#wow. mama mia
superbellsubways · 4 months
mariooooo 😭😭😭 mario games 😭😭 wahoo! yippee! 🥹 m
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father-bests · 2 years
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this didnt turn out the way i wanted it too, but here it is anyway. this is the longest time ive ever consistently spent working on something out of my own free will, so thats something at least
Also, heres the whole thing in one solid piece because tumblr formatting destroys image quality if you dont cut it up like you’re about to put it in a big soup pot:
anyways if you made it this far thank you have a good day or something xoxo (platonic)
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I'm rewatching the early jojo parts after god knows how many years and I think anime tumblr deserves the chair for ever claiming this show was actually hashtag #woke. This shit is so misgosgynistic it's almost funny
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beananium · 1 year
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drawbudd · 2 years
Oh god
My type is villains isn't it
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so for the 1.5k celebration, i was thinking jake peralta with any trope tbh. enemies to lovers, secret relationship, etc.
i’ve missed writing for my og jake named character. gn!reader
(1.5K celebration)
“so… how’d your date go last night?” looking up from your files you saw gina perched on the edge of your desk. her cheshire cat smile peering down as she waiting for details.
“uh… he was nice. just talked at the bar for a little before i started to feel sick. but i- i don’t think it’s gonna work out.” shrugging off disappointment.
“what?” gina’s brows furrowed, “eric is everything for you. did he not pay?” her mouth scrunching to the side.
you sighed, “ye- yeah. kinda old fashioned of me, but i like when they pay at least on the first date.” you taped your pen against your report papers.
gina whistled low, “wow. so your saying jake paid on your first date? broke boy peralta?” clear confusion in her words.
it made you smile at the quick memory flash, “shocking, yes. was very-“ you stopped short as you registered what gina said and your response. “i- i mean-“
“i know already. you don’t gotta lie.” that gigantic smile of hers with those throaty chuckles.
“then why’d you set me on a date?” fully turning your attention on her instead of your robbery case. you only said yes to that so she’d stop, the guy was really nice, but he didn’t seem interested in you anyway.
gina flung her hands about, “well one, eric is a friend of mine and he’s gay. two, it gave me an excuse to finally snoop. so jake invited me over for drinks and a mama mia movie and when he was a few too deep he started to say…”
“i just- i just love them so much. i- i’m gonna marry that sweet face.” jake was on his living room floor, waving his arms in the air. gina, with her phone out and recording, just watched as her childhood friend became a drunk babbling mess. “i love you babyyyyyy.”
“oh wow. your gonna have to send that to me.” pointing at the video gina showed you. you can’t wait to bug jake about this when you get home.
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bitterkarella · 11 months
Midnight Pals: Jail Time
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: you know if labor takess over, they're going to force you to ressspect transss people? Barker: didn't keir starmer just literally throw them under the bus Rowling: Rowling: shut up Rowling: sstop ruining thiss for me!
Rowling: asss i wass sssaying Rowling: itss been reported in the reputable presssss Rowling: that labor isss totally going to do this Rowling: and who are you going to believe? Rowling: ssensssationalissst british tabloidsss or your lyin' eyesss?
Rowling: let me tell you Rowling: if they try to make me resspect a transss perssson Rowling: i would rather go to jail! Rowling: i will go to my execution assss if it wasss my wedding!! Rowling: i am a fearless truth teller!!!!
Rowling: i will go to jail! Rowling: i'll enjoy it! it'll be fun! Rowling: i'll work in the prissson library! Rowling: maybe ferment sssome ketchup behind a radiator! Rowling: maybe get real in the exercise yard Rowling: and a big sswasstika prissson faccce tat
Rowling: they're going to sssend me to prissson!! for misgendering!!! thisss isss going to happen! Mark my wordsss! Rowling: alsssso antifa issss going to murder all the sssmall busssinessss owners tomorrow, i read it on the internet
Rowling: watch, you'll be cowed by my sssolemn and dignified bearing assss they lead me to the gallowsss Rowling: jusst you watch! Poe: King: Koontz: Lovecraft: Barker: Barker: why do you come here anyway Rowling: I HAVE A SSSTOKER!!! I HAVE THE RIGHT!
Rowling: wow, the left hass finally lossst me! [turning a big dial that says "fascism" while looking over her shoulder at the audience for approval]
Barker: like seriously where are you getting this Rowling: i get all my newsss on the transss menace from the mosssst reputable sssource Rowling: the sssinfest webcomic Elon Musk: [rising from bushes] eeeey did someone-a say sinfest?
Musk: itsa me, Elon Musk! Musk: i love-a da sinfest! mama mia! itsa like-a mama's marinara [chef's kiss] Musk: i justa get backa from shadow banning da account data make-a funna da sinfest Musk: itta too cutting and incisive!   Musk: it musta be destroyed!
Musk: eeeeey jk rowling Musk: we hava so much in common Musk: we shoulda hang out Rowling: what do we have in common? Musk: well-a Musk: i da richest man in the world, you da richest woman Musk: we botha hate da jews and trans Musk: anna we botha very divorced!
Rowling: hmmm Rowling: how do you feel about free ssspeech Musk: i thinka people shoulda be free to praise me! Rowling: oh my god Rowling: we're like two peasss in a pod!
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robinsegghead · 3 months
Danny's Daycare Part 4
 [Master List]
Mrs. Bianchi hadn’t been lying when she’d said he would see an influx in children. Within a week of visiting her, he had seven more kids, a total of thirteen. He definitely needed to hire some help- he couldn’t keep duplicating without exhausting his powers and despite Ember’s help, they wouldn’t be able to handle thirteen kids on their own. He could afford to hire help with all the money the Ghost King apparently had.
            “Danny!” A happy little shriek sounded from across the room, quickly growing closer. A small body crashed into his leg and a little ‘oomph’ came from the child who fell to the floor. “Danny! Look! Look, look!” Maru, an unusually energetic four-year-old, shoved a picture she’d drawn towards his face.
            The picture was of two stick figures, the smaller one was crying, and the bigger one was… comforting her? “Wow, Maru! It’s really creative!” He nodded sincerely. “Who’s that?” He pointed to the bigger stick person, assuming the smaller one was her.
            She sighed dramatically. “That’s you silly! Cause I was sad being left home alone all day but now I don’t have to cause mommy said you’re good!”
            He masked the frown that threatened to overtake his face when she mentioned being left alone all day. She didn’t want him to be sad, she wanted him to appreciate her art and reassure her that he’d be around for a while, so she didn’t have to be alone. So that’s what he did. “I like having you around too, Maru!” Her story was just like Marco’s. How many other parents left their children home alone all day just so they could afford to put food on the table?
            A little bell rang alerting him to someone standing in the entrance. He glanced at his watch (which he’d connected to the very thorough security system) and saw a couple of parents waiting to pick their kids up.
            “Allegra! Tommy! Your parents are here!” The two kids groaned, both totally immersed in their activities and not wanting to be dragged away. “Five minutes okay?” He smiled, opening the door for Mrs. Reik and Mia. “They’re finishing up what they’re doing, I’ll grab their bags.”
            They’d fallen into a routine, he, and the parents. They would show up, give their children a few minutes to finish what they were doing, and he’d grab their bags (which he often slipped a book, toy, or snack into without their knowing). Tommy’s bag was a little worn down and he made a mental note of the brand and color so he could replace it.
            When he made his way back to the two women they were each holding a child. “Danny are you still looking for help?” Mia asked, shifting Allegra on her hip.
            He nodded brightly. “Yeah, I haven’t had much time to look, and I don’t know many people yet, so it’s been difficult. If you’re interested or know someone who is, let me know!”
            Mrs. Reik thanked him, grabbed her son’s bag, and was on her way, but Mia lingered.
            “Do you have applications or…?” She trailed off, embarrassment clinging to her frame.
            He nodded, considering the tired look on her face. “I do. It’s mostly a formality,” he moved towards his filing cabinet and pulled out some papers. “and so I can run a background check and such. Do you have experience with kids?”
            She shifted Allegra pointedly. “Mama and- and papa were always working. I raised this one and Georgie too. Now that papa is… anyway, mama needs a little help with money and my schooling’s all online, so I was going to start working anyway.”
            “Well, fill this out, I’ll run the check, and we should be able to get you working real soon.” The bell rang alerting him to another parent. “You have my number if you have any questions.”
            After Mia left most of the parents arrived with the exception of only a few who worked much later. Danny’s daycare was open from seven thirty to six -which was, admittedly, a very long time. But he wanted to be as available as he could for families in need. With Mia’s help he wouldn’t feel so worn down at the end of his eleven-hour day. 
            And worn down he was. When he got back to his apartment he didn’t even realize it had been infiltrated. Usually he would notice something like that immediately, but Ancients he was tired. So tired he didn’t even react when his eyes finally landed on the vigilantes in his living room. He added two more to his list of people who’d managed to sneak up on him and also a mental note to brush up on his observational skills.
            “Oh. Hey.” He nodded slightly, dropping his bag on the ground and crouching to pet the cats, noting Curiosity’s energy. Good, the medicine was working. “Give me a second,” The vigilantes squinted, looking between each other in confusion. “I need coffee.” One of them nodded in understanding, the other sighed dramatically. “You guys want anything?”
            “Coffee sounds great.” The red one responded. Red Robin, his subconscious provided.
            “Agent A banned you from coffee, Red. “The purple one -Spoiler- groaned.
            Red shrugged. “What he doesn’t know won’t kill him- or me. Besides, he offered, it’d be rude to turn him down!”
            Deciding this argument had nothing to do with him, Danny began brewing a fresh pot, poured two mugs, and grabbed a water bottle. Returning to the living room he found Red examining his pictures of him and his Fraid, and Purple collapsed into his couch. “You didn’t ask for anything, so I got you water. It’s still sealed.”
            She looked touched, grabbing the bottle, unsealing it, and taking a tentative sip. Red didn’t hesitate when grabbing the coffee and taking a large gulp, not even wincing at how hot it was.
            “So. What can I do for you guys?” He collapsed into the armchair across from Purple and began sipping on the coffee. Gross, he should have added sugar.
            Red squinted. “You don’t seem terribly shocked about our presence.”
            Danny shrugged, tiredly. “Hey man, it’s Gotham. I would have been annoyed that you guys broke my four-month streak of not running into any vigilantes or rogues except Nightwing ruined that streak a few nights ago so…”
            “You ran into Nightwing?” Red asked.
            Before Danny could answer, Spoiler spoke up. “What the hell’s going on with your pants?”
            He glanced down, considering the right leg of his jeans which, he now noticed, was covered in doodles, and sighing. “I should know better than to wear my nicer jeans to work, huh? Allegra probably did that while I wasn’t paying attention. Anyway, as fun as this is, I’m sure you didn’t come here for refreshments and conversation?”
            “Actually, that’s exactly why we’re here.” Red Robin placed his now empty mug on the coffee table (seriously, how did he drink it that fast? It’s literally a thousand degrees!) and sat beside Spoiler. “Just wanted to get to know the new guy in the Bowery.”
