that Chris left and went to his car. He started the engine and looked to where Delilah was sitting earlier, he noticed her bracelet again, on her seat. God the whole situation felt so cheesy to him. A drunk night, a lost bracelet, a silly coincidence.
Boy am I in trouble.. he thought.
@annoyinglydarktriumph-us @thejemersoninferno @marvelousthronewars @asd181818
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myheadisinvaded · 5 years
On With The Show… chapter 1/heaven (part1)
Word count- 1,581
Warnings- sexual talk (?), mention of drugs, idk what else to list
A/N- feedback is appreciated, thanks for giving me a chance (if you read it) There will be multiple parts, this is kind of presenting everything.
This will be a romantic Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x Oc, there will be some Mick Mars x Oc as a best friend/mentor 
His glossy blue eyes reflect the raindrops rolling down the window, the clouds are grey and they seem to be crying with him. The guilt and regret is building up inside his body, feelings he never wanted to feel again are starting to come back. Now they seem to be against himself, he never wanted to cause someone he loved the same pain his mother caused him.
Blair is the dream daughter, in college, studying every night, doesn’t really party, doesn’t date around. She’ll drink every once in a while but she’s never done drugs, smoked, she’s a good kid. Her single mom has always greatly appreciated her daughter. Blair indulges in her music, hard rock, glam rock, punk, anything heavy, full of guitars and drums she’s there for it. She plays some music herself, she’s learning guitar, piano and her voice has always been something she’s proud of. The genres she loves don’t match her at all which always creates interest in her. The innocent child like vibe she gives off is charming and has kind of made her the sweetheart. She’s not by any means the most popular but anyone she meets, likes her.
October 1983, she has just turned 21
Her arms are up, her hands in devil horns, she is feeling happy and full of excitement and energy. Motley Crue is her favorite band and she was able to come see them, finally! She made sure to put on her cutest black dress with her best black heels, her hair in her natural loose curls and light make up. Not the most rock of outfits but she feels pretty and that’s what matters. She hopes to catch his attention, after all she had heard it wasn’t too hard, but somewhere in the back of her mind she knew there was no way it would actually happen. She decides to just enjoy the music, front row, and not worry about it. Her eyes focus on Nikki first, he seems focused on the music and having fun on stage. She moves them over to Vince and then to Mick, and finally to Tommy. Watching them rock out and feel the music was amazing, she had always hoped that one day she would be able to do that but she doesn’t feel any where near talented enough, her eyes go back to Mick. The way he plays the guitar, its mesmerizing. The smile on her face becomes bigger and her eyes lock with Mick’s. He smiles and keeps on playing, sending her a small wink before moving around the stage with Vince and Nikki. Her eyes move back to focus on Nikki, the adrenaline coursing its way through her body from being noticed by Mick, or at least she hopes she was. The songs are all equally as fun and energy filled, Shout at the Devil, Live Wire, Take Me To The Top,Looks That Kill, Helter Skelter, etc.
The concert comes to an end, the crowd screams for more but to no avail, the energy is still high and everyone is buzzing. Girls are flooding to the backstage area, she follows the crowd, partying with Motley Crue would be a dream come true but right now she wants to at least meet them. Blair is able to get past to the backstage area, not a hard task at all, she sees everyone heading towards the back but when she glances to her left there is a hallway leading to the dressing rooms, the hallway also contains something that makes her heart flip, their guitars and basses. The ones they used tonight are roughly hung on there and she can’t help but walk in that direction instead. She immediately spots the black guitar, scraped all over and Mars in white on it. Her eyes dart around, she isn’t going to steal it but she also assumes no one would want her to play it either, who cares, it's quiet and no one seems to be here, they are all probably partying anyways. Her heels click against the tile, her black baby doll velvet dress flows around as she tries to tip toe. 
When she has the guitar in front of her she gingerly picks it up and holds it in front of her eyes for a minute, the strap is still warm and sweaty. With shaking hands she puts in on, adjusting it a little, since she is shorter and her arms are short as well. She starts playing something quietly, it sounds a little weird, given that its an electric guitar and its not plugged in but its still super cool that she’s playing with Motley Crue’s guitar. Blair begins to get a little carried away, jumping around and pretending to be giving a whole show, whisper singing Live Wire. Eyes closed, head thrown back, rocker face on, she doesn’t realize when Mick appears in front of her, arms crossed, unamused eyes, and eyebrow raised. She does a little kick and jump and finally opens her eyes. Her body freezes when she sees him, he holds her stare, trying not to smirk. “I-i-i’m so sorry” she manages to stutter out. He huffs “Fucking teenagers... “ as he shakes his head but he recognizes her from the front row, her soft features and school girl look stands out.. Her arms start shaking again and when he notices that, he feels a little bad, “Give it here kid, you're holding it wrong”. Taking the guitar off of her she shakily hands it back to him and he gives her a half smile. He makes sure shes watching as he puts it on, readjusting the strap “Damn, you’re short” and places his hands on it, “If you want to be able to rock out comfortably you have to learn how to hold it, you had it on too tight too, i know you have short arms but loosen it up a little and you can slide it around” he looks at her face, she's watching him intently. He spends the next 5 minutes showing her different tips and tricks.
“So… we’ve been here for a minute and you haven’t said a word, I normally don’t like to be the only one talking, much less talking  this much” he chuckles lightly “Tell me, what’s your name?” She smiles, finally having calmed down after the initial shock of having one of her idols teaching her. “Blair Storm” she states proudly. Mick raises his eyebrow once again “Stage name?” he questions. She shakes her head, “Pretty cool, huh?” she's still smiling. He gives her a grimace and nods “yeah, sure kid” He looks around and sighs ‘Hey, how about we go sit in my dressing room, we can keep talking there.” his back was beginning to hurt so he was glad when she quickly agreed and he let her in through the door that was right beside the instrument rack. Once they're both inside he motions for her to take a seat on the couch in his dressing room, he sits beside her and looks at her, his regular unamused expression on his face, he can’t help but let a small smile crack through when he sees the excitement in her eyes, the sweetest smile on her face. “Why aren’t you out there partying?” he asks curiously “Well that was my plan but then i saw your guitar and just came in this direction” she shrugs her shoulders and he just nods slowly, reaching over to the table and getting some Jack Daniel’s “drink?” he asks, she nods so he pours her some over some ice and hands to her. Little does he know that she’s never had whiskey before and her heart begins pounding.
 He just takes a swig from the bottle and watches her slowly take a drink, her cheeks become bright red and she begins coughing. Her throat is burning and she screams “Oh my god!!!” Mick tries to not laugh but he can’t help it, he does stand up from the couch and goes over to her “Just breathe, its ok” he rubs her back as she gasps. Embarrassment fills her small body up.
Nikki and Tommy had been making their way down the hall, coming to get Mick and see if he wanted to come drink with them when they hear the screaming, assuming he’s got a girl in there they start laughing and acting like silly teenage boys. “Duuuuude he’s finally getting some!” Tommy jumps in excitement as they make their way to the room. When they get closer it’s quiet and Nikki wiggles his eyebrows, his hand on the doorknob, ready to bust in and catch their friend in action.
Mick had given her water and she had calmed down, not only was it her first time drinking whiskey but she had also been so nervous that it went down the wrong way. Mick was laughing at her as she slowly started laughing as well, her cheeks were flushed pink. “Damn, kid, it sounding like I had given you straight up rubbing alcohol!” As they are both laughing it off the door slams open, making Blair jump and almost spill the whiskey she had been able to start sipping on. Tommy sees Mick and some hot chick sitting like 3 feet apart on the couch and sighs, making a frowny face “aww man! Did we miss it?” Nikki looks at Mick and then at the girl, she's way too pretty to be a groupie and not drunk enough. “Miss what, drummer?” Mick asks with his monotone voice and a frown on his face. “You getting some pussy man!” Nikki laughs, his eyes focused on the girl. Mick shakes his head and before he can say anything Tommy does a facepalm ‘We interrupted it right before it happened didn’t we?” Mick sighs and rolls his eyes, shaking his head. Nikki looks at him “You mean to tell me that you’re just sitting here boring this girl to death?” Blair lets a small laugh out and finally speaks “Um actually we were just hanging out and he was teaching me things about guitar” Nikki rolls his eyes and confirms  “So boring you to death. Why don’t you come party? We’ll go have some fun” he says, a devious smile on his face. Her face immediately goes back to a deep pink shade but she stays quiet, she looks over at Mick and her gives her a nod. 
