#wrap this kid in bubble wrap fr
I will never emotionally recover from last night this may be the death of me but.
My headcanon as to why Dapper couldn't crawl in the nightmare was because he got struck across the chest/arms in a fashion that would have made crawling extremely painful.
And even though he was trying so hard to do so for his dad, because God knows he's never heard his father that panicked, it was a situation where he just couldn't move.
He's coping with such a bad nightmare by staying with his animals and his dad, who is definitely going to be a bit more protective and careful with Dapper from now on - even if Dapper isn't the biggest fan of it.
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witch128chick · 24 days
Hello hi! Well... are we ready?
Thanks to Them
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So we left off with the kids being traumatised. Now they're here all helping around the house, and their efforts are all appreciated even if they don't know what a tea filter is
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Love the setup here. The two in the background know about each other's secrets and promised to keep them
Said secrets are eating them alive tho and they live in constant fear that their crush/girlfriend will hate them if they were to find out
In conclusion: they're looking at their love interests who don't even suspect what's being hidden from them. And the terrifying fear of being hated by the person you love is haunting them
You see it could be anyone sitting at the table. But it's Amity and Willow specifically just to make Luz and Hunter's guilt sting even more
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Idk what this thing is called but Gus, i relate, it's an amazing creation! Sad it's limited
(One time we spent a whole afternoon poking (???) these things bc there was new furniture bought so yea. I never wanted to stop poking haha)
Also look at Hunter's big bro expression! Love their brother dynamic sm
Isn't it called some bubble thingy? Bubble wrap or smth? Ughhh
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Nice team work girls you successfully killed an alarm clock! Either way, it's nice to see them work together and being friends again
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This little note is adorable 🥺💗
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So many tiny Luzs!!! 😭🫶🏼
Love the one on the right where she's measuring her height. The hair counts too!!!
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Can i just say 😞 how good it is to see them be friends again 😞 i am... emotional.
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Such a sweet moment fr!!!
Camila is best mom
Amity finally has a loving mother figure in her life. Girl needed that a lot 🙏🏼
Also love illusion-Gus coming out of the fridge 😆
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Everyone drew their families. And then there's Hunter.
Love their height differences btw
And their different art styles!
I'm coming back soon!
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I don’t think Alastor would kill his own kids…
Pretty sure if they lose he’ll call it rigged tho. But have yall seen him with Calliope? He ain’t killing her be so fr. I’m surprised she was never bubble wrapped. If anything he’s overly obsessed with keeping each kid in one piece
Alastor: *sits Calliope down* I know you’re beautiful. You’ll always be beautiful to me darling…you and Verena are my special little girls…*turns serious* but if you or her lose to those little cats, Papa will be very angry. And we don’t want Papa to be angry, do well?
Calliope: *starts crying from how scary and mean Alastor is being*
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Alastor: Nah uh, none of that now darling! *punches her cheek* smile my dear! You’re never fully dressed without one!
Calliope: *cries so hard she causes deafening radio feedback*
Alastor: *covers his ears and growls with annoyance* Calliope…Calli Dear….STOP CRYING!
Calliope: *scared of Alastor and crawls away from him on the bed*
Alastor: *realizes he’s messed up* Calli-
Calliope: *uses shadows to escape from Alastor*
Alastor: What…? When she did learn that??
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jaxfromthatcircus · 10 months
Damn- so much pretty in short Kaufmo got annoyed by some of Queenie's kids- specifically toothy who threaten to bite him then he ended up bubble wrapping everybody because Kaufmo assumed bubble wrapping stuff will make the problems go away in a safe manner.. then some ask burned all his bubble wraps AFTER he literally tried to sleep so the insanity calms down a bit..
😰 the dummies fr forgetting kaufmo cannot constantly be sanity 24/7
skill issue, no one told yall to go there and mess with him, now you gotta deal with it!
yall go for too much and are not ready for it
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julemmaes · 2 years
Jamie, part two
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A/N: just enjoy!:)
tw: angst related to birth but also father/daughter fluff
Word count: 3.530
Cassian managed to get to the waiting room asking someone to take him there.
He was obviously still in shock. Everything had happened so quickly.
He entered the small room, smiling at Nyx, who was playing with another girl on the carpet. As soon as the kid saw him, he snapped up and ran towards him, jumping on him.
Cassian grabbed him, squeezing him to his chest. Little Vega, who was in the arms of one of the nursery nannies, wriggled into the woman's arms and stumbled towards her uncle. He lowered himself just in time to pick up the baby and then sat down on one of the chairs, with both nephews in his arms.
"Where is auntie Nesta?" Nyx asked in a small voice, almost as if he were afraid of the answer.
Cassian sighed, struggling to smile, but forcing himself to try for the tiny, impressionable children in his arms. "JJ is throwing a tantrum and won't come out," he said, chuckling at Nyx’s frown. "Or rather, she wants to come out, but she's doing it the wrong way, so auntie needs an extra hand. But the doctors are good. The doctors are excellent," he explained, trying to convince himself it was true. They're doctors. They know what they're doing.
The fact that doctor Towers wasn't there was making him a little nervous. She had followed the whole pregnancy, and they even made the birth plan, even though they knew things could change any minute. But at least she knew Nesta, she knew what her worries were, what problems she had had during the last few months.
His heart started beating fast again. He had to calm down.
He looked at the two children, who had collapsed on him and were holding hands, blabbering to each other. That vision lightened some of the weight in his chest.
"I have to call someone, can you wait here for a while?" He asked, getting up without waiting for an answer. Nyx nodded, going back to the little girl he was playing with earlier as Vega was taken by one of the nannies. Cassian thanked her with a simple nod and a soft smile.
He left the room and headed out into the fresh air. He needed a moment alone.
He reached the car and got in, moving it from where he had left it in the middle of the road and parked it where he could. He turned it off and picked up the phone with trembling breath.
He quickly dialed Rhysand’s number and, after a couple of rings, his best friend's cheerful voice answered. "What, you can't keep two kids an entire afternoon anymore? Jamie’s gonna be here any day now and you're not gonna get fr-"
Cassian interrupted him, not at all in the mood to listen to Rhys speak nonsense. "We're at the hospital. Nesta is having the baby."
A pause and then he heard Rhys apologize and some muffled noises.
"Are you serious?"
He didn’t know what part of that simple question brought him to tears, but when he replied, he couldn’t hold back.
"Yes, I'm serious. Please come here." A sob broke that thin bubble of tranquility he had created. The hand that was tightly wrapped around the steering wheel went to his hair and he pulled at the strands. "Nesta is in surgery. The baby is breech and she’s having a c-section."
Cassian, who was fully crying now, squeezed into his shoulders. "I don't know what to do, Rhys."
"I'm coming, Cass," he heard Rhysand say. "Have you called Feyre and Elain yet? The others?"
"No, we just… they just started the surgery," he said, remembering one thing, "your kids are with nurses, don't worry about them."
Rhys laughed lightly, but he didn't seem amused at all. Cassian heard a car door slam. "I'm not worried about my kids. I know the nannies keep them for you. We left them Nyx when Vega was born."
Cassian ran his hand over his face, sobbing.
"I don't know what to do," he repeated.
"I know, Cass. Try to calm down in the meantime. I'll warn the others, alright? You try to distract yourself with my kids, if you can." Suggested him.
He could do that. He could at least try.
He ended the call and decided to go back in case someone came looking for him and he wasn't there. He started running towards the entrance. How stupid had it been of him. What if something happened while he wasn't there?
Cassian reached the waiting room and was relieved not to see a doctor waiting for him. He waved to Nyx with one hand and took Vega in his arms. She was tired and hungry and fussing. He placed his hand on her back, rocking her gently. "I know, love, I know," he whispered in her hair. "Soon your mom will be here and you can eat all you want. You just have to hold on a few more minutes."
He looked at the clock on the wall. Less than ten minutes had passed. He knew the c-section was a normally quick procedure. That the baby was born between ten and fifteen minutes.
He started cradling Vega a little more frantically, trying not to think of Nesta, on a hospital bed, with her stomach cut open, crying alone in that operating room, but it was difficult for him. He tried not to think about his daughter, little Jamie, who was being taken out of her crib, that had been her home for the last nine months and who could not be with her mother except for mere seconds. He held Vega tighter to his chest, and the baby took the pacifier out of her mouth, resting it on his neck.
He shuddered at the sensation of the baby's drool dripping into his shirt, but he smiled with watery eyes when Vega pulled herself slightly away from his chest and pushed the pacifier against his chin, missing his mouth by a few inches.
"No thanks, baby," he said, kissing her cheek. "I'll pass."
Vega, who understood everything with impressive rapidity despite her almost two years of age, put it back in her mouth and leaned her head in the hollow of his neck, slurring a silent 'okay'.
Another ten minutes went by and he was starting to fret. Why wasn't anybody calling him? Why weren't they telling him how Nesta was doing?
He almost burst into tears at the sound of Gwyn’s voice. He turned to the door and there, in all her grace, was his daughter’s future godmother. The woman gave him a worried smile and then Cassian found himself in his friend’s arms.
"How are you?" She asked, as she pulled away and took Vega from him. The little girl, who had fallen asleep in the meantime, wailed a little as she was passed by, but closed her eyes as soon as she touched her acquired-aunt’s shoulder.
"Awfully," he said sincerely. "Nesta has been in there for almost half an hour and I know nothing."
Gwyn seemed thoughtful as she swung left and right to keep Vega asleep. "I'm sure everything is going well. When I gave birth to the twins, I was in surgery just for an hour. Jamie’s definitely already born. They must be checking on her," she said, putting her hand on his arm. "Don’t worry."
Cassian looked at her, leaning against the wall. Gwyn gave him another smile and then walked towards Nyx.
"Where's Azriel?" He asked, curious as to why they hadn't arrived together.
Gwyn didn't even look at him as she put the child down and handed her a toy car to play with. "He's on his way. He was with Mor and Emerie. They should be here any minute."
He paused, hesitant. "And Elain?"
"I warned her as soon as I arrived. She hasn't answered me yet."
Cassian walked out of the waiting room, running his hand through his hair. How could it be so stressful for him, when the one who was suffering was Nesta? When the one who had just been deprived of the joy of a natural childbirth was the mother of his daughter?
Before he could turn around, Azriel' arms were holding him. He opened his eyes wide, holding his friend in turn, looking into the eyes of a worried Feyre. She had one hand to her neck, holding the star necklace that Rhys had gifted her.
He released a trembling breath, before holding his brother tighter and bursting into tears.
"It's okay," he muttered to him, his voice stoic and sure. "It's alright. Nesta and Jamie will be alright."
Cassian cried louder and then felt Feyre join in the embrace. She was crying, too. He could feel it as his friend's body trembled to the rhythm of his own, shaken by sobs.
Azriel pulled away and grabbed Cassian by the shoulders. His eyes were red, but he wasn't crying. His gaze shifted to something behind him and his lips curved ever so slightly.
He nodded towards the hall. "Why don't you go meet your daughter?"
Cassian turned around and one of the doctors who had gone with Nesta smiled at him.
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm doctor Faliq, I'm the midwife who delivered your daughter.”
He swallowed, holding his hand over his mouth, nodding.
“Your wife is still in surgery, they're closing her up, but she asked us to tell you that you can see the baby. They're both fine." She told him in a calm but excited voice.
Cassian’s body sagged. His lungs filled with air and finally he was able to breathe, think.
He turned one last time to Azriel and Feyre and she said, "Go on, don't keep her waiting, I'm sure she's just as excited to meet her dad as he is."
Cassian was about to say something, but Nyx came out of the waiting room and jumped in his mom’s arms. Feyre grabbed him midair and laughed as she twirled him around.
"Mommy!" Cried the boy. Azriel went into the room and took Vega from his wife’s arms. He saw the moment Azriel told Gwyn Jamie was born, because she also burst into tears and brought both hands to her cheeks, a smile splitting her face in two.
The doctor pointed him down the hall. "This way."
"Wait a minute, sorry." The woman signaled to him that there was no problem.
Gwyn hugged him tightly, congratulating him, like everyone else present. Two fathers who were waiting there also gave him a nod of sympathy.
Cassian approached Feyre and Nyx and she smiled at him as she had not done in a long time. He turned to the little boy in Feyre's arms.
"Did I promise you you'd see JJ first or did I not?"
Nyx squeaked into his mother’s arms and almost fell to the ground. He grabbed his uncle's pants with both hands, eyes and mouth wide open, shining with pure, undiluted happiness.
"Yes. Please."
Then he turned to the doctor, worried he'd promised something he shouldn't have, "Can he come too?"
She smiled, "Sure."
Nyx started jumping, screaming like a dying cat.
"But you have to be quiet, because there are a lot of very small children sleeping, okay?" The doctor warned him. Nyx shook his head frantically, pretending to sew his mouth shut.
They started walking and Cassian could feel Azriel’s look burning on his back.
He was a father. He was about to meet his daughter.
Nyx was jumping next to him, almost unable to contain the emotion, and Cassian was a little jealous he couldn't jump too, lest they'd think he was crazy.
Jamie was born.
His Jamie.
Without even realizing it, he sought the hand of his nephew, who without even asking himself too many questions, took it and gave him a smile that went from ear to ear. He knew that the others were happy for him and Nesta, but his heart warmed with the reaction Nyx was having for the birth of his child. He was a perfect brother to Vega, he knew he would be just as perfect for little Jamie.
Glee was flooding his body. Yet Cassian was torn between waiting for Nesta to come out so that they could meet their daughter together and doing it all by himself. He had seen that, in movies, the baby was given to the mother for a few seconds, right after birth, so he knew that Nesta had already technically met her, but this was different. They should have been together.
He just wanted to see Nesta. He wanted to tell her that he loved her. That she was a superhero for what she had just done.
Dr. Faliq turned left a couple of times and then they took the stairs. They went up two floors and then Cassian got lost. Nyx was unusually quiet and the new dad was trying to keep the excited giggles threatening to come out of his mouth at bay. His heart was beating so fast that he wondered how others could not hear it.
How could the world go on undisturbed when the most beautiful thing in his life had just made its first appearance on this planet? How could everyone keep walking or running towards their goals without feeling their legs give in under the enormity of everything that had just happened?
How could Nesta, the woman to whom Cassian had given heart and soul, not be worshiped for what she had just given him?
Nesta, my Nes.
How come they were all going the opposite way? How could it be that the invisible force that was pushing him towards his daughter was only pulling him?
Faliq stopped in front of a glass door and turned towards the two boys, who were both going mad with excitment. "The baby is probably doing her last checks, but you can go in and see her if you manage to keep quiet as they finish up. It's the second room on the right. I'm going to check how Nesta is going and I'll come over, okay?" She asked, rubbing her hands on her scrubs.
"Of course. Thank you very much," replied Cassian with his heart in his throat.
She ducked her head and smiled and then opened the door with a pass, letting them in alone.
From there, the hallway seemed to never end and he could hear more children crying than he had ever heard in his life. He could smell Vega’s head everywhere. It was overwhelming.
Nyx was pulling him to the room where Jamie would be, but for him all was moving slow. As soon as he walked through that door, he'd be in the same room with his daughter.
His eyes filled with tears. Maybe he had been wrong to bring Nyx along. Maybe he should have gone back and left him with Feyre and the others. He should have met Jamie alone.
Before he could think about it, he found himself in front of the room, and Nyx had let go of his hand, running to the smallest crib he'd ever seen.
A nurse was keeping a hand on the little white bundle inside of it. The hand so big compared to that little thing.
He took two unsteady steps to the crib, and the woman noticed someone had walked in when Nyx grabbed onto the her pants, "Is Jamie in there?"