            Danny snorted, taking another sip before closing his eyes and tilting his face towards the ceiling. “More like, you wanted to get to know the guy who is doing a good thing for seemingly nothing in return and wondering if it’s a front or if he’s a rogue in the making. Am I right?” He slid one eye open and took in their surprised faces. “I’m not an idiot, I know what I’m doing is going to raise some questions. It took forever to get anyone in the community to trust me.”
            “Who’s your mystery donor?” Spoiler asked, cutting Red Robin off.
            He smirked. “You’re looking at him.”
            Tucker had added an egregiously wealthy relative to Danny’s backstory when recreating him. He’d forged a death certificate, a will, bank transfer’s, a charge for cremation and an urn, everything one could need to convince the world that his money was earned in a normal way and not through combat for a ghost throne. He even displayed the urn on a bookshelf in his living room.
            The two vigilantes stared, glancing at the run-down apartment, and back to him. “No really, who is it?” Red asked.
            Danny rolled his eyes. “I have a pretty big inheritance, just using it for something good. No one would trust me if I told them it was me though, definitely makes me seem like a rogue out to traffic their kids or something. Which,” He looked at them pointedly. “is not the case. I’m just doing what I can as a favor for a friend.”
            “Pretty big favor.” Purple whistled.
            “Yeah, and I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t have free time. But after finishing my bachelor’s and not needing to work, I was getting bored.” Technically, that was only partially true. Danny still spent more than his fair share of time working in the Infinite Realms as their king. But they didn’t need to know that.
            The vigilantes looked at each other skeptically before Red spoke again. “You decided to open up an entirely free daycare, paying for everything out of pocket, as a favor to someone because you were bored?”
            He shrugged.
            “No matter how much money you have that’s not sustainable!” Red threw his hands up in the air.
Danny considered this for a moment, taking another drink. “You know Bruce Wayne?” The two froze only for a moment, so short that it would be hard to catch unless you had experience reading people’s micro expressions. Which he did. “The amount of money I have makes Bruce Wayne look impoverished by comparison. That’s not a brag, it’s disgusting, and I’m trying to get rid of it. So. There. I can keep this daycare running for the rest of my life without putting a dent in my inheritance.”
            “How the hell do you have that much money!?” Purple shouted.
            “Listen, Purple, can I call you purple? I’ve been calling you Purple in my head this whole time, you didn’t exactly introduce yourselves.” Sure, he knew her name was Spoiler, but she didn’t need to know that. “Anyway, Purple, I inherited the money, don’t ask me how I have so much, ask the guy who gave it to me- well, you can’t, I guess, cause he’s dead, but that’s not the point.” He paused, realizing he’d been going several sentences without breathing which was definitely suspicious. “I have a shit ton of money; my friend raised me better than to be a rich capitalist scumbag so I’m doing my best to make her not hate me for my wealth.”
            Maybe that would be enough breadcrumbs to keep them busy for a while and off his back. He was rich, he inherited it from someone who was dead, he had a friend who hated the rich, he might as well give them his social security number and childhood home address while he was at it! Tucker could find someone more mysterious with less.
            He heard the distinct voice of a woman coming from their ears (probably a comm?). “You two done with RR’s weird obsession? We have actual crime to deal with.” It was an amused but stern voice, and it reminded him of Jazz the few times she’d joined Tucker on his comms.
            Red was grumbling something, but Purple seemed amused. “Well… I’m Spoiler, but Purple is fine too I suppose. Aaaaaand while this has been -fun- and all, we should probably get going. Thank you for answering our questions and for the drinks. Sorry for breaking into your apartment.”
            He grunted in response, the exhaustion of the day seeping into his weary bones. The sound of his window sliding open and shut signaled their departure and while he had intended to take a shower and eat dinner, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. This daycare thing was a lot more exhausting than he’d thought it would be.
            The thought he’d been having on and off since opening the place up reappeared. How long was he planning to keep this up? He’d done it all on a whim and by the time he realized what he was doing, it was done. He was now the (maybe proud?) owner of a free daycare in the middle of the Bowery and also the king of the infinite realms and how long was he going to be able to do both?
            Hiring Mia would help (would he be able to explain Lunch Lady and Ember?) but he had had so many ideas on how to help Gotham, he wanted to do it all. While he wasn’t a true Gothamite, hadn’t grown up here, had barely been here a few months, he’d grown to like the rough city, this wasn’t simply a favor to Lady Gotham anymore. It was something he really wanted to do. The people here needed help; he could provide it.
            Teaching some classes at Gotham U could be interesting but he hadn’t decided if he wanted to or not. He already had so much on his plate, could he really add something as big as teaching college level classes? And if he did want to teach, would his teaching be better off at Gotham U or maybe a younger level? If he could hire enough trustworthy people to watch over the daycare and run it themselves, he could work on some of this other plans for Gotham.
            Their education was extremely lacking anywhere that wasn’t Gotham Academy (for rich snobs) and he’d double majored in Engineering and Biochemistry, surely his knowledge would be useful to teenagers?
            Great. If he followed his usual pattern of following through on whatever whims he had, he was likely to build a whole Ancients damned school in the Narrows next. Although…. It would help with the exorbitant wealth thing….
            Danny had definitely prepared for messes. He’d stocked his cabinets with different cleaning supplies and tools for all kinds of spills. He’d expected food, drinks, and bodily fluids, but he didn’t have a cleaning product to get melted crayon out of carpets- he didn’t even know how Allegra had managed to melt the crayon!
            It hadn’t been that big of a deal, honestly, but the carpets were new, and Danny liked when the place looked organized (the same could not be said for his apartment or bedroom) and the large dark red stain on the light blue path of the carpet looked suspiciously like blood which was not a good look for the daycare.
            That was how Danny found himself searching the convenience store down the street for some kind of cleaning product for melted crayons. It was only after he’d gone to three convenience/grocery stores in the area that he decided he would make the trip across the river to the Upper East Side and search one of the ‘nicer’ stores.
            Despite his desire to get rid of his wealth, he didn’t like shopping at the fancier stores in the area, for the same reason he didn’t live in a penthouse in the Diamond District. He couldn’t help Gotham without putting himself in the shoes of her people. And while he wasn’t truly in their shoes (being an incredibly wealthy king meant he’d never truly understand their suffering) he also refused to live lavishly.
            But he really wanted to get the red crayon out of his carpets. There were… so many cleaning products. Staring at the shelves, Danny began mentally crossing out each one he knew wouldn’t work before picking up individual bottles and checking what they were meant for. It took a long time. He was only halfway through the search when he felt someone approaching.
            An older man in a suit of some sort (who goes grocery shopping in a suit?) stopped a few steps away, picking up a couple of cleaning products and placing them in his cart. He began to move away before stopping once more.
           “I noticed you seem unsure about the cleaning products. Perhaps I could be of assistance?” His tone was polite, but Danny felt a blush spread across his cheeks anyways. He was supposed to be a responsible adult, but he couldn’t even find a cleaning product correctly.
           Nodding appreciatively, Danny faced the man. “I need to get melted crayon out of a carpet and apparently my closet of cleaning supplies wasn’t prepared for that.”
          The man nodded. “That sounds like quite the mess.” He plucked a bottle from the shelf that Danny had yet to look at. “This will do the trick. Pour a generous amount onto the affected area, let it sit for fifteen minutes, then scrub it out, repeat, and rinse.”
          Danny grinned. “Thanks, I really appreciate it. I’m Danny.” He offered the man a hand.
          “Alfred Pennyworth, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
          They shook hands before Danny stepped away. “Well this is all I needed and I’ve gotta get back to take care of this as soon as possible. I really appreciate your help Mr. Pennyworth.”
          “I’m glad I could help you. Have an enjoyable evening, Mr. Danny.”
          And an enjoyable evening he had. Once he’d gotten back to the daycare, Danny managed to scrub out the stain (Thank you Mr. Pennyworth) until the carpet looked almost good as new and definitely not like blood had been spilled on it. Afterwards he made his way home with a bit more energy in his step than he was used to.
           Jazz had insisted on Danny having one of those large family calendars due to his crazy schedule and tonight being a Thursday night meant it was time to plan out the following weekend and week after. Things were generally the same every week- Daycare from seven thirty to six, Monday through Friday, the evenings were spent recharging, Saturdays he slept in and went to the Infinite Realms from eleven to eleven, Sunday mornings he got brunch with Jazz, Sunday nights was the group call with Tucker, Sam, Val, and Jazz, and then it repeated.
           But he hadn’t made it to the soup kitchen in a while and he had really enjoyed volunteering there while the daycare was under construction so tomorrow he was going to get up early, go to the Realms from six to six and make it back in time to help with the dinner crowd. He hadn’t seen the two brothers in a few weeks but there were few days he didn’t think about them.
            Mia was an incredibly helpful addition to the daycare and Danny thanked the Ancients she was so reliable. Although he didn’t feel comfortable leaving her entirely alone at any point throughout the day, he did get to take a few hours in the afternoon to get paperwork done in his office while she watched over the kids. On busier days he wouldn’t even do that. They had eight kids every day, guaranteed, but there were many families with less regular schedules that would drop their kids off once or twice a week and on those days, Danny wouldn’t leave Mia alone for even a moment.
            The best part about her was that she didn’t ask questions. She’d taken one look at Lunch Lady, paused, looked at the menu, nodded, and didn’t say a word. When Ember introduced herself Mia acted as though it were a completely normal situation, completely ignoring the green/gray skin and getting to work.
            She didn’t work the entire day, he couldn’t (and wouldn’t) ask her to stay for an almost twelve-hour shift. She came in around nine in the morning and left around three, taking Allegra with her. When he told her how much he’d be paying her she nearly had a heart attack, but working with children was a difficult and demanding job and he refused to underpay her for her work.
            “Hey boss, you looking for more help around here?” She asked in the middle of cleaning up for naptime on an unusually busy Friday afternoon.
            He dumped his armful of toys into the bin and pushed his hair out of his face. He really needed a haircut. “Yeah. Your help has been great, but I’m hoping to eventually have enough people here that I don’t have to actually be here all day every day anymore, you know?” She nodded thoughtfully. “You have someone in mind?”
            She wiped down the tables still covered in crumbs from snack time and took a moment before responding. “I have a friend who mentioned an interest. He doesn’t live around here but he’s a friend. I’ve known him a long time, he’s good people.”
            He shrugged. “Give him an application and I’ll look it over. And if you’ve got more friends like that, feel free to give them applications too. Like I said, I’m looking to hire quite a few people. Although, I’d like to hire people slowly, make sure everyone gets trained well and gets along before hiring another person.”
            She hummed in agreement and at the end of her shift took three application packets, stuffing them into Allegra’s backpack before picking the girl up and toting her away. Mrs. Reik was the last person to pick her son up that day and she ended up staying a bit to chat.
            “I can’t tell you how helpful your daycare has been for our family.” She started, a sentiment that many of the parents had conveyed to him many times. “I was wondering if you’d like to come by for dinner sometime, so we can properly thank you?” Her offer was shy, slightly guarded, but definitely genuine.