“I’ll go party” Blair stands up, fixing her short dress. “We’ll finish later, kid” Mick says as he lays down, arms crossed over his chest, sunglasses on. “Bring me more booze” he demands. “Oh here, i’ll leave this bottle with you” Tommy sets it down on the table beside Mick. Nikki smirks and takes Blair by the hand and leads her out of the dressing room. Tommy follows behind them and runs past them, yelling loudly “Wooooooohhh” Nikki laughs and starts walking faster. “Wanna do some blow?” he asks as he pushes the door open, a brand new world before her eyes.
Tags: @triplehaitches
165 notes · View notes
9uk · 6 years
Let Me Stay Close To You  : part 1
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⌲ summary : you were finally free from the worst nightmare of your life in high school. the doors of college welcomed you with open arms, you were set on living your best life in here, away from the toxicity back at home. that shimmer of hope in restoring your life, was somehow effortlessly crushed by a tap on your shoulder. “Hey Y/N, why don’t you say we catch up for a moment?”
⌲ pairing : bully!jungkook x reader
⌲ word count : 4.9k
⌲ genre : a whole lot of fluff maybe, refreshing jungkook, oc & friends ^-^
⌲ warnings : mentions of being a victim of bully, light grinding, suggestive terms
⌲ a/n : here it is! i’m so sorry if it’s bad :”
prologue > one  >  part two
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You see, the reason why Jungkook constantly picks on you is—
Firstly. Although you were this sweet girl filled with compassion who treated everyone equally and nicely, you were nonetheless ostracised in school. Due to the fact that you covered up who your father was to protect yourself, and your family. 
“Wait Y/N, what does your father do?” One of your classmates had questioned, making sure she was pulling on and cutting off the right strings.
 Confirming, that it would be okay to ignore you.
“My father had died in an car accident a few years back.” Her eyes widened, in what you assumed as sympathy. “I only have my mom, who works at the coffee shop just around the corner of the street.” At that, her sympathy washes away and is replaced quickly by what you deemed as disassociation. All you receive is an ‘O’ shape formed on her mouth, before she slithers away to join her group of friends who carried Chanel bags and wore Gucci shoes to school.
 Everybody then knew you as the girl who is single-parented by a humble mother who works at a café down the street. There was this hierarchy in school, and there was almost no reason to get close to somebody who was not worth of connections and had no business strings to pull. To put it simply, your ass was not wealthy enough to suck up to.
And the perfect person to bully. (Without having their family company’s stock rate to drop.)
You try to pass off as indifferent as ever, like this was your life and everything to you is nothing more than a normality. 
But it isn’t. 
It’s sort of amusing how you had to travel to such extremities in order to make sure your journey in high school would be a smooth-sailing and unbothered one. 
You had rather those shallow-minded, materialistic people to keep an appropriate distance away from the girl in rags. Therefore, you lied.
“Oh there’s the girl whose father passed on from an accident.” Compared to, “Isn’t that the girl whose father committed embezzlement?” It’s somehow better in some way or another to lie about your father’s death than to tell the school the ugly truth.The former would cause people to avoid you, a fatherless child, while the latter would cause people to despise you, a criminal’s daughter. Sympathy was better than contempt, after all.
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It’s been almost eight months since that—you could quite literally say, mind-blowing incident.
It was the time of the year where the first years would start enrolling into the colleges that have sent them an acceptance letter. It was the time, for a fresh clean start. 
For everybody. Especially you.
You got into a college a few hours drive far away from the hometown. You call it the hometown because that place had turned foul with the odour of filthy money, the values of the society you were living in back there unreservedly stinks of corruption and discrimination towards the less well-off and the weak—it wasn’t even yours to begin with.
 No, you didn’t want to acknowledge a place like that as your home.
You stuck out like a total sore thumb in that city. 
Surely the town had a beautiful cityscape, splattered with greyscale high-rised office buildings with doses of parks and bridges. 
It looked picturesque. 
Fact is, it only looked picturesque.
What lies behind the millionaire central business district was the cruelsome inevitable hierarchy and a deadly game of chess. 
Kill, or be killed.
You left for a peace of the mind, to put behind all the bad memories, nightmare of a terrible highschool life and the irreversible tragic situation your family was in. Your father was still an employee in that company, with no other choice but to work like a bull as a form of redemption to his wrongdoings.
 Meanwhile, your mother diligently worked as a barista and kept her profile low-key. She couldn’t enjoy her usual high-tea sessions with her housewife friends anymore, she couldn’t even lift her head when she stepped out of the house anymore. Tragic, indeed.
College was like a fresh breather. 
Like a clean and proper start to everything, considering no one from highschool was likely to be here with you. It was a chance to meet new, kinder people who did not steal your yoghurt or vandalise your belongings or maybe even split your forehead apart like a certain someone—and to finally live a life of someone normal. 
It was like a new shot at life. At least that was what you thought.
Carrying all your belongings from your old apartment, you hear noises coming from your dormitory.
 “Ah! What do I do? How am I going to cook all these ramen I bought?! Why am I so stu-oh my god!” Your roomie looks at you by the door, watching her go into a fit of frenzy. 
“You scared me! Why are you standing there like that?” She starts bursting into laughter. 
And you naturally let out a light chuckle, too. 
“I have a kettle, and it’s for sharing.” You lift up the pink sleek kettle you have in hand after overhearing her not-so-quiet state of despair. Her eyes twinkle with a gleam of hope, like her entire sanity just got saved. 
By a pink floral-printed, kettle.
“Thank you! You’re the best! I can already tell we’re going to get along just fine!” She beams in excitement and pulls you into a tight hug while you try to prevent all of your stuff from dropping onto the ground. 
Oh, so much for a kettle.
“I’m Sooyoung, nice to meet you…?” She chirps with her bright red lipstick and pearly white teeth—you already love her so much, your only friend in such a long time. 
“U-Uh, it’s Y/N.” You sheepishly grin, averting her sparkly eyes. 
So this is what the effect being deprived of any proper contact with humans felt like. You could feel chemistry building rapidly between the both of you, or maybe it was solely because you haven’t had a true friend in ages. 
Sooyoung was definitely outspoken and extroverted, simple-minded and direct with her feelings—which in contrary to you, who was leaning towards the more reserved and introverted side. Hanging out with Sooyoung made you feel like you had some self-worth, her strong initiative and inclusion towards you made you feel like you were needed as a friend, for once in so long.
 Regardless of your financial status. 
And no longer than a couple of days, the both of you had grown so close through the binge-watching of netflix and love for Toki’s fried chicken. The two of you hopped around campus, getting exploited to the publicity of various clubs and sport teams and adjusting in through the freshmen orientation you wished had never ended. Because the end of orientations meant the start of classes—which you weren’t such a sucker for anymore, knowing how much fun you could have to hang out with legitimate friends.
 It felt different, but it felt nice.
 To be able to speak without being afraid, to be able to tease and hug one another so casually without any obstructions of statuses. It felt nice to be able to be yourself, the Y/N who played tag, built sandcastles and rambled about the the number of dogs you were going to own in the future under the night stars, with your bestfriend. It felt nice to be able to open up your soul.
