womp-womp-waa · 3 months
Ben owed everything to his cousin.
Of course he also owed his aunt and uncle. But they didn't help, atleast not the way that Aiden did. His auntie and uncle paid for his therapy and allowed him to stay with them. That's all they did, nothing more, nothing less. Don't get him wrong though, he is more than grateful that they did that for him. It just didn't help him.
But then Aiden came in.
He saw that Ben wasn't enjoying the therapy sessions and one of the few times that his parents were home (why are they always away so much?) He managed to convince them to let Ben stop going to them. Then Aiden started to suggest things that would help him get a new passion (they both knew it wouldn't be the same as singing, but they had to try) Aiden introduced him to drawing, writing stories, poetry. It was amazing to find different ways to express himself without his voice. Aiden was there whenever he had a nightmare, Aiden was there to watch whatever Ben wanted. Aiden was there.
Aiden saved him. And for that Ben would always hold him high, he loved and cared for Aiden. He would give anything to make sure his cousin was happy. Ben would forever be there for Aiden, just how Aiden was there for him.
Ben tried to ignore it, but he always knew that Aiden was jealous of him. He tried to ignore it, Aiden tried to hide it so why bring it up? Ben didn't know the reason why when he was younger, but after moving in with Aiden. He now understands. Aiden's parents were never there for him. They always focused on themselves or their business. And after Ben moved in himself as well. They cared more about him then their own son. That thought made Ben's blood boil. As much as he tries to control his anger this is something that he won't hold back on.
How fucking dare they. Aiden was amazing yet they continue to put everyone but him first?! Aiden was smart, creative, cheerful. He brightens up the room whenever he enters it. He can always make people laugh. His art is beautiful and just so hypnotising. But they continue to ignore him and say that he's not good enough. How can someone be so stupid?!
It hurts Ben deeply that Aiden tried to hide his pain and ignore his jealously. Ben understood why, just like how Aiden understood his pain. He just wished that he could relieve some of his pain. But Aiden wouldn't let him do that.
That didn't matter if Aiden didn't want help because Ben will try and try and try again if it means Aiden gets the love and attention he deserves
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ozarkthedog · 7 months
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rvspecter · 7 months
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archiisfandomstuff · 3 months
Watchting marble hornets rn (like the entries on youtube) hopefully this won't alter my brain chemistry or some shit cause I know that mh and creepypasta are somehow link (idk they seem to share a few characters like hoodie, masky, and slenderman from who I know) and we already know I haven't been able to escape that shit for the past almost four years now.
will update later
read at your own risk. this just turned into me recording all of my thoughts n shit
currently at entry #5 and does not seem to have much if anything to do with mh but rather it's creator. Entries #1 , #4 & seem to have the most horror esce (?) shit to them
Entry #6: What the ever loving fuck is going on here??? What is Mr. Clean doing, the big ol' stalker? very confused but intrigued.
Entry #11 is bothering me cause I can't find the "close encounter Alex missed" with who I am assuming is slenderman like no fucking wonder Alex missed it, I can't find this mf either
I'm guessing that this is some arg type shit. My guess as someone who takes a while to formulate proper explanations that I do not care to formulate rn and am going off of a vague idea based off of the little information I've been given is that this whole thing is an arg thingy named after the fake movie the characters are creating in where it is the origin story for the characters (Tim/Hoodie and Brain/Masky) I (we ig but I really never had much interest in them so idk much) know. Tell me if I am like astronomically off or smth.
So Tim is literally just A Guy? Dude has like no plot relevance. Why are y'all hyping him up so much????
I hope Jay realizes he is literally entering. No breaking though, some idiot left the door unlocked.
homeboy fell to the ground coughing and got up like "Nah, no time for dying, gotta unlock the door with a deadbolt." fucking idiot, dude is gonna die so bad
"I may go back eventually" DO NOT GO BACK YOU DUMBASS
Jay's lungs are still dying good to know
Wait did I fuck up who is who? Is Tim Masky and Brian Hoodie. That sounds correct now that I think of it. Eh, fuck it, I ain't editing shit.