            He smiled, hoping to put her at ease. He’d been told that his smiles could be unnerving (too many teeth) so he channeled all the appreciation he could into this one while still keeping it small. “I would love to, Mrs. Reik.”
            “Oh please, call me Diane. Would next Friday work? My husband will be home all day with Tommy, and he makes a mean lasagna.”
            As long as his food didn’t come back to life, he wasn’t too picky about it. “That sounds great. The daycare is open until six, is seven all right?”
            “That’s perfect. Thank you again, Mr. Nightingale.”
            “Please, if I’m going to call you Diane, you can call me Danny.”
            Apparently, Jazz was right, making friends wasn’t so difficult. The formula was as easy as opening a free daycare, putting yourself out there, befriending every person you meet so they spread the word about you and your business, and working twelve hours a day five days a week chasing after energetic demons. Easy.
            The good part about being able to open portals to the Infinite Realms was that he didn’t need to wake up extra early to get to work. He rolled out of bed (which he’d actually made it to before taking one of his power naps, thank Ancients) at 6:02 in the morning, ripped open a portal, transformed, and BAM! He was at work.
            Stepping directly into his office (seriously he needed to get rid of a few offices how did he have so many?), he settled in for a few hours of paperwork before taking a break. He had quite a few requests to schedule a time to spar which he scheduled first- putting those off only meant his rogues would come find him and he didn’t want to explain to Gotham why he was fighting ghosts- before moving onto other matters.
            The Observants knew not to bother Danny in his office after an incident where Danny had refused to do work for a day for every disturbance he received. It was a three weeklong strike that finally ended in them leaving him alone and Danny eventually catching up on his paperwork.
            Three hours later he experienced a moment he thought he’d never see. There wasn’t any paperwork on his desk. He was free! Free! Standing up in the hopes to leave the Infinite Realms early, a pile of paperwork materialized in front of him.
            “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
            Collapsing back into his chair, Danny regretted every moment of his miserable life. He just had to stop Pariah from destroying the world, didn’t he? But guess what, Danny? No world, no paperwork! He could be nonexistent right now, oblivion, dead, but instead, he was half dead and one hundred percent responsible for copious amounts of paperwork.
            There would be no rest for the dead it seemed.
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loverliner · 2 months
could you please make a part two to the modern jess mariano smau <33
modern!jess mariano smau (2)
jess mariano x gilmore!reader
thank you for the ask <3
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liked by rxckstarlane, jess.mariano and 156 others
yngilmore gilmore karaoke night is a sacred ritual
tagged rory_gilmore, lorelaixgilmore
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lorelaixgilmore it’s a lifestyle. it’s a religion.
rory_gilmore the entirety of mama mia is mandatory
jess.mariano no one understands the severity, they installed strobe lights in their living room
lukedanes yeah and guess who they forced to install them.
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liked by rxckstarlane, parisgeller and 124 others
yngilmore i’m bored
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jess.mariano i’m coming over
yngilmore jess there’s a thunderstorm
rory_gilmore can confirm that jess showed up 5 minutes later absolutely DRENCHED
liked by lorelaixgilmore & yngilmore
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liked by lorelaixgilmore, lukedanes and 108 others
rory_gilmore yn & jess are so cute
tagged yngilmore, jess.mariano
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parisgeller inclined to agree
yngilmore <3 love u ror
rory_gilmore you love him more 🙄
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liked by lukedanes, jess.mariano and 119 others
yngilmore 7 months with this loser (i love you)
tagged jess.mariano
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jess.mariano i love you
liked by yngilmore
rory_gilmore aka third wheeling for 7 months!
lorelaixgilmore real
rxckstarlane ugh you guys are so cute i’m going to cry
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liked by rory_gilmore, yngilmore and 56 others
jess.mariano happy 7 months myl. i love you so fucking much.
tagged yngilmore
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yngilmore ❤️
liked by jess.mariano
lukedanes wow so many words were said
lorelaixgilmore hush you communicate in grunts
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nattinatalia · 11 months
Jack Harlow x Instagram AU
A/N : A little late but something is better than nothing lol enjoy 👻
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, yourusername, ezharlow,cassiewyatt, and 7,567,355 others
alizemiaharlow What up bullet?!
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cassiewyatt YES YES YES 🔥 hot mama
ezharlow 🤦��� had to ruin her for me 💔
alizemiaharlow Not like you had a chance with her anyway.
yourusername 😍😍😍
yourusername side note, I love me some Paul Walker 💙
jackharlow Yeah we know but there wasn’t anything Paul Walker related here so idk why say that.
ezharlow Ohhhh look at Mr “I don’t get jealous.”
jackharlow Shut up.
yourusername 💀😭😭😭
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Liked by cassiewyatt, cozane, meganfox, selenosunni, jackharlow, yourusername, and 6,876,345 others
alizemiaharlow “No, I’m eating boys. Boys are just placeholders, they come and go.” 🩸 🩸
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meganfox 🔥 yesssssss you killed it
user Queen of Halloween 🎃
urbanwyatt Hey, that throne belongs to my wife.
cassiewyatt Control your little boy hormones.
jackharlow I agree with you son
yourusername lmaoooooooo I hate you.
alizemiaharlow These boys are annoying mom!
yourusername Story of my life baby, just have to roll with the punches.
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Liked by alizemiaharlow, yourusername, selenosunni, druski, claybornharlow, and 7,567,345 others
ezharlow I think I got a little too cocky this time.
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alizemiaharlow WHO’S RUINING THINGS NOWWW????
alizemiaharlow LIKE WHYYYY RUIN HIM FOR ME 😭
druski How can you love a anime guy? It’s not possible
ezharlow 💀
ezharlow If you think I ruined him for you, just watch my next one 😈
alizemiaharlow Oh god nooooo.
jackharlow Who’s being dramatic now 😗
yourusername QUIET JACKMAN.
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Liked by yourusername, ezharlow, urbanwyatt, cassiewyatt, alizemiaharlow, and 2,449,455 others
jackharlow Sebastian really taking the role of Spider-Man seriously. 📸 @ urbanwyatt
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yourusername 🕷️ 🕸️ ❤️
urbanwyatt ✨ He really is a natural, easiest client ever.
jackharlow I take offense to that.
cassiewyatt So do I
alizemiaharlow X’3 🤨
urbanwyatt Let me just *runs and hides*
user I thought his name was Ace???
jackharlowsource It is. Sebastian is his middle name, they always use their middle names 🤷🏻‍♀️
claybornharlow my friendly neighborhood Spider-Man 😍
ezharlow Can we talk about the fact he saw a old picture of me dressed as Spider-Man and he said he wanted to be like me 🫡🫢
yourusername That tugged at my heartstrings when he said that 🥺 my baby boys ❤️
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, ezharlow, alizemiaharlow, and 7,866,345 others
yourusername While everyone is getting ready for our annual Halloween party, there’s Lizeth, who hates dressing up 😩
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jackharlow It’s her world, we just live in it ✨
alizemiaharlow Wow, I remember you used to tell ME that.
yourusername 😅
jackharlow Let me rephrase that- It’s my girls world, we just live in it.
alizemiaharlow I guess I’ll take it.
yourbestiename She really does hate dressing up, who is sheeeee????
urbanwyatt She got that from @ cassiewyatt
cassiewyatt Wait a minute, I like dressing up, just not all month. I’m not like mom, tia and Mia.
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Liked by yourusername, selenosunni, alizemiaharlow, ezharlow, and 6,876,345 others
jackharlow HARLOWEEN ❤️
View all 1,200 comments
yourusername My man 😍
jackharlow For life 🤞🏼
alizemiaharlow My parents really did that 🔥
ezharlow Not dad being in character all night 😭
cassiewyatt ❤️
alizemiaharlow Cass, when are you posting your Halloween pictures? 👀
cassiewyatt Eh should I???
alizemiaharlow Duhhhhh
mamamaggie You two 😍❤️
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles @violetslays818 @fantasywritersstuff @vanwritesfan-fiction
193 notes · View notes
enkas-illusion · 10 months
One of Your Guys
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One of Your Guys - Part 2/3
Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Choso x f!reader
Content Warning: Fluff, smut (oral, f.receiving), language, hurt/comfort, angst (kinda?), friends to lovers
Chapter Summary: Sorting out your feelings always feels like a nightmare, but it becomes a lot more bearable when your flatmate plays cupid to help you with it.
Author’s Note: This is a long ass chapter lol, could’ve split it in two but I wanted to commit to the 3-part story thing. Enjoy!
(P.S. Will probably post Part 3 this Saturday... I had a lot of fun writing it, to say the least)
Song Dedication: Those Eyes by New West / Carry Me Home by Jorja Smith & Maverick Sabre
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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“Fuck… yes, right there,” you moan as you look down between your thighs. Choso’s eyes look up at you as he eats you out with a steady pace – sucking and licking at your pussy just as you like it.
Your legs shake as you chant his name on repeat. Your hands roam down to tug at his jet black hair, your back arching off the bed. The wet sound of his mouth against your core has the adrenaline rushing to your head, keeping you from thinking straight.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, almost there. Just a little bit more.
“Satoru… I’m clos-'' your words get caught in your throat as you look down with a blurry vision. The man between your legs stills his movement and sits up to move away from you.
“Satoru?” Choso lets out a chuckle in disbelief, “Is that who you belong to?” 
You open your mouth to talk but it feels like you’ve lost your voice and no matter how hard you try to speak, you simply can’t. Panic sets in and as if on cue, an incessant buzzing sound rings in your ears from your bedside table. As soon as you turn to the side to shut it off, your hand accidentally hits the edge of the table. 
That’s how you wake up the next day, in cold sweat and even more delirious than the night before. What the fuck was that? It’s as if your own mind is out to get you.
So much for wanting emotional clarity in the morning.
You grab the bottle from the side table, taking big gulps of water, almost emptying the entire thing before returning it back to its place. You tap on your phone to check the time – 02:54 PM – you’d slept in all through the morning.
Leaving your bed lazily, you walk towards the window to open the curtains slowly and let the light in. You’re glad the sun isn’t too harsh even though it’s late into the afternoon. You stretch a bit to release the stiffness in your body and your stomach growls. You’d barely eaten since last night, so naturally, you find yourself craving enough food to feed 10 people.
Feelings can wait, you decide, food can’t.
Just as you begin your walk to the kitchen, your doorbell rings and you reroute your steps to get the door instead. Just as you reach the door, the bell rings again.
“Patience, jezz!” you groan as you open the door. Before you’ve even opened it halfway, your flatmate barges in with her travel bags, dropping them to the floor as she gives you a bear hug.
“Miss me? It’s okay mama’s hereee.” Mia says in a sing-song tone as she squeezes and shakes you in her arms. You want to tease her and say no but this feels so comforting that you simply laugh as you nod your head and hug her back.
When she pulls away from you and observes you as you close the door, she states, “Wow, you look like shit, what happened?”
“I missed you real bad.” you say dryly. She gives you a stare down and in an effort to change the topic, you add, “Weren’t you returning in the evening?”