And that is why suddenly, you were a fan of raising the roof. You became one of those girls in their little squads back in high school who constantly had silly grins plastered onto their faces, squealing over celebrity crushes and skipping off to movie dates hand-in-hand with their girlfriends. And just for once, you felt like you were normal. You fitted in easily, with the help of Sooyoung, became just like everyone else. She introduced you to two of her other friends, Wendy and Seulgi, who were just as amazing as she was.
“Come on, let’s go Y/N.” Your mouth open agape as you looked at her, dumbfounded. What exactly were you supposed to wear to a friends outing? It was the first time you were actually going to meet up with her friends. 
“I-I have nothing to wear.” You blurt out, and Sooyoung makes a sound of something in between a scoff and a laugh.
 “Do you even need to wear anything? We’re only meeting Seul and Wen for coffee!” You embarassingly scratch the back of your head, feeling like you read too much into a coffee date.
 “Here,” She steps foward and pulls out a top from your section of the wardrobe. “This should do.” Sooyoung shakes her head as you get dressed, thinking how much you’ve never went out before.
You put on a long sleeved floral top and jeans. You have never been yourself in highschool, you felt like you didn’t have the right to, dress all girly and pretty—it felt like something only the rich and pretty could do. 
During the school break, you let your hair down, started wearing contact lenses, and even dyed your hair a light brown—you were almost unrecognisable. The thought that no one was going to laugh at you for dolling yourself up, had you shrieking in excitement as you happily made your way to the mall.
So here you were, sitting at the café nearby the university, having a session of gossip with your own little squad.
Having something or someone you love is honestly the greatest vulnerability. Once you have a taste of something, you wouldn’t want to let that go—no, not just yet. Once something is under your possesion, and the worst thing that can happen is that you would grow so accustomed to it. If you told yourself 4 years ago that you would be sitting with a bunch of your closest friends, chattering happily and discussing about what you going to wear to the party later in the evening over lunch— you would probably laugh in utter disbelief, for that would only happen in your wildest dreams. And the wildest dream were you living in, sitting at the caféteria having a serious meeting about how your clique should wear a similar concept of clothes and stride into the frathouse like bad bitches.
Though, it seemed like Seulgi was the only one serious about this whole thing.
“No thanks, I’m good.” Wendy opts out and decides to go with her own full black style.
“Um okay, who’s with me?” 
You could tell Seulgi was nervous, by how hard she is trying to come up with a mastermind plan with the four of you to at least leave an impression in the welcoming party. Her eyecandy, Taehyung was going to be there, she had to somehow step up her game, right? After drooling over him in Biology lectures for what seemed like weeks, she was finally going to gain a chance at some sort of interaction with the “love of her life”—as she proclaims—at this very major and important party of entering the college life. 
There was a foam of unsettling silence until Sooyoung decides to disrupt it. All of you wanted nothing more but to drink away your feelings of sorrow for the term that was about to commence.
“Okay fine, I will do it with you.” Sooyoung volunteers, seeing as to no one was particularly interested. 
“I guess I will join too then..” You raised, and Seulgi’s pout transforms into a smile at once. She proceeds to tug on Wendy’s arm, who was boredly using her phone while waiting for Seulgi to be over that idea. But as she looks up to three pairs of eyes expectantly waiting for her reply, she sighs. 
“I can’t believe the two of you agreed to it. Disappointed is an understatement.” With a roll of her eyes, the four of you laughed heartedly in satisfaction and carried on with the conversation about boys, boys and boys. 
After a long bonding session, which consisted of them being shocked as to how you’ve never dated before, which they found impossible—because they thought you were really gorgeous and lovely. As the girls scanned your features upon Wendy’s compliment, you knew they noticed the scar at your left temple—by how their eyes linger there for a moment before quickly diverting their gaze to the rest of your face as an act of oblivion. They chose to not question something you didn’t mention out of your own will.
 Who would have guessed you were a victim of bullying?
Suddenly, your chair screeched loudly “Oh crap, I’ve got to go submit some papers at the office!” You weren’t done with registering your details with the university, and had a lot of troublesome loose strings to tie up for your father wanted to you to receive the allowance he gave to you every month from the school. The office was closing barely in a few minutes, and you had to check it off your to-do-list by today. 
“Sorry girls, I have to rush off now,” You felt bad for leaving your friends like in the middle of an enticing horror story Seulgi was telling, but nonetheless you snatched your belongings and made your way out of the café, flustered.
 “See you at the dorm at 6!” Sooyoung yells out to you and you reply her with a sloppish wave. The rustic copper bells at the door twinkles violently as it busts open, and you’re flying off to campus.
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The smell of succulent wild berries and soft white violets.
 He can almost recognise that smell from anywhere. Jungkook looks up from the game on his mobile device. His characters were groaning loudly in pain in his eardrums, losing the match but he squints in the distance, putting all the broken misplaced pieces of nostalgia together once again. Was that who he thought it was? Your face lingered faintly at the back of his head but he shook his head and pushed the suspicion away.He whips around and tilts his head from the dull pain of the whiplash. The clicking of her leather boot heels become amplified as his vision focused solely on her back—the way her soft fawn locks sway from side to side with every step she took, the way her cute pink top flowed in the wind of spring, this aura of confidence she had radiating around her entire form, the scent she left behind was persistent in his nose, and he hates to admit but it further confirms his suspicions. 
But no, it couldn’t be.
 It couldn’t be at all.
 He must be hallucinating, but she was on his mind the whole day, the sight of her slowly disappearing into the university’s building from the open walkway etched on his very mind. Something about that girl hit the sense of familiarity in him—with a pinch of longing and a sense of regret.
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“Can’t wait to see Taehyung,” Seulgi’s feet tap on the ground in anticipation mixed with nervousness. She must have known she was not the only one fawning over Taehyung’s perfectly sculpted features. 
“Can’t wait to get wasted.” Wendy softly follows after. 
Sooyoung smacks Wendy, “And yours truly would have to drag your asses back?” She sulks at the fact that she had to control her liqour and not go all out tonight—for she was all of yours’ ride back. 
“Did you happen to forget that you’re the only one who’s got a driver’s license?” Wendy reminds, and Sooyoung is left with a defeated sigh, wishing she hadn’t learnt to drive before any of you all did.
The house was already slightly bouncing from the booming pop music inside, the windows doing a bad job at encasing the sound waves. The party has not even begun, but the whole house was filled with guests—freshmen, mostly—and it felt like half of the college’s students were present here. You swear you heard a few whistles as the four of you walked through the door, entering one by one, completely fazed by the entire atmospehere of the party. You sucked in a deep breath, calming your nerves and preventing yourself from developing a panic attack from how loud and crowded this place. 
You felt strange, your seventh sense pricking at your thoughts, as if a pair of eyes were watching you intensely. You weren’t used to being with large amounts of people, and to be frank, you already felt suffocated whenever you were in class. The comfort of being alone and having space was not appreciated enough. Especially in crazy parties like this.
A few moments later, while everyone seem to find home at this stranger’s house, you were still stiff and a little uncomfortable. Wendy went to join in a game of beer pong—you can hear her hollers of victory every once in a while. And Seulgi made her way to find her dreamboy, gathering courage to make her moves on him. Sooyoung decided to head to the kitchen to grab drinks, pulling you along, and chugged the unruly liquid in the red cups down too easily. Sooyoung poured you a shot of vodka while she had a cup of tequila in hand, “Y/N, drink this to loosen up.” She says assuringly and you grab suspicious red cup from her hands, looking at it with worry and hesistation. You weren’t one to drink alcohol, you never have and never wanted to. But you guessed it was time to try. 
Hands shaky, you immediately brought the drink to your lips, brows furrowing tightly as you down every drop of the vodka. “Wait Y/N, I should pour some soda water to water it down for you.”Sooyoung spins the cap close on the bottle of vodka as she looks around for the soda water. 