How the fuck is Jay not dead as hell yet? Mf has plot armor never seen before. "Ima just break into this house here, steal shit, GO BACK, get attacked, and continue pursuing this shit." BITCH YOU GON DIE
Have you even seen a character so fucking dumb they just disappoint you? That is how I currently feel about Jay. "Oh shit, I just saw the masked guy who attacked me and broke into my home. Let's fucking chase him."
"I am never going back to that house again." FUCKING FINALLY BITCH
oh shit someone is fucking with the cameras
wtf does totheark mean or stand for???
Rip Jay's apartment
Entry #26 was definitely something. So, Alex is alive, has a roommate or two, has managed to evade Slenderman for a while judging by the fact that his appearance was surprising to both Amy (idk who she is but I can tell she has no knowledge of what is going on) and Alex himself. Jay, this is clearly a trap, idiot. But, I understand falling for it ig.
Jay is the main character. He is still alive and I have no clue how but i do wanna know what happened in those seven months.
omg poor jessica (assuming she is telling the truth)
updates will stop for now because it's getting late and I'm pretty sure I have shit to do tomorrow (can't actually remember) gonna continue watching. I left off on Entry #34
We back
Tim "I may have had my leg broken by a paranoid film student, but I shall continue to torment his best friend" Wright.
Alex is suspicious as fuck. Calling it rn, he did or is doing something.
Still do not trust Alex like holy shit dude. Jessica, run, you want no part of this bullshit. Run, girl, run!
I am very confused as to what is going on w8th Tim, but I know that mf can run, lucky bitch.
With the rate that these mfs are falling to the ground in coughing fits, you'd think that Slenderman causes asthma not insanity. Also, wtf was Tim doing there. I originally thought this guy had no plot relevance.
Gotta stop for a bit again cause I'm doing stuff with my family for a bit. Be back later
Why has Brian only crimes (from what I can remember) been like, so tame compared to what you would expect? This motherfucker seems to be routing for Tim and Jay, I think. "Wipe that stupid smile off your face." Alex says, referencing how, apparently, Brian was smiling at the knowledge that Alex cannot find Tim and Jay. Idk, I like hi so far even if the whole stalking thing ain't really my jam.
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jessicas-pi · 30 days
So in theory, if I was writing a sequel to my star-wars-kids-time-travel-and-save-the-galaxy fic, what other characters/new shenanigans do you think would be fun to have in it?
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x-birdsong-x · 23 days
Curious what you have to say about Adams
Edit: speed-rewrote/rearranged this at 10pm in a burst of anxiety-driven rambling because my coursework started up again. posted it as is because i probably need to take a break and it's been in my drafts for a few weeks. there's not really an ending here this is one big post with me rambling about my underdeveloped blorbo
I've rambled at my buddy @/willowpelt about Adams for weeks now n I think any of my House moots know how very autistic I am about her,,,,
Adams is stubborn. And petty. And sheltered. She's short-tempered and avoidant and nowhere near as trusting as she likes to think/say she is. She does not make it easy to get along with her.
Her moods are about as reactive as early-season Chase, the closest any later character ever gets to being similar to that; the smallest thing can set her off and she's snapping at everyone like a cornered cat for the rest of the day (god knows what made her angry in the first place half the time). She can get physically destructive when she's angry enough and refuses to get physically destructive when she's angry enough until her upgraded dad tells her to and gets her a rage room to destroy with a baseball bat. Her reaction to House asking if she's still angry before that is to shut up and stare at him. She swings between Fight and Freeze depending on the situation. The one time she reads House even mostly correctly is when she tells him he took the first deal anyone offered him Because He Wanted To Punish Himself. The only time she even near-successfully lies to House (or Chase) is when she is lying about her family, and Adams is Not A Good Liar. She can not lie to House or Chase or even Foreman to save her life.
She's completely Insane in ep 1 and is drastically toned down after that for literally no reason -- She gets attached to House before he gets attached to her and within two minutes of him calling her a dumbass she decides he's her Free Dad Upgrade and she'll never listen to anyone else ever again. She spends a good few seconds just pouting at him and then sulks for a good few hours when she finds out he briefly (indirectly) lied and then drops it completely when she's done. She gives him Vicodin when she's already on incredibly thin ice with her actual boss- and she doesn't like being in trouble here. She gets herself fired doing House's test and still finds a way to get a note smuggled into solitary just to tell him he was right. She's happy to meet up (for what she thought wasn't even work) with him when he first contacts her before ep 3 and sticks around from there.
