#writeblr positivity tag
winterandwords · 11 months
Writeblr positivity tag
Thanks to @ahordeofwasps for the tag!
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📝 What motivates you to write?
I don't have a fancy answer for this. I just really enjoy it and can't imagine not doing it. My head is full of stories and they need to come out.
📝 A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not, maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them):
The first few sentences of November Breaks always give me "Damn girl, you wrote that? (positive)" feels... A galaxy of promises is visible on a clear night. Strange how it feels like you’re looking up at something when you’re actually inside it. That’s the vastness of it, though. The illusion. Mine, yours, ours. Distant, but from within.
📝 Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them, and what are they like?
I love all of them and can't choose between my children, but if we're talking actual smiles here, it's probably Rafe from Bridge From Ashes. He veers wildly between hyperfocus and total distraction, and a lot of his little quirks and mannerisms were borrowed from my spouse.
📝 What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Line editing all the way! The story exists, the heavy lifting is done, and I get to focus on tiny details and vibes. Pure joy.
📝 What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
I might be cheating here because I'm referring to things other people have said, but I've had some really beautiful compliments on how distinct my characters' voices are. It's something I used to feel a bit twitchy about, like what if I'm not differentiating between them clearly enough, but now I can look at that aspect of my work and feel like yeah, I indeed do not suck at that.
📝 What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
The endless support and encouragement. Also the depravity. You're a bunch of weirdos and I adore you.
📝 A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Does coffee count? If not, it's got to be Google Docs. I've tried a bunch of different software and I always end up coming back to gDocs.
📝 A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law, etc)
All the tech in Bridge From Ashes and Project Aria either already exists, is in development, or has a solid theoretical basis for being able to exist. A wild amount of research went into that and I'm still legit horrified by some of the things I discovered.
📝 Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters:
I scrolled to the bottom of my following list so I could tag some of my longest-standing mutuals (and their writing is gorgeous). Bless you all for putting up with me for this long... @thegreatobsesso, @kaiusvnoir, @pertinax--loculos, @indecentpause, @diphthongsfordays, and @drabbleitout
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Blank template under the cut 💜
What motivates you to write?
A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not, maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them):
Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them, and what are they like?
What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law, etc)
Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters:
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Writeblr Positivity Tag!
tagged by: @memento-morri-writes and @winterandwords AGES ago... it's fine
tagging: Open Tag! as well as soft tagging @i-can-even-burn-salad | @anthros-vintas-archive | @oh-no-another-idea |  @thewritingsofevbrowne | @writing-sigh | @unhingednovelist | @the-mindless | @arctic-oceans
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1. What motivates you to write?
Honestly? My enjoyment. The enjoyment of others is just a bonus. (Sometimes I forget that, but it's ok)
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This bit from my recent writings of TCIO
They were all squeezed into a booth at Minnie’s Diner, a couple of them (mainly Chase and his tech set up) were spilling over onto a table they’d dragged over. Everyone had ordered a milkshake or fries, except for Jason who apparently wasn’t hungry for 'common food'.
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
All of them! But most recently, Chase. He's so sarcastic and silly and acts like he hates people but doesn't mind them. And of course he's got that lovely trauma. And Kylee. Youngest/Middle Sibling Vibes Duo and AlloAce/AlloAro Solidarity my beloved
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The daydreaming and brainstorming and just exploring the idea and characters in my head. Also making playlists and moodboards, I LOVE that shit, I could do it all day.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Definitely coming up with ideas. I'm so good at it I have more ideas than I know what to do with. Also traumatizing characters and forcing them to accept help, I excel at that
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Just how we all support each other and hype each other up. I don't think writing communities on other sites do that. We're allowed to be weird here and we encourage each other to be weird <3
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Writing sprints! I used to be intimidated by them, but I realized that If I set a time that's reasonable to me (not to long and not too short, usually ten minutes is good), don't force it when I'm don't feel like writing, and don't have any expectations for myself other than to put words on a page, then I can get a lot of words on a page which is huge for me.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
The magic system in FSF. It ACTUALLY has consequences and did does cost to use magic (often having effects on your body or draining away your humanity). I love it when magic has a price and you can't just use it willy-nilly whenever you like without consequences. Plus the dark magic is fun as hell and very spooky.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
TAKE A DAMN BREAK. Go outside for like 15 minutes. Talk to friends and family. Cuddle with or talk to your pets. Do anything other than writing. Do things you enjoy. And the will to write will come back to you.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
So many people, it was really hard to remember all of them but here are my favorite people off the top of my head: @rose-bookblood @memento-morri-writes @italiangothicwriteblr @bloodlessheirbyjacques @mjjune @space-writes @enchanted-lightning-aes @oh-no-another-idea and more I'm probably forgetting, you're all so lovely <3
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writeblr positivity tag
I was tagged by the amazing @space-writes. Thank you, friend!