Cheeks full of hard liquor, both of your eyes widened when she turned around, with the red cup empty in your hand. You swallowed, and it burned your throat. Grimacing from the taste left on your tongue, you looked at her in confusion. “Was I not supposed to just-“
“Oh my goodness, Y/N!” Sooyoung’s face lit up in surprise. “I didn’t know you can hold your liquor that well! I should just..” She drinks straight from the bottle, like a baby sucking on a milk bottle, the hard stuff entering her system. 
“Ah, this just feels too good!” She screamed in pure intoxicated happiness and grabbed your arm, heading to the dance floor. “Let’s dance.”
 A light buzz clouded your mind from the three-quarter full cup of vodka as you smiled sheepishly, making your way to the dance floor. Sooyoung jumped up and down, swinging to the music and letting her body flow to the rhythm. Her enthusiasm infected you, causing you to slightly follow and move accordingly to her actions and the deafening music. The buzz gradually grew bigger, taking over your whole body, your limbs were dancing on their own as you slowly flutter your eyes shut to the feeling. You were smiling too much—almost unnecessarily as you blended right into the dancing crowd, Sooyoung long drifted away from you, probably having fun with somebody else who matched her high level of energy. 
You were certain that you were strongly inebriated, for your cheeks were burning red, and you were dancing. 
 If the Jeon demon was here, he would have probably took a video of you and laughed at your horrendous movements. But you were having the time of your life, enjoying yourself in this party, dancing. 
Fuck, why were you even thinking about him? You felt so free of worries, without any sort of burden‚ like a caged bird set free—you were floating with numerous bodies, to the song you always hear on the radio, with no judgemental eyes or hushed murmurs about the way you were acting. 
Your confidence was always weak, but for today, it got stronger—at least just for a moment. Everything felt perfect—even though you were alone, but you knew that you had three friends by your side and that was more than enough. You didn’t want this moment to end.
“Having fun?” A voice echoed in your ear. Although you felt like you were on fire, you manage to feel the hands that creeped up onto your hips, leaving you on slightly on edge and caution. The touch burned through the fabric of the short dress you were wearing, if it was even possible, and you tried turning around. But you failed as the strong grip held you in place, no one would notice you were struggling as everyone on the dance floor just looked like a bunch of twirling limbs. Before you could turn your head to catch a glimpse of the person who was laying their hands on you, he snuck closer to press against your back and rested his chin onto your shoulder. The side of his face so close to yours, you couldn’t even tilt your head around to see his face. It was like he didn’t want you to see his face, for all you know, self-consciousness.
 It wasn’t like you minded too much about people’s faces, if anything, you knew better than anyone else than to judge a book by it’s cover. Cover, meaning status, family background, level of affluence—let alone their damn physical appearance.
“You look amazing tonight,” His voice trickles into your ears like candy, sending shivers down your spine with a single compliment. But one thing for sure, was that he smelled so good, and it made you want to bury your face into his chest and let him be the only thing you were going to smell for life.
The faceless stranger didn’t grind onto your ass or sneak his hands further up to your breasts, but the both of you comfortably stayed like that, swaying gently to the music. You silently chided yourself for letting someone touch you like that without knowing his name, or seeing his face—but you enjoyed the way you were being held a little too much than you’d like to admit.
 Was this some kind of undiscovered trait of lust you had surging throughout your body?
There was only one way to find out.
You tilted your head back and pushed yourself against him, feeling his crotch press against the crack between the cheeks of your ass.He lets out a deep chuckle, one you assumed was filled with want and amusement from your gnawing desperation to feel him—without knowing anything about this stranger.
 Maybe you were too drunk, mind flooding with lustful thoughts and core aching a little from his strong grasp on your hips. But as he interlocks his fingers with yours and moves towards the stairs to bring you upstairs and satisfy your needs that you clearly displayed a few seconds ago, you halted in your tracks. “Waiiit,” You tug him back, speech slurring. And he refuses to turn back to face you, as though he is afraid that you would turn him down once you see his face.
 At the same time, he’s listening. 
He’s curious as to what you have to say to him.
With his back still stubbornly facing you, you pull him closer and unlock your fingers, spinning him around. 
“What’s your name?” You reach out to grab his hand once again, for reassurance. He looks at the floor, scared and nervous to meet your eyes for the very first time. The stranger was elegant and charming—you could sense it clearly from the aura he was radiating around you. 
But it was also clear as day that he lacked confidence. 
“I’m.. Namjoon, s-sorry,” You clutch his hand tighter to prevent him from leaving abruptly. 
You genuinely enjoyed dancing with him, and you feel like he was someone you would want to get to know better.
“Namjoon, look at me. Let me see you properly?” The words came out more like a question, nonetheless he raises his head carefully, as if to give you time you prepare for how ugly he looked. 
You know it all, too well. 
It wasn’t even a few milliseconds after you looked at his face before—“Namjoon, you look amazing too.” You returned the compliment, not for the sake of boosting his self-confidence or to return the praise—but he really, looked amazing. His brown hair is parted and combed back messily, his monolids and plump lips rested perfectly on his face. You couldn’t really understand why he was self-conscious about his looks, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A smile flashes onto his face upon your words and he covers his mouth with his hand shyly. God, he had dimples too. This man was downright gorgeous—it was a pity he couldn’t see that for himself.
 “I mean it, you look handsome.” You smile back at him, adoration for this man escalating in you as he chuckles.
 “Thank you, uh..” Namjoon’s eyes widened as to how he had missed your name. “I’m Y/N.” You finish for him and he shakes his head at how rude he must have seemed without asking for your name. He panics.
 “Sorry I just-” “It’s okay Namjoon.” You giggle, and he leans foward to press a chaste kiss to your lips. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” Your cheeks grow red at the sudden intimacy, being reminded of where the both of you had left off. 
“Shall we go upstairs?” He suggests politely—though, what may happen between the two of you, weren’t so much going to be so. 
“Hey Y/N, why don’t you say we catch up for a moment?”
 A tap on your shoulder brings your attention away from Namjoon, your hand dropping from his, hanging loosely by your side at the voice.
At his voice. 
You would never forget the voice who brought the insults and mean remarks into your ears, slowly feathering down to your pile of insecurities. 
You are certain, that you would never forget his voice.
You could feel your legs begin to tremble as your eyes meet with the devil’s, dark and fierce—piercing right through your soul. The devil, being none other than Jeon Jungkook. 
The first thing you feel is denial.
You can’t help but let your jaw drop, lips parting in complete shock and dread. No,no,no, it can’t be. You repeat like a mantra in your heart, hoping it gets to your tipsy head. It just can’t be. This has to be some sort of sickening plot twist in a Korean drama series, right? You tried pinching hard at your thighs, wincing as the pain assures you that this in fact, wasn’t a dream. And Jungkook, the guy who filled your teen years with plain torture and unkept peace, was standing right infront of you. 
The second thing you feel is fear.
You could feel your breath start to stutter, as you subconsciously take a step back from him with shaky legs. Namjoon, as expected, was gone by now. Probably having fled as he sees a far more dominating and confident look in Jungkook’s eyes. You were afraid. So afraid that this terrible man would come into your life and ruin everything for you. Sooyoung, Seulgi and Wendy would all probably leave you as this devil incarnate, would claim you to being his punching doll, once again. No one would want to stay close to a victim of bully. No matter how much sympathy they are able to gain, or how much external kindness they are able to receive—they still never have true friends to hang out with, share secrets between and to protect each other. Because who in the world would want to include losers in their fancy little squads?
 Victims are only viewed as a burden, bringing down the entire group, being the plus one in everything—it’s hard to open up to people that easily, afraid of saying the wrong things or doing things that would make others upset.
 It’s hard.
 And you solemnly pray Jungkook wouldn’t make it hard again for you in your new life in college.