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Ep 5 is where she and Park are dramatically watered down even further just so Chase and Taub can play House-translators in a way that wasn't at all necessary given the way it's done covers misunderstanding House in ways Park and Adams literally never did.
And then there's ep 6. I project on Adams like a little whiteboard. I get mad when I think about her parents. Icicles by the scary jokes most Adams song of all time
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Was Not
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Her Fault
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"You took the first deal they offered you because you wanted to punish yourself" is the only time she accurately reads House, the only time she almost manages to lie to any of them is when she's lying about her family. House spends their interactions this episode poking his second-to-newest daughter with a stick, as he does, and it gets little to nothing out of her except that her parents totally didn't do anything
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When she does give him an answer, she starts it, and only when she has the opening to tell him He's Wrong, it was All Her Fault.
Honestly Adams would need years of therapy even if she hadn't had another episode after this (And Parents wasn't even her assigned episode, it was mostly Taub's)
The way Adams carries this around is genuinely so fucked up. Your sixteen-year-old with anger issues did a majorly impulsive thing. Something snapped and she went missing for two months and got into a very confusing very Not Good situation. She's not the type of person to have told them where she was- or at least where she stayed- while she was gone but I literally don't care if she didn't tell her parents that part of it I literally don't care if she got home and said she just stayed with a friend you can not tell your kid that She Did A Bad Thing that It Was All Her Fault that You Can't Believe She Did That that She Was Always The Problem There that She Caused All That Trouble to the point she believes it so strongly to the point she carries so much guilt so much desperation for absolution that when a kid who did the same thing who is the same age she was shows up she spends every second of it making everything worse by going This Is How It Has To Be This Is What You Need To Do Next
Runaways my beloved mess.
Why is this character-driven episode stuffed full of everything they needed to get into the season before Nobody's Fault/Chase covered months in-universe? Why are we following House running around without his ankle monitor all on-screen? Why is he taking the whole team with him to all these places? Why is Wilson here to say House is protecting Callie because he feels a connection with her but House never interacts with Callie at all past the opening? Why wasn't Foreman's relationship with Anita put in the episode before this - where it would've fit infinitely better because a point there was the patient's wife having feelings for her friend? Also I swear to god that reveal of Foreman going to that boxing match with House at the end of Parents did more for Foreman and House's relationship than any of this here.
Why is Chase so out of character and/or non-existent?
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In context this one was Callie lying to keep covering up what her mom was really like, but this still feels ooc for Chase to me. Once they know about it, Callie's home life before she left is more fitting to Chase's situation with his mom and his sister than any other patient Chase has ever been matched up with and the one line he directly gets about Callie at all implies he doesn't believe her?
The most in-character thing Chase does in one of his so few significant appearances in this ep is be brutal when Adams tries (again) to go to him for reassurance/advice.
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Chase doesn't ever hold back with her and I find it funny
The way Adams was handled here could have really worked if the episode had focused on what it was meant to focus on - if this one episode hadn't been used to scramble to tie up these other things pre-Nobody's Fault - if this other stuff wasn't taking up So Much Time in Someone Else's Assigned Episode.
I rewrite Runaways for fun- one version generally and one Much more self-indulgent version for the Warrior Cats AU because taking how Adams is handled in Parents - even moreso if they'd let her stay Crazy like she was in ep 1 - it could have worked as well to have had her be the one causing trouble through basically acting the way House does in the canon version of the ep, motivated by keeping Callie away from her mother, rather than causing trouble by doing what is, for Callie, the opposite of what she needs/wants.
Callie is given such a hard time here and Adams actually leads to multiple of those hard times but Callie still talks to her about Everything. Callie latches on to Adams as her safe person and looks for her opinion specifically when it only gets her nowhere and gives detailed versions of why she left/how she feels about her mother to Adams alone. They're so firewatcher's daughter to me,, nothing scares me more than the stranger at my door who I fail to give shelter time and worth
These two were the perfect matchup,, House read Callie like a book within minutes of first meeting her. He had this exact theory about her before he said it out loud. She's avoidant and stubborn and initially doesn't trust any of them. She swings between Fight and Say Nothing.