She places her bags near the foot of the sofa and drops to the sofa with her whole body weight. She moves to make some space when you sit next to her.
“Evening… afternoon… same thing… besides I had t-,” she pauses midway as she stares at you with wide eyes and your eyebrows knit together in confusion. Your eyes widen back at her when you see she’s not exactly staring at your face.
“Hold on, what the fuck is that???” she half yells, pointing at your hickey in sync with you slapping both your hands to your neck in a poor attempt to cover the entire area. 
Right, the hickeys. You weren’t actively aware that other people could see them, partly because, well… even you hadn’t registered everything from the previous night into your brain in a sane, rational, comprehensible manner. 
“Don’t tell me… Satoru?” she gasps as she leans forward to pull your hand away to inspect the mark near your collarbone. “To be honest, I didn’t think you had it in you to confess-”
“No… it’s not Satoru…” you say as you avoid her gaze and almost mumble the next part, “...Choso did that.”
“WHAT THE FUCK?” her eyes widen again as she squeals. Disbelief and amusement written all over her face. “Details! I want DETAILS!”
You take a deep breath and sigh as you tell her to freshen up before you get into it all. She protests but gets up quickly when she realises you’d delay giving her the gossip even further if she persisted. 
When Mia almost runs back to her room with her bags, you stare at her as you let out a chuckle in disbelief. Well, at least someone’s entertained.
You go to the kitchen and grab two packs of instant noodles. As you set the water on the stove for boiling, you go back to your room to take a shower to shake off the lethargic feeling that had taken over your body.
You wrap up your routine quicker than usual, knowing Mia would grow impatient if she had to wait longer than necessary whenever it came to ‘juicy drama’. 
When you get out of the bathroom in your room, you look at your reflection in the mirror as your fingers roam over the marks Choso had left on your skin. You feel the heat rise to your cheeks when you recall the sensation of his lips on you and then you remember the dream from less than an hour ago. You let out a sigh – you’re screwed, and it’s not the good kind.
You touch the bruise just below your left ear and move a few strands of hair over it. Your hair might do a good job at covering it, you just have to be careful not to flip it… or tie it up… or move too fast and basically freeze in place and you’ll be good.
The other hickey is much more prominent. It sits just slightly above your right clavicle. When you brush your fingers over it, it feels sensitive. This is going to be a task to cover up. You sigh again – something you’ve been doing a lot since yesterday. 
For now, you decide a round neck t-shirt would be good enough as you rummage through your closet. You get dressed quickly and walk to the kitchen. By the time you’re done serving the hot noodles in two bowls, you hear Mia’s footsteps from behind.
“Need any help?” she asks as she enters the kitchen. “Yes, can you please grab our coffee?” you say and you tilt your head in the direction of the two mugs on the counter. She takes the mugs and walks out, you follow behind with the noodle bowls.
The minute you set everything on the coffee table in front of the sofa, your roomie turns you around. You realise trying to cover up the hickeys was a futile effort as Mia yanks the neckline down to observe the mark above your collarbone.
You scrunch your face as she squeals with a series of ‘Ohmygodddddd, I can’t believe this actually happened. I CALLED IT! I told you! I told you it was gonna happen!!!’
You’ve been hearing one too many ‘I told you so’s for the last two days and so far none of them have been pleasant. 
“You done or should I take a nap while you fangirl?” you joke dryly as she gives you a side-eye and punches your shoulder playfully.
“Okay, tell me everything. That’s a deep mark, I just know he’s a freak! What was his dick like? I’m sure it’s big… It’s always the quiet ones!” She speaks so fast that any normal person would miss half of what she’d just said.
“I don’t know… because we never got to that part.” you reply sternly. She frowns at you and stares at you in confusion, waiting for you to continue.
You tell her everything from the top – about seeing the snaps from the party, calling Choso over, him comforting you, the accidental make out and his confession after. She interrupts you several times to ask for details when she catches you skimming over some parts. 
Nothing can ever get past Mia so you realise you might as well ask for her expert opinion on all of this. You’d always trusted her opinion when it came to matters of the heart since she’s always drawing from her own experiences. Mia is the type of person who has superior insight and introspective ability that you only wish to develop some day.
As you both hungrily gobble down the noodles and coffee, you also tell her that ever since Choso pointed it out, you’ve suddenly been awfully aware about how Satoru knew you had a crush on him but never cared enough to confront you about it.
“... and so I can’t help but feel that the reason I never told him I had a crush on him is because deep down I might’ve been scared of getting rejected. Because, if he knows I like him, it means that he ignored my feelings and kept me on a hook on purpose…” you trail off towards the end of your monologue, still grappling with all your half-cooked emotions.
“Hmm,” Mia ponders over your words, taking a brief pause before speaking up, “Satoru does like attention so I won’t be surprised if he gave you just enough signals to keep the crush alive but not enough to give you a clear indication of anything stronger… still, I doubt that dummy had any ill intention, maybe he thought your crush was surface level and not some deep infatuation.”
“Well, now I’m not even sure if I like him.” you almost whisper, embarrassed to admit it out loud.
“You’ve been pining over him for about 6 months.” Mia narrows her eyes at you.
“I know… but I can’t explain it. Now that I know Satoru never really considered me as a potential partner, it’s sort of making me realise how delusional I've been. I hadn’t felt anything all these years of us being friends so why did I suddenly like him just months ago? I hate liking him… it’s so frustrating!” you wonder out loud, hoping she’d have some answers.
Instead, she asks you something that you honestly have no answer to, “How do you know when you actually like someone?”
“You find them attractive and like spending time with them?” you answer as you think of Satoru. She urges you to continue, not satisfied with the surface-level shit. You think harder and add, “When tiny things remind you of them? It’s like you can find traces of them in your everyday life, even when sometimes the situation might not be related to them.” 
You’ve been picking at your nails but stop the movement as soon as you notice it. Mia stays quiet as you look up at her to continue.
“Oh! And you want to know their likes and dislikes, but not just the basics. You want to know their thoughts on something you like as well and you want to share more of you with them and get to know them more than anyone ever has.” you smile as you finish your analysis. But your smile quickly fades when you realise that Satoru wasn’t the one on your mind when you spoke the last few sentences.
“Look at you gooo,” Mia whistles, causing you to roll your eyes at her. As if it’s an intuitive thing for her, she asks, “Who was on your mind just now?”
Not Satoru.
“No one.” you know it’s not the answer she wants to hear. She’s too optimistic to believe you’d be more open about your feelings, no matter how confusing they might be. 
“You know what they say, you can lie to everyone else but yourself… all I can tell you is that if you didn’t think of Satoru then our poor blondie was just a placeholder.” she begins but you raise an eyebrow at her.
“Placeholder?” you interrupt to ask.
“Yes. You know how we’re always taught a romanticised version of love? It’s like, somewhere along the way, we mistake craving for love itself with craving for a particular person. You want to feel the feeling of being in love but you can’t possibly do that if the feeling itself has no face to it. So when I call him a placeholder, it’s in the way you channel your delusions of love through him when you may not even have any romantic feelings for him to begin with!”
You process everything that she says and as much as you dislike the way it is making you feel, deep down you know that her theory might apply to you more than you’d like to admit. 
She speaks up again after a brief pause, “You liked the feeling of crushing on someone because it signified that the romantic space in your heart wasn't empty… and who else could possibly be a better placeholder than your closest friend, Satoru?”
You stay silent. You feel exposed. As if your emotions had been bared out in the open without your permission. The kind of emotions that are too rough to be brought to the surface. Emotions that only ever seem decent when you present a polished, snipped version of them to the outside world.
Mia is aware of this. She knows this all too well because she’d been in your position way too many times. She pulls you out of your thoughts as she speaks up again.
“It’s okay. You’re okay.” she squeezes your hand gently. You give her a smile despite still feeling like you’re tripping over the heavy realisation you just had. “Let’s watch something?”
She turns the TV on and sees Bridgerton under your ‘Continue Watching’ tab and lets out a tiny giggle as she wiggles her eyebrows at you. You punch her arm lightly.
“Maybe you can text Choso about continuing the show... ‘Heyyy, do you want to come over and finish where we left off.’” she says, trying to mock you with a sexy voice and it makes you laugh.
Mia ends up picking a random 2000s romcom and you both doze off on the sofa by the time the credits roll. When you wake up, it’s already quite late, so you order some food and call it a night when you’re done with dinner.
The whole week passes by quicker than expected since you were mostly busy with work during the day and busy pondering over what the recent reversal of your crush on Satoru means moving forward.
By the time Saturday arrives, you feel as if you have sorted out your feelings in the best way you possibly could. There was nothing to fix when it came to Satoru since you’d stopped feeling miserable over him. In your mind, he’d already gone back to being your close friend but at the same time, you were awfully aware that the only thing you really missed about crushing on him was the placeholder phenomenon Mia had described so well.
As for Choso, it was a whole different thing. You completely ignored any thoughts about him that arose in your mind for about 3 days after the kiss. Afterall, you’d accused him of thinking with his dick that night, it’d be hypocritical if you felt attracted to him just because you made out.
So after not texting him for a week, here you were, contemplating texting him as you sat in the living room. He hadn’t texted you all week either, you debate to yourself. 
Well, can you blame him? 
You take a deep breath as you text him, asking him if he had time for hot chocolate. He replies with a simple ‘yes’ after what feels like forever (15 minutes later).
Not wanting to bother him with the task when he arrives, you prepare two cups of hot chocolate and keep them at their place on the coffee table as you wait for your doorbell to ring eagerly.
You almost sprint to the door when the bell rings five minutes later. You rub your sweaty hands on the fabric of your t-shirt before opening the door with a wide smile. He returns your smile as he walks in and past you to sit on the sofa.
No hugs. Okay.
You notice his hair is pulled up in a sweaty bun with his gym bag placed near his feet.
“You were at the gym?” you inquire.
“Hmm. Texted you when I was wrapping it up.” he replies as he takes one of the cups. You sit next to him and grab the other one.
You’re almost offended at him going to the gym alone. For about 4 months now, you’d been going together on the weekends since your weekday schedules don’t align well enough to make it to the gym at the same time. 
“Why didn’t you call me?” you ask, your voice sounds dejected although you’d tried masking it well. 
“Figured you’d want some space.” he replies curtly. You want to yell at him to stop being so formal. You miss your Choso.
“Choso,” you sigh as you look at him, waiting for him to meet your gaze. When he does, you speak again, “A lot happened and I needed time to process it all. You were right about it all, about Satoru ignoring me and me doing the same to you. I’m so sorry that I made you feel as if you were only an emotional support friend. I wish I could show you how much you mean to me.”
You notice the stiffness in his shoulders ease a bit at your words. Taking it as a positive sign you continue, “I won’t lie, but I haven’t really seen you in a romantic light since I’ve been blindly crushing over Satoru… not to say that I don’t find you attractive! You’re hot- but that’s besides the point… the point is, can we be friends first? I’d really like to know you for who you are, without all of our talks being overshadowed by me ranting about some stupid crush.”