What motivates you to write?
Really just the desire to be creative and the desire to get my words down on paper. I have a lot of trouble with motivation issues, though, and I don't do nearly as much writing as I'd like to.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else’s work you love (just please credit them).
It would probably have to be this line from ATQH (that I never shut up about): Fallon grabbed his wrist and looked him in the eyes. Her own burned with tears and anger, but her voice was steady as she spoke. “Don’t you dare say you aren’t worthy of love. Don’t you dare go wasting yourself like this. You are a good man, Kristopher Pelle, and you’d better damn well act like it.“
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
As much as I want to say Fallon, it's probably actually Kristopher. He's my beloved self-deprecating, self-loathing prince who finally finds a place where he can be happy, and learns to stop hurting himself. Just thinking about him makes me giddy, and even more so thinking about him and Fallon together.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
I like developing characters. Coming up with their backstories, their personalities, how their backstories affect their personalities. Since I rarely actually write, developing characters is usually about as far as I get on a regular basis. It's also part of the reason that I like d&d so much, because I can develop dozens of characters. (I actually have 24 character concepts at the moment. Actually 25, including my one Pathfinder OC.)
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it’s okay)
People have told me that I'm good at writing emotional descriptions. Which is so funny, because I have basically no empathy, and dealing with "real human emotions" is not a strong suit of mine at all. (Autism things.) But I really do enjoy writing angst, and making it stab you in the heart. Because that's what I like feeling when I read, what I enjoy reading. But yeah, people tell me that's what I'm good at. And that's what I want to be good at!! So that's good!!
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
The interaction with other people. Seeing people's tags and comments on my writing. That's what I love most.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Oh, I don't know. I'm not a very organized person, and I haven't really written in a long time. I do love Scrivener, though.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I'm super proud of all the details between Anvia and Oryn in ATQH. It's a lot, and almost none of it will actually show up in the story, but I'm proud of it nonetheless.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Hell if I know! I am always in a rough patch and can't seem to get myself out of it, so I have no idea what to say to others.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
@space-writes @cherrybombfangirlwrites @ink-fireplace-coffee and so many other awesome people!
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buffythevampirelover · 7 months
Joy List (tag game)
Rules: Make a list of all of the things that have made you happy recently! Then, tag as many people as you want that you think may need it to keep the positivity going 💕
Thanks so much for the tag @theeccentricraven ! Been having some major stress lately so I needed a reminder of all the good that’s been happening :)
Reconnecting with some old friends <3
Finding a good flow with writing Liminal Bird-Dogs (my detectives screenplay!)
My puppies
Playing stardew valley with my overseas older sibling
Handmade and thoughtful birthday presents from friends
Drinking my favourite tea
Positive feedback from my professors
Making new characters for a fantasy world
Rewatching my favourite films
Planning next year's classes and being excited for some (palaeontology, mostly)
Lightly tagging @little-mouse-gardens @creatrackers @laplumedemaureen @talesofsorrowandofruin @guessillcallitart @kaylinalexanderbooks @toribookworm22 @nettleandthorne @simonnebethel <3 no pressure, have a great day!
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transman-badass · 2 years
Writing isn't always gonna be fun.
Sometimes its like pulling teeth. Sometimes its boring, even. [I dunno about you guys but I hate filling out profiles and forms, even though I know I won't remember anything if I don't.] Sometimes what you're writing hurts, and not in a good way. Sometimes what you write makes you anxious, or terrified, because you don't know what people will say when they see it.
But writing should have some kind of satisfaction to it. Even if you aren't happy with what you're doing, even if you don't like it, you should be able to look at what you've done and say "I have created and that is a good thing."
What I'm trying to say here is, writing should not make you feel worse. Writing should not make your mental illness worse. Writing probably shouldn't make your physical illness worse either. The archetype of the suffering artist is a myth. There's a difference between catharsis and making yourself suffer. And you should not be suffering for your art.
If what you're doing is causing you pain in a bad way - in a way that isn't a release, but an attack - then you need to reevaluate what you're doing and why.
And btw, if you haven't heard this today from anyone, I'm so proud of you.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Five things I like about writing
Thanks @winterandwords for the tag!