Callie at sixteen reached a breaking point with her family and ran away, got into (for her personally) a better situation, and then runs away again to get out of the hospital when the chance of being sent back home comes with it.
House read Adams like a book within the first day of knowing her (given he mentions noticing her getting bored in the three months she's been there - he'd done so much earlier than that without even talking to her). She's avoidant and stubborn and a whole lot less trusting than she thinks she is. She's Fight or Shut Up.
Adams at sixteen reached a breaking point with her family and ran away, got into an even worse situation, and then ran away from that to get out of it when going back home became the clear better(safer) option (and that really fucks with your mind when all you're told is that you did something wrong in the first place)
Adams blames herself for everything that went on when she was sixteen. She doesn't look back on any of it and see a reason for her leaving that she doesn't see as play stupid games win stupid prizes. But Callie's not doing that - She's found more stability away from home than she had at home, she's going to school, she still sees her friends, she's living on her own and knows what she's doing and where she wants to go even with the pushed-down emotions toward such a severed attachment to her mom.
Lightly counting the tiny retelling she starts here is watered down with the brightness turned up (succeeded by her being surprised that Callie still goes to school):
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The way Adams responds to Callie is so much of her echoing. She spends this whole episode projecting right down to you think her mother wants to feel responsible for her daughter's problems?
It's you could at least let her in the room it's she's your mom and she's finally acting like it it's your mom knows she messed up and she's determined not to do it again and beyond the existing conflict Callie is upset that her parent is not listening to her(me too girl)
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Adams' parents did something to make her snap before she ran away
And that Rebellious Phase is something Adams never really lost?? She's completely insane in ep 1. She and Park do a test House didn't want, she tries (and fails) at lying to Foreman for cover for House, she destroys a whole room with a baseball bat with only House telling her she's allowed to in ep 4. In Nobody's Fault she and Chase do a test House didn't want. Ep 18 she gives the kid a treatment House didn't want. She's yes a bit of a pain in Chase. She's stubborn as all hell in (parts of) Post Mortem and Runaways itself. Ep 8 and others she's just,, in One Of Her Moods.
Callie's actually fitting in some way for each of the team. Adams - ^^^ I'm autistic about them / Chase - caring for addict mom while just being a child himself. Dad unavailable in some way. Runaways is Adams' episode, but hell if Chase isn't actually involved in my rewrites / House - mentioned in the episode by Wilson / Taub - still adjusting to being a dad, struggling to feel an attachment to his kids and Callie is mentioned to have been closer to her dad than her mom / Park - Devotion to family / It's mad how Callie is (at least one of) the most developed patient(s) in the season even when the episode spends so much time on irrelevant stuff.
And with that - and again the way Adams is handled in Parents - The way Adams was handled here actually could've fit better for Park given that devotion to family and how they responded to the patient having left his family in ep 3:
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I dunno. Have Adams cause trouble by pushing back at everyone who mentions getting Callie's mom involved.
That said I actually love Adams' last scene in Runaways I'm a complete sucker for the tone of these scenes (Parents, Runaways). Callie's parallels with Adams continue. House again tells Adams she's super fucked up. House tells Adams he doesn't care if she's fucked up. Adams has another crushing sense of unfinished business relating to that part of her life.
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I'm obsessed with her. She's soaking up all my trauma like a sponge. I don't even remember when I first got so attached. She should be allowed to hit her dad with a baseball bat.
Adams also tells Chase she's seeing a trauma counselor post-Nobody's Fault and in the words of Willowpelt: "her therapist has it cut out for them and Adams doesn't even know it"
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justjudethoughts · 2 months
Jessica Lockwood for sure had a strong devotion to St. Thérèse of Lisieux. I don't make the rules. I simply obey the vibes.
"When I die, I will send down a shower of roses from the heavens, I will spend my heaven by doing good on earth." - St. Thérèse
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On Tonight's Episode of, "Jessica Watches the CSI Franchise 20 Years Too Late":
As if I didn't already love him enough, season 14 Nick with facial hair is almost too much for me.
dear lord.