You almost believe your words did more damage than good before you see a smile break on Choso’s otherwise resting face. You smile back at him.
It’s his turn to speak now, “I think I can handle that… but I believe you’re being too harsh on yourself. While your crush has been a constant topic of conversation, you’ve been a good friend regardless. You have been there for me whenever I needed a friend to talk to and you always listen to me rant about work or whatever just as much.”
You nod at him to continue.
“I’d say we already know each other pretty well. But of course, I'll always want to know more about you… what can I say? You’ve piqued my interest and it’s been hard to let go since.” he pinches your cheek as you feel a blush creep up your face.
You push his hand away but it’s only to get closer to hug him. He wraps his arms around your waist, completely enveloping you into his space, but it's far from invasive – it’s more welcoming than ever. You bury your face into his neck, breathing in the soothing scent of oud and jasmine, mixed with a tiny hint of sweat.
“So, how are things on the Satoru front? You’re almost making it sound as if you’ve lost interest.” he jokes when you pull away, secretly hoping his intuition is right.
You briefly tell him about your talk with Mia, leaving out the part where you’d told your roomie all about the makeout sesh. He raises an eyebrow at the placeholder theory but simply nods as he thinks it over in his head.
“So you really are over him?” He asks once again. Even if he intends to seek reassurance, you can’t tell by the way his tone is almost indifferent. 
You joke about his crush on you being a similar type of thing and you bet him that he’ll soon realise he doesn’t like you like he thought he did.
“You’re a lot more than a placeholder to me, baby.” he pouts at you before swiftly getting up to take the empty cups back to the kitchen, not giving you time to react. You watch his back, baffled at how daring and straightforward Choso can get sometimes.
He returns at the same time Mia comes out of her room, yawning as she covers her mouth.
“Hey Choso, how are you?” she smiles slyly at him. There’s a sudden shift in his body language and you realise Mia’s presence has suddenly made him nervous. It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. 
He’s aware you’ve told her about him.
And based on how well he knows you, he’s certain you’ve given Mia an unabridged version of the events of last Saturday. He greets her back with an awkward ‘sup’ and you can’t help but think of it as a boyfriend-meets-parents type of situation.
Your amusement is visible on your face and Mia catches onto it. What she says next surprises you.
“Good thing you’re here. I was just inviting people over for my birthday weekend next weekend.” she smiles at him.
“Birthday weekend?” Choso asks.
“Yup, so each year, the people whose birthdays lie on and/or closest to the weekend, they get a whole weekend where they’re the boss and everyone else in the group has to strictly follow whatever they’ve planned for the whole group.” she explains.
Choso looks at you, already loving being invited to something like this. “But don’t get your hopes up too high! Mia is a homebody so we’re all probably going to be trapped at home baking stuff or something like that.” you add, nonetheless, his excitement doesn’t fade. 
He tells Mia he’ll be looking forward to it and hugs you both like he’s about to leave. This time you ask him to stay to finish the last 2 episodes of Bridgerton. He thinks it over hesitantly but agrees. The only difference this time is that Mia has joined you on the sofa. You don’t complain though, since the last thing you needed right now was to be left alone with Choso while watching steamy sex scenes from the final episodes.
When Choso eventually leaves, you express your surprise to Mia at her inviting him for the birthday weekend, which almost always, only involves your tiny group consisting of Satoru, Suguru, Shoko, Kento, Mia and you.
“Think of it as me playing cupid babe”, she pouts as she makes kissing sounds at you and you palm her face to push her away. She giggles, “My plan is to keep everyone trapped in the house for two whole days, it’ll be so boring, it’ll ironically be so much fun. And you get to spend all your time with your loverboy.”
“He’s not my loverboy,” you protest.
“Oh yeah? Say that to his cute ass puppy eyes that always fixate on you whenever he hears you laugh. He’s so gone for you, it’s almost sickening to watch, being a third wheel.”
“Give it a rest… dear lord!” you say but you can’t help but feel another blush forming on your cheeks due to her constant teasing.
You were trying your best not to like Choso romantically, you wanted to give it time to make sure you weren’t liking him as just another placeholder.
The next week passes by just as quickly. The only difference is that this time you constantly find yourself taking tiny breaks from work to text Choso. You feel great relief when he texts you back with the same enthusiasm… or maybe he’s always been that way and you’re the one who’s just now noticing it.
Mia had explained her plan for the birthday weekend on your friends’ group chat. The plan was for everyone to gather at your place on Friday evening, along with whatever essentials they needed to hibernate for the next two days. You call it hibernate because Mia’s one rule for the weekend was that nobody would step outside the apartment at any cost, unless someone had an emergency only as grave as a heart attack.
Psychopath would be a harsh word, but, hypothetically speaking, if Mia were given a chance to take part in one of those human psychological experiments, she'd do it happily while dragging the rest of the group with her.
However, on the upside, Mia was a gamer girl through and through. It was kind of perfect because you, on the other hand, were a card game expert of sorts. It was a simple plan really –  games, drinks, movies – yet if you were to ask Satoru and Shoko’s opinion on the matter, they’d protest by saying something along the lines of a party isn’t a party unless you bar-hop while getting shitfaced drunk at 3am.
On Friday evening, as soon as you return from work, you and Mia clean the apartment for your friends’ welcome. You arrange the card games and snacks on the table before freshening up.
You’d informed Choso about the plan as well and he’d texted you half an hour ago that he’d be there in 30 minutes. You run to your room to check your outfit in the mirror once again. You straighten out the fabric of your skorts and pull at the hem of your sweatshirt. 
Casual but cute — you did not want to make it seem as if you dressed up to stay at home but you figured you could at least look a bit presentable. You touch up your lipgloss and convince yourself it’s strictly to protect your lips from cracking due to the cold.
When the bell rings, you feel as if the inside of your stomach does a backflip. You hurriedly walk out of your room and see Mia at the door, welcoming Choso in. He’s wearing a vivid indigo blue sweater with black sweatpants. The feeling in your stomach returns when you observe his soft hair pushed back and tucked behind his ears with a few tiny strands kissing his forehead.
He gives her a side hug as he hands her a long black box wrapped with a golden ribbon. You walk towards them and you swear you see his smile grow when he looks at you. He puts his hand out to you and you grab it. With a smooth movement, he pulls you to him while his other arm wraps around your shoulder. The hug is brief yet it makes you feel giddy.
Shit. Staying platonic with him is going to be one hell of a task.
“...hope it won’t be awkward for your other friends.” your thought breaks when you hear him talk to Mia. 
“No, not at all! Don’t worry, they’re all pretty chill!” Mia reassures him. Choso has met your group a handful of times so they are, what one would consider, mutuals, but he’s only friends with you and Mia in the real sense of the word.
“What did you get?” you ask him, looking at the wrapped box in Mia’s hands. He gestures for her to open it. Her smile grows as she pulls out the big bottle of scotch, waving it around in excitement.
“Thank you for aiding my borderline alcoholism with my drink of choice.” she jokes as she bows at him.
“Always glad to help.” he laughs as he bows his head to mimic her. You smile to yourself, happy that he’s so attentive and considerate of everyone close to him. “By the way, where do I keep my bag?” he asks, sliding his backpack off his shoulder.
“You can keep it in my room… everyone is probably going to dump everything there since Mia’s room has their precious xbox setup.” you say as he smiles and makes his way to your room. Mia goes to the kitchen to keep the bottle somewhere it’s safe and sound.
When Choso returns, he observes the decks of multiple card games, arranged on the table. There’s Dobble, Monopoly Deal, UNO, and chess as well. You had to restrain yourself from bringing out all the other games you had since you did not want to overwhelm your friends with too many options.
“Which one is your favourite?” he asks.
“Kamo… would you pick favourites if you ever had kids?” you retort.
“Yes.” he says with a straight face, “now, answer me.” His tone makes you snort but you grab the tin with the Dobble cards as you explain how it works. Mia returns from the kitchen and you offer her to join your game but she makes up some excuse to go back to her room, leaving you alone with Choso. You have a feeling she’s going to try to manufacture such moments for the two of you throughout the whole weekend.
You have three clean wins before Choso starts getting frustrated at his loss. “How on earth can you spot them so quickly!?”
You shrug, smug about your wins. When you draw the next hand, the bell rings and you turn your head to look towards the door. Mia comes out to get it and you hear Choso yell, “GOT IT!” causing you to turn back to the cards.
“Hey! It doesn’t count, I wasn’t paying attention.” you complain.
“Not my fault. We’d drawn the cards already.” he says, grinning with a pleased look on his face. You know he's not going to concede so you let it go.
“I wasn’t aware we were allowed to bring plus one this time?” you hear Satoru’s voice behind you. You turn around to roll your eyes at him. He’s leaning down to your side with a wide grin and his arms extended. You hook your arm around his waist to give him a side hug.
“I invited him, he’s replacing you since you’re so busy nowadays.” Mia speaks up and you press your lips to keep yourself from laughing. He presses his hands to his chest dramatically as if Mia’s words have physically wounded him.
You crinkle your nose to cringe at him and you sense Choso looking at you. But as soon as you look back at him, he turns his head down as he grabs all the cards to put them back in the tin.
“Quitting already?” you tease him. He looks up at you and smirks, “No, there’s enough people to play Monopoly now. You just wait and watch how I smoke you.”
“What makes you so sure? You don’t know who you’re up against.” you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Hmmm… wanna bet?” He challenges you. 
You smile cockily, “Deal, what’s at stake?”
“Oh, nothing too bold… maybe just your heart and soul.” he teases you. You bite the insides of your cheeks to keep yourself from blushing at his comment and break eye contact to lean towards the table to grab the deck of Monopoly Deal.
You fail to notice that Satoru had already started drawing conclusions based on the tiny interaction he witnessed between you and Choso. As he walks to the kitchen with Mia, he half whispers, “Is it just me o-”
“Nope. you’re seeing it right.” she interrupts him.
“Since when did Choso, of all people, get so close with her?” he inquires.
“Haha, blondie… you have no idea!” Mia chuckles, amused. “Why? You jealous?” 
He snickers at her question, “No.”
The conversation ends there and he knows better than to push it further. As the duo returns, carrying four glasses of homemade lemonade mixed with vodka, you jump up to walk towards them to grab two of them and hand one to Choso. He thanks you with a smile and you return it.
When Mia suggests it, you all sit on the floor around the table comfortably as you distribute the cards for everyone.
When you win the first game of Monopoly, you stick your tongue out at Choso. He didn’t seem to mind losing at all, nonetheless, he feigned hurt, “Damn, do I really need to give you my heart and soul now?”
With the alcohol getting to you, you felt brave enough to flirt with him as you replied back in an instant, “I thought you’d already given your heart to me?”
His eyebrows raise up in surprise as he lets out a chuckle. He drags your name out as he speaks, “You know I consider myself to be a romantic of sorts, but that’s too cheesy even for me!” you slap his arm as both of you start laughing as if it’s the funniest thing ever, almost forgetting that Mia and Satoru are right there in the room with you two.