Rules: share five things you love about writing!
Uncovering the mysteries of who my OCs are and what the stories are about. Although I lean more towards being a planner, it's mainly for larger stuff. As I get closer and closer to understanding my story, I love it when it takes a new direction or I figure out a new detail!
Revising. It's my favorite part of the writing process. I do enjoy drafting, but the act of making something better is so satisfying. Every time I change a word or a small phrase I feel so much better!
People are reading TSP! I love getting feedback because people are engaging with my story and helping me make it better! It helps me learn what I'm doing right and what needs work. And helps with #1-2 and oftentimes a new perspective helps uncover my story and helps revise.
My OCs. God I love them so so so much!!! Tying into #1, I love learning more about them! But mostly, it's just them! I've worked hard to make them distinct, and it's paying off! Every time I add something new to benefit their character, I love them even more!
The community I've formed here. I love the little comments I get from everyone, and I love when I get asks that make me think really hard about TSP. I've figured out many obvious things as I've answered. Sometimes I get a question I never thought of and I have to make something up on the spot, and I end up doing work I never knew I needed to do! Which also ties into #1.
Tagging @gracehosborn @illarian-rambling @mk-writes-stuff @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @eccaiia @badluck990 @elsie-writes @mysticstarlightduck @sarahlizziewrites @cowboybrunch @melpomene-grey @drchenquill @sleepywriter00 @awritingcaitlin @rjcopeseethemald @leahnardo-da-veggie @i-can-even-burn-salad + anyone else who wants to hop on!
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scribble-dee-vee · 7 months
The fourteen-year-old that still lives in my brain wants to stay up all night and finish chapter 23. Unfortunately, I have WORK tomorrow. Disgusting homophobic etc
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patternwelded-quill · 3 months
Consider this an open invite/tag game. I'll ask the question now and explain my answer! Do you have, or would you get, a tattoo based on something from your writing?
If yes, what and why?
Obvs yes since I'm sharing it, lol.
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How is this relevant to my books and why does it look like I can't stop thinking about the Roman Empire? Let me tell you!
When the Red Hand Company was founded, it was by five very close friends who were all veteran military (three of which where also mercenaries post state military.) Five fingers of the same hand.
One of them was a Dryhtnar (race) Wodras (title). Among his people they are *also* governed by five people who make up the Elder Council: Nelade (red hand: external relations, chief of war), Nelbuv (white hand: internal relations/domestic chief), Arahe (chief military leader), Wodras (war speaker: priest, healer, wizard, advisor), and Satlaade (red angel: always a woman who isn't the Arahe, but a seasoned warrior, also heads the council of women's issues.)
Red Hand, you see, was no coincidence of a name. Ade also refers to life, blood, the color red, war, and family (bloodline sense.) So the Nelade Chihk'ni, (red hand brethren/brotherhood/group) or Red Hand Company was born.
You *might* also notice another thing. It's a *left* hand. That's intentional. The left hand holds your shield, which you use to protect your fellow warriors on the line. The left hand is a Teryn (more on this coming) and Dryhtnar symbol of, for lack of a better English word, a brotherhood. The symbol of the military family is put on the left arm, because they are all your shield, as well.
Okay, Myka, sure... but why the gold wreath? You basically have 'the manus' there before you added it anyway? You're right, and I noticed that detail so I leaned into it.
You see, there *was* a Rome in that part of the world in my... world. I'm a writer, I swear I have vocab. Anyway. The Kingdom of Teryn has a lot of Rome in it, and when it imploded that continent ended up with a lot of warring micro states. Thus the prevalence of mercenaries waging wars for rich assholes who lack a population to conscript in such numbers. One of them is Karvan, whom other founder Vledec hails from. Kinda fascist assholes, mandatory military service, state sponsored religion... you can imagine why a young man didn't want to drink the koolaid and fucked off. But the very-Roman legion standard feel of it comes from his background, military commanders wore them after battles so it was an associated symbol of power, victory, the Great Old Kingdom™, etc. Being a group of mercs, and ones that got hired to fill some deficiencies in post-Teryn nation militaries, was a way to thumb their noses at them. But the uninsightful nobility just saw 'Teryn symbol, okay, they're like us.'
Okay, cool, but why tf do *you* have a fictional military tattoo? Well, everyone in the RHC gets one and I made it, so...