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vuulpecula · 9 months
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✖ @mistrdctr inquired: 55
spotify wrapped | always accepting ↳ 55. night channels - foxing
Her fault. Her fault. Her fault. He was going to die, and it was all her fault. Hands pressed desperately over his middle, trying to staunch the bleeding that flowed endlessly, Fox tried to save the life that was already slipping away between her fingers. Shredded muscle and sinew twisted with the tattered remains of his robes, weaving together around her incapable digits like a grotesque mockery of a cat’s cradle. Maybe with medical equipment, earthly objects from that life left behind, his life would be spared—but there was nothing. Nothing she could reach for or grab, no one to call, there was nothing she could do. The great Doctor Strange was dying and the world would be lesser for it.
“Please, please,” her arms were shaking as she begged for that tiny spark of something to appear. Concentrating, digging as deep as she could for any shred of healing power or magic or whatever it was. The shaking became worse. The edges around him, laying prone beneath her unlit hands, began to fade. Melting into a darkness she fought to keep back. Blood dripped from her nostrils, a splitting headache brought forth a spasm of pain, and still she tried. Frantic for anything and lacking in everything. There was no fighting the dizziness that sent the world around them spinning, meshing every color together until all she could see was black.
A deep red glow filled the space and from it walked a woman. Spine straight, moving unhurried to kneel beside the dying Strange. “We clung to our warp weighted loom,” she began softly. “By the time we were done, we were woven in. Such constriction from a self-made trap.” It was Fox and it wasn’t. She was different. Perhaps a little older, confident, oozing with the darkness of power, and looking down upon him with the softness of seeing an old friend. A hand, fingers sooty with darkness, rested over his wound. Again, a glow began, pulsing a deep orange where it had once been gold. The pieces of him that had fallen apart began to weave back together once more. Cells healing in a way that seemed wholly impossible.
With her other hand, she pushed the hair back from his brow. “And on these antlers, dry-rot cracks through.” As if he was crowned or meant to be. This Fox, she glanced to the other beside him. Unconscious and incapable. “I left myself too open for you,” she reflected before turning her attention back to him. “So, by now I know what decay is.” There was a sadness in the way she said it, as if all three had been connected in some mysterious way that had led her down the darker path. The corrupted path. Wanda Maximoff was not the only witch tempted by that which she could not have.
“I’ll lay on waves until the night channels end,” Fox stated, as if telling him where she would be. Where he could find the beginning to the end that would not come for him. Not now, at least. She leaned close to him, his body nearly healed completely beneath her hand. “Future love,” she whispered against the shell of his ear. “Don’t fall apart.” As quickly as she had come, she was gone. Disappearing into the fading glow like a figment of a twisted imagination.
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bradleyenthusiast · 9 months
Personally I headcanon Jessica as a cheater. Mostly because it seems in line with her shallow character and honestly it makes me interested in learning more if she’s a bad person (multi-faceted). It makes the idolization of her character by Morty even more ridiculous, which is already begging to be explored in canon.
In terms of evidence, in season 1 episode 6 Brad is established as both Jessica’s boyfriend and an active presence in her life. He basically appears out of nowhere to intervene in Morty’s desperation, with Jessica saying nothing in Morty’s defense. (Only commenting when Brad says something to do with her.) Then, when Morty later confesses his love to a mindless love drunk Jessica, Brad’s first instinct is to push aside Morty and focus on what he’s doing, rather than question why his girlfriend is embracing him. It seems like Brad is less concerned with what Jessica does, but more how other people act towards her.
The season finale brought him back as well, showing us more sides of both him and Jessica, even when they’re not with each other. When Jessica gets upset with Brad, it’s not enough to actually leave him, but enough to cry in Morty’s ear about him beating up Hitler (after she specifically told him not to). This could’ve been the moment for them separating, to satisfy Rick’s plan to shut Morty up, but it wasn’t. Instead backfiring, with the episode ending with Jessica leaving, smiling under Brad’s arm, and adding more fire to Morty’s dissatisfaction with Rick.
However, jumping forward to season 2, we see no sign of Brad the entire season, while we do see Jessica getting much closer to Morty in Big Trouble in Little Sanchez. It’s entirely up in the air on how this came to be, although it can be assumed it was in part due to Tiny Rick boosting the popularity of Morty and Summer. This is notable, considering Brad’s main issue with Morty talking to Jessica was that she was “out of his league”. Later on, Jessica also comments that Summer selling out Tiny Rick was “self-destructive”. It’s at that, Morty seems to realize how he’s lost focus.