You only turn to look at Satoru when he clears his throat. “Oh right… When is the rest of the gang getting here?” you ask Satoru.
“Check the group chat, they’ve texted.” he replies curtly. And you can’t help but feel as if he’s acting a bit cold. Usually you’d brush it off as just overthinking, or blame it on the alcohol but you’re certain that throughout the game, he has been actively ignoring you.
The awkwardness of the situation dissipates a little when Shoko, Kento and Suguru arrive about an hour later. When the clock strikes midnight, everyone hands Mia their presents but everyone is too drunk to care what the others have gotten her.
You’d be lying if you said you remembered anything about the events of Friday night through Sunday morning. The photos and videos on your phones are the only evidence you have of a time well spent. There was a lot of gossip, cheating at card games, fighting for turns on the Xbox, laughing at shit jokes, crying at sappy hallmark movies and an incident where you and Mia almost set the kitchen on fire, trying to bake a batch of brownies for everyone. You were barred from entering the kitchen all day after that and it was followed by a long debate about how it was against your rights as owners to be banned from your own kitchen. You gave up on trying to forcefully enter the kitchen after a while, since five people against two wasn’t really a fair battle.
So Sunday morning, it was a collective decision to stay sober to avoid being hungover at work the next day. Not like you guys had a choice anyway, since all the booze had been wiped out in the last 36 hours, not even Choso’s fancy scotch had survived the night. It was all a haze, to say the least.
Although you vaguely remember Choso and you sharing a few moments alone from time to time, you also remember all of them being interrupted, mostly by Satoru. You make a mental note of wanting to confront Satoru sometime soon.
Sometime soon arrives Sunday evening when Satoru walks in on you and Choso making hot chocolate in the kitchen. You’d been talking to Choso about who had the highest tolerance among the group.
You’re pressed to his side with your head resting on his shoulder as he leans against the counter. “...far from it. You’re a lightweight!” Choso calls your bullshit.
“No, listen… I vibe easily, I don’t get drunk easily. There’s a difference.” you protest.
He pinches your cheek, teasing, “okay baby… whatever you say.”
You try to elbow him but stop your movement when you hear Satoru enter the kitchen, “Are you making hot chocolate?”
You’re slightly annoyed at his feigned innocence since you’d already asked the entire group if they wanted hot chocolate, like, 5 minutes ago. He had declined then.
“Cool, can I get one too?” he asks.
“Sure.” you leave Choso’s side as you grab another mug to prepare the drink. 
Sensing the tension, Choso excuses himself politely, “I’m outside, okay?” he squeezes your shoulder before walking out of the kitchen.
“You seem pretty close.” Satoru comments. You put the mug in the oven before you turn around to look at him.
“Satoru… what is it?” you sigh.
“Nothing… I’m just surprised you got over me so quickly.” he says playfully.
Oh, so you’re having this conversation right now.
“You can’t possibly be serious right now? What do you mean moved on? What was there to move on from… you ignoring my feelings and only keeping me on the hook whenever you wanted attention?” you sound far from playful.
“Ouch.” he says quietly. Maybe talking to you about this was a bad idea.
“Look… I’m sorry if me having a crush on you made you uncomfortable. I’d hate for things to be awkward now after being such close friends all these years. But I’m sad that you sort of led me on and toyed with my emotions for your own amusement.” you add as you look down.
There’s a moment of silence. Then Satoru moves towards you to hug you. He pats your head with one hand while the other rubs your back.
“I had no idea that having a crush on me made you so miserable. We’ve always been flirting with each other platonically, I initially thought it was the same thing. When I realised you were serious about it, I figured that maybe it would fade without us needing to address it.” he says softly.
“No, to be honest, I realised quite recently that I don’t really like you like that.” you interrupt him.
“Yeah, no shit. You’ve been flirting with him all weekend.” he laughs. You blush out of embarrassment. 
He continues, “But that’s besides the point. I’m sorry, okay? I’ve designated you as my best frien– don’t tell Suguru. I admit I did like the attention so I'm sorry for hurting you, even if it might’ve been unintentional for the most part. ”
You look up at him as you raise your eyebrows at him. Satoru isn’t the kind to apologise easily.
“Gojo Satoru is apologising to me?” you smirk at him.
“Don’t milk it. You know I really mean it, I'm truly sorry. I can also allow you one punch anywhere besides my face and crotch to prove it. I’ll always love you, you’re my homie.” he says pulling you closer into the hug. You wrap your arms around him, smacking the area near his lower back a bit too hard. You catch him by surprise as he jerks away from your touch, letting out a loud ‘ahh’.
“Jeez, what a b–,” he pauses, clearing his throat as he extends his arm out to you, “We’re even now, cool?” 
“Okay, cool.” you smile at him. “So, how’s it going with your new girl?”
“Oh it’s pretty chill. Nothing serious though. We like each other but we both agreed that it’s pretty casual.” he explains.
“Really? I was under the impression that you were falling in love and shit.” 
“How can I love someone else when I got you?” he teases as he ruffles your hair. You glare at him with a murderous intent. 
“I’m kidding!” he adds, laughing, “But no, I’m not falling in love so soon. I always thought I’d fall in love in my mid 30s. Seems like the perfect age to fall in love.” 
You shake your head, “Satoru, you dummy… love doesn’t work on your schedule. It happens when it is meant to happen! If you don’t go all the way in, deep in your feels with someone, you won’t even recognize it if love arrives in your life.”
“Okay sensei… seems like you know a lot about going all the way in deep. Is Choso also going in deep?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you. You cringe at his crass innuendo but nonetheless blush at the mention of Choso’s name.
“Maybe it's none of your business!” you retort. He shrugs as he puts his hands up in defeat.
“Come out soon, we’re gonna watch another romcom.” he says as he walks past you.
“Wait, your hot chocolate?” you ask as you see him walking out of the kitchen.
“Nah, on second thought, I don’t want it anymore.” he says as he leaves. You stand there as you watch him go, with equal parts amusement and equal parts disbelief.
This is the Satoru you knew, your annoying best friend and not the romanticised version of him you had in your head. You feel peaceful for a split second as you finally sense things return back to normal, before your mind wanders to thoughts of Choso. 
Can you redirect your love where it can actually be reciprocated? You’re aware that you’d been growing fond of him with every minute you spend together… but are you certain he’s not just someone you’re using to fill the vacancy in your heart?
taglist: @lik0 @hueanhdang @dellalyra @personomy
131 notes · View notes
kidstemplatte · 1 year
broken by love
summary: uncle copi babysits you and terzo’s daughter.
message at the end of the post as usual. please enjoy. 🤍🐁
(this is gonna make me cry)
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“Ciao, fratellino!” Terzo greeted his brother, standing in the doorway of the Cardinal’s quarters, holding his little girl, Violetta, in his arms.
“What a lovely surprise!” Copia replied with a grin.
“Sorry I threw this upon you with such short notice, I’m going out with (Y/N) - er- this one’s Mommy tonight.” He said, quickly correcting his mistake as he placed his toddler on the ground.
“Oh no, you are not throwing anything on me at all. I am always happy to see my niece.”
“Alright la mia stellina, your Mama and I will be back tonight. Have fun. Make sure he stays out of trouble.” Terzo said, as if he himself didn’t come out of the womb Satan’s greatest troublemaker.
“I will! Hi, Uncle Copi!” she beamed, jumping up and down in excitement. Violetta loved spending time with her uncle. He was funny and sweet and had lots of cool toys in his room. Not to mention apple juice.
“Alright tesoro, have fun, but do not forget about me. I love you, la mia stellina.” Terzo said, kneeling to the ground and planting kisses all over his daughter’s soft face.
“Bye-bye Papa! I love you!” she waved as her father left the room.
“So, what shall we do?” the Cardinal asked his niece, clapping his hands together and shifting them a bit.
“Can I see your toys?” she asked excitedly, looking up at him with her big round eyes, strikingly akin to yours.
“Eh… My toys?” He asked, a bit confused, until realizing what she was referring to. “Oh, of course!”
Copia was, to put it bluntly, a big fat nerd. The shelves in his office were lined with what he would describe as “artifacts”, figurines and merchandise from various games, films, and comics, which were now old enough to be considered “vintage.” Thinking about that sent a shiver down his spine. Typically, Copia was pained when someone referred to his collectibles as “toys”, but found it utterly adorable in this scenario.
“Right this way!” He announced, crouching down a bit to take her tiny hand in his and lead her towards his office.
Upon entering the room, Violetta gazed up at the various memorabilia in awe, mouth agape. The Cardinal couldn’t lie; it was nice that someone finally showed some appreciation for his collection.
“Can we play?” she asked politely, pointing at the shelves.
In this moment, the value of the figurines meant nothing to him. He would normally become frazzled when someone touched his things, waving his hands frantically while jumbling a plethora of words,
But she was a well-mannered girl, and beyond that, was far more special than anything on his shelf. Besides, at the unlikely chance she were to break something, it would be a wonderful excuse for him to scroll through eBay and search for a replacement (as well as other trinkets) late into the depths of the night. And if anything were to be broken, it would be broken by love. The best thing to be broken by.
“Sure!” he responded cheerfully, gesturing towards his display and letting her decide which characters would join today’s cast of playtime.
Today’s storyline was rather enthralling. A young and beautiful woman named Collette (a Princess Leia doll) was secretly in love with “Señor Joe”, (a Boba Fett figurine) someone her parents told her she must never speak with. The story ended triumphantly with a beautiful marriage. Copia didn’t know how or when they got there- he remembers Violetta briefly mentioning flying to Brazil on a private jet- maybe a war at one point- but somehow the two figures wound up at a marvelous wedding ceremony on Mars in front of all the Storm Troopers, to which, Violetta triumphantly announced, “The End!”
The Cardinal couldn’t help but wonder what you and Terzo were watching on television that inspired this thrilling plot.
“Wow, that was quite the story!” he said, impressed with his niece’s imagination. “You are very creative, much like your Mama and Papa.”
“Thank you Uncle Copi!” she chirped, practicing the manners you and Terzo taught her.
“Of course.” Copia caught sight of the clock, shocked by how much time had flown by.
“Violetta, it is now a very important time of day.” He announced.
“I already had nap time, Uncle Copi!”
To this, he chuckled, and ruffled his niece’s hair.
“Not nap time, it is feeding time.”
“But I’m not hungry.” She replied.
“Not for you, but for my rats.”
“Rats? You have rats? I want to see! Pleasepleaspleasepleaseplease!” She squealed, shaking her little hands in excitement, a mannerism he observed she shared with you.
“Papa says they are foul creatures plagued with disease!” she said, her bright smile indicating that she clearly had no understanding what any of that meant. For all she knew, that could be a top-tier compliment.
“Do you want to help me feed them?” he asked.
“Yes! Yes!” she agreed as she followed him out the door and down the hall, singing a little song about rats on the way. He might have to write that down.
And there they stood, in all their glory, two little rats in a spacey, well-kept cage, their beady eyes and soft grey fur capturing the little girl’s attention.