She seemed taken by surprise and gaped like a fish a couple of times before turning to the father. A wide smile opened on the woman's lips. "You must be Cassian. Nesta wouldn't stop talking about you during the surgery," she told him, but he kept his eyes fixed on that milk-white blanket. He saw her move and started crying as he laughed and took a stride to his daughter.
And there she was.
Her skin red and her eyes wide open, light-colored, looking at everything without really seeing anything. She held up her hand over the head and her little fingers opened and closed. Her mouth was open and she was pushing her tongue out. She was probably hungry.
His vision blurred and he let a choked laugh out. He put his hand over his face, turning to the nurse, "Can I hold her?"
"Of course," she replied promptly. "Have you ever held a newborn? Do you know how to hold her head without hurting her?" She asked, making sure Cassian knew what to do.
"I- yes. I've picked up a lot of babies, I have a lot of nephews, you know. This is Nyx, and he's one of the oldest. Then there's Leon, Catrin, Rhian—Catrin's twin sister—and Elis, Noe and Vega. Sweet little Vega..." Cassian was blurting nonsense with tears flowing, but he couldn't get over the fact that the pure, silent creature they'd waited so long for was really there. "And now our beautiful Jamie."
At the sound of her father's voice saying her name, the girl turned to him. He knew she couldn’t see him, but that little gesture warmed his heart.
"I want to see her, uncle!"
"Come, can I lift you up?" The woman asked him.
Nyx seemed to think about it a little, and then he turned to Cassian, who nodded in between a hiccup and another. When he turned to the nurse again, he said, “My mom doesn’t want me to be picked up by strangers.”
The nurse raised a brow, but then nodded, probably finding it fair. She extended a hand and introduced herself.
"My name is Elaine."
Nyx he blew out his cheeks, "My aunt's name is Elain, too." He chuckled as she lifted him. "That's a pretty name," he whispered to her when he was near her face. She blushed. Cassian let out a laugh. Like father, like son.
"She looks like aunt Nesta." Nyx said then. Cassian didn't know whether it was an insult, considering that all children always looked like old men, with all the wrinkles they had when they were born and that lost look, or simply a fact, but he had said it with so much love in his voice.
Jamie squirmed in the cot, and Cassian stretched himself over her, putting his hand under her neck and head. The other went behind her back, to support her weight, but she was so small that his hands touched, and he was quite sure he could hold her with one hand, perhaps when she grew stronger and he would not risk breaking her if he touched her.
He positioned her against his chest and sat in the chair where mothers usually sit to breastfed.
He brushed her cheek. It was so smooth and soft. Jamie grimaced.
Nyx, meanwhile, had complained that he had barely seen her and was looking for a way to climb into the armrest of the chair. As soon as he perched on his uncle's shoulder, he sighed, "She's beautiful like aunt Nesta, too."
Cassian laughed, making Jamie shake a little. "It's true. She has aunt Feyre’s nose though."
Elaine had gone out and left them alone.
"Can I touch her?"
"Are your hands clean?" He asked under his breath without taking his eyes off the baby. She was gaping and yawning, and it was mesmerizing. Nyx nodded his head against Cassian’s shoulder. "No, you haven’t washed them, buddy. You just touched a whole hospital, basically."
"Then your hands are dirty too!" The child accused him.
Cassian's grimace was his daughter's twin. "You're right."
"Alright, but not the face or the hands," he said, settling down so that Nyx was closer to Jamie. "And be careful with her head."
"I know. Mom told me we can't play together because she's too small and the head is too big." He continued as he extended a chubby little hand towards his cousin's arm. The man doubted whether Feyre had used those exact words, but nodded anyway. Nyx grazed her with his fingertips, as if afraid of hurting her. "Dad" he whispered this time, "also told me that little kids can't see us. And that they have a hole in their head." Cassian chuckled.
They remained silent for some time. Nyx continued to caress his cousin gently.
God, he couldn't believe it. She was so beautiful. So little.
And it was theirs. His and Nesta’s.
"She looks a little like Vega, too."
Cassian frowned, coming out of that strange trance he was in. He turned to Nyx, "What are you even talking about?"
Nyx seemed offended and pouted, "She has blue eyes like Vega."
Cassian turned to his daughter who had her eyes wide open. That was clearly a brownish-green. A color destined to turn as dark as his. "No, Nyxie Pixie, they're not."
"You're just jealous because she doesn’t look like you," he retorted.
Cassian snorted, but before he could answer, a voice he knew all too well answered by the door. "You're so right, Nyx. He's just jealous because Mimi looks exactly like me."
Cassian’s head snapped up as his eyes filled with tears again. She smiled at him with eyes just as glossy.
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nagipops · 3 years
FEATURING: itoshi rin, raichi jingo, barou shouei, tokimitsu aoshi
A/N: i got four separate requests for relationship hcs for these blue lock boys so i decided to combine them! enjoy :)
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ok so one day you wanted to do some cute couple things™ with your beloved rin for the first time
so you settled on something tame and rejuvenating: bubble face masks!
if he was being honest, the concept actually intrigued rin quite a bit
and his parents always nagged him to keep his skin looking “youthful” to offset all his scowling, so… why not?
you were ecstatic, and you broke out the cute fluffy animal headbands that keep your hair out of your face
rin… wearing one… it was a sight you would cherish in your heart forever and tease him about too ;)
of course you took TONS of pictures to his dismay, and set it as your lock screen because oh my goodness he looks ADORABLE
like just imagine his little pout >:< AHHH
a cute little thing he does is when he’s holding your hand, he’ll softly rub your knuckle with his finger
it’s so gentle it nearly brought you to tears the first time he did it (and every time after)
and he didn’t even know he did it until you told him it was an adorable quirk of his and he was FLOORED
like “i… i do.. that???”
also, i feel like his love language is a combination of quality time and physical touch
since he struggles with expressing his feelings for you through words, he does it through his touch
he’s a simple guy; just being around you is more than enough to make his heart feel so, so warm
rin also loves the dark, so dark + quality time + physical touch = what?
inside the comfort of your own home, of course
just imagine the coziness of being snuggled up in his arms, a blanket wrapped around the two of you as you curl up in the corner of the couch
and just basking in the feeling of being in the arms of the love of your life
you can’t even focus on the movie because you’re just savoring the feeling of his arms wrapped around you as he presses soft kisses to your temple
no more than a couple words are exchanged between the two of you, but the volume of your love is astounding <3
raichi is very. VERY protective of you out in public
like he’ll always have an arm around your waist while he glares daggers at anyone who even enters a six feet radius of you
social distancing who? 🙄
he may be an aggressive rottweiler, but he’s your aggressive rottweiler <3
around other people, he would never show any sort of affection or softness
because who are we kidding, he’s raichi
he’s totally the type to noogie you and put you in an affectionate headlock around people
and his friends are like …. are you sure you two are dating ?? 😭
in private though, when it’s just the two of you, it’s like he’s a completely different person
gentle back hugs, tucking his chin onto your shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to your neck, yeah <3
he just feels really relaxed when the two of you are along together
so you two often take naps together, putting on a random movie in the background as you fall asleep in his arms
he thinks you look so adorable while sleeping, it’s definitely his lock screen
raichi’s favorite type of kiss is the passionate, celebratory kiss
like the picking you up, spinning you around on the field after scoring a winning goal with your lips smushed together kiss
orrr the drowsy, “im about to fall asleep but i love you so much” kiss as he holds you tighter in his arms
either way, he’s a feral boi on the streets, but a fluffy bby in ur arms <3
acts of service is one-thousand percent his love language
his ideal romantic date is spending the entire day with his beloved partner
… washing the dishes together.
like, DUDE!
ANYWAYS, he loves to clean, but he also loves you, so he’s torn
luckily you had the amazing idea to combine both, and the two of you spent the entire day cleaning the house and fooling around together
unluckily, that’s all the two of you will ever do now
and you’re cursing yourself for not emphasizing that a Cleaning Date was a ONE TIME THING!!! one time.
don’t worry though, he still has some other great date ideas thanks to your not so subtle hints!
he’s a godsend at everything around the house though, not just cleaning
so that includes cooking and baking too!
it’s actually ADORABLE how cute he is with an apron on while he’s in the kitchen
he’s so gentle and careful with the measurements and utensils, its just so endearing
he’ll let you sneak little taste-tests of whatever he’s making
and whenever you give him your signature “mm!” it makes his stubborn lil heart so, so happy
he’d never say it out loud, but the tiny smile on his face is more than enough proof
and it’s not a lie, he is AMAZING in the kitchen; you could give him a bag of completely unrelated, even grotesque ingredients and he’d whip up something delicious in no time!
i feel like barou also thoroughly enjoys dates where the two of you can just enjoy each other’s company, since he’s not known for being amazing with his words
think aquariums, museums, art exhibitions, and things of the like
he’ll just hold your hand as the two of you venture throughout the place, marveling at all of the incredible displays
he just loves the feeling of appreciating the stunning exhibits while also appreciating his favorite person in the world <3
anxious bby boy!!!
so panicked, so worried if he’s doing everything right
you have to constantly reassure him, but its 100% fine with you because he’s just SO PRECIOUS
at the beginning of your relationship, he would always be so paranoid.. of like EVERYTHING
“i accidentally touched your shoulder, i’m so sorry!” “i hope i didn’t walk too close to you on the way home..”
you know he has the best intentions, but you actually thought he was afraid of you 😭
later, of course, he eventually warmed up to you, and he’s never been more comfortable with anyone else :)
like if he’s in a group he’ll immediately seek you out and cling onto you like a scared puppy to its mother
so of course in public, he’ll always hold onto the sleeve of your shirt or your arm
it’s funny if he’s taller, because it looks like a child clutching onto their mom
… if the child was six feet tall and built like a brick wall 😭
aNYWAYS, you’re like his comfort person
he feels like he can always relax and let go of his pent-up tension whenever you’re around <3
cuddles with him are the absolute best
he’s a pretty big guy who loves to be little spoon
and holding him in your arms, comforting him until he’s not panicked about anything and everything is just so rewarding
like you can physically feel the anxiousness release from his body when you’re cuddling with him
and he falls asleep so quickly
and his soft lil snores are so cute awWW
all that worrying is completely washed away when your arms are wrapped securely around him <3
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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pink-purplesunset · 3 years
A light cannot exist without shadow.
Before the history that people like you and I know, Gods walked the Earth like common man. Virgin lands laid untouched and unbroken, waters ran clear and free of debris. Gods had a much simpler view on life. Many things as well as what happened to mere mortals, left them unbothered. Because of this, they then chose to leave the land, returning to the sky. In their wake they left their children to rule Earth, to keep it from ending in chaos.
There were two sides both ruled by family blood, one of light, the other of dark. The first born, named Jin, came to be known as a being of darkness, an evil no one had seen before. Soon many others who shared that same deep iniquity began to follow him, morphing into what the people called Dreadlings. They took a form stuck between light and dark, eventually forming the largest army of men and women on the planet. With this power Jin ruled the planet and for many years all people knew was darkness.
Years later, his sister gracefully named Nabi, was born. She radiated light, love and all that is good and had come into the world as a bright beacon for many. Her union onto Earth had been celebrated, a prophecy had been filled giving many the courage to stand up to the darkness that had overtaken the land. Nabi was quickly labeled their savior, and thrust into the role of Earth's Guardian.
Contradictory to might you may think, both sides united as one.
With a small army Nabi confronted her brother, her charms and purity quickly talking him down from his horrid reign. From that day both siblings remained close and confided in each other to rule to planet as two instead of one. Peace was to remain on both sides for the remainder of their immortal lives, both making agreements to never harm one another.
Many years later is where this story begins.
On an ordinary day, one with warm winds and feathery skies, a hummed song hangs in the air, coming from a figure that bathes in a waterfall nearby. The area is secluded on each side by natural rocks and tall pine trees, a field of colorful wild flowers blanketing the surrounding area.
Nabi runs her fingers through silvery locks, sighing in ecstasy when the cold-water leaves goosebumps on her skin in contrast to the warm sun. She was used to days like this, with birds chirping in her ear and the smell of wild mint in the air.
Every day was almost completely the same for her and had been since her descend onto Earth.
She would be awoken by one of her chambermaids, they would help her into a morning steam, feed her, brush her hair and adorn her in clothes and jewelry that were made by the God Plutus, a regular gift she would receive from her family to praise her for getting along with her brother. Then she would be whisked off to play the role of mediator and politician, listening to the complaints and opinions of the people, an event the Primary Gods had suggested to keep the people happy, only to then be ushered into the Chapel to be broadcasted across the world giving the morning prayers. Something enforced by the clergy so that the Primary Gods would not be forgotten. By noon, she was off to some lectures which gave her more insight on how the common man lived, giving her a looks at which areas of the world needed her healing the most.
She lived this life everyday without stray. Until recently.
She, her brother and their armies, where the only being on Earth that could manipulate reality. Nabi could control elements, weather, the human body and much more. Her brother could do the same but in opposite effects. She found herself free time under the mask of ability training.
A few hours before dusk she would visit the stable under disguise and gallop off on her favorite friesian outside the kingdom walls to a place she only knew. Here she could be herself, do what she wanted and imagine a life where she was normal. A life where she would be able to find a love, have kids and a simple job before coming home for the night to a family.
This became her new normal.
Gradually her brother began to find out, only giving her a mild scolding before focusing on the many tasks that encompassed a a kingdom. Eventually as she would sneak out more and was caught, the scolding became punishment.
There was many rules amongst her life and one of them was never letting someone outside the inner walls of the palace to see her appearance. She was a goddess of purity, anyone who started to lust after her could taint her aura, eventually turning her into a being like her brother. The Primary Gods demanded balance, she was to never be tainted or it would bring the end to her and her brother.
But Nabi had a rebellious soul. She would continue to sneak out, no matter what her brother threatened.
Nabi sighed in delight once again as the water left small pools on her body, smiling when she noticed a curious bystander near the entrance to her secluded area. She knew him well, a soldier sided with the light and a fierce warrior she had watched from the sidelines for some time now. He had been drawn in by the sweet sound of her voice before, something he could not resist. He had visited her often within the past months, giving her something, someone, to look forward to.
She knew he could not see much of her as the waterfall did well to give her a natural veil, all to be seen was her hair, as it twinkled like stars whenever the light caught it. She watched as he stared in wonder, still oblivious to her own. She abruptly stopped the humming and stepped out of the running water allowing her eyes to peer into his own, which now were splayed wide with fear.
It was absolute law never to approach or see the Guardian unless given clearance, offenders would face the wrath of Jin aka death.
Before he could run, Nabi let out a small chuckle making him stop in his tracks. She held eye contact with him, not bothering to dress in her robes before she walked forward.
He had seen her like this before.
"You came to see me again." She smiled.
Not believing his senses the man remained frozen. Nabi made her way directly in front of him, in all her glory. She continued to smile, trying to fill the man with ease.
"You are Jimin correct?" Her features remained soft and her eyes twinkled. "You should really try and hide yourself more, I catch you being here everytime." He continued to gape at her, not sure of how to react. "It's nice to meet you again." She added with a grin, her hand glided from her side to grab his.
Jimin gulped and continued to stare at her flawless skin.
"I- I did not mean to oppose on you Guardian."
He then diverted his eyes down, not mustering the courage to bring his hand away from hers.
With a small laugh Nabi pulled him closer to her. Her unoccupied hand came up and began stroking the man's hair. Causing Jimin to hold his breath.
"It's alright." She laughs. "you being here tends to make my day." She hugged him a little closer, always eager for a warm embrace. "Besides... I happen to know that you like being here too."
Within her embrace she allows the memories she had taken from him to flow back. With a small gasp Jimin brings his eyes back to hers.