Brad’s absence here is additionally questionable considering that after jumping forward to season 3, in Rest and Ricklaxation, we hear that Brad and Jessica have broken up, and she’s looking for someone special, and nothing she’s “ever remotely considered in the past”. This is odd news considering that upon hearing this, Morty seems surprised and excited at this “new” prospect. It almost seems like these are taking place in alternate timelines where Jessica never went on that date with Morty just last season.
Brad doesn’t get mentioned again until the end of the episode, after Jessica shows that she only really cares about Morty enough to get Rick off her back and to have someone hanging around who worships her enough to serve as her emotional dumping ground. Rick and Jessica seem to share that in common (for at least this episode). Brad apparently got lunch with Jessica, and the two are on amicable terms, with her friends assuming the two will get back together.
Moving on to the comics, there are two additional instances of Jessica being with Brad but still pursuing Morty, adding onto Morty’s consistent pursuit of Jessica despite her relationship status. In Issue #20, we see Brad discourage Morty from Jessica by pointing out his shortcomings as usual, then promptly get handsy with Jessica. (I’m going to count it as them being written to be in a relationship again.) When Morty later appears at tryouts physically enhanced, Jessica is openly attracted to him, to which Brad makes no comment on, instead outraged at Morty’s sudden transformation.
Following this established dynamic up in Issue #27, when Morty asks Jessica to the dance, she says that Brad is already taking her, and further explains that irregardless, Morty’s whole deal is really weird. However, later on Morty says that Jessica’s changed her mind now that Brad broke his leg at practice, quite excited at the prospect. This is then squashed when after the dance, Morty explains that Brad made a miraculous appearance, then said that he called dibs on Jessica, and then dumped Morty in the toilet (with help from his friends). No mention of Jessica, no explaining why he was okay with her taking Morty to the dance, nothing.
From this, it implies Brad’s open to competition from others, but only those he perceives as equals. He’s more concerned with his ego than Jessica’s infidelity. Although this doesn’t mean he doesn’t fulfill his role as a protective boyfriend, (he always makes space between himself and others, always shields Jessica from whatever’s in front of her) he’s just very honest about what his main issue is. That isn’t that Jessica isn’t completely happy with him, it’s that his status is threatened when someone like Morty wins.
Meanwhile, Jessica doesn’t seem to know what she wants herself.
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womp-womp-waa · 4 months
@moonbiine, I wonder who's fault this could possibly be
Aiden knew it was bad news when his parents came to him and told him that he's going to be an older brother. He'll be the one to take care of them and he'll be the one who loves them. Not their parents, sure his mother always remembered to tell Aiden how excited they were to have him, atleast until he was born. Then he became a problem and he will do everything in his power to make sure that his new sibling won't be anything like him. He would love them no matter what.
Atleast that's what he thought.
From the moment she was born, she was loved. Immediately, she was given a different life from him. His parents stop going on so many business trips, which caused Aiden to stop going out of his room. This made Aiden feel alone in the world, especially since he didn't have Ben anymore. His family deemed him well enough to go back to the, of course Aiden was happy for him and he felt like he wouldn't be utterly alone since he was going to have someone new to spend time with. But that was all delusion. Just false hope for a better life.
They named her Cara. Cara the light of their life, their only child. Even with his parents home Aiden was continously pushed to the side with Cara being in the spotlight. Everyone would practically melt whenever she laughed or even if she just blinked everyone would act like they just got a kitten. He hated it. He hated Cara.
Constantly, his mother never failed to remind him and others "Aiden was our practice child", "Just a test to see how we can improve". And everyone believed them. How couldn't they? He was a freak, he wouldn't stop smiling or he wouldn't stop smiling. Either no emotion or too emotional. Nothing he did was good.
But, of course perfect Cara didn't have any of these problems. No why would she? Afterall, he was only the practice child, the failure, the mistake. Everything she did was just a ray of sunshine, rainbows and unicorns. She was loved by everyone. Even when his parents had a business trip that they would normally move for, they didn't move. Why, that would hurt Cara's social life, how would she keep her friends, it's not healthy for her to be moving constantly. Consistency is the most important part of a young child's life, those were the excuses his parents gave. He was glad they weren't moving away from his friends. But what about him? They were constantly moving when he was her age. What's so special about her and what's so different about him?