“Uncle Copi, they are so cute!!!” Violetta squealed.
“Would you like to hold one?” He asked as he opened the cage, refilling their food bowl.
Violetta got a tad nervous after his proposal, fingers fidgeting with the sides of her dress and her expression shifting to an anxious one.
“They are very sweet. You do not have to hold them if you do not want to, but I promise if you are gentle to them, they will be gentle to you.”
“That makes sense.” Violetta replied after her uncle’s thoughtful explanation. “I want to hold one.” She concluded. “Please.” She added, remembering what she was taught.
Maybe Terzo could learn some manners from his four-year-old daughter.
The Cardinal thought to himself.
“Now, hold your hands out like this.” He explained, cupping his hands with his palms facing up. “Do you want to hold Pesto or Bean?”
The latter name made Violetta giggle.
“Is something funny?” he teased.
“Bean is a funny name.” she replied through giggles, pointing at Bean, the brown rat.
“Okie dokie, one Bean coming right up!”
Copia gently picked up his precious Bean and placed him in Violetta’s hands. She giggled as she looked down on the little rat, so small, so sweet. A little bit like her.
“He is nice.” She said, smiling. “His feet tickle.”
“He is very nice. And sí, they do tickle. One time I was in a very important meeting and I did not notice this little Bean was in my sleeve until I felt him pitter-pattering up my arm and started laughing in front of the entire Clergy. Your Papa was there.” He recalled.
“Really?” Violetta asked.
“As real as real can be.”
“I guess I can’t bring him to school.” she sighed.
“I suppose not. But Bean is highly educated already. Does not need any more schooling.”
“Oh. I see.” she replied.
After some bonding time with Bean, Copia scooped him up and placed him back in his penthouse of a cage.
Bye bye, Bean. Bye bye, Pesto. She said, waving to the little rats.
“Next time you will have to hold Pesto. My bestie, Pestie.”
“Your what?”
“My bestie, Pestie. Bestie Pestie.” he explained nonchalantly.
To this, Violetta did not just giggle. If “Bean” was funny, “Bestie Pestie” was downright hilarious. The little girl started laughing so hard her stomach hurt, rolling on the ground as she repeated “Bestie Pestie.” The sound of the young girl’s laughter brought a newfound lightness in his heart, one that left his heart full but a little bit broken simultaneously. The two of them laughed together on the carpet, sharing what would be a treasured memory even years later.
After recovering from the laughter, Violetta asked,
“Can we play a game? Please? The car one?”
❦ ❦ ❦
“That’s how my Papa drives.” Violetta stated bluntly as she sipped on a juice box, pointing at the television screen as she watched her uncle crash the pixelated car in his video game.
Copia chuckled.
“Maybe you can do a better job than me? Your turn again?” He asked, holding out the controller.
“I like to watch. It’s fun.”
“Okie dokie.” Copia said, starting a new round of his game.
But this round was a little bit quieter. There was an absence of conversation. Violetta, exhausted from an afternoon of playing and laughter, fought the urge to fall asleep as her eyes started fluttering shut.
“Copi?” she suddenly said.
“Are you a Papa?” the girl questioned.
“No, cara mia, that’s your father’s job.” he explained, laughed softly.
“Are you a Papa?”
“I’m afraid I do not understand.”
“Are you somebody’s Papa?”
Such a simple question that dug up so many not-so-simple feelings.
“Are you asking if I am a father?”
“Oh. No, I am not.” He clarified, heart sinking a tad.
“Why not?”
How was he to explain to a four year old that he didn’t have what was considered a prerequisite to a child: a partner? That he was never sure if he would fall in love or that even if he did, there would never be anyone in the world who would love him back? That he wanted to be a Papa more than anything, but his life had not led him to that point?
“I already have my rats, I suppose.”
“You should do it.” Violetta suggested, as if it was a simple thing to accomplish.
“Maybe one day.” he replied, smiling softly.
“You’d be a good Papa.” she sleepily uttered.
“Thank you, Violetta. My brother is very lucky to be your Papa.” He replied, sincerely.
And the sleepy young girl gathered all the energy she had into one final statement before dozing off:
“Love you, Uncle Copi.”
“I love you too, Violetta.”
And she was off to sleep.
Copia carefully stood up, trying not to wake the sleeping girl, and walked to the closet to grab a blanket. He picked up something else as well: a small rat plushie he had been saving for her birthday. He figured he would give it to her now, so she could have a Bestie Pestie of her own. After placing the large blanket over her, he tucked the stuffed animal snugly beside her.
Copia sat beside her on the couch, scrolling online to find a new birthday present for her. He settled on a Barbie airplane that would make a divine private jet for Señor Joe and Colette.
Just after he pressed “order”, he heard a knock on the door and its soft squeak as it opened.
“How cute.” You said quietly, entering his room and seeing your daughter sleeping peacefully on the couch.
Terzo, rather than commenting on the sheer adorableness of his baby girl as he normally would, decided to torment his brother.
“Ay ay ay, I trusted you, mio fratello, with my sweet and precious daughter, only for you to allow her to rot her mind in front of a screen.” Terzo said facetiously, gesturing to the paused television, placing his hand on his forehead with an exaggerated sigh.
Copia, although accustomed to his brother’s persistent sarcasm, was petrified at the idea of rotting his niece’s brain. His facial expression was one of terror, and he immediately began spewing out a plethora of apologies until you gently stepped in.
“Don’t worry about it, Copia.” you affirmed him. “He’s just being Terzo.” you continued, playfully slapping your husband lightly on his arm.
“Is that so bad?” Terzo continued, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“I never said that.” You responded, a smile and a soft blush creeping up on your face as your banter went back and forth, words slurring together.
Yeah, clearly it was a fun and not-so-sober night out. Good for you guys. Being a parent couldn’t be easy.
Noticing Copia awkwardly gazing around the room, you decided to spare your brother-in-law from your flirting, something your husband would never do.
“She always loves spending time with you.” you said, walking up to the couch and scooping your daughter into your arms.
“Aw, what’s this?” you asked, looking down at the cute little rat friend Copia had given to her, kneeling down and picking it up.
“Tell her she now has her own Bestie Pestie.”
“Huh?” Terzo said, raising an eyebrow.
“Pesto. The rat’s name is Pesto. Therefore he is my bestie, Pestie. Bestie Pestie.”
You actually had to pass Violetta over to your husband, still holding on to the stuffed rat, because “Bestie Pestie” on top of the alcohol might make you collapse.
“Bestie Pestie?” you wheezed out, trying desperately not to make too much noise, tears welling up in your eyes as you held onto the wall for support.
Terzo chuckled and rolled his eyes at his dorky little brother.
“Thank you for watching her, Copia.” Terzo said, giving his brother a warm smile.
“Of course. I hope you two had fun.” he replied.
You waved goodbye to the Cardinal, still holding onto the stuffed animal. You might have to share custody of this thing with your daughter.
“Tell Bestie Pestie I said hello.” You said, stumbling out the door, laughing.
As Copia said, Terzo was lucky to be a Papa. Beyond lucky.
But he was also lucky to be something else as well. A brother. Copia’s brother.
And even if Copia’s heart broke a little during his conversation with his niece, envious of his brother and the joy that came with being somebody’s Papa, that would mean it was broken by love.
The best thing to be broken by.
i wrote this in one day which is utterly insane for me.
ughhhhhhhhhhhhh i’m so in love with uncle copia, lowkey trying not to cry in public right now, violetta’s story is expanding and new characters are coming!!!
thank you so much for reading!!!
if you have sent me a request, it is coming!!!
<3, alice
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starbabyg · 2 years
When In Italy | Jack Hughes Instagram edit
Y/n and Jack take a little spontaneous trip to Italy together. ~<3~
all photos from pinterest and yes all the fc girls look different idc they’re supposed to be you deal with ehttt 🌚
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liked by trevorzegras, lhughes_06, and 116,281 others
yourusername: buongiorno sole 🌞
trevorzegras: He gettin that tan alreadyyy 😮
lhughes_06: 3 bottles of water?? Thirsty ass.
user1: he’s so 😍😍😍
_quinnhughes: brt gonna go snatch that chain #icy
— reply to _quinnhughes jackhughes: I’d like to see you try
❦ ❦ ❦
You woke up alone in bed, the sun shining in through the sheer white curtains, a faint breeze blowing them softly. This was unfamiliar, you always woke up before Jack. You got up to look for him, cause where the hell could that boy be? You pondered for a moment before hearing clanging in the kitchen, that clumsy boy, knocking all the pots and pans over.
“What are you doing bub?” You laughed, taking a seat at the table watching him attempt to cook. Jack definitely wasn’t the best chef, but it was cute watching him do his little thing.
“Wellll, I went to that little market shop down the street that was closed when we got here last night. Got some stuff for breakfast, wanted to make you something. It’s kinda hard cause all the cooking instructions are in Italian and I have to translate it. But I did make some toast!” Jack lifted his finger in the air, excited that at least something he made came out good. He put a plate on the table, with a few pieces of buttered toast with different jams on each one.
“This is cute bub,” you smiled, “you’re getting better in the kitchen huh.” Jack laughed at your little poke at him. He was focused on finishing what he had on the stove, which you couldn’t tell what he was doing, he refused to let you see. All you saw were some pots on the stove with him stirring.
“Yeah, yeah. Just a little. But here, I’m almost done. Just gotta do thisss and finished,” he poured a glass bottle full of white sauce into the pot. Jack made two servings, setting them at the table for the two of you to enjoy. He opened up the curtains to the kitchen windows, letting the two of you see the marvelous view of the cityscape below. “Ravioli a la Jack style, bon appetito.”
❦ ❦ ❦
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liked by elblue06, jackhughes, and 109,034 others
yourusername: amore mio @ jackhughes
jackhughes: mia bellaaaa ❤️‍🔥
trevorzegras: uglyy
—reply to trevorzegras yourusername: funkyy
elblue06: my lovies 🤍
—reply to elblue06 yourusername: love you miss el 🫶🏽
lhughes_06: okayyy stink!!
—reply to lhughes_06 yourusername: I look guud huh stinka ;)
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liked by _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, and 102,662 others
yourusername: vampires in the lemon grove 🍋
_quinnhughes: tuh totally stole caption from our book club
— reply to _quinnhughes yourusername: don’t worry boobie it’s still our thing don’t be madd
lhughes_06: awe so cutee *reports post*
—reply to lhughes_06 yourusername: waah *don’t care didn’t ask* :]
—— reply to yourusername lhughes_06: touché, y/n, touché
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liked by yourusername, _quinnhughes, and 262,019 others
jackhughes: bonjour, or whatever hi is in Italian
yourusername: close bubby, so close
_quinnhughes: ur dumb
—reply to _quinnhughes jackhughes: ur dumber
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liked by lhughes_06, trevorzegras, yourusername, and 207,776 others
jackhughes: so apparently fettuccine Alfredo isn’t a real thing out here?? Anyways here’s my baby looking guud
lhughes_06: wow @ yourusername you just let him steal our lingo like thatt
—reply to lhughes_06 yourusername: it’s not like that stink I swear 😩
—— reply to yourusername lhughes_06: then what is it like huh 🤨
trevorzegras: so uncultured, hughes, so uncultured 🤌🏻
—reply to trevorzegras jackhughes: ya mama.