As these train of thoughts travel pass your mind, the trembling hand by your side was now grabbed by Jungkook, as he waltzed you through the sweaty crowd and out of the thumping house that made your head spin. He pulls your speechless form outside, the cool and needed fresh air kissing your skin. His fingers are still laced with yours, gently tight and the feeling too foreign for your administration to the vulnerable mind. 
Jungkook looks at you with eyes that seem like concern and worry—something that was so unfamiliar to you and never encountered with before.
 With his thumb drawing circles over the back of your hand soothingly, that was the last straw.
“Y/N…Are you okay?” Jungkook begins.
And the third thing you feel, is confusion.
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Mother May I?
Good after noon everyone! If it is in fact afternoon for you. Either way I hope everyone’s day’s are going better than mine. Here is the next chapter of ‘The Part Timer Series’, if you’re looking for the first part go ahead and search the tag or look it up on my Master List :) 
As I mentioned earlier this story is based off of some head-cannons that @ikesenhell and I talked about over some nourishment. Though it is worth mentioning that they don’t match the now cannon restaurant stories (have you all been able to play the Gatcha? If not have you seen some of the screen-caps?)
Tagging @little-mini-me-world per their request! Hope all is good!
As promised in my little give-away, in this and all subsequent chapters you are going to see @elievalentine‘s OC - Akiharu Natsuyuki and @one-eyed-captain-kinky ‘s OC - Zhari joining the gang. 
Under the cut to keep away dash clutter! 
Happy Reading Fam!
Mother May I?
Your alarm screeched to life at the much too early time of 745am. You dind’t need to be at work until 11am but you wanted to make sure you had plenty of time to get ready. It was Monday, and subsequently, your first day of training at Azuchi. Taking care to secure your long hair in a braid so you could pin it into a bun. Once your hair was in place you dolled your face up with a quick flip of your wrist for an almost perfect winged cat eye, accompanied by a splash of mascara. You finished the look there, deciding to leave the rest of your face natural. You didn’t need anything melting off of you or turning splotchy if the day got hard.
Hair and makeup presentable you got dressed to Hideyoshi’s uniform specifications. Putting on a black collared button-up, you rolled the sleeves up just past your elbows as instructed and tucked the shirt into the well-fitted slate  dress pants you had just slipped on. Finishing the look off with a black leather belt to keep your pants from drooping and your black non-slip shoes. You gave yourself a final look over in your mirror and laughed. If you didn’t know you were headed to Azuchi you’d think you were a mob boss, this was way too much black for one person to be wearing.
You arrived to work twenty minutes ahead of your scheduled start time, greeting Hideyoshi at the door. “Good morning Mr. Toyotomi.” he stared at you for a moment before breaking into a genial smile.
“Good morning (YN), just Hideyoshi is fine. Let’s go ahead and get you started.” he turned over his shoulder, “Ieyasu, can you seat anyone that comes in while I get them situated?”
“Whatever.” was the only response gave, but it didn’t seem to bother Hideyoshi much.
“That is our bartender Ieyasu, he’s a little prickly, but you can’t take what he says at face value. He’s just a bit contrary.” you had to chuckle as the aforementioned party shot daggers at the two of you.
“It’s nice to meet you Ieyasu. I look forward to working with you.” you offered a formal nod of the head as you smiled his way.
“Sure.” was his only response as he turned around, continuing to clean glasses and put them back on the shelf.
Hideyoshi walked you to a check-out station at the back of the restaurant where he punched in a quick code on the screen before turning back to you. “Go ahead and fill out the boxes on the screen and we’ll get you set up in the computer.” stepping aside to let you up to the counter.
“All finished.” You turned and stepped back letting Hideyoshi back in front of the screen.
“Sounds good, while we’re waiting for your badge to print let me take you around and introduce you to everyone.” and he did just that.
Most of the faces you recognized from your interview. Mitsunari, the silver-haired young man with glasses, was the finance manager and he sat in the shared office space with Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide, the other shift manager who had interviewed you. Though you didn’t get to say hello as he was off today. Upstairs was Nobunaga’s office, he was in, but it was clear he was busy, so you only stayed briefly to express your gratitude for being offered the position. Coming back down the stairs you were walked through the kitchen seeing Masamune the executive chef of the restaurant while also being introduced to the patisserie chef.
“Hello, I’m Akiharu Natsuyuki, the resident patisserie chef. Come to me if you need anything sweet or you need to get away from that one.” she pointed at Masamune “it’s nice to have another female on staff, I hope we get along!”
Akiharu was a short, slender woman, with soft features and bright brown eyes. Her hair was the color of chocolate mouse and looked like it would feel just as fluffy.
“Likewise.” You greeted her with cheer. “Let’s get along!”
“Of course.” she smiled once more before turning back to her mixing bowls.
“Hideyoshi,” you spoke up once you were outside of the kitchen “Are Akiharu and I the only female’s on staff?”
“No there’s one other. Zhari.” At the sound of her name, a young woman about your age popped up from underneath one of the counters. Wavy honey brown hair was pulled into a ponytail so high she looked taller than you, but as she walked closer, it wasn’t difficult to tell you had a few good inches on her.
“You rang?” the young woman quirked an eyebrow at Hideyoshi.
“Perfect timing. Zhari this is (YN). (YN), Zhari.” he looked back at her “She’s going to be training with you for the week, but let me know if you need any help. Have fun.” with that Hideyoshi headed back up towards the front of the restaurant.
I had to admit, I was impressed. You were a hard worker, and in the four days, since you had started, you could already see how competent you were. Zhari had asked for permission to have you on your own, and you now covered half her tables by yourself. We had been uncharacteristically busy as of late, but that didn’t seem to faze anyone, even you.
“Can I help you with that?” I knew better than to take a full tray of food from waitstaff but it was so hard to watch someone your size carry that much.
“I think I’ve got it but thank you Hideyoshi.” you smiled up at me “I’m going over to twenty-two if you want to follow just to make sure.”
“Ah um, no, I don’t want to get in your way. Just let me know if you need help carrying anything.” I hesitated before I walked back towards the front.
“If you don’t stop acting like a helicopter parent she’s going to file a complaint against you with Mitsuhide.” Ieyasu grumbled as I walked past the bar.
“Who’s going to come to complain to me?” Mitsuhide slinked in beside me
“Nobody” I quipped as Ieyasu answered “(YN)” himself.
“Good to know, I’ll go start the paperwork now.” and without another word, he made his way back to the office.
“Wait, Mitsuhide!” I shouted after him, but he wasn’t listening. Before I could chase after him the bell to the front chimed rooting me to my post for the next two hours.
“Good afternoon, how many will be dining with us today,” I asked the group of young girls. The looked to be about sixteen, it was summer break, wasn’t it? At least that explains why kids their age were here at this time of day. It would be reprehensible if they were skipping school just to come here for lunch.
“Five please, you wouldn’t happen to have anything in Ms. (LN)’s section would you?” the apparent leader of the group making a request for you.
“Of course right this way.” I lead them to a six-seater in Zhari and (YN)’s section “Can I get you ladies started off with something to drink?”
I walked back to the soda fountain and saw you loading up a tray. “Thanks, Hideyoshi,” you smile dazzled “I heard the order, if it’s alright with you I’ll take it from here?”
“Please.” I sat back and watched as you balanced the drinks and sauntered off to the table of happy teens.
“I see she’s a fast learner. Very nice job Hideyoshi. Is Zhari here for me to give my regards?”
“Regards no. A raise yes,” Zhari responded from around the corner carrying a tray full of food from the kitchen.
“Zhari that is no way to talk to your boss.” I felt my frustration rise at her tone. I didn’t need that precedent being set and you thinking that sort of behavior was acceptable.
“Chill out Hideyoshi, Nobunaga’s cool.” She walked by him giving him a fist bump before screaming back into the kitchen “Masamune! You better have something hotter than me back there ready for table six when I get back.”