Nabi laughs at the familiar reaction.
"Please stay." She whispers once she recognizes the familiar lust that settles in his eyes.
Jimin lets out the breath he was holding and pushes away from her in shock.
"Am I not to be punished?!" He spoke loudly. Causing Nabi's smile to slip. "Isn't this breaking the law?!
Putting back on her smiley mask, she puts both hands over the man's mouth. She could never get used to his reaction, even after experiencing it many times.
"My brother is not here and you side with me. Fear nothing."
She takes her hands away and wraps one around his wrist dragging him backwards with her into the water.
"Come now."
Nabi frowns when he is not looking as she is running behind schedule now and her guards will soon come looking for her.
Jimin does nothing but comply, hushed by her words and newly acquired memories serving him well. When both are fully under the roaring waterfall, he smiles at the small invisible bubble protecting them from the heavy water above. He eyes Nabi from head to toe before capturing her lips in his. She smiles at him in childish wonderment before diving back into him for more. His hands begin to move over her body, ghosting over her nipples to pull a moan from her. He bites her lip as he smiles although it begins to fall.
"Please don't take these memories away from me again." He asks in a pleading whisper.
He looks into her eyes and can tell she's hiding from him.
From yards away both of them can hear the footfalls of horses.
"I'm afraid we must part now." She breathes out, distancing herself but catching his hands in hers once again. "Please visit again, I really miss you when you're gone."
A sadness overtakes Jimin's face but is quickly replaced with panic as Nabi places her hand on his forehead and wipes the memories of their meeting from his mind. She places him gently on the dry moss below them, her magic still protecting the area from the water above.
With one final look she once again leaves the waterfall and dresses in time for her guards to appear through the trees. One dressed in gold ornate armor, displaying her own insignia, the other made up in an armor of volcanic rock that somehow still glows red hot.
"You know the entire palace begins to panic in your absence." States the one in gold. He looks to his side where Jin's soldier stands. "Please do not force me out here with one of the Dreadlings again."
Nabi smiles and begins to walk towards the two.
"Where would the kingdom be without you playing my babysitter Hobi?" She allows them to place her veil over her head and help her onto her horse. "Although I do agree that my brother did not have to send one of his own." She squints at the heat radiating off the man as she looks at him. "The fresh air must feel like poison to you V."
The dark soldier remains stoic and leaves to mount his own horse with no reply.
"Always a man of many words." Remarks Hobi as they all set off towards the palace.
The ride takes them down the steep mountainside, through a forest of large cedars and along the edge of the wall that surrounds the kingdom. They tactfully stop at a spot on the northside of the wall, where Nabi is able to manipulate some loose rock and allow a gap big enough for them to walk through with their horses.
"How will your brother feel knowing you have left the walls again?" V finally speaks up once they are inside.
Nabi just smiles and closes the wall behind them.
"Why must you threaten me with this same line every time you're forced to fetch me? We both know you don't plan on telling him. "
V sighs and continues to peer forwards, knowing too that she speaks the truth. After a few more minutes sulking he again speaks up.
"You rely too much on the false relationship you've created for us in your head. You know who I remain loyal to."
Nabi giggles and shakes off the remark.
"Ok, Ok Mr. IHateFriendshipandLove. I will believe your words from now on until proven otherwise." She rides up closer to him and whispers "I'll tell the chefs to serve japchae in the commissary tonight." He shivers from their closeness while with a wink she makes her way away from him and towards Hobi.
After follows a few minutes of silence with the exception of chuckles she and Hobi share in their own conversation. V then clears his throat, edging his horse on to get closer to the two. He makes sure to make eye contact with Nabi.
"Although I do not appreciate the endearment of friendship, I will gladly accept the food."
He then hurries his horse forward.
Behind him, Nabi and Hobi share another knowing look and a small laugh as they continue to the gate of the palace. It is a massive structure, half white, half black marble, with gold welded gates connecting it's center. On all sides it is guarded by a mix of gold and black clade soldiers.
"May the dark bring forth the light!" All the soldiers shout when they identify her and draw the gate upwards.
Entering, Nabi breaks off from her two escorts, turning in her saddle to address the two men.
"You guys can head back to the barracks, I can take it from here."
Hobi gives her a deliberate glare.
"Promise to appear before your brother as soon as possible so he does not kill us both and NO more adventures today." He makes sure to point at her to add emphasis.
Nabi rolls her eyes. "I would never allow him to do such a thing." Hobi opens his mouth ready to retort. "-But I promise to see him to save you both from his nagging."
"Thank you, milady." Hobi jeers with a silly bow, still on his horse. "Now stay out of trouble and I shall see you later after dinner." He gives a big wave and follows V towards the side of the palace where workers and military are housed.
"Let's go Lucent." She pats her horse's shoulder and gives him a small squeeze to continue to the stable she and Jin shared.
Like usual, the overly decorated palace yards were occupied by the gardeners that kept it looking clean and the pious followers that would used the gardens as a place to pray. Regardless of who they were, when they noticed Nabi, they would drop what they were doing to pay respect to her. Something she did not always enjoy. Finally making her way towards the royal wing and the stables that connected to it, she was met by her stable hand Yoongi with is arms crossed.
"Overstayed your time outside again I see." He uncrossed his arms and grabbed her horse by the bridle. "I should have known something was up when Lucent was gone from his stall again this morning." He gave a small smile while petting the horse on his nose. He looked up to Nabi "Do you want me to put him away for you?"
Nabi dismounted and gave Lucent a big hug around his neck.
"Yes, thank you. You're once again a lifesaver Yoongi." She let go of the horse and handed the reins over to him. "I'm unfortunately late to a meeting to humor my brother right now, as it seems everyone in the palace knows I was outside again."
"You're not exactly secretive about it anymore." Yoongi states.
Nabi gives him a cheeky smile. Yoongi clears his throat and begins to take care of the horse. "Sorry Guardian, I'll just be on my way."
He walks away and glances behind him to see Nabi gathering her long robes and hurriedly walking up the many steps that led to the entrance of the colossal palace.
Nabi could hear Yoongi's small laugh from behind her as she went, making her smile.
Many of the palace workers that recognized her would too stop what they were doing to bow, she would do her best to do the same with her hurried pace. Not even bothering to change out of her normal robes, a somewhat dull look compared to her usual attire to help her blend in, as she ran to find the door to her brother's room.
Stepping inside, she was met with a brotherless room. She wrapped her arms around herself, needing a source of comfort to prepare her for the talk she was about to get. There was nothing dark and scary about the place, but it still caused a cold chill to run down her back and the hairs on her arms raise. The room was very well kept considering Jin did not let any workers into the room or around his belongings. As she walked further in, the corner of the room drew Nabi's attention where a large canvas sat, the first few details of a panting started. There was a deep emotion attached to it, something dark and consuming, as well as many other feelings she was unable to be explain, it was all lost to her. On the painting, all she could make out was a figure in gold armor, the face all too familiar.
"Do you like it?" Jin whispered out of nowhere making her jump.
"Brother." She breathes out, spinning to face him, holding her heart. "I was just admiring what you've started."
Jin faces the painting but looks towards Nabi out of the corner of his eye.
"I needed something to do when I cannot sleep. My dreams have not been kind recently."
One of Jin's individual traits was seeing the future in his dreams.
"I told you to come find me when you are troubled." Nabi worries over him and places a hand on his forearm.
Jin places his hand over her own.
"It is but a small issue for the time being, the dreams change daily. You know I'd come to you if it were anything important."
Nabi looks to her brother as he further studies the mostly empty canvas. The bad feelings inside her grow worse.
"I sense something growing, it radiates around the room. It makes me sick to my stomach." She barely speaks out loud.
Jin shows no further emotion but she can tell he fakes a smile as he turns to her again.
"I doubt it has anything to do with the otherworldly. I shall send one of your maidens to get you a medicine. Go rest and try not to venture too far from the walls again."
Nabi froze, hoping to skip the scolding today.
"I'm sorry-"
Jin raises a hand to stop her.
"I sent another to watch you. A little birdy had told me V has been less than useful lately."
Nabi tries to show no fear in her features but couldn't withhold her good nature.
"You didn't hurt him, did you?"
Jin looks to the ground with a small laugh but his eyes snap to her full of rigidness.
"My soldiers should be none of your concern sister."
A very uncommon emotion for Nabi started to rear its head. She clenched her fists to her side, nails digging into her palms.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" She breathes out trying to calm herself. "Do I not rule this kingdom by your side? Are we not equals?" She steps further into his space. "Tell me if he's hurt so I can help him."
Jin closes the gap between them, capturing her chin between his fingers.
"You know better than to speak to me that way. Know your place girl and do not test me."
She pushes away from his grasp but does not retreat.
"Know my place?! You are nothing without me." She growls.
Jin looked to her with a raised brow, a smirk growing, he breaks the tension with loud claps.
"Now this is a side of you I've rarely seen, let's hope your holy followers in the palace have not heard." He crosses his arms, his right hand playing with his chin in thought. "Although I quite like this side of you." His sickening smile grows.
Nabi comes back to reality quickly, a little shocked herself.
"I-I'm sorry brother." She holds her hands close to her chest. Panic setting her pulse ablaze. "It's this room it makes me...on edge. I do not understand these emotions I'm feeling."
Jin gives her a dismissive gesture, Nabi could not help but feel as though he had meant this meeting to go this way. Like he had expected her to act in such a way.
"Apology accepted." He grabs her by the shoulders and aims her towards the door. "Leave me and get some rest. I'll help the cooks make your favorite soup for dinner."
Nabi turns to hug her brother, not used to small spats with him.
"I love you brother."
Jin lets out a small sigh but answers back.
"As do I sister."
She did not feel any emotion behind the words.
He gently pulls her off himself and walks her to his door. Nabi shows herself out as he closes the door behind her. She catches her lip in her teeth trying to understand the interaction that happened minutes ago, her mind drawing a blank. She can count on one hand the amount of times she has felt anger before, and each has left her with a sense of amnesia. Her soul was not made to house such an emotion. She was created to do and spread good, not to wish harm among others.
Unlike her brother, Nabi is closer in comparison to those who are considered a normal person. Some say she has not reached her full potential yet; she believes she was made that way for a reason. To further her knowing of empathy among the humans, something she cannot rule without.
A hand reaches out to grab her arm. Startling her once again into reality. She did not know how long she had been standing outside her brother's door.
"Guardian." One of her maids, Sara, greets her. "I was told you are not feeling well. Allow me to lead you to your suite."
Nabi just nods. Slipping back into her mind. She contemplates the occurrences in her life, those that had led her into small fits of anger. The first occurrence being when she was a child and a follower had offered her a small poodle as a gift. Later in the day another child had tried to play with it, resulting in the kid crying in the dirt with a bloody nose. The other big occurrence being over a tear in her favorite dress, where she was then being rushed away from a fire, she had started over the bush that had torn it. Today's incident was nowhere near the worse, but it had been a good five years since she had been lost away in such blackness.
Numbly she finally realizes that the sun has set, and she has been tucked into her oversized bed. Sara places a tray full of fruits and the soup her brother had made on her lap.
"You brother said there's leftovers in the kitchen must you want more. I'll be right outside if you need anything more of me."
Nabi gives her a small smile and begins to pick at the fruit on her tray. Usually being her favorite thing to eat, the soup her brother had made seeps off the smell of rotting flesh, quickly making her throw up everything she had eaten that day.
"My dear." Sara runs to her side, starting to clean up the mess. "Are you feeling that ill Guardian?"
She begins to feel her head for signs of fever, while drawing Nabi up from her soiled bed.
"Please sit." She sets Nabi down on an overstuffed couch. "I'll make another bath for you."
Her consciousness fades in and out, finally laying way to a dreamland.
She is once again in her favorite place. The water roars above her but she is not alone. A familiar figure stands in her embrace and warms her soul. With such a perfect scene, she is surprised to find tears covering her cheeks. A deep ache resonates through her chest, she looks down so see a black liquid staining her skin and a hole where her heart should be. Without a warning the man brushes the tears from her face, then brushes back small strands of hair. He captures her cheeks in both hands before kissing her. He smells of earth and tastes of mint. Her heart begins to thrum happily, quicker and quicker as the kiss develops into one of shared tongues and quiet sighs. The ache in her chest also grows. She breaks the kiss to looks down upon herself again, seeing cracks splintering over her skin like cracked stone. It is realized then what this dream is trying to tell her, the thing that would continue to bring on these dark occurrences in her life. If she continued on her path, Love would surely be the best and worst thing to ever happen to her.
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fweasleyswhore · 4 years
Good To You - F.W.
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requested by @jasminweasley​
a/n: sorry for da wait i feel like doodoo fart 
pairing: fem!reader x Fred Weasley, Lestrange!reader x Fred Weasley
summary: Reader is Bellatrix's daughter but grew up with Lupin and Tonks. She has a rare gift that lets her see into the future, her gift that she keeps secret fr a long time makes her relationship with Fred difficult especially as the war comes into full force.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: panic attack, self deprecating thoughts, mentions of blood and death
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I stared at my hands as tears welled up in my eyes. There were times, times like now especially, where I felt doomed. The blood that ran through my veins was stained, dirty. My mother, Bellatrix was a notorious Deatheater. I knew one day she or her lord would come for me. I didn’t know when, this wasn’t something I saw, this was just an instinct feeling I couldn’t shake. The future could change, I knew this. Things, with intervention, can change. The outcome can be prevented. 
This, I knew, would not be one of those things. 
I shook violently, silently, as sobs racked through my body. My hands shook and I placed them on the cold ground to steady myself. My black hair fell in my face as air escaped me. Gulping I tried to breathe but it never sufficed. Scrambling to stand and fill my depleted lungs, I felt dizzy as I stood on my wobbly legs. I stumbled toward the railing. Looking down the dark landscape I considered it. Letting go would be easier, the height from the astronomy tower would do the trick. My grip tightened on the railing once more as I remembered Remus and Tonks. 
They raised me, per Sirius’s request. They changed my name, they hid me away. They kept me safe. But they couldn’t change the fact that I am who I am. My blood is her blood, she will take me away. Y/N Lupin was who I wanted to be, I believed I was her for a while, but after seeing what I did. My lungs constricted more as I let out the first audible sob. I fell to my knees, still clutching the railing like a lifeline. The image of Remus and Tonks’ dead bodies, reaching out for one another, blood-stained, covered in dirt as I stood over them. 
Bellatrix and Voldemort would come for me. I didn’t see it, I knew it. I would kill my parents, I didn’t see it, I knew it. My nails dug into the metal, scraping and falling back to the ground as air denied my lungs again, scraping at the cold floor I willed my lungs to fill, but they didn’t. The best I could do was short breaths that were gone just as soon as I heaved them. My head felt dizzy and heavy. My skin felt like fire and my tears felt cool against my skin. 
“Y/N?” I closed my eyes, shutting them tightly. I didn’t need to have another vision, I couldn’t take it. The voice repeated itself, I dug my nails into my palms as if willing my body to stop. I knew no matter what it would happen, I was afraid to see what I feared most. That I was responsible for my parents’ death, the only people who knew the real me and loved me regardless, raised me with love, wiped my tears away, and tucked me in bed. I couldn’t turn them, I wouldn’t in my heart, but whether I wanted to or not was a question the Dark Lord considered. 
Suddenly I was jerked back, my hands were crossed against my chest as I was hugged tightly into someone. Hair ticked the side of my face, I could feel their racing heart against my back. 
“Y/N? What’s wrong?!” Fred’s voice spoke into my neck. His presence was calming and for the first time since I started crying, I felt air fill my lungs. I curled into myself, crying, and taking deep breaths in between sobs. He never let go of me. Holding me against my chest as he whispered small sweet things into my ears. My eyes, swollen, stopped leaking and my chest heaved. I picked myself up, leaning into his chest. His arms tightened around me, looking down at my face that rested against his shoulder. He pecked my cheek and nuzzled into my neck. 