Also, Relarial was my character, all the worldbuilding came after her. She got me through a lot of tough times, was my avatar in any game that let me be a one-eyed, knife-eared war cri- adventurer/mercenary, and is a big part of me. Those of you who know the hints and facts, that too.
So there you have it. A symbol that evolved for IRL years from an old mspaint gauntlet on a black shield to a fully worldbuilt heraldic symbol with centuries of meaning. *And* it looks cool!
@illarian-rambling @ladytamris @somethingclevermahogony @thecoolerlucky @roach-pizza @unrepentantcheeseaddict @princesscolumbia and anyone else I forgot at 0200 on a Thursday...
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icarusapotheosis · 11 months
Hihi I'm hoping to gain some more writing mutuals on here so this is your invitation to reblog and share some of your writing with me!! Whether that is a summary of it, a detailed breakdown of the whole plot, infodumping about the worldbuilding/characters/etc, or just some snippets that you're really proud of, I would love love love to read it and I'll reblog all of it ❤️❤️❤️
And ofc please do go in the notes and read other people's writing, too, and if you like it, please make sure to reblog and let them know because compliments and encouragement are a necessary part of the writing journey, imo :)))
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hannah-heartstrings · 8 months
I've written a lot of prose snippets in the last week, but I've really been struggling to write anything longer than three sentences.
But today I managed to write over 100 words on a project I've been needing to work on! It took all day to get there but after soaking in vibes, writing a rambly warmup, and resting, I managed it. And it's not a lot of words but it's still an achievement (and I think they were all good words).
Sometimes little victories feel like big ones when you've been struggling, perhaps especially when you feel like you're usually struggling. And I think it's important to celebrate them.
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meerawrites · 1 year
Happy birthday week to me! 🥳🎂 (the 15th)
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Happy birthday week to me, Audrey - oc (the 12th), Marian - oc (18th).
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creatrackers · 10 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :)
Thanks @sleepyrxsetea !! Love ya!
My friends
My family (including/especially my dogs)
Creating new characters
Watching a really good movie/show
Early mornings when I have nothing to do
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zackprincebooks · 3 months
😘Friday Kiss Tag!
Tagged by the lovely @the-golden-comet; I think you'll like this one because I'm working on Dear Heart! (I'm just writing steam tonight! heheheh)
“Ge ge, look at how far Mu Qing has come already. He's doing so good. He asked for it and everything.” Hua Cheng bats his eyelashes at Xie Lian and wiggles of hips. The movement makes Mu Qing whimper, feeling the pressure on both sides of his cock. “He did? Such a good boy, Mu Qing.” Xie Lian approaches them, shedding his outer robe. Clad in only his inner robe, Mu Qing can see the bulge of his cock between his legs. He's almost fully hard; how long has he been watching them? “How did you feel about me watching you?” Mu Qing's mind struggles to think beyond the warmth surrounding his cock and the bulge that sways slightly with each of Xie Lian's steps. He's not sure how he feels about being watched, actually. On the one hand, he likes being praised for doing well. But on the other hand, the moment Mu Qing makes a mistake, he won't be able to cover it up. The thought of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng watching him in such a vulnerable moment makes his stomach drop. “I don't mind it...but I want you to tell me next time. And I want to keep working on...” Mu Qing's brain skips a thought, and he has to double back. “I want to keep working on how I feel about sex before I decide to incorporate it.” By now, Xie Lian has reached Mu Qing and Hua Cheng, and is kneeling next to them. His gaze is thoughtful and pensive as he reaches out with a questing hand to touch Mu Qing's cheek. “San Lang is right. You've made so much progress, Mu Qing.” Leaning in, Xie Lian brushes his nose against Mu Qing's cheek. He whispers “good boy” before their lips touch, swallowing a moan bubbling up in Mu Qing's throat.
Open Tag!
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ahordeofwasps · 11 months
Writer Positivity Tag
I've been tagged by the brilliant @blind-the-winds! Thanks for the tag! I'm going to also steal the idea to put the no pressure tags into one of the questions.
Now, onto the questions!
What motivates you to write?
It's fun! I've always really enjoyed stories, so it's fun to try my hand at making my own. I really enjoy putting a bunch of characters in a Situation and exploring what happens.
But, I'm also more motivated to write when there's a task to procrastinate on. I usually get most of my writing done when I supposed to have a thesis I'm working on.