“At your service!” He appeared at the window siding three plates in her direction. “Hey Nobu, Akiharu has a question for you.”
Everyone gets along so well sometimes you had to wonder if you’d ever fit in. It had been four days, and you were starting to get a feel for the water. Mitsuhide worked nights, and while he was quiet most of the time, he was observant. You weren’t sure how, but problems seemed to resolve as if they were never there to begin with. He did like to tease, but in a very different manner than the others. It was sharper, witty. He kept you on your toes.
Ieyasu was, as Hideyoshi warned, a contrarian but he was always finding an underhanded way to help out. Even if the help still came with an insult. he got along with everyone from what I could tell save Mitsunari, but even I was starting to think that was a front.
Mitsunari was almost always in the back. You had only seen him away from his desk once, and it was to run an errand for Mitsuhide. He was accommodating, always looking to assist in some way, though someone typically stepped in before he was given the opportunity. You were still trying to work that one out, but his smile never failed to sell out Akiharu’s dessert special for the day.
Masamune was continually flirting, but the inappropriateness always reached new levels when he and Zhari were together, it was funny and made the whole experience a bit more relaxing and casual. While they were silly in their own ways, both were considerate and knew the best way to push me past any hesitation I might be feeling. If I was confident in my work, it was because of their encouragement.
Nobunaga was a great boss, doing what he felt was best for everyone as a whole. Everything was in the best interest of his customers and his employees. Though if he kept eating all of the sweets Akiharu cooked up we were going to have a problem. I was four days in, and I could tell something was going on there. Nobunaga took every chance he could to visit her back in the kitchen when Hideyoshi wasn’t there to reprimand him, he was practically kitchen staff. Not that it mattered, Akiharu baked up anything he wanted, so far sugar stars seemed to be the most popular dessert she made for him.
Then there was Hideyoshi. He was a weird one. Always mothering, there when you needed him, and when you didn’t. It was endearing, but you could see how it could get old. You had caught a few comments made to him by Ieyasu in passing, and you appreciate having someone look out for you. Not that you minded, as long as you weren’t talking disrespectfully to Nobunaga, he was very concerned with your well being so you let him help if it made him feel better and didn’t mess up your flow.
You were going to enjoy working here very much. Excited you stood near the soda machine and listened to Hideyoshi take the order for five girls who had been seated at one of your table. They were familiar, had they been in your biology class this past year? Filling up glasses as they ordered, you picked the tray up and made your way out to the table.
“Thanks, Hideyoshi,” he looked baffled “I heard the order, if it’s alright with you I’ll take it from here?”
“Please.” He motioned with his hand as if to say ‘after you’ stepping out of the way so you could get passed. Blinking a few times as you walked by.
I wasn’t dumb, I knew Nobunaga was going to get candies from Akiharu. At this point, I was more concerned with how you were going to do covering a table of young girls who clearly knew you, than dealing with his sugar problem. Would you be distracted? Nervous? Happy? I was interested in your reaction, you face seemed to make the most intriguing expressions, and I always found myself curious. You never reacted the way I thought you would, and I liked that.
Placing the drinks down with a flourish with a musical quality to your voice, everyone thanked you. You were friendly, and I was sure your smile could rival Mitsunari’s on dessert sales if you learned how to harness it. Tucking the tray under your arm as you leaned down towards the girls you took their order. You popped your pen and notepad back into the white apron we had given you, dropping straws onto the table. There was what looked like a pleasant exchange before you excused herself and headed to the kiosk to place the orders with the kitchen.
Personable and timely. Such a diligent worker.
“If you keep staring like that you’re going to burn a hole in them.” I jumped as Zhari walked passed with the food for her table.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just supervising.” I felt the need to defend my actions, had I really been staring that long?
“Uh huh, sure. Just don’t scare them away with your constant mothering okay? I really like them.”
“Same!” Masamune jumped into the conversation backing Zhari’s comments up.
“Again I don’t know what you two are talking about. I’m going back up front.”
It had been a quick day, with summer vacation in full swing more people were visiting in the afternoon for lunch than they had been before. I was relieved from my post up front by the evening host and headed back to the break room to my locker trading my no-slip shoes for my dress shoes and a tie.  As I shut the door, you made your way back doing the same as I had hanging your apron after switching your work shoes with regular tennis shoes.
“You headed out, or just back to the office?” you turned to me as you hooked your lock back on the door.
“The office, need to finish up a few scheduling things. Everything go alright today? We didn’t overwhelm you with tables did we?” I looked up as I finished tying my tie.
“Not at all. I think I’m really starting to get the hang of it, but thanks for your concern.” you smiled, and the room got brighter, why was that happening? I really needed to get my vision checked. While I hadn’t been paying attention you made your way to the door turning just before taking the employee exit.
“Have a good night Hideyoshi. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t work too hard until then!”
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cupideya1314 · 3 years
My Pride, My Joy, My love: The “Original Character” Trend
I remember when I was enjoying my life as a Middle schooler (over here we call it grade 6) I enjoyed a lot of the internet during that time. I became a fan of Minecraft and enjoyed all the modern cartoons at the time. Me and my friends were very into Five Nights at Freddy’s and during that time period is where a lot of good late childhood memories formed for me.  All these media has made me into the creative person I am today, despite my career choice of the moment, I’m very proud as an artist. Part of that pride is my creativity to make OCs (Original Characters). Like many other artists growing up to these trends, I would have all these ideas and draw them out in my notebook. Whenever I get home from school, I would finish my assignments just so I have the freetime to play Doll Dress up games to create stories and characters (This was such a highlight of my life tbh and im not ashamed!! DOLL DIVINE MY LOVE!)  Getting to play with these games and playing around with MS Paint was my humble beginnings of becoming an artist online (mygash i sound like im famous but im not XD) 
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A confession, the first time I made my own original characters is when I was still dreaming about playing Minecraft [ yes, I dreamt about playing Minecraft one day because my dad won’t let me play it and we had to buy it heheh silly but I was real ecstatic when I was able to play it on mobile-- but playing it on PC, I was super happy like- this is literally a dream come true for me y’all, I can’t express my happiness ] I would create what my Minecraft skin would look like, I never really told anyone about that. But later on I slowly created a story behind these characters for my own pleasure and fantasy. It feels so wonderful like I’m back to my kid self being in my own world.
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This eventually became something I got stuck with until now, creating original characters with their own storylines but never really posting them about it. I made Gemsonas (Steven Universe fan characters), Five Nights at Freddy OCs, Yandere Simulator, and many more until they became their own original thing for me.
I can’t really count how many characters I have made through playing online games but they we’re mostly revolved around my personality and my friends. As I matured I realized how cringey that is hahah I guess I don’t want to look back at my personality back then even though nothing much change hehe. Though I still like how some of the characters I have made reflect what I am and what I wanted to be you know; that goes for almost any character ever made by someone similar to me, a character to reflect them in a way or project something they want to be someday. Nowadays I make characters that reflect more to the stories I create so it would be more fitting for them. My love for Original Character making came from a place where I dream of being famous (who doesn’t dream about that right?) I thought the ideas I have made were unique and at the time not have been thought of. As much as I want to share these ideas there was no where I shared these but between friends and myself, mostly just myself. I tried wattpad but somehow I never got to finish the stories. I tried Deviantart but right when I think I want to post I refuse to because I know the internet is a harsh place and my skills were not as extraordinary like the people I support. So ever since then, as much as I crave the attention, I never really pushed to get it. Instead all these characters I made are for my own pleasure. And I think that’s okay, I did these art for myself and it makes me super happy to come up with ideas and concepts. It shows how alive I am. It also worked in my favor because I improved as an artist too. I’m not the only one who feels this of course but I don’t know, this creative part of me is very strong. I was really happy when I started my Instagram, I don’t have many followers but I don’t care, the internet showed me it’s okay to just share whatever you want. Though I still feel anxious whenever I post, I mean there isn’t anything wrong with the post but what if someone saw it and many more. And like I use the hashtags to get notice but also not too much to get really noticed. I contradict myself a lot with that hahaha but I’m slowly just not caring about it. You can say this trend was my comfort and coping mechanism, I do enjoy self-insert stories and projecting my self into these characters. So far that’s how much I can express my love for doing this trend. The original character trend is still as strong as ever and it’s more developed hahah. I admire those artists that indulge a lot to their characters even without a piece of media to fully express their world. That’s why I still fancy this topic a lot. I can talk about my original characters for a whole week but that sounds super annoying tho no? HAHAHA Anyway I am proud of this part of me and maybe I can express that part of me more soon when I feel it’s right. Right now I’m doing fanart but then it will be fanworks then original stuff. I have a bunch of original content made but it may take a long time to present it well. My love and joy for this is boundless ahahah that’s all I can say Extra: The pics are from my gamer childhood (I am best dress up gamer!!!) and ofc the characters I made throughout that time. Not gonna lie but looking at the old art I made as a gr6 is S U P E R  C R I N G E. I want to share more, believe when I say I have TONS of characters but I think I will regret every moment once I scroll my own page in the future HAHAHA.