“Do you want to talk?” His question was whispered into my skin, I barely heard it over my uneven breathing. 
Fred didn’t know who I was, he knew the facade of me I kept for my safety. I didn’t feel like a Lestrange in my heart, but the image replaying in my mind told me I wasn’t a Lupin either. 
“Fred, there’s going to be a war.” My voice was hoarse and dry from crying. It hurt to use. I sniffled before speaking again. “Fred, I’m afraid something bad is going to happen, I’m afraid it’s going to be my fault.” My voice broke as my tired eyes teared up. I felt him pick his head up, he unwrapped his arms from around me, before I knew it he had turned me around so I was facing him. He picked me up and moved me on top of him so I was straddling him. He let go of my legs as I wrapped them around him and cupped my face. 
“You. Are. Perfect.” He pecked my face in between words. I giggled at his antics, heart swelling with adoration for the boy beneath me. “You are on the right side of things, I promise. We are working with your dad, with the order, and with Harry in preparation. I know there will be a war. We are fighting, and I, am fighting for you, and for our future.” My breath hitched at his words. Speechless and unable to express myself verbally I pushed my lips against his. His lips worked with mine as I tried to express each ounce of love I held for him in my actions. 
I pulled away and looked at him. “Freddie I don’t ever want to be without you.” It was true, Fred could make me forget, he could make me happy. 
“Good thing I’m not planning on leaving.” He whispered back. I couldn’t help but smile. When we kissed this time and I lost my breath, I didn’t panic. It was a feeling I welcomed, breathing in Fred I no longer needed air. 
A lot of things changed since that night, Voldemort had returned, although we all knew being friends with Harry but not the minister was behind us. Fred and George had since left and ran a very successful business in Diagon Alley, I finished school but now I work with them in their shop. My visions had hit me in full force, they were coming in more frequency and it was hard to continue and try to hide it when I would fall to my knees three times a day. Fred was noticing, George too, I blamed it on not eating or eating too much but the fear inside me grew. They knew I was lying, they always did. 
I was holding a box of sweets when the familiar dizzy feeling washed over me, my body started to go slack and I ran to the counter and placed the box down. Gripping the counter so hard my hand cramped I willed myself to stop. 
“Please.” I whispered hoping it would stop it but to no avail. I went numb as I was submerged into another view point. I watched as a hand I didn’t recognize stroked a cabinet, the door opened and at the bottom there was a dead bird. I heard a faint crying noise before everything went white. Feeling my body again I blinked as the shop came into view. I felt someone behind me so I looked up to see Fred hovering over me, his face was contorted in worry, his brows were furrowed and his chest heaved as he looked me over. 
“Freddie,” I scrambled in his arms so I was facing him. “What?” I couldn’t tell if he was angry or upset, his face was expressing something I had never seen before, his eyes were distant and glassy. 
“I am taking you to a doctor, a muggle and wizard one. Now.” He spoke with so much authority, I felt anxiety bubble up in me. The more frequent the visions came the more often he found me on the floor, out cold. We had multiple fights, each one ending with me saying I’m fine and him looking upset and checking out medical books from the library or apparating to his mothers then apparating back with tea. 
He started to get up but I didn't. I just sat there, debating my options. I knew that the doctors wouldn’t help, it would be a waste of time and the more things heated up the worse I would get. “Freddie…” I spoke softly. 
“No! We are not having this fight again, Y/N, there is something not right and you need help.” He looked at me pleadingly, outstretching his hand. I didn’t budge, looking at him with the same pleading look.
“I know why this is happening.” I spoke slowly, I calculated each outcome in my mind and my palms started to get sweaty as I felt the nervousness build up again. I was afraid he was going to reject me, throw me out, be angry. I knew I shouldn’t have kept it to myself but most of the things I saw aren’t pretty, I didn’t want to worry him with that but fear built up in me as I realized he wouldn’t see it that way. 
I watched as he dropped his hand. He walked over to the counter, gripping it in a similar fashion to me before I fell. I got up and walked to the other side across from him. I looked at him, searched his eyes, waiting for him to meet my gaze but he kept it fixed on something behind me. I decided not to push, I leaned over and placed my hand on his gently but I was met with no reaction. 
“Is it bad?” He asked, his voice was weak, a stark contrast to his current demeanor. 
“Baby, I’m not sick,” His jaw clenched so I grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers. “I promise. Look at me, please.” He finally ripped his eyes away from whatever he was staring at. His sad eyes pierced mine, seeing his happy eyes which are usually filled with happiness and swirling with mischief now glossed over and dripping with fear. I saw through him in that moment. He was clutching my hand like it was the last thing he wanted to do. He was afraid of losing me, I equally was afraid of losing him. 
“I can see things, I don’t know how but it happens and it's happened since I was a child.” I cringed slightly at saying the word child. “Uh, Lupin, he always suspected it was because of my blood.” I trailed off not wanting to finish. 
“Blood?” He deadpanned. I knew holding back wasn’t helping and it was only making this harder. I sighed, squeezing his hand lightly. 
“Fred I’m not Tonks and Lupin’s kid. I was given to them by Sirius who took care of me for a while but when he was prosecuted and taken to Azkaban that’s when Lupin got me. They changed my name for my safety, my last name used to be Lestrage.” I talked fast, the words tumbled out of me like word vomit. 
“As in…” He trailed off and his eyes went wide. Swallowing I shook my head warily. 
“Bellatrix, yes. Listen I’m sorry, they don’t know who the father was, they assume that its a pureblood but all my life I’ve had visions, I am able to see things before they happen and with things getting worse I have been seeing more and more. Dumbledore said it was a rare gift, one he hadn’t seen in a really long time I-” 
“Why did you never tell me?” His voice was weak like before, I couldn’t decipher his emotions so I just answered. 
“I have seen some unsavory things, I didn’t want to worry you. I didn’t tell you about her because I don’t see myself as her daughter. I like to believe that I’m more than my blood relations because you and George, and Lupin, you’re family.” Tears were streaming down my face. I was clutching his hand, waiting for his grasp to loosen to pull away. 
“Darling…” His soft tone took me off guard. He pulled his hand away and I stiffened. I shut my eyes, waiting for him to tell me to leave, to get my stuff and go, never come back. When I felt him wrap his arms around me I gasped. I immediately wrapped my arms back around him and I held him against me. For the first time, I felt him. I felt him without the empty lies and the secrets putting a distance between us. I felt him and the world around us was gone, in his arms I felt at home and at peace. “What have you seen? Anything with us?”
I pulled my head up to look at him. He was smiling down at me as his eyes twinkled. “I just told you that and you want to know if I saw you?” I was amused with him, his antics made me forget the pain I was feeling in that moment. 
“Well I just mean like in the future, do we have a few little ones running around?” He began swaying side to side as he asked and I felt a laugh escape my lips as I watched him with a happy smile. My tears since long forgotten. 
“A few?” I shrieked out, I couldn’t help myself once the realization of his words hit me. “What do you take me for a baby machine?” He looked down worridley trying to read me but seeing my smile he relaxed.
“I just mean, I always thought we would have a big family. No?” His eyes flickered between my own as if coxing the answer out of me. 
“I wouldn’t mind Weasley, or having the name by the way. I figured we would get there when we got there, after you proposed with a long beautiful speech that brought me to tears of course.” I rested my head on his chest as I spoke, listening to the way his chest rumbled as he chuckled at my words. I soaked up his warmth. I always dreamed about having a future with Fred. It was something I thought about a lot but we talked about it rarely. He would make small comments when he was sleepy but I didn’t think much about it. His forwardness now made my heart swell knowing he wanted exactly the same thing as I did. “To answer your question no I have never seen it, our future that is. But do I see a future with you? Yes, and there is nothing more I want than to have one with you.” 
I felt his arms tighten around me as he rested his head on my own. “I think I like the way Mrs. Weasley sounds.” He whispered it so lightly I barely heard it. 
“I think I do to, especially when it’s next to Mr. Weasley.” I smiled contently as I listened to him let out another low chuckle. 
“Me too, Y/N, me too.”
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happy 40 followers my love 🎉🎊🪅 !!! i would like to request a lil somethin for ur matchup event!
pronouns: she/her
name: elle
personality: hufflepuff (hogwarts house) , enfp (personality type)
i’m a very bubbly and energetic persons, while also being a complete introvert at the same time. for example, during orientation week for school i talked to any and EVERYbody all the time. if just go up to random people and say hi. but at the same time, there was a class last semester that i didn’t speak in at all and i could go entire days without saying a word to anyone. it really depends on my mood. but when i’m in a good one i’m just really funn, upbeat, i love to tease people it’s how i show i cafe fr.
gender preference: men
appearance: (i’ll just send u a different ask w a picture of me <3)
likes: food, literally the way to my heart. GOOD music. anime obviously. books. art. hiking. kiddos (like babysitting). people who match my humor. kindness. LOYALTY
dislikes: rain. fish 🤢🤮. people who can’t read the room. spiders get that shit away from me. halloween.
hobbies: i’ve been a dancer since i was five years old, and i’ve loved writing since i was like … 8 ish. but that’s basically all that i do, dance, write and watch anime 😭 hella boring but whatever 💀
have a great day love !!
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Personality: He is an ESTJ, while you are an ENFP, so both of you have a lot of energy to give to each other or even to share (low key crackhead energy)
➶︎ Teasing is his thing as well, so you guys will make it a competition, of who will tease who the most, and which one of you is going to give in first
He would make fun of you for reading books, saying that you are a nerd, but deep inside, he wants to read that book too
➶︎At three am, he would bring you some food, wether from MCDonald's, KFC, Wendy's or even In n out.
Both of you party together a lot, when ever there's a party, oop you're both there, often you guys are the life of it
➶︎When you are feeling socially drained (which you have the complete right to be), he would give you some space if you need it, or if you ask him to be there with you, he would stay at home and cuddle
Small scenario:
You were baby sitting your friend's nine year old son, at your apartment. He was making a mess, running around, dropping some cheese cracker on the floor, jumping on the couch and opening the drawers. You were overwhelmed by this amount of childishness, so you called your trustee boyfriend to the rescue (little did you know he too was going to cause problems)
Once Jean arrived, he made sure the kid stopped his acts and disciplined him, he gave him a few crayons and a color book, and left the living room to join you in your bedroom.
"So, now that I'm done, do you wanna, you know ¬‿¬" He asked smugly
"Jean, I swear, I'm going to hit you, we have a fucking nine hear old at home, we don't want to be the cause of a conversation I don't want to aboard with a child, leave that to his parents"
"But pleasee" He pouted
"No" and with that you left the room to go make dinner
Large arms wrapped themselves around your waist and you felt a little kiss on your cheek, if you didn't know what Jean was up to, you would have given in immediately.
"Kirschtien, either you kiss my cheek with no ulterior motive, or you don't at all"
"What do you mean, I'm completely harmless"
"Boy, tsk, whatchu on to"
"Nothing I promise"
A song I would give you two:
I hope you liked ittt, and gurl, you ain't boring at all, nuh uh, i would love to be your friend <3 If you wanna request anything else feel free to do soo
40 followers event
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aclosetfan · 4 years
I’m still mad about Bunny from an earlier post so here’s some headcanons for an au affectionately titled “what could have happen if CN didn’t nuke the one ppg with an intellectual disability”
Long post! Look under the cut!
Bunny has Down Syndrome!
The Professor is a little...tifted when he finds out his children made another child, but Professor is a man full of love, so he takes it in stride. He’s never mad at Bunny, but the triplets have a very long and thorough talking to.
Bunny is an adjustment, but so were the triplets. Professor adjusts well to the change. He doesn’t like his lil honey bun (cause ofc he has embarrassing nicknames for her too) to go out and fight. He doesn’t want her getting too overstimulated and would rather leave the bigger villains to the girls. He can’t stop Bunny from running to help when her sisters call though!
Bunny is no damsel in distress!
But for the most part, Bunny does her part for the team by helping the professor in the lab! She’s a little uncoordinated when she gets excited, but so is the Professor, so it’s a match made in heaven. She has her own lab gear and happily hands over tools and chemicals (w/supervision!) at the Professor’s request. She also very good at reminding the professor when it’s time for a break. Bunny doesn’t let him miss snack or bedtime.
She also makes sure his experiment have a touch of cutesy because Bunny loves her a bit of sparkle and frills!
Having a sister with an obvious disability is difficult for the girls in their own ways. But Bunny really teaches the girls a lot!
For Blossom, she has a hard time puzzling how Bunny was going to live a fulfilling life in an unforgiving world. Since Blossom strives for control over things she doesn’t understand, it takes her a little bit (and a few lectures from the professor) to realize that Bunny will find her own place and that she doesn’t have to be so anxious. Bunny will be fine. She’ll be okay. She’s not so fragile. (But Blossom still has bouts of extreme worry that her little sister won’t ever be accepted) Like I said though, Blossom strives for control and tries to help the Professor keep Bun well structured and safely entertained, but Bunny’s has an independent mind of her own and teaches Blossom that while structure is good, everyone deserves a little fun!
For Buttercup it’s a giant lesson in calm and patience, which if you follow the show, is generally the lesson Buttercup needs to learn. But Bunny isn’t Bubbles or another kid on the playground, she’s special in a different way and even though she has super powers too and can get a little rough—because Bunny often forgets her own strength—Buttercup has to often be remind that she needs to be gentle. It takes a little bit for Buttercup to realize that Bunny doesn’t get things right away and what Buttercup thinks is funny can be hurtful to her. But Buttercup does learn and she’s extremely protective of her baby sister. She finds games and sports that they both enjoy, and every once in while Buttercup will buckle down and play the princess that Bunny has to save. Fr Bunny and Buttercup never give up on each other.
Bubbles is immediately the best with Bunny. It’s not so much her disability that Bubbles has an issue with, it’s more like the family displacement. Bunny gets a lot of the extra attention Bubbles has been use to. Bunny and her like a lot of the same things—dolls, coloring books, things that glitter and sparkle, bright colors, stuffed animals etc. They’re both very much into everything girly. And that means Bubbles really has to learn to share. Her stuff, her sisters, her professor—everything. Sometimes she gets a little jealous, but after an incident with Octi (where the beloved stuffed animal was ripped in two and crudely taped back together by her little sister in apology), Bubbles eventually realizes that Bunny looks up to her as a strong, tough older sister and that’s A-Ok w/ Bubs. And I know it’s cliche but I think Bubs would give Bunny Octi—not forever mind you—they share.
School’s interesting! Bunny goes to preschool with them and gets her own special teacher. But kids can be cruel and the bullies of the preschool (which is, yeah, Mitch and his group) do what they do. The sisters learn early on how to deal with insensitivity and it’s not easy (especially for BC/Blossom), but with the help of Ms. Keane, the Professor, and Bunny herself, the preschool learns that Bunny’s just a little girl who likes to play too!
I mentioned this one in a previous post, but I think Mr. Green should be her parateacher instead of the girls substitute. That way his character can stay in the show and they can have the “don’t judge a book by its cover” episode. But now it can wrap back into the episode of Bunny’s first day of school to really hit the point home! Mr Green can explain that Bunny was “different” but the girls loved her anyway, so “hey give me a chance to, I promise I won’t let you down!” (The intensity of the episode would be heightened because the girls would be extra protective of Bun) (Bunny absolutely adores Mr. Green and Ms. Keane appreciates the help!)
Bunny teaches them how to stim!! Whether it’s flappin around or playing with slime the sisters like doing it together (and tbh they’re fun stress relievers that the triplets carry into adult life)!