He really wanted to love Cara, he really did. But he couldn't no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. She was everything he wasn't.
The golden child and the problem child, what a great duo
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marinerainbow · 2 months
🍷 Oh I'm so intrigued XD Can I uhhhhh request Moony? ♡♡♡ XD
... 😏😏😏😏
"God, why do these shirts feel so stuffy???" Moony huffed under his breath, having hidden away behind a wall to adjust the collar of his white button-up, and doing his best not to growl in frustration. Poppy had made adjustments to his work uniform to fit his large frame already (before, it felt like the buttons were ready to burst just by his ribs. Forget buttoning up his chest), but it still felt so hot and clamy. And he couldn't even bring his little Cake with him to work because of the restaurant policy... This was gonna be a long shift.
"Moony, I just sat you! Just a party of one."
"Shi- Ok, got it!" The wolf gave a nervous smile before quickly, but carefully, running off to grab a water. How his coworkers could easily slip between all the tables and each other, he had no clue. Fortunately, he didn't knock anything over and swiftly made it to your table.
He was still getting the hang of this new job, and looked a little awkward. Especially with his attempt to look less intimidating by slouching just enough where he didn't tower over you. He didn't flash his pearly whites at you like other servers, and you could tell in the slight strain he felt very out of his element. Though he was clearly trying his best with the warmth behind his smile and the careful way he sat your glass down and folded his paws in front of him, "Hello, miss. I'll be your server today. My name is Moony. Can I get you anything while you're looming through the menu?"
Thank you for sending this in! I hope you enjoy reading this ^^
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jessicas-pi · 4 months
don't mind me. just making myself cry with my own fanfiction at 11:23 PM
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billdenbrough · 3 months
caroljess + stardust
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microfic monday
saz sent in caroljess and i immediately started thinking about carol as a cosmic entity and jess, while super, as a largely grounded kinda hero. then i started thinking about carol’s memories and getting sad again and then i was just wailing over them in general and this happened lmao
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newyorkran · 4 months
Belated Jessica Jones rant
Ever since the show started there's been the recurring theme of Jessica doing things by the book: get proof, get criminal, send to jail.
So when Jessica encountered the first antagonist AKA Kilgrave, she tries her routine while also knowing that no normal jail can hold him, so she tries the next best alternative to that but when all fails, she ends up forced to kill him.
In season 2, Alisa is the antagonist. Again she tries her routine but when Alisa does go to jail, it's the wrong kind, she's too strong and unstable for normal prison, (despite having accepted a deal which would not send her to The Raft) and because that fails, she ends up dead too.
In season 3, Trish is the secondary antagonist, and she forces Jessica's hand to fight her. Eventually she does send her to jail, the "right" kind according to Jessica, The Raft. And it works, Jessica sacrifices her best friend, the only family she has left in order to not have her end up like the other antagonists whose stints in confinement did not work.
And I suppose it does seem like a consistent sequence of events for the series but it does not make it a fair one. Because how do you send the weakest of the antagonists to the strongest of prisons?
Is it because Trish was never arrested by the NYPD first? Because they did not have the great Jeri Hogarth who can strike deals out of thin air representing Trish? Because the evidence against Alisa Jones is much more damning than anything Trish did (literally just killed criminals).
IMO it was a cop out by writers who knew the series was ending with no future plans of a reboot, and wanted to leave with a bang. Not a bad watch at all, but sure a messed up one.
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themyscirah · 6 months
I very much know this is because Jessica Cruz's origin story was written by Geoff Johns in a shitty comic, but by God is there so much going on there. Like damn.
Like there's the really, genuinely compelling stuff, for example the presence of ring horror and loss of control w Jess and Power Ring/Volthoom + the implications of that (character wise, both before and after JL 50) which is just SO interesting (and angsty!) to me personally
But then there's also more plot holes than you can shake a stick at as well (where did Jess get her ring. Guys it just showed up who died where did she get it from GUYS-)
All interspersed between some of the worst character writing for other Justice League members in existence (Wondy fans you know what I mean) and crazy ass plots out there
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