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I didnt draw this, my friend drew it for me during gr7?? Check him out, he’s a great artist! Insta: @/hitdhits, Deviantart: @/HitDJ
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oh and if somehow someone got interested in my insta @/cupideya1314
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Welcome to my blog!
Nice to meet you all! I’m just a silly girl who really loves her f/os, and finally decided to make a blog and join the self-shipping community. I was really excited that I wasn’t alone in my self-shipping and I was super happy to find this community! I hope we can get along!
♡ A little about me ♡
♥︎ I go by Elizabeth, Red or Silently. But I’m also okay with being called Lizzy! If you want to give me some other nickname, then feel free to run it by me!
♥︎ My self-insert character is named Bronwen, so that’s what all my f/os call me. Some of my f/os call me Bunny or Bird.
♥︎ I prefer fluffy and romantic content, or really anything sappy- especially weddings, engagements, love confessions, anything cheesy. But when I’m struck with the mood, I’ll write some angsty stuff- even though you’ll see me follow it up with something extra sappy not too long after. What can I say, I don’t like fighting with my babes, lol.
♥︎ I have… a lot of f/os. I definitely don’t mind sharing though. I treat every relationship like it’s own AU, so they happen ‘independently’ of one another that way. Thusly it doesn’t bother me that others have the same f/os. You all are adorable anyways! I wouldn’t want to scare anyone away by being selfish, anyways.
♥︎ Rarely I’ll write a mega self-indulgent piece where a bunch of them spend time with me, but that’s only when I have really bad days.
♥︎ I’m a bisexual girl. I’m also probably the most feminine person on the planet, so my self insert is, surprise surprise, the girliest and most feminine girl in existence. I especially love victorian dresses, Lolita styles, and 1950s-type clothes (I even own a few rockabilly style swing gowns). Due to personal reasons I feel very dehumanized and panicked when I’m defeminized, so as a result, my self inserts are pretty much always all dolled up. So don’t be surprised to see my self insert running around n petticoats and heels 24/7, lol.
♥︎As a result I’d really appreciate it if no one comments on my s/i’s clothing or calls it impractical. Trust me, I know it is, but I really can’t handle being defeminized due to emotional trauma.
♥︎ I’ll probably reblog more stuff than write, but I do adore writing with all my heart- especially about my f/os.
♥︎ My messages and inbox are always open. Wanna gush about your f/o? Go for it, I’ll gush over how cute you guys are! Wanna talk? Sure, I’m a slow responder but trust me, I’m always happy to! Need to vent? I’m happy to listen, give advice or whatever you need. I’m also happy to make friends so don’t be afraid to talk to me.
♥︎ I Roleplay/RP! Both with OCs and self inserts! I usually RP on a website called Quotev, as I have groups and rules already established there, but I’m chill going to Discord as well. Usually I RP love/romance, but I’m open to whatever. Usually the way I do it is the ‘I play your love interest you play mine’ style. If anyone is interested, please message me! Also yes, I am saying this because I am 1000% down for self-indulgent self-shipping storylines. I’m also open to sending people writing samples if they’re curious to my style!
♥︎ I do draw, but my drawings are terrible so please be kind to me, lol.
♥︎ My f/o and fandom list has it’s own special tag, which can be found in my description. Some of my f/os are dumpster fires or overall just bastards, but they’re my dumpster fires to please be nice.
♥︎ This is a side blog! Thusly I can’t like anything, just reblog stuff and all that jazz. I’ll only give out my main via messages, since I don’t really want my sis or friends to judge me ^^; (this is basically my safe space)
This is going to be short but I have a few types of blogs that I would prefer not to interact with me.
♥︎ Please refrain from interacting if you are a discourse-centric blog. Once again if you interact from your main (assuming it doesn’t have a lot of discourse stuff) or just your self-ship blog, then that’s fine. I just don’t want to be involved for the sake of my own mental health since I find it very draining. This includes ALL kinds of discourse, not just self-shipping related discourse.
♥︎ Please do not interact if you are a fan of or support Onision. This probably sounds stupid and hyper specific but his videos and channel have caused personal harm to me so if you support him then please don’t interact with me. I don’t want to hear about him, and this is my safe space, so I’d rather just avoid it for both our sakes.
♥︎ Please don’t interact if you’re here to police how I ship or question the validity of my personal traumas. I know most people probably won’t, but I really don’t need that. I’ve been through a lot and just don’t need that, and I shouldn’t have to prove myself to anyone. Anything I share will be tagged but if you’re coming in to try and say I’m a liar, please leave. I deal with that enough in real life because of where things took place, so I don’t need that here.
♥︎ If you are anti-recovery or otherwise try to push for people not to recover from past traumas/etc, please don’t interact. I try very hard every day to heal and become the best person I can after everything that I’ve been though, as well as to manage my symptoms and recover, and people who try to push an anti-recovery agenda make me extremely uncomfortable. I am doing the best I can and I am not perfect, but I don’t want to be a victim of my past and the resulting PTSD forever, so if you push an anti-recovery agenda I don’t think we should interact. Please don’t take this as a personal attack because it’s not. I just feel uncomfortable with stuff like that so I don’t think we should interact if you’re one of these people.
Obviously I can’t stop you from interacting, since that’s not how the internet works, these are just the groups that I would prefer avoided my blog and posts if possible. I have nothing against anyone as a person, I just think it would be best for both our sakes if we just avoided one another, especially in the final case listed.
That should be pretty much everything! I hope we can all get along, and I hope everyone here has a great day!
Don’t forget- your f/os love you, forever and always ♥︎ happy shipping!
0 notes
francel · 7 years
i have nothing good to post, so i thought it might be fun to compile some answers to various ffxiv- and rp-related memes and questionnaires i’ve done on my private accounts! please enjoy my screaming.
8. Is there a character that embodies your good traits, or traits you wish you had? Several characters? Which ones and what traits?
i wish i was handsome and suave like all my characters thanks
13. What’s something you’ve never thought about your character?
a certain someone recently decided to remind me that francel's house has no bathroom... and i had honestly never considered, in two whole years of playing him, where he goes to pee?
"do you mean poop" francel is a delicate maiden i will not consider this
(we figure there’s probably an outhouse... somewhere...)
3. What’s something that surprises you about your canon?
Wiltswys: You think me cold? Well, fie on what you think! I wanted something better than tilling salty fields and spilling small fry out the nets, and occasionally taking a passing sailor into my bed for more o' the same!
i have done this quest at least... 4 or 5 times now and it never fails to make me scream. and every time i do it i have to zoom in on her and look at her face because she is a really cute roe girl, so i wonder what her taste in sailors is...