Also, now that I think about, I don’t feel like Bunny would get over stimulated often, but it takes her a bit to calm down when she does. Bubbles is the best at calming her down when she gets too excited, but when she’s angry, it’d be BC. I think that’s because Buttercup’s marked as an aggressive kid and, like I mentioned earlier, her and Bunny’s relationship would be filled with “learning to be calm” lessons.
Bunny has sensory issues! Nbd we all do, but Bunny doesn’t like her ears being touched so sometimes it’s hard to brush her hair. She loves Blossom’s hair though and Blossom can usually convince her that if she wants long pretty hair she needs to wash and brush her own. Blossom and the Professor are the only ones allowed to touch her hair!
Sensory wise, Bunny only likes soft cotton clothing. Everything else is too ichy. She also only wears dresses because they’re both pretty and light. good thing t-shirt dresses exist!
Purple! Bunnies! Purple! Bunnies! She has a niche and my baby fills it!
Hard ‘T’s are hard for Bunny. They round into ‘D’s instead. So Buttercup becomes Buddercup except Buddercup can sometimes be too much too, so Bunny more often then not calls her sister Buddy and that’s how Buttercup eventually earns the nickname Bud.
If you h/c the girls with fingers, the Utonium’s learn sign language, which helps when Bunny become too over stimulated or has bouts of being non verbal! Buttercup has the hardest time, Blossom catches on the quickest, Bubbles and Bunny keep making up their own signs, and Professor’s just trying to teach them all!
Can’t stay in preschool forever! Kids grow up! Sucks though :/ because the girls don’t stay in the same class. But don’t worry the triplets make sure they always eat lunch with their sister! And two weeks into middle school they realize that their baby sister doesn’t need them much anyways. She’s the queen of the SPED room. She’s so helpful, kind, and popular that she’s socially doing better then her sisters 😂😂
Bunny really gets into gymnastics! She wants to be in the special olympics, but she has super powers and the Professor has to explain that having super powers is a bit like cheating. She throws a tantrum and Bubbles, with all her crafty genius, saves the day by making fake medals and trophies. The Utoniums though are still very involved in the special olympics and other like activities . It makes them all happy and Bunny gets to hand out the medals! (Helps that she’s a superhero 😏😉 always getting that special treatment)
Guys, my gal? She’s a huge flirt! If you’re like ew no, that’s morally wrong, you need to re-evaluate what YOU know about Down Syndrome! Yes developmentally she’s a little slower, but Bunny’s still a teenager—a growing young women—and very much human, so romantic idealtions are very normal. And that applies to all our friends irl too. It just depends on a persons mental capacity! Admittedly, the Professor was a little uncomfortable at first too because there’s consent and power imbalances to think about, but the people of similar age that Bunny interacts with on the daily are people just like her—like minded individuals with puppy crushes. You can’t deny a person their humanity, so when one of the boys in her SPED class gets the courage to ask her on a date the Professor buckles down and calls the boy’s mom.
Their date is a at a park, properly chaperoned by their parents. They swing and have a good time. They end it with a hug! It’s very exciting and Bunny doesn’t stop bragging about it. Two days later she’s broken up with her new BF for the next brave soul. (Truly everything stays completely innocent don’t worry. I can understand anyone’s concern—Bunny isn’t a sexual being she’s just a romantic. Also there’s ALWAYS a chaperone)
Her family still worries though. Blossom because she always worries about Bunny and the things Bunny could be missing out on. The Professor for much the same reason + she’s his little girl. Bubbles because her LITTLE sister keeps getting more dates then her. And Buttercup doesn’t worry much, but she is annoyed because if the Professor isn’t available, she’s the one who ALWAYS has to chaperone.
Why buttercup? Don’t let her fool you. She actually volunteers. She’d chaperone any of her sisters’ dates if Blossom and Bubbles would let her. Ain’t no gross boy touching her sisters.
Tbh bunny flirts with boys most of the time to embarrass and get a rise out of her sisters. She’s a lil shit sometimes. (It’s the spice in her)
Bunny also makes sure to keep her sisters IN CHECK. If she thinks they’re being too judgmental or mean to the “bad guys,” she makes sure they remember how they were mean to HER.
Most of the main villains though don’t know her. Mojo tried something once and ended up being carted back to Townsville Correctional Facility in a gurney. Bunny has an aversion to violence after the “you’re being bad” incident, so she isn’t one to fight/protect herself (protecting her sisters is another story tho lol she’d kill for them), but her sisters are fiercely protective. Incredibly protective. So protective that when the other main villains saw Mojo carted into jail they went 😬😬😬 and stayed away.
She meets Princess though! She likes Princess for all her glittery dress-up shit. Idk how yet, but I think she’d be a good catalyst for Princess’s redemption arc (along with Robin, who yes is also Bunny’s best friend). She thinks Princess’s hair is pretty and really let’s be honest Princess goes soft because she likes the positive attention. In Princess’s defense, she was never insensitive to Bunny’s disability. She’s a ppg and a ppg is what Princess wants to be. Sure, she’s petty, but goodness gracious, Blossom, she’s well versed in etiquette and that’s just uncouth.
And she meets the boys because she’s a flirt remember? Boomer’s name is her favorite but she never gets the “-er” part out. Just likes the way BOOM sounds. Her sisters have to remind her to use her inside voice, but Boomer’s a good sport about his ear drums being blown out and usually yells right on back. She thinks they’re cute! Like Princess, Bunny makes the boys feel liked and needed and helps them along their redemption arc! But they’re hesitant to be around her because they saw MoJo and....😬😬😬 (hell would freeze over before the girls let them near her anyway) (their fear is also why they aren’t completely insensitive shits towards Bunny—Mitch is a human so he got away from a beating, but someone like Butch?? Nah, BC’s always actively looking for a reason to decimate him)
Bun’s fave villain though is Fuzzy. He’s like a giant fuzzy pink teddy bear!
Bunny’s essentially made out of the exact same stuff as Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice. So what if she’s a smidge bit different. Everyone loves her just the same!
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reversecreek · 3 years
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hi it’s me... clicks across the linoleum of the dash wearing high heels w a spray tan like i’m a member of jersey shore suddenly..... best summary of willa is that she got moira rose as her #1 chara on a What Character Are You Most Like personality test out of thousands of options.... says so much. u can find her pinterest here n her playlist here 😋 like this or hmu fr plots!!
* ashley moore, cis female + she/her  | you know willa deneurve, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, most of her life, on and off? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to watch me by the pom poms like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole sticking gold stars over old polaroids until you can barely see faces, dressing as marie antoinette at your high school prom & delivering fake laughter to a bratz doll you’re pretending is a talkshow host thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is august 1st, so they’re a leo, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt, she/her )
willa ws born to honestly like….. the perfect family not to honk my own tit bt……………. they were jst rly quite wholesome. her mum celeste was this larger than life person who could never b contained by the four walls of any room she was in. she hd the presence of a gold glitter chess piece on an otherwise mundane wooden board. her dad marlon used to always joke that he had absolutely NO idea how he landed her bc he was just this like. rly average guy by all accounts n purposes….. blended into the sea in high skl……. had a few close friends but was never rly Notable or made a proper impression anywhere…… he always retold it as him coasting thru life until he met her in college. kind of like he’d been half awake before. they just Clicked n no-one cld believe she’d chosen him bt she was jst. completely head over heels n didn’t care what anyone had to say bc that was That
willa always very much took after celeste…… there’s this one quote i remember reading that goes vaguely like “my mom and i would sit and listen to leonard cohen and joni mitchell lyrics together. from a young age i remember her being like "i’m playing this song and when it’s done i want u to tell me what’s happening in it” n she would give me a fake glass of wine when i was 8 and i would listen and b like. i think there was an affair.” which so much summarises their dynamic…… she ws just so like. dramatic n fun n always encouraged that in willa too. her mum was like. everything she aspired to be…… got scouted by a modelling agency in college n shot one campaign before blowing it off simply bc she was bored. starred lead in a play. spent a few weeks travelling asia selling handmade candles shaped like koi fish or curled up foxes or elegantly stretched hands. dated a parisian movie star during a break she and her father took n was featured in tabloids on his arm at the premiere. sm fun n exotic stories willa literally cldn’t get enough. whenever she’d tell them to willa as a kid her dad wld roll his eyes like ohhhhh here she goes again but it’d all b playful n he’d smile bc he honestly cldn’t get enough either. the stuff dreams are made of luv (lizzie mcguire stans rise)
(car accident & death tw) so u know when ur walking down a flight of stairs n then out of nowhere u miss a step n u get that lurch in ur stomach like ur in free fall? yeah. i won’t go into it too much but one night they were driving back from getting frozen yogurt and then suddenly they weren’t. she doesn’t rly remember much about it except for completely ignoring the doctors trying to give her the news and just saying “dad chose pecan. who chooses pecan?” n repeating that over n over n over until it didn’t rly register in her ears as english any more.
willa was uprooted from irving at 11 to go n live w her aunt in NY. this was like. a huge adjustment honestly….. her aunt blanche hd always been a little unconventional bt extremely glamorous. she lived in an old defunct theatre she’d bought out n came from a lot of money. willa’s mum’s side of the family hd always been well off bt celeste opted to live a little more Ordinarily shall we say after settling whereas blanche ws jst balls to the walls dripping w eccentric excess…. wld say she was never naked bc she ws always wearing black opium by yves saint laurent…… probably the living embodiment of la vie boheme….. she’d been admitted a yr early to a rly prestigious parisian design school n is an AMAZING seamstress. a corset she stitched a broadway star into got commissioned fr an actress’ red carpet walk at an indie film festival. rly just lived such a life rich w lots of stories n lots of talent too…… had that star quality essence tht her mum had n that was smthn willa found quite comforting everything considered.
(grief tw) u would think maybe a situation like this (one involving so much sudden change) wld cause a kid of tht age to withdraw into her shell bt willa only came out of her shell MORE. she coped w her situation by spinning it into a celebrity origin story inside her head. the tear jerker tale someone tells during their x factor audition to get the judges rooting for them. mentally streamlining things. repackaging all that hurt as a surefire ticket to success bc it had to be useful for something right? there had to b a point to it right? willa decided the point was she’s a star. KFHSGKFHGFKHGKJSFHG. get it girl….. she ws literally just like ok well clearly i’m destined to be famous n i’m the main character of this story. this story called earth. it’s all about me.
rly heavily immersed herself in her high skl theatre scene……. loved experimenting w fashion n literally wore the most outlandish things like. she treated the hallways like her milan f/w debut every new school yr…… a lot of the things she wore were actual like. costumes frm her aunt’s collection…… she has a multi-story closet u have to climb ladders to reach things in like a very rustic library…. it rly wasn’t uncommon for willa to turn up one day corsetted like a pirate with billowing sleeves or sporting the baby blue gingham of a swedish milk maid. it’s like she literally jst…… became a role. always. every day. the world ws her stage. the cameras were always rolling. her aunt only encouraged this tbh n honestly? icon. we love to see it. willa partied a bunch n rly lived a lax lifestyle where responsibility was concerned…. her aunt ws her best friend…… made rly gd friends with performers in the drag club scene n loved the glitz of that….. lots of wild nights turned grossly bright mornings
snagged an agent fresh into her first yr of college (she gt accepted to a pretty competitive theatre program at [redacted] in NY bc i haven’t looked into what that wld be yet <3 i’m merely a helpless british lass <3) n booked a few commercials n things….. when i say willa wld enter audition rooms like she owned the place i’m rly not exaggerating…. once she turned up to a casting call for MEN n just walked right to the front of the line scraping a random chair along the way n then took a seat w her legs crossed popping a bubble in her gum as they all glared at her like wtf is literally going on who are u. she received several complaints n she was just like “ur all acting so jealous of me….”
i feel like she got a pretty big role in a theatre production in her last yr at school. haven’t decided what yet. maybe smthn rocky horror or even mimi in rent. this was meant to b some like huge moment for willa like yes girl finally making it ur on ur way this is what u wanted n she WAS happy abt it but once it was wrapped she jst had this strange like Huh feeling in her chest……. n a la celeste w all her exciting stories was just like well i’ve done that so what’s next? i think she’d graduate n then jst suddenly decide to move to irving in a fit of impulse. to all her college friends she’d be like “ugh a beach retreat is so necessary honestly the city is sooooooooo toxic this place cld literally enlarge my pores if i wasn’t so rigorous with my skincare routine” bt like 🤔 what u seeking girl? results pending.
SO basically i feel like she finally moved back to irving little over a yr ago. she hd a brief stint starring on a reality tv show tht filmed in one of the larger beach houses where her dog gained a handful of fan accounts dedicated to him……. u maybe will see why in the first bullet point of her personality section………… FKGHKSHFGGKFSHKHG. honestly she ws received pretty well too (mostly bc she’s so fking dramatic n like a caricature of a person) bt it wasn’t anything to warrant actual Fame (despite what willa herself might think). she’s mostly jst like. chilling honestly. accepting scripts n flying out fr auditions still. she’ll nab the occasional part bt she’s looking for that One Thing that rly feels like her big moment….. otherwise i cn just imagine her treating irving like a little dollhouse compared to the roaring mansion of NYC n having fun playing around in it. strikes a pose w a hand on my hip…. and now to personality.
got a very large n lithe greyhound n named him marlene dietrich bc she was a black n white hollywood starlet famously known for her affairs n “bedroom eyes”. willa was like ugh. icon status instantly. didn’t rly foresee the responsibilities tht came w owning a dog tht loves exercise n complains abt him being like “ugh he wants to run soooooooooo much 🙄 like where are u literally going”. having said tht loves him dearly n he can often be seen wearing little clothes. a baby’s bonnet. a quilted leather waistcoat. a custom dog boa. he’s very glamorous. willa calls him a gay icon despite no evidence to support this theory. she also says he can sniff out evil in ppl so she brings him sometimes when she’s first introduced to a friend’s new bf n if his nose quivers a certain way she’s like “marlene has spoken. it’s done”. her friends r like omg? what’s done? willa gets up n walks away without elaborating. marlene’s little paws clicking along the floor w attitude.
literally dressed as marie antoinette for her high skl prom even tho there was no theme pertaining to this. jst loves the spotlight. can fake cry and WILL to get out of a parking ticket or teach someone to watch their tone or even simply for the theatrics of it all. the Most dramatic………….. rly fits being an actress like when people find out what she does it’s very like oh that makes sense.
says she doesn’t get hangovers. she’s just like “i revoked that it doesn’t happen to me”. alludes tht this is bc she’s an all powerful deity that was Chosen to be Blessed bt really she’s jst great at bouncing back n acting fine even w a blistering headache. it’s about believing the performance so much that u even convince urself.
has an extremely elevated sense of self importance bc this is kind of the equivalent of several layers of bubble wrap to cushion her frm the world. strives to b extraordinary bc ordinary honestly feels like a death sentence n there’s nothing she’d want to b seen as less. despite this weight she puts on that she rly doesn’t tend to let ppl’s opinions affect fr the most part like she’s quite firmly set in this I’m Literally The Most Gorgeous And Beautiful Angel Star Creature To Walk This Narsty Little Earth view
probably an incredibly big fan of dramatic short lived love affairs. she wants the glamour of it all. the scandal. the randomly breaking up w someone in a public place n sliding on sunglasses after delivering the words over a freshly ordered coffee (tht she’ll leave without drinking bc that’s star power babey she waits fr no man or no hot beverage)…….. has no preference gets w any n all regardless of gender……… romanticises things so they hv a better spin or story in her head n doesn’t rly take things seriously like jst has fun in her fantasy world…. she’s like ugh chuck i know u wanted to marry me but i’m a beautiful bird in a cage n u literally need to undo the latch n set me free……. the guy’s like……. my name’s chase n we’ve only been on two dates….. willa’s like…… please don’t take this so hard i can tell ur besides urself but people r starting to stare……. gets up n leaves. no-one was staring. chase is confused n honestly probably semi concerned fr her welfare.