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liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and 113,572 others
yourusername: hey mona lisa, come home you know you can’t rome without cesar
jackhughes: my favorite picture of us from the trip 🫶🏻
_quinnhughes: waitt who took the picture??!?!
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liked by yourusername and 198,442 others
jackhughes: flashing lights - kanye 💫
yourusername: omgg always stealing my captions you boob!!
—reply to yourusername jackhughes: haha snatchedd
_quinnhughes: again who tf is taking these pictures????
346 notes · View notes
nuctoria · 6 months
Super Mermaid Bros (Part 1)
"We're the Mario Brothers, and plumbing's our game! We're not like the others who get all the fame! When your sink's in trouble, you can call us on the double. We're faster than the others, you'll be hooked on the brothers!"
"It's a-me, Mario!" "And a-Luigi!" "Are you tired of paying a-too much on the plumbing?" "Mama mia!" "That's why the Super Mario Brothers are here! A-To save Brooklyn" "And the Queens!" "And your wallets!"
The two brothers held each other by the shoulder as they watched their commercial play on TV with big, excited and goofy grins on their faces. They let go of each other to look at one another once it ended and let out a laugh of joy. The two were in the dry land with humans and were most excited to start their own business, especially now that they had the commercial to make them more known.
"Wow, you were great!" Mario said first as he slapped his brother's cap over his eyes, causing him to lift it back up and readjust it on his head. "I was great? Are you kidding me? You were great!" Luigi countered excitedly as he playfully slapped Mario's stomach repeatedly a few times. "I'm so glad we spent all our life savings on this commercial!" Mario pointed at the TV but Luigi quickly disagreed. "It is not a commercial! It. Is. Cinema."
The two brothers continued discussing about it, also getting an enthusiastic opinion from their friend Giuseppe, who was playing an arcade game next to them. However, the joyous occasion was quickly spoiled when they heard the loud voice of their old boss, Spike. He was always one to sour their mood.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Brooklyn's favourite failures, 'the Stupid Mario Brother'!" Spike mocked the brothers as he scarfed down a slice of pizza. "Oh great, Spike's here" Luigi huffed with annoyance as he and Mario walked up to their old boss.
Mario crossed his arms and stopped right in front of Spike's seat, letting the man pointlessly mock and laugh at them. Luigi tried to stand up for them by boasting of how their mom had texted them to congratulate them but despite his excitement and Mario's embarrassment, Spike continued to laugh and even insulted the green brother, throwing a dirty tissue at him.
Mario was quick to turn deadly serious and stop the tissue from hitting Luigi, throwing it back at Spike and daring him to insult his brother again. Spike wasn't one to let this pass, no matter how small the offense was, abruptly getting up and grabbed Mario aggressively by his overalls so they can be face to face.
"Get this through your tiny brain, Mario. You're a joke. And you always will be" with that, Spike threw Mario down and tossed some cash on the table before making his way out of the pizzeria with a quiet chuckle.
"Are you insane? He's three times your size!" Luigi exclaimed worriedly as Mario got up and adjusted his cap. "Luigi, com' on! Y' know, you can't be scared all the time." Mario said nonchalantly at his brother. "You'd be surprised. Especially with what goes on in the water." Luigi countered before his phone rang.
When Luigi got a look at it and spoke with the person on the phone, he was happy to find out that it was their first client. He hugged his brother when the phone call ended and proudly announced that they were in business before they both dashed out of the pizzeria and towards their trucks.
Which would not start. Of all times too.
Mario refused to let that make him late and decided to ditch the truck all together and run to the client's house, much to Luigi's chagrin. It didn't get better when they saw the construction site but there was no way Mario would let that stop him, he had enough practice using his tail as legs and could use them as well as any human. Luigi wasn't as confident with his skills but he wasn't going to let him brother down, so on he went. He was very grateful when Mario went out of his way to make that obstacle course easier for him.
When they finally got to the house of the client they took a short break to hydrate themselves and get their energy back, can't be sluggish and tired on their first job of the day. They introduced themselves to the couple of the house and were led upstairs to where the drip was, assuring them that it would be fixed and with no mess to worry about. However, Luigi grew tense and a bit scared when he saw that the couple had a dog, Mario not being too bother by it but acknowledging its existence. The fear only grew when Luigi accidently stepped and broke the dog's fake bone by accident and angered the animal.
Thankful, the fear was gone when the two got to work, identifying the drip, locating the cause and fixing the issue in a matter of seconds. A first job complete and nicely done. Until the dog entered the room, still angry at its broken toy.
The dog pounced at the brothers and ended up crashing into the bathroom sink so hard it broke and made the connecting water pipes burst with pressure. Tiles popped out of the floor from the water coming through, then the toilet, then from behind the mirror and then the shower. The brothers tried their best to hold everything down and keep the water from flooding the room like in the shower where they trapped the dog for their safety.
Some water had drenched Luigi's lower half and he had to hurriedly remove his overalls since his tail was reattaching itself, decency be damned with the madness happening right now. Mario quickly used his wrench to stop fix the water pressure and stop the water from going everywhere before hurrying over to Luigi so they could dry him off and separate his tail again so he could put back his overalls.
The dog had used the water that flooded the shower to its advantage to float up to the top end of the shower glass and escape to attack again, only to end up flying out the small window of the bathroom. It's a good thing the brothers were quick enough to catch it using a plunger before it hit the ground and the couple noticed.
But the damage was done and they couldn't do much else before the clients walked in their bathroom to find it in shambles, with their beloved dog being pulled out of their toilet by a plunger in Mario's hands and completely drenched to top it all off.
Not exactly a good day.
Had to rush some parts since I didn't want to describe each scene of the movie which everyone has watched and since it's in the dry land I can't put too many changes in it but I tried my best. The next part will be fully different however.
@istadris @itsavee4117 @billinshoes @vulpixfairy1985 @keakruiser @elitadream
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naturallyadventured · 2 months
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@laboratorio_delafelicidad Sometimes we want to leave what was said, what we felt, what we saw, in a place so that it stays a secret, sacred, never tainted or separated from its magic birthplace 💫 Yet this week has seen some of the most transformative moments of my life. My whole being is radiating, as I’ve most certainly broken free from my cosy yet limited cocoon and quite literally taken flight 🦋 ✈️ I am grateful for falling apart. For the beautiful shadow that greeted me in my rawness. For the deep pain in my heart that has challenged my truth and my will but also shown me the power of forgiveness and the courage it takes on the journey to rise 👣Time travels fast yet timing is Art.
I was honoured to be invited to Laboratorio de la Luna 🌜🌛@laboratorio_delafelicidad a gathering, a sacred rising of the feminine, a week to explore the possibilities, to create and initiate myself in service through Cacao Ceremony, amongst a courageous and inspiring group of 33 wholesome womxn in the jungle of Sian Kaan, Mexico. Mama Mia. Wow. Since the ancient stars of time on Mother Earth, womxn have gathered and when they do, magic manifests. This is real. When we feel seen and when we are heard, our innate wisdom begins to sing from our bones, the medicine we only need to remember, helps us cleanse and clear ancestral wounds and cycles that we have unconsciously carried or inherited. When we practice with presence, we are able to tap into higher collective consciousness, where we can free our minds to let the body create and serve from a place of true Self awareness, worthiness and loving abundance, vibrating into our communities and beyond. #togetherwerise unleashed, transformed and empowered, with respect for all forms, in every direction, on every path, this unity is the most beautiful experience we can have in this human existence. This is a gift for the world family. I walk this earth in my power, free from fear, to allow this expression of pure love, connection to spirit, playfulness and service to flow. To share the medicine I have remembered, the medicine of Cacao, the medicine of my truth with one and all whom I encounter, for the rest of my days.
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The masculine and feminine within us all united in harmony and respect. A gift to share and spread and multiply pronto. We are our only limit!
I bow deeply to you, my sister of lifetimes @miriamadler for your vision, your strength, your curiosity for learning and unwavering mission to grow in absolute love and of course your friendship and belief in my path. Where attention goes, energy flows and here, here is a heart that is grateful to the core of the cosmos for your honest, warrior woman, heart reflection 🤲🏾 Tea amo hermana, Gracias por todo 🍵 To all the womxn who showed up to the magic of #LabLuna , guides, mirrors, sisters, I love you. To the beginning of many, many adventures, walking each other home on the rainbow road. Through the fire, in the mud, the waters, the wind, in the breath, in the moon, in your nakedness, I see you, I know you. Thank you 🌈
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bitterkarella · 9 months
Midnight Pals: Down, Satan
Clive Barker: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the billionaire who George Romero: boooo Barker: shut up george let me finish Romero: billionaires shouldn't be Barker: oh my god LET ME FINISH
Romero: billionaires are bad Barker: george where do you think i'm going with this story Barker: do you think the point is gonna be that billionaires are good? Romero: Romero: only a dictatorship of the proletariat can stop the excesses of capital
Barker: so there's this super rich guy Romero: only rich through the toil of the worker, i'll bet Romero: labor is entitled to the value it creates! Barker: oh my god will you stop interrupting me? Poe: not so fun when it happens to you huh
Romero: you know what happens if the workers of the world unite? Romero: they probably should, they only have one thing to lose Dean Koontz: gosh, what's that? Romero: their chains Koontz: whoaaa
Barker: anyway there's this super rich guy Barker: he's like Barker: mega rich Barker: like he's got like 20 scottish castles Barker: each one with a room dedicated to big confectionery bins of bag-it-yourself candy King: wow i didn't know you could be THAT rich
Barker: but get this Barker: this rich guy is spiritually unfulfilled Barker: you might find this surprising Koontz: gosh i guess it goes to show money can't buy happiness King: you sure said a mouthful, dean! King: [to Poe] from the mouths of babes
Barker: so this rich guy decides to build a hell on earth to assuage his own spiritual torpor King: wow clive that's wild! King: where do you get your ideas? Barker: oh you know just Barker: just lookin' around
Barker: his whole plan is that the hell on earth will attract satan Barker: so that will compel god to appear to rescue him Barker: cuz he's the most important guy Barker: you know, being rich and all King: right, right
[meanwhile] Elon Musk: eyyy mama mia Musk: i feela da spiritually unfulfilled Musk: i feela da spiritual torpor Musk: what if i builda da hell on earth? Musk: then da god, he come tella me i ama da good boy Musk: looking into this
Musk: eyyyy i maka da hell on earth Musk: with alla da besta torture implements Musk: i calla it da x Musk: now i waita for god to rescue me [5 minutes later] Musk: oops i torture alla da people! Musk: disruptiano!
Musk: i wassa scared offa da roko's basilisk Musk: but dissa whole time Musk: da basilisk, he wassa me!!! Musk: [looks in mirror, roko's basilisk reflected back] concerning!
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