19. Give me an appearance-related headcanon of your choice.
LAUGHS OK hmm what have i never said before...
i have definitely mentioned that i don’t think francel likes his appearance very much — he especially wishes he had lighter-colored eyes like stephanivien and aurvael...
i personally want to think that chlodebaimt looked very different from francel BUT, although i have never datamined the necrose knight (i really should), a friend of mine took screenshots and his eyes at least look like francel's eyes
...but they might very well have just used a generic house haillenarte knight model for that, so who knows what chlodebaimt looked like?
i also like to think that baurendouin (francel's father) persists in the belief that his youngest son will do great things because he at least superficially resembles driancoin de haillenarte (the haillenarte founder you see in the haldrath flashback scene). i mean, i doubt portraits of driancoin survived or anything, given the nondescript statues of thordan's knights, but i’m sure comments about him did?
"he was fair of face and fair of hair" idfk some shit like that
5. What do you hate about your canon?
i am always, ALWAYS so tired of hearing people complain about how “no one ever” treats the wol like they’re “a normal person” ah, yes no one no one ever has treated you nicely never mind the fact that people regularly apologize for turning to you in their hours of need, and for asking you to kill things, and you usually just dismiss their applogy no one!!! has ever!! been nice!! to the wol!! i know the entire arc of my francel writing career has been bitching about similar things but at least i find new ways to do it
24. What’s a song that reminds you of your character?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B7VKiJhU_s “Dear Jack,” by Jack’s Mannequin.
lately, i’ve been listening to this... i don't like every part of this song, but lyrically, it is such a perfect francel song
dear jack, i write you as a friend dear jack, i write for fear the end is coming soon to you it's not so clear it's clear to me it's clear as glass
dear jack, wherever you are, hold tight wherever he is, shine light right there be strong i dare
i had songs for you i had all your music written out the words came when i heard you screaming i had plans for you until the plans fell through now there is no turning back, my dear jack
11. Something you like to look at.
i have complicated feelings about haurchefant these days, but sometimes i go and look at this mug and cry about his handwriting
like from a lore perspective i know he can't be writing in english because they write in eorzean but until then, my friend...
14. When writing for specific characters, is there anything you have to do to get in the specific mindset?
yes! but it depends on the character. for ramza... i either read shakespeare (for real — i have lifted quotes wholesale from hamlet and the tempest) and/or listen to "rather be" by clean bandit? seriously, that is my most strong ramza association... which is weird because the song and the game are like 20 years apart? or i listen to the FFT ost...
for francel i have a whole playlist, but most importantly i either go on twitter and look at wolchefant fanart or read bad wolchefant fanfic on ao3... (don’t judge me; it keeps the bitterness alive)
18. Is there anything you really wish you could do that you feel is outside your current ability? A concept that you wish you could pull off but are uncertain about?
UMMM... hmmmmmmm...
i dont know... i don’t really think any plots are outside of my current ability, but i admire my friends for being so consistent and on the ball with their dignified prose? i can be dignified too, but at some point i'll crash and start writing intensely silly tags
i would like to do more plots where francel is a badass for whatever reason, but that’s just wish fulfillment
17. Which character is the easiest to write? Why do you think that is?
francel is the easiest to write because he has the ugliest emotions
ramza is the hardest because he is always so virtuous
everyone else has varying levels of self control, but with francel i can usually succumb to base impulse reactions. i like his unguarded nature...
6. When writing a character, do you find it easier to work on their external or internal ticks first? oh, internal, definitely. i think my tags suffer from the fact that i often don’t describe what my characters are doing or what is around them? just... just assume on my behalf lmao.... so IF FRANCEL IS CAUGHT UP IN INTERNAL TL;DR there's a 90% chance he's doing that kicked-puppy stare at the floor
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? XIV, hard mode: no Haurchefant/WoL.
xiv's fandom has rarely "ruined" pairings for me, as in "i liked them before but i hate them now solely because of fandom"... that said, i think i kind of liked the idea of zephirin and aymeric as a rivalry ship, but i hate when fandom takes the "oMG ZEPH RAPED AYMERIC WHEN HE WAS HELD CAPTIVE" route...
i think this perception of zephirin as this horrible awful evil man comes from the fact that the information on the ward happened after the game was released, so... in the span of time between "zephirin killed haurchefant" and "wait actually zephirin is a virtuous man," people formed their opinions, you know?
but it's still really annoying, and to some degree the misconception persists...
i was also okay with guydelot and sanson at first, but i’m a little annoyed by them now, too... it’s not for any particular reason — i just think the fandom is annoying in the "THEY'RE SOOO MARRIED!! EVEN THE OTHER QUEST NPCS SAY THEY'RE LIKE A MARRIED COUPLE!! THEY’RE SO CANON!!!" way and i’m like Please Shut Up. that said, i guess it’s mostly jealousy because none of my pairings are ever canon, but whatever...
so i guess i'm going with zephirin/aymeric, guydelot/sanson... and oh btw like. urianger/moenbryda to a degree? i remember when the wind-up moenbryda item came out and the english item description was like "you don't want to know what urianger did to this" or something like that, like, i just took it as — like urianger probably dressed it up in a little maid outfit and had it serve him tea or something equally otaku-like?
but the entire fandom was like OMG HE JERKED OFF TO IT OR USED IT AS A SEX DOLL OR SOMETHING and i was like ... okay. like if that's how you're determined to see it, fine, but fandom always takes the worst possible interpretation of something i swear to god
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
LAUGHS WELL I GUESS MY USUAL TIRADE: i don't think of haurchefant as the perfect cinnamon roll angel and actually he annoys me a little...
my friend just finished running coerthas quests on her balmung alt and like... even she commented on how brusque and condescending he seems to francel? and she has no reason to be tainted by my perception of him, it's just... it’s just that he is brusque and condescending.
back when i liked haurchefant/francel, i told myself that it was just how he acted in the heat of the moment and i was sure he was gentler later... but now we’ve seen so much of haurchefant that from the way he treats francel it really feels more to me like francel was just a friend of convenience. i don’t know. i’m bitter. maybe i’m just bitter because it’s easier to cope that way.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
um... well, i think everyone in the ffxiv fandom also agrees that the fandom is annoying...
something i sometimes worry about, but which is not exclusive to ffxiv, is like... people who rp wind up with such a different impression of things than people who just play the game? 
i'm not judging either side on this but... i have rp friends, and i observe the rp community on tumblr/balmung, and i also have friends that are just gamers? and you know, like. sometimes rpers get carried away and invent all these narratives, like i know some tumblr rpers had a bunch of "plots" where a murder mystery happened in ishgard and it was all full of like noble OCs and intrigue or something?
but my gamer friends will sometimes be like, “ishgard is so boring.” so they... see it differently? you wind up viewing the game differently based on what you do in it.
there's also the divide between the english version of the game and the rest of the world, which i bitch about a lot but
just as an example, in english the nobles of ishgard are kind of broadly characterized as being unintelligent and shallow and foppish, whereas the other versions of the game really take a much more neutral approach?
or well i can really only speak for the japanese, but in general the german and french versions of the game are loyal to the japanese, however, 2.0 content was often based on the english...
so, for example, 2.0 content was EN->FR, but ever since 3.0 most of the patches have been JP->EN/DE/FR
however, the EN version continues to make changes, whereas DE and FR don't really change many things!
so i worry a lot about the different perceptions people have of the game, and what that means, like, when i write fanfic...
does my interpretation of coerthas align with other peoples' interpretations of coerthas? probably not. that’s something that’s deeply distressing, as a writer and as someone who prefers to have control, but i don’t know...
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen...
STARES INTO THE VOID it's it's too late for any of this
2 years ago i would have told you without hesitation that i wanted haurchefant to be alive and for him and francel to have eloped together, but now i just...
i've learned to play with the cards i've been dealt
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