always has to b the hottest n most glamorous person in a grocery store…. probably goes to them when she doesn’t even need anything jst holding a basket nonchalantly over her forearm glancing over at a cashier in her wizard of oz corset seamed interpretation on a dorothy dress thinking he wants me soooo bad it’s not even funny….. seduces him over the check out counter jst for him to ask her to come back to his so she can lean back scandalised n cry “IS THAT THE KIND OF WOMAN U THINK I AM, PAUL?! YOU’RE A GHASTLY LITTLE MAN, YOU ARE….” with all the gusto of a telenovela. attracts the shocked glances of all surrounding elderly.
speaks fluent french. probably on her brief stint on tht reality show i mentioned earlier was like “ugh can you believe Deneurve of this guy?” n in her head was like this catchphrase is sensational it’ll catch on fast the twittersphere is abt to implode but it didn’t become a thing except for in a small isolated community. despite this she’s like “yeah it went viral….. go figure. just another day in the life.”
honestly like a lot of fun bt also a huge handful at the same time. keeps her real Serious emotions in a locked box bt is always overflowing w melodramatics n rly giving her all at the drop of a hat where Performing is concerned. probably Loves parties n sees them as another form of production in which she wants to b the lead. rly just. loves herself. except does she? 🤔 lifts my hand up like rihanna n winks. find out next time. lucky by britney plays as i slowly disintegrate in spiderman rp…..
unrequited flame: willa burns thru people like matches. bright n fast. honestly i feel like she struggles to take romance seriously so it cld be fun to play around with someone who’s been singed by that in the past…. mayb they hd actual feelings whereas willa was just messing around n having fun…. living la vida loca so to speak…….. we can discuss a time frame or specifics to expand upon this but. sexy angst perhaps.
those she knew from childhood: willa moved to NY at 11 n i feel like it was very sudden n soon after the accident. maybe she didn’t even say goodbye. maybe they were rly close n all of a sudden she didn’t show up to school the next day n when they rode past her house on their bike the sign said sold and that was that. honestly very dramatic of her even at a young age. we love a disappearing act. houdini who?
acting rival: honestly jst feel like this cld be funny. willa’s so dramatic she’d be like i literally want them dead they’re a despicable little gremlin fr trying to steal my spotlight. cld be as simple as having auditioned a few times fr the same parts or something.
childhood sweetheart: i think it cld be rly cute n sad if there was someone that kind of echoed the dynamic her mum n dad had except she was the celeste n they were the marlon…. (open to any gender)…….. so like. willa was always very larger than life commanding attention in a room n they were more to the sidelines but they just kind of got each other n brought out the best in one another. added angst to the fact tht willa wld maybe want to avoid them as much as possible now bc it dredges up feelings she doesn’t want to confront where her parents r concerned n also in a way any possibility of them winding up together feels like sellotaping an expiration date to both of their foreheads in willa’s brain
someone who was either a fan of or also on the reality show willa was: i imagine it like a reinvention of the hills honestly except based in these irving beach houses…. probably didn’t run that long bt there was a bunch of drama on it mostly staged…… maybe they were willa’s love interest bt it was all fake fr the cameras…… it wasn’t like. a huge deal n didn’t rly catch flight so much where popularity’s concerned bt. cld be fun to play with <3
patti frands: jogs in high knees to translate that into party friends as i adjust my spectacles. willa’s very sociable bt she’s also like kind of full of herself n obnoxious so do with that what u will. KFHGKSHGKGHFSKG. she knows hw to have a gd time tho like growing up she was rly into the gay club scene n the drag scene in NY so like. let’s hear it fr the gays who know how to do it right <3
someone equally over the top: i luv the idea of willa having someone who just like runs with made up scenarios n roles she makes up on the spot n them hanging out is like a 24/7 improv session tht they reel random surrounding strangers just fr the fun thrill
the other woman: willa is quite detached n selfish so she wld easily be the other woman in a relationship n not care about it n this cld make for good spice <3
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lununnunna · 4 years
Waterworks || Dabi x Reader
angst in which you dont realize dabi physically cannot cry bc his mf tearducts out here like *burnt*
(again idk how 2 shorten my posts :( so apologies in advance) ((also couldnt stop thinking abt how dabi fr out here like ugly crying wo the tears i had an itch to write the angst))
part two
most times it made you lovingly roll your eyes. other times it made you laugh. but lately, dabis nonchalant and rather apathetic demeanor was weighing on you.
youve yet to see him cry, even when you two have your arguments and little bicker-fests, as any normal couple has. hes never cried, only yelled, or flashed bitter smiles and dark laughs. it unsettled you. hes never once shed a single tear, not even for your sake.
you began to question if he really loved you as much as you did, him.
surely if he loved you, he would cry in relief for your safety, or in sympathy for something that upset you, right?
you ultimately supposed he wouldnt really be one to cry to begin with, but what of that time you were followed home and nearly kidnapped? assaulted? he had merely burned them to ash for you, and carried you inside as you sobbed into his shoulder. he hadnt even done so much as comment; no whispers of relief, no ‘i love you’s, nothing to show you he was glad you were okay save for the kisses to your head and rubs on your back until you fell asleep. at the time, you felt he was focused on consoling you, and assumed he just didnt want you to know he was worried.
but now, you wondered if he even really cared.
a part of you told you you were being ridiculous, that he had to care if he was still with you, to bother saving you to begin with— but the hurt in your heart and concern in your head spoke louder, and drowned out any reason.
and so, here you found yourself, anxiety bubbling in the pit of your stomach and rising like bile into your throat. you had confronted him on the matter, only to be brushed off, irritating you until it had led to another petty argument.
you swallowed.
you wanted the truth, and you wanted it bad. you desperately needed to know what you truly meant to him. surely, if he cared, this would stir him, right? this would have to invoke some sort of feeling in him, right?
tears stinging your eyes, throat tightening and suddenly feeling dryer than the sahara desert, you spoke, voice trembling.
“i.. im leaving.”
he fixed you with his sharp, icy gaze.
“what?” he gritted out through clenched teeth.
“i said im leaving. we’re— we’re over. we should break up.”
you watched his reaction carefully, watching the way the muscles in his jaw flexed and tightened, before relaxing and a low chuckle escaped from the back of his throat. he ran a hand through his hair, scoffing.
he glanced over to you once more.
“you dont mean that, doll. look, lets just put this behind us. you know i love you, so give it a rest, yeah? lets just watch a movie.”
you could hear the irritation threatening to leak into his voice. your brows furrowed into a frown.
“do i? do i know you love me? because from where im standing, im not feeling it. i meant what i said. i think itd be for the best if we at least took a break.”
he was silent after that. you could see the anger brewing behind those oceanic eyes you fell in love with, staring at you, trying to read you, as if he thought if he stared long enough, hed be able to see and understand what you were thinking; feeling, and why.
you trembled. you wouldnt be able to hold back the tears much longer.
you took a deep, shaky breath.
“goodbye, dabi.”
he didnt say anything. he didnt say anything as you walked away, slipping on your shoes at the door. he only watched, frozen in place, mind racing with a million thoughts at once. dont forget your coat, he wanted to say. its cold out. its dark. stay safe, baby. call me the moment you feel scared or threatened.
but his body wouldnt respond. he felt numb, watching your retreating figure slip behind the door, the soft click of the doorknob suddenly sounding so much louder in his head.
he was trembling violently, anger and despair crashing over him in suffocating waves.
everything felt so fucking surreal. he felt like it was a dream, it wasnt real, you were only kidding, you were only testing him, you didnt mean it, youd be back tomorrow, kissing him and hugging him and gracing him with your sweet voice talking about anything and everything and nothing in particular.
but he knew.
he knew it wasnt a joke. it was real. you were gone, and he didnt stop you.
and that pissed him off to all fucking hell.
he snapped, letting out a scream of rage, bellowing into the empty apartment, knees buckling under the weight of his broken heart. fists and fire met anything he could come into contact to, wrecking the living room as his screams and shouts tore through his throat, desperate to be heard.
he wanted to cry. he wanted to cry, to chase after you, to wrap you in his arms and kiss you like there would be no tomorrow. he hated himself.
he fucking hated himself.
he wanted to burn the entire building down in his rage and sorrow, to burn the entire world so youd have no choice but to run to him. but he knew that was wrong. he couldnt control you— if you didnt want to be with him anymore, who was he to stop you? he doesnt want to be with him either.
yet here he is, all alone, caving, curling into himself as he dropped to the ground, the apartment thoroughly wrecked. stuck with nobody but himself and his overwhelming devastation. his face twisted in what could only be described as pain, scrunching and folding in on itself. he was bleeding. he must have popped a staple when he was screaming, but he didnt care, not even as they pulled and tugged ever so painfully as he choked on another shout of anguish.
there he sat, a pathetic being in the middle of the life he made for himself.
there he sat, sobbing tearlessly as the boy who couldnt cry.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
never thought i’d see it break
okay listen.... i am sorry for this fic, mainly because i know some of y’all are going to drag me into the ground for this. but i wanted to write some angst and while it might not be super angsty in theory it definitely counts because our favorite idiots don’t end up together. like at all. so once again, sorry for any mental anguish i may cause, i promise i’ll make it up to you guys tomorrow.  
also i cried writing this so good luck
Halloween 2020
She really didn’t think that the day would hit her so hard. The days leading up to it had been uneventful, the decorations lining the halls at work not fazing her in the slightest as she went about her daily routine. But when Jo woke up on Halloween morning, it felt like the past year of her life was slapping her in the face. The cold harsh reality of her husband up and leaving her sat deep in the pit of her stomach, her mind reeling as she laid in bed. 
“Are you getting up today,” Levi looked at Jo from his position on the couch, eyeing her warily. “Because I had plans but I can cancel them.” “Get out, go away,” Jo’s monotone voice was barely above a mumble as she stared menacingly at Levi. “Let me wallow once again in the realization that my marriage has failed and I will probably die alone. Or with you. Can’t tell which of those is worse.” 
Levi blew out a short breath, gathering his things and letting Jo know he was going to hang out with Nico for the day. Once the door to the loft was closed and locked, Jo reached beneath her bed and pulled out a large black box. Pulling the lid off, her breath caught in her throat as she took in the contents of the box.
Laying on top was a ratty tshirt, one that Jo had once religiously worn as she climbed into bed every night. The faded Iowa State logo stared up at her with a menacing aura, the memories that came with it too painful for Jo to relive. She set it aside and reached for the photo album below it, the dusty jacket brandishing a name she’d wished she could forget but rang through her mind everyday. 
The Karev’s. 
She knew it was torture, opening the book up to look at photos of a day that was once happy and beautiful but now filled her eyes with tears, but she did it anyways. The shades of blue and yellow that graced the pages, the smiling faces of their friends, of him, were like a glowering unwanted sign that her life had taken a detour that she had neither wanted nor anticipated. It didn’t help that there was a Polaroid tucked into the back page, her and Alex grinning at the camera with fake blood and vampire fangs adorning their faces. 
Hastily shoving the photobook and shirt back into the box, Jo ignored the numerous photos, ticket stubs, letters, and other memorabilia from the years she’d spent with Alex and shoved the box back under the bed. Why she’d thought taking it out was a good idea she would never know, but the feeling that had been blossoming when she woke up was now taking over her entire chest in a painful display. 
How had her life been so different a year ago? Sure it wasn’t ever picture perfect, her and Alex had their differences but they’d always worked through whatever was thrown at them together. His dad, DeLuca, Paul, him getting fired, her mom… every single problem they’d faced in their seven years together had been done exactly like that, together. Whether by choice or by reluctant agreement, the two were always there for one another, but apparently ex wives with two children she kept a secret for five years was where they drew the line. Where Alex drew the line.
Knowing she wouldn’t be doing the laundry that was piling up or scrubbing the sinks that needed some TLC, Jo settled back into bed, eyes watering as she scooted to the right side of the bed and clutched the now unused pillow that lay there. It didn’t smell like him any longer, but the comfort of holding the fabric to her chest still held. 
That’s where Meredith found her hours later, tear stains across her cheeks as she slept through the afternoon. A heavy sigh left the blonde as she settled onto the edge of the bed, one hand patting Jo’s shoulder affectionately as she woke. 
“Schmitt texted, he said you were wallowing in misery so I figured that was a cry for help,” Meredith let out a chuckle at Jo’s angry expression. “Come on, you can come take the kids trick or treating with me, it’ll be a good distraction.”
“I don’t want to move,” Jo mumbled into her pillow, eyes barely moving to meet Meredith’s. “I want to lay here until I sink so far into the mattress that no one can ever find me again.” “Jo, it’s been months. And I know it’s not easy, but you’ve been so strong through all of this, I’d hate to see one day ruin everything for you,” Jo sighed at Meredith’s words, knowing her friend was right. “If you get up now I will pour wine into a tumbler for you to drink while we walk around.” “Fine,” Jo rolled out of bed, glaring at Meredith as she did so. “But I’m only getting up for the wine.”
Halloween 2023
“You know I don’t normally interact with other humans on Halloween.”
Jo stood in the doorway of her apartment, a grin on her face as she looked at the man in front of her. His grin was threatening to overtake his face as he leaned down and kissed her sweetly, one arm wrapping around her waist, “I brought beer and scary movies, will you let me in now?”  
“Okay fine, only because of the beer and not because I like you so much,” Jo rolled her eyes and opened the door fully, letting Jack into the apartment and locking the door behind him. “Please tell me you have Scream in your collection, otherwise I don’t think this is gonna work out.” 
Jack pulled out the aforementioned DVD case, eliciting a cheer from Jo as he set up the movie. She really didn’t think she’d been this happy in a long time, the feeling of happiness bubbling in her chest as she grabbed popcorn an altogether new experience. 
When she’d picked up a Safe Haven baby from Station 19 four months ago, she hadn’t expected to have an hour and a half long conversation with Jack Gibson, who’d been sitting with the little girl before she’d arrived. Their conversation flowed so easily that the two had picked it up over dinner that night and the rest was history. 
She hadn’t seen anyone since Alex left, she hadn’t wanted to waste time on something that was going to leave her heartbroken again because she just couldn’t do that. But the connection she felt with Jack was real and exciting and something Jo hadn’t realized she’d needed until she had it. It almost distracted her from the fact that today her and Alex should be celebrating four years of marriage together. Almost. 
“Are you dazing out again over there,” Jack’s voice was light and cheery, but Jo could see the concern etched on his face as soon as he took a good look at her. “Hey, what’s wrong? We can watch Poltergeist if that’s what you want.”
A heavy sigh left Jo as she realized that she’d have to tell someone else exactly why today was one of her least favorite days of the year. Of course Jack knew that she was divorced, he’d met Alex once or twice when bringing in patients but he didn’t know everything. It wasn’t something that you should burden your partner with four months into your relationship, the ways that you failed in your previous marriage. 
“I was married. Obviously. And we got married on Halloween, so that’s why I don’t like being around people today, because it still sucks,” Jo’s gaze was concentrated on her fingers as she spoke, not wanting to see the pitiful expression on Jack’s face as she relayed her tragic backstory. “And I didn’t really wanna bring it up because you… you are the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time and I don’t want to ruin that by talking about my failed marriage.”
Eyes finally flitting up to look at Jack, Jo was startled to find empathy instead of pity in his expression. She knew he’d had a rough upbringing like her, that neither of them had been handed anything they had in life, but the unexpected compassion and Jack showed her always took her by surprise. 