A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not, maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them):
I'm currently really happy with this bit I wrote for To Not Falling Off Cliffs:
Steve had made many friends over the centuries. He couldn’t help it. Someone entered his life, grew to like them and then he couldn’t imagine it any other way. He had no lips, so Steve could not smile, but whenever he saw them, he felt his jaw shift in way he could not help. Thoughts about his work were drowned out by ones that if were not pleasant, were at least wanted. He found himself making excuses to be near them, his spirits lifting in their presence. He wanted nothing more than for them to be well. It wasn’t falling in love – Steve never fell in love – but it was something more. Something that went without courtship and ritual, something that demanded nothing of the flesh. A simple bond that rang truer than anything else.
Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them, and what are they like?
All of them? Like each one makes me smile for different reasons. I'll focus on the protagonists from To Not Falling Off Cliffs.
Erika is the one human protagonist. She loves music and old movies. She is also trying her best. She's the kind of person who will look upon eldritch horrors and go "Hmm, this is just like math class."
Steve is one of the reaper protagonists. He is a bit of a tragic character in that the souls he reaps were of those who died slow painful deaths of very preventable causes but he's not allowed to do anything about said causes, as that is "altering Fate." But he tries anyways and is willing to risk his existence on it.
Tiffany is the other reaper protagonist. She's the closest thing reapers have to a celebrity, as she wears entirely gold and has a very distinctive appearance. She's super smart and organized, but also stubborn. She's a bit of a stickler to the rules, but when those rules start harming, she'll break them.
What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The writing part? I'm a pantser, so I get to see the story develop as I'm writing. Something I find enjoyable is seeing a scene go into a completely different direction than I expected as I'm typing it up and then getting to explore that direction.
What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
I have a hard time figuring out what I'm good and bad at, so this is a bit of a tough question to answer.
I think plot? I'm just usually kinda happy with the way the plots of my stories turn out.
What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
Getting to see everyone else's writing! I enjoy reading the little snippets that get posted for tag games and seeing how writing styles vary. When available, I also enjoy reading the fully written stories, though I haven't read as much as I would like to due to time.
A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
My keyboard! It is very clacky. Plus I got it setup so that I can swap between American, British, and Canadian Multilingual with just a pair of keystrokes.
A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law, etc)
I had a lot of fun doing worldbuilding for To Not Falling Off Cliffs, so there's a lot I like. I guess my current favourite bit of worldbuilding is that life on Earth got started accidentally; some god decided to knit some amino acids for fun, made the first cell, and then got distracted by a neutron star and forgot about it the same way one forgets about tupperware in the fridge.
Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters:
I love @winterandwords's writing! It has a strong sense of character voice. I'm currently reading her novel, Bridge from Ashes and it's really good!
I also adore @loopyhoopywrites writing! The tone and descriptions are amazing and super well done! I think Trickster is my favourite character, though they're all great.
I also love @spuddlespud's writing! Super fun characters and scenarios! I especially adore the A Worker's Guide to Demonology snippets.
I also adore @emelkae's writing! I read WANNABE a while back and loved it! Love the characters and concept and everything. I get excited whenever I see bits related to it on my dashboard.
I also love @chauceryfairytales's writing! I especially love the descriptions and worldbuilding. Yuni questing to find bees is an amazing plot!
I also adore @blind-the-winds's writing! I enjoy hearing about Mick and Eleanor and all the stuff they wind up getting into.
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scrybe-scott · 1 year
Joy List!
RULES: Make a list of all of the things that have made you happy recently! Then, tag as many people as you want that you think may need it to keep the positivity going ✨
Thanks to @thesoftestofpetals for the tag!!! This was one of the joys!!!
My list!
I had a nice cup of coffee this morning!
Getting asks and tags from people! It’s so fun and I really love interacting with you guys.
Getting DMs and stuff geeking out about worldbuilding and our OCs! (Seriously, if you ever want to do this PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU DO IT)
I bought a bunch of Dragonlance books for like $5-6 a pop! I’m so happy to go back and read the Chronicles and then continue the story.
I started my annual watch of Lord of the Rings this week, and they make me more comfy than any other movie.
I have a phone interview for a new job tomorrow! I’m excited.
I finally feel inspired to write again! Thank you to everyone here for being so unabashedly passionate about writing and stories.
Gently tagging @writernopal, @captain-kraken, @eccaiia, @fayeiswriting, @on-noon, @halfbit, and @magicicada-lbwrites! And of course, anyone that sees this! Yes, you! Do it!
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scribble-dee-vee · 10 months
Do u guys procrastinate writing specific scenes bc u know they will absolutely wreck u
(Bc I do and lord help me finishing the second half of this book 🙃)
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