“You are a badass. And for the record, you’re the best thing that’s happened for me in quite awhile too,” Jack wrapped his arms around Jo and brought her into his chest, pressing a kiss into her hair. “Would it make you feel better if we played a drinking game and got ridiculously drunk?”
“You know me so well,” Jo giggled as her eyes met Jack’s, his green eyes sparkling with that same sense of compassion that he always wore so brightly when he was around her. 
The two settled in for a night filled with laughter, shots, and scary movies as Jack cracked jokes all night, making sure that the smile on her face never left.  For once Jo didn’t feel like the day consisted of her replaying all of her past mistakes. Instead, for the first time in a long time, Halloween felt like a new beginning. 
Halloween 2025
“Oh man it is too early to be awake,” Jo’s groans echoed through the empty fire station, her feet leading her towards the soft voices she heard. “Hello? Anyone here?”
“We’re in here,” a smirk played onto Jo’s face at the sound of her boyfriend's voice, not expecting to see him today. “Hey there.”
“Hey yourself, who do you have there,” Jo walked further into the room that Jack sat in, a tiny bundle settled in his arms. She peeked over his shoulder, taking in the dark curls and soft features of the baby he held. “Well aren’t you a cutie. How long have you had her?”
“Just an hour or so, she’s been perfectly calm,” Jack looked up to Jo, gladly accepting the kiss she placed on his lips. “Usually by now they’re screaming at me, but this one hasn’t wanted anything except snuggles.”
“Maybe you’ve just got the magic touch with this one,” Jo settled into the chair across from Jack, giggling at the faces he pulled as he tried to entertain the baby. “She seems content there.”
“It sucks, she’s got no family and she doesn’t even get to celebrate her first holiday,” Jack’s finger ran across the baby’s cheek, eliciting a quiet coo from the little girl. “Oh I know sweetheart, maybe if you’re lucky the nice doctors will sneak you a lollipop.”
Jo’s heart leapt at the sight before her, fingers twisting the silver chain across her neck. She’d been to the fire station to pick up babies more than she’d like to say in the past few years, but seeing the tiny infants cradled in Jack’s arms always made her heart burst. 
“How do you feel about stealing a baby,” Jack’s eyes widened as they met Jo’s, a grin taking over her face at the shocked look he wore. “Cmon, trust me on this one. It’ll just be for a little bit, plus you’re off now right?”
“Yes, but now I’m concerned about what my girlfriend has planned for this poor innocent baby.” +
“I give you about ten minutes of this before someone calls you out and we get arrested,” Jack’s eyes nervously flitted around the bustling Peds ward. “I will give you props though, she looks pretty cute.” Jo turned from the sight of children running down the hospital halls to the infant in Jack’s arms. They’d stopped at Target before coming to the hospital, grabbing a pumpkin costume to put on the newborn before they took her around the Peds ward to trick or treat. Jack and Jo both knew that they were being a little silly, but they wanted the little girl to have at least one day where she felt loved. 
“Of course she does, she’s the cutest little baby in the world. Aren’t you Hallie? Yes you are,” Jo grabbed the infant’s foot, looking up to Jack who was staring her down with an unamused expression. “What? She needed a name and I watched Parent Trap last night. Plus it’s kind of fitting, Hallie… Halloween… Oh you’re just a party pooper!”
“Jo! What’re you doing here,” Link sauntered up to Jo and Jack with a smile, sleeping baby strapped to his chest. “Woah who's baby is that? Did you hide a pregnancy from me for nine months?” 
Jo’s eyes widened as she stared her best friend down, lightly slapping his arm, “No you idiot, this is Hallie. She’s a Safe Haven baby, but we wanted to dress her up and let her have some fun before we turned her over.”
Links gaze floated from the baby still cuddled against Jack to Jo who was perfectly settled into his side. He held his hand out, a knowing smirk on his face, “Give me your phone, I’ll take a picture of you guys.”
Without hesitation, Jo handed the object over and both her and Jack wore bright smiles as Link snapped the picture. He handed the phone back, both adults leaning in to look at the photo in awe. 
“I give you about a week,” Link chuckled, both Jo and Jack too caught up in the infant with them to notice his words. “I’ll see you guys later!”
Jo absentmindedly waved her friend off, grabbing Hallie from Jack’s arms and bringing her to her own chest. The little girl blinked up at Jo before settling contentedly against her, eyes closing in a matter of seconds. 
“You know, she seems pretty content with us,” Jo looked up from the baby to her boyfriend with wide eyes, not believing the words she was hearing. “What? She does, she’s barely cried since I got her this morning and looks so comfy snuggled up with you.” 
“You are pretty cute, I’m just gonna sneak you out and take you home,” Jo squeezed the hand of the infant, looking up at Jack who was staring at her with an awed look. “What? Do I have baby spit up on me?”
“Nothing, you just look good. You’re a natural,” Jack brought Jo back into his side, pressing a kiss to her head. “I love you.” “I love you too,” Jo laughed as the baby burped loudly before settling herself back against Jo. “And I think she likes you too.”
Halloween 2030
“Bailey, I just finished my charts and I am heading out,” Jo sighed as she set her arms on the nurses station, head leaning warily against one hand. “I’m off for the rest of the day, I’m just going to check on Mr. Olsen in the ER before I duck out. Pretty sure my kids are driving their dad nuts and the addition of sugar tonight won’t help with that.”
Bailey let a laugh out, dismissing Jo for the day and letting the younger woman know she wasn’t needed the next day. A sigh left her as she climbed into the elevator with her purse in tow, Jo finally feeling a small sense of relief. 
“You are not making my job easier, you’re much more troublesome than your brother,” Jo settled one hand onto her growing baby bump, a strong kick meeting her hand as she rolled her eyes. “Typical. You’re going to have your sister's attitude aren't you?”
The elevator dinged loudly, bringing Jo away from her conversation with her unborn child and into the real world. As she stepped off the elevator, her hands dug into her purse in search of her phone. She’d finally dug it out when she ran straight into whoever was walking in front of her. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I was ju-,” the air in Jo’s lungs left suddenly, as if it had been sucked away by a vacuum as she met the eyes of the person she’d bumped into. “Oh my god. Alex.”
Alex Karev, ten years older than when she’d seen him last, was standing not even two feet in front of Jo. Her heart was hammering as she stared at her ex husband, his presence the last thing she’d expected, especially today of all days. 
“Hey Jo, good to see you,” hearing his voice almost brought tears to Jo’s eyes as she stared dumbly up at Alex. “I’m working on a case with Hayes for the week. You look good, happy… round.”
A small laugh escaped Jo then, her hand falling to her bump as she finally found her voice again, “Yeah, this one kinda popped out right away. Between that and my constant morning sickness, I couldn’t hide being pregnant for very long.”
“I’m glad, that you’re uh happy, that’s good to hear,” Jo watched Alex’s eyes flit to the wedding set on her left hand, then back up to her. 
Both Alex and Jo turned toward the excited voice sounding down the hallway, a head full of black curls flying past Alex as the little girl they belonged to wrapped her arms around Jo’s legs. A second shorter head of messy brown hair crashed into Jo’s legs, laughter escaping her as she tried to wrangle both children, “Okay you two, mom can’t breathe!”
“Sorry, they escaped as soon as I walked through the door,” Jack appeared next to Jo a second later, pressing a kiss to her cheek before turning to Alex. If he was shocked to see the man, he hid it well as he extended his hand towards him. “Hey, Jack Gibson. Alex, right?” “Yeah, nice to meet you,” Alex shook Jack’s hand with a small smile, Jo’s heart skipping a beat at the unusual sight. “You guys have some good looking kids.”
Jo laughed, her face lighting up as she looked at the two children now preoccupied with a game of tag, “I can’t take all the credit, Max is Jack’s clone and Hallie just kinda… fell into our laps. She’s got my attitude though, if that counts for anything.” “That counts for everything, you know she uses that to get whatever she wants,” Jack slung his arm around Jo’s shoulder as she leaned into him, her hand coming back to her burgeoning stomach. Jo could tell Alex was watching them, but she didn’t have the words to verbalize how odd it made her feel.
“I gotta go, but it was nice to meet you Jack,” Alex waved his hand at the other man, before turning to Jo. Their eyes met for a second and it almost felt like that day eleven years ago standing in a courtroom in the most ridiculous costumes. Jo’s throat tightened as she offered a watery smile to Alex, his own eyes glassy as they finally broke away from hers. “It was good to see you again Jo, it really is good to see you happy.”
Jo could only nod, lifting her hand in a wave to Alex, “You too Alex. Have a good stay.” Alex turned and left then, Jo’s eyes watching him until he turned a corner and was out of her view. The sight tugged at her heart strangely, her mind bringing up the image of him walking into an airport so many years ago and never turning around. She doesn’t realize there’s tears floating down her face until Jack nudges her lightly. 
“You okay?” “Yeah,” Jo swipes at the tears that have pooled on her cheeks, turning to Jack with a smile. She leans up to press a kiss to his lips, holding on a bit longer than she normally would in public before pulling and meeting his green eyes with her brown. “I’m perfectly fine, just another Halloween. You guys ready to go?” Jack pauses for a moment, holding Jo’s stare before turning back to their kids who are still running around the hallway, “Yup, we just came to pick you up before we headed to Meredith’s. Hallie! Max! Let’s move it!” The two kids followed Jack and Jo out of the hospital, a string of laughter following the family as they made their way into the chilly Seattle air. Jo’s eyes lingered on the trauma bay as they left, remembering a day so long ago it felt like another lifetime when she’d first met the man she’d been married to. A swift kick to her ribs pulled her out of her thoughts, her fingers squeezing Jack’s as they made their way through the parking lot. 
Just another Halloween….
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justauthoring · 5 years
At First... [Xavier Plympton]
Request: prompt #10 with either Xavier or Michael pls I just wanna see my boys be protective
Prompt: #10 “Don’t touch her!”
Pairing: Xavier Plympton x Reader
Word Count: 1,844
Please don’t plagiarize my work!
Tumblr media
Normally, Xavier’s aerobics class was your favourite part of the day.
It was a place where you could hang with your friends, get a little exercise in and most importantly; forget about the world for a little while. And, you’d never complain about getting to see Xavier in those shorts of his, from behind him, and then every once in a while catch his gaze through the mirror, the both of you sweaty, hot and smirking in your galore.
Yeah, you definitely loved getting your Jazzercise on.
At least, you did, before the quote-on-quote new kid strolled into class one day. At first, you hadn’t really thought of it. People came and went, and the only ones who ever really stuck where you and your friends. Most of the time, you barely even talked to anyone outside of your bubble. You’d exchanged a pleasant greeting to the boy, learned his name was Justin  and then went on with the rest of the class.
He managed to catch you just as you were leaving. Normally, Xavier would’ve been with you and the two of you would stop off for lunch or dinner, depending when the class ended, and then Xavier would drive you home (and he’d spend the night sometimes, and other times, he’d go home). But that night, Xavier had insisted on staying behind to work on a new routine and you were too tired to really argue with him and try to convince him to come home. 
So, it was just you in the parking lot. Most had left given that you’d stayed behind a little longer then the rest, as you usually did.
You hadn’t really thought anything of it. You didn’t even think of it when it become apparently clear that the boy was flirting with you. You were, admittedly, flattered, but brushed off his compliment with clear disinterest, hoping Justin would understand your meaning. 
He didn’t.
But still, nothing overly concerning had happened. He’d waved goodbye shortly after, saying he’d see you at the next class and then ran along. Nothing ever really happened until a few weeks in.
You’d maybe, even sort of forgotten about him. Justin tended to linger in the back, hidden by the shadows, even while the class was in session. He never really approached you again like that first night and you never really noticed his lingering stare; something, you realized now, was naive bliss. You do know that Montana had mentioned in passion, a teasing way of saying “the new guy liked you!” and Xavier had gotten all grumpy but that was it.
There were no signs to follow. No signs that would’ve made you concerned. 
And then, by the fifth week, you’d found photos of yourself posted all over your locker door. Somewhere just of you laying in bed or on the couch watching tv, and some -- the more concerning ones -- were of you undressing, getting in the show. However, the most disturbing ones of all were of you and Xavier, naked, in bed, enjoying one another, with a big fat red ‘X’ marked over Xavier’s face.
You didn’t tell anyone. You don’t know why. You didn’t know it was him at the time, of course, but the logical thing would’ve been to call the police; or at least, tell Xavier. Maybe you were scared; of what? You didn’t know. And maybe you’d just wanted to pretend it had never happened and wanted to forget the entire thing, despite how scared and vulnerable it had made you feel.
You threw the photos out. New ones appeared the next day.
You started to feel a lingering stare on you in class. A harsh, intimidating stare on your body as you danced. But when you looked around, you didn’t catch anyone’s eye. It was as if you were imagining it.
You stopped showing up to classes shortly after that. It had started slow at first; coming late, missing a class or two, nothing too intense that you couldn’t just brush it off with a simple and poorly made excuse. But the photos wouldn’t stop and neither would the staring, so much so, that you became paranoid and so you just stopped coming all together.
Xavier, concerned, had come to visit you; wondering why.
You finally told him about the photos and he immediately offered to go to the police. Not so much offered as he did order, saying it was the best solution possible. You’d cried and pleaded with him not to, going on about how you didn’t want to upset whoever it was and didn’t want to waste anybodies time; you were positive it was just some silly prank or... or something. Xavier had relented and stayed by your side the entire night.
You woke up alone.
At first you’d been panicked, but Xavier called saying he was just going to pick up some breakfast. That had managed to ease your nerves enough that you could distract yourself with a book.
Until you heard a knock on your front door and upon opening it, found a photo of you in just your underwear plastered to the front of it.
Which led to you know, locked in your bedroom, pacing, trying to reach Xavier. He didn’t answer the first call, nor the second, but the third you managed to reach him.
“Y/N, i’m just on my--”
“He’s here!” You interrupt with a whispered shriek, biting your lip tightly, a hand pressed against your lips. “He’s here. There was... The-There was a photo of m-me on the fr-fr-front door and I--!”
“Y/N! Y/N! Listen to me, listen to me!” Xavier interrupts your rambling, his voice coming out static over the phone. “Who? The man whose been taking photos of you?”
A sudden thud echoes, causing you to jump. Crouch into your closet, you let out a soft whimper. “I think he’s inside...” You whisper, your eyes screwing shut for a moment as footsteps grow closer and closer.
“He’s what...-- I’m on my way, okay, Y/N? I’ll be there in ten minutes top, just stay on the ph--”
“He’s in the room with me,” you whisper, voice breathless, the haunting sound of your door screeching open causing your heart to accelerate. It felt like you could throw up, the fear coursing through your veins so intense it almost felt like you couldn’t breathe. It felt like your throat was closing in on itself and any second he’d find you and-- “He’s going to find me, Xavier. I’m...”
“I’m on my way. Just stay on the phone. Don’t make a sound. I promise, Y/N, I won’t--”
Whatever he’d been about to say is cut off sharply but your closet door suddenly being yanked open. Your eyes widen, flickering upwards and landing on Justin’s own as your heart sinks. Everything starts to click in that moment and a whimper leaves your limps as he smiles brightly down at you.
“Now, what’re you doing in the closet, Y/N?”
He reaches forward, you flinching by instinct, but he simply pulls the phone out of your grasp, Xavier’s voice echoing into the eerie silence until Justin simply hangs up. For a moment, all is still, you simply staring up at the boy, before a scream tears through your lips as he roughly grabs you by the wrist, yanking you up to your feet and out of the closet. He merely tosses you on your bed, you bouncing slightly in response as you scramble to get a good look at him and gauge his actions.
You try to crawl back as he advances on you, but he easily grabs a hold of your ankles, yanking you towards him.
Pinning your wrists above your head, Justin smirks down at you. “I tried to be nice and send you all those pretty little photos, Y/N,” you whimper as his hand trails across your cheek, brushing back hair, his fingertips cold and threateningly. “But you rejected all of them.” His hand stops around your throat, hand hovering. “That wasn’t very nice.”
“I... I’m sorry,” you whisper, voice shaky. 
He merely brushes your apology aside, hand lowering to the collar of your shirt. Xavier’s shirt. The only thing you’re wearing besides your underwear. Justin’s face twists as he assesses the piece of closing. “I was going to come last night,” he mumbles, “but that idiot came before I could.” He leans forward, inhaling sharply. “You even smell like him.”
His other hand leaves your wrists, moving to the hem of your shirt, his cold hands touching your stomach. Without hesitation, you shoot your leg up, nailing him right in the balls before delivering a sharp slap across his cheek. You quickly scramble off the bed, racing out of your room and down the hall. And you almost make it to the front door, so close actually, until a hand wraps around your wrist, yanking you back and causing you to lose your balance.
You would’ve fallen had Justin not slammed you up against the wall.
“I love you!” He bellows, voice screeching. “Why can’t you just understand that?”
“Get off of me!” You scream, voice piercing as you fight against his grip desperately. “Let go! Don’t touch me-- ahh!” A gasp leaves your lips at the hot pain that flickers across your cheek, head snapping to the right as Justin huffs heavily against you, chest pressed against your own.
His hand slams your pinned wrists against the wall, a cry leaving your lips in the response, as he simply slips his hand under your shirt, touching your bare stomach. You press against the wall, desperate the get away from his touch as he glares down at you.
“You’ll learn,” he mumbles darkly, “that we belong together.”
Your eyes flutter shut in discomfort, tears trailing down your cheeks as he trails upwards, your shirt following his hand and revealing you. However, before he can get any further, the front door slams open and you turn your head to find Xavier. He stops to a halt, panting, his eyes flickering across what’s before him before rage floods his gaze.
“Don’t touch her, you asshole!”
He rushes forward, delivering a nasty right hook before Justin can do anything. Justin falls back in response, a gasp leaving his lips as he loses his balance and smacks his head off the wall, knocking him out. Still pressed against the wall, you pant, chest heaving as you stare down at the pathetic excuse of a man.
There’s a pause before Xavier turns to you. “Y/N?”
Turning to him, breathless and teary-eyed, you let out a simple cry before falling into his arms. Xavier wastes no time in wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you close against him as he runs a hand through your hair. “Shh, it’s okay, babe. I called the police, they’ll be here soon.” Pulling back, he cups both of your cheeks. “He’ll never hurt you again.”
Leaning into his touch, you sniffle, nodding at Xavier.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. So sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
Let me know what you thought?
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janexeu · 4 years
     though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, JANE MÁRQUEZ is actually a descendent of HYPNOS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-SIX year old DEMIGOD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MAJOR from NEW ORLEANS, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite SACRIFICIAL & STUBBORN.
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( she’s b-b-b-back on her bs : katya ! tis uhm ,,,, a lil bit of a chonk of an intro but ill try 2 b cute w it. any time u wanna yeet jus peep the gif again & forgive me bc Look At Her ! )
POWERS ( more info here )
hypnokinesis  — p much made her a glorified babysitter w lynch-esque wacko dreams. it got stronger naturally as she got older, but jus w herself n eventually the ppl shes real close w. its also gotten a lot better since comin to eonia 
seeing gods in dreams  — she doesnt hang out w em every fridays at tgifs but like ,,, if she had Pertinent Questions she cud smhw make it happen. found out abt her being a demigod at age 10 when she met hypnos
memory retrieval — shes got great memry of her own but bc she knows it can help w grief n all that, shes been learnin in eonia how to do it 4 others if they mayb wanted it
her single ma died during childbirth so jane's been in the foster care system since 5ever. attempts at reunification nvr worked out but thankfully she got real lucky w her group home and foster families. twas stable enough to not emotionally scar her even further but the instability of it all was fosho a big ol’ lot and has influenced her rigidness in sum aspects of her life
she lived p much as a mortal even tho her powers r a lil freaky. never went to camp but it worked out bc all her abilities r internal and cannot be Perceived by others. she had a talk w hypnos abt what 2 do n he mentioned camps but also gave sum monster avoidance tips ( like rarely use ur powers, maybe learn self defense, yada yada ) n she jus ,,, did that so she cud continue livin real normal w the mortals. logistics of camp stressed her out esp bc shes livin w non-family n stuff yk it was All Too Much, miss her w the added demigod stress tyvm
got married at 23 to her childhood sweetums luis, but he ,,, died abt a yr later fr a car accident. coma for 2 weeks n jane p much slept the entire time in his hospital room, visitin his dreams n talkin to him. twas a life support sitch so they eventually decided to pull da plug whch was real sad but like she's processed it 2 da best of her abilities. her powers helped a lot in the coping too n she visits memories of him in her dreams smtms when it gets real sad then shes ok again bc life goes on n life is pretty uwu
bc of her bg round kids of all kinds, shes always been passionate abt em. always takin babysittin/tutor gigs and went to community college so she cud teach n then worked as an elem teacher. only started considerin goin 2 eonia 4 postgrad when she had a student who showed signs n strugglez of bein a demigod. she eventually got to talk to their godly parent 2 confirm n she was shocked pikachu meme, real concerned for all those youngins who hav no clue what to do ! or how to cope ! bc they cant facetime w the olympians lyk she can ! so cue her discussin eonia w luis a lot then a year after the accident, broke out the pro-con list again. took abt *checks watch* another yr til she finally decided to zoom 2 athens but then whoosh she did !
yearning ? idk her — shes can be a bit of a take it as is typa chick. can be a lil literal jsksj not dumb but like ,,, def doesnt read into things enuff to pine n long n year yk. some things might def fly over her head. she says Yes To Serotonin in this house. she dk the the mitskis n the sikens n the carsons ; its all mary oliver up in this joint. we just tryna luv life n be grateful folkz
le freak, say chic ! — control freak, that is. growin up in an unstable envi meant shed cling 2 stability n independence, wrvr she cud get it. so when it comes 2 the way she does things, she can be real a heel digger. also bc she has 2 deal w kids yk so it can b A Lot n shes v stern lyk dat. ofc she wont infantilize the eonians .,,,. or will she ? big sis vibes outta control. she means well tho always always means well. itll also b v hard to get her 2 giv up on sum1 bc life ? she luvs it n knows u can too
changes by david bowie — is decidedly skipped on the playlist. she doesnt like change !!! i mean she knows its inevitable but still not entire unavoidable. ever since she got out of the system, shes had a partner n her own way of doing things n its been workin out so why change it yk ? she says time may change me but jokes on u i can sorta trace time 
rip but im different — this goes out to all em whores in this house. she respectz ur hustle but like ,,,, not her thang. girl doesnt even get drunk when she drinks bc she doesnt rlly drink sksjsk doesnt like the taste of it, big baby ! but like she's Lived, its more like. ok tried it, not for me. thanks tho. also for all the meanies in the house, y’all perplex her. shes empathetic n wont show the judgement but smtms shes lowkey lyk .,., ur how old n u had all this goin 4 u n ur still so rotten ? how u actin like a 7yo w a trantrum ? scratch head, make it make sense
at least u tried — dad jokes, bad puns, tries to be big jokester but isn't funny. she's pretty tho so she gets away with it. idk wht else 2 say ur honor. shes the type thatll embarrass u w affection
well that was Awkward — probably sum1 abt her if  they see her actin a Fool bc shes in a foreign sitch or topic. when shes a fish outta water then she can be so ! easily ! flustered ! which is p much her in eonia. shes not new new but theres way 2 much godly shennanigans for her to wrap her head ‘round n sis has never gone to camp so its ice bucket challenge level shock from time to time still w da magics n lore
til death do us part — yknow when death cab for cutie said i knew that u wer a truth i wud rather lose than 2 hav nvr lain beside at all ? how abt when they wrecked me by rudely sayin love is watching sum1 die ? yes ? no ? nywy thats jane 4 ya. if she loves then shes in and if shes in then she is all in, luke danes stylez
was that a vivid enough picture or did i just word vom the same things agen n agen sjksjs jus know shes cute n sweet if a lil frustrating n annoying bc shes stubbornpants mcgee. may or may not have a slight compulsion to help fix other ppl ..,,.. someone set her str8 n tell her fix u by coldplay isnt it !!!  
5′9″ born 4 october 1994, virgo sun n moon
not a freshie ! idk how long her program is but like ,,, lets ignore that 4 now ok jus kno that she been here a while
yogi & boxing enthusiast back at home. hc her mans got real into the martial arts w her when hypnos told her she gotta learn how 2 defend so that was one of their things : bonding by workouts so jane cud protecc herself if need be
her maiden name’s jane fulton. got her mommas surname but the name jane ? thats some jane doe bs some rando picked out for her which she hated at first but then seeing tarzan made her go hmmm, ok bet !
lgbtq+ alliance president ! identifies as pan
she met her late hubbie when they were abt 7ish, real friends 2 lovers cuteness. jane was there for him throughout his entire coming out & transition ergo her passion for the community esp queer kids bc she was That Cis Ally for her mans. wears her ring as a real lowkey necklace now
shes also real passionate abt sleep. will ask u how did u sleep last night p much every day u see her bc ppl spend like half their lives asleep catherine ofc shes gonna ask
her fave thing abt eonia ?  the whole siblings bit. shes had 2 make do w what she got n build a family from scratch so this ? she luvs it a lot let her give u kithes hypnos babies
shes p well versed in the greek thingies but only thru the knowledge mortals gets + dream info. after her realizin who she is, all things ancient greek jus sorta became her niche interest ykwim ? shes not like Super Learned abt it more like ,,, ok i gotta at least make Sum sense outta all this, gotta learn what i can. imagin how embarrassin it wud b 2 see a god in ur dream n then go : sorry to this man. nope. not jane, not her, nuh-uh 
luv languages : words, acts of service, physical touch !
useless hcs but she loves disney sfm ok. smtms dresses up as princess tiana for bday parties n shit bc shell do nythin 2 put a smile on the kids n babs faces
ya like jazz ? bc jane surely does ! adores motown & 60s music. nina simone owns her. no one drag peggy lee from 101 dalmatians ! not an important hc but i jus wanted to quote my bubble butt winged bee lover barry
children ! infants ! babies !
demigods that make her scratch head damn u live like this ? but also wud knife emoji to protect n care for. shes not the oldest on campus but shes been livin independently p much her entire life so she finks shes got a tight grasp on the myth that is Adulting  
srsly tho the Big Sis vibes is off the charts w this one. shell perserve u dumdums
baddie influencies !
convince her 2 get drunk at a party ! bc she never does. convince her to maybe try drugs ! or go hook up ! do smths impulsive idk jus smth new !
gl tho bc shes not rlly ,,, easily influenced But she can b reasoned w ! in general i fink its just gonna be a fun dynamic if y/m knows how to coax sum wildness outta her or w/e bc thotty yummy theyre hotty yolo rzning jus wont do w this gal. will most likely get argumentative like a big ol momma hen but if u win then ur winning big
Sleep Now or forever hold ur peace !
idk sum1 she helps w their messy sleep ? shes def not super public w it, surely knows her other siblings r Better at it but if  y’all are close, she probs enjoys doin it 4 ya. she runs her hair thru fingers a lot when she does it. like a lot a lot unless u tell her to get lost
lover boi, lover gorl, lover enby !
she can be a lil traditional when it comes to how she views rels. she wants all that meetcute courting bs ! no gender roles tho n u best be sure shes not constantly comparin w her late hubbie ,,, but she jus wants smth magical n 2 be wooed again yk ?
so yea ,,, crushers mayhaps ? sum1 who is tryin 2 woo her ? sum1 she had a meetcute w and now janes got lowkey heart eyes for em ? idk lotsa possiblities but pls keep in mind she is not good at the flirtings so hav mercy on her 
eonia tour guide !
or jus friends who like ,,, constnatly fill her in w all the godly stuff n whatnot. years of not goin 2 camps mean u miss out on a lot ! explore ruins w her n get her info her mortal educ didnt make her privy 2 yk 
head real empty atm i will think of sum n let y’all know when i do, but give us all the conekshunz. friends, enemies, the usual bit, lgbtq alliance peeps, lmk whats up whats done whats cookin we want it all
( shes p much a new muse n da result of me tryna bring in an emotionally healthy kid to this sad sad university. janes in a v good well-adjusted place rn n is my therapy muse bc that other bitch m** is a messy handful. but wbk life aint linear so mayhaps shit’ll hit da fan or one of y/m will ruin her lmfao press f pls ! but also color me eyes emoji bc we love to see it )
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Just watched 2gether.
F u c k
Let’s cry together y’all :’)
(Spoilers ahead from episode 12)
I’m going to rewatch this drama no kidding. Except for episode 12. Because of the p a i n I’m experiencing right the fuck now. Why do they keep hurting us like this. And I can already feel our hearts breaking into pieces and I can feel that we’re gonna cry rivers next week. The l a s t episode. And I can feel that everything are gonna go d o w n.
And btw, why the hell did they change so much. Like, no. We don’t want the drama. We want them happy. Bsbwsjk I’m mad.
Let’s talk about the characters, shall we.
Sarawat. Get your shit together. You didn’t work that hard to have Tine as your boyfriend just to lose him. I didn’t get Sarawat in this episode at all tbh. Why didn’t he tell Pam that Tine is his boyfriend? Why didn’t he reject her when she confessed and hugged him. Like, yeah. You can be in shock. But, come on. Your bf is literally there. And why the hell didn’t he go after Tine? You can literally see Tine’s tears and even then he didn’t go after him? What. The. Fuck. Sarawat better do everything to get Tine back.. I’m fr so annoyed rn.
Tine. Baby, I love you and you’re amazing let me hug you and comfort you and bake cookies for you and wrap you in bubble wrap and protect you from everything and everyone especially this evil cruel world that we live in.. He’s so insecure about himself, I hate it but it’s relatable. His past girlfriends have left him, and they haven’t given him the same affection that he gave them. So, him having these thoughts he had through this episode. I understand that. Sarawat is the first person that Tine has had so strong feelings for, truly fallen in love with. And probably his first ever real serious relationship. These hardships he went through this episode. My heart can’t handle it. When he listened to Scrubb songs and it turns out to be a sad one, and that he cried all night. I’m not okay. And the last scene, when he saw Pam hug Sarawat and confessing to him. That look on Tine’s face, it truly hurts me. And the crying scene. I was sobbing, and i still am.
Pam. What the fuck. In the novel, she never had feelings for Sarawat. Why the hell did they changed that. Why can’t everyone just be happy for once.
Man. He didn’t deserve those mean words that was thrown by those older people. The hell, y’all are grown ass men. Act like it too. I felt so bad for Man through that dinner. And why did they bring up his future and money. Excuse me, that ain’t your business. Shut the hell up and eat your food.
Type. I understand him. When he smiled watching Man, that was the sweetest. And then during the dinner he said “let’s stop teasing him” so he did try to make them saraleos stop messing with Man. And then the last scene with them. When that dude just came from nowhere and wanted to give a ride for Type and also talking shit about Man. I understand why he chose that bitch. 1) He didn’t want them to start a fight. 2) That bitch is his boss. So. And he’s an adult with a job he must think about.
I think that’s it. Now, I’m just going to cry a little more and then go to sleep. It’s literally morning now. I need some sleeep.
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